,v r:cr.:;:;;o. januahv u i::x omen o C lut b '--6 in e rr s Hoys who Have routes are rewarped for hustling . ANDr SSCURiNo r.zr;: . r -v , readers." : . -' -. .r ' " Edits by MRS. SARAH A. EVANS I 3? Wort Invit2.t!cn ta tha - . ; ; : Clubs of C'.tjf and Stat.-. 1 ..Recently Miss Jeaale B. RltUnhouM compiled a work on ."The Younger American Foeta." which railed a atorm of criticism fti certain quarters, because -. - "thus and ao" was left out. - The ad- ralrera at one young poet were pertlcu- . larly sewere, and: ready to condemn the t. whole work, because of this omlaaloa. Tlie orltlclsra, however, brought out the fact that much,of the young man's work ' waa covered by copyright, and in re sponse to Miss Rlttenhouae'a request te use soma of It. ha replied very curtly that he did not. car for contemporary ; . .criticism and ebjocted to being included - In such a book. f i - -t Nothing could batter Illustrate the at- r tltude of some of our clubs to the newa "i papersr-v, Their proceedings -ere covered by copyright, In the ahape of press cora-'-. mlttees and when naked for the priv ilege of. reporting them with other clubs, , ( they object to- being put in the paper; i but leave them out and, they and their , friends protest against "the partiality shown."- The , author, and -the editor, stand upon the aame platform they .. want readers, and every Item that comes is grist to their rallL-end personal opln- n. lone, prejudices or partiality wlU never be allowed to atop the grinding, II lor no other reason than personal advantage and proAL '(.- . ' ' .. '- On several occasions this department lias extended cordial- invitations to ev ery woman's club or organisation. In the city, to send- in its-reports and programs. .4. personal notices or general news. .. Many havd been written to personally. Boms havJ resoonded with areneroslty. others have' given, the InvlUtlon no heed, while some nave replied wee tne young poet, . andVllka the friends of ths young poet, - protested when -omitted Txom a reeome of tho club work of ths stats. - . - Ths outside club' world is like a great - hive of bees, busy with ths hum of en- deavor, .and often keeping - the wires warm with the news of their, great " achievements. 80 the columns of a club page will never have to. gaps for want- of Interesting material. This s ths kind of information many tot ths "club woman prefer, 'but believing that :tha club, work of the city and stats can -be better served by a wider circulation 'of home news, ws sgaln sztend an invl "tatlon to tho clubs of ths city and stats " tygivs as ths opportunity to report their work even their existence by a elm 1 1A9 notice of tlme-Md place of meeting. , Ws also invite a free discussion of any question of general club interest- Ws would be . glad to conduct a question box, and would refer disputed points on - parliamentary law or. club usage1 to ao- department means to, and will be. con ducted for all clubs and all club women,' 'and if you ars not in. H ths fault is "your own. Tou bars received ths Invl '' tation to become a part of U. -:,-; -i Sidona V. Johns TNew Oregon Author. . - - Fop ths past three years almost every jclub in ths state has. been giving more or less tlma to -tho study, of -Oregon, bls tory, but those living In remote parts of the stats,- and. In small towns, where no reference library Is accessible, have experienced great difflcultyj In obtaining . just" what, they want . without giving more time. to reading and . culling out ; facts , than ... most . women , can .devote to study. . . ' . . . ' v".r', Delightful stories and Complete nls . tori of Oregon ' nave appeared , from t time to time, but the great want has been - short. -v reliable - klatory. '- full ' enough, of detail tov omit no Important ' fact, but brief enough, to avoid tiresoms statlatlca..-. And woman, has supplied - th needl " v--- . .'-...'..' .-- 1 Last September-"A - Short- History of ' Oregon" came from tho press of A- C IfcClurg et CO.. written by aa Oregihj .vonuiu. Hiss Sidona Johnson, that In every particular meetsthe requirements of the busy, woman, who has but little time for reading, and must make every minute of that little count . -r :"1 Born and -reared in Milwaukee,'. Wls Miss Johnson came to Oregon 14 yes re a go. For several years she waa en gaged with the Pacific northwest immi gration board of 'Portland, and later In ' the- offlce of ths Portland chamber of commerce. ----.-;: - j y : . ...- " "It was during this oocupation,' Miss Johnson says of herself, "that 1 became interested ln lhe history of this 'section. ' in everything connected with ths growUl - and development of our state. A read lng.of tho voluminous works' on Onsgea history convinced ale that many, people i would nedaubt be glad to have a res r sonably clear knowledge of the hieterx of thl state. -If it could be obtained without -Wngthjr-Mstorto , research,, and 1 out of tsle conolusion lias come 'A Short HlatoryTt-Oregon,1' whlofr X bope will fill the demand which certainly exlaU for a brief, accurate recital of-Oregon's fsBClnatinB-story., .i.!' . H The book la especially adapted "for study work, s" it is ayatematlcally ar- ranged in six parts dealing respectively J with ths dlscovsry,' exploration, settle; ment government, Indian wars, and the progress of ths State to 10.' It-eon-i tain several valuable 'maps and hand some portrait Illustrations, besides some tins views of Oregon scenery r --. Several clubs and hlatory departments, ampng them the Oregon history depart ment of the Woman's club of Portland, have adopted it.agia text-book. .... "- Following along, the line of work laid CHURCH SERVICES ' rSOTtCl. Heresfter ehoreb aetlcee will he - pahHshee la the Bataraar Issue of The foernal. ' Copy mchlna tka ofSce lattr toaa mdsy attar--. boob esBDot be sssd.l . 1 ).,.. ... -; ( t.- y awsooTix. ; '-r ' it. ' PsvM'i Btst Twslttk asd Behaeat, - lev.Georce B. Vss Waters, D. D., reeter. atoralat -paayer,, 11 e'cloeki evealng prsrsr, T:80 o'clock s Baaasy eebeat :B s. st. - rresV " erlrk W. eoodrleh ass arrsBSd for the BMratag arrvKe: . rrehide, "Udt He. efl" Ub- ' jUiwohn); erfortory. 'BsresroUx" (HoffBjsai enatund 'AIItre Foapoeo" !..). -.A.. C. MsfkeitsTe); efrn-tory "adTfto'' (B-sV . .--- u . . . . 1 a. (IT.kll.., lf,Mk" (BlalBtr). , . Mark's Cormr KtnetMBth ead tetaiby stmta, R. 1. B. B. Slmpeon. recti. Hf lT MBmaaloa, a. at.; BBaeay eoaeol. 10 e. as. 'BMralBS prsri sb4 lluay. It a. Bt-i erealnji CUT will ke eailttcd st gt. Mark's bet will said st the ChlBese missies, No. SU secsad gt. Joha'e M,orUI Sollworxl. Bv. W. K. rwH la rtur. Basasr arbonl, II a, B.i Trnlnc BrrTlre aad sotbmhi. t:e S. m. - rbsnel of tke Transftrartloe Mxtk ttraot Bear Oak. Rv, W,- B. Powell.- easpUIsi esrv Ire sad earaaos, 11 a. as.; Busdsy echost, : a. si. , Trinity KlastaoBth' swr WsshlBgtoa atreot. Rev. Ir. ' A. A. Minioa, roeow. Holy eoas aumlna a. B. ) anraiag etrrk-e. tl . at-j eTenlsg serrlc. T l p. m.; Banday Behoot, :n m. m, . rWlniHnt with the Brat SnwUr la rehrnsry the Bmralsg Berrlre will eoaissea,- st in a. at., follows by ths guadsy sehsol st o'clock. - Oo4 bephors, fVtlwoM sn and Tea enerer eweo-. Hoe. Joha Dewsoa.' soetor. Bna dar erbool, J a. at. 1 snrslne Brsrer. Bad see eioe, 11 a. st.i ereatBg srarvt asd -aarsjea, 1 s. SV , ... ... . , , Migg Sidona V.1 Johngon, an Oregon Writef.' out. by ths Oregon tilstorycommlttee of the ' stats: federation, Mlaa Johnson's book may be used as tho foundation, and ths references given in ths circular let ter-; of the committee may be uaed to the extent of time and ability at the Command of the club.' It is a matter of, pride that a book so valuable to ths women of the staHe has .been: given . to. them by a woman. and- if , it needed anything- further, to Insure It a warm weloome. It' baa i in ths . inscription - which- dedicates it to George H. Hlmes, curator of the Oregon Historical sui-icir. ' . i.iJtiij.i.4..i ' A j . .' i irv ' . - 4 News. of Interest jpTorn W..C TV U.'Sources..:-; The ' Mount Beett ' -: Toung Woman's Christian Temperance union haa joined foroes with.--tho Ws. and u. (. L a. "and are to" give 1 an entertainment ' ORthe -WUlard Offering Red letter-Day." It bids falr -tobe the event lot the, aea'aon in this favored ' suburb, t ? " ', v Mrs. 8. H. - Peak. -county soperln- tendent of - flower- mission works, nas recently returned . from - PhUadalpbla, where she went as delegate: from ths state--W. C .T. U. She has been giving lntereaflng aooounts of the-great gather ing at the local meetings in the city.: ; Mrs. - M,. U, Sieeth of Portland will soon take the, field aa "Organiser and lecH turer of the W. C. T. U.he lecture bureau is arranging "a thorough, organ ising trio for her. - v" Plans ars weir nnder-way-foT-actrv work in connection with -.tkoXewis- and CUrk fair. . --y Ths exhibit that won a gold medal. In St Louis 1 on its way here. ' Central - W- j C. ,T; , JJ. ; meets " every Tnesday at ( o'clock in tho parlors of tho president, Mrs. M. J. Jamey, at tit Clay ' street . Visitors -are always , wai come... '".Nf.M v",. Mrs. IU Barkjey,-Who lia been visit ing in the east,, haa returned and wilt soon , issue' her annual - Instruction to local unions. Mrs. Berkley la stats suDerintendentof, evangellatlo . work. - - - - Mrs. Clara K. Bowets has been ap- nol'nted county, superintendent of ; the department of purity-art and literature. Tho state president, Mr.' Lucia Addt- ton, haa been doing efficient work at Salem- in behalf of several bills Intro duced by request .of this organisation.. Mrs: Lulu Hornung ef university Park, county superintendent of Dithers' meetings. Conducted a" most 'Interesting mothers', meeting at tho Pask recently. Tho - state has issued a list of book recommended to all Jibrarleoj-public, puDiio scnoot . ana - nome. The 1 list is timely- snd is" carefully selected! - com prising blographv autobiography,, his tory, economics. Christian, oiilsenahlp and labor problems', child culture, stories. newspapers snd periodicals, all bearing on the work of this society In its.vsrled phsses. It Is a. valuable Hat of booka. lUhas been compiled by Mrs. Addlton. who is-well fitted by, her tongtlifra study of social problems for the work, Multnomah county executive met Tuesday evening at ths rooms of Dr.' Mae Cardwelvln the Dekum building. The gt. ' ABdrew'e Pealnaala. Bev. 7ooa Dawaoo ia-eharn. AfteeaooB sorrleo, t p. m. Rt. Matthew's Mrat and CarBtbers Btroets, Bov. W. A. M. Brock Is chart. - Berrlce aad avrmoo, u a. M. ; Buodsy acbonl, . m. Chnrrh , of Oar Savior Woodstorh. Bfrrlca hcrosfter will be as . follows: Baoday school. 1:B0 S. bl; evealag srayor taad': scnaoo, (.au. .v " ;"lAfTBI..'. "'''''; r White Tesaple Oraet' Twelfth, sad -Taylor Streeta, .Boo, J. - Whlteosab Broather, D. D astor. ' "Use Accord" prayer ntvollnc. 10:18 s. s. 10:Su a. a.. '"Qod aad I;" Bible school, 12:10 s. la.. eUasea for all: B. T. P. U. service. . bb., with Miss Mabel Lewis snd Mrs. Joha Wise Waders i poealar evealns sorvtee f :o a. a., whoa Dr. Broaxber's topic will be. "If I Ware e MIIHoaalra.'T The ear Sn wilt coatala ajootstloss frota letters r eetved la . answer to question. Moete by the Teaapls saarlee aad cboraa.r The tUlptiant sisters will raadat apaclal aombara. . . Ihore will be batta. . . t ,- ., seeoas Brvoath aad Bast Ankeay streets, taatoa O. Lspbaoi,, saator. Tb part or will occupy-the so I pit la tae aaernln; st 10:0; Btbt sebnsl at soaa; anloa.: aorvlee ad tb Kpwortk leaae aad the Yoaaf Peoplo's BBloa will Be bald la tb Ceateaary Methodist ehnrrh at S:l s. BJ. I bbIob Tsnrellatle ssrvlcea be- twaea - tho. Ceateaary Methodist ebareh and the Beeaad Basttat at T:tO la tho Ceatensry charch. eorBer Math and Bast Pine a tract. Bethany Ballwood. Sanday srhosi at 11 a. a.; preacblag at IS B aad evealns earvlca at t s. s.sr Mrs. H. J. Adasss. aitr Bbv wtonary. . Voatrsrw ooaatoa or la woria panmng, Ksst Blith -SBd Bsst, Alder streets. Wllllan B. Bawlall, atlnlater.- ; At 10:48 a. si., "latest Mat; DlTtrteo;'t IS s.. Bible Brhaolu T: p. ., Iltoatrated aarrlc,- "Coaqaeata Of Fear.''- Prof- W. P. Warsehkal. maelcsl di rector 1 Klse- Bath Bboaroa, argsalst. - MTTBODIBT. -Orace Twelfth sad Taylor streets. Ollbart Wsrd Denkrtoa, saator.- At a. as., elaaa SMotlns; Kr-Sn a. aernmo. "lluatanllr Oloriacd:" 11 1 p. .. " Bimdoy school; S M fi. as., fcnwnrtb Lrel T;JO p. aeraton, Tbo Hla-Viway to gaceeas." - - , Ptrat, rvmth ITlt aecoed itmt, roc eater a' kali, B. H. Mowre. pal tor. Berrlce II a. ai. aad T;M . at.l Madsy school, 10 a. m.i By stats president outlined the plan's for work In connection With -the fair. This includes .ths national- exhibit, two days' convocation, June "IT . and .-21. . ' Mra. Whltealdea. the new county president. Is getting the lines well In band and this yearbldaiirtoerTropr? ous of sny. .' ' ' .t i Central union held 4the usual weekly meeting. Tuesday afternoon. Delegates .were present to represent them In the O. P. A. state headquarters, and - other plans for , the ' general v state- work , were aiacuaaao. . v f4--:vt.-ri1-?: " Bunnyaido .union reports- a. very suc cessful entertainment far the benefit of the gymnaalum. It-li doing excellent work in-physical culture.- Ths union meets every Thursday t 1 o'clock In thr headquarter, H East Yamhill street. ' Laurelwood union,-' under Mrs. E. E. Fulton's able leadership,' held a, rousing mass meeting auraij. ' .,, . SacaiBWBa Work ' Is Progressing Finely. ? ; - : - Baoa jawea, has a warm friend In "The Bagamore," the organ ot the order of Red, Men. published In Tacoma and ed ited by ' T." J.' Bell. ""Wben the indorse-' ment-of' the Great Council-was asksd for the - work- last summer- at Bt, - Joe. Mo.! Mr. Bell warmly supported it,-and promised its help to the extent of his ability,, and right royally has he kept his promise. Every Issue of rrhe Bag amore" since that time has fiad, oma kind ar3 enthusiastic words to say habout the statue, which has- had. much to do with the material--reaponses that reach the association..- This month Alio "Ten. Reasons" have been published in full, and thlaMi tho way, makes over 60 capers tnat nave published these ten reasons' why ' the status ; should' be erected, ' - . - . - -" Since-, reporting 'last - week . contribu tions hsvs been received from, the fol lowing places outside- of Oregon: '- Je rome,. Aria. , Philadelphia, . Pa.; Peters burg, Va. (t); Danville, Va-i BoiUk Bot tom,. Vs.: Bolse Idaho; Allentown. Pa.; Homestead, Pa. Jefferson, Or., has sent fit through Mrs. Eupperle. gnd- tlO has been contributed ' by . two Portland wo men, -- - - - -" - - , - . - --r . - Mrs, Eugenta Farmer, Chairman ofjhe prasa oommlttee of the Minnesota State Suffrage. society,, writes that, she -never heard ef the movement to erect a statue to BacaJawea until she saw a notice of it In a Waahlna-ton,- D.-C. perery"but,a shs adds, "after I , bad read, The Con quest.1 I wondered why no effort was being mads to commemorate ths deeds of -that nobis woman. - - i'l:r-1- 'Within -a "few-days active -arrange-menta will beglnlooklng toward making the -occasion of the unveiling of the statue one of the great days of the fair. .-f t n st Our School Houses- ; For Neighborhood Meetings. '.'A strenuous effort is being put forth by the club women of ths city to Induce the school board to: granf permission -to ass . school, buildings fos neighborhood worth Leaaws, - t.tO sa. J eh arch ooafereaee, li.-i p. su -, - . Trinity Oorasr Bsst Tenth aad Oraat streets, Bev. .Harold, Obers, aoator. - ,At . 10:M a. "The -Wider HoTlsnn;". T:M B. ak, Bkatlng ea Thla Ico; Sunday school, to s. sa.) Ep arortb lasae, :) p. Si., leader. Miss Ueajora MakoUab , - - r-- '' ' Bpworth Twenty-third .aad Irving streets, Beory T. Atklaaoe, pastor. At 10 . au. Baa day srbooU Jl-s. aa... "Pater's Bipecleoo)" Bpworth La roe. S:SV B...K4.J T:SO B. "AS Kmottonal Waclol.", 4 ; ' Taylor Street Dr. - Prshrla - Btrrtett i Bbort, Citor S:a e. ., cla.a.a; 10:k s. aa.. "The w ef Caaee sad Effect la Spiritual Uf:" I J: IS p. Bi.. Buday school; :30 p. am., Bpworth beataei 7 BO p. saM "A Porgottaa PUeeHell." Cantaaarr Ooraer - Eaat Pine , end . Klath streets, William H. Pepee,- II. ' I.. noator. Preaching by the paator. 10:80 a. ss-l Buaday school, 11: IB B. S1.; anios yoang people's aerv le, S:16 p. at. ; anloa aorTleo betwaoa tha Bacoad Baptist snd Centeaary cbarehee at T:M p. av, auag earvlca aad sospel sersaoa. v '.'.;' ' ' C0B0BX0ATI0BAX. , " ". 'V: i . Plrst Park aad Madlaea stroets, Bev. M.h. House, D. IK. peatar. At 10:0 a. ka., "The Matohless Vlaltor;" T SOB. au. "Aw Bvealnf With Great tlyaans aad-Thotr Astbara." li:18 a. as... Sunday school; g:S0 P. aa., T. P. B. C. t'bolr - eoaalata o hire. Boa Blaeh- Baaar. Mrs. W. A. T. Basboiuj, W. H. Boyer, W. A. Montsosaery; Prof W H Borer, cbotr director; Mies Leonora Fisher, orsaolat. Htlsrlia Chapel HoeoBd streee- aesi Lloeola. gandar school, : s. , . Hsaealo-Htreet boat Bevenrb. aorth and Has sslo atraets. Rev. (tiarlre B. Cbaas, paator. At 10:90 s. aa.. "Three Wars of Berrieo;" I.Sn p. sa., "abort ABawers te Laag -Unatteaa; us day school, 12 tbrtstlaa Eadeara, SO. lUBByahle t'oraer Eaat 'Taylor and Bast Thirty (north street. Rev. J. J. Stsob. pastor. At 10 SO a. Bfcs - -'Beltaal BaaiiSrstla sad Holla." sad children's sarwoa a "Th Bad Pmar t'aai Bark" at II o'clock) .thee will b sdmloaloB of aew BeBbers In ennnaettoa with Ibis aerrlr; T:!b p. a.. "Thlnss Thst Survive Tlaiei" Christies KndosTor arvW, SO p. as.. Miss th.rkme Huff, leaderi Ban dar schaol. le . St., B. C. PI IT. aapertntondent. - Hlrhlaad t'ernar Prescott snd East . Slsth treeta, aorth. Bee. A. M. Bnckwaod. pmtnr. At 10 a. , Bondsy school ; H e. ss., "Be- l ' . . .... . '' . .. : meetings, bn certain-evenings of the wk, the nature of these meetings to be something on ths plan, of university ex tension, work. . Ijiat whiter a oommlttee waited on, the school board, and ex plained JLbe matter, which, waa referred to a committee consisting of Prof. Rig ler and Mrs. Bltton, wboVeported favor ably, but for some, unaccountable -rea- son their recommendations were not adopted,., , .,. ' i.LL.-. The law reapectlag school buildings states that."publl school buildings may only be uaed for educational purpose" and a bare majority of the board could not interpret this work aa "educational. " - The matter did not die, but only slept, snd again the women ere at work. . with better prospects of success. A question arose, as tq whether the matter was one to be determined by legislation,, tha tax payers OP ths school board. It waa An ally decided that It came within the lurlsdlctton of ths' last, and- the "com mlttee will again endeavor to show ths directors that these lectures- or neigh borhood ' meetings will simply advenes ths mission of the school by educating the parents. ; -.!-' . ,- . CUte Clu)s evnr. Antidote for Homesickness. v"i ' One of the moat-promising signs for Orearon is the present movement to or raaiza stats societies..' It is one In which Women should loin most heartily: If women beeome.. thoroughly interested in thess movements it would mean more to the state than an equal amount of enthusigsm from the men. when men have pulled up stakes and cast their l"t in a new place sentiment .departs and they become a part of the home of their adoption, NotJiotho.JiomepjrhQi!an-. not cast off . the old and dun ths new surroundings '" like av garment, ; "Back home" always remslhs in their memory like "mother's apple pie." and this long Ing and disebntent-of the wife baa sent mni than nna Oroaron aatller back "Into the states." These societies will brtnsM "home folks" together, which, will be a veritable tonlrr for homesickness, - and administer, a good. Oregon -stimulant ss well, lor in comparing noieo majr wui soon -Bad that the women jof this stats occupy a 'far more dignified posrtltm loan moy du in jngat.-4 um- owoo w their' beloved east. : - For Instance, 1 Oregon Is one of but l statea In the union where the mother enjoys, squat privileges or guardianship over, her own children with the fatter. Even In the states where women enjoy the risht of 'suffrage.-but one of-them gives Its women this co-guardianahlp. weat" to'be permitted- at least a half interest in your own . children. ,' But the becoming aoqualhted ' with - people ' from the old home, will cause a greater coa-f tentment in the new. which can but grow into loye and . which' means remaining. la is a new ciuo moveraeei , one in wnicn men and wemehcan both take part, and will - mark a - new era in the- lives ; of MVany women of Oregon if they can only be Induced to take an interest - in It. ..--7':"' V st .H-- --r ' ....... -- '. v 3 -.".,'," -;r-'; Froebei Association r ;- ; Has Splendid Objects. .'The Portland -Froebol associ a-anlsed 1 for work - last - October: ' Ths object of this association is to further the . best interests of children,,' through conference bt parents and teachers. kindergarten and other persons Inter ested are eligible to membership In this sssoclation by- paying membership fee. The offlcers of the association are: Pres ident, Miss Elisabeth K. Matthews; vice president. Mlsa' Alice MoCormacr secre tary. Miss Helen M. Stafford; treasurer. Miss K. May PanwilLv. ".:;'..v-iL-.i' The regular meeting is held ths flrst Friday,, in each ochobl .month at, St. Helen's hall-- . The next meeting 'will be Friday,- February-1, at J o'clock. The program Is in charge of Miss 'Gertrude Hutchinson. Tho central thought! will' be - patriotism, as the month ..of -Web- ruary is a symposium of. patriotism, literature ana - sentiment Washington, Lincoln. - Longfellow And Valentlne'a dsy. :-.-', ':'. The "association has affiliated" with- .the city federation and Is already, in Una to do its partf or , ths - -betterment of Portund, : - -; -r : : . . ..- Mrs Jamison Entertains r The Tuesday Afternoon Club. 1 The Tuesday Afternoon club wss en tertained this- week- by-Mrsi .O.-EUM. Jamison, 14 Columbia street. rTBr sub ject of study was the "Arthurian Epic." and the-program, a moat Interesting one, wss announced as follows by Mrs. O. M Ollnes; , ...r.t-. c r - Review of "Ivinhoe." Mrs. Mercolm Pugh; "Historical Sketch of ths Arthur ian i Epic," Mrs. Robert Smith; "Merlin nor "Vlvlenne.". Mrs. Evyln Eshelman: "Lancelot," Mrs. George Dunham. "The Quest of the Holy -Graal" waa given In a most Interesting mannerby Mrs. Edith Crofton. . The. quotations . were from "The Coming of Arthur.", : Visitors of the club were Mrs. W. O. Haines and Mrs. W. O. BtMes. r : , . Dainty - refreshments . were served during the- goolsl hour, snd tho house was preiuiy oecoratea . with rerns and potted plants. The next, meeting will be held with Mrs. F. M. Miles,. MS Han cock street. .-'',..ii:-.j -- ' . Haloe va! Morality r" t p. a., Janlor Badsaveri t:ao s. rr m.,-"Today," Beats free. . ; ' ;v-imanuM; , t'.'l-. Ptrat Corner Park . aad ColambW straers. a. B. Mackbyr paator. At - a.- aa,. pabMe v. t. b. aa. oy. emcee wita aaoraas ay Mrs. 0. B. Brans T:! p a "Tb Procosa of Traaaforaaatioa;" Bible school, 11:1a a. b.i X B. C B. saesUas. :U p. m. , . .. , Caatral Bast Iwaatleth aad Salmon streets, Bav. J. r-.Oborailey will speak at M: a. at. ea 'Bevlvala" snd st 7:48 p. m. ea "Tha Crown ef Life;" Sanday school, 12 bi. Junior Eadaevor, S:0 B. sa.;, Benlot Eodcaror,, t;t) B. Sk.V , . -'t . '-., ', .v.- ' Bodney Avaa Corner- Bndney avaame' aad Kaott street. Albra Baaon, mlnlatar.; - At II a. .. "The Dlvln Creed;" t:S0 p. m.r "Th Incarnated Cbrlat-," Sanday school., Left a. St. I ChrUtlaa Bndaavor,- 0:90 - p. - av . Advent 2A0 , Harrtarm street. Charles ' Bsf feadea, paator. , BoBday , ..school. XK s. m. Breaching. II a. m. 1 praise saeeting la tb vealnaj at T o'clock ; (oapet-oervies at TMO p. .; prayer, eetlpgTharaday walng at :.... - .-. f ' -; v !'.- ' tSnSrTSBXAB. "'. "' T."'" ' Cslrary Eleventh and Clay streets. .Wllllaaa g. Ullbert, psator. At tb aaornllif serrlc Or. D. B. Toy, araBeyllsf rroio New fork, will preach; Prank Mum, tb slnclnc eaBa-nat, will atngi.et the evening servlco the pastor will preach en the; subject. "L'hflatlaa Used Cheer." -' , Fleet ramherl.nd cycnt ,Twelf th aad Xa.t Taylor, streets, Bev, B. Neleoe Allee.- At i0:S0 a, at.. "The Fate of Loral Option Law, a Uvea by a LbMt:" U sa., Sunday, arhool: i p. Juslor Bndearor; d SO p. m., Sanlor Badearesi 7:) p. sa., preaching, y '.4 L0TBXBAV. V'i.' '--V. Bt. laaea' Bnf Hah 4,'nrB'r- Wear Park aad Jof f erase Treeta. 4. A. Leas, paator. - Forelaa la. toe aertlr- st II . m... eondnrted by th DeMorf no erealBgl arrvtc; snaday school at Tb ' Borwelaa grnod-t-rnraer Kaat Tenth and Orant streMs.-O. Nasnea, paator. Service at ii a. si. aae l Jnp I SA a. m. Porweftaa l Bortb Sunday erhoot at reartaektk Ths Journal' haa at work tho most 1 po tent force ever cnloyed by a newspaper In the PeiAno northwest. - It is the car riers snd they have worked with such skill snd effect that during ths past few months the circulation of The Journal both in and out of the city, has gone for ward, with leapa sad bounds. These boys 'bave become) known as Ths Jour nal's circulation bullderavand they form a band of which any paper can be proud. Every boy among them' la bright,1 alert, progressive snd believes In Ths Journal. They ars the boys who each evening and oh Sunday morning deliver The Journal Into the homra of Portland and the various towns outside of the city.. , The- , Journal's - circulation builders started soma time ago. when, this paper announced it would give a aeries of re wards to the boys, showing ths greatest Increase la their routes. These rewards were in the nature of handsome watches and caah ' awards. ... The system was- so arranged that boya in tha smaller towna could compete on an equal basis-with ths boys In ths city. When The Journal Inaugurated this plan tha "boys took hold of It, with the result thst they have sdded to-the circulation of .The Journal and r stlU adding to It. at at rate that insures The,Journat the largest circula tion of any paper In Oregon. - - Each month ths rewards are paid. The boy' making tho greatest gain .receives a watch valued at 116. In addition to hie prise there are Ave' others,. one each" for th , boys who build up . their... rou tea Every boy who carries Ths Journal, in or out ofith city.. Is a hustler. Hei knows thst Ths Journal la the live wide awake paper of the city, and -be is letting bis friends know it.- Each lad ta a firm believer in the future of this paper. He Introduces his friends to the paper with the- result that ss ths carrier's friends and Ths Journal become -acquainted they grow, to like each other so that nothing can separate them. Ub- this 4age there are Introduced; to The Journal readers three of the bright hustling -circulation builders, who for their energy in sdvsnclng Ths Journal have been rewarded.', each -of ttbem re ceiving a handsome Journal watch. These rewards were given these boys" because' 'each of. them in one month made the. greatest increase ra their lists. - in addi tion to these three, six othsr boys, members- or The Journal's circulation build ers taven received watchea as rewards for hustling. . ' - w ri-.fa ; w. w-. Donaldson Is prominent among Ths Journal's CIreulatton-Bullders. -He was one of the first boya to realise thst Ths' Journal wss going .to be ths lesding noma newspaper of Portland. -'Two yeara -ago he secured 'a route In and around Albins. Bines thst tlmoHensr worked steadily Introducing The Journal Into the homes of that section. - - The In- creases made by Master Donaldson to his route have been so marked that he baa not only wpn a watch, but nearly every month since the " Circulation-Builders wss started he has been one of the lead ers. Mastsr Donaldson ta one of the bright scholars of ths Wllllsms Avenue school.- He is thorough In everything, he undertakes, as Is Illustrated by, the way he has advanced The Journal In the com munity covered by his. route. ..-.. . . ..The Journal, in looking fc boys to Service st it ai la. Ud s school at :t a. sa. t p. i m. lesday ' c -4-- - OKBISTXABT ' Bfrrwjk(rg..v .. ' first Convtnv e rhrlat. Scteelt BeattMl Blto-refhedral. Morrlaoa aad Lmwasdsle streets. Bervleea II . at. and B p. -aa.. at the sabjwrt --noirit,- BMay school at ewee ec Boralag service, ,i . -. h - Secood Andltorlnai balldlag, Third bstweaa fayaar-ana - eaimoa arreefs. mnoay . services 11 a. as. and p. an. snbjeet "Spirit:" Baaday scaooi, 11 a. at. in tae reading rooais, - - TBTTX9 XTAXBIXIOAC. ., ' gt, Johoa K. B. McVlcker. paster. At 11 s. m., Charity;" T:80 p. "Ths BocUl Life:" Baadsy schhol, .10 bbl( 2:80 p. at,. K. ,L. 0. g.. Jr.; g; p. si., K. LI q. B-. Br. Mlasloe Bath - hall. BarleV street between TWenty-Brst aad Twenty-aerond streets, Bx. f. HorsapfoV pastor, Bonday-achael. ;30 a. m.i German preacblag, 10:30 a. Bl. ; Bagllah preach- ing. :3o s. vY-y . ;t.:...i-, '''I :, .V1TIZABIAV. '- '--'''''.r. '..' Yamhill and Seventh streets, ' Dr. O. 0, Craaaay, pastor. At It a. service with dla eonrae en "What Liberal Cbrtatlans or Uni tarian Think Conceralng Ood aad the World;" Sunday school, 12:80 p. m l T p. m.. Dr. -Msry Thomneoa. speaks-a "Tb Universal Brother- - 'l - ZTABatXldsX 'AtwOOIATIOB-. -- rtrt EnclUk Corner Baat Sixth aad Market streets, Bev, O. W. Plsmer, paatar.' Worship and sermon, 1 1 - a. m. and S p. av: Sunday sehool 10. a. SJ.t-ehlldraa's and youak folk's eettag,' $ s. sa.1 Voang People's alllssc. f s. aa. :.. v - - T. Bt. C.,A.'""-"' ' Sanoctarloa ssdltortsm, 1STV Pnorth street Bnnday elab for saen, 8 p. aa. 'aiusle by Oll pbant alsters. Prank tMcksoa, goapel shurer. with Dr. CbapnsB, Y. M. C A. lee chib sad Coalter'a orchestra; addre, "The Saaay Bid." by B'lltlasj my Baodall, D. Dr" rrea -aa eaiy; ; TBTTIBSALHT. .' Plrst East Coach aad East Elshts streets. At 11 d. m., ."The Doctrine -of th Uapardoa abkt Bin;" Baaday school. 11: 1 p. aa. - lOBOZZXABBOVB. Prleada Buanralde, -'corner Tblrty-gfth aad Cast llaln straats. Edward SBita, nastor. All-day aieettng Bandar; Bvaaaeliat Welgel will preach 11 a. a.. 8:80 p. aa, and T:30 B, .; revival sieetlass close Sunday nlrht; gundsy srhiel. 10. a. in.) Cbristlaa . Endeavor. 0:30 p. Berea Mlseloa Beeaad aad Jefferaoa street, Bev. 1. H. Alloa, pastor. Services 10:80 s. aa., eendweted by t. B. Ttavta: pre china T:S0 p. at., ander. dlrevtloa ef Holiness Biaaloa, - Mlltenntal Dawn (1. A, B. hall, northeast corner Boeoad aad Morrlaoa atraets. , service at 8:80 p. . -,.,. . - First Hplrltasl SoHety Artlaana' hwtti Ablno ton ballrjlnc. Third street Bear Waahlngtoa street. Ceferor,-11 a. at. oa "What Is tb Differ nee Between Bptrltaailsn and Cbristlaa ItyP' Ctalldrea'a Proxresslv Lrceuai. 12:80 p. au aad 7:46 p. av. tb SMathly avaricel (aati. val aad snort talks ea "The Klngdoja ef Beeves Wltbla Yoa." . . Tb People's ' rrlt!aa " ttnloo 181 - S.cend street, aesr Morrlsoa -atrort, T. B. Ooltor, leader and - teacher. ' At. 11 a.'- at., "Egypt Tranaforased:'' 12:18 p St., stndy elasi la Ufa probteais: T :48 p. ss.. eoneerf by raloa orebaa tra. T. B. MrCardy director, Mrs. I. B. Howard vacallst; 3:1ft p. sa.; "The LUe U the Earth." FIRE HEND'S END NEAR:: V IN HYDRAULIC GIANT ; .In the center of the yards of the Portland Lumber company's mills la an Immense hydraulic giant connected with the pumping plant of the mill which throws a two and one half-Inch Stream nearly 100 yarda, - - - l It haa been erected for fire protection and in effectiveness is said to ooual three Are engines. Ths fores la so greet that the side of an ordinary building la aa chaff before It and large timbers are toaaed high Into the air whenever .the stream comes In eontect with them. - - From Its platform. I feet high, it has B commanding position of the yard a. Re cently the giant was given a test In ths presence of Deputy Fire Marahal W. R. Roberts and met hid approval. , - Reduced Rates to California. . The- Southern Pacific company - has placed "on sale round .. trip Alckets to Los Angeles st the rate of lit. limit days. This sffords sn excellent Too in timity to visit the many beautiful win ter reeorte ef southern California at S moderate eost, , . j -- rjjtr :' 1 p . - i " ' become eworklng foroes among .Its' huw tllngt Circulation-Builders, made a most fortunate selection in securing Reginald Fox: .- He Is one of the most active mem bers and 1 constantly advancing- The Journal. Ha haa the aame faith in the paper that the other Circulation-Builders have.' Although young to years, this boy Is a hustler, and by his sfforts The Journal has made many- friends on ths east aide.. Maater Fox is 14 years of age and te a pupil of the Central school. It was only a few-months, ago that he etart- ea to carry -Tit journal, - yai in- on mo'ntb he worked eo diligently and with a determination to win a Journal watch that he succeeded, v Maater Fox haa car ried The Journal .only four months, and now 'knows from the number he delivers each afternoon ' that ' it Is the. .lesding paper In his part of the city. -y - When The Journal's Circulation-Builder was' first proposed, one of the boys early to enroll himself wss 11a rold. Far mer, a bright l-y ear-old boyrwho i!a. pupil of the .High, school.- From, .the tlms this lad JOfned The journal s rorcee, he has been, active In advancing toe paper, and when the Clroulatlon-Bullders started he was one of the first boys to show at ths snd of a month the greatest percentage- of advancement in . stesdy readers or the paper. M was oeier- mlned to make The Journal and the peo ple residing in Stephen's addition firm friends, and be has done so, tie is carer ful In delivering the paper each after noon7wltinhe resultnhat the people oa his routs appreciate, bis efforts and are inducing -their friends te take The Jour nal, thus making this paper, th moat popular one delivered 'in Stephen's ad dition. -; rt - - ' ' e --- '' - -1rvttW;BeiiB THE WORLD'S GREATEST- SdPRANO wnx sma Marquam Q Assisted 'jiUlBOV TAJT XOObTC 08)M. e. Cat, SUBWi Baritone. . , BIOVOKIJIA SABSOU, Btarplst. . ''.""-":". TWgmT.aTaV.at. BTOBTM, ITsttS. :,....:-:. , .. ... scm 9awzwbmiib. .. .y.'-.-v, .,, "v;.f ,.-. HT JSeats lor tlw Armory Box Office of tho narquam qtiam Tickets. ' ' ! )':., DDir t? Q-LOWETfif FLOOR t ' ParquetU, $4.00; PnTtpaettB : r-XlwCO Ctrcle, tj.00. BALCONY 1 Pint three rows, $3.00; All Beats la res? of first three rows ta fcalcony, fa.oo.. Ea- ; tireOBllery, a.oo. Box aa4 Logo Seats, $5.00. f f , tfce Box eKke wiU be epea &iq.titnmp?dfa L) PIANIST it.:;:v:,,:.;.a. .;: MARQUAM Saturday Evening,- Feb. 11,-1905 V"Vy" AT- 8:15 DirectTonrr a . ry PHICBS Lower floor, except last Balcony, flrat rows. 1.6e.-liat jloxes, $1150." Logee, 1.30 POPULAR OEO. L BAKE It founf Oregoq e I MARY ADEL.L CASE .' (FAXXWCLL CONCXKT. AgeJatee) by . . RoeemBry Gloss Whitney r iJ I'lard " O. ' Lowr-trlj (8opranei) , v. (Earitoitei , Trio EttreordinaryJand a Number ef Port land's r V " ' ft " " MARQUAM GRAIID, ' " Ths Journal appreciates what the CIih 4 cuU'tion-Builders have accomplished, and - ' tor a-tv isrthern "more -encoiiragemenV';. awards- will be offered for the beys who mgke-the greatest gains-n the coming month. - The llet of prises for February . is ss follows: :,i .- -.-, .1 - To the agent malting ths greateat per- . centage of increase In bis lUt, g Journal- watoli, valued at 1 16. . ,. .- To the agent making the second greet- . est percentage of Ineraaae. $T.6B caah. -To-the agent making the third greatr - est percentags of Increase, IS cash, -i To the agent making the fourth great- ; eat percentage of -increase.. Il.l cash. 'To the agent making' the fifth, great. -eet percentage of Increase. 12.10 cash. To the agent making the sixth great- eat percentage of increase-II. is cash.. . Every boy who carrfea The JournaV. . either in or out of the city, can partlcl pate in the effort to eecure one of thee .' prises. Every aid is keen for this dlstti- . button,. which is to start on February 1, - and the result of ths efforts of The Jour- . rial's Clrculatlon-Bulldera r durlng . tha ' next four weeks is aura to make the t culatlon of Ths- Journal pass, or come Very near the? 20.000 mark, thus eetab liahlng It more firmly eg the most wlde--lr read newspaper published In the Ore gon country. ',- V J- SPECIAL! At tHi by must be exch-ited at the) -armThjir) rz'. :i.:-.--Kj", , - , . - . . , - . - - -rt, - . "- 1 v" ' . N GRAND THEATRE O'CLOCK -, v-w- '( . ' r ' - . . i Lob Steers,' Wynn Corrua ' ' ' -'; . "." " -; ' .. -. "'i ' - i ' - rows; tl t: laafS rows. : 11.13. , .rew, 1 1.33. Oallsry reserved 11.33. ' .'"-'...; CONCERT Presents the Charming, -, . ' Contralto - . ,- ' . 1- 1 '