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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
tic or,::cc:r dXily? joO-UAL. pohtlaiid. fsiday evening.. January 7. isog. r.-.- v FiC'iT GGES CIJ f Oil IITACLEIATES v. - .i ., Representatives --f the tzlil Jobbers Present Hard t Cdast facts Railroads. FREIGHT MANAGERS - 1'; X REVIEW. FIGURES GIVEN LProbability ..That Joint Sessions port ant Results.": f j Separate mectlnga. were held by the - transcontinental railroad repreesntatlves . ana ma executive committee of the -Pa. vclflc Northwest jobbers" association this r- K rJr .''; SI J. M. Jiantuford. -r: , 'i-y, i'totije , .: . - .... 't forenoon to consider -points brought out "by both sides in yesterday a conference t nn fMlkl - - ' .. i n . . . .mu sism 4H, i - - TT I . I ... r. nw laiinmu mvn met nc iv dciiki in -V . .thCTIarlors of the -hotel Portland. Titer ; -wi i fail attendance, -and the position . isksb oy tne jobbers-was thoroughly re - viewed. .. It is understood . that the rail.. r -T toad men recognise ths fore xf some of -Ue proposition advanced by-the Jobbers - .i ana there I strong probabmtythat ths i Jotnt sessions will be friendly and pro. ' reductive of v. Important j results... Ths --strongest . contention advanced bythe ' Jobber is - that . distributing- rates oh . goods sold to ths interior, by Portland, . . Seattle and Taooma are proportionately -rraucli higher than are rates pn similar coramodttlev forr the 'same distance -"from eastern wholesaling- points. It la . timed that the lower ratesT gran ted to .'Jobbers who ship westward enables them TO compete with' unfalr advantage Sigalnat coast Jobbers "who" sre working ; for the trade that la- naturally tributary tr to-Th , jobbing- house 7 of PoKland. : Seattle and Tacoma. A readiustment of v , rates is naked by these firms. The Jobbers'' committee met.-thls.fore- Ti.nion In their rooms' on. First street and V formulated their arguments for the af Jftarnoon Joint session, ,whlch opened . t 129 .o'clocK, .Th conference will be con' . .eluded, tomorrow. gtTttrr nnriurntfr' ' Miiuincn Dncwcni . tl COMPANYJQRGANIZED . Oeorge Tt'llhelm ef this city snd Otto -TV-Meier- of"8t. Louis hare- iasociatrd 'Tthemselvei a- a corporation under the title tf the -Meier- Brewing company. i .The' company has a fcapiui Of I3X.S00. g: recefr in cotbt on i wenxietn. ana Vpahur streets about February 1. - Tbe plant will be -modern -and- will-iave-an j-utpiit Of. 11.000 barrels oMyeer annually. mt Meier-wag lonneriy a brewer in St. -.- - IjOUIS,. MO. ri ..--' I1 II l i i i i. i i ' :--t' Janirary a Dull Month. . .That is the reputation oif January. Ra. tall stores look forward to January with ' qreaa, out tne aiontti so far has proved an exception, at -The Chicago. 49-71-73 . Third street. The Chicago bought the r entire wholesaled manufacturing stock -of ( ,Cahn, Wannpold .4c Co., Chicago's . great WHoiesa4-taliors. it 10 per cent of wholesale prices, The stock consisted of . several 'thotiaand suits, overcoats, crav enettes and pants.- - Buying them at Jhls aiacount nas enaoied Tne Chicago to sell 100 styles of tweed suits and Una vL overcoats at an average of .one half rer- -ular retail price. That I why The Chi cago ia as busy In January as. In D eember. When a manean save about one half on the . very 'and latent styles then'a the time . to . buy.. Thou eaMls- are. -'---' I IIC MU.U.UHIfflLi SPRING ; STYLES1905 here are" limes and places tvhen a soft hat is the only hat . to . wear. You. will 'find the. proper. soft hat at this place every time.'-rr Whither' you want it for style or for comfort,' you will find both com bined In our oft 4 hats at- , .oo Only 3 days more left of our January, Clearance Sale Rcenblatt 'CSi Co. Cor Third .and Morrison Sta. X ",-:.X: ....' . r-r ' h ... . if, :. -. WORK" ON TAX ROLL w FINISHED .'- County Clerk .Frank Fields this' morn Irig Issued thi tsx roll levy for 104. a corps of clerks having been at work upon), the list alnce January , .... , , Owing to the .fact that -levies were fixed .St a rate of large fractions of a mill the work 'of compiling the-roll was one -of -the-hardeat-taaka ever done by an Oregon county clerfc , The work haa been in charge of J-'8-MeCord, chief deputy of tber recording -.. -. ....... .."""::.-. foua v .. .. 1 1 State . . ............... county ." ... . f . ... State School v. ,.. , Road V - ,a. f .... jjiDrary . ..... m . Part of Portland 4 s v- f f . J . 4. f . f Ml" , 4. ..... City of Portland City of St. Johns. School District No. School District No. School District No. School Tistrlct No. School District No. School District No. Hnhool District No. School District No. 10 "li School District; No.' 1J , .... t pcnooi lininri ivo. j ........ 4 .... t. . . . Hnhnol District No. 14..... ..i. School District No. li. School District No. .... .t .......... scnoot uimrics no. i ..,.....,.,...... School District NO.-J0. ,..-,4...J School District No. 21 ........ ...... . School District No. 2t ........ .4 ..... .r School District No.-17. -.4,--.... .41 School District No 2. . 4 . . .. .... ; School District NO, l..,.. School District no. is. School District No." S7 '. School District Nft--.i.1,...4iii.. School District No..4i,.,c...... School District No. 42.,... ...... ... . School District MO. School" District No." 44 . , , . . . 4 4'. , ...4.44 School District JNO. 4i... ..... v. ....... School- District No. 4... .,... 44 Hphnnl TMstrlct No. 47 . . . . . 4 I 4 4 4 . School District School District No. s...r...... . School District-No. IS ....... . School District No.. 23. r.. ."t...iu, ,tu. School District No. 42. School District No. 2 . . . . . . 4 4 4. ... . , School District No,. 07,,-. School District No.. 70,.. t.t 4' MIND IS ELSEWHERE Salami Man Buys . Goods, and r Signs Checkr. and. Forgets ' . . NX About lt; PUTS NAME OF BATES . TO WORTHLESS PAPER Most ' Remarkable Case Mental Aberration Ever H iPoriceCburt. It wss mentLberration Ar some peeulia r-4n fraencerthat -'a IfX. Beatty orBalem- w -enter -s rurnitore buy ai quafaiitjr- of-' goods, sign check tat 8800 with, the nsme or w 1111am Batea -r refuse'7 tar accept "tht-dlfference in money between the bill of furniture and the amount of the cheek, and .return to his home. He. appeared in the mu Lnlcipal .court this ' ahomlng to answer the charge of forgery, and .oenied tnat he was ever in the storehat he signed check that he bought any XurrrtUtre oc-tkat he wag-Jn any way Implicated la tb affair..'....... , ' '?-: Beatty la possessed ofuninCUmbered property near 8alemvjf - the "value "of 32.600. and be other' property. He baa lived near -Salem for many, years, and baaa -reputation for honeety that ha4 never before been questioned. y In an automoblle( which tie exchanged. Beatty came to Portland last week for the -purpose of -trying the civil service examination for' a position; with the Pa natnav canal commission He declares that he remembers nothing from Satur day night until .Sunday -night There-are at least five persons who positively Identify -bin" as having en tered the furniture store, . aigned the check, and purchased the furniture: He bought goods to the amount of 840. " He was represented In court this morning by Attorney- ti.- H. McMahon of Salem, who states that tie haa known the -man personally for 3$ years; and -vouches for hla - honesty.- He- declares - It l either a case of mistaken identity or of mental aberration.,.. ! v , . . BETTER CAR SERVICE PROMISED.ST, JOHNS A petition signed by ' St. Johns sea. pie is to be presented to the Portland Consolidated Railway company asking ror a tnroug.i car service between this city and St, Johns and for the abolish me ft or the transfer station at Pled mont-'It is stated that the company naa aeciaea to give a through service as Soon as necessary arrangementa can be made but that It ' Is not advisable to nstall such service until a oop can-be constructed down town, around which to run the St. Johns cars. These cars must be run lit trains of two csrs each. is ssid. ana the present loops are not suitable for such service. Offlclals or the company atate that an effort will be- made- to ,ntnct the needed - loop and have the through service In opera tion by June 1. but that no positive an nouncement haa been made for the rea son that- there -is - an extraordinary mounfof work now on hand that must be completed before the opening of the exposition, and It Is desired thst no disappointment tnay be caused by a pos sible fsllure to put the -St Johns through service Into effect at that date. BOX ORDINANCE CASE ' WILL TAKE PRECL-DENCE Chief Justice C. R. ' TVoIverton of the supreme-eeurt has consented to sdvsnce he boxordinance case on the calendar. He Informed City Attorney McKary Tuesday thst the case would be taken up aa soon as possible, which -would be some time between February 30 and 28. The ease wss appealed to the supreme court by Ratay and Sandys and 2 other restaurant - men. from the decision-of Presiding -Judge George of the -circuit court Who held that tne ordinance was valid. Reduced Rate to California. The Southern Paclflo company has plsced on sale round. trip tickets to lAa Angeles at the rate of ttt, limit to days. This escellent oppor tunity td visit the many beautiful win ter resorts of southern California at a moderate coej. '- I s ? -KiimM '44.ll .HA Vhl.kf feV.. BEAHY'SDODY HERE of - aari - 1 company a advertisement, page If. BY FIELDS department. Mr. field's Stated that " was the greateat aggregation of figures aver got- together to baliuice.7 The tax roll, frera ' which the. levy wis made, consists of over (,700 pages with 10 lines to the page: .The 10 total lew waa somethina over tl.000.000, : SbsrUr. Word- will begln'cdllecttng the taxes next Wednesday, February l; ail who pay, between that date and March It will be allowed a S per cent rebate, The following ia the roll lI-V' J - Rata - Valuation. - Mills.- . -..-Tag, I 10.430.00 . 372.431. 5T83 ,I1,145:T72 ..4 iiK 111; - ii.2.0i7 429.027 4 hi, 429.027- 1 .J7S ' BO.420.027 .-. .3 , ,,12i!s78 03426 I i.:o.i 14S.177.t414 4.880.8ii - 40,8S.4l . JI7.108 .'J0.J98.4S1 418.680 - 1S,0 K4.7T0 -.4v.e8t.iiO' z. 1 . 4,897.75S7o 861.315 S8. 489, 1353 :: HI? t 3.727.27 , t. 823 85 . v. .. r-r-J.0O7.03 J7.070 r"r4:400 FV-ll: m rTMlMf ,.4 144 . 4.4 4.4 197.399 104.487 :..'iia!fti, '-J5M4T ". 4.10 -;.:TT v- jf ,....; so. . v 14. B0 .. 70.740 140. 0 5 ji.i. i o . 8.340 . 10. -'VT. . 082.40 ll.7B. v 38,725 '. S.40. 141.43 '. I ! 110.178. JX:- , 293.13 .... 1, 1 2 3.3 j. x t.870 ill 130 . . . ltx1.034Ji8: . .1 ,4 4 4 A ; not.ooi :m 16.777. 530.005 1.574.214V' 82.820 64.850 w:j.'. ;t; 4V .'4 . 314.80 1 519.60 ,,' 1H.25 . 285.925 - 698.24 -, , 161.085 -4.431.08 . 22.280 .85.925 . V7T480-. H 1.085 . 147,703 l.etV . 44.655 (3.050 15.6(t -.106,455 . 1.240.. . 13.125 - 71.550 ; ''ajt v .. -; - - " 1. -30.' -16- ... .r:. - . ' --8. . -473.85 ; r . i 383.665 v- (67.46 . 77.818 i -r-- . :J.8 --'v-. , 168.1378,. SS.30 10. 715.Q- "32.:62,8jT.4V880tf DANCES AND CARDS MAKE THE NIGHT GAY Entertainment of: Ancient and . . Accepted ' Order of Scottish .-:;; ; -v.v Rite 'Masons. -. : l :. The handsome 'ballroom of the -Scot tish Rite cathedral waa filled with a gay throng .or. guests last-tilght-atthe second of the' series of danees given by the AnclenVwnd Accepted' Order of Scot tish Rite Masons. A number -oTTowht In the atate were represented by promi nent members and dancing continued till a ' late hour. The card . and -smoking' rooms'offered allurement' to many. who did? not dance and everyone was enticed the supper room where lemonade and h .were served. - - - Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Mack .'Mr. and Mrs. E..' 8. Jackson.' Mr. and Mrs. McKlnley Mit chell,. Dr. and MrssA.THser..Mr and Mrs. "A. IL TnnerTbr.anI:.Mra C. P. Newcastle. Mr. and 'Mrs J. Pollvka. Mr. anA Mrs. Felix Friedlander, Mr. and Mrs. w. C Knighton. Mr. and Mrs. H, M. Bush; Mr. and MrsTV. C. Dunning. Mr. and Mrs. l Kraus. Mr. snd Mrs.JJ.-iC. Olds, : Mr. .and Mrs. Wsrleln, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. rsanclBr.Mr.and Mrs. Walter T. Jacobsen. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Borgan, Mr.- and Mrs. Ben -8. Backman. Mr. an Mrs. J. F. - Boothe. Mr. and Mrs. A. o. Bachrodt Mr. -end Mrs. F. A- Ballln. Dr. and Mrs. N. R. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. E. B.Colwell. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Coch ran. X)r and MraW. ,T. Drake. Mr.and Mrs, E. " J Hall. Mr and Mrs Charles Hilton, Mr. and Mrs. Oebrge Hartness, Mr-and lb-4, J.-Kadderly. ;Mr, and Mrs. Robert l,utkO Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Mattem. Mr.-andvMr-. Rtcfaard-Msrtln Jr., Mr. snd Mrs.-H.NicollXMr. and Mrs. J. P. O'Donnell. Mr. and Mrs.. W H. Raymond. Mr.-and Mrs H.' 8 Rows, Dtv and Mrs.- U B. Bmlth, Mr.-snd.Mrs. F. B. SUnley, Mr snd Mrs.( George W. Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs.' D. W. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. JVC. Waaserman, Mr. and Mr8.B. J.- Witherapoonf Mrs. R. El Watts, Mrs. .Jorgensen. Mrs. .Johnson, Mrs. Neppach, Misa George, . Miss3far garet Whalley, Mlsa Gather Leaaer.Mlaa union, ' jaies rwicxura, miss: Jules M. Pf under. Miss Wolfe, Miss Enid Roth-child,- Miss Frances L. Johnson, Miss Bacnrodt Miss Goodwin. Misses Muckle, Misses Martha . and" Gertrude Pollvka, Mlsa Emma Brune. - Mlsa Josle.. Btaple toiwH. a Butterfield, WAr-AveryrCart Zk Cleland. James Muckle. - Wilbur Muckle. Chsrles Muckle of -St Helens, Kenneth Olds. Dr. W. M. Pfunder. Ralph Nlckum, E. D. Jorgensen, Otto J. K rea mer. E. D. Curtis and waiter M. -Gadsby. SAYS HIS NAME WAS USED ON ANOTHER'S MORTGAGE Msrk T. Bronson bss a plane which he says he does not own. yet which is cov ered by a mortgage In his name for 32.10. In answer, snd cross complaint to a suit brought against him In the circuit-court by George McGowan to recover 3:30 al leged borrowed money orvlo bring-about the foreclosure of the "mortgage, he de nies thst he borrowed the money or thst he owns the piano. - - McGowan s complaint alleges that Bronson borrowed the, 3330 nn November T, 1103 and gave him a mortgage on the piano, as security for. payment of the 10a- .- Bronsoh-makes the startling statement that John P. Watts owns the piano and borrowed the money, but not desiring to nppear'on record ss the mortaragor of ths piano caused the title to be placed In- the defendant's name. Bronson declares he received no money at all and waa an un interested party to. the transaction other than allowing his name to be used In ths papers that-srert placed on record. He asks that the court -flint -nothing from the proceedings against him and that be be granted costs of suit.. , , . sxodits noM taxjl ' ' T iSpeetal Pupates to Tse ftmrnal.) ' " Vale, X)r.. Jan. .27. There has been a general rexodus of county offlclals from Vsle to the Willamette valley the last week, many having gone to be In at tendanoe at the legislature or to give evidence In the land fraud .cases before the United States supreme court . Among thsra were the following: J. W. Mccul loch, district attorney;' William Thomp son, i county J clerk; B.; CA Rlchardaon, County Judge: Sheriff J. E. Lawrence and B. W. Mulkey, deputy county clerk. BATS WAJVX. f3U OST SZaL' Charles Ocha has f llsd suit In the state circuit court against .the Oregon Furniture Manufacturing company for 310.000. 'While laying pipes In a build ing owned by the company last June the walls collapsed snd he suffered a broken shoulder, sprained back snd frac tured skul). He alleges permanent In Jury and negligence In ths construction of the building. T7 m: ' I. .: . y ;:.: - ."5.'-'- --s -' - -v..' ,' ' '' "A :;;';"-'-' ' ;. ... v-',:''- "'''' -;-,;'-'-"" ,'' .1 ' ''.' 'w ': ''..-. ' " '' V . .' '. .,.' .-', " ; r '',;' '.' i -'...'.' ' " y-, ', . ' '' ' v ' , '. -- . ' '' -" ' t . - , " ',. r '''-"".''. ' - 1 -'..-'- . ' '. . ' :.'. '."' ' ,. , ""r-' ';':- . , - ' f1,-1 ' V" ,T ' -' i" - ' i '..' '- .n 1 .- 7-,vh. ,v.; ; u .... . 4-, :'. .;'..'.--4i;. - V't A ' ' ' 'C ' '.,'.'.. - '., ' ' k . , i . - . ", -- 4 I,,,,','-",,B l""IWW1,B, " ' " gsllsJs3itsasaigaasBss4W- conrTHis o uxi - - when vou make out your list er purchasea-for tomorrow,4oe sure ana . Include DRT SOLE. No Investment of 88 cents will yield you aa good -returns, snd as much solid comfort To give the bee results It must bo used as-directed. If your physician prescribes a certsln medicine to be Ttaken every hour. It don't mean once a week,. and If not taken as d1rectedj little or no good will result He. knows Just how much ortii It should be taken The same common .sense -ruea-spplles to -"DRT .SOL.E. WE know aa4. want YOU t know Juat bow to jise-It .-.,r '., ;, READ DIRECTIONS FOR The snlee ' ba itaila se aDserateiy vbi fiiT.ant.l wlrk the daaher. which Areas the hottou and side of the aolea, and. alao the graova, where the ' sppera -Ma the sal., THOKOUfKLT three or four application, or until no more will Aa absorbed. Apply a occi.lonal dreaaang eTery -w . weeks.'- After becoming ' thoranshly treated with DgT-sOLX, as oera atonal coal will be'jnfftrten to Seep the leather hi good condition. - It I sot Intended for ana en the UZFEftg of (hoe fr he reason that a water-prooang sreparaitos deatrore the- appearanea ef dm ahoes, a they eaa not .do noUshed TMdlly. rnrthexsMT. ordinary sollahe are afadentLy water-proof to deflect rain, which does -net cattle oo the nppera tt ahoea. If applied to bj sppera of shoes the effect weald be sbost the ssbm as 'SMrasteo-Vtfat DXT-IOLI. whea applied ss shore dlreeted. waterpreor tho aoles ef shoe aboolutaf and ht ddltioa add greatly to the durability' th katber. DRT-BOLE to for sale at the lejdlng shoe stores. -druggists Snd de partment stores. St 35 cents the bottle NO MORE. NO 1KSS. 1scrlp- , live folders." testimonial lettera and full printed directions furnished Lala purchase tradb ,vBfSi) RALSTON COX & CO. . ....J.'. .-."k. . MANrrACTtTRER'fl AGENTS, - --s - ta3 Chamber ef Commerce, rortlaad, Oregoa.' ' . ... hoa Xood 170. rirat-cless traveling salesmen will And DRT SOLE a most profttabla . sideline. - - . - - - -' - ' DANIELS' RELATIVES ----ARE NOT HIS FRIENDS Frank Daniels', alias O'Donnelf. ons of the men who wss released by mistake In Chief Hunt's "kangaroo court sev eral months ago. after Judge Hogue hud held lilnv- to the, grand Jury. wagaxU rested at Salem yestercsy and brought to Portland today. Daniels, so the testimony at his pre liminary . examination ahowed, --broke Into the residence of James Phillips, ttt Plna street, snd carried away many articles of value. - Earl Goodwin, who was arrested with Daniels, waa reieasea. DsnleK Is related to several promi nent people of Bolem, and wnen ne visited them they -'notified the police and his. arrest followed. H win be proas cuted for the robbery. , ' MISS CARROLLAfVILL ; ADMINISTER: ESTATE Probate Judge Lionel R. Webster this morning sppolnted Miss Anna Carroll, admlnlatratrlx of the estste of her father. Cspt Anthony F. Carroll. . who died bere January It. Three children. Anna, Mary and Charles, survive. Pa pers filed this morning In the office of County Clerk Frank B. Fields by Attor ney Jsmes Oleason show the estate to be valued at 13.800. In certificates of de posit on local banks. - v Captain-Carroll -was a pioneer etegra- boat engineer. He- came to Oregon ,ti I860, end for many yeara waa engineer of vartoue historical boata-that plied be tween Portland and the city by the falls. In those day a. the boats .were not as speedy as they are bow, but there was many ss exciting race on the Willamette sad Columbia rivers, and Carroll was seldom the loserr By his death, Oregon loses one who wss versed In "up river steamboat lorev- t " ;-- r- r . . Fref erred Stock Caaaed Oeods. Allen Lewis' Best .Brand. "Peacock Beir-naing Buckwheat Flouf' U tk best on the marktt. ice the SUITS AND we olfer This includes $5.50 gwment in the house SATURDAYiHQNDAY Mb ; V iTUESDiY ONIsY USING DRY-SOLB uii ui.. ir wn jifr-wiinw la to the cork of each bottle. WILL OF A. D. HYLAND - -FILED FOR PflOBATE ' 4r ' ....... . . ; : .,- (Special Dlrpatrh to The Joarnal.) ' Eugene. Or., Jan. 27. Tha will of the late. Amos D. Hyland,' the weslthy farmer and timber-owner- of Lowell, - ine - couptyvwho died at Oakland. Calrr, was. filed for probate yesterday-afternoon. The value of jba property of the estate Is estimated at 3100.000. The property consists of large tracts of farming and timber. lands, .be aldea a good many thousand dollars, in cssh and lytes. ? : -' - ..'' .: The proerty Is . bequeathed to the wlldow and children of the deceased, who s re: Mrs. R. A. HyJand of Lowell. Abhte A. MrParland jof Ashland. N. G. Lowell," Minerva E. Ferguson of Mos cow. Ida.' Carrie , Bsrbre ,.of " Lowell, Cella A. Warner tf Iowell.'Estella M. Hblll of Marcola.-lra B. Hyland. Ernest E. Hylsnd. Wilbur. Hyland snd Grses Hylsnd, all of Lowell. N. O.. Ira B., Ernest-B. and Wllbnr-Hylaad were named In the will as executors without bonds. Tha will waa executed on Feb ruary 41. ltot, and a codicil, giving ad ditional sums of money to certain of tha children, was1 executed July 13, 1104. OU UatXaXaTT BZSft (Special Dispatch to ne Joarnal.') Eugene. Or., Jan. 37. Mrs A. Suther land, aged 73 years.-died at the home ef her son, J. 1;. Sutherland, at Glentena poetofficeHn the western part of Lane eounty, yeaterday.- She- was aa old rest- dent of thst section of the county, be loved by all-who knew her. . The cause of death waa senile debility. MAXaTJITTB STOaUB SOW. ' v (Ipertal tnapatek ta The Joaraat) Vsl. Or- Jan. 31 Hop Brolhers. who have been In the general merchan dise business for ths psst It yesrs In Vsle, sold yssterdsy to I. 8. Smith A Co. their entire stock. This Is one of the largest general merchandise houses 1.3 Malheur count. OVERCOATS to'boys tor any $5.00 or 7-ltltj'--iiitt.'' asy'"fifoir' : Shoe man to write an adver tisement like thisrlt means much to . Write the words -CLEARANCE SALE followed - by a schedule of prices that should have never been writ-terul-And let us say right here that these prices never -would have been printed were it not that we were overstocked on certain "goods-AND " MUST" SELL THEM. - rV -That it why Men's genuine ' the $3.50 kind utar lasts at ThrHouse of Great priifS MADE , BY : UNION : UBOR - C-- . - those tough as pine-knot little men's Shoes in box calf and kan garoo calf--sizes 8 1-2 to 13 12 at $1.10 and our famous lines of women's; Shoes at $1.3&, - $1 .79, : $2.39 -r and handsome" r $2.00 Colonial -Slippers'. . fori women .t- 69c and- Felt SKp- rp9rt at 75cr"J " rr- - OHIUDREIN'S 5 to 8, 90c r 8 to 11, and the above shoe sto:z .'I 230-232 MorrlJcn Ctrcst ,ponTLAr:n 'v-: . ST 7i.t fw r- you can buy Goodyear wel in all the pop $2..70A.pair or $1.00 .1 IH to 2. $1.25 are not all. ..... i ts '.. -MADE-BY' UNION XABOR. 1 x .. .. .a ..