The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 30, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    A 1 :v
', --fr f
. -i -
-Peauit of f Conference of .Joint
v -t ; Commission Permits Ten
'r'rp; Pays - M'ore fishing; jrr
i'Vt, AAiiiMr'Tft dSdti a kin
ashington Board to Arrive Next
ISafurdaylrv-i: Spe-
T tiai Car.
-, : v fSpeclal Mepatra to Tee IWaal.)-
Lr TMrmpis-v-Wash- Jsn. :I0.Th result
- . . . - . a i i
Of th conference -of th Joint fish
llsniona of - Washington d Oregon.
which begun her Saturday, will. likely
." )ia tht extension of the Chinook salmon
season from August It ' to August If.
V thu allowing lday mora of fishing
In both atatea. much to U aattsfaotlon
.of tha caanerymen and . f lnhartuen (
A; .the Columbian river' awtloiv. ': .;,"" -V
Th Waahlngton member ot the Com-.''-'.
;cnlsion ara Representative Roth, chair
'' tnaa of th houaa ftaharlaa committee)
' ' "'"Representative sUevenaon aX Skamania.
.Interested la fteh- wheel on tha Col u in
' .bis: ' Resreaentatlv Will Lama " of P
.' -4lflC county." Senator Welah of Pacific,
A. and Senator. Watson of Cowllta, botl on
- tne-Celumbla river,, . .
-J The Oregon commissioners are 1. H.
Voewer,. a- hop. eateer ' of -dndepeadeaoei
arf Portland; J- V. Burns. cigar manu-
-fncturer of Aatorla, rapraaentlnc tha
v house; Dr. Tuttle of Aatorla. and O.-P.
L'obIuiw, a lawyer ot-KoaaburYeprmf
Itentlns; tha ornate.
y?.r CaltaarBa Awatt' aota4-. ! "
.i-A number of ; promlnant cannery mia
'. are In tha city noplnc to get a, hearlnc
lxfure the committee Tha commute
' held tha. first -meeting- Saturday after
i . noon, but transacted Utile ibualaesa. -A
brief , survey of tha altuatloa was aaade
. only. A great deal of legislation la In
. .'' ralght and the committao will try to fear
.moalaa Lh laws and recommead ior paa-
' -.. 'ge only each aa . will harmonise tha
jntereata of tha two atatea and assiat in
' building up- tha fishing Industry. -?
Qovarnov Mead returned today ' from
. Portland, where, ha wont Saturday aa
v guest of honor at tha annual dinner -f
- the Portland Commercial club. - la tha
absence of Governor If end, Lieutenant
t governor Coon acted aa chief executive,
''although nothing of ; Importance -de-
'Wikm mi attention, .-i ;: , -' '
' Next Friday tha Washington commlb
Slon having In charge the exhibit of tha
atate. at the Eewls and Clark fair, will
, leave ror rortianir to make final ar-
. JUagementa for the state'a ehowtng." A
'peels 1 car will provided for the
' -(-ommlsatonera. 471.00 baa been as-
,1'roprlated for the ehblt. and a great
-neai or material haa been, left over from
the St. IjOuIs expoaltlon. - The eommla-
a Ion consists of Dr., J, i. Smith, chajr?
, man: '. T. B. Sunisaeiv C. 1 Stewart.
: "Ifubar Rasher.. W.-H, -Her. - secretary;
.Oeorga H. MUler and A..t. BUkar. v -..;
' ;-) 'Tmoa nsuo iujm. '
-'-''r"'J Slai tttspstra ' te Tke .eoraal. i "Ti
.t Iji Grande. Or.; Jan, SO. Special
. - Agent 4. H. Alexander, with headquar.
tera U Grande, who haa raoantly
. been In the Fossil country, looking after
;--u the public land in that section, found
-that number of the fences surround
"lng publlo landRftn that section have
. been rebuilt. These lands wars opened
. ' by order of the govern-mant a year aigo,
' nd -if this la proven there will no
'k- . dotibt ba mora land loyeatlga,tl6 In that
:?tn"rr" '2 5 ' r v
tnneUl Otspateb ta The JobtosI.) . r
- '7 Seattle, Wash., Jan. S. At the an.
I ' hual meeting of tba stockholders of the
'"A PeaKle-Taooma ' Power company. N.-H.
r lttlmer. manager of tha Dexter-Horton
, hank, and local reprosentsittvo of tht
tdd ft Tllton Interests in Washing ton;
; waa elected president. Tha .other offl-
pera remainea tno Mm.., .. -r . - .
'. I Ofier AQ Stomach 8ulrars Pull Dol
' ..ii ff una n my nsmcoy
Fro to Try '.
, tTVi1Trg t-rr tart astur! werti rre
; . Bsat win Is ae eraloarjr rrnrdr. Ordinary
..; . tawllPS -w-sr sysietB. My reasMy treat
- -is- rsasee tnat aranqee tse fnptotM. Kyi
t-ntawar ; ntoat - be kept aa foreVer-
-f k the cause Is there. My treatment-Bay
tm stnppea as ssea ss it kas reatovea jie cause.
, for that le ahvara the n4 at traubla
" ' aianiack troubla is not really a sickness, bat
. symptom. It Is a symptom that a certain set
:.jf aerves Is ailing. Kot the. voluntary aarvM
1 s hst ahle your to walk and talk and set bat
the antomatie stomach.. aerTek ever which your
1 , aitna kas so control.
- : :- I aavenat r-eal bare ta exptala w thru
, ' Vao.r. tiny aervea control and enerate the
..stomacki Hnw worry breaks them oowa and
' v-eausas taelgesttoa. How mlease wear tbea out
causes drspapala. Bow artier may bring
, en ktdoey, aeart. aad etbar troBbM' 1hroa( E
i ersifaie. t have aot rasa s .explstn bow
T these erves may be reach and strenstkanad
in. -ritauaea, aua
rematlna the eanaa. rata m eertala ana ta la.
, aiaeatlaa, brtchlnt, aartbura. Ineeaala,' ner
vsmaeaa.' dyspepaia. All. of tkeae thlnes art
fully xBlalaoa ia the book 1 win -sand joa
(Vara yo write. .
-l. i-ln Bar taa aalllloa ban my remedy Is
known. It kas enred stomach troablea ant saes.
-.ot repeatedly ever and over scalar l'at you
Kiay but bata heard at M or bearing, may ha fa
d-layed or doubted, go I make tba) offer to
a etranaer, that even possible etruae Tor
Vaonst may be reamred. Mend KM so nrnie
mak see a premie take as rtek. mwply
a-rlt and a .a. -At wtm hat. i inu.
f. ',ly, I "1 send yea aa order ea your drngglat
S full dollar bottle not a sample, but the
Mm mtIII
M-W IIP Mill M ,
i mil-yea aer-nt this nppertenlty to laara at
Meenae anaotutely, how te be rid forever of
ll forms of tsaueh trmihls--ta be rid aet only
at the trouble, not of Ins very eaaaa whlca
. .sreaueed tl t Write today. . i. .
, - -
rnr a free erder far
-a faU dollar boltie rmi
wtnet " a4dteas 1 ' f r
Knnop. , M A aTx, .
fllarlne. Wis. . Htate
which book ye wsat. '
Monk 1 aa Dyspepsia. -Book
k on the Heart. -Kenk
I oe the Kidneys.
Bosk for Waawa.
Hook I for Mea.
Book t ea Saeaaunsat
' MIM esars ars eft en rered b single bottle.
' saw al forty tkpuaand drag Moras. .
Son of J. Pierpoht Morgan Forms
. Combine to Squeeze Fe,l-
;;.;:'rrT low Passengers
1 ---,
Professional Gamblers Get Away
With Large Amount From 7
Blooded Youth. 1 - .
tspeclal IMspatch by leased Wire to Th Journal)
New. York. atan. A "mtnionalrea
pool." tba latest proauct of the monop
oly microbe, at the beao Of which waa
son of J. Plerpont Morgan, furbished
half the, excitement and talk among tha
12 aaloow pasaengara af tha While Star
liner Battle,- whloa arrived in port from
Liverpool today. - The other half was
caused, by big game of table 'stake
poker In which two - young men lost
t,4t god which brought twd detective
to the pier to scrutlnlsa. every passen
ger, who left "th ship. Crooked work
wag suspected, but. non of the big
gambler who opera t tin the Atlantic
a tea mere were dlacovcred. .!.
- Tha-- millionaire,: pool" . .wag i mad
Monday and consisted of cornering tha
market on beta aa to Tueeday a run. 3.
P. Morgan. Jr--J. at-Morgan. Percy
Chubb and Edward W.Clark are akid to
be the four millionaires .who got to
gether, gnd by buying up all tho likely
gueaaeo In stb 'low. field'' won back
tho 11.000 they put In and 15 besldea
in doing at) they Incidentally aronsed tha
ire of all th other - saloon -paasenger
who had gon In on the pool. . r,.,
Aa to lhcuatom In making up k. pool
on a,' day's rn each person paid II for
tho prtvllege -of raglstarlng s guess.
After their guesee. wr all down each
gtiesa waa auctioned off to tha highest
bidder; Th person who had registered
th bet received half tha amount realised
at the auctioning of tha bet, tha other
half going with th pooLf -.
-Tho- big- poker play which, formed
an Interesting and to two persons an
expensive -diversion occurred on th last
day of tha voyage. It did not become
generally known until- two saloon pas
sengers .cam to the ship's office and
complained that they had been .none.
On had loat 1100 isnd tha other 1700,
'ami both believed profeaslonal gamblers
bad obtained, th money. :r-':-Tir--i
Anniversary of the Execution of
Charles I Observed by;
:tu A :: Jacobites. . :a- -a
j -'
V-,- (oojnisl flpacml er-4ee.) '? -.. "i
London. Jan. 10.--TWO. hundred 'j and
twenty-ala years ago today Charles I
was executed by bla subjects, and latter-
dnr .Jacobite observed the anniversary
an usual bv Dlaolna" -wreathe on tbe
statue inr Trafalgar-aouaro- That Ja-to
any; taer would Ilka to plane thee. floral
emblems personally, but sad to ralais
th garland ar now always laid In po
sition by th rud band of Hanoverian
policemen, . T ... - .
The rasonlotjnijiia ssBitwnsri
amusing. Ih floral observance cora
monoed aom IS year ago. and all would
hav gon wall, but for a .modest bunch.
of .violet placea among tn otnsr.aeco-
rations. ; It waa not tn nower. oy -tn
card, to which they were attached wmco
caused th rumpus. - This card was the
whtta lid of a milliner Boa inked round
with a deep black border. In th center
were printed in large Utters these
words: . "Rememberl . Oh. King and
Martyr, We Hav Not Forgotten. ; Long
Live Queon Mary." West day Uiere was
a Daraa-raoh In all th paper calling
attention to tha "dlaloyal'' inaorlptlon.
and; when parliament met a question
waa out to the horn aeoretary. Tha
consaquance waa th placing of Jacobite
wreatha under th eenaoranip or tn
ofllo orworkifWhOr all tribute now
hav to b gnt. (!.. , v..:: -:':.... .... .
;branchto uwiston
V (8pedsl Mspatch ta The Journal) '
Lav Grand. Or., .Jan. ' 10. Reports
com from . Wallowa county-mat tn
Oregoa Railroad ak Navigation company
will make a move In th early spring to
eatend tb Elgin 1 branchT frhat-n
which .rung. .5 mUea .northwest, of La
Orande, on . down th Grand Bond to
Clarkaton and Lawlston. -. -
Tb Oregon Railroad aV Navigation
rompany ha had a man through th
Wallowa country checking up a aurvey
mad aeveral- year ago, when the o. Ri
N. was at war with th Northern Pa
cific! over th Clearwater country, aad
while it ia almost aur th Elgin oranon
wilt be extended to th heart of th
Wallowa country. It 1 possible? that th
extension will be continued to. a con
nection with th Riparia -road If - that
lln waa built.
For two year - past ' th Wallowa
paopl hav been clamoring for a rail
road and hav sent a number, or peti
tions to th O. R. a N. people, and re
lief I perhaps not far distant. During
tb Clearwater fight the O. R. N. sent
a large amount of ties) and other build
ing material t Elgin and th people for
tha first tlm realised then that ths
proposed Orand Ronde road had a bear
lng on th Issue involved In th con
troversy between tne- road , regarding
th bualnaea of thoe sections. Tb
true cam, however, and sine then not
a mil of track ha been built. -
The survey of th Orand Bond road
shows that a grade ot to feet to th
mile waa aeura1"dont thai rtvnr. Tha
road would aerv a rich country all th
way and would aiao provide th most
direct rout to th east for th produce
of thla region. - ' ! , - . - , . :
i i i. ... m -
. ' (Joarnal gnerlal aWvles.l
Vienna, Jan. . The 10th onnlversary
of the tragic death of Crown Prince Ru
dolph was observed today by masse In
tn palao chapel and In th Capuchin
church. In the vault In which th prince
la entombed. Th emperor and members
of th royal family visited th churoh,
where they prayed beside th wreath
covered tomb of th crown prince and
his murdered mother, th Empress Elisabeth.-
, ,- 1
OAMPatnrrnr iraw. "
Uv. A. M. Rock wood, pantor of the
Highland Congregational, church,' Will
preach at th Salvation Army camp-
meeting. 1ZI First street, thla evening.
Mia Sands ' and Mr. Bollsrslev. the
singer, wilt - present a good 'program
and a' pleasant tlm la expected. Large
crowds attended th different meetings
veaterrfav and arrant Interest waa shown.
Everyon la Invited-; . , -f-.-A
"' ' i i ' ' -'
' : . . , ; ; ;
What George' WslUce WOliams
Intended .to Say at the " ' ;
; 5 ' Sunday Meeting.' : '
' I
d ' . (Th speech that ueorg vtej
4 lace Williams would have made
at the Mriuara Grand theatre
4 yeatarday afternoon If there had d
"TjeeTTTi- funotiso,"-roporle'ni of
d - th dally newapapera. In front of 4
him. and leglslatora of tl state e
. of Oregon In the proscenium
boxea beside him, aad 1 promt.
g stent ; cttlsens. Including - tha
d". clergy, bankers, adltora, capllal
d lata, bualnesa ' men, merchants,
d lawyers, doctors, , member of
d - the park board, officer of th
d city on th stage ana ' tsyor
d William In th chair. -
' I ae before " m pen-pusher. " Ton
represent th great journal of thla ctty.
You are th hardest worked, poorest
paid, most Intelligent.,' honest. t Incor
ruptible, efficient men in the world.
You report what you see honeatly. but
It ia tha man In the skr-loft. with the
blue pencil, that edV your head f f.
My Ideal or a newspaper its to nave
the blue pencil banishea.. and , bo ro
porter rooelvd.les than $60 a- week.
Th only bos hi own conscience, and
hi only gatd Is duty. -Th 'only In
struetton will bo -to tell th truth, th
whole truth and nothing but th truth,
and tell things as they ar. -
"Evry newspaper. reporter khoultf
celva salary enough to -board at th
Portland hotel or have rooms In som
fin , apartment house and take' hi
meal at th Xrueo grill. 4 21 should be
long to tha Commercial or Arlington
club and go to church very Sunday
morning. . : v -; ' 'Ai
Before aaylng anything on parks, I
want to hedge by saying that I am
thoroughly In favor of the elty buying
enough Lewis and Clark ground a to se
cure and perpetuate th Forestry build
ing, which ought to b bought. Includ
ing reasonable acreage for 175.00a.
I want to tell you how I came to see
Council, Crest. It was a beautiful Sun
day afternoon. My sister and I had been
to hear Dr. House, who Is th bkst
preacher' In th world. " "
We took a Portland Height street ear
to loop th loop. ; I am ,vry fond of th
merry-go-round. In f act, ' fonder of t
than when I waa a boy. It ia o eahll
grating. Andy Johnson used to like to
swing around the circle. Bo do I. 'In
going across! Canyon gulch bridge I waa
amaaed to see . th magnificent " .view.
But Mr. Puller took m over so quick
that I couldn't see on thousandth- part
of what every passenger ought' to'
who goe over that road. He ought to
be fined and Imprisoned for running his
car faster than- a-nralk-rovr - that
bridge. . When he got to th end of th
loop th car stopped. We got oft. Sis
ter and I started to Mt. Zlon. : When w
were half way there t bald. YLef go
back.1-My angel tempted m on, say
ing .there must be aomethlng beyond. I
aid no, we bad gon far nough ; ai
readv. "Lat a go backl She-said I
must g6 on. A womsn'a mtist''ruea I
th world. I went on and tip to th
vary top pinnacle of Cotinoll Croat. -I
waa translated on th kpot. I had a
vision. I was In a nw . world hail
left" th old world down on Burnald
street. I waa in heaven.-. Council Croat
la th only place on this earth by which
you can reach heaven. I never thought,
believed, that it Waa posalbl to hav
such a vlw on this earth. - Th view to
I the. east was perha. n more beautiful
you could see from -many point
on Portland Heights, vuy-jrarg, tnan
crossing Canyon gulch,- but the view
to the west, to -me. was Wonderful.
saw ths beautiful-valley and village.
I looked clear to the top of th coast
range. My faith poaaeased me to auch
an extant that I removed th coast
rang and looked Into th Pacific Ocean.
Looking 16 th Columbia I- could ae
th ships pass up. and down from Th
Dalles almost to the great ocean. Van
couver seemed to 11- almost at th Toot
of tht cliff." -City park and Portland
height looked Ilk flat ground. Lewis
nd Clark fair looked like a hot In th
ground. I have said enough.
My proposition: Let th city bond It
Self for Itoo.eoo. . Oiy th northwest
quarter 4 quarter ofT that - sum. 6r
tllt.000, 7,00 of" this-? uwTwlli Tuy
the Porestry ''building and -a few aero
or roses, ir tno owner won t sen.
will agree t duplicate the Forestry
bunding, much . finer - than It la,' with.
great fir at the main entrance perpen
dicularly set. . I wiu' aiao agre to put
a foundation Tinder th building so that
It will not aettle Into th earth, at mr
own-xpenS. I will agree t furnlah a
10 time finer site, twlo aa many acre
ot ground, twlo as . many- roseg, , for
Th othrttO,000 can go to purchase
lands on th helghta, an xtnslon of
city parx, or wnerever tne parg,oira
s nt to put it. ' f -. --- , -Th
southwest duarter Let' 4iav a
sounre dekb Otv tfr tl I .00 of the
fund. ; Pay th Smith I70.000 for Coun
cil Crest and secure th most beautiful
viewpoint that I've seen In th western
hemisphere. It' worth $100,000 If It's
worth a cent Dr. Smith gav 160,000
for it 10 veara ago. Tha other ISS.OOo-
of this fund can go to Marti us m gulch or
any place where th park board fit
to put It . ' .'
TM southeast nuartr-It should hav
something.-' lt'e hav a aquar deal.
Give It tltt,00; Thla wll buy Haw
thorn Park. 'which ia a beautiful viae.
and leav tt0.0O to buy Mount Tabor,
turn th Inaan Alaska Indiana over to
th government and mage it a beautiful
park, aa Oad Intended It ahnuld b mada
Th northeast quarter Olve It aome
thlng: donf be hog. ' I believe . In a
aquare deal. It la entitled to at leaat
ono quarter - of tht $100.000 -that ia,
tl2t.0O0. .. That 'will gtv Captain Spen
cer $100,000 for th Irving atat. . Th
captain I not trying to hold up th city
for this ground Is easily worth more
than $100.000. He tells m that Mr. Dla
mood, of th Driving association, ha an
option on 27 acre for 11(0.000.- Ha also
tells me that this 41-acres that h offer
to sell Mayor Williams la batter ground
for. park purpoae than th Irvlngton
racetrack. Thla wUl leave $10,000 for
the park board to buy som Island or
other ground in thla quarter of th city.
v '- (Journal Snaets Servlee.)
Bay City, Mich,. Jan. to. Covers wtll
be laid for o at th annual banquet of
th McKlnley club tonight Th promt
nent apeaker will Include Congreakman
Smith of Mlohlgan, Kyle and Watson
of Indiana, and. Congressman. Denby of
Detroit. ' - '
Tor In feats u.4 Ckildrsa. , ;
Tlti JOdYa K:tj Ahrs7t::;it
, Basrs ths-Stgastexeef
Oiir Discount Tag Sal ends tomorrow niht Prices arc gixatiy reduced
houseftimishin neverbefbre heard oral PortIanar;
- tT?-.:'--'- f. rJ-"--"
' Here is one of our Bargains. A
- n---n
solid Oak Sideboard, with oval
French bevel plate, one lined
! drawer for silver. Nicely fin
: : ished- ' ?
- - you
"-("' V'.-
Kit 1 I M
7 i" ' - -o. -. ' 'amBmmW "T""Sjn'" ' Myr"aT ''T' r- """"""" """"l
-,a- " .
. A. -
;,f 7". 1 . ; -----t - -i "a I 1. ' ; ' i ' - ' y f ..J ,
; Attend fc.tat Ctosmg-Opt Sale ?
:ii'"surnn" r.i " vtas su i, n- ssuiii" ji. 7 .it . s m: i ii i. :
' '' ." " --: . i .....; : .. -- ' ' t: 1 '''' v '. L '', i" ti 7-' . .... " ". tttt -' . f,-. ;)
' '! V' :.'V" I X': -i', '-.', 'v - 'A.'?' 'AA;Ay;
'.;-Ever Offered 'llie.
" W,7
At Mira w BniMl Cost
: : FUR
-- -
And equally as astounding values in everything else
For very, very little Money. ! DOIVT DELAY
' AU- A: A. , ,
"Tks Store That
r - -t.
Ladies -" DnaTM:';Men-:wpal(,'''
birdseye maple and mahogany,'
Full . French
TOP --hOTTOM AND SIDES?' -V" v & '" .V
'j - Doesyour heater keep the house warm with little fuel and is it easily
' ' latear - Are your xuei dius larger xnan iney snouia ur - nco tuoouuu
.Duuum aa jtvuihu unuic
w; "' "-': ':, A,: ''AA-'""":fAAi : ,A
- .liWIc' - in: This . aty.'trt' -
. ;r - ) ;. i L-m) )S-AAA.
m rrw ; y y i m mm
: r U, r. I r .' '"aTaW 1, ' W T W- ) " ' X i m-o-T' I V aL - '. I ' a?
LADIES JACKETS; values up toj$12.00, at
COLLaARETTES, values from $lltp $14
CLOTH CAPES, .values
nesday, February 1st, as on
; :aa . . .. . : n : o s.
SiYC3 Yea llcncjr''
:.'-- ' . - .. " ' i '- x '' . i '; - ; ' v iv.V"'a; " A' ' .
I ' ill' ' ' ' .a. .. . ,' . , . .. ..I . ; T . . " ;?
rj.." )aa; c:a 2 AC-iX
A. 1 1 -V-7 1 :j.W-..:v-'!'VT-: ' -.A?-i - I ,: m I :
: J WaM 111 l OiLJ
t-i- l.w., I vii .. ;-w- -v
legs, highly pol- i
-ii. .". 'A'
j" '"IT"' f
" "o""; . 7
r.A. yrsTAA"i v
i ' : . -j 1 "m . . -aa-f-i
77,7 A- - A --i .,;-yt-.y.A'.;- - hA':A .--t-7;.-. --Trrr.'-..-,
where you dm buy tie1 Gre-test Wg$ains ; C
., - w fu;vi
$4.25 v
from $12 to $16, at :
in the store. I A very seldom
! This stock must podtivdy:
that day expires the lease of the
ca nonno : .
rThis HighBack" Rocker In
golden finish," with! flat arm, '
" , -:.f --well braced.-'.- -.""';''-.
' A '--J"
regu-1 V
cor; FIRST
Taylor srs.;
. $2.90
$4.50 ,
i. '." - - . t ,
: : $4.25
returning chance to buy':
be closed out by.Wedy
; - , n v.:a?a
: .
i .-1
-r -v