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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1905)
.V T 1 - .' .. .. ' . . .'..r.. - -" . -, . .-- Y TII.02i:C0N-iDAJLY .jouniJAi; rcr.TLAND, tuz:ay 9 AT HOT SPRINGS Well-Known : Sporting Authority Tells f of . Some Recent ; tO I T Happening, :'V ,; ; AN AMUSING INCIDENT- AT HAPPV hollow club How a'bappeir Young Man With a Thousand-Dollar Bill Failed to Feaze the Dealer;! j7 Hugh Edmond Keoah. sometime sport ing editor of Uw old Chicago Tlmea, post UgmM of the rallblrdand the originator of Chinos fable, la luxuriating at Hot Springe, and wrltea tn optlmtstlo spirit ' und lotallr disregarding precedent . or nroaodr. : Brothar Keogh Bayer - ;. "Bverythtrar la booming. ,. Thera wora 1.000 persona at the, track Wedneedar afternoon, and the attendance ha kept . UB throughout tha week... The M would be much batter than It la If tha playara understood that they could bet -1 Imu tkln ll.tM.i - ti -t--- There are Many persons bare who would Ilka to bat S&00 or so Just to be In terested lit a, race, but they hate to be .' held up ta-rMleule. V- 7 " "Steva Loosendough la probably tha 'biggest operator la the rlnaY but they had him .going for a little while. MaJ. 3utrh Carson, a high-roller from Guth rie, OkJa approached bint toe otoer nay . and offered to bat him eK.Oas on Bat , Eared Beaa at T to 1. Star took It and -asked la a aaroaatlo way; ; .1 . " 'Want any mora? . ' "-'" "" "Tea,1 aald Major Carson, Trtioot tha whole 100.e bill) ' -LV -wvainwdrtare-toc ena. It waa noticed, however, that ha and sareral other bookmakers war rub blnc sixes before tha faoraas went to the post.- Bat -Eared Beaa loot, but Major Carson .was fcack tha next-day with a 'bigger ifollJ ' . r- 7 ' :- ' . "He la thinking about putting On 4 book, buying a etable of horses and tak ing tha krold cure. !..-.: 7 T7.V. - TtieVapor Valley Athletic club will decided Monday lomln whether or not It will offer- a puraa of 1100,004 for a contest between Jeffries and Gotco. If : tha club concludes to go ahead wltkj tha ' arrengeroente the affair jw 111 be A full- dress affair, pulled off In aetslrqulet nesa. Twenty- -prominent sporting man havo guaranteed to :pny, $. sack for tickets of admission. :?i A amusing; rnctdent ooourrcdrat ftbs flappyi Hollow klun last Tuaadayf might. The Diamond-Tooth Kid waa-deallhig an Bllaon Jllka waa In. the lookout A dap per-looking chap elbowed hie-way In, -and. laying down a 11.000 bill, aakad for checks, -t" --.; "- , "The 'dealer looked at him coldly for a ' moment, and, then, flicking; the, bill off :- tha layout aatd? , 1 " "You'll find th niekel-ln-the-shrt tna-j 'china In tha cigar store.' . Jf- -1 '"-Beldame. Pretgr Polly, Artful. Me-! Caeeney, Gold Heels and Dick Welles ... start, svery day here. - Tbelr pictures are . -, painted on a wheel In a atoro next door ;.to the bis; eh,oottng-gallery. "Alr Plant' Caaey. Matty Foley and Roxy . Fvnnyweathar .are oomtrj here . neat weak In Mr. Burton's private car. ' "With 14 bath-houeea onjone aide Of - the main road. HT gamerorair aorta on ' the other, and a racetrack at the and of ;. Via Tailay. 4na axpariencea utaa ditri' icul ty jn keeping clean hare. ; , :' , , z , . -at-tLLAn Vf Into I i FJRST OF FINALS The; Ore t of the flnal games in the ""JHultnomah roatur Athletlo club han .. 1 'dlcap billiard tournament was played off - let evening, when C. W; Zella playing -:I00" points, defeated C '8.'"artoJU who " I was to"ply It points. r. Zel! r played ) his-string of 100 while Barton scored butit..' ; Zellac averaged S.. while Bac ; tonlaajtvaraga ' waa ,1.11... Stanley, L. - ' Banks, playing 100, meats J.-R. Rogera, pieytna- IB the second gama of - the ' -flnala, thla. evening. . Tha winner tjf to , night's eonUet meete' C-W-Zellar to ' " morrow evening Jit tha final gamaTTor : ma tropny. - ., ". f '' ' Bxnurs MAT icncuDT. ' . . , Jeenal ByeHal Berrtce.) . .' . ' .v - Seaitle, Jan.- 14. Tommy Burne" says ; " ;If ha does not. atop Indian Joa-8chlldt ; tha 1 big '. Indian football player In' 10 . . rounda ha doeaa't want a cent The la- ' dlan comes right back with tha remark . that .Tommy cannot , atop - hlnv la ie rounda, -or -at all. so there la a good ... : chance of the men being matched lo meet In Sallard In tha near future ' -Jw Cartt8la footban pUyer.an3 T he has also had a bit of experience la ; the ling. Ha Is big enough to fight Jef- - .fries,' and Is Just game enough 'to tackle any, man put in froDt' of' him. -Burns -1 has It on him In the Ana points of' the : gama,' but Joe. la anxious to mix.' and j.the men will probably meet In Ballard la r.XlJha near, future. . " . AT ASCOT PAmX. "i . . - Joaraal Beedal Berrlca.l . 1 - Loa Angalaa, Jan. I. teaterday" re sult at Ascot i-ara !'' Plrat race, four furlonga Wea Girl won. Silver Sue second, placena third; . Six furlonka Fel!r Logo won. "Wll- : 11am Wright second, Dalagoa third; time.J . .1:14. ' ' .. r i-w-.';. "'-Ona mile and a ' sixteen th Ray Won, Akrlas second, Varra third; time, 1:47. "." ; Seven furlnnge-r-Tlm Payne won, Poa- Fifth ' race.A Blauson coorsiAnona won. Whtteatone -aacond. Lady Xlspar third: time, J:0H. . . - - On mtle Bronae .Wlrig -won. Miss -.; Mar Bawdleh second. Great Mogul third;' - - rtma. 1:41 .. -- s . . . . : 1.. -j .iaiJJ-!'!-!"!' ua Mmm DaKihg Poudor GOAnAIITEED ' .''' '.- -( as demanst rated bV eminent ' ehomlsta sa4 MvaMana, waa testify that food prepared wtta U la abaatataly frea froa roeaeU Salts. UMtk alum and ammonia . - rjC:3f:r2uC:nh COAST LEAGUE : 'DASEDALl- IJEl'S r- 'I San Francisco and Seattle Are .Ji. After, "a , Clever , Fjrsl : r " Baseman. . : " MEANEY IS TRADED FOR IKE WALTERS Gossip the' Clubs and Their ' Prospective Players for the Coming Season. -I With tha Portland, team eracticallv eomplata, the local fans are speculating oa the quality of tha new material that la being selected by" the other ' Pacific Coast league clubs. The Ban Francisco and Tacoma clubs are practically - completed, tha nrat named having yet to secure flrst-baae-man.. while- Plhero aggregatioa of last season la almost Intact, -Uncle HeariT recently completed a deal whereby ha think a ha haa strength' ened hta outfield. . Ha exchanged Pat Meaner.! who has been with tha Bay City aggregation for the paat three years, .to Montreal for Ike Walters. , Walters waa a member of the champion Oakland team of 11. and re rated, aa A flratlaas minor league player. f .f 'Meaney wanted to play east, and Wal tera wanted to stay here, so 1 made the trade," aald Manager Harris, la speaking of tha trade..; "1 want to aay that Pat played good, conscientious ball for me, and. gave . tha club- all that ha had In him. He w a faithful fellow, easily managed, and I wish him lots of sue- In hla new field. In W altera 1 think I have a man who will All Meaney's place acceptably. When ha waa with Oakland I regarded him and Mohlejf about the-two bast maa Lohman had. and now wo have both. Walters la a brainy player and steady la bis habits. He will atrengthan tha team la base running, where we ware weak last year. With-Hlldebrand. Waldron and Waltera In the outfield, thla territory la pretty well covered. I don't know of another outfield In the league that I would trade lor mint." -- i '. Rusa HalL manager of tha Seattle team, is ia the same boat aa Henry Har ris relative to the securing of a- first baseman. . , Both these managers are scouring tha country for suitable men for thla position, but as far as known neither has aueceeded In landing a maa tor the initial sack. 1;.: .14 Manaarer Hull hah1 signed: ifty, Hum,, wmjm w iu um .u i " Of that: outfield positions on bis . team. uefty played left field tor uutte tnree years ago, whea McClosksy won tha pen nant from Dugdale, and he piayea lor MoCloakey in 'Frisco two years ago. .Ha also played or Mae In Boise last season, s'bd reports from east of 'the mountains are to the effect that HouU waa as fast a bullet- and was batting Ilka a. Ia- Joiev'Houts always ahowed up well in Seattle,' but several times ha was badly crippled -with "charley-herse" and could not show bis real speed. He Is not a kid by any means for. he waa a atar in tne Western league several years ago. Lefty ia a scrappy plnyer one who wilt stand up for his rights, -and make up In en ergy what he lacka in grammar lar-fala aasaulisupon 'the i, umpire, JIlJ"lpiing,davflpment,wiUt..innra than bases -wall whea hla lege are la good ahape. and, taken - altogether ha is a valuable man to have on a ttain, Thla practically completes tha Slwash outfield, for that club secured "Dusty" Millar 'for Qanley and Delehanty. and the other outfield position will probably be filled by atther Frisk -or Carlos Smith. - Frisk, tha .champion batsman or tne feague, who was drafted by St Louis, la aald to be dissatisfied with the salary offered him by that club, and haa re turned their contract.- It is barely pos sible that Hall may be able to retain thla player. V ;.'.:. i .-: '-i Tim Flood, captain of thi Los Angeles team. Is bidding against the Seattle club for tha services of Pitcher - Nawmayer of- tha Denver club. Newmeyer la a southpaw of considerable prominence In tha baseball wona, apa aa ciooo, oacaeu br Mofley,' Is anxious-to secure a good men to replace Doo Newton, ha will go pretty- strongi to ' seeure tha " Denverlte. Buss Hall haa played with Newmeyer ahd they ara paraonal friend, whereby no aiao aianaa an excellent vuaucw vi landing this clsver player. The Ban Francisco Bulletin has tha following on Hlmey It rug. who played a few games for Portland last season:-' T sm almost at .weight now,- saia Krug yesterday- -and 3 know I win be in ahapa whea It Is time to report -- We will ha ordered to report early in March. I think New Orleana has Instructed Sullivan lo come south In February. You see.tb.0 .Southern league teams play a lot of games with tha National and American league - clube which practice to different parts or , the' south.' Players get in . condition, by Playing exhibition gameaV .;'.,, 4 - '' ' '. -" ' Krug stated that Ats, who goes with Portland, waa one of the beat fielding shortstops In tha Southern league. - Ata could not agree with tha manage 00 ha waa traded. for Beck. French. -wnom New Orleana exchanged for Nadeau, Krn anoke a aood .word for. .He IS a pitcher, and a very good one1 t . X Mika Fisher has added two new names to his foil of players- for the -coming season.' Ha recently came to terms with "Fireman" Fltspatrlck. a former atar iu the old California league, who ia anxious to -return to the game. 'which' ho quit when he was at hla beat. "The other player engaged by tha -"Tiger. Tamer" Is young Strub. the successor of . the mighty Overall, aa the University of yallXornlaJi malnptayJn lhe box. .Fisher says tnat HtruD,t unaer-nia- trisnvra; tuitipn, will certainly prove 'the aqbal of Overall. ' i.K. : .t : t v- ::. Ike'Rockenrtrid. who waa drafted by St. Louis, Is another player, aald to be dissatisfied -with, the terms offered' him by the major league. - He had better take what he can get for tie wonf stay there long anyway, unless ha 'Should - eat out the. "rough work" that made him don apicuous during the ahort time ha wore a Portland unlf orau " Oeorge Howletts,-the man who played third base for Seattle for' a short time last year, and who also officiated aa an umpire, ia not a bit auperatltloua. ;,A little girl baby 'made her appearance at his home on Friday, tha 13th of thla month, and lust to show that there 'is hothtng- lqthatlhlrteea , snparsi Oeorga . cot an offer from tha Coaat league to umpire next year, and also an offer from Charley Rellly to play third for Salt Lake. Ho baa turned both' of fers down, for If he dona tba apanglea at all next year. It will be as a manager. - Oeorga himself waa born an Friday, and tha 11th of tb month, so when traveling berth It i baa bad ao terror fof'film. '., V ,' ;j txvo or LACstossa extra; Tha Portland Lacroaaa club haa called a meeting of Ita members to be held at the Multnomah club tomorrow' evening at I o'clock. - A. full attendance of tha club la expected, for business Of tha ut most Importance for the sucreae of tha coming season Is ta be discussed, .' GCGPJi'DTCCjS AT. f. ..,'i' . ,' THI: TUITE SVAN SinCeiBalliet Wat Ousted Prep. L, arations Jot Resumption .1 r Have Been Steady BIG OPERATING FUND ASSURED AT EARLY DATE The Mine Produced Richly In the - Day of Colonel Swan's ; " -Management. , : V' ;4"'f-''ri; (-'- Vt (SpeoUl tUptk e Tke JeuraaL) ". f Baker City. Or.. Jan. x About'tha Srst of April Manager C H. Btuller of the White waa Mlnea oompany, Ltd.. will resume work at tha property which haa been so widely advertised In con nection with the-Balllet prosecution Since Balliet waa ouatad and Mr. Btuller waa alven tha raias -of management, -tna latter haa been proceeding with business acumen, nrevldtna the .necessary funds to open tha property and put It on an operating basis. 3 he assessment leviea against the stock hss already brought In several thousand dollars, but Mr. Stut ter's plan of procedure involve a larger Initial outlay, and ha,, will not- begin work until h haa the necessary f unda. That ha will have these soon la assured br the progress -made, and April of this -year will doubtless sea tha White Swan worklnga un watered and put ia oonqitioa for permanent operation. .. - . - No .announcement haa beaa. made aa ta whether a new worklngjhaf t-wtll be sunk-or tha present Incline wilt be used after -lb la repaired and a. skip of lata pattern lnatalled. "One trouble of tha part of the distance from the cellar, an Incline to below the loo. ana vertical again to tha 400.'" Thla divergenoa from true Una interferes with tree use or either skip or cage. f " ' - . - , While-Balliet waa widely advertising tha White Swan. It waa so beclouded in falsehood or the resultant-prejudice that Its- real menu n were - oot..' general lyl knowtC "There are records showing that the mine iiaa produced about . 1200,000. Under tha reglma ef Colonel Swan tha bank at thla place received tUO.OOO in bullion, and . there- m evidence that at leaat $10,090 had been . produced before, Rich shoots were -round in tne unmeet drifts , extended from the-ahaft, Con tinuation of tha shaft below tha 400 la regarded by mining .maa aa sura of de velopment of the ore bod already mined abov. (and tMere tk thosei who I havf worked in tnei mine oaca on tne state, ment that the drift, on thi"400 fittnot yet fufly exploited a rlchahoot that-had been tapped V. Further 1 extension . Qf drifts oa the vain or deeper work will probably reveal .good' ore; .as the mine has produced such whea operated in a sclentlflo manner...... ; BLUE BIRD CROSSCUT - ATTAINS GOOD DEPTH x.toprul IMspatch te The learsaL) " Granite.- Or.. Jan. 14. fllnce Manaaar Wright of th Blu Bird got hla 10 atamo ' mill In od ration, he haa baea usual; energy. '. Superintendent Barrett reports that tha main crosscut,. which la being ' driven Into' the mountain 'at right -angles' to tha mala vein aystem. now haa a length of mora than feet, aad ia a-ainlng depth rapidly. Tha. ob jective for thla drtve la largely tha Sullto.1 van vdtn cropping on the hill above, but two flssuree will be.cut In reaching that goal. The slope for tha mill la in vein No. f, where a drift Is being extended from : tha crosscut. - With the. mllU in operation and ;a full development craw on duty,- tha Blue Bird is maintaining a'-t.: WINTER INTERFERES - -r -,7 WITH SNAKE DREDGES -. 1 .' .. ' T .:..,;?r-?-xT.?...;; 3 4 (Special Dispateh to The-Joaraal.) 4 ; Huntington Or, ; , Jan. '4.4-Wlnter weather haa given a julelus to moat, of tha dredge operations -of the , Snake. There -waa .scarcely time1 to prove the merits of the various - devices. . Espe cial Interest centered In the concentrat ing machine that delivered tba . black sand and fine gold to an oil separator, as many experts who ' hive made ax hauatlva atudy ot Snake rtver flour gold believe tha ' only .affective separator ' of the flakey -yellow grain from. -the eoarse cubical.' black grala of iron - will be a departure from - apecifle gravity ' prin ciples.. By concentrating the magnetic aand with the gold -the: bulk of the product to be treated with oil Is largely AMONG Tfl BOWLERS. .Tha Fin Knlghta took thres straight 'games from tha Oold Leafa oa the Port land alleys laet evening. - They also es tablished new mark for tha high se- rtea. rolling the high total of 1,(31 for three games. . , ' ' Taylor had tha high average, 190 1-1 He rolled a vary ateady game.' Busan had high- single game. 137. . Taylor,- Bu san, Kruse, Rove, Blebela - and Hlnne- kamp all rolled in Al .form. - The' Pin Knights -are now1 In first plaoa - la tha- leagua.- Tha next' match will be Wednesday evening All-Stars tl Gambrlnua. Tha scores of last even ing's match were: " . .' r "-u:---.: ., . Pla Kalg-hta--r ij (!) - ) 1 Ave. Taylor ,...m 20 190194 1-1 Busan . .........137 HI 1001(4 Hyamlth--r-r.-rrr.l4f I7rt-1T1( ChrlstUa . ..--124 r 1(1. 140 144X-( Krus4 4 .177 - 1I Touis .877 111 HI a Oold Leaf 1) (J) '() ' Ave. Rowe . 15i 177 , 174 1 LI Plebela , ........ .1 8l' 137 . 183 lX-a Itlnnekamn . 1 140 F. Closset ..-.111-177 -172 16 1-1 Qalllard , 141 177 11 Ul 1-f Totala i .77 8(7 til sro (jsXAsroa rom lonn. . Tommy Tracey received a letter from E. B. Keevln, tha well known flstio pro. moter of Boston. Maaa, this morning. In which Keevln wishes to know , the orosDects for arranalna matches' for tltioav-ljymmy vrsimi. BanrXangford'and other crack eastern boxers who would Ilka to appear here. - . -? . ' . Tha Hef y of Sheriff M'ord. of course, precludes all possibility of any of them appearing here and Tsaoey ao notified hla correspondent. - Jimmy, Walsh is slated to meet Frankle.Nell after tha. tatter's engagement wlth-Hyland. ... PERSIAN NERVE ESSENCE - lKSTOSSt ajra;00D ns' eered thnassMfc e( esses ef Ksrveee ItoMllty, IassmBia sad atre sbr. Tser elnr tke brslm sUmcttacw tha clrealstloe, auks 4HMtk.e pwft and an?rt wmgmulm vlger le tH wkote being, . all dialDS sad keeM stoposd' priMBatlr. (LOO por kes:- tnm sosrsntse te rare -mmrnf. t OO. Mslled SMles. C rmlia Med. O , 3 area St., I') tse te rare - er rereai los fTM. 'hklaSalnliia. Pa. Bol4 la Poetised ealr br Creak Maa. rertwes sm rDsraisey. reduced,, thus bringing tha coat of this prooeaa down to aa low a figure aa poa- risible. Whea aprlng permlta open work the axparlmenta will be carried on mora exhaustively and there ia a hope. 'along the banks of tha turbulent Snake that tha proper system has at last .been In troduced, . BUCKEYE MAY RESUME . EARI.Y Iff THE SPRING i- . , -. iBpeciat mspeica e ?se lowest. 7 Baker City, Or Jan. St. Since . tha Sumpter amsltea haa beea bidding .ao wall . on copper ores and concentratea the future -of the buckeye mine, aear this city, baa abeea brought to publlo attention again. Un a shaft of ' more than 100: feet rand various-drift-the Buckeye waa proved to' have a large body, of' low-grade : copper- ore. -'-The Milwaukee management for , a. period dlacuaaed some leaching plant, but later concluded that tba only method of han dling the mine's product to advantage would be conoentratloa and shipment to smelters. Since a'- swalter. la running within IS miles of, the mine, tba freight problem haa 1eea largely eliminated, and thoaa - familiar with the Buckeye believe. It oaa bo .made - to produce a good prortC It la known that there have been several mining men toveatl- gating condition of ownership and man age ment, and a 'deal Is -expected to de velop soon. ' . .'. : "',,v.'-;r . COMPRESSOR ON THE- M . MARTHA IS RUNNING 7 ft r-T,. -i - i ' 1 'v. ? -.'"'- X. ' " - tBpertat Dtepewk te The Jeamal.) - Wolf -Creek. Or, Jan. 4-Wlth' the completion of the new compressor plant oa- tha -Martha property, on' which the Greenback 'company recently -took bond, ateady work haa been commenced la tha Several working faces. By meana Of power drtlla It la the expectation of Manager K Nj. Bishop to open- this pVoperty - with' . great dispatch.' The Bhowlng la tha main ahoot ta very en couraglng. : when the, ore body, rudy mill could be-put -la commlasloh' with reasonable aisuranca ofv eontlnuous work, , The. management haa ald little regarding this property. lut. the vigor ous work undertaken wilt be tha best vldenoa to tha' world of the confidence .surfac drifts.. . - MINING COMMITTEE DISCUSSED NEW1 LAWS ,;-'. . ! . is--, ' ' A meeting ot, tha executive commit tea-of the Oregon Minora' association was called last evening in room 111. Oregonlan building; to disease pragma ia legislative work.-. Several bllla affect ing mining have been presented at Ba. lent - and It Will be naoaasary toj get coirfeorted action -art , oka representing thefi real deatraa of tha efatlra mining in tereeta The aseoclatlort la keeping In touch with tha. work and hopes to slat In bringing all sections together for that measure which promtses beat gei V....' . wwwwij wm. .11..- tea ' of m Ining-' men' will" - go- BaVem In. the -effort to have whatever la dona conform to the -wishes of the, largest number interested. t-X -; r; : - TRAM EQUIPMENT IS ARRIVING AJ EUGENE Bsectatj&lsustcb ta The' JearaaL) Blue River, .Or- Jan. -14.-Machinery for tha aerial tram to ba erected on the Onaatr NoTthenrr hrr arriving at - By gene. and will bo transported to thla camp aoon. Roads are" In bad condition at present, mud along -tha McKensta being deep,, whlln gnnw has fallen up the Blue river-canyon, maaing me graaa aanger-ous- The " Great, Northern management will, probably rush their machinery In despite tnaf weather, as . tha . l mania -wW be largely Increased ta eltl ciency by ' the tram. "They tram of tha alngla eabla patternV with buckets about IB0 feet apart to begin with. ' . 6BwAaTXTTnnr OOSTPA ' (SpsCUl Dispatch ta Tke 7eoraaL ' Sumpter, Or Jaa, 14. Nell J. Bor eneen and . 'associates are organising tha Western Trust company, LtL,. which la to have headquarlera lit thla" city. IB addition to a genera,) banking buainess. Mr. Sorensea atatea tnat-lt wlU be an object of tha company to look after rep resentation work on the 4,000 or t.000 clalma of tha district oa which assess ment must ba dona annually. The com pany organization la : expected : to ba completed during the preeent' sastera trip of. Mr. Borensett, -. ; - . v ;,' ' : '.7s i ' '-';-7j'.r'--v7. , -. (81,0 .'nisDatck, te The JoaraaLl . - Prairie City. Or.r Jan. -ll."vLocal in tereer has been- stimulated , tba paat week by receipt here of aomo of tha richest pieces of cobalt-gold . ore .aver taken from the Standard mine.' Super intendent Heath haa encountered kn ex ceedingly-rich atreak in tha mala drift. tha face of Which la now 740 feet from tha portal- There, is-4 inches of .al moat pure metal. ' the - gold valuee la which run, vary nigh, as is character istic with ore of this property.. - saxowi otWvAJrr OMAjrrnro. :, V'. ' i ' "'. r vjf ' - (SpwUl The Jonrtiat.) . V Waldo, Or., Jan. 14. Tha jew. editt pany organised by IB. T. Staples ta han dla tha Brlggs group is incorporated as tha Gold Bar Mining company. Mr. Staplea, who Is yet In the east Is -re ported to hava .met with fair attcceea in getting financial backing required for development work..-. He expecta" to re turn to the district In the aprlng and hava work proceed with a large force. PIONEER EXPIRES AT T AGE OF NINETY?FIVE he Tha Dalles. Or.. Jan. 14. John Peter Mesplle, a pioneer of 1145, died at his .home oa Mill creek, near this city, yea. terday. . . Mr. Mespllg waa born tn France IS years ago. Ha came direct from France In 1(4, crossing tha ocean by manna of a Bailing vessel, .consuming eight months in msklng tha' trip. He took charge of tha Catholic mission st Tha Da Ilea, where hla brother Joined mm seven years later. They were engaged la stock and grain raising. - In 11(1 he bought tha property on Mill creek where he died. " On May I. iUUn waa married to Mlea Adetafcle Bonjour. the ceremony being' performed by Father McAlken." When Mr. Mesplta came first to Portland there were only two log bouaea there,' Ha lived and died a devout Catholic. He waa burled thla morning from the Cat hollo church.1 - ; POMTAsa boas woax. ;., . - .(gperlal mspetefe to Tke Jeareal.) - t . The-Ialles. Or, Jahj 14. Lumber s on tha ground for the bridge work for the portage road.- J. M. Tlllereon la tha contractor. Tha lumber la new being used to build' tha approach- to tha port- ag-a road. .-. Tha grading on tha Great Southern j-aUroed will be completed la a few daya Tha material is an tha ground to con nect tha spur with the O. K. 4k M. at The Dallea. - ' ... , ) , r . . . 1 . r ' I III -"'-' - - ,'.-... .. W U ' V a . ' ..'.II. I m Biiilliijiti j a ,7 ll 1 -j i - ' r y;,ow iiuvv uoujr u. vvuur i iii BT p. m , . I .w v Y tffotk Ton j; .time jWELCHi POLDINQ ; IfBDS havf led J1- otKer,;and ; t''li-iatiain t wotitie. They're -essy ito 'cperate, perfectly fcaJsnced, bnilt of the besf 1 .7 """liuiterial, last longer and1 give more comiort and satisfaction than any. othec i- ;T, folding bed;rnade.'r;That,a isayihg a gooddeaL biit we can prove it T v f V" r;y The' cases '.are- all '"1 ' '-. aa ' a - '.-5:' : . musbed.' Most ot : tnem are nttea witn .tne ima iuiM al sfkinu," rein forced at; ends .and.cenen with steel ribbons, and made with M auxiliary : springs in -end . atUchment Every bed Is fitted with steel castors and pat-, ent headboard. , f We have them with mirrors and without; T.; 7" 7':?ty- ts'- .;':',-V.Every davtWsJvreek $here ;wlll be ; a .'.practical demonstration of iese beds'- in our big corner window. : Will show you how easy it is to be con . fortable and sav SEE OUR V . eVBIBIT. lYKcxirnl I'.tAailOII ' FOLDING - -couches 1;- kr ! VMW'. af , AhfetabLe Preoaradonfor As- slm&atkig lteFool3dBegu- trj tz Stsissll3owela or Promotes DigcsHoitChcerful lasarrfRestXonlalns ndlher OriiBTiWortAine norMinexal KOTliARCOTIC. - V jiiwAa aj Aperfec! Remedy for ConsHpa fion , Sour SlomsdLDiarrhoea Worms jConvulsions .Feverish-1 rvrss&ndL0S90r Sleep. ; V FaC Sunttg Si'nahrra of .'jil ' NEWVDUK. ' 'I DCACT COP OT WrUPPCIt 2J TEETH FREE , . FOX 30 DAYS :. Boston Painless Dentists Aro imw siring th1r ; ioimal . OTf ' a AT PRIf M oa aU osstsl work., i Tbe rkare sre. 1ms than eotlrire prtcre-and all trnrk fcns br eur Mlnleae Ttm sad bf spM-iallata of rrow JS inn- uperiraee. -u STUDENTS empmrM. limn wrsroa. sum . er erawiwd absnlntrlr wlthnat psln br oar secret PKCB UNTIL MARCH jit, '.V. anivar rtlllaga v. ......... .. i .SSa ouruuifi Tea ttoia 7rowaa , .S3. 00 Van Sea Teetk t....S.00 AH Wark Oaaraataael Tea Years. Have rear tiwtk ezrrtetag wltkaat asla shJ iwplsee4 with aew eea tke ssbm . Obm In st sees ana take sonatas ef lew raise. ae sere roa are n, tne riant pises. - , . Bcacn PiJsto Dcstbts ' . MHI AJTS KOSJUSOaT STS. rllW aaorrleoa, Karreal Bam. eNroont ' - .' if-- 1 ,.U .J'.,l')'.l" If rTBW2tf . I L al Ooaaara la the World. iPjaclicalddmonstra of their:; utility in our , Irciit window every day; v ScVhow easily a voiaI-: ah can work theiir : V: - '5'?- i tV," ff-f ur I , built of; selected wood, fmely. finished, andperfectl r aw . . o - a . a '--'' '' W. W A gasaaWatea m ajs . aHi aa aea. eA e aa a at the, same time.; r 4f Va. i mm For Infants and Children. ThoTKind ,.' ' Headquarters fof, Eiasticb Stockings .V-'0 .v' and' af aa- , " -Ty- Irusses;-: . - "' ' ;-' " - ' "'' ' -" ' LAUE-DAVIS PRUQCO,l Third and Yamhill StsV" ' i Mia. eai IWUIIlll CUTS A Bll ILK. ": c::i ro lies rTCMiaoJttss ereei neM"ii sad seen ItoHii his form. a wa ss a.'M. .a.. ae imswii. ilss an mt by I r. aa"- ' m" I tees miM sad . . niMaon. 1 a al Liar st dras- .atsor seat av s'L S ma. ft-as-Wrltal bae aeout row ease. Ba. TT -saaSSBml Bill Up' aimt n fl sLv)' -aT mmmmm nan mm Always! Bought .Bears tie Thirty Years - viis siaaaaa saasaai aewvaaaawv. ;,'- . i ST ctjsieZrLCkV'a : i c::tt.::cyt.:? te Vw b ""Hoes of roOn fbe Mm uns wa.te IWiaiM foe arm irtr Tew. i It sneosa ae eaud. Birtas tne swa. aiiars all Mia. enrae wind aswe. aad la ana ass i - ...... ,t . tv f ' : SEETHE- DAVENPCafS 'WE'RE 'SHOWING - V; -:.. '. '.;;'.' '." v r. ' wt'a'? '. -1-.. -14 "'t1.V m S aound commercial training with " ant delay.- Don't depend en lack t for a - good poattlon yoa- must . ,-,'woi for Itand If yau ara hot ; ripartjr;atnjlppad your way wm : jb continually blocked. Why not, ' remove - tha stones .And take a, ' . ooursa , at -tha ' Behnke-Walker v Business Colleg a? TTi'J -. Business College Oa giadualea ara an asaployadV ' Send M Oan 'forJ Oataleaa.1-' PYR0GRAPHY I il ) Vafc. S ; ..-V-. '".'r -; r Our claaa In all applications of tha "-I art eonvenea each 'Tueaday and Thure- day afternoon from I ta a o'clock, ,,t y. MULTNOIVlAH INSTITUTE C - r SS Sixth Street, ,7,.!v;- '.'J Phone Red Ht. ; FpriUnd. Or. : " r'" Fundamental eiemontof isWalitj erideavorto iii fiise into all our printing; F.W, BjMCoTi'os. Every I7cr.:a let ami i ( and ahoaid knew MAXVIl Whlriiaa tan Tae Mw vteanl Brftap. htic- Mfflia, naa Oaf. li k (UWI StfDDly Uw I'tktka, aaraid ao e-.-r. ba I vafMl tual for uinatrsird Sons It erne i fill vanimlara and iHrx tn. 1 ? -41 X