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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
: PUBLIC TEA ; ROOMS- i IlJ ' SECOND PUXMt 1 Under Aueploea of Portland T. W. C. A '"GRANDMA" My NBA, HOSTESS. Menu, Saturday) Jan. 28th J T: .' - Coffee "' Chocolate" ' Myk In Bottles " .' Vegotsbl Soup'' " ffT" 'V" i '' '... Hot RoU .Boa ton 'Brown. Bread .'' "' Bread and Butter .,jj,'' r'7"x:.T Ortwf-' '"vTv't'. Saturday: Specials ; ; In Millinery SECOND FLOOR ANNEX SALONS. A Hat for rourselfT For your HttU in t ur on for big liier w.hav nat for , if or 0. To brine your bat neJ to u, la to so away with that aatlaflod feeling-, both aa to atyU and the aavlnt prlca.--jfany new JaU aro eomlns In. and golnc out without proAt, Just to kn t ho year 'round aalona buty, and aome that hava worn ut their walcome aro aaylnc good bye In Jftno that mrana much loea. Hut 'tla to be expected thee day. We contlnuo apeclai -barfalna -fop Satur day .aa Tollowa:--?-. --:t A now lot of amartly tailored , BLACK SILK TURBANS (14.09 VAL.) . , , , FOR t.T. - , . .. Theaa Turbana aro entirely now, - tremoly atyliah and suited for wear " all eprlna, trimmed with Prince Al ""bert tlpa. very smart In appearance -" and Brand values at the usual 4 00 pricey special Saturday at.. 93.79 CHILDREN'S BOo AND 75o- FELT 'x i;. V.vHATS l CENT8.,';Vy-,- v, Trimmed ' or . untrlmme. hi RTaya, blues, reds or browna. (0o and 7&o values; special Saturday only.ldel WOMEN'S 1.M FELT SHAPES lie. X larce an aitractlva-variety at -aa Sorted shapes tn the cbooalnv. . WOMEN'S' READt-TO-WEAR. fl.tQ . HATS FOR tt CENTS. . - . . In acratcti felts, trimmed with wings, fancy buckles Or velvets, a generous ' J assortment of the wanted colora, val.-to t.(Oispeclal Saturday -' for M.mMTni,, ......... . ...29 tlM OSTRICH TIPS CENTS,. ; (Blacka only. - Saturday thcrfj ShqeyieDay -eeJAeSaAyVjl- A SALE OF DESIRABLE SHOES FOR THft: iFAMILY THE .-"FAIR. WAT" BITH STREET -ANNISX FIRST FLOOR.'1 :'.': 'rJU'""'"-"1' It's'lust sa natural Xo do ahd-buy-Ing on Saturday as 'tla. for a. man to step Into 'a. barber shop to be shaved or a woman t6 pick put her Sunday's dinner eo wa continue these specials. In addition -to the" generous lot previ ously Advertised for-all week. Not. a hodge-podge. of smell and .large shoes that .nobody -want very -4w ean wear, bat desirable: lit" sties, widthx, raejthera fend styles, wear, comfort and fit. t Men's. Women a,. Misses'.. Boys'' and CrtrJe- hoea. ll worth a lot moVe I . than we ask. Exampls-:.-'-; - V--JL Men Shoes, here In box' - calf. velour rslf, vlci hid and enamel "calf. With- double i or single soles, : extra brond-rmmtT toe end, - best Ooodyerweltveolee,-all alses, -our $ J. SO value: apectal Economy Sale -1rtce. the pair V,'. .v.v 92.68 INFANTS". SHOES--WORTH US FOR' M 8hoe ."tor -Tlaby" in " either button or i lace styles, madv , of flneat. ' softest kid,.. with flexible i sole, our tLatV . value; J. special 4 Economy Sale price, the - nslr . . . i. . . . . . . C1S4 WOMEN'S II.S4 SHOES. FOR $1.00 Women"' 8tret Shoes - of- patent colt- wlth du!Hld 1-topa. flexible heavy soles, neat round ptoes and military, Cubaa ot- opera heels; pedlal Economy Sal price,' the pair it . . v..,.'. . ... '.-a . . i 92.00 WOMEN'S SHOES WORTH ,$1.7 - FOR f 1.0 Old Ladle' Common Sense Comfort' Shoes,, 'either ' con gress or "lace .styles, with- good square toes," flexible soles and low heels, 'tt splendid shoef for tender feet,' our' II. It ivelue; special "Economy Bale price, the , " ' pair . . . r. . B1.08 pOY8c ll.7 SHOES, FOR, 9e Boys- Winter onoes maae oi dok can, wiin good heavy soles' and " full round toes, will give good service, our 11.75 value; special.' Economy Sale prloe,. the aalr . .,. . ,98 8lse 11 to . ' - - MI 88 ES.'-A ND' ' CH I LPR E N' 8 8 HOES Here In box cslf or vlci kid, witn double- sole 'and full ' round toes, good winter shoes -? '..-;.. Our.11.10 value. sliesIV to. Hi" nerlnl at the Dalr . . , k .BSC Our l.'00 value, also 114'to ; - . siMtclal at. th pair ....... .Sl.OS BOTS' MANNISH SHOES With aofU good wearing uppers, freak or extra broad comfortable last oak soles, t, i I iii... .hn l-lake'1- I 'wlth little men-- - . V Stses 11 to 13. our , $1.00 value; specie! aU the, pair. ....... .91.48 Sixes llli to 3, our $2.19 value; special at, the pair ........ 81.68 Blsea . our IJ.00 value; special at, the pair 91.98 rANCT SLIPPERS. WORTH 10 FOR-Mo Women a Imported Turk ish Slippers In fed. black or brown, bur t l.o value:. special Economy 8!e price. the pair ? . .-. .Vi, .".60 MEN'S RIDING LEOOINOS WORTH IS. 00 FOR tl IS Men s v Iegclnga. made of Russia leather In an the proper tun shades, very stylish and serviceable for riding, -our IS.oa value; special , Economy Sale price, the pair V.. 93.98 WOMEN'S RIDlNfl BOOTS Women's Hsnd Made Riding Hoots In black. Russia oi1 pi tent calf, very hand-v some--boot, our. tl 1.00 and tlS.OO value:- apeclai Flconomy 8nl price, the pair .................910.80 dm liiiifil I n .i.j;jt 1 ...., I ' ' ' .-, - ..'.' . v,: .-V l '.V V---'' w'. - .w kj-a' A-'iJirTv I ' .." : I.'A lute iiWiffliiiiiiiiM "Januarywith all its drawbacks, brings one blessing to. the people, '. It is the season of Clearance Sales and their attendant lowest prices .oi alt the year on general ' merchandise. As absolute leader in the making of lowest prices' on dependable goods it is a. conceded facf aniong all fair and honest minds' that THIS STORE STAKDS'IN.A NICHE BYf ITSELF, This is a modern store of performanJe--not promises, alone,:; A store! that DOES THINGS and inhlch people believe. Don't buy in any store merely because a "Sale" is announced." ! That term, like the good word,' "bargain" is being misused. A "bargain" js a wanted thine at a Hr?sh4n jisiialTjriceasalea - Great economy is pbssible in this sale all over the : Big Store sale tomorrow. and next.weekv - - ... l.hisStore No. no even' Saturday!' or it bas passed the provincial- era in ;Aiinbnument to brotrressitfe ' MODERN MERCHANDISING," row -wherever you choose, but ; cnord,-put not an me Dargain5 Appreciable; 4 Savings' in Suitings arid Gown Fabrics; r '''". ' noted ln the ;:v' ': DRESS. OOOD8 ; 8TORE ANNEX ; .' , i , :J FIRST FLOOR. , .-; :. Extra special fjir Saturday -r-r.; .' Regular. Wo Heather Mixtures, ' In '-larn ob neati cheeked-ffectaleo .BVlargejassortment of good wearing cameisnair, an bikpib t-umriiin mi 4ott ctal for Saturday j. f , per yard i..............,,.'.,.26et OOODS WON'T LA8T LONO. -Regular 12.54. t2.J5. t.OO. l.tO and i $1,25 values. Including Nubb Twine Voiles, Lace Voiles. 'Fancy Mohairs. French Zlbellne aqd Mixed Tailor Suitings; special for Saturday ;only, per yard . .S9 $1.00- and' 75o regular i Mixed Tailor - Boltings', Saturday only, - -. ifper yard : j i . ; r. .rr. c tv. . .39 WbiidrdustS" illcBargain -THE gllKv8TORE" ANNEX ' -? ' . FIFTH STREET,.; rf- . Seldom has jit been equaled even by this atore oi lllf aurprlsea.--- Think of Handsonre-'Satin' Finished peau -de Cygnea for Z94 the srd.and the IndhrfUlkareoi much wsnted for dainty walets then Mint expecting a re markable value. uOgr. word you'll not be -disappointed. -;'-- " ' --1 -. Colored Satin Finished Peau- do Cygne and Inota Silks, -good color assort ment - to choose from; special for Saturday Ohly. per yard 29t Mong Art Goods and . . 'f: Chfldren Wear : SECOND- -FI-OOR ANNEX AND r. ' , THOROUOHrARaiAI8L..G-it. Eru Heavy Hardanger Unen llem stitched Dollies, Centerpieces, Lunch -Cloth and Scarfs Regulsr prloea from. .... .tla to tl.tS Special prices from.....,17e to $1.TS With many Jln-between . sixes and prices, at Art" Department. . Children's Bath. Robes and' .Kimono in -plain pink,, blue and cardinal or fancy striped In pink and White and blue and white, silk frog satin f bound at sleeves and collars! large' i wool cord and taasels, ages from : to II Veara T '. "r.-f Regular prloea from.', . .IJ.60 to IS o BpClKriccsJrpmaaJf344 Remarkable ' .. . .- '---. . ": .. - i , - .r 1 .... . ... .- ..... . .... , . ; - A MIQHTT AVALANCHE OF MATCHLESS BARGAINS In fabric for home and e very-day Vear, Bheeta and Pillow Cases. Bed Spreads. Towels and Toweling. Good, Flannels and Outing Flannels. All features of commanding Interest to economists, and Included among th Clearance Bales Specials In the Domes tlo 'Section, nahxa for tn tnrirty housewife and hotel Thrs Is a rare opportunity for Urge I. users; hotels, - school,' bdirdlng- I houses, etc. v , "SHEETS 40,000 OF THEM. -. . Msde of good round thread sheet In1, positively the berft value, ever of-' fered -foe '., the money, six 71xt0 . Inches; special Clearance price, " - ,eachit... ..AB Slxe lxt Inchea; special. Clearance , price, each .. ..j... ........ ,.49 Mad "Of nice, smooth muslin, with .center" seam, else 71xW Inches, only . - (00 sheets Jn thl lot,' speclitl Cleer vnc Sal price, each -.U , I . , .36) bed spreads., -,'; ' ; Another new llne of handsonie Be4 Spreads' just received to take (he plac; nc those which have been going out so rapidly sine th great Clearance Sale began.,' . , .: ."'.' ,'. ' , - . ' ' colored- bed spreads. k ? Light blue. pink, dark blue' and red i pec la I Clearance price, each 91.25 wfV a .. .fJ a sV BJV Ana tomorrow a. aay ai ima aiuna nas due iu nours. . Does Not Keep Open Niffht BEFORE fi P; Mi We offer -a - arei . prmicu vymcu inc swre ' ' i Dismantling-Going ori in the Big Greatest Values Saturday; Taehlonland "la traversed for our Reedy-to-don Garments - for ' dressr women - Style Inklings unobtainable-elsewhere-are always found In the gowns and wraps at this house result of expert selection,' The fampus Sal one of Drees are- air ways a style-setting center none the less today, in th midst of dismantling for improvementa, than ever. ' Prices and values have .agreed to disagree for the v . nonce, and you benefit by Jthelr quarrel. ,, 1 J; ,, . .-.... , , . . - - - " ' y -3 A- SPECIAL "MELBA SALE WRAPS AND 7 GOWNS," ALSO ZA FAREWELL t . AT0 THE VELVET C0ATSAND SUITS. ; L: -3 velvet: suits and..coats at half price,- , FOR TWO OPERA WRAPS AND EVENING COSTUMES AT HALF 7 r, PRICE OR LESSt - TO CLOSE 1,. - We said It- would, and K did.' The bare announcement flooded the 'ip-eat Style ' Salons with pager buyers and the axle Is particularly timely from hj fact that ' it comes ushering In the appearance of the great Melba a,t the Armory on Monday nlgbt"" The magntfrcent inodela -and wraps occupy-drawera Tn' fixtures that are - to- be" discarded tot newer and more modern ones the coming season, A 'bit of lace or embroidery jtom Or any. alight damage caused, by moving' would rain their sale -with'uy.. fo-wS'il teke no chances. We'll sell theaa precious Jewel from "their Dreeent caekets and afford pur clientele opportunity to provide themselves 7 Wlth wtagnlflcent gown or wrap at ' CHOOSE FROM ANY OPERA OR EVENING TOWN OK WBAF 1NJTHB MUUOIS. ' Regular value fromJ-IO to $2S0 at ONE HALF PRICE. AND MANY -FOR LE8S ,VELVETcCOATS;Ab SUITS HALF; PRICE SATURDAY fTt. .tA. -- .tliMSa OlaeaaS euaklneir A I CaMea AA ffte ttaieje . VeBnVSlt lirgl lltall tlanvt week, no room for the aulta,,nd Faahlonv whispers velvet are to be the re-v ir next-winter with UtUc cbange of style from present modea.' All the rajare reason -. , for eager buying' of theae regal garmente tot oaiuraay oniy; -values reacning . frc,lSf $33 to $115 at OKE HALF PRICE. v- u ' j - ' '.. '' ' keepers. Housekeeping and Hotel SINGB; BED SPREADS. Our Tte value; special Clearance price,, each . .58) . FOUR SPECIAL VALUES. IN BED SPREADS st. each. 8SS 91.05;--.',91.25 snd 91.48. . TWO -BIO SPECIAL VALUES IN ' FRINGED BED SPREADS with rut : . eornara,-for ..brass bds, . full is. special Clearance prices, - r each M.f.J. .91.50 snd 91.69 PILLOW CASES. - Mad of good standard round thread muslin, soft finished Ironed snd; ready for use the-beet values for the price ever offered. About l&O.eO ef , them, divided Into Are different lots. LOT 1 Our lmc value; special ' -i Clearance price ee oh ......... .,9) kOT J Our, I to Value; apeclai Clear nee pflce, each .......... j.. 11) " LOT I Our Ho value; special Clear- - ance price, -each ........., 1. 12 LOT 4 Our 17 value; apeclai Clear-' nc price, each v . .13 a .'-. SINGB ; BED 8PREADS. . t rv,-vkm .-1.1 I !' f V a-targeTcotlectton pf "bargains," and in every section. Again -we remind you good folk that put seven llte 1. , e a .... 'storekeepihg1, and -stands, lone' among: Portland stores for the rights of employes: ia a' 10-hpur day .You can ixil the movement foe shorter hours' for faithful store helpers by doing shooDine tomor-' program of popular selections for aim cnjuy mu eru- &x"vrjb w s-.m, ' ' ' . of All the Year for and Monday ! OF MAGNIFICENT OPERA MORE DAYS. y-;f - .- price fr leea than cot In trrrty Instance, . '-. -rr vf .V iSi'EWIAL. 5ATUKUAY. .- . ,-. Women's $18.60 to $35 . A , .... $9.98 r -,Thlnk of raving 125, In the buyi.: of a That s- just what yeu may if you 11 b for we've Included In this remarkable always fashionable black Dress Skirts, less than $J.60 aavlng of hair and more. Every woman- WIJ find an extra . , .peg In her' wnrdrobe for one of theee. at the price, and thank fortune for the' "- chance, r Materials, Cheviots.'' Broadcloths and havy Etamlnes.. In the usual " ; . mod 'wh-trimming effects. . Be early; only sboutt 100, - Choice Satunday only. .'to cloae v, ...,,,,,,.,,,,.,,...'... 99.98 I 1 .WHAT. 79c WILL DO FOR ; WAIST . BUYERS. '-.17 ' J ' ' Handsome Tailored Waists Values t4 $4.00. . 'r1 '! Asother of -those Walet Bales for which this store Is famous. - Pretty and at - s tractive Flannel, brllliantlne snd Crepe de Chine Waists nicely tailored. In -' splendid workmanship, and . a choice of tans, r greens, reds, blues, blacka and r vmhttea. with stock and. tie of materials, neat trimming effects and plain tailored, values to M.00 ln the lot. Bpeciat f or Saturdaypnly 794 in -uppllesllghtly priced for th Great Bale s flfth week. . LOT I Our lie value; special Clear anc price, each . .... ......14w -- - FLANNELS. ; - - - o FOR OI'tlNO FLANNEL 10.000 ysrds or Whit Outing Flannel, full bleached, nice soft quality; special Clearance price, the yard.. . , . .ftd) EIIING JANUARY IJCJ. .- - r. is never used to beguile the public Into buying full price goods.- ror - . -l . . - . . I e "J1' v - s After 6 P. M. the pleasing of bur public. that'Kwe trust . may touch- a popular!. Apparel - Salons : BUclc Drest Skirta at . " handsome, etyliah'black Drees." BkirtU- one of the. early ones here tomorrow. . - aale of the- wanted . long, staple and some of the, regular, ISS values. None 8AXONT FLANNEL WORTH tiff. FOR fGo Good Quality Whits -- Saxony Flannel for chlldren'a wear, our '8to value; apeclai at. th , yrd ... ... .. v .T. ..; . :. v,. . . .25 NAVT BLUE FLANNEL WORTH " tU FOR c Navy " Blue. ' All' Wool r Flannel, Oregon make, extra weight, for ahlrta,. skirt ' and children's dresses, our 4(e value; apeclai at," . the yard ... . ... ..... . . .' ; ; .: . 28o) WAISTINO FLANNELS WORTH 00a" FOR lie Wklstlng Flannels of a . specially flne grade for waists and house dresses, in alt eolorst our 10 valuer special Clearance price, the yard ,:,,.,'...., ..:S9a) OUTINO FLANNElJ" WORTH l(e ; : FOR 10o Printed Outing Flannels, . good , heavy quality, dark colorings In A at.v-iM MM 1 -Ml,.-. r - i.iuwi l - clal at. the Yard ..v.; m in i i a i i. i . t Aisles days remain of the great Annual- U - . i In the Man's Domain 4 ' ArBIOn BR0AD, BUST PATHWAY HEDGED WITH VALUES SIXTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOlL .JTe've nearly rdoubiedT the Januhry sales record In .thla' attractive spot. Ifwe couldn'trmake'lti mqcB to the advantage bt you men and your good women 44Sk who look after yourward.. robesjtd lay In a stock of the "flxlns' you need.' for-, present Vlrsqulrements, and coming wants," we'd, be foolish to hold a Clearance, Sale. But lt means more than simply to'buy furnlahings "at least Jrlcee of the year; ' It's our time. t clear u and balance stocks; henoe thla, sale means much to men. A few of many Saturday Inducements for buying:'... ". ZX. .'...1'. -j ,v" .' Men's Best 11.00 Undershirts- and . Drawers, In natural gray marine; : - special, -per garment .M ...TOet Men's Beat Tla Oray Merino Shirts . and Drawers, in - good i serviceable weight; xtpeclaL per garment. .SSsI 11.00 SHIRTS 60c AH' remlnlnr"FancyBhIrti,wlth stiff bosoms, beet 11.00 grades, in cluding such- well-known makes- as .."Griffon. .Eclipse. Monarch; apeclai. to close ...,...............50e $1.50 SHIRTS 11.00: ----.;: .r-;--All our tr.SOStlft Bosom Shirts. In cjuatng ithe nest makes; special. each i , -91.00 11.00 SHtRTS AND- DRAWERS Tic - Men's Medium. Weight Natural Gray Merino j Shirts - and Drawers, ' non l ehrtnkable. 'rib bottom, sUk- faced, reg. val.. 41-OOr apeclai.. -,....T3e 11.00 NIOHT ROBES o -j- Men's Beat Quality Outlog Flannel Nlgbt Robes, reg. vau 11.00; spe 1 elai .,,.. ....... ...........9 BOTS' 0o NIOHT SHIRTS lee Boys' Flannelette Nlgbt Shirts. In, t soft, warm fabrics and 1 winter. " weights, sixes It to II, best 6O0 x val.; - speoisV"vvArv;3Ket tso sox ifo : . Men's Medium Weight : Seamless Black Cashmere Sox, rer. vaL lie: '. specUl,. pair ,... 1S SILK MUFFLERS HALF PRICE . All remaining Silk Mufflers. In ' .: black, white and fancy colors; spe cial ONE HALF- PRICE. - ; . THB FAMOUS ST A LET. ANDSTOTTV OARTER UNDERWEAR Reduced during Clearance, the only time of - the year you lean avail yourself of cut prices on these well-known make of Underwearr V - - Mubll ns.' dainty. new Tub., regulsr bo-' Fljat . Floor. .A riBAVTALL LINEN TOWELING, . . ' For Roller (Towels. Our It Mo value; special at, the " ysrd ..1 v....lOd Extra Heavy Weight. v Our 14c value; apeclai at, the -"i, yardj . ffZ 1 t'tt t ..;, y 18o) -J -.;' BLEACHED MUSLIN dood. strong quality, no starch . pr dressing, St Inches wide; . special ; Cl era nee Sale price, th yd,. ..,9) " '"- HUCK TOWELS. Hemmed, good wearing quality, nlc and soft, two sis --.. . .., ., ., Sis 17x11 Inches; special Clearance price, each ................... .84) Sis 11x14 Inch: pectat Clearance price, each 10t WHITE GOODS WORTH lOe FOR 10c 40 pieces ot Fine Striped And . Checked Dimities, Nainsooks, Lace Striped Lawns snd Fancy Plaida. suitable for children's and ladle' " dresses snd apron, alio naed for '. eurtatna. our SOe value; apec'.i I at, ' the yard 1 ) DUa I-1UU1 Saturday's Bargains In v Tr-iA, A 1-1 VVomen'a and Chfldren's s .UnderweaB and Hosiery Values Bigger - Than Ever K has taken tremendous .lot of effort to find vahiea -tn thta ptmular section to go past offerings one better, but we've done It after searchlnr the stocks thoroughly, and here's the re sult The goods are. the wanted sortSr too ror now and future wear. . - . Women's- white Swiss, ribbed -liale Z Vests.: long sleeves, "fixes t . I0o quality for, each ....29e Women's white Jersey ribbed Ions; sleeve Vests. 6O0 quality for...2Sw Women' White nterode spring weight merino Pants and. TlghU, A5j qual ity, special ............ ......r,8e Women's .white merode . Union. BulLa, spring welghtr merino, 'f 1&0 Qtwllty, - special' . . . . . . .-.-. &&4 Women's . whlje '. lisle Union - 8ults, sleeve lees, t kite length, - laoe ' trlrrimed at. knee,1 'Tie quality, epe- 'y clal .....i.r-. ..'..,. ....49 Women's blacki Maoo cotton Hose, 'seamless, lie quality; special, . t pair-. ....... v. . : , . . it Women's. fine ribbed black lisle. Hose, seamless, -'double aole, Sq qoallty ; apeclai, pair ...i ;.. 19 Women's black cotton Hose, wtth em s .broldered boots, great 6 Oo values, for. pair illiIHl (fit e 20e Children's fin ribbed. bUck lisle Hose. . seamiess, cracg zo line, special, pah- - . Vr . .,.......,r....lT Children's black caahmer Hoe, fin and donble ribbed, Ml sixes, values from I Bo to 40c; special, pair.. 19) ' 1'! .' . " . . 1 Saturday the Lout day of the . Fifth Week of the "Big ' r ?T Whte FiirTv;.;w The Event .That-Thousands of tM crlmlpatlng Women Walt for our - :Tannarv Sale ; trunaenvcar?-" THIS SALE IS IN A CLASS BT IT -T-T-.-, . .. 8ELR -: - Every garment, from the least ex- 1 peaslv up,--Is made . under- strlotest sanitary conditions; of good Wearing materials, the trimmings tasteful and refined, th work most thorough. All seams are felled, and In the finer goods the seams are Joined by the French vein In g. - The extra-els Un derwear 1 cut In correct proportion all over: not merely a larger neck or. yoxe. tut every piece cut extra, large. Inaurtng fit and comfort. By working far ahead and making large contract we nave ao controlled conditions that BOTH FRENCH-'AND AMERICAN UNDERCLOTHES ARE FAR BELOW Uo U AL PRICE, . j, -. .- ; $4.71 .petticoats fw.osi Beantlful ' eambrla Pettlcaata 1 wtth x deep, lawn' flounce, clusters of fine - tucks, double embroidery ruffle, or With, lock insertion and adsrine-? aup regular value 14.78, peclal. . 1 . ' mk ......... , -: ma as LADIES' DRAWERS "Sc 'Ai.':- Tour choice of the entire line of La- SIr Drawer lit eambrle, nalnaoek - and 1 musltn; -s regular values 11.00 - and jl.26; special, pair 69 Aline of Ladles' Gowns, Skirts. Drawers and Corset Covers; special, aeh....?.,.:o, t:c, S. 43c, 91.95 11.71 FLANNELETTE GOWNS 11.10. Tl Ladles' Flannelette Gowns.'-very at- ' tractive, moat-comfortable for win ter nlghta, ' choice... patterns, soft. downy and easy, laundered; regutaa. - value, ii.7; special s. ...... .91. 19 a large assorxment ot other styles snd . qualities) In Gowns; special at 72c, 45c. 4o fnd ,...t..,.... ...91.00 TOADIES'" KNESTSKfRTa"'-" " Ladies'1 Knee Skirts, made of yam. v knitted and nicely trimmed,, coey, , eomfortable Winter garments, eoy - to waOt la and not clumsy, black, - white or color; regular 00c,-41.00, f 1.10 values; special., your choice, each 69d Ragulat tl.H. '. $1.40. $ I. t4y values, peclal, your choice, each.;. ...90) Regular 41.76, 4! 0 ValueST special. your choice, each .". ...... . .91.27 Regular 41.24. 4i.B0 value; apeolal, you choice, each -91.68 Chlldren'a Slses, while they last; reg - ular 40or46:-valueer spectat, " ' e ta 2S$9 Regular 40c,"76 vaiuee;' apecnJ -AO) LADIES' $4.50 "BLACK -HATINE PET '.! ' TICOATS $l.t. ,M Ladle' sllk-flnlshed mercerised black satin Petticoats, extra deep flounce, '. 1 ruffles, Juby trimming, something ..' choice; regular value, 4J.S0; aneclnl. each .i-.i.-i,.- v.i... 91.98 A full line of other Petticoats, apeclai at, each. 85. 94 f, 91.05. , 91.25. 91.48 snd 91.67 A Clearance Sal of Buatlea and Hip . Form Bustlee, worth from &c to ! 45e for .....,.19 - All the latest shapee In Buatlea and Hip Forma, both large and small alses, to suit all figures. . 80ms are made of the llghteet material and are filled with -curled hair, ethers are made of wtr and hair cloth. Our regular SSo to 45o values.' special clearance ssle price, each . i,.19 Bcru heavy Hardanger linen hem stitched Dollies. Centerpiece.; Lunch cloth and Scarf a, Regular price from lio to $1.41; special prices from ...........i..lT lo 91.T5 With manv between sixes sn4 prices at Art Department. - - ft Chlldren'a .Bath Robes and a?lnve.n In plain pink, blue and eardliu.1 fr fancy striped In pink snd white a i blue and white. Bilk fmt. 1 bound at aleeve and colli. I wool cord and 1, r - tt It yeere. I ' - f i.t ts $i t: . . . o,a ............ ii- : ; . , . ... . .... L , v ' ' "