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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1905)
Dr::::i daily jcur:i.L'. - fchtlaiid. tuiday evening. January' mMscj. Maroaaat Grssd.....,. ."The Rivals' Cola Bible .....(....."The Grim ef IXiIium' Kaut...... '"Kettle UM N.lrt' l.jrlo., ?..."What Uappeanf te Mniltk Bikxi...... "Tl Colon! Hakar ....Vaudeville IW , p.. -, .w.-p...M,,a.eUeVU10 It la said the Oregon Water Power . Railway company baa (Ires assur ances to paopU along tb Una that i doubl track wilt ba In operation aa far aa Lenta by . Julyj 1 thla yeaf. Tha - preeont rawvlc 1 Inadequate -at 1 or-1,-;---,--, tain times at thalAay. and apeoUln4Cid -WHt i BO Advertised . J f Of .on Sundays, when hundreds or people iethe trlp-to Estacadaor eoma of tM many aUburba alone tha line. .Lset - Sunday arternoon tha regular i-miaute cara war full and. men and . women .. . stood up in tha aisles and on the rear , platforms. Many of them were on -, pleaaura ride, and they complained that tthara wM pleaaura in it - . -u ' 1 -Phewl f but what dola'a in Russia. .. Revolution, strikes, s, crtnaina esar, ; Stoessel criticised, .... newspapers . alop . publication.' etc And by the way, it' a good tblns. for. tha America people the newspaper ar grinding out their ; - daily edition If It waan't for thla ',' ., paper you wouldn't anow ao much about . . . the Union laundry and the .food work - it doea. Lota of people know tha Union '. laundry, la tha, beat in town, but it la to thoaa who don't, thla article la flyen puoiicaiion, Teiepnon Jiain iva, i 'Tha eonoart to be given la irlon hsll T' by Clan Macleay In - honor or- Burna' r : birth anntvwsary will h on Friday evening Instead -of Wednesday. ' Thla Is r? - an annual ynt In tke Scotch aooiety, " and tha beat musical talent of the city , - . has been secured. Mrs, Rose Blooh V. Bauer, Mra. Walter Reed, Mr. Jones and . Dota jr. Zan wUl form tha aaartet, with - Mlaa - Ieonora, - Fisher aua - accompanist. " Boloa will be given by tha same singers . ; ... and addreaaea will be made by promr- sent men. - Ordara have bean Issued on The Dalles division of tha Oregon Ballroad Navl - gatlon: company 'a Una that locotaoUve : When trains have been behind time, it la - said, engineers have matntainea a, apeed !" aa high aa 40. mllea rounding some of . tha aharp ' curves.- The overland trains ' .... between Hunting 'mud Portland' make an . , average apeed of J ntlea in hour Includ- n" atopaWf. j,- ' J.-jr. -O'Connor, and. W. F. Carroll, pro- prietora. of tha Tip saloon." Sixth and Burnaide - atreata, - were arrested - lest nlabt. brOffloer-albralth and charged C wlth conducting a disorderly-places A -, v robbery-Is said to have been committed there Saturday Bight. ,' v : - -.. .. -. tf i ' - : Do you know what it means if i,' peson haa to sell t It means that you ... can buy at about your own price and - .term a. Thla la -my case; not having the room in my new quarters on Moflrlaon atreet. I must aell aC lefcat one half of i toy. preaent large stock l before moving. ' A. W. Mevar. I nlxth street. tWhlla croaslng tha tracks' ; on tesst . . Bumalda street yeatesday Bpeclat to .- cer C J.' Andre wa.waf struck by a oai and i painfully bruised, although ne-fre-' eelved na serious lnlurles. He was're- . moved to his home. It? East Pine street. Tana wns bc.of' Onty ror. aom t t, Ed win JFIobaon.vwho went from "Portr '. land to Boston to play-j. threatrleal en-"-- gsgement lait- fall, has ; returned. . He could not stand tha New England: ell- ., .-C mate," . . Mr, Hobson ' made a . hit, in -a -jv. female role in - tha ' Multnomah . club's V production of -','Tha amw". Tbera will be a meeting of the cltl aena'of aouth Portland, thla evening .at J 1 o'clock at jrerwlllger'B:hall, Flrat and '"Sheridan streets, to - discuss tha : Marduam gulch bridge. - Everybody, In- vited, -. ' . prof eaaor Xa ton's dancing -. achooL . "Classee Monday, and Thursday avsnlngs - at -Aiiorr halL Beginners taken at any ' thne. - 81 aaalstant taachara. -' Private , lessoha dally at "bait , Bpaetatora n- . vueo. .. rrooM . west ives. ,.. 1 W Jlu-Jltau easily learned. Tha defense part of thla wonderful art -can be read- I lly learned by man,, woman or child. Professor Rlngler and. General InL ex- V pert exponents. Class or private lea- sons,' Rlngler School, I0 Alder street ' -A-location near tha Bellwood aawmtll v.! on the Willamette river ha been offered to T. W. Clark for tha proposed Woolen .. mill, and is under consideration. , There . .'' la an Increasing . probability : that . the H1 till ba built thla year.-J ., t , ' Have you aeen tha Una Una of buck , akin money belts carried In stock by : . Albert Bernl, the druggist, Second and r Washingtonf Thr safest way- to carry ,' your money and protects against loss, t?- from pickpockets and "hold-upa."-- Tha elesant steel steamer Francis H. ' -leggett will sail on Wednesday direct -ta for San- Francisco. -CaMn,- 111; second, f: Ixa Angele.-aWn," fraecond,tl. Meals and berths free.' Thompson, '1 , agnV13jhlrd.JJ..-.-f - ' ' ' Wednesday afternoon, from I to 5 a'clock. Astra Circle" will entertain. In -- tha A. O. U. W. hall In bonor of Mra -, king. -The meeting la open to member . of Woodcraft and their friend. A banquet la to ba given by the: St ' " Johns Commercial club In. honor of tha "i"-new i charter granted by tha legislature. ."'"" Tha town V nearry-J, people, -with . two wards, and will elect a mayor and Tr" I .1 . I II u i 1 a FXOM-THa Poblxa Schools I: Should ' not onaider their education com- iMete without A knowledge of business ' alTalra. John Wanna W. ..... maker, the wovld'a aaae eaaat prlsee, , aaye j The young man - who starts -in thla ago will i: stsnd but little chance ' . without ' a , : business training.1 ........ , Wttaa'- few' Oaaalofma, COLLEGE m a A. WMg. rham Kaai n. Association Formtd in Toklo for ; Purpose of Making Great ExhWtat Fair.;, V. BARON PRESIDENT AND ;N HAS GOVERNMENT'S KELP I t a4..4 b-- wwimuhh vijnirnwwi Building for Art Works.. . I, :-'4 'Vice-Consul Alba has received notice from Toklo, Japan, of thar organisation ef. the Japanea Exhibit assoclatloh. with Baron Otort as president .The as sociation has, been formed for the pur pose of-eystematlslng and facilitating the eolectlon and shipment of exhibits for tha Lewis and Clark fair, and ha been sanctioned by tha government The leading - merchant and ' manufacturers of Toklo era all members. Soma , will send complete exhibits from their awn houses and, ether will contribute : to large, display formed by a numbef of nrmav : , . .;,."..- .. K. NagaL tha general manager at Yokohama, ot the iNlppon Tuaen Kalsha Mall Steamer company, was In tha city last week, mainly to look ever the docka. warehouses and general navigation oon dltloaa r ot - tha t river. lie - cam - from Seattle, which, la one, term inua for the line, ana was osugntea with conditions at th exposition grounds and promised to carry back favorable reports of tba outlook. - Tomorrow tha - flrst advertisements for bids fow the aonstruotlon of -the only Ore-proof building of the exposition wUl appear In the daily papers. This will ba the Una arts building,; ,1a which tha great paintings, from Italy, France, Oer many and other natisaa will- ba ex- hiblted. as weu aa many fin specimens of statuary. Although it will ba tha ear eat of au th exhibit buudlnga, the fine art temple will coat no mora than 10,0. It wilt be shaped like an "V and will be- lie feet lonr one way and 17 feet th Other., and will be IS feet wide. - It will be situated near the foreatry building, on Twentr-elahth and Thurman streets. - There Is every reason why this build Ing should be rushed to completion. The expoaltlon ofnclals. have In prospect the assembling of a eoetly group of paint ings at - Chicago, to be-: expressed to Portland in a, special car within 10 days. A" aultable,' aafa' place, In which to store them la- Jn Immediate demand. For thla reason the advertisement for bid will be short-lived. - - - . , j.- A letter to fair headquarters-conveys the ".information that a bill has been introduced In th Pennsylvania legtala- ture asking an appropriation of M9.000 for the Portland fair. - Special Commis sioner Mclsaao ahould be in Harris burg today." He will have the Influence of ex- Congressman Stone to depend "upon. yuppins irom papers puoiianea in an part ef th nation shojr that the Worth erri Pacific's traveling agent ar apread- Ing tha newsorth' fair In apleadld atyl,. . ' '.-. - !..., Ar Brown;' a olnand atamp--dol- lector oc-Aatoria, wanta 1.0D ' uaed en velopea with cancelled stamps ahewlng the- Portland postmark and world'a filr ISO Inscription. - In: aaetter to Secre tary Reed he states that ha ha a de mand from stamp 'eolectors In Canada and .ether parts of tha hemisphere. ; ' jtwspectiuiiy jrererved to small boy who wish to pick up a few extra pennies.- two councilman for each Ward and three si urge, wno snail servo wunoui com pensation. Th mayor and council select tha marshal, fire chief and eltjt-englneer. The) auditor . and treasurer ar elective, L. B. Chlpman. v W, H. King.' A.' S. Douglas, T. J. Monahan, J. C. Crome and others are mentioned, for .councilman. given- tomorrow -Svenlng at the M. E. Zlon- church,-- .Main, .4. and ... Thirteentt streets. Rev. T. Brown, former-pastor of tha church and imn presiding elder of th California and Oregon conference, Will speak on the subject, "How to Be a Great People-." Tha musical program will be In charge .of a committee of young people. All are cordially Invited, This. Volunteers of "America have found another family almost destitute. If any of the good and generoua people of Port land have .any food, house furniture or clothing and wish to do a charity, please send it to the , Volunteers at 141 Ash street or call phono Hood 1111, ... Modern turmoil -ef Ufa .V reaulta - in many nervoua dlsturbanoea.- -Take C C. C Tonic- C C. C Tonlo cures III ef fecla of too strenuous pursuit of bust- nee and pleaaura. For aale by. Knight Drug company. - ,:."-."" kmosf ' Important meeting or " the mlaaion at St Patrick church will be held tonight when Rev. Father McKe- ougH will, speak on "Tha Confessional Th meetings ar weu attended ana au gra Invited. . ; - 1 ,- County.' Judge Webster will not be on th bench tomorrow - and' no probata business-will be transacted. " Th county commissioners will ba In session attend ing to" matters coming before, that body. Several '"carload of steel have ar rived for the bridge on Front Street over Marauam gulch, y Much of- th founda tion 1 already-placed' and tha steel work" will b erected very rapidly. tyanted Dry good clerk; young man; muat ba temperate; good aalesman and worker! good -salary. Address, giving reference and axperlence, - A It oar Journal. , ' " " ' ,. ' . , B. ge B. Cough and Croup Syrup p re- Tent colds developing Into bronchitis and pneumonia. Stopa all colda prompt-' Th Portland Consolidated railway I taking up th light ralla on Grand ave nue between - Morrison ana - Ankeny street and placing .heavier rails. i Wa clean) aa creea year elothes and shlna your shoes for $1.00 per month. Unlau tailorlnr Co : 147 WaahlhgWa, Main !. , -, Free dlspenssry for worthy pewr, TueaL Thuna, Sat, 1 p. n. It Vincent's Hosp. On bottle of Tolu-Flr will -relieve a cough, 0c, Woodard, Clarke A Co.- Try Peacock Buckwheat Flour. Ton will be convinced that It te dellcloua, ,-. Tf yott have trnythlng te sell aall Mala 116a. Ill First street .. -.. Ernest Gamhl Recital COs, at T. M. A. tonlgh,t ; Ask your grocer ror Qoldaa Ctkddas I ry ,ATTi:3Ti:zATni3. j tt- ' - ' . I ' ?, , ! - I Unch iBatcs itncagemtiit. .The war bet ween .Japan and Russia, which Just now seems going all In favor of hf rhlkadov baa served to awaken acute 'Interest In anything and everything Japanese; It is natural to suppose, therefore, that an unusual wel come awaits Mlaa blanche Bates at the Grand " theatre next week when this great artist, -aupported "by- tha-Beleeoo company from tha Belaaeo theatre, New York,- will1 present-for th first time her sadrama of old Japan entitled, "The Darling of th Gods.' ' - Tha authors , ar David Belaaeo and John Luther Long, th distinguished lit erateur from Philadelphia The star of tba organisation la Mlaa Blanch Bates, who. In- th role of tha Princess Ye-Ban, daughter of tha mighty Prince ot Tosan. haa given the theatrical world one of th greatest Impersonations ever known. Th company is on of peculiar excel lence. Including Eugene Ormonde, Albert Brunlng, George. Weasel. Thomas J. McOrane, Rankin Duvall, Edward Elam- mer. Westropp Saunders, B. P. Wtlke Joseph Tuohy, Mrs. F. M. Bates, (Ada Lewis, Leslie Preston. Mabl Wood, Lulu, Klein. Madge West and ill others. Th sal of aeata began this morning -at tha box office of the Grand theatre, and there was an almost unmanageable Una tor noura, .: ..;. -. ,-.,.. At tha Ljrrie. Tha new- Lyrlo stock company mad lin first appearance . - yeaterday - when It opened the Lyrlo as a stock house In "What Happened to Smlthf The com pany la composed of talented artists, and Lyrlo patrons-, will never - ooniplaia - if th performers to the mark, they set witn -. yesterday s perform anoet The three acts of "What Hannened ta Smith" were extremely funny, and kept large audience in a roar of laughter. Thomas Clarke acta tha dapper young husband with ,a 'genius for lying; Robert Athoa l th eccentric gardener; Vhomas Delaney play -the hoodwinked -uncle; Willi Treat la seen as tha principal causa ox smith's, troubles: Ella. Wilson plays Sally, the loag-aufferlng cook; Ella jacinure s a numoroua - waanerwoman, and Lillian Griffith 1 th housekeeper. Harry Wright monoioglst and the TltaMUpa. -with anew-film, : pr6vidth amusement between acts.. . - - aeata selling xor uiur..- William Collier, who I to th. Marquam Grand theatre on January lr SJ. and matinee only on th 18th, haa' lately algned contract which I to extend over a long term of years with Charles Frohmam Mr, Frohman has cer tainly 1 started . Mr. Collier off with a bug success. . Richard Harding Davis, the -well known' Author. and. playwright naa supplied the pur - with a, farce - In "Th Dictator" that is original In svery way and extremely bright, end very en tertaining; .lb -farce goes with, shrieks of laughter, and, the numeroua funny situations " and complcatlona - aartend throughout .tha entire three acts. The company with which Mr. Frohman has surrounded Mr. Collier la on of un usual merit ' Reserved -eeats are now llng. . ; f - - - '. - -. . Bkfr Has is 0554 BULr. Thir'raelrir-Balttr-lrill . eclipses' shy former attempt It contains some of Uh highest' priced artists who have played he Portland, vaudeville house hls year. ' Mme. .Venlta's" dauoe are nothing'; . less thsn . gorgeous. ' Th Chameroya. - acrobats -and -equUlbrtats. are one of th beat, .team In vaudeville. Th . Asm. Comedy Four provide a JO mtnut sketch with a laugh for almoat every aeoond. Marie Wllsoa, ' a petite entertainer 0114: sweetly and : danced il . James A. Henaessy produoed the laughs of the evening, but. hi monologue bordered on coarseness a times. John W. Woods with an illustrated aong. -'The ViUag by the Sea,", and th biograph completed th bllti- ...-. " -. '".;""- . 'Air ,m ., j -' '.- . uoa StOCK Makes a Hit. .. ' -When th Bijou Stock company Opened Its season ' yesterday afternoon in th famous three-act comedy, "The Colonel." one ef the greatest hits ever msds by any company In Portland was th re sult Th play sparkles with ' wit and humor, .Its aquations are humorous and mevtnree acta are aimpiy a continuous laugh. The theatre was filled at each of the five performances, and th Indi vidual .members of the company' cam In for tumultuoue. -applause. capable - acting organisation aver ap peared her. In stock. . Edna -. Foley's illustrated song and, tha Ufa. motion pic tures between acts also went welt J.- "Th Crime of Dnbosq.' An Innovation la presented at th Co lumbia this week. Jamas Keen, th romantlo end rising young star, is Pre senting Sir Henry Irvlng's London sue-. cess.. ne unme or vuDOsq." Mr. Keana 1 supported by the entire Co lumbia stock company, and -the combi nation la a treat Indeed to all patrons of Portland's handsome theatre. 'Tbe Crime of DubosoL. Is an exciting' and fascinating, play and Is filled with scenes of strong emotional - character and wild excitement mingled with flashes of most delightful comedy. Empirt'a Promia Kept. Lovers of first claas melodrama will surely find a play to their liking at the Empire theatre. . Thla , week-Freed and Gould are presenUng for approval the latest New York success, "Netti th Newsgirl,' a play founded upon 'facts. Th pre agent proi seed an adVentur- ous plQb. plenty of eomedy, a careful stag production and smooth perform anc of th aqtors. this promise has been kept. A regula given Saturday. matinee will be XjPrformnc-o-'MrhfctT'' Th laat performance of the'Jeffer sons, William -and Joaeph Jr., In Sheri dsn's delightful comedy. 'The Rivals." will be given tonight- This Is the last opportunity to see this charming play. MARINE NOTES. . ' . -- 1 , 1 ... AstdHa. Jan. 14. Arrived at S and left up atVlt a. tn steamer Columbia from Ban Francises. f I . Arrived at 1:19 a. m., stesmer Prentlas from Ban Franclseo. ' i San Francisco, Jan. 14. Arrived al l:li a. nt, steamer Whlttler from Portland. St Helens, Jan. 14 Pas led at IlSO tot., steamer Columbia. - f-. Astoria, Jan. .. Stesmer ; Prentiss left ud at noon, tr ' Aatorta, Jsn. 24. Condition or th bar . s a... as., sought -wind . seutheest weather cloudy..' MAmX FraSOaTAXh C. B, Glass of Eugene la' at ' the Im perial. J. W. Brigg of Burna la a visitor In Portlsnd. . ' -, ,' A Toetnaend . of Aberdeen, ..WashJa among the arrivals at th Imperial. F. I. "Whitney and . J. C. Kden are at rh Portland hotel from Seattle. . President Jefferson Myers of ths state eommlaalon want to Salem this morn. lag. - , - - T " . - 0.iiiLLi5 OLvil . 1 - u. EIDER Cte&mer Turned Over "to Insur ance Companies, Who Have Saved Opme of Cargoi ATTEMPT WILL CE MADE t TO FLOAT THE VESSEL Underwriters. Msy Raise Her and Put Her in Repair for: '"Cit.":":Smlcir7'--"' 't. William Low, representing' the-underwriting firm of. Johnson aVHlggln of Ban Francisco, arrived thla morning, and In company with J. H..Dwaon of the Portland Asiatic Steamship company, left for "tha aeon of tha Elder wreck. Under Mr. Low' direction an attempt will be mad to raise th vessel, whlon la lying-ill tha same poaltion on Coffin rock that aha occupied yeaterday. B. W, Bailey, a professional diver; will nuke an examination of the hull and learn th extent of tha damage It haa austalned. I About .ISO ltona of freight, principally beer and flour, which escaped Injury, have been removed from th hold sent to Portland and turned over by tha under writers to th shippers. Th balanc of th cargo will be a total loss. . It la aald to have been worth la tha neighborhood of I4M00.. - ' -V - . Th fact that tha Elder haa been aban- doned by tha ownera leada some to the belief that ah I damaged beyond repair. Other think th Insurance people will raise th craft, expend several thousand dollar on her- and sell her to. good Jul- vantage. "Although aa la II yeara of aga It is argued that bar steel bull ought to be good for many more years of bard service. Her machinery and bo 11 era ar supposed to be In fair condition. in removing ; me rtrcuaiuuer - of - the cargo there- la aald ot tha vessel sliding ioff the reck, and sinking bow first Into about 10 feet of water. la th event of such a contin gency th chanoea of aavlng any part of her by the. underwriter would be re mote. 1 -.' , ' " '""' AH ot the members ft th crew will leave for their homes In Bah Francisco Thursday svenlng on the steamer Colum bia, the Portland aV San Francisco Steam- shtp obmpsny having supplied them with transportation. -- , .'- It la announced that the Costa Rica, which haa been aagagad to taka-th El der's plana, will make but on or two trips, when she will be succeeded by th Newport, a modern. Pacific Mall steamer, which has -been plying between San Francisco and Panama- The Newport la considerably larger than tha Columbia, and wa built by the same firm at Chea ter. Fa- In llio.. She la Of 1.1 it gross tons and Is fitted wulwtth gplcndld jpaS' senger accommoaaiiona. the Snanlsh-Amertcan war - ana was under charter to- th- government and made several trips between San Francisco and Manila as a transport. - - RECORD-BREAKING CARGO. Twa aa4 a Halt po T? ot IVamaat, Balfour, Guthrie 4 Co,' chartered the Franch bark' Eugenie Fautrel yesterday to' load grain at Portland for-th United Kingdom. It Is th first grain chartsr that has. been.' -effected for' several weeks. Theyille d Mulhouse left for Australia cn Sunday and I the : Martha Roux will U for tha aame destination In a Tew days. With their departure tha only -grain vessels left in-the harbor will be th British ship Dumrnessnir and th GerTnajt . swpa , fauarcnos. Chlstarind-hTomla. ' - ". - Four shins will sail this 'week -for foreign ports the Anna. Falrport, 8. Celeste and Martha, Roux. Tha Anna ia loading lumber for: China under charter to th Pacific Export franiDer oompany. It la said she will carry one Of th larg est : cargoes eve handled by a sailing vessel fromf this P9i. something, lik .la.00 fei.-t-Orego-ir will also be taken out byUh Falrport- . Sh. will go to th west coast of South America with' cross to l.0.00 feet or lumber. The S. Celente is loaded with barley fo( me unitea mngaom. Owihg .-to the scarcity of daepwater sailors It Is feared that these veaeels will be detained In port for a few days. It will requlr about SB man to supply their forecastles. By .charging the cap tains th regular fee of SI a head, the sailor boarding- house proprietors will receive , II. Hi fer supplying the men. Just that amount would be saved by th owner H th captain had the privilege of hiring their own men, as other em ployers haTa,.r-- -r-"v-" T, - f-.-.'Z.''' ; ' RIVER RISING7 WUl Attempt M Beaoh , th :- tk -r-.. JTrk t ,a IVwlg, .. . During th past 14 hour tha. river has risen ' rapidly and is now at a good boating stag. Beginning . today . the steamer plying up th Lewis river will make an attempt to go to the head of navigation. In th paat two week they have proceeded no farther - up that stream than th forks. J. Allen Hani son, agent for the Kamm line of steam ers, returned this, morning from points on th Lewis liver and reports - that nearly an th logging camps, which have been closed for th paat three months. are beginning to resume perations. - As OUS While tht pric of Diamonda has advanced- twk within ths' past few months, the rais has pot affected tho beauties at ' this..' 'store.-'. Diamond,.- youl ' LaiAei aaeaA aa aseM,aaj aw fiAlrti aksT A " uvw) ejiiv sb stivii rwui vi ri . N. Wright's, and having s large) stock on hand, rendered them Immune from v an : advance to price, jio rnatter if every othar- ; jeweler asked 50 per cent more. Wright's the man for Diamonds every time,' Undisputably so. A; N. WRIGHT ; 293 MORRISON St. ' - contdss CHAfiD J0V HA . A S!10!iT. RFITE - X Prosecuting Attorney Heney Has :-'' ; Crip, and Body Adjourns : ' ,C.Jr::for the Day. .:. MORE WITNESSES ARE T -CALLED-FROM A DISTANCE All Presentments Will . Be"Ma'de -' at One Time, and List Will Be Large." 7 - Illness 'today brought respite far 'the laboring' grand Jury, District Attorney Heney 1 th victim of la grippe. Dr. K. A, J. MacKensle advised him to re main In his room for one day at least and poaslbly more, and Assistant Dis trict Attorney Banks dismissed tha Jury this morning until 10 o clock tomorrow, Mr. Heney said today at noon that he wouia in an probability be able to re sume, nia work tomorrow morning, he .felt improved by tha abort rest' witnesses- responding tor r th - sum mons were almost entirely from Wheeler .county, presumably to tell of tha operations -of 'ths Butts creek com pany, tt-Two riew ones ekmr, Mr.- and Mrs. Irving Wilkes. they had been subpoenaed before, but she cleaded ill nass.. anda bench-warrant had to be Issued. It is alleged that Mrs- Wilkes, before ber marriage, took up land for th big company, and that her husband did likewise.' Their continuing friend- snip ror th object ot th government's inquiry Is shown by reluctance to ap pear. Other witnesses ptata that ths testimony they-WlU.-be compelled lo grv constitutes a convincing eaae. ' Theta js no prospect of the grand Jury returning any indictments nntll Its work is over for tha term. All presentments will be announced In one batch. How many there-will be is problematical, but f several new names ar sure to appeeri on in roil of accused, Oregon will have a great federal oonrt trial class next April.-the largest and Moat promi nent, no doubt that ve-wnt before the.-bar. of luetic lit thla- domain Liberty and reputation -will b fought for by th low and high In social and political ' life, and th practice, of act quiring land from the government will be aired a lb never haa been In the his tory of th west . --r a consequence th freight; and"paSsenger ooaineas is expected . to become much better. ; i-v. '- - 1, '-. - FAST STERN WHEELER Telsgraph WIS Ba Bum aa aa ;"::' Boat Bmrl&r Valr. By-April the - Ateenw Telesrann. wned by Capt. U. B, Scott, will' be brought from the sound and placed In commission on th - Willamette and Co lumbla rivera as, an . excursion ' -boat Captaln-Bcott yesterday mad arrange- ments for docking at th foot of Oak street - She will carry bo freight " The Telegraph is one of the fastest tof stern- wheelers, it Is ssld that she carl easily maka th round trip between Portland and 'th sea In on day.- ALONG THEd WATERFRONT. : German ship Carl moved yeaterday to the Inman'Potilsen mill, where she will recelv a. cargo of lumber- for Taku, Chins. She Is under charter to thS'Pa-oiflo-Export LuBVr oompany - Six tOerman cadets Who bar bean on th Brltiah ship Holt Hill, for -tha paat year yesterday departed for their homes in Antwerp. ' They had algned to remain with the ship 1! months.. There ar four-apprentice remaining pn the Holt Hill and 14 able aeamen. -( - At Buttevtlle yesterdsy - th steamer Orearona was delayed coudIo of hours byth breaking of a piston rod connect Ing- with th cylinder. - Bh went out on ber run on time this morning. . .- j - A in tow or the ucklahsma tha -sonooner Oeorge-jC Perkins.; loaded with lumber for San. Pedro, left for the !, this morning. f- ' ' ' ': 1 Italian amp 8. Celeste left thla morn ing bound for th Wnlted Kingdom with lii.nii ousneis 01 - nancy vaiuea at 171,000.. -'-t i : French bant Martha. Roux finished dls- charging cargo thla morning at th Co lumbia dock, -j , ,' ',.;'"..', : 'r'""C.' BJmrOLSS STXTUb suro. 8. A. Reynolds, th cook who mysteri ously disappeared last week from the, steamer Ion I still missing,- and many of his 'friends are convinced that ha was drowned' while attempting t board th vessel. K. W. Knowles. his stepaon,' has offered a. reward of Hi for any. in formation of hlob- Reynolds's wife was in th city from Waahougal yesterday making diligent inquiry ss to when and where her husband wa laat seen. No start to drag for th body has yet been mad. ; .1 - -V-- v ' Of S0B3BVU, Almoat seven hours khvad of her rtgu-4 'i lar schedule time in steamer Columbia arrived -In' tha harbor at 1 o'clock from Ban Francisco. It Would have been .pos sible for her to nave been here a couple of hour earlier, a ah left up from Aa torta at 4:10 thla morning. She brought a full cargo of general merchandise and a big passenger list ; SI) will leave an th return trip Thursday evening. ' - - fl.BV) EX.EOA14T, 12-ropm bees la central, Inrattea. with-rarnee feaet aad Snaly fnt nlahed; rest ealy 10; lease er flr.. 9itJ ' Madlaaau --- -- ' 1- - 11 SEtBEtBasaBBBjBBBgflB I - - ' ' ' ' r- I ' . -. 1 'i in a' 1 1 1 1 " 11 1 ' 1 1 " - - ' ' " ' - . - - Fifteen cents to sell a $1,250 p:2C3 of property Grand .Theatre (Torxaarly OoTdxay.) "t ' f ' '-')' ''f'"" .'"' AS aTsxt Wak. .Monday,nu:r30; afstrasea Tkuraaay and gtvday. KATES V THE DARLING OF THE GODS A Bcaama ef Old Japan, by , and) John tathss Tharsday sratlass afy Aaat'B Advlo and Madame Butaseay. - - Sataxday MaUmaaTa BarUag f taa foaa,-.. . - . Beats saw a Sato at Boa OStoa, Braad Theatre, atall rdasw aaoosapasil4 by aaaoaa giva preaapa aiaaainoa. moea, sa.00, slso, SLetv fse as4 see. ' aia "vaaavlll blli all WediMSday "evenln. Jimary . ISO. . UM4M OPEKA IN KNOLflHll. - - SapporteoTey the Muntrlll Onenitle Company hi "" "Ma TSUtXTUBB.- . - Prices Birtlre- srer Sow, - Ol.iO. - Bsleeey, Brat six rvwa. $1 ; flrt three of leaf eU rows, TSe) Uat three reus lu halwiay. Sue. Satlra gallery, BOc. Boim and lugee. $10. , . ' - BaaU Are Hew Selllx. anTmtlwlAiri- ,T. Tasgls, Sss I ikeasMaia SU innvvmn x SHAAZU Tkaraaar, 'svtday alrhta, -Jaimary "M, ST. , Bpeelal sjatlnre aahiriiay, 28., .-: ' i.- 'hnrlee Prohmaa IVreenta ' , . aiehard Rannns Davia yarcaJ"- --' .:,,'-.:';.. "TBH SZOTATOB. -'w. Ptleee Satire lowas - Sw,.. $1.&0! l Wlcmy, $1, Tie. 00c; gallery, - See,: Ue;.. -Uxet . aa logea, 110. " - ,- . - UlDftlllU . T. Paajrla. kea. Mm. Viavvmn TBAAXBX Vkane Mala set - Tolht. U.t rvrfarawsee, e'Clacfc.' - WIHIaai awl Joeeph, Jr.,' , TBB JMTTMMMQMM , - :... (mertdia's dellahtnU eotoedv. ' y Had fasMos by their fataer, Joeepk .Jeftsnea, Prlcea Lower Bonr. Si. Baleaay, TBc, B0e. - OaHery, 20e, SSe. . FIPI!?F "THFATPF rs u. . fva ii,mti, - Manaaar Mas ' ' Pbnw STatit 11T V seete, A50THER BIO-HOl'SB LAST-HIOHT." AU thla week with rrcnlaf autlnee Hatarday, fteed A dould'a eaeelleat seadaetiea ef , NeUie the Ncws QIrl? - A real esatpaay In s - good- play." - Price Matlsee, 10c. 15c, 3&e.- Kvealn JSC. .'SBe. OUCr f - - Naxtwark, nosie stees tnapaay. . ABOUTWANT AOS THAT HILL 1NTEKEST YOU kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkki - Her you-- ar,- ook"Wted, neat competent cook; 1' Twelfth street" Don't be 1st or, your chanc for 'm- pioymant I son. . , 1 Oot . omet Wing to : xchngT There are aeveral things that you can- make a deal . with under heading f "Exchange." Look them over. . ' "-. . ''. rThl will interest youil "Teur-roora house' and lot, or twOilotB. op block north of Stewart atatlon; smsu pay ment down, balanc on Insuilments. Be owner, tOT" Third street Phon Hood I45J Don't wait for som on else to get It. ' Answer ad. aoon. v--;-,-; ; ? Would ba useless to tire yourself ' by going on a wlld-goos chsa'-for fur nished or Housekeeping rooms,--when Hyou can readily And Juat what you want by reading tn aaa unaer tneir reapec" tiv claaslflcatlpn. ,v " ' ' . '...,.'"-" Another ri'. offer: I "Wanted, good boy to learn a mercantile tbnslness. wholesale andretall; muat have bicycle, live at horn with parent and have good references," and th ad specifies "not be tnuarh " This advertisement explains thoroughly th conditions oil which; on will be employed, lea there be no mis taker Apply at 7t Slxthr street. "; .M 'V" Ladles, if you ar considering having made . a" tailor-made --eult. walats ox skirts, be sure to read the advertise ments under heading "Dressmaking." Tbey do the beat of work; . Run no rlaks when you spend your cssh; get satiafao tlon. . '. " - t- f ' O 11 haa set of model steam engine castings partly finished for sale. If you ar a mechanic this offer will prove of interest- .,, M'.v "- . . ,. See rOckley Oreen flurery"Td under elassincatlon Tbr Bale Mlaeellaneoua" They are offering choice- roeea, -vines, trees, etc. Phono orders tTnfcn UH. - BIAnCM a w i a hi kkkkkkk si A kit ; ' , Tt HE . advertisement reproduced above was or 'JLU dered in The Journal . one week by the 1 Madison Real Estate Corhpany. . After receiving ; one insertion the advertisement was ordered out. "We sold the property the next day following the first appearance of theadvertisement," said the liiJvertrserThearJiso "We had a great many, replies after the property ;was sold, too," added the speaker' ! Not so i j .T: rTx JT Th sho that aet th style for - , the nation. . 1 Toot Tons Children's Shoea. OmSf Baateslv Bsuaiamasit la Vectlaaw, TTX tat; SOU ui Ifci-'zsa BOOT SBOV THAT Wi TOVB B1 ABTIBBBUSyTB. Itimbia Theatre A H. BAtXAtDrteasse'ssd Maaager. . itU THIS WEEK MATUtn BATUSOAT. r--.-..f ssageweat-of . ,., . ... 1, ZZ' JAMES -KKAMSV v7.- i 1 '.'. ' sapported Sy . '" . --i- 00LCMBU rroct, coMpan- "w -V ; i&&lme of ; Duisq ; Sir- -Beary Irring's great Leadoa Lresast . - yirat Mate lsr-Asartes. Oae-waek sady. . . - Svenlng prices. O0c, SOe, SSc. ve. ' --'-l ,r Matlaae prices, XBc. Uc. loe, ..r"''r" Bos erica all day. Dolly' Varde Caady She. . 82T Morrlaos. - Fhoae Mala 110. - ' Bvaala st' theatre,.' Pkasi Mats Mi,. BIJOU THEATRH BIJou v fifociiV Company itnder ' 4s ', SMsageawnt -of ' 'A. ' . TWOKSS." 'will pruiiut (or the flrat-flaw In Portland Ue , lattghable eooMdy,- la .tbrae acts, eatltied. .. CaiTP OT CBAEACTEBJ. ' OnleMl Mnrehy-Mafntre, ....... Mr. A. ft Wlaak - - ..,......, .-1. m. v. viwavneae Daverjr......v,.. ...... .ur. Charles Marian eaaat,-,,-r.--rafc'.y,.y,.,. .j.air. 1 Ward ' Aariaadab SI. .Mr. a. B. Tkono Mra, Orawby Dehaalae.,.. Mlaa Kara BerkweU '' ir 5. TT " ; '.v. ' -"laa Jaas Aadrey i vnwe ... w.- Adsilaatos i t any part ef tke aeoaa, U easts. B AUILa iTHEiATnr:: xaar aaa lanaiu its. gestisg A PMeC :..- -laiges VaadevUI HoaaeiB Aajertea. J HE'S CpKUrsr SKI'S xxait ' Ml. VEINITA':."') - V .AT la ker spertaeatar eaaeee. - .. -a00 i'l'SS' J'lklog ahoot bar. ... T OTHER BIO ACTS T All for 10c. Aitsraooaa ,aad Eveslaga. IT . - I, TH& LYRIC: THE A TRB , . 'Ssventk sad Alder Streets. ; Every Afteraaoa and . Rvenlng This Week, : THS MW ITEIC STOt'a COMPANY. - ..'..- . la- . ', Tba Laaf kable . raree-CesMdy. ". ' What Happened to S.7Jth? J Specialty totwee arts.'" - sS "". "TVrfntSMima at :9; T:S sad t:l s. at - -' I'eoal arte at adariaaloa. 10 eeete, "" GREAT ACTS AT TEE STA2 TEJATI2 TKE ravns txio. . THE yAMOha lotrawT tew. CLAUDIUS ADD COIIaT, HAMSOS ASD DIIV, SABTOBO ASD DABLIBeTOS. datsv nio EOISOVa PBOJXOTOSOOPkVi- ADMIrWION, ,10 CKNTS. . Bhewa. 1:30 10:10 -a. m. 4 - . t - . ... CCXCBBT BALL-b IBB BEOS, ' T' BLAEIBB CONCBB BVEBX KIOST, r . B4S-MS BUBMBIDa. " v , 1, rr,-.-.. , . . . . ,ai. mmurnt 11 aa 11 ail ' Performaseee Afteraooaa. t to 4:10. " Svea.