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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
THB i OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'. . PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. JANUARY 7. Uql ' v' i"'-' ' v "-'"v'-'.'"Cf :-..v .-.riiL,. ; v.-V'"-v r;''t ; ' ; '" ' '"f I : special Notice J -j-.f ' 'v. - V'-.-: " cJ ' '' ' " :; : .. r - '., , V ,,'.' -(; it "'.7 ' ' :' '. -. ( - ' '." ', : 'i i ' .'-' 'fV '. ' V'm," - k'..r.'" ' T ' ' -'"V t "12 -- '.'J ' " ; !f '-.',. " ,,v " -; : ' ' :'VV , f ":'. . v ' ' -.Jy i'. SAFE1 DOT OPEN If! RAILROAD STATION "xv: Cracksmen; Make -Haul in jthe Southern Pacific . Company' ; Jefferson.' Street Office. . -1" " 1 ' ' i ' RAIP PUACE'ALMOST tt -: 'HEARING OF WATCHMAN Crimlnalt Are Supposed, to Be .'i, Craduates of Judge; Hunt's U MEN'S $3.50 SHOES WWl $4.00- si:oa"- r: J KangaropCourV.. X i wr isri jf 'Si s u yr .'V8 . ' -I ; :' i ' '-'-7 ' ' '-' ;r- daynight , r. r ..-. ..-, r v- ' 1 -t . t . -t, ,, i' ' ' BOYS' and J:i--MfRjE'SIa When PARCEllhG! PRAISE FOR GETT (G UO'IEY Congresslbiia Action on - Canal AppropriatioiTargely Due to I; Coast BUT EVERY MAN DID HIS I. DUTYr AS WAS EXPECTED Chairman Burtohnersonal ': Letter, Gives Same Good Ad - - - vice for Future Effort. . - "Mf advice baa been in all these cases to. educate publlo aentianent so that' It may sustain larger appropriations for rivers and harbors,' wrfte:T.98.TBur-1 ton, chairman of. the' rivers and harbors "appropriations committee.:- in - a- letter , ta the Portland Commercial club., 'We iiiliiiiiiiii Legislative ActiOO - - - -,--r-r ' PROLONGED Clearance r ; i" ' We have decided to continue our.speciaTt clearance -for , two weeks longer. ' During this time you will . be able to buy many, of our best quality antf style of , Shoes at a cut ' of twenty-five per cent on the regular price. . - -. '3 . tiTWiQ EXTRA SPECIALS ; ? ' WE ARB MAKINQ ARE : ;: A 'heavy.winterrweighl Nettleton water-proof t Cor-,1 bna colt for, regular $6.50; I $5.95 This discount sale does not include our celebrated $3.00 . Shoes. We. are agents for Nettleton's high-grade foot- wear. )i MENS SHOES EXCLUSIVELY Vaiiciluyn & WaJton - FEET FITTERS. ; ,';' , , -: ; 270 WashingtonStreet, Between Third and Fourth. SALE ENDS Tues- s Tt will nav .1- 3VIONEY SSAVINGrl ?m opportunities bin You Sec It in Our Ad re. apendlng something over I20.tlo0.004 a yea for Tiver and harbor Improve ments. If ail those which are pressed were appropriated for, , $100,000,000 would be reoulred." : '. Chairman Burton's letter, which wag somewhat personal, was In reply to a letter -and clippings 'from xne journal sent him by tha Commercial club. ' The Journal articles maintained that unair man Burton waa a friend of the Col m- bla river and I would do tha best that could be dona toward bettering jits con dltton, and refe ferred to the fac President H. M. Cake, of thrCommercll club.. -Was a former college student un- urton's tutorship. ll is a general onlnlott-ainonan business men that no ap- mon gibus (rTfBlttli ired buTl oronrlatlon tna canal- wouia nave been secured bufTro4he persistent and combined 1 efforts of tfie--elements en gaged tn the struggle for the approprla- I tlonr-- .T-.t--..ii w-- -- 1 "Perhapethebulk of the -real Influence brought to- bear upon the appropriations committee came from the united action Of ieglslaturee of the, states of Oregon, Waahlngton and ?dabo.M aaid a promi nent - member of the .Commercial club. "The heavy pressure 'upon Waahlngton cam -when theaa bodies got up and d elared that the fedareal government, tn refusing - to proceed with' construction of the Celllo canal, would commit a poaltlve breach of fatth with the state of Oregon as well aa Ignore the needs and ; vnlted demands of .- three . graat sutes. If: credit Is to ba parceled We have also other -waters proof Shoes in other styles and Jasts, $6.50 values for r ."7, .-; i-,.;,,.r t. .....;...-.,.;, .:-z?.-:..::.:.l Sale; $5.95 NCE .t. ... It's So around,' like- tatty at a' candy-pull, . t presume 'tha three - legialatures should have seme, and our delegation at Waah lngton la entitled to a portion. The re mainder we ought "to ' divide around among local workers ' and . the press; Kvery man did hlsduty, and every ef fort Put forth had it effect In making op the force of the combined assault that won the victory. . i . SHAff; FORMALLY TOLD, 1' Mrs. Woodcock, Female War f Announces ChOfCrfOf1-rrfJ!MrcTorlex.' and win. render a vocal the Presidency. , - Back to the woodpile with - prealden ttal timber. Mrs. M.-L Woodcock an nounces that eh la In , favor of Ieslle M. Bhaw of Iowa for tha next, president of the United States. - Mrs, Woodcock har a banner which she ' calls the "Roaehfelt flag," and speaks admiringly of the part it played In electing Mr. Roosevelt. Just to show the whole nation that ahe Is really in earnest the owner- Of the "Rouen felt flag" has written the following letter to Speaker Cannon of the house of repre sentativer t,-' ' ' - ' r. "Portland, Qf, Jan. JJ, 10-Speakr bf the House, Congreas, Washington.. I. C 8lr; I am going to be at the lewla and Clark fair with the Roosevelt, flag, and have Secretary Shaw , in -view for the presidency In the 1001 election. . All of the people I have spoken to tn regard to him are In favor of him being - the next president, and I auppose this mat ter will be brought up before the senate. I would be very glad to hear from you on this sublet I want" to work on this political question at the lwls an'J Clark - fair., and I suppose that "Mr. Shaw's consent will have to be' secured before X can getd work owlt. I should be pleased to cohfer wMh you on the subject whenever anything Important comes up. ' y , T":'. : ....". "I understand that" the district attor ney of the Upltert Statea for the district of Oregon will lend me the oil paint ing 'of President for use at the Lewla and Clark fair. P "I wish that you would r put ' forth your beat efforts 1n connection with this matte, and woald like to have my let ter read before the house so that they win-thorough) undw.tand mv-atutud. In 'regard to Mr. Shaw, Yours respect fully, MRS. M. U WOODCOCK. . ' OfIE OF THE GREATEST. 'OF ALUjVVORLD'S FAIRS Full-page advertlaementa for the Lewla and Clark fair have been ordered by the Chicago. Milwaukee St. Paul railway, to be run in the February laauea or' the Review of Reviews, the Atlantic Monthly and 8rrtbners magaslne. Henry A. RaW. Portland agent of the road. has received the broopaheeta- -.Tha an nouncement describe the exposition aa "oae of the greatest of all world' fsirs." "Our company is doing some .unusual advertising work fdr. the Lewis and Clark fair, " aaid Mr. Rows. "The maga slne advertising will be continued, and a special folder will be Issued.-, I have sent a number of engravings and am now forwarding new photographs of all the exposition buildings, to be used in the magaslne and folder advertising."' "Nertertod roMi tneka yards."'-. Dr. Wood s Norway Pine grave- Syrun helps men and wopjenjlo a happy, vlg Cracksmen looted the Bout hern facinc'a Jefferaoa street t- tlon shortly after IS o'clock, last nlgltt, securlnr 89 and several - checks for Small auma, Detectlvea believe 1 the robbers are three recently arrived crlm Inala 'who "were released from the "kangaroo court" -By' Judge Hunt, - . The crime waa the work of experta. The knob that controla ttie combination on the door, was pounded -oft and . heavy charge of black powder waa placed .In the - crevice. Ttia-exploalon caused the complete wreck of the aaf e, burling the Iron door from Its hinges and across the" room. The contents of the . aaf e were scattered wide. - ' In an unlocked -drawer were two S2t gold pieces and 9 f In silver that-had been left by worklngmen for safe keep tng. This money waa overlooked! At ll. -4t o 'clock - Wight w a ten man Frank' Merrill made his rounda, and the conductor -on an outgoing -train went fntO. the station to- make his report the soma conductor who was working In the place of Conductor Kexser." who had a pistol duel with a' highwayman on the Madlaon street, bridge Wednesday night It la believed the bandltsa concealed behind a. long train when j the .con ductor hnd night watchman went into tha atatlon. watched the railroad men. and began work as aoon aa they left. At Night Watchman Merrill In again making his rounda went Into the atatlon. The room waa " Ailed -with smoke and everything -waa In oonfu slon. He notified - police headquarters and Ticket Agent O. A. Slnka. ..... .The charge of powder waa so arranged that little noise was made by the ex- ploaion. -The rumbling of the train "as It started from the station is amo na- lieved to have prevented those who were near from hearing-th eport. Detectlveg have aiacoverea a Clew t0 (h Identity of the cracksmen. - - . - MICHIGAN SOCIETY V z -X WANTS STATE EXHIBIT embers of the Michigan society of Oregon are making a. hard fight for a Micniguh exhibit at the Lewla and Clark exposition. - At a meeting of the society last night It was announced that soores of letters -had been-written -to promi nent, men of Michigan asking them lo uae their innuence wnnjne-legislature to make an appropriation." for a fair x- nlblt '; ' .-. -' : A committee to have charge of all en1 teMaintnente-te- be ctven- by-1 ha society was named aa follows:- W. R. McOarry, Mrs.' Lottie 'Wade. Mra A-.L, Petrle. Mra ArthUr Langgntb. Mrs, P. Ger ard y.- Mrs. p. R, Baker ajtd Mrs. U. A. Stark... 1 . v .'. '.y':" ) The following, members were added to tp.e roll: - Mrs. T. H. Hohonshelt, Mra S. SL Glllts, Q. E. Lawrence.. W. H.- Bron son, William . R., McOarry, Mrs. ;Ben Coooer. B. i O. Cooper. Francis Schsd. Mrs. Eva 8s: Pillsbury, Mrs.' D. Taylor, Mra C. a . Hosraer, M. 8. Collins, J. Transhall. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Simmons, Kljtln Simmons, 8. W. Lawrence, K. H. Dlmond. . . I f ". oiBior oTMjrAJcrrnsi .cxAss. The klrls' gymhaaHim claaa conducted by Miss Bchloth.l-nnder' the auspices of the W. CT: U., will give an entertain ment Friday. January at o'clock, In the "hall on" East. Tarhhlll. between! Thirty-fourth and xnirty-nrra atreeia Mtas Katharine Trenchall f .Detroit, Mich., -will . alvi' selected readings from. soio. - invrv wii ui m- yim marching by tha. class., - Miss Francis wll be the accompanlat of pie evening. ' 'Tlan't aif. ito be a day without Dr. Thnm.s' Knlectrle Oil - In tha house. Never can tell what moment an accident is going to Happen. . ... i , i -. wiafatied Stock jOanned Oooda. Allen & Lewis' Beet Brand. About Ads On the ? Classified Pagcv -' It's a - common "oocurrence for VThe Journal, to secure posltlona for peraona who are seeking employment through its clasalfled . columns. Tour should re member too, they're Inserted one time f ree- and no questions asked, J ' Horse broke out of stable and wan dered away. 'See ad under "Lost and Found":, gives description. Liberal re ward offered for. .the return of same to .'. Did you ever atop to' conalder i.wbat a saving i of steps you could make when you are looking for furnished rooms, "by glancing over the ads on the classified page and picking out Just what you are looking for In location and. advantages offered?... No use . going on a "wild goose chase", for something you can easily 'Jay' your- hahda ori.J JT Would you' Ilka a pet for the children. or even yourself? Pomeranian Spits puppies for sale at' Ranter's boarding kennels, -peninsular" station. - To get thera take 8t.-johni car.ry ! . ' "Come and see choice .-rose, - trees, etc., at Ockley Green nursery. ,, Vkion 1221. Take.U car.' See the ad In The Journal's elaestned " directory, ; under heading "Wurserles. .A . ' You'll fin an ad ' worth your while to read under "Real Estate For Bale" thla evening. ,.' It's about "modern T room house that owner must sail at one,-In Sunnystde.". ' Hag every conven ience one cold desire,, at the right price, too. can find osrncr phoning Scott JI52. ' by tele- This sounds tempting: "Three un furnished .housekeeping rooms, newty tinted, new shade, gas, bath and fur nace; on lower floor, at T Kaat Twelfth street. Hadn't you better look s.t them? . Things will '.diaappeer no- niiltev L l carerulyou are and -M s taavtan. .it aome oiie surety picks Ihem up.-The way to reach the finder is through The Journal claaalfled columns, which enter three fourth of Portland's homes every evening and - Sunday morning. . Could yon find 'an easier Way I - Retnember.i 1:1' ii and; Spring Too ' -! --A This uniisal it ' K ' 1 IS ' ; ' . It -i - - - - . - . - - . j ; .-t- -T-;-:' ..(.-- slideg; wilV continueite -A- Every winter' weight $3.50 and $4 Shoe is included In - 'i. this sale."::,$3-50 and T ZV : . ; Shoes for-. T 4 Zt i Coy SEE WALK S3.S0 P- iiHiiJ.T wxxjuav Nothinpeld fa 9. zrnm -ITbese nufnbers, include the best winter and early; sprmj fashions. in-Blucher,lace and: .button styles. ; Patent leathers, kid skins and, best calf skins. :. Complete line of sizes in . 'ail widths. 7 ' ''".-'i:'-- ir-Y, :v; :r,r':;--'''---.;i-''?'''';. r" Agents for : Vaiyvcr Cor. Fifth i ' ;' . " ' ...... ... Z.. ll 'run i Ov Ayeights, must be gQttcri mild a Wintcr-Too mijny r - ftr1rt.1 nt Summer siwli on thr rrtarl RESULt- We've reduced the price .'to, ..yY.:' 4;' -'.:-:r-''; v t ;displin :fifti street windoW??:: Sorosis Shoes '- kJ uintiumw av y v wvav wmyw j, l.Zr''.. In connection with our great Walk-Over . ' -reduction we place onsale the following 'V . : styles of the famous Sorosu Shoes .7 bers 174, 171, 3, 181. 7, 1 1; 7 ) -at low price of, per pair, 4, k - N '. -y ... 4 93 snd Washington Opposite Perkins fictel THE COOT SHOP THAT WAHTS YOUR : ' : - . . ' : '..:'.. ''"""y I i 4 ;i..--.T-.-r.v ;-: shoes ' : it ':,! . per pair Our Fifth, rstretwindowT; tells the Waik-Over story. : "'$9,60 Wd $4 Shoes fori, ; (num - the ' . . a.'i ,. j Sole ' ? ;AgeijtSv - for TRACE I i .:- i v. r- f" sIK .-. ' Story; 1 tUGJmtJJ i word tor J cents." f i- ... - - , ' ' ... - -. --.-,..'. " " .