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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
'7 T'rr..' Vv -.r :'" Tin the Oregon dAily journal.' Portland.' itjday r.yr:::::.j, jA::u.r,v c:, i:;:. y - ; TILL HOT DISTURB SALOON ENT RANGES ' 1 Nottingham, Withdraw Hit Bill I '?irf-. Whsrt He Sees If Poomsd-- f ihVi - tDfeai"l7L-- . H Velonytoake a girl ;1t I i. .-. 1; , -UntUblX I W SIIS ITIIMp easusTIorBartntrMuced -and , Passed for-Protsction of Young Women. V' ' & ' IrruiB JoaiWatirf, ftoiwponWt.) 'IV i. , t Salem. Or, Jan. 27. Sid ntrsnea io -eaatoon will be permitted t remain, so ' fare any action, making them unlawful T my h expected of the prevent legtam- t - ;turv beoUrto that the maettr pro ' - "pod by Notltngharo of waa too draatfc, tw legislator stated jre . '.fterday afternoon wht tt tame up lor --jfrnar passage that they would -nottdua. por- It. " On 'their",, -promts that, they ;-C iwouid vtita for e, meaaure making it a ,IeIony for any man to take a girl under , 'l yeara or age into a, aajwn, mium . -ham withdrew hla bill.-' .- -.-. ' The bill -waa read a third time and placed on. finer passage, when- Notttng : .ham explained why It. had been Intro , 'duced and cava reasons why ha thought it meritorious. "Ha aald he had a-talk ,V;.;wlth a lnadlna- aaloonman ofr Portland, . who admitted that It waa a food bill -Bad iahould be. passed. . K . '. ' i, ,' -v.. ,, B.w.trte vaa t. ' -Tr. - T :-?: H Sftod on! arantit and saw a ,rg ' number of Blrle lea v In one f the de .J. iwrtment atorea' in Portland.'-- h aald. '"and rhey-met a number of young wien ' and deoartad tn eouplea. I-waa Informed . that many of them went Into the aid Wirtranca of aaloona. and myaelf have laoen aeveral occurrence of the kind."., t ' Senator Rafld aaaerted th opinion that 'the.' tnteaura ...waa too . draatlo.- He ' - ' thought many men wer at time placed ilrt a pdaitio where they found it con-. yenient S leave aaloona by aid er rear . ntranoea. Jta regard fW going lato uch placea. he would aupport a bill mak- . inn It a felony for any man i taa a " mitt under 1 yeera of age Into a aaloon . .through a rear or aid entrance. r - ? ' "t alao appreoUt the mottvee actuat ing thr bill,- 'aald Senator Malarkey, ,-but I do not bellev it bit th evil aimed at. I feel certain It-goe to far " r.-.w another dlractkm: In crUI ln ' eUnc-ea I believe aid and rear entrancea ;to aaloona naceaaary-I a pa In faor, aa 1a the aenatsr from Baker, of making It ... felony t6 taka a girl under It year of - age Into a wiloon through any entrance. -. ..... Nottingham M-the auggeationa met .With hla. approbation, aa all he' wanted . to do waa to procure the paaaag br'fc ' -tneaeure which would dlaoourag th ' 'practice of Uklng girl Into aaloon boxea - aad inducing then to drink- thla being .uaually th ftrat tep in leading them . 'aatray. . t " -'iOa,lh promla to mak gnnwraon .reaponailrie for a girl 'entering a aaloon : guilty of a felony." h aald, "X W4U with- - 4fi thla bill and now move that It be re-referred to th committee on educa tion." ' : - : , u-( The motion prevailed and th ,1U waa . ' .MrfMML Naxr llundav.' ft la aald. a -. bill embodying the auggeationa of 8en a tore Rand and Malarkey will be intro duced. V ' Vorrv Goes -f 1 i,.-'....-. !-. To The Stomach Ttin iiwn the littl Tclerraph Lines . . i ... . .: .-;--..,;. . , ...... . c- tht Operate " and tontrori Jigeitle Processes. ' -How RtpairThese Tele- ; , graph Lines. . ; . WU1 Slaalr Slv Say PaU : . ' ' Seller' Wert f My Seaway , try. ; - 1 bo o?ealt ne iihumi ae exailty. - ,Tkrre te aotbliig t rla otdltif te per. either " . faow er Utr. Any (toaiacb eaucrer whe 4om , not knnw mr -rnH4r-aiajL-ha fall dollu orU free, M e BMtly trrftae end arte. , -'' . 1 willingly auk thb liberal offer ttmw Ttt. t.Sknae'e JUataratlve le not aa erUurr lomarh rmndy. Jt. doM ao, Indrrd. tret tke atiwurli " kfl It trraie the nrrvea that . enotrel and eprrat U atviaach. The avrvra ,hat. wrmr ont, aud hnt rtowa, C'Al'HK . . aterk troabl atoaark troebl la rvU .-. eolr m arntntom tkat-tkvre a . eerkwe arrve . , .Jrwible Inaide. . That Ja.wbjr ordlaarj rrmrlf lalL That la why aiy iwnrdv nrrmK That la - khr I caa afford to maka ttala eftrr. J.1" ajw aslaanamtead we b 1 h; ,' '-brrvee." I do ant airaa the. arrvae yea erOI '"' karlly think aboit I awae lle aulomatlc . -emoarh nrrvn owtt whjth your ulad baa an roetral. I hava est the rif km to pxntala ta yoa hew the mm matrrfl the attmiarfa. .or bew . "they may be vtUd a ad ratnrrd. Wkra rou.1 rlte i will a-ad too a bonk wkleh will Bake ' 9a eolnle rU-ar. But thla anck la ceruia allli wttw ranee all nrn of atoaurh , tnihliarftirnlon, brlrhlni. , brertbnra. In , enmlaa; ervuana. dyaprpala. Sn atotmrh f awadi.eae will rare 4hre allmfa.. Only mrrrr Irmtairat wll do that. No ether remedy than lr. mmnp'e Beetentlve evea clalon to reach . theae ' Bervaa. -',' r W'hat alia the (toaarli nerveet . Worry,' pro bably. Mental anfitlah deatmr their May libera eod. tear aowa the rlra: lluea wltoout whleh the etomarh kaa Bo mure erl'-eoofrol than .i f anonie. Overwork will on ft. Isremlar' Bamao wiu on it. overeating win an it. I)lel patina will on It. But th effect la the aaoie- !,'. etoetecb fallare. -i ti Butte bow theee nrrr became Imptilred knew e war to rebuild their trengtb to . reatare their TUn--; U le a remedy which tnok TW yeara ot lay life to perfert a remedy t Bhlr la bow knnwa-tn-'fnnre than fto tbooa .. 'd eommnnltlrai i' la man than a million mmpm Or. HHuiu'a- KeaTanttV. ' rt yna have atomaeb treal.le e ad it ve 'never - tHM my rested?, merely write. and ak. I will I ' aend yB an avder na yoor nynzgfet which he Will aeeewt e gladly aa he Woiil.l areepf a dol ler. He will hand yoa from hla ebelvea t ataiid ' ar alied hot tie of tar BreaeiiDtlmr. aad M in . aend the bill te me: Thla offer le made only to .'( "lrri m a rrnaeiij. 1 onoe wan Bave ante ?ed the Beetoratlve do hot .peed thla. evidence, here are ae vondltioea n reciulrementa. . It hi enea end fraak end fair. It la the itunm ( aiy llmltlrea belief. All that 1 aak yoa te do aa hv wtiie wthv iua . . ."' - . ; ' r -V: ' . Far a free nrdee for Honk 1 an Pranenala. a- fall dollar . bottle Hook I aa the heart. I'm moat addreea Bnnk a on the Klaneva. . iv nniiew, rma oaix, rwioa a ror waa ' vU1ne. . Wle. : Hlat ' Honk S for Mee. wklrh booh yea want,-- Beufc ea Baeamallam. Mild eeae are efte etired, by a elngle bottle. - Ml eakt at (arty tboaaaitd ..dreg atnres. a r V I Dr. Snoop's Restorative EXERT PRESSURE F0R : JAYHE'S BILL Legislators Delayed With. Letters - and Telegrame ; From r. .:,gy- Liquor Dealerte - ' : DESPERATE, EFFORTS Ta.-. CHANCE 4.0CALX)PTI0N 1, eJ.'. If Bitr PttieiWtrrCmergency Clau It Will Probabfy Be .i'.V,'''-" Vetoed.-'- trrora Journal Slaff CarreeBoadeat.) " k Salem.' Or Jan,'-7. Opinion 'differ widely aa tevtha outcom of th impend- lug fight ovr-th prCpoed Amendment to the local option law. 11 aaie tu ay that th law will be modified In Bom Important rapeia. out wnn" th vyn bill In It prent form will p th leg1ltur. l mucn mora aouui- llev that conceiBlona muat be made in order to cur It paaaag. oui vncy hop that It will b urncient to reauce the nomber of Blkmaturea neceaaary tq call an election. In , any prclnct Th Jaynee bill .provide tht petiuoa muat be. algjlfd by 40 per cent of th reglatered voter in th precinct, whleh would b virtually probl.bMlvr Inaamuoh aa many . voter" who might deelr pro-, hlbitlon.and who. would rot-for It th po)l. would neverthelea b unwill ing to mak their lewa publlo by aign lng th petition. r J - ; Jf "y- perewnug wer reoucta irom 4 to 16, aome votea might be won for th Jayn bill, though- th conccaalon would bv no meena be enough to aatlaf y th majority .of tho who r oppoetng th meur. . Two point or vital on ferenee r I he propoaal to eetafcllah atrict. preclnc, local optlpn. 'diatln- gulehed from dlatrlct ot county toeai option, and the propoaal to exclude from the operation of, the law U incorporated cltle end towna, eioept reeldence pre cinct therein. Very fw city precinct would com within th bill' definition of raldncf prwclncta. " .: :, . - Extraordinary preaaur -I, being brought t. bear upon member of both houeee t Indue them to pa th Jayn bilL : Ther being deluged with let ter and telegram from . their, conattt uanta and from liquor dealer. Many ot there would ' welcome a compromise meaeur which would enabl them to eacap from eatreme action lther for or Bgainac tne iwai upimn aw. Present anuearancea eem to indicate that a malorttv of th member of thai lower hOU Will rot ror tn jay no am, cither )n it preaent form or with alight m&dmeafion, Moat-Tif taw Multnomah delegation -r known to b committed to th uboort 'bf tB bill. - Th Mquor Lynen are confident of th home, but th aenaju la more douDtruu . several pi. tne aenator are exceedingly noncommittal. and th friend of th local option law are hopeful that when th vbt 1 taken It Will be found that enough or tneae ena.tor are with them to preaerv the aubefantfa Integrity of th law. , Th flghV will undoubtedly b a hard-on.; , A perplexing queation for-, th adv-' catee of the-Jayna bill ; la .Whether' to reUIn i thg- emergency - ciauae now at tached to th meaaure, W It bould be emitted, and. th bin ahould become, .a law, the'' local optlonletwuldln-il probabilfty invoke the referendum) and might turn htr defeat rnto- victory, t- Croveravor Kay Tato. .-. On the other hand If itha la retained and tit toll! paaae. the ieglelav tur. Oovrnor Chamberlain wo.uldhloubt- gency exlata within th meaning of the contitutlon. He ha placed himself on record In no unonrtaln term 'in -re pec t to thU4ua nd will not approve any ur containing . the .7 emergency clause, unleaa the bill clearly shows mn it facerthat an emergency xlt. Th assertion I frequently made Ur th. epponenta of th local, option, law that th Jayn .bill 1 modeled Wponth Brannock law of Ohio,' A matter f fact : tb Jayn bill differ in several respects from the Brannock law.' but van were it Identical with that law It would fall very far ahort of giving oow plet - local option. Th Brannock law la not regarded by local pptlonlat as ldeat - ' ' -""V-- CRIST FOR :THE MILL i ll yegmUatora Oostm XatrodnoUom . of w aula U.oth xouse. ; (rrom a oernal Btart Ootteaauudent.) ' -Slm.-rOr.. Jan,. J7-B111 were In troduced In th senate yesterday s fol lows: . x'lr: ---- :': 8. B. Ill, by Co T llcens Christian Scientist, -etc. -v-. -t'-;'.-: -. 7-'"" , S. B. 479 Substitute for 8. B. (. . B.171 Substltut for S. B. 47. S, B. 172 by. Slohel To "prohibit aale linjf ales chance S. B. -IT1V by Rand To ' amend th charter of Ontario. S B, 174.; by How; (by jequeat) To amend .th Initiative nd .referendum law. -; . . v; ' ' S." B. ITS, by Piercer To amend th cod ps t quieting title. . S. B. 17.. by Whealdon .To Incorpor ate imfur. . . -.' S. B. 177. by Tuttt-Maklng th cer tificate of th maater flah warden ad m'lssibl In evidence for -certain ; pur poaee. -.- '" - ' " -" . ,8. B. 171. by Crtr To amend the. charter of Ashland J 8. B. 17. by Crolsan To repeal sec tion Il to J147 of the cod relating Ho th etata ccnau. '" ,.; w Stan BUI. lIflM.MIftlchj9" That 'a voter having one registered need not register again in th aam pre cinct. ,1. 'li. " . 1L. B. Ut- svlbtltutl To -tx-forrl ign sheep coming Into the state. Hi B. I7l by Kuney To 'protect fish In Sherman-county. -,-'.-'. . H, Bi J7,by Smith of Joaephln Raising th limit to 110,000 for-death of persona caused by act or commission of another. - -.. . -' H w 174. hv Cooner-To resrulata re locating of county roads and Voting pre cinct. 1L B. by Kay To amend code ao that ' husband may hold one-halfeof iolnt property after death of wife. . H. B. 174, -by Kay tor census of BUt. - - ' ' v ' ' . - v r- H. 177. by Sits That Judg may Chang wac f trial. r-r-- i;-,-. - H. B. ITS. by Bits That Judge may not, alt - when-, personally Interrstedln ease. -' .'- - . 1 .It B. 171. by Chamberlain Authoris ing' householder to tak up Stray cattle and providing for - Ml of unclaimed eatrsvs. ...' , H. B. 110. by Wuir That appeal may be taken from Justice court when mount involved I not lesa. than III). H. B. III. by Fawk T establish board of krhou 0mknlsltnr4. COLE BILL KILLED ; WlRRiGMilSIS Measure 'Destroys the Rights of Present Usert of VVater. in" State. Y ..:-: V MALARKEVS SPEECH WA3 STRONGEST OP SESSION 0n1y Pevioutly Pledged 7 Votes -Prevented Eloquence From ' 7 .. Final Triumph. (r-rosi Jouinsl SUff Corraaaoadeet. Salem,' Or.. Jan. tl,--In view of -pneselons orbplnlon furnished by mem bers of th Senst and house commltto oa Irrigation, which mat. In Joint session laat night, the meeting, lasting until nearly midnight. It appear altogether probable that house bill No. tl. Intro duced by Cole, will b killed. - If passed, it will be amended In o many particu lar thatlt will Jot,be recognisable, Th meeting wag. addressed by four speaker John T.. Whl'atUr and Mr. Ross ot th -United Bute reclamation service, Attorney Hammond of aouthern Oregon and Mr. Black of Idaho, a man aald mlllac with experimental irrigation-In that wtate.' The members of the reclamation servlc championed th-bill but xh other iwi polntedi out numerous alleged defects that evidently prejudiced th committee. . --J..- "It ' ws ihowni" said Senator BmlthJ of Umatilla, who lives Irt a part of the stat wbr Irrigation 1 a "vHal iesue. I "that the rights of present user of water will be destroyed by th bill. On of the apeakor called it oclallatlc. My opinion la that th bill In It present form stand very little chanc of passage at least,' not without vry : materia! change. . . n r -V ' " - The main. trouble with the-blU 1 that it codine all the Irrigation" law and re peals everything relative -to. Irrigation on th book, in many Instance offering rno substitute for what is Tepealed. . "What 1 really needed I law that will aid th government reclamation Bert-Ice. Thl la all that i desired by. th people of eastern Oregon, ', W muat try to .get .something through that will aid the service, and the-work, of th commit tee . from now on'wlll ba devoted to framing a measure with that 'end .in view;".. ...J.,' r'Tr-----. 'V-'"." , : y-'jS. SfalarkeT'" AM atpwaclu-.r"; :' ' 'Senator Pleroe has a bfll before -the enat amending th present Irrigation lawa aa- regard vested right. It S not believed that this bUl will b aatla factory, inasmuch. aa It does not provide for aiding th reclamation- servlo In any' of Its project tn eastern Oregon. flenator-Malarkey-t- eommonly ored- lted'wlth making th strongest, most in- cislv and' most' logical speech of th present legislative vasalon, when -he en deavored yesterday to persuade his col leagues that they shoufd vot for hi bill limiting th hors .of servlc ot em-. ployes of railroads,. ' " - -" . Htr-faot and ngures wer convincing and th argument baaed on them was unanswerable. That majority' of th splons war pledged .to' vot against- th proposed measure la generally admitted. Otherwise, It la probable hat the elo quence of, th aenator from Multnomah would, hav won' a. .rlctprr; i-t Kedged Tote - -11 wa nvr so sorry: about -any thins In my life, after listening to that argu ment," said a aenator,' "a .that I had promised to vot against thabilU- While mid pek against the bill, though It, waa x ner-fad that I would do ad." !V- "Wittt May in "Portland and Notting ham out of th room, the vot on ths motion to adopt th bill was a follows: Aye Brownell, :Cohow, Howe,, Ma larkey, Miller, Wright. Noe-A vry," Booth, -Bowarman. 'Car r, -Co, - Coke, Crolaan, Farrar, Haines, Hobaon, - Hod son. Hoi man, .. Laycock, Lou g ha ry, McDonald. Pierce, Rand, Sichelr Smith, Tuttle, Whealdon. KUyken daU. : ."'"?..", . - . v... When Malarkey' bill for increasing th penalty for holding unbs train was placed on final passage, heros and with out the shadow of a amll said a few words that in certain quarters must hav 'cut Ilk knife, though aeveral had to laugh outright, while th facea of others wore forced smile. ; "Oentlemen of thl aenate,' aald Ma larkey, "I desire to Bay that thl mea sure will not Injur th railroad in th lightest It I meant for their protec tion, a well aa for that -of the traveling public. Th railroad officials hay sig nified their entire approbation w the measure) and therefore 1 think ther is not th slightest reason -why It should not pass by unanimous vote." . The bill passed by unanimous votv IvIONEYTWASTED.: Oomti Animal OommilrX Allfd -4 f BT Tal (Prom a Jonrsat' Btsft Correapoodeot.) Salem, Or., Jan: tit Among th many tat boards with .which Oregon is blessed 1 the domestic animal commis sion, a body entrusted with the protao- been customary to aprorprlat th sum of M.poo at each biennial aesslon of the legislature ror tn maintenance or tni commission, and the present legislature will be asked to set aalde that sum. 'Senator Smith ot Umatilla- haa a blil to repeal all those sections of the code relating to th commission, thereby bringing its existence to a close. '-- It I- asserted -by- members -front- the southern and eastern part of th stat that the money biennially-appropriated for this board ia money waated, and that little or" nothing Is don to prevent the Of , dlaraaa, among dnmestlo anl- mala. - FOR FEEBLE MINDED.- r Bill Drafted . bo Appropriat rifteen Thousand rf0 Ohtldrea' Mom. ifroia a Journal Staff earresDondeBLJ? x Salem, Or, Jan, 17-A bill haa been drafted and Will be introduced In the aenate this afternoon or Monday, appro prlatlng tlt.SOO to purchase property tmt erect a bom for feeble-minded and eplleptia children.- The atste board of building commissioners, consisting of th governor, the secretary of state and the ' ststa treasurer, la authorised - to tak th necessary step for. th estab lishment or ucn an inetitation. - . . . In order to ascertain the probable coat of erecting a brick or other BultaJDie. building, the commission la authorised ta visit or send aa s gent or agent to Institutions of . similar description in other stales. . Data will also be gathered a to the probable cost or to mainte nance of auch an Institution. The commission Is suthnrlsed, Ih It discretion, to select a alt Tor th build ing St or near th start capital.. Should a suitable sit be, selected and purchased rh .vommiasioa U' empowered to make requisition ea th governor for th manufacture- by tha, oonvloU - th stat penitentiary, or a -aumoieni quantity or brick for th construction or tn necea aary bulldlnaa.. - - '- At tha next aesalon of th legislature the board will be required to make a full report of what It h accomplished, ana U have a btlT Introduced for th control, conduct and management of th lnatltu 6 SHORTJBESSIONrp Speak ay BOBa' BMotattoa Urn Thirty pay t J .'. SCeettaf Xa 9to,r-'. -i iru. . finii..iiii.i.iit . Salem. Or.. Jan. 17. All hop of a short aesalon of the. legislature waa dis sipated yeaterday 'when -Speaker Mills' resolution providing for adjournment on Kturuary.l wt detested in tb houis. Th vot wa a close on and several of th members who voted in the negatlv took . occasion - to explain their action, saying that tbey believed th business of th session could not b concluded in las than th full 40 days.' ' The resolution received it amrmativ votes, 0 wer cast In th negatlv gnd thre members wer abaant -i - - . ii. i ,i. i i, I " SUPREME COURT SETS: ' CASES FOR HEARING Spscial Dlavateh b The JouraaL) i Salem. Or., Jan.' 7. Th. empress court' haa gr.ha'Tonow1ng- cag -tor bearing: -v v''-, ' Tuesday, - February T Arrred Iewis and others, appellants; agalnat Joseph H. Beeman juti othera, respondents; ' from Jackson county, 13 m. J. B. Brown, respondent. - against Theresa and Nlo Feldwert, appellant; 'from Ian county, II m. - -. ' ' "'.'-- Wednesday, February I Henry Vlohl, appellant, agalnat Northern Pacific Lum ber company, respondent; from atultno mah county, 1 Moor-8chafr Sho Manufacturing ' " company. . appellant. aglnt M. Binings and' other, respond ents; rrom Multnomah county, IX mi- Thursday. February t Multnomah county, respondent, agalnat Tltl Ouar antee Trust company and other, ap pellants; from Multnomah county, II m. Charles Harding, respondent," agalhst Merlin and' Clara Harding, appellants; from Marion county. 11 m. NICHOLS CASE STILL V T g Tr- PENDING AT SALEM ' ;i- (Special Dispatch to The JoBTaatl'fT" Salem, Or- Jan. 17. The -ca of th city against Elsworth E. Nichols, 'who was r res ted by th police about 10 day ago and, charged With vagrancy. ' I atlll pending In tha police court, A demurrer to th original complaint waa sustained by- City : Recorder Moore . upon . th ground that th complaint wa defect ive. - A- new complaint wa filed, to which tha defendant, through, hi attor ney, also . demurred, and the -demurrer waa' signed yesterday afternoon " and taken' under advlaemenf by th recorder until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. - The last-demurrer ' was based upon - the grpundsTjf a defective ordinance. Thl Is on of-th case arlBing out of th raid recently mad by th -pollc upon th-Immoral element in thl city, and th. outcome la being 'watched with, ln terest, " .r - " :" . t CALEDONIAN REUNION HELD AT LA GRANDE ' - (Rpeetal Dlapatck te The JoornalV . 1 Grander Qr.. : ,Jan,.I7, ThCal donlan reunion held in XA Grand yes terday, by th members of th Union and Wallowa county Robert Burn aociaty. wa ; largely attended. A fin program was carried out and th annual lection of nfflcSr took place a follow:'" ' Prealdant, Turner. Oliver! vlce-nreal wna. W.BL Lm. Grande: M. Bchoonovwr. Union: G D. Huffman, Island City; t. McDonald. All-1 eel; John McRe. Bummervllle; John McDonald.. Wallowa s -: Robert Shaw, North ' Powder; Dr. McNaughtrm, Elgftfr William Mulrx Btarkey and Camp Car son; 'treasurer and -secretary, William Grant, vL i Grande; - ladle" - xectrttve committee, Mr William Grant, Mra Cavana, Mr. T. A. Rhinehart. . . : LcliaV wauursa iiAjr .i:iTrsim. . (HpedaWpUpatch M Tba Journal. .... '-La Grande Or.. Jan. 17. WhU at tempting to cross th O. R. A'N. tracks rn La Grand todair," tRr 8ook-.-met with a severe accident, causing hi' left foot' to' b cut -Off abov the 'ankl and receiving; Othefv trulst Thar Wrs several box car standing on the track. and no-waa la th act of climbing be. tweeri two of them- thinking ther was no angln negr, and while between the -car th train startea ana n oarviy caped with his life. . : i : ' AMOUNTS Pebpie Who Are Buying Their - Pianos by Installments at Eilers Piano House Number bver : Nine Thousand. ; U U-;'-. . it Is not so much paylng'th pric of d arrwut: nlana. The dlfflcultr with the majority of people. Ilea in ha.wUtrta4 aum to pay ail at once, ana ima is ine Obstacle which th Eilers low price and easy payment plan ,haa so happily over come, and gladdened scores of home with An pianos, where they had not hoped to possess 'one .for years. - ' Experienced buyers recognise th fact that pianos capable of producing a mil alcal artistic tone cannot be made and sold -for lees than what la asked for them by the Eilers Piano .House. - Many people really do not hav th ful price of a piano, although they know they could easily save It out of their yearly -Incom and wisely begin saving by putting a small aum each month Into the-purchase of a lovely plsno, which w put. into their home upon their mak ing the flrt payment. - .''--".. .-.V Numerous buyers also realise that it Is much more practical to pay fdr their piano In small Installments and keep th bulk of their money wher It la la vested. ' Thla accounta for our vast army of Installment- enthuslaata. Prlcea naked by Eilers Piano House ton highest-grade pianos ar a great deal lower , than Instruments of , the - same frrad can be' purchased elsewhere. - A arge, sale, small profit policy, our eco nomical methods of doing business snd the tremendous. factory discounts which our. heavy buying to supply five large atorea necessitates, are what enable ua to make these little price.. Every Instrument fully guaranteed and money back In every .Instance wher an Instrument falls In sny way to prove exactly as represented. " - - , Coma In and let us show you our su perb line, which Includes the three finest snd moat famous pianos In the world the Chlrkerlng, of Boston; th Weber, of New York, and the Kimball, of Chicago. Also the Hobart M. fable. Lester. Hesel ton, Crown Orcheetrsl, Story A Clark, Haddnrff snd IS other splendid makes. Kllers-Piano House, Jil Washington street, corner, park. Lrg store also Han Francisco, Stockton and Oakland, Cal.; Spnkan end Seattle, VVahl Mule and Lawlston, Idaho. . T0ANARMY n Our overstocked ale has proven a ' grand eucoesa ahd " ' we are selling quantities upon quantities of goods. We :. are still , overstocked with winter, goods and. must con itinue the sale until the stock is- still more . diminished -We will continue taotfeMronrr"thirty-iuire tb fifty peri cent diecountLon all Clothing. vThe goods must go, as an ' extensive shipment of new spring goods is now en route from big eaiternmanuf acturers. Rerrtember the ; "r fRlluOESits fop eiclioii I65U-I67 First: Stv bet. Morrison t i IAST DAY OF ROSENTHAL'S ; Hanan ft Sons Men's. Corona patent colt and enamel calf : TJ Bluchers arid lace; reduced from $7.00 to. .. V Boyden's Frenchxalf, patent and enamel calf Lace Shoes; ' $7,00 and $8.00 to. . .. e . ZT Bflfl Pairs Mtn p fint . . , $5.00 , tO. SOoPairs Ladies Fine Vici Kid and ounmetai wait Lace brtoea or liiuchers (g ftCa J , reduced from $4.Q0 to.. i . ; , , . a ..".i. eeTe's...T . . . . . .... .... .vV00 "7 ; 650 Pairs Ladies'Be Calf. Lace Shoes, belted soles t reduced from- , .; 1'T, lAr-f , t$3-00 to.n SSs1 '-, jg ( w 'tSSwtwCO (. at eaflssf gsasf , ?. "."Boys and ' Youths' Box Calf .'Heavy Sotetf Bluchers,' Viscoliied , sole's ; k C Q A -- r reduced " f rorri $2.50, to . . .v. v . & ri ; ; . ."T i . i ; ? . ;v; i ."i .';J7 v V U ; ; Same, fn sizes 11 to.-2 ; -reduced' from $2.M to. 1 . . $1.7a , Misses' fine kid, lace, patent leather tips, extension soles, . reduced from u Childrer's fine kid, lace, patenr leather, tips, extension soles, sizes 6 to 104 ? 1 v A .' Wert $1.50 -now, c i 1 1 2l,000 'PalrTlnfants'i Lace Shoes; th '-75c; l&ti'r.Try-i ' .'V,. CA'i' AND THOUSANDS OF OTHERS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. ; ; - A, .1- 149- THIRD STREET al J 4 n UiJ'-CUU f We have also ah immense stock of men's and women's ;rShoes, which; must be sbld.7Tb move themwe have '---'cut the prices tn many casesT below -cost. : No' old gobds-aIi new shapes style or. quality anywhere INVENTORY . v "' - - '- " -' - iVour Last Chance to'Se- cure These Phenomenal CIbi. Rarrvalfiat 1 v' - uuvv whi quillet ict-aaAfmiratrai lace and Bluchers ; a a ' '- a it a t.t 'XMin ii.i.f.i.j aaf V HTM. 'Mil 1LTA BETWEEN MORRISON AND ALDER: 'I . -v.v ' r t , - . Sr - .. .. y. . and lastswYou get na better for double the money, J.l..wJl .. and Yamhill U - ; ; t V .'.' .''V. (?' double soled, v 7 dJP AA ; P0UI:t reduced frorn t (lf" jA":' . .DvaTci , ' reduced, from 1 - T: CA i f t 7aJr IVV ....." sires 11 to. 2; -- (Mi A IT 9 -V ' a-' -1 "-' . V