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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1905)
IV;; J j. ..... A . . . - "! '" t V ' v ' "' "- '''' ' ' ' ' - " ' v ' .; ' . . ' ' ' 1:. V .... 4 . , -1 OOD EVENII The Circulation .. - ..' '. ' Th Weather.. ,1 , -. Of The Journal T. s- MS . Tonight', and Sunday. - rain; aaatarly wind. v vol.. in;-no. r Driven Back Five in Snincnt : InvclY- in yhcle ilncv? - - - ' .'i - - - 1 " ' 11 ' - ' , ' .- ' ..- . , - i. i. . . . v- 1 ., .-, ,V j, .... STEAMER DOLLAR SEIZED ON WAy;T0' VLADIVOSTOK "...V y. . Ship Formerly Known as Arab Ran Out of Portland to tht T Li Oriont - Wat Running th Blockade. - v 'MuJtdnj., Jan. ?t X ganaral . nntf asant tnVolvlnc tUa "whola ' front axeapt LUva laft flank ia. now protraaalna:. A - Ihouaand voundad Jiava baaii racelrad at " tha hoapitala-hr' and Harbin and pra - paratlona ara . raoalva mora. 8aval . bundrad . .Japaaaaa , bava baan -7 - capturad.' Fighting, which waa bagun ... nn tha ?Uh ay KuropaWn. raan Hajt "to l i i.llrtvlng- back 'tha- 'Japanaaa flva -nrllaa. , . - Tha Japaaaaa. triad- to captura' Poutl r loff hill and ethar poalttona,' but wera -I ' dHvaa back with gnat loaa, --J.;.-.. . . ii' ' A larg Japanaaa tranaport train' haa f -,' baan - capturWL, Oanaral . M lacnanke'a .... airalry quntinnea tha raid. . . .4. - - Kuropatkla ; reporta . thai Roaatan a caaualtlea la tha flare fighting at Randepaa.. aouth of MukdaA, on January , . wara 4 efftoara and 109 nan killed . - and wounded. Tb total loaa at JBanda- - paa waa i.000 killed and-woundad. ' .iii 1 MS. DOLLAR SEIZED. " koW? BdHaar''OaM - ortUad. -j-r:yV. Wkam Ska Ww tka Arnk. T3rV . '(Jaiinwl .apaela) gatvtaa.) ' - ; iToklo, .. Jan. it. Tha: aUaroer M. B. . tllaV Qwnad by 'tha Dollar Steamahlp v company Of 8an Franclaoo.:n ttmta to . - ,VladlYotok with a cargo of provision!, 'w captured yaatardar by tha Japancae la tha Paotflc, aaat of Hokkaido' ialand. .Tha Dollar left- Ban Franclaoe a nontt) -' 'ago with-a, 'carg of hay, oata and bar lay. valued at 80.00.y Th Veaaal waa valued at 1200,600 and , waa manned by ' Ban: Franciaco craw.'.- . , r, i.J. lL '- ' " ' -"!- Jlvt? , , Under , her preaent name tha " M. . Dollar haa never been at Portland, but " 'aha waa hare In January,' ltoi. wha --r aha waa known J .tba SritlsX-ataamahlp " Arab. At that time ah V waa under charter to tha Northern Paciflo -Steam ahlp company anV r loaded wheat -and flour for , Hongkong. ; , Two yeara aro a he waa purchased by the Dollar Steam-t-' ahlp company of San Franciaco, whan - ' aba waa given her preaent nam. ' , THIRD. MAN SENTENCED : r-- FOR THE SAME CRIME ( .. v , (Joaraal SpaeUI Service.) ; -.'- -Lexington, Ky., ,' Jan. ' II. 'William Brltton, who haa been on 'trial the laat two weeka" on a charge of aaaaaalnatlng Jame Cockrlll. the town -marshal i of " Jackaon, 'waa found au'Uy today, ' and . aentenced t. life Imprisonment. , Curtla Jtt 'and Tom White are serving. Ufo aentencea for the aam crime., - . SWOON IS FOLLOWED V wBY? DEATH OF WOMAN (Special Dap. tea e The JonraaLT Wallace, Ida.. Jan. Jl.-Cora Bpicer, . known here aa Quasi Bnow, who fell in ' a swoon Thursday and could not be re ' vlved, died yesterday. 8h wa aaid to have a husband and children in tha east Bhe waa employed in a local theatre. - .; t . -ii) mw y WAUAoa wnrs attto svaos. : -, " r-f t.- . r ..(,. .;. Hr- (Joarnal Beeelal, Serrlee.) ' . Dayton Beatm, Fla., Jan. Th 1 mlle automobile race today waa -won by William Wallace ft Boaton. Time, :. - 1 "" ' "' 11 i I..-. PROTEST-AGAINST ANYV : COMSTITUTIONAL'CHANGE ' At a wall attended and' enthu siastic jneetlng held lasr avn . lng at the T1L C. A. bull JInf the following resolutlona. lntro- L duceA bv S. Lee Paanet. war n thualaatlcslly,.and , uaanlaoiiarjr- 'adopted:- . ' . ' -' "Whera( It is tha aense of w ' thla publlo meeting, .held ander w the auaplceafof the Multnomah ' Prohibition ; alllnrtce, that '.the very existence of the Initiative! and referendum principle, aa well 4 'ha Other Intensely - Important measures, v are Involved in the e proposal .for a constitutional convention as Indicated by thla ' evening' a editorial in Tha Oregon ' Dally Journal. ; .' ' "Resolved, That wemphatto- ally protest agalnat the proposal to call such convention, and w Invite-the- co-opera tlon of lt frlenda of thee - measures in using their strongest Influence with the members of tha legls-' ! uiun io mm en a, una - . - Kesolved,'That a copy of thla,' resolution be forwarded to the e president of tha seriate and the speaker of the house of repre- . sentatlves, and t each one of - our -dnllr papers, and rha Pacino Searchllaht. -.- . .-r A r "V. M. M'KKRCHKB. Pre.. - ' . "K. P. NORTllflL'P, . Sec" ' occasional r "- Reed Smootfe Attorney Savagery rfjr Atta6k .' the 1 Proeecu--. : i tion'e Evidence. - . , kai 3r yORSHIPOP DETY.HIS,- -'V. OFFENSE. HE. -DECLARES He Begs Committee Not to Pun ish Yourig Utah for the Slnsr f lihHtf. Old, Utar f - ,r- TtJoerai apacui service. 1 . tr-Washlngton, D-C Jan.: Is. Attorney Worthlngton thla morning- resumed his argument on behalf of ' Senator-Reed ram pr- uian. ' aiict reviewing a num ber of the" charges agalnat- hie client. he aald: ' a , li, last .charge -against Senator 8 moot struck korYor and; II . ra- Tva -it mu noraini w ;nKfl eurv a I understood It -correctly.? 4Tht k man should be considered- unworthy of, being senator because ,ln-hh closet, be seek the- guidance f what Mr. 'Taylor con sider : the good - sll-wlse, all-powerful .Creator! la :inc6nclvabI.--,',T1""' -' r"r - He id that In -spite, of all. the prom laea of the Protestants s rains t . Bmnot tirprov--thgf-ameroui plural roarrlag had taken place 1; Utah since the manl- feato had been issued, they had proved but on case, that of man named John son to His Kennedy la mt'and-that marriage waa procured by fraud. Coun sel said that the Mormon accepted thai roll of polygamy aa no longer' anoou aged It.-' ' In closing . Worthington ..exhorted ' the eoVnmlttee not to punish Toung Utah for alna of old Utahj , , - , "' Chalrmth Burrows thanked, the counsel and- both aldea for their asalatancr, asked -that th brief a be 'made full as possible, Saturday next waa set as the probable date for filing the brief. EMBEZZLING PREACHER TAKEN In CUSTODY President Hunt of the Pan-Amer- i;. ican Bank Arrested In- ' i 'air Metropolis. -SVr - t'i' ' ; : "Mioamal SpeeUI flervlee.) - Chicago, Jan. II. The ; police this Morning are advised pf' the arrest in New Tork of. WUllam H. Hunt; president of th-. Pan-American Banking Co.,'. of Chicago, which; la-In tha handa of a re ceiver. Hunt, i according, to the - police, baa been indicted for tha alleged embex- element of . 124.000-and for .receiving de posit knowing that th bank' waa - In- aolvent.. W. 8. .Rector, . cashier, of the bank, baa Hot 'been located.-. " '. '.-WUllam 'Hunt, president of the' Pan American . bank, which has , been -cloewl by a constable, 1s. the head of a private bank at l Wall street. New York city. Hunt' waa. the promoter of the Inter national .Bank. Trust company,- which fatlad.. about- month .uo.It , had eight er ten branches in Mexico and In aeveral states. The head oMoea-werr in tni city, and the company waa "capital immA a ei,4fvv,vvv. - Aa a-uempi 4t reor ganise 1s aald to ihave resulted In the formation of th Pan-American bank.':' R0UVIER MINISTRY TO . FOLLOW; COMBESV POLICY c -" . ' (Jeernal Special Berrlet.) . '..i-.' i . Paris, Jan, Jk. -The- Rouvler ministry has submitted a declaration of policy to paillament. It follnwathe llnealald down - by Combes, the main feature being Income tax, separation of church and. suterr worklngmen's- penalonii and the reduction of the term of. military service.) r - f . j..-.;, ,; ONE KILLED AND SIX ' : - INJURED BY EXPLOSION ..-.:;tr-n , . - (loarnal peeiet Bervtee.) ' . '. . Hageratown, Md., Jan.' St. On' man waa killed and six swrloualy Injured a a result : of a- .premature explosion of drnamlt 4oday on th wstorn Mary land extension at 8 hikes Lock.. v-Tha vHW-Cri - It f 5 ,v-..-vv::-;;:::vrt . ? KfliL "OiiLIUHCUAiCUr f - POLYGAHY PROVED ,. . .. , . Vj. ! . , ' ' rrv';' "IT ' PORTLAND1, OREGdN, i SATURDAY EVENING, t JANUARY" 28,- 1905-rSIXTEEN PAGES. .- it '-, J f. ; al Tafycrf the j stat r . . r . . .., ih al ft t ii Pirrf b.ti f. TRYING TO BUNKO lllTlH E TAXPAYERS -j. - v ' ; ' j tfresi' a 'Joarnal Btaff Oorreaposdrot.) "U: . Salem,' Jan. 18. On of th measures o come up next 'week in th legislature la Bailey' "executive manalon" bill, ap propriating fll.SOO, for the purchsse of th old frame building erected In Salem It yeara ago by B. N. Cook. 4- It' la the first1 graft f; the1 session upon which th legislators will b called to act. ' For a namber of yeara the present owners - of . the property, - who -ar the grandchildren of the' builder! and Brat owner of th house, hav been trying to ell " It. r When it- proved Impossible to And a private buyer, the schema of sell ing to the atate waa evolved. Two year ago ' an. appropriation ' for' thla purpose waa secured from th legislature but waa .vetoed by the governor, being in cluded In -an- omnibus bill to which he found, a number dt objections. During the two years that have alnce elapsed no- purchaser haa appeared ahd,Yhe, f fort ia agVln. being tn ads to onload- upon the atate. a property .which i has been a whit elephant to Ua owners. . , . ; There 1 no prepense that there id any Immediate crying need for an executive mansion.",-!!-' la well known that ' Gov. ernor Chamberlain will not transfer- his residence .to Balem,-even -If the prop-, erty should be bought by the state, f Bom members of the legislature' who have carefully' examined tk. house ex press the belief that If It la purchased by. state expenditures of at least $10,000, and prboably more will be nec essary within the next four Jeara for repaira,-Tha bouse neeos rtpalntingi new ';,.-i'-':r '' 'Thfa what The Journal Is monopolist pf Ihe field S live news, of modern newspaper methods, of Vigorous . up-te-dt work for betterment of vry sort. y. , -.. - ' "A. '' " It ha a' monopoly of, the only special leased wlr. service In Oregon which furnishes It with the most cOrn-- . pie to report of all the news of the two hem lopheres. V- " " ' - .- - n - , '.. r.' .. It has a monopoly of the bet -writers In tht country nd' Euron who ' eonlrihut ' to -newspapers. ' Som , notable women write for tomorrow' magastn section L'lla.Wheeler Wilcox, Dorothy - Dlx ;and Baroness von ' Suttner ar a few of them. ;'- - ' , ...' ) ..;.' . 'j . : -. . : : : It has a monopoly) of th fimnlest pictures produced by th funniest artist In America.- Children tn coun- try over need no, Introduction to Happy Hooligan, his brother Montmorency and Oldomy, Oua. to Maud the-Mule, - Tj, to Foxy, Grandpa, to Lulu and Leandcr and aH the others., whoa newest adventure are depleted weekly In. thi X'- only color supplement published In Oregon... r.-.. , . - , i . -.- -J inn 4uunmi u im muiiD imun. riwun wnjuuur, wnv win mgmr UK. iniiniuui. to pmciicr, id nusifr the keys and chords of th plnnn without th aid of a muslo teacher. - Bo simple la the system that the youngest' child can follow it. and become thoroughly, grounded in the fundamental principle of all musical education. -. . Julita Eckert Goodman' weekly thentflcal letter f rams New York la a revelation. Anoiee Interested in the atricals, aew plays, new actors and actressea cinnot help enjoying Mr.. Ooodman's artlntlc -work, s ' -'; .In fine when ali a said and done. If you will compare It, with any competitor you will have to admit-that ' ths. Portlnnd newspaper that ha a rlesn monopoly In, every modern phase of Journalistic enterprise' I '. THE 'SUNDA Y JOURNAL Y. 1 , clntera of the Diaturbancea in Ruaiia ' is causesa'rhy tho ; t ... " . , jTm'njs i o n'V foir plumbing throughout, new heating., ap paratus, replaaterln. and decorating and all. those minor repairs required by a frame. building; t-reuted a generation ago. Even when all these repairs have been made thet hous will still b exceedingly antiquated , in style, by ho. meana audi a manalon -aa the ytate should provide Moat' dill rent lobbvlns has been done to secure the passage ef an-appropriation for-the-purchase. of the property, and those who are urging th measure believe that they- hav vote, enough- In both houses, to put It through. Their expectation may be', win founded, but tha bill will) certainly, meet with deter mined opposition. . . l . ' v, - It. is well understood that tn pursuance of a deal made with th Republican ma chine of Portland the majority of the votes, of the Multnomah member have been delivered for the bill, end It waa in pursuanc of thla deal that Bailey Intro duced th . bill., . The Marlon county members are expected to Vote solidly for th appropriation, - and thla they will probably do on' the. plea that, as the money Is to be expended In Salem, loy alty to th interests of -their county de mands their 'support, for the measure. Personal - and - political . influence - hav been exerted, to secur vote from other' count". - -sr - if- i On-f th present rfnera of " the Cook property la Hal Patton, member of th Republican state central committee from Marion county. - H had amort th .(Continued on Page Two.)' vvvHHvmHHHMvv N OREjG ON V ONOPOUST . ... i '. ASKS FORTtJREVHOIl- F.4 Whittier.r the Mniionafrei ' tOitiMan.; is i Suedf f orr V,, Breach of Promise.7-" ' postponeF'wedding 'V" V s IT FOR, FOURTEEN YEARS Each Year;- the I Young Woman . Proposed to Her Aged and ' ; Wealthy lover. ' ' - ' (Journal Special aervke. ' - ' San 'Francisco, fjan. 8. Miss NelUe, Hendry, a pretty tnaaseuse, ' who haa demanded money of Milhonalre W. F. Whlttler jnany -time, andj wtio waa ar reated Uat March at his residence, ,1011 Jackson atraet. where aha had gone to demand an Interview,: ns filed a. suit for breach of promJndaikedj(lam ages of 1 60,000. , -j ; She allegea th ' wealthy oil..: man trifled with her affections and ' refuaed to many her, although ah manyttmea asked-him to do so. Bhe say a h of fered her his hand In marriage; wa ac cepted and that the day for th wedding wa set. He asked or postponement and kept putting off the date;- until aha asked that the ceremony -tak place without delay. - A refusal waa his reply, and re fusals waa all she-could get thereafter. She kept' proposing-and he kept re fusing for -a- period-of IS years,; from January 10 to March 10J : :. i Miss Hendry waa a young girl, when she met Whlttler in 1I8. Bhe'waw em-ployed- In - a massage ' establishment, where .the capitalist called (for treat ment for rheumatism, that he bad con tracted on a-fishing. trip. So eftectlv were th young woman' attention that he engaged her axcluaivoly and had. her fit up a room for his benefit. , Whlttler la a -very wealthy paint and oil dealer known over all the coast." X - . -t ? v - Whlttkit'a fortune rs ecttroattd at b twaar-s.900,00( and $4.000.00.-- - - ...yi- .-4 im ;' ' .. 4 j- Y;H. C. A. OBSERVES Philadelphia ; .Anniversary Ceh .-t oration Anenaeo qy Men ' PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT TO MAKE AN ADDRESS : .v; .--':--v:.. 1. Ex-President Cleveland, .-.' .- WOnn I "Wannamaker, and.Harry v Garfield Speak. .-4..1 : " " , --:'. . ' i ' '; :'l r ' I Journal Special Bervict.l " - ; Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 28-Worthy of th event la the" program arranged for. tha aeml-annual annlveraary celebration of the- Toung Men's' Christian associa tion of. Philadelphia. 1 The celebration waa formally opened this affernoon with a'jreceptloh' A .; th mnjbershlp.of the .various branches. ,V Tomorrowand Mon day wULbloicuple4 wllh jsxerclse ahil meetings of ..several kinds., th cele brating comingto a close Monday even ing, with .a. public meeting. tha,t prom ises to eclipse, anything of the kind held before ' In Philadelphia. - The jartle panta will include the president and only living ex-presldent of the United BUtes. 'together-with 'tho-dlsttegulshed son of two othef presidents, and other fs.moya men, ; " - ' "' - Tomorrow afternoon three simultan eous mas meeting, will be held In the largest hall of th oltyr. . Ex-President Cleveland ' will be the speaker" mt tn meeting 'Jn . th Pennsylvania railroad department. John Wanamaker at a meet ing 'to be held in th derrick theatre, and Harry A. Garfield, son of the late President Garfield, will deliver the prin cipal add res at a meeting ttr be held In th Union tabernacle. , .; -'"Th cloalng .meeting Monday evening la to be held In the Academy of Mualc. President., Franols JU, Patton of Prince ton theological aemtnary, . will - telt - of the student work of the Y. M. C A, Joseph Ramsey. Jr., 'president of - tho Wabash railroad, will present the rail road work of the association.-' President Roosevelt -Is to be ihe gueat- of honor and la., expected -M. deliver a brief ad dress. Another speaker- of prominence win be MaJ.-Oen.-Frederick D. Grant, who wilt tell of tb work of tbe.Y. M.O. A, - among the soldiers of - th United State army. . y..' v.. .- PRI EST TRAVELS LIKE" : ' 1 t A ROYAL POTENTATE ' (Joursal Special Sertlre ). ' New-York. Jin. Xi. Beldam' haa a great potentate In latter 'day traveled In greater state, than dld.Kev.. Paschal Robinson of St. Francis' Roman Catholic Church- of thla city during his- voyage from Genoa, which, ended with th ar rival of th -big Hner 'Pring' Oskar. . ' At, Lis disposal was a suit consisting practically, of all the first, class accom modation , on.-, the fine ship.' . A dosen stewarda ateod ready to answer his beck and call.-What he should -eat wa a car and concern of tha chef and his largo foreo- of assistants.' Thrw time a dey-th band -played for his entertain ment, and had-h-ei:cliPl.!mhaeouId hav; slept In different' rooms each night and, had other to spare. -1 , ' ' , -- AU this was Uue to the -fact' that Father. Roblnaon waa practically ' th only first esbtn passer. xer oi the steamtr H V way trom Naples. , The was another man on the - list, -but he - had many friend In the steerage, and spent much Urn among, them, thus all th luxury, of state of first elaas travel waa born by, Father iRoblrfon- w .,. FIREMEN ARE CRUSHED"7 t 'BY CRUMBLING WALLS . -.,. (Juerssl ieei4il Berv bbJ- Kamras' Cltf . Jan." IS. Fir, today de stroyed th Byrd eV Fletcher printing plant Three firemen were Injured, by falling wallsTh. Ines Is lte.0.' i :-.t TSZXOW. TITIl AT ATAMA. ' ' ' iJqwiialJpi.l fle.r -Washington, Jan. 18 A . cablegram from Consul .Gudger at' Panama stnte that Vaymasrer Suckett and others on the Crulaer Boston affected with ye!!ow fever, are Iwt-r. There are ne r .-'VI .,.'-. '' - : .Ju! Yesterday Was- - t--v- J, PRICE FIVE-" CENTS. He Is TerroristvWhF Hci SitnedlnBlcodhOat tU Ulll Ul& W,01a' GdVEpMENTtO CONCEDE . - uL.mnwij:yr .11 wnixwibli V!"f. I . SituatienvThroughottt'..' Cassia QuIetwr-yWon- 2. - ;.CriticaHn WarsavV : PrU- oner to fiv Ralaaaorf.. . .' CX.!-L.i.r-'''"4.i,.a.,'.'--.-r . Jolirn.l mmrwtm t . - liL eteraburaUan. iawBatfeUn.)--It is sUted,oit thi hichest AUthorJty that Uer gpwnment7lned .to. conced to a nuikber.of-Uie. wcu-ktn jnea'a, demands. ' vlncludln the eiglVt-hoys dayj .aadn In tv'l" ' -Voaraai Wuu, '--J -St, - rteraburgrJafi-ta-r-?tlil OHof ftclftlly announced that a Vfry .im'portant arrcW was mad Just outsid of St. Petersburg- in, -the vUilny of laeorask ' lasl. nlgjit, the :teat. name' of ,lh. pria- . oner Is not ,ye,t kpoWn, t9 th aathoM- 4M fi posseasion.of two fai paasport t sinn l a lArrsH wsiii and Jotter JwiltteA.rlii .km. 'Awn blood acUlred to, the Tw'roHstv .organisation, the Stuaslan anarchist, committee.7 Mo; .the letter he saya that In taking th atep he has- resolved upon,-na4ld farewell: to- bis brethren In th organi---aatlon., ' - . -. ; Thla aort of , a letter is weir known , there, ar an fioliucal murderer, lnclud- ' lng Hhe aaaaoin of Von PlehVe.' wrote v similar epistles. H I staled , that the--persdn against w'hom -the contemplated ' act waa to, be directed la the cxar. tatoi Hero-'; " .t"---''--f rltki reported that th council' of miru istera haa decided to attthorla a minor " state of sieg for ar short period under ' certain -rtretl0ns.- ltjher. la -not an " Immediate . resumption of - work in. the " province. ; s . - J,t ' i ,', ,..lif--t .. Municipal authorities atWarsaw ar today holding . a -conferenc with that mnttfacturrs,. with a view of -arriving i at the settlement ofSthe strike... iJvery- thing- quiet (ther -today. .No- news-.J... paper were, published.; i v,:. . - - - A telegram from Moscow sta tea, .there are still 10,000 on atrlke. All, newspa pers appeared then thla, morning. T'No reports ,of serious disturbance during th night have reached the cap ital.. Everything 1 quiet here. Busl- " ness la resuming Its usual aspect.' . ... ,...-, To melsas MaoMia. - . -" iTh belief 1 growing that th gov- - ernment will . not . act aternly toward ' th prisoners taken in connection, with th . revolutionary-movement. Probably a pardon will b granted to practically; all of tb a.000 thus far arrested. - General Dedlutln, chief of. the Gen' dArmerte, baa been appointed prefect of ' " St. Petersburg, to succeed Geeral Foull- lon, .' '' . --. . At Riga bands. of excited workmen. paraded the streeta thla morning and the", agitation - by student -Increases. No ." newspaper appeared today. , Th.-total dead aa the result of Thursday's encoun ter ia I( and tha wounded CO. The gar- . riaon baa been rslnXcoBad by Sotala Co-; Sacks. ' , ,; .' i "'."'. -'Ma JkvanUa. . ' -Fourteen factories hav opened In thla ' city In th last fsw days, and Monday wilt a general resumption-of .work, - I in. n4li iviurninarv iwrviiinK con I dltlons of their' employers, but depend ing upon tne government promise in the matter, of shorter hours and. the ad- J . Justmcnk of grievances.. Th govern ment propose to compel the master to settle and carry out th letter-and spirit of th proclamation, which mean that th master must foot th Dill. - It is Mid that Father Oopon ia at th . hospital recovering from wounda he re- , -celVed Sunday.- After his recovery h will b court-martialed for high treaaoov and hanged. .;'"', - In Kleff the agitation la progressing to all classeav. - Tb danger of a general strike still exist. . Several' factories have been able to reaume work, and alml- : lar instance are reported f rom -other -cltlea. In mapy of the Baltic cities con flicts between th police,- soldier and ' striker have taken place, and there hav -been a large number of arrests.. ; " vft!lj artoasL at Warsaw, - i-L-r: Th atrtke - continue at Baratoft' Kharkoff and Lodx -At Warsaw Uh condition li rapidly krowin'g worse. The strike la spreading rapidly, shops har beeli crosoa. ;. thdr-Bv ben p -' 7"' puper. tb supply-of bred Is exhada: - ed and condition ara Vary aartoua, Wa: aw la full of troopa ' - At Warsaw two - we're - killed, eve ' wounded,-. In a clash between, strikers ' . and troop last night. - v J " NATIONAL' ASSEMBLY. : kTokle Fstltloa Csay to Samatosi sTpkil Ity, Burgess aa4 saat." ' t (Joarnal Special grrvir ) "1I StI Petersburg. Jan. 2. A. telegram from Moscow .states that th - noble hav prepared a petlt).untn-W4ttrr"th eitr -ht'gltXetl'io summon national a- sombly at Kmleky Boobor. -Tela asm bly can only be convoked In tlma trt na tional danger-, tl I compoiead of in nobility, burgesses snd psat. . OFFERS AC:0TA.'CC. aeverser Ask Workaa . ."i ' '. ras tl C 4 ( .irn. I tip1"! v 21 deed man waa blown to pleceav cnncs aboard. r ... . 7