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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
t.r: I f 11 - - i . ' a. v A A - A --.eM -rt - - A -" A. A 'A .i A i A Ai A. A a. a. a. . v a. a. a I ' A. a A a A A A A A ,v . A A'' r j jifni ii ir w - n i u i xi 7 a - w w . w--i m l- - . ' x 1 '- ' . . 2 fW 4 For Rq . Cluctt, Star v and y f Shiite some with ; O i - offer ever made before: in Portland , 1.ADIES ,are good fudges of values.' . We have them step in and see what we are doing INTHIS- VALUE-GIV, ING SALE .V-,:;';. vC';-.' iO SHELTER TALK IS BEING REVIVED Many Advantages of 'This' Port r-T a Great leduction Cehter"; Becoming Apparent. :L ALASKA CONCENTRATE. PRODUCT INCREASES "a Snoiwstbrm r v Mna ; of ' ' Coeur 1 1 1: d'Alenes Outputs Heavy Ton- r1 promlnant . copper producer, th' Snow- : j' torm Ala, At prtHwit tfi proi(rtjr Jj , producing 0 tq lop tona or copper or -Vf'-Oi R. Sr.Co.. An there turned ovr .tri .. . the hit;! Cascade ran'g-e or the Tacoma i Smelter. The lead ' tonnax from the f dintrlct g-oea to Brerett. ,' . r' The fact that cdpPr e!nf -mined 1 In oonalderabl quantities In ' a dUtrlct -v -r-i f th-Columbti baliln near Portland hae ' , revived the ol drekm of a emelter near thi wty: with the o. r. N riTijig- to local ameHer.nianae-einent euoh rates ..t 1 as It would be able, to furnish la com .. 'I petition with the reads crossing-, the F mountains' to the Bound. It la arsued " , ; ' ) that the: Portland plant would become , an Invincible center for or -reduction. ,x : AU the ores of the Coeur ' d'Alenes not . , - r 'tied sp to- American Bmcrtlng A-Refln-:lnr eompanry- plants would be open, to V. bid. while the ores -of southern Ores-on, southern Waahlna-ton and soeb, portion f eastern Oregon were not directly ' " Ulbutary to the enterflrlsln'Bumpter -s. i 'company, mlsht bt driwrr upon.- The natural haul dowti the Columbia,' most .'.'of ..which . later mlsht ' b by . boats or fcarses. would this city an' advan- f. 'tae no other section of the northwest , enloya, -end local mlnln men beilere 'lr . ;h time wpi come when Portland will-; . pecome me ivaiijr sreai miFiiins crruer v " - of the North' Pacific coant. , .. -r . 1 Operation of a growlnit number . of "', ilarce quart! mill alone the outht . ern Alaska coas Oder a hedvy tonnes i of concentrate to snchr placen as hare - ' J a food port on -the north Pacifld coe'nt. ." T" If Portland had A smeltlns; plant that 'V ; , , would bid for this concentrate product. 1 ' ' 'there would eoon develop, return cargoos' T"'"rtof steamers plying-between this -city nd Alaska, and -an additional encotir-' cnyvio I tTOHINQ SKINS NO REST, ao sleep. Itch, Itch. itck. scratching uatllihs tender skla bcemgj Inflamed, sots and bleeding. Hcrfina Soap alo4 by gklnbesltb TtrnBt, will ftn (be saavrlns little oae isaUst rlif an ao rantt la enaplft etira. sUltlttxV af wnmes My RarSaa kaa no eqoal for cban, hnia- toe, eniptkHM, Mni(. tbla kalr, sral kewt, Wfc-aud. aotlatptle, eaocoftalD, rrafrsDt. . "A Braath ef Pin Balsa rn la Ertj Caks-'V lre gsr. eaaas: cakes SAe.t drse1t,. tWnaa sasMttat,, ,We seep Is SMdieatet . MaMfaetsV by TUt Ray SpecliItU 0. Pear. N. t Ts settilsg without this ;tr. s J6cfr& WOOSAJaO Ctvasn a dawes y aTearta WOODAJLO ....... . v aad Wasklagtssv ,-M..-fV-. "A - - -.1- V r -..,---,, .. iu: uic 4uca muu ..s ?ular $1.50 Shirts J For ,S5.Q0 -Stetson - y Wilson; Bros Stiff1 Bosom I DSCTDGBI wpld like to remen would, be lv?n In-thw effort to capture Alaska tredcBoth. I ram Jtixh direct beneflt of such an institution snd Its influoncs upon other Industrie. Port land, men have been discussing- of late the possibilities of locating- g plant hers. STOLON SAYS THAT V. . - BADGER IS OVER LINE -pefll Dlp" W Tfc Jersl. Busanvllle. Or.. Jan. ill Another- ex amination of the underground workings Of 4he Badger mine, In this oount3v-Uy a court commission )a not regarded lm" probable, - as the management, of ' ' the Stockton Ii said to .contemplate ths sa Unsti threatened more than- a year ago for encroachment of the - Badger -orew upon the grounds of the former com pany. By order Of the federal -court, ths president of the Stockton, with .two engineers, went through ail. or to lower . workings of the Badger In ISpJ. The statement Was made then thkt the Badger's slopes bad passed tn una on ths, too and 400 levels, but .no aetioa was pressed. The local impression was that on ortbe Badger- shoots pwchej into he Stockton, but. further than tB mere statement, which was not substantiated by. prosecution and claim lor damages. the public ' lis learned nothlhf of the matter. H.JH. Ames, one pt the Stock' ton owners, stated recently that the mo tion would be j) reused at this time. TWO BOHtMIA GROUPS , - " HAVE BIG .WORK CREWS ' Development pn the Riverside-: and Oregon-Colorado ' groups. Bohemia, dls (trlct. manaked by T. J. Hard, progresses withouft Interruption by winter weather. Two shifts are worked by tnseonoen trator in . both, main tunaela, and a the drift are on ore, the speed mads Is exceptionally good. Mr. ! Hard stated when fn the city that the . excellent showing of copper tn the Oregon-Colo-rad& waa always present . The tunnel hi gaining .depth -rapidly,' - and all or opened stay be stopped for 404 t fOO feet At he Riverside the iunnel is in srev wncn naa at times greater wiatn thirn the drift. The unremitting work will expose enough ore for the manage' ment te take up . the treatment prob lem the.presmwjj-eax ; . ' . PYRAMID OF COBALT- ;0RE WILL1 BE ERECTED , The mining 'committee "of the Lewis end -Clark' exposition have given Man ager H. II. Nicholson of the. Standard mine. Grant' county, assurance that- he may have such space a he desire for S robnlt exhibit. Ths display to be made by the company will be one of the ftnest ever shbwnsnywhere, and wttl consist of from 2S to 10 tons. .Ths design of the VJOZTZIJ - 1 iMllsAif hontriaat kalr of tick, yeatbrol color always add to tbtlr esaras. The hate ay b goUes. black er brcwa, bat whta It beeeeaea gray or te4et there Is aa .(ppeenues ef art. though ah msr fetl aa yooac as ever. Ce sar toes ' clrcaa' ataaoe gray bait 1 a drawback. HAinilCALTH Koep You Looking Young. a rear brlnt bark the color sad beMty af roar to trajr or talrd kalr. Positively mnra A.adra. kllla the sen ead stove, kalr falllne. Do Be soil aklo or lists. Aldeabr HARFI1TA IOAP It snotke and beala tba aralp, atop Iteklng and rauotea gn balr growth, harm bMtle. aka Botblng without Phil Bay Oa. elfastare. FreaSca? Offer fflmSOR- Sits tbla. take t any ef fnllewtnr dreiTlata, and st SOe. btto Hay'a Balrliealtb end gee. eake llarflna Medicated Soap, both tor SOf .. ef eeat by PHILO HAT KPBXJULTin CO., Row. erk. X. J., -piepetd SV Sue. and this adv. ' Free enap at (tree by drassiat wuhoatt tklS entira adt. dnd 10a. tot Balchaaltbr . Ka.., n UMM Addnee .4.....'....M.... .4... nun ft oo, inra ... , . BEAUTIFUL ' - wr - , V -V't I J f U M - iifi Oregon daily jofer.Ail Portland; ?. moAY T ' ' - ou iijiaiiy m s oaiig. fc - 'f' - . j,,,,, iliiiiiiiiliiiP zGolorsJThis , bn Stetson ft'."'- 289 WASHINGTON '4 V' i display has pot been ' outlined-i by the mine owners, but it la probable that a pyramid .-wtrt be erected, with great blocks of cobalt ore at ths bottom, "the pti tapering- to a cone, where there will be large -quantities of ths donceptrat. 8urmnintlng this will probably be speci mens of the metal as.usdd for pigment purpose and tempering: JteeK The- e hlblt will- be a very Interesting feature of the fair, owlnr to the act that the mine Is such a prolific producer, of this rare metal;and will. undoubtedly,' attract the attention of . the ' western r mining world. '-'s - i ';-'-.--,.."' CjiESAW DISTRICT ISv n : r TO HAVE STAMP MILLS (Special Dlapatch to The Journal) Bpokani, -Wash., ', Jan, J 7. There . -ls more work; going on fit the. Chesaw camp, Okanogan, than for years. - Several east ern companies have become' interested, and besides, developing ;r making ar rangement to- install reduction plants. . vThe Buckeye Free Gold Mining .com pany, an Ohio corporation, recently pur chased tnree claim, xne leage is a. Dig free milling proposition, and sines ' ac quiring possession the. company has opened It with a tunnel which follows the lead into the mountains. The ore is stored In bins near the mine, await ing fbe completion 4t a.' 10- tamp mill. jFurrro company nas purenaaea tne tiimet- aillo, ia big ;conper -property, and is de force! at-work .on the Of ant mine, and is taking out , some , of the best coaper ore ever found In ths camp. !; ' MINERS CAN GET FOOD , T NOT COOKED BY CHINK (Special PUpatcb to The JonriiaL) " " Pfalrie City, Or.V Jan. 27. There Is to be a-second boarding . house at the Standard mlnei of this -county. When the first rew protested against the Chinese cook,.: Mrs. Barlow,; boarding house keeper,-Stated thgt she could not gf't:whlte. help. -Tom Toner of this place has started a boarding-house Heal ths mine, employtnconly whiter TopKs. and will bid for the patsoaage. - As the management, when discharging the first Crew because of the "kitchen?, sttlke, showed no disposition to fores the men tq do anything against their wishes, if tby-were -reasonable, - It- le - presumed there will be no objection to the new boarding-house. As there are but 15. or 20 men ip the Standard? crew, on of the boarding-houses, will have to goout oi oustneBs.' t'. f . JOHIDAY MEN PROBE NDER OLD BEDROCK aMlal IMapatet In Tb ioornal.) Canyon? Cty. Or., Jan. 27. Two citi zens of tats place are determined to as rtain. It . tne commonly accepted bot- tom of John lay placers Is permanent or merely "- webfoot bedrock. A.., p. Kllnk mdA ICi Roddick Jiave a anirt down 11 feet, and: air 111 continue to lrtk until belew bedrock, whk-hi will require going to a depth orpbut- 80 feet While prospecting here with the Key stone drill the Empire Dredge company was inougm to nava Do red through bed rock once, and there, Is a rumor . that high-grade gravel wad brought upf Jh men -now einsing tne -anart nave con cluded to determine for themselves what lies below, the bedrock; to which- placer miners har worked for many years sixra afZAOowa szirracBS. (Rpedal tlapateh te The Joaraa.) Prairie City. Or., Jan. f 7. Ths Dixie Meadows management has been able to overcome - the difficulty of freeslna water and' has resumed with the concen trating plant. Two mors team are to be used Irf hauling concentrates soon, when it I expected that the manaaement will be able to deliver about a car a week at Sumpter. The last or body iopened on the lower level, hag, lx feet I of excep tionally high' grade quarts, some of the average samples being reported high ss fle a ton. . . WAJTT AX XUICTaUO XOTJIT. gpeola1 Dtapatrh te The Jneraal.) - -' Mullan.- Idaho, Jsn.J7 Extensive im provement are contemplated at the Oom Paul property at an early date. It I ths Intention of the company to Install iaa.eUc.trlo pump. and hoUt..whlcli will ". r ' ' ' '. j a . xu answer lu uxcu ;1 ' V""- the stapleratid late styles the - lowestprice standard, higrquMity Jiats5 STi b operated by power obtalned-frora the electric, Una of .the 'Washington 'WaUr Power. company. A winia will the-n'b sunk too feet, at a point in th long tunnel, where an excellent shoot, of pra was .uncovered- A.- wipxe. haa-already been sunk to feet where. a. heavy tlaw pf ? water stopped "work." 'At' a reoent meeting of the compariy.ltsras decided to install the-electrical machinery, which haa oroven so . successful In the Coeur d'Alenes. Over 420,000 -' has been ex- pended' in. development work at this property, ; .. .-'V. r'-:: ATTACHMENT ISSUED AGAINST BI.UE I, EDGE (gaaelal. tHipatca la Tba Jonrnal.) : Ashland. Or., Jan.-27. rAn attaehmant was issued out of"the superior oourt of Siskiyou eounty; Cal.. yesterday against the Blue Ledge- Copper ooiapaay'a. prop erty on Elliott creek, of th upper Apple gatei" in , tnw-suifc, of -y. JfirKsny'f Jaoksonvilla''- Th indebteoness repre sented In t&e suit antountj to 18.100. f The Blue 1edges -ebmpany bonded the mines several months ago for IlZs.QOO, paying 13,000 cash.- A -payment of f 10.000 ia dus next month; - Th company also purchased a sixth interest from one of the owner. It haa don considerable development work,; but It is alleged not ta the extent and of the continuous char acter agreed. Ths principal member of the company ars- located. in. Jew xork and lio Angelea , - . OmDamaTD. aaarKXRCr TLXWi. - . ' (Special Hbpatch to Tba JooraatV . ' , Snokan. Wash- -Jan, .7.--The crosa euttunnel on th-Copper World extea aloh. Okanogan, ha broken Into a bid ledge of black sulphide or On-the IO foot level. .Th company has ordered an air compressor,rteam hoist and pumps, wlth-ths Intention of sinking .to tb 600-foot level,--where another cross-cut will be run to tap th vein. . . ;v ; ." , " ,' l . , -F' . . . . : . . v-, CORPSE HELD UNBURIELT OVER TWENTY MONTHS -vV-'-- .A -.. If (Soedal DlsMtrh t Tb ioaraal.) -,.. Seattle. Wash- Jan. ST. Martha Dan- leir.-a colored woman, of Seattle, died In Dawson. Ti T in May, 101. 8h left h eeUte here and Col. C. C. Darrow W appointed administrator; -. '! i. A. Greene, an undertaker of Daw son, received th body, embalmed It snd Advised Colonel - Darrow that he had a bill-of 1400 to be paid. -The adminis trator wrot badOhs:t h would never pay such a bill knd for 10 aaonths th body -has lain in OVeene' shop at Daw son, , V "i ',' t"V ' !" attorney, who yesterday appeared In- the superior court and got Judge prater to sign an order directing the -administra tor to pay th pilfc -. - J Thi new waa wired to Dawson last trlght jtnd Martha Daniel wU be burled m the bins or in iiuxon. teadaohM sad aTeuralgla froxa Oolds. Laiattf1 Broaan-Qnlnlsa. the world-wide teld and grip remedy, reanove the eaea. Call for the' rail nasn. end look for tb slgsst-re ef if. W. Qrova. Ie. ' . . ABERDEEN PETITIONS 477 FOR CARNEGIE LIBRARY " (gporlal Dlapatch to The Jorl.) . Aberdeen. Wash.. Jan. 17. 8tep sre being taker 4,0 aecur a Carnegie build ing In thi city, in tn interest or wnicn a subscription list 1 now oing cir culated by prominent business man of thi place, ana wnicn js swing received favorably. Th mlllmen are subscrib ing liberally, realising ths valu of a reading-room for their employes, Ander son A Mlddleton heading th Hat of thi enterprise. -Ther are four eouncllmen and th mayor, who favor thi gtpwlng reed -of r thelty. and-, their aupport pledge the acceptance nf Mr. Carnegie. CASTOR I A . .. Per Iafant- and Caiureo. Us KI:J Yea Kan E::;.t Bear th eigaatweef cvr:x;o. jANUAnv: C7.-ji::- . .". iuuujfx wB.ouuy in blade - ever diibted PERKINS HOTEL BUILDING TEETH FREE l . FOa 30 DAYS- Boston Painless Are ,nv giving tbelr aairaal CVT ' RATh FglCM ea-all doetal work. The ebarfao are lea than -eollete prices and alt work doea by ur aelnleaa ayatam and by apoclallata of from II la JO years' tsperleeee. NO gTUDEKTg eaiBioyoa. lino trachea, sum -- erowned absolstely witboat pale by our. secret sresarsuea sppuea '.pbcES until tutar 1st:- sot Milan . '1 . . . , , . ; ; . . , .TryrySSo wrmiit.i..t......... Sold Orowajt ....... -.. ... rail twt . ,..g.0O C AS Vork ftumtasl Tea Taars. Have yoer tooth eatraetod.wltboot peJa asd replaead with- sew eees the 'east day. Ceaa la at osee .asd take advantage ol low rata. Be eare yoi kr ia tbS'Tlght pUea. , - Boston Peti&les DcstbU TXTTat AM KOBSZSOaT tH4 Xiargs a. tsj Ooaeara tathsWsrld. t Portlinfi GrKtot tc Store, i Special Sale WHITINGS Bond Papers jisually sold at 20c quire Weare closing out at j r :f I En velopes 10c Per PaUage'":' ' '"', iJICGILLCO. , Booksellers and .!v,-;'-Stationers.,: , '. i 1 -. -. - - i - ... LTHIRD and ALDER ni CitttTtat little Prices: WEINIIAltb'S CityDrewe - barg"aa4 a 6emplte " - rwry ts h ITosthwsM. JSottted Cce a Specialty ' -wsruaYaTMra af. Tt,1 V Oated Utk ac4 atatmaUd) lindw. . , PORTLAND. ORKOOH. ;Ji' UBfoTsBlSlaw- rmm V: J , t v "!if 1 ". ini5 price inciuoes our enure cssonrr.zni or yaiatsjnrpaMnriu - Squms Yoalvill bup SIDE firont theThree $pecialsforj tomorrow ( Saturday ) '.-.we 'are. giving: TWENTY PERCENT DIS COUNT ON ALL MERCHANDISE (contract 'goods U Will have no terror for you if your coal i-'- Wn is: flUed '. -", GOOD CLEAN '-n'r'r 4 , jYTiy pay montr tr th . kind - Hat cause iiwabla and vaxAtkrav when yo r earUin tin of satlsf aotkm by. plac ing your order brT i ----- Rock Springs Coal Co; . . O.B. BATXS, SM M. Menliom at, ' - .TBOSwMHrtUw. Our merchandising method-as t fact and flgur ar so evident en their very fac that you cannot go astray. -. Largo buyer, . large sellers and content with Smalt .margins, you will not go amiss in dealing ber In th lln of hard-war.;r- .T,. ; ,..,-, Avery . Co. Star Coal Co. ' Do yod want th very best Wyoming Coal on th market? Than buy ' , Kemmerer : Coal It 1 free from soot and carries vary little ashes. V. f V V V V V-NyV. v .1 Uinil V HIMV II Mi . gf a . sv .- w- -.7T.v"-"i-..-...V- " '.. 7T"'' stok Ast tni imjuL'. Ji' - ) HUl? MIX', -ft As Plafii as A--B- We have ten other good eoals - to Choose from at t and tip. acreened and full net weight guaranteed. 7 Stir Coal Co. pn sas .tjae t Katm isis. ;. : aix: . . . '. . .1 v.. iui;ffi:W dozen Mf yea seerem excepted) ;:;v:' : Ai)e- "w"tw- "(BhduM cjtth yoursalf with ' a. ' aotrnd commercial trklnjngt wtthrj . out delay. - Don't depend to luck f ' or -a good, position you", must '! work for it and If -yo ar not - properly iulppd -your way will'i ba eontinuallr blocked t Why not" j rmov . th ; atones and - tags -. a i our - at th v Bebnke-talker -k a.Wll.WOe .WlWSjW :J:.-;-3 ) ' " -.tat- Behnke-Valher C ,Ou itadaatag, ar aa asaploysd. - : f " " '--'. " . i- c Oan for OMalogwa. f i Dr. W. Norton Davis. : v i:r" ' " " "" '-"'t. ,. W V ' 000 Collet -: s' IN A WEEK We treat seeaeaarellf all private' nervsee tad ': eheomla dlsaeees of sm. slao blaad. seostseh. -!U heart. Im klano aaeT tkmat tranhlaa. Wa eare tPRIU.Ig (wttaeet SMrearyl U star ' eweod forever, la 0 to OS days, W -rawe TklCTUBg, witaowt oeorarioa e pais. I l -. ire. Ws sen cralss, tb resell hssnrMaaale. 'Wa eaa paator t reestt ef salt abeaa. ay smn sader ft by bmsss ef local ajowi aaimr We fire Gonorrhoea tn a WeeX' The dneters ef tale learltst are 1l racsla svadqatae. have bad May year fwl. seve - boo ksewa la Port la ad fof 15 year, sa tesctaUo awletal. sad will esdoe. take a eese waleas wetsl esrei eaa te e fact, tab or Hiarwe lie foe. Cneealtarloe free. tt- tore eeafMeatlal. Inetrwerlvo BOOK roa MS Builled free la rials wrsmtar. If SM aaanet enll at nfflM. writ for Seoe Ho Hiss. Betse hwatsaawt seceaaaral.--.j. .; Of ae borT ft gvndaye t etwsya, s aa.,y-. tie tesdlss 4aWolw tn ebeFa . , ;.- Katsbtisbod 1aa.t ... : .;;.',: : DnllHcrtonDsvU&Ca Tan oy abrtsL af. B. Oot. Tnlxd as .CLCb'S r c::ti:::3 zkz? ai ftw diarrbrae. touTY-rira enrra A ttt.. 1 ' A,