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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
c;t daily j6u-::al. -pohtlai id,fiu day evening, January 7, lzzi i, - V - i . .. IOMISHT AJCTJintKIH. , Marquam Orisd. ..V.. '..".. '.'."Tea Dictator' ...Nettle the New!1' Columbia..,,..,. .."The Crime, of iHibueq" .n.yrlc.T;,;iVt.t7:."Wlit Bappeectt to Smith .Tin CotoHl ' ' win Vaudeville Grand Bur . . ...VaudeTllle ......vauaeTius ... Prohibitionists and local optlonls'ts will hold a. meet in at the T. It. C. A. tonight to dlaeuaa ' local option . In Ita jciaunn to tna. legislature. ,-rroau speakers, who attended tha meetings of the legislature and i were immediately ereatea m ths-pAM1nof"the local opuon mw, win address the meeting. Tha following Sublecta Will be handiad. .. and all are Invited to Join In tha dlscus , t alon- ,'The Legislature and tha Local -upuon 1jw,t i ne ifoposea conatitu- tlonal Convention and Ita Bearing on , , . Referendum and Local Option" and "Tha .--" Attitude, of Prohibitionists and Local Optlonlsts at tha Coming City Election t iv . Toward a CItlsens' Ticket Should One . Be Placed in Nom 'nation r : . . The t Grand - Ronde Lumber cbmprny ha a completed arrangementa for building . , a narrow gauge railroad from jiugard, ..j. Or., .into a large belt of yellow pine- on r - Roe -creek.--!, la aald the same Inter eats that, control the Bumpter Valley ' '; railroad era back of tha enterprise."? C 'W..Nlbley of Perry la president of the . .. OrAnd Ronde Lumber oompany, and . Oeorg Stoddard of . Lar 'Grande, one of !lu principal owners. H 11 card, the con nectlng termtnaL . fa "a station on. the 7 . Oregon Railroad aV Navigation company a line, about four mllea from xa. Grande. The new road will be 10 milea long, and - - will Up about 100,009,000 feet of yellow I Una.-. ' , ., - '..'-;. A union meeting of Woodmen of the -j World waa held with Alblna camp, in -H life hall laat night. There were 're ;. , , ; porta from ' comraltteea concerning the . big celebration planned tor February SI ... ...'.; end 12, which will Include a grand Inl , ... flat Ion, a banquet, a ball and an lllum , - Inated atreet parade! Tha celebration la .-""in-the-handa of. th 1,000 committee, ... , which derives Ita name' from the preaent " movement- to secure 1,00 new members. ."' X P. Kavenaugh gave an address, and , a-mualoal program followed under the , direction of 4. Adrian Epplng - of the - t - Western academy oCjauslo. :X'$--$y.Z ' Walter Phillips, head hydrant man of the Portland lira department, la making a large map ahowlng the location of the 0t fire hydranta In the city, Krora thla - blue prints will be made, and each engine ; house In the department will get one. and when hydranta are installed their , location cam aaally.-'be marked on -the map--Thla will be- of great raervlcs to Ine membera of "tha department aa-lt has n difficult , to ; locate the hydranta. . .-. Mr. Philllpa laNaJso making a mapshow "".Tin the location-of tha (1 cisterns. etlng of the Montavtlla board -of : trade , was , held . last evening In north TMonta villa; at which 1t was resolved to 'push Improvements in that aectlona thla '.. naw year. -A. M. Osborn was appointed, - .' to confer with the- renerat- road auperln - tendent, H. D. Chapman, and request the Improvement of Villa avenue with' gravel. E. M. Stevens was instructed to -w-' secure -a halt" on the Base Line road, '' ":, whera the people of. that neighborhood could meef-wlth lonUvlllans and as sist In promoting Improvements. . -, ' The Salem. Falla City eV Western' rail- , ..way will extend lu llju thla year from STalla City, four milea further Into the 'Coast range, to tap a. large belt of flr. - Surveys have been completed.' and eon---tTHCtloil-(rrrr begin wlthlit 10 dayar"Tla road la atandard gauge and -logging road, but baa been developed pubile esxrteran owTUBa two t - mined trains dally.- each-way. between ... Salem and Falla City. . When the ezten- , slon la completed the road will have ' , length jpf 14 mllea. - , - Charlea Dlerke baa --been - awarded contract to furnish band -musla at tha exposition from July II to August IX. ma nana am be known as Dlerke'g Columbia and win constat of about 47 pieces. ' Moat of tha members will come 1 from Boston. Chicago- and 'New Tork. ...;TI. ths Wtb band contracted for by .. the exposition -authorities, the others ' . -being Ellery'e IUllsn, Innes. - United ii. States Marina and Llberatt'a. . . . Smyth ' Howard have been awarded - the contract for a large amount -of re ,.palr work on the St. Johna branch of the 4'. O. R. at N. Company's lines and also on - wa, apur to tha Portland-Flouring-mills. -4 The -contract calls for rip-rapping the roaa ana otner needed repairs, -rr ' . -f-'Vhat Shall, a Man Glvrfor Lova the Answer of the Song of Bongs. Is . ... the subject of the lecture by Dr. Stephen H. wise tonight, at Temple Beth Israel. In-tha fourth of hla aeries on "Present Day Problems In Ancient Settings." At '10:30 Sunday morning ho will address . .the study circle of the Altar guild, at (! Matted Pictures Lota of subjects, heavy matte, .-., ,jregulr,. price l5c i i Ask your friends and neighbors how they like' AND TRY IT YOURSELF TEA STORE 170 THIRD STREET;' V Phone Main 1706. - Between Morrison and Yamhill SPECDAH 15c Each 25c Coffee " a iin ,'.1, on Th FackirouuJ of tha Book oi Leviticus." W. IK Stanley, su pervisor at manual training In the- Port land echoole. will talk informally to tha pupils .of tha religious school Sunday morning at u-'io on "Tommy; tha Mak tag. Of Bofr.y'i,,x".i a .. TV-- Maaa meeting of the friends of parka for each quarter of the city .Lewis and Clark grounds for the northwest. Coun cil Crest for tha eouthwest, Hawthorne park for tha southeast, Irvlngton-Alblna park for tna northeast at Marquam theatre Sunday at 1 p. m. Champions of each tract' and friend of all will apeak. .Taxpayera, larg and, amalt and all ctttsena who love 4he beautiful. wnetner tney pay any taxes or not. and are interested in maklna- Portland tha most beautiful city In thqwor!Lghoulil . . ,um uv' murt. pexas, even If wa have to fight for thenar If avor I w Illinois ..lav ilea to Drestde.-somi eervea lor Muiiaoman delegation. Park ooara ana memoera of city.- council and all city off lciala Invited to aeata on the stage.- uovernor Chamberlain may coma. United we stand, divided wa fall. Right makea right Thla la right. Tha four- oorner committee. - - J .. Eleven pupils of the ninth grade of mi niwinonn acnooi. lormarly called tha Central achool, have been promoted to the high school without having to endure the agonlea of an examination. Tha following, are the pupils : who re ceived honorary promotions: Eva Fort miller, Llllatn Blasen, Nell Coe. Ctoldle Griaaom, Zererre Hamilton, Katla Hick- ling-, aiiranaa iatrry. Flora Fhaloa.- Roy Hatfield, Russell Morln - and William Pinater. They - were - promoted from Miss Orefoss's room. ProfJohn T. Gregr ia principal of tha Hawthorne Bchopl, ;: w.;X rJ-T-.--V. jn the hearing the- federah district court, for an order, restraining W. D. Hanley from certain uses .of water of Bllviea river, Harney county, .Judge Bel linger took -tha ase under advlaement yesterday afternoon. CpL C K. 8. Wood and Judge Webster presented tha aide of tha respondent, Hanley. while .Wirt Minor argued In behalf of tbe company. A decision la expected eoon, - - Argument of Attorney George C. Ful ton of Astoria tending to show Judge Bellinger why he should have another trial in. the oaaa of Lum Dlna- varsua the Sanborn Cutting company.' was opposed by" Judge J. H. "-Woodward. . Tha court took the matter under advtaement. , Robert Reynolda of thla city was run down and killed yesterday by a awltch angina at . Chlco, CaL. where ha Was em ployed by tha Diamond Match company. Ha was It years of age, and hla father. Darius Reynolda, la engineer . at - the PordandT sanitariums. . ...b.-.-.-..,,-- . Vlavl Hyglenlol Home Treatmaat: for tbe permanent cure of Tall female troubles. Lady physician In charge con sultation - and examination free. " Office Tionrs a. u. to 6 p. m.;Jl Lewis bldg. Tha new steamer Prentiss sella direct for San ' Francisco froin,-Cvch;,- atreet dock Saturday. January' t. t p. m. Cabin, fit, aeoond t, meals Included. V. F. Baumgartner, agent. Main !." 1 -The subject or thls'evehlhg's lecture at St, Patricks; cathedral. Nineteenth an Savler ' streets, ia "The Infinite Mercy of God.'' by Father ,P. .J. Mul 3onrjb All atra Jaylted.-. pJ-Pty-rr. JIuTOstftrwonderfuL J To ba -taught in the army and navy. Approved by the prealdent. , Learn this wonderful art at tha rRlngIer .echoolIOs Alder .-street. Main 1W.; . . - - George Sunderland, a hair dresser, died yesterday at - the home of him -father. Albert 8uhde('land,'(80 Johnson atreet, The funeral will ' ba bald next .'Sunday finrglara entered the apartmenta of Mlaa Marian A. Mountf oliL 111 Va Tenth atreerWedneadytght and ' secured numeroua articles) pf value..- i i Wanted Boardln prlvatahome : by man, wife -and baby. Will pay -good price. Inquire 107' Washington street tonight or tomorrow. !;, -.. J Read advertisement headed, .'Cut Thla Out," on page three of this paper;.- It tells you how- to -Invest IS eenta moat advantageouaiyi Burns' annrveraary tonight. Concert and dancei, ". .. .. :. Arlon balL S p. m. -.'. . ; - Auspices of Clan Macleay. ' "B.. 8.. Cough and Croup, flyrupwr he great child ren'a remedy. In use over SO years. Alwaya reliable, Bronchial troublea.- For sale by Knight Drug iCo. i . .Hotel . Fendletoh.' at . Pendleton, - has changed hands, and Is now unden new management O. W. Walta, formerly with Baker m Hammond, la manager. B. 8. Cough and Croup Syrup Tha most useful family medicine. ,- Keep it on hand for emergencies. Colds, coughs, croup. . For sale by Knight Drug. Co. Wa clean and; preaav your clothes and ahlna your ahaee for 11.00 par month. Unique tailoring Co. 147 Washington, Mala alt. . . ' ... Try Peacock' Buckwheat .FlowrV Tou Will be convinced that It la delicious. If yon have anything to sen call up Main ICti. Ill First atreet. Ask, your grocer, for Golden Cheddar. WHO CAUGHTBURGLARS : PJST0LINGI PILGRIM Who captured Charles Brooks, alias Ottta Drummontf, atudent of "Pilgrim's Progress, and highwayman? A bitter wraagle la disturbing tbe usual quiet of police headquarteaa over the ques tion. .;.- :-: - ,..-v t T Brooks - waa V captured" - on Madison atreet bridge after ah unsuccessful at tempt to bold up8outhern Pa9lflojCpn ductor Keyser, In which the men emp tied their revolvers at each other, at three , paoea, with , alight - damage to either.- . . . i Police .. Officer Stewart clalma the honor of having caused the arrest of tha young man. . j , ; Ham" Oberg, whose office ia hear- tho bridge, declares that he captured Brooks and gave h Ira Into tha custody of . the officer. - . " , - ' ii Officer -Stewart declares that neither Oberg nor Keyser waa able to Identify Brooks' when he Waa. captured, ao he decided to. take Keyser and the suspect to headquarters. He asserts -that but for hla holding both -man she iruHt tf Brooke would never have been known. At headquarters therecords wera made to show that Brldgetender Maloney cap tured tha man. and that Officer Stewart was the arreetlng--officer,. ;'-- Those who are familiar with tha case, however,, declare that Oberg Waa re- sponsible for tha man'a.capture. Ha ac costed Brooks aa the youag bandit rushed srross the bridge, and took him to a aaloon. where Keyser wss tslking to the police officer. . Keyser Identified the man at once, Oberg says. - Grandest display of fma at'enety aver in Portland at the eorner of Third and Alder at reeta. On exhibition, from in tha morning uu a ai nignr. Ki'S,YlCIU-: T Uttla .Change ' In ' Condition of ' Nelson Walker, Struck Down -t .T, at Hie b6o "t 7. '; t v ' " ;" j; f -v POLICE SHOW LITTLE ' INTEREST IN THE AFFAIR Nefborr-Heard 4Joi-ofAaw eault B4t There Is No Clue ;2 :,to Assailant. 't " '. Nelson Walker, who waa atruck down at hla doorstep laat (Wednesday night by an unknown assailant, at HI Ilea un conacloua at the home of hla parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson N, Walker,- 114 Montgomery, street. Tossing and groanr Ing as If In great agony, the Injured man - aasaed the night. At times ha awoke from hla stupor, and seemed to recognise -Mm. mother, jfather and ntece who watched by hla bedside. . But these periods- pt eonadouaneaa were few nd brier (;:.'-.. .:'.';.''.. ' The ' first news of ' tha asaault was given the public In yesterday's Journal, since when ' there - baa .been few, new developmental In the case. Ko police or detectlvea had called at" the house tip to 10. a. im. Two i young; women who- live at the corner of Seventh and Mont gomery. streets stated last- night, that they heard men running -west about 11:80 Wednesday nlghtj looking out of the window they saw the men. one cloae behind tha other. Suddenly a loud groan waa heard, then a noise aa if someone had fallen., but .they heard -no more foot steps. Other neighbors stated yeater- day that they saw a -man running up Montgomery atreet Immediately- after they bad been atartled by Walker" a out- cry,- ? -"- - :-:-!.. Mrs. Walker sUted this morning that her - aon'a shoulder blade .- waa broken, ' but ha waa ao restless that It would be Imnoaslbla to set the fractured, bone until be had regained consciousness,- "Whenever, he ppena . his ; eyes , he seems to- know me at once," aald tn mother,- "but can' only apeak a word. or two. He alsa knows hla father and our granddaughter, . but . doea not eeem to remember any others whomlght be near. His sisters will be.,down from' Seattle tonight or tomorrow." " Nelson N. Walker llngere by tha bed- aide of hla injured aon nearly every min ute of tha .day and night. - Dra. C W. Cornelius and. Frneat Barton are con stant callers. Mr. Walker, Sr tht morning stated that tha doctors had. In formed him that therboy'a condition waa WANZER WANTS Wl DTH: ' - ,;0F SI DEWALK REDUCED iCIty Engineer Wanaer Is of tha opin ion that the aldewalk on the south aide of Morrison atreet from Front street to tha water fronCahould' be reduced In width"., to eight -feet In order-- to allow wagona and atreet cara to pass without afllTrWtbmarOnn'Thriurn"atlBat potntr Mrz-Wanaar atated' that unless some changea were made a aerloua acci dent might happen at any tlme aa there la- not.- apace anougli on tha turn for wagona and the car to-pass. " - ' ' '- The atreet committee of tit executive board tnatructed him to make a drawing Ofthe necessary changea, put hla recom- meitlonn ln-twrttlng andU present - tht matter to tha executive board. -.' ' Tha vitrified clay brick used on Rua aell atraat. In Albtha. waa teated by Mr. Wanaer- yesterday and the, bricks stood tha test by mora than Ave per cent. - a. Wv Bates, judge otto J. Kramer and other property , owners affected1 by the Improvement wera present, xnia teat will be final, and tha - atreet will be ae cepted as -soon as arrangements arl made with tha contractoxa regarding the maintenance bid. . ! -A special meetlnr of -the executlve board and the' officials Of the Portlajid Conaolldated railway will be held to ar range tha amount of toll to ba paid by tha atreet railway for the uae of tha Morrison atreet bridge, under tha orig inal contract the City at Suburban Rail way company waa to pay not less than 111.000 a year toll and the Portland Con aolldated not leaa than $800. Since con aoiidatlon ' of "tha railway companies i new arrangement la dealred. . PROGRAM FOR MELBA'S - CONCERT AT ARMORY L;:' , . ii ' ..-I , Tha advance sale of seats for Melba, the world's greatest soprano, - Is -now open In the lobby of tho Marquam Grand, theatre. - Melba and her company of ar tlats will ba heard In grand concert at the armory. Tenth and; Couch , streets, next Monday evening. - The diva la ac companied thla season by Slgnoiins Sassoli, harpist; Miss Davina. pianists; Ellison van Hoose, tenor; Charlea Gil bert, baritone; Charlea K. North, flute Tha program will be aa follows: Trio for hsrp, piano and flute . .Oberthur Bignorina oaKoii jums iaviea and. air, rtoria, ... , l it l "Plalslr d Amour........ Martini tOld-aongs-'of thw ith century.) -Mens. Gilbert. ' Tha "Mad Scene" from "Lucta dl Mm- mermoor . . i ...... . ...... .jjoniaelll - - Madame Melba. ' (Flute nhllratn. Mr. North V-' Nordlsche ballade for harp. , .Poenlts Slgnorlna 8aasolL -Aria "Celeste -Alda" . . . .,. .Verdi Mr. Van Hoose. Serenata. .Toatl Madame Meiba. - -(Harp accompaniment. Slgnorlna ...... HaKollt , ... Valse "Be aaran Rose" ........ ..Ardltt ' " Madame MeiDa. ; - Duct "Vm Cruceflx" i.,....Faura - Mr. van Hoose and Mone. uuoert. - M. J. Shlelda Of Moscow, Idaho, Is at the Portland. . Frank Ii." Wheeler, a well known com mission man of Seattle, la In the city, - William P. Johnson of Boseburg la a guest at the Portland.. - ' i Turner Oliver of La, Grande la at tbe Imperial. for a. brief atay. '. - Captain and Mr a. Ben u. Boawell and Miss Mohl of Boawell Sprints ara In town. . ' - - O. W. Phelpa of Hepprter. Or., laat the Imperial. . J. w. Howard or Frineviiie la a recent arrival aC4he Perklna. .. Sam J. Nutting cams In from Prairie City thla morning. ...:.:, J w. ii. wuson ia a visitor rrora tbs Dalles. George R. Davis Of the United Statea geological survey la visiting the city. i ' v. Can't be perfect health .without pure blond. ' Burdock Blond .Bitters make pure blend. Tones and invlgoratea the wnoie system, . Have yo l tried delicious "Pea cork , Flourr.,,; Tour grocer Ja Buckwheat keeps It f C.1TLAI J (JAY SHI? - DUCT TO UAVMII Goods Intended for" Honolulu ' HavaJ to- Be Sent Now tqi L7-v: San Francisco, r -; BIG FIELD OF TRADE LEFT . -- fO SOUTHERN HOUSE'S Agents Say Steamers Wilf Come v From. New york to Lod ' Here for Islands. r Big quantttlee of freight are being brought from -New Tork to Ban Fran- clsco on. tho American-Hawaiian liners for ahtoment to Portland merchants, The ateamahlp Arlsonan,' which arrived at the bay city tha other day. had on board about 100 tons of general mer chandise fo thla city.- The Columbia, which arrived Tuesday, brought much of It to Portland, and delivery to shlp- pera baa begun. V,--"'.; - The Charles F. Bee be , company are tha- local agent a for the American-Ha waiian freighters., and they aay It la probable that ana of the ateamera will make regular alia ai, Portland nerore many months. It la explained that it would be ooeslble for them to- aret a big amount af freight from New York for Portland, but there are not many ahlp menta from, bare to Honolulu, As soon as a trade can ba built up with the Isl ands thla city will ba -made a port of entry ror ne. inrara. t- -. i- -.. . At -preaent - tney - ara- plying oetween New Tork and Honolulu by way of Ban Francisco. . All the freight . they carry for tha northern porta on the Pacific coast Is either aent from the California metropolla to Ita destination by rail or on - tha eoaatera. aooda intended lor ahipment . to Honolulu from Portland have to ba aent to San Francisco and re- ahipped from there. .' Two of tna frelghtera will ' undoubt edly- Include Portland In; their itinerary next summer, aay the agents, and if the Ventura proves profitable they . will be eontlnued on the route. LUMBER FOR CHINA.: Twelve Million Feet of Oregon Ttit Va "er Charter for TbaO Oonafary. From ihe. appearance of thlnge there will aoon be ,a ateady stream of lumber carriera between tha Columbia river and China. .'. Teaterday the Paclflo JExport Lumber company chartered the Ameri can' barkentlnea Koko Head and Amaxon to load Oregon .flr at Portland for, Chin ese nortav The vessels ara at Honolulu. I but are expected here soon. The oko Head wilt carryl,IOO,000 and tha American 1,600,000 -feet- of lum ber - The' Amaaon baa been here on sev eral occasions while engaged In tha off shore trade. Tha Koko Head waa bo.Ut at Oakland, Cel., In 100S and Is -oWned by Hind, Rolph at Co, of San Francisco. She la 221 feet long. 42 feet wide and 17 feet deep. -;- i -' - .-. The German ship Anna la loaded and will nrobaMy Ball' for Taku. China. -to day and. the barkentine John. .Palmer ana schooner vntoxiingnain, will short ly sail with lumber for. tha same destl- Batlon. -They are being aupplied " with cargoea 'at tha Inman-Poalaen mllL The German ahlp Carl la also under charter to toad at 'Portland for. the fax aasVand a few daya ago tha American- achooner Eldorado sailed for Shanghai. - These vessels will land In tha orient an afgra- gate or ii.obo,o feet of lumber. , , . - Trade down tha coast Is In a flourish' Ing condition, 1 The schooners Irene and Andy .Mahony have been chartered to return to Portland and load lumber for California porta.' They, will receive their cargoea at the Inman-Foolsen mm. If tha demand for lumber-contlnuea at the same rata that It haa for the past few weeks ' alT of the logging, campa along tha river will ba forced to resume business.' or there will be a big ahorUae ox ui nnisnea proauci. . ,. . .,- NOTICE TO MARINERS Xydrograpbiar Offlee Orrea Zaformatlo -r.J.. t Baoya Batabllabed. V;.'; The following notice to marinera baa been prepared, Dy the bydrographlo of ncet .... t - 1 ... Washington Grays harbor. South bay, buoy established December T.'lOOt, a red second-class spar, buoy, known aa Weatport Spit buoy Nov 2,. waa eetab. Uabed in-It -feet of -water to mark a sand aplt making out from tba western side of the channel and as a. guide to ne ancnorage in South hay.- . , British Columbia Vancouver island. east coast, Stuart channel, approach to Dodda narrows, shoala located Com mander J.' F. Parry reporta the existence of the following- shoala In the approach to loddr narrowa from Stuart channel A TOck with ala feet over it waa found 120 yards from the northern point of Kouna island. Thla rock Ilea In the position of fathoms as ahown on H. O. chart No. 1011, There la deep water cioaa around thla ahoal ascent between it and Round island, where the ground la foul. Thla ahoal-la usually marked or aeip. ,: , . t- f . An Isolated rock with 12 feet over It Jlea 140 yards-off the aouth shore pf Munge island, at tha aouthern entrance to Dodda narrows.-: r r- '-.- BUNKERS AT ASTORIA.! sTortaerm Paolna Oaaamar Ooastraotloa There for Blatrtbattos ef Ooal. ' (HpecUf Dlapatrk to The Joans!.) -Astoria, Jan. 17. Tha Northern Pa clno. Railway "company . ia considering tha erection of large coal bunkers at thla point ' to Compete with Australia coal and 'that furnished -by the Oregon Railroad Navigation company at Port land. . . . --. Clarence R. Claghorn, general mana ger of j the . Northwestern Improvement company'a coal department, a aubsldiary oompany of the Northern. Paclflo rail way., waa In' Astoria today, to secure definite Information and data . regarding the ' conditions, and - to examine - the waterfront with a view . to locating bunkera advantageously. '" It Is the Intention of tha Northern Paclflo - to market . Washington coal either at Astoria or Portland, and the project would . require very large bunkera. .which would' ba in direct com petition with present bunkers- at Port land, but would. It ts thought, benefit navigation in a general way , - TO RAISE THE ELDER. Bfferta Will Sa Made to Float Bar, If jr Sha- Xa Wortk Xt, ; Preps rstory work of raining ' the steemer Rider waa started, today. .The Queen took to the arena of the- wreck thla morning- an outfit- wnk-h will be xeed in -discharging' tha esrg. - Diver Bailey,' Captain Conway and representa &M-Jk j73 .j. i ...u,.. .5 im i ; TT ......r.i.,..i,,-rf . .-'rnn -.-.. ifr . ; r n v . .-.-'..''..- . I '-' v - S tJXmLi fbtgtt il commenting tomorrow morning at nine ; o'clock, ; we. r shall give away , a thousand packages of Flower Seeds to little girls. Every -j - little girl who wana to AT IS GOOD tives pf the Underwriters were also on boardr--"-: . '--r-'. If It la practicable, a "bulkhead will be built - around 'the) bole which.- , war torn In the vessel and tha . water- will be pumped but of the bold, and It ia be. lievea tna steamer wm rioai. n inis is Impracticable the craft may be floated by means of pontoons. All depends upon tha result of the- aaamlnatlon.. It la poaalbla that a decialon may be. reached that the lder la '0 wortJi . saving, and she may ba disposed of to the-blghest bidder where alia-llea.-.. -r?-;;- "alonqThe waterfront.'. Steamer Lurllne went to Portsmouth yeaterdayTor fuel, olU ,It Is probable that aha will aoon ba placed In service again between" Portland and Astoria. Repairs have been made and aha baa been converted Into an oil burner., ... Dorrance Smith of Cascade Locks pur chased lh steamer Mala yesterday af ternoon from Harry BL Hansberry. Sha la of 22 tona groaa register and haa been enaaaed In tha towing bualneaa In the "upper Columbia. . . -' . -. - . -t Since . tha steamer - Daiiea City waa placed, on "the ways at. the Portland ship yards It haa been decided to make ex tensive repairs to her; noiiera,- and It la probable aba will not be back on her run bet ween here and The..Dallea X or eeyeral weeks. " . -" V'v,"': ' ".""''--. Steamer Caacadea ia due -.tonight .from San Francisco. She la bringing a cargo or general merananaue ' consignea 10 Taylor. Toung Co., which' will ba dla charged at the Oreenwlch dock - , She Will load lumber for the return trip. iaaen vim general cargo m sieamer Redondo sailed from tho Bay City thla morning for Portland. On tho return voyage 'aha will, take out . grain . and lumber..-.: - .' , Schooner Argus sailed from San Pedro yesterday for Portland. -She la under charter to the Portland Lumbar com pany to , carrjr lumber., to. : aouthern portr-- -- .. - '.-;".,. "I:"" '- MARINE NOTES. Aatorla, Jan. 27. Left up at daylight. schooner -Mahukona. .r---' .j Arrived down at 2:20 a. m., and left for below at 0:20 a. m., steamer Colum bia. - -?- r-v-T Arrived at 10:2( a. m. ateamer Cas cade from Ban Francisco. .. St.. Helena,-Or, -Jan. - 27.--Paaaed-at 11:20 a. m. schooner Mahukona. . San Franclaco, Jan. 27. Arrived at 2 a. m., steamer Northland from Portland. Sailed - laat night, stsamera Aberdeen and Aurelle for Portland. : Queenstown. Jsnv 17. Arrived. - Brit ish- ship Beacon Rock from Portland.. Ban Pedro, Jan. 2. --Sailed achooner Argus for Portland. ' Astoria, Jan. 27. Condition of the bar at t a. m.;6bcared,r lnd south: weather foggy. - .... . '.- . SanA. Francisco, r Jan. 27. Steamer Costa Rica , aalled or Portland at It a. m. i.: - - ,-.' ' suraiOTa sawkzza. '' -1 - - With the bafgrt James Good In tow. the ateamer No Wonder left thla morn ing for Clatskanle to move tha Benson Logging , company'a - plant from that place to Midway, a dletanca of eight miles. This ia one of the blggeet log ging Outfits down the .Columbia river, and It la estimated that It wimreqnlre four daya to remove-the plant. Tba company will resume opera t lone a a soon sa tha machinery la placed In position at Ua new location, - i . v - X.VMMMM Fpm nBV aUTZt OXZsTA. "The British ship Palrport wilt leave tomorrow for CallaoPeru. with 1,7 1,7 J I feet of Oregon flr.. Nearly all of her men hsd deserted snd a crew will ba ae- ihm4 Irnltr. The German ahlp Anna, also lumber tnden. will leave tomorrow for Taku. China. Sha- haa been aupplied with 30 Men by-the sailor boarding house trust. Shft buyers, reed the Knight Shoe company'a advertisement, page If. 1 . . - v -m ' - - . . . w ' .o- -zcsz&z - -. . .. ; ..... t. . ri , a -r s. si ri have a garden.this Spring should visit us tomorrow OUR STORE4 TOMORROW GMXLDMMM USX IT . 3 IT CUBES OLD AND ' NEW COUGHS AND COLD8 . WORTH 25.00.- PRE5- J ' PAR PARED AND SOLD fWoodard, & Co. MARQUAM ?HaI?w: vz&rur Toalf aflat- 0:10 e'Clock,' List - PerformaBPe Matin'. Charlea Fmeman Frifita ' WTT.T.tlM OOLZOU : , - V , -' la - - Ktckard Ttardln rtaTW Farce, " "r . TZCH DIOTATOB." , It. I..a VWtlaA ln.. bTLmss I (At a.- a m j riiiia swwv-w . ". ei-wvi ssai aarn f, 01. Toe. 6ucj gallery, XSe, SSc bexse - ess lose, 10. - s- Columbia Theatre ' AH. BAIXaRO, Leasee and Kassger. Toslkht, Towmv Matlsea aad Might. Lsht - Performances ef JAMES KEANK, aapporwm sy - COLUMBIA. STOCK COM PANT . The Crime of Dubosq 8fBarfIrvtag's treat Loedoa Lyoraoi '-- Rpeelat KnsageaMat. . - ' tint time la Aswrlcm. Ose weak saly. Xwalng Brieve. OOe. SBc. 28e. ISc . . Matinee srleea, Se,. ISc, 10. Box erlre all sey, Dolly Vardes Candy Step, .f Bvenlag at tsMlre . Pheae Mala 111. THE LYRIQ THEATRE Svvesttl sn4 Alder Streets. grer Aftemooa and Kvenlng This Week. XHB KCW LI mw iima ivariM. , V - - The- fUagsable , rarea-Cesdy. What Happened to Smith? '.: ,' --i- Speialtlee .betweea. aets s tpriarmaac at .. t Jo aad :! s si. -t'aaal prlea ef admltalos. lo eenta CCNCKBT BALL- ''"""" BLAZlisTsBOS. ..." - : CONCERT ivTTf "IOBT. MS-Sai BURNSIDSL KINDERGARTEN WORK SUBJECT OF MEETING j ' . 4 . -v-: - LM.!aYalntlne,Ppltchard ef tha Peo ple's Institute- Face Kindergarten. read a paper yesterday,;: "afternoon before the Homo "Training association on "What Kindergarten Work Ia and What It Standa for." Sha gave aome valuable ideaa, treating the kindergarten as tha connecting link between tbe home and tha school, where the child la gently stimulated to conscious thought with out tha sudden discipline and pouring In of Information In tho echool room. Mra.1 Daniel Rader and Mrs. W. H, Morrill taiaea on nm qurxiun or auiay hoys and what to do with those who Jn not went to go to church Mrs. R. H. Tate was sr-nolnted dele gate to the meeting of the Trav -re-Aid s 'v In the T. W..C, A. r January ii. ' , lou-Fir v .AJtUaVSMaTaTTS. GRAND THEATRE rr... CVoTaaarlir eorasays.) ;-rt T-- All sTaxt Week, OoaaaMnatnf '" -'jj, , SCatmeea Tkuraday aad BfeSareAjv Blanche Date The Darling of The aci Jm . ia eg Old Japan, 1 aad John Z.nUu Thursday sTattnta sfT Aaafa AAvtoa and Madams Battaray. . Saturday Mattnaa Taa Bayllnr a tbev eata now on Bala at lei OSes, VraaoT aaaara. Kail krden kx cbenka gtvam prompt artemttoa. ZTIoea, fsVOO, 91Mt, fLOO. Tea and Mo, Orea vaodsvUla bill all thla weak. ' ' BIJOU THEATRE - zMT AiTzkifooir -An rrxjmit : ":r, ...... this wkzx. tl)ou Stock Company Cnaer the maaairesteat ef A." B. THORNS, sill naif f the Srac H l IWtl.i ,Z1 laagbable eosiedy, la three sets, entitled, THE COL-OINEL," CA8T"6r' CBABACTBB8. . Coloeel Mnrpby Uttllre.....v.Mr. A. C. Wtaa Cbarlea Tnrrena.........,.t(r. L. C rrederlrks Dauters ..............Mr. Cbarlea Marias Serrant -..Mr. L. Ward Aarlaadab Hleet. . . . . . . -Mr. A. B. Theme Mrs. OraMby Drlatalae. ...Mlaa Kate Boraweil Mra. Cbarlea Torreaa ...Mlaa-Jan iairn Lady Bowerby Creamlr.Mlaa Grace M. Jobaana) : Uraaim Mlaa Mabel Baneurt Pertaaiaaies Afteraeens. t to 4:80."' gmw' lnsa. to 10:10. Ssaaaya (contlaaoea). 1:30 te . 1:S0 a. m. .,; "' Admiaatea to' aay pert of the seass, 10 easts. EMPIRE THEATRE" fTTJzS": . . . , none Mala-11T for seats. Matinee prtcea. ' 10. 10e rw': erenlng , Me, . soe. aoe ana ouc. ... . t ! . , jjgjj, TasnrreW ';' " . ""; .1. Tonight, ; Toswrrnw Ma Hnee bad Klfbt, Laat , . - r . laree iiates, , . Freed k Ooold's '.-;.- ; ..', ,W SenaatleBal Boceeaa.' "" - V Nettie the News Girl t On" Solid' Week. 'Starting Sunday Matinee, ZfOBU STOCsT OOKTAZfT, ra,nllus Srst fnar Sara ar - T ' HexttTarey Pars, ' , riOTZI AzfZ ZtOsTOaWr dauer theatre: Tklri snd Tsmkllt era Keattng ft rtma. Mara. laniast vaneoTUW waa w inem, . . sbs-s oosrois? sxz s zzw .... WHO I ' Jl " VEIN ITA IS ser apeetsratat eaneea. -'"' Tear frieiHt are talking ahmit bee, - - t OTUEB KJ ATs T All ft !Oe Aftarnoena and Brealaaa. ; - GRAND THEATOC THIS WXXX MATTVIK AXD ZTZJIDIS 10 ; Great p Vaudeville Acts J After BUara Sata eagaseajeat ' . .aadevllle. OTAR TH2AT: Pertlasd'e raaal-aieble VaaajMl'" -e T'la, l"-'" e4 C '