The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 24, 1905, Image 11

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    ' T . j "
.stored it th postoffic t Pertlaad. Or.,
f iTttlUDOrtAUaa UlMuirta tkth Mali jam J
clear matter,
-- iDStmjr ii af-iarlAt ' u k lib.
Ma esnar. 1 .nVt la an .1 s.1
to 44 Mill, aoata,' "
Editorial Room. ...,. ,.......'....Ksla "0
I V- Bualoaaa orflc... Y.. "..
i 180 Nawan atrMt, iw Xarkt Vrtbuw Build -
r-'-, I'maa ba fnl . - v,
:' Tha Pallr
,"Tha Dal I
ncinaaa ...
"."J.., , wwk, daUrarad. , Saadar,
l wrmu rtmr . r-y?
' aouraai, I xaar o.wi
15" ! Joamal, with .oda, moo0w.-.T8
IS 'oornaL 8 month. . ...... ...vt I.JO
5 J InaraaL wlta ganda, 1 moata.. .68
TIm Sunday JoaraaU tyaar.r.M..
a ft. V4 f"W
a Wk
.H.jiuDu.7 Journal, a Bxntm, . ,. .au m
- . ; - lai laaal-Waaaly JomtaU. - f..v;.
JOt BfBil-Waalr Jobraal, 8 a 11 ada
- Mawttatad. fall auiaV"--
a. V:V faf ............ ,.,!.?
Tba Waakla. IWmI.
. Tb Wrakty lournal. 100 rolamna f faaaV1
.raportf, 1 yaar.... .. ..7.. ...81.00
Mvwiiiancaa aaoBia-Ba maoa m oralis, pni
i? fHT wiraal, wlta uBdaiY 1 wa,..aT.?
1 h I i w ... ak J dl a.di..a 1 III
f ioaraaL rlU tuadar. 1 tBoada.. . I
aalaa.- ainraaa ordam aad amall aawwata aralr . . ...v. uw v;
aocantahi. i T, 'L ... I Ixiula Cody oonUlna lomt racy matttr.
. ' . , xi2 ODaJil. ;
P. O. l, Portland, Or. - -
vixw m lananar. war7TiW
TV. 7nn.t u v. i. .a, ataa,
feii'.'-ii1'' -
fHir'np" vlJ'i ff. Y -
DE via. COLO Kandrlk Baolr A Rtattoaary
rrapany. aia aaTantraata eiraaii ji auaca,
R(srdrrith alMil rSimtidl mT-awtT-m
" fvriac atra! OUrar Balnaa, tuf
; anrlna atiaaa- .
r. inira.
SKW TomKlXTTT-aJtreata
KM Oa-dra Kewa aoap
"T1 OMAHA Millard Hote.1 nrwa atand;
atatlonarr eomnaay. -1808 Paraaar atreet.
8ilT LAKB CITY Kanyon Hotel
aear etaadi
Harrow Bma.,
43 Weat flemnd atraet. Sonta.
: n. LOHia Pbllln Roedrr. did Lernit atreet.
Alf PBANCIeCO W. E. Ardlan, Pates Jfctel
t aTrretj rrea w. nttsionri MarKt treat.
MPOKANB. WAKB Joba' W. Grabaa CB.
-Tacoma. WAH-C6tra4 Mswa asawaa, 11
- i'aiina Baenaa.
. 1 ' '..
rVBr 7. T. WlUoa. 180 Pint street, at 11
a. m. Hale of foraltura, carpeta, atorea, ate. I
. . a, - t iibdd aacfioaeer.
JL Tto'laiaal mr.1. eff L
. Waablnftoa enaat h) tnalns; energy It. baa
. 'Mnnm raina in iaa aorta racioc naiaa ana
Hj?dytrEy aftJ!rwsTs?e
lino to -latoean laiana ia a own tnia aiorning.
Tba-ootd waaa-ta-.the t'anadlaa aorthweat
la- ainelng ahtwly aoutheestward sod aero
trmpetatnres extend ae far eontn. aa aoathera
Iowa and. eaet to the Mlealaaippl rtrar. rjnw
w ia in n ia xbw -enrauMr Aiannc ataxaa ana
thj -tower Ut regions-: whfl. light rain hare
g,.J 24!. "ul
Th Indtratlnae are far ctsarjaaed aeattlad
snd ehowrry weather la thla dlatrlrt tonight' ; T T?- w '
i ...., , , , . -
0L8EX January . to Mr. and Mrs. . IrerJ
ai Vi-JS", v8T.!2!.D,.tfni.h 1
, Jamea Mschenaie. T4 Blerenth street! a
j J. Slli0 January 1'8,' 'tn-fT..' and Mr. aVagelo f
tiiro,. oni . rirtn -"atreet, oonta, a
ATBIKoW-JanaarT SW. to Mr. aod Mra. JoaafW.
'!"a-t?. Williams areanasi a awagnter.';
rn i Uiira-January zs,- ta . nr. . ana em.
t:htPMM PhllllM. ralawralta Park. . Aau.h.
iw , - ...... .1
Weddlnr-Caroa. W. O. Smith fV.. Waah.
lagioa ani, ear.- rourtn aaa n eauiagtom ru.
, OOBTAOIOTg PMBAgtB, - j ' r ,
OirtTHtlt Janoary .18. Roy Oarther 478
a. au, aiTarava euriii vauai-aDva , . a"
' n '
LO VI Jannarr ia. L. B. Lava, heed 88 taara. I
t JL Vlnoent'a hoanltal: eanaa. heart dla. I
aaee. - Burtel at Wilbur, Or, -
. BAUlSOOHM-bJaBuary.B, Charlra-W. Hag.
, - dormt aced 1 year, at 47S Hlatrehth atrart;
' rau.. Inanition. Rurlal at Lose ttr reaMttwy.
-AHAl.T-r-Jannarr 1. Jeka . Ahalt, aged 84
.yeert. at Oak. tirote. Or.l cause, bronl
i ;. gaatrie catarrh. . Burial at MUwaukle ceme-
' err.-- ... -3- - , . . .
ClHSRSrHITTJannarr it. Wendl KVherarttet
- aged 89 year, at TO 1er streer; cans; 1 ''-, 18JT8.O0 , .' '
- aenll apoplexy. .Burial at Cedar MUla'. Or. Conatroetlon Accoont ' .
, OlLIaSTTaWaniury sL Praetoa W. aillettt. x rending bmIbs .....$ 88.B1B.d : .; -V
aged 79 yeera, at Its -Aberaethyi rsner. Beseraolrs ............ AS.B41.8T '
suglna pectoris. Burial at UlrerTlce Cema- .' t f 1 1 -
tary. - . . -i-i,,. . tloa.47T.0a -.1
MARgHAUWantiary I Bl'MlOd B.Tfarshan.' f
vaged 27 yeara, at 104 GUaan street) cause, I
".acute nepbcltla. Crematorium. j. I
, KrwJanuary 21 clarenca Keel, aged 4 33 f
yeera. at St. Vincent a hospital; -feuee, ap-1
" IWtltllrftla. . Rnrlal'aft Mennnae Ae
laArhlRRJanuarr to. U f. A. Laarier, sgadl
r-,r8 yeara, at OoJdea Weat hotel: ea one, I
. - - -"a ' "a pa. iiwiihvii, , aaunai
t epofeaad, Waah. , .;. I, --f: -a
i reraatonam ea Oregon-city ear Una. aear
Bellwoodj awdara, eclenOll?. complete... Charges
. . ,.i.. .... am. . . J
... ama.iiej, aoa-t bj.u,i,.V, aaa. , ibi mi a a, aa.
.-. i. to t p. m. Portlaad .usmatiea aaaoclatlon, -
-. The -Edward Holsaaa Vadartakiag oamay,
funeral director aad mbalmer. 330 Third
. street " Tbone got. ' :-"Tr -?-, C'"
p..1..a. . uMuakaaaaaaaaa , ; . .
T P. ttaley A Son. fnnaral director and
emhaltnera, hare remared' to their new eatab-
uanment. oornar Third and Madlsea atraeta.
' Patwral wreathe snd cat Bowers a specialty
. n a. i . an . r 1 1
Bimin . auauiaiiiT f
'k . T V"X Ui-weilaioaa.. ITOlf Biaiail) BBS I
Beet Morrlsoa. app. cemetery.
Cltrk Bros, for awweee. - 389 Morrlaea street.
.-jaAt jtlTATB' TBABiriBgr ;
oha Wsat t C ' C. 'Weat, 'seat' H loto '
T snd 8. block 8S, Beet Portland ....,
.gene O. Bnckmaa to. A. MeCalmaa, ' let ,
1. eaet 14 feet let 8, block 8. Back man a
Kecoiid addjttna ..a...................
.5 John Went to M. H. Bar'tel. eaat 40 feet. '
, 1 lot 1, block 14A, Esat Portland: UrtO .
fast In lot J, block 148, Eaet Portland; r,
lots B asd 8, block 39, Central A Iblns. .
John Bays -and wife to P. A. - Knapp.
.. .. south V let A,, block 184, Coach ad-.
. dltlaa
00 1
.' t, block 4. Couch addition ... 1,500
ohs Went to . T. Went, west 83 1-8 v.
feet tote f snd I. black 128. Beat Port- V
Itind; 3D8X418 tect lot 10. tileawood '
Park Ke,- S
tBhi Belllnj. and wife to P. H. Pepper,
.tots 8 aad T, block T, Leurelweod Park.
..! ., F. A. Ksape and wire to .A U Ollbert.
' fT'" btorti ISO, Couch addi-
- r-""loa
- r Bernbard Harerrna and wlfa M 1 ttal.
aica. lata a ana ,
kUab A. Ul.l.
Jioa, 0. Baekmea to a. . p,wall,' lot
II. Lamaramt Park Kn a
' Co I leas Endowmant aessetstloa to b IV V
; Ksger, lot s, S and JO, black 8. Col-Mab-1
. Warriir's'rnluariVdo'oV'li: .
' ST?.' - "i..?1 bM to, . Wlllaasttto
Heights- addlttna 8.0M
Jt C. (tea bam and wlfa ta Portland Trust .
com pa bV. lau 13 and 14, Mock HI, Peru- -
mouth Villa extended ...a. 160
t Sheriff ta- B. W. Morrt. nor tb weat u , - -.
eoatnwesx at l-octaweat u sectloa wl, -
lownablp 1 north, rsacs
M aeat
Bherlff te I. Btsalnger. krts 33. 34,
i. . 'a, . , - ' . . - " . i
',' naVpt -VTSa fT
i .. i..1. d. cnwrHinr to J. Brlggs, , 1
M.rnfllHl feet beginning north enraar
let 8, Work 7, Oak Part addition
nooeria et ai. tc B.
C aUcheacHwl
trtaatea, . acres ia joba Bsraea'
I Berrlsmto tV Pjeab and 'wife ttV d. ?
1 Irwm. lota t, IT, bloc J; lot. Bd 4
( . T- ,UMJi it cu sdditioa.7 too
Hamuaia In '
A klh - B l "
Vl "-" aaon"ae.e PDHil ......,'. .
r.'-f. Uiiutey-end wu to M. Adame. lots .
. J ana w. " a. point view tddltloa
'ta 01. John .
I J. L. at. te Portland Uun'
lecturing ooupny .ilecu property, la-.
htavk La. 11 L. Vlnr mA
aamtton ......
I rint v aiiuni a......,.... ana
nriyniv nr. ia.i.e7s
I n a il.klaim .. .A t aS A. .an a. . . .
1 10. 10, . Slock 4. MspleefDod Addition
i "w,1. !. Portland
Woolen bulls, blocks B.f 0." 10. alames " V
JobM' eduitlea t St, John ..ay...... V
uwwtif . varruil w a. Carroll el SI. ,
rUXM 1 and , block lj Wu aod d,-1 -
bloek W; lota od T. block, 14. C
.utMry aaaittoa 4...... vi,. . j
1 from tha Tltlo Ouaraau Tnt toat-
'.I . m .
a. . ivu ji mmwwrj a.i, iararT. Karroa, raai
oa. waaca atiwaaa ail ' Twagtj-rourta
WATTB Jaauarr - L. W Watn? J.IM
ana Kan i wavrv-nrin atraaa; 'Mkat ai win.
XBurmaa, aatwaaa TWantj-alzth aad Twaatja
DaNroftTB Janaar . ta. W. 1.7 Maafortk.
WT.1IIU mil ia. awE.
uwajuof, 4oraaa Miwara votrua Bd J)aw-
WIKMiOW-Jaauarf to,' l7 . W1
linf, aoriBwaat oornar Eaat Xlabtwotk and
- aat Traaainaioa airaan: ao(. z.ouo,
an- rau t.. . aa w ' at b .
faal start katwaaa.Kaat Twaltth and Kaat
. lairtfaatll atraata: obat. 81.100.
BtJNYO.NaBuarr 27ckarlaa
uar t Caarlaa I. Baara.-
I PUCK ianuary 84. J. and J Baca, l-atorr
1 " TntB' fcVtVw U ariaida wd SS
BUFFAKiLt's Wife
1 araat Bpacial rrka.i
I'h.v.n n. Jan a .n.wM ' .i
i B,,a.u nui'a ...i h wH
I Bh danlaa that aha avar
potooa. bar huabamd. a . aUerad. . but
ta,t aha ha alwaya baan . trua and
' fib allegata that ha for lone
a.lllma Wil laHabla in aurjDO nar and
ho ohljdren, and aha did draaamaktof
t t--Plrt wrawt lorarirTraara.
I - Iho aUecoa that when Mr. Cody baaan
I to acqulra wealth ha squandered , tha
i moner in rambltna; and caroming, but
admit that ha (av her larr sums.
whteh hs ay aha inveatad In real ta
ut for Joint uea in-old ac. - : i
Mr. Cody chart! r huaband wtth
eonaorttntr with Baaai Isbell for year,
beginning In 4l0,MIaanrUbell belna
with' tha Wild Wast how aa advertlalnv
wrltsr. . Bh also' all; that Cody lived
fo- months with ai woman- Jn Chlcato
In 1891. and aha want there and asked
him taj leav his world' fair mistress
I .d v refaaad.
id m rafvsod. -,. - - v. r-,
lira.. Cody denle that she, denounced
her husband over tha dead body of her
daughter, and aya she never refused
to entertain friends or offered him In
tolerable tndtgrnltles. Th bearing of ths
evidence wtli begin February 14. . , ..
Ban Francisco, Jan. 4. Mrs, T, Ma-
rion wans. WflUH xaoo ana nrUT mnt
th. .stalu which, surmounts
th. city ; hall,, - waav- ejacted ,xeatardap
from her home for non-payment Of rent.
The woman who at the time of her
j miarrthg to her. husband brought bint
uv,vvv, arno w llv a I una umv yvmwvmmw
140,000 worth of jewels. Is so reduced
in fortune. that she snd-her two Noting
sons, ware Dill out of thd houad. . ,
I . The lodging house at 61 J Broad Way
by meang of which Mrs,WelU supported
I herself sines' ths death or ner nuaoann.
was taken from- her yesterday by- the
1 owners. The last two months Mrs. Wells
has bees lUBabls. to? pay her tent. . Wells
"dej at greaFdear 61 money, but epsnt
raaoy a"''
lrw - .nV'S
t ,w.n-a t ea nvrrrararn at tana, ' !
weia-i.. ar- waraa, runn aaHiiawiiia.. ki i
1804 - a B4.8o8.lS
I Tiatea retaa ...... ,...u",a;ia.Tlf , - '.
i";. .-t-..,: T. z Z: "
Tapping maiaa . ill. 00
TbO ftO 108.a8.2l
.aaruu! vu wavw aba y
- uisnaraeBaaata xreat ..uciooer to
Becember 81. 1804. - - ,
operauua Aeeoaot-a
Pip line .
n ............. .a ii.T84.oa
olra 1.8T8.18
eoalrlaa main ...... ,
Inanectloa ........ 1.701. 10
Offc xpeaea ........... J,Wt.o
Hooka ajul stationery,.. StTl.o -
Metea".v 1,0A M "
Loeae property -i'-- M.
Alblus pump ........... .. 1.T38.48 1
Palstla paap ......a. 179.06
Blgb ssrvka-PM 'e..VT f.T 7T.
. i- : ..... ..... -1;
' Intarasf, Awwmt-i."'-" - -- -irr
tntereat on t0,000.00 f.i..t'i-;
r bonde year at .' " lrr--'
per cent 7,500.00
interest oa 2,Boo, i-;iiJ. ... r ' , .
per can
Abore Inter.
f per sent'. h?sm!eQ iT.,;
iter eat T-v ., w i.wxi.uo , f
t 80,000.00 $18,d.o
Balaace of water fund December
81. 1904
t 8 0S0.40
' Chairman Water Board.
i Portland.
Oregon, January 84, 1806.
Notice la herebr alven' that at tha maatlna
af the Council o the City of Partlsad, (r-
KBr-aeM on. tae lata aay er January, 11KM,
t followlnc reeolnttoa wa adontrdi 4-
neaoirea, met tae tobbcii off tne city sr
Portland, Oregon, deems- It expedient sad
aropoaea to-eonstract a aewer ia ttH t treat
from the soath tins of Vertteeg'e addition to
tne aewer in laicmei atraet or Ttmriea
. . . . . . a . . . . .
Bma at eicer lnmeo near inatna nia meter witn
.It ...... aafohhaali. la..l
.-.J Branches.
Bald ewerTrWwMlarruMnicWr8lllk-
with th charter and erdlnanceg'nf th City of
Portland" and th plans, apecldratlons and eatl
tostes ef ths City Knglncer flled" In the of lira
ef the Aadltor af the City af Portland ea tbe
orn umy ax January,,, iwiaj, inooreea: "City
Engineer's plsns - snd cpeci8cattens for th
sewer la t4H street from. tbe south line of
Vereteea'a sdditlna to-the aewar la Menial
street and tbe estlnwtea af the- work to be
none ana tne pmoaDie total eost tnereoi.'1
' The coat-wf said aewer to be aaaeaead as' pro
vided hy the city charter noon the property
specially and peculiarly benedted thereby and
which la hereby declared to be as follows:
tots I. 4. S aad 8, block 3. aad lota 10. B. 8
a The Eturtaear's estimate ef the probable
total ceat far. th coaatrsetlea ef said, sewer Is
The plsns, eperlftcatlona snd- -eattmat of
ton city awcineer tor toe eonatrucuoa ef aald
aawer ar nrraoy auoptaa.
Reaelred. That tha Auditor of the City ef
be aad be to hereby directed to give
notice ef the proposed conatrwrloa- at ' said
ltersoastranree against tha above aewer -map
be Sled ia wrltlna with, the wii.i.
to ders from th dsta ad. tha fir at raubllotw .
. By sxuar wa. iaa wound r, :, . .
: r, TllOg. ft'TtETtlW, '
- Aadltor ef th City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, Cat, at rtt, pobllceUoa,
Jasuary tl.' 1906., -
VABTKXBT. Sealed rAneals will be recelvad at the office
tit th A editor at th City of Portland aattl
Friday. January 87. 1B08, at 8 O'clock p. m.,
for rirnlahlng to th Plra Ilensrtment ef aald
city in, roiea-wtnar ivne aa tern, waica Will ae
pnlrs - tar the maatha ef rtbrusry. Msreh
aad April l '. , .,
tx tone country bras.
fifty tons beet eaallty tlnisthp hay. ' .
wen tr fire tons beew quality whits acts.
Twentv too strsw.
bu-ry ia be suds as required aad bUli
sn . cr.zcc:7 daily jounNAUi portlai:d. Tuesday
cmf Bsnoci:
be rendered ealy for saeb 0it1tlaf as are
dallverrd aad acoepted. .' :
iamsiee ef area and oat Bloat a snbmltted
wlta each propoaal. Bay aad straw subjact t
appreral ea dall'ery.
Ke -prouoaala will be eoaaldered aaleee ar
,aitUad by a certified eaack- payable a
waurga a. nituama, Mayer, cor aa asm
eui" I to 10 nar eent at tbe aaaraaata bid.
.a right t reject any or all bid I hereby
trwrf Tsyu. , t
. By oadsf ef ta Bieeatlae Board.
t 'l - THOS. 0. OBTUW; -r
... . Aadltor ef tbe' City of Portia ad.
' Pertlsaa Oregoa, January 11, 1808. . ,
Ifptlce la bareby glrea that at th an ting
t tne council t,( tbe city or rortlaad, oro-
goBi held on the 18th day of January, UNO,
iaa iouowuu vaamuTian area iomi zma :
JUeol red, That the Couucli f ; the dtp t
PortiauO. Oregon, - naaini It eipcdtaat aad
propoeaa to aouatrtiet a aawer In Twenty -eUth
street from the aoarh line ef Teretsea's ad-
aniaa o uie eewes ut nicoui streei ei nm
ar nine of alaht' lathM
r clear
In aide
diameter, with' all necessary eaubbaalaa,
holea, lamuholas and hraaehaa.
a aid aewer to be constructed fat tecerdaoce
with the oharter. ead ordlnsBcea of the City
ef Portland had the plana, ipeciltaetiotui sad
sauaMtea ef the City EngUiee alad la the of
tre of the Auditor ef the City of Portland on
toe ota any oc January, iwuv, inaereee. "iity
Biurlnear'a. alaua and enednoatlaaa far a aewer
In Twenty! tn atreet from the south Una ef
Toretveg eoomoo to tae sewar ia nicoiai
street asd the estimate ef the work to be done
and th probabls total eoet thereof."
The eost of aald sawer to be ssseaaad a pre
aided y the eJty charter apoa tbe property
peKlally aud peaalUrly beaedled thereby aad
which Is berehy . deeland t be aa fullowei
tarts 1, f, 8, 4, 8 end 8. btoek it let-10. 8.
8 aadiT, block , dw U la Verstoeg't ddlttoa
to the. City of- Portlaed. . , T.
Tha City Bftgtoeer aettaut f the probable
nuu coat ' jor ; w coaetrucuoa. ex . atia. aawrs
eat 9I0O,ft-L
The plane, apacUeat Ion and aatUBSto of
the City Bngtaeer for the ease trttctloa el aald
sewer are hereby adopted.. ,
- eUaolred, Thai the Aadfta ef -the Otty et
rvruaaa no ana ne is aereur aireetea to aire
aotlce .ef the propoeed -constrectloa a aald
aewar as provided by the ty ehartar.
Bemonetraucee agalaat the a bora eawar atay
M ed M writing with the saderelgaed wltbla
ta day from the date ef the Brat pubUcaUoa
ef tbi aotica.' . . , , ' . .t
l ardar ef the Coancll. .
.va . IU0B 0. DETU.--4
, . aoaitor er the City ef rortlaad.
evruaaav Oregon, v Data ef arat
1 January SI, 1806.
Kotice la herebr alven that at the aiaatinaT
ef the Council el tha City ef Portland, Ore
goa, held sa tbe tttth- day of January, IMm,
the followlaa reaolntloa was adopted!
BeaolreSLThat tlia
ie touoctl at lb City ef
expedient, and proaoeea to
ruri iana . aeeeaa It
lmpreae Alberta street from '.the Met Una of
I Vitloa avanve to the east line af Bsat roar-Llaaota,-
strat.4 the tullowlns meaner. t-tt:
rirei ar grading toe aireet lull wiuts
with Mil-Intersections down to the sah-frad
given br the Cttr Einln
SeermsVa.Br: eonatraettua teandea -sldawslhs
la accordance with the Cits Eos Isaac's Diana.
sperlflcatloua and estimates. .
TBtro By laying cruaawslka rs sccocda nc
with the City Engineer's Diana. CDectf tea lions
and astlaiitee. ,..
Kourtb By conatrartlng beg" and stone gut
ters ta acrordsnc with . tbs 'City Ena-laear'a
plsns, epecllcatloa snd eetl nates.
-ruta -tty snngmg tne surraoa ex xae atraet
fall width with Irrfarraectloas-to th ac
Ubllahed grade with grayaL : -
Bald Imucovemant to he made la accordance
With the chsrtar aad ardlaaaoea of the Ut
of Portlaad and ths plana, araectftrarVrae and
nuraawa oa toe t.ity aarigiaaer, uica in tsv
of tics of tha Auditor nf tha CltV af Partlsnd
on the 14th daa of Jannarr. 1908: tndareed:
ihf'Gltyt Engineer's plans, end spectf Icatlona . for
,'lh ( Anprovejnent of (A.rirrts f treat from it be
1 eaet1 n of- crntoa Vvesie to Jib east line If
Kaat rourt can to atreet estimates er
the work to- b -aoas asd the-: nrobabla total
-Bust "-thereof. , .- f u ..
The, cost -of ssld Improve meot I t be es
ses aed as provided by tbe city charter agon
th property apeclally and peculiarly benefited
thereby snd ' which Is hereby declared to be
sll ths tots, parts thereof sd parrels-ef land
lrlmr between a line 100 feet north of sad
parallel with the north line-f Alberta street
snd s Tins raO feet south of and parallel with
tha south line of Alberta street aad betweea
the east Itn ef Union e-enu and a tin 100
fact eaat of and parallel with. The mat Ua et
Beet Poarteenth street; "T J
The; Intlnear'S : eetlmate" . ef ths probable
total eoet foy the Jmprsrsnunt ot said Alberu
atreet- la ,
The ahnra ImnMaement ta to be claaaad
a grarel ImpraTeaMnt and shall be maintained
or tne city tor a penoa or lire yesra, pro
Tided that the ewaara ef a. majority I th
procarty - braefited by -aald - tmpreaamsat
any aortJoa thereof shall act natlttoa. for
new or dlftyrrot. lmtroeement befor the ei-
piratioa ax euc penoo. ... - ,
: Tha nlane. etieclflearlana . and -eatfmatas f
1 tne city Knaineer ror tn -tmprovemaat. I aaio
aiaersa-street are nereoy aaopiaa. .---
Beeoieedi Tht Jtha' J A editor ef A-th Ctty
of Portland .b and fee" to' hereby directed to
glee 'antic ef the proposed Improvement of
aald atreet -a preelded by th dfy charter, .
i, ... Uemonatraaeee against tha ehnra tmaro
meat may be filed la writing with the uoder-
slgsad within 80 day from th oat M. tn
rirat pnnucatlon ot tnia notice. . f - . ,
- By order of th Cenndl:' ' :
. , . ' Aadltor ef- th City ef Portlaad. .
Portlasdi Oregon. Pate:of drat pabUcaOoa,
i. v -:'- TRAIT. ' -, t ' -
' Notice I hereby clvea that at-Sber-cssattn
ot tbs Council of to CUP of Pertlaad. Ore-
goa, held sa the lth day of January, Hwo.
IB roiiowug resoistion wss seopt: ,i -
;-, Bemdved, .That' the Ceuncll of. the City of
rurtuutivvregoB, aeaans it espsaisat bbq pro.
pusep to ' lmirove Kearney street from the
met Una f rifteetrth street to ths saat Una
af KinetecBth atraat In th toUowlag man.
Br, -wit- - . - ' ; -
Plrat Bv Ire dine th street fail width with
full intersection down to ths anberada aa
given by th City Engineer. ... . ---- .
rlecoud By - runt true ting sldswslks la accord
ance with ta City Eugioeer a puaa, spaelflaa.
Uoiia ana estimates.
Third Br euustracting croaewaika la soeerd
ancs .urith the City siugiaemt'f plaas, apscixi-
caiiutiB aitu aaiiwavaa. - r .
Fourth By nrlDglug tbe mirfae of the atraat
full " width with fuu InteraecUoos to' pnwsr
..ead. with aueaaim. -
Ssld Immwrsiaeut- "ta b' Bud ' la scooctl-
a with the charter aad .ordinances ot tb
city -otPortlsBd sadV the: plans, spaetflcattoiis
ssd -ntlmstes .of -the1 city Kngtoeea, . filed ta
the sfflce ot th Auditor or ise cup ot.Port
Usd xra the 14th day.ef Jauusry. 1806. In
darsed: 'Cltr Encluser s Blane aad aueoinoa
tlooe for ' the Imiaruvsaient of Kearney street
from tbe wast una at rtrteeata street te tha
eaat line af Mtieteenth atreet. aad the eetl.
metes cf th work to be does aad th probsbl
total eost thereofi,"- t
Ths. cost of ssld imorovement te ne sasimig
ss provided by th city charter upon the
nroraertv eoeclalrv - and Becullarlr - beneatad
fhereh and which is herebr declared to ha" sll
the lots, parts thereof tad psrosla ef lead
lrla betweea 8 tin 100 feet north af tod
parallel with th north 11a ef Sesreey street
ssd a line. 100 fret soath ef snd parallel with
tb south tin ef Kearney etreet and between
th west lln of Fifteenth atreet aad th eaat
line ef NlneteentB atreet. .
Ta EuglBser'8 estimate ef : th probsbls
totsl cost for ta improve nacst sr sal a avearnsy
slroet Is 11,900, : - - - - - .
1 Be soove improvement is ta o cussea sc a
macadam lmnrnvmeat and shall bs maintained
bv the eltr fur n period ef five rear, nco
.vioed tnst tas ewaers ox a msjsnty -ox ta
property benente by ssia improvemcat or
sa portion thereof aha 11 not petltioa for a sew
ar different Iraproveaaest .befors the sxplrstloa
ec auca periee. i
. ia plSBs, apacirtoations sno sstimatea er
the City Knglsrer for th Improve meat f Mid
Kearney street sr hereby sdoptsd. -. .
- Rceelved. Thgt tb Auditor of tb City i
IVrtlasd be sad he Is hereby directed to give
wtte af tha Btapaead laast-arameut .of aald
afreet as movtded bv tha city charter: ,
ale monstrances sgsiust tna sdovs , iroprave-
mar ret ntcd in wntuig wits tne tuaOar-
algned wltbla to ders from the date oi ths
first pebiicstwn et tnis nolle. t ... - ,
ay eroev at xa vaayirii. ,.
THOS. C. DEVtllt.
' , - . Asdltor ef ths Cltr sf PortUsd.
Portland,- Oregon. lists t 8 ret piibltoattsS,
TaDUary xi. nam. r - -
Kotlee Is hereby siren that at the aaaatJnc
wf'th Cwrorll of the City of Pertlaad, Ore-
8 on, .held oa. the 1st day of Jasuary, 18ud,
is tollewiag reearattoa was adapted f.
. ttesoiveo, lost ua council ai me. tity ef
Portland,, Orccoa. deems It expedient lad
farpusas t cheng -th grari of th coaler
Ins of laat Clay street St tb neater line at
I'nloa a tense, from as.tO feet le 8d fast abv
th baea of city grades.
Resolved. - Thst tha Aadltor ef tb City af
Portlaad be -aad he la hereby directed to eiva
notice af th proposed cbsags sf grade af
aeld street.' a provided by the the Charter.
Remenetrsaces aaa last th above a-hanee af
grade, may ha filed la writing with the aader
elgned wltbla 30 ders from tbe dsts sf tha arat
publication f this satlc. , .
jy oruer x ib coanru. ,
Auditor f th City af Portland. -Partlsnd.
O reraau Da t. af Brat a.Mle.itn.
Jaaaary 31, lltoi. , .
e, ay
' . STBIBT. .
Motles le hereby giro that It th meeting
ef the Caen urn of tha. City sf PortUsd. Ore
goa, held o the loth day f January, ltMJO,
ujv luuowiaaj raeointiuB was soovteiit - -
Resulted, That tb Couuell ol th City
reritand. OreaoB. deems It exnedleut sad s
Posse to Improva Daisy atrwt from th north
line of Goldsmith street to the south Una ut
Kuott Street la tha tullowlns manner, to-wltl
. Plrat Br gredlug the a treat- Le the ubg tads
ag.glvsa. by the. City Engineer. ' .
teeosd By eonstructlng wooden- aide walks
w accoraanc with tha City Kaglaesc 8 pUas.
speclaestlons snd eetlmetee. .
- Third By ralsylng sldswslka ia accords see
with ths City teaglaaer' plasm, stHtclAosUoria
tad sstlmstrs. .
. Poarth By twinging ta ear fare sf th (treat
fail width with full Intersections to tb eatah
Uahed grade with eraeaL
held ImDravement to be ma da in accordance
with tb charter ssd ordinances of the City-
ex rortatae and tthe plans, specifications snd
eatl mates ef tW City Buglaear tWd Ln the:
eftc af tb A editor ef the VHP of Portland
oo the. 14th day of January, 1908, Itidoasad.
"Cltv Having. a . .L... ... au.. rtn. 1 1..,, 4.m
tbs lmprorsmant of Delay atreet from) the
aorth Una of Uoldaulth strsat to tb south llus
ot anett street snd ths eetlmsle af the work
to be den sod tha nrobabla total eost thereof .1'
' Ths eost of ssld Tmnrovemsat to bs ssassssd
as pro rlded by ths eltr charter ppoa the prop.
erty epeclally aad peeellarlr - beneOted thereby
ana whki is aerepy aeciarea te ne ail ins tots,
Krts thereof snd parcels sf Isnd . lying be
ers Hue )0) feet west ef ssd parallel
with th weat line of Delay atreet and line
100 feat Mil .r aiwl n.r.lUl with the aaat
Un Sf Delay street aad hetwsas the aortherry
inaat- usiosmita atreet ana us soata
ef KBStt street. '
The Engineer s eetlmet ef the probable total
est for ths Uaprevsawat.ef said, Dflap street
a 11,400.00.,
TB .
a bore Imtnwvement Is to be a leased a
Ksvl Improve meat and shall be malaulned
, th city tot a' period ef tv years, pruvluad
that the swoers ef malorltr .Af tha nrorw
erty beard ted by sstd tmprovemebt or any por
tion thereof, shell not - petition tar., a new or
on rarest mprvBB(rsa(ar toe xpirties ot
parn lerrtou.
..Tb plant,' specific tlons and sstlmates
the . CltV Kna-lraaaaa. in. eh. Imnwaaaunt
Mid Delay street srs herebr a doc ted. .
ateaoivee. xnai tqe Asaitor et tae city ec
Portlssd b sod bs 4c -hereby directed to glee
notice of the pro
oaoscd Imti
Street SCDrevldad by -th tty ehartar
Bemoastrsncee agalbat the ebove Ini prove ment
SUV ha died ta wrltlna with tha andarslaned
wltbla 30 days from th data ef th trat pub
llcstloa et this antics. , .
By order f th Ceanctl. ' ' -,,
THUS. O. DBV1.11X,
Aadltor af the Cltv af Portland;
Portland. .Oregon. J)ttitJUbJicaUo,
esnasry si. IVJD
t tS, i
" '.STBBZT. .- '.
Notice la hceehv atraa. that at tha naeettnc
ea ana i.euBcu s tne .my ox rortiaaq, fre
, held sa the 18th day
er j
auary, . Itwd,
avltowlagrsaolutloa was adopted
d. That tbe Council of the City ef
ueewra ic axpeoienrr ana -pro
posea to
line, of Pront steeet t. th. ...t Una af Hand
street, except tne intersection er Kelly street.
is to roiiowinc manner, to-wit :
- Pirst By grading ths street full width with
full intersectlona down:, ta ths' sntacrada .as
gives by the City Engineer.
- Second By eonstructlng sldswslhe Ma - ae
ordanee with the pleas. specLBcatloa sad
estlaistes ot tb -city: Ensloeer. i- -
Third Br ' larlnc croaa walks ' in sccordanre
with ths plans, siiucUcatiaaa aad seUmstes et
we viit- j.ngiaeer. ... .
fourth By conttructiaa gutter In
sacs with tb plsns. . aiaeclflcstkms and esti-
maiea aa iaa vity angtneer, ' ' ,
Fifth Bv hrinrlna tha anrfaae af. tha ateet
fall width mttb full Intersections to ths grade
ae given ay .-us cult gnglseer Wlta
adsasr ..: .- .-''. . ' Zl-4C
-8eld improvement to. be mad lp accords nos
wi,u vna ennrter una aroxnsBcas ex us. dtp
f Partlsad snd ths plsns, BaHBcatloas. arid
setlmstes et ,tne tty Bngiaee. f Sled is tbs
fflce ef tie mpdltcjj ef the, tjy caTPortlrftid
ea the 14th ttsy of Jssuary, 1905.. Indorsed:
"City Engineer a plana .aad spacldcatJon for
to -improvement CK u rower. . atraat ream- the
east Une sf front street to toe eaat line of
b doaa and! th.
Hood atraet. aad Ike estimate of th work- to
probable total coat thereof."
Tb eoet of Mid improvement -to be ueeeset
M provided by Ah city charter apon the
propeftp SBrrlsny aad psconsrlr benedted
thSrehr Ssd Which la hereby daelaead tt laa
11 ths Iota, narta tharanr and Jit 1ana
wiaa efoma a nna iin xaex aorta or aaa
parallel wua ta Berth no er Urover atreet
and a Ha 100 feat south af and Bare He t with
i"a aoaia. .me as urovsr atraet sntr- oetwren
ths saat line f-Front atreet and a Una lop
teereast at a all parallel with the. east line dt
ood ftreet, ; ---t-t.- --ii
lul KDS-lneer'e earl ma ta .af Im miau
totcoct fnrthslmptwxsmsat 0d Urorer
Th bavB itnprovemant is to be' claased
MrtstB tmpraeaoMat and shall bd auln-
city tor a perio ot are yssrs,
Provided thst th owners of a , ma lorlty sf
the- property benetted by- a)d taoprorenrent
spy auriioa inaraox snail not. petltioa for a
new , or different lmnrovemajit hafora ta. ...
plratloa of each period.
- ine . P'Stixr specincttlou and -satlmates af
th City Engineer for the Improvement of nld
O rover street srs hereby sdonted.
Resolved. That: ths Aadltor of ths City of
Portland be aad he le. herrb-i directed to clve
nstio at the iwopoeed laprueemaal uf Mid
Street aa provided by th city ehartar, . V v
Remonatraocea agatoat Ithe abov Improva
meat may bs Sled la writing with ths under
slgacd wlthld 30 days from the date sf tbs
are pa dims unuv OK tan) BOtlC.. .
.,8 rd f the Council. -1.
i , - THOg." 0, DBTLIW.
a, i A" ef the CTty sf lrtlod. v
rertlgbd. Orego D., tret public tlonT
.-. Jaauary 31, 1806. ., , ;, ,."Z...',-. ,
' - ..W -.i.'kaW
s hsrsbr clvea thst gt th meeting
e Counefl of the City of Portia rOee
held sa the 18th day of Jaauary, 18U6.
ef the
goa. h.
the following resolatloa wss adnntej -
volvsd. That th Council of Hh' City of
ia, uevnan 11 eapeuient sna pro
poss to Imorovs Bast Davis arret c ,i
sat line pt Cnloe aeeaue to the west line sf
.Tl'i.f""" exii-m.-..te-iuosi.s4aa)sg
to-wltl ' - , - -
PIT' rng: the efreet ran width with
fall iwreneeltorm. dowa to ths sab-grade a
tbe sab-grade as
given or; ths Clt.v Engineer.
necotiu-a-riy constructing
srtlflclal stos side-
era Iks in coordance with tha City Engineer's
Plan, sneelfteertone and eatlmates.
- Third Bv unatraetlnar aririel.l .tMa. Mat.
m!Ft m . "W Bagiaecr' phtsa, . ,
wi.. . ww nua
i yurta ny laying croeewalh.--
Fifth By crwistractlna- etema am
S1,thr"ii'-JM','D'U toe surface of tbe street
fall width with full Intsrsaetloos to the grid
five by the Clip Bualaaer with graver
id Improvement to be mads la aocordknc
IT'i. V't ! if ardlnance ef tb City of
DastM aa 1. . I a. -a. t i h 1 . A t .a . . .
. .,, ...a .nu ,r,e plana, afircilinsiion nO Cetl-
amies ot tb Cltr Bncineer. filed la th. .rn-.
ot th Aadltor et tbe lite of Portland aa th.
14th day of Jannarr.' loofa. laikaud,
Engineer's plsns sad spsrlflcsUotis for th Im
provement of -Eaat Ihtvl atraat from th eaat
line of I ntorj avenne to -tbe weat line of East
sweiitn street, sna ins Mtimste of th work
to b don snd the nmbehla tniai m. thaM,,
: Tb cat ef (aid Improvement to be aaaraeed
provided by h city clmrtor apon tbe prop"
ertr perlally sud peculiarly benefited thereby
and which is bareby declared to be aU the
low., parts lasrsox sna psrcei of land iylni
betweea a line 100 feet north af end neraiul
with the north Une ef But Dsvls street and
Ha too feet Booth of and parallel with tha
south Una sf Bsst Dsvl street snd natwer
the eaat Un ef 1'nloa avenue and the west
liar- wi r.,i iwviiii ell et. '
Ths Enflneer'e Mtimste ariraa'nenKalaU f'.i.i
est tor lb Impseeussat ef Mid But Dsvl
sirewa a r,a "ia.
X The shovs laaocof tment la ta he elaaaed a. .
rraval Imiirtrvement asd a hsll be malnulned by
the dty for a period of five years. proviiVd
that tb owners af a ais)lty ef th property
benefited hi Mid ImnraveaieiDt or any porUo
thereof ehalt sot petltioa for s sew or different
imprevcmeBX aaxor tne xpirauon et Mch
period. '. . , ,
The Alans, sneelneatloaa snd eettakat.. . h.
City Bnglnar - tot th Improvement of Mid
"--I w.www. .FT .aMa,ar(a, ,
Reeolved. - Thst tb Auditor pf the City of
Portlaad be aad he la hereby directed ha elea
ewire na tea . uiNeeeu improvement Ot , Mle
atreet aa provided by the dtp ehartar.
Hemetietratjce agslMt tbs above Improve
ment may hd filed In writing with th nnd-r-Igned
within 30 day a from the -date ef th
nrst ewDiitettsa et tam notice.
ny order et ta council.
, TT10R. C. lEVT.f !.
Andlter- of th. Pile n twtlaa
Prirtland. Oregon. Dsts sf Srst - publics llo.
Jsnusry 31. 1B0S. i
Xotlc Is herebr clvea thst an tha. loth t.w
f Jsnasry, 102, 1 took up end etn pounded at
th City Pound, at No. Ml Sixteenth etreet, la
th City ef Portlaad, Oregon, the following de
scribed animal: '
Dark red caw, end af left hofh henkea off
nd erwa a Sd lower half cron In left
and nnlee tb owner, or ether pereon ar per
MM having an Interest therein, shall claim
naaseesioa af the eame. and oa e all ma ..i
charges ef th keening and sueertltHng them.
maeiner wua tae ao-iira reaa on Ml SBlmsl, SS
arovlded hv OrdlMnce No. 8 lata aa . n,a..t.i
ef mid Cltr ef Portland. I Will on rh. inn a..
of Jannarv, 108,. at th hoar of 10 , m., at
aa t ny a-eaa. et n a, ani aixteenfB, la satd
etiy, Mil the hove, described tnlMlit public
anetle to tbs blskeat bidder, ta nav eoet. aiui
charge for uklna up, keepltg aad kdrrrtising
saeh snlmst, . "...
Vtod thla tut day sf Jsnoary MMtv
- ... ... , r.-w. krri, i
-. t 1.. - Poundmsstsr. . 1
evemino. jAiitjARY t. :
; ': ' '.; .. wSTBZZT. "! ''
" Kotice 'Is hereby given thst at the- meeting
ef the Council of the City ef I'ortlasd, Ore
gon, aria oa tne istniay r January, twuo,
the- followtaur veeolatloa was a doe ted t .
Ueeolved, Thst ths Council of the City ef
rartisBd, - Oregon, gee me it expedient ana pro
pose ta ceuatraet a . aewer ta Twssty-ltth
street from the soath Has of Vsrstweg s ad
dltlon - to th City ef Portlaad to the sewer
In Nlcolsl street, of vltrlSed sewsr j pipe of
eight luck eleer Ineld diameter, with all
Bsceesary estebbasiu, mauholss, Ismpbok
sad brsnchM,
Hald Mwer to be emtstrncted ta aerordajie
with ths cbsrterisad erdlnaacaa or th City
sf Portlaad snd ths plsus, specifications and
eatlnutrs of the City Engineer Sled la tbs
office ef th Auditor ot ths City et Portland
on the 6th day et Jaauary. 1906. indorsed!
"City Engineer plans sad ApectncaUon for
a- aewer la Twenty-fifth atreet from tb
th Uea ef V erst erg addition to tb ewr
la- Mrola I etreet, nd - the eettrnatee ot ths
work to be done tad tb prebabl total cast
thereof," - '' '',- '
The eost sf Mid tower te be saeesaed Taa
provided by th city charter apon the property
apeclally had peculiarly benetted thereby and
which la hereby declared to be aa follows:
Lots 8, 4, 8, sud 6, block t; tots 10, 8. g and
f, block . sill la Ttrsterg' stldUUa to tbe
Cltr sf Portland. . . - . -
The Engineer's .tlmsto af i'th ' peobshl
total coat far the aoostxmettoa f said saw at
is glto.ftd. '
Th plans, apsHflcatlone and eetlmatM ef
ma VI ty smginaar ser tna euaatrsewtm ax Mia
Mwer aV. harehv a don tad. '
RcsolTad,. That ths Auditor ef th City ef
rortiasa e sna -ne w nsreoy awsotea te give
none ox tn propesea soustractmn ex
sewer aa provided br ths eltr charter. .
Betnoustrsnces against tbe above eewer may
bs tied la wrttlag with, the naderslgnsd wltbla
to days from ths dsts ef the Srst publlcatloa
f tbla aotlce. . . '. --.....i..-..,3 , .
- bp or twr i tae ceunni- : t - . ...
i--. ... THOS. 0. DETLJlf, ' V
v ': : 1 '- Aadltor -of ths City af Portland.
Povtlaad, Oregon. . pat et Srst publlcatloa,
: Jaaaarpv SI, 1906. . . -.
Notice I herebr gives that s't the i avsetlns
ex ta t ouncll or, ta city ef rortlaad, tire
gon. held ea 4h 18th day ef January, . 1808,
ths following resolution ws adopted: ' -
Resolvsd. Thst the Council et then City ef
r-eruand, tiragoa, .deems it espedieat and
propoM to eons true t a ssww la Eaat Twentieth
street from 80 (eet north of Jhe north line
ef East Washington street to thb aewar la Bsst
Osk street, ef vitrified sewer nip t right
anenaa Clear inno, . uieroeier
eery MtcbMslM.
with th charter end erdluncee ef the City ef
Partlsad and the plsns, sped flea tlons and eatl
mates of tb City Engineer Sled In the office
ef the-Aadltor wf the City of Partlsad oa ths
sin say et jannarr, iwn, inooreea: "llty
Buglnee' plsns sad sneclhcatlona for a sewer
la Eaat Twentieth street from 80 feat north
et th aarth lies ef Best Washtagtoa street
te tne eewer in xaat tax street, aaa tag sett.
Sbls total post thereof."
The soet of Mid sewer to ha ssseaaad a a
prevlrlsd by the elty -ekarter -upoa tha property
apeclally beneltod thereby and which Is bareby
declared to be sll the tots, parts .thereof and
Mrcela of tend lrlsc bet wees the aarth llrie
of Eaat WMhlBgtsa street and a lln -1U0
feet aortn at ana parallel - with the north
line ef Esat Stark atreet and betweea th saat
llns ef Kaat : Twentieth street gad a lln 1X
feet Mat thereof .aad para lie, I thereof. " sod
betaaea th weat lis of Bsst Twestleth etreet
ad a Un 100 laat' weat , of sad nsrsll.l
therewith. ..
- m amgineer- Htinitt er xn propahl
total coat for tha oonstructloa. o( Mid gssrsr
i gsoBaSt.: - '. , 'v---- n-- -
The plant, krlncatlont ' snd Mtimste ef
th Cltr Engineer for the corjstrsctloa af Mid
Srwec are hereby adopted.
neaotvea, mat iaa Aadltor er ta City af
Portland be' aad be ie hereby directed to give
settee af -the - nr-j,roaMada-ennatcraelnn . aaj J
aawerbtK provided by the city haytetv -
nawatne-. against aaa poora Mwar may
be filed In writing with the uideretgaed within
to dan from the date ef tbe Arat publlcatloa
ef thla notice. . . .,-: ,
By ..order et-the Cesncll. , .
- I'" . Andltor of tha Cltr af Ptaetland.
Portland. Oregon. Date of trst pubUcgUoa,
esauary - si, xvuo. ---.v. -.. , -
Botlcs Is herebr dm thst st th. maatlna
f tb Codec!! af the Cltr af Portland. Or..
gon, held oa tha 14th day of January, .1905,'
wo tiiiiowiiwii'Buiiitrun waa arjoptsu:
eveeoiTu laat inevovncu oi tn nty ot
Portia nd, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
Poses ta -imnrova Vancouver atpaua fenea aha
north line eft Morris street to th outh line
ot rreawat aueet IB th follawti
1ng maaar,
Br aradlnr tha' .atraat' rntt' vaidrh with
full Interaectloea down to Mb-grsds aa gives
byftbe City Engineer.
1 ftcond By eiinstrnrtlng sldswalk in accoroV
anc wltB vhe Cltr Knatlnear'n Diana, anaolflea.
tlona snd aaa leu a tmmj i
Third By- eon.trurttng eroawalka- la accord -
."2 t,,'T 6ineer pi4ia, pecmc-f
tiooe and almatra.
- Fourth By conatrnctrnf atone gutters Is e
esxdaaee with the City f aglneer's plaaa, gpe-
iicatiuna aon' Mtimaiee. . -
Fifth BV brlnrlnr th. enrfae. df She sreaOt
full width with Aill Intsrsscttons to rrada with
gravei, aa aetaDiiebea by the city Knglnear.,
.'oatu improvement xe oe ma am in eoeorn
Snc With tha ehartar. and nnllnaaMa. .r th.
Cltr of Portlaad snd ths plans,, speciflcstloxi
ana ww . i ana re. oi ina t.i ty angincer, xi tea in
ths sfftoe of the Auditor ef the Clip of Port
land aa the 14th day ef January. 19(6, Indorsed:
City Engineer's plsns snd a peel fl cations fur
hue laiDrovemeur.. . ar Vancouver evanne warn
the north lino af Marrta ervaat to tha annth
line of r re mo tit street asd th eetl ma tae th
wora te M.doae.SBd tb probsbls total coal
clieeeejC - . r , ...
Tb coat ef nM Improvement' to be aeseaard
BS twwvidod br tha cltr charter unnn tha aroo
erty specially .gad peculiarly brnefttetl- thereby
and. which latiereby declared to be all the Iota,
ports thereof snd parcels of land lylug between
tne aorta hm ex mama etreet aaa tns sours
line ef Fremont atreet and between a hue 1IU
Tret WMt of and parallel with tha weat line ef
Vancouver avenns and a Una 100 feet eaat ol
aad parallel with the esat Use f Vancouver
avenue, .. -.
Tbe Enxlneer'a Mtimste ef the arabsbm total
post for the Improvement ot. aald Vancouver
aventM I 84.6o. ;
Tb above Improvement la te A classed a
f rave -Improvement snd shsll bs maintained
y th city tor a period of five rears, provided
inn ma trwuers ox a majority pr ins property
n-lWIiara aaw a. n imTJCOTeiTieBa CJT III BOTTloa
thereat shsll not petltioa for a sew m different
rmiiroveBacnt . before the--: expiration af - each
period. l
The nlane. araecl flea Hma and eetl aaa he at the
City Knglnear for th Improvement . af Mid
vanenavef avenne are hereby adonted.
.. IteeoiTcd. That tjh Auditor of th. City ef
roriiaaa ne aaa a ta nereoy- directed to give
antic ef th penanced Imnrnvement ef Mid
treat provided by tb elty charter.
RetnoaatrsscM axalnat the dbov Improve
ment mar rr Bled ln wntlns with tbe and re.
elgned within 80 days from the date et the
xirsi pun iicer ion ex tnt notice.
, By order ef the Council.
r j - THOS. C. DETtrN. f
f L Andltor of tha CttV sf PVvrtland
Portland. Oregon. Date ef first public Una,
eauasry J1M .leuai. ,
- Nottcs I hereby clvea thar at th. maarlaa
ar us t ounrii oi in t ity et rortisnu, ore
goa, held oa the lHth day of Jsnusry, 10UO,
ths following rawlutloa was adopted:
ii-etiiieti, mat me tTmovti or tee1 cup er
mrtiaBq. trrrcon.,nMma - ix . expedient snd
Sroposes to ronatrurt g aewer In East Twenty,
rat atreet from 1K) feet-north sf tb aorth
un. ot Oregon strset te a connection with
tbe tower In Esst Irvine street at vimoed
Mwer pipe- ot eight inches clear Ihslde di
ameter, with -all neceSMry cstck-Mstus,. man
ia. Lea lamoholea and heeneha.
aid aewer to be enaatrnrtrd m accordance
with, ths charter ssd ardlnsacM sf tha r-tte
t Portlsnd snd Iks plsns, specifications ana
Mtlmstra of the City Engineer tied la the
office ef the Aadltor of ths City of Portland
en in intn nay er -jarmsry. imp. taacmd:
"City Engineer s plasa and so set cations for s
aewer in Beat Tw an ry.flret atrwet from lou
reex nortn ot in norta un at Oregon atraet
ra in Mwer ia aaat Irving street snd tha
Mtlmstes ef the work to be deae aad thw .prob
able tots I eaet thereof."
The eoet of Mid aewer to !ba ' - -
provided by the city charter npon the property
epeclally and peculiarly benefited' thereby and
which Is hereby dee Is red to be ell tbs tots.
para thereat. ana paresis st toad lying be
tweea a tine ISO fret earth af sad n.eaii.1
with ths aorth lln sf Oregoa atreet and a lln
mi feet norta er as parallel wlta tb aorta
lln at Beat Irving atraet and between a lln
100 feet weet at and parallel with th weat
Itn of Eaet Twenty Bret atreet -and B lies
trm feet Met af -ft" nsrallel ertlh ah., ---a
Un af East T west y. tral rest. '
Paglnecr'e Mtlmete ., the probable, total
met tuf the' oooalrae-tlot - pf told wr is
830. 83. , , , '-.
te pians. epetiiirationB ana eetlmetrg ef
tbe -City Encfnevr for th foMtraelle of Mid
sewer sr berehr sdonted. .
Reeolved. Theti-fhe Andltor of the rity ef
Portlsnd be snd b le herebr directed ta aire
entire of the prooe-4 eanstrnettna st Mid
Mwer ss provided hy ths elty charter.
Remenetrances agalnat th above aewer wi,y
be tied In wrltlna with the anderslrned eilthia
to day tram the data ef the tret puMtvatioa ra-,,a-rw.
By ardsr sf th Coancfl." 1 - - - -
THOU C, rJTi,!," -.
. . .1 Auditor Of th. Cl nf naafla.i '
cjtlsnd.. Oregon. Date, et Srst pabUcsUod,
Jaauary ' 81, 1 190S. t . , . . , . . -
run ii Mote'
, - manholM, iemphoto and
be Mnarracted In accords nrs
ui J.
r caiTT BOTXtWB,
a aw a i.e. e m . a'a.
nbyosia nvirr ttztMtot. matt,
' KotlM-4 herebr given that St ths SMsttng
af tbe Council of- tha Cltr af Partlsnd. Ore.
goa. -bald o th 1Mb day f Jsnoary, llwtv
ws tuuuwiugresointiea ws saoptea:
Resolvad. Thst the Council et the dtp of
Portland, y Oregon, deem It expedient end
prearaee to - coMtmct a Mwer la Sellwood
atreet from 130 fset WMt sf tb Wear lln
of MlMlMlppI are sue to ths sewar ta Palsy
atreet Of vltrlfled sewar pipe pf sight
eleer Inelde diameter with all nacaaary
estrhbsstus, masholja, laarpholM ssd braochea.
Sewer to "be coMtrnctad la seeurdaaos with
ths charter aad srdlnauces sf ths City of
Portland sad- the pLsaa. ' aped tea Mom sad
Mtimste af tbs City Esgtaaee filed la to
office ef the Aadltor ef the City, ef Port
land oa tb 16th day af January, 1006, In
dorsed: "City Engineer plan and specifies
tloM for a Mwer la SeDwood street - from
130 feet vrast ef the weat line- ef Mississippi
a venue to ths aewer la Daisy street snd ths
sell ma tea of. ths , work to be den gad. the
prebsbie total
hat eost
thereof. '' - -
Th ot of Mid sewer to be a as rated a prn-
sided by the elty chsrtar apea th property
apeclally and peculiarly- benefited thereby and
wnten is aarcay Heeler ea ta pe ail the lota,
parte thereof and ..parcel of lead lying be
tweea a Une 100 feet north of and' parallel
with, tha north tine ef Beliwoed atraet end a
lln 100 feet nouth ef and parallel with th
eourh , 11 n of Sellww-d etrart end betweea
a llo luO feet seat ef aad parallel with- to
Met lln of Delay street aad a'tlue 00 feet
weet ef aad parallel with the am line ef
MlMtotlppt even.'- - ,.'..-
. Th -Euglaer'---Mtlmato ef the probsbls
total cost fur the sooatraetloa of said sewer ia
I31 tt. " :- '- -
Th plans, apsclnestloM snd eattmsU of
ths City Buglnssr for the rent tract loa ef Mid
aewer are.,Bereby adopted.
Resolved. Thst the Aadltor sf the City ef
Portlaad bd aad h Is hereby directed to give
aotiM ef the proposed eoutractloa ef - Mid
Sewar m previded nr the elty -charter. ..
RemoastrsBtMS agalnat -the shove new may
be tied Is wrttlag with th nndersignd within
t day from th data et th trst psbllcatkm
ef thJ notice. - . .-. . ; .
Bp orde of the Ceaacfl. "; '-" - :;:
' ' - THOft fj.'MtTUrT,.'''1
.-t Aadltor of tbe City of PortUad."'
Portia ad., Oregon. Data et Drat pabltoatlea.
Jsaasry H. - 180S. - . , . .. .... .
: '.--- BTBBBTe- ' V,v
: Nottee ts fcsreby .glvsa that tt the 'toeeting
ef tbe Council af the City sf Pertlaad. Ore-
Con, held ea the 18th day ef Jsnasry, 1906,
ie following feeolutloa wa adopted:
Resolvedr That U Omacil af the City et
Portland. Ordcao. . deems It axnadlaat aad ata.
trtHI . ta imnrave Davaatuirt atraat , mm th.
j weat line et Ooveroor'a park to tbe north UnaJ
er ration oaoty mi ta tae xojiewiag man
ner, ta-wtt: . - -i '- ... .-
First By bringing the street" fall width
with full Intersection to the- grade a shows
by tb stakes Ml by ths City Engitwer, .
Second By oMtraetlng sldewslks In e
eordasc with th City .EsglMer plans, apeev
teatlona and Mtlmato. ' .
Third By laying miMwalka la aceovdanoa
with tb City Euglnear a plaas, apectncsUous
m m jl aataMstaa T . w
gattste In ae
I enrdanca with ths- Cite hluainr'a abna .eet.
a... i,ua wuv eaiiauatefia
Said Improvement ta be rnada in smwdsnca
frith the ehartar and 'ardlaaaeoa of rh. T"iie
f rortlaad aad tb plane, apectficattoa' and
Mtlnmtes ef the City engineer filed le the
efOee of the Auditor of th j:ltv- o Peetlanrl
en ths 14th day of Jaauaryl 1806, Indoraed;
"Cltr . Engineer's plans sad ( perl rl fattens for
ths Imprwement of Iisrmport etreet from the
WMt lln ef (-lover nee e perk to th aortk Baa
ef Petto County read, aad the Mtlmatoa of
the work to be deae aad the prebabl total
eoet thereof. - - "
The Mat of eaid imorovemast ta ha amasaed
as provided by the dtp -charter apoa th
property apeciaiiy gad peculiarly ban aa tad
ibsrsby spd which is hereby declared to be M
followa A tract -af land lying betweea the
weet He ef (Joveraor'a perh Bad the mm
no ef lettered trade A. B. C. In RkrUnd:
S tract af land Win ketaais tha mmmt Ua.
Of Oovernor'a park aad the saat line of -block
O, Grever-e addltloa tovtbe City f . Portland;
the Mstorly ens bslf ? blocks B sadlt.
la Orover a addition to:he City "of fortlind:
blocks A.- B. E and F Bad tha aorth 100 feat
of blocks C. D and 0 Ib Orovsr's addltloa to
the City, ef Portland,, pad tb eouth loo fact
of tract lettered uIb gkylaad. aad lettored
tracts a . sna n in asymee. v. . . . ., , . .
: The toatieesr's estimate af th n-Mhshla tot.1
tost tar th Itsorovameut of ssad. Dsranport
street ie 13.604.00. . .
- in PWMr spaciBMtisa anc) eetlmatM ut tb
City Engineer fur tb Improvement of aald
Davenport atreet are hereby adopted. . v-
neeoired. met th Andltor of tha City ef
Portland be end he to hereby directed' to give
notice of th nrnnoMd Imt-araveanaat af aalJ
atreet . aa provided by th city' charter.- ' -
- itomomtrbara - against ths above Improve.
Bjmt may be filsd la writing wttk 'the andar-
aignea wiuia au oays rrom -ise sate ot tne
a n , aakllu ,lu a, ,W I. I . ,
-T . ,ay,,ajaa, , -w r-, -.. , ..
- wf w w.a w ua irinuoi, . - . .t:
i,..,.-.,, ... . --:-..-, THOg. J ft'- BSrXnfrUk
- 4Balt0(, tbe-aty ef PMtlaad.
Portlaad, Oragan. Date ef first publiMtloa.
-.esuiuary ax. Slam, , . .
-Kotles la hereby glvsn that, at Kb mMtlng
ef the Ceaaetl of the City a-P-tlaad, Ora-
8, eat tb 18th day ef Jshuaxy, 1806,
s toUswtsgraeolatloB waa adonted: '
Resolved, That th Council f th dtp ef
wimwi, vreaoai, oarma tv expeauaax.- na
pronoSM to jMMtrset eewer In 1SU, etrnat
from the soath Hoe ef Vsrstsag's addition to
"a sawer ia nicomi street at ntruiaa .eewei
pipe ot eight Inches clear laelde diameter
with all ascMMry Mtcbbssln, manholee, Ismp-
...Ar. aaw antaraw.
Nrlth the charter and. ordlasncM ef the City
rvruaaa una- tne pisnn, spccincsuonB Baa
eetlmaU ef . th city Engineer Sled - In ' th
office of tb Auditor of tbe City ef Portland
en .the 6th dsy of Jsnasry, 1906, indorsed:
"City- Engineer s pUna aad srjsclncsrlons for a
sewar. in AOf atraet nom.the south line af
Verateeg'a addltloa to the sewer la Nloolat
l"vi aau tna eaumate ox tne wora te P none
and the prsbsble total cost tharauf."
Ths coat of nld sewer to bs imimid 'tt
previded by the city charter apon tbe prop
erty SDeetallr. and necullavlv haneSted rhe.h
euu wiiioa ie nereny oeciarea ta pe M rot Iowa
Sanaa s, a, n ana . In Block d. . eots-lO. B. I
nd t Ib block 8. all ia .Tarsteeg addltloa
w iaa ly at i-ertwna.
. Tbe Euclneer'e Mtlmata oT rha aerah.hU e.e.1
IMOAuV construe uoa :y Mid we f
.ThX.. 6U,' leelfitloe aad eetiautoa ef
the City Engineer for the COM traction ef Mid
tower sr hereby adopted. .
Resoleed. That ths Aadltor of the City et
Portlaad be sad bs le hereby directed te give
Batlce ef the proposed eenetrsetlos ot said
sewer aa provided bv the eltr eh.rt.r
- Remonatnnce agslfist th above Merer 'btry
be tied in writing with the node reigned wtthla
Y w.ra uraa iaa sate OS law BTK paBUCallea
ef thla aotlce- . .........
By order of th Cohocfl. - ,..
:.;., - THOS. C. DEvXTf.
Aadlter af eh. r-tae .e ie,i..
ryiisua.7urgoa. Date ef first
pub lies Uon,
rsmlsry SU, 1806,
'.-r f ' AVENUE.
ltotlc la bereh clvea that at the eaMee
f the Nuncil of the City of Portland,. Or.
snBi .aera an . in isis-asy ar Jaauary, 1800,
the followlnc raeolatlen. waa adonted- ,
- iteaoivra. That the Council of th City f
Portland. fMwooa. dee ma I MnavUeae and aea.
poM te Improv Urend' avenue from 18 feet
aorta er tee Bouts un ef Eaet Btark street
to 111 feet Bneth of tha north tine a a-...
was etreet ny. renatrnctlng an elevated road
way run width with full totersscthm. 66 fset
la Width., half t which-shaU ha eaaatractad
oa sll bet -whto vmd -she It -Jtitn the street -rait-
.ay cam pan y t-evtiou of tne right at way as
shown en ths plan et, th City Engineer. j
sal improvemeat te be made ta Sceordsnc
witn tne eaarier a aa ordinance or ah. i o.
ef Portland and the plane, epeelficstlona ssd
eeflmatee of th 1ty Sngiseer filed ta ths
office ef the Auditor ef the nit ed twttand
on the Mth day of Jtsoary. 11XVI, radorsed:
'(Ity Bnglneer's pfana ead.epeelncatkme for
tne improvement et or and nrenue from 13
feet Berth of th eouth Una at r. v.,a.
treat to 111 feet north bf the aorth lln at
aaet vas etreet nna tn mtimstM ef th track
to be don nd the nmhahl. Intel am, ,,..,-,
The roat of nld tmprovrment to be aeeoaaed
ee provioea ay ina city cnarter Bpea tbe prop
er ty epsrlstlv snd peculiarly beaefited thereby
end which Is hereby declared , ta be sll tbe
ote, pone or site aaa parcels er land, lylug
between tbs aorth llns sf Eaat IrrarrUn. .,,7
and th Boats lln of 'East Barasld street sod
or-tween a una .jei I eel eMteriy from - snd
parallel with th eaaterle 11a. at hi,. ......
snd a Una 90 feet . weaterly from aad parallel
with -the westerly Use ef Oread avenue.
. ' "'- Ba,.r,i , ' '"a-1. Wl tO . prOOS Dm
total Coat for the lamiwoveaaeat af aald xie..d
arenoa la 18,800.00.
The above imnravement I to be etssssd a
tn e leva ted road war aad ah. II h. Ba.i.,.1,1
by the city for a period ef tv year, provided
thst ths owners af a mst-nrltv af th. kann.., .
at a at
benetted by Mid Improvement, r any portion
thereof, shsll not petltioa for a aew nr dif
ferent Improvsmsat before the tmlratlna ml
Mch period.
i as pisns. apeeiacstioaa asd eetlmatM of tbe
Uraed aveun are hereby adopted..
Revived. That the Auditor nf th City ef
Portland bs ssd he le hereby directed to glee
antic af tha proposed Imnrevemeat Of aald
atreet aa provided by tb rity eberter.
ReateMtraaMa aaalMt the anvs tmaeava.
meat msr be filed In wrltlse wa th . .
slgasd within to from th 4..e at ta
sret p-'irjoea ax taia aotlce.
ny er r ef the c '.
i r r
r 'V'' J BAa.sdf- jr - - y' y .
re ...
Alio maun ivxuiu -
. Threngh Punassn sraadard ssd towrlvt ete.
Pag sera dally M OBMbas Chlcero, Sookeaef
tossdst sleeping . MM tally ta K a nana Cltrt
thrsogh Psllmaei merrlst dreeing ear fpecucn. V
allg. nadcted weekly to Calcsga, . ReettalrsT
hair care tcMto treal I tha Eaat daily. - '
Far th Beet tie foal
i' -
tit s. as.
For Baa tern WaMlsoM
sea. wsim nuu, lasts-i
evtoa,. Coeur d'AleM
t-on a. i
Osllr, ,
aaa tueai Perlhers
point. , .... .
Pm tbe Best via Baat-
tilt i
; Qrlgmkls Rl-eer Dlvlelea.
FOB ASTORIA end tray
pelnta, eoaoectlnc with
etmr. tor Uwsee ' sad
Nareh BMcb. etr. Bsa-
I'M. a,
Dslly, .
axl SuaJa
Abeet' '
sioep. at.
Mio. aan-st. sod,
iq-im p, i
Taxahtll River aoeva.
City and Tsmhlll Rlrer
points, stre. Beth 'gad
Tob. to.
Pally. ;
Datly. .
mecwa, a
Issks Rivet Rout.
1:48 S.BV
eed -waPvBotatB from
riipana. wash,. Manes.
ax. 1st
tpoksa sn.
IICUET iirriCE. Third ad Waahlagwa. Jttm
wnoaa am TIB. . - jl :
. 8i.TwV'OKa' aV Ticket treat. L
fj. CRAIO. Ocnarsl Paeeaarer Agent. T
trsb-aa. lor Sslem. Rsss-I
harg. AabUad. aeers-f
HM p. m.
ssensa, ugaa. a rraa
etaea, Stocktoa, Loa Ae-
Cas, XH rsaa, new Uv
M aad the Re. .
Morning train as.
ecm, at" Weedbaral
ally . except gaadayi
wita xraia roc aat
AageL glier,es.
Brosraavilt. Illlai.
teld, Wsadllsg.. a a d
r AlbeayJkaMaure ewV
neet at Wodbnra wwh
A 1 II;' I.
pit, Anxei aaa BUvse-
tos toraL" ...-'.-', -
P'rel aj aw
114:60 p.a.
II l-Mxa'
e S:3B s, at
e Dally. 1 1 Dally, eicept Boselay.
lrlJ--svrsgs nburhaa gervU as4 TaaahuB
. . , . - sHsmmB, v 4
t: " '- TVpot PVmt af Jef feruoa Straet, ;
t-aava Portland daily for -Pwce T:M a. u.ti
13:60, 3:09. 8:36, t-M. 6:37 T:8. 10:10 p. gal'
Dally lrrtrt tnnday), 6:80, 6:80. B:a6. T6:9
a m.t df. UhW b s.,'. Saadar paly, g.-Ml
.. Ratnnrlng frrcn Oewege, arrrv Port1nd Aallpl
6 SO a. m. 186. tM, i t. 6-4A, f:86. StMJ
11:10 a. m. Daily iexerpt g-mday) 0:16, T:w,i
8 -tn. 10:30, 11:46 a. m. Exrent Monday. 13:ii
p. aa. gaaday only. 10:00 a. m. . a
leaves from rame depot for Dalm and later
SMdletr potnM dalle (exeert Sunday) 4:00 p. aa.
Arrive l-nrtlaad 10:30 . m. - '
The lade oe n de m-e-Morimnafb Motnr -. Una
a pat a to dally ta Moatnouth and A tr!!. eon
aaetlng erltb Bonthern Psrtllc eemneaya iiagts-.
t Tlellee and Intereadeaaa. . .
Ftrst-etoae far from Portlaad to tsars mm. tw
snc Baa x reset ero axu, sertrja ani
fgra 818. second-claee Berth ft. Ml
TIcketN to Peeterw Boinfa asd 1
a tab
lenen, CMlut. Plnaotulo aod AejetraUa.
- dtp Tlekes i timer ce-nci -mira
toartnei a-reeava. Phoaa Main Til.
f). wV etTTNOBTt. , w. . rewAr,
Crfy i
,-: '. '.il r j . ... -
Boaad : tiswltod4
fo TateBS, '"' gi
Olvmpta. so
and Orsy's
8:80 a. ah
, Barest
-totote. i
North Csaat
for TacoBht, . PasttU.
Bart. St, Paul, uia-
r'SBslla. CUesgo, New
orh. Beaton ssd points
Saat ana Bo-nv
TwtB-CltV Bxnrsa fst
Tscoms.l teettle. Bp.
tans, Helena, St. Pasl,
llaMsnnlls C-hleaam
New Tork..Bnstos snd
sll rjolnte cast asd
Pucvt Sound WsBaaa
City-fit. - Leu Is ft pedal,
for Taccm. Besttla,
Ipoksne, Butte. B1 Mines.
DesMr. Omahs. Ksnaan
City, St, Leaks and sU
Paint Rasi ssa ooaiAv
CMt -
All tralas darry
ax cent aa toot'
ith Bom
128 Marrteaa St.
Astoria & Columbia
l j ", " I 1
- Urn .' - ONtOlt DEPOT, f AWlraa. J ' '
' ' " ' ' 'V ---'' r-V.,, ' . i . "" ',
0HglB.Sk. Fc Msygera Bstnte. Dsfly.
Dslly.-- Clatakaal. Weet port, U a a. m,
'TTT" aifton,- Astoria. wr- - r
;..,'', '' renton, Flaepl. Bam '
m?.. Bwad, Fnrt BtoveB; '
.t.'r-n-v rhrt Perk. Sea aide,
f,'i,Tt 'Astoria. 8ht. Seestera .."',.;.' " '
t- ,.,,lxBWV i' a..,
f-'-- . .'.f.t ttAva
0. P. ssd P, A.. Astoria. Or, : ;
C A. STEWART. ComiBorslal AgMU. 81 Aldag t-. -
st Phao a Mala 80S. a-,,....- - ,
Tlokct Oflso IBB Third BV
aaw.-- Transcontinental Tt ':
mV TrttlntB Dttlly
to BTOKAtm. nr. tkvU' rvr.trti
. t M It jitiu JhAaJ
Daylight trip through th Case'
snd Rooky mounts loa, JTer fait part,
ulars.ratea, folder, etew sail on er two ,
Areas , .. ' . ,
10 Third Btrwet, Toeirt-v.
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