The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 31, 1905, Image 11

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... 1
Wuhtnf ton
C3.C0 Cer!i
" . I
, ' i.SO HritM OLIMBfLt, i0BI ATP
' call J by uw la tuU. .nam ,
, I". W0' Bc,og rteale, I promlee
to; tell TOO Wbethat- run ka,mA i WUfO a
' thart I true or faUe. tell , bow. nt
?) tb Toy of th en yo. Bitot
. vtu.Uunuk.ptii swar 1 sow to mo4 la
Pasi specula Map, Uwauihi; . ,. how-
, turryfcbi me at nor choir; haw to r.
' .youth, . alth awl vitality. Remove
mtuK,'. nm drink ahlt pt
. "toawr, font il Hinw. iloiM
.' h I ukt my koo ft-
Row MM I eanonor if anualx
Hew caa f JMrrr Ik eae 1 ttMWl ,
Bow taa I knarry weBt
rinw eoua sua 1
I eaweyart Mr etvelt ;
I auk any oo lea Ml .
fam, cii
Will Bay 1
. v t . ' -. -. hw cm 1 Vt od atigt ' .
- thrwi T remove V4 humwtt - "
''"W I control any ml t -
' Rmr jMkt lmut M k-f
. -.i now ra f oJ4 bf -kartwaa' tl
. . .. Him ut I kaaa n vlfa'a lorat
-P-ll ' I II T' I ,1 I 1 ' I I I
Pmidtnt Rootevelt &t Union
. Uijxi Banqutt OUtlineg Hi
. .'-w: ; I Rftilmad Policy.
SrcH An tr poor mOst:
Nation Murt -Supi'rvli Traffic if
-! constitution U9 nanfa
' ; ' .'.; to Permit It; v -
wgwau avaciaj paim.ii''..
f 1 " 'li PhlladlDh1a. Jkn. . II.
-?-f Roowvel. w the fucst of.: honor nd
. " " prlnclpl pakcr t -a.ohlvj-ary bn
' qut of th Wnloir leaf u lavat. DifbC .Jn
' " hl ddreM, whlyh wa chiefly upon th
.,-.v ..railroad ' rate'' queatlon, ,Iha j Jiraaldont
, aald. tn part: . ', .;. .
i.irhau0nby.--th .treat : develop.
ment ef Induatraltara meana that there
"T'-t wuar "be ati Increaaa In th kupervjaiun
xercla4 by the awernment over buai
ntaa - entcrpTleea. 1- Tbia auperviaton
ahonld pot take the form of violent and
Ul-advtaed .interferenoa; and aaauredly
" - ;. there, la dancer leat it take ueti. form
If the. bualneaa leader of the buaioefa
community conanr tnetnaervea to tryinc
I : lo .thwarjl. thae(tort at regulation In-
ateau or (uiuuic iLJiriinu
VeonU Witt Bearalata. j
-Nlthr thia oeobla nor aT ' OtHr
free people wfll permanently tolerate, the
y Ve of the vaat power conferred by-vaaf
wealth, and eapeclally by weaitn in ita
. corporate form.- without lodflng Aoraa-
where In the a-overnment UMxaUUnlsnw
" power of .aeelns that thla power. In addl
' ' tlon to being uad In the Intareat of the
' - v Individual or Indlvlduala poaaeaalng It,
la Alao uaed Sot and not- Kgainkl.lna ln-
. v-trta of the people aa a- whole.Tne
' aVtlon mutt -coma through the., federal
-Jei. government.. , r-r$Tirt'C
"AU rcat. bualneaa concema are en
' gaged " tirHnteratate . commerce, ' and It
waa .beynt 1 quratlon the: Intention -of
the fuundem ot our government that In
teretate commerce, -lq all ita branchea
. . and aapectar ahould ! -under, national
and not etat control. If the eourte de
--lda that, thla Intention waa not carried
, . out, and made effective in the oonatltu
tlon aa it now atanda,' them in . the ng
' the conatttutton if not conatrued. differ
: ently. will have amended ao that
the orlglnaL undoubted Intention may
be mad attectlva. .. . . v ;
iL I Control of Balitoada. J.
. ' 1 "Meanwhlla the nwi la pbllo life and
- "5 the" men who direct the-great .bualneaa
; . interfnta - of the country ahould -work
. . not intantagonutm nn m nannuny to
- ward thia given end.f Wa mnat grow
by-avolntlon not by revolution, ".There
muat be. no hurry, but there muat.alao
'., - be no 7alt.' At the preaent moment the
areateat need la for an increaae In the
power of the national, government, .to
keep the' greati highwaya of commerce
open alike to all on reaaonable and equU
.. table terma. ,.Tha rauroaa. wnicn waa
' utterly unknown when our government
; waa formed and, when th great prln
c I plea of our lurlaprudenee were laH
down, itaaiow become almoat, every-
wnexe ma moat, important, ana. in man
Urge reglona, the only form of- blgivway
. for commerce.. The man who control
ita wn cannot be permitted to control It
.. .la lila .owii' intereat alone. .
!? .. ".. .Tava lor mm.
1 .
w r."lu aoma auch body a the .lnteratate
commerce oommlaalon Lhfu-e Vnuat- be
lodged In effective aha pe the power to
-aee that' every ahlppr who uaea tha
. rallreada and every- man who owna or
lhanagea a railroad ahall on tha one
- hand be given Jaatlca. and an the other
' bahd be required to do Juatlce. Juatlce
ao far aa .It la humanly poaalbla to
giva and to aet Juatlce la tha found
thjn of pur - government. Wa are not
trying to atrik down tha rich man: on
tha contrary, ..wo -will pot tolerate any
attack upon hie rlghta. ; We era hot try
Ing ro give . an Improper advantage to
the poor men becaua be la .poor, to tha
man ot amall mean4 becauee he haa not
larger meana; but we mfi etrivlng to aee
that the man of a'mall meana haa exactly
..I'M good a chance, ao far aa we can b
'tain It for hlra, aa tha man of larger
.1 meana; that there ahalt 'be equality of
' opportunity for the on aa for tha other.
... W do not' Inland that-thla -republi
ahall ever fait aa .thoe repobiica of
Olden time failed. In which' there finally
cam to-be- government by claaaea.
l- whkih reaulted la tha poor plundering
' tha rich. . or In the -rich exploiting and
- In one form -or another enslaving tha
"poor: for either event mean tha da
atruction of fre rnatltutlona and of In
dividual liberty. Our 4a not a govern
ment which recogniaea claaaea. It la
baaed on tha recognition of tha ladi
tlduaL. .XVe are not for tha poor cnaa
aa a vKb, nor fur the rich man aa auch.
v-...J L !, i v , Jmi
1 1-
... . , .
;-1Vu'4 are ae ariatake
tU araWtlea
m!t ay . ta. at. ana - woaeertai -.
1 ) aar wha ta kaew If, M le !'
Vak a caaat ta kaalaan, la Ion. ta aukf
rlaiv. '.-.., ? :' 7 . v " .
? aew anarTtaJktatW'f J
: "taj eatala nu aapaa, ay wlaaea. au aai.
Mtloaar1 - . - 1
I") a,I ever eajey b rotorleelef wealtfer
' -a I toua my Meadat" .- , -.- ..
-'ha akU I marry t. r-?T? ' f'jt1.
W erw akalM aMrrrr
VlimUoieHr'' -v!v.-T'
bM'taKiit eaare tfce .leva that rUktftlU
"if aaj T way ,w ..v. ' .'- 'v..1
,' aVal -few. la-reran v-
"la tker a iW ta at fever--- --v- P
.--a ahall ax km afrak) terkJaata
- ua aaall era aaawe fca!ililaa eaar- '
" f caa I aWte ay life aa Woaie keep
? kea aaefl my. ahaetsfta4 rarBl". . ,
"wky aa I net reeatae-a bttert"
V 1 r tT-t-. ' a.t.-tK.f '" " 1
Riinu ea 4i a riaif.v ivm amtnir.
taew. eg SUMtaai
taalad jareoi-- wit ba rldt .tkei
Jt of 1 r a af ; tb CUa. ef PavtJauial
eotn rrtr.-a4---MH HOjatk-eyiaca
. m.. fue tk mprinnt ( kmereoe eDaaat
bee ta weat - WtM iium to
aat Uae et , eei
awn1aa 9 ardlaanee Na.
ot . Ilearaa arrauet ' la 1 4be
erevldod ay
I4,ra. eunioct
the erovtafoDa of the" charter
and erdla
or tie Cfty of PortUaa a4 the aaUmate et
I k IHI ICntfll
aa 1V.
BlaaBina he etrlrtly -a aeeaalaate - wltM
ariiMad -Maaka, -wblrk - will ' be. rarnlabaa en
apvlh-artoa - at rke- alftea ot- tha . Aaditor e(
aa t lty or- roruaaa. . ana aaia uDaroreaBeac
amat a eoaDWtod ae aa hofsae au. aare rroai
the oaa -ol - 4aa - alfnluf at the eoatraet ky
- Wf aiopiaiaia- ar tua wmi w ib-
lea aeoompaaled ky a.eertiaed cfceck payibla
to the erdar ef the Mayor o( the City of Port
WimI, -m-tltrd k a-reaDOaaible bank for aa
aaoatat ual te 10 aor .ceat ef tk affrefata
Broaoaaa,''. - -p"-r"";w. " f:
.-Tha. riabt . ; . rriect aai aad all klda la
aerabyiraaatrf a. ... , t ' - r-
. By eroer 01 IB Bzeraiive noara.
- - v . ; ; . 'THOa. C. MrtlR,
. , , Aadltor ef tke, City of f'ortlaad. -.
PeKtaad. Oaaaoa. .iaaaary IfclS. .
Notice 'I ImM a-t-ra that Ckarlea Wanapr.
City Bnainaer.. haa fUad ta the eUtce of the
ladoralanea antic that Eiwooa w ue. aoaj.
tractor - for., the lmproveBMnt . of Inn : etrerl.
udor tk prerlatooe of ordiaaawe go. . lS,e,
haa rompletad Bala tret, Iran tk weat iim
of Fifth atroat to the eaat- Hue of , Blath
atreet. . . . . '. '-' '' -
Bald aecrpUnce'' wilt be rceaaleered rbt ike
BiacatiT Board at 4 .o'clock oa tke Sd day o
KihnimT 1 04 if. ana olilai'iauaMT tea - Tha accant-
aca of aald a tract, or any part raaraui. nwy
nia. la , the rncorjBeaBa?raij
tiai pnnr taartto. .
lUi .n I. ill R inunii.- - -
da Tiitut r na: vi. in.'
I . Andlnar of the lry of Port la ad. -
I Portland. 4.rcoa. Jaaaary SS. 105.
I 1 ,.T.. a . 1 1 - m-
ooMPtmoir . ui : aockptaxob m
pROYiawnf or auaaaaiPPr ATiirtnt. ,
-, Nolle la .featwbv alimm that CkarkM Wanarr.
tU . ICbU. ba fUad office tk
indcrataacd ititlc that Ulrblack m aopila. coa-
tractora ar I tha Intornaaaacat f Mlaaiaalpol
a Tr atte. madcf the pruvlalona af ordlDaaca So.
14.S0O,' haveveoaapl4ad aald etroat. tnm th
center Una f Jaaaaa atravKto tke eaatrt line
af Hlmnanaaiaaaa. . . .Mv
Bald aceptance till K nMwra n iat
ftrrntlv Board at 4 a ckx-k oa th Xd day of
ahrnarr.. 1WJ6. aad obtoctlona to- (aa aomtt-
aac cf- aald atreat. or any part rbarpof. aiay
oa iiimi in tha ofnc ox ta aaueraianea at
any uaue a-wir icpitio. . : . X
xttB Baal 1 Tit a ihtaku.
. t By THOS. C. DkVLIN. f
' , Aadltor af tke 01 tr of T-ortlaad.
PortUad. Orrfoa. January tS, lSOS. -
tiorosAis fob iJttrv0 -cnnt arsav
Sealed propoaala will be race I red at the of
cr$r tk Aadltor of th City af Porttand
until Wedueaday. February 1. IPOS, at 11 XM
rksck a. a., for laying four-foot camant aloa
Walka tn front ef Park bloeka from Ankeaj
atreet to Ollaaa atraat. aad from Ralmoa atraat
to- riirtea avert- acrnuna rara bloeka in rni
of Park achoot. - -.1 .. . ,
Bid -mnat b atrlctlr In accordance with
Plana, apcclllcatlona and printed bUuka. vMcti
Will ha furnlkhMl am annllnetloe. el the Afdn
af tke- Aadltor of th City et Portland. And
aald cement etdewalka mat a ennenaated -a
r Aaloca aa day from tn date ot tke algslng
oa nt aoairari . or w aerite inarnan.
N propoa! will ae, enmldvred anfea a.
tied be a certified check payabl to Itb
rdar f eor H. William, hiarar af- ha
uiy r rnrtund. laooal ta 10 par cant f tha
ag(reaia aaauaoa- m. u. uu. w. .t,
- in Mgkt to reject any and all bids la karvby
rWwannj . B . a,.., 4 view,.-
By order of th Park Board.
- - i . . Aadltor ef tk Ctty of Portland. .
PrUand. Oregon. -January Si. 1B0B.. . . , -
Notice la herebr Mvaa thar Cttarle Wanaee.
Ctry Rnclnaer. baa filed. ia tk offlco ot th
aaderatgnoa notic tnat axpna at Meca, coa
ttartora for the tmBroaemeat ef Fareo atreet.
audar th peorlaiaa ad ardlnanc - Na.- 1,S1S,
hare eompleted th cut oa half et tk tuter
aectioa f aald atreet. - .1 . ...
.HaM accapunc will o canaMeradlby tk
Rieculle Board d e'clock aa tk ad day af
Pabruarr.- ItKlft, and abjection to tee acrett-
ana of aald 'tract, or aay part thereof, may
ba . filed in tb ef flc et tke uodri(od at
any time prior thereto
x ..... THB BXEtTTITt BftARIt," J""-
Br TUIM. 1'. UITL X. i - T
Aadltar a tha tttr xrt mrtUad.
Pta-41 aad,- ee., Jaaaaca ,tH . imej.
Wa are for every man.: rich or poor, pro
vided ha acta jundy and fairly by hla
ferowa, and If he eo acta the govern
ment muat do all It can tgf ae that, ln
aamuch aa ha doea no wrong, .ao ba ahall
suffer no wrong." J..,. ii . -
Ijoaraal Bawtal aWrvk.)i . ,
London, Jan. i l- An . Incident .. Illus
trating tha preaent temper of tha Run
eta.,' people ia . related by an ,Rngllah
travele.)uat returned, from SC Petora
trurr Tha Incident occurred In a lead
ing theatre of tha iRuaalast capital. At
a recent, performance Grand Dak Bar
glue waa aeated In ona of the boxee. At
hla aide waa a lady friend, who drew th
attention of all preaent by tha magnlfi
cenco of, her - Jwcla. , Buddenlp,. during
a pauaa tn ,the place, a man In tha atalia
atood .up. .and. pointing, to th grand
duke In tha boa, railed out: 'Arrant the
thief , who haa atolen'tb money that
haa bn'.cnActd . for. . our sick and
aounddd. And haa covered that peraon
with Jewel out of tbo. proceada of bra
dlahoneety.? ' At thla; ao the aye wit nee
relate, there waa - a terrible uproar.
The) police were called, but could do
little to reatora order, and the grand
dtike and hla friend had to leave the
thtatra. ' .. r" .' . ', -
TI 2 VzrtTa Crctszt
izlrycy?.t end PzU.l&
life Illicit fcr
iiMtnaA aa".w
. .' f rCBtUNKMTtt LOCAtED.- ; : .
thij woNpRRrrt. uinjf.xAA tot? ivtsr
?,kio a wnqlb Qt kaiidN. nil ha rkI
TIN riifltt ivik 1. um t r.tii.,a 4k
TioSs or Aix lovb afpaihs. wild tku.
' iNpouHr.o nr mi lrakino mkn" anb
Prvaidaot McKmloy. Quaca Victoria.
Mr. MaKlaloy. . Ut Praaldant Caraot. -Sarak
Banihardt,' -. Sir Store Wblle.
Adialral Daway. . ;, W- Tlof -Kanf. 'wTT--Prlace
ef Walae.' . Tk Mikado. .
maaaar Wllliaav Xmpcror aaHa loeapk.
Li banc fhanc. '' Lord Vorasa,- Ylcotey ef -Eiaponw
ot China. India.
PaarrawakJ .... jMn y..L.-
Maude AdaaM... - LUUaa Baaaell.
gatlafactloa OlToa er No Pe leeapted. "
"-" nwwv tvaux aa auauar, w aa
p. m.. . . .1; it - -
ir latoreaiea cat eat tkla .advrtlmaav.
T7 ,: ! (Ke reedlasia hy. aiall.;., .
S3.00 Complete
Life Retidings for
This Week:
Without any prerkm knowledge aad- having
a natural .meana of k
whence or for what yo came, ha tell your
nam, ige. occupation, a here yo lira, tb Bum-
er-r roar Bone, aad the a tree l va lira oa.
Ha trim ma af friend nd eaeaalea.' who la
Ira and who la fa lee; telhi jou whom imH
wnen yoa win marry, giring aamea. natea,
facta and tncatlonn. Taking no te la advanc.
and accentln none unleea aatlafactlon la air a.
- Bztraordlaary Clalrroyaat aower, aomMnad
with- hla euoerlor Knowleda of occult, rorer.
enable him tb read -kumaaltf with vnerrtng
accuracy from Infnacr to aid- . HI ' power
are wonderful and indlapnubta. kin adrlc la
reliable; hi Information -clear, rowel ad to
the point In Jt. Courtahln. Mnrrlag. DlTorr.
kalra. Will. Patent. Jouraeja, t'eneiona v In
reMmant. Hneculatloaa. Propertp, Inauranca.
Murtgagea, Oil and Mining I lalma, ini
ate., etc. -
aiuuj I'lyiiivii un
. . -
Katie la kcreby glre that Cbarlea Watnarr.
City Bnglaeor. baa filed 1b tk office af the
anderaigucd nottcw that .WUUam la. th.. on
traetor for lb lmproytmant of kiaat. Tklrty,
third atreet. under the pruTlaloue ad rdlnnaca
Ku. le.UTS, haa complete aald. atraat, (ram
tha center line of Eaat . WaabJugloo, trt to
tha auuth Una af Beat Stark atreat. - . .
Maid acceptanc will he .coualdand . b . tk
Pxecutlra Board at ' o clock oa the ad day of
Fcbranry, juud, aad objection to. tne. accept,
aaea of aaltl atreet. ar ear nnrt . thereof., mav
ha filed In the office, ef th aadrfalajned at
any Iim prior tnereto.
By THtlo. IV UIIU9,
I' Auditor t the aty of PortUad.
' Portland, Oregon. January jx. !..
. mMwwwwia ae'etaaB. iealea .
(KUi u, A vi abo pieuii.
' Wotlc I keeabr glrea that Cbarlea Wanner.
City koglneer. baa filed In- In offlco of tha
nnderalanad notice that Birth A Howard Co..
cantrartmra for th Inipeoramenl -af Pint atreet.
Bade tb peoneiona at -orauiaae no. Ji.lii.
bar eomiileted nM a tree t, fram th north
line of Ln I atreat to tk I ceatar , I In ot
Uaine atreet. ....... w -.
I Held aeceotaac will ba eaadideaed by tb
Kaecutle Hoard at 4 a cloca au la a any ot
rrmarr.-'.ut, and objrctlona to ! accapt
aac of aald' atreat. or any part thereat, may
re filed in th or flea ef the andenltmd at
aay time prior thereto. ' . .'
lUa a.r.i i,w w,,m nf, ; - ..
' Be- THOU. C. DEVLIN A , ,
atlucal the A'U -o PorlUnd, '
Portland. Oregon. January ha, lleuo.
Notice I berebr glrea .'that Charle Waaaer,
1t r.nglneor. haa filed In Aac fflr af tb
nnoVralgned notice that - -aha Star Baad IX,
fwafractor ror in wnpioiaiaeaa -ot aiajn arreax,
aaaer th provfelo, f ardtnanr Ho. 14 04,
kar eompleted aald htaeet, (rom tk cantor
Una of Hlirh atreet to tb center Un of
Peeenth atreet. ' v '- ! - -r 11 ,
Said acceptance will be tahaldrrad by sth
Uaecutlr Bard at 4 'eloek aa Ik ad day af
February. Un. nnd' b)etion to -th accept
ance of aald rtrart. or any part thar,. may
ha. filed In-the of flea af tbaf ader1gnd at
aay tlm prnr thereto., .. -
. Br THOM.,!'. HBV1.IN.
- Anditor ar in my or rortua.
Portland. Oregon, January 2S, 104. .
WTDtBIBB OF EAST SLISAB STBXIT.' tm. fc.hT alvaa Chat - ha l,iat Ta
tk viewer heretofore appointed to aaeeaa th
keeeat and damage In In mutter of th pro,
aoaed eatenetoa and widening f teat Ollaaa
atreet from tha weat Una f Kent Sarond atreet
to the. weat Una et t'nloa aeeaoe la tk rtty
el Porttand. hare Sled wltk th aaderalgned
their repnrt r aaaeeaeieat ar nenem laal will
be derived aad damage that will he auetaiaad
br renao of tn oatenahai and arlib-alog af
Knet Ullaan trf ahnea deacrlhed. .
Th l oancll of the lit - ef Portland ' win
cnnalder atd report nt tha regnlae aetlng he he
held Wadneadar. leticnary l. itaai. at a 'leek
a. aa. All peraon toteraatea ar hereof Mil
led la eaiaant tketr abjeethaa to aM report,
In wrllln. if any thy knee, at nald tlm nd
place, that tka nam may be. kerd aad -Urwtoed
by th . taaarll. - '
- r2 4;
t iiuvb . :
lieaj. v. nni.i:a.
Aadltor of Ik my ef Portlaad,
rartlaad. vrrgoa,; Jaauary SO, Itoft.
. ... .v. : :;.
' ctt aoTiczs. ' ' .'. 1 ..; . '.ctri korxcxa. - : f - " , -crrx. boticis.- i j ....'tV' . c-tt
"i - p.mww I aa .j. .w. ii I ....w..ii 1 Ni v wi. i., - aa ai
iorostiT asmjit j-oe unii 01
Notice I -hornftf rln that, th Auditor
of th Oily t rurtUad ka prprd,a pro
pand aaavaaaamt to th coaalructloa of a
Hft lu MaUuda araaae tram th eatwad band
(m AlrUnda. avaaa 1 te eonaoadun with th
Jutuuva, crack.- . at Twauty-fiftk atraat,
and ha aacartalnad what a daaua -a )ut
aPMorttonawnt f roar or tn erwar I accanr-aaro-wltk
lh aplal and pwallar oaueflta
drrtad by aacb aarcal of land and hit c part
UiaraviT wlibin th aaaiwaaiant diatriat. aad
ka apnortloead the coat for aald aawa la th
aaauuala t oppuaH rack Baroat of lead aad
lot or part ,tatof. aa Ita ahare ad each pro
Daacd. anaraameiiC . . - ' '-
Auy ohjavttoiia t th apportloaaimt of coat
for Mid wwar moat k - aaad v I - wrltlua
aa ha llnuarll aaa filed with 4k ' Auditor
within 1ft dar fruan the dator-af tha- flaat
publication .of thla notlcai and aald bjtuaa
nlll h heard and oVlwmlued bf tk. Coondl
kcKir th paaaag af th erdlaaa aaamann
tha .caa f ald newer. . .
A paraal of land bouaded aad drarrlbed ta
followa; Beg Uuibia at kroa plua o a
dlrtdlud th at and wait halrr ef tha
Aawa N King daaatloa land, claim la eartioM
. K and a la townhl I north, rear at.
WUIamatta moridlaa. and dlatanl faat
. auuih ( th Iron plpa a la anh fad et aald
dlTtaloa, liaai ahrnc aorth -a aVaraa 4
alaM weat 11M.S fet t a atakai thanr
Booth a aatrt mtr UK tclW -
a MMith au aaaraa minute ansa
'paraual with rtie north line f ik'Urt
la daacrllwd a1.7tt teat I a noint an tha
- eat-llaa ef Mallada aaanuai tnenaa nario
1 dMror BiluaM weat tracing in weat
- mu u.iinae .... u tui a faat to a Make
at point f crb;- tbenc aa cab I right
wltk th radlu 4 ft fur di t to
: a. tk. frvw . arnica at poiaa at co
aouth tl degraa A minute went JW.T3 fee;
jit, ik.M laaelaa MaUnd aTona aarlk
-p dear7. -aalnuiea- Waa aa40. .tan to-.
. ataka;, lbat north m- erae ao auiouje.
went 62 id fact to Iroa piv "
-1 I .. - u U I U,'Ama. J.. ItiS.U. ...
Yeal "ud leat of parcal f Wuad Itoawlad aad
daetTlbed JoUaaieJ; hujaauln n
Iron pilar ) a-luw dividing-Mt nad weat
.. kaira ut THa Anw H. a.UiS duuatluu laad
clatia la aeotlon ail and in lownaani i
" .T , . u, lllamalta aioridtaa.
dlauat 46 1. 1 feat, aoutk . af . tha Iron pip
It , iii end of aairdilaloa Una; thaur.
north o dogrea do minulaa wwt UJ.3 foat
a.oi7plp.;rthnc uth W) W
m Kloof a anat SOI-W Kt ua a poina
weat Una . ot Mallnda eaanna thance aooih
l" degoi S minute t tractagj wt .Id
Una ialUoa arcpu lukal feat -a
aval w r .w-
.- ac. - ( i
-Want luu feet at a paroal of land, boundad
and daxTlbcd aa follow: couiBWocuts at
?. i Ti!."tk una dtrldlue- eaM aad
neat balre ot tk Aao-N; Klu daaatloa
' fend eUlS Tie TaJtoa. Vt and M la -bl
1 north, eanaa 1 aaat, . Willamette meridian.
aaddSitant of. trot aoutk of th Iron pin
at the north aad of aald dlalatoa Mni tbenc
Krir BT, SSrrl!. minute n-eat a&i foat
: iu ha woa taaUl teanjr .aoatnip ai ;
Ti T, 1117 frrl X7Z -Mua aw aorth Sna af
r.VuViaf Zck.o.' f iJ.M-BWU
' IIiiwoietaBreaier't
x- ari&ec.Lmnite. went lit ad fee to pi
follV-'iT Co-cartog .1 '"J-'
I iliana T1-I tb eentcr;a-l North
)wnty-llftk atreet; thenra - '
weat akiDjc eenrer una a
jLttk. atraet 111.74 feet r tbeoce north
SetT thaw north aS-degw u -nJ"'
wt MhT feat to a "J"m TLSJ
SrrnlS-t "Z,"
a, -V., a it nilnntea- ncoa) W M
to 7Tc' .f htanlof. C. B. Wrkpatrlck.
A paVeil ai'tdaa howaed aad deacrlbjd
.1 followa? tommeadng t a
IntrtaaruoOi 01 ccniar. . - ,7, ", 7, T
with -th canter Un of North Twaoty-flftl.
tlt; thrnra aocM. -fJ"
weat trartna Ceoter Mo Nor Tweoty
flftb ruaet 1 M lea to a a take theoea north
M daSccTdv wla- ar-t traclu, canter
of ktollnd nn TS.S feat . to -a taa.
thenrV eoitn 6 degree lb mlmatae -oaweat
tl.Cl llel - to aa Iroa BP ta
Mthweat aid of Mcllnd. areaaa n
, I--,-.. ,K..e treMlna aald aootbn eat
ZLJt MeSndn nortk ft degrwa.
mlnatee wear lnu.47 feet ta am Iran pipe,
uVrwath 62 1 Bvhnuta JJ
weat P7 favt'to an Iroa plpa na tde
Mellnd aannJ tlwnc aoutk.
minute e traclnc ald aaat Mae Mallnda
r.nuTl,04 feet to point on eurr.t ihanc.
in ti l. .a lam imdirr Iron which point
f if enrro er north 1 degraaa U : minute.
I eaat 21.3 Part dmtaht; tbenc aMTlne Ma
L - Hooavwnw uthUll- Ogata tk aJnnte
' anal 1SJ
iu a aa Ina nl ae: thence north
SS dt grace IS. minwi-iw "n"r "r.
feet to na Iran pip piaca a a
u I. aul. aLn.Au. , ,
A pnml ot laud bounded and daarrlbcd aa
fallow: fommenalng at a eion a inter
Bert to ranter Un ot Johaaon atraat - with
Una., af North Tweniy-flflh : atraet
aoeth t drarm ST hntaute weat tracii
tor tin North TwM.ty-flIth atraat lS.Ji feet
t a auk; tunc aorta b degrea 4 taln
te weat tracing entor Un MeUud vna
ta a f aa a a take: tbenea aoutb M degree
IS laloute SO aaenada to - an Iroa -pip -t
aowttewMt aid. Malum erenow -aa m piacw
heeiuolng; tboac aaorh bS degree' 14 mba
T IW blcmel. wt-.ll point;
tneare eautbeaatarly . along , a atrelgat Hoe
to'a potdt-wber tna aame would hitar
ected by tb ceatar Hue of MaUnda ajnuu
If ea leaded aoatbaaatarly la it prwewt bun
to a paint 1U0 teat aoalbaaaterlr from th
iheiir Jtna - at MeHndn areaua; f tbenc
I aorth d Vraa 44 mlnutaat Wl aecoaoe eaat
- fee- to a- poini!' inawcw. a-v w
- place t ef arirbnbiui,---Bb)tt--ad-rt.ariAF'-a
Kwrlaaaea, gfo-av.
: Tha eaatarlr loo feet f a parcel of laad
bonnded and deacrlbod aa follow a.- Beginning
mtautoa went 4 teeti thmic aorta in --
aree mtnut went Iftt ll; tnetuf
Wataa, luatt thanr eaat JU4.3 fact
. to beginning, ear and except that portion
of aald parcel of land Bow aaad fori atroot
tKirpoeaa. king kwiato, 4.o4.
The ratrly 100 feet ot a parcel, of land
anaailed . and daarlad a fouow; , Begln
Blng nt-.outbwet corner of iareor atnat
ad Tweet r-ftnh ntrnotj - tbeajce noath
- degraok S mlnnte weat I.I l-eti theac
auth J4a feet; thane Vaat hi 17 feet; tbenc
aoath 11 degree a aalautaa eaat 4.d teat:
thauc auath 6 or grace 4 mlauM eaat 44d.l&
'-feat to hagtnallig: ear aad except I bat per
than af vatd parcel af land new aavd for rrect
aurvoae and a aortioa af aald parcal nt laad
CT,rTL iVT n.e-tberlr Mellnd
areaua aad a Una 100- fact northerly there-
from- U- parallel utwreiia aaw eaiwee-a
tha- areaterly Itnct af Twenty-fifth atreet aad
a Una WO feet waterly therrfrom aad par
allel toerewlth. King t-late U7.S0.
AH of parcel of kind Irtng aootneaaiert'
of Hne I'M tort nnrthweatarly irum-aad
parallel with tke nortbweaterly Una ot Me
Imm aveanae, haaaded aad deaertbrd aa 11
- lew: Heglnnlng at the hortbeaat corner
of Melloda Kin donation land clm: thence
wl 3UM-T fact; thane aoutb,4l.f fev;
thence eaat -T fart: tbenc north A 4 feet
to place af berlnolag. .Aanla T. Parkbarat,
!.. Ttal. 0H.H.Mft. . . 1 .
. j . .. TH1H4.- C. DEVLIX.- :
-, AadMor f tb tity..t portbind.
tieta' a flrat Dubllcatlon. Par
rtUad, Vrcgua,
January SO. I). . '
w -. t. tj Led, .rtM .ahaA
I ,i laa mi ad PartUod ha nrennred
poaad amawaatrnt for tn improvement ot Eaat
lUimairie ateeer from BO feet weat of the neat
ft do ot Xaat TkH-d atraet to-the eaat lln of
Ira ad arenae, and haa anrertatned what he
ema a Jut apeortionmani - or coat or in
aaaraeeiuaot ha accordaae wltk the epeclel
ni eerunar bewef Ita -dcrleed by eedt parcel
ef kind aad lot or part thareof wltkl the
laaeaaaamt aiatncx. ana nue apporBnrw ;ina
iwat for aald Inwroreaaent Hr the aaaouota et
eppoaltc each parcel ar tan ana ioi or pan
thereof a it ahar of nova proaaara aaaeaa-
r"- a- .... .:-i..a i. ' .
tor nald Impraeement mnat b made In writ lag
to tb loo net I and filed with tb Auditor
within IA dar from th dale of the flrat
publication -of thla notice, and aald abject !t
nlll ba kaard and determlncL- by tke ronnell
before the peaeag of th ordinance' at
the coat of aald improvement. I .
A. Prondfnot. $1.1: lot 6. Robert A. Prourl
freef. tin T. BUH'K .TA Vrt A Edwin H.
Vlrget tTP.TS: . lot 3. Bdwin' H. VIrgel.
t).U; lot A John B, Miller, $IAM; bt ,V
Ik J. Malarkey and P. A Metschan, $7 SS.
kUK't IVT; lot 4. Joeenh pwkharlt. $Ta.ia;
. let A Joneph Barknardt, SlASl: lot A Jo
seph Burkhardt, 111 r7; lot ft, Jaaepb Burk
hardt. r.3l. RWK 111 lot 4, Lydla
aad (Tementlnn Bmlaey and Rachel W. Mor-
i rla. IH.M; M X II. li. Kewbalt fll.41.
BLfM K rid. fet t. Oecu B. Ueinta. 1 1 .,-;
' M Pr-f' a B.J Hetnl. 7lATT HlHk TT,
b.t I. Ja 0. Bmkmnn. ts'JP: kH A Jaa
.. Rw-kman. 21 in: kit T. Wlllda and P.lma
Buekman, Sil-M;.ot S. Wlllda and fclmu
rarkiaan. HUX'K l'V lot I. O. U.
implo talaie. Ilelra of. 74 U; lot S. In-ll
A. Iiwid llU bt T. Pel I wood Land A
v IniprweniaeiC t'omnaur, SIAIH; krl A, Mary
1-llm Marshall. PIUU. kUK'K I IT, lot I.
I. Kern, t'4.2; lu 1 Kdwla II. VIrgel.
Ill 41. Right af uar Portland Consolidated
hallway Cawpawr t.H. Total. tl.41U.4X
- . TIItM.- C.i DKVLIX.
Aadltor ef tha Ctty ef Portland..
' Thit of first MbUcallou. PortUnd. Orreoa.
TJU.T feet aauta or Bortoanav iwm - .
Had King douatlon Unit claim; tbenc Vaat
17. A feat; tkonc north fta degrwa 12 minute
r. niu.a..aaet: thenr north JU drgreee H
r . - . .. . . 1 - . . -.-;. 1 . 1 - -
. crrt 'or fobtlabo, obxoob. w
- Realad propoaala wlH be' received by tk
andaralgned nt in of dan of tka Auditor ot
tb Illy of PortUad, Oregon, until Tuaaday.
February. T, laud, at X rlork p. for tb
aai.-. at not lee tha par aalu and accrued la
tenat, of improTaincnt - bntukt of tb City tf
Portland. Oregua, tb aame aba 1 1 b author
med to b laaued for tba whole of any part of
tA7.T02.T4. Said hand will be laaued in deooml.
aatinna of tlHiA.tM. eaata, to ba dated February
1, lu6, payabbr 10 yar from, dale, bearing
Inter! at th ra t al l par real par a anon,
payabl eeml-auuualty, later! and prlaclpal
pajahl In lolled Mtataa gold coin, at th f
ac of the City Treasurer. Portia ad, Oregon.
Provided, that tba Illy of PortUnd rr
lb right to take ap and cancel auch bond,
apna tb payment ot tb face rain thae,f.
wltk eecrned Intereat to- tha riate of payueat,
at ,any nernt-aaoaal coupon period at or after
onoar from th dat of auch bonda. . .
- Said bond ar laaued nadar authority t
art ot the Lctlature f tk Stat, of Orga,
paaaed Pehrury Id. 1SU.V entitled: ."An eat
to provide -for tbo bajuance of. bond, for tb
Improvement of atreeta and me laying of newer
la Incorporated eitt.. and for- lb paymat -at
eoeta of auch tmprotomenta-and haylaa at eewer
by, InatalUuenta," aa amended by aa act of
tb UrgUUtur et tb Slat of Oregon, ap
peared t'ebrunry M. lpol, eatltledi, "An act to
amend aeetteu 1. S, A 4. A aad 7 of a
act aaxltlad: i. 'A act to pro 14 -far th la
auaara of bond tor lb uuprnavruaeut af aireeu
an laying - i aawor in inHMuoraia eiuna.
and far th payment ef tb'ot of auch Wa
pror anient a and laying of newer by luntalb
menta,' Bled In th arae or ta nacre tarr of
Stat Fetaraarr XX inpA- aad -th
thereof to b abed -tor rhe payawnt tn part
tor the lmprvmnt ef alreeta ar -aanalructloa
af newer aa lb aald imsrovaaweta ahall a
eomplted. , r ,
- Tba validity of th act of tha Lirtehitr
aforvaatd kar beea affirmed by tb Supram
Court of the State ef Oregon.. . i - , . , i.
. Hidden will be rillrd to aubmlt a Sal bid.
without condition, rexcepl aa to th reguUrlty
of th war el bond, and to aubmlt with their
bid reclined check aa a bank-1 tk Utr-at
Portland. Orege. equal la S-pre renvoi th
far vain f the bond bid forr parahl to tb
Mayor at th City of Porttand, aa llauldatad
damage In caa Bach fcldue withdraw hi
bid or fall ar aegleci tn eeier Into contract -to
tak aad pay for aald bond according to tb
term of kle bid and tbla nallca, Tk right
to reject any aad all bid la hereby reaarved. .
Bid ahonld be addaoaaed to thorn 01 Oevllni
Auditor. PortUad, Oregon, aad aaarkd: - "Bid
far ImproTomeut -Bonda.'.
By order ef tk Council.
-t- t BIMMBRMAN.-c-r-
. - V'- Ik B. ALBKa). i
' .- D. T. SHbRRRTt. -
-4 Waimlttoe-o Wy and Maane.
Portland. Orego. January S5. 1. . .
' Notlo ta fcmby alr hoat al tka. .meeting
af-tb Council of k Clly af ftlaad, .Vr
te, . bald oa ha)'tmk dn. anVt January, lbuft,
the rallawUg. aaaoln-aua ran, aitaatad-ii '--V
Sanaa! b avauawl i wcr..J. l .air,t
frotn aia -aoutb lln riVrVata)aB4r.-HeXl
P4 aawea la NlcoUt atteettt ;'lUtvA aaaer
S-.-adrefSht Inche cleat: Uiada. AiAUiatiKi wiljt
necearr itcbbaaln. , nimholta. -lampuol
branch.. . -'', i.
- Said atwer to be eonitructrd
0. eonatrurted .In accoraanc
with tba charter and. ordinance
tb City of
PnytUad and the ptaaa. gpeclScatlim and eatl-
Biatea of tb ciryiispgineer Bled in lb rr
of tb Auditor of tb City of Portland pa th
Sth.. day jt . January IPOS. Indoroed: ''City
Bniner plan and" apoclBcatlon for tb
newer li 111 atreet from tb nutt) lln af
Veralarg a addltlow to th aewer in ' Nlcolal
atraet, and th eat I mate ot the work to b
don and tb pmbabU total eaat thereof J) ''
- Th coat of-ald aewar to h aaaaiaed a peoi
Tided br tb ellr abetter wBa rb ntoaartr
anaclally ' and peculiarly benefited .thereby end
wnrrn m nerroj arciarao to na - aa roiiowa;
Lota S, 4. S aad A block S. aad lot TO. S, S
and. 1. block l, all la Vmteg' addition to
th city et rornaaa.
17 ai rwiiaan.
Kngla' t- eallmat of tb-prnbabU
oat for. tke eoaatractloa af aald aewt 1
I. . -i - ..... ....... .... ... S .
total coat
To - Dim. aDciaratkBB . ana eetlmar aa
tba City Kngtneer for tha. rooMruetlo ef aald
newer are hereby -adopt. , -- - 5.
- Beeolvad. That the Auditor of tb City ot
Portia nd b -nd ka- to berebr dlretd to glra
no tic of th ' propcaad 1 eeaa traction af . aald
atwer aa provided by tb city charter. . '
Bemanatrancen agalnat the above aewr may
be Sled la writing with tb uodcralgued within
SO day from tb dat ef tke Brat publicxtloa
et thl notle. r-'t1-,- ' '
Br order ot tke Con net!. '
C.- DBTttN, ' ,
- T. Aadltoa of tha Cltv of PortUad.
jl nun.
PorUand;, Oregon. Dat ef Stat public ttoa.
January 21, IPflB. .. :,. .:. ,
Notlc I berebr five that' at tb
ef the. Council of th Cltr -of Par Ma
poa, held oa tb 11th day of January,
the Poltowlaa renoluttoa' wa adoeted:
- Beaolvad. That tb Council ef the City- f
PortUnd, Oregon, deem It tapedient and
propose to conatruct a aewer le SSha street
from 4b eutb lln of Verateeg e addlttoa to
the newer in NIcoUl atreet Vt .vMrlfled aewar
pin of eight Int-bea clear Inaltle diameter,
with all aaneaaary catcbbaalna, manhole a, tamp-
holea aad brancbe. -r .
Paid aewer ta. ba eoaatnacted ta acrardanee
with tb charter and aedtnaace ot Mm City
ef Portland aad tba plana, apetiScatlon and
eaHmate ot tb itr Snaloeee- Sled rhr-tb
wfftc af th Aadltor of tb City of Portland
an tb Sth d at January, lanft. mdoraed;
"lty Bnglneer'a plana aad apeHAratloo far n
aewer In . 26 1, (treat fraan tba eat Una af
Verateeg'a addition to th - aewar. la Nlcolal
atroat and th eatlmate f tha .work to b don
and th prooabl total eon thereof
Th mat ef aald wer- to be-
provided . by -tb dtp. charter upon th
erty pecially aad parullarly haneSted thereby
and whlcbvla hereby decUred to be fallow:
Lata A A 5 and A tn block A. loin 111. a. a
and T In block S.-all in Verattcg addition
th tit r. f PortUnd. ... ,
Tb Englimnr'a ctlmt af th prebabfe total
at for the mnatrnctlon ef aald -aewer la
140.M, : t - j : ' . I. .
idc piatm. apacincatioaa and eatlmate of
the City Bnaineer for the eoaatractloa of aald
aewer ar berebr adopted. .-
- Heaoivcn mat toe Auditor of tk ht-Uy of
PortUnd br nnd he ta berebr directed! to aire
notion ef I tha proponed eountrnctlen lot aald
rear- aa prodded br the city ckartari .
Bemonatranaea agalnat th a be re ai ejr may
be Sled In writing with the aadpralfaed wtthta
2 day from tba dat ef the Brat pubMcattee
of t&u notice, , . - - .
By order f tb CeunHI. , - -
- - THUS. C; PfrtlX.
Aoaltfle ar t K f 'lev f iw,iBHi .
Portlnd. : Oregon. Dat ef Brat public tloa.
jaauary ipuo, . . .
rxoFOsxs siwxM nt bxxiwoob- btbzzt.
JToflc la baretur aire that at tb meet I Ho
of tb Council of tb City ot PortUnd, Ore
gon, beld- oa tha lMth day of January, l&XJO,
tb following raaolntlo wa adobted:
Beaoivoa. That tb council ot ta rity af
Portland. Oreaon. di una li -exnedtea . and
propoaea to conatruct , :.wr . tot -Sallwead
atreet from 1;b. fret Weat lot . tb weat lln
ef MUtlppl avenue to tb aewer J Delay
atreetj of vltrlfted aewer pipe, of eight Inche
ekear I nettle, diameter with . all neceeeary
catcbbaalna, maabolea. Umpholea and branchea.
newer to oe raoatmcte in ' hecoranue with
th charter and ordinance ef the City of
Portland and the .nUna. aoeclfw-alfona and
Miiaaatra of . tna tity cngincw Bled In th
Mr af tb Aadltor of tb City af Port
land a tha IStb - day of January, laoft. In
dorsed: "City Kngtneor' plana-wnd .enarlncs-
tlou for newer, la - aerrnood 'atreet fro
ISO feat weat of 'tb wwt lino ef Mlaaiaalpol
avenue to tb aewer la elr ktraat-and tb
eatlmate ef the work to ha tdoe and . th
prennba total met tneraoi, ,
Tb coat af aald aewer t k
vlded br tba eltx charter aio tb
pectany and pcullhly beneoted thereby and
which la hereby declared to be all tka tot.
parte thar, tif and -pa tee la r fd fclng be-
i wee e una nai.reei nono ei ae parallel
wltk tb north lln of .PeHweed etrart aad n
Una 1K feet aoatb- of and parallel with the
sonrn una of Beliwena street aed hetwaaa
a Hne lia) feat eaat ef and parallel with tk
I lln f. Delay rret and a lln 10 feel
et e4 and -navelUI with Ik weat line af
Mlsalmlppl avrvme. -'
aa amowrr a . ,oe,i vi - u rrwaan
tal coat for tk rooatrectloa ef aald aewae u
lltl.SA - ... .
Tb ptane. speclScatlnas aad ebtlamtee. et
be City Knglneee for th construct la a af eald
ewer ar hereby -adopted.
Resolved. That tb Aadltar of tba Pity nf
Port land he aad be la herebv dlrerted ta glee
Botica ' ot th nropnaed co set met loo of aald
arwv ae pcavlded be th etty eart..
- Befflonatraneen agalnat tk above aewer mar
ba tied In writing with tna nndeealgned within
ft daya fmae tb dat af the Scat publkatka
f Ihta notlcr. 1 . 1-1
a,b . ruM a . l I
jpjt a,ii , uuw v i. - ,
. . ... T1IOS. C. PRvTIM, . '-.
" - Adrtor i tk City of PortUnd.
Portland. Oregon. II t a ef Bret, pah tic lien,
January 21. 10S. - c K .
- Xotlee ta here by ga that rharlee Wanner,
City Kugtneer. ka filed in tke office of tba
undersigned not lew I bat Elwoad tl lie. - ena
tractor for tba Improvravnt af Konaell atraet,
Mader tba provlahina ef ordinance , No. lAPaA
haa eneapletad eald street, frant . the west
lln nt Oantrrrheln arena la bba-hl M, AUdaa,
to tba weat Ilea ef WIIHam venue '
- bald acceptance will ba rermtoWed kv tke
fveeutlv Board af t o'clock o tha ad-day of
rhrunry. .IWY aed e-bjc tloti to k accept
nr af said street, er any part thereof, may
be filed in the afflr at tha andrralgncd at
aay lime prior thereto. .
By TIKUt. f. DBVI.IS.- "'
Aadltor of tha I'lty of PortUad,
JVlliBd, Orerm, Jaauary SS, 11.
..';'" STBXXT. , V-'i ! ,..
Notice I herahf ale thai dt th SaMttag
af the CouacU.of tba City of Portland, Ore
tun, bald o tb lath day of January, IPuO,
tba following reaoluilea waa adopted: - ,
, Raatdvad, That- th Council of tb Pity af
PnriUnd. . Orrgea. , turn l upedleot and
proooac tn tohatrurt a we. Id Twnty-lxlb
street from the aoutk Un nt FrWeg' ad
dition v tar eeWre In NIcoUl atreet ot vllrl.
fed aew pip. f eight incb drat lnald
diameter, -1th all arceaaary atcbbaalna.
bole, lamnkolea and branches
Maid sewer to k rootrutA la aerardaa
with th charter end ordinance ot lb CitJ
or PortUnd and th pUn. apt
eatlmate of the City. Bngjnaer I
Be of lb Auditor of tba 1'lty
tb ftib day of Jaouarr. Iftfid. li
of PortUnd and th (Uas. aoadfltalloaa aud
Bngjnerr Sled in taa eta
or Portkud oa
luaorsed:-. "Cltr
BlMtlnenr'a ntaha and anaclncatlojia for n naWttt
In Twenty-alxth alrtet (rota lb aoutk lln ot
yrteg a addition t. th aewer la, Nlcolal
atraet aad tka' eatlmate et tb work to b dun
and lb probable total coat thereof."
Th nt of aald aewer to be isaeased a pro,
trlded by th elty charter, apna tb property
pecially and pxulUrly bowuted tbrreby and
which br hereby declared I b aa folio wa:
Lata 1, 1 , 4. and A block S: lota 10. ,
S aad T, block d, all la Vrritaeg addition
to the City of Portland.
Tka City Rnglooer'a eathnste ef the probable
total met tog the construe Ilea ef aald aewer
ia tlOO.M. : - . , -; -. " f-'
-. Tna . bUsbv -spaHSoalloB aad eetlmate -el
tba Tty Baglneer fur lb onalrartlon of aald
saw are hereby adopted. --
Beaclved. That tb Auditor ef tbei City of
Portland h and be la berebr directed to give
Bailee of tba proponed eniudructtoia at aald
w aa arovldad by rb rlty1 chartr.- -
Bmntrnneen agoluat tba abov aawer may
b Sled la wrlUng with tb undersigned wltbla
SO dy from th dato ef tke Scat pubUcattoa
nf tbU nouc. , , , r-
By order f tb Council: , " -
' -' Aadltor nf tha Cltr of Portland.
PortUnd.' Oreaon, lute ot trat. publlcaUoa.
eamiarg ai. ietlD.
'Notice la. aerebr klvea tkal at th martlag
of Ue Council of the Cltr af PortUnd. Ora
gon, held op tk Igtk day f January, IPUft,
tk Mlowlug rraolnilo waa adopted:.
V XeaolTed, That th Council of tb Ctty f
Porilaad deeaia II expedient and propose to
Improve Alberta atreat. from th east Un f
Lukm avenna to th rut Up of Baat Fur
toantk atreet In the tollowlud manner. ta-wl:
-. Ptr-Br aradlng tha . atraat full width
with full InterMctloaa dywa tat tk aub-grad
1 Siren, py tha oty a: ng Isaacs -
" Second By. cnnatroctlng wooden aldewalka
ha aeeardaac with 4b City Engineer' pUaa,
aprlf loaf lea nnd eallmalae t
.Talro--bv laying rroaawalk to-cordanc
with . tha-Ulty Knglnaer a pUmu specification
aud altmatea. - , 1 -.c ,
KoorinJlr eonatradlsg Aox and 'aroa tt.
trra lv.eccardsec velth th Clp Engineer'
pin,-ilapai.riasua wa
rail anal ras c w. .
evrre-iay armgwa:
fall widtb.. with full
nwa aai nf i4ha, aAreat
Inter aee tlon .te the ea-
tamienefl.arado, vuth graves,.-, - . ; - ,-
aaa dd dmiaweinent tp ba mad-In 'ccrda1r
PoltlbiAt eAaaVa aBad p all ia ilirrraV Qlty
oi IHa-tUod, aods thav-pUou oaoclfa-aiieo aad
eathpatr of abetlelty Bai fuedv-la- tba
exile. of. tka Aadltor of laet tliy et Portia d
tk 14tb
af , Jannarf. IPOS. Icooraed; I
"Cltr . Engineer'
plan and aaaciflcatlone for I
tha njKOVment oA.AIbartaj atraet trom tk
aat lln. nt , t nioa- to tb aaat tin f
Beat .Ifouitaantb trt . aad , tke : eetlmeta ef
tb work to be done aad the probaljU toUl
coat tbaroof." '
- Tb cant of aald improvement la to T aa
aeaaed at prnaldod by the -ally -rhertnr a pa
tha property npeclally , aad -parullarly benefited
thereby, aad wbleh la hereby daeUrad to be
all' tb Into, parte thereof and ParceU. pf, feed
lflnlf''batwu - Un 100 feet aorth of and
parallel with tb north Ua el Albert atreet
and a. Una 104) feet noath ot . aad Bacallel with
the outk Uoe f Albert street and between.
lb east Un of Colon avenue hod a nne lot!
feet rest ot and parallel wltk the pear Uae of
Boat Jroorteenth atreat. ' . -
' Tb .Engineer' eallmat of tb probabl
total coat' for tbej Improve carat or aaia Aiperta
atreet Is aS.etki. , ... , ' . -,
The ahtrra tinromnt 1 ro h elk seed a
a grvrl traprwvnnent naif nkU ba marntalaed
by tb etty for. a periodi of flv Tears, . pra
vldcd that tba owner of a majority ef the
property bBfttod by aald Improveajent er
aay portion thereof. ahaU at petition tar -
new oa different imrrovsmrol ktor tb x.
plretfe ef auch period. o, .-.-- ':
- Tb PUna, pcctfleatUl end estimate ef
tba -City JEngln tor- tbo hnnaovamcnt at aald
Albeaaa. atreet ana harebr adswteA
. Reaolvd-Tka--b Aadltar r of tk CltyJ
f Portland be and be m Barmy oueriee an
give notle. et -the aropoaad Improvamcnd ot
aald street as provided by tb city charter. . -.
kUmaaetrsocea agalnat tb above- Impcnva
Bient mar h filed In writing with- tb under,
alrned within 30 dav from th date ot th
nnr paniicathMa-e taan mm, e
r By order of xb Council. -...
... THOBi 5. ' MvTTir,
' Auditor af the City of Portland.
Portland. Oreaon.
Oregon. Data of arat.. puhllcallnn.
- January U. J806V
rtqfosxs mpeotibiibt or-, xxabxzy
. Batata la hrby gave that a tka aaartlng
t the Council of tb t' PortUnd. Ore
gon, beld oa lb lnth day ' ef January, "1S0S,
tba tuliowlng reanluaioa waa adopted ; --
hi caul red.. That IU -laaacll ot ta City af
PortUnd, Oregon, deem It xpdlent aad pro
ponea to- lmprbf Kearney atraet from tb
awl Un of rtfleetilh .atreet to tb east Un
( Mneterutk t atreat ta th. Ssllowlag aua-aa-r.
to-wtt: - . '.-..- -J -i ... ,
First By ffadlng taa street tall veidth with
full intoraertion down . I tk . aubgrade. . a
fivea ky tbe City Euglneor.
. Second Br eonatrurtlna eldtwatke IB acenrd-
ance with tba City Kaglaeer a plana, apotirica
tlona and eetlnaate. . ; . . '
Third By oonatractlng eroeawalke la accord:
aac witB taa city .ugiaeei a plana, apeciu
catlon aad atlmte ' ' v
. Fvurtk By btingint tb arfae oftk atreet
full wldtk with tuU lntrcUoa . to prop
Jrad wlU BBBCadaia.-. -- - --j-" ---
Baiu jmprovvmcui to oe maoe in. aocoro.-
aace wltk the rbarter aad onlluAac of tb
City of rartuna- an Ke plaaa, apacincatlona
end eerl mat af tb City kngloeer. filed In
tb fric t tbei Aadltor of tba City of Port
land a Ik 14tk day f Jaaaary.. lie, ha
dursed . . "l Ity Rnglneer' plaaa aad apsclflcn
tio rW tb improvemeet of Kearney atreet
tram tn went Un af klfteeath street to the
eaat line et Nlaataentb atraet, and tk eetl
mate at- tk work t be don and tk probabta
total cent thereof. ...
. Tb eet of aald-Impravameat te ba aaaamac.
aa provided by tb rity charter Bpoa th
property epeelalty aad peculiarly br net ted
thereby aad which la hereby declared to be U
the . k'U. . porta thereof and Barer hr of bind
Ulna . between, a Baa 100 feet nortk af nadir'
UMtalla-t with tk aorta Ua- or kreracv atreet
aad a Hoc 100 feet entk ef aad parallel wltk
the eouta No ot a. earner aireci ana Botweao
th weat lln of Flftaanttt atreet aad tb eaat
Un of Nineteenth atreet.
. Tba Kaaiarer'e e timer ef tba probabU
total eaat for tb lawcavaaaent f eald Kearner
atreat- aa !,". . , - -
Tb nov improvomcni bum ruate aa a
macadam Improremeat nnd ahall be mala tal aed
ky tb city fog period f flv year, pro-
aided that the corner of i a rbiaJorlty ef the
aronrrts benantod br atd
an nortioa thereof ahall aot petition for a now
or different Improvement , hrfur tb aplraUoa
of urb' period. J
The awns, nneetftratlrm and i tlmte ot
th Cltr Bnglaeer for tba Improvement ot aald.
Beavner street rc nerwr auvpteai, . .
Keanlred. That tk Aodlt'Sf-wf the rity ef
PortUad ba aad he, hi here
error uirecte xo give
eMlr ot tba. proponed. Improvement ef
street nrovlded br tb cltr r barter.
Ixenmoalrance- aaainat lb abov
a juad
meat may be fired la writing with tbalitader-
slgned within ta day from tb dai
1 tirat publication f thla Bath.
By erorr ( in vuuru-ii. a
. 1.1' THOS.'r. DBTMN.
.1 . i." ,jatorf the Ctty of Portland. "
Portland. Oregon. Date dt trat pabUrattaa.
Jaauary IX- IPOS . ,
Nolle Is hereby given that t'barlea Wanner.
City ,Elrcr. haa filed it the office uf tha
Badaraigaed notice that - BeehlU Broa.. eoa
Iractors -foe tAe tmprovamaet- ot . Alnaworth
arenne, under le provlatona nf nrdiuanew No.
14. hi I. hav Mnrpleted said street, fnaa. the
center line ! Caat Tentk atraet t tke west
Una of faat Nlaeteentk atreet.
aald acceptance win he eotmidered by tk
Bsarate Baad t 4 e'clock a tke 34 day of
Pdhruary. IpnA. and abjeotlooa to tb. acceptance-
or aald ttreet. ar any part thereof, may
be filed In the pfftr ef tba aad reigned at
aay time prtnr- thereto. v
-f---. Br THoa. f. DRVI.IN. "
Aadltor nf tha City of PortlaAd.
, rartlaad. Oregoa- Jaaaary , AS.- la. r
' Notice I hereby given that on the Btth
gay of Januae. IPOS. I took ap aad rmponAded
at the Ctty Poaad. at No. 31 Sixteenth arret.
In the tlty nf Port land. Oregon, tne following
lined animal i than roe a mar, shod all
anmaA roched man and while ea hat a
front and left kind feet, aad unlr tb owner
er other peeauw or peieon having an Intereat
therein ahall rtaha wean aalau of tba asms and
par aU awata aod rbargen af tha beeping nnd
advertialna It., taartfcer with to poand frs
en aald anJaiaU a prueldcd by rdinane A
ft.PJb. a a eluded, of aald tlty of IVwtlaaA
I will ea the nth. day at rebraary. IwaV, at
the bar af la a. m.. at the t il Found., at
o. ML Slateentk (treat, la aald dir. aeli tk
abov deai-rlhed animal at pnhlre a net low a tha
hlghcet bidder, to paV tb coat and ebarr-
f taking up. keeping aad advertulag aa. k
lMd tkfe eOtk day f Jaasarv, long -
. r. tt. tun. ,
, . iraxxt. ' , i .
Notice m hereb alee that al t- '
at tha Council ot tha CMy al fo
Boa,, held ou tb iHtk day. ot J .,
tha followlag tneoletloa a adoete-.:
aenoivau. That tb Cannctl af P a '
Portia ud. Oreg.m. deeaie it r load' ,( '
poad to Improea- belay- atreat tm-a I
lln t Ooldemltb atreet to the eu i
kn.rtt atreat iu. th following Bum ',
. rrrat , grading tha treet . w I
giaan py tea itay nngm
. SouMd By ronatructtug -i
in araiwdanea with -tb dry
ILeH n.-a ll.Mi aad eatlaiatae.
- Third Br ralabg ldwnu fe
wiia in t iiy xngiaaa a
ana aatimaiea. - . , , ,
.rourth-By bringing tb mnd f r
full .width with luU - -- --- to tLa a -
Uaaed grid with gravel.- - . .
- uHpeoeemeni to aa aanaw bb -w
With- tka charier aad aedaaawea. ag I , I I I
af PortUnd aad tka plaaa, nm, ' l,',
arlmatea ef th - Otty - bllnv h a I a
oftk' -of th Auditor t tn pica I ' 1
n tba 14th day of Jsnaary, 1- I , '
"(Tty Buglnoar 'a plana and Pna .an- -
icnprovameM of taaiay acraea poi t .
north Ilia, ot lloldamlth eaeea ta Ota fe- M B a.'
f Kott atreet aad tb esllliils ad t w
to n do aa tb prebable total ta ' '.
- Th cost ot aid Improve aeeat t he eaw-
a ptorided by th elty charter wnoa tb p
arty apecUtly and peculiarly hananaad thar- a
a no! whbh la hereby declared to be all tba fee,
art thereof and par eel of laad tying ba-' '
twB a Ua lu feet west of and paraiwt
wltk . tb weat Un ot Delay atraal aad a ba
H feat eaat ef and parallel with tba a
line et Datay lreat aad between tk aarlaarty i
I if of tildmlih . atreet and the apwtk kaa
of Knott Ueet. . - '
tTb kuplneer' tlmat f tb proeakl beta I
aaat for th mprmnt et nald DeUy atreat -ta
ft.ana.oo. --T, .. ,. . , . - t ,.
The abuv Improvcjaeat U to b tUed a a .
prarel Improvement . hud ahall b malstsloed
by tb ally fur a period af S year. povl-A ,
that th owner of a aujarlty af tka pr
erty be oafl ted by ald Impravamaat ot nay Be-:
tlon tbereol, ahall not .petition -far B aew r l
dlffereat Imprsremcnt bafor tk Mplratlna C
auch period.- 'i. . - .- . '
Tk BUne. naelmtioa and . tlMtoa r -
hlb Cltr Ingrnear o tk Impewvamut at I .
aald I) 17 atraet ar krby adopted.
Jtesolved. H hat tha Aadlbar ad.tka fttV ot '
PortUad ha aad.'k U heeebj directed t arret
notice ot th proponed Impravamaat et eeMt
ttreet a provided by tb cltv cbartor. I '
BeuMoatranra agalnat the a nova imnaaaanaaa -auy
be Bird la, writing with tba u?w.'
within 10 .,. from 4b dat f tbiAtat pa
lira than of tbU aotic u, j
By order ef tha Couort!. -; - J - ;
, r- -r TttdA. -0V- -. -
Aadltor f th City ot "V ' .
PortUnd, Oregon. Sat- ef
'-January-ST. 10B.
Notlo U berebr adaaa . Jr a.aaaw
of tb Ceuaeti of tb. City af f A -
gon, aeio an. tpn a e -
tpe -roiiowana-jMoiat.vo.yi.
Reaolvedjilkat law-- -PortUnd,
ant, dw . U
pom to 4.arov Grower
11 o of rraut, trt. pa. t - -a. .
atreet. xrapl tha ltla ... a oi.
im th. LJUain . . .
flrat Hr grading tka atrMt fall Vbartth!
full InUneetlon daw,.! tb totajred a
give by th t'My Engfnr. . . c .. - 1.
Hecood Br cooatruetlag al Aawa lb la) a:t
eardancn with the , ptona, atwclscstlona aadi
eatlmatee ot the City fsalaaac ,
OT BfyTjrjjyl
, fJeKJ
V-t -.
, , vd
iiav-ai laying . rroeawaj . in 'eorwBa
with tb plaaa. apadAoaOoa aad aaUmalaa oil
the Cltr Engiaoer. . . , !r,
Foartb By coaatroctlna - guttar la aeerdL '
no with th plana. enciBcetloaa aad aatl
mate t th Cltr tngln,
. Plftb 7 bringing tb.
tb aty.
full width with full Inter sect loa to t graaal
y. xb viiy
a data.
Said imbrernmenl ta be
with the charter and tudlaaniaa I
ef PortUad aad th plao. ppeei.
aetlmate of Ue city Eugfneer, a
for ef tb Auditor ef tie .flfr
ea the 14tk , day ; pf January, . U
nlte e- - rtlM ..d u .
I tail
tb Improvement of Oeavar a.- K the
aaa t i tha
arajiaaar n am 1
mad- laT a '.w.
eaat Uo of Froat ttreet ra to m X I oM:'
Heod atreet. and tka eatlmate ar t.-m e W -
no ona ana th pror,rja fatal anat ti
Tba cost ef said lnutroranaat ta ha e- alig'
aa -provided by 'the city charter, taa
property . neelally aad peculiarly . -gti ill
thereby and which ta hereby del. k la
all the lota. Peru thereof and par. i mi mng
lying between a Hne wo fact u r nf and
psrslUl wltk tba nortk Una ef faro eTftttoa -
eaw a un 'iw lea Booia; OB taa pa v wiaau
tb aoatb lla ' ef Oeovar straeV and aaahvoew
tb tut Un of Frent ttreet and i f-a lee
feet eaat at and paxailsl with tba eaat Jaa t! '
Hood atreet. -
The- Knglnaar'a ant I mat ef tb ataakB
total coat for th lmprovamta't f aald (ervv
ftreet 1 gtnO.OO.
Tb above Improvement I to be erksaag eat -a
macadam tmprovemat aad aba 11 ha aw ha
tallied by. tha citf tor- perlad ot ro aea,tr
provided that tba owaer ef a majority d
the properly beaedted- by nafd Im aniaaml.
ar any portion t hereof shall not patluon tag oi
ew or different JmprmaMnt Wfar tb aa
plratto of puck period. , I -
The plana, eeaclicattou and earissata ot
tb CHr Kn liner far the rmnrorsaaaut af ssid
rover atraet ar'.kerby adoptrA -
Heaoiven.. iui ua anotror or ra dry g
Portland b and. ka la keeeby directed to gtvaa
aotlca of tbo propoa, d lmpravman ef aaad'
atreat aa provided by th elty charter.
Remonstrance agalnat tb abov tgafawaw.
meot may ba etad writing1 with tk i jr '
signed wltnia- au dsva tram tk date eg taav
Brat pnblkation ot tbla njotrca.
By .order of tke Council. " - ,
tmob. - o Darnarp;
-- - Aadltor Of tka Ottr at Bwa -JL i'
rorxiano. trregon. vnia X arac
. January Srk,, 190, .
ytic I bereb given that t the mailt agi .
of tb Council af tbo (Tty ef PartUad. OeZ'
Ka. held a tb lfttk' day ot JaaaaryT ISudw
follow! ngcewdmloo we adopted: . ,
Rewlvd, That tb Coancll ef the CTty eg
Portland, Oregon, dream It expedient aed are.
Pom to improve Baa Davie tlat from taa
east line nf L'nloa areaaa to tk waa lln ad
Bant Twelfth atraat la tk follow tug Btoamari
to-wlt: ..
Ktrat By gradlag tb ran width wifh .
full Intersections dnwe to , tke, ana-grada aa
S ' or im ,. ii aaaiaetr.
. eecatKl np eon
ostrwdior aeilfldal
walka.Ja accocdanc wkta tb Oty Eaglaaar'a
plaaa. speciflrniion nnd nallmataa. ...... -
XBira vr cooatructin aruricui atoa enrhn
la cerdnc with tk City Evglaaw a plana,
apecU tcatlona aad aatlmala.
roorth ny laying rraaawalk.
Ktftk Br. cooatructlna atone, euttaea. . .
Sixth By bringing the aurfnc et the gtawet
rail wldtk with full toteraartloa ta taa grade
aa elaea by th Cliy EnaUmar with graeaf..
, Bald Unpcovecnen t aa made la aaosedanc
ftth taa ckarte end arulaaara af law dtp ot
PortUnd and th plana, aaaclflcatlnnn aad eetl
aiate ot tba Cltr Engine. nid a th afflca '
of tb Auditor af th Cltr af tMetlaad ea tka
I4tk dar at .Jaaaary. IM. laduraed: - "City
Engine' plana and apacltbcationa far tka Ian, .
proveasent of Eaat fa via lrex frera tea east '
Una of talou avona to tb weat Un af PaeT
Twelfth ateaat. aad tb eetlaulee et the work
to be. dona and tb probabl total coat thereof. "
, Th cost of aald Impraeement t ba eaeaeed
as provided by the city charter up tb prop '
erty pecially and peculiarly benefited thereby,
and which W keraby declared to be- all tha .
lot, part thereof and parcel af Uad tying -between
a Un Vta) feat nurth et ar, pnral lal
wltk tk nortk Una of Beat Da vta atraet and a
Un lux) feat aoutk ot aad parallel with tha
outkj Hne ef Baat Darks atreet nd , batwiaa
the aaat Uuc ef I'niou avenu aad tb wt
line pf Eaat Twelfth atreet-, --- . , . JZ
Tb Engineer estimate of' I be nrnbabl ttaf
eewt .fur the Impronmeat ot aald Eaat Darin
atreat la $4.S0O. . ,
Tk abavb Improvement I to ba elnaaed' ae a -
gravel' Improvement aad aball ba maintained kr
he elts Sne a aavled ' of flva raara. awrlajd
TTthat the ,ownrr nf a BMtarity ot the pcaoartr- --
henefllew- by aald nnpraveaieat or JUty portion
thereof ahall not necjib'n for a, now or different .
Icnpmveaarnt befor tb xplratbn ef ub -period.
v...,.. --'......,-., ..
Tk nUna. apeclAcstlooa aad eetlaiste ef the -City-
Kiirlneer for tk Improve event ef aald
East lla, la atroat ere bereby adopted, ' V , ,
Remlved That tb Andltnr bf the City at , ,
PortUnd he nod b ta bevaby dlracted to lv
wotlca ot tb fop. aed i Brnraemewt ef eald .
atrevt ea pewvlded by this city charter. . ., t l
Remnatrnces sgslnat Ik pBavw improea.
meat iniav be rlledy la writing With the andee.
ained wlthla tnrdaj from the a th
flr-t pablb atiaaj ot thl net lea. . .
y rr et tne xuw,i. - . - -
-, : TTIOA C. PBVMW. i
Auditor nf kke 1tr ot Portland
PortUad. Oeegaa. Date f Beat paMlrauaa,
January 21, IPOS.
, ; ponrsntAtru t tTtcx, ' ; . , .-.
Notice In hereevy given that cn lb taia dhar '
ot Jaary, ItexV, I bank up and eapeedd
thar tlty pawnd. at Ne, 31 Ala taeain atraet, at
tb City of ParttaaA Oregon, ua follow Jug -W-errlheo)
Dark aed eww, d ef left her keohea ay
and reap and fewer bait I left a,
and. aaleaa tha earner, a ether paraaa er pe
kiaa kavleg an lateeaM taarela, ahall ekaiah
BnaamiUa af the nes, anal par ell t aed
eharae of Iba keawlii .aid advertialna tlem.
huewihee, wli b the pauod fas o ad aaleael. g
peovl.led br Urdlnenew Ma, S tlffi, aiuewde.
at Mid City of PurtUad. I will ae tha Sa-a a. r
ot Jasaarr. IwaV,. at lae boar of 10 a. a . i
th Clir I'eiioa. at Ma. 'J lalc.ih. Ia
etty. Bell th a bo re dearrThed ala. at p
aurtWai to th hi beet kinder, to r '
ehargea P Uklag up, keeping aa
each salveeL
. Pa tad tkal Slat day ef Jaaoeccv f
, '.J. '