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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1905)
1 V , ,e ' - Th Wither.1'' "J" TwllM u4 "Wsdnaaday, ooca- - slouai rata; wlads mostly southerly. VOL. HI. NO. 278. 1TC7J.' V." r, . Revolution sia, to : ivAr StnkHaForccd mumtion Factories and r-Sc&d Quantities of ExptosfeaRiflesg ; ; 'Sympathetic Strike of Lawyers T ;: ; rir V . ; ':r. , . . Bp-nu mL).,. . ; ;,,.:- v.v ; -- ' ' Bt. Petersburg. Jan.- 14-It It officially reported , that . th worfc-"". ' men hav curtd.a, conddenibl tupplr of arms. , TIiy raJM th (tr- 41 4 mment stor at th. and -of th ooter mllltarr position In tbi "Suburbs,-;-a "5;-.jlaaJl.00.Tttle ajid racba 6trouUk. near th. PlnUnd frontlar, befqr th aommanjacr' advanced "with troopa' u la,rn4 of : tha raid. - - ' Tb atora. alao aant&lnsd aaJtridgea. , ...V.,'.! .:- ;, --'V,l',' ' naaaacr. . 4 with dynamlta. ' Evarywhero In tha suurba'wher tbara ara aoldlara r ' pnbllo butldlnra bomba r blnjr thrown.;. Manr f Hrbtanad Inhabitants ax flaslns; from tha elty or brrlcadlna; thamaalya In. thalr homes. ,Th 4 atrlkera, now .celled revolutionists, are ga,thrinr In the 'streets and the .wtfdeSt' rumors ara,' clrcuUtlng. ' Armed men-ar reported to be march-'; front' rarlous quarters to ths aid of th strikers at tha capltaX-i. '"! Ther seems every jropoctof 4 city is threa.tened with a fairs -of , French ; revolution. ..Th dynasty's- nctn? . 1 LVil. .-''-;:'( Joarnal Bpeelal artles. 'i.Tt "fitPBUrlmrs;. Jan. 34. The fires of - ' t-vrolulton ax biasing tlfrouchout Rus- sla. From many p&rt com detaila of strikes, uprUtna; and "VloUno. -.-.'?-,''r'"i; ' Rebellion has . broken "out at JUdom, r roland, 7'talles south of Wsraaw. The 'rebels hav destroyed the publlo bulld- (" inrs with dynamite. - A 'pitched battle - occurred tin the streets between' rebels, who are well armed, and troops. ; Three ' ofAoers, many rebels and soldiers were . killed. y . - ' .."'-1 - JT' ' At Moscow' the strikers; are marohlnf . about the city rathertng recrulta as they ko. . The printers have all struck and there will be so. newspapers' rn Moi ow today. The-aand electrlo-Ua-ht . works' are Idle -; and -guarded -by-th ' tnxip.- There Is no, nghtlna thus far. .. Up to h'oon 1.000 strikers' had quit work at Moecow. Ten. thousand sr - now oukl . The' employes of Hoppers - factories this raornlns; refused .to quit ' work, but a mob of 106 .strikers forced an entrance to a factory and ejected tha - ajry. -""-:-. v , ,y,v. .1.,,. . . j. ' Employes of tanneries were per buadedu .to join the strikers . this af tsr : noon. - All arms' have been removed Orand Duke Serge, -Said to Bt Directing" Opentiona "Agtlnt tliIUoter.: 'F)K? ."-r--'-.".,rt ; out Rij Interior Quiet s, jreat revolution. and tha unhappi terror thst msy squa4 thtvt. of the onsr hops is in th troops. wh-r Tfrom runsmlth" shops, most of whloh hare 'been ciesed to prevent-the-strtker .obtalnlnw weaponarr" ' , The revolt is spreadlnf rapidly.- This afternoon the employes'' of the Bscq- ruabin, Hwhaelpft, Kmuinder and Schrader factories, in the Moscow dis. trlct. joined the strikers. . - , From Sebaatopot .come detaHs1 of the mutiny ' of (,000 onrasred sailors, the burnins; of the naval yards and the sack lnsvof the city. , soldiers have refused to. fife upon -the .mutineers and joined the outbreak. : .-r".- 4 From Llbau comes word' that the in perial yaoht Standard is expected there to convey tn esar ana nis xamiiy to uo penhncen. The caax's whereabouts la a secret, and the Grand Dukes Vladimir and Sercius have seised the actual reins of rovernment ' ' ' The' workmen in otherl cities, notably Kharkof f, where the locfdmotlve Works are located, have iron out on1 strike, and prospects are that thVatrtka will be ex I n rbss1s. isrraea innjoioosi u inausu-uu nnwi Armed bodies - of men. are reported marehlns; , oh - the capital from various quarters. V. Twenty tbourind ,men "are (Continued on Pays Two.) ' '-' 1 I I ' 1 wmwmm MANY ARE tin ,- PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING,: Tfr-AerRislitlrShbwil'fhe Inner' Foreground the 1 Old , Admiraltr 3 rtha Left Is tfasr Darrlanelleit, Throngh Which Warmhlpa, Said to-Have ;'Been Suaunoned Guard the QlXjt. WHO FOOTS ItIE Councilmen Calmly Go "on Preparing for Outing in California for i 'Thernselves and Thdir Famijies at tH Expen orpqrt f-l'tf1- filland'TajtpaVars -.Who'-Cares? 1'?-" ,vt ;.. '..- )- r 11 - , i -T- - ' A stonri of protest from fcltlsens has neenr raisea aratnst tn propoaeo junaec lna trip of the olty council to Los An as let and Ban- Diearo to inspect the auto matic telephone - systems Operated by the Empire mectrlo 'company, which, has applied for a telephone, franchise In this city, - When the proposition is presented to 'the council at its next meeting it will meet with a determined remonstrance from property-owners, and it Is. under- stood tb at several counollmen Will op pose UUW- 1" .-f-Y,T'-. X)ther t members or the oounoll are hard at work preparing- for the expedi tion,.. They say it wilt not cost the olty any large sum of money j that there is a contingent fund of 11.000 set aside every year for just such purposes, 'and that the council should use a portion, of It. Besides, they say the olty may real- 4 ise mveh benefit from he trlp.jy"- " It Is planned to bold up the Southern Pacific railroad for transportation. Per haps two special, cars will be placed at the disposal of the councilman. , After they arrive In Los Anaeles. they will be entertained by. the Empire Electrla com pany, also aratts. t ,. . . It WUI be a vary pleasant trip for the city .officials, and several of then! may take helr wives and-famlllea with them.- The party purposes to be 'absent frdm the city, two week Of more. ' It Is planned, te go. direct to Loa Angel es. where the telephone. system will be in spected., and .from there to San Diego to Inspect. the automatic service. Three or four days may be spent In these two oitlea On -the return trip , short . stops will be made at Ban Jose, Ban Francisco, Oakland and ' Bacramento. .1 I do not In tend, to participate In the trip." said . Mayor - Williams tooa; have told the councilmen that I cannot ro. . R esnJiBa:.llioPJ 1 nothing to say." . - -I am not going to go with them." re plied Councilman. C. IS, Ramelln. to a query -regarding the trip today, 5"My buatnesa will not permit me to leave the city. Further than that I do not believe In taking th trip.--. It la bad policy for a WELLMAN UNSEATED BY HOUSE IN 'MONTANA j (llpeelal mapatck to TAi Jooroal.T nar Mont.. Jan. ,- 24. Governor Toole today appointed T, E. Collins of Great Falls , state examiner, to succeed the late' William HudnalL. The bouse today 'unseated . Well man (Democrat) gtvtng tha placato Richardson "trtepub' llcan), holding' that the. latter had. a majority of 10 rotes oh a recount. LA rOZABTTa n UaTATOaV i Uonrsal Bix-Il Btrrlee. 1 Js. . Madlaon. Wis.,, Jan. 14. Both houaes of the legislature today ratified .the cau cua choice. of La Folletl for the senate. ' " ' ' " ,, 1 . , ..;...t ': 7. - v lUARYv HarIor orSevastopol, Sbowjbg ia the aDdlnga ; bettrovcd by Rio my to. CITY city council to. go en a Junketing ex pedition at the-ead of 'thels administra tion andspend the city 'a money There WUI be an everlasting, howl - from the citlsens for-they will think the money ia spent, needlessly, t " '.' : , .-c) . , - "Of course the money ia there and can bar spent legitimately. It is set-aside for1 juatksuoh. 'purposes, i ' I believe it would be a good thing for each new city council to take a trip to some city at the beginnings every aewntadminlstratioa to gather Ideas.? ' 4 t ; - 4: Councilman -.A.-F.. Flagel ! expressed himself .very, heartily In favor of., thai trip. He says It will cost the city little ana at the same time may result In great oenenc.-r f .i .,..-, is .-"The transportation wlU be provided us." said he. "and tn all probability we Will be , entertained ; after we ' arrive tn lios '.angeies. xi we nna that this tele phone system ia what we think It la, by granung a irancnia to the company will prove of estimable . benefit to- the city. I believe the company is, honest and will put In a good plant. One thing Is certain they will pay no one to vote for the franchise." ' ' - . . . ' . Another councilman who does not de sir to be mentioned by name, favors the trip. -' - - s . "If It was for pleasure," said hw "the citlsens would have a Maht to oblect to tthe excursion, but it is not We deelre to glv Portland sr better telephone sys tem. It will cost practically nothing, for 'our entertainment will be provided. What funds we use -will be taken front tb contingent fund provided for auoh purposes. -Of courser some of the oeun- c 11 men may-desire to take their wives with them, but their -expenses will not be fid b3rthecltv.T It looks had be. cause It wilt be a very Dleaaant trio at rr criticise us by saying that we wanted a triplet the expense of th city." , It Is' expected that the proposed trip will b brought before, the council Feb ruary 1. - If the plana of the promoters are carried out the trip will take place th nrst and second weeks of February. WOULD STEAL LAURELS FROM BRpW OF STOESSEL . 1 '.- - "- iiosrael Bsadal Jrrtc.f Tokio,' Jan. ,14. According to a Rust a Ian admiral now In j Japan th sur render of Port 'Arthur was a disgrace to Russlai" He sta tes. that Btoeesel. was Incapable, ' waa not a hero at all and that' Knmlratriifcu was the llfo'of the defense and the real hero of . Port Arthur. ; ' ''. -. ,t v '.;, v. wTOMzxtt jui-Buora oxjas. ; ; "''...-l.Wesraal Bpaeial Bervlf.). il ' Cheyenne, Jan.- 14. Clarence D. Clark waa today elected I'nlted Btatea sena tor to succeed himself, ' .. ' .. J . DYNAMITE MlHEE) IK 1908 TWELVE' PAGES: ' -- PUBMG' Alleged Attempt Made to Kill Malarkey, BilCUmitinerHouiai '-. of Service of Railroad Pmpioyes Jvlotion to Refer to im-;; ;:rnittee pivRajl roads 1$ Lost onTRoirC . Saleni Or Jan. J4. Th pallttcal ma ohlae of MultiiumaU couuiy IDt k MVero loltinv on. tha floor of the' senate this fiornlng and was decisively defeated In n .allesad attemnt to kill , Malarkey-s Hill llmltlna the hours of servlc Tof railroad emoyealTh. debate . w md tie and marked by charges and recrlm nations. - 1. -jt With a face pale with anger Hedeon, the leader of the machine, lq the delega tion, emphatically reaented the accusa tion' that the object -of the procedure was to. kill the bllU' a (-. . ... .1 : The- committee men revision of laws iwoorted th but without recommenda tion. Malar key and Coshow favoring and Rand and Bowermen opposed, wKK Mays absent. .' 1 V The author asked that tha bill be made a special order for I o'clock tomorrow. Hodaon moved an amendment to the -bill be referred to the railroads .committee. Whloh is controlled by Browne)!. lq a trice Malarkey was on Jkla feet;; This Is nothing but a plan to kill the bllt,. he passionately declared. --"Thera is no good reason for ro-refVrrtng the. bill,-' and ' the Intention Is so plain that I hope nobody. will be misled.' Hod son explained the Idea was to gain time. He "said there was no recommen dation by the. revision laws commltto and the whole question would have to be threshed out on the floor of the senate. and that it should have gone to the raUr roads, committee In the first place. sucn a reason is xarcicav' retorteo Malarkey. "No Committee . could ; have done better than we. We discussed the matter until midnight -last night in ooniunetlon with the Judlolarr commit tee and listened to arguments against the hill by th railroad attorneys and for It by the trainmen. I .repeat the Inten tion ia to. kill the bill. No good can be dons at this late hour. In referring it to the railroads committee and I hope the motion will be lost.". Pleroe,- a member of ' the judiciary committee, said that h opposed the pas sage of the bill but backed up Malarkey In hie - stand and 1 questioned" Hodson's motive. ( - j - - , "I want to reeenl 4h Imputation that the motion waa made for . the purpose of defeating the bill.." angrily declared Hodson, "Neither Senator Malarkey nor Senator Pierce has a right to make any such Insinuation. Neither- knows jthe mind of any . member pf the railroads committee om this bill. . The bill should rightly go to this committee For this reason T Insist on it being so referred." Malarkey asked for a "roll call, Cos haw seconding, j The vote stood It to against a referenoe to the railroad committee, Brownell left the room be fore th ballot Vas taken, and a motion to make the hill a special order for to- i -e'eteos) wea adopted. '""" Pierce's bill allowing an employe . In ease of Injury to sue both (be employer and th company insuring him against loss' wag Indefinitely postponed.' Pierce Was grieved, and said that he had not been ahown proper oourteey. Rand ex plained why the action waa taken, a.nd moved a reeonatderatlon, - which fwaa carried.' Pierce spoke . In favor of, the bill. Th senste again, by a vote of 1 to , Indefinitely postponed the bill , The senate ooncurred in the - house amendment reducing the . committee to Inveatlgate the Boy1 and Girls- Aid society and other state Institutions at Portland from five to three. The senate then adjourned antH 10 o't row so the commltteea n complete ar rangements to carry on tha work.- Marriaf Ueaaa P "' Bin . CaUg Sot . Xaoh Otatoiy in aToase,. ... ... . (Froai Joernat Btaff Owresnoadeat.) Salem, Jan. 14. fA lively debate waa precipitated In the house this morning when Mears undertook to secure a re- rTTTT TYTnTT- WITH 1' I, r" ? 4 , i :4 " " .r MACHINE eons! deration -of the - .vote by-rw-atch Hudson s , bill raising - the - marriage ,11CU lee. Irom W to' ' Vaa 4af Ujtil I yesterday. The effort was unsuccessful. though the' Multnomsh, members- rallied llter TPVO. - T !- m,e"".t?f the lncrease in fee would UJ Sl.r be even "greatar and said: . 'n Mult- ooinan a aog iicenae costs J. ;lt IS no Injustice o charge 4 morei f or a ansr. rlage Ucenae." .-. .-v k 4 .-, - Kay vehemently oppoaed ' the recon aiueratlon.- "The very reason that -It would add $20,00 to the aUte'a revenue la a reason for not raising the fee,") he said. 'Yor It. takes the money, out of the pockets 'of tha people -who want to get married and v put a. it In the state Mtressury.,,N ; - ;- v ,. . ' Kay argued that V It would be- an especial hardship to theNworklng people! Cornett. Kuney and Smith of Uoaephlaa spoke against the bill.4- Hudson, who Introduced -the bill, tried to stem the tide,' but- in vain. The motion 'to re consider waa -defeated by a viva-voce vote. ..'..,'"'', .'."-,:.'.: .. it BILL"REVISED,J - Sichls MaeAure BeUtaaa; to Whipping .. -TVWlfeSeatra 43bacad. J ' y - (Prom a. Carnal Staff Corrrepoadeat-K' ; Salem, Or., Jan. ti-Owlng to the ob jection of Chairman Rhnd of thai senats judiciary committee City Attorney Uc Nary of Portland this morning revised Slchel's.blU providing for the whipping of-''wife beatera.-- ' The revised bill 'provides 'an amend ment to th assault and battery -law instead- of a separate law, and the limit of 20. lashes instead, of 40. - Rand aaaerted "that the proposed uiesa ure was unconstitutional, aa providing "cruel and unusual punishment" I : , - McNary showed . by "cyclopedia law and procedure and American and English encyclopedia law that courts held that whipping waa not a cruel and unusual punishment within -the measure of the constitution." Rand still oppose - the bill on humane- grounds. , j-.- : PASSES HO.USE. i -.: .' .''-.- r' tlnth loam's . XTbrary jPommlsskm am v - "-. aulght ltargia. ' - ' (yroaj a Anraal luff orf eeponfleat. ) - - .Salem. Or., Jan. 14. Unthtoum's-bm for the oreation of a atate library eom- mlsslon passed the house this morning by a narrow margin.'' -The bill provldee that the board shall consist of thef gov ernor, superintendent-or publlo instruc tion, president of the . state university, librarian of the Porttana7"lTbrary"and three persona, to be appointed - by - the governor. It Is deelaned to avatematlaa publlo libraries- throughout the state and aid tn eatabllshlng - traveling -libraries, i appropnaies M.vyv. - (Continued on Page Two) EJECTED FROM HOUSED SLEEPS J. C. Batter. IT yesra of age, waa. re moved to a hospital this morning in a haa a-atallllt 1 tit sleeping ' out of doors for . two nlghta Fears ar entertained that hi experi Ihcea may result fatally V ' Baker had lived for month In a shack In Alblna. Recently he waa ordered by the court to 'vacate, and'avowed his In tention of goir- t-) Vwt,' I--t Saturday he 'l ; The-CJrculation iOf Th Journ al ( : -Yesterday Wa -PRICE 1 FIVE- CENTS. Strikers Issue Proclama tion Cellirg Upon the People to RcvclL ';c,rr:;,'.:,'U.Jtr;, CZAR AND GRAND DUKES -ARE CALLED MURDERERS ; Striker Ara Joined by Socialist ,'" t and Autocracy- Denounced- -1 ' . Government Property to ' . 1 I (Joarnal soeeUl Btavlee.i TROOPS m BET Petersburg. Jan. 14. The authort . ties are oonOdent that they ha-vq the sit- " nation well In band. - There Is no con- ; flrmation of the report that-tKeJ-am peror, ; empress and their children, ar . going to Copenhagen. ... ' , '' .Father Gopon's . popularity is untm- ' paired, but the social democracy la faat' asaarafng the leadership and urging th -'. people to i violence. " It Is learned- that " Oopon has sent the following letter' to -the Social Deinocratafs. - s ' :3They have fired upon arid maasacred.Il. US.huf We are not, vanqulaliedand .the day bfbur "triumph" Ja pear, Do IxmtH spoil our triumph by asking up arms mqriing jo violence. moment your- UaTdeetvoying the- portraits of him Who is no longer our emperor." - - This, appeal failed to pacify Social Democrata or'workmen who fare clamor- in m rn nvif.A .' 1 . .xs-at't"amtvj.:...,...' ' " Th strikers today "ara circulating '. proclamations.. Peppl are eagerly: ac- " ceptlng. the documenta' which ar signed "Thev. Russian, Social Democracy." , On .. proclamatioB issued 1 yesterday, after ' I describing, the bloodahed of - Sunday, . "Who directed th soldiers to arm. rifles and firs bullets at the breasts of labor era t It was th emperof, the grand', dukes, the ministers, the kenerala, the nobles of .the court. -They are murder- . ersh 'Slajh theml . a . .. "To arms comrades t Sstz1 the arse- -nals and anms at-flepou and guasnfUhs; lay low th prison walla. Liberate th defenders of freedom I f ' - , Demolish police stations and sit gov ernment and state bulldlnga W must . throw down the emperor and the gov ernment and have our own government mdi jive toe .revolution;:' .',. rModosa th Sattta-Oir. J '.r;:' . The proclamation-Issued by th strik- " era, dated January IX, reads: ' j .... . "Comrades: Bo long as th autocrdcy ' exist., no Improvement in our condition : ie possible. Therefore we continue to Inscribe on our banners the following demands: The immediate caseation of -war; the summoning of a constitutional assembly of representatives of th peo ple elected by universal and equal suf frage and direct aecret ballot; the re moval of class and race privileges and ' restrictions; th inviolability of person and domicile;- freedom of conscience, . speech, the press, meetings, strikes and political association.'' . -r - A third proclamation applies to the . people not to attempt to injur private property.-' ' . ... ' ' ' 1' : r - General Prince Vaallchlkoff. com-.. mander of th guards, haa not' yet. ah-:' nounced the stringent rule usually ae- , companylng A . state' of siege, such aa . forbidding pet-sons to leave, their boueea after 10 pv an. without special passes, and the extinction of lights in private houses aftar that hour. - ,, . Revolutionists are reported to be act rvely preparing bomba and infernal ma- ' chines. t " 'h '-"-.'i - .The revolutionists .talk wildly of Isau- ' ng a manifesto declaring-, provisional ' government. They seem to have broken 1 completely with the semetvoe. which they treat, with contempt on account of ; what they call Its "truckling" to autoc racy,. , ..j . i " ;-- , : - . ..J,..':.. .' . 1 T'Traeetskot Buapected. . .'.Even Prince Trubetskol. who led th reformers of Mo'w, 4 regarded . by ttreW'wrtti'ttlBplnTnn, 'and even hatred, . becaus In air. article 'published by the " Pravo he described the revolution as a "Port" Arthur Inside of.'Hu8sls," which ' Russia would have to'-overthrow. M. Messen. editor of the Pram, whoa ad vanced liberal vlewa are wH known, haa been arrested, IN STREET . r t- . , . ' ; ' ' " but did not go to Vancouver.' lit de clared Jhati he had no plsr to go, Saturday night h slept in' the street, and Sunday night ho laid himself dw a" on the sldswalk to sleep. Kelgt 1 -rs found him yesterday morning, ant I was qnable W. move. Me waa t police heedquartsrs,-wh ' mltted to remain untjl t 1 - It ws 4leevere4 oualy lit Dr. Sloeti-' advlaed that be t -wiser It ts ' 1,' v;