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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
f T. t "2 cr.r" :i daily jcus::au rcr.TL ::d, fhiday evening, januasy " 7, iscs ; OK tD , 11 Mr' V a' V 1 sgr -i tmmm. 3 JvH 1 9 . ir ntxvix .vV..v--?.-?..' . srl i lil 1 1 ,1 11 v Sz? -.-j ,)fn- Alii-' T 1 iilwis x ; 1 1 . k 1 . - x s , . 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 teii ft iTincq)3 t The Lis Store in &s'M3a of the Clock 69-71 -73Third tit end Pino , 1 , IMJ J T?:SOFlX)W.i;:PIUCE8.Tmf:?;K For the very choicest and most desirable merchandise of CahhWampold C& Col, : Chicago, 111.- All America ihould know fhera Tor 50 years they, were a prcmi-; nent and dominating: factor in the production of finest jqnality clothing,' when they f retired from bn!nesa: This store bought their entire wholesale stock at 'CO per r cent of wholesale , value Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes, Pants, etc. It was a gigantic cash deal, but The Chicago, Portland s Greatest uothin Store, landed the prize, enabling us to sell 100 styles best grades of Suits and Overcoats on Earth at Y,.y.-:',mS:. If thcrt if anything handsomer and .more stylishj than" a good ."iTweed Suit we have not been able to doyer.It: If there, ia any class of gooda. that : wearlongetrand ' took: as welt after being given hard service, we have never seen then If there axe any better cloths made than t.. '.1 X. m f v: vi m n r 1 " :rfv ) Jl J M L 4 them.' When you can secure ( ai Cahh; 'Wltmpold & Co.-made suit at about half regular value '- it'a time for you to dress up and took prbsperOua. ."V - :WH1 take choice of 25 style? of ovk 200 All-Wool Suits, in Scotch tweeds, hand-tailored wool serpe lifiines. self-'retainine shaoes." Suits that are oer- feet in tnakeand"Btvlc and were mifcle tof- retail at $12 and $15. You can -f-ake choice -of 'the fot'at $8.85 : in single or, double" breasted Btylestr- -, . :rVelaT85Tolsf CabqWali retail 'at $16.69, 418 and $20 ; fabrics that can be found in 'some of the best tauor snops jin inc- Jana. cnn, v wnpoi.a cc v-u. were cKnowicug f-7-in-prodnctng high class clothes and this sale -offers opportunitiei k.. without 'an equal in the, three'Pacific states. -1 There is renuine sati buying clothes- here. No bld"styles or - cheaply tailored garments )in the "big-store. ";' For choice of 50'styles of Imported Tweed" Suits, worth $20 to $25. We do not make assertions that arel nbt true. ; .,,-These suits are of the newest and V'lateal stiles and Jabrics,: tailored by the highest class workmen and are on ', rsale todav in some of ther most reliable clothine stores in ". AmericatAt ahe - 4 - aoove onces. ano ire wonn iL. 11 we naa xo pay mc usual wnoiesaie li poid & Co. wholesale stock enables us to do it -60 centa oh" the LOttl-tirholesale buying did it. i . mm m .... w . v I VI 1 1 ''.1 I I -r ' - l I If 1 - w Ai;;:;iSr-:v; '..7 1 - : ' This Is Overcoat tUoe in this country. If it man ever needs an ovrgar. xnenjt on the ccest i during the next 80 day We show ejrnost beau tiful line in tong belt-or plain, also" dresa length and operator evfening'' styles augmented by a score of superb styles in Cravenettes and Storm Ul- iter with big collarf. - What: they should bring we will forget, aa thia store uoes not carry- over, gooaa trom season to season feowe are wtting - ;;-"'.r"?. ;X7- them go at about coat to manufacturev H -7 . "., I .'; ; jf t F 1 ke 0'ce ' $10r$12 and some even better Vnt'.-lsf aST'. Overcoats, in medium or winter' weights. ' Thevcome tit wuik vi iuuuf wriuuKrv vi -uvu - wnr VAnsiok' and belt back styles. There , are light, medium and dark colors and mixtures; -, ... - -.. . w;- Fall and winter rweighta: In , hand-tailored,-full Ifash- ioned, select styles, in smooth or rough materiils. Some - full ulin vrlr with wArtA fwvlv lining - In lt fi rr. - C! VQ tailing styles "of length and colors. Made, by Cahn, i T - ' ' Wampold & Co. to retail at $15 to $18, and the' best garments to be had at that price. ir::-7;vr:xl.livi:l!v;v'a i'! '-; " Tor choice of a- score of styles, very select hand-tailored imported materials, in fall and winter weights; including - ? 18.85 $11. 8 We!lisvii started a Pants sale that will knock the1 " high price props from: under all the weak-kneed, half-hearted, clearing sales of old stock in Portland. 7 (fc'Vl feA or unlimited choice of 100 separate " m)L0j and distinct srylei of finest" quality-all-J; 'ool jcassimere-cheviot and. 25 styles of worstedr . laiior-maae lorm-niung or peg- top aiyica iruuscrs v that we guarantee every pair of, them to be the lat- est arid choicest-styles. Not a pair in the" lot but would bexheap at 4 and hundreds of them sold up ;: "to $5, but we are closing out these lots before in-V voice, February 1. See them ; it'a a money saver to , you and an opportunity to get tne pest variety o ; $4 aud.o pants m town to seiecz irom. -r-r " T&k:n Odd I Vepto r g Y For choice of 500 Odd Vests, ..all styles ; OOv worth from $1.25 to $2; sizes 34 to ,48 bust. .. .. , kj 1 L.Z.7 ' Shoe-rly' you know of The j Chicago's good Shoes. We are positively Headquarters on Dear quauty toot wear, carry the largest and best variety and sell thousands of pairs a month. Every pair we sell is guaranteed to give satisfaction and we always Save you money." i&j) Tg Lot Closing Sale of $?.50J patent colt-; j 40t) skin, vici.velour, box calf, dressreights, also heavy grade of calf, pig and water-buffalo. Goodyear welts, very select styles, fresh stock, all sizes and widths. . y.V .. -liI Closing 30 lots of box calf, giant calf and W)laDtJ velour: built fdr service,' in medium and ! heavy weight stock; regular $2.50 values. ; , j j H t1 1C pl.CS, 813 No special cut, as we ; 4)1 Ol) sell, boys goods at actual cost of han- dling. .4 We can say with all truth and candor that , J. you cannot do as' well anywhere in boys shoes aa at The Chicago.- ::,: w.:7' -; ' ' : black silk lined and opera length box backs ; worth up to $25. tr This closihe out of lots includes some of the ultra-. r-?! -ffp-r:.tvi- I . . . , 1 .fashionable overcoats izt all the popular and novel styles";"" ' 1 Jrj:.u 7.... ,' : of 'this rseason and is unquestionably the pinnacle of real meritorious bar- V y.-.. - jjry.yC'- gain giving..,: -'rrr::'-' .. . ' - -y - - -y We Have .Provided .Two Prices That Will Include , Some, of the Most Wonderful Bargains Sver Offered. . The -Vt;;;-;' : Styles Are All of the Very Choicest.. . , . ; ,"'.- . -..'' IflJC O C Sounds awful low, but the suits lotk-different-r4 GO O ff Yes, there are some SO-'atvles of suits In thia UOQ from the price, aa they consist -ef all-v)cclay-0OD4otitindndes- fjce-)fhevery and mixtures in imported .materials, also serges, clays,. vicunas etc.", . single and double breasted. Any suit in the lot is a gem. We press and tailor, also military pad li. .e a - e v.- ,t an snouiaers iree 01 cnarge. ,, Pure Ail-Wool, Dark; $3 values, for.; . r.;..r.fl.0O, f ' Extra Fine Worsteds, etci ; worth up to $5, for, . $2.80 HUOtJ from the price, aa they consist -ef all-wool-clay-worsteds, cheviots and fancy materials. L. If there isa suit ' in the lot worth-less than $10 we don't know it, and the ; lot has been looked' over with an eagle eye. We want .the young man trade and will have it if we lose money , on every suii soia iot a year. . a i a J "... THIS DEPARTMENT OFFERS TO BUYERS "0 CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AN UN PARALLELED OPPORTUNITY. "OUR CLOSING OUT OF ABOUT 30 LOTS BEFORE INVOICE CONSISTS OF OVER 800 SUITS, IN THE VERY NOBBIEST BROWNIE STYLES -AND . COLORS. ALSO SINGLE L AND DOUBLE BREASTED, NORFOLK, i i 'L'JZ,P0.SSA?K ANP -ptAIN: STYLES.1SIZES 2 TO If For all styles $2.5fr Suits.,....;'.?;,.. .81.25 '; Fot all styles $3.0Q.Suiu..; . . . . . . . , . 1.50 For all styles $4.00 buits, Dickey cassi- --f- : S200 7- inci c, 1 1.. . ....... For all styles $5.00 Sufts. Dickey cassi mere,;etc.....,..;;V.vV..2.50 - V For all styles $6.00 Suite,' Dickey cassi mere, etc:;. '.'AtiV:. ...'. ..fS.OO Forallstyle,s $7.00SuitsDickey-cassi- ' 'mere, etc v. . . .. . . . . . .'., S34S0 For all styles $8.00 Suits, Dickey cassi- mere, etc . . . 1., . . . '.IV ... .84.00 . . CHILDREN'S. OVERCOATS $4.fT0 OverebaU forT,..,,..v...........f25!4 $7.00 Overcoats for.; - e $6.00 Overcoats for...i....V.,,..,v;.t3.0O $8.00 Overcoats for. . . . . . . . .$4.00 ;vBOYS';: FUIISHINGS ;15c Double Knee lacl? Stockings for.V.....4.l.....7f - Extra good quality and make of 65c. fiUck Sateen v 20c Double Knee' Black Stockings tor...... ...... '.10e Shirts for. ...... v.;..;... ,...S3e A big lot of 2Qc and 25c Caps for.......,.......,v40( . Boy8. 40c Waists, detachable band, percah W flan- Fine quality 40c Fleece Underwear for . k ........ . I9e ' . nelette. for , . .V. s, .....'........ i f Boys' Negligee 40c and 60c5hirts for...., i,.......10e . Boys' extra quality 75c laundered Waists for. ' t23iio FiiraiGhmgo :The rest downright finds to be discovered ia this . great stock make prospecting a pleasure. New stock, new styles, great closing out of broken tots and heavy gooda at pricea that have no- near relations to .-- the actual value of the goods to the' consumer Men's Jersey Ribbed BaJbriggan Underwear, 50c kind for....iU;...................! - WrighVs-Fine-ariitaryJLJnderwear, $1. value 1 .... ... . . . .23,1 me ..C3e Cooper's Derby Ribbed Underwear, late styles, r " TilllC for r ii e .. Men's Extra Fine Fleeced Underwear, covered - ceams, $1.50 value for. . . ; .. .SSel,, Golf, Madras and Percale Shirtsaizeaii In IT, Choice Style Ciolt Shuts, all sizes and colors, - 75c value for.;.,V...,.......,........M..45f Black Satine Shirts, yoke back, double stitched, -: 50c and 65c values......... ..........,.;.3e1 for ............ .... . . .7.;; ..V.. ,8et f : Hand-Made Sweaters, blue, garnet . and fancy - 1 . - worsteds," $1.50 vilue for ... i . . . . . . t'.ES4' - -60 Styles of Web and Clasp Suspenders, 25c'." ' value for .'........,,.......'.... .15, rAll Wads of 'Fine 45c value , - for . . f -e25j .. All kinds of Imported .Web" Suspenders up to . ' 65c , value for. ..... .. ..-.35e) All etyles-of-Pure Neckwear up to 85c value 1 . : - Thar r a hundred and im dlffamt arttclas tkl art raf t the tr In rte. TImm (rat Lot Cloalaa 01m will' fftr at btritlm atmoat dally. ' Th Ch!a 4a not It i faat aa thy aaoomalata. Tbafa why Tba- CaioaVo alwaya . . haw hw atylaa' aod fraah rood. - i Smnctiiiis Mat Prices We are going to sell more Hats this month than f any month Ixst year. This elegant new stock of . choicest soft asa stiif hata to cloae out every hat ; and make room for the htz a2-new iprbg stock cf Ilata. -. , " Of 3f? The price, ?1.:5, is no giriis to I l)lU If you tv.s tr-Vfri-'T ' ' for your hats, yoj rrl'A t f :ty4in I ; r:i:rtr t. J f 1