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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
cjzzzu daily.' jou-iALrcf.TLAirr. JTJDAY EVENING, JANUARY 7. UCl - t 7 ,.-r .... . ; i a - npi r ;VUt,J rftcinj' Ec2t;mnt' at N-w ;y -Tone Ar to B Transferred f ' . rrom Morris to Belmont. 1 i i i BELMONT AND M0RRI3 ; t AT WAR nuFo ruiNnf The States of New Jersey; and ;4 Pennsylvania May Be Added to Racing Association. - UNnil IBMU bftlM.l . - NewTork. Jan. 1 7.'-, While New York :. ; wmm umvm ma wmicunv ana aj j Inf abouethe dlspato-ever rtmtng dates - !.w tne wml wnich rarr aeveloD into . .--. . t war, wa muuti , : w' itM fau developed In our own ; miast, so to speak,, which, while it win , not .develop into anything Ilka a war, . haa.. all tha nanaa. aiven .the- Mctn-r ,. powere mora than ona unpleasant euar ... v ,.r ttt an hour, and will give them many j.mere oerore it straightened tuU -VTW It ail eomaa about tbrouch tha build -" Ing of, Belmont park. and tha (rgnsfer mama oirnne westcnestar association. . !, Mr- Belmont, who .a tha, bead of tha pew " enterprise, wanta tha dataa set aside for ', the Morris park track heretofore, but , uen .riennen Morria ey no. Ha wanta , .mo aatea for um New Tork Jockey right belong to tha track and hot '. can be assigned , for tha Belmont park - , track, la by euttlng. jlown tha allotment - of tha other metropolitan concerns, and i- ' -'each of these declare that they Hare not - a day they caa a para, Inasmuch tha "-. racing period In this Stat Is limited by , , the season oannpt be extended, even anr or me reoognissa traces warned --Kdetee before or after the present season; - whir1!, they do not. . , ? tt 7: tiara la the problem 'which "confrenla , the atewarda of the iockey club. -Wow tbe wlU aettlo It flraa will telL- Tha . . beat Judgment of racing men la.that Bel inont park will get the dataa, and tha k . MAmi nam tnmrilnatlon will nm rromat .Out. ' . . , 1 j. - 'the eaaa. t , ..- ..-.--. ) -.. v. , IL.U tha alncare wlah of aaatara rae .ina.nian lust a9 wraiern auuutfn niin . aaema to ha little hope for this coneum matioiL'la. fact, sawa from aouxcaa which may be conaldered rellabla la to tha- effect that racing will begin at -t. the- Panama track early next month, and 7'tflth a firet-claea tot of horeea. t t "un daratand' that tha new Jockey club will formally organlaed next week,-and ; that- It will - certainly ' include- Panama ' park.' New Orlaatie, Eaaea. -'park." Hot ' ' "nrlnga, Churchill Dowoa, -s taouiavllla, - Hawthorne land-.: Worth .and perhapa W'BBhlngton park. Chicago, with Lexlng c .''ton. Naahrille. Kanaaa. Qtyjand .tTnlpn - nark, Bt. loula. atrong probaotllUea, With auch a liat the weworganlaaHon -V - will be a powerful one.- If tha war doea i not become toa bitter ,' It la thought hare -j-hat about one year of ftgb -ng will aat- 4afy all handa.".and nest aaaaon a oora- - promlaa will be reached. ' A( r JJew-.eraey and PannaylVahlatnay ' ooon be added to 4ha Hat of racing atataa. ' IJinderaUnd.lbat la bath tatea. hill wo.. --ndar conaldaratlon lagauaina' racing an : 'tha, model or the nawrjorc axaie law, - and with fair chance of eucceea In both. I. am Inclined to believe if auch action 'fa: taken in, New Jaraey.two or more i 'J-track can be made aucceaaful if run Ifor tha email ownera who find tha met- r: rmolltan circuit too etrertuoua. .- ." n Pennaylrania both Philadelphia and . .uPlttaburg could eaatly aupport flrat claaa r' tracka and hava high ciaaa racing. -. ! i Dna effect of Jeroma'a - lata cruaade -'rgalnBt gambling, la to liut tha arnfy of tmit. which inf eat thla cltyjin the way ,.:of having to go- to work if there la not a let up pretty-aoon. What ue haa the . honeat elllxen for tha "aura-thing," ao i liberally advertised if tbara ia- nqM,aca '. '.to olay It? ' ' .. 1 1.'-- ' '' For aeveral ' montha ' there haa "been T i eonelderable UllT of Senator ijoaepb W, -Bailey of Texaa breaking into the run r'nlmr came. It la true that he haa con. '. t em plated auch a move and haa taken A In aeveral head of runnera but ha will -'make no particular effort for tha prea- ,eht, aa ha regarda it a rion nan a game, and clalma not .to have enough ready ' caah to make a eucceea of It. According , to hia notlona.' aa axpreaaed during hla - laat vlalt to Loxlngton, Ky he thmne ,-r that for a man to .-make a -aucceia at r . breeding Thoroughbred he muat have aj , .'lat $100,009 whlch he la prepared to a , olnk In It, 4 talIlon.or great repuUtlon Tand at leaat a acora of high claaa, well trld brood marea to begin with. Wlth- , . out auch -a foundation. Senator Bailey rdeclaraa, it. would be uaeleaa to eompeta inaalnat auch eatabllahed breedera aa 1 -9, Hn It girt, owner orHhe Rancho del Paeo ' land Ehnendrf WdajAugut Belmont of. Ti the4 Nuraary. . atnd. J. R. Keen, of .the , Caatletori atud. Milton Tung of the Mo' Qrathlana atud and ouitn or that cUaa. Vt-lrAJf TO SCBBT KBUOBT.' -, ' ' '' (Joornel Rpeelal arvle.1 . . Iawrene.' Maaa., Jan. 27. The Weat -Knd Athletic club of thla city haa ar- ' 'ranged a grxxV ca rd of flatlo everita for the entertainment or Ita patrona tonight. ; The wind-up will bring together Ttaimy BuHlvan of thla city and "Honey" Mel 1odyr tha white welterweight -champion rf New England. The agreement calta for a 15-round conteat at 143 pounda. . ; .. iuiB wa. oonaur. raToz.T. vlea.) ' , ! , IT. BelfleltJ il. -( ('earaal Special Strrletv)) XI - Brockton, Maaa:, Jan.: , IT. Belfleld i Walcott. brother of the . welterweight champion, -and Harry' Connolly of Boa--ton are to furniah, tha Main bout of 10 rounda attonlght'g boxlpg ahow. of tha .'Brnrkton Athletlo clah. ' Both men are ' hard hlttera .and a lively conteat la ax ' pected to reault. ' . ' -.y . , The Mcmben of the Tam Art Fellowav Bcglnninit n th Left aiaud --'l '". - -- r-... w.n.-.- tri.t-. tr . aw. .' ' , 0010a,. Cerrie llZ iJtJ luLliL.l ' Thf Are Covered Up by a Fake Praft Dy Chicago, But Will - Report at Can Jose. . i Thla ta ,what New Orleaiia -.paper aaia laat weeai . -Mr. rrnx diverted hla. ouatomary retleenca lpng enough. to...aay -4ht tt aaa.jiu, xna reiicana' popular In (lelder, '-and Wan Preneh, the local pitcher.. 414 ot make, good with the Chicago American league ' team, by which orgatilaatleit they were drafted from thla city, they will be recalled and traded. lor Phil Naoeeu and Ira Back, who are regarded aa premier " ball playara. :Am effort waa made to alga Nadaau from tha WtAreeater. Maaa., team two aeaaona ago. hut he would not coma hare, going to Portland Inataad. Da la ona or tha beat outfleldera In tha bueiaeaa. can line out htta with excen- itonai -aocuracy, arts la a leading Daaa- runner.- ; . . "Tha publia will not mlae Joa Rlckert whan they aeo Nadeeu Derform." aald Manager Fraiik. "mm Nadeaa la a good fleidaa and fa at baea-runeivan4 he wlU nt in left flald nicely.' He may. not be able to throw aa wall alXlokart' bat la a arat-eiaaa ana reliable man la every particular. . . . ... s ,,. "Beck" formerly flayed aeoond baae for Shrereport. Ha la ana .of the bard aat and peat ! h!ttere"ln minor league company, aod , oaa ba - relied t oa to atrengtaen tha taam." ; . ' t What doea 1 thla meant Atg. and Preneh. whom1 McCreedle haa traded; Nadaau and Beck for., are both drafted by the. Chicago .Amertcaw-league , club. In tha event 'they, ahould make good. wui t-eair-e(i The above linn guwarod In the Baa Franclaco Bulletin and aa tt la of Inter- eat to. tha local tana -It la reprlntetf nere. in anawer- to the final query-lt may be atatod that tha auppoaed draft of Ata and Preneh la merely a eubter fuga on the part of Manager-Frank te prevent the . actual - draft i of theae playara. Theae; two men will not be Slven a chance: to make good with omtekey, iut will report to McCreedle at Saa Joae on the flrat of March, .Thla falce drafting haa been a regular pro oeedlng by New Orleane ta the eaae of Ata, for the paat, two -or three yearer roniMua, wm gi maaa two piayera, GIRlis BASKETBALL i : 7 ' : TEAM AT-WILLAMETTt T (lieclal tnapatrh to- The Joaraai) ''; Willamette TJniveralty, Salem. Or., Jan. ,17. The college glrlaV baakatball team for thla year la - eompoeed exclu elvely of new piayera, but during their two weeka of practice they have devel oped wonderfully, hnd they bid well to equal the famoua chamrklnMp team of lioi before .the aeaatm'tk over. v, . The Willamette girla are playing uni aer ine regular gin a ruiea inia aaaaon, lnatead of under the boya' rulea, aa they have- alwaya done before, and 'aa. the other alrla' teama of tha. ata ta do.' An attempt la being made to'; Introduce- the gtrla' ruteg generally; .aa they are much more euttable t glrlg playinf than the mtm'a'ruie." rv .r .'J- ..i - The girla will hold a meeting ahortly. when tnajr win aeiect a captain. 7. ; AMONG THE BOWLER; The Gold Leaf team took' brace laat evening and' took the' flrat two gamee from tbe Bankera, The Bankera eap tured the third by the email margin of three pine.. The Hold .Leaf a all rolled good form, the loweet man on . the team having an average of ilt. . Hinne kamp had the high average oa the Cold Leaf He la a new "bowler, but he la putting up the game br a veteran. Cap tain Capen of the Bankera had high av erage, lot l-. Capen la certainly hlL- ting them right. - He hoida the high In dividual average in the league ao far. Capen -alao had .the high alngle game, making Stfln hla flrat game. . Z The next league match will take place Monday . evening, January JO, ' between the Gambrlnua and Pin Knight. Tha Pin -boya are kept pretty buay these aya. A number, of ladlea are. learning the game: Meaar.Adam, Brldatad. Dean. .and Vial are 'frequent vleltora at the alleya. ' and they are much takeu up. With the game of -ten pine. --? xne acorea or iat- nignra match werer 1 .' t - Oold ,ltar tUtttti Ave, Rnwe . ..........10 114 lS--J70 t-1 Hlnnekamp . 1R3 178575 1-3 w. uioaaet ....... on ib - Siebela ........ 177 160 HI uaiuara -.,. ,114 16 ll 117 2-t toUlt ; J..,.. Banhere- FieUla v Ave.- Arm Ita ge Jonee . 1 lit . 17L. i6t m t-s ...155 It) 111-151 M Caee . Ill 1 , 16417 t-I 171 no 201 j-a Capen ......... .1:7 Total . e e - .til (14 ' 'BASKbTTBAXJ; TOarioatT. ' The flrat rteam ef the local T. M." C; rill playthelr flrat regular basket ball ' game of the' eeaaon. when thtv meet the crack teem from thai Oregon Agricultural college at the aeaoclatlon gym thla evening. The lineup: ' M. C. A." : ---' Corvatlla. turnnd . .-f7 . J- i . . A, i'. Swaa (C) Thornton ......U F'...,,,.,,,, stoke' Lrvingaton ;C. ...4. . Cato Freeman (C) ..'r.avi;'. ;,,.. Stelwer Schramm ......... O ......... . Rinenart naa bxtpbat woobbvb f Jonaal ; SnaHal ImUI ' v .' WoodburnJ Or.. Jan. 7. Ia an exclt- tng gameof baakatball here laat nlaht the WoodbUrn high echool waa defeated by the Tlgera, a local team, by a acore-of to 11. ; Tlie line-up waa aa followa. Tlawa." ' Poalttonj Hi vh ahnni Morrleon . . ..t. .F., , Leach AU'tln VF Walker Price . ...i. C.....,.,,.. Bornev arher ......... . J. .. A. ... . ninn Blackman i..O.., ., Numan IS7 IS ;14. L..i v .... tt tt vi WILLAMETTE 'VARSITY GIRLS' TEAM. Belkriap, Viglet W AUca Sheperd and iLid j'iil FviinD BATTLjuG riELSC." Col." Andy : Mulligan - of Hot . Springs, Has Discovered Sev eral Stars of the Arena. -- v f . ' . '. .::,r-:;i.r JACK JOHNSON IS ONE ', V .MORE1 PROTEGE OF HIS The Hustiine colonel, is now i Said to Have Another Fittlo Star in Chris Williams. c CoL Andy MullgahT who haa dug up many, flgbtara,farooui and otherwlae, claim the dlatipotion ef having discov ered both Battling Nelaon aod jack Johnaon,! the negro heavyweight who wanta to tackle Champion Jeffrlea, Mul ligan oonducta a fighting club at Hot Springe, Ark., and entertain the sport wno winter mere with- many aneeaotea. "In February, - 10I," eaya Muiygan. Battling iNeison waa a casniee n a small reataurmnf at the Springa. He told me he could fight ad I waa avlng my check on day,' and I put him oa in a4 trial bouf at. my club pot long afterward. Tha'Dane made eood with a oulck knock out, ao that I soon gave him two a tar bouta, - both Of twhlch be won.- - Toung 1 oroett vieitea tne-epringa anorriy alter that, and -1 wf e red him. a match with Nelson, but Corbett refuaed because, aa he aald. Battling haa no reputation. Then Nelaon drifted away to '.Chicago, where he won aeveral minor affair. From there he floated- weat-and-hia-riaa .waa remarkable, aa we U know. -1 think that Nelaon fought Brltt tov aoon after hie battle with, CorbetL -II, didn't give hlmeelf time to recuperate after hla hard work In that go. I firmly believe that If ha had waited until spring there would have been a much different story to tell of hla meeting with the California Ugbu weight... -a' - Johnaoarwae In Qaiveaton. Tax., about four year, ago, unknolwn and without a dollar. I Bent hire a ticket to come ta Memp'hla to fight Joeh Milla andut him In training with Bobby Dobbs, which waa the first real Aciantifie training that big buck had ever beds He beat Mill In aeven rounda, and haa never been de feated alnce. Johnson la deter,' a 'great puncher and oujht to dispoee of Marvld Hart easily. How he wouw-snape up with' Jeff Hear I a problem that L.eaanot solve Juet now, but'Je shul.prove-a worthy foe, if Jeffrlea- ever decided to take him on, v.?. .. j ... ., (l. The hustling colonel haa another phe- h6m In Christy WTIIIama, colored, we) trwelht. who recently-b.t JOd Aahe and-who. according to Mulllgaii. wll.out ahlne both Nelaon and Johnson In. the bourse of .time.. . .'TtiJ'k - RACING RESULTS ON c5;: ' CALIFORNIA TRACKS v , - (Joaraal BaecUl Bmes.l . -Ban FTanclaco. Jaif. , n. BesulU at Emeryville yeaurday were as fpllow: . - Three furlongs i m joe won. nypnon Olrl aecond, -Reman Oold third; time, Five furlong Emma Reuboid -won; Yellowstone second Alta .-Oi.;--. third! time, 1:04. .' .' jtfruil:. Six 'fottonge eataa woa,- Biaca' thorn " ieoond, -- Pachua -thlrdp- time. Mile and 10 Yarde war Tlmea won, Barney Dreyf ua aecond. Mr, - Farnum third: time, 1:44."' . . ' Futurity courae piatt won, Edroaun aecond. Bob Ragon third: time. U14. .One mile Royal 'Red. won, --i Eatoy Lltoeeond, The Volt third; time, 1:49, . Aaooi rare. Loa Angelea. Jan. 7v The Aacot Park result yesterday "were-aa follows: Steeplechase,' short course lea won, Draftee second. Declmo third; time, :05. Seven f-longa Rlceful won. William r. secona. (eaa intra, uan in. Mile and an eighth -Arabo won, Wa tercure aecond, Ralph Toung third; time. 1;S3 k l . -. : Seven furlOnga--BeBBl Welfleywon, MetUkatla second, Bahdlllo third;, time. .1.'. i..- --' " . "- Five and a half furlongs Sweet Kitty Bellalra won, Kitty Roark second. Ma ntra third; time, l:0i. -. " Six furlongs EdlriBorough won, .Dod Anderson second, St. Winifred . third; timi.ta4i4, 1: ; .. VILL. MEET TONIGHT : . - IN FINAL TOURNEY The final match In- the Multnomah bil liard tourney, which waa originally te have been played laat evening, will take place tonight,, when Mr, Bank will meet Mr. Seller at I:S0 p. m. The winner will receive the gold medal put up. by the club and the loser the billiard cue do nated 'by; the Brunawlck. Balk-Coilender company, aa a aecond prtxo.-. - DIAMOND OgSTENINCS.- Collie! Deuhof. the Portland boy who received but half-hearted try-out tinder Dugdale last -year. 1 reported to have lgnad With Pete Lehman for the coming aaaaon. ' Druhot la a capable youngster. and under the turorahlp of the "grand old man of the coaat league" he ought I in... mm i i j t - . r. According to Brooklyn papera '-- Jim Morley I negotiating with Ned Hanlon for Frank Dillon. The Loa Angelea magnate 1 alao aald ta have another big league atar twlrler In view, and aa he has. boasted that he will get a man the equal of Newton, the announcement, may Dexpectee any oay.- ', Ruaa Hall ha completed his outfield for hla Seattle club next year, according Seattle papera The three fly chasers re Dusty Miller, Ltfty Llouts and Harry- Kane, a promising young player front) the Mission Valley league. Thin Kane Is aald to be the man who pitched and played the outfield for Hank GrUweld, Ruby Coryell, Ann Sol- . ... Maty Solomon. AT G2ACGE BALL Is EstablishTd feature of Benton School Work and Attend- " . ' .ance Large. t: UNABLE TOXET MINISTER FOR OAK RIDGE CHURCH Work of Extending 'Tax Roll Completed and Sheriff Be gins Collecting Taxes. (BpMisl wspatrh to The faanuLV J CorvallU. Or, Jan., atJLt.Fairmount grange Mali. Just across the river from Aioaar, vougnc ia eemg neia a parentr meeting, given by the achoola of tha county and the grangers. These meet. Ing .have grown In popularity until they are -now established features i ot the Benton county school work: . j metaroa Some. Mlaa Rose Chlpman returned to Cor vallla Wednesday from a month's visit with friende in Portland. While in that eity Mlaa Ch toman had tha aood fortune to draw ll drop-head sewing macnine, navmg .obtained three eouoone at a certain- atore where, one present week la awarded the person holdlna the lucky number. Wlthoa a Minister. The Oak .Ridge Preabrterlan church that haa for many yea re been supplied every alternate unaay-tiy the Corralll sinister, has' bean dronnt k tha ll churcp Of that) denomination. It being Impossible to aeoure a minister ; who ould accept the charge. . driving 10 miles every lot her Sunday, rain or ahlne, to preach in that locality. - For the ores ent the Oak Ridge people will be without minister, but In the spring It I ex. pected that the Preabytery will supply a minister for -that work. .'""-. BWU CwauleieAr TheSeork of extendtnr the tax-roll' of Benton haa been completed by the clerk) and the aheriff .wlU Monday begtn: th work of collecting taxes. ' During the ukuint'mn on xerm aa oierki Virgil B. Wattera waa the first elerki In the state to. complete . the tax roll and turn- It over to the sheriff, and Vie. tor P,- Moaea. during two yeara of his term, aa cierk, , nee kept up the record made by. Mr. Watters aa. being firet In completing .tne work. Harrtsi In .1 lot, and Incidentally Ruaa Hall ia still negotiating for Klrb bun nen, whlcb-may mean that Kane la elated W lrtch tor Seattle. Jlin Morley-ha aigned a young pitcher from Arisona. the country that gave him Dollr" Oray. Thl youngster's-nam -1 ooodwin, ana Is said to be a promising a player a were Oray and Baum when uey nrat joined the Angels,.. Mike Fisher Is annealing a bunch of pitching talent Irf the effort to aecure .-.ll, " - ' --. . . Fltsgerald, now Include.- Ira - HasUnga, -mreman" ntxpatrlck, ; Roy Emeraon, McAfee, of -Oroville, Cat, and Rtrub. . the XThlversify. of California pitcher. .Wlthlsmo, be carried out. five to .pick from' Mike ought Jo get a 1 e. convrsatlon-wlth a' couple of good,, one for bis regular "- . - - Btaff. i. - Beattl haa finally abolished the un-1 Ightly mounUin which .haa been known aa the jltcb ere' mound.Thla mound, haa ueen compiainea oi py every ciud in tne league. Kven apme of-tha Seattle players ... ..Bouivap - - - - flowing on the rlchiand ot-tha KUmatb Jimmy Wlgga. the slant twtrler whol. .v.. . ,k. . rw was i .with Helena In 102. has again been drafted by the big league. ,lt will be rat memo red py the local Tana that Cincin nati took him from Helena two year ago, but he failed to make good. " Thla tlm he has been secured by- Ned I Hanlon IZijSJl Vl-r,W,2,rlTr-n.JVi!'A. I Ch"rlie Swindells, the well-known for. mer Pacific National player, .who 1 re served by the St. Loul club, ia prac tising taw at .Beiungham. He I a grad uate of .. -Stanford University and not worrying ae to whether he play a ball any more or not. i ; : WT- H. - I.uca and "Honasf-JohiTarc- Cloakey are aald to be haying consider-1 talk of th fight between theae two en able difficulty.- In creatine Intereat- lolterpriae over rights of way and water their proposed new Inter-mountstn clr-1 right ha been for naught, and that th 1 . . . I xas or scaur rnn. , (Special Dlapatch te The Joaraal.) . Dallaa, Or., Jan. "17. One more death ha remitted from scarlet fever In Dal las. E. M. Matheney a little son. timer, aged 4 rears, was burled yesterday. YOU CAN INTEREST HIM. , - .i J Any Baas Ter'lfty, - Tou can Interest any man over fifty reara of age In anything that will make um reel tetterr Because wnue ne may not as . yet have ny . positive organic disease he no longer feels the buoy, ancy and vigor of twenty-five nor the rreedom zrom acnes ana pains- ne en. Joyed in earlier-years, ' and he very "hat ur.llv examinee with Intereat any oroo- oaltlon looking to the' Improvement and preservation of hla health. - He will ' notice among other thing that'the etomach of fifty la a very dif ferent , one 1 from the etomach, he pos. sessed at twenty-five. That greatest care must be exercised as -to what Is eaten and how much of it. and even with the beet of care, there will be Increasing dlgeattvOj ; weakness , with advancing A nropoeltlon to nerrect or Imorove the digestion end. eaalmllatlon ef food le one which tntereete not only every men of fifty, but every man, woman and enwa or any age, necauee ine wnoie ae cret OI good health, good blood, strong nervea le to have a stomach which will promptly and thoroughly digest whole some food because blood, nerves, I brain tissue and every other constituent of the pooy is entirely the product of 01 aeatton. and no medicine or "health" food can possibly create pure blood or restore snaky nervea, .when a weak stomach Is replenishing the dally wear ana tesr 01 tne nooy rrom a miaa or rermeniing. nair-aigeaiea rooa. . - No, the etomach Itself wanta help and In no round-about way either; it wants direct, unmistakable aaalatanre, such aa ta given oy one or-two Btuart a Dyspep la Tableta after each meal." These tablets cure etomach trouble because their use give the stomach a chance' to rest sad recuperate: one of eiuarrs iiyspepaia laoieta contatna ul aestlve elements sufficient to dlnwt 1 loo grstne of ordlnaryfood auch .. aa bread, meat . etc. '" The plan 'of dieting a simply another name for atarvstton, and the use of pre pared fooda and new tangled breakfast loons simpiy maaes matters worse, any ayspepiic wno naa tried - them anowa. . ... . . Ae Di." Bennett ear", the only reason I cn imagine why Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tableta - are not universally used by everybody who Is troubled In any wav mr uigaauon ia Decauaei many seem to think that because a e la advertised or la aoM In people edicine drna stores or la protected bv e trade mark muat he a- humbug, whereas ae a matter of truth any druggist who ia ohaervant knowa that SluaM' ftynpep sis Tablets have cured mere pebple of Indigestion, heart burn, kesrt Irouhla nervous prnatrstlnn and run down con dition generally thin all the patent med tof I icine ana oociora prescription atomach trouble combined. . rcrifi-ATin:! mni llUllUflllUII II (III CCriES TO AMEKD PelceDlclared Between Cov- i ernment and-Private Enter prise In Klamath County,' UirrtKblM I ItKKI IUKT is Covered by each 1. Both .. Projects to Be Rushed Through to Completion in-1 ;'-;-r.r..iM. Near Future. - (BperUt Dispatch to Tke Juoratl.) 1 Klamath Falla. Gr.r Jan. 7-What has been termed a fight between the govern ment and the Klamath Canal company at th I place for Irrigation right ha at last practically adjusted Itself.' The government official .claim that th great; eat portion 01 me, ngni naa oeen in .tne newspaper and that in reality here wa never any conflict between the tw en- I temiises. 1- The government repreeentatlves main tain that they now-hava their plana fully completed In every detail, and that the I canal nor none of its laterals cover tbe I same grounda or conn let witn tne aur avys of the canals and laterals of the t Klamath Canal oompafir. 1 '' f t ne govvrnmens expects 19 prwmi with Ita work of reclamation the earn a though th Klamath Canal company were not. In the field. When , aeen today bx a- Journal repre sentative, T. H. Humphery. local gov ernment engineer In charge, aald; Pteeeed Without Delay. Tou may rest aaaured that the gov. ernment Irrigation project in' Klamath county will proceed without delay. Noth ing on earth will now interfere wttn tne plana aa mapped out. The United State I senate haa passed the bill aaked by th reclamation officer, the Oregon legis lature haa dona the same and I. have a telegram from Sacramento today atatihg that the bill would pass the California legislature' today . Of 'tomorrow, without opposition. 1 - - 1.. . - - 'Congressman Mondell atubDornness will not retard Klamath irrigation. I have telegrams from Washington to the effect that it la not-.beileved-that-Monr dell will be able to block the passage of thebUI.!' , . - -- ' l -iSir.'.- rBui"i -""continued Mil Humphery; "e'hould Mondell' even succeed In staying the pessage pf the bill; it. will not. for one moment' stay the work, of - th gov ernment project in Klamath. Fall. Ore gon .-Is. entitled to r the appropriation. Klamath -county la the favored apot. TH government 'official all -favor It' and the work will go right on because the money will-be forthcoming, by the time It 1 needed.'"- - . ' .'' . . . . .1. ft f.MA,V ,11 wuum nww .fjv.r ,11,, luaiii.m county 1 to have two gigantic. Irrigation systems. That the government project win be: gfTio-TJierg emg to be-.B que .. ,1 tJ 1 ...... 1 ;a w .1 V.' , I . . . - .L.- . . 1 I 1 y th,t t company a project will Journal rep- J resentativa "today, Mrrown, aald: I,", - Oaaal Oompaay VateooheeV-x , i -. Oaaal Oompaay -uon, nt the laws naaaed b eonaraaa or the leglelaturea of either fallfornla I or Oregon-ha-affeoted . our .in tares ta. i 0ur m,B r busy at work carrying out our plan. and;w expect to have waUr w. have eohtracta with a laree number of property ownera to furnish them, with water, and we expect to fulfill all of our obligations.- Our project will not In any way interfere with the navigation of any couMy rwe do not entertiln .Ty tin that we will have-frouble with the gov- ernment on thla point." We shall carry out our plana lust aa though the gov- ernment" bed not entered- the Held, and we aee no reason wpy tne. two projects should conflict." T . ! " armoay VxwrallaU. . ' j "!f Thus it would appear that all of the . . .!. ...lAn. V. . . ,il(n,tftA ,tlt two Instltuttona haye - adjusted their Imaginary differences by fettling down to business. And It all worka out for the beat Interests ot the property owner of Klamath county. By each of theae Institutions going ahead on an inoepen dent basla -a portion of the people WH.1 probably get water at an earlier date In act, all of them, aa a clash In the Courts and long drawn out litigation would maaa- an inoennuej oeiay. in con' ummatlng either pf the project. BIGGEST YEAR FOR CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR (Jourul Sserisl. Rervlee.) vt T NewTork. Jan. IT.X-Tlie United So ciety of Christian Endeavor Is in receipt of reports from all parts of the world showing that tbe fear 104 was th best year - that th .Endeavor movement has ever known In the 14 years of It history,-In it spread throughout th world. In application of It principles. In its conventions. In 'Ita outreach Into .new fields, into hivherto 'Unknown lands sand In devotion to the home churches.! In the Japan- union there are III societies, ef which tt are Junior organisation. In no part ef the world has there been greeter progress then In Africa. Qreat Britain, next to the United States.: has the largest number of societies -of any country of the world more -than 10c 000. The movement le alao - making rapid progress In Australia, New Zee land, India and other distant parla of the' globe CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP " OF ASHLAND IRON WORKS (SserUl Dlapatrh ttf Tke JearaaL) . Ashland. Or., Jan. 17. A change of ownership In th Ashland dron work removes a aivagrvemenc as ine policy to oe pursued since tne Tire lest fall. and the company will now, rebuild on extensive grounds owned by) it near the railroad track. T. W. Younger of Port land, A. Younger end Oeerge WHd have sold their stock In th company to D. B. Provost. M. McQrath, Charles Jone and Mf- Mayhara of Dunsmulr.i - A" large amount of mohey will be 'expended in the pew plant . . . J . . - - ' - ' inrBssmaB urmu.: ' (Special rH.Mtrk to'Tke Joaraal. 1 ' Spokane, Waah. Jan. 17. Henry Orar. the Jananes murderer ef the Chinaman Sam Chow, waa baptised by a Japanese missionary ia hie cell at the county Jail Wednesday. ; The- rite of baptism wa administered by Rev. Mr. Tsuruds, a mtnlater from Resttle, who hss been to visit the prisoner eeversl i tlmea Orsr appears quite cheerful and reeelvee fre- qun vlsna.f cn ngnber .of hi cmin- Kt J III 1ft. ;i ?THQpSANbS; BENEFITED j(7 " ' BY OUR POLICY, i . , , L-'C roP 1,1 poetattitin j'your age and wj will' irulIyouv ' r; full particulars how to protect your family and build up -. an esute iov yourself. '- - " . ; AGE 25 , 6 CENTS a day saved each , tor ?i,uw.w and guarantee you a GOOD INVEST MENT. r ... Insure - OF NEW Write for nartiriila ra ' BLAIR Ta SCOTT, T i , . ; ; PT T "T r - 5 ; " i inevvasningt - HARRY B. SCOTlVAeency Director, J e09, 610, 611, 62 and 613LChafh. of Corn. Bldg.," Portland,, Ore. IF YOUfHAVIt CATARRH plate. For Sale KAISER WILUEirj Emperor's Forty-Sixth Birthday Observed Throughout th 1 Length of Fatherland.: MILITARY REVIEWS ARE - FEATURES OF THE DAY SovereignjShows Marks of Age fand ia Hair li Streaked". '"; With r.rn- ' ' - i.'(jearaal Bpectal Servic.) . Berlin, Jan. S7. All Germany united today In paying honor to) Emperor Wil liam en the, aaesion ef ls th' birth day.' Military reviews were jisld in- all the thief, cities of. the empire, and iu churche. of all- denomlnatlona there were epeolal thanksgiving-aervtcee this morning. In -th capitio. th .bank and xchange. offlcea and shop were clooed, the street decorated with flaga and bunting and crowded with people, i- - During the course, of jihe moralug Em- reror. William and the imperial -family ttended aervlce in the chapel of the oastle. -'- Later in' the day the emperor received . congratulation presented by all -of ,tha members of the diplomatic. corps., .including Ambassador Tower. Qreat 'fclaiv' have been .. made for the court reception thla evening: ' "t Emperor William haa now been on the throne-17- yeara and the strenuous life la' beginning to tell -on him. During the laat . year or two his hair haa become streaked with rrav and hla -face shows the Imprint of theeroWai feet," - Those acquainted . wiur the everyday.. life., of the emperor ere not surprised that he le beginning to - shew tracea of age, dawt not so much to advancing years aa to his abnormal activity of mind and body. liraddltlon to tbe carea of atate. which are aufflclent. In themaalvea. to bring the average mortal ton early grave, there appear to be a beolutely nothing great 6r email that does nor' engage the at tention of hla imperial highness. When not engaged with the great problem of tate he finds time to. design warships, paint pictures, write . books, criticise play and. music and attend to tbe moat 1 E ' V 1 GERr.lAHY HONORS . i i-- . i, . . conpmy dbays: T We W BUY "HERE that eclipse the mightiest: competitors, and from stocks that are fully $20,000 too heavy for this time of ..... ;-::.,s ' . 500 of those fine - Tweet! - and &ssimere Suits ' left from our regular m Tortland. at Any Young' Jim's Suit regularly; for $9, $10 YOU CANNOT AFF0HD C3-C7 Third Ct., P r ;. ..Q1 .-. swaw - aTjaw-xeawamaataeaaan. 'n ; r year will PROTECT you Why be without a Policy? with ' ' on YORK. I - : 1.' ' :. General Manager. Tea saa be eared folckly If yea ass SB. Be KUZII'I CAlAM-CtriX hrl eaw. 1.M., 1 by UUE-OAVIS DSUG CO. minute detatla, relating to the array, navy' the courts and .the commercial'' aad In- dustrtal affaire of the empire.. . , withal he find-tlm to pay the moat devoted attention to ma-large and inter eating- famlly.A pare de'.'famtUe,- the emperor, le something quite different from his publlo self. - True, he remain th autocrat there, but while he lb rathe- severe 1 with hi children and never al lows disobedience to go unpunished even In the ease of tbe crown prince, who haa : not attained hla majority, he 'let e all of them have their full measure ef fun . nevertheless. - , ;"' ..--.;- -v .... ., " Those best acquainted with the heme 111 of the emperor "dealer that be 1 ' ee devoted to the when he led her to the altar. The imperial eeuplw ' will celebrate' their twenty-fifth annlver arr neat, year end It will be made tha ' occaeioii for grand festivities- through out the empire. The empress Is beloved. by everybody who knowa her, and there is but tone voice as to. her eacellenk qualltlea aa a mother-and wife. - Event the moat rabid socialist haa never been; -known -fa accord her aught but praiae. - -5 - OBSERVED 4N AMERICA. ":T lmbanr Strnbr inays Xeet , Typteal ;. (Joanul Special Sott!, . -. .. Waahington,' Jtn. M,--riag-werei flung to the breese today from the Ger- . man embassy, -on Highland terrace. In celebration ef the birthday of Emperor 4 William, who . waa born January. IT,, lUK't. Thta Av.n(nr the n.nnifi imhii. . nt finrk on' fiternkterv. will host at avilal flamu dlti.' ' ner. - The guest will include, various member of the diplomatic -eorpe and . a numoer or tne most prominent -uer-7; MM Vft.M.Rt.,nf Ih. n1 1 1 ' sfi fpt raNhinaTP enn ! I ; ORATORICAL CONTEST! i (Special Papsfch Tke VosraaL) -' i -ependence. Or., Jan. ST. The local 1 oratorical tryout to aeiect a delegate to; the oratorical contest ef the colleges ef ', (Oregon will, be held In the Monm5uth -chapel tonight for the Oregon state nor mal school.- ; President Jtessler of th.,- norraai naa naa a goia meoei preparea to be given to the local winner. There; are five entries to the contest, low! ' Mlaa Jessie Beard. Mis 1 fol- Altce? Goddard. MUs Francis Drewf A. JS.! Wheelock apd 'Julian , Hurley. -v--. j : folly to Sufferfrom thaF horrible i ue of the night. Itching pile. 4 'e OtntmenV cure, otitckly ana per- 3 nntly. At any drug atore. SO eent. S AT CLEARANCE PPICPS ) efforts ot- our strongest ; the year. $1200 and $1330 lines; in the- house thai sold ! and $ 1 2-dearance Price ' TO MISS THIS SALE mmm 7 1 T " I-. -v i - til .". v.. ..