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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
1 7 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JAIIUARY 7, 1CC3. 1- I TODAY'S PROVISION f-IARKETi: ' "li()WIN"DECLINE Local Hams Are Quoted a Half t; Down rand Lard Three :V ,V Eighths Cent a Pound.7" i ST. LOUIS IS BUYING r WALLA WALLA WHEAT Poultry Market Dragging Local Eggs In , Bad , Shape .: - j Onions Show Rise. ' Front Street. Jan. ST. TM' principal feet urea of the rrtle wbeleeale raaraete eaday a ret I.orel km He rower. ' . Ixx-al riMTi in bark down.' - ."V, IumI hrri AvItHMl - ff - . Bt. Lnli la burin Walla Walla nlwil Usee mu in bad abase. r -. . , ..1 UaUfaraia better -ooaaing .faster. '. ' rt-eeb Beats' etlll quoted fine. ... But little, aauaoa la coming. . "T-THop aurket.u acettrng -.oae. - Applee eoutlaua quite Braree. ..-a Onion -anoeing advance. . ' Potatoes eleawher ant se, Srsa. I Jreeteles Market Snowing. Sesllas. .. ' The pmrralou market la lower. ' Tba roceli'M' rf koge hare am larger . and thla taose ( - the principal caeeee of- the hiaa la srlre. The " "renetara autrket. komrw. ta firmer and Jural - e.nneeoleeai fce.e b a -44U thai--pftoca-aruuK Wkehr edTaure. -Tb laloa Moat compear threw a. teunb Into the caiun of tba OPPoelUoa wltea It announced a rat la prlcea Inatcad at j an advance, which .sad Hri eipeeteuV - The ruanaee vara saade al'the Baaue -ttaee tba Ural aoaaara aanouaeed; tbat It wee agals ta letelaraa. tba a rat ar any baahiaaa w.a doaa alnee tba Sra arblrk daatroTad th jiark ln feouae oa Fourth arrd flllaaa atraata a abort ' tlnta ft: Tba prlr kaHa'abowa la loral fro- Mnaa todajr are Jlaaaiar baoM, all anaiM'aa. ' am iiunlrU 12S4r, a aVrllB of Vt iter aunad; . plmtra and eolMfa kama dowa aama aawoat; - trmuUi .abort .drara. aniokad and aaamokad, a . l-rllu tiC per jiound; cVar barka aowa - aama aaxmnt ; , bolk kritM Irar aa aieara ' rvndarad lard dowa e arr aonad. No ataaf baaaa.rara aaada la tba amf lalu "Biarkat, j it LaaU BfcriM WalU Wall Wkaat. t U Coala bar aaw'rem lata tb fcx-al wbaat ' aurkat a ad parcbaaaa daring tba paat TUL honra v annual ta aracucaur bu.i ouaaeia. wua nrdVra bow In fur mora than tbat amount. In- onlrlra eoBllana a odbm froni othar mlddla " a rat mlllluf rrntcra. but a tbr aalaa ara ' Xt reported. Tba attaatto 1a ralnlnf atraattb. - There, rontlnure. a' feed call Xar dour (raaa tba far aratbera etatea, aa arall aa a demand froai ' Houtb Afrlra. Tba arlentat altaatloa la dnIL r 1-. Mtt SUrkat U Dracfla.. . : 1 Reoelpra af novlrrr ara larfar tba a tba df . anaad tedar and tba market baa a drajtflnf . tendacrCrlcea today araabmrlac a cut . at armut.He per pound. Wild cama la la bat tat ,'ralL but tba reeelpla are email. t- 1" :.: Zgn Coma 'to Sad aa;'..i-'i-f4 A rood partloa of tba local ert r eomlnfe I la bad abapa and tba trade la anwlliui ta paj the former -prlcea tor -mora than eaae lata. Home' Petaramt, " Cat.,-' "' awtr ro tbe market and are aerarlaf a food demand at ' tba top of "the market. The ara ot uniform alaa and ara all white la oolor. ' ",. -'' ' Caliaraia Battar Oomla faata.' 'J ... Barrlpta:ot Callforala butter. ataa he atreet - . are bowla aa lacroaaei aa. it alwara don ' ben tbU. market caiaa 1 atreath. Tbla baa a tendency af holdlus local alnea ra aback. . - Oaloa Market la ftaarlaa; aa AdTaaoa. ' ; r: .:. j With the blcnar -ratoaa for oolona oat la the country local aelllnf aloe ara abowm aa adrance . today' and aooaa aalea ara belnf mdt Ki the retail trade. aa blb aa utTo; tmt ceaera ly I2.U la tba market for aelllae, Tba buylnc price at trm wltb t2M aa tba :;-V -'fctaaaa Waakm Elaawbara.- 'V ' ra the Callforala aa veil aa tba aouthera merketa potatoea ara a abade weaker, but prlcea remain about uarhaufed. ' Tba local . ' too remalna arm. buylnc waa reported out :ia the eoantry today. 'jPrleaa bera uacbaated. TodajTa rallna; alrottaale prlcea, aa rerlaed, v . Cnja, rim as VaaS. - ' snrir Walla Walla, aaS8ci klaeateat '.'batitt.kv TaUer. STeraNc. ' BAKLKV teed, Sitt.50; rolled. t3S.TS; brew. :; inf. $220. - ; - . .. CORN Wnale. (26.00 ton; cracked, $37,00. v .BYE f 1-64 per cart. OAT Prodneera' priceJ-Se. 1, white, tZT.BO; -STay, $28.0e2T.oa. i . . . rliJl-al Kaatera Orefoa ltata. 14.08; .; etrelahta. sa.76: ealley. 4.10; graham, u H-C-'i 101, 4 40; rya, 60a, .gs.0: balea, t-l v MIlXBTUFrit Braa, SUM pee ton; mid. ; dllnaa. 120.00; abortd, eotuiuy,-, lOMti abea, aV Pradaf era4 price Tlmotby, Willamette : valley; fancy. .14O0ai4.n0: ordinary. gll.ooQ 14.00; eaatera Oregoa. l 0"O Id "0; . aotket . IS.ooei3.0; rlerer. Ill.onttlt.u0; greaa, U.Wjl2.eot rbsat. 111. 00 SJ 11. 00. , r.-. . - - Hapa. Wee) and Hides. ' ' BorS 18U4; 2T4Bc for cbvlea; ST2TH for primes aad eMOluma. 1 ' WUUL-Coatracta leuS' ell. ia1der-lleT,-, anaree to medium. Iil7; fine. 17ttl8ci aaat . era Oregon. 48c . ..i. - ktOHAJk Slew. aTJe. .v-r--, "f ttllKiLfSKIXS BHarlng. lOQIue; abort wool. . SOtiSiic; aiedlam wool, bou&uc, Vag wool. . -) 11.00 each. - .- uluiw-tnma, per in, aaaoaj no. s sad arraeae. IStlUl 1 CHITT1M BARK tc per lbr -barlna orlca. RIDKB Dry bldea. Ka.' 1. id lbs aad BP, 11IV per lb: dry kip. Na. L I a) II Iba, Uc: dry calf. Na. 1. aoder 5 lbs. le: arr aalted bulb) aad a tare, 1-1 leaa tbaa dry llnti Baited bldea. ateera, eoosd, 00 lba or seer, IHc; SO te SO Iber ar; eadrr 50 lbs aad saws. f - Bet a tag. and bulla, eoBBd, tel. kip. 15 to 54 tba. site; eon ad. to ta 14 iba. Se: eslt eoned. ander M Iba. m; green tunealted) ' It per H) leaa; calla. le par lb leaa: aoree bldea. aalted. eacbvtl.SPeri.TD: dry. each, gi.uoaiBO; alt bldee. earn. 25faue; goat aS'aa, sommea, eacfe. 10415c; Aagura, with want aa, aaak. B5elel.w. Batter, rggajaad faaMry. ' "' BCTTEB gAT Sweet, 2SHOS.U; soar. 170 ... g:VTr2iTt f creamery baaT.""ajn0av,e, ' - aeeond grade, 27Het autalda fancy, sue-, 4,41. aarr. 27Hr; California. 2nr; store. l2tAfl4c - . EGG -So. I freab Oregoa, 27ti2Bc; eaat- ara. 24r2Se. , , ( HttB-Sew-Tull cream, twin, l4HQIBr: r . Toung America. lac; eaatera, IBfalSWe: i-Cbeddar. 16e t . . 7 ' - - POIXTBY rioducerf prtce Cklrkene, mired. lie per Ih; bene, lltc per lb; ranatera. eld. gifae per tt; roang. 11Q1U per lb: bmllera. ITHa per U: fryers. lil"e i . per rb: dnrfca, old. Ic per lb: young. 18ai7cLl per an; greae, KBHr per in; (uraeya, 1UU17C ,' 'per tbt dreeaeg 2i22He per B. FJ : Wll.h OAMrl T-aL $1 S"1.75: widgeon, i - fl.75 2.nn; . mallard. I3.oott2.50; raaraabacka, . Wm, -a wni. a fi ' l-OTATOKg Heat Oeeiren, l8errr0t bur. .. era, B6tiur; aeeond grade. Sue per aarkt buy. r log price. 75c; eweeta, taaet, ll.404fl.6U; crated, -r-Bl.6 . aew California, -c per- lb. , . ONIONH .yiral. 2.504i.2.r5 eaiyera' CTlrei; eounirr. gz.i"g..-s;- gariie. vagiar per lb, 1. inuu raLiia appiee. tra faaee. II nee Oregoa, 11.00 pet" box; , cbean . aaeeL granea, 16c . per box; . arangee. 1. 75 wits per hot; eeedljage, A1.75 per - boa; llandanns, 91.75 per boat Jap erangee, S0BSi per bos! be nana a. Be per lb: leenoaa. -choice, 1 IS per bos; fanee. S7I per bog ilmra, Wei leaa. 06e per 100; plne anplea. 13-Ci. ears. fl.OOtJl.BO; grapM. II. SO per boa; eraabrrrtee, eaatera, IU.UU per bbl; eritnra. , Ir pre lb. VEf.KTABl.W Tnrolne. 11.00 per Bart; eari refe. 11.00, pee aark: beeta. 1125 Hc(. triregoa radlahra. I at per dea; eabbaga, Oreaon. 12 cart; California. Il.t-V. lettuce bothonea auersAe fee drat green peppers. 7e per Ibt cblH aeppeea. 15r pec lb;,celwr, SRftObt per doa: toBiat'M. Canrarnla, ll.ut120; paraalpa. 75t IL25: eg plant, Ittte per lb; erring heana. 12r; eeuliH.rr. SBe per doe; Imtter beaaa, Sr; pnmpklea. le per lb; borarraill.n. TOM per lb: eprpate.- Tftci artb-beaee. 5l oe per -doa 1 peea, nor Ih: cacambm,- Uallforala hot- koow 'si.TS doe T . . OKI ED FBI ITS Apnlea. eeanaeated. fdiae per Ih- aprlrata SHrlV per lb; earfca, He pee lb leaa: peerbee. Stl2e nee lb: peara. pee P.; arnnee. Italian. ISOV per lot grrV. SU4Ue pee lb:1 falilorwla black. Serene ir Hi; California white. per Ih: atnma. pttred. per m: da, aoldea. Br aer lb; farJa II 60 per 15 B bra. Oreeeriea. Kate. Eta. ',1 BT.AIIBark. beala-t he. IS 40; pwadaeed. Cl-i, Iralt grualated. ill; dry greaa la ted. MARKETS VARIOUS; OUTSIDE . WHEAT. QUOTATIONS d :-7r- ' ; J', May Orrtlo. d, Chicago . Milwaukee, 1.1 a. nca aura. 8in FYanclaoo,.,..... Minneapolis' ......... ay 1.11 S iruium . . . .,i , . . Bt Louie ....... lHSb d l.Ik . ! C Kansas Clty....4 d 'Pot :eartuj.: .-'.,- ' i I.l: beet amauUledl U.M: eatra C. M.B B'MOTa , ei.N( aw. iw a adTaard aa aack baala. leaa la d.tai anaate, I4tiec per I lioNKT fivQlftc. foldea eu.aoi boia. luc H lla, 3b. baaea bo ua i a eaaa. 17 SAL1 rlne B.Iea. Ita. 'M, aa, Aa, 10a. It SO: table. dairy, sua. 0.auaill.oUi loua, f aO Imawred LlrarnaoL Sua. 15.UiI10.00i 101 a. l4.4) 19.00; i2m, tle.a04ild.6u. eatra Sna, bldaJla, la. a. 10a. .tUi balk, 20 iba. H uo; aacka, boa, dfte. " . HALT Coaraa Half (round.. 100a.' see ton, t.0t.M; ft.'a per ton. Uearuooi lump rock-. $ift.Au4ll.ail err aaas SO-I rack. fe.e,; luua, Ift.JftUa.ita. " - ( Abere prlcee apply l alia of lea tbaa ear lota. Car lota at aneelal orkas aubJaet la artaatlona. . UKA1N BAOH Calcutta, 5.T5d10 per 100.. . mk :tr l up.rlal Jai an. "o. 1, fo. . ioi- Kate UrUan head. SUade: -aVdlack. (Me; Creole. 4. . . . , . " ( i BEANS Amoll white, dc( large white, Wet jink. dc bayau, lt; Umas, Sej Maxleaa rada, VoTSPeaauta, Te; Jumbos, tV4 ef lb;, "w, ajle tier Ibf roaated. I -aoeaajidta. MOSOe per doe; walauta. 14Qlfe par lb; .pine, ante. lOtjiJVja par In; hickory aula, 10 per lb; cbaataata, eaatera. lsaiae pee lb: Braall aata, Ibe par lb; alberta. . ISQlae per lb;- taaey peuaaa, 4til5c per lb alawnda. la 4)100 per lb. MaaM. rtak ari Wrwelaieae. - VRRSH ktiTt iwi atnatt Brei. ateera. 4rH- per It.; pork, block, daTc .-pef.-lbt n vnajeiae per id, aniia, e enwa, -e3e, per- Hr aauttoC Wetnera aad btailia, 8ii7c; en, 4U5Uc: ea axua. frtU ar Per lli; ortrreeir. SVke per lb. PlABit. BACON, KTC.r-l'orturhd peek Ooni) h.rne. 10 to 14 lha. 12 Vc prrU; 14 ta IS lie). 12fccper Jb; J to .U, Vt per Ih; eotuge, be net Hj brrakfaat baron, 14alH per In; plrnlra, te per lb:, n-uilar ahnrt rleank aa- amnked, e per lb.' aawked, Vc per lbs clear backe. nnaaxAed, Be , oer lb: smoked. luc per lb; Vnkm butta. Id to Is lba, ananuiked, be per in; omened. He prt m; clear belllra, " un amoked. 11a per lb; smoked. 12c per lb. . . 1AK.AX, LukUD Kettle leaf.- We. 10(a per H; ba, 4e uar fitt MUb tlna, JOc per lb; ateam rendered; lue. Dike per lb; fie, 04s per lb; otM.-gr per lb: contpound tierces. (Its par a, rana. e per in; one. s per lb. CANNKD BAUION ColumbU rlear HI tatle, II. ho; t-io talla, 1M; fancy, 1-1 1 data. IX0O H-iu laeey Beta. fl.2B; fancy 1 lb OTab). 11.11 MartaUtrtnk, bSkiOuei red, vl-bu; aeaulaal riSll Buck' aad, Te per Ibr Bonodera. Sa "par " , oaiiou. oc per- id t eraoa, fi.zo per float striped baaa. 10O12e per lb cathah. Ta pet lb; aalmns. ateelbeade. IUi per lb; fraaea allrer aldre, (Uj per lb: nerrlur.-ac per lb: eolaa. ac per lb; abrlmpa, lOe Serlb; abad, Ireaead. per u; perca. oe are la; anaa roe, per in; abad. r p( )b; black, cad. at. par lb 1 Co lumbia rleer amelt, be pet lb; alitor amrlt, be pee lb lobatere, 12H: freab mackerel, - Se frr- lb; arawBab. toe peg doe; gountlere, Se sat b; atiirrrrn. Te per lb.' s OY8TEB8 8boalwater baa, per gal.. 12. To tier rack. 4 00 act; Olympla. par aack. IS.SB. . CT.AMS Hard ahell, per bos. XUU; raaor tlsmat. f2.0t) per box. " ,-, falata. Coal Oil. Ita. - BOTE -Pare kfanlU. 14-j atandard. Ui Steal. 10c: latle brand Blaal. XX) OlWPearl-oc-Aetrali..Caaea. 21s bat gall water white. Iron Wile. 45 He par- gal;, woejea. 17c per gal; headlight, 170-dg, caeca oc per gat; iron 00 u, iawc per gal. lyl.NKKKU OIL Pure raw, la bbkt 62c par caeas 67a pee gall aeaulne kettle botled. ' gal Sue per -ttaL bble- M or gall around rake. car lota $28.00 par toa, lees tbaa ear lota 14U.0O per ton. , - . OASOU.VE BS-dva. rases Ste per gal. troa ooui oe per gai; at ore. caaea zevia per gaj, Iroa bbla fge per gal.- . . BENZINE S31w caaea Via per -gat. Iroa tMe IB He , per gaC. PAIXT OIL Haw. bbla Me nee 'riL aaaea IT- eoc per ni; ooiina. caaea aoe per. r 1. . : TCRPK.NTIHK-In aaaea sSe per gal. weedea bbla. Bio per gal. Iroa bbla. TBc par gal. 10-lb aaae Iota 84e per gaL ' . WHITE LBAf Ton lota Tat per rb; 509-rb ota. 1 Tkc per is; leas lots sa per re. W1HC IfiilB-rPrcaent baaa at 12.00. LULL IWTHE CALL. , FOR CATTLE TODAY Portland T'nlon Btockyarda. Jaa. 27. There la a lull la tba demand for cattle. - Harare are aet- weak -But they do not aerd the aunnllea juai now. . ii nog . market la tain with auaie buying by parking inter-at a. The eaeep -market abowa a quiet tons. Tba recelptstoday .wart bsu noga gnu iv cattle. .Ofnclal ruling prlcea today: He Beat eaatera .- Oreews. 13.501 . llaht blockers aad China fata, ft.0OQ4.70i. stockers aaa reeaere. M.uuua.uu. . Cattle Best eeau-ea Orrtna ateera. 14.00: Bght and medium ateera,- i-lSo: ora. .1.uu; aiedlum cows, 2 60: aid and lltht cowa. ts.uo: atockers sad feeders. 2.002.2ibu,lle. 11.60 ma.uu. Hhen Baa't fance ahaen! ni Ant'ewaa" il AA r' -r r, ,.t . CKX0A00 BOOS LOWTB. 1 ;.: Chlraga, Jaa, 2T. Ll.eateck rerelpta: l i Iloga. . Cattle. Sheen. Cblcagw--Ir.,l,...29.i))ft "7 B.oon ... ft.!) Kaneaa City,,.; lo.wal . l.iaa) Omaha ...... ........ I.ouo - tMOo l.oua - Iloga Opened Be to luc lower with 2.0i left oeer; rerelpta a year ago were 86,0011. Prices: Mixed end Titltrnera. g4.BHer4.ST; eood beery, 4.50tj4.2Mi; rough beary, light, H.5ui I.S21. - ' . .. . Cattle Weak, 5e to 10 lower. ' ' ' . Bhecp Steady. . s , " y inr TO11 corral xakxet. New York. Ian. XT. Caff ea futures closed 10 to 15 noftita klgberv. . - Today s offleial eoffca , market Rid. Aak.l . January ...17.25 17.36 Aasnet Marrb 7.4U T.enineptember April , May Jans . July .. ,T.66IOctober , T 05 T.ToiNoremher T 7 . 7. "A ! December T.B0- ;T.5 ..ii rersiga.Ceffss Higher. -. f , New Terk. Jaa. ST. Heme aaya: TTarVa coffee adranced point; Hamburg adeanced H Clnt. Kb -rerelpta. '',000 baga; market a trad jr. a toa receipts. 2 days. 25,000 baga. . .. , - ' Haw Tark Obsh Oaffaa. ' New Tnrk. Jan. 17 ( a.h coffee: . Ka, e; No. 4 Bantoa. c. Ka. T C0TT0I- IS EIGHT TO - N ELEVEN POINTS UP 1 ... ... --(.garnished by srerberk, Btarr a Cooke Co.) hrw lork. Jan. 27. 'lba cottoa market cloned to 11 notata up. ' . T. A Mrlutyre Ai Ce. eayt. The marked la narrow- ana aimnat entirely proreeaionaL- and sentiment ok tba whole farara the bear aide lbrelopmenla la the near future may bring ubout a decline to a new low lereL bnt nny break to '4c or below aboald Justify buying for s tars of moderate proportion a. For the time being, .however, h acslplug pnaltloa for tnrna would appear to bold oat tba greatest upMorrunlty tor profile. - -. . guuay.a ctuctai eoiioa marset: tin. lllrh. Iow, Cloee. ' 0)s iB IIHM4I 08 7Si7l 07.Ma-7T ,TMflH0 SMC. nwrio ' f4HT. Itaitrot Tuoejug January. . Kebrnary , Mar. b . . April ' . May 4 Jane , . , Jnly .' Angnat 4 bepleuiner Oi-tober.. . nr.4 not , 0H.4 674 . ; org d.vt .l "-7 . . ' 004 . . 7 . . 70 1 . . 7H . . . r e - rXO . . . .. 7'i! , . . . .001 a.vr tun 075 670 7l 070 4MS Tilt ood -OHl aT . SMI -n4 T1 Tod CetteS Fort Becalpts. -Jtew York. Jaa. 2T.--BereltiB at eotfna port re 4.nn balea. against 24.707 hdha Met week ssd 15.2nd Ules la.t year. , -i--eak9it0.C0rE STOCJU.- r--'- Bat. Jaa.' ST. Ofnrlal copper clnalng: I Bid Rid Aderntnrs '.:.$ d 25 old noa . $ 2 l . MM lbs , 2..T7K ttS .fa . 2175 Atlantic .... 10 7" BinriieM X. if alHiaet .r.i 0)17 ei l enirauralw., ' la in. i ',. U . T 't'. Itlareola ,. JaHry .r... Hants re ... Hhannoa ' 11 tor-are Maea Stlnlna. jteiVilTrl.lty ..... til II'. . Mlslng. 3 Mlrhlgaa-..aal 17 a Mehaak ..i AxoO Morla -. XTH elrerlna ... 104,00 Rill: Aab ..a.uo H.0 J. 8.10 g.5 .J. S. 16 B.20 i. S.25 S.. U.s. as B.40 ALL STOCKS (ME ; AROUND THE ERIES Issues Were" the Mainstay of - New York. Exchange Dur-"" k'.-V.'- ' r ,na ession. - - CHICAGO A ALTOInThAS - . -THE HEAVIEST GAIN Northwestern Rises Again -Fuel A Iron Up--Illinois Cen-. - - - .tral Advances.-'- . : Amalgamated-' .. M , lumeltcr.- com..f rlrooklra I. . .... .20 . Ball.-at Ohio.... .S2 Hnsjrau t'ratral 1.00 , . ' 4 STOCK ' ADTAwNCSS- , m aa i . . Aaacoada' Huaar . . . ..I .25 Krle, let pfd... II, 29 . Katy. com.,... .12V4 Alton, pfd Soil. Katy. pfd..,,.. - J7 N. V. Cent .... -IK Reading, east. . . .S7 c. jr. w ... 1 fro IIM. Cratral ... B.bu Ioulr. A Kaab.. ,l2)iiHep. en el. Manhattan . ... .2V IHuutbern Hy... - . Mlaa.Hirl rar. . . ,W jTenn. Coal .... Norfolk Weat ,N7miI. P.. rum , .;. . .50 . Gaa w,..',.... ..THall-nrlnc Mall .... .60 Atrhlaon ..., .75 , IRnrk la., com,. 1.00 t'ar .A Pnsnd .. 1,60 IS. P.. com .12U Colo. Fuel .75 Int. L. A , W,. Krle. mm . J.pO IBteel. com...... '.BV4 Krle, 2d pfd... .7ftSleel, p(d..i.f: (rntiilaked by Orerberk, Btarr Oookg'Co. ) New . York.. Jan. 27. Hrle. common wan tha malnatay of -the etorfc market today , and around the Krle tames the rest of the Hat circled, t'nlon raclftc Wat" eery atrong for the --common etork. - Altoa- had the largeat adrance, Jnt thg Brlea were tba etroageat. It la aald that tha abort Interest In thla la eery strong and the corerlng waa tba eaaee of gala of 1 1. 50 erer yeaterday'a cloalng oa email trading. Teuneaaee Coal It Jroa was strong but not rry actl to. It-gained today 1.12Vk Bet. Today's efntlal etork. market: . ill - DESCBIPT10X. I Anaconda Mining Amal. tper-Co.,.. AK-aiaoa. com. - do preferred . Aiar. Car Kound., com. au. prererrea Am. Bugar, com I4ini4uvt geSlim . 1 Am. fiinru,. -eom...r. do preferred,.....-.. Am. Ire. eom..,V.r do preferred. . . Baltlmure A Ohio, com ' )o errfrrree , ..... il ins! .16 lolttiliuU Brooklyn Bapld Traaalt. aiu Oil 'A t-anauiaa ractoc, com.. Chi. Alton, com.,,.-. da preferred. . ChL i C-Wret. com. CbL. Mil. A Bt. Paul.. Chi. Ai North., com.',.. Chi. Terminal Rr...... Cbeaapeeko Ohio..... Colo. Vuel A Iron. com.. loSti 132 Ootor-Bnath.i ien.,,i do 2d preferred..,. 'de lat preferred 7elarare Hudsea.., D.-Aj M. O.. eom...,,. .. da preferred......... Erie, eom. . .. ...... S3 :2 H - do' Bd- peeserred. oi llllnola tral. 16AW Ixml.Tllte NeahTlU... Metro. Traction lio . . .. . Manhattan Elerated. ... 138 IIS lSueaOSOAt uexiraa central UT-... M e Bt. P. A Bta. U... -u. yreaerrwu. Mlaaonrt I'acldc. 157 100, lostf M.. K. ft T.. eoa do. preferred....: New York On tral BS B6 63 M OS ,jae 143 Norfolk . Weatem, com.(-TH4 e prererrea. .... ... North American, .-v... N.-i V.. -Out. ft Wear.. Pemaylranla By..... P. U., L. ft C. Ca. Preaaed Bteel Car, com do preferred Pacllle Mall Hteem. 0a.. Beading, eom d4d areferred.,. do let art' f erred . . Ben. Iron ft Steel, com Bock laland, com,... do preferred....... Southern By., cbm.j. do preferred.. ...., Bouthera Pacific: .v;'.', do preferred . Bt. L. ft B. V., 24 pfd. do lat preferred. St. le ft 8. W.,-eom. do preferred... ...a Texaa ft Parldc. Tcnn.Cs7- ft Iroa.Til I'nioa I'BTlnr. cam'.,, do preferred.... r... C S. leather, cunt... . do preferred.;...... V. S. Bubber. com., do preferred....,.., V. B.-Bteel i!c.t com. 90 bo. 804 118"lllH,llltH4lll(tia TO. 30 0 B4.H1 TU nsK 1T isabf 102 101 u "C ante' t- 1"0 14 100 1100 JUKI . w prricrreo. t, . . , , 1 WLB4. v nee i. at i it., com. ,, do 2d nreferred...jj-i, do let preferred. nrj Wlaconaln Central, com., do preferred . . . sT-n-.-w Weatern Ciflon Tele.. t- v:i 46ttif 4B : STid,:.' 'iidt. 43U.1 ir Wabaah.- com . i,i. .-.. ,(- S3 I tt m do-preferTcdt,. .....,. 44 " J 44 Total aalea for day. B.10.SO0 abares. Money, 1 Vi 0 14 par cent. : . . " saji mAitaico Kim itocks.'. r-: Baa- rraawdaca.- Jan, 27. Of Sri a I mtntag oae miiooa, naorning a.iim, cioaing; Bid. ..Bid. Bullion Belcher . .21 .22 .. .100 .. M .. 2.10 Sera re , ,.. ,94 Potosl ......... .ta I'nlon Con- .64 Tellow Jacket.. . .24 Rxrbeqaer .54 Hale ft Ksrcraas 1.10 Con. Cal.-Vs, Oiihlr ........ exlcan ..... Con. Mercur , . 1 . TONOPAH STOCKS. Bid. r Bl. AdaBia .....I. I .Id Montana , I ..... StUI .17 . Colombia Ml.. Red Toa , tMI'len Anchor. Uid Kleld Beacun ......... .08 . .75 . .1 ' '1? . .or a ." .25 . .40 . .04 Sanrietorta ......00 IHelmoat ....... .74 Mohawk ...... Jim. Butler ... Nerada ....a... .11 Ton. Kiten .... 4.00a. Jumbo , Jumbe Rxtea.. Klold Monaula.. .12 MrNamara .... Bay O'Brlea ,. North Star ..... .20 . Midway ....... .50 BAB If BJUICIICO LOOAt" BTOCIS. 7 Ban Praaclaca." Jaa. 27. Loral atecke eloalna. 10:im a. aw - . A.k. Contra Coats- Water..?.... 51ti Spring V alley Water. ......... 27 n. r. '.a. at r.iecine..,..,v.... 0)154 lilant fowder. ........... . B4 . HawalUn Hngar.. ...S...... ..0.1 Hoimkra Sugar., 24 Vi Kllanea, Sugar. ........... BVaj atasawell nugar, ....... ,j ;s . 1 Onumea Bnaar..i. ..... I'aaabaa Busar. .... w..... ......... 27 Alaaka Packere'.... j Cal. Wine Ana's 824 -M tvreanle Bteamahla 4"i . . 4H I'sclna States Teiepaona. ............ lot , tut - t 1 ,: ' . BTw- TOBK - BTTaTjUlT. ; ' New York. Jaa. IT.' 6ow.' Jones ft Ca. aar The aeatlment In general m rather more bullleh aa the but look. Amertcaa atorka la London are ateady to strong. London la Terr bnllleb oa tba Brlea. Bentlment there la more favorable to the long lde. Fifteen made for the third week of January anew da areeage gross Ih ereaae of 15 per eeat. Tha expnrta of gold may mount te g4n.n0n.00n In all before the moee nient eeeeea. The bank loot ta tba aabtreasury luce. Friday laet 11.201,000. 1 . . ' -. Oaaoaad Btsrliag. 1 KeW York. Jan. 27 fiemand eterUng, dST.M Jtsi OO; eo-daya. 4Aa.4atl4s5.55. Hew Tark' Curb. Xew Vh-krTaa. 27. Car auotatlone: Xnrthera BmirtftW. opened at 140,. hlgh'leV low list, rkawd l4Hel40s aaba, Jl.uoo abares. : - J ' v -: texlea Irrtr. . .- . . ' January ST. Silver ta teas st 39 '. . : , I . a.. . US. , 5i Local Provisions , Show - Dsclins Detpits Strength In East St Louis I a Purchaser of Walla Walla Whsat Hsrs.i A good :mm rules THE VIIEAT MARKET Market Jn Chicago Has Shown .. Rise for Ten DaysRe -: action Is Due. ALL OPTIONS SHOWING - : SMALL DECLINE TODAY M ay . Closes Seven Eighths and i July Three Eighth Off .; t--P September Downed - TODAY'S WHEAT MABKBT. , V - Opea . Cleaa, . Cham . ' Ttidar. - Todar. ?' Thnra. IMS Today. Mar .....Il.lni4 gl.i6.B S1.1S44 July .9 .m !. ,tm Beptembar, ... J2- ,IMiM , .00 .00 V 12 (Pumlahed by Orerberk. Btarr ft ' Cooke Co.) i-hicago, gaa. 17. ugaa ft Bryaa aay: There Is s auod demand for wheat , Hamnles are r leaned up bat the market tor 10 dart baa been atrong. ijftwer octree la tba north- weat cauaed an .opening a - little- off . Iadia cables ara largely bull lab. Argentine sbipmeuta how aa eaaler reeling. The reaction today la only natural, conalderliig the alow aarkeU It eoutmuea to. na a good trading market, with moderate swings ln-nttSeT dlrectloa.' Wa atlU bellerat the abori latereat ta large and stub born. - While tba trade baa broadened out bat It la atlll a narow market- and easily reeponda to any llttla buylug demand. Dull' la Cera. yeatacdu'e atreaath and actlrlty waa aot la srldeaeo. It looks tike a doll mar ket. .Tba data aiarket w dull. , ... . J. .- Large Hag Kaaalpta. nroeialons. larre recelnts of hots had SB decree eCfeet oa the market. Wa fear It will aell I lower an leaa tba packers (how soma dja- paanioa ta-aetp. - 7 -',1.- xouay a einctaj mar ret : - ... WHEAT. " ... -r--v ' Onea. ' : Hleh. " law. ' flnae. Mar.....S f ill (4 S 1.1BU Sl.lStt B i.iUVB Mr.r,T-rM-,.M.t;.-.: JM .S ncpt..... .10. ........ ..whit Jaa.,.,... ...... . 7.....T.'' ,.. .45HA May..n.. .4BJ4 .... .48::. ,.4I1U .45 Sb July.,. T4o; : ib -- .465 Bept. .4 A .eA "-7trATB. afsr.iiV 4'.. .it. .30 .HIB .2 July.,rt - - .11 -. .r Jl bept.i... mkbb' Wibk.' ' Jaa... 'v. . , May..... 12.05 - 11.00 J2.05 .12.B0A , .12.05 .. Jaa,.r,.r , , , . n- . v;A- 6.A2HN May..... T.02H . T.02V4 T OO i ;T.02iA Jnly T.15 , T.15 - T.12H :T.12h Bept...,. T.25A r.. . SBOBT BIBS. ' '. V Jan...... - , - . ., ...TT--.g2mi May.,.,.- ..g aoB.mj d.85 July... T.OO .V T.02H " T.OO - 7.00 BARLEY MARKET STROWCERJ Xeooka lUka :-; sr Wiaat Furntahed by eerberk,Btaxr ft Cooke Ca.T j a rraaeiaco. Jan. gi.'-B. r. Hut toa ft Co. 1 say; This barley market woke Ilka It will go to 11.40 befora they get through With It. Tbe Wheat market acta atrong. -' . - , s oiuciai ii:j n. m. market: T ' .' ' wurAT.-, - . . --'. "TT Onea. .. Hlah. .'. Tow. ' Cloaa. 1.4ASI I1.4HT.- S1.4SV S1.4BU December..... 1.22 ' iM&t 1.82ii - Ltctvi Msy....'..iv J. J.22V4 . 1.22 1.22 iMcembor...... ;0d .9d . jh .. nXXAXT. 'MCtatl, AJrO OIJIJULaJICIB. - CUca go. " jaa, 2f-Prlmary receipts : -r'A-nr-Today . Year Ago Boab. Buab, Wheat 610,000 , 410.000 Corn ...................... 417.000 7-420,000 Bblpmaata.; . - . . : . " ,- - Cora 1.... : 250.000 400,000 Clearaneea: Wbest and flour, 80,000 bushels) corn, 437,000 bsahele; aata, 0,000 buabels. iuziii08'100. CAU JRJBXAT. rzl Oilcago Jaa.. 2T. Cash wbest: ' 1 ui - Todar " Thnra: So, 2 reJ.. .....1. 14 11.17 -4 -riot 8-red. . .J.vr 1.14 , J.1J Na.. f hard wlner,.. Ma." I hard wlnrer. Ma. 1 northern aprlng...... No. S aortnera aprlng. . ,. ., No. I .spring...... 1.14 .'1.1.1 ....... It ' 1.00 :. l.aoH 1.0b . 1.03 -r Chioage Srala . Caa Lata. Xhrcago, Jaa. Z7. tiraln car lots: 1 1 Cars. Orada. Whaat ................ 2K 1 . Bat. 104. W T nVa"' i '.''!!!!!! t " , id so nu - Wheat care todar: Minneapolis, ST1; Duhtta, 11. - X,ear agot .atinnaaauiia. iwii; DiuuuVJl.. , Argaatiaa eraia Shipments. "' ( ' Chlraro. Jaa. argentine grain ahlpmenta :.: . 1 .:.... . , liaat Week Laxt Year Buab. Buab. a,in.oni8,oM.oQo . 100,000 - 440,000 Wbest Cora r... .r. ....... . a i; IHaraoel Srala -Market. ,: - - : -1 : Lleerpool. iaa. XT.nomr. l Wheat. March, rm Mar. ds I(dr-Vi-jSBi- Msrcb Hd lower. v't- roaiXAJTB SaJf STATIUXltT. Clearlnge J,f, Bakaaee ... .l4Td.Tar.4l i 00.14IW SHORTAGE IN WHEAT SUPPLY IS INDICATED '' V 4 . From prsaent Indlcsttrjng thers d 4 will be a shortsga In tha supply : d 4.. of wheat -lit tha Pacific north 4 weift befora now" Brain la ready to grind., Tnere ara now order for wheat, lu . thlg territory ag gregating In ' tha neighborhood of 1.000,000 buahela. Soma of theae have . been ac cepted, as there la a difference in soms esses of H to 1 cent a bushel in the price offered by the east, -and those .the local people ara willing1 to seU their stocks at ., - ' - Bt. Louts has entered -the mar Vet for Oregon red, 'Russian a ml Walla Walla club . wheat and during; the paat II hours 'the sales In this city Tor that dea- 4 "tlnatlon a amount to ;! 4.000 bush; d .. ,,,1, V- -. :. ... . v . ' 4 4 eia. 0m: to si lias I. (SpecUl Dlepatch te The Joarnat ' Astoria. Jan. IT. Tha bark Nenerchos. Capt. Arfmsn Otgermsn,-which Arrived here November 10 from Tokohame, tlx ballast, waa today ordered by cable from the owners to proceed to Sydney, Aus tralld In ballast. Although since sr rlTal the' sailors bays been allowed con stant shore leave not one has deserted. The vessel will Ball as soon as she can get tinder way. TBYXJTQ TO OOaVUlOV XVaTOBAaTOB. Mabel' Rosendala is aulng the Fldelltr a Caaualty company to recover 110.004 on an accident policy held by her hus band. Otto M. Ronenriale, who met his death In a hotel fire at Kalama on Augual II of last year.. The Tire started In the room occupied .by him.. . , I : SPECIALr .1 1 .1 I . - ' , . a. - nag. Price lic.Can Corn; 3 cansTTtV 10c Can Tomatoes, 3 cans...'. ..Ir.-rTT. .25 20; Dozen Oranges, dozen. . ....... ..tSd 115c Package Ralston Oats, 3 packagesV. . .25 lijjt Package Rasins,3 packages.,, ;.rT. 25 10c Can Van Camps Soups, 3 cans..V..N.25 5c "Can American Sardines, 6 5c Can Deviled Hani, 6 cans. .......... . .2.5s? 5c CanDeviled Ham, dozerr cans... ..... .43f 'ltc Mince Clams . , ... ".. '. .',7i..Tj. I . . .tlO S3c Package Nabisco Wafers, package . . , .25 15c Can Pheasant Brand Peas, 2 cans. ,25f 15c Can Fruitvale Corn, 2 cans.......... 25 15c Can Fruitvale Beans, f 2 We wish to call your attention ------. '. we work u your couars are FT. II. NORTHEAST" CORNER TWELFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS.- w Mention This List When Ordering, nur . SDERIFFS LOSE FEES " r BY THIS MEASURE Newell's Bill - Providing .That Trained Attendants : Trans port Insane Passe House. ADVOCACY "OF MEASURE WAS EARNESTLY. URGED Effepts-Saying, of Many Dollars and Takes Graft Away From Sheriffs. , - fFroa a Journal Staff Correeneadaat) Balera, Jan. 7.--Wlth only two dis senting; votes Newill'g bill providing; for tha transportation of the insane to ins state asylum by- trained attendants from tha asylum Instead of by sheriffs passed - the house thla morning. The dlacusslon. - though - confined with Ingle exception to tha advocacy of the bill, waa the most earnegt..that has yet occurred In tha house, '- A strong; presentation -of the . merits of. tha hiHTwaa made by. Newell, who declared It-Would not only effect an an- Qal aavlng of $10,000 but would be i Signal advance in hupJanltrand da cency. " : He .laid stress . uponu tba blll'l provision that a female attendant from tha asylum shall assist (in transporting any insane woman. r ' - Even if If did not save a dollar of lenae. -this, alone should . InsurehS passag of the bilV he concluded. :- BpeaKer Ming took the noor ana made Xn earneat argument . for tba btlU ad resslns; himself especially to tba hu manitarian, considerations, saying that "to defeat the bill would be o stlgma-' tlse ourselvss as tnen. jrlthjjut decency or humanity." - - -. - - : Inssne . women, he said, -should havg the tendereat-care. t and tha existing system of turning .them over to ghertffs jas-.Te vol ting and -inhuman. .. . Bums of Coos was tha only member who spoke Sgalnst the bill.-- H. aald it would frequently work a hardship in re mote .-riarta of tha atata wham insane ta- tlenta would have to be held two or three aaya for the asylum aitenaante is arrive, but Burns' remarks only-called forth -more earnest advocacy of tha bllL v Kay declared It was one of the most meritorious measures presented thla sea. slOn. .. Ha bad wltneaaed many revolting . scenes on trains when lnnne-peTBjns were beings retmovad to- the- asylum by sheriffs. He had aeen unfortunates tied down and handled with . rs voltlng bru tality. Two year. ago a similar measure passed, the senate, but was defeated In the house-through the Opposition of the sheriffs who flocked to Balem to savs their araft, v ' '" i . McLieod related as instance ot the In human - refusal of an eastern' Oregon sheriff ta allow a husband to accompany bis insane wife to the asylum. ' -- - Edwatrds. Llnthlcum and Ritchie 'all spoke in support of the bill... On roll eall only- Bums of Coos and Blakely voted In the negative. i' - . - -The transportation of the Insane by sheriffs baa been tha occasion or zre- auent scandal in tha past and hss al waya""been boutcb of. Braft' There. -have-been many earnest, protests against the -Inhumanity ' of allowing; insane women to be entrusted like criminals-to tha sheriff or his deputy for transports tion to tba asylum,. - , LIVED FOR 8 WEEKS UPON COAT'S FLESH Party Marooned oh Barren Is- land of Guadalupe Has 4 iNarrovy escape. - (Journal' Special Serrlce.) San Diego, Cal.,. Jan. 2 7. After exist Ing for mors than eight weeks on a diet or goat meat on the barren Inland of Ouadelupe, R. Weaver of Ban Francisco Is st Man Diego recuperating before re turning to his home. N. J. Weaver, the father of the young man, hss a conces slon from Mexico to slauchtsr areata. on tne island, wnicn is 100 tnues orr. tne coast of Lower-California. -The nearest place to ' ths mainland la the mining; camp of Ban Quentln, several hundred muea oeiow tne Dounaary una. r Four months sgo young Weaver landed on the Island with soma Mexicans to kill aoats. Eight week ago their provisions ran out snd they had no boat with which to- reach the mainland and no craft Is in tha habit of calling; at the island. Goats were the only thins; the party could set to sat. snd to make mat ters worse . Weaver's supply ot . car tridges gave out and hai was compelled to nse a shotgun, thus they had much difficulty In getting goats. ' The Weaver party waa rsscusd by the steamer feu Denis, that was panning near the laland. When reM'ied Weaver waa building; a bont with which he hped to reach the mainland. - Tha rescue came in tha nick of time as only a few charges of powder snd shot wsre left and they would have been unable to kill more than enough food to last a fsw days. . TOLD HOW TO MAKE ' v ' c MONEY BUT FAILED ' (Journal flpertal Service,,, New York. . Jan. 17. "HoW to Make Money" Waa the name of a msgeslne laum-hed recently. The till of the pub lication was declaration of Its prln- .7.725. cans.,.. V.. .23 ) cans,.. , .of to the fact that quick sales and ; .e . tL ... . - worm aa mucn as your neignoor V i cut Kate Orocer fen hhm Help. Vp? He helps a - great many supply their tables with their daily food And those very same people ' will tell you they couldn't be better helped. . FELLOWS' groceries and meats . are ' known.: all over town for their excellence. A few specials ior tomorrow: if I cans Tabid Apricots or Fsatbeal : I cans Standard Tomatoes. Can BsKer's or QhirardeUrg ocodw ir .$i.oo r . Gallon1 can Choics Table Byrup. . - i I 45;-" - "' '.V; ".OsUon'patl Chonce Table Byrupvv Soft No. l'Macaronl. Bpsghetti Or. L. t , VermlcellL, ,, , X, 25 Pound Good Gunpowder . TouV Pound 'Tsllows' Blend" Costa Rica V -:: Coffee. . .; . . -. . 5 - One-pound package . Cora Btsrch, . " $1.00 ::,i,l IT poundg'Dry Granulated Sugar, JJi. 374 Washington Street" : Quick Delivery. Phone Main 2896 For Saturday Wa hsndla-oair PKR8H CHICK ENH. no cold-storage stock at any price. Tillamook Creamery Butter per roll, BOo Tillamook Create Cheese, per lb.c-...lSe S combs Whits Honey ....... ..B5o S pkgs. Santa Claua Mince Meat... ..SSo ENTERPRISE CREAMERY irt rzmsT Waahlai sbJatrtoa aad AMsr. staBUsaed XBBB. - Oregaa Portland; Marble WorRsnr - RCBAKEN at NEU. Manufa'oturers of and dealers In aU kinds of Muble, Granite and Stone Work Sstlmates Olvea oi - Applroatlon. . -168 F125T JTBEET- Bet. Madison and T JeffersoB sUreeta... i . PORTI.ANU O. . sommra, Korxm t 00, (Establtahed ltl.) it ajto bTtocx aio: ' ' Boom 4, arooad Floor. ; ouBiii of ooBnajmca. too LATB JOClASBirr. toT PreaumaMr - ea tbe eaat aloa. a gus- meiei eigaretteare, name Jullna Auler eu- frared sa front. I'leaaa ret ara to room S, nanner tf temmeree. LOST Owker spaniel; Ueeaae 463; reward, SO. e.i roTTn ejieeenrn ar. clplas. All the reader had to do wag to follow the advlca pf tha publishers and the result was a certainty. The larger the circulation- of the magaslne. the greater the number of Rockefellers. But one day the editor of "How ta Make Money", failed to follow big own advice. That yery dure the magazine went to the grave yard of. publications. . 1 ' . ' The number that came out two weeks ago was tha last. The sdltor,wss mak ing an explanation of how Rueaell Bugs managed to save a modekt stipend when the magaslne' a financier criala arrived. During the three months tbat tha phil anthropic publication existed it exposed the secret of J. P., Morgan's financial suecess and exolalned how Carnearie can afford to give aWay librarlea FAXBFtBiB sroaa aiTBjrs. ' (Bperlal 'tHatra ti The Journal. ) .'-.' Fairfield. Wash.. Jan. 17. Tha mer chandlse store owned by K.- H. Morri son burBed this morning.' Loes, l,000; Insurance, 17.000. . Fairfield hss no fire protection and adjoining building could only be saved. The cause Js unknown. i . . -: - - . . 4 1' 03 6vERBECK;I STARft cS COOKE CO. ,..' Mem gars Chics go Bnsrd of Trsde. S. - ' ' ' OBAIV, FBOTXglOBTB, OOTTOX, STOCKS AS aOBTOS, -x ' V il .''." 101 Third Street. MeKsy Building. Fortlsnd.. Or. ' . " ' .'r --W 90 A BTTBIOT1.Y OOXDOSSIOI Suslsslg. ContlnunTjs Markets by Frivsls Wire. -Quick Service. R E FK R FNOF." Laid A , . Tllton, banksrs, and United SUtes NstlonsI Bank of Portland. -w P'lco ;" ' ' . ' ' '( ' ' Bbwc. Prlc " ?5c Package Figprtme of Posfura'rpkffr.SO 45c Broom V. , . . . . . 25& 6c Lb, Rice (good); 33 lbs....t.Cl.C0 . 6c Lb. S. W.Beans, 28 lba.,.;J.illl.C0 5c Lb. French Trunes, 15 lbs . ... .234, 40c M. & J! Coiffee, lbL.....1C..";.......23 $1.00 Box R. I. Greening "Apples,, box.... S5f $1.65 Box Choice Baldwins, box.!,.... 81.25 20c Mackerel, each .;..-.....;.....,.... 15f 40c Gal. Home-made Sauerkraut, eal.i.. SO - 40c Gal. Knight's Dill Pickles, gal. ...... S0- ; 25c Bottle Snider's Catsup, 2 bottles.;,. .S5 $1.45 Gal. U-C Maple Syrup, gal... ,,.81.20 7c Lbt Best Italian Prunes, ,6 lbs...'.. ....23 small profits is the basis on which e " - v s cau on us. . . , i r, ; .v'-Tpgjiephcine 183L" A. J. FARMER .rtiIas-Crd CJtsIl Crecer - i . , Third and Jefferson br-i' t Tou caa save It per oast by daaJIng"" Will) Da ' '. '. i ' '!.,'' ", V' ' wBlUltliw pound ,a.l";;.j ..I 5o Good Creainery Butter .0o roil ' 1 fai Irsi awaa OnAk A.Sei . an v ' Z- Vs-b assse,s,c; lJQ rrean ureKDn WLwrmv nctm e .loo . Fancy (lemons." do.' . , . Fancy fev.p.. Peaches. ln,-.;...,.-.iioo --' Potatoes, ' sack '....'.Ills ' 1 lb. Sohllling-s Baking PowJer..,..3ao 100 i to. stoyai Baking rowder-. ...0 II bars Royal Savon Soap ...ISs .... 2 Corlbs Honey ,,f 5 - Owl Soap ;, .lix lba, Sago or Tapioca ,jio - 1 ib. good English Breakfast Tea,!. .lite -Best sugar-cured .hamav ,-lb. ......ljo . 1 ib. Gunpowder Tea , r.-arr. . . . . f. io-r - proas Cream ..v. ... l&a I. Sugar ......... .....II. go D. G Sugar ....;, (.t Hard-Wheat Flour. .,.,!. II 1DO, u. u. sack best ssck STOOd is-ir. pan peat Lard . .......... ...tJ.00 a?;ih-a.' r. ...... I bottles Snider's Cstsup . -..tioa - ..a. ...... 15a .......... ton I'giu. , can i nois Byrup , . i lb. hew floft-sheli .Wain nuts ISo ' lba fancy Italian Prunes "ll 1 ib. Lemon Peel ...... ..L... ..r.I.lSo l 1 Ib. Orange peel . Si ....... """".K - and Friday a-. ft Y - - , . TOWNSEND & VAN SCIIOONIIOVEN X.v vrmoutSAiJe Aa xtaxuZ.- Greenes and Provisions Nsw Store 147 First st, bet Morrison and Alder. Fbone- Main 1483. - Batter ins tig a Spedallty ; t: - Our rrocerlea and orovlainna ara al. . .rr. I ar.. Th... I.,l.. 1 . mat. uoa i aicaen your stomacn :h with ' worms ,f sigie rooo. tune oon t like to oat ana ougs ii. no can, poip, it. -. Western D.'O. Sugar.' per sack. .SS.swJ i One sack good bard wheat flour.... 91.00 a pounaa geoa rioe ..... New crop dry prunes, per lb......... So S pounds Italian prunss, SSo I pounds -ssedless ralalns. .......... BOO t pounds best cleaned curl-ants .... BOO New crop tomatoes, standards,.;' - a iini . ...... .-... . . . . . aoaj Two I-lb, pkgs. Gold Dust . r ..e- SOS) One -S-lb. pkg. ammonia washing-. fluid . .' ... ... - t 80T. Fejs-Nspth soar ....... , , . . , . . Bo ii bars Royal Savon smd,' SSo Dars uaor mepnanc soap., . . t bottles Snider's Catsup j... -BSo 1 1 lb. new croD Knallsh WalnuU... lfta 1 lb.' whit honey sai 10-pound pall pur lard. d.., BBa E-rjound nail nura lard.....'. - Boo Good Oregon creamery butter .. . .T BOo '. ana t-rtmroaa tjream .......... too aaat Bid Delivery Taaaday aaA Friday. WASHIGTON MARKET . IIS First Steeet Bat, Waafctogtaa aad aWkv'f Vasae Mala galO. - ; .. . Bolted BrtaSta -., .10 te ISUe' Prime Bib Roaata .......................... 111 - Blrloln Bteafca Vf .Tr.....A,,ikai.V.lHie Tenderloin Bteakn.,...,,...J........,l,..iJ0 y- Porternauaa Steaks ........ .12(4 to 15a Rnund Steaks ; , i.iiimt " I'lala Bteaka 1 Iba for .!....,........ eL. - lm UmIm I . .... - Ieg Unb ..,.'.....-....,...r..,wr.,igvZe " - muiiob i none, a ins ror tne: ' ' Ixvln nr Bib Omna llua i. in. . Hhenlrter nf Mutton .....So ta He liuttna Blew. ........... g. Pork Bnaata 10 to Ite Pork I wore ,...,,...?...... 12He - l" -He ta He , ..tBuVferU? Haaihurser. S lba for t. I Bngar-Cnred Brenkfaat Waens'iiie " - - Beat Eaatera Bugar-Carad Hama I. ...... lag ' . ""-rreur uiier 0 to gu,. Freak Banrk Kgga ..................1.,. aa. Bread. B loaves" or A ''E '? Chlckena ,rmj. ... i IB te 1 an TAFfX KXATZ30, Press,-:-., --Px Standard Market 111X01 1UR Ml KASX BVMBIDsi V , rsoae Zaat Ts. -. . All telepkoes orders promptly attesdad to. ' DON'T WORRY DON'T FRET Life's too short at best ' There's no use Of yon 'tolerating whatever your butcher, wants to send you. When you want the best .of moats, gsme,, fish, or owl., visit or call up CKNTRAU MARKET. It Is there you'll find things to your likings qusllty and pgtg;:- -?v ;; r-' ::: Kindorf : Bros. 130 QBAXT ATS. : FSOn BASt dig. DAXar BTfTTam ......... '.SOe BBS SB Creamery butter ..toe ana too Best creamery butter ....... SSo and 40 j Renovated butter ...... ,.,,40 aad 4io Eggs, per dosen ,.16e and Soo Best sugar-cured hsms .......... ,ll ' Plcnlo hams '....',,.,,',' .jjg Breekfaat bacon .......... .14c ani ljj Cheena, loo gnd ltV.0 Pwlaa cheese i . . .. t Jig BOotea for, per pound .......JOj Javs-Mochs, coffee ................ .li) Arbuckls's Hon coffee. . I pounds for Sis - J-A GRANDE CREAMERY Be TnBuuU aTBlBT. Chickens for Saturday 14c ; r. sa . . m ml.. J .1 .Ji: