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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1905)
t:rr; cr-c:: daily jour.::.L. ' pohtla!:d. tuzcday vi:?n!:o, January 21. j iscj.- V 1 T"" ; r" -. . . ' r-"- .- ' -T- , " A'WeskM - J-"4. ain unitiec fro;. foe losses E. T. Tidcombe, Former Mem Rotlney . Clitan Telle of Busi nets Men'e "Winter? '-.S Much Work Done In the Past bsr of tha Portland H!h - - School, I Found tfylnj. ' Year to Lessen Risks of ''':iy;Conflagrationiv'1';Jl: ,. Outing. SHOOTS HI3 COMPANION, STAGE, SLEIGH AND 4 UNDERWRITERS CONDEMN PUT3 GULLET IN SELF Z,:-:z:- SNOW-SHOE TRAVEL 5 T : unsafe Buildings The Dig Store in the Middle of the Block 69-71-73 Third St, Bet Oak & Pine Royal &&rr . V aajysi . ' .. - .' .. Jr"'-- 7";;;v..; . -t - . .... ; .,-....,.. -.r.y-- - , - j-A - -Vibssbbbbsk - ! r-.-'-r-' Tidcombe Wat a Member o -Portland Athletic Club and Proniirieht In Track Work. ' ; (Special Dispatch te TIM Jearaal.) San Francisco, iJmtu-t-Ed ward T, - Tidcombe, a clerl. last night, shot and ,-niea- "Jrouht womsJr with whom -h ,.h4 Jueen living and- iheashot himself ratsiiy, .-, tm couple were noi imina nn ' til noon -today. Lack of work la up ;..' posed to1 b th cans. Tldoomb and hi victim ar known to neighbor aa. BV.I ." Jameson and wife.' r. ' Th tragedyoccttrr4 hi flat at I4J '--Mtanysn.. opposite th entrance of th .Uplden tfate park. Th lower flat wil ....... mcupwa oy an aged ooupie, me nuaonna - being deaf and tb Wlf ry 4H- Th -.hooting waa not heard. Thl morning the landlord reported to the pollc that believed . something- hi d happened. .' The door waa broken open and the w . man found dead In bed with a bullet . hHe under her left ear. Tidcombe tar dying by her aide.-a bullet kola.- under hla right ear. One revolver lay, tn ibe - bed.' the other on the floor, leading to the belief that It might be a oaae of 1 oouni auiciae. - - ; - ... - Tldcomb wa removed to the hos- -rrfa4ta-wheya hope waa-held out 'for m. -recovery: leaner xouna on i iq- combe'e pereon revealed . hla true name. but "did not-Indicate ,tbe eauae of th doubl tragedy. . .... - . The couple wera aeenr but llttta during the six Weeks' residence In th Btanyaa atreet flat, but it waa' Known mat tn man waa unemployed, and both war ' TabouV-JO years old.' Phot ographa ahow ling Tidcombe aa a member of th track 'team, and football team of the Portland high aahool were round among hi f .'. - feet. - . -:.-r"7T:;; '7"'-.- - The- woman' nam la supposed to b 'T-TT7T Edward C Tidcombe left Portland -f. about a y ear ago- aa a result pf embeg Blement committed by him 1n the offlo of the Toke Point Oyster company, where he had been employed about two year.. . - .,' . He took a lutt af money, tb amount j. 'iof which never waa ascertained, aa he ! - took a number -of the book containing ' , the Incriminating evidence. It. la thought .he took about flu from hie employer .'. and lost Jt at gambling. Tldoomb waa . -unmarried and about 15 .years old. He was suppoeed to have1 gone to Mexico. ": - Hla parents reside here and he waa a . graduate- of .the . Portland, high school and a member of the Multnomah club. .i. Ic.-sHE SEES HER FACl; SMASHES MIRROR WHEN : r Attired In a men's eoat and hat. Berth -Hela-appeanA.4a .the muaUlpal -eourt tbja morning to anawer the charge "of dleopfferiy conduct, ; placed against ker - last wight when she wa taken to police i headquarttrr , for . amasblng- windows. throwing a stove lid at a mirror, kick ; Ing aver th stove. nd performing a : few other, physical ;cultur "stunts'-' - She declared, she waa a student of .pelsarte and that she.. adopted thoa tactic to . thwart people tn ao apartment house at Fifth and Sheridan, atreet who war v ffyftia; t bypnotlm hr. -. - ,f " 5 ' 'Thirty day." sata Judge nogu. , . JOBBERS TO CONFER TfX WITH RAILROAD MEN t ImnMnMntfl for th ennferenr be : tween a committee of th North Pacific t Coaat Jobbers' association and represen- xailvrs os ne rmnHvni.iaeiiiei, (mil w line are about completed. . ' . . Ben Campbell, fourth vlce-preeldenl. In i charge, or tramo-oi tn ureat wortnern. ' f- hr to attena ine meeting. j. m. "iHannaford,. eecond. ylce-preeldent, and i general manager of th Northern Paotflo. , and Charles M. Levey, assistant to the i president; Trafflo Director Jam O. . Wood worth nd General Freight Agent ; J. B. Balrd. all of the Northern Paolflo, wtll arrive tomorrow or Thursday. , Th Southern Paclflo will be 'represented by Its highest trafflo authority, X. C. Stubba, and hi assistant, P. C. fltohr. Who will , arrlv tomomiw.'.!-'-':'rT-",,''',''"'"-:;'''--i - The Jobber 'association wilt be rep- ,' resented by a number of th - leading wholesalers ef rort land. Seattle an Ta- t roma. , - ' - ' -' . Janwy rrr7 Citing Sale Sweeoirier Ascent to iIoud Cap InrTAgree. able and -Glorious Nights Are ' ' Spent Among the Snows. t :..- ... , ii ,, ;i.,'.t..K-....-;, ., -. . . i' , ,.. - , ' That a winter Visit to Mount Hood 1 aeugnuui ia me vsroict or it. u. uusan, J. Wesley Ladd.' Walter Honeyman; B. tt BaU,' John K. Kotlocfcr Harry L. Cor- bett and Dr. Herbert RNichola, who re turned from Cloud Cap Inn thli morn ing. .T'.-;.'' J- ci.'':, ifilxteen inch, of snow feu recently at Hood Rivera but most of It had malted. The first 10 mile they traveled by tag.--Then they look a sleigh, for another. '1 mile,,' tb ;now growing steadily deeper, until at tb and tth 10-mile sleigh rid they encountered three feet of snow and tb horse were unable to proceed. Th tourist then put on know .hoe,' and finished th trip to Cloud Cap .Inn, 10 mile' further,. The only sign of human Ufa they aaw was aa aged hunter, who la spending the winter alone In a nut in a canyon not far from the Mount- Hood road. They found a nougar track, and xxiyotes war ylrntl- Arriving at lb deserted lnh, th tour ists built a roaring Are In the. big fire place, dragged wire mattresses out and mad themselves comfortable with Blanket-the two night tbyspent on the mountain. ; '" -. . "Coming back w put on skis and slid th first 10 miT." said Mr. Gltsan. "The treesdenudedof their leave. 1 wr coated with Ice. ..The fir ajid hamlocka were loaded down with anow. There waa a alight thaw, and snow' fell tn hug massea from th trees. Som of our irty had never before attempted kls locomotion, and there were a gooa many-aplUa, - but nothing mora serious lulted than tb Jarring loose of a lew trees. Oh the mountain -there waa a cutting wind at som points, but' the temperature was; dellgbtlul nearly -ail th ttm," y ' V,i4Aw; SUDDEN DEATH OF " - - IIOSEa W. SIMONS Notable Figure in Portland le the Victim of Heart : . Diseas'e.'rLl': -r-.': Work Done Here -Far Ahead of ""That Accomplished EJse , 1 ; v. Where in the North. 1. 1 " Aocordlng to th annual report of th fir underwriter' inspection bureau of this' city an Immense amount ef-wbrk is being ' done In Portland by. Deputy Fir Marshal Robert te-lessen the f lr-haaard. Tb work In ' Portland 1 far ahead 61 that of, Seattle. Taeoma and Spokane, and compares favorably with that of. trf Angeles and San Francisco. Last year 1,0)1 building were Ta- pectad, 'the "number Jf i-electrlcal In- speqtlon waatl.tOT and'i.HT change were ordered, la some instances th de fect were of a serious natur and might bay caused conflagration at any- time. They Jnctuded wooden ash barrela, de feotiv pipes, flues and furnaces, open fire, defective heating plant, -.greasy rooms', moss-grwa roof Sr defective eleo- trlcal wiring, and lack of lira protec tion tn -large building. 'J On ' of th moat dangerous featurea 1 was the , use of gasoline stoves and . lamps, and IT, stoves and TT lamps were abolished. ' In the Urn buildings 4Tflr doors and shutters and SOI fir pall and 4.17C feet -of hose .were' ordered placed under th direction of th deputy fire-marehat, Considerable ' flm i was devoted to building' la course of construction In co-operation ' with municipal ' officials, avoided " and many improvement se cured. In addition, to stopping th erec tion of three tram buildings 1ns Id th fir limits. .. Notabl among th changes mentioned I - th numbert of worthies . building condemned. Not .all th It structure condemned have been removed, bat -e tion may. be Inatltuted by the city u- thorlUea to compel th owner t tear them down,-n ,.'.. ' Th -report aay thak -ar due th chief ef th fir department and . assist ants and other municipal officer for hearty aupport In th. work. i.f MISS WALLACE TO TAKt;v VfMlSS BRANDT'S PLACE i. Mis Fay, Walllos-1 "t be th new ingenue - of . tha Columbia . stock com pany, not Frances jjlosson, a a was orig inally v announced. ' Negotiations ..' with tha latter fell through -at--the4st-me Hosea W, Simon, a prominent figure In Portland., wa (found dead In hi room at th Gilbert House, Third and Salmon aXreeta. at o'clocn this morning;, in cause seems to hav been, heart failure. Simons waa known In several capaci ties-' He was interested In mining at oneMlme'was on th road aa a liquor salesman for a while, and later was con nected with a correspondent IschooL For., th past' three week, bwing to om unknown troubl which mad hint despondent. Simon, had bn drinking heavily. H was quwt and oraeriyin th rooming-house, hbwever. and little attention w paid -to htm until yester day 'when he' asked-for a, doctor. Dr. Charlea B. Hill responded and found thJ man urrertng front' sever cold, ana weak v heart, tha - latter du to aicOhoL Th phrlclan prescribed jand ordered th patient to giv up liquor, -but the Instructions were not , obeyed. - Thl . morning when . the servant k nocked 'at-tb door of Simon' room there wa no repons. Th door .was forced and th man waa found lying On th floor. - H had been 'Mead for about half an hour,- A gash over hla forehead indicated tha-t'Jie had been, seised sud denly and In -falling forward hi . head had - struckv against Mh edge of drr.' X v ' ''- : - Deputy Coroner Fln)ey .was called and took charge of tha remain a. - While Dr. Hill haa little doubt that death wa du to heart failure, h will hold an autops Blmons was about years of age and had relatives In Toungstown, Ohio, who hav been notifled. About f!0 In money was found tn hi pocket. - . ; ALL THE KIDS SMOKE . IN K.C SAYS4L0YD , - ' -- i - . -' i- Twelve-Year-Old Cigarette Smoker- Exchanges i Fateful. -Confidences With Detective l.J menC. Reductions In Eryr W Department Profits have been lost to sight lien's Nobby " $12:60 and $15 Overcoats reduced to. 159.75 Men's Monarch and Eclipse Stiff-Bosom Colored. Shirts reduced Jto .. .j .65e . New Patterns, All Sizes.-. : Men's Finest $t and $1.25 Wool " Underwear, all - shades and -t sixes tviTi'i i t u't . r.85d .." ,..... See Display in Windows. Saml Rosenblatt CDi Co. Cor. Third and Morrison Sts. Lloyd Anderson. It -year of age.-was walking along th treemfile morning blowing out olouds or cigarett moK lik a locomotlveJ H Dld a cigarette between hls Tlngere. - -: ...... "Ton can amok well, caa't you," said Detective Hawley, approaching him, r do von nrefer Turkish r Ra-yotlanr' . Don't make no'Mifr,"-j replied the youngster; fmak m mylf moat'd time. -I kin chw pratty wl now,. any way, it, don't make m sick any More. Dot a-pip here, too, but tt don't .look good co use a pip on a street. --Take a walk with m, Uttle fellow,' aid tb officer, who took th lad by th hand and escorted aim to polic head outrun.'- ' . . - Th youngster Wa deeply grieved t the lmpoaltlon of hi eonfldencei.- He wag hld until big mother wag fiotlflea; and cam frantl ,to tha station. . . t , "I don't talk to stranger much.' he ald . to,Hawlyr "but you 'looked pretty good, so I talked. - And youl waa an of ficer.. And you Jpegcbed . to my ma, Tou'r no : good. i ". -' Th lad reached Portland from Kan sas City: four days, a go. , His father la a barber, and th family will locate atrWoodburn. ' - ..- -VAll d kids smoke In X. fV ha aald. H waa released when hi mother ar rived. . Hs - promised .-14 cu t out hi praotio.- ' - i-x '..'--.- rv" rorowyr - wzu , covTmox j (Journal Rpsclal Bervtee.) -.Washington, - Jan. St. Both' house yeaterday passed a bill " concentrating th forest reserve servlc. Thla place th administration and control of for eatr reserves 'wltf th "department of agrlcultur. It hi Intended to cencen trata . under on ' man th various branches, of th service which hav to do with forest-management. - Olfford Plnchot, chief of th forestry bureau will thus become th head of the work of thl department, which at present -1 handled In several - depart ment, wrier mor or leas confusion now MisUM. '- " ,- ' ;iv ' She. is wjth Befaseo'g stock oomnatfy. in Ios Angeleav- This 1 her. twentieth week there. Last serfbon sh won dis tinction wlth.'tb James Neill company. Mis Wallac le.a nleoe of Ixttta.' Her engagement with th Cplii'mbla family will begin next Monday . .?i NO CLUE-TO BANPITS-T-1 WHO tiELP-UP. TRAIN ,',, -- "': : . Clew after clew haa been ' followed ydtecTlva f TnheTr: ef fortsHlo" find (race 01 me- iour - Danaiis. wno neia up and robbed th occupant of th amok-. Ing- compartment of th rear coach "of tha 8pokneFlyr In the city limits early Saturday evening. They confess themselves completely baffled. ' The .4wo.:uspecta - who were arrested at Th Dalle on a pasaenger tram that followed th Bpokana Flyer, to that city ar held-pendlng further - examination. Detective FlUgerald of the O. R. ti. returned, from Th Dalles-today. He went to that city for. tb purpoB of in. tsrrogatlng. the two uapcta who. -were arrested there. It 1 likely that they Will be released m a short time. ,-S-v 0 Willr take- choice of " 23 4UOc styles of over ' 400 All Wool Suits, in scotch tweeds, hand tailored Wool serge: linings,;.'self-re-" taining shapes. Suits that are per-' Jcct ' in make and 4style and Were" made' to retail at $12 and $15 ' Yoti can take, choice , of the lot' at $6.85 ; in single and double hieasted stve?. Cft QC Will take 85 lots of Cahh PO.OO Wimpold & Co.'s fine im-pprted-Tweeds,; nude to reUil at $16.56, $18 and $20; fabrics that can be found in some, of the btf taitnr Jhops n jMie -"'land. Cahn. Wampold fit Co. were acknowledrrd mater in producing high, class iplothes, and this sale offer? opportunities that' are without ah equal in the three Pacifi 5tafesvTncre is - ecnuine "Vat!far tion in buying clothes here.. No old tykslOt. cheaply,: tailored- earrnenU in the; big store. -; 5H I O C FoLchoice of 60styles PI 1 tOO of imported Tw e e d Suits, worth" $20 to $25.itWe do not make assertions that are not true. Theie-lsuits 'are of the newest stid latest style? and iabricssiloTed by thehighest-Jass wprkraejii and'are jpnsaleZiodayf rjnsxme:f -flit, most reliable clothing'' stores' in i America at th'e above; prices and are 'worth it., it we naajto pay the usual whole sale prices we: could not sell them, so wonderfully" low in price, but the purchase of the Cahn, Wampold & Co., wholesale' stock enables, us to dp It 60 cents on the dollar wholesale "aying-didjitir: 100 Styles of Tveed;Suits and Rite-Overcoats at an average ; of. ONE-HyVLF VALUE argument f enough to keep f this store busy; for: eight hours each" day,"-:.-,-,':: rcbsitsjand ' lift I n A I -""-r-.v- f : . 1 r - Z- i m m --r . JKT I a3 I I w We will close 50 lots, from the fine Cahh, Wampold & Coi stock- at the lowest prices ever quoted for so fine qualities and latest styles. I You hard-, to-fit and hard-to-please men that pay fancy prices for your Overcoats should see them. DON'T BE CONCEITED. ... Cahn, Wampold ft Co, garments art 1 worn by" the best dressers in America. 7 "7, They will please you ask some, one who knows their merit. ? . - k Will Ulce choice of all $10 and some even , better- Uvercoatsiff- :mfcdium otxwinter weights. They cbnie in short ojr mod- erately long, -box bri extra long Cos- sack and belt, back styles; , There are light, medium and dark colors and mix- $6.85 tJO C Tall, and winter weights. In pOOl hand-tailored, full-fashioned,-select .'Styles, : In: smooth or rough ma terials." Some full satin yoke with wor sted body lining, iriJ all the prevailing styles of length and colors. Made by ahn,:.WanipoW & Co. to retail at $15 . to $18 andthe--best-garments- to? be" ;': had. at that price. : j,-u:hz-:: C1 1 fiCv For cno5ce -CilA. scoreXof 41 103 ' styles, -very-select hand (ailored, imported materials, in fall and. winter weights, including1 : black silk worth, up to $25.-Thisclosintf out of -l.j .--'"f lots includes some of the toltraAfashinn- ' '. ; .:;able Overcoats in all the7 popular and novel styles ot tms season, and is un- . ; questionably ths pinnacle of real, men- PA Gives . you 'art opportunity in tailor-made, - peg-top. or &imO. form-fitting all-wool or pure worsted Trousers,' Worth' $ j.U07$4 and up to $5.-There rt 6veV l,00ff palrsfhTTfb'mT in: blackrxfordSrblue, -checkshairlinesr stripes andmixtures 5 new, fresh Hp-tb-date trousers 1 f rom the great CahnrAVampold & Go, fMirchase and excess fromour great- Surf stock. ' If you can use a, pair ot extra, pantsor two in the next 90 days, don't overlook this oppdrtttnityjrti vv:r ; - - Choice of 600 dark and medium colors worth $IJ25 103$.. -All sizes, o m to wuav. ... Odd Vests for 5c SHOES! Shoe-rly you know of The Chicago's Good Shoes. We are posi tively headquarters on best quality footwear, carry the largest and Jbstarietandsell thoasandajoL pairs .amonth Every, pair, .we sell is guaranteed to give satisf action, and we always save -:. r'-; v-r.rBl0lley;: dt C ;t-ot Closing Sale of $3.50 patent-coltskin. .vid. velour." PsWU J boxTlfdressdghts, also heavy grade-of-ralfrpiir and water-buff ajo. f Welts,-Teiy select- styles fresbd 1 ACiGlosing"3aiots if box calf, giant calf and velours built 4)1 iUu for service in medium and heavy-weight stock ; regu lar $ values. '- s.'urk-y.'i V ,,'' ih d i QC:?rVf 185 special ut, as we Vellf twvs? PlaOO'-goods at-actual-cost of handling. We can 'say With all truth and candor that you-cannot do as well anywhetjpin Boys, Shoes as at.Thie Chicago.'- v -""""'"' .'"."-:z'. i STILL BUSY RECRUITING FOR CHINESOBMY Capt. C U. Mombr, th Phllippln war yeteran, who worked hard but unsuccess fully tn : Portland not loiic aa- to 1 cur rechrit for the Chines-arm-, 1 now ta bciuii on a similar errana. e I meetlnS with more success there, ac cording 'to newspaper accounts. Th captain s.tUL decline tor glv statiaUcS, but claims that his army for theTeg-ener- ation.' of th Chinese empire Is rapidly Increasing;, numerically. ... BIO) , (Bpe-al bUpatra to The JearaL The Dalle, Jan. 14. Albert Klindt who Hrew-iaboutw' mile below thl city near the- Columbia, caua-ht th bis seat aturgvon today, that haa been taken In thla locality fo-vrl years. The! Vturreon weighed, ' when dressed ready for shipment, 2(0 pound. ., --i .. , . To Car m Oold la Oa Bay. " Take tssatlv Braaw QslBloe TabUita. All drutcUU reroaa -tae Btessy U it fain te een kV W. Sren's slcsature ea sack kes.--.23e. cratAjroas thuks or rorrstv " it'M Jesrsai Staff vOai leeueaileat. Balera. Jan. II. A bill framed by the Taxpayers' 'league and, approved by- th circuit Judges of Multnomah changlmi the terms of court In th fourth Judicial district, passed tn house thl afternoon. : HE FOUND IT: i a Sd, 1 bought a fifty-cent package of Pyramid Pile Cur from my druggist, and have used two dollar packages since. I find them, . Just aa you recommended them to bx. . I hav not felt the least sign of pile since using your remedy three months age. - If you west to us my nam yoa-may-do so, a I Seel lik a new man.- I now trouble with the dreadful, aggravated disease: "I meant to . write you sooner, but thought 1 would wait until I waa eured. thank you for your wonaeriui t'ue Cure. I wa a great eunrer from piles." Fred Deerr, R. T. D. 4. New Brunswick, N.-J. . . . - . -Seldom, If 'ever, ia there any doubt about the effect produced by th us of Pvramld Pile Cure. I ahowa by th xperienoe--given above. - The proprie tor of thl remedy hav thousand of similar lettere on file, and surely ao better proof of the merit of th prepa ration could be asked i when it la bom la .Blnd -that . these lettera ar.-wholly unsolicited, there la certainly caua for pride In th remedy. Pyramid Pile Cur I (old by drug gist for fifty cent a package, and if your hasn't It he will get It Jnr you If saked to do so, Accept no substitutes, nd remember there I no other remedy lust SB good. ' everyone ia nrgeo i write- Pvremld lru g Co, Marshall. Mich., for their Utile tinov OMwrioing tne eeuses and cure of pile. much asful ltformstloi f ree for th aaaing- It s (fords nd I nt as WANT UNCLE SAM TO : -rrr PUNISH THE YAQUJS (Jearsal sa Paso. Ttxas. Jkn. J. The aaaasai nation of four American, Dr.. -Coy and John Jr McKeasi. Chicago, M. A. Call, Toledo, and Walur 8tublngr. Kewanee. 111., by th TaqUl Indiana, near Cobachl Thuradav. haa 'aroused intenee exclte- ment among th raaldenta-of-JdMlco. Beriou international complications ar llkelv to follow. - '- ' , - A th Teoul Indiana ax on a wild rtmnin asalnat American and th an- thorltioa either through fear or for soma nth.r reason are lax la their effort to auppres outbreaks, tb Americans wui Mtitlon consreea tor Droiecuon Marshall Wright a prominent. miu owner and banker r- Bonora. iiaa ar rived at El' Paso t enlist the co-opera tion by appeal of tha united B taxes gov ernment to lmll3J.Slin ' Icol He said "Hundred of American ar. In con staat danger- from - marauding band. Th matter ef American protection must ha brouarht to - a focus at one, and nHhr money nor pain, spared to Jlght throuah ta the 4nd.t , ' ' ,i . A rcnort haa reached El Paso that th massacr ot Americana waa committed hv Mexican brigahd. disguised as In diana. Amsrtcana ln th Chicago party requested aa escort but th authorities denied the protection, aimougn mi uan- gr waa known to b great. -, -, ' , ., JAPANESE MAY ENTER v ' - --WITHOUT MOLESTATION 'tr (Bneeial Dlepafch t The JowaaL) Vancouver,' B.- C., la.-14. Th bill passed by 'the British Columbia legisla ture imposing an eaucauonmi ten on Japanese entering th proviso-baa been vetoed by th dominion - government on th ground, that th legislature in fringed on th federal irlghta la paaaln It. Japan may now snier wiuout hlndraao. . - i :, - , .... UNSEEN FOE ATTEMPTS - - TO KILL SHEEPHERDER (Spertarbispatnh te Tse' jovaaL ) Tikeview. -OrikJan. 14. McKrune, a Keepherder,.' located IS miles northeast of Silver Lake, ws yeaterday shot at three time by an unseen foe hidden In th brush at a dlstsnc of 110 yards. OmVTih hortOok effect,-shootm lh thumb off of McKrun' right hand. Th wounded man . wa Drought to Paleley for treatment, a distance of 10 miles from the seen of th shooting, which ia near th heep-fcllllng rang of th lat winter. , . , .. ' , . :. oiaa at sna ho: ' (Rp-rt1 ptapatrk to Tbe Jeersal.) . Eugene, Or., Jan. 14. Samuel O, Linda- Wintry Blasts " Will have no terror for. you if your, coal V bin fa fmexl ; with GOOD CLEAN f CREAffailNAAND :IIITrGOODJrSALE! W are going to mak this axtrc. kpaclaXtd th last week of tb bargain day. Artsol ta th 2ta4 Curt daed. , Wr would ad vis you to com and see our stock. ' Surel y wa oaa . aav you money. Why T Be- icausa. our price are as low a tho of any;' other house in Portland. i - j. ZsAsrjnr xoazxmT: bajmazv - saul ' ' - LADIES' U8U9 HOSB . , . 1 I1.Z6 value, on sal, pair . .'. ....M...83w ; XADIB8' LISLE LACK 1I0SB - ' 60a value, on sale, pair . .,8Ta LADIES LISLJfi THREAD HOSE , - t- . -. ISO valuer on aalec pair '.ITKdV LADIES' FINE SEAMLESS H08E ... So value, on sal, pair. .. . . . , ,-lf I imipva xmrwr mm, EXTRA LARGE BROWN -TBAPOT - - -; 30o value, sal ,14a XARQE SIZE BROWN' TEAPOTS . , ,1 - ;:0o valu. sale ,,.,...B4 The Wcstcmlmportinti Co.1- 111-170 Fifth StraeV Opp. Old Poatofflo.' v Chaa. B. Toaag, " Js& 1L SCaa raa. aegtv GOAL; SWOat AS "mr pi16hTy6rtBtnalnK cause troubl and .Txtion,'-when ycu ar certain, surs'of satisfaction by plac ing your order herT "' ' " Springs Coal Cd. a b. OATia, najrAOM, SM B. Xorrlsoa St. . .. ; "...'., - .'-,,. .' '( 1S4. Mine Surveying. Railroad Work, Irriga tion, Reclaiming oi net uavnus, vljr -. and County Work Generally. ., DAVID LORING Clvil Engineer and Scrveycr Notary Pubtla , T. Samiltoa MUrTvnumm, On f--' CO AND SEE THE.:.' m g r sr -' m OPTICIAN 129 Seventh St Nsar Aldsr ley, an 1144 pioneer ef th coast, died t hi home on north Fork, h wa ged II years.. Preferred Block CaasM CHMda. Allen Lewla' Beat. ixand. a PcrfcrJ -' ; ioanA2rs. wmooi. ' , r - Special rat mad to famllle and alngl gr' . bath eetapllahment- in Ui hotel. w 1 r r- "-I