-i TIIE OREGON DAILY jousriAK fq:stland. tuz:day cyz:::::3. jAi.'V.r.Y si, Cfllimt TO TO : Km mm ; . : LATER THIS YEAR -i. CUT MANY SALOONS ! V r J list AtTlVftfl a i-v--- S ' The tfirst Shipment, of the New.' 1905 . A Will Revoke the - Licenses1, of Companies Do Not Desire Repe tition of Experiences When a .Glut Depressed Prices. ' V. Dives in the Red Light District. APATHY OF THE POLICE CUT WILL BE SMALLER .V- 1 ' J" CAUSE OF THE ACTION . UNTIL DEMAND INCREASES City Will Lot,e . Large Revenue Nothing t More 'Than ;-: Rumor Through Chief Hunt and . Builds Weyerhauser Sawmill . Plant at Portland. ' His Men. . j ..... 'Advance Spring Styles .of the i v , i .arri uiMtMin nt tne icamn? Drsnas oz union amis IjM now on display, in "our show windows. ; v iuffum & Pendleton --311-MORRISON STREET V'-r; l HIGH SCHOOL IRK IS OVER FOR TIIEf.1 Frty-Mine Students Will Re - ceivo. Their Diplomas To- . : morrow Evening. ' - ONLY TWELVE B0YSlN (USUALLY LARGE CLASS Grammar School Graduation , ". Exercises Are Scheduled ! cx. f or Same Day'. -r ; . . .., . ... , . Com$ncenint erele will 1 h14 t the PortUnd hlh-chool tomorrow lht when 41 tuflenU who htr com pleted the work In tho Institution wUl receive diploma. Rer. W. K Eliot wUl deliver 4U addr to thTlute, tb diploma will 6r proented by Mrs. ' U W. filtton. chairman of th-lty board of education, and muatcal Mlecttona will be rendered by the Lakmo quartet : There fro bu( U boys In the claae, the officera of which are: Preildent, Eliot Holoontb; vice-president. Leila Htuih; ecretary.; Mabel Wood; treaattrer. Mil ton Hen; aerceant-at'arma, Mae Zlea-ler. Other mmbr - are t - Beee te Dope. ' 01adyaMacKeiiirsIri)tliy Baylor, ' Emma Bluhm. Ella McOowaa, Marlon Brodie,- Margaret McMorrow. -Radford jBhowcroea." Benjamin ' Wleat, Annie Davlea, William Mactera, ' Harold. Smith, Alva Clayton, Helen' Oeotf, --iewl Gcrurts.) Arthur ' Xelfh ton, ' Warren Ilnonln. Dorothy Moore, Robert Ober teuffer. tkorothy Proeaer.' Helen Rosen- " f eld, - Eleanor Wesco. ' Elisabeth Dunn, Florence Olsen, Charlotte Ballln, Roy Fields.- Newell Oakea: Bva Went worth. Orace Downing. Nellie teok. Mary Hand, Myra 'Ford, Llllte Hicks, Cora Eastman, Ruby Prince, Carrte Bucklng-liam. Laura Harris, Flora McCoy. Lula Pratt, Henri tta Hexter.: - Annie r Trimble,- Emma Youna;, 'Busle Fettlns; and Mary Watson. It is -one of the- larceet claaaee ever graduated from tbe- blg-h school at -the mid-term. j y t -y - Graduating exercise will . be held In most of the grammar schools of the city tomorrow,. There will be !& - gradu ates from the grammar schools the majority of whom will enter the big ft school. As the high school building ,ii now full to overflowing, the new- claa will receive - Instruction- In the. Idtdd school. where two rooms . are ' being fined up by".- Superintendent .Ffaiik Rlgle;.. .. . -. .: ROSSI'S LONG SEARCH :i-::fOR ELOPING WIFE Chicago Italian .Comes to Port' " : ' landto Rnd Family and -'Tv-t - False Friend. ' r Z Searching for a wTfe and three chD dren. Vlncenao Rosst reached' Portland Sunday night and went at once to polio tigMlalf,,'a'gilBI ' lJal ll gl I fhjiTgs'i'i glllll iss 14 vsieBe; w est a iv yap p i vtxg Viliunn stan i brought with him a letter from a sup erintendent of police of that city asking that the polios- of. Portland; assist the Italian in locating his family. ' He 1 ac companied by Francisco Arrla. . Rosst- declares that four years ago he offered A home to Ouisaeppo OlovanoUl, who had just reached this country, and was young-. He was good looking, too. n- waa related to Rol. - He- -lived et the home for a year and lossl did all he could to help him In tb new coun-. try. . Three years ago his wife disappeared lilth. their" three , children. - OlovanoUl was also missing. A search" for the eloping pair was begun, and thjv were tracked from .city to cltyJ The search continued for months, and lengthened Into years. Police In various cities were notified and promised assistance to the husband. Finally the man and. woman were, lo cated In-ithla city, and RoeaL and his friend Immediately started for. the west Reduced Rates to California. The placed Ios Anaelea at the rate of $51. limit tfl days. Tola afford an excellent oppopt tunlty to visit, the many beautiful win ter, resorts or southern California at a moderate coat Southern Paolno company.' has on sale round trip tickets . to BEATTY'S MENTAL- - r ; V CONDITION IN DOUBT '. F." J. Beatty, Arrested for passing worthless check and securing goods under false pretenses, has been released on a IS bond, and will be taken before the bounty court where his mental con' ditlon will be Inquired Into. :,:". ...i About 10 days ago Beatty appeared at the house furnishing establishment of Qevurts Sons, and made purchase of goods to the value of 1800. In the Mil were about 140 worth of lace cur tains and portieres, which he asked that ha might take Home with him, as his wife wished to bang them next day. He was permitted totake the goods, and tendered in payment a' check on the bank of George W. Bates Co. for $600, signed William Bates. . The Arm was unable to And the address given, by Beatty and the check given by Beatty was reported worthless. The lace cur talr.i and portieres have not been dis covered."- I- .; - J' 1 . tlmlr Fmiang, Turning Ormy Of ' . FmdBd, Ramtormd toy Hay'm C3AIRHEALTH li ..11 afwwe eaadrag. kUle -eroM, Move hair ftlllas. 5o- grewta rf ihlrk. lutrooe k.lr ' ' rt-a -r and b-.air of irataT Ilea lialrbealih wtU llantaa Ihi. It - ' j, Kmetm You Looking Young Fr:3$s:? Offsr sbfafistf In tkle. take to - of following Sraoleti iai CM (Or. bottle Halrto-altk and l.. ra. H.rfln. Meairete4 Snap, botk for 60r.j l-nlir price 1st 1 ".T! Llm.li,r c" r, S. T. pi-i la. for Oe. a4 ibl .dr. ' Fre eaep sot aim br Imtftt wltboot tkla (tire adr.aad Mc far ilairbeaita. . - .KaaM. ' are .i..... S e a 9 Aro You StmvUta L'a . ttlffbtm With tbo Babyf -Ha It some ftetreaelnc skis affertleet Bead of U. Uaate aappy -aotber aaliy aae Horfino Coop H' baby's bath. Kin dlaeaa parulta. CpMdllr allaja Irrltatloa of acalp a ad tkla. lodares mt(ul eloap. Keep babf awcet aa4 keallkr. For niJiM, rbaflng, en. ma. Mrofala, Itching, alt akla aerearaa, BARVIXA SOAP m irai ily woaderfal. What It dnae for baby It I II ta aanet aoothlnf a4-l will do for oe. aallafrlna of loUrt. trnth aad enraorv aoooa. No anlaial fata Medicated. AntleopMe, Oe edorUlag., BefrMbtng, Sealing, fragrant. A Brtail ol Mae Balsaa la Every Cake. Try It. Toail bvmavtneed. terte zSe.eakea. Boa. t eakre. rOe.t Ikriwglata'. R.rae aabatl. lut-a. Ne aoa la niefllrated Ilk HaHlna. kf ansf.rtorMl h R1V aprvirkT. nr. VU., NRWAKK. W. Si T-ro4 wltboat thl lgaatafe Take awtbing - WOOOABS. eiABU ft Cp, aaA Waaaurtem. rowrtt woobasb, cum CO, ... a WaaaiarWkV Feaxtk It Xh4 , recommendation 'of the liquor license Committee la adopted by the city council tomorrowr 1 saloon which at connected with dives. In violation of the city laws, wlir -have their . licenses re voked, tAl of these bouses .are in the north, end. They have been running; for several months la open violation of the city ordinance, and the police department has made but little or no enort to en fore the law. , These saloons arer Queen Annie, 17 Burnaid street; Kcho,-Fourth between Burnslde and' Couch streets; A. B. C saloon. Fourth and Couch streets;. Wil liam White, 40 Fourth street; Cosmopoli tan, Third street; Parts house. Third and Couch streets; W. A. Oelsksr, tt North Third street; Brunswick, zH wo,rtn Third strett: Green 'FronC II . North Third street: - N. Mays. Second and I Couch" street; M.' U Smith, 1 North Second street;; Nonpareil; - Jf I Everett street; Keyptone, tt North Fourth street:. Lion, 100 North Fourth street; Elegant, 290 Everett street; 'hetls, 174 Everett -street; Reception. 10 North Fourth street: Badger, Fourth and Da via atreeta; Paris , cafe, 26l Davis- street: Fashion salpori, 41 North Fourth street; Nea polls, 7 North. First-street ; Surprise. 175 Everett street; Cricket, 271 Couch street -Tr:Z'- - r,' r ' l: T Sinunarmaa Favors SeOooas. Councilman' A.; F. Ftegel," supported by Councilman H. R. Albee, who preaent ed ther resolution to resolnd the licenses, led the fight against the combination houses In the committee meeting; yester day. Councilman A.1K. Bentley and m. Sanrord-Wrltlnr felt into line, ana wranf cllman 1- Zimmerman waa the only one who wSs-pposd to- action. S , . 'r "If; ye revoke tne iicense-ecom-mended In Councilman Albee's resolu tion you will have to revoke. these also," remarked) Councilman Zimmerman, null ing an additional list of 21 saloons from his pocket. 'These places are just as bad. 1 don't see what we can do: If we revoke these licenses the city will be out about l,v0 thi year, and W need the money' : j . ,',"" '-. .. , - "1 am sure -the saloons namea in inis resolution are vioUtlng the city laws." remarked Councilman FlegoL : ."Women are t employed In every one f hese plaoea. If we could get some assistance from the police department we would not have to do this; but we can't The police will not do their duty. .-.r If they ra workina- under the orders of the council it would be all .right- but tbey- are-not" . . ' ' -'- . "Look at the Green front tneatre, xor instance." returned Councilman Albee. "Chief Hunt-said he had cleaned urn nlaea out -- and - threa days afterward Councilman Flegel and I were there and it was filled with women."; - u One Txlaa- U 9. " "Since we have had this positive evi dence placed before us that the piece are running in voiauo -01 uw--,w law.11 said Councilman Albee. -"there Is nothing for ustto do but revoke .the license. If we do not we are SuUty of criminal negligence.". , - . Councilman Whiting remarked that he waa Inl favor of Uklng their licenses from them. ' - t Is tb only way to get at them." continued he. W cam revokethalr license, and If they desire -rtin A Sz gitlmat saloon let them apply for An other license." 1- ..v.-.ti- r" "But they won't do It." replied Zim merman. "They will not.takevout anr other license,1 and the city- will lose tb money." . - "You "era wrong," answered Albee; "If these men find out we will not tolerate combination houses thy wUl all take out licenses and run respectable houses, and the city will loe nothing." r - When the matter came to a vote tne committee was unanimous In favor of recommending the resolution be passed by the council.' Councilman Zimmerman waa fhalrman, and he bad no vote, but said that he would oppose-'tbe measure lagging companies that out Iocs Into the Columbia river and supply Portland nulla Ara disposed to begin work a lit tie later this season than usual and cut leas tlmber'thaa they did last year. Be cause of the oversupnly last fall the piioe of toge fell so low 1 that somet of the .camps shut down. .The glut has been relieved; Portland mills during the last season turned out about ttO.OVO.OOO feet of lumber. - The price of yellow fir Is now , 17.10 a 1.000 feet and this figure 4he loggers regard as fairly satisfactory. -under the clrcumstanceai- The market la firm and It la expected there wUl be a further ad vance until the price reaches It. The Twin-Falls Logging company. On of - the Weyerhauser. concerns, .will not begin logging until .about March 14. This company laat year, put about-4 000,000 feet of logs Into th. Columbia river and marketed- them, at Portland. The Benson Logging company will run only one camp this year about "200 men In yellow fir timber on the, Washington side, which will be transported by rail to Bunker htll. where the logs are dls- charged Into -this Columbia.-; The com pany ha put-in from eO.ooff.Ooo to 70. 000.000. feet of red and yellow flr In one season. Tola year Its- output will be confined t about 40,000,000 feet of yel low fir. ,- . ...1 - .i - Kverdlna- aV Farrell camr will be oner ated on Seep river and will handle Its usual output of from lt.000',000 to 16. 000,000 feet. The Felson-Armstrong com pany will begin operations .March 1 at Its camp on. the Cathlamet and will put Its' usual amount of logs Into the river. Gilbert V Bewail wilt log at Columbia City and other companies will run about the same aa last season. - . - Charles A. Weyerhauset of 'Winona. Minn., and F.-Iir?Thatcher. offLltU Falls, Minn., his attorney, were In Port land yesterday, on a trip of " Inspection of Weyerhauser properties. : It la .said their presence In this city has no bearing on the rumor that the Weyerhauser in terests were planning to -erect a- large sawmill plant in or Ynar Portland. A: number of altes have been 'proposed for Such a mill,- ibut none has been satis factory. Ji . .. BLUEBEARD H0CH HA0 t ' TWENTY-FIVE WIVES .v. Chicago, Jan. 14. Development show that Hoch has bean married to tt different-woman, Hlx if these have died under aueplcloua clrcumstancea, Hoch waa arrested last night at a board mg- houae where he waa living under the name Of Harry Bartells. His proposal to his .landlady, Mrs. Kummerla,. iad to his arrest 1 -, ,. THE.. IDEAL: CREAMERY PRODUCT PACKE P INy AI R-TIOHT AN t- G ERM ... PROOF; CARTONS Aa shown Jn the jaboye Illustration. The only butter on the Pacific Coast using7 this safeguard to prevent the. absorption of disagreeable odors 'and .lalL, foreign substances. ii"White Clover1' in oartons retains alT of the sweetness and deti- icate aroma noticeablejn JP resh-ma,de,butter. . . v-Accept ncr.othef brand from your dealer. 1 V WE ARE J0DDERS EXatSIYELY: IN BUTTER, CHEESE-AND EGGS - BRINGS LA . CAHAS m nearer; this ic 1 1 UlMt rULlUt UUUfi I " u . vJOKE, TWENTY DOLLARS " John Growsco, a Swede, chose Albiri as bis home when he left -the land of fjords and Yonsonsiand came to Amerv lea. Since choosing Alblna a ihl' home lie, has learned the use of John Barley corn; - - 1 i j i! ' 1 - Saturday he.naHied police headquar ters In the cusHody of sn officer. . He was wildly. hilarious. The officer had dark- ring under hi eyes; there were marks of fierce warfare on his face. The arrest wss exciting, although Growsco Is 14 years of age. . 1 In municipal, court ' the old man laughed as If the matter were a great "yoke." He said he lived with Bis son- in-law." . ' : .4. -"What's the name of youf son-In lawT' asked City Attorney Fitsgerald. -."Erlck. .Rudolph, Ton, Frederick and Andrew." bald the old man; :t f ' "That's five ames.T said nr. Fits- krerald. 'H hasn't all those names, has . ' . . .... . . "No. I live With der five sons-in-iaws, h said laughing outrageously.. "It wus a, yoke, yaw, . yaw, -yaw. " "Twenty dollars, sata - tne coun 'i ... - - - . JED HART'S FINE PAID . , BY BREWING FIRM . f .v - - ' - '.' r Two hundred dollars were .paid Into the city coffers ysterdsy by th Star Brewery ' company. - Tns sum was the amount or nnes imposea oy Munici pal Judge Hogu upon "Jed" Hart a no torious north enA. dire keeper, Xor selling liquor to minor. He was released on a to bond, -given by tne ore-wing com pany, and disappeared, rour women or the slums having. It la said accompa nied him? , Rather than forfeit the;, bond the brewing company paid the Una. Two other eoraplainta : of selling liquor to minors are pending agajnai tiart , TRAFFIC OFFICIALS .: V- WILL MEET HERE IN JULY Portland. Sandy' and Mt .Hood ' Road Will iReduce 'Time Z Nearly Threi Hours. ' Judge Seneca Smith, one of. th Incor porators of tb Portland, Sandy A Mount Hood Railway company,' has announced that the., company would-.' proceed . to complete organisation and ' begin con struction as soon right of way. bad been secured. Sixteen, miles of road to the mouthiyof the Sandy liver will be buUt first . - 1 1 I Thlastretch of roadway 'Will serv about ,7,000 people." , sai(T Judg fimlth, "and across the Columbia, at WaLahougal and La Camaa. A 'paper mill, kawmllla; extensive -loggtng-lnteresta- and many prune -raisers are on the proposed line and will furnish , a'" good, - volume Of freight and" passengers.. . . . . --. "The Mount -Hood line -will be biU later, bat w cannot say now Just when. The Waahougal. Lev Camas and Sandy regions now have :a three hour service by boAt- Our road will-reduce tb time to""4J mlnutea.;v-- ; , ; EXECUTRIX MAKES,;. - j GOOD REPORT Annie Chemtn. 'executrix -of the will of the late Ixmls Chemln," a well known pre a man. ho died on June I, 104. has made a final report and was dla-r; eharged -by-the -county iudgeTh- re--TT port showed all the realty unsold, and the estate successfully handled by .Ah z ns. of the cah that was in ihe -banlc when the. testator died, amounting- .to . 11.75.74;-a balance remalna -kfUr all -; obligations were paid. --- h v .-' -t - The realty consisted of these) pieces " of property as appraised: Lots t and , r block 22,- Portland, , 4.000; northeaat quarter block 214. Aiken' addition to . Eat Portland: 22.000: lots t and '. block .140, Portland,' If.tOO:- undivided on half 10.42 acres In Thomas Humph rey donation land Claim, 2160; block 23. 1 Flrat addition, to SeavleW. lit, . !.' . Orandeat display of fme scenery. Over, seen Portland At the corner of Third and Alder atreeta. On exhibition from la the morning till at night. . , y 'Vraferred Stosk Oasmed OeedA, . :; - Allen V Lewis', Best- Brand. S. O. Fultoh, assistant general freight agent -of th Northern Pacific railroad. ha received official notice from' F. O. Barker, chairman ef the western classi fication committee 'Chicago, that the committee will hold Its next meeting In Portland. July II. The committee - I composed . of traffic officials of nearly every railroad In th United States, and th masting will bring about hundred man t Portland. . j ."' ; : :?0 Ci. Sngcr $ 1 .00 -With -every, purchase of -$5 of more of groceries during .this sale we .will give 20 pounds of D, G. Sugar for , , r .. fi.oo. r . IS GROCEIUlXS I I And the Reason Is That For Four Days, Wednesday m wow UPOJKSolfMO We will sell very one who wants it, a sack 100-Ibw Dry; Granulated Sugar; for the small-price jjf, f5.90. The prices here will be from 20 to 33.1-3 per cent less than you can buy goods for at any, other grocery store in the city. . The prices quoted here is the proof of this assertion and an inspection of the goods will prove quality. Quick ana prompt deliveries to au pans oi tne city. s.4,. - ;:, . -J: r.-'L,':; :.r;;;: ' .-. NO. I VALLEY FLOUR A flour that Is ji flour ueg j 1 SF a W al AdkaTaWM dk BaSFaT W dk Tel AtVIU j , jilaf $1.25. A 50-lb. sack here. . ; r ,.81.10 Standard Ctinncd Goods STANDARD 1 PEAS, TOMATOES AND - -'-'. - corn;:;v j:..?.;.. Corn,' 3 cans for. . : : . . . . ..V. .. ; . .-. . . . .25 Tomatoes, 3 cans ,for . ... ... . ... . . . .25 'Sweet Peas, 3 cans for, ........ .. ... ..25 String Beans, A. ft L., 3 cant for... .7. 23? Tomatoes, per dozen li77.i .'firr.SSip Corn, per, dosenwi ; . .. i. .,81.00 Sweet Peas, per doren.... .......... '.95 - String Beans, rpe'r dozen . . . . . . . ....... Q5f BEST-HARD WHEAT FLOUR Regular $1.60 sack, the best flour on earth; now-. . . . . . . . . . . . , , . .-. . . . 8125 .We are making prices on the high est 'grade ;brands of , canned goods. We sen : - . j - ,. STRING BEANS EARLY JUNE PEAS . CORN '-:". . --w-...,.- iTOMATOES p-P--:-- 2 Cns for;25c ; Special Prices in -Dozen JLoU. Two Cans for 25c "CANNED FRUIT FOR TABLE USE. , v ! - ........ : " - ' '"' .-' 1 -. - Including Peaches, Apricots, Pears, Plums and Black Cherries '4--v- - r . T -Oysters 3 Cans' for 251; &l dozen. Breakfast Foods Malta Vita, 2 packages'for. ,.".tl ::iiZ5:l crespp, 3 packagesxor -oar . . , . . . idnlv' ?TiTn7r.25 Force, 2 packages forr.tn Honey Flakes, 3 packages for. ........ 25? H. Ov 2 packages for. i...... ...... i.'.25 ; Jumbo Mush, 3 packagesjor... . . . . . . . .25? Fig PniheXereal lb.". . , ."iT. .V. .20 " Postum. Cereal, lb rri'i". '.v. 20? We carry every brand of Breakfast Foods and Cereals, and make prices below all com petitors. v , -i .' ; -I.-. ..h; ' HIGH. GRADE FRUITS AH 25c ; Jams . . t. .20 S " Tomatoes - Solid Packed Tomatoes, the best brand sold -in the city for.'dozehr.'vTrTTr.v.ri. 81.25 ! We handle every known brand that's gqod and will give satisfaction. - i Fine Gun Powder Tea, regular 45c - . lb now ....;,.r....if,...,.lv;25 English Breakfast, regular 45c lb, - - , i now. . . . .ttt; ......... .. . V ...... 25 Gait's Ceylon Tea," the Blue Ribbon Brand; half li25; lb.f.".; .45 GOFFEIL ... .. ti rt' : 7-1 We are long on Coffee, and can save you money. , Our special brand of r MOCHA ft JAVA COFFEE is the best without exception in the" city., Others sell it for 35c arid 40c, We sell it for,: ,.-- ' ' ft Salmon "Alaska PackSalm6(t, per can, ' regular 15c goods, 10 ; 3 for 25 MiscUancous Snaps Snyder's Catsup, 2 bottles. I .V. . . .35 R. H, Asparagus, can. . , . . . : . .. . , .30 Cross ft ' Blackwell's imported pure ' ' Lucca Oil, qt;,............,......654.; American' Sardines, 6 cans . . ........ 25? , Library Baking Powder, regular 40c ' - --.can eel ...25 Pearline washmg Fowder, 3 packages for .i,... 25; Macaroni i and Spaghetti, box 35? Quick Delivery -. ' .'"'. We deliver when you want the goods, to any part of the ; city. Watch us' grow. K Corn;. i and Morrison Telephone Main 2287 U H. HINNENKAMP, Proprietor. 1 : "THE GROCER THAT SAyES YOU MONEY.!" f Mail Orders We bH all mail orders on the. above goods and ship by ex- press or freight the same day . . received. '?: . - it r - '! , - "... -