The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 24, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    I" f. "
. - inxroaucea - in ..i.egiviai.Mi o
T (.' Correcting i Glaring Blunders ,
..'vy TT' Vv"'-t
'i ifratureaS ofY'ths i ; Mewuro; Set
;v"k Lr:tFortK by R. C Wright,? ; ,
'xci I'iriVyht Drafted It j?s
--,-4- senktcN. "XX -' Coaho w .if . Douglas
' county ha Introduced In th legislator
(-" blllcorrctlng .om--glrme7 errors
.-- the Torren land tranafer statute
' "adopted about I yeara ago.' R. U
. .. .. Wright, a-Portland lawyer, who drafted
v th meaaurov made a- critic! examlns
tioa of h law at IM rfu. ol th
... K 'County Clerks' association before which
' ! body he read a. paper aeveral. months ago
''embodying hie view, and setting forth
tthe mlatakes he-found, bad been made
'la engrossing th bill, when ;it,wa n
It Ions null be corrected in prder totnak
the statat carry mil the1' Intention of
nhe framer' ald Mr. Wright today.
JTn Oregon Torrena law waa to be
V" '.copied In full, from th Illinois atattit.
.which had keen tried thorubghly. end
prored a, be exactly, what la wanted.
. , , rTti rraVnera of -the bill made aw exact
j f .copy, but la. the engroealng auch glaring
1 ' errora were inada that, 1 wactlon were
: Percy , R - Kelley of A""
then . a the senate. Introduced the bill,
.and . both he-and the attorney general
ssoro ineh eurprtaed-fhe -3ther dy to
discover the number of oertou errora
Some of. them .arc the gubstltuMen of
V from' ort,Yif Vr. forvr Jlhs leavlnt
out of two or throe words or whole line.
t . from, the text as. copied from, the ill
taoh draft. In on place in the law
" adopted h nrtMiSln lr made
---rthe statute provide that -only guardians
0 of mbasr' msaaia-ooutd take ad van
tag of the Torrena taw, while the orlg-
, inal draft provided that guardian of ai
kinds could do so. v .".
... mio advantages, law are.
Persona who b-rva piaca'of property
roglsterad nnder the Torrena law prac-
- tlcally nulev title against all th world.
- 'jrho aeeount against this Und then
po-aoa pei-aanonUy belanced uponthe
records, like an account on a, ledger, and
' Jt appears there to be owned in fee by
the rightful person, subject only to such
1 encumbrances as are charged on the reg
' later. -The- owner need look no further.
nor .obtain an abstract to- show the
- . ' of the tula. - Alt deeda and. mort
gages and other. Instrument !
. out as they now are and .filed With, the
. reglatrar of the. county, who Issues a
V cortif-eat to th ownce. "- land
' and takea his receipt, thereby having al
" ways on fUo the original slgnatoreo. and
"V ' fnaklng forgory-ogoasir pf ayo-hpllah'
jt costs about $1, Illinois-to
. buy or sell land, and the wtrl4toaac.
tlon accomplUhed Jtet an. our.
."' If the property has been previously reg-
- 4rtr.-t-fcUimtos loiiaiigpTOporty,
tnaklr.-aa4 sale as asy as the isale
; ofUveatoca.otjvU- ptrsonalty.j.alea
would not he lost under the, law fcecauae
of delay; a- pptnt rblh:real atatr tnen
'Vs - lhouid gppTociat-;-r-.:;---?
- in nninn contalna
Jno compulaory- clause, the- land; ownor
- barnsx the option -"
J... t.. iniHrU- aiir November. ltOf.
vbe an t-B-endment, wan ,adptK nil
S realty1 belonging to estntesl of deceased
person mut)-bOWtlrlsterd undei' the
V Torrena law. which insures that In about
' II yeara every place of real.-property 4n
JUlaoia will hava been brought "Under
j Its oporatlon.,,Y (- . :; :',''
'.' When Ktfcr Prtor of Servlaj waa living
' pbacurely In Paris he was a' redhot ao
i clallet. It- IS believed he. i the f lret
, aoolellfit to mount a throne. - -
Run Down?
- -,-
Twill gladly give you full
wono cm my rcrocuy vo tent.
. " etklag te Beeeiit, , Vetklag rioi." Th
IMlw rttl U rrw. Timr Sragt-Tt, ea My
- 'Order. WU1 Xui Jt 'U XMiar'e Wartk
le -to' am.
Vnt 4 onrt end errr led rvreal aed trale
ted evr.i4ulcnre brrmk dowa comlKettoiw
1 in4 Bukc uramra wont eut and rim
. 4b.a eed iwaiiM and pleM and dlreracd
.. aeni t IHnei thy- mkn Um tiny,
'.' t Utr -- ee -hh H' it-M 'V-
Xot tho 'win jrne ordlMrlly think a boat
; Wit tk n-i Ihit ferns rear awnmeatt aad
.,. f . Hot the entMiatlr Brrrea that, anaalitfd and
ankaowa,. ateat aad oar. kara your heart ia
-;-4 i
floiiarn I
Mil i-er liver v imvm jwai Buin. ym. .
. , Thrw era th arra that worry weara
it' ; aad w-rfc -raaka doarov- .f
It nM a goat te treat Ike a I Hoc era
T r ' - fcMiila, kiert th dliaid llin-.Hp
'-. tweclllaaa atowara tk owanawd kldnrya. try
f ... -ora-a- klaa-.- Mot t bark te tho nerna
' , ' tkat rratral Virm. JMia roo -will And) tb
.aret -of .the treabkv - ' ' ' -. - !
r: K It 4or a goo t take atlmalauta and nar
eMIra, far th. Ira. at Wet, ta bat a fcMBporary
. Wfr- aklck mtf aoetpeate the day ot axk-
. -. oin. ; ...
-. - Tkre is antkfnr nr about thl ootbUf any
Wratrlaa M Stapat. hat It rrmilnrd for
Sbeap te aeply tbia kaawia afo . m Mat n
! arartlral --- it-. Ufl . taatatla (m
tba raaoM of a ooartar aaatar at
alafff tkla vary liar. ' It doae aot.doaa tha erau
ut djaitra tka plf but It oe ea at aora to
Ta a iii m inaio- wpi fa ine. pawar afar
. and brrtlda Ik op. aad trady-lnna It and nakaa
It oHI. Tkat .la Ike and af all vital treaMoe.
.. ;Th la th and of etVapkmi atcbta and rvatlna
.",T' '!! 5" L7..' ,' -." the
-v '.epe vf brata fa aad Uign. . . . , . '
,r If rae are rnra aat, ra antra Ib4 bare arn
t ,trld "W raondr. nvraly wrlta ana aak. I will
- ' an4 yae ae ardMr aoVynae 4rmtttmt wblrb ba
'-will aiwpt aa I4I aa be wnald. aenx a dol
lar. Ha will band. Jo tram bla analaaa a
ataSar MeNI omtia af Sly nraarrtnttna. and
br in aatul tba bIH ta aa, Thbi offrr ta awo
awiir n awaaewa vt air wbmhtt. t
.. '.,.' nmA k Katmll..
hl ril4mc. Tkra ara aa eendHlaaa ao ra
trar. nta. It ' la Ta and .frank and fair.
, It tfM.aaprrakr taat of ml Nmittne. brm-f.
an ibat I aak yoa tt at b it rlte write
? rr a fn w-r ' Unah t ae Trmrjmtt.
-. fnr a felt Hollar bot- Knnt t an tba lloart.1
i tta ye MM adilrr-a - Book 3 on fb. Kldaaja,
.. fhanp. ivx lT2. rVok 4 fnr Woon7
-tha'Ha. Wla. Htaia honk t for Urn.
vildlJoea.yaa-eat: haruaiarliw.
Mlie reare aftHI m kf a alnrla antUa.
r. Boop s
.... i i . t ' ....
' ' - i -. i t ' " " : , " '. ;.".- '. '
" '-: 'i . f : w. f ... V- i'. . ..---; . J t-'rf-i-';
3Sji-Wi nr:,.. pj.i(
Malarkey't Measure Is Smashed
to Smithereens by Re pub-:
r lican Member, - -- 4
' v r
Proposed Amendment Provided
That, .an Adverse f Report '
Caused Killing of 'a Bill. '
rmB a Jopraal gtaff Oariapeaaiet.) '
Salem, Or..- Jan. 14. Chortling their
delight, the membora of -the, august son
atonal bodytn the -ratio. of IT to, a
jumped on laJarky so-called' "gag
rule'.' yesterday afternoon and smashed
if tar ataitharoena ' The - majority, report
of) aha . commltteo . on reao1ut1ons,v- In
favor cf the' amanamant "to the- sonars
rulesv signed by Malarkey and Hand, the
chairman,-, was snowed under, and the
minority report toroagltt in by Smith,
was adopted with acclelmi i. i .
The outf ome of' the .-contest . waa . a
personal triumph for Smith, a Democrat,
Who lis . said - to have been persistently
overlooked - by his - colleagues in . com
mittee' deliberation,-' -.
. lialarkey introduce-. . thd - resolution
last Friday. It proposed aa amendment
to. tho senate rare that When a bill
was adversely-reported by any. com
mittee the ' oueatlon, "Bhall the bill ba
Indefinitely poatponedr should, with
put motion being made, tie submitted to
and decided by -tho aonata. -.--.
Chairman Hand brought In - tho ma
jority report in favor of the adoption.
of the. resolution and moved us adop
tion, BmKh raovajl to amend by-aub-stitnting
a minority , report, adverse to
adoption. - . .m. -. . -t '
"Mr. - Chairman." warmix ; ssertea
Miller, "thla U nothing at all but a
gag rule, pure .and simple. It , l. un-
democratiQ in the extreme, ana wm not
receive my support. - And I want to say
right-here , that so. far as expediting
business is concerned the senator from
Multnomah has pad my flat aalarybUl
In committee for two weeks and baa
taken no action on it yet. It hwka to
mo like a hold-up, and I think before
much talk about expediting bueinaaa la
Indulged In that a report should bo made
on that bill." j : . : .-.V v . -- 7
Tha trueetlpn was then put to af-Vlva
voco vota Preslderrr- Kuykendall de
clared the subatltuto motion of Bmlth
loet. Smith' called for a division, and
on the roll being oaljed, tt waa found
that the .vote stood IT to I In. favor
of the. adoption of tho minority report.
sw salt tatro4nod
Seaavo and fieuao Toaorday. .
Salem. Jan. 14. New bills wars Intro
duced a yesterday's session, as follows.
in tho senatei ----- . . - -. , .-
va. b. i4. by BrownetV Te orovlde tor
the publlcafloB Tf-ppoHal lawsl.
aV. B. 14. Dy-tirowneil t-oy requestj
To-ostabllsh a laboratory, for the study
ef.the criminal oaaaoeev f i ' ... i
B14.-byTutUo-.To amand the
Astoria charter..---? i-
-&7Bl TrWottragha3irTflrmmena
the charter, of -'Oroshan -
B.B, ltaV by CartetwTp amend' the
shatter of Ashland. -. . :. ,
B.a.- ,' by Haines rw relief of
&CU1S Veerhag. '
tj. B. lie, by "joenow toy request)
To provide - for - medlcarv, and surgical
InattMiit rr' minora. ::'-'-" ' - -V , . r' A
8. B. 111. by Malarkey To Amend the
coda relative te coroners.
0. B.. Its. by Slchel Tor tlv circuit
courts power . to parole, con vie tew'per
sons. : .. .'-- ."- r ' .. 'x i', ' -
B. lit. by Bower man To transfer
school funds from VrlUlam county to
Whoa bar county. 3. . .
8. B. 114. by Avery To authorise Corr
vallla to 'construct water .works. . . i
a.B. lit hy(Crtr To fix the salar
lea of prosecuting attorneys la the First
and ; Second districts.
B. B; 161, by Kuykendail-To provide
a state board or control. -
.v v sTow XlUd U
H, B. Sis, by Capron ReauUtlng sale
of food and providing' for state dairy
and food, commissioner.
H.- B. II, by Oraham Ppr publica
tion or laws, , - -. . i . .-. h
it-Bs-flo.- by Bailoir TO amend Je
on child labor. - . - . - -; '-; -
t H. B. 111. by Vawter To Ox salaries
of officers of bouglaa county.' ' ., .
H. B.- IIS, by Jayno To protect sal
mon-and sturgeon and license fishing ap-
.-riia- ' v...' ..... ,.'.
' - . ' . I
li. B. III. by . May go r To , transfer
balance of swamp-land-fund to general
fund. - - . ,. : .- - -'.:- ,;
H. J9. St 4. by Merger To amend code
on-organisation of- towns. '
H. B'lll. by Griffin To flic salaries
of county Judge and treasurer, of lane
county. V- :, 5 '...--. .-' -- . ..
Hr- lla, , by Law To require
owners of fish weirs to remove piling
from river at cjoso ot season. ,
, H. B. S37, by Dobbin To provide for
taxation of llveetock. . ' )..' ;.
H.'B. 2J-. by cole-(by request) to
mend: charter of. , Happner, ' Morrow
H. B. Sit. by Munkare by request) .
TP mehd charter of Albany, Linn county.
li. B..Z40. by cornet t To amend coda
on exemption from executions. , -
ll. B. 141 - by corneu To . Croat
board of .Internal.-, commerce commis
slonera and . making appropriation -of
$15j00 for improvement of Willamette
river. '-,ui' ... .,' .,' . ..
-41, by cornott-To-anwmd coay
on assessntent and oollacttoa taxea ..
-11. B. 148. by8hook To tlx salary of
asftewsor of- Klamath county. -v
H. B. S44. by gteiner To provide for
Identiflcatlon of stock driven from one
county to another.'- . -.'-' i
H.r B. S4I. by. Burns Of Coos To oro-
vlde better, methods of collecting poll
tax.' , . . -..'.- ' " . :.';
imT a bomb snrsis,. y.
. ": ' - (Joaraal taarUl Serrira,) i (.'"
. New Tork. Jan. 24. The twentv-flfth
anniversary of the publlcatloTt of Henryl
uoorgo s rroraae and Poverty" will be
commemorated -by a. 'notable dinner at
the Hotel Astor tonight, Tho purpooo of
the dinner la to .have repreaentattve
apeakare ravlaw- the Influence of the
books which la regarded by ita admirers
aa the moat Important economic work of
trrt 1flr mree decades, and to conalder
tho future trend of public, thought and
action along tho same linos. The Invited
speakers . Include . Mayor Johnson of
Cleveland. Dr. Albert Shaw,. Bllaa Car
man, William Word Oarrleon and Henry
uoorgo, jr.' - -
soAmurv rmi a sauas.
. . (Speelal tnapatca'te' Tea JearaaL)
"-Dallas, Or.. Jan. -14 There are It
rxare or more or teartw Tvnri Dallas
at the present date. V AH have takr-n
down suddenly One case so far haa ft-
nura in aeatn, mat or vera iiaaeiirotHt,
Id I oarv-Wko was burtod Buoday,
-- --tV-:-"
BH Abolishes Boards of Corn
. missioners for Management
- of State. Institutions::
To . .Establish V . Psnitentary
Laboratory for the Study of .
- Abnormal Classes.; :
v (fas a Jeatttal Staff CorreaaoaaaaL)
Balom. Or. Jan. 14. One of tho moat
Important bills Introduced at tho present
legislative, session Is by Dr. Kuykendall.
It provides for the abolition of the board
of asylum commleatoaers, the board uf
trustees of tho Insane asylum, tho state
reform school, tho Institute fo tho Mind
and the school for -deaf mules, and the
board of public- building comroiaalonars.
in their place la subatituted a board of
control, oompoeed of the governor, th
secretary of state and "the state troaa-
urer.'i ,- . :- . - : . I
Th board, of control la to have all!
the powers formerly vested la tho dlf
ferentrwoards and commlaaloiiera aad i.t
th governor. The Intention of the bill
la to lessen Ihe expense of having ao
many boards and coram lsklonav Many
other states are said to have inaugurated
the ayatem proposed by Dr. Kuykendall.
Th ' bill also provides that suppllua
for any of tho Institution named shall
be purchased from tho lowest responsible
bidder, .-after- publicly- advertlalng for
bid,. A superintendent of any -of the
lnatitutlona . Who shall violate any of
tha provls ion -of -tho-blU-shali be dia
charged, ' v - - : "
. -o wiol Oomrl.' - -Senator
Bichel la-the author of a bill
permitting the circuit-court to parole1
person: convicted of violating the crim
inal law of th state. -Parolee, may be
granted lb th discretion of th court.
under the provision of th bill, when the
sentence in th cas of aa adult would
not ax coed 10 year' penal servitude and
In tha case of a-mtnor would not exoeed
S years, provided that neither haa bean
convicted of a previous offense. -
,vady af CMaaliaala.
By request Brownell fathered a hm
tkUbllahlng a. penitentiary laboratory
for tha study of 'abnormal claaaaa and
for : the collection, of sociological and
pathological data, to be found In various
penal and reform Institutions and in hoe
pltala. T The ; bill contemplates -th p
polnHnent, or a director at a salary of
ll.0 a year, who shall jnak an- annual
report. apropriatlon . of 13.000 la
made by th term -of the -bill, to bear,
th exponas of eaulPDlha- such" a-iaborai
tory. paying th director's salary and
o trying on th work..-..-. -. .
In another bill lntrodunad h n
vwny omni, are authorised on or bet
for March JSOS, aad thereafter,
prior to the adjournment of oactiuhaa.
quent svailon of th leglabtture. to nave
all the -bills, general lawa and special county
snd all concurrent resolutions oeOMng for
constitutional amendraante printed in
two papers in' ech county of dally clrew-
v una., imiru ' 11 v ini-n muri.
The fates are not lnaertad- iK4h.Mii-n
wu. a aauFO m committee It a favors-
V ... Aft Sctontuta, ' y'y:
A" bill" Introduced oy Vequeat by
Coalrow a ttacka- Ch rlst la n Science in the
treatment of disease of children. - Pa
rents and guardians ar raqnlred by he
bill to provide prompt medical or sur
gical treatment for every minor depend
ent on t nam in caeo-ot sicgness or in
Jury. .Only physician and surgeons au
thorised by law to practice their profes
sion In Oregon shall bo permitted to give
such .attention to sick children. , - -
The bill proposes to allow "reputable
graduates er ocnoois -or eteopathy,'
authorised by law to practice.
- ft 1 probable th-Malarkey bin lira
ftlng the tlm .railroad employe may be
kept at-work, will be reported nnfavora-I
wy. . Attorneys w. Cotton and- w.
D. Fenton. representing the railroads
appeared before the Judiciary and revi
sion-of laws committees last night and
made'' ' strong! arguments agaltist. the
proposed measure. Tha eornmltteemen
ara said to bo evenly divided. , Railroad
employe favor, the- bill, two' Southern
Paclflo cendocto'r appearing before the
bill ' ulll probably be reported without
recommendation. ..
. (.w .-'. T"- 1 - j' ''
"pf a UV-' (Joaraei Special SarVlra.) TIlri
. Topeka, Kan Jan. 34. Tha prlncinal
bualneaa before th meeting hero today
ot th tockholdr ol th Atchison, To
peka dt Banta F is to act on th di
rectors' proposition for a bond Issue of
IB 0.0DO.0OO. i. i According - to announce
ment, about half -of -the entire Issue Is
to bo expended In the next two year on
extensions aad - betterments snd other
construction work. Of the rsmalnder
about 19,000,00 la to be uaed in buying
equipment and double-tracking: tho road
between Chicago and Kanaas City. .
wauoiai xassx. obbt.
Uoarsel Speclat SerrleeJ 1 ',
Montreal. Que., Jan. - 24.-Montreal
donned - rI attire today lif honor of
Erl Grey, tho new governer-generai of
Canada, wha-arrtvod this morning on bis
flrtt visit to thi cltyJiarr
hi suit were officially welcomed by the
mayor and other municipal or if cere, and
later In the day there was a largely at
tended public reception at -tho board of
trade. . A round of entertainment In
honor of the distinguished visitor ha
been arranged for this -evening. ' .
"1 triad ail blade ef klond remeoiee whten falM
to 4a awaaysooa bat I kaa foand tha rlfblthlna
Klaa. Mr faaairaa all of plmplaa an -blaak-muIi.
Ariartaklnc Caararata thar all laft. I sat
lontlaalae tha eaa af thaia an raeoaBaiaadlna
th.m to ai frlaaila.. I faal an whea i nu (a thi
aralnir. jiaae te aara a eaaaee aa- raansieieac
. . r4b."iriHas.1Slsii..llewark,jr.J
Waaaaet, Palatabto, Petaea, TuM Oaad . 6e "nsd,
Paw Slake, aaaa-a aria, laa.
oU la balk. Tha fanalaa lablnt ataaiead OOfX
(taaraataad te aare ar roar aiaaar baak. . i
StarUag aaaaedp tCaieag r li.Tc af
sale. Tu liu:s c:iu
73y v Beat far
VLyV. The Boweto-TT-ja r
Througrr i Political : Deal Mult-
riomah -. Members Agree . to
.:; Voto to Buy Cooke House. .
Proposed Governor's Mansion Is
Obsolete and Repairs Wpuld
' . Double Its Cost. , ,
I ' tyred a'Jearaal Staff Catraeeeaatat.)
Salem. Or., Jan. St. Of all th meas
ures Introduced at thla aeeaion of tho
legislature for the expenditure, of the
state' money none v la likely to meet
with more sever criticism than th bill
fathered by. Bailey of Multnomah -for
tha' purchase of the. ancient dwelling
house in Balem known aa the old Cooke
residence, to be used as a governor's
mansion.' '.-'ias :... .-..,'..-. .
For S 14. too the owners ar attempting
for the second time to unload upon thel
tat a property which they nave boon
Unable to sell to any on else. - Through
a political deal th support u or ta
majority of th Multnomah member
haa been ' secured. Marton'a delegation
la atandlng in, th property which ta
to b sold being owned by Balsm peo
ple.-and by . dlUgenb-lobbying enough
vote bav been drummed up to give
a prospect of the blU s pasaage.
;' --aMarttwy Sonaa. ,y,::
Thirty-four yoar ago -B. N. Cook,
who had Just, completed eight year in
th office of State treasurer, ereotea tno
bier .frame dweUlna. which tie .grand
children are now attempting to -sell to
th atat. In Ita day It waa th finest
residence . In Balem. It wa equipped
with the convenience .found a genera
tion back In the home of the well-to-do,
and though by no means palatial It waa
a. commodious and handsome home, oo
cupylng' ample ground within ton'
throw of-th capltol. i t :" -
f Th house 1 said to b very sub
staatlaUy. built, .and this la doubtless
true, for. It would not - otherwise ' be
standing after so many years.- Th In
terior is. well finished and the . walls
and 4 celll ngs . are elaboratel y frescoed
with Immenao panel and -floral designs,
with her! and there a classic flgyre. -IMalahiaga
Obaolse. VT ;- v "; '
But th house is antique.'- IjOfty
celllnga. long staircases, high, narrow
windows bespeak a stylo of architecture
long obsolete. The exterior is-sadly in
need of repainting. - Tho -plumbing - ia
said to ba without -trap or vents, and in,
. number of place th freacolng ta de
faced by cracks. . 1 .- .-c- -
If the state should ''purchase Vthe
building1 it la estimated that ttttm coat of
repairs and matntenano -will amount
Willi in -the next half do'xen yeara to
much more than th proposed purchase
price, t Keplasterlng wlir be- neoeesary
In soma -of th room and this will af
Course necessitate- new fresco work.
The present plumbing would probably
bo condemned, and the' exterior of the
house roust be repslnted, - v,- ...' .:'
T" ottoml .
etucn""aprqpetty. Is a bottomtes iil
Into- which 'UksA ownorr.tinceasingly
throws his money. True aa thla la -of a
private owner it in far mora true, wnen
the owner la th state. Every session, of
th legislature would witness doaens of
bills -for petty appropriation lor re
pairs or Alterations In th -governor'
mansion. rf ' '. ;" '"-;-.;- -j
-rtTwo-yeafa ago an ftort-wa rnad to
salt the property to the state for SIC.
tOO. - The ways and means committee
knockedrbft-100 from the price in
order to cover th coet of repainting,
and with this amendment th appropria
tion... after many vicissitudes, passed
both house. It was Included, however,
in an omnibus appropriation bill which
the governor refused to approv, and his
vto was sustained, a week ago. , TV
- iMt Bffort VaUoad,----
Once more a determined, of fort Is be
ing made to unload thr property upon
th atat. Ia support of the proposed
appropriation i the familiar-appeal Is
mad ' that Oregon' governor ahould
hav an official residence where ho can
fittingly entertain tha etate'a visitors,
snd that th' property In - question is
worth the price, -although th owners
hav been tmabU- to - get a purchaser
fr4t at anythlnallko thd figure which
tho stat 1 aakod to py.,i w-.'.-aV -
- It ,1s generally conceded that A resi
dence should be provided, for the gover
nor at Balsm,- but, many members of the
legislature are, asking why the state
should- buy- for-thta- pttrpoean anti
quated troctur. built in th day of a
bygone generation and fast approaching
tha period Of decay; . '.r-
'xcaltnomah'a Tot.!-
Moat, if not all of Multnomah's dele
gation, according to one of the members,
will vote , for - the appropriation, and
M&rfon's senator and repreaentatfve
will be solidly in Ilna.fpr it, , Scattered
vote have been gathered here and there,
until it Is said that a majority. la both
house and senate are at least: tacitly
committed to the support of th bill.
Governor - Chamberlain ' has always
taken tb position that th stat should
provide an executive mansion, although
h ' has also stated repeatedly, that he
would still rstain hi residence at Port
land. ' Even - if - tba Cooke residence
should be 'purchased toy th state, the
present governor wuld make little or
no use gt. it. ss an official hornet . Evi
dently, therefore, there ia no Immediate
oocaaion for any expendltur by th
state" for such a "purpose.' 1". , .
' ? (SpeHat plasetrb to Tka Jouraat) '
Balem, Or., Jan. 14. Th state of Ore
gon, according to aa opinion of Attorney-
Oeneral 1 Crawford, has been defrauded
of valuabi timber land in th Ablqila
baaln. th aggregate value-of which It
la estimated la more, than $100,000. .Tht
title to . acre f this land la vested
In - tha Abiqua- Land company- and. th
attorney-general says that th stat can
maintain ult et aside th dead and
recover the land.
Theao sale were consummated n
Hl. -Th land wa secured Jt la at
legvd by fraudulent or forged-application.-Th
Aotitlou- applicant- obtained
eertiflcntee of sale and deeda to tho lends
which were then transferred t 8. A. IX
Puter, who In turn sold th land to (he
present owners. v . - - - -. .- - t
The attorney-general says: The facts
gre competent- to show that Puter frauJ-
nlently procured' these" cOKIflcate of
purchase from th board,- and, are In
my opinion sufficient to set them aside.
If held by th original purchssera, or
sny on race! ring title with knowledge
Of the-fraud."
TuOTTWha 1g makmr nnrjrtAtTis--slst
th land company ln straightening
out the alleged tangle. In their Intention
to quiet title. Say that trie charge of
fraud ar anlt work:,. j
. '- '-l - . ' .' -.- . .'
...' ' - 1 ' "" '" ; .:.''
If - Lofjal - Option Amendment
: Passes House It Will . Be '
:f t: Killed In the Senate.
Haines' - Resolution Creates a
Sensation Looking to Find
v Traces ,bf Boodle Reported
(rroat a Soaraal Staff Oarraaaoadaal.) '
- Balem. Jan. St. Despite tho claim of
agent of th-liquor interests that tho
house bill of Jayne, -"whloh ha as its
object strict precinct option, will pass
the legislature, those who ar opposed
to . tho- "amendment" declare that ll
ahrood haa already boon prepared. . -The
bUl staada little chance of get
ting through th lkOuee.' said a senator
laat night "If It doe, I think H will-be
killed In the senate, in the-event that
it should pasa both houaoa. the governor
will probably veto It. - There I no ques
tion that it cannot be passed over hi
veto. - Tb peopl lgnrnd their deelr
for tht. law, and tt should . be given .a
fair, trial before th legislature tampera .
wRn It In. any wy. , , ' ?. ',,. L
Haines'' resolution In favor ' ot aa ' ln-
veetlgatlon of tho report that a bribery
fund has been raised has excited discus-!
slon In all quarters, and severs! of the
solons hav congratulated it author for
hi prompt action in 'view of the clr
cumatancea. The resolution wss re
ferred to the commltte on resolutions,
composed of Rand (chairman),' Malarkey
and Bmlth. ; It will b carefully .watched
in committee, and If a report i not
forthcoming a soon It author deem
demanded by tho exlgencle of th situa
tion, he will take auch steps on to noor
aa will fore action.'. v . .
Benator-Bmlth doubts that vn if a
corruption t undexlsts.ih agents of the
liquor Interests 'hav progressed far
enough; In their work for proof to be ob
tained. - However, he . believes an In
vestigation can result In -nothing out
good aad will endeavor to have the
resolution carried beor . tha aenat
:rf wavog-Xai'saeaawttoa.
"My Ideas' ar 'he,"-aid Bnator
Haines: - "It auch' a fund ox lata and an
Investigating -committee can got proof,
than It will be the Interest of honesty,
decency ,and . morality for tha facta to
m ant.'"" ' " c--.-r--teJ. . a 'v
- "If no -aucb '.fund exists; or no proof
of It Is discovered, announcement of that I
fact 'Will ba Interesting. V- -'
rljjit, staether . such a fund dees or
does not sxlst. If tt can be shown that
any authorised agent of the ilquor and
browing Interests - ever, made such a
statement, ho should' do- exposed -aa a
person - whoso mouthlna-s tend yln the
minds of the credulous and' tho Unthink
ing to a belief that 'the legislature Is
oompoacd of a body ef corruptible men,'
-:T''sara-l'it aMoaa.'---t v -';
Th 'members of both. - - eenat and
houso are daily deluged with . letter
from liquor and .business interests and
personal friends whoso Interposition haa
been secured In n effort to pass jlh
Jayn bill. In all those commun lost ions
H le- aeaarted -that- th "bualnear -inter
eeta of th etate demand the amendment
of tho Weal option law." -v ' 7 -
The answer returned' are diversified;
A few ." have promised to support th
Jama bill, a few-are evaalve,' other 'ar
outapokonr hi their eondemnatloB ot th
moaaure. - Two atareotyped anawr ar
onaracierwuo os iua writara. , j
--'.' fcoeal OpUoa . V' i-ji -: :'
"I will vote for a reasonable rfodlft
cation of tb local option Jaw,? tears
Senator .-Pierce. "I -will vote to Inak
lt .qultbl and Just, i I will not vou
ior sucn an, menuraeni as win prac
tically abrogate th local option law.
"I im vnttrely aatlsned with -..tag
moan by which till measur. was -pro
cured, writ-- Bene tor .-Whealdon. "It
la evident, howrre, the peopl want thla
local option law. - I believe In letting
them hav It.- Personally I think they
will get heartily ick of it, and for that
reaeon I wilt- not vote to redac th
do. - My vot will be against the Jayoe
bill. .-' ,,:'r -'.':-,- ' -'
-- - - -.'J..-
. V (dpectat Dlsoatek te'Tke Joaraal.).
New Haven, ' Conn., , -Jan. S4.-j-In a
speccflL aL.a.aoiiar- nenquex- last xiignt.
W. J. Bryan explained tha reasons of
Democratic - defeat In the recent lec
tion. H spoke praising - BoOsvlt
highly, statlbg! ' . . .
There have been symptoms of r
fnrm. that I for on had no suspicion
of sine th prealdenf election.- First
h' announced that he would not again
be a -candidal for the presidency, then
he got after th campaign contribution.
and then recommended mere power to
the Interstate commerce eommiaalon. , I
want the Democrat! party to forget
Itself and .help tho president carry out
' lrt to maciATJg mkmkt. -. ',
u V" '" (Joartut BpacUI Barttc.T i -' "'"
'Bismarck. W. D..vJan. 24.-o.with del'
gates present .from all parts ef North
Dakota ' and other ' interested - visitor
from Minnesota. Montana and '. other
states, th North Dakota Irrigation Con
gress opened here' today. The sessions
will .continue. untlL Thursday, and during
that time mucn important action is
pcd to be taken looking toward -the
reclamation of vast areas ot tba north
west that but await the touch' of water
to-blossrmrnna- bear fruit. Among the
speaksrs will be- representatives of tb
National irrigation . association, , th
United States , geological survey, ;the
Btato Agricultural and Horticultural so
cieties, ad severalagrtcnlrural colleges
ana-state experiment stations.
'"..:" KumreTOsf juntaUBKo.';:, ...
' -v ' ' - - ; -,:
; . (gpedal lhapateh to Th Joaraal.)
- Eugene, Or., Jan. 14 John Mking
ton, the Roseburg gambler, who had
bean bound ever to the circuit court
charged With: robbing Sherman Hickman
of about 140 In a saloon at Springfield,
was yesterday afternoon' released from
th county Jail. om of hi relattvea at
Roaeburg having - eeettred -the- nerear
bail, h iert ror ttoaeDurg en tb artr
noon trsln.'- - - . . - ...
- ' Thm Siaaond ' Oar, .
Th latest newa from Pari la that-
iney navo aiscoverea a oiamona cure
for consumption. If you fear consump
tion or pneumonia, It wilL however, bo
beat for you to take that great remedy
mentioned bv W. T. McUae. af Vanlaae
Tenn. "I had a cough for 14 yeara
Nothing helped m until I toot Dr.
King' New THsivivery ' for Consumption,
rough and Colda. which gave Instant
relief, snd rrtr a permanent 7cufa
i'nequaled ulck( cur for Throatand
.ung, Troubles. At Red Cross Pher-
mjrT, cum una unit streets, on tno Way
to the poetofnee; Price too end IL4
guaranteed,. Trial bottl Xr. f ..
; ' a. .
. -tv
IS TJIEfill Aun.iii .T TIIIS
"Restores Health to Invalids Pronounced Hopelessly Incurable by , r
W .:'' ;.V' V aIin2-' I" J ; :T9. v:' X'-.f !
r . r-, J ; ; tr IT Apparent Impossibilities.. :t.',:; v: ' '
y-' . ! .Vr.-?--
And Condemns Brutal Operations
-?!,; No Disease He May
. jiaitt; inunciDLL mm
at Cures When Doctors and
Ministers' of the Gospet$ay He
Vii-for His ielp to 8uff erinV; Humanity .HajiGivw';;;''
"- -;:-':;; -$eryice and Homer Treatment Freo to
TTvT tho Sick aiwf
v Vi. 'V
New Tork," Jan. lS.-SpclalCorr-pondence.)
Seeing Is believing, snd
witnessing tho oeemlng miracles per
formed by Profeasor-Wm. Wallace Iiad
Iey makes one-exclaim: .Vis there-
tnown limit to this . man' haltng
powarT - la Hhero a single disease R
cannot cure? Ia there any caae ao hopa
leas, that he cannot restore health r' -
v. Probably a other physician In the
world treats as many patients aa inia
famous . professor- of A panopathy and
phyalactrlea. - They Come to him by
scores and hundreds. Theslck and suf
fering, the lame and 'halt, the consump
tive and oaralytlc tho drug fiend and
tho drunkard, invalida from almost ev
ery know disease form an endless pro
cession seeking -health at - his hands.
And this wonderful man; this wlxard of
science, thl great-hearted physician, re
ceives them treats them cures them.
Heals them of disease prrmonneea in
curable by the medloal profession, cure
them after they hay noon doomed to
death by doctors-vlvee health and
strength in the faoo.of seeming impos
lbtUtlM. 7 - V ' : ' ' .-'--..' -
Not in A snlrlt of boastlnr or vanltr.
hut In aquiet, calm statement of facM
he ears there 1 no dtseaoo h may not
cure: says it, and what la more, prove
it. Durlna a recent talk with mis msn
who haa revolutionised tho theory and
practice or medicine, ne saya; .-1 nou
sands of precious human Uvea ar need
lessly sacrificed every year by useless
medicine and brutal eurgary that kill
of tener- than tbey mre. All , upright
member of tho medical profession know
thl whether, they admit it tor not, and
it I time that th general publiq .waa
mad aware of the facta-
- "Cases have come to ro 'that av
bafflod'oomeF-of-tho fceajt-phyolelana ln
the country; where one 'doctor has said
ihe trouble waa with th stomach, an
other aald heart, still another diagnosed
kidney disease or something else. - But
in. each eaae t waa abia to see the real
cause and by removing it I restored thai
patient to perfect neaitn. . i nave Known
stomach -trouble- to be diagnosed as
haart disease, snd heart dlaeaaa as rheu
matism, and countless similar Instances. H
When .these m ia taxes ara nwo ana trie
patient I treated for the wrong disease,
how can the eafferer hop- to-avt--weit
It is aa if you triad to our deafness by
wearing eyeglasses... One Is Just about
a sensible aa the other. But I max
a careful dlagnoela ef each case that
eacne te mo, and treat the real cause. -
-I Save discarded the useless drug
and medicine commonly prescribed by
physicians and use a system of treat
ment that ls.,as much superior to mod
ern medical -''practice an the sun is to
a eandle. Now that I have perfected It
after long y aa1ra of practice and experiments,-
I Ond that I hav the power to
euro my patients without -t heir coming
to ,me. or my- going to them. For in?
stance, read thl latter from tho Rev.
Bamuel Button, aa eminent divine of
Williamsburg. Ky. Tou Seethe says:
1 fee) thankful to God that I was di
rected to you for relief from my bodily
palna and Ills, I feel sure-that our
Heavenly Father ha helped and -directed
you in working out -the. eernt
of power over disease. Your efforta
muat bo accompanied by tho Holy Spirit
to accomplish such miraculous cures. I
know and believe that there I nothing
to equal your treatment for the release
of suffering one from pain, weakness
nd disease. I wish all suffering ones
knew ita-power-to heat; ss 1 do since it
cured me of heart snd kidney disease,
catarrh of the bladder and hemorrhoid.
Dear-Doctor,-I cannot Had Words to ex
press my thanks to you for your kind
ness to me in ridding me Of all my phys
ical Bufferings. My prayers are that
other may do a I .hav dona, write
to you and. get relief, and that you may
be joyful in abundance on earth and In
the world to com for your faithful
aearch and -your success In finding such
a - wonderful power that when . your
treatment come in contact with disease,
illness must glv way to health.'.
"My experience haa proved' that there
la no disease I msy not cure. I do not
care how severe the case may be, how
chronic, how long standing, what other
men have aald or failed to do, or whether
th patleat ha been pronounced Ineur
able or not. I am Just aa ready to cur
consumption, cancer, paralysis. Blight's
disease, organlo weakness, deafness, any
of the drug Or liquor habits, and ottmr
so-called Incurable -diseases, ss Tarn to
cure stomach snd bowel troubles, rheu
matism, nervous prostration, blood dis
orders, catsrrh or sny of tho'other III
that-human -fleoh to - heir to, - I have
done ao many times over. Without in
tending to beaut. 4 -may safely say that
I treat more patient in a year than the
m& . .
tj v t -s.
Hotel and Restaurant Goods
W manufacture HoteJ Range, both
I feet, or longer. Carry In stock copper
also the Amethyst, Jroperlal. Colonial aed
est variety of stoves and range oa th
your Petronag. , .. ( ., .4,.:. . J
ora reoira. tt
A NtTw S I A a B It ' f OK ! A L L T H iP: P tOHi
- i- , a -- - - -
,'l'. -.
by Curson's Deadly Knife" '
Not Cure by Some -
'. V
. .. -- f ' v. - J,
mil or wm- mm
Medicines Fail and Hope f
-" .rr-T"'V ..-''.'."if
Is Csfted'of God.' and Praise Him .
- Afflicted.? "vV
average ohyaioian doe In a lifetime, and
among them are numbered many, of the
worst caae in th country.. And I cur
bees o aa I hav at my command a power . '
Sver disease so great that ita extent can .
ardly bo reallaed. Recently I received
thla letter from Mrs. - C. M. Weston, of
Barns gat, N. J., which will give you an
Idea of how many patients regard my -power
to cure: -'I am ao glad to be able
to toll yeu . that I am well. I can hardly V a
realise that I am cured. I had been told
BO'tnany time by doctor that -my cas -
wa Incurable and that I could never get"
weU that I was almost hopeless. Btlll, i
alwaye felt that If I could And a doctor
who knew how, he could cure me. and I
found htm In you. Most doctors do not -know
how. I-think they know a little
about common disease,- but . wlten it ' V
come -to th serious aad difficult one.' , :
uch mine were, they aay they ar In- .
curable, and never learn auythtng about -them.
My restoration - to health ha '
surprised-all who knew me. - 'No on
thought I -wa really being cured when -
I told them I was, but they e 4t nowirV
snd cannot account - fo if- Ona of Ihe . ,
doctors who attended me last winter -
waa the moat aurprlaed of -all, as . ho 1 v
thought my heart trouble, complicated A
by bronchitis, asthma and catarrh of the -stomach,
would surely kill me before .
thla Bo you see- bow near; death I waa,:;?'
andfthat you. literally saved mo from ;
the grave. ' I also want to thank yott
for- your personal interest nd caira of i
my case. Tour kind words ef onoour
agement did mo a world of good when
I wa so wesk. I am writing to all my
friends who are 111, urging them to put
themselves under your care, for I know .
you can euro them.: Another clergyman, s , , '
the Rev, T. Horrls. D. D.. f Harwood. . --.'
TaXn -whom I cured of ' a complication "
of dlseaeea. writes to me, saying: -1 am
much. stronger and more .active than I '
have been for yeara I. shall always "u
thank Qod and jjou ss His servant fcr
i.a einoavi ftwiivuia juu usva vonierreci
upow one, and sliall take great pleaaure
In recommending you es one of the most.
court eoua offldent1 Christian aantlamen.
-whom. I have over known. I shall al- -wavs
nold myself read v to aervo vnn as .
benefletkry of, your wonderful - skill.'
t.ovamsnay wve whenever-1 caw eerve -yen i...
in anything. May Ood, our, common
Father, preaerve you 6ng in the land of V
the - living.' Kven doctors ar- com- H-
relied to adml that my power I greater '
han their own medicines. 'Dr. J.iC. ; -Feather.
M. IX. of Bheaklfyvllle. Pa.,' '"
waa afflicted with that terrible disease,!
locomotor-ataxia. - He . finally put him- -aelf
under my care, and now7 writea mo -v;
that he is cured and can walk without -the
crutches, he carried or so lone. I
could go on indefinitely .telling yea of
case-after case similar to these, but - '
these sro sufficient to provo to any em ,
lht l have been able to restore hesllh
In - tfrr-fac, of- what seemed certain 4
death." I w..-. t-..-v-.-. . - ,.
"But 1iw about those who. cannot-af-
ford to com to Nw Tork to hav you
treat them." -- .- - . .
-."It does not make the llghtest differ
yu.-v, a vurm m.ra in ineir own borne
Just aa easily and Just as surely eajif
I went to them or they rams to me. Dis
tance cannot weaken th healing power
I have. . All that any, one who is 111. in
any way, from any cause, haa to do Is
iS wpK-r,J. ' ''? oddreeirlng Wm.
Wallace Hadley. M. D.. office in
Madison Ava, New Tork. telling mo th
disease they Buffer from most orthalr
prlncipoJ symptoms-,-aga and sex. snd I
will send them a course of horn treat
ment absolutely free of charge." . -
"Surely you do not mean thaCyou give
services and treatment free to any on
merely 'for th kingr 1 "f
"Tea. I mean
n Just thAt. t believe that
It Is my duty to Ood and
a Christian It
rnn to neip an who ar In nhed. When
hav been alvan iha M.. ..... V
do not bellov that I havw the right to
make any one Waate his money on use-' -,
less drura when I can heal him without
them. We all ow a duty to our fellow
men. W must all serve rq one way or -i
Snother. Wher a rich man gives money t"
glv heelth. I am not a millionaire, a
ut I am able to afford to d my share . -toward
relieving the suffering, of man
kind. And I am happy to give freely of
my services wherever they are needed. T
And I am especially anxious to cure any
poorTnortat who haw been totdrthat Ijiii tt
or her case Is Incurable, that there I
no hope left on earth, .or any en who
haa grown weary spending money on V
drugs and doctors In a vain search for '
health. If they will write to me and
aocept ray offer ther ta not pnly hoifci. 1
" -"-. . cerisinty t nut i
they -need be slrk no longer.. And It Is a t
blesslns; that my power makes a-UtUpif
6W-ltit a much good aa a personal .
we ARt;
Portable and fo set In brick. 4 feet to
snd re-tlnned hotel cooking utensils:
Opallna Enameled wares. Tho- targ
Paclno coast. Wa raspeotfully ollclt
. ... -. ;.:.. : . . - . . '
& Qoihg-i Co.
Vaaw Car to ltt , Xrvlar."
, -f