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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
THJ OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 7. ltzj M v t 1 ... f ' 1 ' ' , . II I tlllV '!.. X X It.: I I ' j. Alteration Prices on SLUTS A --T-W S3 I I -si Hhf - -Supreme slaughter of o a r j, ImmcnM stock ;,. Of -Suit, thousand of 'em to. cbooeY from, . and every i on, up-to-date. '- ' - ( .- i 75. For- All-Wool T. or Worsts r Butt ? til sack or frock atylea, light or dark color, that' -wo formerly sold at- $8.10. '.to 110. ' - - Tor Tailor Mad - Suits, hand-tailored throughout, in pur wool fabric of the beat make, la black,' i blue,"" brown, "tan. drab,. elate, ;:. steal r grays; -als. checks, stripes. .. plalda and "" mixtures', tha form - ar prlea was $1$ to $8.75 Ton of Sulta, hundreds of styles, la svsry slss and hap, for alt builds of men from tt H 14 hirt measure; Imported materials. Journeyman tailored; tha very choicest of good. SuKe that -wa formerly old at S 10.10, tlt-OO and 110.00, . .. For your unlimited choice of ear 000 Suits. 1b single and double' breasted sack, three-button frock, black unfinished worsted Prince Alberts, ate. ; ; some - full Ilk mrA uHUHInMl throushout. The larseht dlSDlav ot styles you ever Saw. Not Suit' In the lot. but what tha former price was 120 to e.o. ; . j suit W Just regetved a half . carload c 8 u 1 1 Caaea and Telescopes. Alteration Price an all $1.00 8ult Caaea will be. .........U. ....... .$1.45 14.00 Suit Cases will be. ..... $(.00eutt Cases will be. ...... ....... fO.OO 8uit Caaea wHl T... 07.10 Suit Cases wiiroe, $10.00 Suit Cases writ be..................... Alterattoa Frioes ea-It oys',v Tontha' aa tna'i Mti will be exactly Half y-rioe. 1.75 2.45 2.95 3.46kJ 4.T5 Obil- i Gloves Buy .Tight .and Sara Half., .. ,,. . " 25 for SOe' Gloves, all kinds. - . ... -. . 45 Tor lie and $1.00 Asbestos. Sealskin and Rein deer Gloves, .and all other kinds. - "654 for Baranac Horee. 1 Dog or ; Buckskin 11.$0 moves.- . 95 for . our regular $i.00 .kinds. In black' cordovan. : asbestos, .etc.. '.Tha greatest Tallies ever offered.' Underwear: 1 Men's' Winter- jnderwear in sn endless assortment' of weights, - weaves and , colors, They have, got moving orders-rthey must g.-- -""tr.' " . . V" The Alteration Price on all TT1-' . - Iim Winter IToderwear will be. .............55 41.00 Winter Underwear will be. ........... 75 $1.78 Winter Underwear will be.;. ...,..S5e $J.0O Winter Vuderwear will be. UK $1.00 Winter Underwear will be. .......... ...fl.15 ( . winter vnaerwear win se.....i. ...... .f 1.25 Hosiery Jae Cotton Jloe l...,........,......;.JJ loe Cotton Hoee . . . . sk i , r. . ii n Trfft ...... 9 20o Cotton -Hose. .. ,r. .1 .... . . , j . , .... J 4. Jsc Cotton HMe.,,,..,,,.i,, ,...19 1.0a jOstton Hose f. 234 - . This Includes tha famous jWayne Knit and Hub Specials. In fancy embroidered and black, with white feet and double heel and 'toe,. The greatest and grandest assortment of hosiery shown anywhere, at the most tempting prloea ever known. - toe Hfr wot HoMM...j.,...,,-;.r;r,'.8i fSc'Extr. Heavy Metino. .W.-.t, t. . ,.7.T;'..'r. .lli He Heavy Natural and Nagahoe Woven Hose 194 iOc. Wool Hose .. u ...11... :"".'.' ,.....,.214) yvecA- 'c eBSBBBSBBSBBBas - ' Ncckwcah; .Tha Alteration Prtt-ii on every Tie in Tha ' Hub In puffs, tecka, four- ' "la - hands, Ascnts and bows, In tao, 7e, $i.a, , .a, $ r and $i.o valuea,;ii. j2Sc it- 1 Store Closed 4;''; Today Marking? -. Eyeiytibinsf r Down for Our ; ; Great Alteration Safe MailOrd:rs filled with as much' care tts if you yourself were here to select your purchases The eyes of the whole tountry re now on Portland. : . The Lewis mia Clark Fair will be the rrandett! event that! ever took place in old Oregon. Crowds that will exceed our most sanguine expectations will visit us this year. Anticipating rthe corning crowds and knowing that our present store will not be big enough, to hold them, we will begin at once a general alteration of our entire premises Our 150 foot front will be entirely remodeled, interior walls will be removed, and our selling space nearly doubled. A new cash system will be added, aaaiuoneu iignu put u euiu iu wuuis avuivi vuuuuc suiu uiaiuc, wiu caiuci tnuuucicu, ic-painica ana re-paperra, ina wnc n jcompietca in uregon. wiuie tnis work u going on we will run a Sale that will eclipse any ever attempted on will be the most modern Men's Store thirCoastWe are '"pleased to call it THE HUB ALTERATION SALE, nishings will be sold at prices that, will outstrip in point of value all our Previous Sales. Store , win marking dowif every article in stock to Pce that are the smallest that printers' ink ever recorded. $100,000.00 worth of the Clothing. Shoes. Hats and Fur be closed rnday-enJ?.usyin8ide Salo dStarta - Saturday iMornlncr at 8 , o'Clock Store Open (Evenings That All May Have a Chance to Purchase Goods purlng this GrcatfSatc JWe fsVZJ i4 S ir VlLLAPPEA R WHEN REM OQELE0 Alteration Prices' on . .'-..I. . ...;.r- S?oes We are the acknowledged lead ers for good Shoes- at popular ' prices for Portland, and we wilt' positively acrlf lei" our . entire , $15,000 . ateck of - Shoes at tha smallest prices aver known. 1- Tor all the .odd or . amait lota of $!.$$ ,. and -soma $4.00' Shoes. Borne we -have only one: or two. pair of a kind, but the values are there. '. " - $1.48 For all our regular' f 2.kS. $1.10 and $1.71 Shoes. Not a pair .but .what la fully worth J that, and tha beat on earth at those prices, ( i . . . $1.95 For all 'of our' finest $$.$0 Shoes:' every pair Good year .welt and warranted full stock calf and corona colt.' . . . - . t. i .- - "Patent. leather, patent enamel, patent vlcl. box calf, velour,-kangaroo, calf and genuine colt skin, in 00 styles of toes and lasts. Our entire stock, of -$1.00 and $0.00 8hoes art in thla lot-v V : ..': " For your unlimited choice-of ail tha extra fine $0.(0, $7,00and $7.60 Shoes )n the Correct Shapes; the moat select, stocks of leathers known to shoemakers are In thla lot; every pair, hand-aewed. The f Our great Shoe atook contains sll and every of Boot -or Shoe to be. found la the largest snd beet shoe stock of any Chicago or New York houses These are too many -styles and krnda to mention, them all In thla ad. but you'll find Juat what you want at - "'. ' ' ; Half Price or Less - I nest kind Garters- Fr 10 doses regular . lie values. : 1 Handkerchiefs : ,10e Linen Handkerchief a. ... .....t. 24 1$V L4nen Handkerchiefs. .4 lie Mnen Handkerchlefe,. ....$ lie Mnen Handkerchiefs. tie Lten Hsndkerrhlefs,,,..,,,...,,t.,....19 (0 L.lnen Hsndkerchlefs.,,.,,1,,..,.,,. ,,..84 Bilk Handkerchiefs 20c. r Take your ehc-lea of all aur ' $0. 7$e ' and $1.00 Silk Handkerchlefe. . ; . j ... . . mumbrdimm r: Br the carloa'd at leee than the coot of manufac-i .... - r ,, - -.. J .1 turr. ; Altera vi on rnces on . , . it : ji $0c Umbrellas will be.t...... ,.,... ..........2S4 70c Umbrellas will be. -.B6 $1.00" Umbrellas -will be.. ..... ; . . VV. .T.' $5 $1.10 Umbrellas will be.;. ... ., . . . v. l.;.,.r,.TSO $1.00 Umbrellas will be. .,, ............ f -9B $10 Umbrellas will be.J, ......,fl.3K $0.00 Umbrellas will be $1.65 -$aJ0 !Tmbrellaarnt iavi.".-.y . $2.45 't'f SHIRTS ' We have mora Shirts than all the stores combined show,. and our Alteration Prices . will be aa follows: ' For your choice of (00 sample Shirts, some slightly U. : soiled; values up to IJJJQ, Nuff sed. ' - , , 35c For your choice of 100 dosen Mount Hood Shirts, .','. - . regulsr 7(o value.;-- (' - ; :' f V Alteration pytcOa on ' ; , . ;'j , $2.(0 and $1.00 Dress Shirts wlll be. ,OB $1.(0 and $1.00 Dress Shirts will be 65 .IThs Alteration 1rlca on all" ,i ' ''---''.V i , " 11.00 and $1.(0 Negligee Shlrta Will be. . .85 $1 1 snd $1.00 Negligee Shirts will be. ........ 6K 00c and 7(e Neglige Shirts will- bf r.,l..v,i,.45w (00 and 0(c Negligee Shlrta .will b.'..,,....,..S6r Tha Alteration Price on all ' . .,';..' (1.(0 and $100 Working Shlrta will b. ....... .5 $1.(0 and $171 Working Shirts will b....,r....7Sv (.$( and Ol OO Worklng Shirts will be. ........654 OOo and 1(o Working- Shirts will bo.-.v. ; .45). 00c and (OaJWoxking Hhlrta will be. , ."..i. . ,,.85 blankets: and . Comforters will go at exactly. V Half Price Y - during our great , Alteration Sale.' Alteration-Dan y::-Prices" oniT&Mil-O x j; -All the stores of Portland combined i could . not possibly show ss manystyles of Pants aa The Hub, end we have put . the knife to them nd cut prlcea to tha very quick. Pasts at Jess than. . the cost of sewlnr ". i . -'" V , '-,. ." j ' -; '. -f-t-v---.-jT-"', ... ,1 , s&r-" For your -coictt 000 pairs of Pants,-In worsted :nd' casslmeres, stripes, checks' and plalda; every .. .... , i . pair worth f,rora $1.1S to $10.0.1. 1 For your choice of ', $00 pairs' of very fins sample .' -v, ; --s Pants .worth up to $1(0. '- A , ' For your choice of $00 pairs of Tailor-Made Pants. In blacks, blues and grays; fins tweeds, cheviots and serges, made up In the earn atylea as our Famous Hub ' $1.00 -Pants - are made. - If yon ' need "Pants. -. , 1. i better ae them. ".- ' -y' $3.45 For your choice of 000 pair's of 4he vary Tlneat Bngllah worsteds. Bedford corda, Reading hairlines, Waskunk Mills, double twlated worsteds, etc. Tha, u greatest pants vslua' ever offered anywhere, .-r m. , ' " $3.45 Olvas you pick and choice Dtk. 100 pairs of fine English' tweed Bannockburne'chfevlotssllk and wool worsteds, -la pin dot erf ecu and neat atrrpea; every; pair la an actual $0 00, $C.6 and $10.00 value. Every -pale -hand -tailored- throughout and guaranteed to fit snd give perfect sstlsf act Ion. j - .. : .. . Sweaters : :: i SS.00 Sweaters, $1,901 .. .They have got fo go, Alteration Prlcea on all ; .. $0.00 Sweaters will be. .$2.49 $0.00 Sweaters Will be. .......... 4" ...'. .1.0O .$3.00 B westers will be. .... l .$11. 45 $1.00 Sweaters; will 6e v.. f ....... 1 . ,1, . , ,.. . .$1.25 ' ' '' ' (Cardigan Jackets ' For -all. irtO an $100 Cartfgta Jackta . " J" For all $1.00 Cardigan Jackets. ( , ; For Vour unlimited choice of Ony Cardigan Jacket In r - i our house worth up to $7.(0. Alteration fprlcesjoti Overcoats t.000 Overcoats of every atyla known - to the ' tailoring u n I . verse, made for tha finest, city trade, - now be- -Ing slaughtered 1 at prloea that will clean them out quick. . . ' mm Whlla they last all the , $0.60 to $10.00 Over coate, in . gray, black ' and blue , will go In this great $i.( o. , - A . . 1 ' Y Overcoats . b y the carload light colors, medium . color .. and dark colors 1 In box "styles, f .Raglans, & belt, backs. - In .. (ill lengths, Crava-I nettes. etc. a In jfact all Coata which we form- , ,'erly- sold from 111; are in this sreat -"' - $.7( lot. For silk," satin- or .double warp aerge lined. Imported materials. In "Cravanettea, Raglans, 'Boulevard Box Coats.' (JJnch Belt, Back Costs- snd ttusslsn Great Coats. - Not on in the lot but what ths former price was $l$.oo to $12.50. All these fine Coats In' ... .u.. , thla magnificent assoHmentst $$..7(.f ;' For your. unlimited choice of (00 of the very newest styles In Prlestlys,.'Cravanettes and New Cut Belt 3ack Cots,TtiBr(dsomelytallored. trtmmed with -the ' beat of silk and satin linings, others -Italian clottu. soma - worsted, and serge linings. - Positively the. finest lot of Coats shown In Portland this season, . All . are In- at this wonderfully low price., your " 1 -'-T .. choice $U.7(. ;., '.Viw ji-; Suspenders - v."v;r .For your choice of 100 dosea Uncle Sem end Preal dent Suspenders, an acknowledged (Oc -value vory '. t' - .' -where. on earth. -A.. '--. ' l" ." ' aaav kae "' .. .4- '- ' ' . ....... -: . 1 - v - , - . Fort your choice oriOO dosen ploneef 0d Bufrpendera. -in-can tsi roller and leather Yrds and endless ss ortment of webs" snd colorings; stso" the . famous 'Hercules snd Fir and Pol lea brands are In K this great lot at Sic. '" 1 M'A 'I. --'A Takearour pick and cholc ofaH u'rJ(cfc IJ.OO and fl.(0 grades of silk and silk snd lisle webs in every , conceivable style of Suspender, known. . Special lie For t0.4osen vreguisr .1(0 grades of- Suspenders.; ' '" " ' Truly a.-great bargain. ' . . e , . Alteration Ca prices on nS Our fin stock of Hata comprises, sll the leading brsndw of the beat known makes that sell from $1.(0 to $(.00. ) The styles' are of the very best. The Sacrifice Prices we quote are not s. bint at . their real value. - Tn extra hat salesmen will be' on hand for this graat Bale. . ; - For all of our odd and sample llneO of $1.50 and $2.00 Hata. '. .' - -'-'.-' - ' Forryour cholc- of '000 sample Hats worth $1.10 and $1.00 Wholesale. ., . -I- V Vf" For choice of all our $1.00. $.00 and OS.OOoff .or. Stiff Hata In . Dunlap. Knox ahd' Touman shspes. -These ar;mostly sample 'lists ahd 'are- the 1 very J -"'.- t ,'iv croamlof; our Hst stock. -,: ; - - '. v r- f. J .: . very bat buyer 1a Portland, t6;ee for his new. hat. This ssls of our. Hat Stock Is an opportunity that For your unrestricted 'choice of any $1.00. or 10.00 Hat In our house. -. This hat Item slone should bring hss never been century. --. i .squaled on the Pacific Coast -in this 1 5 A" '""-) ":.' ;.4--'i..,. Overalls With of without bib, very ' pslr copper riveted.' double sewed' with fist filled aesms, and every pair worth 7(o and (1.00. Mad with to 7 pockets, and guaranteed to wear. Take as many aa you want' ..",'-' Nona to dealers. .a .. xr A --.I As. t.t.