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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
- - ' ' " -' . . - X 4. ROCKY ROAD FOR : VIFE DESERTERS .''... A :; .Husbands ..Cannot Avoid Sup i porting Wm ff,New Bilt Becomes t Law.- 'Many'newmeasuresiL-J INTRODUCED IN SENATE, District Attorneys Cannot Appear v' ln Cases When -They 'i f 'Ari'IntirestWrHwj. 1' .- !.-- ...... f Journal 'Staff CofraBBOnt.V ;. y, Salem.-Or., Jan. 77.rBy the provleion - -4 or blll.ilntroductd. In Uie senate thlk morning by Jtalarkey, men who refuse to support their wive will have a rocky ; road to travel The .proposed meaiur .J wss drafted by Attorney John K Loerun ? ': of Portland and haa the sanction, of Cii . ' cult Judge Ctolapd and County Judge '! "Wlr. Jf lh bill ta enacted into- a '"! law., husband cannot avoid supporting : ri - their-wivea for an inaenmte perioa d -V fighting the suits in the court. Ia caae ? suit la brought by the. wife the defend. ' 'nt must pay for her maintenance, dur ' :,lng'the Progress of the legal proceed- : inss. " - . -V-rr--- -,r,.--r-. Plorca fa the author of a bill requlirt ... Sre; marine, life, . accident, plet.-gla.a ' ' - and atearo boiler Insurance companiea to publish- a- statement of their assets. II- - abHitlee and reaponsibtlltles three time year.' Failure to do so-forfeits their license, which can be regained .only by. a ' Divment of 160. - ' . .. . Coke la the father of' bill" authorising - rCoos county to -appropriate 13.000 for - an efthlblt at th Ul and Clark fair.' r Wright' bill giving the governor "In- , stead of the Bute Dental association the power to appoint a -state board of v dental examiners and- ' perfecting . the r method -of-the-prosecution ofpractl- ... tloners without a license was reported 1 favorably and -will pass this -afternoon. Tha measure has he . approbation of a --TTarga majority of llcenaed. dentists, .... i . On motion of Coahow, the; author. '." 'after an unfavorable, committee report. the bill providing for compulsory medl , ' leal an4 surglcsl treatment of - minor . which wss aimed at h Christian Scien tists, was killed. ' Dr. Coe, chairman '. x of the committee, said that the 'mem . bers.had their own opinions of Christian . . " science, but did hot want to take ad- , vantage f their position. , ' Among the Mils passed was Coshow's, preventing dlatrlct attorneys appearing . in cases woere-Tney. are xinanctaliy in ' . -terested. . -..-T .,,.'"" " .r '". A memorial to congress by Brownell ' to I raise the pensions of Indian - war ' veterans- from- II to 111 a month and grant them, right to snter tracts of 1(0 ; acres of government landr was adopted. V '; The senate adjourned, to t:S0 o'clock. ; WASTE OF MONEY - GOES MERRILY ON Payroll ol Legislative ' Employes Will Exceed Six. Hundred r " i -; Salem, Or.. Jan.- J 7. gome machine members o the Jegialatur concerned in j- the recent expoaurs -of the "waats - of clrks,"T are circulating - the-statement . that The Journal overdrew the facts., The contrary la true, flfures published have ' A been -verlned In every detail and. the au- ' tborlsed, payroll of the Employes of the I ' houses Is nowAf9 a day. ; WHIHn . :? a few days It will exceed MOO. for Hod - -- -'lion's new -standing comihlrtee In the senate will doubtless have clerks yet t(k be named for the several joint commit- - Lobbies In. the senate' and house 'are filled dally with idle clerks. Clerks of . ' : : Joint committees -to Investigate state o7 S . .. flees are for the most part working ili- dustrjously, but. their work is thrOwu 7- Wty, - They are employed", tn' checking , "" IxwM and voucherd and, of eourse, ".. ,. J .'1 o errors' -kreT discovered. They., them ... 1 selvea admit that if anything is really . . wrong, such sa Investigation would not - , disclose IU , - ..----..'.' w- .- J v A 'case In point la the discovery four ' . years ago- of whalesala frauds In Ins " state land office, whereby the slate was 'roboed Of IJ0.OO0. The frauds had oc c.orred eight ' or It years previous.' so f that prosecution was barred by the stat- ". ';.,7cnt of limitations. During that time the ; - office was repeatedly investigated by leg .' ' Islatlve ' committees, who alwaya re ; '. ' ported 'thst - the' business of the ofhet ; wss properly onticted. -'' J, Not a syllable of, protest sgalnst the - 4erkti1p extravagance has been uttered .".iv 1rf-elthrr houre by a member of the ma y," . riljorlty, 7?'- .. " ' BILLS ARE SIGNED id' ..v OoTerBer AOxaa icaatnrs to Oaaaery, Vi ; mabero sad Xsinffoa, JKeaanrea. IV tfrtm a iswaat Buff Cf tiwaeat.) ' 8lem. Or. Jan. 17. By request of nepresentative Kllllngsworth of - Mult . , nomatk the attorney, general la working on a bill to give the' county eourta "tri .- JurladlctJon . relative -to incorporations Knl charter ameniimente. One sixth of : '.- '; the bills . introduced .this session deal .wlth lnrprtlons and charters and the r-trrtnteptloHTrTiyTeducIng the work "of , , fsture legislatures to make 11-day ses Ions -possible. 1 r - ." - i ' ; The but will be read, Monday. . r: -:.lrl Tn grno' morning signed the : senate bill amending -the charter f y lJHIsboro. . ,Tbe hill incxeaalng the tax on can- . .yierles and .cold storage plants passed ,..."' the pouae,..- v v- The governor signed the. following ' blllsi. -. - ' : r - county for a court house, to incorporate Ixington. amend the chju-trr of Junc tion City, and .to Incorporate Athena. ' KATOeWS SlU, ' . , rr Joorsal ff Otrrecposdeat.) ' ' , Sslem. Jsn. , 17. -fetr-a-thlrd time alsyger's bill '. creating the ' office of t county prosecuting attorney In the place 1 of dlatrlct attorney haa mn nfw,1 i,: T the house to the yudk-liry commit- . T9w. ,1 ne commutes maae na aecona aa' '-vsree report this morning, but Hmitit of Joaephlne Jiad w-minnrtty -report pre 'aentlnr euMtltut bill. The-debate plainly showed the desire of the houne te pass some mesture glvlnf each ' eootity a aeparste prosecuting attorney. ' The Judiciary' committee waa Instructed present a bill embodying this Ides. ' Newel le bill appropriating 12.108 for Tfsrtnera' Institutes paseed the house. J Senator t'oe .introduced a MM today -tlvlng the ago f oonsent st II years. ' The penally is a fine of from- llee to "Sao, and from one t ! years Imprison went, v : ." ATIILETIC S SSEAWCE Robust Jokers Were the Spirits i at a Fremont.Street Cir-u cle Last Night. SfUDENTS LEARN MUCH THAT THEY DID NOT KNOW Body Blows Knock 'Out Young . Men Who Doubl y and 3v rr'::k,L Light Matchesl,.-,'-5,.;.'!;.'' Two students of a local business col lege were: initiated into the jnysleiiej of apirltuaitsm on an extremely realistic basis last evening. A rise In arnica and camphor is expected as the result.' The -seance was given in a house on Fremont street, : by- a medium, named Allen. The students were In -the circle aurroundlngilhe performer and hie para phernalia, and the evening was melting away In 'fairly good order, when one or them- expresaed a douM-res to the auv Uieiftlclty of certain reports brought In by the spirits, i . . "You doubt me 7" asked; Allen. . "Then wltoess this." ;,..-... -t .1 ...;.,',' Lights out. -X sltber began, to play. while deaorlblng circles . in the - 'air, There was no particular melody lri tti souna. out tns sitner was certainty piay ing, and In a way that Indicated the ever changing position of the instrument.. One pt the .etuaente . grew -, ultra carious. He lighted-a match.' ' - Something resembling a It-Inch shell, but In reality a II banjo, caught him aquarely -between the 'ahoulder. blades and. felt rlth a crash upon the floor. Of course the either wept oufj The lights came on. Allen, famed. -The student looked dssed. ;.:......'. -As-. further- proof-that-the -spirits were real, the medluarlnvited the doubt. Ing stpdenti to alt-beaide htm and f eel" . the -mystic, vUltora. . Una ac cepted... X4ght out - again. .Something very like a flat smote with unmistakable, energy tits mid rib. of the Incredulous youth. . - . .-,'-,'.'' - v "There, did you feel that -oner aaked Allen. , "And that! And that r... each time suiting a bod blow to 'bis in quiry. The student tried to think of all the prlseflghters who had gone be: fore, but 'theae blows .were character istic of none. He gasped betweeneaoh demonstrative '"feel" of the spirit, and was quite willing to believe all. whin. with a- mighty yum-hy-the spirit "felt' him between the eyes. TThere eras no Joke in this, performance, except that the medium had mistaken the victim for the youtrt who lighted the match. But the students were game. , and took part in the furtheydemoaatratlpna, which, took on the happy form of Jerking chairs froni under the observers In the dark,, ;".-'" '- 1 ; . , .ir'TTTT" PILES HADE SENATOR, : GETTING 125 VOTES -k (Continue From Page One. J Cheers redoubled ji Mr, Sweeny ss ceudCd the rostrum. They'trrpled as his tint-sentence fell from his -lips: .-- v.- ' , - "No man, save perhaps Mr.-Flles blmr setf, fBbettersatiBfled than am I -at the outcome of thla con teat," He thanked all for. their loyalty to candidate and congratulated' the legislature on select ing Plls"At my time of life," he said. "it comes with great eatlafactlpn W know that this state Is to send a young man to Washington-who may represent It for many term. I feel that all the sores which have dlaturbed the Repub llcan party In this state for years have Been wiped bill "and that henceforth that party-win be united1 ; : Ht were made- foe Foster and 'Wll son, but they were not in the room and the joint session adjourned sine aie. A feature of the gathering, was the unfolding from the gallery over the speaker' a deak Of the old cloth, .banner which had - dons duty' -at the- various Piles headquarters. This was done Juat as Plies wss entering the . chamber. while ladlea -waved flags. .- After ad journment, there -was a great press , of lad Tea about the newly-elected senator, who wis besieged for kisses by many et his women riends, . .' ;. '.' CLAN MACLEAY HONORS r. ? BURNS' ArVNiVEJRSARY The program- to be given at Arlrfn hall this evening by Clan Macleay in honor of Robert Burns" birth anniversary, Jan uary 21, is as follows; -..j; . . Overture, Scottlah airs, Fsrstmr-ipr- chestra; remarks, Chief "A. O. , Brown; contralto , solo. "Caller . Herrln." Mrs, Walter Reed; tenor solo, "Afton Water," Leon It. Jones; jJance. ; Scottlah reel; soprano solo, "Mjr JJame Is Where the Heather : Blooms,"' Mrs." Rose Bloch- Bauer; baritone aolo, , ''Star ' . Robbie Burns." Horn J. Zsn: address.' "Robert Burns, Rev. J. Whltcomb Brougher, II D.; sword dance, masters W. MeOormack and Frank ITArcy; quartet, "My High land Lad My Love We Born;" dancn. Ballor'a Hornpipe.. Miss Roots- Forbes; contralto solo,.' "Angu Macdonald. Mrs. Walter. Reed; - baritone- solo, "Btlrllag Bridge, Dom X-Zant dance. Highland Fling. Mlaa May Murray! soprano aoio, "Bluebells of Scotland." Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer; tenor aola -."Xeots Whs,'' Hae.1 Leon'M. Jones;' song. "Auld Lang Syne," audience. . Acoompaalat Mlaa Le onora Klaher; piper. Prof. James Moon. . . WILL DECIDE AS TO V ' I - CONSTITUTipN'S CHANGE ""frroeV- a" leeraal guff Oamaptadent ) Tr i Saleip. Or Jan.- X" Rand Introduced concurrent resolution in the senate foe the . house a nd senate to meet ta ' Joint session Wednesday at H p. m,- to t nets' ratine whether rot a'constltutlon at conweaitonj should be- held. It -was adopted by the senate and - sent to vthe house. - - ---' -----' -' -.. Makes iu known ,--?sndalar tumors, mt2neck. cnttneoot crcuoss. in catarrh sad wacthj Czzzxzs. Hood'sScrc ; crescsco many trxs ttsc&es .THE OREGON-DAILY " JOURNAL PORTLAND,. PRIDAY" INDICTMENT : IIADIT Believed True Bills Will Be Found -lAgainst-Mariy - Wheeler " County People. f WASCO1 WlLL NOT BE OVERLOOKED BY JURY Much Valuable Information Has vi Been-Learned of Methods - .'tTVof Lumber Companies. ; And be end' Is hot yet 'tor the land manipulators -of Wheeler and -Witto eountlea. . When -A H.' Putnam -went oa the witneea stand yesterday against the Butta Creek Land. Lumber & Livestock company It waa' supposed that the caae agalnat this concern hsd ended. This morning George -Wilson of The. Dalle waa In long conference with the grand juryJDlstrtot Attorney Heney wss busy with new exhibits and the inferenoe for h outsider was that there wers slther new developments against the Wbeelvr county concern or a new - icasa rrora Wasco county had appeared on the ho- rlson. , ,' : - ',-It is learned other witnesses will be taken from The Dallas.. Mr, Wilson has been known as a' personal friend of Con- gressmsn Wllllsmson. Humor also say that some of the witnesses yet to come might throw light ujpon the inner circles of the Wllllamaon Hermann Mitchell tribm Virata. The Dalle is also the for mer home of State Senator F. P Maya. From severat witnesses who appeared agstnat the Butte Creek company It waa learned; that the officers of that concern became ardent - Williamson men - when it was' apparent that the then congress man. Malcolm A. Moody, encouraged In vestigation. Theee witnesses were em phatic, in the atatement that one of tha potent factors defeating Mr. Moody-in h1a candidacy for congress the last time was the stock and land Interests that feared, his Influence with the depart pvent of the interior, - Following -this statement of course comes the sequence. that,- If such. Interests . defeated- Mr. Moody, they -elected Mr. . Williamson. Uhat Mr. Wllllamaon la, therefore, mote or, leas closely associated with some of the big land and stock conoernfc at pres ent exciting the 'government's suspicion. Is freely admitted -by many ' of the Wheeler county-men. The preaenoe of Mr. Wilson before the grand Jury this mornlhg, and the fsot thst Henry Steers has alo been subpoenaed to corns, lend strong color to the situation, and seeme to promise - lively developments" when the result of the Jury's - work la ' made public, ; ' t ' ' 1 - The Dalles Is keenly excited over re cent developments., as many prominent people of - that . place seem to .scent a shaking- up,j i , ..,."'., :.. . TAKES NO PART: IN IMPEACHMENT CASE I Mitchell's Name Is Called But the Oregon Senator Doe; $ . Not Respond. 'S$ - ( Wuhlnstoa Bareaa of. The' Joarnall -) : Waahinston, Jan. ' 17,-The secretary ot the aenate this morning called the names of aU the aenatora not. yet aworn to participate- Jn'-thetrlal -of -7 J.-tJ, SWtymt.- . Mitchell's name - waa called. but he was not present and Will not take part In the trial,-.;- .--. It was optional with him to attend or remain away. He goes tcrTbaoapltoi every day but-does not attend the sen ate.-. Hie time la spent in -Lis commtt tee- nwa..ri,7..?r.zzzim. . Tha senate together with,, the. house managers today entered an. order di recting Judge Swayne to be present to answer tne impeacnmeni articles on et ruary - - -- f ' . . . The house committee Ort. naval affair today, adapted the program for naval construction . calling "for two battle ships of 11.000 tons each.. The, admin istration called for three. - -. : ' -The nomination of George E.,. fits wart as postmaster of Seattle waa sent to the senate today. - . -.-- - ,- WOULD PUNISH SMOOTH ;; : F0RBEUGI0US BELIEF . . (Joernal gpeeUl Service.)". '.-iA Washington. Jan.T 17.- Attorney - Van Cott opened the-argument-for the de fense In the Smoot Inquiry this morn ing. He stated that the defense wthV be along the'llnes of the Interference of the church in temporal offices, particularly lit politics. He celled attention to the fact that until mo the Mormons Tori many years were excluded from politico. Naturally, they -were pemoorata.;.put when they realised that, the best Inter: eats were benefited by protection, there followed a revulsion. . '" , He reviewed the growth of the consti tution showing that freedom In religious belief waa carefully safeguarded at every stege. '- ' "Senator Smoot. he said "not charged with a violation of the law, but believing In revelation, and withholding his relig ious belief. He baa never received t rev elation, but is to- be punlahed for some thing that he may commit." - v i TO LAY LAST RAIL ON . SAN PEDRO RAILROAD V". '' ' --' ;jV -..-. - tieuraal goeelal Service.) -Salt ' Lake City, Jan. 7. 1. The "an- houncement Is made that the last rati of the Salt Lake route that Is being cou stfucted from Salt Lake to Los Angeles, will b laid tomorrow night on the gap below Good Springs, ff ev.Altbouh te track will be laid through. It will be pos sibly two months before trafflo will be operated.- .. : ''-"..' ',-;;,' CRUISER MARYLAND 1 , y - MAKES TRIAL -TRIP f '-.; 4JMrnal Special krvlee.) ' ' : . Rockport. Mane.. Jan. IT.- The ' tr- mored - cruiser Maryland, built by the Newport News Shipbuilding company, cronsed the' starting line :lt.-20 thla morning on her trial trip. The Mary land - made a record slightly over II miles an hour for a distance of so miles., raAjrca wttkbbaws iom. '. lioeraal apeelal gervlof.l ; . London. 'Jan. 17. It Is reported hers thst the French-portion of the new Hub slsa eoatt has been withdrawn. ... J WH OAXBT X.XTMSaa. f Ths British khlp iKimfrlesShlre has been chartered to load lumber at Port land for Mettoev-Awatralbv GENERAL that PIANO now . n....Why. put off the purchase-hen - you -au ;. ..saVc so much this month? - A Wg reduction, si. . on all grsdts and you save enough to give :iyour child a good start in music. Here you - . ' find the Knabe, Everett. Steck. Vose, Pack. -ard, v Hardman, Fischer Ludwig; . Cable. Hamilton, Kingsbury; Wellington and many ; ; others and you can find something just to -v ; your liking anywhere from $150 up, and on our easy payment : 5,:-:'Li:if.: per Alleiv & Gilbert OOBJTSa tZXTM CARRIE NATION, JR.; r PAYS A $30 FINE a saloon pmasner, won't . I-.4;Co.-tb.i'laiir -7Z " . v " (aoerlal iilBatch te Tke Joursal.) - Hlllaboro. Or.. Jan. tl. Mrs. Belle Bales, who was -arrestee? yesterday -on a charge of malicious destruction of per sonal. Droperty-at Beaverton, pieaaea guilty" today and was -fined 1)9 by the justice oi peace, one aiaieu init in. saloonkeeper at BeavertonJ sold - net minor son liquor, and that she had lived 31 years In Chicago and six. months In Beaverton, and that aha jia seen more ' drunkenness during tnat . etx months than In Chicago in Je years, That she had no other' way to ssve her two bpys from a drunkard's grave; that she la si. widow . and haa no- money or way to pay-expensea : to Hlllaboro -to Droaecuta tha oase aalnst the saloon keeper; that aha would rather go to Jail than have her bcys-rntned, and that ehJ told -the bartender not to selr liquor tdl her sona.'-VOna witness testified that the boy told The, bartender, that he 'was, of The damage - done was" by breaking bottles, a window, and other parapher nalla. , She paid- the fine. - Saloonkeeper Rossi . has -been arrested- for - selling liquor to a minor, ' -n . . .. HUNDREDS' KILLED IN: FIGHT WITH STRIKERS - - ,- :. ; - - " -' tContlnued front Vage-One.) ' -- - Reports of dashes have been eomlng fn from more than 10 different cities. 5he nombef kin ed waa small, 'but. the feeling of revolution is-tn the-alr-and the emblems of authority arr universally cursed. ' ., v. , Kaa -mti A thai nrrtw will he not only restored, but -maintained. :fco concasslonahowever. will be. made to the liberals and Imprisonment in, Siberia Is the prospects heidonr to tnem. t---, .The whereabouts of Father Qopon re main a myat'nr. though JsJs , believed tOOM.. itt M OSCOW,r- - .r - -.GARDNER ON RACK - (Continued f rom PaS One.) a. trust hsd. proved-oareless In their au-4 ties Thess things, according to tne an awar. hanoened without the knowledge or-aanctloo at tha superintendent of the soolsty, If. they happened at all. ' : A member of the commlttes'sald: ' "As regards the expenditures In behalf of the Institution. I believe many , of them ahould be- carefully Investigated. For Instance, taks the stenographer's ae . - luuibli mt m Unnm m, m ,1 salary, which Is for 11,441.' This amount Is simply ridiculous. : . a ateaograpnsr Could do all the work of the society easily- by workinr one day each - week. and have plenty of time -to epsre. Mo far as I caa see, there is aosoiuieiy no heed of a traveling agent. . . APPLICANT' WANTED rr-. ADVANCE INFORMATION Reports of an. aftempt- to secure in formation 'concerning the examinations to he given by the civil' service commis sion for the position of clerks and dep uty auditors In the city auditor s offloo, by on of -the applicants. Is being Inves-. tigated thla afternoon. . . Members of the commlMlon were- In formed that the. applicant had ap proached a certain eltyofflcial and had asked him. to give-him asslstsnc which would enable hint" UK pass. A meeting wss called immediately, and the aooll- cant was summoned1 before the commis sion. - .-; , : .. - :.J -. :; ' ' . If ths accusations are found to be true, the applicant will. In all probeJH-l lty, be barred, f rom, .participating in the examinations . - . . NEW JOCKEY CLUB i-f- i , HAS FINE CIRCUIT ilnatmml Knvtll Sjnln.l . -' '. -Chicage-Jatw-.i7, The new -American Jockey club wll) he - composed of the following clubs: Louisville, Klmbrldge of Kanaaa City, llawthorne of Chicago, Panama of New Orleans.' Essex Park pt Hot Springs, Union Park of St. Louis, Worth of Chicago and possibly Xatonla f Cincinnati..- , i.- Sm Corrlgan has been chosen tempor ary chairman and Humphrey Devereaux acting eecretary. ; Thla la the new asso- clatlon fostered by corrlgan in oppo sition to the Western Jockey dub. ' aekesaaaaasieaiwSjyMBaMMBawa aHB-aa BvssxAjra tin to-wtts. --r - IfMMi.l iMMal ft - Bt. Petersburg. Jan. IT. Kuropatkin reports that hs hss occupied ths vil la sea of Kballatosa and Khalguttya. The Japanese were, pursued by cavalry after a deeperata reatataoce. . . 'Mujrpsss Aocrvsa or rmAvs.,- . : IJoaraal (pedal gervtea.) . c. '' Berlin, Jan. J7- The Prlnceae Alexan dra of . leembourc and Budingen has been arrested at - Romaimhorn, near Frankfort, charged- with fraud. , ' -. EVENING. JANUARY C7. plan ot $b, a anaiu ntwuuv. , ' - Ramaker Co. V A1TD MOBSTJOkT. TWO HUSBANDS WERE JUST ONE TOO MANY Mrs. - Delia; Mahan Thought - Thomas Was Dead, and Mar rled 'Josiah Hinklec - . . . . V -.- .. .i .- R- -'- Delia Mahan was granted a divorce from Joaiah Hlnkle by Judge J. B. Cle-land- In the circuit court this morning to permit her to return to, Thomas Ma han, her first husband. r " - --She- tamo before the oourt with the story 'that she had two husbands, and desired to get rid of -one. She said she married Thomas Mahan In ! and lived with him several years;' He left home and 'she wss unable to find, him. One day sho ws told by a .friend that her husband waa dead. -, .; - Thlnklna herself free aha - married 'Joaiah Hlnkle In ISM. and two .month afterward Mahan appeared upon the scene. -And she found herself with two hoabands. ...Although legally, a, wife .-to both sKo could not live with two men. . She thought , the old 'love was best and decided to return to. husband Ko. l; Accordingly she began suit in the courts for a divorce from husband No, S. Judge cieland had the -ease J under -const dera tlon but a few minutes when he granted the decree. Sylvia M. wag legally separated from William M. "Weaver, bjt order of Judge cieiana lor desertion, - The couple were married October ta. 1(03. and lived to gether until. November go. Tiring iof his wile tha husband deserted her. and she ' has since been -residing with her parents. '. -: ..-J-,-?.. ' . . ,.- .. . .-. Annie was granted a" divorce from WUtam Hall for desertion. They were married In Aurora, Mo- In May. 1M0, John- was . granted.- a- ,-dlvorca- f roav An oonannan on ine aame sroonos They were married In Texas in J87V , v.; 1 1 . ,' i , , , . 7 J BREYMAN WANTS HIS v- -INDICTMENT "QUASHED Argument on a motion to set aside the Indictment brought oy Tthe trad jury against A. H. Breyman oh the grounds that the IndlctmenVtwaa brought m on eviaam-e or the defendant., was before Prealdlns Jndae Oeora-a - of the Circuit court this morning. - - Breyman was IndJoted for-ownlng and renting St nouae-ror immorar purposes. His attorney, C. H. Carey, argued that the defendant could not be made to in criminate -himself, and that the case should be dismissed for lack -of other evidence:' Breyman Is -one of the own ers Of the building in which - the no torious .Pari house I situated. Assistant District Attorney- G. C. Moser -caused .an- affidavit to be filed by each of the- -grand Jurymen to the effect that they warned him before he anewered any questions that ne need not Incriminate himself. .- The case, waa sub mitted to-the -court. -- . w.v. motion to dismiss the esse! agalnat D. B. Buchanan, who was indicted. for leaalng property for gambling purpose, was lao .argued -smli SObmltted. . Bu chanan i said to be the owner of the building in .which : Ue . Portland dub operated Its games..H -- . -..-. YOUNG BANDIT SIGNED V v 1 JACK THE RIPPER Charles Brooks, the young1 bandit who wss captured Wadneaday night after an unsuccessful attempt to hold up Con ductor .Key ser on the Madison atreet bridge,' signed "Jack, the Ripper,"' to the letters he wrote. - Since hi arrest police officers have found a letter which wss returned to his address. It follow "Mlas EateUa Ayers,' Seattle Dear KJd: 1 'think I wUl Journey to Seattle from here. 1 would like a conversation Ith yon, and If you- are to grant It lust drop ms a line. , Ko further explan ation is needed. I remain, as ever. Jack, the Ripper. Address, Charles Brooke. 16 Vi Front street, Portland, Oregon.1 SELECTING JURYMEW FOR WEBER'S TRIAL I-;'"" '' 1 .'" ''. i- ',V : (Jooraal Special Servlea.) ; Auburn, CaU Jan. 17, Two jurymen were . accepted In the Weber murder trial up to noon today. They are. F. J. Wall, fruitgrower at Gold 'Run, and T. W- Jerry, s fsrmss- of gheridan.-" Ten talesmen .war., examined this .morning, eight being, excused for cause, some by reason of having formed an opinion and other oa the- -grounds of being apposed to capltap punishment where the . evi dence la circumstantial. .Ths defendant was extremely Interested, in the exami nation, and when the talesmen esys he has formed sit opinion a sickly smile pssses ovsr his countenance. , Shoe buyers.' read - the Knight .Shoe company's sdvertlsement. page .1. - V - Dr. B. E. WRIGHT The seleatif ie DeaMa that ro ll area all pain In ' dental operations. 48', Washington St, o. gevvath. J.7LL,Z-r ggfsss-Mi jjjj:... . !HJ'X1I!3LU- '-Si ImULt ,y 1 C2XO AVECE . ; .!! f.'jxr VceS ' ' '' '.- '---...'---.',.', t . . l "" .. ' -.t -'4:' ' The Great East. Side Bargsin Event : All Kinds of Dry I " '.j Goodst Clothing, . Furnishing Goods Shoes, etc j : ? AT ABSOLUTE , And less in many cases. . . Everything in the store reduced in . E rice (with exception of a few contract goods). .11 damage -y. fire and smoke was confined to the basements but; the -smoke was dense and many- goods on the .main floor were ' discolored or tainted by smoke. These' goods are being .of fered at less than wholesale prices, while every other article of first class merchandise is being offered at absolute whole- '. 4 sale cost Everything must go before the Arrival of 6ur Targe spring stocks, due to arrive next month. Low prices are do ing 'the feuiiiietr;:r Zll T AIlif.02$ ncduccd : ef ,Lm..m vv., .. ; Choice of $30 Shoes 1?2.83 Choice of $3.00 Shoes 2.23 -Choice of $2.50 Shoes $1.95 Choice of $2.00 Shoes ijl.CO f Men's Shoes, value to $8.50, .'-.V - at . ..- ',; i . 900 -Odd Lbts. -: Good Shapes, .Men's $5 HigH Top Rubber - -; Boots , .'. . . 2.73 jAfen.-.-$OKoJtJ)uck-'Rttb-; ., ber Boots.'. . . . .S2.45 ' rtAftV est! Lowest Prices in City "on , Good Reliable Goods. Suits .worth' 2i at. 514145 Suits worth $20, at. 813.35 : Suits worth $18, at.ljll.35 ' uits worth $15, at .810.35 "Suitsworth $12ratr--87.05 Overcoats worth $15 $.5 Overcoats' worth $10 $6.15 ; lien's Und-hveari Greatly; Reduced In-Price. $1.25 t ine .wool ribbed $1 -Heavy- wcotJribbe(L.77 5c Natural wool .49 " HenYl5c Half Wool - Ym I' ri-' .SOX v m t t't t": 107 COStS RCCUCCa t Overcoats at 82.75, $3.50 and $475. , i Suits 'atr $1.65," f 2.15, !::f-5.65,- $2.95. x:a ' V Boys'. 35C Waists 21c i A new lot of blouse or shirt 1 waist styles in sizes i ;to10. Boys' : Extra Heavy. Ribbed I Svv.SOtf H.oag; at,i .HJUSf HOW WORD DISCOVERED -- THAT HE WAS IN SALEM 1 seebir ths dregonlaii.' said Sheriff Wori). today, "that tarn In Salem lobby. Ing against the. bill taking the removal of insane person from their counties ta the aiyJum out of the handa of . the aherlffa. .1 have only to say In reply that I have not been In Salem, sine Sep. '"'1 t J'.'--:? mmm. HffTAns rS!at--sTx A; (Ck' '";- ' -'-- - '. In order to close out th .entire lot. tomorrow (Saturday) venlnt !- tween'7;l nd l:l-oclockbNLr;.ws will pffer s a special all-odd and ends in our very beet La Belle China, fancy gold and tlOe design. ' ' . ; Sejjpf .SiinnetPlatesv regular lMviiut;. ' Serof Sauce Dishes, regular 50c Value i ; . i 'lOf : . Set of Souo Plates, regular $1.00 value . 25 , Milk Pitcher, regular 95c .T Fruit Dishes, regulir 35c value "V TTi-rn'e".v7,r "15 : " Class Cake Standi, 35c, 40c and S3c values V..ef .t 15 -. V Platters, all siiei, values from 25c to $1.0$ each '. . . 15 Kot Crackad or nicked goo da every piece perfect. Simply odd and ends you .can better us than we. Com early th auspiy 1 limited they'd go qufckly. .- y -' :-r. . . ... EAST STeuH ; Ccntir.-::i:n cf SpfeadsT -tt ,$hects;C J'iijows -Lace ;CurtaiiiVttc.yaU'at--- -.' .rt .At Very 'Small Prices. -c": - All New' .Styliso 'Coats. ';, Choicefdf $18.50 -A a y.y . Coats :....-: .'4 ; a i 7 . $7.65 Choice of $10 ? - Coats ; r. .v4 .':;$ i Choice of ffl'y'.;: ?'.( Coats'-, i . i . . $5.45 - jvliislin Undmvci; 1 P Enrc!ierft s, Uces,' Etc. v . A very, large new assortment -just received,: All included - gAT SALE FKCEjfe ii 1 4 . V 1 Desir&ble Dress Goods - e- 'At-. Smoke" Sale Prices.' T "' " $1.50 Black or fancy. $1.98' $l!25 Black or fancy.-. ,97 . $1.00 Black or f aricy ;r. 77' clack or fancy. 57 -. " Misses': 20c-Fine'I Ribbed 1 -.Hose, alt siiMrtVt.13 ' Ladies' Royafr lOc Shoeii. omenV fiOcTelj SUp-'- gMsgggi i i wmmmmmmmmmmmi' I' All IleiiVlieatsS $3.00:'Ha'U' !$i.lQ . $2.0jt.Mats .V .$15 f $2. Hats. ;$1.80 liOZHataHfii'-flaJOi tember lit," and since my return from" California have scarctly been away from -my -office. The pa (sage of the bill will.:, not mean the lose of a red cent to my, office, hut In my Judgment It would in crea the cost it the work." -v.- i T i s. in, ',,. ", j ''.; "A free electrics! panorama - at the -i eoraer of Third and A16r etreats, from ' a. h. tolp,s i1-.' -'.i' , i - . .1 . r . rref erred Stock Caamed Ooods, -Allen Lewis'-Best Brand. . . . -I 1 . PA I - ' "I- r