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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. KRIP AY" EVENING. JANUARY 17. UC5. I" r- w.. . -t m.- . ewtlanA Or. for tranaporuiioa Urvvf b tbe esaUS " seenad liea MUt. , . ' --'.... r-vtmg lur lit! ebplss: re e i7 vi ik io so Bin 1 eirti A3 pas pages, cetitsi .. v.v. v.'...r .1- Editorial Itnomt .Mil X0 MUM or oca. ' yOBEie ABvXBTIBIXfJ t.VMnrtTiT. Vreeland-Benf amis Special -a,1r .. t.niS' , 150 KMMiuml. hew VofkrirlbuM uU ....... Ug, BiCM-- . v L ' ' '- StfBSCBIPTION XATx'X. " " ' Turn by OBim. 1 Th Tallr Innwl, with Sunday, l 152 --r-The-Dally inmiil. fMM...,.. 'lil" !? W,. rk.ll. I...... I with Snndar. A snanlhl. II 18 . fke Tm 1). l,...n.l .... A"0 . .T'Tb Dalle Journal. with Suadmt. I BHtU, IH i:?.,:S '-Tfc ,-4t. . ...l' blk MuiuL. T 1 month Tb Dsllr. per week. deUw, Buodsy Included .;1,...-.i"'mrw.iM"'"" . w. t - - - j ' auadaV IS - B mmiLJ. fW.WM.. WMW-t a - sxeepted reran ay Ban. . - ' The Dalle Journal, with SeDdmy.l yr... JJ Th IX I lr journal. I year. ...... " IS! IBe Italic Journal, artfh annaee. V naowiw. -- Tbe Pall? Jaarual. e'mosths The Dally Journal, with Sunday, S ' 4k. Iwil T. .1 a lukiha S.T th. 1th f -Tha rk.ll Imi,..! .lm BneAeS- 1 BMMrtb.. -83 irltk Siiadaj, iont.. . laontba.. ...... ' ma iietlr journal. 4 SO tb suedsy Journal, ' lk Sundae Journal. S.00 oo The lat-VMklr . -Tkai. irad-WMklT Jatmal. i IS aawli Ian. Illuatratrd. full aJarkat n-. Site Tka Waaklr JannalL , . Tha Vasklv jiamil Inn anlamoa tl rM- . taaiM. Ulwatrttad.. tullL .prkH' " raporta, 1 tr, ... fi.0 Rainara akflriM a awM or oranaa. aataa. ripraaa ordrra and amall .aawmats art) T. O. pVi la. Partiaaw. A- wxxax. xxx voumvAL mat m foiwij. Tha imiraai vaa ka (bo ad aa-aala at tka loV lowinf flaraa: . r ' ' T r'f " MrilBff it a tin mil KmI. aiifa. CRICACO raatofOca Kawa eompaajr.. ITS Daav r tmrn atrart. : DRXVER. COIX). KandrVk Bvk A Hutloawrr . rompanr. l r-t-rntrrntk a treat; J. - Black, IIIMnmH and rnrtla ttne. . -; .KAMA8 CITY Vaa Nay Naara coatpaay. JU. AXGKI.R8 . r. Oardnar. SM . Bartar atraMi 0Uar - Halaaa. . X . Soatk -RprtiHt aaraat. .- . . . . IllNNBAroUS IT. I. KavaaaafV M otk Tbrrd. ' KT.W Tai-TT Brantaaa'a. CaV-a aqaara. . 0DlCS Oada Krwa fwaiaany. - - OMH. Mlllaad-tal aaara alaoff; Mrrntt Urattuaai r anmnaar. 4 FamaiB atrrrt. tAt.T LAK CITV Keayoo Hotel aawa atand: - Barrow Braa.. 4 Waat-aWaaa. atrrat: kV-otk. ST. LortR Philip RoadW. l l-acaat atmat. . SAN FBAXfiSCO W. E. ArdlnaV-fataea Hrrtal - - aawa ataad: Onldamltk Bma.. - 30 tuttar etraat: Krad W. Pitta, inna) Martat atraat. "-pn K X T. " IT Itn-lofi a W. Oraaar-dt-.y.--TACOMA, WAHH.-Oi.trml Saira eoaBpaDy, 11U ' PaHaV irmt. ' - i ' ' - A dlmtarbaara la tntral tkh "'JHj drtaorr antlcaa, barn ant to all aaa aorta la thla .jilM-lft for aaodaraUly bijrk aotirhvamt talnda. - r - - ' ' '." ' - l.ttht rate tima-falrwi la -mttrm Ortm mad waatra-a Wamhlniitra and It la atlll ralnlna; OTar r . jrfaTrr -wtnoa. ti tma ip-tiw-tt Tk. MA.ifr- iil -mT- kaa mndarata and tk tairatraa hmra rlapa da-cK-adly-aaary-hara aaat nf tka MlaaVaalpat rlmar. " Tha rartlrart-f ara !- aocaatnnai llybt nla la thla dlatrlrt tnalaHt. fotloared J- elearlof mad onlrr mrrataar gatnrday-....: -, i...... ' - Waddlnc Card. JUT. O: Railth A Ca.. VaaV . tactoa bid-.' Fourth and Waaalnktoar at. . ;' : ; 'frf-. vWinA. . , : -,; rV-tmary--- , llmaa - Cloaa. mrd . M yaara. Ml rWoad atraat; .canaa. . mu . " dlarbar. - BarUl at Lafarrtta.' tar.., . EM'V Jmanarr 34. Uarry A. Eepy. aar4 4 , ya-ra. MS Twalflh atrart rauaa, mar comma. " fratnatnrloaj. , - -. ! rr.RKINS January SB; Fraale Prrklna. . mfd ' . XII raara.' Sfts WlUlatna aaaant: aaaaa, tubur " flala at bilkga. Burial at KtrarTlew crux- tfl-Ti .' ,i - . - SUKDKBLAXD Jaauary 24. Qwrae SandrTlanil, aavd 3N. yrara. at North Yakluia, Waah; ' raaac, 'paaaawala.. .. Burlml at Lare'a cnaa BH-4aaarr at Oarwa B. Hanry.'atTd K2 yaara. Jood yammrllan huapltal; cauaa, ""Mhmaatloai. i Barlal . at Ulaarviaw crnrterT. TOWtE-lmivaarr 2b. Pearl Kradall Tower. acad St mn, at St. Vlooaat'a haapltal; ranee, ante eepnc Mritmiiua. umuioraa. " JOHNSON Jmrraarr 34. Martba . C. Johnaoa. ' ad Tl yaara. 1015 Wllliamna aeenoe; eauaa, - old are. Burial at Blrerrleer cemetery.- JtORDBIyOM Jaauary 2S. Karl 1. Xordblom, . ayed 4S yeara. n W. VtBnmt boapltal; ranee. " rwluaMary tubercnloalm. Burial at Breabata. v- fir. . - ... . LiumrnttflV Imikirt a mVhialA T ml. i aaed yaara. 34 Third etreet; rauee, bmdIb aetia., Barlal at Srapuaoae.. or, , - i .. . V CreaMtarlnia aa Orecna City -ear liar. Bear Ben-am-.; nnaera. mrtentl Dv eemplele. - cnaryaa Adult. 3B; rBimren. fa. tiaiura 0 a. m. to A p. av. Portland Crtmatloa . aemorlatloa. reruaiMi, urvuvev , y- . .. 4- . Tbe k'dward Bolaiaa Undertaking "eninpaey: - faaeral directors sad . eiBbelBMra, U Third tract, raeoa sot, J. T. rialey A) Boa, ruaeral dlreetors aad , emhalatera, bare ranorad to their saw eatab. nan men i, corner 3 aire aae jmaoiaoa straetai .Bath phones. . S. . ... ; raarl wreatba and est Smrera a apedalty at Boae City. Graeahvuee. Taraaty-eeeoBd and . Bast ktoniaoa, epp. eeaatary. - '; ' ' . m 1 i. - ... -, ,-.lJi1- Z8TATX "TAirsriKB.-"r"r' Jammee W.'Onek and wife ta F. Haetlnra. 1 rnnia 1 and X block' 17, Cenk'e addition. ll, XI Trarl i'bllllnr UO. r. Barrlnser. Jot 42. . -block IB. Mount Tabor aJIU- I 13 uecar BT. aiati to A. r. Helnta. lota 1 I. lnrlamlreblock JI. Clifford addltloa to Alblaa .....A J.S2S Wary E. Hwleart to C. Muneod hnd wife. ' . loft 4. block I. W. J. Kaltoam aubdl- " rhrios block 1. M. Pattoa'a tract .... 250 oenrae r.- aarrniirer and mrire : to if. - Honker, lofia, block IS. Meuat Tabor ' villa , yn V n. amrimnn ami wile 10 w. t Skia. men, mom j, dmwk Amine soe William A, Armatmnc and wife to M. F. Jacnaa. lot K bk blook 16. - Mount Tabor ' ", ' ellla .. 1.. .... '...... too . Peter F. Blaeera and wife to K. O. Taft, lot IS, blork IS. Uerola Park annrt.. 1,200 : U - 'I- Saklatma and wife to J, I.. Led. ' . arldce, lot S, blork 4. Maplea-ood ad f dlltou v , jtj - Emery J. Buahey t I. I !-dwlde, let - 1 K. blork 4. aUplcworvd addttlim ITS Karl V. Ueelr. traatee, and wife to L. - P. Heeler, lot 10. block S. North Ire. tnrtpn . . . . . . -. .v... , v , r.c... ...1 .i.', 1 -2. P. 'Mcnefae et al. to I,. Vi 11,-ppW. i . . eaat 26 feet lot IT, weet-40 feat lot - - 1 and 1. blork 2. AlWna . r. : . ri,9W Mary i. (irmy to W. l. McNalr. 4.SS 1 - acres aectlnns IS and IT, lomrnmhlp 1 J aouth. ran" t east . -. x. . I.S06 ' Paitcnce J. Ilrar to A. M. Wrlaht. eaat - H.M 4, black 41H. Balch addltloa .... - Q J. . dcott and Mff to . w, Bneera. ,1 hit IT, block , I'aradlea Hprlnim tract . 1 I. W. Ware aad wife to W, Bennett, ' ' loct t Mount Hoed View .irW.SOO A. Hatkkrf t al to ml. Winch, lota 11. . It. 16 and la, block 284. touch addl tloa 1.... ....I ...... ,-, g.ann T. a. McDanlel et al. t M. Petersen. k 21. 24, IteLamhanitt Oatatan'a Ultla ilomee aubdlrlaloa Ko. 4- TIM) Cllra K. Meut-er aad husband to N. K. - - Wlrth. Ma 11 aad VI. blork 3, Mount . Hood addltloa to areaaam , - i -Emit Mueblls and wife to E. B. Hyatt, 'lot A. block 4. (lllmaa'a eutdlrtiou '' block f. Tabor lUlgbta ; J AW-re Harold to J. t Scott. Inta S and . bbmrk 10. Wlllaametut addition ....... 10 t'herlee H. Korrell add wife to T J, -'-- 1 Hraadea. weat Tl'J, feet lot T, eaat 6 feet M . black It. Klof'e jooud , addition 1.330 -' - tie roar Inanraaee and abatraets to real estate rntea tha Title Oaaraatea Trust eaam. any. Chamber of Commerce balldlng. ;' XmCIXe HBMTTS. -' - "' , ' JASKA1XA January St. Mrs. Aucusts Jaakalla. renalra la barn. Orient between Uoimaa aad "Willamette atreeta ; coat, (KMk STANTON Jaauary 18, B. Stanton, eattase, Kaat Kl(ki atreet. North, between Mkaret and Maene, atreeta; coat, a Ton, BA K January ts. Harry Beck, abap, t'aloa -a arue netmreaa Buaarll and Braaee atreeta; coat, - f. P. TkKMfJtAI, Crt '-January M. Northern ractac IcrmlHal cannany. umhralla . train akerla. terailnal srnnada; eaat, !.. rilH-f'H -Jaauary M. a. R. Phelua. realdence. . k-aat Rajkia betweea Uolag aad . Wfaat atreeta, eaat. 12,600. t ' TROOPS NOT GOmG TO SANTO DDKO Navy Department Officially De nies Rushing Marine from - Tpatiama to rsland. " DIXIE IS TO CONVEY' iZ: SMALL FORCE TO CUBA San Domingans Promote Revo - - ' lutfon as Protest to Amer- t-"-1 Ica'a ProtocoKf ( Jeorual SpecUl ' Bar I lea.) -' '11 WashlBcton, Jan. J7. omclul at tha navy department thla roornlna; denied tha report- from Panama that the Jjista nau been ordered to Ban Lrarnlngo wltn oo raarlnta to quell an outbreak there., The Dlle, however, haa been ordered to tho naval atatlon at ouantanamo. tjupa, wiin lira minnci ana aauu tomorrow . or v Ion.' . 'i , ... ,. ., .- ,. It la admitted- that the department la apprenrnaive oi aim ouiorcam in win mlnco city. , ' '- The Panama dlapatrh-atated that the United Btatea crutaer Dixie had received rush order to proceed to Santo Pom Into and that too intrtnes jiad embarked her. . .': ' ' . -: - It la reported that fla-htlnr haa broken out 'In the atreeta of Ban t)omtno, that another revolution la In progreaa,, and that the American troopa are needed! to quell the dlaturbajvca-. -Colonel Wood, tommandlns tha marlnea wka reported 'to have received tnatructloria to uphold the peace- avrtd 4ifntty of tha, American Kqy-1 emment on. the laand. . . . .. The. flchtlnc that haa broken out in San Domingo la a proteat to the protocol recently declared by tha United. 8tatea e-overnment. The maiinea aent to tuDa were ruabed'acroaa the lattimua and will leave on the Dixie aoon' aa aha com pletea coaling.' - '-.U,.- DEMOCRATS GIVING AID TO ROOSEVELT 4 Leader Vyilllams Calls Railroa Regulation Bill Good Amer- . : j'.i, jean Doctrine. -7oaraaI4lprcUl rrvtee7 - WAihlngton. Jan. 7.-aTh i agricul tural ' appropriation bill and tMa Hep burn bill to restrict railroads In the matter of freight ratea are being 'con sidered in the houae,- " The announce ment wae made in the'debVte by Wll llama of Misalaalppt that th4 Democrata would support the-president on the rate Issue, aa the - president's Vldwa, were good Deinocitlo--doctrltia .and good American policy Williams called upon tha Republicans for their eupport as American cltlsens.-. 'Belt Democrat, of California, also ' rigorously supported tha railroad rate revision. r- - '- The leaders in congress are Becoming worried over the Outlook la evi dent that. th arrwlltrag ' majority wttl be competled to vataa a law for railroad ratea. ariven thereto .by the power-of public opinion In aupport of President Rooaavei t. zr-7 Jr ,-.'rr;r: .tr cr.-.-.': The - house committee on . waya and means for the past two-days haa been hearing complaints and objections from the sugar Srowere-of tha aouth to the proposed reduction on -eugar from the Philippines to IS per carvttof the Ding-, ley rates - The beet Sugar men are also on hanty with their protests. - . PreaWent Roosevelt haa transmitted to the senate tha flnal. report of the international exchange commission with a letter highly approving the work ' of tha commission , on improving new mohetary systems. . ; - Present lodtcatlons are that the state hood bill will go over until next session. 7 Reoreaentativa Jenkins of Wisconsin I haa Introduced a bill approved by Presl. oeni ngvHvvii iu v itcv vne injunciion evil, providing that In labor dlaputajanio Injunction ahall-toe iasued- until oprror tunlty shall have been afforded the ad verse party to be heard in court. The aenate haa confirmed the nomina tion of Harrison Kelly aa postmaster of Burns, Or. - . '".'. ;'.".-'". MUST PAY ALIMONY T0 TWO ACTRESSES - - t Thespian Mason Is Divorced by Kajtherine Grey and" Ma-: ,j y-r::C, rion ManolaJl, X Journal SpaelaJ Serrloa.) -, .1 - -a-New '"York. Jan. ttWohn.H. B. Ma aon, the actor, and divorced -husband of Marlon Manola, will also be tha divorced husband of Katheiine Grey, the actress. The aupreme court today granted an In terlocutory decree of absolute divorce In favor of Mra. Grey Maaonu,- -: Several months ago Mra. Grey sued Maaon for separation on the ground ef nonaupport and abandonment. The .aujt waa never tried, and the fact that a suit for absolute divorce had been In stituted was kept a secret until the in terlocutory decree waa signed today. . 4-The dearee Is granted on the atatu tory New York grounds. Mlsa Grey al leging that. Mason consorted with di vers women.''.' She informed the court that Mason's salary Is 12S8 s. weeku - Miss Grey's Interlocutory docroe con tains ' no' reference to- alimony. When Marlon Manola, secured a divorce from Ma sop on grounda almtlar to thoae Mine Oref -has established, aha wsa awarded t!S week alimony. Mason la still pay ing alimony to his first wire and within three months Mis. Greg will be added to the alimony payroll.- ' Msron Is at present a member of Mrs. FlVes stork company that la present ing "leah Kleehna" at the Manhattan. . CXnrt;CltTBS3 AJTO - MrSIOOXat OlrOBXS. IKpeelal Dispatch to The Journal.) Dallas. Or. Jan. 7.-M)wlng . to the epidemic of 'scarlet fever In Dallas, the health officer Dr. Cary, haa given his order fhst there shall bay no rellgloue meetings on Sunday. ' Me has had the public school closed krl this week. Three new esses are reported today.. Children are mostly the victims. The epidemlo now Seems to"W under control. . . AjrYOXaTTBlBBTTS. 1 Monraal Special Serrlot.) Wanhlngton, Jan. 17. The following appointments have - been made: - Mary E. Cofflpton. poettnaster. at iBay Center; Wash.; Charles C Crelghton, rural car rier, route .1, The Dalles; fUmuel R. Gilliam, substitute. Second Lieutenant H. U. Little haa been ordered to report to Mantle from Vancouver barracks. , AT THE THEATRES. .- "Darlinf - of the" Gods."; Japan l a dally topic juat -now, owing to-" tha conflict between . tha mikado' a forcee and thoae of tha caar. - The prea ent altuatlon In the orient, therefore. lenda an additional. Intereat to the ap pearance at tha Grand theatre -bf fctlaa Blanche. Batea In 'ha Darling. 'of tha Ooda," on Monday. . The atory of tha play concerna'the Samurai, or" -two-aword men. who defled the emperor of Japan when he iaaued Ala famous -edict agalnat them in 1S71. The play la In Ave acta 'and It acenea, neceaaltattng and poaaeealng the moat elaborate at ago production which Alr.t Beiaeco haa ever offered to' .tbe , publlig. . Cbaracterlatlo Japaneae mualo haa ( been written by William Furet. and a number of typical Japaneae Inatrumenta are uaed In the lnterpreutlon. iThe aale or aeata con tinues to be heavy and the engagement. will be a aucceea In ever way. .... -Ti.The Crlms of Dubosq.', ! .' The Crime of Dubosa" at the Colum bia this week his been a departure from the plays usually seen at this house. It Is not exactly a melodrama, but might do caned a neroio araraa, aa it la nnea with . many intenae and exciting, altua tlona. Jamea Keane, supported by the Columbia - company, has made moat favorable impreaalon. "Tha Crime of Duboaol will be repeated-tonight, to morrow afternooa and. tomorrow .night for tho laat time.,' . - : "Moths M Society.".! ; ' Next week the Columbia,, stock com pany will give a powerful production of Oulda'a famous story of high Ufa In American - and foreign aoctety, "Moths of 8oclety."' Much of tha-play la -laid trt Bt. Petersburg, the scene of tha pres ent great struggle, in the Russian em pi re, Sunday afternoon Jtoward Oould. the Columbia's new leading man, will mako hla Bratappearam-e In this fas- oinatlng play and tha event is eagerly lodked forward.-to Jy all the regular patrdmw.- ; - - ' ; -. Advtnce Sale for "Faust." In the past SO sessons-millions -of theatre7 - goera have wttneaaed Lidwls Morrison's performance of Mephtsta, end havCbeen delighted with the .elaborate ry provided for the garden, Brockea 'anotheoala acenea. of . 'Faust." s Morrison fomea to-the Marauam. Grand theatre, next Tuesday and Wed nesday nights and will give his per formance of MepbUtOkXne advance aale of aeata will open tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 10 o'clock. ' I "'." .. a jTht SUver Slipper." When John C. Fisher's superb musical production., TThe 'Silver Slipper. is given -at the Mafqimm Grand theatre next' Friday and 'Saturday -nights,. Feb ruary I and 4. .with a a pec la 1 price niata nee Saturday, It will toe readily apparent to thoae who saw it when preseated'last year that 4he ''second edition" in many waya will - be almost, a new "attraction, aside from the atory aad "the' English dancing girls. . . - 1 ;. Laat Perforrrianca of Collier.- i Ifha-iaitnarffirmanr-a Af tmTllllam ffim iler-ln 'The Dictator" will be given at the Marquam Grand . theatre tomorrow (Saturday) afternoonc " Special prices will prevail and no one ahould -miss this funny "farce." Jit Is.thebest comedy Mrr-lkruleTThae-ever- given us. There will - not .toe a performance, tomorrow Bight. . . - The Sur'a BUL -'. r-The alnging ofl the Tourist trio at 'the Star theatre thla week la a treat i The banjo-claying of r Claudlua -and j Corbln may be correctly described' aaj "rarjld fire." and the Chamroye are excellent examples of high -class European acro bats. Hanson and Drew appear in-a well set sketch. No mistake ' can be made in visiting thla fashionable vaude ville hous,e thla week. . Nobte Company Sundajrt ,, With (the regular matinee Bund ay, the Noble stock company will begin an en gagetnervt at the Empire theatre for one week. Thla la an unusually atrong or ganisation, playing at popular prloea, . fThe opening play will be the inter esting melodrama "The Moonshiners," which will run- untlL Thursday, night, when "Love and Honor" will finish the week. - '. i J I awnanaanaamanes1Mawwu.mi , ' .'.v---. Great Tatrfcal, bargain. ....J "What Happened" to.. Smith" Is un doubtedly the greatest theatrical bar gain of the year. ' That local theatre goers are aware of the fact Is evidenced !it every performance. ""What Happened, o Smith" v has held the .Lyric boards eaa than a, week, but-the casual ob server might be led to think It had been staged Tor B one-night stand. -.:z Tr :.: ' "The Colonel" at the Bijou. The. Colonel which la the bill at the Bijou thla week, is a rattling three act fares comedy of modern Ufa,- por traying the laughable adventure of a dashing Irish army-officer In' a Puritan home. The roles are splendidly acted, and under the direction of A. R. Thome, the famous London sctor-msnager, the piece la making a tremeqdous hit. .. , ' : 1 -v.-v',. Big Matinee Tomorrow. Are you going to the- matinee to morrow at the jjcmplre theatre? This question haa been" asked In almoat ev ery hoesehbld In Portland thla week. "Nettle the Newaglrl" has attracted a great deal of attention among theatre goers, and business haa been good as a r.ault -. . , ' .7, Don't Miss Seeing Venita-.:-.T' """Those who have seen' this wonderful European dancer at the Baker are tell ing their' friends of her, Venlta Is charming all Portland with her beauti ful dancing and is making the hit of the season. - . - - I ' - . ... TOTttA WIXXi XXTXmTAIw. T Pupils of the Brooklyhachoof trer pre paring to give a literary and musical entertainment in the aaaembly hall on Friday evening. February I. Miss A. L. Dimick, principal, and the yarkus grade teachers are taking an active In terest In the entertainment, I and the pupils state they-will make It a gals' night. The 'program will begin at f:4S o'clock and an admission fee of St cents will be charged, tha proceeds to be ueed In furnishing the aaaembly hall of the Brooklyn echool. r . . J. .. CITY VOTICES. 1' raorosAts" roa ravaoTEJixxT bonds. CITY Oy.yOETXAMD, 0BZO0X. Seaied ' peopnsals Will be recelred by the nnderalgned at tha ofSce of tbe Auditor sf tha City of Port la ad. Oregon, until Tuesday, February T. lens. at S o'clock p. am., for the sale, at aot.leee tbaa par ealua and accrued In tereat, t Improvement bonda of tbe City of Portland. Oregon, aa the earns eball be eatbor leed to be Iaaued foe tbe whole or any part of ar.7 Toa.TS. aald bonds will be leaned la del aatlona ef 3-Vm.ov each, ta be dated Februarr I, iwe, payable 10 yeara from dale, bearing Interest st tee. rate of 8 pee cent per annum, payahie eewil annually, lat crest and principal payable la lulled States fold cola, at the ef. i ms weeKOniyt&iQC(p Life Readings for tlVV Ttje World's Greatest Clairvoyant and Pallnlst .'S1A54 WAaXIXOTOX TIT.' ; rEBMANENTLT LOCATED. ' This .Von nm-nakr. j&v evtra wnrr tttut WHAT ' Vol! anT ir,k m-w,kur tL'il-HniiT AHKIVO A 8I.NUI.S vJCMTION, HE HAS RS Jlt'ED HIS FKK TO SO CENTS. THS uomATCMT CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST 18 rV"'f tfW, I.NHI H ANt K. TRA VEUt. CHASHnt rV.I.f 'TS. 8EPAKAT10N, W1U PKEUS. UOKTOAOES. PATENTS. CLAIMS, ETC. HB WILL TELL. WHAT TRADE. BI'BI- N EMS OB PROFBrlHIOrf YOU ABE ADAPTED .k,i. iuv nnci nni wn'aa mu WILL hlAHHT. 0IVE8 TBl'THIVL BBTEI.A- J r lUi I.OVB AFKAIKS. WH.t, TKU. mui. nun CUHBEtT AOB OR FOltKKlT fooo. INDOH8ED RV THE I .Km 111 Nil ' U K V AWn T..IMK.-M of THI NATION. INCLrOlNO TUI abiium.K or im iMimw limimm. . SOUS RANDS READ BT TAN COBTLANDl rreaioeni alPlwlnley. Queea Vl.torla.. Mra. McKlaler. l .t mVealrfent rvaraot- ' Sarah .Bernhardt .' Sir Oeom White. : Admiral w.wey. we Ttns-rang. . '.'. . ' Prlpca of Hvelee. Tb4 Mikado. ; ' Effinerar WllllaaLl ' V;iiik AVaocra lonenh Li Hang Chan. Lord Ciireoa. Vlearoy f vaina.. India. ,- . . . . . Paderewakl. , Julia Mariowe. Maude Adaamv . UllUa Beaaaltv-t- OONSCLTAflOS aTmucTLt'cSnMNTlAU ItatlafaHloa leee-ar Ka" yea" Accepted. . . Ofpce Hourm bell end Sunday. S a., am, ta S .a. sm. :-.: . If tatereated eat out this adrertlmeUMai. ' ."' Te maiagurty-amilL . ' 11 PROF. VAN CORTLAND S1SH WAgHIXeTOX ST.. COB SIXTH. ' T"- city xoncia. . Sea tf tha City Treaiurer-. Portland. Ore iron. Provided, that '(be tity of, Portland reaerrea tha right to take ap and raacel aurk bonda, upon tha payment of the' face value thereof, with accrued Intereat to tha date ef payment at any eeml-anuual coupon period at or after one rear from tha data of aurh bonda. . Bald bonda are Iaaued wnder authority ef aa Act of the Legislature of the State of Oregon, pasted 'February Id. lWi. enUtled: '"Aa act to provide for tha Issuance "of- bonds tor tha Improvement of atreeta and the laying of eewera la Incorporated cities, and for the Daymen of coata of euca improrementa aad laying of eewera by Inmtallmenta," - aa amended by an: act of tha Legislature of tha State af Oregon, mp proved February 28, 101. entitled: - "Anart to amend sections r. X. S. 4. 8. 4 and Tiof aa act entitled; 'An act to -prorlde for tha ta mo a ace of bonda for the Improvement sf htreeta and laylne ef aewars In Incorporated fcltlea, and for tha payment of . the coat of aueh Im provements snd Uylnr of aawere -by Installments,'- filed la' the office of tha Secretary of State February 22. )AU3. lud tbe proceed, thereof to be naed for tha narmaat la nart foe the' Improvement of atreeta- or eonatrurtloa of aewers as tha said Improvementa aha II be completed. - u The validity of -the act ef -the Lrrlararnre aforesaid haa beee affirmed by' the Buprema Court of tha State of Oregon. i - Bidders will be reoulred to Submit a fiat bid. without conditions, except ma to tha rraularlte of tha taaue of bonda, and to aubmit with tbelr ouia- a ear tinea cnecm at sank In the City of Portland. Oregon, equal to 6 par cent of tha fare value of the bonda bid foe, payable to the Mayor ef the City of Portland, as llanMatea damages In came much bidder wltbdrawe him bid or falls op neglects to enter Into contract ts tabs aad fay for aald bonda according to. the terms or Die put ana tola notice.' The -right to -reject awy-end aHV bids-Is heieui ii'sened. Bids should be addressed to Tho ma a C. nTla. Auditor. Portland,. Oregon, aad marked: "Bids for Improvement Bonda." . .By older oT.tb Council.' V" --'-'.-.:'- - - . U ZIMMERMAN." .-.,'.,... j, ' n AI.BKE. - D. T. SHKRHETT. -I Commlttaa on Waya and Means. : Portland, .Oregon, January 28..1SOS. FftOFOSAXS YOB LATINO CEMENT 8IDE- waxxb" ix rxoxT or axx blocxs. . 'Wealed propoaala wUii- i-.-.. the Sea of the Auditor -of tha Cltr of. Portland until Wednesday. February 1, 1006. at-ll:00 e clock a. m., 'lor larins tour-root cement, aide, wm Ike In front of Park-blocka from Ankeoy atreet to OUmaa atraat; alum la-front ef Park a vi'pueuv I HI . mruwt. I - - Bids must be strictly In . accordance with Plana. SDecincatlona andibrlnted blanks, wblck will be furnished on application at the ofnee of tbe Audltos of the City of Portland. And aald cement aldewanTr tnuat bit completed on or before 90 darm.tnimm tbe date of tha algolnt w ine couiraci or loe uariiea uierefA. . he-iKa proposal will be J considered unices, ae- rompaniea oy a eertiDeri coecs payahie to tbe order of, George H. Will lama. Mayor of tha Cltyaf Jnrtland. equal to 10 per cent ef the asarecate -amount of tbe but ' Tha right to .reject say and sit bids Is Jieraby reeai . eu. By ordef of tha "Park Board. "" p . TH8. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tha City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, Jaauary 28,-. 1805. ASSESSMENT , FOX - SIWXK IX EAST ''-'" rWIlTTH STXIXT.'' Notice Is hereby given that the Council nf ine iiiy or roruanu, trreeon, at a meeting held en the 18th day of January, 1805, declared the assessment bv .ordinance Ne. 14.411 foe the construction of a newer la Eaat Twelfth atreet from 26 feat South- tha south Unset Thomp son atreet to a connection with the newer la Tillamook atreet. In the manner provided by ordinance No. 14.291. upon each lot. part of o. eaiu paircei m lanu, wmcu are apeciauy aud peculiarly benefited, to-be aa followe. vis: WENT IKVINOTON ADDITION BliOCK T8. ' lot TA Jamea Hawley, $18,464 lot 1 4, Edward - O. Robblna, $18.46; Jbt 15, A. H. . Booms. $18.46; lot, 18. H. E. Hanna. $18.46; lot IT, R. E. Sanaa. S18.46. lot 1A Chrlstlaa Laemrm. ; 'A 4ft; lot Ift. M. U Blneaom, $18,46; lot 20.J nw-n fi . iiioasntn, a in. an. riLtH-K 'SI, lot 1 8. Ellen A. Oaler. IIOIMV Uit T all. v. i. Blahnp, $10.08; lot A Alice M. Blabop, $10.06; 1 m- Vf nnimiriii necacT, sn'-oo; lorn 4, W, B. 1 Walla.; lot 8. Allan M. Ellsworth. $10.06;-lot A Ella McOnwmn. $ia06: lot 1. Anna M. Jobneon. $10.06. Total, $228.00. -A statement nf a foresaid asaeaameat kaa entered ta tbe Docket ef Clly Llena and Is now due snd payable at tbe offlco nf tha 1ty Treasurer Io lawful money of the United Btatea and If not bald within an dare rWiaa k. ,1... of thla notice auch proceedlngm Win be fakes 1 or in eniiection or tne- nsme ss sra provided by the charter of the' City of Portland. The above maa raiment will bear Intereat 10 days after the first. publication of this notice. imm. c. - UEVLIN.--; a Ahdltor of the city f WtlmnA rertland. Oregon, January 26. IB0A ASSESSMENT FOB TTTX SOTTrXEBX F0ST- J.ABD AID rVLTOB FAXX SIWEK ST A TIM, ., . - . ... ..j, .- .... Notice la hereby alraa that tha- cui.u mt the till" rt Portland, Oregon, a t a rnneetlng held on the 18th dav of Jannare. lniiV kZ dared tha amaaamant by ordl nance No. 14.420. - - -. - mum 01 - eewera In California atreet,. Macadam-atreet and other atreeta to be known aa th Horn hern I'ortlannV Fulton and Falton Park eewer aymtem. In tbe manner provided hr ardlnanee N. it mi Upon each kit. part of lot and tiercel af LenrL which "ally - aad - aecullarl- beneled, ro be aa followe. vlei - - - .' SOl'THEBN PORTLAND RIVER LOTS: oa- ainneo a-s lot - so. Jlannak Maaon), $33A5; andlrtded 2-f tot 38, Mannas Mean. Ivi.76: undivided 2 8 lot 37. II anna la Maaoa, S6A 65; andlveded 2-8 tot 38, Hannah Maaon, $42.80; andlrlded 3-3 lot 30. Hannah Maaon. 828.10; Undivided 1-S lot 36, J. F, Wataon, $IT.8S; UOdlrlded 1-8 lot 88, J. F. Wataon, $25.38: undivided 1$ tot 37, J. F. Wataon, ito.46 undivided 1-3 tot 88, J. F. Wataon. $18 80; sndlrtded 1-3 lot HO, J. F. Watson. $28.10. BUH'K S. nndlelded 2-8 lot 1, Hannah Mason, $36.00; undivided. 2 3 tot t. Ilaanah Maaon. 8t6.00; undlrlded 2-3 tot A Hannah Ma aim. $25 no; undlrlded 2 3 lot 4 Hannah Maaoa. 25 0; umillrl.led 1A tot 1. J. F. Wataon, $17 60; andlrlded II Mil. F. , Wataon, $17.50; andlrlded 1-3 tot A J. P. Wataon. $lloo; andlrlded 1-S lot 4, J. F. Watson, $12.00. RUK K -8. undivided 2-3 tot l Hannah Maaon. l 40; undlrlded 2-3 lot 18. Hannah Mmaon. $18.40; undlrlded 2-3 lot IT. Hannah Meeon. $'.'. 4)1: undlrlded S let IS ; Haanah 1 Maaoa, J.1I 40; undlrlded 1-3 lot 16. e. r. " a i wrm,; unniriaee j-n Kit IS, J. F. Wmtaou, $.T0: andlrlded 1A lot IT. J. F. Wataea. $14. TO; andlrlded 1-8 tot 18, I - F. Walaen. 314.TO. BICK 4. . lot f. Real d Personal Eatale Compear. $23.00; kit 4, Real A Personal Eatale. .Company, $25.00; bit A . Seal A Personal Estate Com pany. $26.00; snath 3-3 tot 8. Real A Per. eousl Enisle Compear $18.86; north II tot A Hannuk Maeno, $8.?i tot 10, Hannah Maaoa, $13. SO; tot 12, Hannah Maann, $38.80; tot 14 Hannah Maaoa. $33.80) nudlrlded S- V . 'Van Cortland i . i -CITY BOTICIS. lot 15, Hannah Maaoa. 14.33; undivided 1-S i u, . r. Weteoa. f7.lo; lot la, mianaaa Maaon. I.1S.80- uudlrlded SI lot IT. Hannah Maaon, 18.0a; undivided 1-S lot' K J. W. Walaoa, u.oo; lot 18, Uaniimh Maton, 144.80. BLOCK a. uudlrlded 2 8 lot I. Hannah Ma . aoa, $28 80; undlrliled S-8 ht tt, stanaah Maaon. - 818.SO; uudlrlded 1-S kt 1, J. F. Wataon.- 6 12 V0; uudlrlded i-a hit 8, J. T. Wateon.; lot S, fcrnmUne Bcborabech lev, 806-lMJ; lot 4. Emetine) oVbueobaebler, 8-i3 8"; aouth U lot e. Juoa bV-hreubecbler. tld.lto; north U lot 8, Kmeetlaa Pepu, tia.0; bl 8. llanumh Maaon, I-O-ou; lot 10, Haunah Maaon. StuJUk: lot 18. Hauuah Maaon. lot 14. Haunah Maaon, iU.N0; lot 18. Hau nah Maaon, 838.M); lot 18, Charles W. ma rine, eii-ao. - BLOCK 8. Jot S. W. B. Baker, i.M.80; lot , Hannah Masou, 633-80j M 8, Martha - M. trowel I, tvi.iul; ' lot 8, Amelia ' Herreth,- 8aA.wo; rut 10. Martha M. Crowed 840.66; lot 12, Martha M. rrowall, $88.80; lot 14, Martha -M. Crowell, f 33.80; ht 18, Joha j -. naru, lot is, John F, ward, a-mt'Uii r ntiki-mr .e l... e k-ii.i,.tk v.u., $8a!H0i lot 4, Elisabeth 'Voung, 833.80; lot . aaarj r. a am ma, s.t.av; tut o. Mary r , A da mm, $33.80i lot 10, UotUried Metaer, 840.63: lot 12, Annie C. eh-hwacr. $A.K; lot 14. Joaeph Beat. '8680. BLOCK 8. lot X. Albert IVcaike t.Mai. I,,, A Albert Demke, - l&.MO; tot 8, Ci F. Oakear 99.80; lot . 8. C. r. Oakes, 86.80; mil of hit 11 lying eaa or weei zu reel, c. r. (lakes, fa.ui; sil . of lot IT lying eaat of west 28 fo.U CF. Oakaa. S6.36, weal 08 fet lot U, Oregoa -e iniiroraia Km ll roa a cempany, fl.eo; weal 28 fret lot 12, Oregon A California Hallroad . toiupiay, . lil.iH, let 1, Ferry - Heaehaw. - Truatee. 86.801 lot 8. Ferry Hen ahaw, Trualee, $6-80; lot 8. Edward Hughes Estate. Heirs of, 86.80; lot T, Edward Hughes-Katst-s Hairs of, $6.80; lot 8, Edward Hughes Eatale, Relra of, $8.86: hit 11. Edward Hugbea Estate, Heirs of, $38.86; lot 12. Edward Hughes Estate. Heirs of, $46.06; kit 2, Joel W. (Yorker, $43.00; lot 4. Joel W. Crocker. $46.00; lot 6. Oeorge Zeller, -$45.00; lot 8. Olive Mrt-arty, $46.00; lot 10. Olive VI c Orty. $43.00; all ot lot 1$ except - Weat 48 feat, Alex Klaael. $34.75; all of-lot 14 except weat 42 feet, ' Alex Klaael, - 844.20; weat 42 feet lot 13, Karl Kanseubaru.' SlU-oO; treat 42 feat lot 14, Karl Uanaenbaob. $21016. BUK'K 11. lot 1. Mmr. Cv Burt, -$38.8M: lot A, . Course -B-sad H L meuhaaaoa.- 8:ie.d0; lot 6. A. ' VY, Bcldlng, $38.80; lot 7, liciu-y A- Beldlng, $38.80; lot . Cora N. Beldlna. $43.1X1: Jut 11. W. U, Beldlng. $38.80; lot 13. Henry A. Beldlng, $6X06; lot 16, Em lie 0. Fetj. $.15.W; lot 18. Emlle C. Fety, $78 SO Mot 2. Krneat P. itosch,. $46.00; tot a. Kracat P. Doach. 845.00: lot 4 H. A. and -Y"- Beldlng, $46.00( lot 8. Jl. A. audi A. W. Beldlua. $46.00; west 28 feet lot 10,1 Oreaoav A - rnllfncnla - Hallmad rnmnane I r$aa.40i eaat 84 feet lot 10, Eva J. Parker. u.uuilol IX. arm J. fmrker. AliQO: Jotria. W. It. Beldlna. 860.TO. BLOCK 11 lot ll Joaeph r. Kelly, $:i8.e0; lot 8, Charlea W, 'llruachel. $38.80; lot 6, A. C. Lob mire. $3A80 lot T, A. (1 Lohmlre, $88.80; kit S, H. A. aad A. W. Beldlng. 84A80; lot 11. Martin Winch, $38.80; lot i. Mary F. klnch. $36.60; lot 16, Mary F.. Finch, $64.10; tot 177 Ru dolph Becker, S51.06; lot in. Kudnlphv Becker, 890.60; lot t. W. C. McMllUn, $43.00; lot 4, W. O. McMlllaa. 846.00; lot 8. , W. tt Mc Millan, $45.00; tot 8, W. 0. -McMillan. $45.00; lot 10. Alicia J Rate UUlm- lot 14 Kllu - Jared. $46.00; lot 14, kltma Jgred. 46.00; io, atmry r. nocn, .oo. BLOCK 13, undirldea V, lot 1. T. F. Brandea, $18.80; undivided H lot 1. Helen A. Jones. $18.80: lot 8, Jamea Humphrey, $3880; lot 6. James . riumpnrey, S3u.w: lot 7. James Humphrey, $38.80; lot 8, Robert Jacobaea. $43.80: tot II. Donga EngeUtad. $38.60; tot 13. Donga Kngelatad. $36.6n; lot 1ft. W. a. Ward. 687.23: lot 18. W. S. Wsrd. $61.06; lot 2. Baal A I' . reraouai- utata company,; lot 4, Keal- m m-eraonai unit company, 83.eo; jot 8, W. , H. Oames, $5.80; lot 8. W, H. Games, $5.80; lot 10. W, Walnhoff. $8 6; lot 12, Albert L. I - Aioerteoo, ao.Bo; lot jm, -yoeepn IieMarthil, $3.80; lot 17, Michael Bullet. $42.80; k,t jg Michael .Bullet, 844. 80. BLOCK 14, lot 1, Fred S. Miller, $3,80; lot 3. Richard Khltn-. ter; $6. SO; lot 6. Joaeph DeMartlul. $6.80; it -T.i W. r. Burrell Trustee, $5.80; west 28 feet lot 8. Oregon . California Hallroad 'Company, 83.00; eaat 84 feet lot 8, W. B. ; Walaoa. $3.86; -lot 11. Sophia Welegerbar, - $5.80: lot li. Sopbls -Welsgerber.. $5.80; lot 16. (leorga Zlttmmyer.- $6.80; lot 17, Jsmes la CirawelU $4T.8u; lot 18, James L Cars. tk; tot 8, Anna B. a. case, $5.80; lot a, Anna-mm. ceene, eo.iau: tot e. Anna B. lot 10.. Anna E. Keene, 88.06; lot 12, Anna -f?'?i .?.. .'" f3 SOj. lot 18,1 David M. Walklnda t.Vl 711- L.I On r...l 1 m. aveene, ao-avt mn la, Anna a.- Keena. 7pagela. $62.83. BLOCK 15. loi l. Jamea " Ai. James U isrs. ames L. Csrswell. S5A0: lot I. lia I. Carswell, $6.85; tot 10, Jsmes L.- Csrswell. .. . -.t. ......... m.o.i all Mm. I James U Cmrmwell, $3.80; lot 13. LUllas Cars- I Ufri. In 11 T. I - 1 1 mm mn. . - . . r. well. ao.Bu; norm lot , Kate Curray, o; north Va lot 18. Kate Curray, $A80 -south tot 14, Ellen MrNnlty, 12.10; soutk lot IS. Ellen MeNulty, $2.90; tot lrf. . Hsu- nan ll a aoa. f3 m: lot 17, Kuaoiph Becker, 3o7 66: lot lS, Rudolph Becker, $68.80: lot 18. Kate Currar. 382.05: tot 20. Ellen mfcNulte $64.20.. BLOCK 16, lot 1. Joaeph. and E. - Wber, fA.80: tot A -Joseph snd E. IV'eber, $8.80; tot A Joseph snd E. Weber. 83.80; tot . .4. Joeenh aad Sj. Webci-e $3.80: lot 6, Joaeph ' eta E. Weber, $5.80j lot 6, Joseph sad E. --vvbev, $6.80; lot T, ' Joseph hnd X. Weber, ' $8.80; kit A "Joseph Sod BY. Weber, ."$6.80; v. tot 8. Joaeph -and E. Weber. $8.88; lot 10. Joseph and E. Weber, , $6.09; tot 11. Joseph snu m.. rveoee, eo.our Hir 1,1, eoaepn sno IB. Weber, $3.80; tot J5. Joseph and fe. Weber, j $5.80; tot 12, Michael Taanlrr. $3. So: tot J4, ja iroari maunier, eo-ou, 101 10, Anna RtocK, $3.76; tot 17, Fnltou United Art! nana' Build ing Association. $49.10; tot 18, Ernest Ilooaa. $72.25; lot 18, I Anna Stork, $T3.6oj bit 20, Joerph Weber. 32140. BLOCK IT. tot 1, -Cv N. McCtosd,' $5-80; lot A. C. N..McCleod, 35.WI; tot 8, C. N. McCIeod. $.1.80; tot A (V N. McCIeod. $5.80; lot 5. C N. McCIeod, $5.80; lot A C. N. McCIeod., $6.80; lot 7. h. S. McCIeod. $5 80; tot A . N. McCIeod. $6.80; lot 8,- Flora B. Crittenden. $6.86; tot , . . a.iM. w r,..m-.A aeon. i... -1 , , . hi e. . , . m... h, fwm. . Am. , McCIeod. $5.80; tot 14, C. N. McCIeod. $5.80 -lot 16, C. N. McCIeod.- $8A0t tot 18, C. N, McCIeod. $6.80-; lot 11. Hannah MAaon. $8.80 lot IS, Hannah Maann, $5.80; lot 16, Bannah Mason. $6.e8 lot 17. Hsnnmb Msaoi IT. rtannan Maaon, .80; .tot 1A M. MeNulty. $4.86 lot 21, M. lie Nulty, $3.80; lot 20. .Ellas- and Joba . A. Keller, sri.wi; lot fi. Kllsa snd John A. Keller. $5.80; lot 24, Ellxa aad Joha A. Ke. Kllsa and John A. I ler tot $5.80: lot 23, Alphonae Lenoir, $6.80; 23. Alphonae Inolr. 83.80; lift 28. Al- honae Lenoir, $6.80; lot XT, Hannah, Maaon. V0; tot 28. Hannah Mamon, $5.80. BLOCK 1A lot 1. Clars N. McLend, $6.80; tot A CUra N. Mcleod, 85.80; lot 6, Tbe HI hern la a Ka Tinea Bank, $5.8n; lot 1, The Hibernian k I U. . k- mil GO- I.bI. Wlll..l iI.V.. ,.' '' m' anik.i- ... .; I . eo.vo, ej li, L-nwii t. i mi-1 iix, aw.rM mi I Bene. AI.NI: let 17. Mary I. Hedsea. 85.80: tot 18. Msry I. Hedges, $4.86; lot 21, Han nah Maaoa, $3.80; lot 23. .Hannah .Maaon, $6.88; lot 26, Hannah Maaon. $3.80; lot 26, Hannah Maann, $5.80; lot 2, Marianne Vando leur. $5.80; lot A Marianne Vaadeleur. $5.80; tot 6. CUrm N. McLeod. $5.80; lot 8, Wil liam and Anns Bents,- $5.80; tot 10, W. F. Burrell, Truatee. $6.95; lot 12, W. F. Burrell, Truatee, $6.80; lot 14. B. H. Bobbins. $6.80; tot 18, Jsmes Johnstone, $5.80; lot 18. Jsmes Johnstone. $5.80; lot 20. Northern Counties Investment Trust, Limited. 36.V6 lot 22. Curl O. Anderson. tS.AO; tot 24, W. A. and I-Hlle C. - Vlggera. 36.80; lot 27, W. A, and Llllls C. Vlsgers. $.1 SO; tot 28. W. A. and Llllla C V lasers. $6.80. BLOCK 18. lot lr W. F. flnrrell. Trustee, $5.80; lot A W. F. Bnrrell, Trustee. $5.80: kit S, W. F. Burrell. Trustee. $5.80;' tot 4, W. F. Bur rell. Traatee. $5.80; tot $. Clara Nv- McLeod, $5.80; tot A William Frledlander. $3.80; tot T, William Frledlander, $5 80; lot S. Wil liam Frledlander, $6.80;- tot 8. William . Frledlander. $8 86; lot 10.- William Fried-, t land.r. $486; tot Jl. United States National (cans, e-1-oo; e '1 mm, i-niieii nuin ,.Nie,nai Bank, 83.80; lot 18. I'nlted 8'ates Kstlnnsl Bank. $3.80; tot 14, T'nlted States National Bank, $6.80; to 16, United Htatea National Hint - is an- lot ta I nltaA Btatea National Bank, $3.80: lot IT. H. M . and W. M. Cake, i $6.80: lot 18. H. M. and W. M. Cake, $6.80; lot 18. Arthur W. Graham, $4.86-, lot 20, ' Hsnnsb Mason, $8 85; tot S2. Hannah Mason. $5.80; lot 21. Everett E. Hmlth, $5.KO; lot '23. Johanna Irrlng. 3 80( tot 24. I.lmmle Snd Cord N. Beldlng. $3 an; , tot 26,. I.laale and Cora N. Beldlng. $3.80; lot 24, Lltala and ' Cora . N. Brldlngt $3.80; lot XT, A. W.. end H. A. Beldlng. $5 8 lot 28. A. W. and II. A,. Beldlng, $6.80. BLOCK IO. lot I. . Wr C. Ulirreil, llinier, enj.w. Wl.a, - Burrell. Truatee. $6.80: tot 3. W. F. BurrelL - Truatee; a.m. no; mot ,-w. rv anrrcn. irus- tec. , 15.80: lot A W. P. Burrell. Truatee-. ae An. Wit a W. F Rnrrell Titrate. 85 80; J lot- T, W. F- Burrell Trnalee. $16 80; lot 6, 1 Alice F. McCarthy. $6.80: lot S, W. F. Burrell, Truatee, $43.80; tot 16,- Alice F. McCarthy. $8.83; lot 12. Alice r. Jtiocerinr, $3.80; tot 11. Edward ,W. and Helen M. Oaasett, $38.80: tot 1A' Era. May .Oereett, $lrt.0ll; tot 14. Jessie E. S. Fleck. $6.80; tot 16, Jesmle A 8. Fleck. $38 80; tot 1A Jeskle E. 8. Fleck. $3 JU- lot 17, Jesale It. a. Fleck. :t8rv: tot 18.1 Jeaale K.'8. Fleck. 86.80: lot IB. Jeaale E. S. Fleck. $43.80: tot I -SO, Jeaale E. 8. Fleck. $4 96; tot 21. Jimes l B. Jobnatone,; lot Z3, jamea a. John-1 atone. A8 H); let 26, Marie H. Ilmale, $44.10; tot M. Maria E. Hnxale. $28.10: lot 22. Blaalnger A Co.. Truatee, $5.80; lot 24. ftie. alnger A Co... Traatee. $5.8il; tot 27, Blaalnger A Co., Truatee. $5.80; tot X. . Blaalnger A Co., Traatee. $3.80. J BLOCK 21. tot I. J. AL Thompson. $.16.80; Ipt 8, 1. 14. Tbompaon, " $ tot 6, Little Morrison. $34 80; tot 7, Deloa D. Neer, $84 80; lot S. Deloa l. Kaer, A43 80; lot 11, Joha A. John ton aad Jamea (iisen. sie.rai; lot li. voon A. John ston sod James Olaea, Ifl 00; lot 1S Hl- bernla - Savings Bank. $.10 80; tot Yl. III ' hernls 8 a Tl lira Bank, $ 8H tot 18. HI- bersls Ksrlngs Bank. $43.90; tot 21, T. W. Hannaman. Aid SO; lot 23. Bernard C. - li-Cr(br. I. HI 80: lot S3. Kenie M. Ward. S44.IO:-tot 27. Charlea P. IJttle. $.tT60: tot A Hermaa Blerg, 848.00; lot 4 Herman I Bleeg. $45.oii: tot A Uermaa Bleeg. 813.00; I tot A A. W. and B. Beldlng, $45.00; loll , T 1 "V - ' - -- " ' ai.w, I auoaiTlBron u 'i ivi im, v, nepaeik lot 4, Jsmes L. Csrswcll, 86.80; lot , James tee. $5.e; subdlvlalon S of lot A. L Carswell, $3.80; . lot 8. James L. CmrawelL I Knaaell - Truatee: 83.80': aubdlrlaloa 8 aa an. t rn i.. r u. . . i mm mn. . - i - : . . - . ... . J CITY VOTICZS. Id, Fan aim A.' Curtis. $64.00; lot Jt.' Nettlt u. uradua. f la.uu; muf I, nettma u. uraooa. emn.uo: tot la. .. Homaana Courtney, em.oii tut 18, William P.. Courtney, $46 AO; kit 20, : Joale SulUrmn. $64-00; bit XI, II. L. Tatum and J, J. Boweu. $46.00; kit S4, Seymour t , rrieodir. feo.oo; lot ze, w. r. aurreii. ; $62.60. ''"BLOCK" 22, lot 'l. Alliance Trua't Comiiany, Limited. $38.80; lot A O. and Lou lac Lechmelr. 818 UO: lot 5. Albert Kruar- rey, $38 80; lob f, Jeunta. Bower. $J8.8ot lot e, jeusis nower, f43.M0j lot II, tree a. Miller. $38 8o; lot 13, Fred S. Miller. $38U i lot 16. . Willamette Tribe No. a. ImDrvVet -Order of Bed Men, $38.80; lot IT. Wlllamettat -iriue rto. s, luproreti urder or Ben men. Aie.edt kit 18. Kittle 1. Emmons. S86.8O; ,,M 21. Mary E. Hoxala, $38.80; lot 23,' Mar -k. '(luxate, rio.oo; kit 23, Mary K. lloxaia. 844.10: lot n I lamia naldlu. Arf SA: kit 2. Ueurge ' Lscbmeler, $46.00; lot 4, George irntnaler. -843.001 lot Si Ssrsh E. Everabn. $45.00; lot 8, Barah E. Erereob, $45.00; tut 1U, rt. K. Long, 864.00L lot 12. H. SV. LOUS, 845.00; lot 14. II. B. Long, $46.00 lot li. aaciminiey ailtroeil, neo.uu; pit in, MCPkin. ley Mitchell. $46.00; lot 20, W. I). Beldlng, SOt.OUl lot 22. A. snd A. -W. Beldlna. 84&.00 lot 84, Llssls Bcldlug, $45.00; lot 28, Mary si. nomaie. iu lot xa, Limmie neiuisg, 862.60. BLOCK 23. lot 1, Msry E. Taylor. - torn a, exaua w. woollois,; torn e David Ooodacll. $&.SO; lot T. Clara B, Crane, 83.80: lot 8. Marr E. Moxala. 6886: lot 11. C-at.ary Preabyteclma Clinrch. $5.tHi: lot 18, - Calvary Presbrterlaa- burob- il.80: lot 45. - Sussnoa Elmoiermma. $3.80; lot IT. Bueanna a,iunnern:an.; lot IV, auaannn ftiminer man, $a.W; tot XI, Bueanna Elmtnerman, -; lot zs, aussncs zimmermsn. lot 85, Bnsanns Elmmermaa, 89 80; lot KO, - Bussnns Kim merman. 86.80:1 : lot 2. O. M and Dana Bonier. $48.00; lot 4, 0. M. and l worn Bonier, $48.00; lot 8. Bruno B. uuniner, , sin.uui lot 8. jnaeoa Finke. sto-oo: lot io, "Ida IVoevunaon. $64.00; lot 12. Oeorge Wright . r-umi no. i, uraso army ot tna nepuoiic. . 848.00: lot 14. John Mattbleaen. 840.0U: lot 18,.HoBs X. Launtnce,- $45.00; lot 18, A. W. Jones.- 846.001 lot . 2(1. Msggls W. Little. $64.o; lot 22, Mmggte X. Jones sad ' alary a. uooiey, sen.iaj; lot vs. Micnsei aiou- I . . K rktk. ... . . Il-.ll... I k, k, . -IT K.) , IH.W) ' m I , TT I IU 1 UJ III , Kklk, ei.ini lot i. chrUttsa Jehueon, $32.50. BLOCK ' 24. - lot 2,--Usnnah- Mmaaa, $6.80; . tot 4. - Haanah- Mason: 86.80! lot a. Hannah Mason. ' $6.80; lot A Baonab Maanev $5,801-. bit 10. . Hannah Memos. $8.86; lot 12, Hannah Msson, f5.o; lot 14. Hannah Maaon, $6.80; lot 18, (annah Mason, $6.80: Jot 18. Bannah Mason, $8.80; lot 20, Ilaunmh Maaoe, $8.86; lot 22.' : Hanamh Maaoa, $6-80: lot 24, Bannah. Maaon. . flu. 1... in .1 k. ,1 ma kui, I.., 9W W' , mv a, n.niMa m u, au.w, .- . . . Hannah Mason. $6.80. BLOCK 26. south -130 feet lot 1, MsrgsretiMschsy, $34.86; lot A " Margaret Mkckay. $81.86; aoetb 130 feet lot '. 8. Margsret Mackay, $34.85; lot 4. Margaret Mackaxf8m.S6. BLOCK, 28. , sobdlratlon - .i i, m uumka m an- .nlull.llna .", I p lot A. aUggla Murphy, $6.80: aubdl- ..Tmn a em mom a. mreuu m. k te, ao-eu; aubdlrlaloa 4 bf lot A. LH. and A. II. Mmv - well. $6.80; aubdlrUloa S of lot A, Margaret : White. 86.80: aubdlrlaloa S of lot A. Margaret White, $6.80; aubdlvlslon T of lot A, Mar- Jarec n Bice, e" i lumiiTiniie m v. mt a. ennla Currle, $6.80: aubdlrlaloa 8 ef lot A. Jennie Currle. 88.86: subdlrlslnn 10 ef lot - A, Jennie Currle. $8.86: aubdlvlslon II -of lot A.- Jennie Currle,- $8 80; suhdlvlstoa IS of lot A, (iundet J. Rnmminr, so-sv; annm vision 18 of tot A, Margaret White, $6 80; auudlrlsioa 14 et lot A, Margaret White,; aubdlrlaloa ' 15 ef lot A. C. Banaea, SO- aubdirlalen 18 of lot A. Tlllls F. Cor- , neltua. $6.80; eubdlrlston IT of lot A. THUa F. Cornelius..; suooiTimion is or lot. mi. J . roiiec, ao-oo, auou i r low m oi any a. . Waaler Miller. 8S.8O; -aubdlrlaloa S of lot B. Waaler Miller. Waaler Miller. 86.80: sulidlvralon 1 of kit B. , Julia Marquam, 86.80; aubdlrlaloa 4 or lot B, Julia Marauam. 86.80: aubdl Ttaloa 5 of lot B. Cuoder J.- Buramlng. $6.80; anbdlrlmloa S of lot B.- Mmry E. Adams. -'$6,801 eubdl .i.i. v e l . n . m- Bn.Mil TV.M ; $6.8Uf aubdlrltlon i of kit B. W. F.' Barrel I, ' Traatee. XS.aj-. auhdlvlmlon 8 of lot -B. W. ' F. BurVelL Truatee, fd.BO; eubdlrlmlon 10 r,t lot B. W. r. BnrralL - Truatee, $8.86; eubdlvlslon 11 ' ef Vit B, -mi . f . Burrell, r- . aa. ao. ,tuii-4-LnN am .r in R -W. F. Burrell. Truatee. $580; aubdlvlslon IS TST--ntB,-Mary A asms,; autxll--vlalon 14 of-tet- a. Mafy . A dm mm. $6.80; -enbdlvMlb- l.-e-lot- AW Mary-- Adage. $3.80; aubdlrlaloa 18 ol lot B. Jmmet W. Brsndt, $6.80 aubdlrlaloa IT ef lot B. Oua- rter J. Bumming. $6 80: sobdlvrmloe 18 ef lot Ellen n Mchniihora Batata. Heirs of. 881.85-.' seLatr; aobdlvlmlon V of lot A. C, M. Bus. IT,, t . ik uo.7 ..kli.l.un a. n.t A a ail., ll luiinuium raM Meira air kTu.- BuswllVV Truatee. 85.SO, aubolrlajoa ra' .a fc A, C. M. KsasalL Trustee, $6.80; ttar C. M. of lot bdlrlswa T of tot A. Udr Back .Hln. $3.80 aubdlrlaloa ,8 ot-lot A, W. ri Burreii, j rue tee,; subdlvUkm 8 of tot A. Moy Back- His;.' $3.46; subdivision 18 ef-'loi "A, W. F. Burrell. ' Truatee. $3.45; so bd I rial on t ef tot B, M. J. Duffy, $5.80; aubdlvlaloa S ef lot B, Hong - Cbee How. $5..80; subdlrlttoa S of lot B. ' W. II. MrEldowney and J, F, Leonard. $5.80; subdlrlsloa 6 of tot B, W. F. BurrelL Trua- - tea. $6.80; aubdlvltloa $ of lot .JV W. H. McKldowney and J. T. Leonard, $6.80; aub- ainston e or sot n, v. mm. nowrnj aubdlrlaloa T of lot B. W. M. Law. SO 1.80; subdlrlsloa S ef lod'B. Moy Back Hln, $6.80; aubdlrlaloa 8 ot .lot B, W. M. Law, $3.46: . subdivision 18 ef tot B. Moy Back Hln. $3.46. Dl Om - tnr- i-- Imhii And J. M...Belcher. $81.36; tot A James fl: Polbemue. $81.36,' anhdivMlon I ef 'tot A William ana evoamm Uelgea-. $6.8ff; aubdl ruloa S of lot J. Wil li. m-A nalna IMaia. Sri AO- anhdletalo $ of tot 2, WlllUa and Boalns 4iger, $6.80; J -subdivision 4 01 wt z, vruusm sua svobids neieee as Aft;- subdivision 6 ef lot 2. Wll- Hmm slid Boelna (Selxer. $5.60;. anbdlvtatoB ! i nf lat 1 William and Knslna flelaer. $6.80: aubdlruflon T of lot 2. William and Boetnm Mielgcr.1 $8.6; aubdtrUlsa 8 of lot 2. - Wll, llmni snd Koelna Oelger, $5-80: aubdlvlsloh 8 bf lot A William and Boelna Oelger, $5.80; - subdivision 10,.j.f lot 2. William snd Boslna eer 8S.8o: aubdlrlaloa I ef lot A.. Mm. M. J. Weamer, 83.80) sUbdlvisloa X of tot 4,- Mrf. ML J. W'esmer. - $4.Kt anbdlvhrtoo ' n nf (or A Vra. Mi J- Weamer. 85.06: euh- dlrlalon 4 of lot 4, Mrs. M. J. Weamer, $6.80; Snbdlvistnn 5 of lot A Mrs, M.-J. Wesmer, -$3.S0; sabdlvlmloa S af tot A Mrs. M. J. Weamer. $5.80; anbdlvlalon T sf lot A Mra. M. J. Weamer. f; eunureieion at at . Mrs. M. A-Wesmer.. 8T.60: -subdivision 8 of lot 4. Mr. M. J.- weamer. so .so BLOCK 30.. anbdlvlalon 1 ef tot B. W. F. Burrell. 8T.36 aubdlvlslon 8 or lot n, m. r . rnirren. sm.T'i. - A tract ef land lying betweea the aouth line nf Vermont street and 'the north line of anb dlvlalon 2 ef lot B, block 80, Bnutaera Port ,. land, and between the weat Una ef Con I aectlrut atreet and the enaterly. line of tha Oregon A California Railroad Company's right ef wsy, C. X. Crowell EaUte. Hairs of, $7.03, arkinrtiwow vnart.iyn atvrv tl imt . . , . , , , .. s-.eo; aoi s. rjoiorofra nviae, f.oo, aui a, iBotomoa Belaa, 85.70; lot 6, Solomon Kelaa, . $3-u: . lot 6. Solomon Kelas, $6.45; - lot T, Bolomoa Betas, $6.26; lot A Solomoa Belaa, ' $6.20; tot 8. Solomon Kelaa, $6.10; lot H, Hotomoa Retas.. $3. 86; tot 1L axhmsoa Kelee, r $1411. - Blrt'K 32, south 130 feat af lot A v Hannah Maaoa. $23.80; tot 2, Haaeab Masos, -$41.80. - -- ' , A tract of land lying between tbe south line t or nevsuA street ana n una leer soutn, erly therafrem and parallel therewith and . between a lint loo feet weat of and parallel with the weat Una ef Front street eiteeded northerly snd a I I'M extending north T de grees west 6.03 chains to Nevada atreet, from ' a point 10 chmlna weat ef tha northeaat corner - or aioc i, rsitou, is. v. vsrastt aatsia, neire Ol, enM.w. - f ' .--k - A tract ot land bnaaded snd described As .fob lows: Commencing st tbs -sortbesst vomer of block 1, rultss: taeace west li ctialna; thence-, north 7 ilrg "aa . wast .82 chains; thence eset 480.73 feeti thence' south S dw areea 68 minutes eaat S4I.88 feet; tnenc north 88 degrees 41 ml mi tee esst 211.26 feet: thence soutti 5 degrees Sim-minutes eaat 12.13 reer to piece ot Beginning, r . aiinaorga, ' $87.00. " j -' : A tract Of land bounded snd described at follows: Cemmenclns .8.87. chslns north $ degrees 80 minute easb snd 3.M2ehslns west of - aurlheaat corner ' of block - 1. Fulton: thence weat 183.46 feet;' thence north 8 de- arees west to south Hue of Nevada atreet! ' thence east -188.46 feetl thence south te place nf beginning, "cbtrl. D, and Kllss -.CArta tenses. 811.40. i- . - A tract ef land bounded and described ss follows: Commencing 16.13 feet north S - degree 36 minutes east tram- northeast, corner of block I, Fulton; thence northerly1' along the weat line of Macadam mad 3o6.PS feet; thence west 214.6 feet: these north 85 63 -feet to south line ef Nevada atreet; tbeuee west 37.66 feet; thence south 130 feet: thence south, S degrees 54 minutes eaet 241.88 feet: thence north 88 degrsea 41 mlnates east .211.25 feet to I pise of beglualDg, Keaa Bobs. $315 X0. 1 . A Irmct of land bounded and described as fob ' Ions: Commencing st Intersection of west line of Macsdsm rood with south Ho of Nevlds street; thencs west 214.6 feet along - the aouth line of Nevsda atreet: thence aouth 5 degrees $0 minutes esst 66.28 feet; thence esst 2I4.S feet; thnce north S degrees 80 mlnates west 68.26 feet te place ef hegla- ; nlng, Melchlnr Tsnnler. $180.A. ' A trsrt of land lying betweea the south line nf Nevada atreet and a Una 200 feet south thereof snd parallel therewith and betweea the esst line of Macadam road snd tbs weat - line of the right of wsy f tb Portlsnd A Willamette Valley Railway, security Sav ings A Trial Company, $191,20. A trsct of Isnd lying betweea twe lines re- spectlrely XOO feet and 400 feet south of snd parallel with tbs south line ef, Nersds street snd betweea tbs ee.t Hn sf iMscsdsm road " aad tha west line of the right of wsy of tbs ' Portland A Willamette Valley Xsllwsy, Henry R. On port. $188.40. I . A tract of. land lying between a Use 408 f-et south of snd parallel with tbe sonth lies nf Nevada street and tb north line of nhn-h ' F. Fulton Park, and betweea the . line - nf Macadam mad and tbe weat iln ef ike Portland Willamette Vslley Bat I way, Charlee IJebrrmeu, $74 80. i . A triangular tract of Uad Irlag betwsee lee CITY XOTIOU. - west line of Macadam road,- the snath line ef -' blork 1, Fulton, sud a lls 18 feet northerly frm and parallel with tb northerly Una of block t. Fulton, H. J. Beigalmao, $il.8u.l .v ri'LTON PARK-BLOCK 48. tot A ' Ed war ' 2i m Skll. $4 881 tot A Edwar. O. awall. $6 80; lot T, Cohi A Culllaoo. $6.80; Ml '. ', t'obu E. Culllaoa, $6.80. BLOCK 4T, tot 1. Maria Storkaun, $5.80; lot A Mmrla Stock- '- . -"--i v-ov, iiik a. neanatia r-uopieiaiom -. $6 80; kit 4. WW. Oamba, $4.86: tot A -Wlltraei II.' Wsrren. $4.86; tot 8, Wllusm H. . . ' Warren, $3.80: tot 7. Frsd O. Buffum. $5.8o;- . -lot A Fred (j. Buffum, 33. SO. BLOCK 4A In 1 kn,n,e U. u,.. 1-. a Vne I . H. ...... . . ... I A . J .. . - ..... .'T.e."iwe. ew.eo, u a, eoau r . voyn. eo.ovi t-. tot A Alice W. Cmmwull, $5.80; lot A 0. I. . I.. -i Ikwk u m .'.I7 . , k... ea .... . - lot T, C. J.J Decker, $A96; tot S, C. J. Decker,' , T8A.B0: kit A, TUb m me A iMmmmm SK fl,,. In In. ' Valerie Itogers. 88.80; lot 11. Vmlerla Bogvra. . . $4.85; tot 12 Valerie Bogwr. ii.Mt lot LA '- Vmlerl Bogerv $3.80; tot 1A Tbsmss A- Clarke, $5.80; lot 18, Thomas A. Clarke, t ? $3.80; tot' 18. Era P. StL $5.80; tot 17," Walter B. Preston. $8.86; tot 1A Henry -flleeena. 88 Bill lot 10 Alice . B7 r- if - r 86 AO; tot 20, Joka F. Coyne, $6.80; lot 31. . .. James Blake, $5.80t lot 22. The Title Cumraa- . tee A Trust Company, $5.80. BLOCK 48V i mlm a. . mi ao. i... n 1 1 . iu -. . Bller, 85.80: lot A Hlrta "V. kller. $6,881 lot T, ilia F. Perklnaon. $5.80; tot A Osesr ' i ... at vrB-UBB. aamj.rya., aawa, at. Ck V mm. a- I8A-nj. aaj. asm swem 10 A K. FrAncls.' '83-80; tot it. Era I'. ' ' eevi -an . m, vtwi r. eiiaeiw,- ek.av-"e.-J - BLOCK -AO, lot T, . Joseph Simon. Truatee, 86.80;, lot a. Xarlfa-J. Falang. $6.80; tot i Xarlfs J. FmlUng. $5.80. BLOCK 6T, Sot T, .V auu, eiiiw ni,i i . ev-evi toi a, Auieiia ei. snim . mi y .aaao,- in o a.i. vlt.hvhh . g.SOV- BLOCK 88. tot A Cbrlat - Hausea. - -.80; lot 6, John B. Moaalek, $5.80; tot A - , : Chmrjes A.' Dueber, $6.80: lot T, . ChsrkM Amj'.i Dueber, $6.80; lot 8. Cusrlee A, Dueber. v : $6.80; lot 8. Charles A. Dueber, $5 .80: tot 10, . f Ties Van Bolton. $5.80j tot 11. Horatio K. ' . . U mm an . I.. ,e U..K. mt . i . . ., block aa, ioc i, .jaaepa- jr. i, and Badl A. Wrinkle. $3.80; tot A Joaeph F. -j . D. and Sadie A. Wrinkle. $8.80; totoT Ad- ' Bl I abet DA. 8 A A A J .11 am aha . . , oi rwTin, tpu.vui tuw , jxtiusej x-arTieB, K-Ji " . lot ft, BrlTaUHis C. tUmiUmgt,, $&.m; lot , ABdrw tfelnm. fft.SOf lot f, J. B. Oortir. ' . u am. i.. u u i . .a k . ui- -a . . Jesus sod Marr, 83.80: lot 8. Lucr Douahartv. '- .. n.W, Ck W, BI.ITII V. HI, I.U1I 1. H HI. , 85.80; tot 10, Joaeph Beat, $3.80; lot 11, V-i'-Colln C Ulrvln. $5.80: tot li, Colin C. Olrvla. .. . mm m... 1 . , . . . . .a,. ekei, aui ajoaaii k . rwikeai, e-o . - tot 14. Bylvanua.C. Armltmge. $6.55; tot IS, rlnutbweat Portland Baal Katata Comnanr: . $7 to; tot 18. Northern Countlee lnveatmeat ' Truat. Limited. 53.80; lot" 17, Northern keJHuei . li . i m.ii. .,,e,, MeiM , iwl , "Jot 1A North era Ctnrnrteh Inrastmest Trust. tot SO, Andrew J. Drgert. Jr. I snd Sr.,; lot XI, U. L. Mart ma II. 86.S0: tot XX, H. U ' "" Seee.Ilt U OA . Vi Mt A W Halrd 83 80. lot 24. Joaenb H. Chaae. $5.80: lot 26. Msnrti-e N. CosteUo. $3.86; lot 26, Firet . National Bank ef Portland, Ore sou, $5.80; , . lot 87. Fralfk M. Warrea. $8.80; lot XA .T Frank M. Warren. $ BLOCK TO. lot 8. Ferdinand A.- Ufa, $6.88; tot A William Barnes. $6.80: tot T. 0. W. snd Msrgsrst v ail. aa an, L.. a n emr mmm) u h V.' Alien, a. raj, - Ulrv.. lt,-ait I. mernnaru- - Ine Weatpahl, '$3 l tot- A-Brohardln ... . , mm. niiiev i rt 1. .. a. I. .1 ' W, Kberlta. $6.80; tot A Fultpa Park Land,-'", Company, $6.80; lot T. Fulton Park Land. - T, Beineei. ma.rmr. awt-n . aiei , , -. . v l UOipaa r, ao.eo: aoi a. aaina aaaruuaaw. e-I lot & ft -o Wbl tr bourne. 86.80: lot 10. Ful-. '- roa Park Land Comnanr. 85.80: tot 11. W. J. Orambsr-$5.80: j lot 1A W. J.- Oramba, $3.80; lot 1A Alllaace Trust Company.' Limited, $5 So; tot 14,-Alliance Truat Com- ay. Limited". M.S6: tot 15. Bothmchlld cos . $3.43: tot 1A Bothmchlld Bros.. 31.25 Church. $4.80; t IB, J. M.- Charca. $5.80; tot 2n B. a. Whlteheaae. SAS0; lot Si. B. .': ' j. O. WWUaouseSS.SOtot 22. Minnie Simon. 88.86; tot 23. jeeete . r-irm, ao.wi; mi ze, . . T., Ym ... . mm ir,. svu. : -. aoa imi aitra wiinama. MaiiT an om kii e eacvpi - w -..... . . llama. $4.86; all ef tot 8 except east 68 feet, ., . Fultoa Park Uad Company. $2.85; bU of tot.. S except eaat 10 feet. Christina Flarken ' stein. $4.60: lot 6, Christina Fleckenstela, 'J 7 $44.80. BL0CX K. north W lot 1, Clsra W I Mil flW-W, . - I ' " - - 116.061 south fA et lot m, amry i,- un-, -M aor Jmth ilt Msry t. Whits. $16.85.- . -BLOCK F, tot 1. fcrshrlsy. 3X00;, lot A ;. " - Bsrsh Cnrlev, $3-75:k)t A J. E. ieottr SA16j ina A mtae ctiriev. at. 00 : et , atkeiai'uiiii.. It ma... 88.60: tot -A Botncniia tmros..- ai.oni cnim airoa. ei-wi "' ' ' - . 88 .85; tot 10. Botacniiq Bros., eo-iu. nun-n : 0. tot A t e. - tamcaer, - o.ou : ,oi , v. . J, Decker, $5.20; i1'' S. nii?tl, -as ilik.-lnr a. B-vIi. Thorapaoa. $6.05; tot A.T' Z Tbomnaon. 33.50: lot T. .X."Li, Thompa u iBkii tot 8. A. J. Powers.- $4.86: lot 8. ... . . r. aa mo. lea in --4 J. Pewee. " 8A60: lot 11? p7H. Msrley. $A80;. tot. 13. 1 j P. - H. MrlyL $8.7A BLOCK mm, tot a, --' .- - AY . MM a re mM.wui nt a. m.'Jmm . rnari $8.56: Aot 10, Agnes Buttamuller. $8.70;-lot snd Msry Hughes. $3.68; lot 1A Patrick ssd ' net uannsm, o-a"i , . $13 60; lot A B. M. Lombard. $10.55; lot. 9, - AaTbiny Neppsca,,! 83. BLOCK J. totj. - -Byron P. Csrdwsll Estate. Heirs t. $8.48; 1 1 t A " Brrtbeblld Bros., SA70; lot A Both- i child Bros;, 86.70;,tot 4. Bofhchfld Bros., 4 83 80: lot 5. Soathwest Portland Heal Katata . - Companv. $4.66; lot A Bothchlld Xroa.. $4.38r-'. lot T, Maarice; trnoujna. je , e. -,, , child Bros.. 7.7?:- tot , Kotlvshlld Bros., :i Si 1R. lot 10. Koiacn 11 i fnMm ek 41 Dk,kllil Broa.. 810kl5: tot IA Bolh- .KI1.1 Hh, mil 1 II I tmmm . hlld Bros., . . . ... mn. ... ..- 86.50: tot 14. not noii IU nrm.. e., aa,, 1 - Bothchlld Broa... $5 10 BLOCK K. tot; A, 1 Bothchlld Bros.. $10.00: lot liwlh'h'll ; ' Bros... e 38; tot 3. Bothchlld Bros., 88,10; . , tot A Bothchlld Bros.. $A70r tot t Both- . child Bros., $8.70; tot A Bothchlld Bros., r $8.8Ak --."..' ' '.'-.-- i'" , Fl'LTON BLOCK 1. ' lot I. X. Blegelmtoa. $4T.2S; lot A megviman,; aam a, --B.- Blegelmsba, $44.38; tot 4, O. H Pljrsett, v 843.00: lot 6. B. Blegelmaaa. $4 T8: lot A B. Blegelmsnn. $8 80; tot 7, B. Rlegelmann, -$5.80: tot A B. Blegelmaaa. $3 80. BLOCK , A Robert Patton Ratate. Heirs pf.- $84.80. BLOCK 3, all bf block 8 Weat ef Macadam road. Aaron Wall. $28.06; all ef block $ eeet 4 Macadam road. .bf. Benton Wllllam $1.65. JLOCK d. The King Katata, $28.00, . . kLOCK A Trier Woodward. $43.60. BLOCK - T. Alexsader- KleseL $130.40.. BLOCK A ; tot 1. H. J.' Blegelmaaa. $6.80t undivided . - 4 lot z. M. o. Morris, sx-ws; nnuiriaea 1 tot A M. 0. fMorrls, $2.86: undivided H lot X. W. B. Morris, $2.86; undivided H Jot A W. X. Morris. $2.96t tot A (Alice Berry . Nana. $5.80: lot S, Alice Berry Nimn. $5.80: , 1 undivided IA lot 6, M. O. Morris, $2.85: undK .j. Tided H lot 7, M. 0. Morris. $2 06: undivided u Ml, W. B.. Morris, $2 86; undlrlded U tot 'i T? W. X. Morris, $2.86; tot A H. J, Kslgsl- ; rmsun, $8.80. . . V - A tract of land bins- between 8 .11 ns 86 fsat ' -aouth ot and parallel with tha south Una of 1'' Block 8. Fulton, aaa ine aorta line et diock 1 F, Fultoa Park, and between a Iln 80 feet emmt of and parallel with tha eaat Iln ef block 18. Fulton, snd s II ns 80 feet wsslerlf from- sod- parallel iwltk' the weeterly Uus - ef Olecsa a sua rnitou. exrepv .mil por - --r it Inn f said tract occupied by tha City A j 'Buburbaa Railway Company s right of way, ,lf M. lit Morris aaa w, B. tsovns. f 'i Ft'LTON BLOCK IS. undivided 84 lot 1. M. I, O. 'Morrla. $2.85: andlrlded H tot A M. . - Morris, $2 86: undivided H tot 3, M.O. Morris, . $2.06; undivided H tot 4. M. O. Morris. $3.96; ' undivided H tot A- M. O. Morrla. $2.86; so- , "; . divided H )nt A M. O. Morrla. $2.86: sndl. , Tided U tot T. M. O. Morris. At. 85; nndlvtded ..- , H lot 8. M. O. Morrla. $2.86; undlrlded W lot 1, W. K. Horns. x.a; unairioea t lot X. W. R. Morrfs.- $2.86; undivided H tot 8: . ' W. H. Morrla.;-nnwiriaeri k wt , w. , X. Morrla. $2 96; undlrlded H tot ded H tot A w. X. I H lot 8, W. X. tt kit 7. W. X. Mor- . Morrla. $280; andlrlded Morris,- fx so; -annirioea , rla. $2.86: undivided tt tot A, W. X, Mocrtm, . U 88. BLOCK 17, lot 1, H. W. . Corhett ' Estsle, Heirs ef. $6 80; tot A H. W. Cerbett.. .. Estate, rierrs or.; m a, auutsw .tt. i-Freum. $3.80: lot A Andrew W. Frsa8m,-jL ' 86.80; lot 6. X. J. Frenm, $6.80; lot A B. J . Freum, $5 80; lot 7, II. W. Corbett Eatate, - Heirs ot. $6 80; lot S. H. W. Cerbett Estate. .'7' Hetrssf. $6. m. - 1 - r- --ji ' A trsct of Isnd lying between the West line ' ef Macadam road snd the esst Iln ef block 1 -, 4i Fulton, snd between the north line of '.- block 4. Fnitoa. extended easterly In Ita nresent eramrse snd tbs northerly tin ef block - L extended westerly in It present eoura, Oeerge F. and Mary M. Hughes, $8.40. . --r,- , ,'A trsct nf Isnd lying betweea the. eset llns nf Macadam road snd s Iln 76 Teat eaat - thereof and parallel the: ewltb snd bat wren w. the aouth line of block A. . Fulton Park, aa J .th nortberly line ef block L, Fultoa Park, - e...i. i-hk-i , stT mn - - - . or. A trsct of Isnd hounded snd described a fab '. lows: Commencing st soutbet corner f tot SO. block 18, Souther Portlsnd; thence weat 114.5 feet; thence south S degrees 80 mlnuree eaat te north line of Nevada street 1 thencs esat stone the aorth tin ef Nevsda street- to the weat Iln of Macadam mad: thencs aorth along tbe weat 118 ef Macadam road te flare of Beginning, Joseph Weber, $31.80. ".. A trsct nf Msd-bounded snd described ss fallows: Commencing 10 chains west and 3.63 , chain north T degree weet of the northeaat . corner of block 1. Fulton: thence east 181 chains; fhenc north 8 de areea weat X. 10 chains; thence weat along tne sonth line af ' Nevada atreet te a paint north T degrees weat A10 chart rbm place of- beginning; ' thencg south T degrees east 9.16 chain t . place ef beginning, , Eats By Gingham, $20,30, Total. $14,100.65. . 7 , A statement ef t fere Id Seeeastnest bst sees enteeeo ise lam-set nf city Llao, ssd la now dn and pay a Ma at tha offlca of the City Tresaurer, In Iswfnl (money of tbs t atted State snd If not paid within 80 day from tb dat of this antic each aronatdlnga will . o ibbcbj liar ine coneciaMm Of the aa aa sra prevlded by tbe charter of the Cltr ef Portland. , The above saaeeaatent Win beer laimt ta days after the Srst puhMeatlna ef tbla nolle. - ', . ' I Hits. c. HEVLI b. L," i i""","' ,h ' PortlanA I PertltaA Oregoa, Jaaaary 23, 180A . . , . I 4 1 .... '? -. ' : ' I".