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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1905)
THE OREGON DAilQT JOVZUKL, PORTLAND. "MONDAY EVENING.-JANUARY U WPtfS MARKETS SUGAR SITUATION, HOSE COMPLICATED J All ; Agree That Pacific Coas' :tF.rce Are Too L6w, In Com parison With East. MISSOURI RIVER TRADE. CAN NOW BUY-ON COAST Would Now Be Saving a Small Amount Hawaiian Planters . J .-Rtady to Fight - - - A front Street- Jaa. 23. Tha nrlnclnal market raium touay are as mi Iowa: i Sugar sltuatle mora, complicated. ' Ball Bit etlll try to aettie. v r'aaey pntatou , again Improved, v Onion aiarhet. ranging blgiiar..,-. , ' "" Kigali khu in ncr aetlre. . 'V Kgg awrkat la only fair. . .. - Hut Hula poultry ia (slung, Wheat itot affected by ajnglt H. 7 Several, ear vegetablee arrive hi. v .Uoud apple are rather mm, 'V ,' Butter, I feeling better. . .5. thees aiarket shvwa Improvemeab t v- Salm rvcetpl tha anallMt aver. ... , t. Bugs . fltuailee Is Mat CwapUeated. Th altuatloa (a th eugar market) la lng Mora complicated aa the day , roll a. XI' all . modera autaoda - e( l calculation. . tha - present pries -trl an car - ara over doc pet ' hundred pound jower on the PkHfle Coaat 1 ; thas may should be with tha raw aaarket la Ita -r preaeat aula. It la agreed by all- that nveerat price ara- low la comparison with thoae of tha vast, whirs ara asually reach lower thaa her. - . .! ' rcnoed sugar la thta market now aa tha It la ju .bos sesslbl for hits . ' ,. aoarl rtver trmdira to purchase their ' eappllae . .. her and yet hftre paying goo aiaad freight ; . WU ha able to laad thorn la their boat tr a am II reduction. bnilef-4a prima . .may ara forced ta 5a ia tba aaau- Taia"Toatl ttoa la aot a ploailuc ooa ta ttia aonn. trual. ; it ia aanran fw avaa. . ,'r. '. Iwa War ta , . ' Kltbrt It Boat rrduca tha-wlca of raflnad auaar la -tha. aaat la feamt i( t raptaly r. - adTaortaa? narkt for tha '-raw- ro4uct a :' laa It Jar ami Ita arma au4 atov ( fht - aaalaat 'lo raornt bat atroaalr arrtnlaad campaalaa eoamoacd af rlrt Hawaiian -VUiitira ana aaaw of tha larvar wholaaala frocera at tha l'arloe alopa. Ta aar that tha traat-la on- . wlllluc ttt-ita Uh.Xliraa J.aliaoat cartaln to ua truo. for tha bl urcaulaaa auf ax com ipanr doa aot Au woalnfaa that wayi . If H ' boaa r oo :era to- lur dowa ' IU . arma aa -tha roaat .than It, woald look Uka thera would bata alaah la prleaa hi or4 t-at tha beat ' of Ita roua( Compatlter." Tha waapo of prlea ' mttlnr Ik Uka othat-lt work both war. Tha , v;- Haaaliaa. plantrr ara wall abla. Irosa a , wnanrial point jot rlew.; to da aoma Ufbtalnc . ' aahtUiaT aluat the (laat traat for aavcral - 4'aara at laaat a ad aot half rptr Ita pockata. atlaaoarl'XIva VTaali. Ba Banalud. :' '' i A rut In prlraa hara would ba Juat tha op- , nortumir tn nawauaa panpi ara iookiuc tor. Tttry arouid-.tlwa fta bIo ' - i. ifaav In - tha- lllaaourt TlTer territory, which '- ;ia -Dow jnctlaitly abot acalnat ' thaDtr1- Th Mlaaourt river paoplO' would alaa. ha vlad of ' - -V hark a bm, for- thay would ha tea from fa .i. ' tlfhtcalnc . clutch of 1 atamt corpora Uoa . '.- which makra tha ellluf of au(ar a matter af . pleaaura.ta tka Jobbara laataad af aroflu . v- LaaBl Vaaala Wauld Baaait. Ta. '. " - -i . Jonrl" Jnbhara wvaM alao b wnrtltc4 by tVtTK.' tbay ara knwllllnf admit It.. At raaat taw ara tor pea by tb Waatara refinery to aalr aua-pr'with a profit of aboat I or Be par aark, why, if tha Kawptlaa com. aaale caala) aet a hold hara thar would '" abla to dicta ta fbelr awa petfla ta UaC e-ai , raaay ratatoaa A-aia. utpraraa. '-TJtf . ajarket oa fancy potatoaa la again. Im proied. . Twrt .n I mm cau aow eoonac - from Arlaooa ad' other aoathwaatera polau f e tb aarr tf floeaa. Thla -ciaaa of' atouk . -a u tea hold .tha whin- aa oa tha ordinary .radea oa aoneuat of lha vary heary rncreaaa r litv tha prooiictlaa. . , , ; BnIa laTaaib. B!(hr. '.. la now a better faalloc frOb- tba oolalde audi prltaa aut Itr taa rouairy ara now ranyioa an th way-' from t $3.25 per haadrad . fraoada. Tber n ahn a ll(Btly better feettTif '.In tb local demand and tbla may poaalbly .... . aauaa aadTabca In arlllac aricea fcara. K Vi-ehanfa today.' ', :.V. ; talaiaa aaafU' la baaUaat Saar. - ReeMnta af aalaioa Traaj tba . Columbia ara. rttclly - aothlni' 'iadi ilea I era - ba -bora d during, tba paat few day a ta raaort -tr -ta aa ( U aoM atorafa pxooucc ia auppiy their trada. Becelpta af aalnjon at llila'prlvd ' pi bey, been ao JJarht aa at praaent. . On otth . neltbborbood a l.0 ro 1.600 pounda of aalmoa rack day. recaired today bat 0 pouud of th ' freak pmditct. . HAI.IBI-T-iTb- raoalata ara - ahowln- - an ' larraaaa and prtcea today , wat 1e par pound lower to .ft, lua anpniiea ar aaialt ara praqtl . - call xilact. - , . ... . - -y' - . '.....,: ,. Paultry ajid Sua Slaw.' j"-''--. Th poalfri' aaarket waa alow today.' aoma ." , atork being rarrlefl ar trout Batiwday,. A -- Arm ton rule In tana feet and dacha, .but . . ild bird ara dull. j - KGOHTlia reeaJli.ra.r?L.notapnalar and tha arte la aot ao weak, lha market. 1 how err,, re aula aoma bat .dull, - - -. Traak Kaata 1 Ara VTary AMt. Tha demaad for fraah melt .cmitinu and lop price ar th balj on. The becelpta of Teal ara not ao large and tba demand la laraef. Kama aricea aa Saturday. . )KE88KI HOOB Tha nrelpta ara a mailer with lha demand abowlng an Iner. Tha bat prleea ara now being obtained. , Today wboleaala aelllng prlraa art! ' . -'-v rala, flour ao Taad. , ,."'....';. WHCAT Walla Wall. MQWct brseaaeta. i bon-ltiw. eallea. aTnftNc. A t'aad.las.SO; rolUd, a.TSi hraw lag. f ' aO- : -. COBN-Waola. fM.A9 taal raefa, $37.00. . KVB 1 par awt. -' OATS Prtxlucera' prlca Ma, 1 whlta, IZT.50; tray, 2.0t)-t 37.00. J- - n.OUli Ea.tara Oragoa ataata. ' If.M) Mralahta. U.Toi Talley. 10: grabaak. a. 4.0t ina. 14.45; rya .oni ina. 14.4B; rya. eua. ao.wi vaiaa gj-Ta. Mil J.gTl'r'F Br,- 1-C)0 par Umi- IBld- MIIJ.iTl'r'FI akarta, aoautry, , av.ti( HAT Prod area' price Timothy, WlltumeUe !lly,.fany, U.(XCtlS.0o: ordinary, tllooa) .'14.00: raatera Orego,.l00l00i ml led. : i ofll 00 rtoTee, jl100ij ooj -grala, I1.0vili00l ebeat, tll.00fjlf.00. - i , ,-v t ,. Xopa, Waal 'a-4 Xldac. t - . HOP 104. MVCIlaa for choice) t07 "Tor prime and awxllum. ... WOOL Contract , lvS clip Valle. eoaraa . to medloaa, 10yi7cj 1 tut, 17lc; paatara 0r goa. Ma. J . .... . MOHAIR Naar. toe. - . : ailKItKISa ibearlaa. 1flJ0a: abort wool . - fnCT'""! . r-"'j .ryi'T. . T"f rrrl. I ; 60c 3 1 1.00 aach. ... a laa w rnar par i. fgac' a, a a aa greaae. 3ti. - , rHITTIal BARK 4 pat lb) baying prlca, rTIDM Pry hldea. Ha. I. If lb aad Bp, 15J16He per lb:dry hi. Ka. 1. ta If Hm. ISci dry calf. Na. 1, aader f lha. lfei dry : aalted bulla aad auga, 1-f raaa thaa dry dlnti ailted kloV. ateara, aona'd. lha mr, tue: .iawji.j(j puscr pu uM ana wwi, itj ' I va" inn Daiw, ejena, or; alp. . kO to 4 lb. Ue: aonad. 10 to 14 Iba. Bet calf. -I - BowanaTt, lonrn m oo, ; , (EaUbllahl 1IJ.) . wnY 4Jn mroci noisu . fttmaa kneof. crKAScsaB or oonaic. VOVlRBBCIC, STAftR t& CbOKE CO. " v4 " Wmbarf Chicago Bofrd af Trade. . ' . ; .; .' ..-W 1 QMAXW, rmOTTRTOSTS, COTT Oat, VOCK AM9 0T9Sr' Jr. : " ; , ; JOLThlrdtrrat. McKay Bulldlhg. Port Unit. Or. ,-f" f " ' '- w o ft, sratcrrxT ooaoasraoar nvwantm.'.- .- ; pontlRtiouf Mtrkatg hy PrlFft Wlrf. Qulc Brrjce. RErERKNCTSLdd - TlUfp, bnckara, A4 Uoltad SUtaf Natlonai Bank ot PorUand. WHEAT CLOSES ON ' f VARIOUS EXCHANGES Mar Option' e . Chloaio,;:.,,;. I.J U A Milwaukea JU4 New Yor.... ........ ... 1.14HO,, 4 San FranclaccK I. data aoonrl, node 10 lb. He! . tHt greea (anaaltedV 1 le Pr lb laaat bora hldea, 1.T5; dry. atrch. l.0oyt,0i per It aaaai ruua, i aaltad. aach. tt.iisftl.1 colt hldea, aach, KnQoOef goat ak1, eommoa. aacn, lutjiae, ngork. ail wjot aa,, uttar, Cgg aad ?altry, ' - BUTTIB FAT fwaat, iaVVatJelc; aottr. ro tVe. - . - - . i r - BVVmCltr mmtrf. ht.' WtJMVl eecood grada, 12ffl2.V; ouuloW fancy, 2TMi atdlnary, SOc; cold atoraga. S2Ur;'aatara ana uiirnrnia. znit"tzw; nan. 12HQI.' -. Ktl Kf.- 1 fraJlQr.r.B pu,- tft. ra itMtne. " ' " .. . ' HBKSB ftew Till civ-am.' twin. idH iwni jiihwtic. . ivHf ..aoatarau . jokZlD&aOi Cbedifar, 1414c- . . . HorLTBX feodocara- price Cklctaaa. mlied, 11C12! per lb; hena. 32a per lb:rt.ra. i M, aft' , vP . r youug. .'..Ifllst per in: nroiiera. iieyiic per jni rryar. i:b pa lb; duck, old. t&a par lb; young, liailWc per Ih; geeae, SlilPSc per Ui) lur key a. Iyi5 per n: areaaea, VMaat par lb. - - WILD OA MB Teal, ll.Srt;. wldgand, fl.TOdi l oo: mallard. aaaaaabauka. d.&iua ineia mam, w awwoi FOTATOS-Baat Oregoa.- fll.l per twtl harec. 'WkttvOr; aecond grade. - 70oc per aaefc; Mylng prfce, TOUSlVaweata. beat. 1.0 Ol.nn; eraud, 1.00J.Q arw raUfuraU, a par lb. , ONIOKf Local. Ii.40rr2.o0: knrera net cm tountre. fXloatl garlic. l(ic per lb. FRESH rRUITR Appiea. aitra fancy. It. M fancy Orogea. 11.0, per boil chea gradea, The . par . hot: aranaea. aaeei. ' f 14ata-tfl par Km aaadllag. 1.7 par aog) eiaaaanna. tl.Ta per box: aa orange, fnftaa per boa: banaaaa, be pay lb; tataona, choice. per aog: rancr. gS.TB per boa; ilmea, Meilcaa. Doc par 1001 pta. M, . - at M. 1- 11. SO par boa; naaberrlaa, aaatrrojf J .00 par bbl: prnnea. lc per lb. - - EG KT4.BLKB Turnip. glA pet aacfet ear. rata. 11 00 art aackt beeta. tt. par aaaki Oregoa radlahea. 19a pet doa:' cabbaga. Oregoa. fl cwt; -California. fl.Bf:.- lettue,- bothmaa goflUc per doa: rreek.-pei'pera. Te per Hi: eblll peppera.' IV par lb; celery. NK per d": tomateea, California. fl.VOfH.Oparaalpa, TBe Oll.SVi erg plant. 12H per H; arrng bean. 13c; canllAowee. eflo per doa: bntter beana," ci pampklaa. la per lb; borarrasieb, T0ba per lb: apron ta, TSr! artlchokea. 6oao par dog; pea a. 0 per Ihj cuenmbcra, California hot. honae' ft. ft den. - - DRIED VFHUITS Aerie., rtanorated. TOke per lb: aorlcota. atieelltc oer lb! aark. Ue pey lb leaa; peacbee ) 2c Per lb: peara, . ner id; arunea. . Itallaa. , Mtiaste. par lb rrench. it14H Per lb t California Mark. SrHe per Ibi California whit. net b ptntea. nirred. per lb! datea. Boioea. a per U: farda. 1,IM Mr 1Mb bog. , ys . t vrraoarwa, aiata. xta RTTflAReieek he el a f 'nt krti ' Itowdeeeo. d.2n fruit granulMted, M.lo; dry granulated. Pl.lbt twet granulated. fa.W; aitra C, f&.dA; go Idea C, fS.&o: bbla, 10c H hhla, Sftfl, bokeaooe aoTaaca on aacav paata. leaa bob cwi lor aa. If daya: mania. 14 ft la per lb. :,,.. COFFEE Parkaae brand. .glg.taV- ' SALT FIDO Balaa. 2a. la. 4a. fa. 10a. ft. Mil Imported UTarpooi, ttoa, flS.O0dJlf.0O; -100, HJ0i 18.00: S24. 11.50i 14.60. aktra fna. bbla. 2a; fa, fa. 10a, 4.l0; bulau. 30 lba. jr-.txr, ekaWCat , -VVW WltT. . i l : net t5.foaf.50: boa per to, ta.f5fta.aoi Lira lnmn rock, f IS.fOdlf 50 per win; fO-lb ock. afI0.7S; lj.-t3.70fflf.lB.. (Abora price pply to aaka of .lata thaa car lota. Car . lata at apeeUl prtoaa aubltet to pucroationa. ' j..- ORAIN BAGS Calcutta. UTtW-m per 10O. BICE Imoorlal lataa. io. 1. a: No. f, X Orlaana band. Hakjori Adjift.- Mac; vreoi, e.. - - - , . ... , j BEANS Small white. e; Urge white. tHet n. wci sayeaae; Lima a, ae; muiui raua, Virrfniui Tiker-tmBbo fU p-bi Itw. tO Me ner lb: roaatrd. ti encoaauta. otrane per doa; waleuta. 14loc per Ibt pin . ii'ui.o pan in: nicaory mrta. xue par in, rhaataata, aaatern. lfiQlfr per lb; SraaQ nata, 15e par Ih: tlbert. . lB16a per lb; faacy paeaf. J4Q13 par lb; almondg, ISfJlB Par w. '-rJIaati.-'Ttta -TTorteuanu-r FRR&H MEATS Front afreet Beef, ateera. 1 fH0 par lb; pork.: block. faTe par IbTI pacacra. aCtSKa par lb; holla, mo pet Ibt eowe,- SfjaVio per IbJ matte,- wethera and lambaJ 84 7c: ewe. 4iT 5U.c:. veals- eitra. luti yie per lb; ordiaaryj 8e per lb. mini, haion. etc. Portland pari (loce4) oima, iv to 14 ID. 12a per lb; 14 to 1 lb. 124 per ib; 18 to JO lb. 12 per lb; rottaae. WWc par lbj braakfaat baesa, 1401c - Ibl p.. an.., wv erc. iu , regular . aanr. cieare. n amoked, 10c per lbr mokrd, 11a par lb clear backa, aamked, fe per lb; amoked, 10ie per lb: (Juloa butt. It) to If Iba. unamoked, per lb)-, amoked, -So- per Ih; cleat belUea, Ba. tmoked. U per4 lb: .amoked. 12e par lb. ,- ' , LOCAL LAUD Kettle leaf. 10a. lOHeWt lb: 5a, 101,c ' per lb; M-lb tlaa, 10c pet lb: ateam rendered. 10a, fie per Ibr 6a, pa' lb; 50a. tue per lb; compound tlereea. f Vk par ; lima, nc per in; ooa. at, per IB. - . CANNED RAT WON Tolumhla rleee l.lh talla. fl.M: f-lb talla, 12 SOLfaoey, J-la fata. tl.ob; W in raacy nata. fi.zo; fancy 1-lb oraa). 52. Tb; amata tan, ptak, aotrwuc; tad. lam oaaiaal . tall. (1.00. F18H -Koch sod. Tit aar Th: ftnhndera. fa Bar lb! halibut.-ft per lb; era ha. fi.2A per dnal v,npe oaaa, ,ifg izc per id; cainao, ia per lb; aalmon. ateclbeade. gvie per lb; froee allrer. iu par lb; fraaea allvee. r Ut) barrlag. 5c peg . u;. aow. mpa, 10a per lb; abad, iraaaadV4 f per lb; ahad rot, per lb; Ibt black tod, H paw lb! Co- aiuea, a per ur, Derrla w ier id; anrimi per 10 a lambla rlrer atbatt, 5c per lb1; allrer amelt Ac per lb; lobatara, 1SH; freak mackerel, f per lb; Vrawfah. SOt per doa; found re, 5c par ; aiurgeon, tc par 10. OtfTtBS Sboalwitrt bay. per gal. . 12 n per aark. 4.oo net; Olympl. par aack, fSko. CLAMS Hard abelL ner boa.' la 00: raao oiBt, ai.oo per box. - - ratata. uou on. Eta. ROPt2 rwe Manila. 141 atasiUed. ' IBBIei Slaai. lose: lade brand Slnal. fXe. . COAL OIL Pearl ar Aatral Caaaa, - tl per gal: water white. Iron Mi la. ItHo per gal; wooden. 17e per gl: hradllgkt, .ITiMeg, caaca I3c per aai; iron ooia, Jac per gat. ia OIL rara raw, la bbla 51 2e aae e.V caaea aie per gai; genuma gerti not led. can fSe-aor gal. bbla 54a per gal: ground enhe. car lota fst.00 per ton, Uaa thaa ear lota fW.OO per tou. , OASOLIRB f-dcg. egaea XSe tr gal. Iroa onia "C per gau arjea. caaea. aha per gat, toon tihla fae Per gal. . BENZINE S-lcg, raaa S3. pet gal, Iroa Ibla UHe per gal. . , . k . , FAINT OIL Raw,, bbla ITJc par gaL caae per gal: bolliMl. raaea 40c per gai. TURPENTINE In thee AO ae al. wonde bbla, f la par gal, Iroa bbla, .7Sa Per gL lo-lb lot f4c per gal. , .,- -. - WIUTl.LEAIV-Ton lor TV per tb; 500-lb dip. i T c per id; iciw iota ac per in. WIRE It AILS Freaent hhaa dtS2.V .. . . ' , , . i . . i. . '"'AX rtAHCnjCO KtmWw STOOKS. Ran Francleeo, Jaw. 83. Official mlnlog funtatioaa, morning goa ma Bid. TBg;,t Potnal I'nlaa Con , r Vellow Jacket BM." .f .50 .t . .T . , .IM . .' .r.a Pnllloa .... . t Belcher . . . .. .M i. 170 Con. CaL-Ve Ophlr aledania i - ajt KkchequiY MexIrBB , Male ft Korrraaa l.V TOSOrAlt STOCKS. Btd AdauM ,...t 10 Moa tana .80.0.1 Red Top ,.; .if Columbia Ml... ,JH riolden Anchor. : M Field ..... .70 Keecue j . .v.t , - ,o KnT Storaa , ... .7i 'hawk .......1.14 n'tnrmt Tl Nevada '.11U Tom. Erten . ... 4 Mi Im Batler ... 1.40 tlnnhtf , . a . ar AA i mi ho Kktea. a. 1.31 ' told MnnntalB.. .18 MrN'amara .... ..M North Star .... .M . Mldwav .a RyQ Brlea-. .11 jrrw Tom conn kabxzt. KT I pulHI York. Xan. M.-H.'nffe firnrea cloned nta lower. Today'a offclal market: ' Bid. Ak.! ' KM X l.e Jannary .. .87 :15 7 4 Jnly ..... oo m on February T.i TMIAngwat S INI a). 1 A Marcf v. T !W T M nepiember g to 8 15 April '.... f f T.TiffVtoher ..... San May 7 0 T R' November ,, S.M 8 to June f ) 7 fleeemher ', . . 1 fo n 53 ST . . CAUSES A SLUfJP General Utt of New York Stocfci i oaay snows spirited. Decline. LOUISVILLE A NASHVILLE fV T4 LOSES TVyp DOLLARS ?,b,caar& "Northwestern Again trong With Pain of Two ' and a Half. BTOrK LOSSES, L -Jt- Ameonda ,...',..$ lri Erie, let Meklcan nfd ..1 .M Alt'. M. ..j'.-u Centv.. .SVa Brooklyn L .... MlaaiHirl Par , . l.tat o4o. ual ..... 1.12 .Norfolk ft Want Uifial i anaaiaa t'a . ;.7ikrUaciao Mall ..... .75 I lliHila. Central. . lit toulrV Nak..42.l) uaa ........... , - . r - . . . . ivaiy, coin .,. Katy, nfd . .... .Ba Pannayleanla ..: .75 H. f.. oom .... 1.7ft V. P.. eua ,vi. 1.0-2V4 neaaing, . nna k.ow Hock Ia..' com.. 1.00 Amalgamated .I2Vj Sugar ......... . ;m Bait. Ohio..;. !.() Cheea. ft Ohio.. .37 Tenq. Coal ..... 1.1.4, Hteel . mm l.iai SteeL ufd ..... 1.17U un, cum w...... : .at ' - - ' -r- -' . STOCK AOVAbCF.flj - O. ft H. W.....f3.f0 K'ar ft Found .1 ,M . 1,J . .29 Alton - .75 IMaabattaa . Metro pall tan j-;-.BTJ4IOut. ft Weat luu ..l-.nttilOoL ft. , By .. .fagj - . - Boutbara (rnrnlahed by Orerheck. , fooka. Co. e.ew Veck. Jaji. ua. - Inteeaal- tfuhlaa ta the Rnaalaa amnrra wtra th Mam of tha general urop in prK-e on rna btock eacnang loo Tha ealee were unit good the tola la UP tha aoou hour amounting ta 024.400 ah. re. Tba urgent laa anown today waa by LAutenite a akrllle. wb j Uat fa af the rornwr orlc i'nloa raciflr and tba Steal laauea war weak and down, Steel, preferred, closing' f 1.1174 off and 4k common J 1. - Deaplta all thle trouble and rumor thera war a fear advance. Of thaa. Chicago ft Sorth Wearer a added fZ50 ta Ita mice, tltoth klauhatta and Metropolitan era atrodg fctura, tha furmaf ruing ft and the latfer S7He. , tb araeiai atocg market: DISCEIPTION. . Anaconda Mining Co.... nulCopper Ob. ...... Atchtaori, rein............ no oreferred.. ........ Am. Car ft Found., com. prof erred.......... Am. Sugar, -com. Am. Smelt., -cum . do'jiraferred. Am. Ice, cem.iTt,,,,.,. do- preferred. . .i. ...... Baltimore ft Ohio, 00m. do preferred.... Brooklyn Rapid Tranatt. Urn Kanld Tranatt. I at t Sink ranadlan Pacldc.- om..fl.12 182 Cbl. ft Altoa. 411 42 do pre f erred... CM. ft lit. Weat-i- conf, Clif, MIL ft St. Paul., ChUft North., cam..., Cbl. Terminal Rr,.,, Cheaapeak ft Ohio,... Colo. Fuel ft Iron eon S21kf K vwhr. eii,..,snw,..M - do 8d orfrrrcd . . r 2.14 - do let nreferred. u.. a2 iicmwbt a iiaaoB..-t D. ft 11. S..coaa,.... uo urcirxr...,.... trie, com .rrfi'f.T.vr. d Sd pre f erred.. ..,. do let preferred. . . mi kI- r- ... 1 - 85 r iwiiwi. ..Wliu.l. tul.Tllle ft NaahrlUa. Metro. Traotto o. . Manhattan Klevated Mealcaa Central Rr. laiiisikiiif. 171 iw M.. St. P. ft sta. M-... do preferred...,...., Mlaaonrl pacific ....... -M., K. ft T., com..,.. New York Cenlral.Tt Norfolk ft We. tarn, com, do preferred ,. N. Y.. Ont. ft Weat.. I. loBtatlof, ia 1 VI ni Pannaylvaaia Rr, ....... im 100 J r. u.i Ik !'.;. ..,.,, Preaaad -tlterl Car, com. . do preferred. .. ...:.,, Pacific Mall steam. Co.. Reading, --crmt; -m , r. . . , rm 44 B8U -87? do 2d preferred. . ...,! do let preferred..,...! Rap. Iran ft SteeL com.. do preferred..,. 4. -. Rock lalaud,, cm.i.k,. Breferred. .-. .t 92 15 Southern Ry., coml?."r;r8f do nraferred,...ji....t PtU M evOVl Bfvg'aTr "ggi D9g B"S' I f ft p 1 SAW l"V4 proierrea,. RtTL. A 8. F . 2d hfd... St. L. ft S. W., com..., ' do preferred. Tela .ft Padftc. . . .-. v-. . enneaae. Coal ft Iron,.! 1U fOHrBn ., ni. t. m w.. om..l am nceferred ....... JJ'nloB l"nclttv oom....v'. V. 8. Iaiber, ooni""? do .preferred. . ........ P.. S. -Rubber, com...... ao Jlreierrefx. .. V. S. Steel Co., comr.,. . do preferred.......... Wftcoaaln 4'entral, asm, do arefrared. ........ . Wraterau-I.'nlav Tl.... Waba.h. com.,..;..,.,. ii jrrcicrrro Iyiilavlll ft Naahvlllc, eg-dtvldend S par cent. joint aaiea ior aay, OB,iW an arc. 'Money, 14 pat teat. . ;'.,..;.' Aaf rRASCTSCO LOCAL IT60XS. Sail rranclaca. Jan. 23. Local atocka cualn. 10:30 a. m. 1 ..... 1 .- ' . . wi Aak. Conrff Coata Water i..J(.. ,V Spring VallcyWalar .............. an Central Ught J fi : Saa Franrlaco uaa ft Electric ...... f2Vk - 80 84$ a 18 ........ ,...... o r 11 Hawaiian Sngar Ifoookea Sugar ilutcktnaoff Suaar Mukawall Sngar ..,......,.....'. 87 unomea wugar , 80 I'uulian Suaar 27 Alaak rarkrra 87 " SM California Win ,.,..v. ........... 82Vt raotnc wtatea laiapnona .....100 boto corns stocks. : TVietoB. . Jaa. 23.-i-t)f7Trlal ' aonna eValn ' Bid. rarrntV ,... SR.nnft Pbnanla ..... k.mi ' Adventura Atlantic - .$ f.oo . 'Kt.iiO Blnkhant ar,. luumry, ...... 100.00 Calumet ' f ... f.Vai MMbannof v f .oo . Centennial mi. sr. Trinity 7. 75 (pner Range lialr Waat .. Franklin- 7a Hlreen Toppar Mm 75 an lataa Mining.. 8.75 a 1.01 ikticaigaa ' J1.50. 11 21 5.00 107r(l aionae;n .a. Dl lll Wll ..I.'. Old ( 28.011 I Victoria Oaceola I Wolrerlnaj.n :"7 Jfrm Tarn Suaikkary. " . New York an.. S8. How, ionea ft Co. ear- Colorado Fuel- ha nine asuntlia' ardee ahead on Ita hooka, tinlted Statea Steel earning for the ftrat anarter la earlmated at 82S.niw.uiai ner. It la ei pre ted th lllll road will tak 130, 000 rora-ot atevi raira taia yearc N likelihood af Inereaa la Nnrthwnat djvldeada In the future. tti hundred pnd four road fog November hmr anatargj)rfJiicTfa! of Jill per rent: 84 made fur th aecom id week or Jannary abow aa arvrage groaa af a.uf per teat. -. ' Haw Tirk. Carb. ' ' New :York. Aan. 88. Northern Serurlllaa opened and waa high . at 148, low 145, laat ..le I4f, ilea 145)tJ146; total aaka, 18.IM0 aha re - .. FOlTLAlfD 1AJIS ITAmiirT. Clearing ... . i. ...... .......... .fWHt WI 7 BaUncvg ......c.....,.,., 1 Haw Ttrk Sagar Harkat. Ynrb. Jaa. 88. Refined mgkra B ,. ran- firm aad unchanged... Near ' Changed ' A fro ' letrlcl-- sanoramaY at tba eernar of Third and Aldaf atraats. froaa a. m. ! a p. ro. - . "Pnacook Bclf-rlalng Buckwheat rioux" is tf, bast on thf mfrkat. , ROUBLE Russian Civio. Troubles Causes Reaction in, Financial Market- Weather Bad for Local ! Liyeatock -' 4 Cutcners RMed;Up. v ".'; : shouts mm m ice '' . .'"v1 On Moderate Setbacks Offerings by Growers Seem to Dry Up Very Suddenly. MAY-OPTION ADVANCES ' U v3 A FULL CENT TODAY July Up Five Eighths .and . Sep ' I tember a H-Jf Cent-. Corn Dull. i ., TODAY'S WHEAT V ABKIT, ' . .. ' ' 1 Open ' -i C'loaa Cloaa - Cala Tod.'; Today - Sat. 1 Today 7er...e... .Bk Inlk i Bl a 1 ai.l n - ,ui iiiy....,..;.; .U7',, r .imtk .07, .t5a aWpt. . . . , . .WIT y .HI , .81 i4 ,1.00g (rurniahad. by Ovarbacfc. Starr ft Cook a Co I ' Chicago. Jan. 28. Loaan . Bryan kk: The waeat Biaraet eaay Deea aktrvmciy uervuna. Tha early atrength waa followed by weak oca, which gar way aubaoqueutly to a aharp rally. th market cloalng at tha, tup. ' Aalde from tb BurtbwaaterB Be a, aa to receipt Bud -th caah market, tb. general nawa waa hopeful ta th bulla. . Tha vlalbl deeraaaed 8H2.0UO buahela. ahca It waa predicted It would abow aa lacreaa of at leaat 1.0U0.0U0 buahekv Trad.. . at III aatramaly doll and la tba narrow market trader aaaiiy gat vraoId. . On moderata act' back offerlnga of wheat fnddealy dry aa, leaving tha ahorta arller n verv thla lc. iThla reaalta In aharp. vldoua rallie. ' tntereat la large fad -tha fampar af the trada ananimoualy favara th bear aid. Cndee theaa bundiUuna It la uureaaeuabla to )Mk fvr aoy Muaaira nacuna in laa iBaraau -li. . - Oara atarkaf Taatarilni. Is eom 75.0O0 baaheia at caah war sold la thla aaarket and 81 boat to da war takea for akporta. Aid from tb - Immediate aelllng by a promlaent awvatnr coocern th market baa been feature leaa. We faal the aaarket will need aoma stimulating aawa ta bring aoUvity and atreiurth. ir . ' .1 ia oata it m tiil a awcouraging anaraet, ana ww e . vua - iiuia BBC kor marww prvmat. -. - .- ... ,- - Vt- ' Tea bt rrevlaloa. Battar, la Drovlalona . th ainaiiar reaelot of hoc aad better prior at tha yard contributed to tba trong Undertone f thlanarket,. Tb alaa. lag would indicate aom nttia adraaea. , Today a Official marketa: . , ' . iv , WHEAT. . - ' - " "OWnL Hlab. -- Low. Cloaa Mav...i.t 1,184' S l.lHirv-l.l8tC7- 81.15 A JulV..... ..,74 .Bfii . ' ; i -.'":.... v m Jaa.:..., ; : S May..... . . .V ..48--.: e4 .ft. July.... " .45 .at - .aS f ".' an a 48I4B .w ' ..... .b t., - ... UAXB. " .. May..... -.80V - .St july;..'.. " ,u'i .81 ' MESS rose laa.. Im'. ; ...-v .......... - - . 805.B -!Z.fO - jam 18.80 J2vf c . - 8.82 - ' 7.02 .I5 -. LARO. . f 87 .TT T.OJ .J f.97 T.18 "' T.10 Jaa.,...t 'f.TT May...., S.8T nly.,... f.10 f'Pt.ja' air. . SHORT BUBS, n aan.... v . w 1 . ' . -My.w -f.80 vf.87f.- .' ' f.71 . 8.82 f.85 .u.T FRISCO FLUCTUATED ; IN NARROW RANGE (Furntabed by Ovarfeark,. Starr A Cook Co.) ' -Baa Fraacmca. Jaa. 88. E. . Huttoa ft Co ay i .Tha trading In wheat-baa baen next ta nothing. - te- market fluctuating within a raaga f U. Thaa I th first day tha mem bra hara a nan la tha aew eachance and their appaaranc la th new fuartara bad ao aparechk. ble effect oa price. Barley la dull with i. Both lag' doing. M, ll.17H4ll.l8V aaked. fiTh afflcUl 11 m . . market -a-. : DVIAT. X . - ' Otiea.' Hlgh.vx taw. Cloaa. y... ..8i.4ok4 l4uh (! 8i4Ti e........... 1 DO'.B 1-8048 May Dm. vrc. .aoik , .wax - .uuik .-i Oral la Warahaua. - Chle8 Jebj; 28.-7-rln In wareaotiae. When Com j . .....lvbir..l.Ml)A oata ' . Ry Barley .......... ,j. . . .TS2, . - f l.0el V 4.0O0 'pnek d ............ iaenaaa. T eiAnt. Trfrsn uvmr. - CM rag, Ja. IS. Orkln vialble auppiy:' ..,.. I acre ass : . . . ..' !... Week ' Laat Year waeat, auaneta........... nui.nrai Corn. btubvla....i.......8d0.onn 287.000 864.000 -.80,000 Oata -.-..-Tj-rt,. ......... 802,000 Incraaaa. i .- ' CMCAgO CASH WXZAT. Chicago. Jaa. 23. Caak wheat closing: - . . Today Saturday Be. 8 red...,,. .81.18 , fl.l7M no. rea 1.12 a.i.v No. 1. hard winter. ........t. .1.12 1.12 No. f hard winter .....I.OS. .1.05 Ka. 1 norther apdtuT.,.4... 1.18 l.intl no. 2 Borthera spring. ...... LIS Aak s amnag. .......... a... 5,1 - Saaaas Olty Oraia Beaaipta. Kaaaaa City. Jaa. 23. Here lets: ... ., -.. Today Tear Ago -:- i. : '.-un. uara Wheat ...... k 74 ' Srel Corn .MJ. 28 ' 125 Ofte ...It .14 Llvarpaal Oraia BUrkat.' Ltverpeol. Jan. 23. Close: Wheat, Had. (4i1 lower: May.. Ta: tkd. V, July, Ta Ud. kd higher. - corn March,, 4s H nwtr; May.' fa ' Chicage Oraia Oat lata. Chicago, Jaa. , t3. rln car lot: . ' .. Car Orad Car. T0O4 n ea v.mli... ijv. . . . n . rm ml .,1.847 8 871- llale ... 14 BO ' IrtT Wheat eara tadav: Mlnneannlla.. Hk Dalntb. 5. .aenr, ami - atinneapoiia, on , xruiuta, , .4 'i I'l .: .- grala ' aa reaeage. Chicago. Jaa. 28. rla on naaaac: - . Today Laat Vtac a. Laat Tear ' Bnab. Bnab. . - Bnak. Wheat ...'...'.20.8ofl.nrm' sn briTMUl 38.gnsi.nnn Cera- .g0,88.000- B0.ru8.0o0 10,2o0AKe Warid Oraia Bhlpeaaata. Chicage, Jan, 2.-World'a grain ahlpnenta: Laat Week wave Laat Year t Rn,h at Wheat T.oM.dnn T.rt2.ion io.45e.ore) Cora ......1.1 4.87000- .4.),000 8,414,008 Amarloaa Oraia' ., Chicago, Jaa , 23. AaaerVaa grata vialble ppiyi 1. Wheat rVreaes of 202 000 buahela. Cora af 225 onn buahela. Uata Uacrcssa f Wll. 01 W buabela, , 1U Leahi BfalsJUcaltav. ft. Laula,, Jan, 83. kaorlnta - 1 Todl odat , Tear As 1 Bnak. Bh. Wheat twn m. wi.iioo . ti 70.000 .......... t win A iNA.iaai ...8X0tW -4. 7jj0ui OaU Mr. wo mtu. n. u. smitn are over from Vancouver. They sre at the Im perial.. , , . , ' j .. Teased e tarve., nr. fek. " Of "Concord. aa aV "For If yea re J suffered agon lea, with I sore cm mr tinner Un a : nlnfui ornetlmea, that I could not eat After vainiy trying everything else. I cured it' 1th Bucklens Arnica Balva" ratfor burna, cute end wound a. At 4 t'roae Pharmacy. Sixth and Oak sweets, th way to tha poetoinee . STRANDED iJecreaae I .Bo.b. I km annrMI hV . oOiio;--f.''Jn pound. 1Q CAUSE OF WEAKNESS ' i if Pecefpts of T Ovestock JLiberal 1 But Butchers Do Not Buy'; vv'' A -"- so Freely'" v:' Portland Colon Stockyard. Jaa. XL Tha warmer weather baa rauacd .a weaker- feeling throughout the livestock market,, ail hraiirhea being affected alike. Th bote he ra rlalm to be filled up and r aot huytag a freely of aay product aa of late. All tba price remain at former fgare. Th recelpta today, lua huge, S40 raft I and 478 sbeep. ' . ,1. " ' Official rulUig avtcca today arel ' ' ' - Hog Beat, eaatcrn Oregon. 85.50: light lihKkera autl tHia tela, UUHt4,7A aad feeder. S4.uu6f4.ftu. ij atnrkara i t'a tile Best caster Oregon ateer. fi.nrxi 4.25; light and medinm ateera. 8U.50r .1.-75: beat niwa, 8J.0uirta.2ft: medium ro', 2.Aoi2.fftt Id and light cw. f2.uil2.25: atovfcar and feeder. 82.26; hull. 81.5uti2.iai. 'Sheep Ucat fancy abeep,' 50; wr. fl.00 1.25. ', . ... CKICAQO BOOS XOWXK. ' .' , ' -. . Chicago. Jaa. St. Uvea lock reeelnta T'hlcago ,V..i. ao.i uua C4ty,......w.. 7.i w.iaio- .ii Owaba ' 4.OU0 2M) f.0a) ' lloga ojicned Be lower with 3. Boo left over. I -rices: f.lrht. 84.86414.W: tnli.ii. l. 401 1.75: tteT.v.-f4.nHf.78: rough.- 84.aoirttt. I Cattla Mtrsdy to luu aft4" r; -J :,', 1 ,' . nnerp aieauy. , . , ; . . , COTTON THIRTEEN TO ' ' ; . SIXTEEN POINTS OFF fjwrnwmetl' ' Ovrilm'.. 1 Stan ft AikvO-. nr. iirr., eau. .... V Ullli. 11 III r. v i.mnt , to 18' polnta lower, the low potnta bring reached at tha end .of tha eln.' . Today'a offetal cotton marketf ' ,.i .'-v -Onen. Hlh. Low." January1 ". SM '', nwi Frbrnary;,.'.;..,..., NI ' A8 oft March. ...,.,-,.... 7 8I7 857 Anril..i..l. 873".. 878 , Wl My ..,... 674 ' .878 WV4 Juna 877 878 ' 875 July ...... fH4 ' 884 ' 878 Auguat ............ OMS 0N8 ' SNI September . 8h 6P9 fMOtaul October Two 7q Sua ' ftMuM Ll.stuuol Oottoa Lawsv. , - t Uveroool Jan. 12. Cnttoa fut tires cloaaf TA u II points lower. WINERS ELECT OFFICERS . AND BAR RUM-SELLERS (Journal Beictnl eerttcn. ) -.'f- : Tndlanapolla, Ind., Jan. 11. The mis ers' convention today rktlfled an amend mant to the constitution barring saloon keepers front membership. The conven tion Indorsed the co-operative atores Scheme offered by President Mitchell. The following ofllcers of. the interns', tionai union were - elect ed : . President, John -Mitchell; -vloe-presldenl, T."C Lwls; secretary-treasurer, , W, . KJ. WH- son. - . - : i - . . DO YOU CARE FOR GOOD THINGS . TO EAT? That is, do. you.. like-to see-the tablf laden 'with edible you know you can eat with every, aaajiranca-that the food) Is the best obtainable and that you carl at your fill without 111-eff acta 7 Indi gestion. Is :ot an 'aftermath following a meat the 1 Ingredients of wjilcb were bought- "FEl4-WiVOrocerIs or meats nothing but the- best always. Here's proof of oaVlew plicae: , Gallon can Xor Cbln Mapl Byrup, ' - . : peciai..y-, - Gallon. ;cia Hill s Pure Maple Byrup. Gallon can Choice Table Syrup. l5f) ; . . S cans Condensed Cream. -pCan Eagle Cotidenaed Milk.1 ir One-pound package Corn Starch.. bea t . Oleas BUrea. "... 25f -T '' T Found Good Gunpowder Tea. - .. . ' 15f Pound Fellows' Blend Collif.tlca Coffee, splvOOV 17 lbs.. Dry GranulatedV 8ugar.: -374 Waintfon Street : Quick Delivery. Phone Main 2596 The Celebrated PalmUt la Town, Will Locate Here Perraa ' '"' ..: nently. V r palmistry aa. the, one who baa atsrlled th popular la alt lb prlm-lnal rltlr on tb Atlantic coaat ny ni - inarveioua predict lona mad In reeding ena'a Ufa from -ihs aslm. hi located In hi eww noine, luf fourth street, come' Taylor. Where he aay pa will -give private reading la palmistry. . . in vaaieru .citie i-ror. laeaTeraein fm loosed Mml aa a prophet, bt 'other a ma n auperhumaa power, and in curing tha alek he will only take eurh caaea that others hsva fatted to cure at even-given relief. As dlsrnnerlctau a, la truly remarkable. ' Prsf. CheatsrSeld come Indorsed by the anblemen and rrnwned heads af Knrop aad ka. aaedala t anew which wee given him by th noble people la tichange for their high esteem for hi greatae. Beea r eater day at ble bom. mf. fkeatee. feld eel: "You ran say for sn that I have eom tn pectlaaf I. tut. I aha II gt full Ufa reading In palmistry fit 8 ceata. althonah y usual fee le 81. and my par (era will remala apaa t the sahUe aatM e'asatk al Bleat." i WARMER WEATHER IS Close. nof 51 Oo:iiiM enuiido A4Uf M7a8 f72f74 77 78 8N14JH3 i l- : t ' . " FELLOWS Chesterfield -Here " I I iiiileeasaemaaansmsMsasnsmmsi fa n ri ' . jtL n -. A wAtt r r Vw it.. a , i . i ill - -.. t ; . i i m it m i r TO THE My story. "Frnslad FlnAnca." In Evarvbodv'a Maaaalna 1' out todav ; tt oonUlna what- I consider tha moat Important chapter I hive wrltlan. M M I glv tha flrai definition extant of the . greattat evil tbe world has ever wreatlad with, "truata.".. ; . . .. i' ;: , ' - Whtn this chapter la rest sl men.- women snd grown children will, know g "truat."- ....-..,'. . . ... . .- ,. - i f .-- j X the beat they could, mr puhltahcra. with? their prtawnt, mecnanltuU facilitras, '; have been able to add but .00,000 to Isst month's 100.000. This edition ( 100,. 00 will be sold as was luat month' a In the f lrat few-rMrttts. "r : . I earneatly sak thoae who are fortunate enough to procure a copy of this laau to paaa .it around to jib many o thera as their tMmatbly.-oan. lt la of uMajl Im- 1 portanca tnav safety of our people that weglnnlhg with thla chapter, 1 am getting the people In condition to- MOVE. ' When they JdOVK there will be a revolution In finance, and my work will not have been In rain. . - ... . ... , To know whtn and how they are being robWlf, the people moat be Inatrurted. My ntory.i -Freniled rtnanoe," is mennt to do more than-ezpoae the crlmea of Amalgamated. I Intend to stop that kind of robbery. I am opening the people'a eyes tf ,the enalavement tha't menacea them, but to: realise their danger the muat be shown figures and facta of which they a re now Ignorant. To give them -than figures and facts I am spending $40,800 to 1.0,000' monthly. I am also maaing rrryaeiT tne target of 4h'eyatam , Therefor. I dure aak the people to men and women sa poaalbla. - ' .. t . '..'-... . ., Ordinarily, the 800.000 copies if this dnsgasW would be ad by .seven tor nine million of people. 1 want twenty millions to read this February tnaue. so they ' rmay'TeaTlke the evil that eonfronte them me remeoy jtnac wui restore-to them what rwC been stolen and. will make If-, forever impoaalble to repeet-the plundering process.- s . r. -'i , V. : ; i " My work has just gof to, a. ftag where It isltlmf to' lndlc.ti to the people what . : , I m leading up to. ;,...;';..i. ....v i.. .t.-'A. a .-$,...,. , 1 .. . Today there is In the country 1100,000.000.000 of wealth what 'ta estled wesltfK ' At. least llO.OOf.Off.fff -of this t not- reaK-wealth.4tit repreaentg the Inflattoit the "aystem" has Inserted during the past twenty years through, the use of th ' "Maglo Jlmrayi" '"Trusts." . . - : t .:. , . - -lf the false Tttrt of-thls wealth, which la the .part owned -by. ther"lBystem.,,-.J.., : . or will be When the people have acted upon my advicei Is eliminated, the 'ayaUm' will have been compelled to part with Its control of thf great-Industries. f ouf- r ootuitry. whleh-wlll then revert to the people.. ', - , , ,r. , . z " Thf rer.lf on deposit today in the national and savings banks.' trust and' Insur".. -" pace companies f It belongs te the people' '..'...,. ; ' yt. The law ssys today, as. always, that' this must be returned to thf people when ' Ibty demand 1U -.- . '.' '"':"' When it la demanded" there Is but $1.5QO,000,000 of actual money in existence to pay It with.' . ,'(: " .v..-,.-;. . . . .' Wlth the-Maglo-JImmy." "TruaU,? . the -"ayaUm"-haa been abla to tlowlth,r -the people's savings' during ths psst twenty years anything It dealred every thing but two things; ' Deprive them of--thelr right to demand thetr deposits' or - inflate the actual amount of money as they had Inflated tha) paper titles tox-the , i;, material-things the people's labor produeed. . '..""' ' . But for the "truats the agsrearate of .wealth aa reoresented by the vast cfea-. Tlon of paper tokens ofv property would to toe actual total or tne money , or me people, inateaa, an arnitrary creation Of paper tltlet of Walth has proceeded, regardleaa Of . the actual, money tm exlate nc. -a-l-,.;;- : .. '. . ... - ... - - v.-.,- r ... If the corporations of wealth had preserved their legitlmato relation to real y wealthy the amount of the people's -money on deposit Would not have Increased ao out of proportion to thf available total of real money which alone Is avsllablf to pay,theee deposits if they should be ; RUNSONj.lMNKSTTrW Tf the people ahould call for thalr dapoalta at on tlm chaos. would b Wit...; Us and the Innocent would, suffer wtth the guilty. Therefore this -must not occur. To euggaet It is too far from my Intention. The pfoceae should be legal.. and fair, through the-idautlcal machinery the ''system" uaed to -manufacture" - this wealth orlglirBtly...'-..- " ..' :.:i.r..-., - -.:..,. :. ...Before the sdvent, of "trusts, legitimate enterprises of the people, induetrlal. . mechanical, transportation,-! Were scattered all over the" country, and In the con- " ' " duct of their buatness kept ernnloyed the people's deposits tn the local banks. - With the advent of tfusts," many of these enterprises were .-even wings by being converted Into stockB and bonds: snd they quickly flew to "vVall street. - ; -Thereupon the local banks, whose used in thetr business, found less opportunity for' employing their Tunaa Irf their own neighborhoods, slid so they followed the stocks and boms to Wall street. ,. They sre thr'now In ths, form of the caah balance Which local banks keep Up In the great elty banks. - 1 1 " " .' -. r-v-r ra5 ' - ' j While ths atockrand bonds had TloWn JtO WflT street. It must be borne ttrr mtnd that a Urge portion of them were returned to tbe people, from Wall street Lin exchange for their saving, but St those f,t which tne people- ownei,tns-enterpriBes before, mey were capiianxeo; sndvtherebylnis condition was "produced:" Whenever th people required actual money for legitimate usesv such ss moving their wheats cottbn, eom and other'... rrope, they' were compelled to' sell the stocks, for which they could only obtain, frorq -thesystem2-stron of what they paid, lnd so .ther was Jrsrfected vhTOet-slfantio:i-perfect -piundering1 ntechlrr-4h-world -ever-dreamed -iof -and imllllonsires war, mad over night.; The- people knew of . their country's marvelous Drosperity rpiLtJieyrefd sbout It In, .th paprt.hut .thywer tor- tured by seeing the money that should bav been theirs go to the owners of, tho Mfflo Jimmy,"' "TrueU.". -..-'- - - '"'' .-"'-.'- - -The whols world wonders; how It-hes -been possible In America, for a few ; men in so brief s time to acquire such, caloaaa.1 fortunes WhUe tBe condition of in itio msss of the people has remained unchanged. The astounding figures that follow explain that problem snd male terribly-plain what the trusts" have been , $20,000,000,000 INFLATED STOCKS" fore the advent of the "syateof In country was $10,000,008,000. Today It ! $100,000,000,000. Tbe total amount or stocks and bonds In the New Tort Exchange In 1$80 waa $Jj008,000.000; today It -la $20,000,000,640. Jn I($0 the amount of moneys f the people waa $t,i8.080,--! ;. 000; today it is but $1,00.000.000. In 1180 the amount of deposits in thevnatlonat, ., and savlnaw banks, trusts and Insurance companies,, belonging to thf people was but $$.000,000,000; today It Is $11,000.000.000. - - . , ( : . ' . a - fr i- I have taken these figures from the Ttchange-Teports an statistical worluL selves inlhe "wona" Aimanao. , - Th rianita that aiiow that before ffonrt of-wtoekon4 honds Jn WbU ftreet of the aggregate wealth of the country, dollar of every five of th Aggregate wealth of the. country.--Ana wnen k. is remembered that saere han-4wo-thlrds of ths entlis ' wealth of -the euotry Is i in the form of farms- and real estate which cannot be brought tofWell Street.. , . the significance of tho comparlaon becomes more startling. .. , ' . ' . - In the same period Jhe1ratio of the people' e..avlnge on deposit to tho aetoal X money with which they mutt be paid has Increased from two dollars deposit to 1 one dollar" money, to four dollars deposit It Is Obvious from thf sbove figure of the country which, the-"aystem". could -srbltrarlly manipulate tnrougn the -"truats" stocks and bonds has -been Increased ont of all proportion to the other factor ths amount of actual money of tne people, which pannot be.artlfiosUy Or (arbitrarily expanded or contracted, for the actual money of tbe people has ; grown but f7 per cent, while tne value or. tern" has grown 700 per cent, - -' . - ' ..' T . . . r want to. r,rmi ever one even thoae who think the complicated Intricacies of finance are beyond their comprehension to get into their heads the tremendous j; significance of the figures here set forth. I want them then to read my chapter . i. ih. nkni.,. ncervhrwtv'a " which axnlalns slmols the Ways and means of finance, through which the business of the country la done. They will than react what I mean when I say they have been plundered by the "system." They-wlll know how the plundering Is being done and will be preparing themselves to grasp - th remedy whan It le oresented to tnera. SYSTEM ' AT THE sVcmemberlng tha facta art forth above. It la clear that If thera la a ahaee ef atoea aad bo da la Wall afreet which tkef'eretem" arbitrarily call $2n.t3m.noo.ouo. aad'Vhlch la foanded oa bet $11,000,000,000 of deposit, wbers there wa formerly 1.1,000.000, onr) founded on ft.uui.0iifl.oti0 of drpoaU. tbat tha awaera of thla f20,oMi,Ofln.ono ar ahsaiutely aad com pletely, at th mercy of tb ewnara of tba 8ll.iaai.flial.0iai: that whenever theaa owner .of depoalteAdrolde that tBc 8W.00. 000 con- tain m,iaa,iani.mai v nctiiiBa.-v.iHi . thev ahonld bars but w. sell th atocka and tb bonds tbey may own tb -Trem."whlch h.a created and Beep nw ine a-zi.iae..iew.oiHr vsiu slion, at' tba same tlm withholding th mo my they receive from tb .'ayatem's'1 banka. to Inetaatly. bring hark them atocka and bnnda ta what Is a fair valuation, which -we ' la 8l0.000.0tXt.0Ott; tbat when thla tremendous destruction of "Value" has kem - atece It will, be tb "ayatem" mat la ta mser. box ths- people, foe th people will see their vaouey later tn buy bark thee atocka and boada from th "system" at the fair talaatloa of $10.. . . ' . .... I am dealing; with eiietine racta; i am not theotiatng. Hi' re ara twa Itluetratloae: . . eWWV.K.-S e 'Vyatem" before the 'ayatem'' loaded ta with th remaltlng a lea, the pemte THE SLAYINQ TIMEIS ALMOST. HERE : : Tt la Tbt BBly- ths penple" now nw as them' selves te aril every share f eterk ' bonds other ths government, atata aad city bond and- tha few etarke and boada af an. questionable vara that I, stock and hourla :et-JkHBjetra- nd net reinvest a foliar" aave ra government, stat and elty panda ral etjkta8aUlBrlce kar cm eowa Is WaU treat. - ..... .. ........ .t -. .;( . (Remember I pay for this advertisement, t alone am reaponslbls for1 Jt) -r. . I .... ' V Frenzied ; Finance" C . ' ' n n r ' rr r '-ita AMERICAN PEOPLE: they all temllae new what a '"truat" -t.-- a- batrad, -... .t. , assist in placing myistory before aa many end be prepared to accept tntelllgeatlr f" .have preserved a fair and sound- ratio called for at a given time. :. deposits these ertterpMses had' formerly inflated prices, prices far higher than -' the year ItSO, the toUl wealth of the - ordinary sources, tne ireaaurr na aioca, v "Mosjl of them yti can find, for" jrour- . : " the' advent of trusts there was th the - but one dollfr for each, thirteen dollar while, today -there is. U Wall street cmw; to one dollar money. ... ... ....: . .. trmt tne-iartor in tne aggrvgavia wwaain -. aiocas ana wnua crmeu ny w 7 -- - - ... .-i ts. - . PEOPLE'S MERCV fair we aelllng at na.mi ouu ana ic waa wavra , but t32,OtN.0uu. .Therefore, If th "system'' t r r aow have It and the tlm com whea they ' ; no fciager ' bold It aad the people refus 4t bay It autll tt baa froppad ta In actual worth, . the people will hare taken freaa the -ayatean'' tuotaxiau). ., . ; :v Tha "aystem" bought aaartaoua asanuata f Chicago. Burlington k Qnlaey atorh, tba total -of which waa flln.ooO ik, at less ths fits) a ahare. It wss put itnts a truat company and bonds laanrd against I ea tba beat. f $a j , par share, and tbey were aoM to th people , . and tb people's Inatttuttnue. The New York . Life Insnranra company alone bought $ll.noo,fl of thtavread tba Matul Ufa f8.00O.omii -Whea th' peopl. by refusing ta buy thes bouds at seUliar to th "ayatem" what they havw already hmight,- compel tba "system" tn i. ; sell them at floO or under, th $I1'.ito.0"O that th "rtets took will bav been returneu, and at tho . time th people, by ncb . pnrchaae. will com Into 8 ton of this rail. road avatean,- aad as only a fair Interest will then bav to h earned, peasangi ra and freight msy n rarrleaT at a fair prle laategd f tue present eiorbltant an. . - . . , nerrinuiui. ia si unnn. iw we- eimniy. th tTruata." caa he ahed th people a i. -i- .i ih well fa br the "sratcm." In- (he hanla of the, peopl ifwllf Srove aa all powerfiil Inetfuaienr with which te legally and fairly ly the "eye. Srove aa' all powerfiil Inelfuaienf"" caanot my to brack atm ea the fallow. -v. 1 - far n atrentloa' t lb fact that ar kaHna- bent a br th "system." for It selfrpreavrvatloa for th ."a raters ' tn hold as Its struevnre until - me rasa - pamas - byIb ystem' I vsMs-te a rm, th pt vo eya the .f ths7neoroT,"P'' ha.a ai'18 k. fagaiaia'7 .ffoaa. $Tnfl., ! .. VTJI atinml a guu gnn unn ot the secsriii.-s. kn they bav sold f7nr.aon,ea a swnnon. ' eon saore, arl.v will beerta tn fall, and hetWe that time I will edvtaa th sample further. . -s