The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 31, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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3 .ORCCON r DAILY; JOUHMAli 1TCI.TLA1ID, -TUZZDYl; EVJ! II I J". ;j;.:iU-J . :i. :I
Pacific Coast Leagu Teams Will
- Be Piloted r by - Men -Who t
J.'.. .. .......
Discriminates Between Parke
Wilson's Wcking and Charv
lie Graham's Protesting,
If Jim Moriey buy Dllloifc. whet will
Jl Worni Jtthrjpoor umptresthi sea
soar asked an old-Uane ai yesterday",
' ,"Wltb Dillon ddd to the league, we
' wlll-Jiave' about, tha rankest bunch of
:r crabs and kiekeYs-that ever. went on a
-diamond. ,Of course, Dillon will be cap
'' tain of the Los Angeles club, and aa a
l 7 scolder; of, .umpires be la almost in a
( -- Chisty himself-fin 101 in chnd
-off. tha field -several times by the urn
' " falrea. who hated1 the Sight Ot Mm. .
. "tNtyta- will ba captain of IWUanA'on
: v aocoynt 6f hie big league experience, and
- .5 i lit lu held the record of bain tha
bardeat kckef In tha JiaUonal league for
several years.' Tha woret part of Doyle's
t: kirklnfe la that -ha shows bad tamper
sad 4aae his bead xofepletely., They
. ear be ha1 cooled offnd la not ao hot
, headed as he- once wev but I'll bat be
will, h ttail annu'B-n.
Ruaa.iiall of Beattla la
' soul when it oomea to -lending- a team
Into battle... He ean roar aa loudly at
an amplre aa any player I know of. and
If hie team doesn't set off winner bo can
''..7 rt varv mean. v . - '
.-"Then there la sour-eyed-Park WII-
. eon. Now. Parka is a jiic renew oil
the field, but mean and naatr In a tamo.
11 la not lather habit of bawling an
'..'.'" umDlre out-ao all tha multitude can hear
him. Thla Is" not hla style, but he has
a, way which la equally aa effective, for
be-walka ap to Mr. Umpire and sneaka
i- Vhia mind In low tones, using language
. ' -that would bar him irom a -uog iignu
. 'Wilson does not content himself with
.uTTona roast," but TieHug ST t7tbVmplraJ I
. which. Is woraa. -!.-.. l . .
. . -Pete Lrfihmaa la not tha gentlest crea.
: tura In the bualneaa. When a dectaion
goea agaiuat him ho can kick aa long and
yell aa.loud aa DUlou. Hall or WUaon.
With Lobmaa all umpireo are rotten and
' don't' know their bualneaa, and .bo baa
: been trying to teach them: the game for
-- r"t yOBfl-rvi AT- -r -.-rA-.-'-XT.r-..
r -"Really, tbe only decent captain In the
:' league-from an umptre'e atandpolnt. l
Charley Oraham,. Tha Taconia captalo
"''Te1 ndrt time :w W team and how tile
- men are playing tha game, and lea 4v
' tha tunptron, and I gueea 'he geta along
' Just a well,,j Graham, kickh now and
. ' then, and when bo. doea he usually has.
one oamlng."--8eattle Tlmea. ' . . ,
Why ehould that Seattle fan make an
. exception j. of genial -Charley- Oraham
. -' while callhigf attention to- that equally
; good fellow. Parka-Wllaon,- In the above
category - of -. ao-called umpire-ba lie re?
f - ' Ac a matter of facfc ' we Porttandera
- r . failed to notice any -material dlfferanco
' " In the-iyl of protect Induiged i toward
tha.puorr mfortunato- Indlcator-cBonlpu.
latoca by the aforementioned Wllaon and
Oraluun.A Charlie was Jnat aa strenuous,
, "U. aut more so,UIKnwaa Park In regis
tering a kick at a decision of "hla vmpa,-
' whether good, bad or-indirrerent. as
urteA bis fancy, . - -. ' .
- " Now, thla, U not said a a-alam st
- Graham J for- ha ia an Ideal captain aa
- well in player, but so U Parke WU
; ; son. .frank billon. and the others, and
as soma one has to call tha attonUok
the unfortunate- aad st some times, or
: ring of f lotals. let us have men like these,
- who kjiow the gume and who are capable
of captaining a club in ever,y reapecC' -, -,
Judging -from-the caliber of the team
1 - captains of-the ala coast league "Clubi.
'"' the coming tacarwlll be a splendid hl
- bit Ion, for. where can six better-posted
pilots be found than in t Jack Uoyle
of Portland, Charley Graham of Tacom,.
Kuss Hall of "Beattle, Parke Wlrson ojt
Han Francisco, Pate Lohman or Bill
' : Ieereaus-of Oakland, and Frank DUlon
provldtng Morley landa him of Los
- -r JUigelca. " ,' .rto r -. ''""
- President Bert's staff of umpires will
ha va to be men of firmness, for the com
Inaf seaaon'a capulns will not be bluffers
-1" hot-air merchants of the Hurlejr typeJ
y -technical mistakes -he may
make, so K behooves the league chief ex-
' - 'Jecutlve to secure 'the best talent pos-
' ::' Slbla. t-i i, t -
- - .Jim McDonald la practically a certain
: Ly. and as an -official he la capable in
- i -very respect. ' who the other two will
be haa not een definitely settled, al-
' though It aeems 4lte likely that X Ira
4 "8Uts") .Davis will receive one of the
' , ' - appointments. Davis thoroughly demon
... si rated Ma ability as an umpire last aest
i - on. aad President Bert Is not likely to
be mistaken should he appoint "Slata" on
' his staff. ' ' '
' ,,y f.-Manjr of .Oie loeat fans would like lo
see genial Jack O'Connell aa an autocrat
, ui - iut.ltf.fl1tnn;- atn this aeaapn.miKMr
J'iTr :" J auooumnr 'watt tbtatcstT.
;' . ,- ' (Journal Special SerrW.)
'-'r Chicago, Jan. Sl.-rThe flrji' gjme In
--' the class A of the amateur biinfll tour
i nament, "which atarted undeV TTfc aua
plces of the Chicago. AthletJiJkb last
evening," waa won by W. Ua Woumey
Of San Francisco, who i5aiptinCharles
' ' B. ' Norrla of New Torla Slaoumev
scored 460 toUorrla iiSTSnd made an
average-of 1 4-i; : ,.JJ"-. -.
mucxQi oot IrxoiBioir.
,.214 Jeareal. Jpeclsl setU!e.t--r-
Detroit Mloh.. Jan. Il.-After It
.rounds of mre or less clever-boxing.
. v w ; Willie pracklln of Windsor. Ont". won
V J - the decision -over f'Dusty" Miller of Cbl-
Bakliig Powder
.;r' hot AM-
', Twenty years of success
from Maine to California is
its record. . .. ;'. . -
CjCi.:::!1 25 cents
Frankie Neil and Fight'ng Dick
. Hyland Are Ready for Their
Battle at San Francisco.
(Jaarsal Bpeelal aerp. V ":
San I'ranclsco. Jan. !. Though Sap
Pranciavo has been, the scene of many
pugilistic: events of note during the last
few years; It Is doubtful If any of them
has excited a keener local tntereat than
(a 'manlfuated in the fight slated for the
arena of the San Francisco. Athletic, club
tonight. This is because the two prln
cinals, 'Frankie Nell and Dick Jlyland
ere. Kth, "native aona." Asld frora this
fact, however. It la the prevailing Im
pression that the bout wilt be a lively
One from gong (o gong and well worth
seeing. . .:. ,r .! -.
-The opinion Is enpressed by many
closqJ ellowcrsof the fighting game
that the contest may produce a, big sur
prise for the sporting, world quite as
big's one as did "Battling" Nelson when
be defeated ' Young Corbett ' 1 1
Hyland is an amateur, or ' has been
until the present match. He haa a rec
ord of something like 4S fighta, haa
never lost- once,. baa scored most of his
victories " by-- clean-knockouts In' brjef
periods, snd has shown a decided su
periority in the finer points of the game
to anything Champion niu erer uis
l In what bettinarhaa be done on, the
result Nell baa ruled a favorite at -odds
Of 1 to 1. Jits axperience in proies-
slonar and long battles iiaa, of course.
brouaht this to pass. But there are
many who do not hesitate. to declare
that the odds are false and that Hyland
la -the eomlnr star of hia Weight.
,i ihaellffhrNeil le tough and hardy, ut he lacks
science. ii iwin ", .
bia terrlf lo punch ready, , head down,
taking what, comes-, and. waiting ' bla
Chance. Hyland. on the other hand, la
shift J lad, with a head that is souna.
ood sklu and a punch that la In no
manner second to Nell'. A1U thing
considered tha battle; ahould pan out
to be one of the beat banUmwelght affairs-
ever seen 1 on. the coaat. . ...-
(MM tXiP'I'k te. -'
"Chemawar or, Jan." t.Tbe-girl
basketball team will pUy their flrat
regular game of the aeaaon with the
Albany college girls at Albany Friday
evening. '. The- Indian girls have been
unable to' play, any games earlier this
season on account of sickness at the
school. - The epidemic Is past now and
the team will endeavor to make tip for
the wasted time by playing as many
games as possible during the remainder
of the season, y It Is regretted that the
Aibanr ganW Is to-be- the-Aret ne. ea
this team Is among the strongest that
will be met thla year. Tbajndlana have
been practicing every evening for- a
month, and have developed a 'Strong
team.-' The forwarda aee- particularly
strong at goal throwing and with-consistent
work on the part of the guards
should be able to score a number-of
baskets. - - " .- - -
- The makeup-6f the team has not 'been
definitely settled but wU I probably con
sist of Delia Clarke. ; Irene campneii
end IUleWooda as forwardSj - Mabel
MeKkr and-Tlll ie- fclou vlgner, - guarda,
snd JranCea." Xa Due center. Delta
Clarke has n6t played with the team
all aeaaon but may play one of the for
ward .positions in the Albany game. The
glrle plays i boys' : rules eacluslvely.
There are aeveral strong substifUtes
avaltetle. The team he,s ibeea . coached
by Merle roianai .-. .tne littie.' jnaian
quarterback. J- . rT--;. T . ' J::Cs.--
( Jonrael -Bpeelsl gttTlta,)-
San FranTTleco. Jan.. SI -A few sur-
prises vere sprung at -Emeryville yes
terday. Summary ij' r .-
Futurity eourse The Hawaiian won,
Trapaetter second Pencil Me third;
time, i.u. .... t
Six -lurlongs Oojden Idol -won, I-lly
Goldjng second, Saa Jose, third;.-time.
I:H. .v,.. ' - '.
Five furlonks Beat Man won,. Pure-
dale-second. Educate think time. 1:0. J
One mile and 60 yards (Barack -won,
Clnclnnetus aecond, Instrument third;
time, . .... ,
Hevati -1 urloncs Dora I. won. - Foxv
Grandpa second, Box Elder third; time.
Five and one-half , furlongs Misty a
Pride won. Thomator second. Sea Voy
age third; time. 1:1V. I - v-, -
At Xos Angelse.
Los Angeles, Jen. Jl. Yesterday's re-
kltaat Ascot Parky-
One mile and one-sixteenth Freesias
won. Ml Ileina second. Straggler third;
time, :44Hi i - .
Five and one-hair lunongs Mercea
won. Linda Boae second. Crown Princess
third; thne-;. : :V
fllxan one-half furlongs-t-ArabS'won,
Tlm-PaynasecohdMLKenll worth third;
time, 1:20V4. . .." .". "'
-One mile and one-eighth Golden Light
won. Helgeraoa. aecond, fosltion third;
tlmeri:414. '!
Five furlongs Awakening won. La
Londe second. Gold Enamel third; time,
One mile Eleven Bells' won. Bandtllo
second, MetlrkalU third; time, 1:42. -
xxnurg hat kszt jrorr.
.. Indian,
will ndt
n Joe Bahlidt and Tommy Bums
fight at Ballard, Waah.. tonight
aa planned because of threstened offi
cial Interference. Burns will sever his
connection with - hla -manager. , Billy
Lavigne, and will hereafter arrange hla
own natcbea.' Jack-Day of this city,
wnn is manager or tnanie josx, tne
loeal "boxer, expects to arrange a match
between Burns and Joet at Tscotna. ;
bio smA'fjra
, -. (lowsal Speelsl service.).
Peorls. IlL. Jan. I U Austin Rice of
Kew London, Conn, went 10 fast rounds
to a draw last . evening with : Willie
Finucane of Chicago. . - -. . -
. . (Joorssl SpeeUl asrTke.) -i 1
Paris, Jan, II. At the session of the
international commission today two
Swedish witnesses. Captain Johnson and
Mate Htromberg of the steamer. Aide-
baran,-testified that a few hours pre
ceding the firing on the British trawlers
their boat waa, attacked by a strange
warship, which fired-many Shots, , but
without serious damage. The, warship
then disappeared. - . i .
- Hugh O'Beirnam. British 'agent, said
that the strange vessel was the Bnsslan
transport Kara tchatka, which, mistook
the Swedish craft for a torpedo, boat
Of Beli-nam declared that the Kamtchatka
notirind Rojestvensky that he had been
attacked by a torpedo Jxiat, which led
They Defeat the Pin Knights, and
.( Capture, the Lead Iiv the
.'';V Bowling Tournament. v
Many Excellent Scores kolled Up
.. T-.j'11. wV,fc,,,es w,,f
;-T." Contests. ! ".".'."-'
A very large audience was on hand
at AbesPortlaud bowling alleys last even
Ing nowllnoag" the ' game between the
Pin Knights snd Oambrinua teams, The
Pin, Knights .had the highest total of
pins fQr the three games, but the Gam-
Urlaua. took.lwa.jout of Ch. three games
and.. It ii games - that ; count in . the
league. .Tha rolling of both teams wax
of tha high-class, order and merited the
applause of the audience.
Captain, Kruse of the Pin Knights had
nign average, cog i-j. He aiao naa tne
high alngle game, coming through with
tha" splendid' score of: Z&7 In his . first
game. Thla rsttha hlgljest single' game
roitea in tne league thus ran Honman
had second ' high - average, , 180 1-J.
Kneyae and Buaan Were right up doss
with 114 1-J averages. ... -
Interest In the league race la Increas
ing -with each matcb-The ladies are
taking decided Intereet In the . game,
There were a number of ladles 'la. at
tendance at the game last' - evening.
There will be 4 postponed ama,tbla
evening between the Bankers and Gold
Leaf team a. -.-- - ...
Bay at the -Alleys.
Manager- McMenomr :.Tia. decided to
have a ladies' day once A'-week,- Every
Thursday! afternoon from 1 until g
o'clock the- upstairs alleys will be re
served for ladiea free of charge, and In
addition the manager will give a box
of candy to the lady making the highest
score during the afternoon. a.
There will be a tournament of doubles
held OR. the alleys Friday evening. Some
of the beat bowlers in the city have al
ready entered, so a very spirited con
test should be the results
There will be a mutch -game on tha
alleys Saturday afternoon between tho
oeaTTram Trom Aitorla ahd tn portt
lands, ; It will be worth-coming to see:
The scores of lasr- night's - match
were r . : -
Pin. Knights (1)
(I) Ava
141114 1-J
Busan . ...... .. .1
Mallett .. ........130
Hysmlth . 10
IBS 156 141 !-
174 1S4 113 3-3
-let -31
14 201 1-J
Lruae -. ......... i57
Totals , I5 4J It i i i vl'
(l M)
(J) Ave..
172 tt4l-a
138-a0 1-2
Knevse . ....
Keating . ...
Hoffman . , ...
K. Cloaset J..
. .. . il
IS. 155164 , .
iv - i7s ie .i ....
...01 1(4 A8U
(rtom a Jouraal Staff porrespoadeot.) , . .
; Salem., Or,.Jan.. II. In the senate
yesterday Booth Introduced a resolution
framed -by. Webster of Multnomah pro
viding, that ,, thg , governor be directed
to appoint a commission of f fvn rhemberjH
lu cuiuililer: the Question of constructing
macadamised road from Portland to
the California line. ; If if Is found feasi
ble the commission Is to report on the
bill-at the next session. The road- Is to
be built-bycotvlct-lanor andha gov.
eraor la instructed! not to let, any- con-
Hract for labor by convicts .extending
beyond July, 1907; - .,
The project. It is expected, will be a
strong rencouragement to the construc
tion of good roads, which tha resolution
declares is of paramount importance to
the etarte .. v..-J.. .-.v."---.-, 1
' (gpeelsl Dispatch to The lourosLt
Rluvllle. Wuh., Jan, VW X Archi
bald, a. highly respected farmer of Downs
action, was found dead under a load
of lumber yesterday.. He started home
with. a. load of lumber on. a slx-borae
wagon, and Is snppoeed to have driven
off Ook I
hours later, he was cold in death.-tYwo
horses were slso dead and the others
entangled tn the harness but alive. lie
leaves a widow and three -children
jouraal-gpeclal BerrlcSjI.iJ .
Chicago,' Jan. II. "More than 90 lum
ber teamsters struck today,' shutting off
the - output of 100 lumber, yarda and
practically tying up that industry. '
The tea maters, demand to cents more
a week. Efforts are being made to ar
rive a-1- a - quick settlement of the
trouble. .. . r -r ,
- : ' i ., -
- (Joanul Special Rervlee.t . .
Ormonde, : Dayton, -Jan. II. lit - W.
Fletcher,, . driving - an tO-horsepower
Dledrlch machine, won the great 100
mile race for the tWX.- Vanderbllt, Jr.,
trophy this morning, covering thedis
tjanoe In l.hourrll minutes snd 14 sec
onds, four minutes ahead of hla nearest
competitors L- Q. Bemln. In a Brokgws.
Rebault, in a French macblnerwasMhird.
All the contestsnts, best the previous
record of 1 hours and 21 seconds. .
. ' t - A "Hair eaves that grows ia yepmlasMy ,
e-UI4e WIU gmm It.
"Tte easlnsae aa wke fa ee besy te Wok
after sis With sea perseasl esaifort Seeds
a furtftss, 7
T sotlee easdruff esg fslllng bah le
bwMtk his I4e e( S si seas Later m
iMsrsble Ulenese esaws ae IU. aee
rag tum.lLM. UU Itcluragt, H ll&ICiSt CItt sl1ratt,llklu. hr a Mails
The OmtatsTAXV eeasselr Vt ""e tke BsUnf ema."
AI.IOATIWa A raeaUa Start liasU laON,
Coeur d'Alene Companies Adopt
:.v' Compulsory Provident and
rS Accident insurance. r
federal and Other Mines Pattern
. . . ' .. i ... .' -.. .
ATier urumiummon rvune
. In Montana. " .
4. "(Bpeelal Ultpateh to The Jouraal.) :
, Spokane. Waah.. Jan. 31. The Federal
Mining aVfimeltinr -company, the Morn
ing mine and the Hecla Mining company
will -Institute provident and accident in
surance associations for their employes,
commencing February I.-, The system
that will go into effect in this region
is patterned -after the one in vogue at
the Drumlummon mine in Montana., .
There will be three distinct associa
tions, one for each 'of the three concern
That of the Federal company will .be
known as the Federal Provident A Acci
dent insurance association. , The othere
111 be the Morning- Provident A Aoci-
dent Insurance association and - the
Hecla Provident A Accident Inaurance
association. :-..'..' '-,,t . '
The Federal association will be- gov
erned by a board of six trustees, three
or whom' will be elected . by . the. entr
ployes and three by- the company. The
employes will lect ons man each from
the Burks, - Wardncr and Mace mines.
Each of the other aaeoclatlona will be
governed by four trustees, two em
ploys and two company men.
K very employe-will be - compelled to
become a member end . subscribe 11 a
month . to the relief 1 f unL. For every
dollar subsoriBed by the employes the
companies: will, con tribute 10 cents. In
consideration of this payment the asso
ciation, guaranteesi. to protect the mining
company trom allilliablllttes on account
of lnurteg. received by la member dur
ing hla employment by the company.
r n;very , employe must ialao .pay . ti. a
month hospital dues, is case a member
Is. disabled by sn accident, he will be
entitled -to receive - besides medical at
tendance lla week for not more than
1 weeks. In the event of the death
of a member front injuries ' received
while In the company's employment, the
widow or children shalr be entitled "to
(Special Dispatch to-The leuraaU . H
llump. Idaho. - Jan.- II. According to
reporta received from the -Dixie' camp
the output, waa never more promising.
There is a wide ledge, that: has been
traced Tor- nve or six miles between
Dixie and Buffalo Hump, with a regular
aystem of branch veina running from
tne ..main lead.- The McKlnlev. AJaX.
Dixie Queen and' the Cematock' . are
among the- mines in the camp. -- Some of
these will, become rich properties, the
only question being that of treating- the
ores.- It Is reported that the Corastock
Is to hacp slx tndre stamps, enough to
make 10 In all. and a lo-ton cyanide
plant. A mill on the North Star is be
ing constructed. - Tne Hogan property.
which is to have a Je-totr- cyanide plant
this spring, is being' watched with deep
est Interest by the people onDixle, for
its oralis mucn like t n v r.Ul le- an a
f rysnlds Is-sTTffnffrfthn CrookedUlvepJ
ores it will oe for mat camp also. 1. tie
Danford placers, Xour miles below Dixie,
on Crooked river; are to be worked ex
tensively - this' season. A strong com
prty has fbeen- organised-In the east.
enohgh caplUlto thoroughly x-
: apejlal Dispatch te The Joaraal.) "
Spokane, 'Vasb., Jan. II. The Blocan
Star Mining company has - commenced
shipping the 2.100. tons of xlno concen
trates, wiuich it recently sold to the
United States amelter at Pueblo. The
sale-includes all alno concent rat e that
have accumulated at the mine, but only
about 40 tons a -day can be sent.'- When
the water starts , In) the spring .the. mill
will open again and turn out 700 tons of
sine concentrates a month, - r r. .
At present the company. is shipping
about too tons of ore to the Trail smel-
la well -ahead of the r a topera I Forty
men are employed at" the mine.. .The
company paid a 111.000 dividend last
July, and' a like amount n December.
"-iapee4r'Dspstcii to The Joamsl. j
Baker City, Or, Jan. II. The High
land milling plant. Bock Creek district,
has- been -opened, and Is . a aid to : be
running smoothly. Manager Otto Her-
Itocker reported that ha got-everything
In shape for initial reauction aoout ins.
middle of" the past week, and since then
has been giving the . plant . a - careful
teat. He finds It is doing all Engineer
Kerchln iexpected. the concentration be
ing clesn and .expeditious. "Adjustment
of the Jigs snd tables will further per
fect the saving, but this will fbltow ss
the run is extended and the management
hss opportunity to study the ore better.
' (SpeeUl Dispatch te The Jeoroal.)
.iaker City, Or.. Jam II. It is stated
here on good-authority that Manager
Fred D. Smith, of .the Bnow Creak, is
tava lt Tee Istfe fee rplalls.
MwtfM kimMM ths MseM ef fcW
ewa aegleet. . Sosm ee at seae sheaM Umk
sf ur him. At am slghi ef eaneref f
wairk Is s ennUf lees eisssse Hswsre
Hmletde sbeuia be It eeese eaaef
see stM ralUag astr kf -gmrsylsg the
4iunrf na A 4-llHtft lr sresslsg.
ftiors rrcHixo iMtraNTLkV -
.-, Many things have happentd
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Thl$ U Your Last Chanet
' ' txzs wam za totjb ban oxAaTca.
No bueiit - -! No
to take charge of the Psyche and. DIs
dem. propertlcK near Jhia present mlna
No further announcement haa bead
made,, and it Is -not known under .what
sort of a bond Mr. Smith and His asso
ciates are working. The mere statement!
where the old prospectors ' have long
waited to sae the rich surface showing
of the Diadem and the' Psyche followed
to -depth, ,:. it-. --".".-Lt, -': x ''
(Speelsl DUpateh to Vie Jouraal.) .
-r-vancouver, B. C,,: Jen, 1 1 Six- thou
sand dollara a day is the amount of gold
being taken off tho filatea of theVNIckel
Plate mine, a greater amount than tha t
produced- -by any mine In British to
lumbls. - 4n raot, it places tots property
among the big producers of 'thereon-
llnut. .. .'. .i- J..- ... ., .'. ,. ..
Y , This la the first definite news of the
output of the mine at Hedley.; -
- C. A. Rv-Lambly, mining recorder of
FalrView. B. C. says this is In addition
to tha concentrates which are allowed
to accumulate awaiting the advenVpf a
rallwayT-Srbea the company will add a
smelter-to 1U msny entfrpriaea.. Then
the sold product will be .'increased to a
considerable extant. ,t, , j -
; " BPrxporo A nrsUfAcm. t.
: (Specisi mspstch-'te The Joaraal.) " "
Spokane, Wash, Jan. - SI. Another
lead fumade, with a "capacity of, 15"
tons, is being built in Ben Francisco for
the Sullivan Oroup Mining company of
Marysvllle, B. C, ot which Charlea
Sweeney is. president. The smelter al
ready haa In use two fumacea, but the
amaller will , probably-be discontinued.
A ISO-ton converter -is. sisd being built
by the Union Iron works for Sullivan.
With verv caah "Want" Ad.
-: it h ;' . .; " '-vc . ,. .
''.'i- .'. k.;'l-'. 't',- i'- ''',- ,
The Journal a ' two-pound ; package oL
; Oranb "Breakfast Food (enough for 30
people) ' will be given FREE. Journal
" fWant". Ads, quickly run errands; furnish
help, sell your property, rent Ae vacant ;
rooms, secure positions and other things
too nuirierous to mentiort.vWant'' Ads,-
L will be received weekdays until
: ' ' - V 1. e a a " - ass
that day s issue, nut ir xor sunaay pre
sent them by 10 o'clock: Saturday night.
With Grano you can, make Grano Mush,"
Grano Pudding, Grano Muffins
, 1 Griddle Cakes.
in this old world siqce the dawn,
a romance and is accepted as a
of the World and commend It ta
- ; . wh. Mckinley..
to Ct ThU Grai HUiory
Memberghip rMal
The' converter ' will be' an experiment.
and if satisfactory,: another.-will be-In I
inue.-..j v. . .. : . r-.s-.
. .-. . . . -
i (Special Dlspslch to The Journal. - P.
Bpokane. Wash., Jan. II. At the
Kendall mlnC In Montana, whicbkJ con
trolled .by Finch A Campbell of this city,
A raise -,ls - being? jtoade from : the ,800
foot level. This work will reach the
surface in about 4 dayar. It will then
be" .trimmed, the big timbers! placed- and
a boiat set, to be-need as j ai ,-eompart.
ment shaft.) Tne hoist will be la opera
tion to the C00-foot level in tour months
t and the' shaft, wUl thn P bunk to the
svu level. : j( tnia aeptn me new .ore
.bdfy, that was discovered a year ago by
the diamond drill,, will be encountered.
Much additional machlnerr Jas been or-
f dered, and some of It is already on the
grouadl The Kendall IS employing 100
mlnersiand turning out 100 tons dally.
' V-iSpeclal DUpateh U Tae ioaraal.) .
Dallas, Or, Jan. IV The Coast Rang
Lumbering company's milk burned Bun
day at I o'clock In the morning. The
origin of the firs ia unknown, but Ah
Investigation 4s in progress. : The mill
was situated - four : Hrnlles" trom Falls
City in the mountains.
' eAsxm ammzaTSSSiat. ;
' - .- " -! 'V-
.,-;' . f (Jonraal Special Service.) .
I Chicago, Jan. 11. Caahler Hector of
the defunct Pan-Arierlcan hank earren
dered this afternoon,' He was released
on 110, too bonds. .An officer is en route
to Menr York to serve extradition papers
on President Hunt. . -. .: t.
inserted hi
noon f orj,
A ' '
Grano is made from
15c ;
. t-1 - A J.A -4 J
common to wheat products. It requires yery,Ut- .
. tie cooking, and ia non-irritating to the most deli
cate stomach. Children eat it in preference to
any other mush, which of itself is a test oLiU
. .' ." palatability. ,' Manufactured only ,by ' ,
Acitie Mills Co:
and Grano
4 i '
of creation, , , !.tn .Ridpath you
standard authority. -It is the one-
ha Western ktewspapex assooiatloa,
woniaao. ow,;..v;Tr..:7.7r':---
yieaae -sead wlthoat oost to me
fall Information regarding year new
Bldpata mistory plak, aad now I oaa
save Sa on. the prloe.' . - ,.
Street ........ I,..; , . ,
JCitl Brewery
...j.t'v.,. :.r')'t,:--j--'--.r
ZArg la Most Compute
Brewery . t - the worth west. -r
Bot tied Deer a SpedAlty
.. r---. 'f.ri., - , .
- 4 ; Vsuarswara sTe. js. '.
T 0ee.ista 'ana anisslds ' Streets
scr.Hcj:.E fo.v piles
TTCHIKOrflaa prsd
rrais see, as wall as ;
ilstwe aad esasa Itemssl
ansa, maaaing oe rretruaissl
eikaaara mmt br Dr. ftoaanko'e ste emeSri
seps tsahlng and MaaoTns. Abaorbstaaaora, eoaal
Lis aaarasstaWoe seat b BialL TraaUaaOrae.Wrtte
a urn. mjm saj arniiaea , jra.1
perfectly cleansed hard white
mm MA ! .V. l.h..'
... . v. ..
Trom. -. . , . r. . ......... . .
tw i ;rrr
V Hi , a si' 4- e.. -.- - 'v.. ' '.
to tne ixorth sea incident. ...
' I. -