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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1905)
'ii. 7f -I" I' V, r-W HE OREGON DAILV , JOUSIIAU; PORTLAND, u TUtZDAV Z'Z:illlQ, JANUARY SI. Ktl ' i.'. V i 1 ! t i ABOLISH POLL GRY OE County Officials, Led by Bi D. ' 'This Form of. Twcttion,' Which They Say Js Un 1 . -1 f tutt-td'Lanet Number Poobr WILL SUGGEST CHANGE IN LAW TO THE LEGISLATURE ' ' . v - v: --'f -'::..p-vy:i( , " 1 . . . a. r,'"' ..'":' v,' ' S' ' . t - '". - .' .'-' -:- - V Convention Almost Unanimous In the Opinion .That Better Re- suit Could BeJ Secured If Property Were Assessed . ' ' ' 'at Its True) ValuationvWHthvi; UweiMlllage. i ! ; - : :1: . Abolition of th poll -taa - probably ' 1 wusrn momnnoi in in resolutions adopted by the -Oregon Assessors, wtatf 'are now In session at tb court- house.-B. O. Sisl, lultnoroah' oun-'- y'a assessor. - recommended this, v Hs i Ijread a pa person "Organisation of an As ' acaior'a Office' em proceed tha opinion - that tha poll tat had -not been auipcese- Xullf eollattad, n towrtad tttat V : convention' recommend - tna in legis- latur repeal th portion of tha aututa i-- 'referring t IL- '.. -. Inouton- ananed . after Mr. SlIf read 1la paper, and tha trend Waa otovl - - ulr n favor, of itollowlnt Mr. 8glr'M auiteatlcn. Practically all of tha. - ' auaora votca tha aentlraent axpraaaad bjr't)tra and testified that their expwl ' : ancahad been concluaiva demonstration i rhat the poll Ux operated to tha unjuat taxation of property-ownera, who were - v. easily; found; and allowe tha escape of ' non-property-ownera. who -ooiild not be : lottel In. great numbera. C The Idea, of T compeljlna; voter to pay their poll tax . when they reajletar aJlclted the general --apreaetow- tht"ttCft- provieton wouiq be unoonatltatlonal, leeal opinions hav-- Ina bean eecured supporting tnat irhrw.- AuMHora who arri rivea in ine cuy yes- ". terdar afternoon and' this morning are . . T. H. pavts, .Benton county; T8. 3or-4 l neiiua, ciataop eouniyi. vwraj'n-n.t' coaj, "Washington county, and BtowelVU rr Paynaj Malheur ounty. kv : j-y-' '--i Thia morning the temporary organlwr : m. tloiv B.. D. Blaier.- chairman,' and i. T. Nelson, aecretary waa made permanent, ,' and tha permanent retention of the form of organisation-wa decided poska.- T. a- CorneUua read, a paper onHlgb Valuation and Low, lvy vs. Uw yalua 1 - "Won and High Ivr.'-nd--toofc- tand for high- valuation nd 4ow tax levy. " Dlaeutskvn revealed e. remarkable jinan ' llrolty of opinion supporting ' Mr. Cor " ;nellusi almost without exception the ae " f acssors saying that better resulta would ' . - be secured were property to be assessed - at Its true valuation, permitting lower - jnlllaga-to raise a given gum of money, v ; Xri tlglM! ftutpe.ywra, L' I . B. Dr-eHgler spoke- on "Organisation af an Aasesaor'a Ofc" Ha said. In ' , . "So far; "t have refralnedfrbm say in anything - supepf ' that which is good :." sbout- our employers he taxpayers t ' and I am not going to, say anything that la very bad. nut i wouia use io cau ' . attenUoa to at least one of .'oar dim Ie,ultles In. making a Jtist and equiubie .... uuiimmt. It Is the tendency of ev- -ervjajtpayer -to. keep tha: valuation of his property "below" wtatrlfr-ehould be. He does so,i jiot with th deliberate In isaUgnJofaiasIng -others to pynoM than their sh'are.tbUT ' , . that others do so, and in -his opinion it . is But right. for him to do. toe same. , "However. If i' and our deputies could and would ' glva - avsry Uxpayer VT posttlve assurance ' -of our-Intention to ---jet afthe actual "valuation of all prop astr within ouB respect lvs aUBlte." and . r In due time prove this to the complete i satisfaction of kU taxpayers by the annual tx roll, the -difficulty, I am - sure.- could (be disposed of. People ' would soon reWlxeithst aa there Is Just : so much to be raised by taxation, it cerutnly follows tWat if property be as. -'"sessed below-actual -valuation- the rate . must seon 1 correspondingly hlgh,"nd that the nearer valuations approach the a actuaL tha Idwer-the rate r of taxation. Mr. Sigler elaborated his ideas as to - '.quality of ..taxation, - emphasising the - desirability of evolving -methods such , as "will secure the assessment of prop- 7 r. fv - arty ; upon a basis absolutely Insuring that, every, property-owner will nay his Just share.. He expressed the opinion . - that-poll taxes ' were " undesirable, and aid they had been enforced In the past ; . . with great -difficulty. ;'"':,"'J';i-..-..4 1 issssstiif - Intangible Froperty.'" , ' " ' . One of the most significant utterances Ci" 'wes by C P. Strain, assessor of" Uma . I T, . . tllla county, whose paper oa "Discovert '; ' and. Assessment - of Intangipls- Prop - ' ..artyw was read by O. W. Stalay, ap---r--- sessor of Douglas county, and was heard ; f ; with close attentttntpMr.- strain Is cos , sldered ana of the 'ablest students of franchise and corporation aaseaament In the state, and was assigned thia sub- i Monog rams TO ORDER Fobs andMbdnts Purses or Shopping iBags . "... -VTe make them on the prem--"-..'; leea la a thorough manner, - . liavy Ip . weight, superbly finished, accord logto i Sketch, as -requeetd. Low-'T" - - rat prices prevailing for SU-- - perlor workmanship. . -. , .-. . k . .' i ..... -1 Those tf'.Gou - 1 :Are the standard q'ualitv, In t-. n pouanea, aatin or roaa effects and In any width. Then we caiT" Insert dfa mnnda. if So desired, which are Indeed handsome, UlaStcrHngSUvcr - it'evaaske Heavy enea, mod ernly dealgned. Of course .- they. an be nicely glided. which are very odd-and unique.-. . . . Lewis ac J ClarS: Cotn Scarf .pins and . Broochea,-" nan la arius-ataoina- " Ttioas.-r-r - r - , , , , , -A?C&r-Gr Fcldenheimer : r Corner .Third "and Washlnrton Sts. JE'WXtXIia. OPTICIANS. UI.VKR8MlTHa. ' ' , - ., . ... i v . . . TAX ASSESSORS Sigler, Voice Hearty Opposition to X V aot becausa" of ills acknowledged . ku thorlty upon thia line of work. - He denned - Intangible property a "Credits, franchisee. .Ufa insurance ' In vestments, good will, patent rights and other forma of holdings 'that are not of material - substance, but that represent value and are a basis of revenue." He quoted George CJapperton, special agent r the united States tnduatriai commis sion, as saying that half the wealth of a. state, consists In personality. alarge portion' of which . la Intanclble. Mr. Strain stated that. In 'Oregon.' intangible property constitutes;' Only 'T per cen"bt the aaseaud valuation xf property, Attempts of .money-owners to- avoid assessment of cash on- deposit In banks Mr. Strain attributed in. part " to the fo Ihlt til duau Ili'aliM It I VM there la realftr to subject It to double assessment. H - argued that . suck money brings lit Us return to tha owner, and does' bring profit to the banks . la WhlchJt; is on deposit Hs -was i dis posed to favor tha Maaeabbuaetta plan. Which aaaessesAo th banks thia .money, the tax thereon being one half of I per cent e average deposits. Mr. Strain cited, taat- aurh a- tax - would vteld to iUmatUla eouiily.annuallr 110.000. while under existing conditions he could dis cover through depositors only ' $200,000 a deposit, whereas It waa known frjom vuiviMiiTOwii yuu ti,vuv,vuv waa vn deposit during the year lto. - Life fnsuranacs Investments received attention in a treatise, that was based on tha theory that lira insurance' offers protection in case of death, and In addi tion attractive tnveatmant opportunities, while Bra lnauranoa constitutes : only protection against loss by- nre. -Ha would place life-Insurance in the Hit of Intangible properties, assessing an investment policy as ho. would any Other form of -Investment. The Insur ance companies now pay I per cent on net ., premiums, out holders or Invest ment-pollcles, representing .several mil lions or dollars, pay no tax. '. j ! .: ' ..Tavtag: Traacalaas. . -Tl-i -Taxation of franchises was advocated strongly by Mr, Strain. He epitomised arguments In favor of such a policy by snatching the increase of .population In city ' and state, . such- tncreasa adding every year to the valua of the franchises owned, by -corporations street railway. atanaara- railway, express, telephone. telegraph and other companies that Serve the pubtlo by using the public utilities, streets,' alleys .and -rights of way through "the territory of the com monwealth. ;.: "' - , - ,;, . reputation and . oppor tunltJU- there fore, have expanded the bualaeSa Of Ore gon, railroads imroenselyr yet there Is sut ens fc'elwmhla rlvee gap, hut ; asp, hut ana pass between the Umtmui i-and tha Itogue on (ha Bouthern PacUloy. Who, then,. Is sq simple aa to contend that tha fran chises belonging tex these roada-havs re matned Tinchanged Jar -vajue? There is but one natural passaaa between. Port land -and the upper1 1 Columbia basin, but one between Portland and San, Fran cisco.' Consequently the business af the O. R. A N. jCo. and the Southern Paclflo Is bound to expand with the growth of ine regions they connect. Tbey own a monopoly worth millions and millions of dollars now, and which--will speedily growvjnto many, millions more. r .."Tet In. the. presence of. all these con siderations the assessed valua of these roads has remained practically station ary outside of Umatilla county. I have no railroad statistics back of .. The net earnings of the O. R. aV N. are now mora than four-tlmaa-what they were then. Their assessment then was 1 4.000 a mile on roadbed. It remained at that flgure'Mintll l0J. when I ' raised It to $11,000 In Umatilla ceuhty; and other assessors raised It to 5,t00 a mile. . At tha same time I raised railway roadbeds from 14,000 to ,112.000 a mils' X- raised land IS per cent, and town lots 100 per cent, eo that, the actual raise on railroad property waa less than the apparent on ; .-. SUleaga Sasdav ' '' -i "I have axmlrtaf the rannrti nt vail. way eommissjQns at different times, snd they confirm' my statements regarding the valuation e-f railway properties. Measure the value . or Oregon rail ways by any rule having the sanction of the supreme court of the United States and you cannot fall tS raise the assessed vatnatlonrtonha extent pf many millions Of dollars."' ..-. S.--V--x : -i.,-. , . ., Valuation of a railway system as a whole, and then the levying upon It upon the mileage basis In each county is ad vooated by Mr. Strain.'. He also counr seled assessment of express,' ' telephone snd telegraph companies on their fran- ehlses .according to the same principles that, underlie his system , of assessing railway companies tha net earnings and opportunity for - increased -business through lncreasa of population being the oasis. . - 1 ..; U- . SEVERE JOLTING GIVEN MACHINE "(Continued from Page Ona '.T" -Llnthlcum -stated the merlta of the bill, which, had. m h. jjmu. b education Smith of- Josephine, who persistently itfrha every measure' advocaud by Linthlctira. denounced the bill as heed less and -waste of publto money. . liln thlaum replied with a forcible defense 'of the messure. -. On rollm IV there were II kyes only twtf more than' enough to pass tha bill and It noes. Two members of the com mittee un education, Pawk and Settle mier, who previously favored the, bill In committee, voted e gainst Jt,JUnthlciun believes his bill will pass the senate.. ,. The bill for the purchase of the Cooke residence was to have been Introduced today, but that order of business was not reached. Tha bill Is. in the hands of wn. .'' ' ' - .... m . ' ...... . , MIKADO DOES HONOR'' '-" T0AM Rl C ANM I Ni STER . ! : (Jesrsal gperlal geretcs.) ' , Toklo, Jan. 14. The emperor today rr4. ceived United States Minister Oriscom and the legation aUT at a apaclal audi enee, and later- entertained ' them at luncheon. He expressed satlsfsatlon that cordial -relations are exlatlng between the .two: countries. . J'- REBELS WELL AtOD , - MAKE USE OF. BOMBS - r.1 (Continued from Page One.) known to be en route to 8L Petersburg from the Capitol works, 1 miles away. The report that wOrglngmen from the provinces are coming has precipitated a panic among, tmt' aristocrat lo element, and soldiers have been sent to Intercept thee advanclna bodies. .- ..Reports from Vlnland are to the effect that revolution baa broken out tnrougn out -that country, and that Helslngfors Is In a state ot Insurrection. - - From uesto rotsk. on tha Finnish coast, comes the report that strikers have, raided the gov ernment rifle (aotory, and destroyed the railroad for a distance of-wve-toliea, "At Vilna "the strike has commenced, tnougn tna town js nmei,. k , .riaataaT Bassia. ' '?J.' At noon thdusands of strikers had as sembled at Nevsky Prospekt. Outgo Ins trains ara carrying tha wives and children of many prominent ..cltisens to outlying places of safetyt- A number ot government printers resumed work this morning, but"thoUdnaa-araattlt-ldia, Workmen .are strolling " through the streets In small groups, but as yet have offered no violence; . ,t " K- Curing tha night the strikers - lore down, tha ' telephone wires which run from St. PeUrsburg to Tsarsxoe cteio and also attempted to plahdef the big Universal provider store,"" but were ' re- pelled. - - "ft.ft ';:' .-;" riTtean. mnareo woramen cross into tha Seostroresk rifle factory and plun dered alt he rifles In the factory. They destroyed tha' nsrroer gauge - railroad from t-Petersburg'-to -Seauoreek- and are reported to have destroyed a secUon of the railway running from St. Peters burg to Moscow. ---..... . . 1 ' . . alalia Xxplosivaa. . ;. rtr . It la reported that strikers have forced an entrance to the Oenllloff ammunition factory 'and seised large quantities af explosives and cartridges. The rebels. It- Is learned, intend to march 40,000 strong to Tsarskoe Belo Jo make another attempt toTseo the csar. U they persist there-wlU-he-doubt be a- repetition of Sunday's slaughter. The clash, however, will '.be a more'ierlousaffalrjaa the strikers Are now .fairly equipped wltU arms. . - ' .-vi ". The revolt is spreading throughout the empire. Three hundred arid Jlfty attorneys held a meeting today., and passed resolutions of sympathy with ths strikers, protesting Sgalnst the gov ernment In provoking bloodshed, and e dining to plead in tna couru until tha workmen wars given Justice.; - - The ' Official.. Messenger today- prints. the. following ;. report - of .yeaterday'a sventat-', ;. '--. '.? ," - :. "During MondayTnerawaseJHr- atons - between rioters and . troops. . De tachments 'of soldiers bad no need to use .their arms as tha crowds dispersed -when tha troops appeared. .In the course of tha day, aa attempt wss made to at tack the Gostinny Dvor market . but It waa repulsed. - workmen at electrio sta tlons- jolnsd 1 tha strikers In the evening and then soma arouna.takinar ad van tana or tns aarxness oegan to treajt windows In the' shops, but order was everywhere quickly restored.? - - . i The number of dead from .Sunday's AghUng Is officially placed at St, and the wounoea - at ss. --v. -, -- - Prof. Kareeff Msnnenskr. M. Perch- sschnoff. well-known writers, and At- torncya tuonn ana -SKiuuuunoa were ar resiea aurtng ine nignt - - year tha ravara. TI!yamlIta ofihe nobUity and" weal thieVt cltisens 'are hastening awayy from ths capiuu - Everywhere can be seen oar- and their belongings an routs Uo their country homes or hastenlna to - danots and wharves to leave tha-ttyTank arr thronged by persons who ard' draw ing their ihodbk Neither. t or. the purpose of taking it out of the 'country with mem, or or secreting it unui the present turbulent times havs passed.- ......rr,.,.. ureal rears are entertained that the riot and disorder of last night wilt be repeated upon a much larger seals when darkaesa .tails this evening. There 4s no way to light the streets, and th sol dlera. and police ar powerless to pre vent the s night attaoka and. raids of strikers -.and roughs, T I- r-gjc -:.-. r It is reported that Urge Quantities' 6N bombs are-In poasessloiv of the revolu tionists, and that only the over of dark-. ness needed to accomplish their dla- tribution among xorcea who will not fall to us them .when the-tlme Is ripe. and which will result in fearful loss of life. -t.'A m . 1 ; Th spirit of discontent And mutiny among soldiers is increasing, though de tails are -carefully withheld from the public. . It la known that many regi ments ar under guard because of open ly expressed sympathy for the mob, and that many-, mora cannot be trusted In case of emergency, should Jt develop. V.V-T - sjeormy mght, JH-;- Th -city of St Petersburg passed a storm r nirht Clashes were freauent in the suburbs, where th rougher element wrecked and pillaged- shops, -and bombs were thrown with ratal results.- Tha worst disturbance .of the night occurred when a squad 'of soldiers attempted to compel a orowd to move and a bomb wss thrown. mangling in a horrible manner 10 soldiers and several1 strikers. An other regiment last night- mutinied and fired upon a regiment which remained loyal to the csar. ' ''.; ', '... . .- ' t - SEVASTOPOL FIRE. Admiralty Tarda Burnt by Sight Tnetu sand Kntlaons Bailors and Soldlars. , 5 (Jeurssl Special service.) 'f Sevastopol, ' Jan. I. The, burning f th admiralty yards ir" Sevastopol was tha .'result of mutiny of 1.000 ssllors who-Joined by the .soldiers ar sacking the elty.'-'i' ' -.-t;. r. .-,-.v.. When the doors or th .barrscks were thrown open yesterday several thousand ssllors' forced their way Into the street and seising , everything they could lay nffcaralnuak their hends n ss weapons returned to demolished, them. The mutineers -then seised 'the officers and set firs -to the buildings, and rushed wildly through th i treats -cryingr-"Th- revolution ha .be gun." -.'- -,.',? . -,-v-; ,--(, .- A detachment of sailors made straight for th naval quarters and preparations were made. to meet the attack from in side' ths building. - But the soldier mutinied-and . refused to fire, saying that, if thsy war .compelled to shoot. officers would be ths tsrgets. ..'..L. The rioting 'sailors 71n, meantime Had set fire t th vaat complex of building forming the, old admiralty yards. - At 10 points at once fire was set snd ths flames spread rapidly. Th majority nf th structures will be de stroyed. The' ssllors ars still running amucK. - - - -- ----- --.-...-...... It Is reported that th last division of tnellalilciQuadronnowenjpntsafti. Madagascar. recalled... ... TROOPS; AT. MOSCOW. Slg Becnonstratloa Xs Planned and XQ ' .Itary Ordered OnCT,;" ;'-'"ir r- , (JeorMl apeel( gervlee.)'' . Moscow. Jan. 14 Th report' that Father Gopon is la Moscow cannot be TWO BALLOTS CUT NO - ONE-IS GAINER Washingtori Senatorial Deadlock 1 Showa 4 No Signs of , a "; Break Today '- Ay,-.'; .'.', i ' "' i t!'-J i -.'". j .. . , SWEENY IS GAINER BY. LONG DRAWN OUT FIGHT Opinion's Gaining -.That .- Foster , Cannot Ba . Re-elected , and . That His Sun Has Set r (Speetal DUpatch te The foaraaL) Olympla, Wash.. Jan. 41. Two ballots were taken for eenstor today with ne cnanga in- th fltuatton.--ThTresult of the eighth Joint ballot was i TSter-t J, Plies II, Sweeny II. Wilson IT, Jones 7, Graves . Ths ninth was - Identical, save that two democrats changed from uravea to X osier, , -.. - - . The Impre salon prevails that Sweeny la coquetting with tha Foster people. It is also hinted that King county Is asking" If urth to cams to Olympla and thug out tha WtlsonPUeg knot .. It Is becoming apparent hers. 1 and many of the leaders In the-leglslature f reel y -announce H aa -their .opinion that Benator Foster can never ha re-elected. and that his chances for even gaining over iusr-. votes are aiim.-1 it is cdn. ceded that Foster's sun hss besrun to set behind a political h orison, which ap peared-aaout six years ago, after a bit ter ngm over tne election or a senator, when a -deadlock, seemed imminent While" Foster's 'raeir are putting no a fight It lacks the heart that indicates success, and it bag-norths stability and purpose apparent that men like to see and tla up to. ,', ,-.; u..k... RUSSIANS REPUtSE- JAPANESE ATTACKS ' (Joaraal SpeeUl Service.) z- St Petersburg, Jan. tt.Oeneral Kur opatkln reports that th Russians .have repulsed severe Japanese attacks against Slnhetchen oh Sunday and Monday. .: The Japanese retired leaving; 100 dead and wounaea-ou ins neiq. j . -t - . ' At Slenchang the Japanese dislodged a company, of Russian cavalry; roccopy ing. a . poaltion, ..capturing soms horses ana armsv - " . SENATORS ACTING ON tr: SWAYlilHPEACHMENT :: (Joaraal SpeeUl Ssrelui.)-'- . ' Washington, Jan. '!4,Th senate to day tornally received th articles of Impeachment against Bwayne. - They ar presented : by- th seven managers! se lected by the house. - Th senata took up the charges at I o'dock-thl after MRS. DUKE ARRESTED ON ' CHARfiE jOF SWINDLING ---(Jearsal gpenlal gerrloe.) - New-York, Jatt Mrv-le-Webb Duke,-- whosa . marriage- to- Brodle jL. Duke, .the mnilonalr tobacco manufaa- ago, was arrested this morning on a warrant - based on-a Texas indictment against Mrs. Dukeana hsr former part ner, Charles L. Tsylor, of Chicago. Tha indictment charges swindling. It Is said that Mrs. Duke will be held pending th arrival, ot extradition papers. -. smor sTOZJnf ana xm j Biros. '-:'',. ,-TJoarasl ffpeelal Berries.) Wheeling. Jan. H. After Securing 16.000 worth of Jewelry from Genther'S store early this morning, two robbers were pursued by the police and dropped their, -plunder .in. tha river. t They were captured. - - , confirmed. If he is there he is keeping himself Sflcluded. Auth'orltlea sar thsy have no fear of serious rioting, but It 14 learned that troops are. betng held in readiness to eheca .any .disturbance. The strikers in th Moscow district ar acting with moderation. "The leaders are planning a monster1 parade through ths principal streets tomorrow to Kremlin, the eaored "precinct where every c receives his religious consecration. Th troop will pe stationed at tha bridges across th Moscow river. PANJC, IS. RENEWED. sUotlnf Besuaed and Oepttal U Fall t " (Jownal'gpWlar sorviet.) u St Petersburg,Jsn. 14. At 7 o'clock this morning darkness prevails over the winter palace districts and the-nay-, where the . embassies are located... and there has -bean.';- a resumption of th panicky " feeling of yesterday.- The authorities express confidence that th backbone r th revolution is . broken and tha prim movers of Agitation ar. rested. " Father Go pern has disappeared. At Moscow the strikers this evening ar endeavoring to penetrate to the cen ter of th city, but have been met and resisted by th troops, .i k. - n. - Th strik movement la growing la Kovno, and rioting has begun. No eerl-c-us damage Is reported aa yet Kovno la the capital- of the Kovno. province, bordering en Germany. .--. ? r, ... --s - M. Jessen,' editor of Pravo, tha organ of the legal profession, ha been ar' rested. ,' .- --. -i v-:; ::;-,.- r-.- The Russian government hss ordered 100 -guns if mm a Oendan firm, , 5 A conflict 'between- trlkersraiid Cos-clm',pwrrad-lsta.tqtgmniOfilt- ' ' ASSASSINATIONS RUMORED. Vssntnsei Beport That Big Ofleials . -' Xav Bsesi'xuissV '---." V - -TOseraal IpeeUI Bertie - ' St Petersburg, Jan. 14. It Is reported thst the prefect of St Petersburg and the chief of police hare been sssassin atd. -This' Is only ons'of 10.000 ru mors that--All th lty with alarm. Be far It ha been impoeslbla to obtain con- flrmation .or the report; ... Preferred Stock Canned woods. f i - Allen Iewta1 Best Rrand. -.'-i - Dr, B. E. WRIGHT ThsSlavlfl Saatlat thst re lieves all pain la dentil ffperatlona, S4aV. WashlagWa SV, eor, eveata. .:'--'V.;Akrj-i.V-V--vJ ' ABMOBT, JAJTVAJsi- SO. . - 1 ', : f - " '" -' - f -..-V. ' t aFkrioCo. '.'-V-fBXsrWAT BST.aTB. .....y.:... 373 and 374 Mcrr:$ca Strt et w Cor Wittt Ptrlt - Fifteen different makes over Sfty dif ferent styles' of fine pianos to select from, ranging in prion from 1360 up, - Tim payments accepted ' All or Boec "or Spectacle bought af ths OREGON OPTlCAt. CO, will be repaired- fo-ie- year -without extra narge. itll. luaew nrafM -i9''F" the rlniless kind Included), whether specially . ground or otherwise. IF YOU JNEKD GLASSES SEE HOW SRJTivyB-CAJfaAVB-IOtt pregbn Optical Co. Ponrth and Tamhill. T. BV C. A. Blag, Keadduartera for, Ehur-On Glassa EdisohV Rotary 'c?Wime6gfaph I- Adapted to printing of circular let- ters. ' Kvery copy aa plain aa orlg. typewriting.- Speed. 40 eoplea. per minute. An office boy can op .- erete -U. Send for catalogue Sod-, -prlca- ilsCy v. i -- fr'.,.. J Xilhanr Stationery ; .Fating Company , S4S Wsahlngton "Sti-Porttana.: f- ADEQUATE AMOUNT -EOROTVfluK Chairman Burton SaysoUth of River Will -'Ba Taken' ;Kn?.:X-: Carv.0f:-.U CEUlb CANAL MAY GET SMALL APPROPRIATION Fulton Makes Representations, Also Introduces' Bill and "-' 'Amendment. ' , (Waahlsgr-ur Bores -! Jearsal.l - Waahlngton. D. C, Jan. 14. As the reault of a conferene he had today with Representative Burton, chairman of the rlvera and . harbors committee.' Senator Pntoa feels encouraged to believe that an appropriation will be mad; for Th Dalles-Celllo canal,, but haa no. idea of tha amount.. 1 --- -'- '.r.':-- Burton aasursd hfm that thar would be an adequate appropriation . for the Jetty at the mouth of the river, but at first held nut stoutly against the tanai. After.-Pulton showed : th amount of commerce tot be benefited and stated that both Oregon iand Washington insisted on this arortmrlatioifcBurton began to yield.-but would -not commit himself. Hs was more friendly than vr before. but still holds out proposing some com oromlss ourss. . . - -'.. -. Fulton says that no compromise win go. Thst ths people want tna eanai- ana not a further delay. f Senator -Pulton - today - proposed i amendment to ths Indian appropriation bill ratifying th treaty with the Klam atb Indians. Th -amendment-proposes to pay them I6I7.009 for th unallotted lands Ot ineir reservation. . r -.-. Senator Pulton today Introduced a bill to rebuild ths lighthouse at Cap Arago. Oregon, ahd appropriating 111,000 to pay expenses.' '-'7"v: .". ' '. v". UB0RERLAIMST(hT- t RE HFIR.Tu AUSTRIA 7 Uanil Nm4.1 Brine. r - I -"T..-L. Til Tan A 1SIV,.-1 W-.U-- an Austrian, laborer, employed aa m a sorter In tha scrap Iron yard, claims- to ths oldest son and next hair of the throne af Emperor Frans Josef of'th Austrian empire. Herts Hartsog Michael Merker Is the- preper manner In which to address this foreign nobleman. He has cabled hls father, the emperor, of fering to gtv up his tights to ths throne for the consideration of 11,000,000. Th sable cost 7 sad wes seat C O. IX, and hs is anxiously awaiting :a reply. Tears ago h cabled the emperor for mosey and claims to nave received word. VPsther sent 110,000." Herts Hartsor declares, that he sever re ceived. -the money, He I II years of age snd claim t hve known hla right for yearn He bases his claim upon his mother aa au thority, '- ir- , i ( .j: .-l ,. , , . , . f BBAB - iJeoraal gpsvJal aervtea) ' : s AlhUquernua, N. M., Jan. 14. While en route from Chicago to Ia Angeles on Han i a re train, a woman supposed t "SSSJimSi,., "iSetwa-.-y.yy,tM jfty ji. i)Nja . Insurance i--v- ' r-i r - :U y ul- vL lULUlbr : I - --,-.-- ' ","- ',. v V- rV, ',x -" ' V. -.'..'-,''"- ; ' '. J ' . ;-, -ISTAKINCi ADYinTAOE iD? )OR HercArc Some Good Things :for- A Few Days: $U0 CLUETt, STAR . shuu Broken lines of tiERWEAl w Y f fift , : from $3.50 to $5 per suit per garment eD 1 .Ii if $1.00 Flannel NIOHT- : SHIRTS $5.00 FANCYVESTS, .DoTabls-brtastcd...... $3QLROBSON - JaHIeS A . d ,- $3.00 and $2.50 UMBREL LAS ," e eev erwdla V-! WE ARE ALSO GIVING 2096 tHSCOUNT-ON: ALL OTHER J LINES, except ' contract " goods. - Mis 289 yasi:;ngton WEIRPAIR- AND .FfeCOVER - Twfl Rlff'Tef.ivil I f iJ-.'-i-"-l' '.' '.-' ' '-': - . in order to t you to try that -w ar making tn Dett umbrella to ba'bad anywhr,-wg re havinf out) ADVERTISINO SALE. During thia sal all our' best UrabrlUi-ar go reduced that you are iur to buy if you call and ssa tham. - . - ' TWO TACTOaOS: . '2fi6 Ttxsh!agtoit St. be Mary McKee of till Ban Jos ave nue. Alameda, Cat, died suddenly lit ,a Pullman berth-under mysterious otreum stance The body ie lne held, In Al buquerque. - 'i -- ,-1-.- .- .,". Y''" -: ';. " tucker Murder case-S "V 'i Aersal Raeetal gerviee.); V "''' Boston,. Jan. 14, -Attorney Parker mad th closing aderess for tha defense In the Tucker murder trials Tuohar made a. brief -address to th Jury, ds- clarlng Ms innocence. Judge .Sheldon finished a eharge to the Jury and it retired,:-, ' '-..' BBZoBtBaBAtre uezvw. I : (Joarssl Special aervtee.71 Jefferson-City.. Ua .Jan. 14. These I mor Republicans deserted Neldrlnaliaus today snd csst their vote for Kerens for senator The- sixth Joint bello - ,,. On re 9sAara - atova VaUlnt sVata. BeUevea rtchlng. . NEWDRO'S; IHlERPieiDE TH OBSwTBAX aa BsraMae UI gave It. BeeyteOe WOl A fVZUC TOOTH .CRUSH A 1 awed srsstlegtst sset "The tlsM is eoailag wsm sa SMterlllsed pahlle btlr aiusa WIU aa as rare as a snhlle teMk brass." The reeap Is tkst Slrty kale Is aw ksswa. ts be a eeatasioaa etmae aissbae ssvesd eWaevaK, 11 int aaaennl intg Mera.fLM. Scad kV, Jbj. is 1'ZTlC.ri Ci., lest. a.treu. Mki, ht B ubiU V . ' - 1 pm f --.. y.V sisaiaw , .-v.-." - . ... ,. . . - ..... ... . f. . ii - 4 ? AND WILSON :90C g aa4 a ( !::::.:-:.:.:i:80c Single an4 ; !.,.;.t;.7;... $2.50 $2.0 $1.60 -f. J ST.. PERKINS hotel . s X Advertising Sale or-r R1ttAt1al aTaUt nrtaa. I '-'. 1 ' ' ' ' . ,-: - .- , our Umbrella and pe convinced ."T'h,' 309 r46rrison St. sultsdi Ntdrlnghaus. 71; Cockrell, Hi Kerens, n; Qoodrlch,.J .-,,v.Y;'.1 ANCIENT BITTERNESS i t. IN UTAH DYING OUT YfrVyOjoersal lyeelal lervipa.) '! -:' -: Washington. JaiJlynsv-BTsie vans, formerly city attorney- of Salt -Lane, was the flret witness ja the Brnoet ' hearing.- He told of the early btt'tarnesat : between thl- Mormons -and Oehtqct anrl ' its oontlnilous strife Both sides now" " co-operate In charitable work, and meet on equal terms socially. V '' i':-' , 'M,,.,, ' ' ' : ,r '. WAjw,raBiAB : ip wtrB..'' - ' (Jmirnal areelal nVrvtce.)' i . " Marlon, Mich..- Jan. " If. Elmer E. , . I Ilardyr-a bremlneht eltlaen of -thtTngclC'fci today shot and killed bis wife.. He la 3 now unuir arrvvt.. naruy rormeny Uved In the Stste; of Washington. Jr.-v . "Wlla tha Sandra? oerm." INOlUGONBHi; iare It Tee Late for BertteUe.- tbht win. Sooner er istar'easee aalMess. Witer hi Medlrsl Bevlew M.t ft' . ea .bwiie know tbat It to liny t see asetker'a kalr brosk " jtewhree RerM4e reaSers Mbllebalr fcrMkes banskM br eetrMin A.. a.... t. 4