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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1905)
'' 1 't ' :-r : lr: a: :' ths' ?6rco:i' idailV' jovnNAii rottiam; holiday evening, .7 r -rr V 1 You Mar Rvl In BhoBrgalne . Along tha-'Falr-Wa.'1 , t V 0TYI48H WINTEJ ' " , OI102S ' FOR FOLK THAT WALK. AX FOR THOSE WHO RIDS HORSEBACK All at th Greatest Red up t Ion Evr, - ' " Known on tha Coast, SIXTH BT,ANNBJt-FI.8TI FLOOR; Do you remember whan you took It al most ai a matter of course that yon 41da't expect to getiuuch-or ano r low price?- That , waa befor th OLDS. V WORTMAJf A . KINO . Bho Stor opened, thought aoree. tlm . Now, If ahoaa ara bought hare, tha low. prtca haan't tha earoe bearing ea-quaK Ity the abocs ara good and . atylleh, howavor lilt la tha prlc. " Not "mruaual to get twoor thraa pair for tha pc you'd pay other atoraa for . one If you'll profit hy tha apeetal reduction of clearanca. A. word to equeatrtana; Horeetaeo nJoyt splendid poe aa wall now, or batter,. than in summer; on good roads driving la moat eshllsr attng horse arv ort. dga, tha fresh air - Is -breetag,-warm- wraps Ineure oomrort, ana neoeasary Lagging ana Riding Boots ara very Inexpenalv at present. For Instance , f t ONLY; $121 TOR MEN'S LEATHER Ul LEGGINGS WORTH 44.00, Men's Leather Riding Lagging, la .. I ghade of tan, our-98.00 valuer ape - Clearance price at. pair 93.29 SHOES THJC-OOOto KIND, AT HALF. '. , . " PRICE. '- ' .. -A - splendid ' asortment of Women' Shoe. arranged on tables ifor, eon vanlene. any pair la the Jot at Just HALF PRICE. Be aura to look them over your also Is among them. . ,.. Our 6.oo vaL; speclsl. pair.... 3.50 Our 44.00 vat.; special, pair.-. .ij.OO Our $J.t vaL. apeclaL pair. w. 91.75 ' if WOMEN'S .-LEGGINGS. r.:-. " Women's Warm Jersey 4gglng full -length,- reaching- over the knee. - Our (t oo val.; apaclai, pair. .s.n984 Our 11.15 raLi apaclai; pair, , ...,T8e pur KO0 yU apeclAL.pairv...Mt , WOMEN'S JER8EY LEOQINgS. ' ' ! Threa-Quartara Longth. i Our - $1.00 - value; apaclai ! Clearance ; prtca, Xtit pair .,... . . . , , , . .48 ' BOT8' SHOES. -. Hera in Box-Calf, splendid -Wtaier 7 : : - Shoaa. alaea 11 to C . i . . Our ll.Tlvlvalueo;, apaclai Clearanca prloa at. it he pair t ..V;... .984 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S 8HOE8. Bast Winter Shoea, made of box emit ' wth atock or patent tips. . Slses 11 to J. our $2.00 value; special . at. tha pair . '..,91.28 Blses IH to 11, our tL78 Tal4; special ' at. tha pair ........S1.08 .Slzea to S. oun I1.S0. Tsiua; special at, the pair 7..,.-. 98 INFANTS eH,OES WORTH IMJJFQR . (S -CENTS-.- ; Infanta Shoes, alt her button or laca atylea..ln black .or colors, at kid er patent leather, very pretty, dainty lit tle ahoea .. ; - -. Slsea 1 to 1, oar 11.J5. value; special . .. Clearance Sale price at, pair.. 68a) ----- RUBBERS AT HALF . PRICE. i. Women's Rubbers, narrow width. Our too value; special, the pair... 26jf) 'SHOES WORTH Il.Ti FOR 11.08." "framaa'a Solid Comfort1 8hoea,"wlth common-sense heals, beat sho teade) or tender feet . . i.'- Out valtl! ipeclal Clearance : ; prlo Jta pair u,,;., , 81.08 he event that, thousanda of DIs- ciimlnatlns; Women Walt' for our,.. January Sale Miislih i Underwear i" Larger, qu'antlt lea and greater rari tjr than ever before. Quantity, how laver,, la but continent to quality. Wa have to provide larrer - and larger stocVs each yesri aa It becomes more 'widely known that hla atoro haa dona and is- doing meet la . improve the charactef. of 'ready-made Muslin" XTn derwear, and that we offer nothing in apaclai aalea but:, what ia fully up to our htgh atandardv and tha requira mffhta ef cuatomera all tha year. Tha fact that each, of our January aalea haa been Immensely greater than all' prior ones, proves that increasing, numbers, of 'Women, have gained poaltlve knowl edge that their Interests are best ssfe guarded here and that thla Sale atanda first in Portland for refined, practical garments at moderate price. ' . ... THIS BALK IK A CLASS BT 1T8EXF .; Kvery garment, front the) least ex-" pensive - up; Is made under ' strictest sanitary conditions; of good weiring materials, tha trimmings tasteful and refined tha work moat thorough. Alt seems ara fetleoV and In the finer goods the "eesma are Joined br the French velnlng. Tha- afra-lsa vun derwear la rut In correct propbrtlona all avarj not merely larger neck or Brokeri v ftelden said: ; tV'a havg mora word than notions half ,' dosen word a for the same thing."- t 1 - '. Not so with us; We've but ona word for a million llttl concrete thing de fined as Uenslls"--"8ome llttl use ful articlea lnvolvlng;lngenulty or in ventiveness In Its conception or-manufacture." That word 1st1 Notions." And Notion none ot u can do without. However. i we've- too lmany-wllllng to share with alt the world, even if wo lose a part of what It ooet to gat these Notion Into th 'atore. And they're mighty good notions, fov pricea ara broken rather recklessly and tha frag ments strewn through th TOILET SUNDRIES. SEWINO AC CESSORIES. LEATHER GOODS. . STATIONKHT7BBJTBHES. . . ""iNotion 8hoDFlrst Floor.) - ome"ani"eT"ther iip Vhougtrio-tIt"aT. year at- the fragments of pricea, today and all week. - TOILET BOAP i CAKES FOR 4o ' Fine Hard-'Milled Toilet Soap, reg. - val. to; apeclal, I cakes for. 5a -10c TOILET SOAP Best Imported -Whit SMntwCa tlla. Soap. . rag. '.. vaL. le t- - apaclai. , cake . ...i.r,..i,,.i.....8 lOe GLYCERINE SOAP To-i - ' Bar Clear Glycerin . Toilet Soap, large else, reg, -val. leer special, bar,. 7 tW PERFUMED SOAP llo . -, Fancy Hard Milled Perfumed Toilet .floept-9 rakea In box.', reg. vaL S$e; - apeclaL box ...i, . i . . . -13 15o TOILET SOAP e-'' i v : Fine Hard MJIIed Perfumed Toilet Soap, S rakea ia box. reg vaU lc: special, box ...... . ..; 9)d Leggings. liin vveeic rr Mx!l cr;; '. Prompdy : FiSsd by f Corps Of :i: ' experienced Chopper 1 "V v- n v i , f -t . a , i Maiister : Cieaxanc Sale odd and broken fprfce Cutting and Loss Cheerfully Resorted To'-Tp sccomplish.our desire for room to accommodate facorqing ktocks, w resort to the most effective of all means for th quick disposal of all merchandise now under the roof s of the three gteat buildings that form this, Portland's Largest and ForemosrStorle. Prices are re duced so ridiculousrv low as to cause universal .comment-and.' of course, the most rapid selliner Every section of the "Biz Store' joins in the movementT every department is invaded present- values, v Goods underpneed are. get in early today for your share ; it you pnone oraers careiuiiy nuea. brtland's VOjriTrnncr- Foremost ' Store " : ' 'i t" 4 ' HB1 c -sa i , . a - - .- yoke, but everypiece cut extra large,' insuring flt and comfort: ;By working far ahead and making larga contracts, we have ao controlled conditions that BOTH" FRENCH ANO "AMERfCAN V'NDERCLOTHES ARE FAR BEliOW1 LiADS8'. : f 1.5 BLACTIj: BATI SATIWltM -xBTTIOTATa tl.l. Ladles allk-flnlshed. mercerised black", - satins) 4-L Pettlcofcts, extra ' deep. flounce, I. rufflea, Juby trimming, -i aometblng choloe; .regular value $3.t8, special, each 91.98 A full Una of other petticoats, spe cial at. .each.-(Septic. 11.05, - U.JS. 11.41 and vt.8T A clearanca Bala of Bustle and Ailp ' Form Bustles worth from . 26cs t All of, the latest ahapea In Bustles and Hip Forms, 1 both largo -and mall sixes, to suit All figures. Borne ara made of the lightest material and ara filled With ourled hair, othera ara made of wire and hair cloth. . Our regular lie to 5o values, special clearance sale price, -each, . . , 19a) Ecru r heavy- Hard anger 1 linen hem . stitched Dollies, - Centrp'teces. -' Lnncbclotha and. Bearfa; . -regular ..prleoa from I6c to, apeclal prices from il ....... IT to 8)1.75 IWlth many between aiaea and prices at Art Department. ' - Children's Bath Robea -and Klmonoa In plain pink, blue and cardinal, or . fancy striped In pink and white, " .' and' blue and white. - ailk frogs. - - satin -bound at sleeves and collars., . large wool cord and tassels, agea T'frora to It years, regular pricea i from $1.60; special pricea from 2JI3 to 3.34 - Pric6 Notions Ite WRITING PAPER 7o BOX-- ' V V Genuine Irish Linen Writing Paper, i; plain white, $4 sheets paper and en - velopes in box, - reg. Sle;' epeclnl, bjx , tt ' t , f ... A.,...,,-.,.,,...y.7a lie WRITING PAPER llo BOX-L .. t Flr, Box - White Writing Paper, I ruled or plain, rag. vaL llo; apeclal. box . . . ...13a) mo combs '"-.'; '." ,V; tTni Over Shall Back Combs, assort1' ,"ed atyles." reg. . vaL. 20c; speclsl.' each .;.,... . i . f. . 124 JSC TOILET AMMONIA 11 , ' Violet Toilet Ammonia, 9-oa.1 bottles, beat quality, reg. al. J&o; special, bottle..... ,,,.i...,M-i,,.,..ia' lo BOTTLE " j-. . ROSE AND CUCUMBER JELLY ISc " chapped, hands, fan and llpa. reg. J sX.9jcjpclal. bottlp . . . v . . . 1 5? 1 X0 NURB1MU BUTTLES SO , Maglo Nursing Bottles, open In two .distinct pstrts, rag. vaL lie; special, , botle . . ; .9 BRUSHES1 '' V - - . " ; '.- . ... Large . Sise . AH Bristle . Clothea Brushes, reg. .val. $5!j apeclak ; each..SJL.. v.. ...... ..R5 Beet Cray Briatl Clothes Bruehes. . reg. 'vst ,10c; special, each....36a Black Briatl Clothe Brushes, large also, reg. vaL lie; apeclal. each 13 CHILDREN'S " HAND PURSES ISO AND X0c . Children' Small 8 la Hand Purees, ,, with handles., reg. 16 vaL; apeclal, i each .J. . .., i.i.i SO) Reg.i2$e val; apeclal, each.,,. .15 T 8 POOLS THREAD 1 5c -Beat American Spool Cotton, black or white, for machine or hand. 20 ' yard an -spool; special, -7. spool for . . . . .....i......... 25d for bargains, end even the most staple merchandise in regular lines v, end even the most staple merchandise in regular lines is cut in price to figures absurdly low in comparison with ctual t the best Quantities in some cases are not large, but prices in every case are .unprecedented smalL ; Try and t come, however get in early in the week. ' If you can'tcomt, order by mail or phone "Exchange 12." . All mail or V m.'.-v. 5--. f;- : T - . - v.v , ; ,. ,--., - . ," v ;, -r,-s v j...; : y , : . . , 1' vvtT , " -. J; : v -' - ' : ' V .'.' --. .v'l t : . ;; v , .-i . . . isj ;. ,; ..... v -. .. .-.. . . f .. . ', : ; WUlii V AAAVAAAw r - ' - v ... , .... S. WOMEN'S HIGII 'CLASS and Wednesday at. In order to demonstrate more (leader W .Tnodern SOth'cehtury - must prove jnost convincingly . gains ( ?) ot Sweat-shop parenuge neraiacq eisewnere,' inar, xnis is-tne.nouse 10 rciy on ai au umes tot nonesi siaicmenis, pacKea i by RELIABLE, merchandise actual,' persoiia weep-4 i ing- comparisori, -THIS STORE buys fr and in refprn extorted by ' theni fVonTybu.-" "THIS ST0RE buys hundredsexactihea quantity price from makers1, where ethers bujr dpzens' and pay" ; the "long" price for want of an outlet in any' way approachlrig thatpf this great store, ; It ib for these and many "other reasons, the sum of .which is the down-toate . 20th. century methods of ,this great moderfl'merchaltiinffrganization as Against the old fogy rriossback habits of the candle-light' early 19th century trading station, thatvwe are enabled, to undersell all would-be . 1 Competition at. any and1 all. times a. today. 'You may choose today, of ANY COAT IN THE HOUSE. (FufXoats and' IOperalyraps only excepted.Y.HANDSOME, SMARTLY TAILORED CRAvENETTEV'or at all seasons-of the year. in an leaomg colors- ana ,siynsn mixtures, oeuea or ioosc oacxs, smrrca, piauep ana yoxe eiiects, , in braid, button, Velvet or leather trimmingsrriore in the choosjng than are owned by: any two other Portland stores. : Reg tilar.vaJiiAs: tm frrfm to $50. Todav and until Wednesday at 6 t. m. at HALF PRICE. AND IN1 ADDITION. - V EVERY COAT IN THE HOUSE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION (excepting furs'and opera uQrJetailed. description, -for three . days; at HALF-PRICE.? KTNpLx "COMP -Fair" r , - $4,tr VBTTICOAT8 !. :""" Beautiful cambrlo- Pettlcoata with . deeo lawn flounce, clusters' of fine Lturks, doubla". embroidery . ruf fla jr. with iocs, insertion ana eaging, our .regular value I4.7S, apeclal. , ' . aach" ......'" .' .:929S i sv LADIES DBAWERlf 4c. 4l '7 Tour choice of the enth-e Una of la- dies" Drawers, In- cambric, nsln . sook" and 'muslin.- regular " values.. 11.00 and tl.26; lapecial. pairtr69 A Una of ladles' Gownst Sklrta. Draw ers and Corset Covers,, special,' each, c, c . ssc, tie. ...9iar 91.79 FINNkLBTTE OOWNaV!9tlC- Ladles' flannfle.tte Oowns, very. all-.. "-' iraciive.. inosc contgrunv ivr win - lr nights, -ehole patterna.. soft, downy 'and eajy,. laundered; regular lvalue 1.7S: speclsl. 91.19 A. largo .assortment of , other styles , and qualitleo in Oowns, special at' Si Tcwo. 40 and ........-.fl.lMr '.LADIES' KNEE SKIRTS. . '." Xadleaji Kneo Sklrta, . mada of yarn, ' knitted and nicely .trimmed, jfomr, comfortable winter- garmentaj.aaay to walk-in .and not clumay, black. .: white or colors; regular 0c, 11.00. $1.10 values; special,, t rour choice, - each . ,...69 Regular $1.6. $1.40. v $1. valuea. apeclal, your choice, each. .J. 99. Regular 91.TS. $J.00 valuea, special, ' your choice, each ....... ...91.27 Regular ' $1.15, $2.10 values, apeclal, your choice, each .........91.68 ChHdren'a slsea, while they last; reg ular 40e, , 4$e- values, apeclel, each ...'. v .'...25d Regular too, 7So valuea, special.. 40d Ic STOCKING DARNERS So 1 , ;' ; Stocking Darner, best enamel' wood, assorted colors, rag. vaL to; spec fa L each .... ...... .4... ....;...J,5 4e DARNING WOpbHov-'-v , -; Darning Wool, on cards, beat caah ..mere mending, reg., vaL 4o; apeelaL card V i . . f .., . 3d Jo'SKIRT BINDING J He TARD . Best Quality Brush. Skirt Bindings." bls'ck or' colore, rag.' VaL. Set apeclal, 1 yard '.""2?";.' ; ,;;tvv. w.-mTi 24' So SIDE COMBS le ' - f -Extra Heavy -Sid Comb, fin ' amooth finish, reg, vaL-tc; spec let. pair '. . . .... . .39a COMBS l$c - . Heavy Shell Back Combs, reg. val. -. So; special, each , . t . " .JilSd) Shell Bsck Combs, "medium sise, f plain Wltbr crimped teeth, reg.'.' vaL, ict apeolal, each . , ...IQaV. llo INK WELLS lto . Patent Pressed Ink Wells, tog. vaL ' tic; apeclaLeach ..,,..:.....19a) lie POCKET" KNIVES lie Roaawood Hand Pocket Knives 1 ' blmdea, extra heavy, reg. vaL ISci spclL ach ....... 7. ........X94 40 LEAD PENCILS to ;" Beat Quality Rubber Tip Lead Pen: , ell, reg. vaL; 4c; speclaL toh.,.3f .7So HAND BAGS 4Ec-k- v 4 ' ; . Envelope Hand Bag. 1n black and . tan leather, reg. vaL, 79o; apoclaL aaoh . . . 4Ba) 11.21 HANOI BAG8 7So , . . Envelop Hand Bag, blark or tea , walrug leather, reg. vaL IL2S; ape. claU each ,.... .78 BELT BUCKLES lto AND Iks Fancy Bait Buckle, la gilt or oxide . flnlah. rag. ISo vaL: apeolal, aa. 19a. Reg, ISO" vaL; apeolal; each.... 32 to judgmcnt 1 A" aW VAAAVU M - i-i Atn An Qt r 1 n RAIN COATS, CRAVENETTES, $12.80 . . 7:7: . k'i . . . forcibly than ever, this store's absolute mastery in. price-rnaking metchandising, we propose: isale Ltbday -to continue until . closinffime ,of Wednesday that; to all who will investigatcVand compare the ! REAL value ; embraces ;witlr. ttie? "."shoddy'.baT- on g and JTe.jnoaitJ: rtant jyent btth entire -yaaf-vt' caref uL wlde-awak hoyaekeeperi. "..! Th ( great unequal ed . conomlea continue.: -,1 Thia week and thla monav-aavlna announcement will be ,. round . even more Intereatlng thairAIiy of Ita prede. nnm.ncm.nt will ha"", found : av "feasors. The- gigantic -store holds rich garnering that; embrace--house-fittings and furnishing of high ' 'grade at deeply cu,t and helpful pricea to those folk who have thlnga totbuy .for the home. Hotel and reataurant ' people are also deeply Interested, and dttera-up of rooming house for tha accommodation or exposition visitors. -Theseprices are -not -duplies. t our city; they, are unheard of hereto, for aa being placed upon goods of , equal character . and., merit. 'We've . planned thla week s , ' A tremendous, sale of. Itltohen uten sils, china 'and tableware, dinner sets, cooking . range ahd heaters'' on third floor., .J.:.. . --.-' Curtalna, table-covers.-' ruga and blafiketa on fourth floor. - ., . ' - Extra apeclal on kitchen and dining-room acceesorles, third floor. .?, ' 40o. SKILLETS llo. '- ' No.-7 Caat- Skllleta, mirror polished, regular . valu 40c, apeclaL each .28 ;-'.,' 48c. SKILLETS lOe. . , No. I Cast Skllleta.'wttrror pollahed, rerular - valu 46c. . apeclal; each ........ .. ...... ...... 39f No. I Cast Grtddlea, mirror , polished, ' regular ; value , 40q. KpeclaL t . -25 K6.' Cast Kettle, mirror polished, " regular valu speclsl, . - each ........ ,.60, Japanned Dust Pans, regular value lie, apeclal, .each ...B4 Japanned Crumb -Pana and Bruahe. regular valu 1 Sc. specfajpalr. .84 High'grad bin, whtt lined Enam eled War. Ballad Lip Kettlea, reg. Balled Lip Kettlea, regular - value Sc. apeclal. each . . . . . t . . . .834f "Tfw. 7 ' Tem Kettle, regular vahtat ' nvm, wi ,, 9e No. I Tea - Kettlea. ' regular value $1.4$. peolalA each ..... ..'.91.17 Teapot, regular valu. See, special. . each .r...,.....,..,Z3f Teapots, regular 47 value,- apeclal, each ; ........ .45 - BEST' QUALITY L WHITE ENAMEL ' WARE. 12 14-inch Mixing BowL regular valu SOc. apeclal, each ....354 , -lncn Stirring BowL rrgular valu lie, special,-each . 10a) ' H-P'nt Mugs, regular .value llo, ape- clal, each ........... ........104 11-tach Basin. . rglar- value lto. - special, each 19d t- STOVE POLISH lie. '' . .Black Satin Stove dirt, no daat. . regular valu .ISO. pecial, e ....13d vsontinuati .p -",:r - pSao r. mrnm 7aBBBBBBP- ' . -saw- vaw sbSB SiaaW -BsaaV sT before an is cut in price to figures absurdly VAWfAu WA AA ft si m ar- oi 1 n s 1 ia s v -; I : : --i- orthe Sale of Housekeeo Hotel Supplies ENGLISH SEMI-PORCELAIN PIN- NER- SETSr-DECORATED BOR v : .DJC.. PATTERN, PLAIN ''-' .-f ' SHAPE.-; -', . '.. ' T 8-plec Set. t regular ;.."ralu"l8.J0 t special.. niiM..uU.,9!Mlt . P"' ' regUlr ValU special.- set .... 1 ............ 94.SO 100-plece Set,, .regular value gj.5 jt pni,' set ...... t ........ English - eeml-porcolaJa Dinner Se,ts, enameled in colors, fancy ahape, Stft-plece Set. V regular; value $7.0 apeclal. set ,! ........ 1 ... . . . 94.56 0-plo "Set.'' V regular valu .o, special, set ............. . . .$&.80 100-piooe Set. -regular value $14,99,. pedaL aet ................ B9.0 1J White ana uoid Auatrian tpina Din ner-Seta. ,-'-.'. .. . ; .-'' -' -. 0-pleca Set, 'regular- value' 913.(0, r apeclal;- set ... r,; ..... .. .i. 99.98 100-piec . Met, '-regular valu ti.n, special, aet . .916.7S Havlland China f Decorated Dinner 0-plece Set, regular " value tli.lO,' apeclal. et "iv...; 933.93 100-plece Bet,' .regular value 4S.a. . apeclaL set, ............ .-931.78 Multitude of inducement 0C th most surprising character ln.,tfe spa cious -fourth .floor homefltting ' ec-tlons.'-' Every" prtcB sensation. Jufc th sort of sal .that thousand stoppers, with thoughts of house keeping or hotel furnishings In mind will ball with delight. Everything at th lowest, price vr asked. CURTAINS. . SPECIAL-CLEARANCB BALE PRICES ON HANDSOME BRUSSELS ' LACE CURTAINS. ; -'T FOURTH FLOOR, - .L.t. TTbJ lot. of Curtalna lnclidoa all of 'our ,rhatcest patterns la Brussels lac -an airrerent styles from yri TheV are ' prloed' a fol'lbwa: -""" Our regular $4.0 values,' sped!, if. j - . th ptr TO plt 1 .93.89- Our rerular $S.0ft value, special, au ' th pair 93.50 Our regular $4.00 valuea, apeclal. at. th pair .is, 94.20 1 Otfr- regular $T. 00. values,- special, fat. "t : th pslr , 1 '--..94.90 Our regular $1.00. vslues, special, at. th. pair .- .j . . . ,r, . . . . .95.6O IRISH POINT LACB CURTAINS. About 100 pair of awell Irish Point Lce Curtains B. distinct! styles 4o select from 'priced t tempt ingly aa to fairly eoax th money from your bursa. V . Our 9I.S0 value, . prtca, th pair -Our I4A0 value. price, th .pair Our $5.50 value. price, the pair Speclsl clearance -w.. 93.90 peoial - clearance ...........93.3S apeclal clearance 33.95 peclal clearanca Our 54.S0 valu, price, the pair , ..-Cl.t) Leading Mafl Order rHouse on the Coast Pnone' ' " Private Exchange 12 stocktakings low in comparison with ctual AW VA Ju-MWUV -1 and 'iits ; untquel position as a " wear; iti, all sorts ofrweather style's), too"many. and. varied rrrr. 7t - Third and Fourth Floors Our I7.S0 value.. special clearance. price, th pair Or..-V.J.S5.25.- Our $8.60 Value; ' price, the pair, tHir 410.10 value,: ti price, th pair. Our $12.00 value, speclaf - clearance.. w.......i. 95.95 .apeclal . cleerance POTjai . elearaneo , price. ine patr ,. ..V...98.40 fiRAWD ' SPECIAL CLEARANCE :f r ... ; LACB CURTAINS., " Odd line of 'real ' Brussels Lac Curtslns-from one to foun pairs Of a kind room slightly muaaed from 1 handling 11 dlatlnct styles In th lot I all to. to during this ssla St. lust "ONB-HALF FORMER PRICES. Our 11.00 yatue.' apeclal clearance price, the pair 94. SO Our $11.00 (value,, apeclal' clearance price, thai pair V.'. r.-..9S.BO Our 112.80 Valtie; special clearance Tpric. the' palr.'....,....,. 96.25 Our 114.00 valuev' special i clearance . - - price, the patr ............ 98.00 Our $17.50 Value, special - clearance . price, th. pair ......... ...98.75 Our $20.00 - value, , apeclaf clearanca price, th pair 910.00 Our $22.10 vsaue, apeclal . clearance pHee. th pair ........ ....811.25 Our- $28.00 value. Tspeclat clearance" ; -,V J.-912.50 Our $27.S0 value. ' speclsl clearance prlc. th pair ...r. . -;-;-vvfl3.T5" XHir $21.00 value. apeclal' ' clearanca prlc, th pair ...........914.50 Our $31.00 value, special clearance f" price, th patr ...........916.60 Our $25.00 value,- , special . clearanca - price, the pair .917.50 Our $40.00 Value. .. special clearanca price, the pair .......... .920.00 Our $71.00 value, prlc. th pair . Our $$0.00 valu, ...prlc,. th patr . apeclal.. clearanca ..937.5O ' apectkl clearance --945.00 "PTTRE OREGON" WOOL BLANKETS - IN VICUNA BRQjyN---Large Slv . Our "$4.40 value, apecial" clearance) price, the pair-:.. ......... -94.25 Our ' $4,10 value. speclsl clearance - price,, th pair, r. . . . . .... .33.IR PURE OREGON WOOL. BLANKETS. Either mottled grey or allver grey' In f color,' - . , . " Oifr- $4.ooy value. apeclal. . at. 'tha ' pair -.vj ... .82.75' Special clearanca ' sale prices on Oriental Rags,' Domestic Rugs, 'Car- r T's. Mattings. Linoleum Iron Beds. Springs. : Mattresses. Shades, ate.- A most excellent opportunity to replen ish your, hoose furnishing v, RtC r ' COVERS FOURTH FLOOR. - Table Covera. eight quarter else l Jn Teavy tapestry velour.jsilktir pestryvtc. Extraordinary"' valuea. Our $1.10 value special clearance price,, each ....... .i.., -91.65 Our $2.79 valu. special Clearance l prlc, MCh mrr'ivn,,rr.1.88 Our $1.44 value, ' special Clearance. ' price, each 91.99 Our $S.2S value, .' apeclal ' clearance - - pric. oach-vT.rT; ;r;rr:. . 82.15 Our $2.80 value. apeclal clearance price, each U. -92.33 Our $4.00 value. apeclal- clearanca i, price, each ........ ... .t . .92.65 Our $4.50 value, . apeclal clearance - price, each 93.95 Our $4.4 1 value, - special clearanca prloa, each ..'....93.33 Our $7.0 value. ' special clearance price, each .94X1 Our $1.0 value, special ele-rr.-e prW. each ............... .t Our t i.0 value, special, el' I " i, t cSi ... . Public Tea Room - - -: - BECONn FLOOR '. ' "j. Under Aus'ploea f Portland T. VAciX RAW DMA" MUNRA, HOSTESS. Menu for Tuesday,' jaa, 24 : ' Tea." Coffee. Chocolate. ' ' -..,.,'.";" Milk -in Bottle. T V - C1"1 Bouillon. , : . Chicken Baled. - ' Boston Brown Bread Sandwich. " , V- v ' Parker Honaa Roll. i --r tea Cak,---!--' Tert unusual reductions. Stocks WOMEN'S. MIfiHES'i 'AND . CHIL j .DREN'S KNIT UNDERWEAR AND -RELIABLE HOSIERY AT AL-il -iAtOST -J'NBISfclKVABLE- ' . - - PRICE CUTS. ' A final mark-down ' and- cloelng-out sal of thousanda of .dollara worth of th most desirable makes In above lines Seasonable Undergarment and Fashionable Holry, Tull of wear, th product of th world's best mlfla in America and Europe. In almost every Instance price for, Monday and week are reduced, to lea than th cost 'of making, leaving out all added ex pens ef landing her In Portland and store keeping. But her are th good at your mercy no auarter la aakeOV- i Women' Fine - Ribbed Fine Cotton Union Suite, half open, front,' II 0 1 value . .. .... r. te.y .69) Women' Camelahatr Vewtvand -Pants. ovt winter weight, else 10 to 4. . $1.25 value; apeclaL each...... 78v Women' Black Wool Tight.: ankle length. 91.00 value, for. the pr. 49) Woman' Medicated Scarlet Wool Veata .-and Pants, $L2S value. Tor. ea. 73) Women' WooLPJaUd Natural Veata -and Panta,-7So. value, for, each 504 Women's Natural Wool Plaited Union 'Bull good JLU If 91.10 Women' Heavy Fleece Lined; Vest , and Pant4, cream tinted, 60a value; eacn j . . . ,.834 Women' Whit Cotton Union Suits, .. (7So value, Xor.-sult .. ....... .394 GOINGI - OOWO. WILL SOON BE REMOVED TO' TEMPORARY QUAR- XH.K8 ON SECOND FLOOR. NEAR i" . JU"J rVK FINAL.-, - . :: . closure. .. W'r going out of th book business. Our .regular department demand th room, and -with, a trade that grow faster than .we can build w rouat us every available Inch of store apace for year-round atocka. In point of val uea the offering In the Book- Sale are tha greateat ever attempted In Portland tr tha west, : In oar limited space we-eati mention only a few rep resentative lots. Thousands of other desirable books in- all departments of literature, from the picture- book- for tots, to tne deep studies of .theopgy and divinity am here . all, at .pricea that scarce cover th coat a"f the bindings.- Thousand hay-availed themselves of tha book bargains air .readyil. addla- to their ilbrarlea and laying In a stock of reading matter for month and years-ahead at about half 'the usual coat., - Better spend an hour or two-wlth the book this week.- 'WEBSTER'S ri - X. -ryC'i NEW, CENSUS DICTTONARr $1.11, , The New Cenau Edition, publlahed n pound in leather. Indexed. . contains 1.600 'illustrations, an ap- pendix or 10,000 new words, eupple V Tnented with new dictions rias of bl- cbgraphy, ynonyin, autonyms, nom . . de plume, foteljnv phrases, abbrsvla ttonSr-regv-vAL 41.75; apeclaL . f each , . ;4..-.........t91 WEBSTER'S'-" --" -. - - J".'-'.' . $3 21 DICTIONARY $1.7 Webater'a - Unabridged Dictionary. ., half .bound ia, leather, eontaina 3.000 s llluatratlons. appsndix and upple ment of 10.000 new words, together' 1 -p with Leasing' a history of the United l States, rta val. ll.JE: anecla S11.TO ' - LEATHER-BOUND. BOOKS. '; . Sfic BOOKS' 4so '-"' v Clsssic in Pro and loetry. "bound . in green oose cair, witb gilt top, deckle edge, illustrated and boxed, . . publisher's price $1.25;. our' rear. val. 16c, apeclal , ...49e) 98a,. BOOKS 410- r -r : - Dainty Birt hday, Books, , bouncr"1n . ooxa calf.-(lit adg. embossed de sign, illustrated with colored plates. ' quotation- from poet at - head of ' each page, rag. val.. I$c; apeclal 494 40o BOOKS 10c . ..' , " : ' - - A Lin of Classic In! Both Pros and - Poetry, bound In limp leather, gilt , tQPf rex. VaL 0c; pootal t-,: .304 91.00 BOOKS SOc - : 1 -. Leather-Bound Book,- In oose calf, :;.witb - gilt toov includlna Nsked -.Truths ond Veiled; Allusion. Don't ' . , . . . .quetteL Th Wisdom of the Foolish. reg. vat. 91.00; apeclal half price, ! or . . ........i. .50) 30o BOOKS 19ow - Library of Standard Author, bound , In rtctT : daj-k-red library binding. with gift- top, contain th beat work of th world' most famous ( author, reg. vaL $0c; special. .19) $100 BIBLES e ; - " Sunday School Teachers Bible, dl- , vlnlty circuit, leather binding, notes, referrncea, concordance. Subject In . ' dex. dictionary of Bible name. II .-. Illuatrationa of acene In tha Holy . Land, colored maps and many help ,. to th study Of th Bible, reg. Val, II 00; apecial .....694 40c HUMOROUS BOOKS He Large Cloth-Bound BookJ, over 144 ' linn, e-MM . V. - . . ,r 1 1 V . V ,, .'1 . w . ,,U,,1V, . iKts.j tncludlng remarks- by rMark Twain. BillNye. Joeh Billings, KH -'. Perklna Arteraus Ward. Ewavao , - Field and others, reg, vaL 40ct n-i 80a BOOK8 FOB ROYS IV Our Beet I-lnO of Boyr Books, many moral In ton, well bonnd In cloth, with fancy Vover dealgn, painted edges,,-Including the W'H-known bui authors. Jlll..jptls .w.lnef red Bonehlll and Jack Harkaway series. . ret: Val. SOc; special, each,. ..334 Uo BOOKS fe - '" .. f" ' ' ' . Our Standard Library of Claaaica, both pre and poetry; tMtund In linen cloth, our very beat ito- grade; - earh . . . . ".....'. 94 HAND POCKET DICTTONAItT - - Handy Pocket Dictionary, eloth bound. - aelf-pronounclng. - Indexed, gtve rorrect spelling and definition t- ef 50.00 words., also a manual of aaeful Information, our rag; 11a vV ; . special ....................... 7So poc:: ISo : ' ': I;'Mon of Poeis. bound In r ' . lea. ter. with title In g"' L i reif-nted in gol.L I ' s Um T " worth, j " , t ) ltwear The Books