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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1905)
V 1 TilZ baEGOII daily jou: Portland, tuday sVsnxno, jaijuahy sx 1: LIM BABfJAIDS have:. QUEEREST PLACE flOITJILL DAVE A MEASURE,. MR HYSTERY SEEN LAST DAYS IN OLD f lEXICO FINANCIAL REVARD ' -0F ..MER.T The ThirdWcek of our "Pi Killing of J. H. Rosepurg Arouses Much. ... rv .. speculation, .r APPEARS TO BE NO ROOM ; : FOR THEORY OF SUICIDE Remarkable CrtmW by -Which Witness in Land Fraud Caa ' Lost His Life. . . 'Mystery shrouds ths fat t J. H. - Rors,ths ' timber , cruiser of Ross , kirf, "whovws witness In ths land fraud rssiis Hia body In A blackcmltb' .-- ahad, with a, bullet bole over the heart. and hi. empty r-l-J . and hla own empty but e ' throat dp Into hia hip pocket, opanad ; the case. ,buUotc'hola .through hla ' ' ' own rtjrht oreamw. no' powdar marka, convincing evidence that Rogers did not " .deliberately shoot himself, suggest snur - , der. '.'.- - ; - " ' Residents "of the .Immedlet teommu- Bltj taatlfr that they 1ard on or two ahets about 1 or o'clock tha morning of tha death. Reltabla men passing tha ahad V o'clock, whera tha corps was .-V fonnd at 7 o'clock. testify that they - jttw. tha electric tight burning la tha 'place. Aa the stags depart from there early aome mornings, this cusTom ad vanced la their own minds is account for the light being 00 at that hour. Whoa the owner of the ahad came at f o'clock, tha light waa turned off, If : .Roger fell with a bullet through the 'heart between and O'clock, T he eduld " not have turned tha light off -between and f. -rr- ' - - There waa not a powder a lain on nia arm or on any nrmlnL and tha bailee .had evidently been nred fronr tha level of the heart, passing through tha arm -raised t-the breaaV-nV-thrtgtt h -hearrnM-body.-todgiaa' ho .ciothinsH at the back. If Rogera tried to commit ulcid thla feat would bo exceedingly difficult.- The bullet la of tha earn cali bre aa tha man' own' revolver. In ev- ery chamber Of" tha cylinder . empty ehell, which seemed to have been discharged some time previously: There - waa not a chamber that bora any trace - of amoke or gTeaae usual In discharging - shell. One of tha coroner" Jury drew -..' dean white ellk handkerchief through the barrel of tha pistol at tha inquest, . and did not get a smoke or-grease slain, but Instead a little taint of mat. which -would -hardly gather under a. week or two. : Further. Rogera had spent - hla v Ilea received for a claim, and on the - evening of hla death borrowed 8 cents. Ha also had gone et hla revolver iii ; to give tt fo a, friend. - " , -. I II I He- was s krtown In tha- ommunltyaa nghtrBngered.' and had been-' known! to , pilfer. Ona theory Y waa - 'accidental .- jleath. while trying to steal tools from tha chest In the smith's shed! . A opnsptcuous amoks stain and a dent J . an a brace in rront.or tna cnest are pointed out to corroborate the theory of accident -Many believe the dent and A "" amoka stain were made soma time after midday following' the death, because . neither: waa visible when the body was found. -rurther.if a-alllig 'weapon waa, responsible, to be shot squarely . 'through the arm and breasV the body ' would of necessltyxbe bent nearly at T ' rlgbt-angles at the hips, bringing the ' - arm and breast. close to tha mussle of !. " the - gun. and necessitating powder r ' stains, which art not In evidence. v Also, Rogers would hardly pick up the. weapon ' " that bad sent a bullet through bis heart "Tr"" and put in into hia right hip pockat. hla : - right arm having been pierced by a bul- man from osebnrg said this- morn TTlng that it two of Rogers' known ens-' mlea bad been in Roaeburg tha night of " " tha nasth ihey would In all probability hare beesfuspected, but, they were out v Of tOWn. vjt .. '' ' '." j Reduce'cr Rate to California? ' The N Southern . Paclfla 'company ' has .... placed on sale round trip tlckcta to Loa Angeles at the raU of 151. limit 0 n. daya.- Thla affords an excellent oppor- 4 ; ' tunlty to vlalt the many beautiful win ter resorts of southern California at a' .": ' moderate cost. -4'e Arkndaat 4tmlar of frne eueuerr seen Portland at tna corner or -j-nirej and Alder street. On exhibition from . t la the morning till at night. .. y. HAD MORE COLLECTORS . THAN CUSTOMERS .v Charles Bcott bought a 'clgar atora 'at SOI Alder street Saturday night from W. ',. A. Moore. ,j , ' " Scott called upon Deputy District At- toraey Haney and Deputy City Attorney . Pltxgerald today and wanted a warrant . ' for the arrest of Moore. He stated that ha paid $S00 for the buwlness. sfter hsv ,' ing been Informed that'.'there were only a . : few bills-outstanding. '-' ( . . ;-He took possession Immediately, and Monday collectors begsn to sppear. He ; discovered that there wss $!6 Indebted '. ne against ths place, hs said. . ' j .A warrant waa Issued for Moore's ar- t rest on. the hsrge of obtaining mdnejr '1y falae ' pretenses. . Bcott s diligent search rot1 him had proved in vain. : Fcr essay's Dath. ' JW htlfv the skis, eleess the seals, stew - batr. eta .": "1'', ..T""'y ,! a. - --- - slsbltMsltsb atklsa SajM SM TSVaaSb' aBSmsslallsr mrrfm is w-- r---- T -v little Bsslaa. tasrs s aotaiag use . AaVasrVa Sakam m Ercry Cak. steeVsted. sorlalBt. frasraat MalMtadas f d. deedorlal-. rrafraat. Haltltsaas Sb fjm Lara Be. . drrt1af. lor H.rt.a Boa , M Sal" health Treat west, 1t,dmiW. I , swele trial U eaeylBe ftm a tb saemaled seeflts r these wnaloss presarstlena. gefoa avhatstatas. N eoas hi stedleated Ilk Rsrana. Me.rrtrd byjt.ll Hay at.ltv Ok. rt.wk. . J. take aetatag wilkeat aM stxwitsfe aa - sa SsTe. - &Tni 3J?SiAce $i CUkfl " OA. enrth stsw.---'' a. Tsyr.. a7 . May No Longer Ply Their Trads . In the- Ndrth End of , Portland. NOR MAY WOMEN SINQ OR ACT JN GROQ SHOPS Chief Hunt Will Arrest Violators 1 of Law Relating to Vaude- .; n ' villa Performances. 1 Chief of Police Hunt baa finally con Banted to Obey tha Instructions of tha court and comply with tha ordlnaacea Betting forth hla duties.' Xaat night, ha ordered hla offlcera to Instruct pro- that the able of liquors by women must. top and that the ."percentage- ayatem that 'baa been' In vogue ainoo Portland began must be ' abolished. M also directed the'-petrolmen to Inform ,inn agera of vaudeville attractions ; pro duced where liquors are soia uuu ur must mm Thla waa dona In response to Instructions the chief -received from Mayor WUllama. o ; . . ; . Recently Municipal Judge- Hogua dis covered a section of the city ordlnaaoas prohibiting- the sale of liquor by women, prohibiting ' their presence In saloons, and prohibiting" theatrical performance far aloona or other juacea wnere annaa are sold. - The dUcovery or tna orai nanco waa : made while- three - women' from the north end were on tHal for vaarancv.' : Their ' attorney . oontended f that -they were not . vagrants, since they were employed aa actors m a vauaeyiue bouse. Theywere found, guilty aa charged. s ;.. .". Immediately Judge Hogua Issued ordera that Chief Hunt muat enforce. the law. The chief flatly refused." -He knsw tha Uw. he said, and no ons should dictate to hlm. Judge' Hogue waa per- alstant, aa were membera of the. Munici pal leagua who became interests in ins k-: Finally the enter aaw in error of hla way, through the advice or Deputy City Attorney Fltsgerald and the mayor.-.' . --' , Judge Hogua" declares . that - no - aia- ertmlaatlonar must be oberVed in - en forcing 1 ths .ordinance, Ha wni not tolerate tha-olostng or : Inosnaplcuoua house. .Incapable of complying with cer tain demanda, and the running of more pretentloua tlace. The order of tha chief- regarding : certain " restricted dis tricts, will be Ignored and ne.wm no forced to Issue supplsmenta,cy orders enforcing - the law In all parts 'of the Jrenaratlona art .already under way by -tha proprietors of tha big north end resorts to fla-ht the law. Attornexa will be riUlned and, the ,Caseswm be takenJ totba courta. COURT ORDERS THAT: . V ; KEEFE MUST PAY FINE Judge Seara ordered a bench warrant' Issued today for Joseph Keefs, who waa convicted on January 17, a0, for as sault and batterv. Keefa Warn lined 1&0 and coat, !but has' not paid the fine, and Judge ' Sears - Instructed . .that he be brought Into' 'cosrt immediately to answer questions as to why ha haa dis regarded the ordera of tha court -! was.-arrested on January t, XtOi, on complaint charging that he aaaaulted a clUsen while taking 'a dog that waa running at large. Resistance offered and a right . ensued, in which Keefa claimed hs waa attacked by the owner of the dog. and that ownajfa familr iolned -ha tha affair. When hla caae waa; tried,' the city official sup ported him; - believing hoi was In tha right, and tha ease wis to have been ap pealed. No move having been made to perfect an appeal, Judge Beer' decided that the drirainal record be cleared, and ordered ' Keef . to coma i tnto .court and comnly with the ordera contained- in the judgment that he .pay fine. ' ; . v. i . . I"' 1 1 - "A free electrlcj panorama at tha Corner or Third ana "Alder Streets, from t a.,m. to t.gv m. . QUEEN OF OPERA WHILE YET IN HER TEENS MantellL tha Italian diva. Who appears at tha Marquam In "II Trovatore" to morrow evening, is T still a young woman. Bhe waa born In Milan of parents who were themselves great musicians. Un der their careful tutelage, ManteUi'a progress waa phenomenal. She studied nl- an o, violin and voice almultanaoualy and had scarcely' reached ber -teen" when aha entered the conservatory of Milan to complete her vocal and. piano work. - At the aire ox II she made her tour of Italy, alnging in Milan,- Rome. Na ples and .Venice Her success wss im mediate nd -spontaneous. She went to South America and became-the Idol' of opera there. Upon her return to Italy ane was tna recognised queen of grand opera. In that sunny: dims. , Maurice Grau made-a special trip -to Milan to near ner. ana engaged rier at an enor moua flrurs to Join the Metropolitan opera,- mow xotk. . Beats are now sell lng. S i ': ' GRA Y HAIR to Yc-MMul Color. ' Rit bees troubled wits dsndnff s Ions tin. After BMn see bottle at H.lrboslth I fond tb deedrag oa ssd my, wklcb wes twe-tbltds rr (I am jean old), restored te Its nataral soham eolorO. RICH MAN, Le Oneae, Wla u.i..iil . . . . gaaiir bsb-sj 1 1 H gJMirtlir bsTIbbbTSI Beri TOUC Dnil mm srar salr, . ..tier bo- lees It baa In ar.r M white. Fhaltlyrly r-mora daadraC kills the I stnsa balr f.lllnf. Doe sot stala ebls AlrfS h HABttWA ttni mmA Rkl. health, ft soothe and keala tha seals, stop Itch- tfio mmA - - . k.l. - . bottle, droraiiti1. Take aetbin sHtaoat slcas- bottle, dnwtita'. Take ""'I fm Scj? Offer 11: , f " Wt,Utt tJti la ef the fAllewlnr m f' sod set s BOe. bnttl Bar' Ralrhealtb fad a Me. eak H.rflti kfeilleatad Bna. bMt for ". bath, toilet, both for 0e.! r seat by Phil 5'"er. Newark. X, ip prepaid, ea lpt of aor. aad tkl adv. . TT' T"p "7 "t emsnai witaont uue ;vr.r?.??f.... Adliasj, re e weoBABB, cnAmn co, t smith r-r i-f M. J? Roche Say it Is Guana Juato, and ; He Dan Pro- . ' V nounce If Easily. t i . RENT COFFINS TO CARRY " -' BODIES TO THE -CRAVE Strange -Burial Customs -That Are Not Unlike Those In the Philippines. - Tha oddest plaoe Jn Mexico? Well- there axe many but the moat Interest ing to ma waa a mountain pocket con taining t&.Ooe people, four miles oft tha Mexican. ' Central railroad.", said M. J. Roche, .when questioned concerning what hs saw on the tour of the American Traveling Passenger Agents' association In Old Nexico. Tha plaoe Is named OuanajuaW pro nounced Wan-n-wa-ta... Tha only access to it Is on a tramway rjinnlng through a narrow opening Into tha pockat Sur rounding Jl are aorupi uiui, ana oat the have been taken more than II, 00,o00,0v In prsclous metals, moatly allvar.- . ''-"-.. .- .... . 'i' There U not a wheeled vehicle In tha pUee. Transportation la-sntlfaly' by burros, Th ' streets ar narrsw and paved with, cottbleatonee, and women contest the right of way with gaily caparisoned horses and riders, many of whom are seen, about. tha town. 1 It la hot In Guanajuato. At One and or tne town a high AIM rises, aimoai iix - a iiu. On top and,' Inside of thla . cliff la the burial ground for these people, iney call It the pantheon. We went up : on burroa.-at.-two bits apiece, having ar- ran red In advance lor a nat rata to avoid tha long parley by which they try to get St cent and eventually accept cents from ths mora'stubborn traveler. Wtndtng around the f c of rtn eiin. We- JaiacovXtha.riecYMZJt:-how-xao many human beings managed to lire In so small an area. They- have built adobe houses all fever tha face of the hills, many stories high and reached from below by a series of ladders. sUtsr a bewildering Trip we reacnea in top of the cliff. Where the dead are burled. "When a person dies in ouanajuato a eoflln la -ranted merely f or conve; the body to the plaoe of burial. Tha body 'la dumped Into the grave and -the ooOln la returned to tha dealer. -re-acendlng r spiral stairway aom distance down the face of the cliff, we-cam to an opening and entered a long corridor ex-. cavated .in the hill. - Hera thoa who can afford to pay rent plaoe the bodlea of their dead and leave them aa long aa tb rent la paid or until tha bodies axe mummified and can be, taken Out and suspended against the wall by a steel spike driven! through tha skulij 'ilf. the rent la due and unpaid the'body' hi taken out. of the shelf in the wail and the bones stacked up in an orderly manner at fence , and of the corrtdoc Tha : head la thrown on a pile of akutta near toy. When I first aaw the great atack of bonaa I thought they were firewood.' ' A. J& Beard, cashier of the Cltlsens National bsnk of Baker City,, wss - a listener to 'tho-atoryr-r- - r "There la -aim ihtr-euatoni -t-Ms nil. Ke hkIiI ?On -a. Bolaurn thara 1 made the acquaintance of t wealthy old Filipino., wno rrequentiy . viaitea Tne One day he cam-finely draaaad and evi dently with business In hand. - Z said la a Jocular way: 'Wbat'a upf Going to be marrledr" - i - Wo.' ha replied. 1 am" going to bury ,-rtny mdtheriodayi' u : t . "I was embarrassed, thinking I had hurt hi feelings, and told hint I waa sorry, and that I didn't know hla mother nao. peen in. t asxea nun- t wnat nour shs died. After figuring moment he told ma aha had been dead 21 rear. Ha had all that time, been paying 1 10ft a year rent for a place In which her' body waa Jiept, and now, ha was about to haVe the bones Interred under the stone floor of the chapel, and had arranged to have her cut on the stone -over "' " 1 . ; .. .-:-r WHATAPPENED TO : - v THE IOWA SOCIETY JThera- Is- an -loWa- aooiaty- ta Port land that la the parent .of-all of tha atate societies, 'and It haa probably the' largaat membership," said' A. W. Wright, ona of Ita organisers.' An tmmsnsa num ber of Iowa people live in Oregon. They got together soma years ago and or ganised, an association, and meeting ware held for a time. But long-winded speeches had their deadly effect, and the meetings, lapsed. . - -The society Is still on earth, however; and 1 have the membership rolls. - Which win ': show- a very large number-' of the .: names' of Portland'a beat' people." -7 - Mr. Wright- says he will dust off the rolls and confer with aome of the lead- era with a view to calling a meeting of the Iowa society at an early data. Ha heartfly approves the Idea, now be ing made prominent, of advertising Ore gon in tha east and middle wast, and assisting in the reception of : native atate visitors .who coma to tha Lewis snd dark fair.-- - -- ' "This la a grand work." ha aaJd. "and should have tha support of every one who feela ah Interest In the upbuilding of Oregon, There' is no evidence so good aa that of the man who is on ths ground, an we here In Oregon can tell our people-ibaclt -east -things that - Will open their eyes and. Interest them in thi GREAT SALE OF SEATS FOR MELBA -CONCERT office of the Marquam thea tre was 'the center of Interest for music lovers yesterday aa the aale ef tickets for-the coming Melbg concert at armory hall next-' Monday evening .was begun there promptly at the hour; announced. That the publle fully appreclataa the Im portance of the coming of Mme. Melba andV her associates waa quite 'evident from tbe , enormous - dsmand for seata, and ail doulta. If any axlated, aa to ths financial reeulta of -thla enterprise have been removed by the aalea of today. The programs presented fey the Melba com pany la other cltlea. have been univer sally commended aa unusually- f -well chosen lists of. vocal and instrumental selections, and Mme. Melba'a numbers hsve served to show hsr vigorous vocal abilities to the best possible advantage. gtson tela in 'the lobby of tha Mar quam Grand theatre, r- - ana rrr wmoso xaw. VAt Orand avenne and Salmon street laat mgnt' J. At. lxwndale, a news paper reporter, waa held up and robbed of hla gold -watch and .chain. He waa on hla way borne when two men lurking In tha shadow aprang forward and lev eled revolvere at his head, , Salarv Schedule for Portland Teachers Prepared by Board , Tbf, Education Committee. EDUCATORS GRADED T r ACCORDING TO ABILITY Hleher- Wazes Will Be - Given Only to Those Who Show " They Are Capable. ; ?; . Teachera of tha Portland schools will be rewarded for meritorious work and conduct, if tha report of tha committee on aalatiea presented laat night to the board of education la adopted. Tha re port provides that a teacher of six years exoerlence may.' after .an examination by a commlaaion, be plsosd on the merit list, whsre shs will receive a salary a year more than ona In tha sunt grade who la not on the merit list "Kxamlna tlons will be held annually and the names of the suoeeeaful candidates will be reported to the ioard by September V A graduated scale of wages, to be determined according to the number of rears of experience or -tna leacner, was also recommended. ,. --.--t- Tha reoort orovldea for tha use of tha entire ISO.eM advanoa la teacher- aaia- rlea allowed by tha taxpayer. 'Tha com mittee, - consisting of - Superintendent Frank Rlgler. H. Wittenberg and R. K. Warren.' believe they have arranged a schedule which will stand tha wear of time. It Is as follows: ' . .'. ' "No teacher shall be employed at full pay In any elementary school of thi district, unless she hag had two years previous experience as a.. teacher; pro vided, that service In thapapU teach ers' class of this city shall be consid ered teaching experience, and that grad uation In tha department of pedagogy of any college or university who course la pedagogy is equal to that of the Uni versity of .California, shall be consld- er4 -the-equlvaJent of Is months' aa perlence In -teaching'.... - '.r,r.. : i . JAsJgtaat Teachers' Sakutes. 'Assistant teachera In ths elementary gehoola of thla district shall be paid an annual salary according to experience aa followsc- -' ' - .... t - .- - . - Merit Grade. . S Trs. 1 Trs. 4 Tra. t Tra. list. 1 (..iiivvv- 60 $700 $760 IS0S i ......i. 660 600 & 700 J780 I ....... 6BvTI00 050 700 ,f 750 v.-.7trr oo 050 700 '-;750 .- soo euo - SftO ,. 700 7t0 - sue h...L... 600 ..' 660 - 700 . 760 V. 800 r-.,V.,.., 850. 700 i 760 800' 850 -U.'.-r... 660 700" : 750 , 800 V 860 40 : 700 rr -760 800 IU In case a person, of lean than ' years perience la employed to assist . In a tcrowdod room -jor . to take charge of a room containing leas than SO pupils, aha halt oa -known as a half -pay teacher and shall receive for her services IJO per) month iii krad below tha flXth, and tSS per mohih in other gradea.' -1 ' "Whenever the number of pupils In. a room which Is In charge of a half-pay teacher-equals or sxeseda 80. then such half -pay teacher a hall, until her expe rience equal two years, receive for her servloes 110 less per month than would be received by a teacher having j two years' experience; as soon as her expe rience amount to two gears aba shall be paid according to tha foregoing ached' - "Any. elementary teacher wh. haa had "six yeare' experience' and who holds a life diploma granted ' by "the ' city- of Portland, or by .' ths , state-of Oregon, shall b eligible to apply to have her name placed upon tha "merit Hat Asolloatlons for Merit T-lsk. ." "Buch applloatlona aball be filed 'with the clerk of the school district not later than March II of any year, and' whan re ported by him to tha board of directors. snail do reierrea 10 a commission to oe known as the 'merit list commission..'-! "Said commission shall consist of four members and 1 a hall . M constituted follows;, (a) Tha superintendent - of schools of ths city of Portland shall be chairman: (b) : during, tha . month of January every year-me ooara 01 aireo tor of 'the district ball select prin cipal of one, of the high schools of the city, to serve for one year;.(e) during tha month of -January every year tha city superintendent shall call meet ing of tha principals of all elementary schools of tha city In wnich 40 or more full-pay assistants . ar employed, at which there shall be elected from among tha principals qualified, to attend two members of the commission, who aball serve One year.H Two thirds of tha prin cipals qualified to .attend such'' meeting shall constitute a quorum, and a ma jority of -the whole . number 'qualified aball be necessary to a choice.,.-- "JTrorn the findings of the msttt list commission there shall be no -appeal; but an application which Is -rejected! ona year may be renewed ' the following year, or at any time thereafter. .w, rins AsslstanrB ay. ,- - ' 'In every elementary school of It or more full-pay teachers one of tha as sistant teachers shall be- designated by the board of directors aa Urat asalat ant.' Such teacher shall receive an annual aalary of (60 In 'excess of that provided for in the schedule. Rea-ular ; Merit List. S 00 60 1.000 - 1.050 1.100 . 1,160 1.20ft 1.800 ; : 1.150 .1.400 Rooms. : . . . . Balar: S .. ....8 600 4 I " 6 S5S -1.000 1.060, 1.100 1,200 1,260, " 1.800 .1.86 ... 10 1 J ; 1 W I 18 1.460 Sxi-i.500 14 ,400-; & 1.660 1.600 1.450 1.700 1,750 1.800 16 1.600 i IT 'i,,i,,ki(' 1.660 -t..- 18 w.........r 1.600 - . 1 . 1,660 ' Mora than l rooma. - 1,660 : "Any principal of an - elementary jGrip'Paina It would be utterly Impoeelble to Im agine anything mora ditreing than La Grippe peine. They are almply lnde acrlbable, and aeem to be composed of all the misery sensations known. - Tet they can 'be relieved, and In a very short time, by taking . . , . Dr. MiW v Anil -'Pain Pills the greateat remedy on earth for palne of any kind. Their soothing Influence upon the nerves Is felt throughout th entlrs system. ' "t had Ortnne'riafna all over trie- and 1 waa III euch distress I thought I could not endure It. I thought of Pr. Mile' Anti-Pain Pills, and after taking 8 doae the pain diaanpeared, and I slept peacefully. My brother haa a welling on hla ner It, and uses them, aa they ease the pain, and leave no Dad effect Ilk quieting powders." ADELJA LANE, Portage, Mich. I Tf thev fall to heh. vnnr drnralst wiU refund your money on first package. ' II doses, II cents, ( Mover sold In bulk. Portland GUzensSouM Welh Well This Evidence. , Proof Of merit Ilea. Jnlth vldenoa. Convincing evidence in Portland, la not the testimony ot atmngera, - But tha endorsement of Portland peo ple. . : . , ;. .. Vv'-V V : - Thaf a the kind of proof given here - Tha statement of a. Portland cltlaen! ' , O. K. Sprlngmeyer, expreaaman, resid ing at 1016 First street, aaya: ' Xx posursj to rough weather and tha con stant Jarring of tha wagon whlls J wss) riding brought on kidney- trouble. My back ached almost constantly and the muscles controlling the bladder appeared weak and their action far too frequent. Doan'a Kidney Pllla came to' my notloa and I got a box ait tha Lu-Davis Drug Cov's store, corner of Yamhill and Third streets. Tha pain in my back was re lieved and the kidney secretions became normal. Two boxes of Jan'si Xldnay Pllla brought about this result. , and It is With pleasure' that I recommend. tbla effeotlv preparation to others." ; - ' For sale by-ail dealer, price 10 cants. Foeter-Mllburn .Ca . Buffalo, N. solo agents for the United States. ' . Bsmerober the nam DOAN'S -and take no fether.. ..'..'".;'. 'r. school who haa had seven years' expe rience aa a teacher and 'who Holds ' life diploma for tha city of Portland or the state of Oregon, may petition tha board of directors of th district to -b placed upon .the merit 11st for principals. ' Such applications, shall be eonaldered by the board in executive session, and ah all be voted upon by ballot; four affirmatlvo votes are necessary In order that any pe tition shau be granted.--' "Teacher in. too high schools of this district snail be paid according to the ollowlag schedalei--Ijeas thau - three ears expeTletic."t00; three years' -ey perience, 8(60; jour years experience, 1 1.000; - five years' experience, (1,060; heads of departments, 81.200; principal of a high school employing 10 teachers or less, 81.000;- , principal- or - a high School employing mora than 10 teachera. A manual training -banter will bo Installed In the Atkinson school. 'Trus tee H. Wittenberg argued that tha only thing which will make tha school popu-r lar-and fill the rooms with puplla la to put manual training In the achooL- Tha. Fulton school - waa named, the Terwilllger school, aftef Jamas' Terwilr llger, an old pioneer of this city. T- The truatee waa appointed a commit tee of ona to- act as mediator In tha difficulty existing between Principal 3. A. Mlbier. and Janitor W. O. Pillow of h woodlawa achoou : '- UNION OFFICERS ( " f f i i i -V K rnDlCl PfAftl ATI All runivi hoouuihi lum 'Tha TJnldn Offioers aasoclation was organised On Sunday. Th membership la from the various labor- unlona J of PorUand,'and wUl' Individual unlona on Subjects that aria for dlsausvt ston from time to time. - It- la proba ble that tha association will advise with th Lswts and (Hark fair, officials re garding th relationship -to be born py laooreni toward tna coming expoaltlon. A. W.-Jonas of th Clgvinakara union tat president; J. Hughes, Carpenters un ion, vie president; - Grant McDonald, Pheaamen'e union, corresponding secre tary; William Noffk, . Painters' union, financial aecretary. -.y jr ., ' HILL'S SUGGESTION , 1 ' DOES SOUND GOOD - It . Is ' probable that th govern mut will turn ovr to Its Lewis and -dark fund the unexpended portion of th St. Louis appropriation, amounting to 115. 000. preldent Hill of th government board . baa "recommended to congress this 'disposition of th buol-and avers effort will be mad to) consummat th suggestion. Mr. Hill draws attention to th fact that' as the Lewis and Clark appropriation waa limited and -the. Phil- Ippln exhibit fa to be on a larger acal than waa at first suppod. there 1 a posslbil Ity of a sh ortage, which 1 8 1,- 000 would handeoriTeiy overooraa . Ore gon' represefatatlvas in tHa'legislatur T4ro vWKrwfrfl1t7r "thr. . Trtift -Meaniher of a rk a J SHI , i t ' ewT, ns. Broken Lines in Boys' Suits $1.00 ShirtsNow .;;.Vl;M.55f $1.75. Sweaters Now ..'i...,. ..-'..r,..90f , $1.00 Underwear- Now . ... i .V... i.t:. ,65o" $1 Monarch Shirts, in broken Hnes--Now 45 60c Underwear Now .;.........r..35A 50c Neckwear Now,.,, i-;.....-.. ...aSo; X AM .WORKING r; ;--'-"T0R A REPUTATION A3 WELL AS A LIVING' Is eta attracting its full share of eager buyers : Vvhich is only a natural revolt of our way cf doing: business. We don't attempt to foci the' ikying: public by offering: them goods at un-' heard of prices, but we offer, you the pick and choice of our superb stock ;of high-grade -: K CLOTHING H ' ' imd ; FURWSHINGS v S y-y. "y y y--.:.: ibr the balance of the month at prices just a ' little lower than jrpu have been used to paying y ; for this class of merchandise Rem quality of the goods is of. the highest, only ; 'the price hits been reduced (contract goods -not founded in this - X 3 1 1 M U K K 1 o xj:ypr.i Opp."P. Feels Perfectly In th knowledge that Bay Stat PainU will retain their color and preservative qualities. Not affected by the, sun, rain. . wind-or weather. Without aa equal for th purpose Intended. Most economical . of mixed paints. Tha best in all re spects. Never fails' 'to glv smtlsfse--- Z nm wnaxiiinT srii. . . ' UK IliI ara working for the "adopUon of th proposition. .'' :-v-'--- - '- .. . jLs was predicted, the California stats aanaU yesterday pasaed tha bill appro priating 170,000 additional for . the ex position, and there la aoareely a, doubt that th house will take favorabl ac tion. . . V ' -r I. N..-FlelaehhT announcement of n prlss of 1100 f or th beat allad on a a x . - It ll . ' . t. , - . " . twesi i . 1 1 f 1 1 VSTK' -T rW rT tYT TYI ZS. ITl 1 1 T T i . n .- as im it it as a a a awi -xv wia --. A man in clothing o! our stock will find himself reflected to' his entire ; satisfaction in ? the glass 'of .fashion: He , will L IN ItSrrj: rum, oo, ththe $12.50 ' to : $15.00 ...'." sale). U IN ' O' i K s&'.xb I a Bqusr r-i&f i-j! h ! v 2fm "jfi'i pi i. mwmJ ;v.:,., -., f ,-:y.; GET th habit of naifif,wiKd.fot!ii fuL You aav money by Ho. r , $ ing ao. Tho kind of wood wv J 'ell U easily kindled and gives fall hut value. Tfy u with an oritt. : Brffii?viSEY OJELCO.: Phone Main 353: Third St. Th Trail bs resulted in a number fol .. contribution already. Everybody la In vitad to participate. . :--) . . ,lj Pauley Of th Vontan - atate ' , eommlsalone la hsr to superintend th; T anlaalne . tt two earav . from Ms state, en,tn1n -avklMtirm' matarlsl. t3 ' 7 1. : , ' Za auuy aam af asthsks PI' Osr glvas is ' hat that I Blaeeat al to, r. ' t - has.saved jnoney Suits aiid Over-: Most, any else open to all comers while . they , last .'. V..." "j . rA a : JMORRISON CoRFiRSTSt -a-i.,..-.. 4 ! r'- -.:' jr V . 4 - t , 4'