The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 30, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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Tr- tsEtr:or- wnduifc- ! -
' Neitoe I kmM ' glvea . that Ike Auditor
of the- Cltr I Vet laud bee prepared pr
luaed saarsaoH-nt for the Improvement of Floe
, .tract Irum the weet Une of Front atreet te
the east lHu wf Sixth street, sad has saiear.
, tslned what he deeme Juat aatxa-tluoment of
M for 4ue -improvement .In accordance - with
ik nwhl and peculiar beaeflle derived br
I ' '"ar par.! of land "and lot or part llwwl
within the aeaeeeinrBt diatrirt. sad kaa app.
ttourd. Dm. coat for said Improvement In lb
. MnU set oiipoelte each parrel ef laad and lot
.'or pnrt thereof SB Jts share of such proposed
ae-aceemcnt. '-'
Any iroHooa ta tfc' apportlonntt o eoat
- f said Improvement muet be made la, writing
to tlM Council and filed with, toe Auditor
I . within U days from the date af . tka flrat
PMhlleettoa or thla notice, aud aald .objerttona
r ', will he beard and determined br tka Council
before the puurt of- tka ordlaaac SBseasliuj
- ,. rne cost of aald Improvement. , . i
; PORTLAND BLOCK 27, tot, 4. Jseob Khmm,
, ,; anata , Vt at an a. jacoo wabuio,.
,',.' sm.22; aortb ft of lot 8, Henrietta E.. Mary
v , '. Failing and Emily F. Cable, $.10.22: tot
, -), Henrietta K . Mary t railing aw corny
t - V r.hi. X72 74: L.i 4. Jacob Kjunm. $309.21.
- '-.--:' BLOCK 38, tot 4. Mavlnga Loan Society of
. . Ma , Francisco. $618.17 ; kt S. Sarttuta
r .1 Uian of Kaa Vrawlara, $74.00; lot
,iW.A Lad Ealata, HMra of. i.4o; Wt ft.
r W. . Ladd Eatata. llftra of. 4.4. BLUCb.
-:l L F Haapltln. liaO T9: hit 8.
' iarnra E. itaaeltlne, (o2.N2; north H f
' bt a. W. J llnwklna. $l7.Ko; aouib t uf bit
-r- . iMBtrt Start,: ICT.87; tot , Edith VI.
t tiraiit. iJ8B.a4. KUM'bi 44, but A. Hobn-t
, If. Tb)Hapao. M.I.4: b.t J. Ilobert H.
. f 1boiupn,' 7S.M; lot A Kobwt ll. Tkonv-
. a.m, 7.41: lot . . Robert H. TkoniMo.
" fMT.AW. HlJfH K T, tot 4. MarabaU W"a
' Hardware Cumpanr. us.Tu; aoutk ot !
!;.. MarkaJl'IJa Hardware faa.BKi
north S of lit 1 M. H. Hurrell kMate, H-lra
': .of. 07: all of tliat portion of ortbrlT
'.- ? o' bit lyln amitb of lino equi-dlatant
botwern tbe aonibn-tr line of Ankaigr atrevt
'-.-; and Um norttwrly line of Pin atreet. (1.1.88;
-.. aoatb H of tot . MarabaU WflU Hardware
- '" ' tvnuiMnjr. .'U; to H. MarabaU Wella Uard'
ibnnanr. 1SI1.11 RIXM'K . 8R. aaat
, . ; tn feet of amitberl; H of Ww 64, Bernard
Aioera,; neat too teei oi amnomy
' fcWlt an, aoalh .ft of lot I. Janjea. W, took.
. .nartn er m .. 4. k. ".
tiM. KM- mik I. nt lot I. William K. Robert
, ton. M.:tl ; north i of tot 3, 8. I. . I
- 'rranr. JoSl; auatb 0.5 feet of weaf i
of tot t. Mar Aon Inbert. to.SA; nor lb
i.t reet or treat u or tot T, jamea w. ions,
.:i6.; eaat ?4 of lot 7.--Jamea . W. . tiouk.
. :w.K!; aoulh K of M . Jamea w. ,
' - 71. 4ft! rtb H of tot . J. R, Brlfbain,
tl.UTll DIJK'K na. undivided ta of lot I.
L--.'lar 'Rhbelmiz. (tkV9:u unUlrlnVd 4 otJtot
, J. Clara r--4helmer, $8.1K: nndlrlded W of
'bit I. W. B. KM-hbelmer. M..H wodlTlded
it tot J. W. B. b'n'hbeldier. 8.1; nndtTktod
:,; V, of tot 3. Klliabetb Klekenfrata. 9.W: n
llrlded tb of. lot I. KfKabetb Klrheuareen,
' fn.m: nndlaldad U, t tot . AHoe M. Klcben
' 'jrreen. t).l; SiurtlrloM H of tot 1, Altoa
- . M. Klrbrniren. erts.tU; andlrlded 4 l tot
..-rm. Joan w. wnaier Katare, neira oi. aa.a;
.. umllTided H of tot 1. iabn W. Whaler i.
tatr. Ilnlra of. 27B.T6; tot T. ItaTld I'.
"1. Tbompmn. Katate. Helre of, tn.lW: tot . ,
l.tord Brnokea KaMte. Helea flf . n.l; tot S,
. . HUK K l. lot I. loba i. and Annl U Fable,
; - :hm ; tot 2. inbn J. and Annie U Fahle,
i 5a.,i3; hit 7. Henri- W. trbrtt Katate-.
..... - llelra f. $54. M; tot , Henry W. Corbett
. Katate. Helm or. J7M.Bl. tiLUt'K B. lot 1,
' - John Eternan. S.21.02: tot 1L John KternAn
, 74.SO:. tot t. John Kfatrnan. $73.65; lot K,
. John Ktoman. $.'47.49. BUX'K MS. tot 1.
r' llearr W. Torbett Katate, Hetra of. $l.oi;
. tot J." Ilennr . Watnbard Batate. Helra of.
T3.R.t: tot T. Hetiry Welnbard Eatate. Helra
. or. lot a, Matirr n cinnara . natate.
. Heir Of. $301!. S3. BUCK bo, eaat HO feet ol
tot I. Moneb Fried Batata. Helra of. $430.1(1
I eaat i fMC f v,t a. Lm Fried and - Delia
. ' . ' F. Dnaklum, $57.24: andlrlded H of weat 20
" feet of tot Tr K. KrUaaelilnr'Eatare, nelrt
- of. 53.7T; nadlrlded of weat 9t feet of
, - lor a, k. k. rUMltlne Bautav Helra- or.
' T.I nndtrided 4 of weat 20 feet of 'tot
- 1.. J. Avonae, $S.77: andlrlded H of weat
'! 94 feet of tot f. J. Ambmae, $7.15; nndlrlded
- , H of eaat 20 feet of b Tf J. Aoihroae. $7.17;
- nndrrlded 4 of eaat , SO feet of tot 8, j,
- Jkmhroae. iS.ei; nndltHrled H of. eaat 20 feet
. nf . lot 7. ri. K. Haaeltine, Katate, Helra or.
v "Ji; andlTlded H ef eaat 80 fear of tot .
f K. K.- Haaeltjiw Beta re. Helra of. $fta.00;
f v '. went 0 feat of tot J. Rnawell . B. Lamberaoa
A . -and R. W. Montacaa. $57.40: weat 80 feet
' - . of tot 9, Alfred U and Chartoa U fteaqtieat.
li. jow, ai.i.oao.00. i
,J' 1- THOS., C- DEVUV,
' tbjte of- flrat publlratloa, l-ortland,- Orcroo.
' . nrnwr. jw, ivw. ...
Xfltleo bi herehv fflveo that C!harlea wianir'
- ICMBioea ban filed 4a 4ho-fftoa-oftba
Mnderalcued not Ire that Joplin aV Meeka, on-
. rtaetora tor tae tmarorenient ox r artro atreet.
-noer tna proeieajua or oramanea no. la.sis,
bara esmptoted the eaat ooa half of .th Inter.
X w-otton of aald atreet. . .. .
. Maid ,erefitanca. will be eonelderod br the
" Kxemtlro Board at 4 o'etoek on the 3d oar of
. Vebruarj, ' 1WU6, and objerttona to the acoept.
aare of aald atraet. or anr port thereof, mar
bo filed la the off Ira. of the nndral(Ded at
- - By THOU. DKVI.Uf.- -
Aadltar of the V.UT of 4'ortland,
Tarttand. Oreaxm. Januarr 2. 1106. , --
' norzuzn or un 1 thiitt-thixd
. Nottoa to berebj a;1rm that Charlea Wanner,
flt KMrtnoer. baa filed la the- office of tbt
underalgnad j natire that William E. Cotoi eon-
' ' trartor fur 4ba Imprureaient of - Kaat 1 htrtr-
- third afreet, nnder the prorlatona of brdinanca
'f -Na. 14.A78, baa eampbtted aald atreet, from
the renter Una of Kaat. WaablnfUnV atfett to
- the aowtb line o$ faat Stark atreet. -
' Said acceptance will ba coaaldered br the
FieratiTa Board at .4 b'rtoek oa the 3d day of
' February, 1WJ6. and objecttana to the accept
ance of aald atreet,-or any part-, thereof, may
. be filed la the of flea of the aoorralcacd at
any time prior thereto.
T the KXKftimva board: i..
i : " By, THOU. V. UKVUN.
.! Aodltor of Ike flty of 1-orllaad.
j - . rortlaad. Ononf January an. IDOfr. ., ;
mraut io$t- arrnxxT. :
' Xotlee t hereby flren that Charlea Wafiaer.
.. 41 ty Knrlneer. baa filed la the of ftoe of the
" amtoralitiied notleathat Bnurtb-dr 4-lowaad-t.r
conlractoea-for the Improaement of Flrat. atreet,
y nnder the pravlatooa of ordlaaw No. la.77J,
. bav romnleted aald atreet. from the north
w, .. Bne of Una btreet '.to Ua , canter 4iue jot
,. Oalnee atreet. -' ' ' .
; . '-- Held acceptance wltf be conaldered try-tba
" . KxenrlTv Board at 4 o'clock on t ha $4 day of
: rehroary, ' .. and objerttona to th accept
ance of aald atreet. or any part thereof, mar
.. .'.re- .filed in the ofnifthe. ndcrloed l
any time prior thereto. - t- ' -
... the exrtfmvR board. . -.
i, i ' v --By THOU. 4! DEVLIN. .
: ' : Aadltur-f the City of lurtlan4.
-. rortlaad. Orecoa. January 2. 1S06.
' I . I.-"1. 1 .Sl.
' 4 rxoTEKXET or maw btxezt.
Notto bi hereby flren that Charlea Wanzer,
. I'liy Kntlnoer, baa filed hi the of fir of tba
anderalaned not Ire that the Dtar Hand Co.,
.' eontractara for tba ItaproTeirwttt of Main atreet.
"''nhr-ibj pearbitona of ordlnaiMr fio. 14.04H.
, here . completed aald atreet. from ' the eentor
. fine of Mltth . ati-ect to. tba era tec Una of
- berentb atreet. , .
bald acceptance will b' ennaidered by the
q Kaecntira Board at 4 o'nhark oa the 3d day of
. Fehrnary, I bub, and objectlaoa to tba accept
ance of aald e tract, or any park. thereof, ..may
. be filed In- the offlro pf the naoeralgncd at
" any time prior th'reto. !'
- ' V . THE EXKTt'TlVK EOAtin. "
1,.-.;. - . f. -THOW.-4V- HKH.IN.
- - " Andlter of the lty of Portland.
.' fartrand, tlrecon, January i. WEv
City Engineer, haa filed In the office, of (be
anderalgned , notice that , Berhill - Broa.,' eoa
" Iraetare for tae Improvement of Eaat Born.
jldalreet aiiojri tlia prutuUMje of ordlnanoe
e. 14,z4, Bare cnmpietea aald atreet, froa the
. reater tine of la ton avenue la the eaat line of
tirand .avenue. ,
Ha Id nceeiivanea will fm eonaldered y the.
rtecoflve Board at 4 o'etork en the 3d day of
' evornary, . IIMkV and object lone to tiie accept
' ance f Bald atreet. -or any part thereof, may
'" be filed In the office of the ttndemigaed at
. aay Uma prior thereto.
. By TIIOH. C. DHVL1X. .
. - ' - - Andlcor of the City of Cortland.'
Purttand. Omen. January 28. iaoft. i
ettoe la hereby given that Charlea Wineer.
City Knglneer, has filed In the office of the
oderatgned not lee that J. R. O'Netl, coatrnette'
f.-r the Imiaovement af Raat Twelfth atreet,
tinker the pcoetolona of orrllaartep Xo. ' 14, ran.
, baa completed aald atreet, from the center line
4 Habwr atreet to th center Hue of Broad
. aar: a lee f roea the renter line of aVhuybar
atreet to the aoutb line of Tillamook atreet,
' bald acceptance will lie eeaeitlered by the
' rieeatlva Board at 4 o'clock oa the d day of
l-etwwary. . IUhb, and abtorthMta re the accept-
rne v4 aald eirect, or any part thereof, bmv
- filed tn the offtoe af the anderalgned at
' any time prtor thereto. .
. ftr THH4. '. -IiFVI.Irf:- -.
Andltnt1 of the Clflr of Portland.
I -or tla ad. Orrgon, Ja every JM, lbo.
$it er iiui armxex,
. NotlraU bateby (Wen tkat tka Aadltor of
tba t'lty of tart land bah prepared a yropoeed
aaaeaauient for the laiurorameut, of Flrat atreet
from the aoutb lino of Arthur atreet to the
north line of Lane (treat, and baa aaorrtalued
what be deeme a Juet' kpportlonnMnt lof cuat
of the Improvement la accordance with the
kliaclal and pecatrar beardta derived by each
parr I of bind and lot 'or part Thereof wlthla
the . aaaeaaueut diatrirt, and baa apportioned
the coat fur aald Improvement la the amount!
art oppoaite each pared or lana ana lot or part
thervvf aa Ita abare. of aocb proDoeed naaraa
aieut. .
Any obcotlona re the appnrttonaient of coat
for aaJd lmprorrment miiaa be jnade In. writing
to the Council aud filed with the Auditor
nlthln 1ft uajra from tba' date of the flrat
publlcatton of tbla notice, (ud aald ebjerttoue
will, be beard aud determined by the toaa.ll
before the uaaaade ef the jn-ittnanoa- aaaeaeiuf;
tne coat or aald Imnrovcmeut. "
ADDITION to the titr of l-ortlaud UlAK'K
oh, eaat 75 feet of north 2b feet of tot I
k. Henry Wduhard Eatate. Helra. of. tL71
eeet ;2 reet or wet 31. V feet of horib 2$
feet of tot 1, A. F. Jkennert, $o.ia;. aouth
25 fret of tot 1. A. F, Neuoert, $.(; -eaat
loO feet of lot 2. Jaba Wtdaeaa. $4.66; eaat
loo feet of lot 3. IV E. Lmbereon. $H1.7
- eaat 1U0 feet of tot 4. Emily I. . Moore,
$tU.(l2. BLOCK SH. ' aaaf Ilw feet of tot 1.
i,urte C. tViat Katate, Helra of, $s:i.l; eaat
I'M fret of tot 2. Icicle C. Font Hatate,
-Item of, $7.4H; eaat 1"0 feet of tot 3. Ottila
Hartach.$4 Ktr-eeat 1ia fact or lot ,-ottlla
, Bartacb, $13.(12. BIAM.'K ST. eaat 100 feet
'Of lot X. - Or w ado P. B. flnmmer.
'. north h el eaat 100 feet of tot 2, Orlando
. I'. . Flnmmar, $.1.00; aoutk H of eaat lull
- fet of tot 2, A. uulroto, $).Nt; north ft of
oaar iun reel or lot . A. oulrolo. .M m
aoutb V, of eaat 100 feet of tot S. Haitle
. Auter. $o.7: tot -4. Hallla Alccr. $14.04.
A parrel of land lying between the aouth line
of Hnrtcr atreet and a Una B0 feet aoutb
-therefrom and parallel tbereirlth and between
the weat line ot Flrat atreet and a Hue" luo
feet weat therefrom anoV parallel therewith,
Mollle rllanford. 337.S7. ...
A parcel of land lying between we Unca
reauertivaiy on teat and l"" foet aouth of
' and parallel with the aouth tine of Forter
' atreet and between the weat line of Flrat
' atreet aed a line luoTrvt weat therefrom and
parallel therewith, W. A. .Cnalek, $J1.11.
A parcel ef bind lying between two Unea
-reapecttvely lou and loO -feet aoalh of and
.' parallel with the aoutb line of I'ortrr atreet
and between the weat Use of Flrat atreet and
a line 100 feet weat therefrom and parallel
-therewith, Sarah B. Wallaoe. $113.07. -A
parcel of land lying betwaea the north- Una
of Wooda street anJ a line $0 feet Borlh
therefrom and parallel therewith and be-
te-eei) ttw weat tine of rtrat atreet and 1hi4
10U feet weat . therefrom" and parallel there
with Edward Lalhrop Coldwell, $140.M.
CARCTUEBH' AJJUITION to the Ctly af rort
land, aa laid out by Soatb. Portland Veal
I Eatat Aaaoclatlon BLOCK Hat. aaat lno
fi-et of tot. I, Xsomsa Buck man, .$123.07:
eaat 100 feet of tot X Thomea J. - C'ottla
Katate, Helra at. l7.Tlr north 3 feet ofaat
luu laet ol lot s, Btcnard n. txilllna.
. A parcel of btnd lying - between the north
, line of Galnea atreet attended wealarly In
Ita preeeut courae and a line JM0 feet aoutb
tbcrefrooi and parallel therewith -and -between
the weat line of Flrat atreet and a line
- lot fret weat therefrom and parallel tbere-
- with, Oregon, liellroad MTlfatk.a Com
pany, ea.oa- -t
ADDITION to the City of Portland BLOCK
6.1. weat 100 .feet of lot S. -Loula Arnold,
$4.34; , weal loo feet of tot T, Lou la Arnold,
. $0.08; north ft of weat 100 feet of tot 0,
, John V. Lanklo, $4.64; aouth ft of weat
. 100 feet of tot $. F. "Wilde, IIM; weat 100
feet ef tot $. Byroa f. Boone, $.1ft,72. BLOCK
; B4, west ft of . .lot B, Hermania Hachien,
. $H7.4T; weat ft M tot 7, Hermania Harhlen,
$o6.74: want 47 feet of eaat H ef tot H.
"Kanate B. TaTteTT-o.T8; wret 47 teetrbf
eaat ft or tot T. - Nannie H. Taylor, $3.30;
lot . Marr.L. Steel. $04.81:. tot 6. Mary
X Taylor, $U5.&4. : BLOCK 66, weat 00 feet
ot lot B, rcnool liiatnct o , ao.2U: Weat
100 feet of tot T. School Diatrirt No. 1,
r $7.08; went J"0 feet ot lot School Die.
trwi no. j, BB.04-, weal loo feet af lot o,
School IatrictNo l. 8.Bo. BLOCK M,
'-wear lou rear or .tot a. asartiB BCBaue.
.. $46.18;. weat 100 feet of tot T. Martin Bebade.
$38.48: weat loO feet of tot - William H.
Joltoy. $38.08; weat 100 feet oftot 6. WU-
itam u. joney, B432. - '
CAHCTHER8' ADDITION to the Cltir of Port
land aa Laid Out by 8o,h Portland Real
. Eatata Aaaoclatlon BIH'K 107. tot 8. Ore
gon Kallroae navigation onmpaby, $188.58;
tot T. Oreaon Railroad A Navlaatton CoaaDanv.
- $13.S3: alt bf tot 1 weat ef a. line 100 feet
veaat of and parallel with the eait line of
- Ftrat etreet, Oregoa Railroad ' Navigation
iipany, $; north a reet or tot 4,
Oregon. Railroad A Navta'attoa - Cwmnany.
$0.Gft; all of tot weat of a line luo feet
aaat ef and parallel with the eaat line
rat riiat eireer, oregoa . Malbroad, flaTlga
ttoa Comnenr. S3.US. ... '
-- A-parcel of land lytn batweee the ssnth line
of biodf lrKl and the north lino of blork
'4 18S. Cam there' Addlttoa to the City of Port
una. aa laid our by the Booth Portlana Real
Katato-AaaaclatleBJi and between the aaat line
i rinl. atreet. and the weaterly line 'of
the Oregon ft Chllfornla Railway Company'!
rnjnr oi way, aacoo cnger, BlTOvBW.
A DM reel "of land Irln IwIkm, the unHi
-line of btork 150 and ..the north line of
jpiock IKS. caretbera' Addlttoa to the City
of Portland, aa laid mt by the South Port
land Meal Eatata Aaeoclatiop, and between
the weaterly Hue of the Oregon California
Railway Company 'a right of way and a line
10(1 feet eaat fit and parallel with the eaat
line of Ftrat atreet. Oregoa California
Railroad Company, . $5.56. , ..
BMH K 103. north 20 feet bf lot 8, Jacob
I'ngcrv $62.48; Booth, 80 feet of lot 8, M.
tF. Prince, r $48,04; lot T, A. F. Nennert,
132.48; tor . John N. Fullltore. $U8.7:
t 8. John N. FarllloTe, $76.28. TsUL $2..
805.83, ..
' AwAttwm o.a 'k.U. A B At-m M
inaniiMjw a aaiiwB' r VT l IM UU.
1t Of f.rt IMbllcattjmTt. Pnrtlanl (ipmaa
Jaouarfr M, jm6. , t. -
X0DHXT ATIjrtrX. '-. ;
Notice la hereby given that the Auditor of
the City of Porthmd -baa prepared a propoaed
oeamai iot um oaerractioa of a newer la
Rodney avenue from luo feet . north of the
north line' ef Fremont atreet to tba sewer lu
Beech atreet, . and baa aaeertalned what he
deeme a Just apportionment of coat for the
eewcr la accordance with the apedal and
peculiar braaata, derived by each parcel -of
land and tot or part thereof within the aa.
seaementdlatrlct and has apportioned tba coat
for aald aewrr In the amounta Bet oppoalte
each parcel ef land nnd bit or part thereof as
Ita ahareof auch pmpoaed aaaeaaroent.v
any onjectiona to ue apportionment er coat
for aald aewer must be made la writing
to tba Council and JUled , with ..itne Auditor
within 1ft days from too data of the flrat
publication of tbla notice, and aald objetttona
will lie beard and determined br the Council
before the paasage of the ordinance aaaiantog
ALB1NA HOME8TEA1-1bL0CK SO, lob 8. "job a
-41eorge,- $l&.uu;-tot 4. John Uaorge, $16.00;
lot n. jorin ueorge, 10.(; lot B, John tieorge,
$ BLOCk IS, lot 11, George Blum,
$28.4(t; lot 12. Northern Conntiee Inveatment
ira, umiieo,; lot 14, Henry Miller,
$23.4i; tot 14, John Miller, I23.4U. TotaL
,- $163.80. ' . , ...--.
. ' THOS. C. DEVLIN. -J:'i
- - . Auoitot of the City of Port land' "
- Date ef flrat publication, Portland, Oregon,
January toy 106. - .' I
Notice ,1a hereby given - that the Aadltor
ef the City of Portland has prepared a pro
posed kaacaewent for the ennatnicttoa of a
aewer In Eaat Alder atreet from 7 feet weal
ef the eaat Jlne of Thtrty-flftb "atreet-to the
aewer la Eaat Thirty-fourth street, and has
aaeertalned. what, be deema a Juat apportion
ment of coat of the aewer In accordance with
the special and peculiar beneflta derived by
ewh parcel of land and tot or part thereof
within the swaeaament diatrirt, "and naa ap
portioned I ha coat for aald sewer la the amounta
act opposite each parcel -of -tend ami -tot or
part thereof a lu ahara of such propoaed sa
veaament. - ' -
' Auy object toes to the appnrttonmcn( of coat
for aald aewer mint ' be , made Ma ' writing
to tbe Council 'and filed with the Auditor
within rfft days from the date af the flrat
publlcatton of thin, notice, and aald objeettona
will br beard' and determined by the Council
before the paeeace of the ordinance aeaeeeleg
bl NM8lKPi HUH h A, lot 8 Andrew Nebjon,
ein.oD; ic . ABdrew ncana. Bifi.ta); tot 12,
Asdrt.w NeUoa. $18.0. BUX'R-B, lot 7.
, W. -M. Moehle, $12.40; tot HI, W. M. Moehle.
. $!2.4t; tot 11, V M. Moehle, $12.40. Total,
eOl.W.' " '
.. .. . . JHOS. C. DEVLIN.
.... ... Auditor ef the City of Portland.
Date ef flrat publication, Portland. Ch-egefl,
January 30. 1W)5. . - .. ,
Notice Is hereby given that oo the 38th
day of Jannsry, UajS. I took up and empotinoed
et tbe City found, at No. 281 Sixteenth street.
In lbs City of Portland. Oregon, the folbnrlng
deaerlhed animal: One roan mare, ahod an
around, mached mane -and white ' oa both
front end toft hind feet, and hnlese the owner
or other person or persona baring aa littereat
Therein- shsli
tall clalnt laaiaesalws or tbe same-and
pay all enste and ehergea of the keeping sad
advertising It. locetber with the pound fva
cm aald animal, ae provided by ordinance No.
6.026. as amended, of aald Cttv of fofrland.
I will on the 8th day of Fehrnary, lieri. at
tbe hoar of 10 a. m.. at tbe Cllr Pound, at
No.2ol Mivreentb atreet. In aald city, aell the'
at.ove dearrliwd snlmsl st public suet Ion to tbe
hlgbeat Mdder, te pay tbe coata and charger
fir taking up. keeping a ad adrertl-lng suck
animal. . ' --
Dated tbla SOlh of Janosrr. IBtfl.
, . .. ;, F. W. RUED.
s PeBBdawster..
.... MELrgPA.ATIXrjK. , ,.
Notice Is hereby "give that the Auditor
of the City of Port laud baa prepared a pro
poaed aaavaameat for the eooatructtoa , of a
aewer la Meilnda avenue from tbe aecond bend
In Meilnda avenue to a dmnectfeu with tbe
j,jnm mi aewer at Twenty-flfui atreet.
and be , aacerUlned what be adeems a Juat
apportlotisvrat at ouat oi me mo enwu.
auaw with the special and peculiar beueflla
derived by each lrccl ef bind and tot or part
hereof- within the aeaeeeoient dlatrlcL and
has apportioned tbe otat for aald aewer 4a the
amoume act opptaOt each panvl of land aud
tot or part thereof aa Ita share of suck, pro
poaed aeareemvui., . - . s ... ...
Any olijecttona to tbe apportionment of cat
for said aewer "must e made la writing
to tka-rounoll. aii-fllad wllb4bet. Au.l t,
withlu 1ft daja from tbe date of ithai flrat
publication of tbla uuttee. and aald objecttotia
IU be beard-end detcrminrl hr Ihc lwincll
betore the pemaage df tba .ordinance aaaoaalug
tbe coat of aeld newer. 1 -
A parcel vf land boanu-d and described as
TiT. n...t..fn mt ima Mim ua Una
Ulruiluji eaat and watt halves of the
. Amos King aonatiou iimvwua
"xt and S3 In township 1 north, range t eaat.
.Wlllaiuetie meridian, and dlatant .T feet
'aoutb pf the Iroa pipe oo tbe north end of said
dlvlatoV line; tlieuce north degieea 40
mlnntea weat 124 $ feet to a etake; thence
aouth mlnntea west 140 feet to .a point;
. thence south 80 degreee - aalnutae eaat
and parallel with the north Una of the txact
herein described 201.70 feet to r potat oa the
" west Una .ofMellndn n-vennet thence north
, 10 degreee 8 mlnntea weat tradug tbe weat
Una of Mellada avenue 80.118 feet to a atake
at point of curb; thence on curb to right
with tbe radlua of 30 fact for 42.1 feet to
a atahe frost which at puut of curb besrs
aontb 21 dvgreca 4 mlautea weat 38.T3 f act
dtotanti tb?ce leaving McllBda avenuj north
-18 degrees b- minutes west 80.10 feet to a
"stske thence north 8 degreee 40 mlaatea
. weat 6J.20 feet o In BlM plac of pe-
ginning, F. M.' Warren, Jr., $U8.J6.
, Veal 100 feet of a parcel Of land bounded and
described aa, follows: t-omunnciug atf an
. IroTVlr-. on a Una dividing esat and weat
. balvei of the Amoa . King oonatton laud
. eUlnTin aectlona 1 and 88 in tvwnahtp 1
- .T ..m ..4 .Willamette.. meridian.
:5i..rr.r aarr feet sooth of the Iron pipe
at tbe north end of said division Hne thence
- north 80 degreee 40 minutes west BJ.8 feet
toMron Pipe: thence south, 80 degreee
ilnu 1.1 feet te . point ta th,
. west line 'of .M.lloda '.'"Vm wt ol
l bjlfl I I at. 4SO " tw " ' , .. w - J". ja,.
Weat iuO feetof a parcel of toad bounded
deijrlbed a. Tnlkma:- temcoelag at
'.J!-!-. th. line dtvldlna eaat and
ZZm halieb of the Amoa M. King donattoa
land claim lb Beirtlona W and S3 lu towuanip
1 north, range 1 eaat, Willamette Mrtdtan.
andolitant Si t feet Taouth of tbe Iron pipe
: tbeorVh end of said dlrlalon lltsr: thence
north 80 degrees 40 mlautea weat W.3 feet
-K Iro-Tr-Itheec. ,.h . utcs--'
Mm i i reel us -bis vr
anTnoe- thenca south 78- .4egroea,Jia minuUa
;.D:J.!T7h.IiJth UneoTssld evenus
efU,.Jro. oVr tbjnc. north
- . r'eYlTT-- n.ti. wieht.
nu -- u minutsa ww . ' -
A paral of ta bounded and deacrlbcd ar
followa: Commencing at the lnleraectloa. of
-Johnaon atreet - with tbe eeBter line of North
wanty-ttfth atreet; thence 1 degree 2T mln
, nt Wt ak$ ter lln. of North TwentT
flf?h atrt 1'T4 ft: t
.ecou'd. wf 2711
fe.tSJnci aSr M degree. 40 minute,
west lovT47 feet to-a-iolnt as a placs of be
rnVlniT thence north "bo degree. 40 minutes
we-Tt 164.80 feet;- thence south 10 dgrea
eeal?6 'SJ-.TrM
toplTc. ot VglnnliiX.-t!- i-,rl1
A parcel of land' bounded Bad described ss
ZiEZZ commencing at a Jtone at. the.
tlM atreet 18.74 feet to a atake; then north
M Agrees 40 mlautea weat tracing centcrjlne
Sf WelTTd. 78.8 90
thence south 68 - degrees 1ft minutes 8U sec
ondaweat J7"l feet to an Iron pipe la
iahwTn .W. of M.Und. arenu. a. a Pl;.
of beginning; thence trselng ""Jj
' 'rv.T4rfe.o,.
fV-TaT M degracs 18 wtom Z
mweaart- 1YT tt tie SB ltOS PP Of Xiit
5Sd. svVnui TsotUh " degrees nunbte.
eaat 13.. feet to anviroa pipe: ymmw, -.
68 degrees 18 aZZ:
feet U -an -p--P-r-V.T .r
"orikudrhmded 'and Scribed M
foltowsT Conimeoclng. st bsWrt toter-
scrttoa center Una job neon
line . of North Twenty-fifth street
SrtTl' degre; mlnutr, we jraotbg cen
m line North Twenty-fifth street 10.74 leet
. i, a .lake, thence nosth 66 .ocgrees e -miw
to a M,rr' ,, ..' ij.unda svenue
.'.'! :kV tbVnei south 68 degrees
iZ ;.;tei ao s.tods to aa Iron pipe to
u.i,i.ria AfMua as A place oi
?htncT Joutheaaterly ! 7
eaeeieu r ' "---;-,.,,.. course
If extoro a.j.--
iheny llnT .f MeTrndT avenue; thence
ESle oeereea T jft mlautea 8o seconds tsat
Sffl. J. gtT nV; theace northerly to
rr" " inini. Mlatera of Chanty n
...piaec v. t -" -' ' - 7 - - i
KZ Sl Wfti lf" '"! of land
llnd. Kin, donation land 'h'nt
17 ft feet: thence north 68 wegreea is minnice
ilat its 2 feet: tbence north Slepee. 48
woVntea weet 8.ft feet; thence north 78 de.
e an mluutea weat sw a irn .-
S8 fcet.-theaca east 104.$ feet
IT bgutnlng. save and escept that portion
iS WLps"?el of laad iw need for street
Klne' Estate," $34.66.
C.'terlr 1W feet o' P '
iZ ZT .uA described as follows: Begin.
BoVthwST 'Jornerof .Ueet
oerren e . hnee eaat 82.17 foet;. thence J
!2 5 J.l3 Iri Tr.tea e..t 4.4 ft:i
ihene Booth 68 degreee 40 mlnntea eaat 448.1b
flTw 007,,. . and .a tba, por;
ouM.ndTpi?to"?f Sd p.".' Und
r.T.w. to? nortSly Un, of .Meilnda
Ml -s line 10O feet nortneriy nere-
, avenoer anil -",V". .-uk ! berarees
JwesteVl "V, it "fwenty-flfth atreet and
IS of 1-rcc I M land lying southessterly
oi a. I'S -.-..hweatarlr from and
inning " t",."
iTM'eBndiVlngntton Und eUini: tbr,
wt aaiT feet; tbence soath I leet;
Th7Uti thence north 2.1S.T feet
to place ef beginning.
Annie T. Psrkhnrsti
11.00. Total, $88J. y?. fiEVLlE.
Auditor of the City of Por.lton. J
twi. of nt mibUcatlonv iortl.6d, Oregon;.'
8 .... oa - -,.-; - T .(-
a88 Hilar, jr ejr.. . . 3 , . .
rxorosxo assessment rox iMrxovx-
Notice la herehv siren' that the Aadltor
if the-Clty of Portland haa prepared a pro
poaed aaaeaament for tne 'Improvement of Kent
Rurnaine atreet rroia iu reet weei or tne weat
line of Kaat Third atreet to the eaat. line of
t trend avenue,, and 'haa ascertained .what he
dn me n Just apportionment of cost of , the
improvement In secordenee wlth"the special
and eecwller beneflta derived- by each parrel
of land and tot or part thereof within the
assessment nistnct. una . nss npporiienea ise
coat for said Improvement In the amounta set
iipoalle each parcel ef - land and lot or part
thereof as Its share of such ( proposed aasesa
ment. - ""' ""- J . ,
Anr objeettona t tbe apportionment of cost
for aald Improvement mril be made IS rl(lng
to ths Council snd fllel! with the Auditor
within ' 1ft dsys from ' the date ef the flrat
publication of thla notice, and said, objections
a III be- beard and determined by tbe Council
before tbe peaaage of the' ordinance useeaelng
the cost of aald Improvement. - -. .
EAST PORTLAND BLOCK 87. tot S, . Robert
A. Proud foot, $16.88: tot S. Robert A. Proud
foot, $7087. BLOCK 76, tot 4, Edwin II.
Vlrgel. $70.72; tot 3, Edwla H. VrrgeL
j-ju.60; tot 6. Jnba B. Miller. $1684; tot 6
law J. Malhrkey and P. 8. Met aed an. $78.63.
MAH'X 1"7. tot 4. Joseph Bnrkbardt. $73.M;
'tot 3; Joaeiih Burkhardt, $18.61; tot 6. Jo,
aenh Burkhardt. $18.77: tot t.-Jneenh Burk-
-kerdt. $08.31. HMK'K . 118. to) 4. Lydla
and Clementine Roriner snd Rscbel W. Mor
rta. $14.20; be! 3, II. H. New ha 11. $11.41.-1
BIXH'K 8. tot 7. oacar R. Ilelnta. i pts.32;
tot 8, Oacar E. Helms. $70 87. BIrCK 77,
tot 1. Jane Q. Bnekmea. $Nft 2Pt tot 2. Jane
. Bookman. $21.38: tot T. Winds snd Elma
. Rncktnsn. $21 :wi; tot 8. Wlllda and Kims
Irnckmsn. A.2. HU K nai. mt i, u. H.
Flmpto Ealare. Helra of. $74.2:- bit X 'Dell
.'A.-Dond $18.81: tot T. Sell wood Land A
Improvement Comnanv, $18.19: lot S, Mary
Elicit MarabaU. $Uo7. RMM'K 117. tot I.
11. -Kern. $14.20: tot S. Edwin H. Vlrge'.
1141. Right of war Porthind Consolidated
Hallway Companv. MM0.02. Total. $l.4tUX
" , , . THOM. .C. DEVLIN, - ----'
Andltor of h City of IHa-tland.
'Date of flrat pnbllrsttoa, Pnrtlaad. OregiB,
Jaaurry V 10oS. , . . . ..
r xorosAU rox iMrxovxMEBT xoxdx,
Sealed propotshi will - be received by the
nnderelgned at the office - of the Auditor of
tbe City of PortUBd. Oregon, until Tuesday.
February ' T, look, at S e'ehx-h p. m.. for the
Bale, at aor leea uaa par vaius sna sccruee in
terest, of Improvement bonds of lbs City of
t-ortlano-. ureaon. ae-rns same auail oe autnor-
lard l be laaued for tbe whole or any part ob.
Bot.7us.TOj. raia tmbos will do laauea 10 oeuoaii
Baflona uf InD IU Mil. 4a be dated February
1. lUid, parable 10 years from date, bearlug
intareet at ue rate or a per cent par- annum,
payable senit-ahuuslrr. Interest and -principal
payable- m I ultra ntatee goui corn, at tna or
8 of tbe t'llr Treasurer; Portland. Oreaon.
Provided, that the t (ly of Portland reserves
tna riant 10 taxe up ana ranee, buob -nonae,
upon, the paymeut of the face value thereof,
with accrued Intrreat to tbe date of payment.
at anr ae oil-annual coupon period at or after
one year-from ine ante ot euea oouo.-- -
ciaia ormaa are laeueu unoer auiuuriiy ok an
art of the Legislature of tbe State of Oregou,
peaaed Febnutrj 16. 1803. as titled: "An set
to provide for the laanance of Don da for tbe
Improvement of streets snd tne laying of eewers
lln Incorporated' cities, and fur the payment of
hr biLTZtt r.dT- br srt rfi -
,L EltntLt thiLTX? .(oJIni lif
l"-l$!,.u,u"'-JD? . ' Pr?.0 P-1
proved Veuruary 28,1901, arJU lied: "An act to
amend eeettoua 1, 2, 8, 4. ft, Sinh 7 of aa
act entitled: 'An-act to provide for the Is
suance of bonds for tba Improvement of atreeta
and laying or sewers in lucorporsted cities,
snd for the "payment of the coat of - auch Ira
prove menti Ind laying" of sewers by Install
ment' filed tn the offlce of the Secretary of
State February ,V2. IM83. and ' the procecda
thereof 1 to be need for the payment In part
for the Improvement of streets or construction
of searera a tba said . Improvements ahall be
somptoted. I : 1
The valldlly of the act of the Lrgfalature
. foresaid haa 'been afBrmed by the Supreme
Court of the State of Oregon. )
Bidders will be required 40 anbmlf a Sat blA
without eoadtttana. eiccut as to the renilarltr
of tba laaue of boada,-and to submit with their
nine a certinea cneca en a nana in tne city or
Portland. Oregon,' equal to per. cent of the
face value of the bonds, bid for. payable to tbe
Mayor of the Cltr of Portland. : aa llouldated
da ma tea la eaae such bidder wlthdrawa hie
bid or fatal or neglecta to enter Into contract to
tale and pay ror ssia Bonos nceerping to the
terme of hie bid a nd tbla wot Ire. 1 The right
to ream auy -and all Bids M hereby .reserved.
; Bids should be addressed to Thomas t), Devlin.
Auditor. Part land. Oregon., and marked; "Bids
for Improvement Bonds."- : -
By order of the Council,
. - . : - ? , n. B;., AI.BKB. .--
. -r - -i-w D. T. SUEKHKTT.
OoRimlltee oa Waya and Means.
p,,; : :TmITTU STXKXT.' ,
Notice Is hereby given that the Council of
tne luy ox rortisna, yregon, at a meeting
held on the 18th day of January. lOOft. declared
the naaesament by ordinance No. 14.411. for tbe
eonatreetton of a sewer In Esat Twelfth etreet
from 25 feet aouth ot the, aouth Itne of Thomp
son atreet ,te a connection with the sewer In
Tillamook street. In the msuner proxided by
ordinance No. 14.281, upon each lot, part of
lot and parcel ef land, which krs specially and
peculiarly benefited, to' be. ss follows, via:
, tot IS. James Hswley, $18.46; lot 14. Edward
C. Bobbins. $18.45: tot IS,. A. H. Roome,
$18.46; tot 18, H. B. Hanna. $18.46; tot 17.
R. E. Hanna, $1.46; lot IS, Chrlstlsn Lsrson.
. $18.45; tot 19. M. L. Blossom. $18.43; tot 20,
Robert H. Btossnm, $18:46. BLOCK 81, tot
S. Ellen A. De ley. $10.06; tot 7. Alice M.
Blabop, $10.(16: tot 6. A II re M. Blabop, $10.06;
- tot i, Rudolph Becker, $10.06; lot 4. W. B.
'.. Wella. 10.n5; tot 8. Allan M. Ellsworth,
. $10.05; tot X- Ella MrOowan. $10,00: tot J,
- Anna. M. Johnson $10 06. Total. $228.00.
A ataiement of aforesaid aeaeeameBt haa been
fTjTTTentered TX TheD6ekt of City Ltens sod I now
uuw una mvmv m. viiiw UIV . I
Treasurer In lawful money of the Fritted States
snd if not raid within SO da 7 a from the date
of this notice such proceedings will be -taken
ror tna collection, or tne asms as are provided
by the charter of the City ot Portland. -The
-"above aeeeaament will beer Interest 10
oars artertne nrsv punnoetion or rnis notice.
.- ... . f r -
intite t r-i n DI..S 1
Portland, Oregon; January 26, 1000. .
Notice Is hercbr riven that Charlea vWanaoe.
City Engineer. Saa filed In the office of the
nnderalgned notice : that Bechill- Bros., con-
tractora rot the improvement of Alnaworth
avenue,' nndef the provisions of ardlnsnce Ho.
18,811, bare completed aald atreet, from tbe
center line of East Tenth street to tba wast
line of Esst Nineteenth street. -' ' ;
fisld acceptance will be eonaldered by the
Executive Board at 4 o'clock, en the 84 day of
rabruaryy 1UH5.- and object tone to. tbe accept
ance at aald atreet. or. any part thereof, msy
be filed la tbe of floe af tbe nadsrslrnsd st
u iiiue prior uiereio.
. 7 Tim i.. v w-r-eww- mun
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon. Jsauary 28. 1000.
rxoTxxzxT or. rrxx stxext.
Notice fti herebr 'slven thst -Chsrles Wner
City Engineer,, has filed': In the office of tbe
nnderalgned notice tba t Eiwood Wiles, con
tractor for the improvement ot Pine street,
under the provisions of ordinance No. 13.04B.
has completed aald street, from the west line
of Fifth street to, the Beat line ot Sixth
street. '' ' 1'
Said acceptance 'will be considered by -tbe
Execntlve Board-at 4 o'ctock on the Sd day of
February,- 10U5, and objections to the .accept
ance of said atreet, or any part thereof, may
be filed lu the office of ths onderslgDcd at
any warn prior vnereio. .. . af ;
"':; 'iL-- w Dr THOS. -C- DEVLIN.
".'- ' Andltor ot the at1 'of PortUBd,-
Portland," Oregon, Januarr 28, 1908. : T'
pkovemxxt or xussell stxext. -
Notice la hereby given that Charlea Warner.
City Engineer, has filed In the ofTli-e of tbe
undersigned notice tost Kitrooa wues. con
tractor for the Improvement of RueaauV street,
under- the provisions of ordinsnce No. 13,984,
haa completed - aald atreet. .from the weat
Una of tlantenbeta avenue-la stock 86V AlbtnaJ
to the west una oi r una me- eveeue.--
Said acceptance will be eonaldered- by the
Executive Board at 4 o'etoek on the Sd day of
February, luuo. ana objections to the aocept
ence of said-atreet. or any-part thereof, may
be filed In I lie office of the -anderalgned at
any uma prior tnereio. r
,, -.-.i , ,IHX EXK;CTIVB BOARD. -
By imw. v. uKvtiiN. "r
'. ' - Aadltor of the City ef Portland.
. Portland. Oregon, Jasssry 28. 190&.
. Sealed pronosahr' will be received at the of.
ee of the Auditor of 'the cltr of .Portland
antll Friday.-February 8. iwia. it i-oo o clock
p. mt; for tne improvsment or i-reacoic atreet
from the weat line -of Eaat Twelfth "etreet to
the eaat Una of Eaat Fourteenth street, la
the manner provided br ordinsnce Nov 14.880.
aahtect to the provisions of the charter and
ordinances of the City of Portland and
estimate of tbe City Knrlneer. on Hie.
Bids tnnst be strictly in scem-dsnes
printed . blanks, which will be furnished n
annllnrtftre at the offlce of the Auditor of
the City of Portland. And ssid Improvement
must be comoleted on or tie tore nt) a htm from
the dste or tne signing pi ' ti
ur mnm lumaiu, i .! -
No nronoeale or bids Will he eonaldered nn.
lese accompanied by a certified check pJrable
to the or tier nt ins mayor or tna city of Port.
hind, rertined by a . responsible bank Tor an
amount equal to 10 per cent of the. aggregate
propnssl. J i - . , l
The right 1 fo reject any and" all bida la
hereby reaerved , , r ,
y oroer low nui- onHn.
... thos. c- irvr.iM..;
- Auditor of the Cltr of Portland!
Prirttn'ntL-'OregoB. Jannary 28, lOOft.
TEM, j.- ,, .j.." ! r v.. . .-. .
Notice to herebr given that, the Coonrll nt
tbe city ot Portland, "regno, at a meeting
held on the 18th day ot Jsnosry. Iftoa. de.
rlared the ameaament by ordinance No. 14.42U,
for the coaatracttoa of- s chain of eewera
In California street. Macadam atreet and other
ftreelato a known as ths Sonthern Portland.
ruii.iu enw r u.ioii r rt -r It-1,1 , ! a
ths manner oroelded "by ordinance No. ' 13 8Tl
nnnn each tint, part of tot Bad parcel bf toad,
which are specially sad peculiarly benefited,
to be aa followa, via:
divided 2-8 lot 3(i. Il annas Maaon. $m.48;
undivided t-8 tot 36, Hannah Maaon, $50,76-.
undivided t-8 tot 87, Hannsh Maaon, $AA.65i
nnrtlveded 1-3 lot 38, Hannah Maaon. $42.60;
Undivided 2-S tot 3R, Hannah Maaon, $28.10;
Cndlvtded 1-8 tot 3ft, J. -P. Wataon, $17.86;
nndlvtded 1-3 tot 38, J. P. -Wataon,, $26.36:
Undivided 1-8 tot 87, t. P. Wataon. $.H1 461
undivided !-$ tot 88, J. F. Wataoa, $-WJ.60
nndlvlded 1-3 tot 80. J. F. .Wataon, $'J8.t.
BIM'K X undivided 2-3 tot 1, Hannah Maaon,
$15 no; undivided 2-3 tot 2, Hannah Maaon,
$.13.00; undivided f-t Kit 3, Hannah Maaon,
$2.1 0O; andlvlded i- tot 4, Hannah Maaon.
$-JV! undivided N-8 tot l, J. F." Wataoa.
JIT 607- undivided 1-t tot X J. P.-Wefwm.
17.50; nndtvlded 1-3 lor X J. P. Wataen,
$IS0; amilvlded 1$ tot 4.- J. TT'WstBon,
$12.00. BLOCK .1. QBdlrtdrd 1-8 tot 15.
Ilanaak Maaon, $18.40; andWl.led t-1 lot 16,
Hannah Maana, 819.40; andlvlded 2 3 tot 17.
Hannah Maaon. I-M 4l; andlvlded 2-8 lot 18,
Hannah Maaon, $20 4U; undlvlitod 1-8 tot 15,
J. F. Wataon. ' 70- undivided 1-8 tot ,
1. P. Wataon, $9.7n;r undivided 1-3 tot 17,
J. P. Wataon, $14. 7"; andlvlded I I lot 18,
J P. Watann, $14 70. BIICK 4. lot X
Real A Persons) Eatste Consneng. $23.6i;
tot 4. Real A Perannal Eatate Cnmneev
i, t6.U0; tot 8, Meal ft Ferseaal EalaU Com-
, pany. $2ft.00; Booth Xt W $,' Seal Pec
x aonal- UiUte - Compear,- 8 !.;- warth- i-1
,kt.S, Hannah at aeon, $8.f0; tot 10, llaanak
. etaaoo. .itui lot 18, Hannah Maaon. Ba.auj
tot 14 Hannah Maaon. tAA HUl undlvldod 11
tot 14, Hannah Him, $14. 36: uadlvlited 1-8
" J. J. a. waiaoa, 8T.1S; tot 10, naanaa
Maaott. $:i3.80; nudlvlded 2 3 tot 17. Uaauah
". tim; uuaivioeu I -a w it, .
Wataon. $u.uu: tot IK. liannah Maaon. 844
- BLOCK ft. undivided 2-3 lot 1. Uaunah Ma.
sou, , $25.00; undivided S-3 tot 3, Uaauah
Maaon. $iN,no: undivided 1-3 tot ,' J. F,
Wataon.. 8IV.1M: ainllvlrfxt 1.1 lot A J. f.
Wslson, $0.20; hx t, Krnatlue cbaenberh
ler, $53.60; tot 4. Ernetlne Scboeubecfaler,
J.ts.nv; eoatn ft, tot 0. John bvbreubecmcr.
Ill SO: north XL lot B Krulliie Peon, kta iail
tot 8. Hannah Vlnaon, $:l3.8u; lot JO, Hannah
jaaaou. eau.nn: aac Hinnin aiaaua.
. ' tot 14, Hannah Masou, $d3.80; tot 18, Hasr
, nsa maaon, lot rJ, Charlea wr ing'
e 1 fiw.wi. aAn . e,' ea ft, tt . e, jirr,
$:u.80 lot 4, Usunab Maasu. $33.80: tot 8.
Martha M. Crowell, $33.M; tot ft. Aatellg
B)-rrrth, $33.80: tot 10. Martha M. Crowe!:,
' $40.66; tot It, m krtba M. teowell, $33.80;- tot
js. aisrtna m. t.roweu,; lot la, woai
. 'P. Ward. $33.80: tot 18. John P. Ward.
$3.8u. BLOCK t, lot . Elisabeth Touug,
- 80 - 1 i. Xlliabetlr Toung. $38.80; tot
Wary F. Adams. $33.So; tot S, Mary F.
Adama. taS NU: lot To t'lotirrt tdetaae.
I $40.66: lot 12, Annla C. Bchmecr. $5.Mu; tot
ljsioseph Beat. . BLOCK .
! lot I, Alberf-lenke,- $i.b0; lot 4. Albert
'tm.,, ew-oo; eii o. v., r . uaaea, eo-ou; aov
8. C. F. Oakea. $3,801 all of lot 11 lrtne
; east of weat IU feet. 0. V. Oakea. $5.00; -ail
oi.aei 11 tying, eaat 01 west xa -reel, v.
.Oakea, $8.36; weat 28 feet tot 11. Oregon
California Railroad Company. $1.50; want
zu reet 101 iz ureroa at tan lorn la Railroad
Compiny, 81.80. &LOCK 10, kt 1. Ferry
Heuehaw: Trustee. 1B.8U: tot 8. Ferrv Hea-
ha T,.iu k e... t. .. e 1-.. 1 1. ...
Estate. Olelra of, $5.80; lot T, Edward Hushes
-Batata, Tlclrs of, $3.80; tot 8, Edward llugbea
eta, oeira ok, ; ni 11, auwara nugoee
Eaute, . Heirs of, $J 86; tot -12. Edward
Hughes Eatata. Heirs ef, $46.06; tot 8, Joel
r . iroraer, pao.uu; lot . Joel w. trocaer,
u no in a iM. .. 1 1 a-ufoo. u
Olive McCsrty, $45.00; lot 10, Olive Mr
Cartv. Aas.un. ail tor ia nwni wxt
-4. feet-AtogKlaeeL $34.75: all of tot 14
eacepi west as reet,- Alex- Aiaaei,
- weat as 1 eei tov 13. Karl Kanseuoacn. bib.i
weat 42 feet lot 14. Karl Kanaanhacn 13111.
BLOCK 11 tot 1. ktarr C. BurC $38,00; bit
S. Ueorge. R. sad H. L. Stepbenson. $38.80;
lot ft, A. W. BeldlDg. $38.80; tot 7, Heury
A. Balding, $39.60; tot . Cora Jf, Yielding.
$ .80; tot 1L W. 0, Beldlng. 3.ou: tot
' 1.1, Henry-A. BeUllng. $52.05; tot 16. Kmllt
C. Faty. $66.05; tot 18. Emtio C. Fety.
; fJS.tti; lot 2. Ernest p. Dosch, $45.00; tot 4,
Erncat P. Dosch, $46.00; lot 8, H. A., aed
. t. weiuing,; toi s. n. a . ana
w." netmna'. aaa.iwi: weat ant -reet- -inr- rtt
Oregon sj California rtallroad company,
$23.40! eaat 84 feet tot 10. Bva J. Parker.
, $30.80;. tot IX Era J. Parker. $46.U0: tot 14,
W. II. Balding. $30.70. BLOCK IX tot 1,
. Joseph -F. Kelly. $38.80; tot X Charlea W.
. Druschbl. $38.00: tot ft. A. C. Lobmlre. !.'. Oil:
lot 7. A. 0, Lobmlre, $38.80; tot 8. H. A.
and A. W. Balding, $4!i.8u; tot 11. Martin
n . neraing. lot .11, Msrtin
WlBth. 138.601 lot 1. Msry F. rtneb, $o8.6u;
;, tot 16, Mary P. -Pinch,- $64.10; tot J7, Ka-
uoipu Deraer, eoi.uo; lot lnv-rsueoipB Heeler,
$A.60; lot f. W. C. MrMlllau. $ 00: tot 4.
W. C. McMlllaa,' $46.00; tot X W. C. Mo
' Mlllao, $46 00; tot 8. W. C. McMillan. $46 00;
- lot 10, Alicia J. Rata. $54.00; tot 12, Ellsa
rra, e owi HH -is, r.iiaa jaree. b4b,wi
tot 18. Mary P. Pinch, $48.90.. BLOCK 13.
' asdlvlied ft tot 1,- T. -F, Brandea, 8is.Su;
Jindirlded ft tot I. Helen A. Jonoa. $18.30;
'. lot S, James Humphrey, $86 60; let 6, Jaaies
Humphrey, $3X60; tot T, Jamea Humphrey,
$38.60; tot 9. Robert Jacobsea, $43.00: tot
IU Donga Kngeleted, 830.60; tot IX Donga
s.ngeutaa. bw.bu: lot is. w. n. ward, $07.25;
lot 16, W. S. Ward, $61.06; lot X Real ft
-.Peraeoal Katate Company, $5.80; tot 4. Real
ft Psrsensl RaUto Company, $6.80; tot X W.
, H. Uames,$S 80; tot 8. W. HVOamss, $5.80;
mvi o,- w, w ai noon,; lot- it. Ainaet ie
Alberthon, $5.80: lot 14, Joseph DeMartlnl,
$5.80; lot 17. Michael Bullet. .$8X60; tot 18,
Michael Bullet. $84.95. BLOCK- U lot 1
Fred 8. Miller, S.8u;j tot-X Richard ,EhUn.
(er, $6.80; lot 6V- Joseph . DeMartlnl. . $5 80;
it ?, W. F.'Burrell, Trustee, $6.80; west
26 feet lot 0. Oregon ft California Railroad
tompauy, aj.uu; east Be reel lot , W. B.
Waiaoa. $8.98: lot 11. Sonhla Welae..hp.
? 5.80; lot 13. Sophia Welagerbcr, $6.80 tot
5. Oeoree Xlttmavar. 86 go. - ur 17
L. Carawell. .$47.80; lot M, James L. Care,
wsii, .ni; if. i, sum s. iveena, eoJMI;
lot 4. Anns X. Kssna. $A.80r kt S Anna n
Keeae. $6.80; tot X Ansa B.Keeoe. $6.80;
lof 10, Anna B." Keene. $6. 90; Jot 12. Anna
n. &eeue,; mi it. Anns Jt. Kssna,
yw, ahh mi- wn., wo.ou; MIS 1W,
; David M. Wat kind., $50.70; lot 20, Fred
Bpsgele, ' .X12.63. BLOCK IS, lot iJsmos
J.L. Cars well,. $8.80; tot 2. Jamea L. Cars-
wen,-so.ou; iox , jameB u. caraweil, . $3.80;
. . lot 4. J.meg L. Carswell, $6.80; tot 8. James
I. Carswell, $6.80; tot X Jamea L. CsrswsIL
. $3.80; lot t. Lllllas . Carswell. $5.80; lot a
Jamea L CarawclL $5.80: tot 9.. Jamea L,
Carawell. $6.96; lot 10, Jamea L. Carswell.
. 86.96: tot 11. Jamea L. Carawell. 15 80i tot n
James L. CaraweU, $5.80; tat U, LI I Use Care-
well, so wn norui ft lot is,. Kate Carrey,
S2.90T north U lot 1. Kate TurraV C 12 .on?
- $2.90; north ft lot
eoulh U tot 14. Ell
aoulh ft tot 14, Ellen McNulty. $2.90: south
H lot jo. mien MC.-I utty. bavu; lot 10. Han
pah Maaon, $5.80; tot 17, Rudolph Becker,
ft tot 18. Klfrn Mc.Nulty. 2y9u; tot 15. Han-
naB Maaoa, bo.bu; lot it, Rudolph Becker,
157.55- tot IX RudnlDh Becker. 850.80: lot to
-Kate Cttrray. $tJ2.05; let XK- Ellen McNulty,
: $H4.tO. BLOCK 16, Joi 1. Joeeph sad L
, Weberj $5.80; -lot X Joeeph and E. Weber,
--, $5.80; lot t. Joseph snd hV Weber, $3.80; -lot
4. Joseph sad hi. Weber, $0.80: tot 8, Joseph
snd X. Weber. $6 80; tot . X - Joseph snd X.
' Weber. $6.80; lot' 7, Joseph and B. Weber,
, $6.80; . lot 6, Joseph and E. Wsber,- $8.80;
'.'tot 8. Joseph and B. Weber, $6.96; lot 10,
. Joseph and -E. Weber, $6.96; tot if, Joseph
. end X. Weber. $5.80; lot 13, Joseph snd k
Wsber, $5.80;. Tot 15, Joeeph and E; Weber,
- $5.80: lot 12, Michael Tannier. $6.80; lot 14,
MlcowB!--lBnuier, so. on;, Anna ntecK,
' 83.76: lot 17. Fulton United ArtlaanaVRnlld.
; Ing Aaaoclatlon. $80.10 Jot IX Erneat Jlouaa.
i $72.25; lot 18, Anns Stock,' -p3.ftutot 30.
Joseph Weber. $22.40. BLOCK ITT tot l',
C. N. McCleod, $5 80; tot X C. N. McCleod,
4 88 an. nt S. C. ' N. McCleod. 85 so. vt a
L4.C. N. McCleod. $5.80; tot ft, C. N. McCleod.; lot o, v. re. aict;ieoa, lot T,
w i r. i .m en ao. u n mr , , . . ,
$5.80; lot 9. Flora B. CrUtenden, $6.96; tot
10. Flora n. Crltteadea, $6.9S; tor IX G. N.
; Mct;ieod. bo.bu; rat tj. y- Mct.ieod, $6.80;,
J lot io, v. r. jnn.ieou, J-oo; ior in, w.
. McCleod. $8.80: tot 11. Hannsh Maaon. $3.80
- tot 13, Hannah Maaon, $6.80; lot 15, Hannah
Maaon, $6.80: tot 17, Hannah Maaoa. $3.80;
tot 19, at. McNulty, $0 06: tot 21, M.Mct
Nultr. i $6.80; . tot 30, Ellsa and Jnbk A.
Keller, $8.06; hat . 22. EUas aud John A.
Keller. $5.ou; lot M, Eiisaaaa Jons A. Krlr
. ler. 86.80: tot 2X . Alohonas Lenoir. 86 80.
pi lot so, Aipoouee lenmir, eo.O"; mi zo. s.11
r rieonee imww, mv.mvr w, MnuMi naenti.
";. $5.80; lot 28. Hannah Maaon, $3 80. BLOCK
IX tot L, Clara N. MeLeod. $8.80: lot X
Clara N. MeLeod. $6.80; tot ft. The Hi hern-
laa Savings, Bank. 5.w; mt t, The HIbernlaa
Kavlrura Bank. 16.80: tot 9.T,adwla WIMielm.
:a-6-a6; lot 11. Lndwlg Wllbelia. $8.80; tot
18. BOMmon. rteiss, -; lot in, no loams
Kelts. .;. lot l, aaary I. . neogea, fr,.Hu;
lot iv. aiary i. naagea, so. en; wt ai, it an.
$5.80; lot 25, Hannah Maaon. $5.80;. tot 26V
' 4f-n-.h mlmmni, BR Hit tnu 9, I'.
tour. $6,801 tot .4, Marianne Vandeleur $6.80;
lot a, ciara n. nciieoa.; tor a, Wil
liam aad Anna Rente, $8.80; tot 10, W. F.
Burrell, Trnatee, $6.96; tot 13, W. P. BnrrelL
Trustee, $6.80; lot 14. B. H. Robbtns. $A.8I1
hit .18. Jamea . Johnatona. 13.80: tot 18.
Jamea Johnatone. $6.80; lot 30. Northern
Counties Investment Trust. Limited,. $6.06;
tot 23, Carl O. Anderaon. $6.80: tot 24, W. A.
nOLlllui u, viggar., eM; lot-zr, w.-A.
ndT.lllle C. -Vlarers. $6.80: tot 28. W. A.
and IJIHe C Viaaera. 15 Ko. KlilCK It.
' tot 1, W. P. Burrell, Trnatee,' $5.80; tot X
. . mi . ... . mm. ut. I . u w' v
r rr. r. ewmi, iiwiiv, er.iw. mil , w. w
Burrell. . Trustee. $6.8u lot 4, W. P.iBur.
, rell. Trustee. $ lot 8. Clara n. uaioa.
$5.80; lot 6, William rrledlander. $6.80;
tot 7, William Prlediander, $6.80; lot S. Wil
liam Friedlstider, . $6.80;" tot 9... William
.. Prlediander. $0 96; tot 10. William led
Isnder, $8 06; tot 11, I'nlted States Nstlonal
- Bank; $5.80; tot 12. I nlted State National
Bank. $3.80; tot ' 13," thlted States National
Bank, $5.80; tot 14., United States National
' Bank. $.V80; tot 15,' I'nlted States National
Bank., 85.80' lot 18. tnlted Ststes Nsttoasl
Bank, $6.80;.. tot 17, H. M. and W. M. Cake. lot ix. it. sc.. ana w. M. caxs.;
t 19. Althor W. Graham. $8.96; tot 211,
.. Hannah Maaoa, $0.98; tot 22. Hannah Mason.
$8.80: Jot 21. Everett B.. Smith, $5.80; . tot
23. Johihna Irving. $5 80; tot 24, Ussls sad
Cora N. Beldlnc. $5 o: tot 38. I.laaie and
Cora N. Beldlng, $6 8 tot -20, LUsle andM
i era n. neintng, .i i; lot zr. A. w. sso
II. A. Beldlng, $5.80; lot 28. : AeW. and
H. A. Beldlng, $3.80. BLOfJC 20. tot I.
W. F. Burrell. Truatee, $.18 60: tot X W. P;
Burrell, Trnatee; $6.80; tot 8. W. F. Burrell.
Trustee. $vte 0; tot 4, W. F. ' Burrell. Trus
tee. $5.80 tot X, W. F. Bnrrell. Trnatee.
.$38.80; tot 6W. P. Burrell. Truatcs. $6.80;
lot 7, W. F. BnrrelL Trnatee. X:6.60; lot 8.
Alice F. McCarthy. $5 80; krt-,- .W. P.
Burrell, Trnatee, $4X60; tot lOi Alice P.
Mi-Cartby, $8.90; tot IX Alice P. McCarthy,
$6.00; tot 11, Edward W. aad Helea M.
flaaaett, $36.fl0; lot IX Era May Oaaaett,
. $; tot 14. Jeaaie B, X Fleck, $5.80;
-tot 1ft. Jeaaie E...X Fleck. $38.6u: tot 16.
Jeesle E. S, lleck. $6 80- lot-17, Jessie E.
S. Fleck. X'16.60; lot IS, Jeaaie B. S. Fleck.
83.80; -tot 19, Jeaaie E. S. Ftock. $43.90; tot
2u, Jeeale E. S. Fleck. $8 06; tot 21, Jamea
S. Johnatone, $.18.60; tot XI. James 8. Jokn
atoae. $J0 So; tot 2ft, Marie X. Hmale, $44.10;
lot 26. Marie E. Hoxsle. $20.10; lot 22,
Btaatnger -Co.r Tenet ee, $S.8o, lot 94, jj
alnger ft Co., TruaTee. $3.80; tot 27. Blaalngrr
ft CO.. Treeree. $5.80; lot 2, Blsslnger ft
Co.. Trustee. $5 SO, BliOCK XI. tot 1. J. M.
Thorn paoa. . $.16.60; lot S. t. M. Thompson,
$. 6.80: tot 6, Lissls Mnmaoa, $:6 6U; lot
7. Delns D. Neer, $88 mi; tot 9. Detot D.
Neer. $43 MO) tot 11, John A. Johnston and
Jamea Oleen, $.16.80; tot 13. John A. John,
atoa and Jamea CMaea, $8 80 tot 16, Hi
bernla Seringa Benk. X'l 6o; tot 17, ' 111
hernia Hsvtugs Bank. $.HI.6ii tot 19, . Hl.
bernla Sayings Bank. $48.0o; bit 21. T. I
W.- Hamriman. $38.60: tot 23. Beraerd
Mctsrtsy, $38.80; st 23, NrrHs M. Wars, r
$44.10: tot Xt. Chsrles P fJttls. $37.ftO:
tot 9, Hernia a Blerg, $15 00f tot 4 "HermaB
uieeg, $40.00; lot , UeVmaa Blaeg, $vuu;
lot X A. W. and n H,1.4lne. 11A.0U: tot
lo, Vaaule A. t urtle. $; lot IX Nettle
y- "rauuB. pao.w: lot is, nettle O. urauon,
$43.00: tot lit. lt,.mm..m, Blft IM)!
. lot IB U'llllkn. U J ' . ft I f. an
' Juate SulUvaB, $54.00 ; tot 22. 11. L. Tatum
"' uowaa. $4bOU; ktX4 Be j mom
C. Friendly, $45.00; tot SO, W. r, Burrell.
. Trustee, til. 10; tot 28, Beaale Ziminer.
$32.60. , BLOCK 22, tot 1. Alliance Trnal
Compau. Limited. , $3.60 lot X 0. ami
Lou tae Lscbmelr. $38. oo; lot ft. Albert Krum
rey. $36.60; tot 7, Jenuin Bower. $Jd.6u: hit
,8. J.nnla Bower, $U.VO;..tot II. ITed S.
; MlltorbJ no; tot 13, Fred S. Millar, Xld.6o;
tot lOT Willamette Tribe No. X Improved
.' '',urr vi awe aaen.; nit IT, wiueuieiiv
i""" -o. e. twproveii uraer or neo am,
. XW.60k. tot 19, Kittle E. Emmons. $38.80;
.. lot 21. J Msry H. Huaaie. 13H. u: kit 23. Mary
Jt. Hoxale, $,'16.80; tot 26. Mary fc. Hoxale.
, $44.10,'-tot ZJ,' Uule Belolng. $373fff 3.
'., raicumeier, e4o.uu; lot s, tiewrga
. l.arhuuuer. $46.00; lot X Sarah B. Everaon.
$46,001 tot 8. Sarah It. Evrraua. $46.00: tot
. i", .i. n. taing, fos.uu; lot IX. it. . uwti
$43.00: lot 14UH. U. Long, $46.00; tot IS.
Mckinley Mitchell. $45.00; lot IX McKln
. toy Mitchell. $46.00; tot 20.. W. D. SelUIng,
, $54.00; tot 22, A. snd A. W. Beldlng. $45.00;
tot 34,. Mssle Beldlug. $15.00; tot 26. Mary
K. Hoxsle, $.iu; tot 38, Lissls BeblluM,
862.60. BliOt K 23. tot 1. Msry E. Tsytor.; lot o, siaua w. vt uoifois. $o.huj- i d,
. Tisvtd .ttoodseU. 4.iUi; lot I. Clara B. Crane,
' $3.80; tot 0. Marr E. Hoxale, $6.05 lot 11.
' Calvary Preabyteriaa Church. Xl.bO: tot 13.
Calrarr PrssbvterlaB Cbereh.' tot-15.
-' SussBBa Elmmermsn, $3.Nt; lot 17. Sueannaj
a,iunucrnuan, fy-ooi lot lu, nuasniis juiuuier
, wan. mt, I , wueauiiu wuennao,
; $5.80: tot XX Buaanea Xlmmermaa, '$3.80;
, kii za, Eraanna ziuuuerman, KW: lot-xu,
Susanna Etmiuorman. $3.bu:l lot X 1. M.
sad De8a Boh ler. $48.0u; - kit 4. 0. M. and
, jiena Hohiar, tu.uo; tut a. Bruno n. uuutner,
$40.00; lot S. Jiweph Fluke. $43.00: tot 10,
Ids-Loeweneoo. XVt.oor tot IX treorge Wrlrht
. Post Nov 1, tlrsnd Army of ths Republic,
eaa.oo; mt II, Joan Msttbieeea, eea.uo;
M 18, 806 E. Laurence, $46. On ;, -tot 18,
A. W. Jonea. $46.00: tot 20. Ml sale W.
Little. $64.00 tot 22, Maggie R. Jones and
-. niary a. i 00 ley, sto.Ki; lot vs. siieusei aiou
' toft $4X00: Jot 27. Wilhclmlua VahL Xt7.Ai:
, lot tin, . ChrUtlan Johonoo. $42 .60. BlKK
24. lot 2," Hannah Maaon. $6.80: tot 4,
- Hannah Mason, $6.80; tot 6. Hannah Msson,; tot 8. Hannah Mason, $5. bu: lot 10,
- Hannah Maaon. ,4lb:i; tot 12. Baunah Msson,
$5.80; tot 14. Hannah Mason, $5.80: kt IX
Hannah Maaoa, $5.80: lot 18. Hannah Mason,
$5.80; tot ,20, Hannah Maaoa, $8.05; bit 23,
Hannah Maaon, $3.8u; tot 24. Saunah Vsaiin,
$5.80: tot 37. Hannah Hi eon. $5.80: lot 28.
Hannah Mason, la.80, . RI ill K i!5 aoulh 130
feet Jut J. Marrsret Maclay, 4534 65; tot X
Margaret blacker. $01. 36; aouth 130 feet lot
a. Margaret Macxar. 934. no: 101 e, aiargarei
Mackai.18l.-a.. BLOCK - 26. bobdtvislon .1
.of tot A, Maggls Marphy. $5.80: aubdivlaloa
S of lot A, Maggie Murpny,; auoui
vlaten S of lot A. Delia ttDala. XV80;
subdivision 4 of lot A. L. H. nnd A. 11. Msv-
- well. $6.80; BUbdtvnloa 'B of lot. A, Msrcaret
v nite,; sunoiviaion a ot lot a. Margaret
Wtilte -XVBll: auluUvUlon f of. tot A. Mar.
. caret White. $5 80; eubdlvlalou S of tot -A.
Jennla CurrteJrS.bO; lubdlvlalon of Jot A;
Jesnla currie. f.o; auoaiviaion tu r lot
A, Jennie Currie, $X96; aubdivlaloa ' II of
tot A, Jennie Currie, $6.80; subdivision. 11
or m A, uuuoer. a . aonsini, eo.ou; auooi
'vfaton 18 ef tot A. Margsvet White. $8.80;
snbdtvlslon 14 bf lot A, Margaret White,
i5. 80; subdivision. 1$ ot lot A. C. Hansen.
6.80;- subdivision 16 ot lot A,- Tlllla F. Cor
neUus. Ki.80; subdivision IT ef tot A. Tlllls
p. Cornelius, $5 80; subdivision 18 of lot A.
M. 1. Potter. $5.80: aubdivlaloa L of tot B,
Wesley Miller, $6.80; eubdlvletoo t of .tot B,
Wee ler Miller. $6.80: aubdlvlsloa S ef tot B.
' lulls Marquam.. $5. SO; subdlvlaloa 4 of tot B,
jnua nirauin. a3.n1 auoaivHuon o or lot d.
Gander J. Humming, $5 80; subdivision 6
of . lot Marv K Adama. 16.80: snbdl.
1tla1ott-T-orlot- Br "vTrvP. - Butts IL-Trusteet
$6.80; aobdlvlshin of lot-B. W.-F. Burrell,
Truatee. 8&J0-. snbdlvlalon 9 of lot. B. W.
P. BarrelL Truatee. $4.06; subdhrlston 10
f tot B, W, F. Burrell, Treat ae, $6.06;
subdivision' IT of tot B, W. F. Burrell,
Truatee, $5.80; subdivision It at . tot B,
W. F. Burrell. Trustee. $5.80; Subdivision
13 oi tot B, Marv. E. Adams, $5.80;. snbdl
vision 14 of tot- B, Mary E. Adams, $3.80;
subdivision IS of lot B, Mary-K. Adsdis,
X1.80: eubdlvlalea 16 of tot B, Jsmes Vf.
Brandt, $6.80; aubdlriatos 17 of lot, B,- Otln
der J. Bumming $5.80: aobdlvialon IS ef -tot
B. W. F. BurrelL $3.80. BIXK K TT. tot 1,
Ellen H. Xcbollhorn Estate, Heirs ef. $81.35;
tot S. Ellen H. Bcbollbora Eatate. Heirs of.
$01.86: subdivision 1 of lot A. C. M. Bua
a.11. Trnatee. 85.80: aubdivlaloa S Of tot A.
:. M. BnaseUr Trustee. 85.80; subdlvlsloa
A, C. hi. Rbasell. Truatee, t5.wrt siibdtvnrtoa
T of lot A Mog Back Hln. ,$5.HU; subdlrision
a r ait-: A- W. P. BurrelL Trustee. $3.80:
' siibdtvlatoa X of mtt A. Moy Back Hln. $3.45;
Im1i,iio 10 of lot A. W. F. . BurrelL
Truatee. $8.46; subdlvtoloa 1 of tot B. M. J.
i-Hwffy, -$6.b1r-snhdlvlsloa tot B. Hong
: Chee How. 15.80: subdlTtetoa $ of tot- B.
W. H. McEktowney and J. F. Leonard. $5-80;
. lubdlvlalon 4 ot lot a, Wj r. nurreu. irua
tee.; siibdrvlstoa 1 of lot Tt, W. , H.
rMcEldowney and J. T. Leonard. $5.80; sub-
i division 6 of tot- B, C. M. Hussrii,;
subdlvlsloa 7 of tot B, w. u. Law, o,o;
anlwllvtalon S of lot B. Mot Back Hla. 15. AO
. oiwtiviatoB 6 -of lot B. W. M. Law. 88.45:
siibdlvisioB io or m a. Moy bscb tun. a.i.. i
BIXCK 28tot 1. Jennla and J. M. Bctcber.
$81. aft: tot- 3, Jamea S. Pnlhsmus. $01,361
subdlrision 1. of tot X William and Roatna
tielger. $5 .80; aabdlvlatoa S of lot 2. Wll.
Ham . aad Roalna Oelger. $6.60: subdlvlslna
$ of tot X William and Roatnej tieMter, $5.90;
nhdivtalnn 4 af tot X William snd Ruelna
(lelgor. $5.80;. subdivision-ft of lot' 2,- Wll-,
ltom and . Roalna Oelger. $5,001 eubdlvlaloa
6 of let X, William and Rosina Oelger. 86.80;
aobdlvlston T of tot X William and Roalna
Oelger, $5.60: aubdivlaloa 8 nt lot 3, . Wll.
Ham -aad Roalna Oelger. $3.60: aubdivlaloa
of tot X William and Rmrlns Oelger, $5.60;
aubdivbdon 10 ot tot 2. William and Roalna
Oelgeri $5.6; aubdlvlsloa 1 of , tot 4. Mm.
Of. J.Twetmn-, XY80; subdlvlaloa t of . tot
4, Mrs. M, J. Wesmer. $4.30;. eubdlrlatow
a of lot 4. Mrs. M. J.- W earner. S3.U6: aith.
. dlrlalon 4 of lot 4. Mrs. M. J. Weamer. $n.o,
aubdlvlalon S of tot 4, Mrs. M. j. wramer.
$5.80; aabdlvlatoa j$ of tot 4.. Mrs. M.- J.
Weamer, $6.80: aubdlvlalon 7 nt tot 4. Mrs.
" M. J. Weamer. $7.60; subdivision 8 of tot 4.
Mrs. M. J. Weamer. $ eonaiviainn 9 of
Vtot 4. Mra. U. i. Weamer. $5.80. RI.OCK 80.
v . , ... . 1-. n w E u .. .i i mm ..
SUOniTlSloO 1 ., KM , " . r, m,r,ri,,
subdivision 3 of bit B, W. F. Burrell. $4.70.
A tract of laud lying between the south line
of Vermout atreet aad the north line ef sub
division 3 of lot B. block 80. Sonthern Port
lend, nnd between tbe ' weet line ef Con
nee tl cot street sad tbe eesterly line, of- ths
OrssoB ft California Railroad Company's right
of : c T. Crowell Estate, Heirs of. I
----- - , - - f
Sotomen Rclaa, $8.86; tot X Solomon Betas.
$.1.85;' tot X Bolomoa Relaa, $3.85; lot 4,
nmomon neraa, a" fo. mi n ootomon neisa,
$6.90; kt 6, Solfflmoa RHea. $8.49; M T
Solomon Relaa..$6.36; tot 8. Sotomoa Rehs,
$5.20; tot Sr-Sotomoa- sleraa, $5, lti lot AH,
Solomon Rebjs. 83.8b: tot 11. Solomon Rnlaa. Li
aa ail. BI.OI'K 82. aouth 180 feet of lot.
Hannah Mason, $23.80; tot 2, Hannah
an no .
A tract of land lying between tbe smith line
f Nevada street snd a Hns 4017 feet south
erly therefrom and parallel - therewith and
between a Una 100 feet west of snd parallel
with the weat line of Front atreet extended
northerly and' 11' io extending north T de
greee weet 6.03 cbalna to Nevada atreet. from
a point 10 chains west of ths northeest corner
f block 1. Fulton. H. W. Corbett Estate,
Helre ef. $452.40. .- - .
A tract of lend bounded and described aa fol.
lows: Comment-tag at the hortbeaat corner
of block I. Fulton; thence weet 10 chains:
thence Borfb 7 degree, weat 8.92 .cbalna;
thenca esat 460.72- feet; tbence south 3 de
grees 66 minutes eaat 241 JW feet; thence
north 89 detrrees 41 mlnntea eaat 311.28 feet:
thenca aontb ft degrees sn mliuttea esat 12.13
reet. to place - ot negiuning, s. .nnusoxge,
$87 .OO. - r . -r
A tract , ef land bounded- and deBcrfbed as
follows: "tonimenc1ug -X87 chains mttth 6
degrees SO minutes esst snd 8.82 cbslns west
et northeast corner of block .1. Fulton;
thence weet 19.180 feet; thence north 0 de
green weet to south line of Nrvsds street:
thence east 193.46 feel; thenca south $0
place of beginning, Charlea l. and Ellsa
Chrieteneen, $17.40. , . j -A
tract of land bourrdec) Beat described 'at
follows: Commencing 16.13 foet north ft
degreee 30 tntnutea east from Dortheaat corner
of block 1, Fulton: thence-northerly along
the west Una of Macadam road 3U6.96 feet;
thenca weat 21 4 5 feet.: thrnee north 65.63
feet to aouth line of Nevada atreet ; ' tbence
weet $7. 6ft feet;- thence snnth 120 feel
thene? south 3 de greet 8tV mlnatea eaat 34. 88
feet; thence Boats 89 drgVeea 41 minuted eaat
211.29 feet . to place , ef beginning, 1 Buaa
llnka S'llR a, 1 .
A trsct of bind bmaded and described as fal
lows: - Commencing st . Intersection of west
line of Macadam road with South line ef
Nevada street; thence weat 214.8 feet along
the south line of Nevada atreet: thence eoulh
6 degree. 80 minutes eest 68. to feet; tbence
eaat 214,$ feet; thence north S degrreV 80
minutes weat 66 36 feet to place of begin
ning. Melcblar Tannier. $100 So.
A tract ef tend lying between the aontb line
ef Neveda atreet and a line too feet ssnth
thereof snd part I lei therewith end between
the eeat' line of Macadam road and the weet
line of tbe right -of wey of tba) Poet land
ft Willamette Valley Bsltway. Security bar
Inge ft Trust Comnenr. $191.20.
A trsct of land lying betwe.-a tw lines re.
spectiveiy icaj reet and ou leer sou is 01 Bad
parallel with tbe eoulh Has ef Nevada atreet
and between tie esat Une ef Macadam road
and tbe west line of the right of way of the
Portland ft Willamette Valley Railway, Henry
R. Import, $108.40. - ,
A tract of land It Ins; between a line 400 f-et
aouth of and. parallel with the aoutb line
of Nevada atreet and the pnrth Una ef bbvk
K, Fulton Park, and between tbe eeat line
ef Macadam road aad th west line af ths
8 er lot A. c M. -nnsssii. 1 ruii aajuj, , Thompson, $0.00; tot 1. . im inomp.
- aubdlvlsloa 4 ef lot A. C. M. Ruasell.':?ru' T. . Powers. 4.9B: tot 6.
tee. 86.80: aubdlvlsloa S of lot A. C U. I j, Tpowera, $5.80"; Jot 10. A. J. Powers.
.y Busseu. arnetee.; sueoiviaion e or lot
Port laad ft Willamette ValUy Railway,
-' t'karlea Uebertuau, $14.60. T J "
, A trianjuUr tract of Und lying betwsea the
.. naat 11 ua of Macadam rued, the aoutk line ef
block 1, Fulton, and a line 16 feet northerly
from aud parallel with lha northerly Hub of
block 7. Fulton. II. J. Keleelman. 621.60.
Pl'LTON PAKK--BLOCK..ea, tot 6. Edwar
0. Bewail, $4.86; tot X Edwar O. Bewail.
$4 80; tot 7, Ooha E. Cullleon. $3.80; tot 8, .
l.Cohn E. Culllaoa, $3.80. BLOCK 47, tot 1.
Maria Stockman, $5.80; tot X Maria Stock,
ttian, $6.80; lot . $. Henrietta - Popplelon,
$8 80; tot 4. W. J. Osmbe, $4.85: tot 8. v
William H. Warren. $46; tot 6. William H.
., Warren, $5 80; tot f. FredV O. But turn, $9.80;. ..
tot S. Fred O. Buf film. ' $5.80. BLOCK 48.
tot 1,' Emms M.ruuara, $5.80: lot X .Emma
"arautm. so , en s, jolin r. coyns, so. so;
lot 4, Alice W. CeaweU. $6.80: tot S, U. J.
pecker. 85.80; tot 6. C. J. Decker, 88 80;
hit 7. C. J. Decker. $8,96; tot S. C. J. Decker.
Decket, a
$3.80; tot X Thomas A. Clsrks. $6,801 tot 10.
; Valerie Rogers, 5.aOt lot 11, Valerie Rogera, -
-; wt a, vsierie Hogcvg f4.H&: tot 13,
Valeria Rogers, $5.80; lot- 14. ' Thomas A. "
Clarke, $5. So; tot 13, "Tboaiss A. . Clarke, .
X5.80; tot 16. Era P, Steal, IS.oo; tot 17, 1.
Waller B. Preatuo.. $6.90: lot 18. Hknrr
r'-. Stsvens. ' $3.80; tot 18. Alice W. Caswell. .
. $A.bUi tot 3u, John T.I Coyne, $6.80; lot 31, .
.. Jaiuce Blake, $5.80; tot 23. Ilia Title Ouarant
tee ft Trust Company, . $5.80, ' BLOCK 40,, '
bit 4, 1. X, . Scott, 85.80; tot t, Hlrsin W.
RlUr, $3.80: tot S. Hiram "V. Riley. $5:
tot t. Ella P. PerhlBson. $8.80; tot S, Oacar '
: F. Olaeu, $5.80 lot X Eva X Price, $5 80; tot -c -10
A. R. FraBds. $580: tot 11. Eva P.
tee4rr-arv80r tot. IX ISvec 4. - Steele $S BO. ,
BLOCK 60. lot 7, Joseph Blmou. Truatee.
$5.80; tot S. Xarlfs J. tailing. $5.86; tot 9. "
Xarlfa J. Falling, $5.80. BLOCK 67, lot 7,
Anna Ellas Starr. $5.80; lot S, Amelia E. end
M. J.. Moras. $8.80; lot - 9, Price Wauklla,
, $5.80. . BLOCK 68. tot 4. Chrlat ' Hansen,
.$ lot 6, John .B. Mosslck, $5.80; tot S, :
' Charles A', lhisber. $5.80: lot f, Chsrles A.
. Duelier. $3,8ii , tot S. Charles A. Dueber, '
X'1.80; toteW-Charlee AJuebee$$.l0t-to4 Jo, -Tin
Vm Bolton. $3.80 tot 11, Horatio It -'Holmes,
$3.80;. tot J 2. Horatio B. Holmes, BLOCK 89, tot 1. Joaapb F. D. and
Sadls A. Wrinkle. - $6.80; tot X Joseph F.-
'. D. sud Sgdte A. Wrinkle,' $5.80; tot 8, Ad- i dle
Parvln. $6.80: tot 4. Addle Parvln. nun.
.. lot 6. . Sjlranus C. Armltaga, , $3.80; bit X --
1 Andrew Holmes. $5.80; tot 7 1. E. Courtney.
$8.95; tot 8. Slatrra of the Holy Name' ot -'
Jeans and Msry, $5.80; tot 9, Lucy Dougherty, -
'.$5.80; tot 10. Joeeph Beat,, $5.80;. tit lL J'."
I'j.lln f lllwln 'S.1 mti. In l!l llln O lll.vln
' an bo. I - . t u .. 1 .. . . . I . . " a. a,,!
eo.uu, ..e., djm.uu. . . --m 1 u. . 1 , a.o,F,
,"bit 14 SylvanuB C. Armltsge. $5.66; tot 16,
' Sonthweat Portbuid Rssl Eststa Company..
$7.70; tot 16. Northern Counties Inveatment'
Truer.' . Limited. A.W. tot 17, .Northern .
'Counllea Inveatment Trust. Umtred, $5.76 '
tot 18, Norlbera Coantlea Investment Trust, "
- Limited. $3.80; lot 19. Joeeph Best, $6.80:
lot 30,. Andrsat J. Drsert. Jr.. sad Hr tSJMi
. tot 21. H. L. Msrtssll, $6.80; tot 22, H, U
Msrtsall, $8 05; tot S3. A. W. BaUrL $5.80; ..
-te4' 24. Joseph H. t-hsss,-$ft.80i"V
Manrlre N. Coatello.. 15.80: tot 3B. Flrat -
-National Bank of Port Is ad, Oregon. - SX80; , i
- tot- JITt- Frenbr M,-, Warren, Bo no; lot XN.
- .. l. u.. . - u, vjiu-irl .- en i... .-...
r,eim em. ttwivu, - - '
' t. Ferdinand A. Lltx, $6.80; tot X William
. Bsrnea. , $3.80: tot .7, 0. W. and Margaret ....
V. Alien, $5.80; tot 8. 0. W. and Margaret -
yv. Alleu, B-ou, 01-tn.a. it, tot f, neruoaru
Ine Westpahl. $5.80; tot 8, Barnhardlne
westpsBi. ao.en. lsi-tM.iv lua. tot o. uavim -
W. Eberllne. $5.80; lot X Fulton. Park Land
Company.', $5,80; lot 7. Fulton Park Land .
Company, 0.96; tot X Emma Marouam. $6.8u; -
tot 47 B. . WhlteboBBS, $5.80j lot 10, Pel.'
ton Park Land Company. $5.80;. lot J 1. W.
J. Oramba, $5.80: fot-li'W: J, GrsBihs.
$5.80; -tot 18, - Alliance Trust Company, ;
Limited, $5.80; tot 14. Alliance Trust Com- '
. I . . , - MM. I 1 . DAlkAnttlll
Kos.. $8.46: lot 16. Bothsrblld Broa.. 81.25; -"lot
lT.'j. M. Church, $0.48; tot 18. J. M.
'Church, $8.60; bit 19, J. M. Church, $5.80; .
tot So. B. 0. Whltebouae, $5.80; tot 31, Bw
, O. Whltebenaa, $5.80; tot 33. Minnie Simon '
I . BO-BO; lot Xrt, jeaaie w. avire, an-! an,
illohB fllrblsch. .).LOCJC A. sll af tol
except eaat as ice v. mwu n iiiiaui., ev.-" ,
all et tot 3 except east 68 feet. Etta WIU-
llama, $4.05; all of tot S except east 68 feet. '
Tultan Psrk Land Company. $2.5r all of tot
a .. an fM " rThrtatlna Fleebea.
"stein. $4.80: tot fl. ChrtoUna Ftsckeasteln. .
. $44.60. BLOCK ' B. . north . ft tot 1. Clara -
MBnr,; no, hi tv '
tio.65: south ft of tor-ri.- 1
Mary L. White.
$22.80: aoutb ft tot X Msry L. Whits, $16.68.
OCK P. tot 1. Sarah Cur ley. $X00; lot X -ah
Cnrley, $3.76; lot X J. Soott. $5 lRi
4 ."Peter Curley. $8.35; tot 6. Sothrhlld
V... A
Broa." $9.ftO; tot 6. Rothrhlld Bros.. $1.55
tot T, Bothchlld Bros.; $X90;'lot 8, Roth.
child Bros. $8.48; ,'' V?VX"a,?ZZL
$6.05: kt 10. Bothchlld Bros.. 85.70. BLOCK
, tot i .C. J. Decker, $X8B: tot X - Ce
J. Decker. $5.t0;.tot 4. Msry n.-Ohormly.r .
$8.15) lot 0, lb. .ma. looraoaou, u.'wi w. v.
' $3 60: tot 11. P. H- Mariey. Baa";, im i
J Plt parley:.- $6 TO:-- BICK, H, tot X
?. i.l.C.,k H Cuetla. $7.25: tot IX Patrick
A .n'A aiarv ttoahea. $S.66t tot 13.' Patrick and . s
fcrl'Msry Hiighos, $7.10.. BLOCK X tot 6. Hsr-
ft "et Dnnhsm. " $XS0r lot T. Harriet Dunbam.
Byron P. Csrdwelt EsUte. Heirs .of. $.48t , '1
lot X Bothchlld Bros., S6.70; -tot 8 Roth .
child lwos. : $5.7l: tot 47 Rothchlld .Bros .
85 80: tot X fbiuthvrest Portlsnd Real Eats te
Company. $4.56; brtS. P-othchlld Bros . $4 35;
lot t; Mawlce Ooodinaa, $4.00; 4ot 8. Both-
child Bros.. $7.70: tot , HoUicJilld Bros '
1,1$; tot 10V RothchlM ,'78i S -
11. RothchUd Bi. $10 15; tot IX Roth- ...
"child Bros., $8.10; tot" IX- Bothchlld- Broa,,
55 ft0 bVt 14. Rothchlld Bros., $5.50; tot 15. -
Bothchlld Bros.. $10.00: tot X EothchtM
Bros., $0.l;Tot s" Bothchlld Bros., $8 10;'
hit 4, Rothctilld Bros-, $70; tot 6 Kobh- -child
Bros., $0.70; lot . ; Bothchlld Bros., .
H I.To'n BLOCK t, lot. 1. .(Il1'0B?' " '
$47.Z5T mt Z. tl. ni-genuu,, to. w,
R. Rlegelmsun. $44.36: tot 4. C. IL ftagott.
$43.00; tot ft. R. Rlegelmann. . $4.7$; tot -V ....
It. Rlegelmaaa. $5.80; lot T. R. Rlegelmann, v 1
$5.80; lot S. K. atiegeimsnn. eo.ow. aua A
X Robert Patton. Katate. 'Heirg of. $84.88.,
BIX1CK 8. nil of block 8 weet of Macadam
road. Aaron Wait.- $28.08; all ef block X
eaat of Macadam mad. M. Bentoa Williams.
$1.65. BLOCK d.The King Retate. $26.00,
BLOCK ft -Tyler Woodward. $4X60. BLOCK
T. Alexander . Kleeel. $130.40. BLtX K 8.
tot 1. - tt. e. KUeireimaun. . .ti.oui aauointil
t ft tot X M. CMorrJa. $3.96; undivided ft
tot X
3. W.
B. 'Morris, $2 95; nndlvldcd ft tor 8.
W. R
Uela 82.96
nnn. XVbO: tot S. Alice Berry Burin. $5.80;
lai l kit X O. Morris. $X9R: undl.
-Tided ft tot T.--M;-3.-Morrta.-$X96: andlvlded
la bit 6. vr. Jt. Morris, ea-eo; fwiifia ym mv
7. W. R Morris. $2.93; tot. S. H. J. Eelgel- ,
SK-an. - . ....... ' .
A tract of hind lying between a line SO, feet . ..
onih wt and Barallel with the eotitl
ta une oc
I lock 8. Fulton, and the' north line af block -
F, Falton ParK. ana nerween a line 00 icei -i
eaat of and parallel with the eaat line of
btork IX Fulton, aad a-Hue SO feet- westerly ' -from
and parallel , with itha weaterly lines
mt hWk. a snd 7. Fnlton except thst Doe-
iaa-u.-ald vtract occuoled by the CiU ft -
Suburban- Hallway Company's right of way, ,.
1 M. tl. Mm-rla snd W. K. Moma. sis.iu., . ' - r
- LTON - BLOCK .18, "ndiridea , rot 1. M.
1,. Morra.; onnirmwi - -n e' a. am.' r
Morris. $3.06: andlvlded ft tot . M.O. Morris,
$2.96; undivided ft tot 4. 3a. u. Morris. sj.bbi
.undivided ft tot S. M. 0. Moirle. 8U 06; nn-
- dlvlitod ft tot X M. . Moma. klhb: nnai
Tided ft' tot 7.M. 0. Morrla, $2.96! undivided , :
ft totS. M. O. Morrla. $2.96; undivided ft
, lot 1. W. R. Morrla. $2.96: undivided ft lot
T3, W. R. Morrla. $X95; undivided ft tot X
VT, H. Morrla, $X96; undivided ft toi 4, W, -
R. Morris. $. undivided ft tot 6V W. R.
'Morris, $3.06; undlrlded ' ft tot X W. R. .
Morrla. $2.96; nmllvlded ft tot 7. W. tL Bor-.
rls. $2.96: undivided ft tot X, Wc-R. Morris. .
$2.96. HIOCK 17. tot. 1. H. W. Corbett
, Katste. Heirs ef. $5 80: tot X H. W. Oirbett
1 Estate, Heirs Bf. $S0; Jot X Andrew W.
Frema UNO: lot 4. Andrew W. Frenm.
X5.80: lot ft. (L'J. Prenm, $5.80f tot X R. J.. La-
-.Frenm. $3 no: tot T. it., w. toroeit mibio.
-r Helra ef. $6 "0t lot X H.-W.-Corbett USb-H.
- M.lae m.t g. MV - -
7. A tract of land lying between the west Una. .
-.of Macadam mad snd the esst line of block
4. Follow, snd between the. north line' ef
' block 4. fulton: extended easterly In Its
nreaent eonrae and ths northerly llpe of btoek
" I, extended weaterly In 1W present course,
- tleorge F. and Msry M. Hugbeb, $3.40. ...
A .tract of land lying between tint eaat line --of
Macadam mad and a line Tb feet eaat '
thereof aad parsllel therewith and between
. the snnth. line of block A.' Fulton Park, aud.
'. the northerly line of block L, Fulton Park, -.
Francisco Schmitt, $17.40.
A tract of bind bounded and describwd aa fol
tovrs: Commencing st southeaat corner of
tot 30. block IX Southern Porthind: thence v '
' west 314.$ feet; thence soath $ degrees 80
minute, eaat to north Une of Nevada atreet ; -tbence
east along tbe north line nf Nevada ,
' street to the west line nf M tea dam mad:
thence north along the weat line of Macadam
. road to placs of begtsnlug, Joseph Weber, v
$31.60. - '-.- .
' A tract ef land bounded and described as
followa: ' Commencing 10 cbalna weat and 8.93 .
cbalna north T degrees west of the northeast
:, corner ef block 1. Fulton: thence, esst 3.6o
cbalna; thenca north 6 degrees Weat .3.16 ,
ebalaM- thence west. Along the Soath Una ef
Nevada atreet Ho n point .north 7' degrees t
r weat 2.10 cbalna from place of beglnnlngr :
thence eneth 1 degrees east t in cbalna te
place of beginning. Kate X Gingham, $20.30. --Totsb',$14.!00.,
' A statement of aforesaid aaaeaament has
bora entered In the Docket of city Liens,
and Is now one and payable at tbe offlce nf
the ' city Trraanrer. In laa fnl money nf tba
t nlted Statea and If not paid wlthla So daya
front the data et tbla notice such proeeedlnsa -will
be taken for the collect Ion of tbe aame , .
aa are provided by the charter of tba City of
Portlsnd. '
The shove sseeeaaient win bear Internet 1$
daya after the Srat puhlleatloa of thla no. Ice.
, ,. --. --- , THOS. C. DEVLIN. t--
" And&er of the City nf Portlaad,'
Portland, Oregoa, January as, 1906, . f ...
- ' , -' - " '-. -i . '..'", 1 -
t . .... . . ,: .-