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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1905)
. - . ' A 'ft y 4 GOOD JEVEtmiG, . . , t The Weather. t ' Thl afternoon.; tonight hd frl-f ' , " day. occasional .-outhrly : : . j, .wind, , . :.;,-,.. ' : ' . ' to"'.a :' CI .The Circulation r Of The Journal., ' " " Yesterday Was '5:-::.J VOL. III. NO. iSO, PORTLAND. OREGON. THURSDAY EVENING," JANUARY 8. 1903. FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. EKODEiBOIBS - . - i r Ill Mi 1 THE CZAR BE SASSINiTED UPON THE STREETS OF LIB AU - -. - ... t t. StrikmiMScIdiers licet Death in Bloody Fight , in M STRIKE S EXTENDING - To.; - THROUGHOUT RUSSIA .,jt: r Men Quit Work sitHeval, Riga, "AfiliMf':Tuluv-ilntheUra - nA Alnntr th: Baltic ";. Urara - ISWhile Riot Occur t:: 1, ' ' , . V'-'-.- :'.v. '.,' JoonuJ BpwHll fcrW.) ; . locow,-Jan. (Bulletla) A tel rrm from Xlbau atatea that thatar- 7 ; rorlt hare exploded two bomba on th ' Btryets, .tcaualna a " sreat .;panlo. The y v-amount of damasa'la unknown. - Tha Moacow atrikora today mada W I ndetarmtned ffort to deatroytha cat werka. i Tha Coasacka flnallr repulaed thm. :; , ' -y s;: i-U-J; UaarMl-kaadai a '' ! Moacpw, Jan. JL nht laat nlnt ' betwaen atrikera and aoldlera reaulted in" I t bernona beln killed. The atrikera at- ' tempted to aaaeatbia " in. ,.Kea nquare. Tha Coaaacka attai keil thenv.wltb whlpa and the 11a v of thair aworda; - Tha atrlk- ara thaa fired n tha Coaaaoka, who ra- ,-,Iledv Th atrikera r4rete,, leavinr their dead ana wounaea. . Tha Kremlin haa bean equipped M fortreaa and -made the-headquartera of the, governor-general. -', -? . At Rival tha atrikera lant- nlcht at- tempted to flrer aevera.1 bultdlnga and - were - reatated - by-thafiiwnanji nay lao tried to wreuk-the prlaon and other bulldlnsa. , AU ahopa are cloned today, i 1 At Riga tha pollca have aneartnea - miantlty of revolutionary proclamations., q'hera are now 20.00 men out on atrlka. V Troona are cuardlng the ' CtOrteT-Juet j -TTvtlB-la-oilngfT,bo--troubl Ma ; ---feard.;r Utat nignr waa a, xuromani on, i. i n iH 'in ti wniiniltnv of many atrifevra. -' v. . -J. '. " : ; - t ". ; .7 1 a revolt occurred at Ekaterlncburg. tn ; the-Uret tMmntainayodayr-rTnaber- : attacked tha polloe.' Killing, an omoer. Troopa finally dtaperaad th mobt Many ha va tMMn' arreated. -- " - ' -;.At Vllna tha atrlk conttnuea today, but haa not-yet become- general. The largeat factorle are at 111 working. ' At Tulu a atrike haa been proclaimed, '"and .00e workers", have" qalt. Tula 4a tha Birmingham of Russia. --In several Baltio provinces there have boon, violent dtaordera. ' eepecUlly at .Unlalngfora.. peraons .being Injured . lliorv .- . continue to march th street ahouting - MillHlMI ,V-i .-l-Vi-P-- . - t "A dispatch from lds. Poland, atates that th police ahot a Boclaliat .leader upon- the atreet and. In reullatlon tha revolutionists dynamited buildings and ' threw bomba among the pollca, the fight continuing four days snd a total ot 100 .being killed. " ' SAYS, CRISIS IS PAST. Trapoff, Ooreraor-aeaeral, Seelarae Vh City la at ce. '"Ty-;- V ..' - 1J6drtil tfrtM Service.)! r : 1 - " Bf.'- Peteraburr. ' " Jaw." 16. A report again IS "current ' that Father Oopon, leader of the strikers mob, Is lying wounded In s, hospital v here. Trepof f. It la said, ordered him. carried there and carefully nnrsed, ae h purnoeee - to make a publlo , example of the prleat When he recovers. ;, v . -v In an tartervlew today Trepoff, gor--ernor-generaL of 'St Petersburg. ., ex pressed the opinion that the crlaia was over. He declared there had been on arreats alnoe he assumed the governor generalship. He added:- -"Tha aovernment cannot permit con- i splrators ,to. piet and agitata aa 'they lrba. city la. quiets and there le no In dication of tne recurrenco oi inrewm disorders.',:"',".'',.' : J.t '.V 9t"J ..T.. 7, . " MANY. PROCLAMATIONS, i s ' . . - Beaaads em One Bids, Promisee es the k . Othee mooa fceeele..-.'- ' ' (Joaraat Special' SrVlM. " '"' ; "t- Petersburg,-Jan. General Tre pof f haa Issued a proclamation, paclf Ic . In character; requesting the atrlkers to return to work and to truet to tha csar lorlght their wronga. The proclama tion la' paternal. In tone and promises a revision of tha aeneral lawa ao aa td re- ' etrlct tha hours of labor, the Institution of m state Insurance and tha granting or other demand. ' Tha proclamation con eludes as follpws: " T.T T . , "Workmen ehould asalat the govern ' merit In- Its tranqullllslng task In hvhalf ol the battel mailt ct-tbetrrcondnton. Thht they can accnmnllBh only by hold- Ilig themselves aloof from fomeftters of disturbance, who era alien to the work men's true Interest snd to the country's I welfare tor thenr terorii WTbeir-BraTi nary labor, which la aa needful for tha country as for -themselves, for without tt they, their wives snd children must euf jr distress, and, returning to work, let (Continued en Pege Eight). RUSH FOR . OREGON WHEAT :-- rti-jy"f '',:; .. : ... ;;:..;:M;g; "That there la an extreme ahorlage In the auppllaa of milling wheat1 in "the United States Is easily seen by ' stocks by the great milling center -from pieces whijh formerly sent their , This aaason there nave already n wneat resota oy suropean owyers o nn ior muinv -ac , . nnuiui profit after paying duty on the other side as well as in coming home., -' During the last 24 hour the demand from the east haa shown won ' derful expansion. . Millere and grain dealers report the salea during that period by local people to eastern and 00 bushel or waua .waua wheat, buehel of wheat not now ground. , T Tha calF for flour from tki 'far heavy, and .the number of Inquiries flour miller and' Jobbera U showing X ., In the .laat' Z hour millers report .flour to the south, but say that they nave order for over barrel, -provlftlnThTy" will hade their quotation fronf th present. flgure.u.-.x : With new demand now sprhjgJng up from South Africa, local nrlllr' -'men are not keeping awake nights to net. l - l 1 IXI rS I" nAtv Effect7 ofs Pprtiand Man Who Killed l Himself J and C s Woman at Sani; Frneftcq'. 8r)ow'' .Hl.w'vta HaveT-;'-' Been Cay (Special tMepatrb "to" The Jooriil. -i-,:' San Prauciaco, Jan. 21. When Edward Tldoombe of Portland ahot "himself laat Tuesday, after killing Georgia Nelson, with whom h waallvlnavjinder a prom ise" of marriage, he avenged the wrongs of - four Mother- women, two of .them at least well known in Portland." Another, who -writes from Spokane on the letter head of TV. Bailey, an attorney of Jew laton, Idaho, aignlng heraelf "Jean. Is else evidently a woman of education and refinement--nr letters-of. the other give little elue to her Identity ot station in life. Letters found In his effect how be had loved too promiscuously for four years preceding his 'suicide. Why Tldcombe kept these letters there la nothing to Indicate. '" " J ; ' . "Jfmn- wrote him: V-." V ' '"Kd, my own dear boy for what more could a. girl wish than for that which you have "offered to me-r-aJl irour love. your care and your efforts. - I do not de" serve--it, -darling. Erer since you hsve been away from me, dear, -i have thought of you, not Just aa of Ed, the boy I loved, but aa my own deaf, dear bushand. 'Ton fold me one night that you were, don't you- remember.. ,. .- This letter fell lhte the hand of HALF A MILLION FOR GELILO CANAL . ' WaUlBfto Bareaa f The (oaraaLl JWaBhlngton, D. C. -Jan. ".-Repre- sentatlve Williamson was advised todarl that there is in unexpended balance of 1171,000 -on hand remaining from pre vious appropriations for the Celilo canal. This, added to the 1300.40 authorised by the river and harbor bill, will give nearly 1500.000 to commence construction. - Ae- eordlng to this estimate, tht 1 suffi cient to construct tbe first lock, all but EPIDEMIC OF YELLOW . FEVER QN THE BOSTON - V-- -," '.-..""'.. . ..,-r-r-.- - - - , (Joaraal Special Service.)- Washington,- .Jan. . 2. A dispatch from Consul Gudger of Panama report' n outbreak . pf yellow fever on the cruiser Boston, wnlcn arrived there at 2 'o'clock yeeterday morning. - A- Japan ese messman died yesterdsy. Paymaster Beckett" LleutenanT Lealiy - - and Dr. Kohlhas have mild - cases. - Two other Jspanese and 'Private Lafferty have the fever but have been removed to A neon. Three new caaea are reported. - The Boston, hss been ordered to pro ceed Immediately ' to 8an Francisco or Bremerton. Wsshi ?. . ' -J- ;":. M CONDUCTOR RECOVERS :f GRIP AND. VALUABLES r-(apaHal Wapatckle Tbe Jeoroal.) La Grande, Or., Jan. PassengerJ Conductor Martin Anoeraon haa recov ered hi grip, overcoat and ether valu able art Idea stolen a few. days ago' near Huntington by "m paaaenger, R. Leslie, who pulled the beli, stopped the train and -dropped off with the artlolea. In Bakar City Leslie appeared before tbe circuit court He I an eid brakeman on the road, ana- aald that he thought he could find sufficient ef value to keep him and a friend -during the winter. FIFTEEN FAMILIES MADE . .. HOMELESS BY.FLAMES . V t ilJourtial Special Srrviee.) . I , yew Tork. Jan. 1. f te -t his- mern- tng destroyed Is frame houses on Cauld wll avenue In the Bronx, and rendered more than 100 person homeless. Many suffered bitterly from th told, a Loss, I m,000; i...-, . . ,, '. .;: -r- - sVASmSI CA2UCTT JasWXOSrB. .-. ; ,' (Jeeraal Sperlal Sevric.)' Madrid, Jan, 2 The Bpanlah cabinet resigned today. Thq reason 1 unknown. the heavy demand being made for of the east and middle west for stocks "surplus "supplies to foreign coun- bsen three full cargoes or waua waua middle west firm aggregate 10,-' X wnue tnere t a oemana iot every " " ' " . "' aouth - 7Alabama nd Georgia 1. vejy. from ..that aectlon received by local a vast Increase jlurlng tha. paat-day the aale of more than 7.000 barrel ef find way to sell their surplus prod- Z r. I " I J -1 P I I MANY WOMEN Lothario. ?r - .;7 Georgie' Nelson a fid she sent it back with thii warning: ". . -y, J. '.- ' Jean Bailey: while looking through some things of Ed'r I came acroas a letter from you to him and I read it Ed and 1 have been-engsged to be mar ried quite a long time, and would have been married before this time had "not had Vvery .severe "Illness. .," 1 see that ye bave truated hira equally a much a 1 did, but ha has deceived both of us torrtbly.t '-f9;-'myvJ T-But-befor Jean received this and sent It -to Tldoombe she ' had -sent him this, the postscript to. a long epistle:. , Ed. I lust want to tell you 'one little "thing oh,--so , badly , l-wnt to itut my arms, a round your dear week and whleper it In your -ear, though, can you guess -what l ls. . . I suess my prido has deserted me." - ,. . - - - Bern tee and Mabel write In much the same strain. In other letters, that, too, evidently fell In Georgia "'Nelson's hands.' "Mabel' la Identified partially as the daughter of a. wealthy family of Portland, and spoke of the end of . her treacberyv-T Another letter from - jean Indicates that she had knowledge .of his treatment and-the-belief ia that he urged him to be constant to the latter. if?y..t? the gates.. It seema probable tsonsUueU I tion will begin next summer. RepreeefiUtlves -Williamson and -Oil- lett had a conference with Speaker Can non of the house of representatives to day and obtained his consent to call up tthe blir permitting tbe us ot Klamath And other .lakes. In southern Oregon and California, In connection with the Kla math Irrigation project' The.bll may come up next ifeelc - . f SOLDI VW Ja202rWAT2CAjr. - Colfax, Wash... Jan. . 2. Electrician Chapman held Off- foolpad by having a gun, which he -pointed, at: the would be robber when he wa ordered to bold up hi hands.'. The footpad ran.- . No clu. r ' T : .'? TO MAKE FOOTBALL : FELONY IN NEBRASKA Representative Cunningham In V. eludes Its Votaries Among ii : Criminals In His Bill. r. Woorssl Speelat Sr?ke.V ' Lincoln, Nob., Jan. 20. RepresentaUvs Cunningham yesterday Introduced In the bouse a bill designed to make the play ing of a game of football a. felony, the second offense of which provides a fin ranging from 150 to 1100, and the first time Imprisonment In the equtity Jail from 20 to to day. No effort is mad to discriminate between . the different forms of the rams. . -....j,.,... The bill is sweeping In its terms, and Includes the actual players as wsll as those who aid and abet them In getting tip TtameT which" Includee the referees and umpires. - ' Chancellor Andrews snd othsr mem. ber of the faculty of th univeralty are opposed to the measure. There Is much sentiment 'agalriitt the bill" among' the members ef the house, despite the claim of Cunningham that he will have a ma jority with htm In the right The farm-, er member are counted on to aid him. while the young representative era gainst the measure -. j THREE CURIOUS STORED mm TefroristsTightingOrgan tioirCoiKfcmnslra REBELLION CRUSHED : .rvlfj RUSSIA'S CAPITAL Violent Crowds of Starving Strik- ere -. Marching Through St. ' tereburg Forcing thelj Workmen to QuitTTJ3 v .-'..,- '.?' -' ,V" ' "' !'-. .-..t'-1-., (Joaraal Special Service.) rl rT Btr Petersburg Jan. -26. The Boye vaya; the' fighting organisation : of the terrorist . party-,' has ust-endemnd the esaf. to death. After 'the death ' of Minister TIehve. " which .was due to this organisation, the- party Informed tha csar that he was not aimed at'....' --..:. . The change In the organisation's pur-posejls-due to the cser action-in;, hav ing allowed the people to be ahot when they belUtved they -were ", going to a J peaceful meeting. ' ' " , - r '. i Beven students, leaders of the revolu tionary "movement in the .VaasUl island d is trlct.wreJ J put JHo-Jleath Jy.. the atrikera, who suspected the students of treachery. The students were strangled hi a secret subterranean meeting place. ' It later transpired that the atudenta were liftiocent " Trepoff has Increased the grip, on the district of the government-- All the pub llo -buildings - are closely guarded. - A watchful, eye is kept on every . move ment of the strikers.? who are walking tne streets mis morning. i wTlie official bulletin-thle - morning ays that there waa no disorder yester day and .that' work haa been- resumed tn some factoriea y ? . -v 1 'r- Owing lo falling funds,' thousands- of the strikers are" on the -verge or starya tton. . Provisions are scarce and. price high.- The strikers!' committee Is unable to supply the relief heeded.-giving the men 15 cents a day and 1Q cent extra for each member of the iamllyy :f-jL- The. employer -meet today i to discuss the advisability of conceding to Jh de mands ot .the .striker .-I 1 . . . BWbeUloa Crnahed. , -. '.. Tit leant thousand troooe continue to guard the approaches to Tsarakoe Belo, and the indication are that -the rebellion Is completely crushed for the present. ---Troop were x withdrawn from the streets during the night Several news paper have reappeared. The authorities tnring to persuade shopkeepers to open mir piwv vL'HvustiicBs, gMfri suit ing them agalnat. looting. - A violent crowd of strikers sre maroh'f tng through town forcing the -workmen to quit .' The strikers nave-partially destroyed-telegraph communication, ON TRIAL AS SLAYER - -OF MRS. SCHAEFFER . ' (Jovrsal Special Service.) i Bedford. Ind., Jan. 2. The prelimi nary hearing ef Frank Evans and Elmer Browning, charged-wttbJhe Murder 'of 8arah- flchaef far,, was begun this morn ing. - -More than 100 witnesses . are called, and an Immense crowd I in at-tendance.-. .... . -:.!..,.-,..-, LILLIAN RUSSELL RAPS MRS. STUYVESANT FISH Refuses' to Play TtheV Clowrv at : New York Society Leader's Home' for ' $2,000 .'"--l " v ' (Joaraal Sperlal Servlc.) - New York, Jan. 2. Without mincing matter, Lillian Russell has announced that. " clrcumstsnces," would he' appear mt Mrs.-Btuyvesant Fish's party Friday night with th J'Lsdy Tea sis" company. Miss Russell said; , "it 'should refuse., to appear at any, one's horn 'as a paid performer rlown to amuse th guests after a dinner, It would place me In menial position, which 1 can avoid by refusing to go to MraTlah' house. ' "I hsvbeen entertalnedJ!oLj(onie..ot "quite as' 'much Importance , ae Mrs. Flah'a It la ?ne matter to perform on the atage of a theatre and another to appear in private W henM rs. lah. ji greed, to paylil Ottl.Vhsw vtt. Tor the transfer of "Lady Teasle" from tha Csslno to her heme, no mention was msde to Miss Russell of , tha matter. Mrs. Fish, when told of Miss Russell's rVlews about appearing, replied: - "I am not aware that Mis Russell ha been asked to ing for my. guests." r v. : " mmzM ORANGE CROP OF Frost Nips the Trees of the 'Southern Peninsula Ships AshbreT - ; .. or Atlantic ,C0ast- Whole of the East Is i.rt pjj m Crasp-: of Fur lour Bjiiiard;""-'TV"V' ' BELOW EE BO, ntiiiuarrk, Ji. V... I'slro. Ilt-.i.... Dodce. KB t..... rriy,F.Rv OB ABOVE. 24Portlui4 ....,...... relBnffilo ...A.-.-iT.i.-,. e , siniarleeton,-U. 8.,.1 Ktiiuonton. ,Ai ,,.,..iinniciro KlklllB. W. Vs. ... Jturon. B. D.-.....-..MiriaslrfI K.uil Clt . .....lOIMnuitU.- Arl. Moorneaa. midb .v.zaiuiiie nnra. Ark Omah .r. ...IKINhw-York Ht. Lottie St. Paul - lnilifleinDia ..48 4 Bereatesr fsVr "Xt Wseultilton '.rt " tJoaroal 8peeiaj8ervlre.) j:- , r Washlngtoj D. C Jan. J Accord ing to the reportk reoelved by the Westher Bureau,' the 5 entire - growing orange- crop" of northern 1orida has been destroyed by. the cold wve which wept through -that atata last night .ana the trees themselves are. seriously af fected and many will probably be lost The temperature et Jacksonville waa I and - st Tsmpa, 22 the lowest . known since' the big f reese of 10 yea, ago. that destroyed -all OTChasda-in the state. t Heavy gales continue, to sweep flis Atlantic coast and reports are received of. many stranded and-wreckeit;Vessela Two vessels are eshore off Cape- Hat ters and four schooners were arrven ashore at Caps Cod during the nignt " . - As an Indirect result of the storm the Pan-Amerlcanvbapk a-Ghlcago closed Its doors todaV- The -"Institution had .a capltal .of $500,000. - President Hunt Is stalled on a snow-bound New Tork Cen. tral train and cannot be reached. - -V : - The cold wave continues to hold the WILL INVESTIGATE M' MAH ON'S BLU FF '" (Special blapatek t Tie ioanial.l' - " Salem. ' Or., Jan. - 2. Anotheract waa begun -this- morning In -the legis lative Investigation of state instttutions. The senate ha taken up the charges of malfeasance made by L. it McMahon agntnat the; superintendent of the state penitentiary, and adopted this morning a resolution appointing a Joint investi gating committee, with the usual "cler ical" aid: Brownell was the author of the resolution. . - McMahon'a charges have been aired repeatedly for. a. year past. ' He " has sought to get the court to take-oognl-sance or them, and tried unsuccessfully to get the grand Jury to Indict the two FINDS A FORTUNE" , - FLOATING IN BAY Man Out of. Work Seeking Drift :ryfpodpr Fuel f Finds V V1 ; Ambergris, 'f . 'sxi: (Journal. 'Special Srloe.) 'Ssn Francisco, Jan. 2. Out' of a Job and depending on the flotsam of tha bay for fuel, and It deeps for fish, with which to warm and feed hi patient wife at home,, and then to pick up a $12,100 lump of ambergris,' Is the ex perience of Willlsm V. Getchell ot 1271 Goss street Oakland. ' V , -- Qetchell la a painter out ef a-Job..'. He secured a leaky eld boat -a few hooks and lines and took to the bay. fishing snd keeping a weather eye open for driftwood. . In company with Charles Ackerman, a . neighbor, he started to Qoat ialaad Sunday morning. - Neaf the Island Qetchell sighted an sh-grsy colored masa bobbing about on Jaodama n w ould have passed It without a second look. Getchell poked sn car st the grrasy object, a moment later' the slimy, atlnklng mana wss pulled Into the ' host which was nearly swsmped In the ope ration. - Ambergris Is worth 220 sn onunce, nd 1 used In making perfume. VrfrLUUF31 ON TK3 entire company from the'Ttocklea to the Atlantic lo Its icy grasp. Railroads sre blockaded, coasts are lined with wrecked Vessels, telegraph wires are prostrated and - muchsuffering - ia occasioned through all the cltlea. ork l the city belne covered by a blanket a foot deep on the level ahd-several feet In depth In the drirts. - Trolley- erylce ..i -..T.., i,,i,, m.A ' ' r. The entire coast line from the Caro- tlnaa north' has experienced a ,terrflc garerTrceompanled -by a heavy" fall' df snow and -on Intensity of cold seldom be-!5 ."U'J"14- mZ""1 'Hind In the duel that followed JO shot ported stranded or wrecked. ,. ... ' , h,h , At Bofton the bllssard. is tUl rag ing. At Baltlrhore nearly a foot of snow ha-falln. At- Philadelphia the : aame condition exists," and Virginia and Mary land report s the heaviest showf all - IqJ mnny years. "?"- --; 1 The middle west li suffering from In tense Cold, as well as from the heavy snows, BUssarda are raging everywhere and traffic la universally tied up. At St. Louis the- thermometer Is 10 below, at Iulsville it Is ( below, at St. Psul It Is IS below, st Huron 27 below, st Kansas City 42 below, and at Chicago below. .i . coiimi AaKOBT - -v' , .i '," ' . (Journal Special Servlrt .)""''."' V""IT.. -Woodsliole, Maaa, Jan. J. The big collier- Georgetown Is eshore' off Nam tucket Island, tn a dangerous position. - officials.-. The whole thfng. I declared to be. malicious and springing -solely from persona h animosity s gatnat Bu per intendent Jatnea, ,.iKmm-t, w - Tbe resolution adop ted-by the senate recite McMahon' allegation that Super intendent' James and Warden Curtis misappropriated 12.000 of the peniten tiary betterment fund for the purchase of furniture for quarters occupied by them; thst a bookkeeper was allowed to keep one or two horses at state expense; that the superintended socepted a valu able present from tbe mother of a con vict and then gave the latter unusual privileges, and that the .matron has not attended to her Official duties.- The resolution declares that If - the charges are -true, the management of the penitentiary-la corrupt and incom petent ..-.. - - -' ' Politics I sajd to be back of the sen ate's action in taking up McMahon' charge:"" Superintendent James- Is rtlis only. bead, ef acetate institution ap pointed by the governor. .The acts charged - against .h(m. can - be - charged with equal truth' against the heads of the'fnsans asylum, blind school deaf mute school and other Institutions. All live, at th laaUtutUxi-tOfWhloh- ttey be long. In quarters urnlahM by thd state. learning of the action -to-be taken In the senate, Uohbln Introduced a brief resolution In the house referring the matter . to tha existing committee. It did not-salt McMahon. who tried to get Dobbin to present a duplicate ef Brown sir resolution, but Dobbin refused. The house will act oh the Dobbin resolution tomorrow. .: ! . .. GERSHON MARX IS -;.. HANGED FOR MURDER (Jownaf Special Bervlcel) '..'' Hartford, Conn.., Jsn. 26. Qershon Marx, who I to be hanged today at tlie state prison at Wethersfteld. la the hrst Hebrew to be executed In Connecticut. Marx' la 7 years old.- He was convicted at New London ef the murder of his farm bench- Pave-Rodecki.-btst spring; The stste tn prosecuting Msrx elslmed jthat he killed Rqdtckl rather than pay him six montrnf-wsges wnicn were one, and he afterward cnt up the body, sewed It-tn a bag and buried-tt-lmm old cellar. The sams manner of de posing of the body of a second t,' hand was follnwed, and evl-'- brought to I'-" f t ! " Mars was gui II of (he V farm. X.9 Nelson i Walkerl Lie: t et GraYVsIIcathFrifiiy HIT ON HEAD AT THE " ; DOOR 0F.HIS, OWN H0r.E Pistol Duel orv Madison t Street Bridge Betweeti L7 D. Keyzer ::rnd . Young ..Reader of .-!.'. "Pirgrim's Progress." . ' A th result ef two sensational hold upe-irt Portland last highf on VictlnJ Is lying at death's door, with his assail ant' at liberty, and one highwayman I In JaU. with hi plucky would-be victim very much alive.- ' z.i ': A he was sbout to enter , his home, 2il Montgomery, at ll:Jo, young Nelson Walker waa struck down' from behind. ' He-made an ojitcry as ha fell and the unknown sscapeo. WsHserjls atlU un-. conscious. "-. -... , , . .;..:;' -,-...' , Jack O. Drummond, It year old. sat ; In hi room . reading -Pilgrim's Prog- -ress" .uniiL. 2:20 last evening. VThen be . atartedx.out n a highway robberjrpll grlmage. ' Tlie Jlrst insn he met wa , L-D. Keyser. who-was walking along the east. .approach -st the- Maateen- street - bridge.. At the command .of . ''Hold up - - your hands. "-Jleyser erew- a ; revolver. were' exchanged, none of which resultsd seriously, t The young bandit was-cap- : tured. ..'. ..; - jj. , l". "'r.?.,'..-; ' '7 . T::"AttaksarBll'rtie "Felled'by a" blow delivered from "he-" hind by-a highwayman; Nelson Walker -has been lying hi anunoonsclous condl tlon at hi home, 254 Montgomery street. , since-J l:J 01 o'clock, last night-- -- ! v - .- About that time Walker, who le 22 years of sge.' was returning home from a cell on friends, lie had Just started up the step leading to the fronLdoor. . when the thug ran up fro-a, behind "and struck th 'young man several blow oar -the right aide of th head. With, cry Walker fell to-the-pavement. His aged-parents were - awakened , by the noise, and hurried down the atalra, .. frightening the "robber away before he had an opportunity to search hi vie- : tlm pockets. Neighbor were also roused by Walker's outcry, and saw th highwayman running west on Montgom-' " ery street The apparently, lifeless f orm f WaN ". ker was carried Into the house and Dr. C W. .Cornelius, who. live - near., waa, t; called. Dr.. Ernest Barton, wa. lo In attendance. -" -i- All bight long and up wntlj a late hour Ihle morning - Walker lay -nncon- -aclous-rolling upon his bed ss If In great. agony, and. muttering unlntelllgt- . bly. Only once did he regain conscious-. neaa, and then be whispered, 'Hello, - mama.-"-. ---' - --,"-...... . Mother Heard Xlm' Cry.' .T - "About 11:20 1 hesrd a cry in front of the house,' said Mrs. N. N. Walker this morning, . "and looking out of the window saw my boy lying on th walk. . My husband and I rushed down -and -brought Nelson In the house, but how we did It I do not know. At first we thought . he was dead. . Although . I looked out ss soon aa I heard the cry. I saw no ons sxceptlng my j son. This morning ' I was told thst some friend who live, near by ssld thty saw a man. running up the street after they heard tbe -cry The .boy -waa holding hla keys In hi hand when. we found him. -I do, net., think anything wa taken, from him. the -robber-tre doubt becoming frightened when Ne'son groaned .so loudly. We could, not find the weapon with, whlcte ,h was hit" ' ' Dr. Cornelius ststed this morning that " Walker was suffering from a concussion of the brain.-caused by a ,biow from a Want -wes pott. 'p '" ,"' '.1 ; T ". : Nelson.. Walker ts engaged in business . with hi fstber. Nelson N. Walker, ot th , firm of .Walker Langford. ,.con , tractors for"the poet office Jviildjng, " '"' ;ettl esTih Bridge. ; - - , In a cell at the CM prlaoh'ls J. R. Brook, alias Jack O. Drummond. a I Innocent-looking lad ' It years of age. charged with assault with intent to nU He was captured last night after a iH-a-Derate pistol duel with - U D. Keyser, -who-refused to submit to the highway. -man's command to ,lhrow up hla hands. " -. Th capture waa made by Auatln Ma- -loner, ex-polloe officer and lender of the . Madison street bridgs. He hesrd the firing and captured the man a he dashed across the bridge. ' L. D. Keyser, a conductor on th's Os wego branch of .the Southern' Pscliio railway,. wti U at -Hoily etreet, wss crossing the Mndleon street brUi t lZMS O'clock laat nlgl.t ott l i home. As he approached f of the brW-s a man w" ' Int In t e snsdows i I --I a r ' K ... . v r-T