. -Tonlr'.t and VT,dndy. : . : "A ' ' V, ' 1 f, I ' I H . 'I I '''''' - ' . U M U fM ?'.-;.- ' Cf T. Jrjmtl ' , ;1' ; - ;-C -I -'- - I i vol. in. no. gsi.:. ; .... j- 4 -: CiliuU PRICE FIVg CSHTjL -..;-V U)evioas IMhdi Adopted ;inHghtti thtlcceU POUCE PUT IN CHARGE OF LIQUOR LICENSES 7lick V Pren Any Expression . j. . r opuiar, otui -Regarding r. Precinct Prohibition De- iiv ' bate on Jayne Bill, - : . ' from a Jowul Staff Osmesoadeat.') Salem, -Or., Jan, II.. TneoppoBents of "local option nave resorted: to spins devious method la their .fight against the taw adopted by the people last Jan. -irte restrict the operation of tho law in iua.na towns, ana as far as possl- . Die make; It Inapplicable to them. To . accomplish, this end, a number of bills have been Introduced, under the rulae of charter bills.. which In effect alto- gether exempt certain cities and towns from the operation of the local -option ... law. ;.----:--vj - . -..-,,,-. n One of theae blUa; amendtns ht char ' ter of Medtord so as to make the local "option law a, dead letter within " the -boundaries- of that city: has; paased botti senate and. house and now awaits the governors slsnature. ' It passed unchal- . .lenged and without opposition because. Deins; purely- a local measure, its char- , - acter was -tinsuapected. - Nona but the --members from Jack son county knew of the hidden Joker and it was not dlaoov ered by others -until after 'the measure had passed... i-t, -A aim liar bill-amending the 'charter or neppner is now on its way through ' the leclalqlure' and M it becomes a law ' the people of that town will no longer .. . JCany Caartor Bins. Out of a total of m bills thus far Introduced In the two houses, nearly cne-elghth are charter 'bills, II Jn the house snd IS In the senate,- . i v r. As a rule charter Mils are not printed . wnea rtrat lntroauoea for the reason ; that they ara usually very voluminous snd of no general interest. . There la. therefore, no opportunity for the. mem ;. bers to a tody their provisions, sven if - they were disposed to do.' so.- When . the flood of charter bills began pouring .. Into the house, Cavender of Linn raised the- point '.that soma injnlryshoul(l be I ; made - to ascertain whether . the bills conformed to existing laws, but the Bug- - geatlon received lit tie attention. When ; a bill by Cole of Umatilla, to Incorporate : the town of Henpner, came upt for third, - 'leading tn the house last week, Caven , der auted that he had been told that the proposed charter wea directly , In . conflict with the local option law. He I therefor moved, a -re reference 'to- the : committee on oitles and towns, and the motion prevailed. -It Is understood. ' however, that the committee has agreed to report, the bill without change. -'.;, vi, . Actios Tomorrow., saieaa " la accordance with a resolution passed last week, au charter Dills now pending will come -up for consideration tomorrow i evening. - Among them will be the Bepp '. nor charter, and. It is said that there are ..' several others which contain a similar -provision abrogating- the- local option law for, the city or town to which they I "The method adopted is very almplal A ciauaa is inserted in the charter oon- ferrtnaT'opon the-city council or - the I . ponce commission .absolute jurisdiction 1 porat limit., nolthailnr any laws ) vwa hIV vi I'M""'" wt- I n.wii.vm nwu, ""'"''MUi RussUn right have been repulaed. iure or oy ins people mrougn me mi-i tiaUve.-J . ?..-.t... - - .,. I It la always' comparatively' easy for tha liquor .interests to f-mduca a . city council or a police commission to 11- nas aaioone. who u i.un ppwer ro ucense vestea in sucn a pooy, ins local option Jaw becomes a nullity. Residents of Med ford or Heppner.for example, J1 ".2 I,rcl"J, th6 urUtht ?L option if the pending charter bills be- wm twmm. . ine uiuorny wouio 1 oe veetea in tne council ot pouca com-1 Th. Japanese, are Systematically In mlsslon,; , . t ', forming the Russian (rank - and" flle of VulUfUS snsetloa. ' t If the Medford charter, bill, becomea a law It will nullify the victory recently won In that city by. the prohlbftton ele-1 ment and the city ' will again become -wet." ona naiz ot MearoM is now J "dry.1 - It Is difficult to -ascertain bow far the opponents of local option hrre car- ried tbfs evasion of the law. through charter amendments, - for few of. the (Continued on Page Two.) CO URT SAYS HORSE-; CO MMITTED SUiCID E Wvecial Dlssatrk' t Tke JevrnaM Aberdeen, Wash., Jan. SI. It has been said by natural IsU hat animals, except man. never commlt-euicide. but this verdict has been overriden by Ihs superior court of Washington, ; which has just decided a damage suit by ruling that a horse deliberately committed Sui cide, Mr. Lyons of Hoqulam brought suit gainst . Nela Hansen '- to ' recover the value of a horse which ho had rented to him for work on the Humptullps rood. Tho read runs along the beach and in the treacherous soli of the mire the norso f Question became stuck. The I I ' I i- i I V a 7 CosickKfioudnth Hob St ( Warsaw. The Portrait Ig That of Grand! RUSSIANS GARTU BED TOWN 7., . , :- Kuropatkin Reports That Four Japanese Attacks Have Been Re- ...",.v . .1 1 a. 1 r!ii r-t i. i J !.'' ' ".v:i " . Soldiers of. Rioting - 1 . J-' , , (Joaraal Special Serviee.) .- : St. Peteraburg, Jan.i !. Kurfibatkin reports that "the "Russians fold all' the positions which they captured lncth for wsM 'movsmsnt rutcnin nn ToTiillr V K and adds that four Japanese attackeon a trnm a-t, .UJ.AM' .tt.nlr on I-n..r,.m. h.. Mniltguwl sanrl ihat tKa Xi uala net am following up the retiring Japanese who th - .ft.rt un thmi hu. driven back by ahrapnel and. ride Are. A' dispatch', from Mukden . states that the wounded from the' right flank oon tlnue to pass to ths rear. It Is officially "Ported that the wounded, fcumber 1,8 QO. OeneraHMlatbhenko's Inlurles ara not aenous. " ""-..'" V v .- the disturbances In. Russia, honing there- by to-create 'dlsaffeotlbn: The soldiers eagerly read suoh 'communications. vii"' 1 - ' m 'iC.JfZ FORTIFY. HEIKOUTAI. Basalaa rosltlom atteeiailyrWakeaed-- rross aroaad Vreveats Barthworks. (Journal Spsclsl' Service. i i Toklo,-Jan. IL-The Japanese t are strongly fortifying Helkoutai, the cap- . ' - 1' 1 animal refused to exert Itself to become free and during Hansen's absence to procure assistance, tha tide came up and covered tho horse. it apparently making no effort to escape.- When tn tide receded tho animal was found dead. The evidence showed that for soms time the horse bad seemed to take lit tle Interest In life, and voluntarily died In this manner 'In order, to escape its life ;of-rtrnrlgery,' and the court ruled that th "nimul had committed a de liberate aalrl.ie and therefore the owner was .not. entitled to any damagea " Mr. Lyons could not out sdmlt the Justto of tha decision, being familiar with the melancholy disposition of tho animal. - ... V - '.... Now in Progress." : ... - - - ; . - r - u. i ture of which, la believed 'to have mi terhUlv weaJcenad the Suulin nnaltlnn and. will probably, compel a change In Frbsen ground prevents the construe- tion-of- new- earthworks." Ojrama""" re ports that the, number of Russian dead left on the-Aeld since January 26 la net lew. than-1. 109.-.- : " Further details from Oyama's head quarters stats' that the aefeat of Kuro patkln's army was more disastrous than at -first supposed: Both, sides lost lieav llyln tho three, day a" battle,' the most suffering . being ' caused by the fearful bllssard and the terrible, sufferings of the soldiers In the snow, mors men having- been incapacitated, by the-ravages ot oold than by. bullets,.' Throughout the .' conflict a -blinding' -snowstorm howled over-tho battleneld, "from which the . Japanese 'Suffered . more than the Russians. s .The 1 Opinion., prevails . .' in Japan that Kuropatkin was .under orders from Bt. Petersburg to win at any'co'sL' r Oyama" is following up' his advantage with resistless energy, endeavorlnr. to cut ,011 tne Hussian ten. Kvery avail able man xrbeing pushed .to the front arocxAoa mirsnrBB oAvasrr. fi' (Joorasl gpeetst Serpdee.) t '( -Toklo, Jan. J The .'Japanese have captured' the- British .'steamer. Wlcfleld. bound for Vladivostok wlQi '.contraband. REFUSES TO WED WHEN r : BRIDE GETS CONSUMPTION (Special DUpatek te The JearnaL)' -'t Seattle, :Waah.. Jan.. Jl Mayor J.-R. Zook-of .Ballard has been sued by Ro-J rena urovrr. uaugnier 01, rormer justice of the- Pesos drover of Ballard, who asks IS.OOU for alleged breach, of- prom ise 10 msrry. " :; Zoek- filed an answer. -defend Ina' hla conduct. On thb ground that, his fiancee, after tlielr engagement, contracted - in curable oonsumption. - Persons so sf- flictea, he declares, should not be per mitted to marry. - r--. . bxbotxov rBAtro rvnup- , - r (ooraal Spselsl flerrke.r '. San rranclsoo, Jait- II. Tiarles-Wy- man, convicted of ballot bos atufflng. waa sentenced this' morning to serve three, yeara -f , -, ..- . . i i Diike, Vla'dindr' Who. IgHto' Charfe of ' HEARS &IELBA SING Comes From Klamath to Listen ,;;-t0i Diva He Has Not Seen' MARRIED HER WHEN SHE WAS GIRL IN MELBOURNE If. 'fr His Money Made It Possible That -"She Might Become Famous V ; Soprano. 1 .- " .. . . - . . . 1 j' , Somewhere Jn -the vast audience at the Marquam Grand last night, .unknown to ths . singer , herseir. sat . Charles N. V. Armstrong; of Olene, Or., the' flrst hus band of Mm' Melbaj the father ;of her cowboy- son and 'the man who made' pos sible her great career.1 . . V. ' .' It .' is . a romance - that .. dates ' back . to meioa s girmood. , She was -living, In Melbourne, Australia, when Armstrong then, a wealthy. younr Xngliahman., was attracted, by hercharm in s personality and magnificent" voice. . He lnvai and she reciprocated the' affection. They were married. They went to Paris and there the husband had' hla- song blrd trained by the best masters of alt Eu rope. . :, ' . , . -i v One day a son was born to them, and while it strengthened the ties between them, there was a bitter disappointment In store. There was a more or lea. . sational separation and the boy, George, wn mi iainr. iney round. their way to lexaa and .then Oregon and went to ranching in the little town near Klam ath Falls about Ova years ago. . Not long ate it was announced that Oeorge, the son. wss going away to school. He left Klamath Falls. A few days later' the dispatches reported that he had .Joined his mother snd would finish tho season's tour with her. . The elder Armstrong came to Portland yesterday, but did not make himself con spicuous. He attended the concert last night, unaccompanied, and - presumably hue start d back for hla ranch, by this time. Effdrts to find him were unavail ing, v , . ' Armstrong came tobregon'froni Galves ton, Tex., where he nearly perished In ths great flood at that place.-. Tho fath er of the son by the great prima donna la about & rears of age and an affable man. . He has - made many, friends throughout the country. Upon' his ar rival at Klamath Falls he engaged lit the stock business with Ivan I). Apple- iContlnued on Pegs Sis.) DIVORCED HUSBAND , (Journal, --Warsaw," JaiiV ll.A condition of civil war exUts tn "Warsaw, , Rebels havs erected barricades, hundreds of ' shops 1 have bxAi .Blundered, "the telephone," exchange Is wrecked andHoris of petroleum have been poured ' on the street's and set afire:' f--r - "! r The fighting around .the .barricades continued throughout the night. e , In one section Of Isetochowa the rebelaare masters of the situation: 4 .andane--pollc hava.fledj - Huge Oj.nounclnghe establishment of a w roa nags wave over msny nouses, 0 ..-.v 11 NO 'V?-V. CONVENTION t;'- r.- - Bl Browrxil's' Measure for a Constitutional Gathering Is Doomed to Certain Defeat, Even ha : port It Wit --. iir-j'--1" v' 1 1 "i 1 -."" ' (rrern a Jparaef gtiff Cerrsapvbdeet) Salem, Or., Jan. 41. The constitu tional convention bill Is doomed. Even George C. Brownel, its author refuses to 'support' the measure in - the-ifOrm amended by-the - committee.) declaring that -party appointive delegate plan will lead to -Its rejection by. the.'-people. A canvass of- the senate this J morning shows that II members will vote against mo Diu m iu present lorm.inciuaing Brownell. - with Msys ' absentrthls . is npugh to-kill it.' Ths change of front on tho part of the author of - tho bill comes with the suddenness-of a railway collision and undoubtedly- marks Its de mise. - Only seven members take a posi tive stand in favor of the bill, the re mainder 4etng undecided, but there Is a probability that several will be opposed when-rthe time -comes to -vote. . ' : , The house this 'morning turned down the proposition to oonslder tho bill st a Joint session- tomorrow afternoon. This ction wss1 taken- on the -report of the resolutions committee.'. This shows that the -measure has a small Chance in the house, even If it-passes the senate. The senate has made tha bill a special order for tomorrow at 10 o'ciock. - v , The following' Is a result of the can vass of - tho senate X this morning: 1 1n favor Coke,--i Loughary. , 'Whealdon, Booth. Rand -Farrar, iMalarkey.- t. :' OpposedWIows. Bowerman . Coahow, Nottingham, Pierce. Miller, WTrlght, Cni'- ter,- Smith, Lycoclt, AtcLwnaia,-Mamas. Avery, Croisan, BrownelL- , .In - doubt Hoi man. coe. Kuyaenaaii, Hodson, Tuttley Hobson, Slchel. LOST HIS FINGERS, SO iL l YOUTH KILLS HIMSELF , 8peelal Dispatch to- The JoorasLl, , Victoria. , B.- Ci Jan." II. Fred M, Rogers, aged IS years, a son of i M. Rogers, a candymaker of this. city, com mitted sultclde in a cool manner - late last night.' ,. The boy has- had a 'particu lar fane for sxploslvea ' He has had .a crass for experlmentlpg with 'dynamite, nitroglycerin and-like dangerous explo sives, snd has had soma narrow escapos from being blown -up. JA short time ago la "consequence of.an experiment-he hud several fingers blown ofr. . Lest night he went Ao the New Eng land hotel and took a room. . 110 bad a revolver which ' Indications, show had been carefully 'cleaned with alcohol be fore tho final shot was fired. He had laid himself on ths'.hed and fired a shot right in the center of-his. breast, from which death resulted almost. Instantly. . He wrote a. letter to hts father and mother. announcing he waa going to do It. urging as raaon that he had lost Mis fingers and did not-want to ltvo. --r- GRAND. JURY; EXPOSES . GRAFT IN CHINATOWN . ' ..(Joaraal Special .tenice.) t--'".-'- San Francisco. Jan.. II. Tho' grand Jury, In '-a -partial report made- this morning; declares-that It has in its pos session evidence and Information, tend ing to establish tho existence of a regu larly organised system of gross notice corruption In Chinatown, and that it has secured possession of bribe-money that has actually passed. ' and oonfesslons from several police officials. ' fbiwobss xas Arpurstcms. - " (Joaraal Special ffervlcO -i ' - ..London. Jan. 41. Prinoeaa .Victoria. King Edwards' daugKtert was success fully operated upon for apnendlcltla at Buckingham palaeo this morning. v J Special Service.) ' ' . placards weMT posted this .morning sa- ' 'ravutjnary'jnu'ntolDal isinVt. . anjg'- 4. - . ..,.-:.. j .. ,'.-.: Author. - Refuslntf to "Sup-" " -' Its Amendments. r-l: " ' Brownell's opposition: is qualified. He would endeavor to gt -the bill passed provided the amending clause Inserted by the committee . giving the supreme court authority to jlame . SO delegates was stricken out. . v. - - , . Croisan favors the convention but says that the will of the people should be learned twfore the leglalature takes ae tloh?"7 Others personally favoring tha oeu vent ion are opposed" to the bill for va rious 'reasons. t- . ' I aH the delegates are 'not selected, by the people they will beat it." said BrownelL "Nor would I wtttlnaly do anything to endanger the initiative and rererendum. After If. passed ths house I Introduced and worked for the Daaaaaa of the Initiative and referendum bill In the senate and received credit therefor ana 1 do not cars to stultify my record."". -1 nave taken little interest in the con- ventlon bill Blnce It was smended in the committee. I. must not be understood as casting a reflection, on. the work of the committee but that I merely disagree on tne policy or having any of the delegates Appointed." It is trus that I -voted" in favor of such an amendment In tha mm. mutee, then .thlnklngt. a wise oourae. -J) After due conslderatlon,.inostieer, I havailnotdents are reported this- morning, but concluded an error has been made. Voir that reason I will not vote for the bill myself if the provision for SO delegates to be appointed remains." 1 AS the amendment In the committee waa agreed on only after manv miiani and sharp debating there As- little liko- unooa. ot iu being eut- out. PREACHER KEEP&GRAFT - PROOFS FOR GRAND JURY , c Speeial Otapatck to The' JottraeL) ' oeaitie, Jan. Jl. Tha city council chamber. and hallways ot the City Hall building were . not able to accommodate one third of tho crowd seeking admis sion last night to hear the response of " w m. a. uattbews to tha invita tion of the council to explain what ha meant In a recent lecture-when he said some members of the council were suf fering from "symptoms of graf title." He presented 21 counts in his address, declaring htmself willing to produce tesT Umoay to- prove their correctness. - but only before a grand Jury. - ... ' ' ( -.-' ' i ic- BAjriam bbobwitji ptibxi. , '".' (Jnnntal Special . Brrrl.) i ' ' Oberlln. Ohio. Jan. SI. The df. President Beckwlth of the Oberlln bank is grave. It is not believed that ho can live longer than a week.' Ha la unconscious part of the time. Beckwlth to' the head of the bank wrecked by Mrs. Cassis Chadwlck. - -. . v. , RUM Rl OTS WR ECK J FLO R I STO N HOTEL -' -I-''; -. -. (Joarnsl Special WrTtlcS i '! :. . j-Truckev--CaL.,f Jan. Il.i Fifteen drunken workmen played havoo with the Ftorlston'. hotel at Florlaton laat night. For. some time past there has been Ut feeling between tho boarders snd Manager Olenn, the former threatenlnc bodily injury to the managers of the houne laat hlght at ths supper table. Olenn rebuked the men for their loud talking. They left the table and went to the office and demanded whisky, but were refuaed. - Three men. then ' grabbed Olenn and shoved him . out of the window - anQ SavagcjMob$5nd.(ll!:rc xiSaya:So!dters:SIayiIi: '"'f';. RED FLAG s RAIDED-- i ; . ; MORE TROOPS ARRIVE HHngryM obs Raise . B arricades I and Repel Attacks of Drunkerr -Soldiery Casuartlea Ex- iPp :.i ceed a Thousand."' . -. ' ' . '-. :. :, ,-'. - (JouraaV Speclat fWrks.)' " -r ' r ' Warsaw. Jan. ' Il.iBavace mohs .and . more savage sOMlers,- both-Intent -upon- killing, have complete possession of Warsaw. - Brery stieet has been inf. Hefleld, - and many conflicts have oc curred, at the same time in sections of the . city widely distant from ono ah-1 othec '",: "'" ' 11 - . 1 1 Young and old men,' women and chil dren have been ruthlessly attacked by the soldiers 'and- shot down Indiscriminately- upon the' streets." One hundred " instancea could ba cited of tho soldiers'. brutality, followed by: tho mob's fero- city. For the moat part the, soldiers. -are Intoxicated and take particular de- light trr attacklng snd knoutlng harm less parsons Indlscrlmlnstsly. Many Instances can be cited of tho In- -- conceivable brutality of individual sol dier. Children have been slain, women, outraged and disemboweled and old man killed at their firesides. , . . aaiso set rtacsv . . ...i,,;.;;': Tho 'strikers grew bolder this morn- " Ins when the red- flaa was raised over several h6uses-snd large bodies of men ; made open attacks upon the Cossacks. Barricades - were! erected and fuslladea - directed- at passing soldiers from win--' dowa : There-Is scarcely a shoo that has - not brn plundered and many of thenVT"" ha ve been bumed. Jewlah ahops have ben .the spoolal mark. "for the plun derers. ' .-':.' A' .'..'.V.' .''. The mob Is desperate and 011 t" vr -of starvation. ' Women , hag-gam un gaunt from starvation ar leudlua the attacks upon bakeries. Food-is almost unprocurable and , bread Is at famine prices. r It Is almost Impossible-to get an ac curate account of the casusHlea, owing . to the fact of there belnr so-many dis turbances in various parts. 'of tha Jetty. Hundreds of men. women and children lie dead"-and unaccounted for. ..Thin . morning tha, chief of police placed the casualties so rar f j,03. . .'''-'.; . - A' Woman's ' Tragody. ', ; A woman posted oii a balcony picked, off with a rifle tho Cossacks who are trying to drive tha strikers from1 the . streets.. A Cossack .finally shot tho woman, but hla own. life paid the pen- elty. The mob fell upon him, dragged him from his horse hnd kicked him to deaith.''".' - ---v r .,.:.'., EXPEL CORRESPONDENTS. Tropoff Taxeatens Banishment to Bews- ,V' . pipoyigsti-irao 'Bon4 Msvrs, j- -' Joaraal Special Service.) ?. Petersburg. - Jan. II. -No- equina? epo radio dtsturbancea oontiauo but with out oonealon or spirit. One hundred and thirty thousand strikers have returned to work. 8everai hundred of those ar rested since tha trouble started, have) been released after haWna been tlamrtA. In the provinces these s rrestscon 1 1 n ue. "Trepoff-has threatened "10 excel all " correspondents who telegraph stories of' disturbances to foreign pointa It Is re ported that relations between Minister ' of the Interior Mlrsky and Trepof f have , Become so strained that the former's resignation la Imminent, , "..,' ,-'-'-' ' . '--'.... BBBBT.T.IOB JM OAVOAJTIJS. . , 'r (Joaraal Special Ssrrtea.) St. Petersburg. Jan. II The strike la spreading at Tlfles, causing the printing works to. shut down. Other trades era. ' affected. . Tha authorities ax Tlftea ha v. discovered a plot amongst tho mal- -content Arraaniana to organise a re bellion throughout the Caucasua . ' PLACED UNDER BONDS" v" . : , Ow rtOBBERY CHARGE -. (SiwclaT- Olspatch to Tae JoaraaLt "' v " v. La Orande, Or.. Jan. H. kfao Monro ' was placed under - tlOS bonds tofiav. chargvd wKh having robbed X S. ouu man of a watch, about 120. a evol-er " and. Other artielea- Both parties Ifve in . Htlgsrd. sight miles west of here. Moore was na buggy with a .woman , when arrested. The men had ouimiad previous to ths. robbery. . , ; " helped themselves to llquora broke the bottled goods, split tha rest, broke the bar pieces, threw tha stove through tha window, turned the billiard table over, smashed the "chairs snd counter and broke every light, putting a climax to the work by breaking every glass on the first floor of the building. Thev then went to the top of the hill s- ., rolled big boulders down against ' 1 ' building. The word waa (Mrl v stroy ths goods In the s(o--. r guards wars replaced and t pulsd sad gotten p' t ' manager wss not t V .a. -S- '.' ,