,4 THE OREGON !: DAILY : JOURNAL, PORTLAND, -TUEISAy -EVSKING,. JANUARY 1, KeS. Journal .... ...w- ,.v ' . "Want Ad" Rates nreu AFT CLABBITTCATTOH Baeept 'Situatloa Wanted" Male Feaulo. VT CiJII FAB UHB. . Casattug ' warde to thetine. . ''; ''mmn iiM ti wobds f u" (U Bathing. Isee. - -7 T SITBATIpB "WAWTID UvriiameBte , eltaer Sun r Fossale. tMKt ana . tiate, fro. Bally r Sunday. " WimT BAT' taeortloo" jladndlng V pec week. . . .-.'' - -- '. .fOETBXT BATE flBoludlBgoll BBBday' im11 ce-rrs ye f a-eata. ; abtcbtisehxbts "; ;," kuim . f So by 3 o'clock wash .... hv 1 'clot Saturday Mk ii to eaeore lBiatiou. !. A. B. T.' MXSSrWOTB BOTI ere JmtmI "wbb ad." B6-te. five, tta year nt S Ve " ' will be delivered to IM Journal ef to without farther east to yea. Us year lltan nhsn Wtotorn Wales. For well located three-story frame building, 85 rooms on upper floors and storeroom on lower., . .Washington street property. L' v UAIiEHELD. FRIES & C0. " AQE1NTSL: - Phone Main 14-' Jm9 Stark St. ' ' H1". ' BOTXCB. NOTTCB T AppltUoa Vaeata a Porttea .f SnMatl fctrtwt ai of Krara; mt, ta Srwrtr'a Addltt. Notlo la hrby la that it'i-muln BMatinc f tb coanrtl of tb titf f-rtlaatt, -nuatr ot Mnltira auk, tt of iwx, to b hki la tb ' osrU rhtnbrr f Mid rooncil t t o'elork p. at.. WnHmdar. Uareh J5, 190S. a att , iloa wUI b pmcnted to uM oaacU P"Tl"f for tb Ticttlo of IS fort oa eack aid of that aorUoa of ftrmtsrath atroct aibrap4 : tw(M KUaabotb and KearaaV. rtrnti, aa4 of IS foot oa-Mek aid of KaraF trrot. from SmhitMiti 4nt ta Tarrac drtva, all ta Urom'i addlttoa to tb eitf if Mrttea oppowd.to w aatloB ara r-iiietd to IK UMir arotasi I aaca pmwwni. - . C. Ahanrorth. . - - ' ur.rma - or BTOCKHOLhBRB - or .- thb iKAKI ltvtl V1U.CI RAILB0AD COM' PAKY KotW n bThj b that a mirt- ! tka MhtMilianrai At thm flaak RiTT ; VmUi kaliroad CoainH will b held at- , itm ottirm of tb conpaar. room M woo a. at.. H'trk nrtlaad. Oreaoo. oa lioaday, waaiMw a lorav . th knnp of IS o'rlork oaa. for tha anrpoa of doctln dlroctora aad ' tnMKUif 'nf otbor banoM taatair -- nroorrlr rami bfor tb an-tln. . Dat-d t pyrtUad. ittr-coa. Jaaoarr U06. JAMES 0. WIUION. 8ertar7. ilKKTIIfO Or THB UTOTKHOLDBRS Or THB . GABOON. WASHIKOTON IDAHO' RAIIj- ROAD COMPANT Tlottca la mrrr-nj tkat a mnnr of tha rockboMora or ma Waahlnvtoo A Idaho Railroad Coal- : nr win b bld t tba offlco of thorna- - TM. V TWn a wiaraarar- aaTLa. rvjman. ' Onwna. oa blondajr. Fobraary dk lS06.at.lt 1 v OVIork . aooa. for fa . parpoaea" of cwrtinf " 41rctra and trm-ln "T otbrr bortn-a tbat Buy nrnprrljr com Briar no winr. -J lut-d at 1-ortlaad. Or-iroa. Jaaaar 44, i0d. Mill q. wiuwn, oatr-iarj. t-. ' 8.t TBACHBS Too aatlr row of pluta aad laaej arcaacamac.:. vau m a CIRIi for Karal bom work: n waabtaf. . North Twtltb; orv-fa-ln. 1U STTTATTOBS WAKTXD MALI. TOtKD nuw acw IT, woald Ilk poaltloa la nerranttl tmaiua aa clerk: waaea null: ' lyfrraBro Ilrra. , Addrea P. SI, cart Jeurnat . WANTrn Pnaltkaa aa atatlonary oclnr ta r oawmlll or factory: am aob-r. atcady. rrlUblc; Drstlaaa paprr. TUdoa. 430 Hawthorn (ra. 'WANTED Employment by a aobr. tadnatrr. oaa yBB( a with mod rrncy iprlBi ,ood rcferrncc. Addraoa VBS Balmopt a "-WANTED To niak aanmeot fnf tba araaoa . by flrat-rlaaa Ir oua and matrr1 lea maker; atrlctiy""tomprata. . Addraia Ir M. ioarnaL TEMPERA TB yodnr-aua. worklnc ayoBtnga. ex rbanim Cor board or room; bandy with type . -wrlUr. Apply ' D SX ear JoomaL . CANADIAN PACIFIC TO . S BUY DUNSHUIR ROAD Would Acquire Terrhinal atyic ' toria blhe Purchast of r Nafiaimo-'Lin. ' ' (Special Dlptch ta iTa Juraal. ' Victoria: B. C.. Jan. SI. Tha-Canadian -j j pacific Railway companr 1 neaotlatlnf " for tha purchase of lha aqulmaJt A Nanalmo railway, which travarsea Van . rouvar Island. The' railway la now .. owned by Jamca Dunamulr, and. tha ' - Afar. Baked for tt la held to" be over ll.S00.90S. ... ' ' - . Tha Canadian Pacific, railway la aald rtt bo aeekliia terminal iacllltlea at BaqulmaJt -tor the Empress llnera from orient and. Australian JJ tiers. By - mi, mcBno m HTini ui lune ana ex 31f)riM would bo aocoropUshed. . Inatead 'V'T taklriB llnera all the way to Van 01v,r- freight would br transferred to eind from steamers at Eaqulmalf beinc Yf roaEht here by meana of tha car- ferry ' Vi TrTow operated acro-a the Stralta of U Oeorfla and by the Esquimau at Nanai- '.- im railway. ' '. " " At preaent earfoad lots aro laid down "r Victoria by-this Tonta and tt might aa well be IncTeaaed to meet tha do manda of the Empress and Australian . ;- Jlnars. ' :f : ,, N, . CHIEF JUSTICE KEILEY V . KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE .. i ;u-.- -:- , .'V.""-' .S19" fPoHaf S-riU.) Tarli.-'jan. Jl. It ta announced today that tha stranger recently run oyer and hlllad by an' automobile In the Place t t M 1 Concord haa been Identified as ' ex-Chlef Jnatlce Kelley of the Inter . national court of .appeals of Cairo. I1L, until lately, a resident of London. Kelley was appointed mlnlnter. to Italy ' aod Aaatrla. by O rover Claretand, but was rejected by both countries owing to his Cathollo eonnectlons. ABERDEEN WOMAN TO " ' ; TEACH IN PORTLAND .V ' . faperlal rHapatcb to Th Joornal.l : Aberdeen. Wnatu Jan. Jl. The Aber deen school board haa granted Mlsa BUI - tha piirllege of going to Portland whore aha will be aaalatant principal In the 1 high orhool there. She has been teacher of Latin and phyih-a In the high BRIGHT, active for aperial HtaUt work. Aaareea u W, car Journal, giving huw experience and references. ... ' - AI'VEKTlHItMBNTfl aadw bl' ataaalfleattoa . itoat Me for SI word aud a faluaot . promluai Ova, Dally ar Beaday. . i WANTKP P. S3 aad B. tl. wb adrartlwd for altuattMia, ta call inawua(iy lor null 8T1CKCBM AN waatd at Jobm 111. UfTLOtHZVT ABEXCIXB. -vi 1 ' JOHN ANDBRSOX SondlnrlB-Apirlcaa Eat atia hwhi cuikw jour specially. . xtum Id t - fbou Mala SOH. : . PACIPLO Ooart Baal EataU A Eatpkymn Atrnrii all klnda of aula and Irani blp furul.k'd. H Hccoed at. . Pbooa Bod 161. ; rUANHBN'BTBMPLOTMBNX OW1CI,,-, r FOB MEN. r . I K. BMoad at -. : Pboa Mala 15SS. ALPINB BMPLOVMBKT BI'RBAU H-lp far. aUhtd rrrai call. 1AI tlrat at. of Mala 11T. , . i i I J i , PIONBEB EMPLOYMENT CO Labor roatrao ton; hIp fra to aaipioym., Sis vorruoa. BELP ariatMl and aappllrd, aial or : faaial. R. O. DBAKB. MH Waabinrtoa at. Clay 446. JTTATIOHS WABTE1V-TUtAlE. BOl'REKKEPEB A bailaM woaua, oaptBt aod rallabl. aValrr Doaltloa aa aDwrlalDC or working Doaarkcrp-r la roomlBC boaw. aaUry aomlaat, until Xtlr. M r B. I' SCIIOOLeiRL wanta food Plata to work for Ml and board; Ijdd prtfarrtd. ,tU 610 Truth at. HuUla Parr. WANTKn ItrraamaklBB; wMI fo oat by .tAa - da. Tdl Park trt.- Pboua Proof Idli. WOMAN waata auady day work for Wodaoa- ' day 'and TburMay. rnoo Mala iit. .- BXPKRIENCEO . bookkotaar wlabaa Bodtloa; refarri hUi, car Jaaraal. . WOMAN waata day work. Mala 431. WABTIDmiAKClAI., WANTED Tb leaa of SI. 600 at p-T ml oa (ll(-Mf aarity.yAaaraa u at. joornat OMBTKINO DOIN0 . at .tba - PORTLAND AtJCTION BOOMB. til Vlrat at. i Pboaa Mala MM. Bwaaa tkvay.SM tha hlabmt prl'ca ta. aaaa lor aay tut ax lajraitara. LWANTED Mora aoraylaa aad wbltrwaaolnal to oaiy (aaonaa oompriaatB aw aprayina ' ootat oa tj oat. ' M. 0. Monraa A Co., tlv Mfjwioaw a. rawajaa mmm aWll. VALUABLE-ma ttrcaM rnwratad, nd rtnrBd tha aaaa day. vaah or mdlt: ' oro-r by ttialllrac yonr addnos to BuaB PMbody. . S40 Kaat oak. - WANTED Seoood hand booaroold vooda, tool anytblac yov, don't want; htfbaat prle rraia, jua roarta . -' t SHOBT ORDEB PRINTING FIOTJBB Bydrr A Roaawll. wad aad Whlna t, iPaoaa cuy lora. .. . . .. .. . - CARPENTER .wanta rooU-att for .work; yoa i fiirniab baiMt way ta build. 1S13 Baat Stark .at:''---! : WANTED A bMl rani. S'dma. hot watn heater and tank.. Bcauuraot, Sua WaatatnctoB. WANTED (1.000 topat oat la hort (law. SIS Tb Marquaai. alt aaaa aa WABTED-TO UOrt, BOOMS To - an part of tha city, fanriabt. , Applr 220 OoodooD(h bids. : EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION ' BQRBAD. .'Date dlracttoB of th Lwla aad daik. -Fait .., Tuorporauoa, - . Pkoaa Mala SMS. WANTEDBy - roapl. 3 enfurnlabd . room. roabio rnt; rprtaii Meattoa. . Ad' T drraa 8 T T. ar J on real. - POl BIBT HOUSXtrAPIBO BOOMS. TIIRKR onfnrntabad koaaokMplaa room, atwly ' tinted, aw ahadaa. aaa, hath, fanuoo. hnrvr " floor, walking dlataaoa, aoar - car, t. Baat Twelfth at. - r , THB LINDA VISTA, steely fnratohd keepiag ana ainei . noma; aata. gaa aaa mi a ii in, bo 113.00 NICELY fnrntahed front room for Hht . noaaspin-; jow uoor. uoaeni . trnc. 821 Eugea at.'; Eaat S306. 1.T8 "PER WEEK Larra. clean, fnralahed 1 honaekeeplnc noma.- Maadry aad bath. . 1M J Hbarmaa at.. Bear rroat. "' NirRLT faralahed. honaekDlna anartmenta: j S anfnralahed baaeueBt roolD. Pboo Mala 4256. SM Sixth at. PIRST-CLASS faralahed konaek-ptn 'mom 12S Nortk, aeTaateenu at. t-Dona aula STsa. Th'O Blcely famlbd honeekeepln room, per anoBth. No. SM Pettyfroe at. - 1 DNPl'RNISHED hmraekaoplog Front .at. B children. room at 66T . rOB-BJTWT TUAJflSmP B00MI. tr yoa wtat ta board and room ta the bast ' aooae la toe city eau c tn ABTEB BOU8B. Horn eooklas and ararythlDd ftrat-claaa at exceedingly low pnrea. 231 Mreata at., cor, raoBO-aaanr tact POR RENT fnralahd or aafaralnbed S room. i, pantry aad bath. . Mrs. E. Nawmaa. I Sliteenth and motoa at.- Call, addreaa 'take Wararly aad Woodatoek car, Kaat Port- ELEOANT ontalde rooma, steam beat,, poreelala Baths, Dret-cia anara) two, people so, S40, . f so moom. t.maeu aotei. Market, set. Third and Fourth. - . . rot'B braatlfnt room In nen furnltnr. furnace heated; pleaaaat boma for reaper tab I parties. ' 620) Iuat Taylor, eor TUlrteeoth. MARQUAM BOI'BB, 14SH Sixth aL Rooms ea He or ainciei hoaekaptiMr rooma : aa tore, dub aaa eiecme Uia; traanaau aoltclted. . .. f. BITEBSIDR HOTEL SM Baat Ocfc rnrnlahed and anfarnlabed bouaekeeptns rooma r lod(tag m . per weea auu uu. ( ovum rcu(t 00. CHEAPEST and beat located rooma la Portland, SI week ap. Ollmaa. Tint and Ald-r in. NEWLY foralibed. eiitet. tranaleat rooma. . IS Fourth at. phono bos sxaa. . - CLHTTON. Van, Ptret at., ear. Columbia Bait S2i2S per week Bd ap. ,' . PINE comfortable pirm rooaa, 201 Tenth et., Tylor. . BOOMS AX0 BOAtB. . BEST ronaw. . beat board, electric llxbf, pomu bo tel.- Market at. bet Third aad r earth. Exceedlnaly low ratee. BOARD and room for S or 10 penpl; home enoklni: pbr and btn; 1 tilork to car liac 302 East Ulay at. Pboa Soott S4S. . THB -TENNEWEE 5orJ: Poorth aad Madlaoa . Newly rurniaoea; nrai-c-aaa nw oeara x weea na bp. - DKKIRARI.B room, Sret-rlaes board. 1 prlrate home; tw (eatUowa. 120 ElabUeBth fiat.. ao. tillwa.,. ' 1 rt'RNIMHKD room with or wlthont hoard; slao ' hoiiMkeeplos rooma. Pboo Kaet 2746. riRHTCtASS room and board. g5 to SS pr week. o"Z t lay. i-bobo aaain exam. HCffSI FOB BXVT-4rVBBITVBB P0B SALS TUB "MatHnwalal B-slater, pnhllabed - by Uie Interatate Introdortof Rorialy -ef - Port- Bind, deecrlliee over im reaiaent 01 th Pa i nne-w-inw-, wa. wtmm w w-4i -c. 1 Hn- IllTB Pfla-MaBal. ' f - POB SALE Fornltore of 4 -mora eetUre. SISO: teet rang bedillnc. everytbln complete for booaekee1,iik.. 240 Morrla, Cppar Alblaa ear. neat ei y 1 rt'BNITI'BK eottace. aaod eoBdlttoo: , bona for rent ; . aaiL - UbooIb. Phone Mala '- v - The bove advertisement was ordered in The Journal's classified columris for ,- '; f one iweek.' Saturday it was ordered out as the advertiser, D. D.. Wood, of St Johns, said: "I sold the engirJe through The Journal 'the afternoon of the firstf insertion." Mrr Woflid is. a firtn believer in The Journal's ability, to bring results, as he is a daily user of its columns. This is oneof the many' hundreds, of 'deals S'i'iS'I '. Vi nertir 4t,Vliorri' Th Tftnrnal "- : ' '". '',..,' ' A "A ..' . : .,-w- ' that.' 'occur through The UalBVtMilllBft NICELY Waited dairy, hop and tlmtUnda ta ,. Waahlnston county at bargain prlou. WrlU or call Ueorxe A. Morgn. nuianoro. . ST0BBS POB BXVT. STORE bolMIng with 2, Bring rooma la roar. 600 rnlna in., cor. onw . e, - . -x. .POU.TLANU. TBIBT C. 1 Third at. roB sal ob azT- FOB BALB OB BENT A new. modern 6-mom eottase, rurniaoea .or v -- a premlaM, SM East 0 Ilea a at., cor. Twenty alntb. .. : POB BXXT PLATS. flXhO 4 BO)M flat. 185 Eaat Ninth W Bl I BUB Baat 1210. - FOB BSBTaOTPIQB Ml OFPICB ROOM. ! laojalre lga store .140 - Plrat at. - - FOB BIlfTa-JOSOZZXABBOtrB, rOB RENT A larga eampW-room ar hall, top Soor, Apply elerator ma a. Ootdnoagh Dldg. j " "? POB BEBT-gQUBia. SADDEBLY Traoafer A tommlaatoa Cot plaae and furniture moved by experteBe-d. mo. ' 110 Worth Tblrd at. Pboa Mala 16SS. - POB BENT DMlrabl 10-room hoaa. W1V to es r. sear ear line: aood tuw. C. B. Dea- Ball A Co.. 230 Stark at. ' POR HET 7 roomh rirhtaantA ata. . lit. . Baat Main -and Hatfield' Smith, ltx Fourth t., room S3. 4-ROOM hoaa. roper Alblaa; atabi. urge yars, 914. vatu notanaBB. mvw am POR REST 6-room Beeeath tt. eottdge. 4T SoaU Pl'RlNSHBD IB SS. : r POB BINT UBPUBB1SBAD- BOOHS. ' POfltt arrfurnlahed room. groeBA'floorhpeatry, bear men tl water, na of pboo; cloae to car; walkiaa olaUore; 1S. Pboo Mala 6880. THRBB anfarnlabed boaeekMpIng room, ebean, j to right parties; cloae In; so chlldrea... 10 Kaac niau st, oouu. . . ,.- Unfurnlahed' rooma; bo children. S4T Weldler. POB SALX FARMS. 160 ACRES At laad: SO craa clear,, bat really cleared; 70 acres nearly level, bat Beam alnpo; . Snt-claa o-room frame houao, larxe ban, . - . . . l I n O 0 1 1 nlu. . Bnoa wrn,ni, a mie, "... a... eia'au.iw a- 1 hot)r.frm Portland. Price 13,000; eaay '"'ferniaU.- : ,r . . . Aim) -arree Srat-clatia land : 36 clear. IU mora nearly clear, borne Sna tire "-borr-BOxt- o eeMk; bob Sroom-baaaw pump oa porch, water at bars, all other aee-mary I' buHdlnc. floe orrherd. be4t fruit; . thf land produce every ' year; ana ouuio xenge, niw h B. R.- and rleer. 2V knllea to R. R. etatioa. ea gnnd . eoaoty rpad. , 'Price SI2 -per acre. S3.0U0 raah, baft your'b-rn tlmd at a per cent. K I 40 aereat IS aerea clear, bona end barn. " good orchard, ob good coupty road. MO -eorda or .woou cut.- 1 icom noraea, -f Bar raae, .1 mowlnf -machlae, 2,500 cedar poets. Fries gl.ouo; teraa. - -- Boom '1, Hamlltoa bldg.. Third - at. bat. - Washington and Alder, S ACRES all art to fruit and garden; good . houaa. barn aad chicken benaee; etoaa to car nne; cioa tn. trice m tew aaya, 92.01). W. - w. ESl'BT. Hoom 1..- Hamilton oiag. 2S0 ACRES A mllA foot; good -room bona aad ootbulldlnaai nee 8 ercbarda: orcbarda; sw.pat acr. Box : Harrteburtn Or: B BALE ATDBICAI, IXSTBulIZBTS. WEBEB grand aprlgbt piano 130: orxaa 2B, coat A16; auwt aelL Apply 341,14 First atu cor. Mala. ' " POB 8AIJ MISCrXLABEOua. Waegeaaw.aeai aa mieW 01 BILLIABD AND POOL tables for rest or fur ale en .eaer psymeou. THE-1 rBBTUNSW ICK-BALKE OOLLEnDEB. CO. 40 Third t.. Portland. 0NB Cona corset gold-pUtrd, $50; t Conn ear net. broil ae, 2B; .1 -Boatoa oraat, allTsr ' plated, S2S.00; all I Srat-claaa eondlUoa. ' Yofk .. 10414 Plrat WE prlpt your name oa SO calUng iirdi. Proper l I.l auu aijie. mJC . au euaiiiraa caroa, fi. Browa A SVfcmale, 228 Plrat, Portland. Or. GOOD clorcr hay SIS per toa: No. 1 timothy' IIS in toa iota; neat caeai say sia. a. 1 Coper. 184 Madlaoa at " - POMERANIAN Srdta pnpplra for aale at Ba - nirr Boarding . kenoela, Panloaular itatloa, - St. Johu ear. j . a- CIRCI'S tent 60 feet, round top. twe 60-foot middle piece, iV. North ElTntk t, .ap . atalr. FOR SALE Store future, -eoontera, sbelrlng, glaaa eaaea. - 100 North. Fourteenth. FOR BALB Full dreaa ault. alia SS; Srat-elaaa condition; bargain, c, Jonmal. PEBS0BAL. THB beat accident BoHcf. th "AnnlTeraary Lexacr," writtea anly by. tha Preferred Ac- rldrHt' Ineurance ' tompaay or flew lock. - Tbomaa P. Thornren, general agent, SIT ' Chamber of Commerce. x 11ANLY Ttgor reatorad by Dr. Roberta' Nerve Globule. On month' treatment ' $2: S month. SS; aent aecarely aeaied by aulL Ageata. Woodard. Clarke A Co., Partlaad. Or. PROP. ' H. T. CrMMINS Magnetic healer. Naahalile. Moo at Scott car line, eocceeafnlly treat a kaowa dlarkaes. Phone takrn 1661. PeetofAr. Lenta, Or. BIN1 CBOONS.-4mportr t Chine root aied- - Ida-, eell Chinee tea that la eertala cure for all dlaeaaea. 1S1 Second bet. lam- hlll and Taylor. t . "THE MOOK OP NATTJBB. "Book of Ufa." . Mabel Oray." 'Story of a BUve." "Naoa catalogue free. A. Seomale, 220 Plrat at. I0UB preacrlprlrm ar won erarately and niy Biiefl at nyvaaa a r-naraaaej, MorrUon at bet Pint aad Second ata. "THREB 'YEARS IN ARKANSAW" beat all bouka yoa eer saw. 25c Jeaea' Book Store. 201 Alder at AHH , 1 .a "Ii waar, laBaae, " . weelthyt addrea wtrea. Star box C3, Oak- na. cai. . 1 i" , BUSINESS CKABCIA ON B of tba most alfgant aaloorai la th city for aale; a anap If takro at once; maet leave oa accoaBt I HI health. Aonrea n ex. aearnai. FOR SALE Cheap. for cash. TS0 abarea Rail Bearing Hub tuck; mnat have eaak at eaea. F. .IS, car of JournaL 1 . RalAIX dear and eonfecttneery In tton, fnr ante at a bargain; forced sale. 10714 . Third. - .. . CaU FOB SALE Reetanrant with long lease; good locettnot a anap If takea at oeeav Inquire of swaer. sua Maaiaoa. , LOOK! for mil. Mlaoa In beat of location: must b aoM at eac. Call at 47 North Sixth f St, QBfrfc. - , - , -. ; POR RAIaE laaarenee boatn-aa; good eld llae aompaa, t B.'M, care joaraai. . . j 10-H. P., Bearly new,' marlB gaeorlno enklnet arerythlns complete, r-edy to place la boat; cheap. He D. D. Wood, St. Jokna. - Pbooa Scott 4SSS, '' . "r 1 .: JournaL BU81BESS 0HABCXS.' B00MIN0-H0USB HBADQCABTEBS. TAFT CO, !- Ablngton Block. Paaaa Mala 1BC We make a SPECIALTY OP ROOMINO MOl'SES. and have many ef tha MOST DES1B-ABLB.-LOCATIONS that are for aale. -Good loeatloaa are going teat. Note oar; partial Uat below of both large and amall oaeS. It tkaaa doa't ault, call la, . r '. v,'" 4S BOOMS Brick, tb YEBY BEST LOCA- , .TION In the city. 2-year lM. not ---.ONLY SIS per amath; this boa la ! poaftlvaly clearing auw S3S0 per atoath box aU expuMaa. Prio SS.WO, part r ,. ,r - BOOMB-Uoat elnaatlr fumiAed Apart. meat boaoe- la lb Hty. bow clearing about S2t0 par axoath; reat onlg 126; leaeo. Cap be sad sow for 14,600. - IB TtOOMB Elegant - loeatlea --for traneteat - . room, an ea ea rioor: moaara ooi'o- la; laaae until October,' 1006; rant SHS, clearing SIM awnthly. Price for a few days,;. 2,000. -; Fr . . H100US-Very cbolci lMflZiwIi new furniture, furnace heat Thla la at th aeateet aod cleeMst baaaaa oa the Bvarkat; real only 123; Wane. l,ia- tt B0OMB-Kew. modern building, Bewly Tut nlabed. ewell location, avery room takes. . rent only 12S, S-Taar lease. A-pickup v farSSbJ - -t - -: a BOOMS All extra large, ptondld location. all Moo art and Axmlaster carpeta; good . hard nirnltur; , cheap rent; preaent . owner ha had the bona for S yaars. A.gUt-lgs buy for 12.600. ... ; , ,- tt) BOOMB-iseet 'leeattoa la -elty for IgB- . elaa transient, ar ataady rooaMra; rant - 1"0. J clearing good money bow and during) th fair you can make all the k awncy yoa want Price 3,iW0. ' . IS NICE Urge rooma. block froa Port land fboul; bath, gaa aad vary-well fnrnUbrd; for a quick aale we have . duced ttv the prlc to 61,200. . .. 17 BOOMS N aer and aew fur altare, -.right la tb heart of the city; cheap rentr and leaae: If -voa- waat ao methane . EXTRA GOOD, get thla for $1,276. IT BOOMS Centrally -located;1 rent STB;-one year leaae; a epteadld bay. for $060; part caah. . . r ' : . ,. y BOOMS flood 'locatlont well fnrnlabed; . cheap rent; leaae. This la auraty a good buy at $i(600. .. 12 BOOMS Very finely fanuahed. (well lora , tlaa, very reaaonable; good Income. Thla .la axclualra; for partlrulara eaU. id-room - nirsE ww. furaRara ' aad Thl la a Send - aewj w-aa for 1 year. one. asou. '- ROOMS Oa ' Taylor at. choice Inrarloa; roovna rent for ! owner oceapia three NwHn fWr-rrnav S B00MB Furniture U gowdr Jcatlaaljey central; rent right iaj Ttnm veaaaa- 7 JEWELRY STORE Beet location oa Washing ton at.; nr cheap rent I 2 jrmf leaae: will eell hH or ona half Intereat. ar win ' r toll lea. Call for further partlcuara. DEUCATEB8BN Beat . locattoa la in city; doing a rutbfng bulnaa, bat meat . .-. . Mil on . ccooat of alckaeaa. A anap tor $850. - - ... SALOON Beat loeatloa la the lty; rhtofl Mat - aad long leaae, aad making good moay; - -6 -ate living rooaia gad with faraltare. v; GoY I far $3,250. . . ... r . GENERAL MERCHANDISE 8T0RB Good ' eoBBtrv . towa. dolus a alee boalaoaa: air knee th "aa focaelllng. Thla la ' e- . worth looking an. . ' . WE CAN Bill TERMS OPJ ANT OP THB ABOVE. ' . r . , ALL - TITLES'1 flTTABANTERD. - BUYERS PROTECTED AB WELL AB BELLEBB. ' WB WANT It TO 16-BOOM HOUSES; ALeU BU w eo. . -.. . - iO " t .-- TAFT A CO., - 122-2 6A Ablngton Block. - , ' . - 10614 Third St ; ' EMPIBB INVESTMENT CO. - r - Boo S Chamber of Crmlre. -" ' Pbooe Mala tasd.". Wfl her a few choice roaming hoaa - for ale. Karh one ta a good Tylng propoaltloB. WE OIIAKANTEB ALL; TITLES. , WB PBO- TEgt-aurJUlEB AND BELLE B. -20 ROOMS One block from Rot. - Portland. xtra well mmraoeat ne vacaat room; rent is - aaonab.lejjewiier araat eau; aaata oirer. 32 BOOMS riuef up towa correvr. location; at earn) beat; -2 bathe; e eacefleat every room rented; you' caa make batter thn$200 per moats 11 thla boaoe; th furnftura aad caroet ar of tb peat, auamy: no woken up T tnff, but H new lean tba a cm year ago; exetoMva with aa. race ,oiJ, CONPECTTONERT AND-LUNCH PLACB-Oa or the neat waaningtoa at. incaiMm taat 7 caa bay; location la th beat; thl place - aheailit make a little -fortune dmins th fair: ll ready to atep tn aad do hetlnna. Prtoa for tbU week, $( 'boabmno HOUSE. " ' IB BOOMS Rent 676: very central location bouae I well furnished and haa 20 steady beardeea: averare lauonw-la 6400 Pec month: owner Is sick and moat eell at eac. Pries reduced from Sl.tooto f 1.300. I '' ten clhBAM AND CONFECTIONERT. Spring M coming and yoo who want thla loeatloa will pay much mora then. We caa . eell van a fine corner Place (rent 6401 beet afreet elegantly fitted ap; this la the lsat cell at tha Price. WILL BE ADVANCED FEBRl AR-I I. Yoa caa have thla for $1,000. , j, j" rtRgTAPRANTr' A etienee f.-r a live "maa to make good money; aa eleesat "-chsrr restaurant, newly fitted up; doing nice bualacaa; Biuat . be sold at oac; asakd offer. - , - KM PI RE INVESTMENT CO.. Boom S, Chaubry of Commerce. fin c Klxteealh Jind Northrup; S living rooms abov store;,, large toaement. atable and wagna . (bed. For terns. Inqujre WBt BWeeacy, 261 North Plfmentk at . . , .FRtEr LANDS IN OREGON. '' Fertll - soil, pure Water, delightful Mlmate; . laad of alfalfa, anrile aad clover. For fall ' information addrea th Colombia Boutbera Irrlgatloa Co.. 63 Woreeater block, Portlaad. FOR SALR Flrst-clasa confectionery and lea cream business. Including candy manurao. tnre, dVdag a high Brad boainea; good rea ana for Bailing. Addraae Bos 64, Baleaa, Oregon. . ' . -. FOB SALB Oenerel merrhahdlBe bualueaa doing a caab hns'neaa $76.0rio per aanumi will tahe "' abont lo.os to handle -dt.' For partleulara addrea P. u. nos 07, nrnt, ur. TAILOB'B St or far Ml, good etsbllhed Jo re Iloa. store and two room In back, rest tin, ' yer leaee; mice $2no, Owaef ta ether - buelaeas. 61- Foarth at 1 GROCERY Weat side, cleaa etorlf, living rooma, sslea 64B day. lavotca si.ew or ex change for small farm. , Plttonger, room 6, . S4614 Morrlaoa. . $00 CASH New T-rnom hoaee, Bewly far alehed; convenient to all car line leading t fair ground; Ideal roaming boa. CaU 422 -. Everett at. . - - - - WANTETM-Energetle man ta mans re menu feeturer' hostile, herei salary $1.6iiO; $l.2n required Invested la goon, uick Boa 4flB, FVn SAI.E-tmhrella a tor eentrally located. RI Third street . between pine and Ash. Call . . st tusaj food feaaoa tor aalUna. 7- u Z.0ST Abb Fornra. LOST OR STOLEN Black water spaniel puppy, rrm w noes at.; suitable reward will be paid for laformatloa leading to the recovery. SMi Rosa at., or Joy A King, attorncya. Pentoa block. a iw "r - YOU eaa more readily Sod a lost artlel through Tb J earns!' cleaalfled column thaa ' any other way. ' In caa ya Snd anrthlua. pa aori eat aaa aaveriue tor tha owner be- -- for claiming a soar owa.i- LOMT Small leetbe purse, walking from Lower upper jaioica retara ta out anaaissippi aveaue; reward. . FOB SALX BlAt ZSTATX. ADVERTISEMENTS auder thl elaaalBeatloa aaat - 100 for 21 word aad a valuable premium free. Dally ar Buaday. '.. S2.2U0 MODERN S-room cot tare, full Bieat, too walk aod etepe; gauo caan, eai- tice aaonthlri Bodnev ave.. -Bear EoreBe. - $1.200 A-room cottage with basement and attic comer at; aiou caan.- 910 per noata; great . bargala. v. B III build anything yea waat aa eaay pay ments: furnish lot If deetred. 12 OoaaMrclaJ bldg.. Mala 1040. - --ALWAYS BBAD1 ., ' at the - I: "2.1 PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMB-T : T pay oa jfull valae la caab for any kind .. - of furultare. ' - T 1 .Pboaa Mala MOO. at 211 Plrat at . NEW S-room -boua. all campleta hard finl.h Inside; 2S large fruit traea.- larg lot, $0u. 'Also two S-room bouse, new aud cheap. $60 -dowa and $16 per month; oa 6-room cottage, 126 down and $16 per month; aoaMT cbolca ,1a, H blocka and Moeka. W) had up. . Be Jo Bash at Naahvlll atatloa. on thd Mt ; Scott ear line. Phone Ualoa 1601, .. NEW 6-room cottage, all complete; SO larga - rrult tree. Urge lot water pipe in the boas; must sell at one: $000." Alto I large bouae. ail complete. $2A to a 630, $16 per .. month antll paid. Be th wuer. Joe Nash. la the white boom.. Naahvlll ataOoa. oa Mount Scott car Una. FOB- BALB 1. A now T-mom boo, cheap, wllh bathroom. hot and cold water, tot (OxlOOi IS Urg fruit tree, lot ell fenced. Call and In veatlgate. Also aa Improved' lot adjoining, '. 60x100. SSO Dawaon at. Ualvaralty Park, Or. ONB ef these S flue. Me strictly frndern Bugeae at;- WUI bo oM at a special low price. Jar, feraw apply to r. Ki 444 Sherlock bhlg., 831 Third at FOR BALE New modern t-room hooae; elec tric light ana gaa; Between twe car line; good location on East Taylor at Price 6.VOO0, 62.O0O caslh balance pec cent In tereat P. 88, care of Journal. POR SALE CHEAP New -f eaoaa. modera house, all coeveaMBeee. hrd. nniuiaa. 1 block from street car; g blocks from Highland school; over t larga lots. Parttcelare pbooe East S104. - 1 K-ROTlaf 'iMam enttaea. "aa. alert He llaht IT pretltret plar In tpper Albtna, 16-mlnnte a - waiB TO Tfalk "tir 1 11 1 11 1 f-irH rhrto- 890 Saa Rafael St. enj.. nosarj a . POR SALB f aectkm -at WanateH, Waahw aaltahl for sheep' rancb and frait, cheap. . Addreaa ' tor paruculara,h W. C. Hsttersley, aorlsaatl, Ohio. .- - . - , FOR NALH 6 acre. - $226: houto . and B acrea. . S060; ay term 10.f xent. first hoaa aeuth eat crowing aa O. W. P. electric Uaa. 10c . t.,.v.-,-o-... , .S-, ...... GOOD InveataMnt comer lot and bouse, well located oa car llae. rented for $25 per month. Price $2,600. Apply Joha Bala, 224 Stark st SS-BOOoC lodging houaa la heart of dry, now paying $4I0 per month above all ei penses; - cbesp reat t good leaae. ' Call 10714 Third St. 41.060 IP told thla week 4-room cottoga, lm- proveu sc., DunnjNur. a dioch -to nu wae, awaar reaving city. Pbone Scott 330. . $8110 6-ROOM eoftage: 1 acre caa be cat Into , 6 Iota; mile from elty II ml Uaa ear Iloa, Ad '. dreaa Owner, care Journal. .' ' WRAf. aetata'- barealaja and - fire - liinmaajea. Northrup A King, rooms 210 and Sll. Com mercial D1X. . . ; t RARE -bargaTa ta a good baaturea lot, close In; s chance for speculation. Call 107H Third at TOTlXCHAHOB.1 WISH to exchange aa Intereat In a which - offers aa extraordinary ' opportunity ' to msks money for a residence In Portlaad. Addrea r a, care Journal.:-. 1-,- PBINTINO la axebangef far amaU roll -top desk. Addreaa N O. car Oournal. FOB SALE HORSES ABB CABBXASPB. - A LOW, gaoae-aeck wagon aad team young . borae for aale cheap, bone Mala 2776. FOR SALE T head boraea. lST-ColumbU at. . ASPHALT FAVOia. THB Trinidad Asphalt Paving Co. of PortUad. omc 000 worcaerer- bis. ANIMAL TRAPS, - PAI1ST A, 0AMERON Manufacturers f famous Fanst tra oaa ithat kllTa animal without holding. r-acxory.iaw mum ave., east sioe. BAB0IV0 AND UOHTXBnra. 0BEGON ROUND LUMBER CO., Il Bursald st. - rnona yrnnx mi. BLABX BOOK BUBtTFACTVBXBS. HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM. 100-111 iBecoun 'at Blank book maBufarturera; ageataffor Jones . im proven lewee ust Magera; pa per -rail og. bookbinding. COAL AND WOOD. GBEAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 Hayt cor. r levant a Producers and miners of washed 1 rump ad uat auotleea Boa eoaiat lama fa. ! sat $3. deUvered althla 1 mile ef yards; MturactloB guaraateeae WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO., cor. Front aad Iloyt street, dealers la enmeatls and ataam icoal, ' blacksmith ooal, charcoal aad . oaks. 'Phae' Mala 101$. . . - -1 ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers la cordweod. enal - and groea and dry elabwood. R. M. aad Al bino ave., S b lo-as east of retry. - (EATON BROS. flneeeaaora t Krlckaoa Wood Yar Dealer la peat enei aaa wooa. ' 1 Becoad at Pboo day 60S. BITPERT Ft EL CO. The beet dry , towa. Don't forget to pbone East 1463. East Klibth at., cor. Madlaoa. a B. VELIN. Srst-eUe wand and anal; efnc S3 Alblna are.. Bear tarry. .Dry aieawoaa. STEEL BRIDOR'PUKL CO.. dee leva Ma coal. . cord wood sad dry alah wood. Phono Bast 42g. COLUMBIA Wood A Coal Yard. Past Eighth ad Hawthorn. Pbone East 2007. ORKftON FUEL CO.! (11 kind of eoal aad wood. 644 Morrlaoa. Pboa Mara S3. STAB COAL CO All kinds of Mala. Mala 1616. OtSce 2.12 Stark at . Pboaa KIRK HOOVEB. SIS Water st; wood and !. Phone Mala 4S0S. " 0ABBIA0K AND HACK OOMPABT1A. THB UNITED CARBIAflR CO. Carriage. tally -ha rls and errg-a1M. IM EMvsath - at,, ear, Marrlaea, . Pheo Main SX BICYCLE DEALT T 6. , - O. P. BUS"".L. . - 363 B BUBNSir". ' ProNB UNION "16. BICYCI.B 'SPECIALIST. -'. PISHING TACKLE. - Ai.MUNIT.Ort. ' CIMElfT OOBTBAOTOBB JOSEPH WILLIAMSON, eoatractar, - aaUautw glva OB BU XIUOS OS eoBCV., im mummm wave rand aewwaga. . JU6 lialney street . ' a- CHA. H. CABTBB A CO., (formerly Carter Ell 11 cemul contractors, ,ms Taggan. r .Bt 1076.- AU work guaraatd. A. J- A.UTHOBS'andH.' B."W0OD, carpaatar aaei euiioera; repainag ana .jooosag: evuvv and ef See flxtoraa ballL - buep SuB ColuatbU. Pboa Clay IML - - UOt'P A TYKEN, building' and remodeling I etor gxturoa 'a apeouiiy. t ana igirai . at, raea Clay SS4, " - - , . - IP YOU WANT A CARPENTER call Mettaa. Tel. Main 1767. Shop aad office So GUsaa. MOBXT T0 L0AJw' PBBD -H. BTR0NO.' FINANCIAL AGENT. - -Money to -loan.-'Ne ommle1oa. - -I aa la a poaltloa to auk Immadlat lean ea Improved reel estate' or fee building pur- - pose; gny amount; moaara ta Intereot ' W . approv loan, from plana aad dvaoee msasy a building progriawa. ' .Option lnv repay. BMnt sfter on year. . v '' ,FBID B. STRONG.-naaaefal'Ageat, .. 10S Seeoad St., Bear Stark. THB BTAK LOAM OO. ' Aay aalartod mploya, -wg-arnar, eaa 1st an bib not, wiroout mottgag '- . -. Month. tf Month. Week. 130.00 Bessy, to- aa. 613.38 er M A3 of $3,38 23.00 Repay to u j l or $3.89 or ll.S ,18.00 Repay to as i 4.06 or $2.06 eg $1.00 . ; -.- - Sr McKay .bldg. -..,..!. . 1 SALARY LOANS Tan caa borrow aa oa your salary er Income tor aa to six - months. In any auoeat-. from $8 to Sloo; -lowest rate of Intereat: aa wait. ae . oa ky: an BegotiarloBB are strictly private aad confldantlal: paymearta anspeaded la ease at alckaeaa. The Crwcrat Lea ., Sll Ore goo laa bldg. , . . MONEY TO LOAM en reat personal aad cat :entloa to chattel . lateral Beeurlty) apodal acteattoe. morxga jSTtot bought. 0. .W. . Pallet 64 SUtb st . . OIK-O HIGHLY respectable place' where ladle and gent eaa borrow Btoney a diamonds aad Jewelry. Collateral Laaa Bask, 300 Wsah- . IngtoB at Phone Black -71. SEB ths Duaa Lowseaue Cw real . aststo ad aaaaciai assets; moaey to Haa en nsrtnn aecurltte st law rates tn ram from $806 to - $10,000. I46H Fb-et a MONET ADVANCED: salaried people, tesasster. etc., without ecurity: easy pavasmrts: Urg . set baalneea In 40 principal dtW Taunaa. ' S2S Ablngton bldg. . - .- - . -n rniTTir laia (a amoanta ranging fraai $26 to $8,000; rooml ng-booaea a aperlslty. New pen any. Ablngton bldg. - Era loan m Traat Co., an MONEY TO LOAM en Improved er unimproved Hty property, la eume,to salt. ParritA. Wat kins A Co., 260 Aider at, - . -- ' MONEY TO LOAN ta larga ar email earn n good security; lowest rata. Wllllaa Bett. SOT Falling bldg. G. LOANS at toaraat vataaf aa fninttuie. BUaoB: ' any aacarlty aotee purchased.'. Kaetora Laaa ' otSce, 4dS Sherlock bldg. -' - 'I MONEY TO LOAN en Cla.-kamaa county lands. B. P. and F. B. Blley, -AOS Chamber of Cobk PORTLAND REAL EBTATH LOANS. S AND S pef cent. Wm. Denholm, . 226 ran .lllag bldg. MONEY to loan 310,000 at S per coat ea elty property. 273 Stark at. " '- - eXAIBVOTAHT ABB PAIJflJT... MADAMB JOHNSTON Clalrvovanti nehnlat. , card raader; I glv facts rallabl aad la - portaat oa all affaire of ml life. Readings SOe. 68 Seventh t.. near Oek. . CB00KZBT ABB BLASSWABX, WHOLESALE crockery and glees-ware. Praat, Hegele A Co., 100 to 10S Fifth, eo. Stark at. -.S'OATZS. - if.. BBtCKBON'B-BEaTAUBANT Mar cheat's laaeb 1. in to ix p aa., onoer new snaBagansaax. BV ata iSav- scop. . sacoon saw arurneiae. THB OFPICB 288 Washington at- Pbone Mala T7I. Plehett A Vlgaeaax. OHiiarzT swtip -4 1 1. srTnArtKR. - 273 WASHINGTON ST. ROOF CLEANING. , ' ' PHONB MAIN JS78. l.l LOOK OUT FOR FIRE!' V'- 'PBACTICALl CHIMNEY. LI IHIBMT. B SWEEP. D. D. WOOD.. Bee. pboad Beott Lesvi orders at-Jtvcry A Co. hardware atara, 1 S3 Third at. pboaa Mala 1812. OOHMISbIOH HXBCKAHTS. ' EVERDINO ATARRELL. prodaea and eemmla alon merchaata, 140 Front atPoxUaad. "Or. Phone Main ITS. , '' . - CIGARS AB9 ' TOBACCO. KSBBBG-GUN8T CIOAB CO. (- ' aMstrJbntora .. of - t r .- - PW CIGARS. '- - t Portlaad. Ore goo. BAHOnre. MRS. GRANTS adult aad ctilldreaa cleeea. Western Academy. Morrlaoa St., cor. Bscond. SBESSHAXniB. KEISTER'S Ladle1 Tailoring College: pat- tern eat to Morrlaoa at. Allsky hall 400. su MRS. McKIBBEN. arttstle making. 661 Morrlaoa sti 1 dreaa aad cloak- DRESSMAKING Btrtetly ap tq data; attest deatgn. - 488 Clay at . rv - DO.ABS -II0BSB HOSPITAL DR. C. B.. BROWN. D. V. S., D. C M. Dog. horse hospital. 60S Wash. Phone Clay 1676. " R.- East 2B8S. ;.t -t DR. S. J. CARNEY. D. V. 8., vsterlnary ear- geoa, removeo to 29B ailsaa at., bst ff ourta aad Fifth sta. B-Bs-ebsSSaS DTEINO ABB CTJtAKTBB. PORTLAND STEAM CLE ANINO A DYEINO Works; practical hatter la conoedioct feather 'bead aad plume cleaned aad curled by aa ex ' pert 211 Foartb. Pbone aay 704. CLOTHES cleaned and preaaed tl per month. . .Unique Tailoring Co.. -817 Waahlngtoa st B. W. TURNER, profesalmat dvf and ehmncr. - 808 Jefferson st' PhoM Main 2318.' . rXICTBICAl W0BXS. ' FORTHWEST ELECTRICAL EN0INEBRIN0 Company, 806 Stark St.. Portland. Oi K. for -everything la tha elec tries 1 .Una. . Pbaa Mala 18SS, ' ' I FTBBITtJBa FACT0BIBS, OREGON Turnltnre MsDnfaeturlng Compasy . Manuf artareVa ef furultur for tb trade. .-. Portlaad. Or. -" PURNTTURR mariafacturln and s perls ' L. Bvnsky' furniture fsctory. 870 Front st FTKAVOIAL. PRIVATE FUNDS SAFELY INVESTED.! re ceive dally S to 8; anpHcatioaa for farm loans whlcn will Bet lender 6 to T per cent per annum." I personally eismln all lands and title offered aa security; 10 years' x perlenee; beet referenceei . ANDREW M. CHK.r.M. AHorner-at-Taiw. axviaT vaaiBgton diqx.. rtn isna. Phone Mala 180a FOREST BZSZBVS SCBO. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP" 'FOR SALE Ap proved, unrestricted, reedy far Immediate nee; fcrweet price. B. F.'. A F. B. Riley, 606 . Chamber of ComaMrce. '. KVMAH XAIB BOLLS. 1. lr BORO, nwafr. humaa hah- rolls, 428 B. Sth. Pboa East 2211. Bloat, 886 Morrteua st SWTtOHKS FOB BALB. SWITCHES made, fnmblsg bought ar mad to order. , Si E. fwelftb et . Phone Baat 1710. t A OI U PtotUnd. imsrlnsa nlaai 33. 86 Bar day. pwt,VPv - e- t--ravan r"r dtb and A eaea. lXSirKUIoB. ISAJ U WBTTB.' Are Inairaaaa, SOS lMrs ' IAS. Mel. 'BOOO. seenfe-ore Bablllty aad ta. dividual acn .ay hoed ef all kinds. Phone d7.. M M-e.., hldVT . ARTgLB C).PANY Tire Insoraoce 443 Sherlock bldg.. Oregon Pbone Clay baS. FIBB INSUBANCB X. P raa,aalai B. CW BO, " anerioca oiug. Pbooe Mala loud. AttTRtm nrxantf sm.. . bldg. Pboo Mala loud. LTTMBXR. ' A0U0H and dreaaed luxxber tn eag laaag. CaU 'Bp L'alea .174. OR0OXBS. WADHAUS A CO.. -rholaaato groeara. maaa. factarera aad aomalaslon mtraVaata. FourU - ALLBN A LEWIS, oommlssloa and Produce : casuta. Front aad Da via sta.. Portland. Or. C-SBaXaDBaBBaaBmaaaaaBaBSaaaaaaaBaBl ' HXAI.EB, ' '- -:' ' B. F. NEWMAN tb hsaler. room 12 GUaan block; hours, 10 to 48 sad I $ 8; pboaa Mala S222. - , - - 1 - : -V- XrOOXSIOTHa, LOCESMITHS -83 - But ' Burarid. - Pboa Union 164. . .- - ' i ItAaBZTIO HXALXBB. - MRS. L. H. HART succeeafully treats aU die. eseet . asethod taught. ,TNw nought, reeding -room. 811 Tooray bldg.' Msla 4173. . . FBENCB ladlea give bathe aad age treat meat gos nns at Phone Mala 6006. afVSIOAX. SELP-PLATING PIANOS -Cadllaa self-play. ' lng ,plnpi, pronoanced tb beet by edln( Doslclana; also CeaUlaa plane Mytra, K. ll. WUU Mual House, 860 Alder at .- ;- -L LESSONS SOet ptaaa, organ, . guitar. . bano. 7 mandolin, violin: Inatrnnwnts for ala. Mr. - Martin. 24 1H First stu oor Mais. , ... SECOND-HAND touolcal lMtraanata - of sll ' kind at lowest price, cask ar laatotuaant. Fisher Maato Ca., 100 Third at . , MB. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER. tontejBlsBds lla. guitar laetractlo. Mala S0SS. ITS W. Park. WBSXBT. ' COMB AN-D SEB CHOtCM etc.... Ockley .Green Nursery. Union 1221. 0VXBALLS. BOM OP THB BOAD OVERALLS aad nucha a- . lea- eiotniBg; nntoa maoa. Beaaudtar Brea manufacturers, Portland. Or. PBESS CLIPPTXOS. MAKB MOBBYI USB PBESS' CLIPPINGS! Ring np Black 11 and ari dag a month aorrlce. ; covering avery towa ta aay er - all anaat at a tea: dally meeaenear service: advance re- -.- V-I Km en au eontrach work. Second at. - - - Portlaad afBce . PLATTBG. THB OREGON PIATINO WORKS. 461 Wash ington st. Phone 2678. Pultohlng, plating aad laeqaerlng. PAIB'OII. AB-LASS. F. B.-SBACH A CO Ptooeer Paint Co., MIBbb the beat thlnga aud In paints aad geaerai building matnrl'aln;. wladow-zlasa and glaxtag a specialty. 138 first st Phone Mala 1384. BASMU88EN A CO. 1 Jubtoia. pxtnta. all, gUsa, Bash and "Vkics, ' Seeoad aad Taylor. DONNERBERO A BADEMACHER. aaaltarp Plumpers j a s ourta si. , rpta FOX A CO.. sanitary plambera.-SSt Second bet," Mala aad Sail uregoa rnoae man auut. ' PBIBTIBB. n, 'a, ill, ae, ill BUBHONO A CO. Front aad Stark Sta.) print- -. Ing.v lithographing, blank books sod office applies; work don on tlau; asoet complcta -printing ofOca In tb treat. Main I0A- ANDERSON A DUNIWAT COMPANY, printing, ' . UthogranhlBg. blaak hooka. Pboaa Mala 17.V Vm Alder at - . ; BOOFIBO. TIN ROOFING, gnttcring, repairing sad fa - rjonaiBg. - loan, six jerrersoa at PORTLAND COBDAOB CO. Corner funrteeatt and Northrup ata., Portland. Or. - BUBBXB STAMPS. a t seius mmnum aaa a la- aa . Main 710; rubber eta raps, seals, atoaciw, bag sge, xrsae cnecx! senq roe oataiogue. SHOWCASES ABD FIKTtrKXS. SHOWCASES ef avery deaerlpfloB; bask, bar and atoro -fix tore aud to order, Tb Lath ; Msnufactnrlng Co., Portland. ST0BA0X ABB TRANSFIX. SAFES. pianos aad furniture moved, packed for shipping and hipped; all work ready guaranteed; large. 8-storv. biick. Ore-proot ware bouae rnr tnrnge. 'ornc 12S First St. . C. if. OLSEN. Phone Mala 647. a O. PICK, offlc MS first at. between 81 and Oak str. ; pbon 696; pianos aad furniture moves ana neraea tor snipping; commooioaa nre-proor, , ones Clay at. . . warehouse. Freat aad STORA0E apace to let 1 In our bow bul Idlng, 874 Water it Slgler Milling CowmiMio .1 0B TAIBTTBSe VERLINB. ARMSTRONG CO.. Sign, aotnls sr tlst. Pboae Bed 307. Cor. 4th and Coach ata. SATES. 8-INCH thick walla, not fireproof: repair gen erally; exchanged safes, bargain la tbeee; Canton Steal celMngf DfebnM work.- inctndlng Jails: Investigate. J. E. Davie, 1M Tblrd at." , TBABSFXB ABD HAuXXBO. 0BEGON TRANSFER CO.. 134 North Sixth. Pbone Mala 66. Heavy hauling aad storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, Ne. 20014 WaaV tngton at. Phond Msla 662. TYPEWRITERS. YOST TYPEWRITER llEADgUARTERS - i-vi Btsrs a treat . . -We lent repair, eell. axehang typewriters. Alt mpplle for all machine. Standard machine $28 and ap to $1ML '' Da yoa want a stenographer or. typist 1 We BBVV I1SV ox iraeaj anpilCBBtB. TTXBtX. I flAVB chotca piece of Umber land to sea there . Oregon for safe cheap.' A S, JournaL T0WXI, SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWEIaB DAILY CrjOIB, brash. Sean, $1 pr month. Lawrence Brn.? Towel Supply Co.. Peurth and Conch.- Phono 426. 1 VT0UBS. J. A. II maker and repairer; an 23 Unaaell bldg. FwUtand - work Srat else. Morrison. ; WAXLPAPCB. r MORGAN -WAI.I.PAPEB CO.. ia4-l4l at, bet, XsaxAlU aad Is J tor, partlaad. j- ; i- 1 , ; 'I I- I- I v. . . 1