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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1905)
,l . ...... .---, r - -wl' r- ' '. .... .' : " . V . r , G cod cvE:n::o, ' .. . j7 a ' 'i - Th Circulation U-lH-Tw 7r.t2sr. Of Th Journ&I r" Yesterday Was ! :l, t If I - - I- - .:Xi:v;:e,.: Tonight nl Thureday, probably fair; cooler tonight; westerly win. - v Arti H.rv it? '7. . JrrrSTEm : i MMM) - -a? STsTfJ JL ... , r : . PORTLAND, ORHGON, . WEDNESDAY" EVENING.' JANUARY JT 1905 -FOURTEEN PAGES. i 7 ! PRICE FIVE CENTS. iVOL. ' III." NO, 278. Iu.j . "V "V 7 T r r . Ij r ' , j NEGOTIATIONS TO "REVOLUTION Begged fo Be ? Told ; the Truth, But rAfAYasReassured y:- from ; Seeing Strikers. ; ; : Rumor That "Qir and X overly 4uU nuuxu rixuiuix ii&uudi vuincid : u HftriffrM nf Arrests to Ntn ronsniracv: - '.i, '' -;.'. i - ' - 4'' " , , (Special Dlapatch to ThaJTournaLy - -Y - ' XAndon, Janl U.--Tha followlnr dlapatiih haa been recelred fronvSt,-: Petaraburr. - ' - J " ' . 'it la atated on oqd authority thla mornlna; that th eaai; baa been but Imperfectly; Informed aa to tha aventa of tb laat few daya. It aald that whan tha ola of flrlnr brtroopa . on .tttie mob reached 4 Taarakoe Beto Sunday, tha caar. m prn from, jhli ehlrjnd kUttuM pppnjt:,i ,-r,,. 1 bC in th'Aml Jf Ck and JfoV thJW off ttta faiaari II i lanfl. leu ma laa cruin awu doaa It all' meant ,Jj jpy, ha aTand-dukea, It la aald. aought to calm tba -caar by mlleadlnrv ! A ; "Whea ahown tha above- dlapatch thla jnoraln a pereon who apeaka - : ; 4 -wlth -'the lchat authority becauaa of bla eonnectlon with epurt .circle 'a- IB BU rcveraDura; aau. i w , .. a . . "Kverjf.Wora OX Ul icrin ...-i. .it ...... - - 4a mm. im. , . : duii ui i""Hi -' - w. . . - - -w . " acter li an attempt b grand, dukea, led by Grand Duke Vladimir, to , depoea tbe eaar and aelae tha tbrona for Vladimir. tt waa "Vladimir e a w- .ityi f tafMV tn mmm. . iivj yvnwt.u ... . w r ' - . T4 ln(the etrlkera and, who ordered 8.uodaya -maaaaere... Ht pbjectla to.. 4 4. ferment dlacord between tha people ahd the caar. and when thetlme l v"e 7 e " rlpa;ha intenda appeal to the army to make hint aar. aaylnrr 4; . r Tut ma in hia atead and you and I will aara Ruaala,' - ' . 4 w - .-- .; - , . ; " - -" ( Joarnal SpeeUl aerrlee.) .?:" Bt Peterabnrit.-Jn."t5.Cfiuna,tinar Blood la flowing freely at Moscow thla -afternoon. Three thouaand etrlkera were marching In tha Pianltakya. dlatrlct when they were interceded by a troop of Coe- aacka. who, without a word or warning, opened lira on the marcher, killing and wounding many. The affair raaemblad ' . i . a, . flnnitair h. men were Inoffenatvely marching wit) out arma when attacked. ' ' ? , ". :. (Jearael Spedel Service.) . Xbndon. Jan. tl. It la. reported here :rn what purporta to be axcellanjtu thority that General Kuropalkln and & Marahat Oyama, now facing each- other in , Mancnuna, . axe': - negoi"na . " armlatlcar with view to declaring a inwhrtonar-peaoaThe rumor la gen- . 1 eraiijr ereoitea, i ctiraritaii flrmnea of Japaneae and Hueelan atooka - and bond 'todaavvs ".; .-f r- m-r Kuropatkln la aald -to- -hare received adtcea from St. Feteraburg which will .. prevent any aggreaalva movement until the Internal difficulties of Ruaala are aetued. ' it ia even nmiea ina a por sl6n of hia-army I mmad lately recalled to aaalat the caar' a force In t aurnreaalna' the revolution, i-ri, ' Jha iatrlke ln RuBala aJnterf erlng urlnnilv with tha ahlDmant of auDDllea to tha Manchuria army, amrtf It qon-' - tlnuea a few wceka longer tha army wit . be In a aerloua predicament.- The Japa neae have cut, oft all opportunity of ' receiving Buppliea' from the-eeuth-tH" - dltlotr of tha northern rttfrav can-receive ' but a limited runtltyof.lhe aupplle ' atored at northera depota.. -The meva- t oi reeetvea irom rtnaaia ji.w tlrely ceaaed in the paat 10 -daya, .and tha reinforcement that. Kuropatkln. ex-.pected- to begin .Ihe aprlng campaign 'are Bring held in Ruaala. to crueh tbt .... rebolllon. n . X Bt, Peteraburg dlepatrh atatea' that Bakaroll reporta- the U in. a reconnala- - ance In the direction of . Phanlalaa, ' aoutll of Mukden, two offlcera and aer :; eral men have been killed.'-- . A cable received thla morning from . Bechellea, an Ixland In tha Indian ocean, . ate tea that the French gunboat Capri corn reporta that tha Ruaalan aecond - Paclflo aauadron haa arrived. at the Paandava bay, on- tha northweet coaat BURIAL OF THE DEAD. Oaflaa. o nadaJTorm &ac yoeiaaloa i Thravffk'M. VaUNfearr. " ' IJonnwI Riwctat BrTleik j ., fit. Pataraburr. Jan. 35. Tha nlaHt jmnacd' quietly. Mora abopa wre opened . thla mortiln and tha atraata buva a mora animated appaaranca than at any tlma alnea Sunday. Dlaordcra ara Ta- . ported within tha city, and eonfllctlnf report a rcKardinii tha atata of aftalra at - Taarakna 8alo ara currant thla morning. Following tha report that tha oaaro Vlteh la 111 with pneumonia, it ia now atated .thai tha csar hlmaelf haa takl to bad aa tha reault of a nervoua break- . down. .... Tha Infant cMrevUch Is aerlouely HI Qarowitch . Are-Ill w atninf at me time, auaaemy- uivu n uwuv.t ti u.i w.. y throne endanaaradr " - , w- irne. mi n.niuiu w nv mere .in- a. AnlltMI kurrartlait fta'1 ai A" whfl nmiiitM thA rar.frnm Triw A " - ' 7w with pneumpla at Taarakoa Selo.-- The heir to tha Huaaian throne waa taken III at the Winter Palace laat week and the flight to Taaraaoa Selo caused eomplt catlona.' The czarina I -thoroughly alarmed,' and telegraJiped to London for two nuraea The child la conatitutton-ally- weak, having inherited a malady. Thla ia tha boy baby the Ruaalan royal family prayed for during the year that four glrla were born, .; . Poverty and hunger are today work ing agalnat the etrlkera.., The meager auppliea poaaeaaed whan, tha atrlke be gan ara becoming exhaiuted..,A number of Workmen applied to the factorlaa f or permission to, return to- work and were turned- a way, as tha owners, ara. afraid to open the plicae tor fear other atrlk era will demoliah them. -J'i- :. T-wty- z. AwasW ?0 ;' : 1 Arreeta of leading Liberal continue. Amongthoaa arreated laat night Ik Maxim Gorky, the author whwh been named on aeveral occaalona aa tha head of the propoaed provincial government Maxim ' Gorky' ' arrest ' occurred at Riga, where he went on account of the' tllnea of hi wife. ; 77 ' Governor - General- .Trepof f ., wa ;1 ap pointed yesterday In1 supreme command of tha city today. The atata -r tof - the siege haa not ytJeen proclaimed, but It actually exists, the governor' general having , absolute ? power, jlllnirlng the night hundred of arrests were madfc i Platmraaaaea '" ta Zaierler. f y- IClaturbancea continue to be reported from tha Interior, though' a a rule the demonatration 'are .not aa -violent - as those of yeatenSay." - -f .. . .. ,( The atorra center today Beema to be at Klahlneff, where disorders are grow ing at rf-amrmlng Tatar Titid-wtrrkmen ara marching, about tha streets shout ing, -Ws.intend to revenge the Klshineff maaaacra . ....;... i. . j - At the Klahlneff theatre performances lasTnighf revolutionary pamphlet were distributed. among th audiences and the, government . publicjy denounoed - by speakers from the stage. Twenty per sona were arrested, among them being four- Jewlah aoldler. . At Riga most of tha workara' in the factories quit work. No dlaturbancea ara reported and the masters have opened (Continued on Pags Three.) WHAT TAXPAYERS Cltfsen of Portland are -raising their voices In protest agalnat the proposed Junketing trip of tha city council to Los Angeles ahd Ban Diego at the expense of the people. They declare .the council should not "spend the public money for the purpose of Inspecting the plant of a private corporation ' which desired a franchise, and to accept entertainment from either the Southern Pacific Rail road company or' the Empire Electric company would be In bad taste, and might place the council In a compromis ing position.: .i One councilman - ha -slated he would ge. bo matter what the clllsene might say. His colleague are not all ' -J ' ' ' ' i'J " ;'". . - ' EM) RUSSO-JAPANESE '''GALLED 'iryilr "WV-ii . ' U v4 Cathedral of St., TO REGULATE CATCH IN .THE COLUMBIA J . , . ' Washington Open? Way for En acting Uniform Laws With V; .f te St$e&ofj Oregon; f i - TWO LEGISLATURES I J; iLIJCELYiTO CONFER Plan fora Meeting of Joint Com . i 'A"4 . - 1. - il - 1 Measures Agreeable to". All. A I (Special Dispatch to le Joornsl.) v 01ympia.JWsh..Jaivi6.-r-B4f the ao flon of .tha aenata thla morninjln con' urylnc- 4n a- house joint resolution -the way ha been- opened for the enactment 6f uflTTorm lawe governing tha fjahlng Industry lof tha Coltimbla river between Oregon and waanington. T s " A the-requeat of the legislative, as-sembTy-'of Oregon a - committee from tha legislature of Washington I to meet in conference and draft law which will make it Impossible for evasion on. either, aide of the Columbia. . -.: , ' - Tha Waanington -member., are Sena tor Welah Of Pacific county and. Wat son of ' Cowl Its , and Representatives Roth of Whatcom, ' -Btevenaon ef Skamania and WlUtama of Pacific. . ' It la understood here that arrange ments will be snada. forTa meeting of thla Joint .committee of the two legis lature In the near ' future -either at Olympla or; Tacema.. The Washington legislator say that with a United States senatorial fight on their hands It will not be possible for, them to meet at any distance' from the capltoU ' . ..I " Governor Mead issued his first procla mation yesterday, announcing. the adoption- of. the constitutional amendment submitted to the voters at the laat aren- erl . election, . which permits '.the ' em ployment of aaianed onaplauia in the pmiltantlatyii . , - ( ..-!.: N . The aenata yeaterday pa used -the Lewis and Clark appropriation bill a -amended by the house fixing the sum at 176.000. and the1 governor aigned the bill today. Tha joint committee on- nshetiee will meet with a like committee from the Oregon legislature to pas upon Ashing lawa affecting , the Industry on Xhe XUtr rtvt..,i,ji.j.:;.t-,1...1:.i, -.; ..,,, r--wi-mm zatereeta ta itai.'';' -- The llauor Interest are ud In arma throughout Washington over a bill In troduced in the house to prohibit , the sale, of liquors, wjthln two miles of any State- college, or.. university. The . law la said Walm directly at Pullman, where ia located the Bute Agricultural College. The school stinde on a hill overlooking the towtyand. alrout a doxea st loon . are Bald to be doing a. thriving business In the town. ' On divers occaalona students at the College . have "gone! bad," it Is aid. and. trouble baa resulted at the school.. .Advocate, of the bill urge it vehemntly(J anda . aru additional, res.-, son, besides the high moral stand- taken, Is the fact that In tha establishment of tha state university the law provided that no llquora should ever be" aoM within -the two-mile limit- This gives the university en advantage. It is claimed, over the state college, which unfair handicap friends of the school will endeavor to remove at thla session. ef the .same opinion, and It I under stood that when the proposition comes to a vote there will be several who will oppose the trip. They feel that it would not only be using the money of the city for a foolish purpose; but that such an extended trip was poor policy at thatond of the sdmlnlstratlon, when not on, of the. present councHmeti may., be "re elected. v . - 'i i , K. Ehrman, of Mason, Ehrman aV Col, haa expressed hlmaelf aa' opposed to the proposed trip of the council. "The city should pay nothing' toward the expenaea of the trip." said he today, "and It would be In very- bad tssl to allow the railroad or the petitioning tele- A PLOT OF GRAND i' - ' Basil, 0n Side of the Famous Red COLUMBIA RIVER GETS : LARGE APPROPRIATIONS 4 4 44 44 4 4 4 444444 4 4 4 ' . .4 tWublsrtea Bursas of The Jearssl.) Washing-ten, .Jan. . 21. Tha river and ' harbor committee today completed Its bill- It -will make liberal :. appropriation for the mouth of the Columbia and will ' provide for - atartlng ' the Celllo canal and also provide for a -4 .4 -4 4 '4 ,4 4( i lwT other nertHWeatesnx pro 4 jecta. 1 THe Item ail agreed upon 4 - are a . followa: - . -' . , ... 4 'Celllo canal. $50,000 cash and 4 1250,008 additional under a con- 4 Unulng ontracfc---i 4 Jetty at 'the mouth of 'the Ca 4' lumbla river. S00,00 -cash. sad 4 the same amount under a. con. 4k - timilns contract. - u. 4 4 -4 -4 :4 '4 4 4 .The river from Portland Tt the . 4 4 ea,- lloo.OOft-eaah - and - IIH.OO 4 : under a continuing contract. - - a .1. The - Columbia -' at,j Cacadaa4 4 ,eo:J- r- i ' 4 4 .- -.. Columbia-from -the moulh-f - 4 4 the Willamette, to Vancouver,- 4 4 130.000 cash - and the -same 4 4 amount under, a continuing, con- - 4-tract. ' ,,eTt' . . "4 4 Willamette above v Portland. ' 4 4- $50 000, - -w - 4 ? ' -The .tipper Columbia t and a f4 Bnake.: J,00f- 4 a v- Harbor 'on anexuregon' coasc: 41 ' below the mouth of-the Colum- 4 4 ; bla. sio.uvv. . - 4 iMquHls-lyr,-4U.OO 4 i-v. v.. ,:--,...-. .A-i-v(-.i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 CONDITIONAL SALES ; BILL IS KILLED . -- - , House "Give Measure ts Quiet TT' 't us in OnerTwo, Three . -i 1 - ' - Order, . (By Oeorg V, Trowbridge.) --- ! i Balem. Or Jan. I5.-A,-,"condltIonsl sales -bill," ' requiring, aalas 'Of . personal property made on the Installment plan to be recorded,, met - It death In- the- bouse thla morning: " The judiciary committee reported adversely and the bill was in definitely poetponed. Tha fate of the bill waa virtually settled last evening in the committee. Capt William- Gadaby,. E. M. Brannlck, Frank E. Freeman, Judge H. If. Northrup and other appeared 00 behalf ff Portland-, Arm and entered a Strang- protest agalnat the , bill. " ' ; A bitter three-cornered fight Is in progress - ever the creation of -Cascade and Jefferson counties, , The committee haa been in aesalon all morning and It ia now expected that Soth bllla will toe reported -favorably, , but-J that -only t the Jefferson . county jbill . will, pass the house,, though -Jayna ia making a hard fight for the Cascade bill.-, Myger'1 bill'---creating-county T at-' torneys jn place of district . attorney! waa reported ' adversely, but a motion to Indefinitely Dostoona developed the fact that the measure haa -many friends. After considerable debate It waa made S- apeclal orders for Friday morning..' The house paaaed Law's bill authoris ing Qataop county to levy a special tax for a court houaa. i . J - , . '-. Ca vender's - Concurrent ' resolution for an Investigation. of the Northern Pacific lana grDa waa adopted, aa wa alao Senator Avery'a memorial to 'congress urging the government to acquire the Oregon City locks. " .,:....;.)' phone company to pay (Tf expenses. . If the councilmen desire to. make the trip, each should par his own expenses "I do not see what csald be accom plished by the trip, aa It is o unlike any trip I have ever hag any experience with. I understand the principal object la to Inspect the plents of the telephone com pany In Loa Angeles and Ban Diego.' The city Is in no-Imperative need of another telephone company, -and. If It la, the franchise ran be granted by the council wjthout, the members taking the trip. They should not spend the city's money for such an. excursion.". , v. : ' - The council should not go to Los An gelas at the expense of the city," said THINK 1 1 ti Square o! Moscow. TO END GRAFT IF! ,- ;.ii '- ..- t ' r- - :- . -. . - -"- FOREST RESERVES oenaxa Jjommmea r avoraoiy . Reports Bill Modifying the. Public Domain Laws. ' tie CANNOT EXCHANGE BASE " J - r-An tlrlu viiinph-l limn - ----- -- Hereafter No - Railroad Lands ix. jDan. $9 .Included : Within r Limits-of Reserves - Wi.blDf tea 3ursu of Ths JoarasL) . , -Washington, Jan. J5. The senate com nrrttae on puWTands today- favorably reported the bill- prohibiting holder- of forest reaorve base from making new selections Of timber landa. The bill also provides that owner of . lands within forest reserve may sell their landa and Improvements to the government or- may relinquish title to. the government and make - sew. selections within- the aa,irie tate where the-seaarve is located. 1 .V-f At vital feature of the measure pro vides that hereafter no . railroad land. no cities, towns or village shall be In cluded within any forest reserve. - The measure i advocated by Secretary Hltchcooft and I dealgned to put an end to .the .wholesale , una fraud by wnicn Immense tracts of government land ha been secured by. fraudulent method. COPPER KNOCKED DOWN ,;and lawson is blamed . (Joornsl gpeetar Bervlre.) ..: New Tork, Jan. J 5. There waa a gen eral downward movemeat In stock value on the New York stock exchange today. Amalgamated- Copper- wa hammered and lost $3 of Its priors-at the close of the session.' This Waa due ;to ' the selling by Boston . brokers,prraumably- Lawans and' Standard Oil people. "The troubles In Ruaala continue to be a disturbing factor ndl helped the downward trend. Most of the Hat at the doaa of business today showed' a Ions... The closing ttse'4 ws' a trifle stronger pn account of. the strong rumor that negotiatlone for peace Between Japan ana Kuasia had been begun. ' : ' L'.ur . !r WYOMING TO TAKE PART ' - 1N THE COMING FAIR t ' " - tv Tvr.- -tJoariil tpecisl Bervlee.j- r -r1-Cheyenne, Wye., Jan. 25. Wyoming will -be represented at the Lewis and Clark exposition at Portland thla year with. true exhibit or. the atates mln erarkgrtcultuiHli and other induatiiea. A bill wa introduced in the legislature today appropriating tha sum of $10,000 and providing far thr tme of the unex pended balance of . $5,000 from the Bt Louis-fair fund for use ot Pert tend. A Commlasion of five will have, charge of 5he-xhlblt---herewV:;'.-;- ;-rr ';.-". - ' 1 1 ' m 11 1 ' : '1 bio aivAn nr uaroour. - , ' jMiril Hpeefsl Berh.r-;-T'w-'' . Lincoln, Jam. 25. Flrethl morning destroyed the Hatter Furniture block and contenta. The loss Is $220,000. Henry "McCraken, of thJ J, MoCraken company, "neither should It go at th' expense of the telephone, company, "for the rttlsena would think, whatever ac tion they took, was part of a 'Job.' The council ran use ths money to better ad vantage to th city than by taking a long trip to southern California. - - ... "It doe riot eem to ma wis for the city council of Portland to place itself under 'obligations, aa It la bound to do If It accepts transportation and lavish entertainment from these people," said W. D. Wheelwright, president ef the ehamhev of commerce. "At the ume ftlme, I wlah to disclaim any Intention! to criticise the. council. . it la putsldt OF THE JUNKET DUKE:LADI1IR - ' . d , ...-.. I iSHlPS ARE $576 A DAY - - , : ' ' ' r " - ' - n - '... (i . ' ' - ' ' . - Three Ashore : on Vir- ginla Coast; Much Loss of Life Is Reported. ATLANTIC COAST-IN 5RIP OFA BUZZARD Vessels Ashore Along Its Whole Length Chicago and Mid- ) - '..die West' Nipped by . ' Jack Frost: K.. ' - ' (Jooraal Boeelal lerTlce.t "Nsw Tork, 'Jan.' JS-.--A tremendous gala, accompanied by an aretlo blissard. 1 - sweeping ' the entire JLi today ana numerous vessels are- feared to - have been lost at sea or- driven ashore. '" Telegraph Wire are prostrated at seaport town and but meager detail of the damage done are being received. A big steamer whose name-is - un known was blown ashore this' morning On Ithe laical; at Krfkatlnel fbwjfng to the flerceneaa'ot the gale. 1 is Impossi ble' for. llfeaavera to render, aaelstanco, though-1 eMstresa signals are flying-' from the dodraed. vessel apdr the' crtw can,', he seen in the rigging. ..-'-' Another big steamer . whose name is unknown la - reported Sahore off Hull. Maes. A blinding snowstorm- and high winds-prevent relief .from 'the life-sav ing Station. A telegram from CohaaaCtt,' afass. state that the steamer Is doomed; -Three more vesaela are': reported ashore is dispatch received by Lloyd from Norfolk. Vs.. The vessel were wrecked oil Bewall'a pdlnt and there was considerable loss of ljfe, although . the detail's gr..lirltii; . ,"t"xjt AccompapH tb high wind ' ia 4 blinding' snowstorm and a Vapidly fall ing temperature. The cold wave . from lhe west. haa covered tha entire east. and much suffering ia reported from the large citie in tae grip oc the bllssard. . Railroad trafflo la being delayed,, tele graph and telephone wires , prostrated. and the thermometer, f rom. sero to li below In the east and from ISto 50 below in the Missouri, valley. . -' Six laches of snow haa fallen Iri New Tork- city, - the temperature " ia - failing rapidly., trolley trattlo - Paralysed and many cases of Buffering are reported.. v Tn schooner ' Parker 'went on .the rock In the barbor of Portland. 'Me.. today and wa a total loss The crew was' saved by the heroism f . the life- saving crew.. .;:;. . '--;r.r-wj - tiOT FOR JPORTUNridi Wo lolelesj, He Skiver Mere, Bat meaty .t,;. g,'vaek Bast. .,. ,r::, - The east was one vast refrigerator yea terday.v and , while the people of Port land were-enjoying the balmy air of a. spring afternoon the people In the -old homes were shivering over fires that glowed but 1 did not -comfort . , . Here. are aome figures at which the people of Oregon may warm themselves: Portland' lowest temperature,; 41 de grees " ' ' v" - ' ' '--;'- T- i ABOVE gEBO.v. f " BELOW IKRO. A rleirts. Oa ........ r l BWnmrrk , : W. D . , , 4 Boiton .....'.-.VTS,; HM-hlrsso i Detroit ,...' liiiClnclnnatl lut,,,,,, 1 Memphis. Teon.,.,., city. ...... ..10 New Ynrk. . ......... ;omiha .r.v.-;;i Phllsdolptala r .,.,.'..2aist. ItiU. ........... I'ltut.ufir ..';.-... W. Paul.'..'.:' Vt hlnatoa , .telHuroa, . N. -.i......M V For five ' minute - this morning' the wind blew" t. Portland at the rate of 3 miles an hourr the, highest velocity since; March, 1S0J. j . w AXABTTa WUSMAMB. Jiairasl BpeclsL eWvlf BeatUev Waah.. Jan. S3. Advice .re ceived here on the' steamer Dolphin, ar riving from Skagway. states that the worst misaara -wvw- Known hib- .wspii he-upper-Tukom-Tanana an opwt per . river vaileya. Miners and - pros pectors are ' aald. to be suffering untold hardships, end It la feared many wilt die of cold and stirVatlon. - The snow has fallen In many places over 10 feet, and all trails are Impassable. A party from Fairbanks to Valde. anpther from Fairbanks o Dawson, are believed - to have been; lost,- Relief haa- been sent ot my province.. Th council can attend to ttaenwn affaire without Interference from me." J. . , ..U , .'" Oerllnger said: "X do not think it wise for our city council to accept trans portation, ny hospitalities It ,doee not look well.'-nor la It proper. 'About all that I can say is. that if I were a coun cilman I would not do It While w want the beet telephone service end I think th telephone company In Port land should keep Itself ahead of -the times I believe' two telephone compa nies are a nuisance. I aaw the auto matic telephone In service when I re cently visited Oh lea so. It doe not seem to he generally uaed r popular." Twice as Many Clerks and Supernumeraries as " - Arc-Legislatorsr RECKLESS EXTRAVAGAf.'CE -1N-THE LEGISLATURE Investigation Trips Afford an Ex v - cute for Junketing Trips 7; - - WithMileage Charges " Ad Ubitum. 0r eorge X. TroWtaidge.) - - - . Salem, Or., Jam 26. If the taxpayer ef OTegon are- hoping for a record of Isconomy by the legislature now in ses sion,,, the hope will be effectually dia- ' pelied by a study of the extravagant ex pendltures 'that are 'being .'made for Clerks, Stenographers, doorkeepers, jrhes- ' , sengers and, other . employes. One half ofwhom are Utterly unnecessary. .' ' '" Thl reckleae' waste of public moiyy , is especially flagrant Jn'.. the senate, - -where the 'numoer- ot Klerks -aad! jothef employee, -including appointments on, Joint committees, la, now more than don- -bls-the-numbee of senator;-wlth -more still ; to come. Every senator has a steoographec- ia addition to .'the' com mittee .clerks, " assistant : committee -. clerks, ( doorkeepers, messengers and. other - employes. .. whose ' compensation .' ranges from $3 to, ti a day.1 Many of them do nothing more arduous than to draw- their pay... '-'" 1 -. j i i.-. ;ln the housoj the number of employ I smaller, 'though here,, too, there are many - supernumeraries. Lees exrt enced than their the upper -housr h representatives began the ses sion fwfth some 'semblsnee of Obaervane - -of this law, which define. in strict terms, the number of persona who may be ap- . pointed and the pay which each hafl receive. ;,-x t- j ; But the biennial farce of Investigating state officers and1 Institutions; with.' its attendant opportunity for. a horde) of . : additional appolntraenta,. occasioned an-.. - other scramble lor patronage in wmcn the senate came oft second beat,. - L t.l ' KU - Okatre. .:'.Lf:J Bom of these so-called lnveetlgatlon Involve Junketing trips to other parts of tb slate, affording excuse for mllf-:-.. age- chargea at the rate f 10 cents a mile each' way, which ia, of courae, clear profit tn almost every Instance, a very " fear of the member refuse the trans- -portatlon alwaya placed at ' their dl- . posal by the railroads ' Thua far a doxert-Jolnt investigating committees . have been appointed, with a corps of $4 ' clerka There will be more. ..-."' The. total number of employes now on the legalative payroll with theiq total . dally compensation Is follower t Senate ..............xn.5 IS4S ... House ........ 4 1S " Joint oommittee.i'.','...i.i..4 :f- .14 Total fcWv. ,l '-' i . 1 4 :l ' $tT - The salaries ot the legislators them selves amount to-$374. a day and, are -therefore-lea than one third ef the total payroll: '. ;; ; ": " . ''. . The Kuykendalt law, a If I termed.. .. prescribes . the number of - elerk and ' other -employes that may be appointed in . each house and oxea their pay. The. law is treated as a dead letter, and 1 over- , ridden without a word of iproteet'-even- from Its author, the trildent of the eenate. The. law provide tsectlon tiT M73- and t87, Bellinger s ft Cotton' code? that exclusive of the presiding officers., the senate shall have altogether 14 j clerk and other employee, whose total compensation ahall be $13$. while . the house 1 atlowed 4 employe wltlt a- total compensation of $141. The total legal allowance for: both' houses IS 77' emptoyeer-wlth a total :oaJy,aompesa-, tion or $24. All of the employe ara to be elected by ballot, a provision that -is entirely Ignored, and section Ji0 pro-'' ,. - - - . . . ,w .hall Ka JTJTSliZr elected or Dald by either house, other than those provided for In this chapter." . Two years ago. when a resolution wa , presented In the senate for the appoint- .. ment of clerks tn exces jhf the number provided by taw. Senator Kuykendall1 en- tared a protest, saying that such action was clearly Illegal. nd lhat th senate -must be governed rby tb law upon the statute books. George C- Brownell, who was then president of th enat. sue. tained the objection, but on appeal from hie decision he waa overruled. - The spoils were parceled out and th long list of clerks selected wss duly re ported to the senate Without a pretest from President Kuykendalt the euthor ofthe law adopted-only four yeere-aaj-i to curb euch waste of the peonies money, the report was approved. K'n of ithe senators, wss so Inconsiderate ae to Impose upon President it uykerviljil the necesalty of'passlng upon"the' valid- , Ity of the proceeding. A mono the employes of the leglslatur there are many of skill w experlenf who render faithful and eflk-lent serv Doubtless this-la true ef sll the ( clerks In both .bouses, and ef m' t"-e atenographere -1 c-iis of t i -ortant eommitu-' . i. t It I i aCont'au.l 1 . if. I Tr