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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
, - Te CTTT H0TICT1. ITT aTOTlOXt. . CTTT VOtHOia. em VBTTQIS. C1T BOTlctfl. CTTT none tllZ OHZCC:? V PAlLY JOURNAL; PORTLAtlQ. FRIDAY f EVENING, JANUARY 57, il8iii.; .SoHfe- h hereby given that tks Council si the Clty.of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting , ,t. iw um ioiu uax pi jinuacf, auuo, eeciar' tbe asarSament by otdiliaiuie Ko. 14 411 fi: the construction of a enter tn Nlcolal alreet he eet II iw of Walnut atrset to eoa-J-cctloQ with 'l ha aewer lu hberlock lnu and . a sireet, iii ma manner provided by oral aiuo ko, upou each lot, part of Jut ;.aud parcel of laud, which ar -specially aud , . tWkslllfn.lW hIfl4Ul k... . ll . ' . s - ' " - - i vw aa luiiuwi. vis; VBHMTKKU AUDITION to the Cltr of Portland , -BUlcft ,4. north H of lot" 1 Andrew an ., layout . num. w i; anutn ft of lot 1, . Albert II. Kreliibrliig. 816.80; lot 8, K. . A, . hhnabet fM.Uu: lot. 11. tjarrett fi. Vet - ht,, wt 14, usrrert r. verateeg . ;.. BU 8. lot. Mary Baler. Mtf.tKJ: i i J?1 !"'". $V0; lot 11, Garrett ... . .1- - "r.irna. aa.wu: nit 1Z. Martna 1 ," Hlertbarn, .. J1UM K- U, lot i, Ban V puuliar. f'W KO; lot 47 Kama Dunbar, hit 11, .Bnieilnue ycreteeg, tilbu; lot RmMrlaua VmIjw. B tu ibi Xii i-wir ,t ' 2 "t M 6. Fararhman, 62T.TO; aouth a) fact of lot 1 IMrhJa Bwrejr, 12.40; aootb 4 . Jonaa. AH.tO; porth ,U of " A. J : Loula Iraoa, flo KU; lotl. Pater WUUJiai .AUDITION 10 . tb Of of Portlaort BLOCK SI. lot lu, Mary a. ,. . ' n , ' . T wu . i, nary nuuu i. F. QrUchow. ffl.Hfl; lot h, JMrpb bfl 41-4R (A-. Ia . n a.,,.,.' ... . HI DO: Kit O. William Khirlwk, (imniDr ,- mS. BLOCK 22. lot 10. Loula? and Theo dora Nlnolat, illlOi lot T, .oula and Theo , w '5 Weolat, M.0 lot- , loola hod Theo- rr,.,,n rfBcuiat, iui a. Axvuia irni imw (dor Nli-ol.l, 12.; kit B. Loula aud Theo . d.ira Mlcolal, mm; lot li, Umto od. Thao 1 dura KIcoUI. 18.IW. BLOCK 23. lot 11. Loula iv l ' w u.ita, , fw.wr. I . iwn and Thaodor Kteolal, W.U6; lot'', Loula " i. "I Theodora 'Mk-olal,lM.Oi; lot ia. "Louli ' U 1.huwlA&K I ... I I l.l Ait. ... V T t , , w u. ImiU aiMl Theodora Moolal. . lot If,' Loula and Theodora N'leolal. .,i. t 10,' Ixhiui and 'Theodora ' Ntcolal, fu.UO lot 0, Lonla and Theodora 'Nlcolal, ' il.00; .' lot IX Lou la and Theodora Wklal. SM.PU J brf. r. 1 1 a wi i-i h-i-t , "LOCK' A earcrl of land lying between eoinnerir. iiue oi (vicelal Btreet aua a ' , Jlna fef north of and, parallel with ,- rha north .Una' of Ked atreetiand batween , aaat lfue of Twentr4von etreet and ' L wrmttrlr Una of Blarklatona atreet and -"HltS; lot 11. Loula. and Theodora Nlrolai. " Ifffl "; IS. lju' nd Thoodoca N loula t r HH WHITBTKACT BLOCK fl.' fcrt W K t Jaachlna, I4.36: ht ,, Era Jaacblna, fT.Tft; . - lot T. Anna' Kamtk-L $15 HO: lot 6. Kra 1"' V Jaacblna, 2l.0u; lot , tA Jaacblna. lull - HUirk' l Wvt 1 Vare Tr - t 8, Hire Kramer, to ns. . e A parrel af lend ljlna betwara -two Bne teapeotlTeljr Jo -feet anl 5W.M feet eaatarl ;f and parallal with the aaatarlf lino of V hlte'a rtrart, and between the northerly . t hint pi .flimm atreax aoa a una iw reel , onrtneriT taererroin and parallel tberewlto, ' anauu, elW. . . A parrel of laud trng between two lloea - reapoetlTely 8tK). feer and Via.M feet eaat- ' &rlr Of anA naraluVl wlli tk. ..ull, 11m , or wnita a tract, and between the northerly . "f Una of Nloolal ttreVt and a Una 10O feet , ii'in nertr inererroni i ana parallel uerawitn, Phillip WrelU. ,. , A parrel' of taad Irlnf between two llnea "- reanelleale ll'i aa .eu . j ,,Y rva ., j, wir irran ana parallel win toe eaateriy - line cf Whlu a traet, and between Itba imrtbarlr ln of MroUl atreet and a Bna liio feet korlberl therefrom and parallel . -luerewllh. laabella Nenland. W99.40., 1 A parrel of land !jln between the AontbIr , awiRki aTeiitjv anoj line mi c - eouiueri.e . uvererrom and . parallel . tberewltn, -an bat wean- the anrtberlr line of li-ilal A etreet and a Uu tint-,v,iw hare : fronk and parallel (herewith, Pad no Hardware , V "eel OonapaaT. 1JH3.HO. Total.. ll.XM.DC. ' A statement of afnraaald aeaeeement haa been altered In the Docket jot Clr Laeaa and la aow rtno aad parable at the efce of the tflt TrMmna I LtAa .. . . t.i... a . -. . I? .J; . "IUI" 30 daya from tbe data . . VI nw i'aiie uuim. ma imiire anen proceeqinita ii te taken - - for the. eel..Men ef (tie aamk 1 ir pro-iavd , br tha rbarter-? the City at Portland. . .- , . ..-'.iui.iii t. in pi mr iDinni . g That atiMk 1 1 1 , . . . - "l' aner me Bret puMlrattoa of thla notleaa. . ' THOS. C. DEVLIN, M L.":V . Aodlterrof tbo dtr.of Portland. rortlaad,- Orrfon, VJamary 2a, 1900, r - VMixiraU1Tr--'-T0dTW -.-or , ;-..,J:Xr0J..TJEirnE.- v,'. k. Kotloe la heret.r f Iren that thai Conned o The Wljr of Portland,- Orefon, ' at a meeting "held on 'the lMth da -of Januare: innA 'i- rlared the aaaeMment he- Arrilnanee- Ma ia jvi . for the improvement of . Union arenoa .from .iw avuin line, oi Bimou aireec w tne sorta Una ef Hawthorne aTenne. In the" autaeer are--Ttded hf ' hrdlnenoa Jto. lt.MT. upon ear . Int. pari oi.wt ana parrel or-. land, wblru jar T"7 jecaiittuv vaBenteu, la a. Aa tnimwa, l: ...... tv. . ,... ,. AST PORTLANDBLOCK M. lot K,' Ammt . 'lrhoU. ISMS SA! . Inf aa,al O Xll.hl. , - 'tM2.v: lot , Danle W, WeanerVrg, t-CUtoO: I; lot 5. Daniel W. Wennefherg, ,lll W. BLOCK : . .;T, lot. . . H., H.- Emmona. e.tvlot T. tvi. n.. Hmmona, mw; kt a. H. Tt.' Win- irtona. (taSa.H: lot f. H. If. Kmnvxia. tMS.uu. '"-BLOCK a- lot M ' Thnrnaa - Mlalin -U(fMl. ' jot T. -Thomaa Hlahm, 332.00; lot 6. Anaml , n. nirooui. atz.nor lot a. Ammt a. Mfboie, j.left.ftO. BLOCK tW; tot 8, Tbomaa Hlekip, WW. art; lt T. Tbomaa, t3.T2.6U; lot . Amml 8. Nlebole, IMfM: lot B, Ammt - n.- nmoia, f.(.v.. BLOCK BO, lot 8, ! nernaa. Harlnga v A toaa. Society . .H.9 uermaa -na-ringa a Loan Bociety, Hit. 50: lot , flernan gTlnra ft Lea a Bo , riety. faos.TA; lot , Uermaa Marlnga Ivoin Borlct. 'l.3. BLOCK 91. lot . VU llanA J. Zimmerman.- V.0;. tot T,- William .', J. Wmmermaa, $4K.W; lot fl. Jure . Ziif flwrma.. Batata.'-Ha4ra aK MKH!a .y.laimeraian Eatale. Helri of, 7.82. BLOCK i l7, lot 1. Babbette Helling. S2e3.5a: lot 2. bh"t--"ellliig, -1262.60; lot S. Babbette f rieiiina.'i a-i.a on; lot a,- Babbette Helling. J""""i.i'. capn i-aquei, a.i.u.00; lot B, uaepb Paiutet. $.w.80t tot , Joaeph Paiinet, - oor40 99h lot , Mevwl a, HmltyMh tA3a.. n . nr. pn I, emanoe . 11 tin- .- 'rV,f4' Co"'" . wTberg Katate - IJelra of. iwrr.ll. BLOCK W. lot 1 Tbomaa t". a. i.nirrn n. n mrr kitbJ. Ha p. r .. (""" e-i'.oii kit -iniim melon. ' ...PT.a, , nana noeBTep. e.V.7Z: Kit , - Mane Bhogren; fTd.'SO. BLOCK PS, to 1, - . aa. imn aina a. 1 Ran,- ejni.avt; Kf g, A. H.' Iierera and J.---Clemen ania m. in W. Allen. 2tl.Tfl: Wiley B. Al- e".ei, niH.n a-a, tor i. k. ti. Htee- emv ri2.B: lot 2, IV L. RteVena. M.T: - I? 8: WJIUam M. Ladd, tM.eT; lot d. Wllllaa , ei, ioo. Total. B1S.14T.M. A atatement of aforeaald ' aaaeaament haa entered In the rtnaket nf I'l i.i.m ..a la aow. dae-and parable at the ofdea ef the City Treaaarer la Uwfnl Boney of the belted mairai. ann- it noc paia witiiin so daya- from iimaaia;oi una oniiee. -aaeaj fieeceedlrura -will be taken far tb rnllHthm of the aaaa aa are proIdd,lij: tba.. charter of -th ty ef Port land. ' , j , a.-' . Tha abore daaeaament wilt' bear InteTeat io day after the flrat puhllratloa of thla notice. ,.' .. .. ' , TH0. 0. DEVLIN. - i .. a i-""" V ff? Portland. " , Portland, Oregon. Jartvar 28. (KV 1 , aisiKBSafiKT - -rom -nnoTzxirr or Jhe flip nf Portland, Oregon, at,., meeting held .on tha. IHtk day of Jannary, llvia, a! rlared the aeaeaament by ordlnanoa No. 14.422, for the (mproTemeiit of Northrup atreet from tha eaat line of Twelfth atreet to h Ma n o Twenty nrat atreet In the manner prortded wuioaurej no, A,nnv, uima eara lot, - part of lot and) ear eel of land, whlro are a per tally and periUlariy henetlled, to be aa followa. ela: COt'CH'lt ADDITION to the City of Portland BTICK 218. tot at, Roman Catholic Arch hfehdp of the of Oreffoavi Aft ft3i 1.. it Romaa Catbolia Arrhhlabon of tha Dloceaa of r Oregtm, 87.46. ': BUK'K 813, tot 1, Jantee 1. , Mumhy, 150.71; north H lot 4. Frank X. , Beck; 87.03) -snath H lot 4. rrancea Bay." . jnonii, 47.04! tot 8. Hearv Welnhsrd, 610.M; 7tot 8j Henry Welnhard. 8B8.8B. BLOCK 814. tot A Portland Iron Worts, 823.78; lot 4, .' Portland !ra Works,. 88.08; tot 8. Portland Iroa .Worka. f.7; tot 2. Portland Iron - Works. 821.88. BLOCK IIS, eaat H tot 1. ; ; Thomas Mann. tVl.Ki: Weal U lot 1 JarauA . McRrtde, 642.68; aouth H lot i. Eric Moreno. vu.iai norm ,ot e tnBriea ai ore oe. au-ia: Jot 8. Lewis Kettler. 8UJ8: tot 8, Lewis , Kettler, (liLRT. , BI.0CK 811. lot 1. John . iWulaenatr BeUts. lelrs ef, 829.81; tot d, , Tlannab Caratrna. 86.30; tot 8,. Mary Jonobaon. ,812.29: eaat 80 1-12 feet lot 1. Dennis Bar- 'tett, . weat 48 1-11 feet lot 8, Henry W. Corbel t tatate. Heirs of. 867.98. BLOCK 810. tot 1. Clementina fl Lewis, 890.40: tot t 4. Clementina P.. Iawls. 14.20; lot 8. Clem. . entlna F. Lewis, I2 R.1: ot f, Clementina P. ,-lwla, 61.18.76. BLOCK 200, weal W tot 1, . Erneat Mullcr. 808.MI; eaat H tot 1. William ... J. Illley, IJO.ot; lot -4, John and Sarah . Csberlne kshe, 764.133: lot 8, Loula Oroa. S! Jl01"! l.CUarlea Groawlrk. 1107.88. BIICK C06, tot . ( lementlna laewla, IIU8.18; tot t. Clementina P. Lewis? $14. OA: , tot 6. Clementina jr. Iwta. $104.59; tot 8, lementlna F. Lewis. $104. 08; lot 6. Clemen tina F. Lewis. 6126.19; tot 12. Clementina F. Lewis. 8104.86; lot U Clementina F. lewis. 6K"lan; tot 17. Clementina F. I'wla. tot li Clementina-F. Lewie, $2ii 10. ' BlaOCK 2M4. tot 4, William Dlnneeo. $128 M tot 8. Elisabeth R. Glhian, 6I8.H6; tot I, Jose ; Buddy. 856 tO; eaat 40 feet tot 8. Joan Buddy. $43.88; weat in feet tot 8, Hand and. Karen Raainueaen, 8 Ut; east V, tot 6, liana and -' Keren , Raemuesen, tea TI; weat yk tot B Emllr-Blankhnern, Vli 70: tot Klisaheth II. Ollsan. $54.71: tot 18. Elisabeth It. Ullaan. $114.45; tot 17, Flfrabeth R. tJllaan, $18 82; tot 18. J. R. Mcltonnell. $108 09. Hf.OCK SCI, faet U tot 8. Henrietta Blnck,i$1.73: tot T. Henrietta Block, $t.73; weet H tot 7, Joba Enberf, f4.8i wrat H tot 8, Joha brg, 4.i HtJM-K in. y l, m. Vln- rent ttoapitai 6.46s tot A Bt. Vincent nvniiMiL ao.o.n aoi a nr. vitwtant n,uiniiai ft'!,"i. ' V'neent Hoepltal. pod.lg. wki, m a, rortland Cordaaw Com- I pany, I16.oI lot. 8, Portland Cordage Com- t,.u irtoV'irt,","i rl," "BPBnr. IS. BLOCK -. tot , A. C. ptulth, Mi i'"" Poraa. I0.20; tot , ea Doran, ll2.Xfit tot 7. Lrua kiarer, -V-Vi. " . nortiano ceeoaga Con- at IT Big. i.f v U..II I a . . i ft 2 M Deran. lot T lia llim ?? i MK, lot , Am.U Waaner, . .?7a.,0i a".trPb'--''. W.10: m Ziitii "iTJirir , ! ST"' V- ?f.;2... BLfKoT- "t i. . Tlwrnaa Mann. S14J.88; lot I. Thomaa Mini Ala Mr .J: IfSbk ."U- -., u.V- T-.tir V J. . . v . tot . Bomaa Cathollo Arcbhlahoo of tha ...... - . .. . . n -w.tFu, a, ainai IHflnMa .i I .n naiu.' i . a n . . -, lamoiie Arrnoianop ot the Uloceae of Oregon. :,4M.k2; tot 8, ,llioaM Oulnean. I6.W: lot T. i Tboma Oulnean, 1 11.98. BLOCK Vet. weet , H 'lot J, Mra. Annla Klekhora. 9S.0: eaat : f . HI 1, 8. Bwett. lao.vO; tot X. - Bobert nrai-e niiaon, eia.zv; let O, UOberT tlrue, Wtlaon. I10.; lot T, Bobert Bruea TVIlaoo, 1107. 47; lot 10. Sopbht Clarke. ai28.a; lot 'it. Virginia Wllaoa. 108.42; tot 14, Virginia Wilton, HOd.M; tot Id, May Perklna. 14.22; iTff'.i0'-1' 'y. Boon, tl.T5i weat M ' tot 18. 0. . and Ullle 14. of fett, Hi0 W). iiiu-L- .one i. . ., J . , . ... . tot f. Mary H. CWKh, J13?r; tot . Mary n. win. nit.iii lot t, aiarr M." tourn, lot H. atary H.-OotK-fe. ftio.a.1: tot 11, Mary H. Coach. 884.18; tot 14. Mary H Coui-b, 8T.4.1U; eaat, H lot 14. Meyer A bra. ham. 16.78: eaat H lot 18 ' Merer Abraham. t $3U.0a; treat H tot 13. Joaeph Detera and A. H. Ctoaatt, -847.88; Weat H tot 16. Joaepk . llerera and A. H. ( loeett, 7.18i. Rfght of ' way PorUnd CooaolliUtrd Ballwdy Company, 830.08. ToUL A.4.46. . . V A (tateaent of aforaaald aaaeaament haa heea entered la tbe Docket of City Mane and la now due and payable at the of&ce of tha City Treaaarer In lawful i money of the United nratra. ana n not paia wittjm ao dayai rrom tbe data of thla notice ewh prereedlnga .will be taken for. tha .collectloa af tbe name aa are proriaeQ By the charter f,tbe- City of Portlaadt . . - s . , -, - The abtrre aaaeaament will tkaar- tnteraat in daya after the ant publication of thla notice, , - .i ' THOS.C. DKVL1NU, ' i .! -Aadltor of tbe City of Portia nd. Portland, Oregon, January 25. 1808. . . naaanii m-Kvrw w : iw aaii - iTirrr ' Notice ta hereby etren that at' the taaetlnit af the Council ot tha City of PorUand, Ore gon, held eo tbe lsth day of January, 1800. ka following raaointtoa waa adopted: " Keaoleed. That the Council of ) the Cltr of Portland, : Oregon, deema )U expedient and Sropoaea to rouatrnet a aewer In 84 Vi (traet rom the aouth Una of Veraleeg a additloai to tbe ae wee la Nleolat -etreet -ef -vitrified aewer pipe of eight tnrbea rlear inalda diameter with all. peceeaary eaUhbaalna, manholee, Ifaiphatoa asm orawDea, v - 5 fc- Bald aewer to-be eanetrneted la accordance with tha charter and erdtnaarwe of the City of Portland and tbe plana, apectflrattona and earl Batee of the Cltr Enclnear flled la tha nfflee Bth day mf January, 1905, .adorned: "City Knrlneer'a Plana . and' .aneclfleatlrHia foe the aewer In 34 W etreet from the aou fh-S line at I VerateegV addition to. -the aewer In Nlcolat atreet. a ad the eetlmatea of tbe work to be the prooaoie- toUl coat thereof." The eoet of aald aewer to be aaaeaaed aa Bra nded by the city ' charter apon tbe property pecfallr and' peculiarly beaeflted thereby 'and which ta hereby decurea to be aa Jollowa: ixi ta 3. . 0 and block 2. and- lota 10. ,8. 8 and T. -block 1. all la Verataea'e addition to tae- vity ot rortiainr. - . The ' Kjiglneer'a eatlmate ef. the probable total eoat for tba eoaatructloB of aald aewer la 61IU.W. ; ' Tne pnna. anecincatlona and -eetlmatea of the City Engineer for Ue conatructloa of-aald aewer .are , oereny adopted. nnaotTen. ,uii iua Auaitnr or too V ity OI I Paa-tian Ha aaa k. ta haha ai.,a I neaoiren. , a' ... . . .... M,...'.i kyii w -a. . . . i . T U IZZ -V ! m notice Of the nroooaerf conatrnctlon , of aald "Z.-LJZy.T' "l.''.Vy. ?tr?"ll I he 8tod :j"wrn,v;;thTngirhin to dare tnm tha. data of the lrat . publication of tbia notice, .-V v.... ,. r r- MTi'Vrtia. 1 el tha llJunrtL' .. .-, '4 -: ' - THOS. o. DEyuw, , ; Anitttne of Ida (Um af ' pAr, fortlaBd.'' Oregon. Date ot drat publication. at a naary - ai. into. r- r. , noroua ' irxJ nr ' teiet. Notice ta hereby glrenrtbat at the merging tae trnncu ot tne inur . of . roriianoL. or. So, held on tbe 1Mb day of January, 1808, f oltowlna1' reaAloMnn ' waa aitaynlaMl - - -rleaolred. That the Counrll of the rit of rortiano... trreKon. aeema it exnenient ana proposra to- eonatrnct " a aewer In 23 atreet from the kouth ' line of Vefateeat's addition to tne-newer in' rticoiai atreet ei -nrriiieq taewer pipe of atoht lnehea clear tnalde diameter. with all neceaaary catcfabaalnW Batvholea, i latnp- hulea anil Branahaa. ,.. 1 . t - Held aewer te be eoastrarted la accordance -with the charter, end ordinance of the city of Portland and the nlana. , aoeelncationa ..anA etlmatee of the City Engineer sled -In the ornce er tne Auditor or tbecitr of Portland on in did oay er January, jwio, inuoraed: "City' Englneer'a nlana and (oeciflcatlona for a newer-In X8V atreet from the aoatb line of rerateega aoaition to toe newer in Menial atreet aae) the Vatlmataa at the work to be done m,ikMr arooeoie total coat tneraot. ' Tne coat of aald aewer to be aaaeaaed aa nroTl'ded. be the dtr charter anon the nmn. erty epeeially ad peculiarly benedted thereby ann woko- nereoy aectareo to pe aa Totiows: Iaota 8. 4. 8 and 6. in block 4. Iota 10. 8. 8 and T In block 8. -alL In Verateeg'e addition te tne ot r-ortiaaa. '; -., ' The Englneer'a eatlmate of tha nrobable total mat fur .ha conBtructioa of Aald aawar la 140.88,- Ej. .-r . , :' : "I nie - piara. -npworertione- ana ertlntatea- f the City Engineer for the conatrnr-tkin of aald aewer are, hereby adopted, - .. - tteaoieea. mat tae Aoaitor or-the enr or Portland be aad he la hereby directed te aire notice-. .( tne pro pea eo conatrnctlon of said aewer aa provided by the rltj charter.--": Kemotuttrancee agalnat the kbore newer may be died la writing with the nnderalgned within 20. dare from- the data af Ilia first Bubilcatlon Wl IUUI IWIIiTi . ... - y . J By order of the Connciv - r , a t i TH0. C. DEVLIW, i Auditor 'of tha liar nf Portland ' Portland.-Oregon, Data ef first publication. , A. noroszn imi nr izixwoop bteiet. Notice la hereby given that at the meatlna or toe i ouncu pr ine vuy ot rortland. Ore ron, held on the lsih day or j January, 1900, the followlne reaolntlon waa adnntavd: . Beaoivod, That the Council of the TTnfof r-ortiauu, uregon. . oeeots it ezpeuicnt and propusee t euaatrnct a aewer la Bellwood street from 120 - feet west of the treat Una of MIMIaelppI avenue to. too. aewer ta Delay atreet ef vltrlfled aewe pipe of eight lnehea ctear inaiue Ola meter wita ail neceaaar eatehbaslna, Banbolee, lamphoies and branches. oewee te pa cooatrnctea la accerdancn with the -charter and ordinances . of the City of rortiana ann tnn wiana. arfceriacarintia anal Mtlmatea "of the nty Engineer filed in the ornce ot tne Auditor or thevoity of Port. iann on rne iota aar : or aantiarv. loiui. in. nreeq: a t-lty Engineer a piano and eoeclnca ttona for. a sewer la Mllwood etrrtet from 120 feet west of the, weat line of MlaalaBiniil avenue to tbe aewer In Delay atreet -and the eatlmateo of tha work to be dona and the prnhaMe total coat thereof.'' - , - - The eoet of said aewer te he aaeeeaed aa pro vided by the- city charter unon . tha nentvartv epeeially aad peculiarly benefited thereby -and which la hereby declared to be alt the lota. parte thereof and yaroeU of lead lying be- tween a -tioej iw i eel norto ot ana parallel wun ids nor 1 11 una ot rmi wwin atreet line 100 feet aouth of and' narallel wl and a line 100 feet aouth of aad' parallel with the aouth line of gellwood atreet aad . between I a UnA lOA SaaS kaal 1 aaJ ..hII.I w.. w I eaat line tnf Delay atreet and a Una Inn feet weet of and parallel with the wast tin of . The . Englneer'a eatlmate 1 af the tieohahta total cost for tbe eanauractloa. af aald aewer at $111.38. . . -The plans, apedncattona and eatlnutea of tae t ity Angineer for. tne copatructloa of said sewer see hereby adopted. , 1 ... Rcanlved. That the Auditor ef tVe City of rortiBM bw a ua mm- sm niareoy uirerrea tn give aottoa of the propoaed ennatractloa of aald aaana aa fkrakafdawl 'he thA k. t . .. Kemooetrancea againat tba. above eewer may be flled In writing with tbe aaderalgned within 8 daya frees the date of the Or at nuhUeatloa af tbia notice. ' . ,. .- . .. By. order ef the Council. - - ' ' ' .-" - THOi. ft.. nntrt irT. - Auditor 'of the City af Portland. ... Oregon. Data (f frit publication. I January zi, . ittuo. KoncB or rn-uro or eipoet or mwtM OH THE B0FO6ED EXTXM6I0K AID wmtrafO or ea$t oukui mttr. A Notice la heVebv riven that the resort ae the viewers heretofore appointed to haaeee the benefits and damages la the matter of the pro. pneea extension . ana widening nr Kent Gllsss atreet from the Weat line ef Beat Reeond etreet tn the weet lie of I'nloa avenue Iw the. fM.a I of Portland, have filed with the aaderalgned I their report Of aaasaament of nenefita that, will hV derived and damagee that will be anatatAad byl'reeaon ef the ei tension and widening of I aVBai voaakar aul mm avn, ajm;riliet. The Conndl ef the City ef Portland will enaslder aahl report at the regular meeting to bt Drill vteuneooBr. iwrniir i. lie aa, at a e clock All persona Interested are heeehe a..n.l 6cd to preaent their object toaa to aald eeAnat I In writing. If a ay they have, at eald time and I . nlace. that tha aaroe Bears aad da-l tarmlned h .the Con Bell : " ' ' TH08. fr. DEVLIN. ' A oil tor of ta City ot Port la ad. rortland, Oregon. Jaauary 80. 1905. . - rtoroiin , iewxb nr tVtTtXT - -i ...,-.'. JIIMII. ' '' ' - . ,. a. j Notice ta herehr given that at tha meetlne ef the CoancU of the City ef rortlaad. Ore. gon. held oa tbe Mtk . day of January , lftOS, the followlua reaolutlon mi adootid: . . ReaoWad, -That the Couuv'il of the City of .fi.iaana, irnfiaa, unh it riiiFni ana propuaea ti cnuatrnrt a aewer In TweutyliLh ireei aram tna aim in una at veretecg a ad' dltlaa t tba aewer lu NlcoUl aueet oi rltrl )1 Bawef pipe of ill ilamater. wfth all nan holea, toBPbulea and b . Hald aewaa k. . ignt kachea clear tnalde naceaaary eatcabaalna, maa- I , Hale a... a. H .a lla.u I With tha charter and ordlaaacea of. tbe city 1 o Portland ami the plan.. epednca'ttna and rUa".trl 01 tb' tat-Mt Sled In the of. Oca of Ike Auditor of tbe City of Portland on I thA nth .4.. 1 .. u ,o.. ,.1 .rii. t"1 .pVlica'tloo. for a -wer I !i ' wi.nVeim atraat rroa tna aow in una or I Verateea'a addltina ta. the e.w la Kimial atreet and tha eetlmatea ef the work to be dune and tb nroenala ti.fal n. thaaAre " and tbe nrobatkle tulal oiair therenr. '. . ae'd newer to be aeeeeeed aa pre Tiueu or ine cltr ehartr anon) tne nrooertT apeclally and peculiarly beaeSted thereby and wuutt in aerany oeciarta to be aa toiiewa: Lota 1. 9. H. 4. A an A fclka Hv Lota 111 A 8 and f . block d. all In Variteea'a addition. to the City of Portland. The Cltr Euelnaaa'a aallmara a- aha. nrnhahla cuet tor tne oooaugt'tioa ot ' aaia aewer la gldd-nlt.1"' . - The plana, apeclflcattona aotf 'eetlmatee ef the City Euglneer for tha eonatriictloa of aald iewer are hereby adopted. . . , nnaorrrq. joat tne Audiuir or tna city of rortlaad be and ha la bereh Alreetad to art ta notice, of tba propoaed eonatructlon ef aald aewer aa proTioed by tha city charter. HemonatraAk-ea aaalnat tha ahaaa. aaaretf ' eaaw be flled In writing-with the aaderalgned within 80 dara from the llata ar tha ftnt ii.,I.H-tL. wa uia auun. . . : , ... i.. .. Bt order af tba .Coandl. . . -iT'-' TU08. C PETtW. " i ( - V . AnAltnT nf flk. i7lv Af lenvllanat rortland. Oregon. Data of drat DttbUcattoa. January 81, 1808.. J !. - 1 , . , . MOMSEB or iiiuu Notice ta-netehv eleen that at rliA mAatlne oi tne vouoott or, tne city ot I'ortland, Ore gon,, neia on -ma Jntn any or January, iHua, the followlne aaanliii-lnA aia baVmiImI. aiauirra, jiiat tne t.mneii or tne city or Portland deema It aanedleik and BMavaaai to improre Alberta atreet from tbe eaat Una of nuioa ereoue to tha eaat line or Eaat Four teenth atreet In tba following manner, to-wlt: rtrat By ' aradlna tba atreet full width with full tatereeattong down to the aub-grade a Rinn jny we t-nr Bngineer. BecondWBv nnatrticttne . wooden e1Aen!ka la accordance with the Cltr Etiatlnaar'a nlana. eiM-ctflcatlime .and eellinalee. , Ihird By laylngh croaawalka la aceordatice wita in Ctty-Knalneer'a plana. BDOcmcationl ronrth By eonatractlng bos and atoae ant tera - la accordance with- tbe City BngUleer'a (liana, apeclflratlona and eetlmatee. Fifth By bringing the aorface. M the atreet foil width .with full lnteraeetloh ta the ee Ubltahed grade with grarel.i ' naia lmproeement to be made in kcenrdanee Cltr of Portland and the plana, epeciflrattoaa aad eatimau-e or tne. i lly engineer, filed M the office ef the Auditor of the-Clty of Portland on the 14th day of January," 1805. fndoraed: "City Eurineer'e plana and ateclflcatlona for the Improre mettt -of Alberta atreet from the eaat Una of Cnton aeetme to the eaat Una of Kaaj jrourteeath. etreet. and tha :a Umatef -of the work to be dona and tb- nrobalila ' total coat thereof."' '.'-- - , The eoet of aald hnprorement la to be -aa-aaed aa nrarlded br the cltr charter nana the property aoeclallr and aocullarlr baaaflted thereby and-wblrh la' hereby , declared to be ill tba iota, parte thereof and pare 1b of land lying between a line 100 feet north -of and parallel with the north line of ' Alberta, atreet and a line 100 feet aouth af and parallel with the- aootb Use of Alberta atreet and between tne- anii i a une oi nine , K a,.,, , a ' ' a llHa. iaa ibe. eaat Jlne of Union aTenne land a. line 100 feet eaat of and parall ind parallel with tha eait line of Eaat fourteenth street. . "t , . J ' - The. I'nglneer'a eatlmata f the probable m"" ta,T""n,Bt ot w A",', The adore Imnrorement la to beelaaeed aa a graTel ImproeeBent and ahall "be maintained he the rile tern a nakrlwt nt riva -aakaea nm. Tided that the owaera ef a majority of the property benefited by aald tnpmrrnMnt . or any pertlen thereof , ahall not petition for ..a new or. different IrorroTement before tha an- plratloa of auch period. 'J do plana, apcciricationa ana eetlmatea er the City Engineer for tbe Improvement of aald Alberta etreet era hereby adopted. . - Reeolred. That - the - Auditor of 'the "City of Portland be and he la hereby 1 directed to Airh ..notice of the propoaed irnprorcmcrit of aald atreet a DrorldeH by1 the eity charter. . iretnonarrancea againar tne -eooTe - improre meut mar be flled la writing with the nnder algned within SM dare from the data' of the iiret pnnncation er in la-notice.-. , ny order of the pouncii. i- - j I MOO. t;, UBTtiirt,- a.lkv .1 t. . C'lrw aaC kaka.laakA Portland, Oregon m. 1 Data,- af ant publlcatloa. anoary m, A88I8BMEMI TO IIWI1 IaT,Eat8T XADI- Notice i hcrel.v rlten' that tbe Cbancll ef the cttyor rortland. Oregon, at a meeting held oa the 18th days Of January. I80B. de clared the aaeeameat by oedlnance No. 14.418, for. tha eonatructlon ef a aewer In Eaat lladl. son atreet from tbe east line of Plena tit View addition to tbe eewer In Eaat atadlaon street at eaat Ktyenty-tntra street, to jibe -manner provided-' by ordinance Ko. i4.aicj, -upon each lot. nart bf'lot and harcal nf land. .-whla-h are aiwclally and pecuUarty benefited, to he aa tonowa. vis: , . . , PLBAHANT VIEW-ADDITIOK to the City et rortiatruHeoiaOviv id, 101 1. aiaitna A. Klein, 8.'i7.26; lot 2. O. V Train. 823.88;- tot 8, paunii'i aiica. aaa.aoi Wl au, Disnm- a, , aaiiv-a, aJ I . iiuin-k aa, a-.v i a , uin-ri a IHI BODS aa . Baunwa,, V" "-'' ' ltf a. Divert atMt Anna at. Anaereoa. -z.atn: Bt s, - aamuei hwanaoo, a.7B; lot a, Bamuei A. Ml lee, 8117.80.- BLOCK S, lot. 4, Gertrude M. llaliia. tot . a. la-Hitae- meinmr near. , I' tot . Bamnet A. Mllaae 113.80; lot 8, amuej A. sines..' nbiAh a. lot , Bamuei A Miles, 829.80; tot 8, Bamuei A. Mllea, 818.NO; lot 8, Krmte Barren, (21.36; lot 8, Kuute.Berven, AHdf- - ' A Jparcvl of land lying between the eaat line of I'leeeeut View addition, and a IIm 60 faet east therefrom and parallel there. with And between two llnea 128.T and HK8.7 feet-north of and parallel with 1 the north line ot nawtoorne aveaue.t r. a. Brawn, 853.85. ' Total. 6458.25. A atatement ef aforesaid aaaeaament haa been entered in the Docket at. city I.lena and ls-raow due and payabla at tbe office of the Cltv Treasurer, In lawful money of the t ntred Btatee. end If not paid within 30 dare rrom tae date 01 tnia notice even proceeoiuga will- be taken for - the collrctloa of the aante ae are provided by tha charter of the City of Portland. . The above aaaeaament .will bear Interest 10 days. after the first puMicatloa of thla notice. . . -triuo. U, J'feVaJl.V., ' ' Auditor of the City of Portlead. Portland, Oregua. January 15. 1808. ... rEorosiD iMMovixEirr or xiaejiex TKEET. Notice Is hereby given that at ihe meetltut of .the Council ef the City of Portland. Ore gon,, neia on tne jiu uay-er January, ivud, the followlna reeolutton waa adonted:.. . ueeoirea, 'mat tne txuncit or tne ( city ef rortiaua, Oregon, aeema it g ipeoicnr ana pre- poaes tor Improve Kearney atreet from the weat line of Fifteenth atreet to the eaat line ot laineteentn i atreet in tne louowiug. man oer. .to-wlt: . ... First By grading the atreet foil width with mil , lntereectlona down To tne euberada a. given by the City Engineer. " -'- eeeiiu uy conatrnciing ainewataa in accord- nnce with the City Englneer'a plaua,. apogjflcal t I..1UI and AatlmfltaA. ' ' Third Br ' coast roctlngvcroaawalka ra accord a nee with' the City Englneer'a plana, apeclfl, catlona aad eellmatM. . " t eurta y nringing toe anrraee er ua street full width with full luteraectlena to nroner graee wita macaoatB. Mia uiprovvmeat to ae maoe in accord ance' with tho charter aad ordlnaneea of the City of I'ortlaad and the plana, epeciflrartona and eatlmatna ofl the City Engineer, filed la the office of tbe Auditor of tne City of Port land on the 14th dap ot January, 1900. In dorsed: "City Englneer'a plana and a pacific e tinaM for-the- Imorovement of Keeehey etreet front tbe Weet line ef Fifteenth etreet t tbe eaat line of Nineteenth atreet. and the .eetl matea fcf the wot a to he aone 804 toe probable l.l.l ana thaMaif ' . ' . Tbe coat ef aald impravement to be bb amvtdakd br the cltr cbarter nnon the property speclilly aad peculiarly beneflted the tote, parts thereof and parcela ef land Dm I BAB II II II I. immij Wlli.rra aw aaa ail wine between a line ino feet north of and narallel with the north line of -Kearney atreet and a line 100 feet emtth ef end parallel with tbe aouth line ef Kearney etreet aad betweea tbe weat line ef Fifteenth atreet Bad, the east Una et Nineteenth etreet. ' Turn Englneer'a eatlmata ' af the probable total eoat for tbar ttapreveBent ef said Kearney a a. ai ami The above loinroveraent ta to"be claased aa a macadam Improvement and ahall be maintained UT IBS ciij i ' n m yrrMM vi on ubi v. arw- vinea mat tne owaera or a majority er .tae property benefited by said- Iviiravement or en portion thereof shall not petition for a new different improvement before tba eiplrttlea af aucn per we. The nlana. anectneatrone aaa eetlmatea er tbe cltv Knalneer for tbe Imorovement ef aald Kearnev atreet are hereby aitontetL Heanlved, Tfst the Auditor of ihe City of rortiaua oe ana ne is nereny aireriea te give rartlco of the propoaed Improve tweet af aald atreet as provided by tbe dty charter. Kefnnnetrancee agabiat tbe : above Improve ment may be filed In writing with the under signed within 20 dare from tha date ef the a. . . 1 1 . i. . a .,1. v lli.i wniirBiara mm . maiaw, : i. . . a iv. i --k- I 11119. I, tllvtt.iri, Aadltor af tha Cltr nf Portland. ' Portland, Oregon. Data . af Brat MblicaUea, January 31. 1808. ' xiuKotiDnarT or .BELalT 8TBIIT. Notice la hereby given that at the tneetiad ef the Council of the City of Porilaad, 1 Ore gon, neld on tbe lsth day af January, 1U8, the following resolution wee adopted: Reeolred. That tba Council of the City af rortlaad, Oregon,, deema It expedient, aud pro Poaea to Improve, Delay atreet -from the north line ef Goldsmith etreet to tbe aouth line ef Knott atreet In the following meaner, to-wlt: -e'lrat By grading tba atreet to the aubgrada 8 given by the, City Engineer. . .. , " Becond By ceoetrucUng wooden sidewalks a Bi-mraaaca wun tna city juigiDeer a puna. epectflcatlONa and estLmstea.' Third By , relaying aldewalka la accordance witn tba city Euglneer a PUua. speclAcailons and estimates. - " . fourthBy bringing the surface et the krreet full width with fullinteraacUoua to the eetab llahed grade with gravel. . Bald Improvement to be Bade: In accordance wun tne cnacrar-- arwa akatiuanMa air tfea. 1 ti of Portland and the plans, apuclAt-atlona and eetlmatea of the Knalnawr atakil to Ilia efdre of the Auditor of the City of Portland da tba 14th day , of t January, 1805. Indorsed: ' '11 1 a a . a . . 1 a .... I . 3orth line of Uoldamlth atreet to the aoulB- tine f Knott atreet aad the eatlaiatae ot tba vrgrk .w . iminijii-maiii a, mb ia a airaai iram era w m 0000-100 tba probable total coat thereof V - The eoat of eald improvement to be assesses, as tarovided by tha dtr charter noon the oroo- erty epeeially aad peculiarly benefited thereby and whM-h la hereby declared to bd all tha Iota. farto thereof and Parcels of land lying be ween a Ilea loot feet west ef and parallel with the weat ling of Daisy etreet aad a Una too tact east or ana parallel wita tae eaat line ad Delav afreet amf hatwaana the kanrtharlv Una of taoldsmllh atreet aad tha aouth 11 ua w blwh -atreet. . The Kngl Deer's eatlmate ef the probable total eoat for tha. improvement of said Delay atreet ta 8l.400.oo. . - ! The above Improvement la to be claaaed aa a gravel Improvement and- ehall be maintained by the city for a period of five years, provided that tha ownere of a m fort I r of tha. nnn. arty benefited hy aald Improvement of any por- noo toeraor. aoau not petKlon tor a new or different un prove mettt before tba aipiratioa of auch period. The plana, apeclflcattona and eattmatee of tne flty ICna-lnaar foe the Imorovement aald lie lay atreet are hereby eadooted. - Heeorven 'J net tne Auoitot ot tne city' of rortland be aad he la hereby directed ro give notice ot tba proposed Imorovement. of aald etreet aa provided by the city charter. ... BakkakgoBtraacea againat toe a dots improveBent ay be flled In writltur wlttr-the underalaned wun in w os ye nom us Mu at UM Brtt, pl fe ll cat ton of thla notice. . . - ; , y order of tbe Coiticll. , - s Tuna nrvt.iw '' o" ludltor of the Cltr of Partlan i rortwao, uregon. - vate or nrat nuDiicauoat January El. 1B08. , , - rxorosEo UmOTHOR or , 0E0TIE TEEET.v ; Votlee la berebv alvan the at tha MiAalllee of the CeuaclT ef the City of Portland, Ore gon, neia on tne intn day jtr January, 1VO0, the following resolution waa adopted: Reeolred. That the Council ef th City of rortlaad. Oregon, deearta It exaedlent, aad oro. poaee to improve ttrover etreet from' the eaat line ot front etreet to the eaat line ot Hood etreet. eicept tha Intereeetloa ef Kelly atreet. a tbe following manner, to-wlt: .. t . ITlrat Be eradlaa ska afraat fiill'"4rtrffh a-th full lnteraecliona down to the eubgrade as given by the City Knglneer. - ' Bea-fond By ' aonatruct Ing aldcwalks In ae- eerdaaca With tha Diana. ar-acliLcatLnna and estlmitee et the City Knglneer. . Tblr(Hry laying croaawalke la' rcordanca with the plana. apadacaUena aad aarunatea af tho City Engineer.-. . rourtn sy eonauracting guttere in accord ance with the plana,' apecllk-atloaa and eetl matea of the Clly Engineer, - . , Fifth- By bringing the eurraee- ef the atreet full width with full Interaectloaa to I tbe grade BS given by. the Cltv Unalivaer. aalth Biao. Adam, i ,. , --- I Bald lanroVment to he made Itn Accordance With the charter and 'nrdl-aaneaa ifT hA .t'lte ef Portland and tbe plane, epeclflcatlons and eetlmatea of -tbe City Engineer, filed In tbe office ef tbe A editor of the City of Portland on tha 14th -day ' of January,. 1809,1 Indorsed: vity a nginecr e Diana' a nn . arjaeincBtiABay ..-toy The- improvement of urover ' atreet from the eaat line of Front atreet to the eaat line of Hood etreet. and the eetlmatea of the work te L ov ooob, ana tae prooaaie total eoat thereof." aae coat oi eaia injprovetoent te be aaaeaaed I - ai a a I ll , il -.a.. ekka. . .. . altaalak'. .... Sroperty specially . and peculiarly benefited lereby and wbk'h to berrbr declared Jo b all the, lota, parU thereof and parcels of land lying Between e line 100 feet north-ef and paralM with the north line -ef- Ororct etieet and--a Una 108 feet aouth of and parallel with the aouth Una ef Urover atreet and between the east Una -ef Front atreet and a Un 100 feat eaat ot and parallel .with tha oast Una of Hood atreet. - -, The Englneer'a eelimate' of the probable total coat fur the Imnrovefflcnt af aald Urovar alkaal la B A aa. OA " . The above Imorovement (s to ha etaaaeir aa a macadam lnipravamant aM shall be main tained oy tne city nor a period of ave yeare. pro tided that the owners ef a matorlty of the property beneflted by - aald Improvement or any portion- tnereor saaii ant petition for a Aww inr UllaVTBBl UPpTOVSmeBt 001178 IDS SX' piratloa of auch .period. - The pis na, speclflcattoaa -ind estimates o( tna t.ity angtneer tor ut improvement of salt! C rover ' atreet are hereby adopted. ' i Kesolved, That. the Auditor of the aty of avikiaAu w bub are iv Aarfuj oirecietl to give notice of the propoaed Improvement of aald street aa provided by the city charter.!- ' . . RemonatraDOee agsloat the - above " Improve. Bent nay be filed In wrltlna with tho und aigneo wnnin m asrs rrom. tha date.. of .the tu-Bi pnniication et tnia notice. By order ef tha Council. ...-.-. . THOS. C. DEVLIM, " - '. .' - Aadltor et the City of Portland. .rortisna. orefon. Data of first pubHcatlon, laauai .. A4, aVkJ. - . rmoroiED uriOrTatzxT or eabt savib jBTBEET. .-Jtotiee la hereby" given that at the meeting of the Council of the -City of Portland. Ore goo, held on the 18th day of January? 19u5j tne rniinwirigreaointion waa adopted: f- Reaolvad. That the Council of tha City of (tort land. Ore roe. deems tt expedient and pro puaea to imnrove Eaat.Savia atreet emm ih. eaat line of Unloa avenue to the weet line of urn Aweirta atreet la -the tot lowing Banner to-wlt i .-"".',. ' First By" g-ading tae atreet fuU width with iuii iBieraectiona oowa to tna euo-eraoa glven by tb City Engineer. rSecond Dj-jaonstructrng artificial stone alnV walka la accordance with the- City Englneer'a iraua, Buvciiacaiiona ana ntimatcay -i .j Third Br eonatruetlne arttftcfaT atona rnnha "7ioro"ucw wna tae t-ity fcMginecr a plana, BirviinaU(llB IID BBtlaUBtBB. rourtn By laying croaewalks, , - c. Fifth By constructing atone an Iters. Blxth By bringing tbe aurface of the atreet a i wiutn wita xuu lntereectlona to the an as given by the City Enalltaee with araaal ntll i m 11 ru t c uiv-n to oa nsana in aeenrdaneA m-lth the charter and ordlnaneea of the City of Portland and tbe plana, aneoiricBttone and earn r as tea of the City Engineer, fried In tow erftna or tna Auditor or tne city or Portland on the lata oar ct January, ipuo. Indorsed: "'City Engineer's plans sad specifics tlons for tha tra it of Haet Da via atreet from the eaat Ine of Union avenue to the weet line of Eaat Twelfth1 street, and the eetlmatea of the work to ne none ana tne pronable total cost thereof. The coat of said Imnrovement to ha a aar. aaa 4 s provided ny 'toe city charter upon the prop, ertr enectallr and necullarlv banefited haaai (-fend which is hereby declared - to be aU the ot. parte tnereor ami parcela of land lying between a Una 10 feet north of and parallel with tha north line af Beat Davla a treat and a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel with the Boom line er aaai mvia etreet and between the eaat line ef rnlai avenue and the weet line er tcoec xweirrBk.atreet. Tbe Eurl neer'a eatlmate af the ambahlo total eoat Cor the Improvement ef eald .Eaat Davla street, ia m.buw. . Tb above ImDrovetnent la to be classed aa a gravel Improvement and ahall be maintained by the city for a period ef five years, provided that tbe owoera of a majority of the property benefited br said Improvement or Bay portion tnerent anau pot petition tor a new nr airierent Improveasrat j before i the expiration' ef each trvk una. .... .... ... The plans, speelflesttooe and- Mtlmatea ef the City Engineer fort the Improvement of Bard Eaat Davla atreet lare hereby, adopted. Ream red. That the Auditor, or the City of Portland be eaa ae is nereny directed te gave notice of tbe propoaed Imtinrvement bC Bald street as provided nr tha city charter. Kemonarraacea againat tne anove iiupeoie- meat atar be riled in writing wita the nndee. signed within 80 dsys from the date af the first nnhlication bf thla aotlce, .. ... . ... . ... By ordrs at tha council. . .. ...... . TH08, C, DEVLIN, , . Auditor Of the City of Pnrtlaad. ' Portland, Oregon. Data of Bret' publication. January xi. uan., . , . rowD-fAirim-i Jrorxox! ; Neflce la hereby given that en thw 19th dav bf January, I0QA, I took up and em pou tided et tba City Pound, at Ne. Vl Blxteenth etreet. In the City of Portlaad, Oregon, tha following da- rioea Baimai: ,, ... . . .. a .-.A . . t. a. a. i . . . 1 ia r a m v.w. iaq n mi uiir n ntnafm orr and crop and tower halt crow a . ear. and anleea the owaer, er ether Parana or per suns having an Interest thereto, ahall claim praaaewaton ef the same, and pay all cost and ehenree ef the keeping and advertising 'them, together, with tbe poo ad fee nn agio" animal, ss iWovldecf by Ordinance No., 8. 828. ea amended. of aald City of Portland, 1 will on the 38th day ef January, 1908 at tha hour of lo a. m.. at the city conns, at No. xai wrtaeath. la aald ettr. aell the shove described animal at tvnhiie a B.t Ion to the highest blddef. to pay easts andtbf chargee for taking an. keeping and adveetlalna sack animal. , . Dated thla list, day af January, inof. . , ' rsttndmuter. rtdroits . tKoroiEo iiwxb nr twiett-fittk ", ' TXXZT. ' , ; - , ' Nolle la hereby: given that at the meetlua ef tho Council of tbe dty ot Portland, Ora- 8 not- neiu on tne tnia nay ot Jtuuary, u le fultowlour reaaalllllna waa adrantad! Kesolved. That the Council -ef the flty of PorUand, Oregou, UeeBa it expedient and pro. poseB la . eoostruei) a . aewer in iweaiy-nttn arreet from the aouth Una of Verateeg'a ad aiuon to toe city-of Portland, to the newer in Nlcolal atreet, ef vitrified aewer pipe of eight lnehea clear Ittatde diameter, 'with all Bhceeeary , eatchbaslua, Baaholae, . lamiiboiBe ids oraucnea. , ', . f Bald leewer to be constructed In accordance with the charter, and erdluaucea of the City of Portland and the plana, lapeclflcatlona and eaiiuatae or. toe Lily atngincer tusd in the offlce of the- Auditor of the .City ot Portland on tbe 5th day of January, 1U0S, Indorsed: "City Engineer s plana aad spedocattoua for a eewer in Twenty-firth atreet from : tbe tnutb line of Verateeg'a addition to 'the sewer i Nlcolal atreet, and the eat I ma tea ot tha work to be done and tha Droba tile total coat thereof." j 1 Tbe coat- of aald aewer fa be assessed sa irovlded by the city cbarter upon the property specially and peculiarly benefited, thereby .aud wnirn u nereuy oecurea to be ea lullewa: Lota 8. d. 8 aud 6. block 2: Iota 10. 8. 8 and 7, block 2. all In Virtteeg's addition to the City of "Portland. " " r ' " " ' T be Engineer a eatlmata ar tne probable total coat for the eonatructlon of aald aewer ia 8140.00. ,. . Tbe plans, apeclflcattona and estimates ef the City Engineer for the eonatructlon of said sewer are hereby adopted, i i .. a irk.a'ik. . . . aa.: a . .a npaiiTcq, , ua, un biiiiot oi mw t-itr Portland be Bad he IB hereby directed to give notice of tbe propoaed eonatructlon at aald aewer aa provided by the city charter, Rernonatrancea againat the above aewer Bay be filed in writing with the nnderalgned within daya from the date el the Erst publication f tbia notice. By order ot tha Cennclt. ' , THOo.. C. DEVLIN. . Auditor of tha City ot Portland. Portland,' Oregon. Data of first pabllcatlou, JaBiiare : Ul lOaVt .:..,.'.. -. . roro8iD imi; nr zaat twixttxtk AOtlee la hereh Bl van, tna at (ha maatlne Of the rounrll of the City oft Portia ud. Ore- b"h, .Beiuron toe iniD a r or' January, awo. the followlne reaolutlon waa adontad : DPBoiveo, unat jpe twuncu et toe illy et Portland. Oregon. deema it ieinodlent and propoaee to oonatruct a newer In tCaat Twentieth atreet front 00 feet north ot tbe north Una ef East Washington atreet to -the eewer In Eaat Oak atreet. of vitrified aewer. pipe ot tight l.bae clear toalU dUmetee - with all- aeoss- sary catchoaaina, . Baabelee, laaphelea - aad tirancnea, Hald eewer to be eenetructed- In accordance Ith the charter and erdiaancea nf the Cltv of r-ortiaaa ana tne pisns. apocincationa ana ra li ma tes ef tb Cltv Knaltieee 'filed in the office of ue Auditor of the -City et Portland on tha 6th day ef January, IIXKS, Indorsed: 'City Engineer a plana aud eDeclflcattona hr aewer In' Kaat Twentieth etreet from 80 foot north of the north line ef Eaat Waahlngtow atreet to the newer In Esst Oak street. Aud tha eetl matea of the work to be dona aad tha nrub able total eoat thereof."', ' Tbe coat ot aald aewer to be aaaeasrd as provided br the dty charter anon tha nroDertv apecially benefited thereby aad which la hereby aecutrea to be all tbe lota, parte thereof and parcela of land lrh between tbe north Una ot Eaat Washington atreet and a line li feet -north of aud parallel- with the north Hne ef -East Stark street and betweea tha east Una, of Eaat (Twentieth Street and a line 100 feet eaat thereof and' parallel thereof, and between tbe, weat line of Eaat Twentieth etneet and a Una, -..100 feet n west nf and -parallel therewith. .. t 1-- -... - The ' Englneer'a eatlmste of the propable tout coat . fur thd couatrnctlon ef said aawar la $300.82. ' - s - Tbe pUni. apectflfatlons - and - estimates of the Cltr Engineer for tbe construction of aald aewer ere hereby adopted. ... ,- , . rtcaoiven. inat tne Auditor or the City -of Portland, be and he la hefebr directed tn afre notice of the propoaed eonatructloa . of " aald sewer ae provided by tha dty charter. Kemonatrancee againat the above aewer' Bay be filed In writing wlih the underalgned wlthla 20 llsrl mm ins uBie ot uib nrat puuucaueB ef thla notice By. order of tha THO". C. DEVLIN. '- ' ' Audit, of the City of Portland. Data , or first pubycatlon, Portland, Oregon, januayy, all rmorosED mrsiiuB.. .. - . . ... Notice- la herahr lliaa llot at lha eaaHnl of -the Council of the-ijftyot Porttand, Ore gon, held on the Itith day of January, 1900, ton- xuiiowitur resolution waa aooniea: .' . Heaolved. .That tha Council Af lha Cltv. of Portland. Oreaon. cxDedlant awl nro. tnmrm tia- iaiiivi Timm'n a r ii ua irons tna aorta Una of Morrla etreet to . the south Una ot re moot aueet la Jhotollawlng manner, to-wlt: . . ... TT. .' Flrat By grading tbe etreet full Width, with full Interaectlone dowtvto sub grade aa (iren .or ibb t.iiy wngineer. Pcootid- ity eons true ting aldearalka In ance with tbe City Englneer'a plana,, evocUf lea ttona and eatl ma laak, . . . . Third By constructing croaewalks' In accord ance with the City Engineer puna, apeclXlca tiona and eaimateov " , ' " ' . ,' Fourth By conaUnctlng atom gutters la ac eordance with the City Engineer's Diana, spec lllnilnal ana Hmana h-m -- Fifth By bringing tba Surface , of the streirt full width with full lnteraeetiooa to grade with gravei, . aa eetaoiianea oy , the citzB8ineer, ' Bald ' Imorovement to iva mada. In. arkcord ance with tho' charter and "ordlnaneea of tbe city or Portland and the Plana, evecincatlona and eetlmatee of the City - Engineer, . flled la tue trice of the Auditor ef the. City or Port land eo the 14th day of Januarr. 19A. Indorsed "City Englneer'a. plana and apeclflcattona for tna improvement or Vancouver avenue rrom the north line of Morrla atreet to tha-aouth line of Fremont atreet and the eetlmatee at the work to 'he dona and the probable total coat thereof." ! The coat of said Improvement to be assessed as provided hit tiie elty charter npon the prop erty specialty aaa peculiarly penentea inereoy and which W harebv declared to be all tha lota. parta thereof aud parcela ef land lying between the north line ef Morrla atreet and 'the aouth Una of Kferaont street, aad between n line loo feet weet ef and parallel with the weat line of Vancouver avenue and a line 100 feet eeat of ana parent! wild tbe eaat una of Vancouver avenue. -i- Ihe Enaltieer'a eatlmate ef tha probable total coat i for . the tmproisBsnt-et! eald Vaeouref avenue la 84,850. , lhe above Improvement Is to be clsaaed as a ? ravel - Improvement and shsll be maintained y tbe city for a period of .five years, provided that'the owners ot a majority of the property benefited by aald Improvement or say portion thereof shall not petition for a new er different Improvement i before the expiration, of auch period. : 1 "" ' The plane, apeclflcsttonS and estlmatea of the Cltv. Knatneer for -the Improvement - of eald Tatfreuver hvefioai are harebV adonted. Resolved, That the Auditor, of the City nf Sort land .be and he ia .hereby, directed to- give raktlca nf I It a nnaknakaai tmnalv.mant fkT aald atreet aa provioeu oy tae r air cnarter. Ivmnnatrancea againat tba above Bent mar be flled In arrltina! with tha under. algued within SO days from tha data of the first publication of this notice. .,, .,TZ,T bj order of tne council. THO. ft DEVUN. .' j Andlfov of lha Cllv of Portland. Portlaad. Oregon. -Date ef flrat publication. January 21. 1905. ' - rsoroics EWER nr EAIT . m RUST. T WEST I- -Notice la hereby given that at tbe Baeiliur of the Council of the City of portlaad. Ore kon, held on the 18th day of January,, 1900, the following resolution waa adonted: - neeo i red, xnat ua tounctt er .uia t ity or Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient - and propoaee da construct a sewer in Esst Twenty first street froa. It) feet north ef tbe north line nf Oregon street to a connection with tba aewer lq East Irving street at vitrified eewer ) pipe ' of eight lnehea clear Inalda di ameter, with all neceaaary ratch-baalua, B3SS aolaa. lamphqlea and braucbea. naia eewer to ee ronetructea in accordance With the charter and ordinaneee ef tbe Cltr af - Portland aad the plana, apeclflcattona ana eiirtmatea ot the City Engineer filed In tbe offlce of the Auditor of the City of Portlanfl on the 16th day . of January. 1903. ladoreed: "city Engineer's plana and eperiflcattoae for a aetoer In East Twenty Srst atreet from ion fcWt north of tha north Una of Oregon atreet to the aewer la Eaat Irving street and the estimates of thacworh te be dona aad the nroo. able total eoat hereof." The leoet of aald aewer to he aaaeaaed aa provided by the city charter upon the property aieclally and peculiarly benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the tote, porta - thereof and parcels ef tond lying be tweea a Una . loo feet north ef aad parallel with tbe north line nf Oregon atreet and a line 100 feet north ef and parallel with the north line of Eaat Irving atreet and between a I hie loo feet weat ot ana parallel with tho) weat Una nf Eaat Twenty flrst atreet- end i Una 100 feet eaat ef and parallel with tha sui Use of Eaat Twenty-first atreet. Engineer a wtlmrte or the , probable total coat for . tho (oaetiuetlsa. at aald eewee Is The Diane, soedflrstlnaa aad ' eetlmatea ut the City Engineer tor the eouetroctton af said sewer sre hereby adopted. nesoivea. lost lae Aatirnr nr tna c tr. or Portlaad he aad Be is hereby directed te give entire of tbe proposed eonatructlon of- aald I aewer-aa provided by tba city cbarter. . , I Hetnnnatrancea againetf tae above, eewer ma : be Bled in writing with the nnderalgned wlthla l daya from the the flrat pubrirnttoa ' this notice, By order nf the Council. : . - . . THOS t.TEVI.t!t, - " ' Altdltor bf tha Cltv nf Portland. Oregon. Data bt Aral hub Ilea Uua. Coo r ua Jaauary, 21. l0o. .... ., r -, - -r flOrOBEB IKP80TIMEKT OT . BXAKD :, . AVTuitr . . " v., S hotlce le hereby given that? at th meeting af the Council of the City of Portland, Ore gon, held en the INth tlsy ef January. IWOO, toe Toltowliigreaolotlvn waa, adopted: ' Keaulved, That the Council of the Cttf of Portland. Oregon,' deema It expedient and pro. poaee to ImprOve (irand avsuus from 12 feet north ef tho south Hue of East Stark street to 111 feet north of the Boeth Hue of Eaat Oak atraat by eOraurnrtlng aa elevated road way full width with full lnteraeetiooa. 68 feet la width, halt of which ahall be eonatraetrd en either aide, and ahall Join Ihe etreet rail way eempany'e portion of lha right of way as shown on the plan of tbd City Engineer. Hald iBprovemaat mada lu act'orttapee with the charter and orrrlBBBree'-of-tbelts'ltv of Portlaad and the plana, apeclflcation and w-tiakkatCB- "1 Ul I llf , BHIIIKT SlCQ IO IDI Office of the Auditor of lbs Cltv of Port laud en the 18th day f Jaauary, .1900, Indorsed: vuy tngiaeer a piana and apectneattoea for tbe - Improvement : of Grand avenue from 12 feet north of the South- Una at East tark atreet to 111 feet north of tha north Hue of Eaat Oak street aad the 'eattmatee of the work to be done apd the probable total eoet thereof." 'The coat of. aald imurovement to he aaaaaaad aa provided by the elty charur, ujion the prop erty specially and peculiarly be nettled thereby and which ra hereby declared to be all the Iota, verts of tote aad parcela ef mad lying between tbe north Use of Eaat Morvlaon atraat and- tha aouth Una ( East Buraalde atreet and eaiwwo a hob iv rest . caBtariy ' iroas ana parallel with the easterly line of tarand avenue end a Una 90 feet weaterly from aud Derails! with the weaterly Una of Urand avenue. Th. Vl . . . a . . . . . aaia autiaair i aaiinaii Wl ill prooaniB total eoat foe the Improvement of aald Grand avenae la $3,800.00. i The above. Improvement Is to be classed as aa v leva ted roadway aad-.ahall be maintained by the city for a period ot Ave years, provided that the ownere of a. majority of tbe property benefited by aald Improvement, ar any portion tnereot, anau not petition tor a. new-or -air-farent Improvement before tha exDlration of tucb period. - . .. - Tba plana, spaclficatioaa and eetlmatea ef the City Engineer for the Improvement At Said Grand avenue are hereby adopted- , Resolved, That the Auditor et -thai City: of Portland be and he la, hereby directed to give notice of the- proposed Imorovement'-of aald street sa provided by tbe city charter., if MeBonatraBcea age ins the above Improve. Beat mar be flled lu writlne with the nmlar. sisnsw nmi m zuv aaye iroai toe ante -ec tne rat publtcatlen of tbra 'noCca:'''' ., . 77- bt erosr er the cauncii. ; : - -v. THOBj'C- rEVLIW. i Aadltor of thA Cltr at Portland portlaad, Oregon. Data of flrat publication, aa'l. 1. al. a - -.. v. ' - PE0F08BD ntriOVEMINT 0T SATIRPOBT 7' " BIEEET. . .. , --" -Notice 'la hereby given that at, tha, meeting ef the Council of the nty of" Portlaad. Ore gog, held oa tbe 18th day ef Janaary. 1808, the following reaolutlon wag adopted: Resolved. -That the Council of the- City of Portland, -Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poaee to Improve Davenport 'atreet from the Weet line of iiovertinr'a nark tn tha north - Una et Patton County road in the . following Bau- Mrs! Br eln1nr the street furi "width with full Intersections to. the grade, aa shown by the stskea set by the City Engineer." rtocond By constructing" sidews Iks It to eordance with the "City Engineer a plana, spevt ncatlona and esMmataa. Third By laying rroaa walks la accordance with the City Engineer's plans. , epectfloeUoas and eetlmatee. - - Fourth Br eonatructlnr box ruttera In ac eordance with the City Engineer's plans, speci fications and 'estimates.. ' v nald. Improvement te be made In accordance with the charter and ordlnaneea of the r-iiv of Portland and the plana, apaelflcationa and estimates ox toe uiiy engineer Bled in - tbe office, of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland on the 14th day br Jaauary, .1900.: indorsed: "City Englneer'a' plana and epetdficattane "for the ImproveBeat or Davenport atreet froa the west line of -Governor's park .to tha north lln of Patton .County road, aud the eatlnutea f the work to- be dona and tba probable total eoat thereof." 1- - - - . The coat of aald Imorovement tn he iaaassnil I propferty specially and necTiTiarir-- h- fltrd aa . aaroviuea oy tne city cnarter I inereoy aaa wnirn is berfby aeclared to ha a a followa: XA tract of land lying between tbe weat Una of Uoveruor'a park -and tha eaat line of lettered tracta A. B. C, in Skyland; tract of land lrlna between the Waal Una of Oovernor'l park and tha eaat Una et block O. Orover'a. addition to to -City of rortland; the easterly lone half of blocks V, U and. 113, In: Grever'a addition to the City of Portland; blocks A. B. B snd V Bad the north 100 feet of Jitoeks -C, D and 0 ta Grover'a addition to lha City of Portlaaa. and the south 100 feet ot tract lettered U la Kkyland. and, lettered u . ia a a 111! o IB PkJ IBDU. j . , The Knglneer a eatlmate er tue nrobable total eoat for the Improvement of said Davenport street ta $2,004.00. . , ' The plans, specificattona and estimates af the City Engineer- for the Improvement of I said liavenport . etreet in- nereny aooniea. . J Reeolved.-Tkat the Auditor of tbe City of Portland be aad ha la hereby directed to give notice, of the propoaed Improvement ot said street as provtosa ny tae city cbarter. Remonstrances against tha above , Improve ment may be flled la writing' with thai under. signed -wlthla 20 daya from the data at the flrat puDiicatloa er tnie notice. By order af .tha Council. - , , T1H HOB. ft fiEVUhT. . Auditor ef tha City of Portland. Portlanfl, Oregon. Data at flrst publication. January at, ibid. - i i - II IIBBBlPtl4BBB 7 l ho Only . Dpuble-Track '"l 'fv RaOwiy between the'f. Missouri River The ChicafyCKportland $pec!at, the RmoBt luxurious tram in' the world. DA wine-room sleepine candiniriff Car, burnt smoking and library car DarDcr ana rvatn). i.e8S man uiree dsys rortland to uucago - .- - TKroughTriins to Chkaeo are operator daily via the Oregon K . R. ft Nav. Co U. P. R. R. and Chicago ft North-Western Ry. :o Chicago Irora Portland and points in Oregoa and Eastern -Washington,- . ... . .. .. , excarsions In Fatlaaa tourtat -sleepinf caralrem rortlaad through - -. to Chicago without change. ML R. R1TCHIK. .." A. O. BABrRB. I - CeaTArt. rac. Ceatt. . Ceeeral Agent. V i C. AN.-w. a. u - c. A R..W. kv. Siy Market Atraat. ,-"ci Third atreet. an PBAMCiacq, Ct ruaruuio, Oan. AU TRAINiS VlAWASttUNOTON i - , i ' , Chicago HwAaLTIMORJ, fr- OHIO Ra R - f r . i ' i i -wid unionr vagi wc 3 TRAlN TO THE AST DAILY 'Threngh Pallmsa eeaedard and taurtat aterva Ing rare dally, to Omaha. Ch lease., Bpatanat,. tourist steenltvg cars dally to Kaaaaa Clien through Pu41ma tourist Bleeping ears (peraan. , any co Boosted) wees IT te fhlcarOk Rrnlt chair ara (aeata free! to the Baa dalle. a MOW depot.- t ' Arrrvea; CBICAOO-POHklLAKO BPRCTAif For tbe Eaat tie Eaat .. - - lagteav ,.' , . aifn,; Daily. 916 a. sa, Dally. a BPOKANB FLYER. Per 8 as tern Waahlng. ton. Walla Walla. Lew. 8:1b n. aa. BriHtaa'a. . Daily, ' n r- etna. -oeug , a' A lean and Creat .' Morthero palota. i ,. DaUy, , ATLANT10 EXPRESS. Far the Eaat via Bunt- Ingtoaj. B:8(.i 7:18 a. at Dafly. Dally. . Oolumhta Blv Divialea. FOR ASTORIA aad way 8:00 n. a. points, connecting with DaUy. , stmr. for Ilwaca aad ex. tunJay North Beaeh, str. Bga- Hattirday . ato. Ash -at. duck. 1 10:00 p. m. About 8:00p. av : . r Tamhill River I till na travail ak City aad Yamhill River Points, aire. Rath and ' T -08 a. B. Celly. ax. Sunday .' 8. 'nv -V DaUy.. asonne, nan-ax. aoeh. ( Water Baahe Rlvay RoutaT Rlpatrla.' wVrt.. atmre. Xt. Bnekaea aad Lewis toa.1 TICKET OFFICE, third aad Waahlagtea. Zaim v ; " - -ene Main Til. .'. L. CRAIG;. General Paaaenger Agent. ' . SOUTH "i UNION DEPOT. About r - 8:00 8. M. ' Daily. . er. Frifhre. fat? ounitrTi! IOIcD -a tAgajr-1 IrJill iroiini Irtl Arrivsa. - 0VBRLAND EXPRESM tralas. for Belesa. Roae-I barg. Aahlaad. Bacra-t 'tM p. B. Bentoi ogdee, Oaa Brea. rlsoo, Stockton. Lea Aa- getee. Al reso, Hew or- leana ana tne neat. Morning train t Beets at Woodbara ratiy. except Sunday with train !fer4t. t:A.B. 7:16 p. B. angei. n 1 1 v e r f e piowusntie. p r I a g-l naiov- weaniiiuf nag Matron. AlhanF-pm 4:08 p.m. Weodbura with Mt. .Attgel aad BUrar- 10-Mm.m. f ton toea L 7:88 a. m. MM p.B. Oarvalllg passenger..... Bherldan paeeaager. .. 8:28 a. aa ' ' -lielly.' Iliiaiiy .except Sunday. iBrtkland-Oawago SuWhaa. Servioa and TaBhUl . . a , ' J I aMviaiona , :'-.' Depot root of Jetteraen Street,- '" '..'''' !: Ijeva Portland dally for Oswego T;86 a. B.I .'. - M:00. :O0. 8.85. $:M. fl-M; T:4o, 10:10 p b Dairy (except Sunday), 6:80. 6:80. 8:88. 10 11 -a. a. I :W, UM p. n, Sunday enly. S:0 8. B. -'!' " - ' - ' Returning from Ovweeo. errltre Portland .atte S:80 a. a. t 1:06. 8:08, 4:88. 8:18. T:80, t:M. 1110 a. m-: Dally (except Sandavl 8:80, T.W. i 6:80. jn-20, 11:48 a. m. Except Moaday. U:S p. m. Sunday enly, 10 00 a. B. . Iavea from aame depot for rrltaF snd tslata atedlate polnte dally (except Sanday) 4:0$ p. as Arrive Portland 10:10 a. m. , The . iBdependeace-lfontooath ' If at or . tine -npetsteg dally to Monrwnth aad Alrlla." eon. eating with Bonthern Pacifla oompaay'a tracks at Salras aad lBdapendeoce. . , First-class fare from. Portlaad to Bacramerhs ' . and Ban Fraacleeo 820, berths gn. aueond elasa , fare $10, seeend-claae berth . $1 BO. . , -4- Tlckata to Eastern.. potato--and rntuaa. tbe : -Japan, China, Bonolnle and Australia. . - City Ticket Ofllew enrrier Third end Was. 1 -(r.gton ' streets. . Phono Vain T1J.' " t. , O. W. STJN0FR. ikW.. R. rVA. City Ticket Agent. 'flen. nvasa. Aeeeta TIME CARD X of TRAINS PORTLAND! - -t rr -,i . UNION D3PO.'t! Paget Sou Bit IJmltM. Departs Arrives.- - for Taoama." . Seattle Olrmota. SoaOt Bead 8:80 8.1 4:40 p. mi. aad tjray'a - - B nolntSL nerta caaac x.iBiten. for Tacoaa, ' Beattla, Butte. St. PaaL Mla- nea noils. . Cblcaeo. New :ut.B. TKM a. asa York, Boston snd points gaar ana sovtoeeex. --Twin-City Express, far Tsc&ma. Seattle. I Bne. kanei Helena. Bt. Paul. Minaeapona ColoagB, New York. Beaton aad 11 : p. to. fB.B. all ejotnta Eaat , aad Boatheaet. Paret Boaad a Raneea taouie special, for TacoBa,-' Beattla. Spokaae. Butte. Bllllnge. Deaver. Omaha, Kaneea City, St. taaale and aU poiuU East aad Boath- :S0 s. ai. r. . i All trains daily .except ea 'Booth Bo Branch. L CHARlaTOlv, Assistant flenerel PssasBese Asaart. . ttm Morrison at.; ear. Third. Pertlaad. Oe. ' Astoria KColumbfai River: Railroad Cbi. UNION DEPOT.' 6 OA a. at. For May get Rainier, f DaUy. . viaiaaame. weatpori, Cltftoh. Aatarla. War- rentoo, Flavai, Baas- moaa. rort rnevena. uearnan rarg. sea si a, Astoria aaa Exoree daUy, Astoria Kxmeee. . a. m Dally., '"'-'"''' " 1.'-"" Vs. AT. ' 4 ' O, V aad P. A ate C. A. STRWART, Commercial Ageat, 88 Aid at. rooue naia bob. Tlokot OBM 183 TRlrtl Bt. " Fltoaa SU -.eaa- 1 ranacontlnocntfti . JSi Train Dalfy , , "6 FAST TIME - TO BPbKANE.' T." lAtTTv DUtTrtSt : . akvl8iluAlrtJI.lB, t:Mli;aS.m ANU ALL POINTS KatkBT. . Dayltfeht trip thrtrogh th Caeca do and Stocky mountalna. For full nartiea , j ulnrs, rhtaa, foldera, eta. call on) or ad f , S. BICR-BOW. City Tlokat Aft. ' 1M Third BvJeoV yortian. . " FREELir.Di:ic::G:.j R In Af richest rttrt, fruit tni Mark ssttisa ill 7 thworli. TlwuaaneaaKrfsol'laodst jI east - ml krifittnu. - ' Deed dirrtt frnm t'Ma mt Orr Von. WRITK TO-OBY. tOIHT 6 J MAlf1lEE.lethsfstIrr- ' -.a -f . ifdar.tifr-ll-ltifUIUrta- i Anivaa. Dairy. , aaif aa sa. ; ... .... , ... . $:ASnv - -1 .11 r - J - . . v. .... . 4 ?-