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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1905)
d:ly jcvr:.x. tc":tl":d. tuz:day ' evening. jakuahy ri, 1:,; . . 4 . ? Cob Agents fa Oregon f-r tBonbet's World Renowned Bcc!: TffeU, Chiffon TffU. iVUudta TaffaUs. Pau ll Cyis. J Sola, Loulatennei and MmmIIms, all raduca4r- : t - Largest Foremost ; Regular 1 1. M -value,' r4urd to, per yard .necuiar i.i vaiuoa.. reaucca io-Jr.ra - . Recular It.kt valtiea reduced to, per yard,l I Regular $1.71 value, reduced to. per yard . ,1. f ,,.$1.4 Rea-ular lie valuta, reduced to, per yard , ., Regular It H.Tlee, vedueed to, per yard . ... .f t.( I Regular MS valuea, reduced to, per yard ,..14 :7s c Br New Arrivals From the World's Most; Famous cteaSaQe Sak MiUsl ah.''exposit!o16'Sz i XOOMSrOP THE WORLD'S MASTER f - .MM fl r j initio. or i Adaz2Ung::shb;en "silken; Springtime beajjty i; magnificent i products of;-tke WEAVERS F, Are we' enthusiastic ? Hbvv cari; we -lielp- It ! " My frHow they. low 1 v WithjilL ihc.warmth and colorlof I joyous 'sjrin before we've donnedthe sackcloth of Lent. . ' f '.Ahead !of time ?"Ve9but' the rnpre to buy--Forl'we'yif determined to do the unusual' again.' Instead of wrapping them 4;; : and hoarding tKem'away f6r the new season' to opien, as inost stores would do, we're gpihg to add to our January silk business by offering them -now AT SPECIAL t : CLEARANCE REDUCTION! But yottl! lose'that much on y our, April business," and youf profits will suffer,Msays,lr, low-Poke, the cracker barrel' storekeeper..; Tommy rot, .man J We re going to get that much business and more away from Mr. lowr-as for profits A fumble sixpence! ttc. - JUST A WORDrABOUT JTHIS-WESTERN SILK-STORE r. If ighoa-tlte, fifth flooffMindef-eVvattlt-of-daylight, in the new anntj;, cigiy piece .of silk that cuiires Into thfsnstore iriiriwrapTO' ijand thoroughly inspected by a man .ivuaong his Jif e. ? . Down bn theJrst' floor under-splendid daylight, in i the AnnexkjjStore, : where; aristo'si J ,craticsilks hay heid ' convention Tfor years, these fascinating fabrics are shQwn'touour public uVder a'clear, quiet east lighto From": beginning toSejid ,our silks are a I . daylight business. . And evening silk are scrutinized under artificial as well as naturaL light, ;tpake surtf that naught loff shade or off quality rcachesthe stocks. It 4s-, 4hard ta.teU the dyt In a piece of iilkiilYoti can, test the weight and texture m your hands but who's, to. tell whether he- dyeing was "properly don? ing house.". The finest, silks still .come from -France, ; the' world has yet equaled the BONNET SILKS OF WsZionpldented SILK SALE of ours. ; No1 woman j no 'matfefTiow fastidious, -or inwliat partof hewbrld she has bought 'silk&jiced ever go'outside Portland or '''Zt "H"' '-wi: ':,':nv hiril4f -W besl atw biiy. silks Fo o this store ind hty thent at youf . d , r . ? ih wicsi me wcigiii iru icaiuic let vuur iianus uui, wno s to. ici.i wnemer jne-ayeHig was .properly aonef t- r; " ' Tainedit anywhere? t You see what a mighty lot of care must : bV exercised ; before:we allow silks tcr"pasl;thjs"''clear vt'tvV' '"' ? T;I e; Switzerland and ItiSily, tho' stealing away V big chunk of: the silk industry... But no other 'maker in T':V':X;iijr F LYONS," FRANCE T famous as the best since your grandma's iinje.a to make up k&rt40;7?. " . 7 YARD 'THAT- WE SELL;' the importaUbh" direct from abroad, from each country," of the silk that is its ipemityrar centers of America Ji- I ' ' log white, cream. mps tms tnt bilk store to lean on.. -:'r::;: I,;";rrp9;:ri C'--: Uri'i it ::':i the New if a; Trifll 3S Licr as j i And a mlacldeyoua rule-apaoe left out by oomBeaitor In a. down-town Job offliei who it tin Men's: Store. adverUsentent for thl werti'a -Oi W. K. WEBKLT, jBTORBi jriEKALJJ. a reprint T wnion went to this paper Sunday aa "copy caused the fallows in tn Man's enop a neap o1 trouble yeatetday.-I canaea us to quote tni , Btuttgarter Staley Underwear at one half price instead of redooed, Tho piica" display Una belongs to Bilk Mufflers, as may be eaally seen when tHa naoa is lert potween tfto items-as here: ,, t , f , j ; irn 'i itai-. K-k --i".- v.!- -! crr.r ttT-vwn van km' mt V irr':: !xil remaining 811k Mufflers, Jn black, whits and fancy colors, speelal HALT The Famous Stuttgart aV Suley Underwear reduced during clears are, the only t the year you n vait youreeU rvet apneas on thesa ireil-krtown taks oC - garments.'-.... ; i- . ' .- ' '' t ' . - ! . : .V ,:OTUER UNDERPRICED ITEMS InVhSJ MAJT8 SHOP FIRST SXOOR. Ken's. Best fl.08 Undershirts and Drawers. . In natural gray .Marine; apeclal. per rar 111 Oil a er"s eee er a e a 'jeaat e-T -' V VV :Mn'ai Best 7Se Gray Merino Srtlrts ami Drawer., in 8vd ervlcaWs weight; special. ' ' 1 Pr sa nil ailt i,- a ' t a - e'e asesaeeaa'4 :e- &la esSft $1.80 -SHIRTS iftq-AU remaining Fancy Shirts, with stiff bosoms, ,beat grades, lnelnd-' -. flng auch well-known makes as Orlffon, Ecllpee. Monarch; apecUii. to close.'.. .50d I1.C0 8HIRTS 11.00 AH ur Sttff-Bosonv Shirts, Including-the best makes; spe- claU each . . . vt. . s ... , .......... .i 1.0 8HIRTS AN.D DRAWERS To Men's Medium-Wslgbt Natural Gray Merino Shirt t . and Drawers, non-sbrlnkable,'rle bottom, allk-faoed, regular 11.00: special. ,....9 1.00 NIOHT R0BK8 to Men's Best Quality Outing Flannel Night Robes, regular ' value 11.00; apeclnl jv'i t ...... ............. i ....... .i . . ................... .SSe BOYS' 60o NIOHT SHIRTS IteBoya' Flannelette Night Shirts, In aof( warm Tabrlcs and winter ,welghtrset 11 to 16. beat SOo value; apwolal,. . . .7 ,i .. . . ..Z64 . I5o SOX 15o Man'g Medium Weight Seamless Black Cuahmera Boat, regular value 26c; : special, pair ...... ..... s rameue ton haJC 1-4- 4 pRica W4 IN PORTLAND'S H1; Lareest-JLdinerAoDarel Dressy Shop Women ilSECOSD TLOOR.) . Th4 bargains we give when we sef out to deduce stocks. to the minimum are often a "aslranged relations' scarcely speaking termswith first prices or present values, For instancs-Today and Tomorrow " ; t - i 7 ' .-.-,t;?"' - - ".'i.,. .'.-'yij t . , , ; .. -t f -t. '7 t- .-' J'. ."f ,V ; AU .Women'a, Raincoats Half: Price : Alt Winter Coats (furs and opera Mytea excepted) HALF PRICE It's evident from yesterday's thrung of pleaaed buyers that Portland's women folk' TXT compare value and the comparison, tips h tcalf In , our favor agalnat the ftathfr weights On in opposite balance. Mors today ' . t .' Women's $12.50 and $2&50 Street Suits ior $6.98 pT'rXi Theee Suits are airetrlctljr' man-tailored, and made up In frrst-laas workmanship. . the favored materials, wanted colors and. smart mixtures,' in reigning styles,-plain , . - tailored and tn all stylish trimming effects now In vogue. A drastic clean-up of the y' tinea ef Suits ranting la prto from 411 M to fg.tO most stores 1 1 5.00" to 13S.0S , f all la on lot at.the wonderfully ami rldleuletrely-ewiell almost gift prioe-if 9.99 ' - - .,. HARDLY THU FAIR VALUATION OF, THIS SKIRT" ALONE, i V - r ,- IAU NO. 1 WOMEWS 11110 TOir.60 SUITS 111 HlBhigrad examples of the .. man-tailor's art. Thee Suits are a gathering oi the aristocrats of the suit stocks ' handsome man-tailored models, made up with axqulslte skill and expert workman--7. eBtp.; In smart streets stylos Cheviots, Homespuns and Serges In plain brown,, ' blacky gray wnd blue mixed colorings., newest Ideas of trlmmlrlg effects, and strictly ' plain tailored. r This sals offers a chaao to eMatn a awelr and Inexpenalvo ault at : the price of the cheapest grades Over carried by this great "Stylo Store.- While ' they last, the usual fairly priced 131.50 to values are offered at a . choice for . .-. ;. .. ... rr. ..... . ,";. . . .TrrrriT". ...... .. . -t . ta.SS "WOMEN'S ft.OO TA1LORED.WAISTS 11 1 Tailored style, la Serge. Flannel, Stamina .and BrillUnktneev- Plain color in t Una bluea. brewaa, tafte-and r'alri blacks, alao" Borne very amart, attractive pbiMst Mads la splendid workman ship, very trim and Jaanty styles. - Best 11.00 values, until sold, for . ,. , each . r. . ....,..i.,.i.l,l WOMEN'S HANDSOME lit- HOCSB TVRAPPER8"7o Factory-ma4e. In attractive styles. In latest models and trimming ff4s. Of patty percale and Flannelette : materlala.'and all newest most wanted colorings and color .combinations. Cut full ' on latest Improved pet tern. No skimped wrappers In the lot. All the product of . 'one of tho boat factories tn America. No ewea4-hn trash, bat splendid house gar , ' ments made under sanitary conditions and" with perfect workmanahtp. Values up td 12.10, ho4oo while they last orf-..-i...t.i.,...........ii.'....Tfs ANOTHER GREAT WArST SAtJC TFS. TWO MONSTIR SALES COMBINED IN - M ;.-. ' ONE UNTIL CLOSEIX :: f . j'jy .k.: WOMEN'S HAND80MB 1( 00 WAISfS ti ll Attractive an seasonable ihssa waist savings.' The walata are In tailored styles, matertsls are Frtnoh Flannel. rtl- llantlnes arid Serges. Colors red, brown, tans and plain blacks. Superbly tailored OilteMeBbTOSilKsi mm .e! Kb f 1 I! !: 1 -t rt it D! 'i ... -iJJe i4 :'srl7Wv.1-w Y37r-Of. ( -x .V.f. T. .sjs - - ey.vsryaartaji aksaw as; fC1tJU6 , ' ' ....... , . togsrf & Thompscdv " , t '! i aawrra aaa awwa ; OLDSr WORiTLAJT & KING - PORTLAND AGENTS 301 ntee m m mmiM-- -ssasasiJBBssMiiesaBsss. tbbbbl r m tho airtrfn BI tneati rinancls.1 Tt pllftoH Mills are .If yu aria klofes andlnotlc4 tier, Being ye SERVICE- faiiafaKturer's Bond. -4 L - -Rcki All About It foti Edged . Security ' Against I:' Here is Bilk Trouble: elanabnck of the Bond, and tho Guarantee Is so atrons that ft ' would to tho manufacturer if the Silks' should prove onwbrthy..' So you sea the ed by their Bond to make a thoroughly reliable Silk and they have dona It. , i 1 4; : CpME IN ? AND : SEK THEMS . S '; . r ' ' " .j. ; inert. Touf vlalt will be a treat to vou. Wa Invite Vou to take off tnnr Be oeiignirui toucti. Bring year etrongest glasses and study their construction money, ipo, ior wey ara sura u tempt you. ; 1' I "I '' " i Vl rj--V - -': 1 'V. hey afeJ If They are Diner, rtfBonded Taffctasv $1.00 per Yard nee wiae, oeauurui. cnnion zinian. ana. very dirrerent rrom ordinary taffataa. Of terj. richer, mors drossy and much batter stock than Is usually ased In taffrfte talk. They, come jn blacke. whites ereams and a-beautlful lino of tha very latest colors in ail ,vb new. ana uemjrajDiejeiwainga jor waiais, SKirta oressss ana linings,- --- - - 4 , 1 I i A .......-. .'-.-..... r'.-V? r II F-'h ALL' GUARANTEED BY THIS BOND ' mcAsr sur mnx truant rr t 4rreAts r TrtvTtt ro mt mvmcHAMt aw raws' m triOmt v &t Jjw i rM Cttm bb 1 i jw r'(wo ir m Tut irimtto tACM va t r v tmax jjMerw MJutvrCTvmt am virrr matr ere ml jov riY msnuner trvp rue rpcAsr icr em ii ciams m4 ro mMmjrrisncTOirT wrtr rr TiwTTTMt.cmKK.ancK.amr ok mi mr nrw aw 1 H " ""Y " I l f rr. tjl, TT II I II iaa - -'T '"M - - . . Cliff on Bd nil GUI A,M ndcd'Suitings:$r25 peryird; jars A hea Vtnish aad ng are Jl Inches wtdev and aro nvtnafaetured Tor moat dlscrlmJnatlrujt trade. v They weave in me new jraris nne sort waie uroegrama. They, too. are in tha Chiffon so rich and attrsctlvs that they are bound to win popular favor at once. - We show them In blacks, whites, creams and Ovary wanted new shade. If you want a new waist, skirt or entire eostumo, and want the latest and; best, be sure and sed them. ;T" U ' r t - , , I- THIS IS THE BDND THAT PROTECTS YOU tft.rre IINI) atllltlret .Yds,, C4iiP76riCc:3D,'SuiTino f?Trs ABtOLVTCLYsPllRK DYE ftlLK. - --,-f . . ij tuAAurttr ro rut tvaemsrw av ravg tmown mrv orrrCUH'a citrrmm M I'tvfflM fwovtit ui rmtrat ft turn mhi re rwiar mrmrrcrto or mmu4 fmcnme A 4iMUTrrKrwwwUirrwm$num t0mTm00Wtmr mttot swm (14v-s MAmt ro 0ATiCTxmvwtAA mMCAusi tCifrrmm caveorjvev owm 4tV gMrravt ev nvg iAMAJt mornit ok a router or nnArn k omfUSf Ptf $AKMtHT.OH WftKK a AIM 13 IOtJOJtlUOtirtXtmJ.ttJ0l g6A"lrQ; it o i Rogers & Tfiompson, ' "THE CXI TOJ 1 0LDS,V0RnUN & HKG all pure silk, 10 inch eg wide,' In a color line erqbrae- Ing whit, cream, natural-pongee, leather, fox. browne, royal, navy, reaada. French, blue and black, at. ner vard.r. .......... ...HlS . Ra lair' da Jungle, the same weave and weight aa tha ftsjal), only has .. illuminated, color-daabea," at, per yard ...t ....... .$1.TS Buritngham Pongee Sacking, very ' swell. In navy. natural pong..', - brown and French blue, itpir yard ..... To grand specials tn-Novelty Suit Bll.ka. hundreds of - neat, pretty atyles to: choose from,- all oolora in tho wta- - ; :r -; i ' -4: ' Lot i. '.. at.' yard .'.'. ........ 59 f r Lot ,. aC yard . J . . t . V. . i , i 7To ;il . " See Ihese and compara 'with any yoii finS offered 'now. or have . ever, known of fered ey.arebereatesii ; known, . --. ;. -. - ; j-v-- -.yrj PublicTT2aRddirr Second Floor. y," ''''Auspices !:YW.' G-Aj; 'undma'!unraHo!stess.- WEDNESDAY, JAN; 25. IS0& Tea Coffee Chocolate v 7- V ; Milk in. UotUes .; -j Chicken Gumt?o Soup 'j. "1 '- - A JClam Salad Hot Rusks f-:,;: ii Sardine;Sandwiches ZiSit: I": .' Bread and 1 Butter a I v RaspberryrTea . Cakes i ftxKHigm's ; and Tomorrow Morning? Papers.' for-Spsdalt: AnnoTOccmciffn; - -!. OC Great.TT Importance to Erery WjaiLfnlPprtland or Ita Tributary Trading Territory, Women's .Knitwear and Hosiery t A a? A n9 a f Aiwwv ma tDBrsozy r '.each......... J . each.;. v.....4 p This M a rare opportunity for largo users; hotels, schools, board in g-houses. . PRICKS "DWARFED AS NEVER .BiCFORG :k'.J .... :.. Maks hay'whlla the sun. shines save monoy-while these bargains lat We're clean ing house, getting rid of oneombrances odd lot, short lots and remainder, lots of de sirable and seasonable TJnderwear and Hosiery for Women aad Children., Some spring weights In these. Buy now and save. Note the ,- -' . -,r -f- .-v.: ,.- . Speck! Bargain Tables These lev Tcday,, Wednesday and Thursday Women's White Cotton Richelieu Vesta, long .JBeevest. ZSc value for, Women's Bxtrs Slso White Cotton Vesta, -lona;' sleeve) See value for, 'Women's White Llala Vests. Ions sleeves, fine ribbed: toe value now, Women's Fins White Lisle Vesta, long sleeves, extra gilktrimmed: 7 So vat (or. aa. .,4 Women's Spring-Weight White Merino French-Band Pant a and Tights; 7 Ic value - noWf pair - v -.. ? aaejy Women's Silk and Cotton Medium-Weight Vests and Pants,, veaU abort Sleeves. , pants ankle length; 1.2t value, now, each' ........................... .5d W- - . .'. . SFRINO'WEIOHT H08IERTrrrr-'r""".'"T- r ;-. --. Womeg'a Fine Blsck Imported Hose. lisle finished, foot double sols; SSe vat for. pr. 33) Women's Fine Black Cotton and Black Gauxe Llals iiosew Imported., spliced seam . and heel, double aole: 10c valuea for. pair . ........ ......... .i1. . . ..t.. ...... Women's Black) Lard Lisle Hooe. fulf finished: 80o quality now.aOr...... j ...... ,fte Clearing the Way: fo Stocks in Domestic Aisles : , '., : , -. 7T-' (FIRST FLOOR.) -;- V ,-x. . We're going through storks ss a gardener . spades bis plat In 'springtime. Turning, things up, and over, laying bars the covered spots, the turked-away-thlngs. Clearing out everything at leas than thai doubles will bring lir sprlngtlnerRead-prof Itr -LOT 1 Our lto value; speclal.Clearanro ' priced .eacb ..... .. :. . ,.4 LOT--i Our ne valuo; speelal Claaraaoe, price, each ...... t ...... .... -tS4 ''LOT i Our lie value; speclsl Clears oca ; price, each ....... ............. .14 v.';':'':r;V..-v' flannels, t ; '- 1c FOROUTINO 'uFLANNELS-lll.OOO yards Of -Whit Outing Flannel, full -r-rb1sched.-sJriroesoTr -truaUtyr - speoisl Clearance price, the yard. ....... -Sd SAXONT FLANNEL WORTH Jl FOR :z , He Good 'quality White , Saxony Flannel for children's wear, eur 11a valie; special at. the yard. . ., ,.33d NAVY SLIT! FLANNEL WORTH 41o FOR lc Navy Blue. All-Wool Flan i nel. Oregon make, extra,, weight, for shirts, skirts and children's 'dresses, our 4te value) special at, taw , yard, -,.!. V..rt....t WATSTIN FLANNELS" WORTH Oe POR-tWiiwrm g mm ni - o T 4 specially fine grade for- waist a and ' bouse dreeaes, tn ail colors, our OOe vslue; speclsl Clearance , prlca the ; .yard . ....... .....v.... 394 ' OlTTTNll FLANHKT.S WORTH lid FPt . 10c Printed Opting . Ftannla. 1 got. ; heavy gtialgy. dark irolortngs In if t ' flgnres, oar lie value; aperlal at le .. yard ...w.,.. .;.'...'.. ..t: ; , MlAVWT AIJUKIN .TOWEUKJ. , .For Rollr Towels. Our. "Valae; special at, de . ' . . yard : Z" i Tvtra 1 SHEETS 40.000 OF THEM. Made of good round thread), attesting, positively the best values ever offered for tho-money, else -SxfS tnchear - special Clearance price, each...:46d lsl 11x10 ' Inches; special . Clearance price, each Mads of nice, smooth rmiatin. with cen- f tor aeaas, also T 1x10 inrhea, only 100 sheets in this )ot; special Clearance . Sale price, each 3Q07 . ..',. ' '"' BEDSPREADS. - Another new lino of handsome Bed spreads lust received to take the place of those- which have been going out ao rapidly since tha 'great Clearance Sale beganv '- , - - .. - i . .. i. i COLORED BEDSPREADS. ' t Light-bio, dark blue, pink and red! - special -Cleeranoe price. each..f l.ZS Our Too value; apeclal Clearance price, each ........... ..i. ....i.S8e Four' spaniel values tn Bedspreads st ..each. aftdWft.ftf, f 1.15 and ' f 1.48. Twof big -special values In-Fringed Red . spreads with ' eat comers, for brass ' bods,, full else; special Clearance prlce,veeoh.t .ftl.BO and ai,6a 5 ! PILLOW OASES. , 4 '. Made of good standard Yound thread muslin, aoft ftnrehed Ironed and ready for nee the beat values for the price ever offered. Abnnt 110.000 of them, divided Into five dirferent lota. LOT 1 Our llMe value; aperlal Oar- , anco prlc. ..,... ....ff LOT 1 O"' 'cUI Clearance - prlco. e IS y Our lie; u; li ri.: c-- and beautiniuy made. Values up to II. oo at a cnoiceunui aoio. ror, j ,. each, I., si.ea Jr, i , iiii ,trm ' ....I' J, - .-.. 1' li i !