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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1905)
7 - i -v. - V. .v. ' mTfn - AnnKAir- Kitf w infmuit vrpv iun " it Amv werTTTs titittintf ' 1V."7 . - : Aiic UKAuyn UAiwi jvuK(n4, ruiuuinu, iuiiuai v.ijWi jamwams- -e- IELI10CANALEL- FENCED fJAMY ACRES TRAIH OAflDITS. r . OP PUBLIC LAND ARE ALL AT LARGE 1 i, y '-vr" 1- ifif.fB.Byrtft --t?.r--aj-: 4 Fourth anA last week I ' Last callt ' The succeapf tia ha beerr wonderful and thi week's should prpve greater tha J Delegation Has positive Assur V'-anee -That - Appropriation i- WitneMe'. Will Tell Grand Jury Vof Butte Creek Company's y - ' r ': '" Doingt . r, j-- i ' MORE PEOPLE CALLED " FfcOM FOSSIL BY SUBPOENA Did Not Leave, a Single Clye by any preceding one, JTiroughout t the store' Ducount lTs ol 10, 20, S3 and 53 per Cent are attached to odds and ends offering -"an exceptional opportunity for housewives to add choice bits of furniture to the home. Remember, you have but a few more days in which to. take advantage of. this great offering. February 1 positively enda this eartraoriruiry f ale. The good things :are not all gone yet. ' You'd better horry. f.i:- y'iitl'SX',: 'jyX?':-."' '"vX-' -r Which Tey Can Be --v;, Trailed; V -':-.. -Wilt Be Made for It.' J. N. TEAL JFU SENDS ' OFFICERS COMB CITY ( ' """ AND VICINITY FOR THEM -rw . 4-r r""- - IN FORMATION; TO CAPITAL Id.-::. : ., " - ? . ' . , -.: . ::; . . nl I I S .1 r- . ' . . mm jCETSOI MOKEy Si 1 Chairmnn Burton Weakening and Will Content to Civ, t-T'f g r ; Small Sum for WoVk.: v; ,. 7 . .... l-.MMiMftM ,. ' -V -rl. .-..:-,y ; ".'! Uu who m in close touch with ie j .situation today believe a amall appro , prtatlon will b aecured for, tbe begin; wlna of work -on tna Uetuo canai wun oat prejudice to the tovernment'B apprd ' fwiatlqn (or the mouth of the Columbia 1 e-lver. Thlw-afternee-n V- N. . TeeV it '. Monjr for- the atate portage board. . recei ved i tbe fallowing telegram? ' "Washington. D. C, Jan. 2S. 10S. , IN. Teal. Jr.. . Portland Pleaae wire ln -; Vxaet-condition 'f portage railway at - .;. Calito falls. , Ja the' contract-ltt - r ', .. , U M. WILLIAMSON." ' After a consultation, with President W,. tt Wheelwright of tha chamber of : commerce; and' Henry HaHn, chairman " ot tha opah . ricar eonmittaa,' Mr. l;al ant tha fouowina reply. , . i !. -Portland. Or.. Jan. tt.-J. N. Wll ' llamaon. 'Houaa ,.of Raproaantattvea,' "Waahlaatoa, rx C -Contract hart baan let and work aerun. Tola waa nado - Voaalble only by tha olunUry aub- ajcriptiona of cltlsana of Oreiton. Waah- Infton ana idmo to otain raiiar pna , ' fnr tha tralldlns of tha oanaL -Tha port ; wi railway waa undertake in tha con- proeaad with Oha-Jmmadiat eonatruo- tton ef tha canal, aa ahown by tna ap- :llpropriatiQitot- f I04.00 made by tht atala.of-Oracon.lor canal rlcht of -way after tha Dortaaa railway project Tha Jourhal today recelred from tt L-Wahlnton corraapondent,':thrr.oUow- s - "Membera of th Oreaon delegation ' bava had indefinite anurancea from tha 'yiver and harbor commlttea that aoma , appropriation .will be made. ror. tna " Olllo ' canal, thouah M i hot known k what tha-amount--will bo, - It appears hat'- Chairman Burton ia .waakenimj j; ain4ar preaaure and la Inclined - - ; aant to a email appropriaypn . ror tnia ': improvement. 'The bill will not be com- . platM. before -thajmiddla of tha. week, STILL SEARCHING FOR i l v l ,MRS. SAlLdR'S BODY . i?- Huch Brady retufnad yaaarda'y from . v.; Bkamokawav' Waah.. where he baa been ttraniaa; the river for tha body of Mr. Marie B. - Bailor who ia . aupposed to ' bar baan '' drowned Jn the ' Columbia rirer at that plae wbtlr'httandlna; a. ' - naaaquerada bail January 1. Hia-crap-' ' pllna; taekla waa broken and ha returned - to tha cityio aecurea newtmtrit. . He returned to 8kamokawa thta morn- Ina and will continue h a search, aa he ' "' Ta eonvlnoed that .- the woman was" Urowaed and that .hag-body Ilea near the bottmr-tf -her1VeT -fnntened- tat inlr - , ' An expert" diver will be sent tonight -i. la-aearch the rWer 1elow the-.dock . through which tha -woman is aupposed to have ratlen. . . : , t ... MANY MOURNERS (AT; ?s yn fMra ot tn, JlU w. Gillette v waa neia .ac the zamuy .residence. .114 Ahemethy atraet, yesterday at I b'clock. - A Ala rce number of tha ploneel s were -: present to pay their laat tribute, among tha mourners being found repreeenta-J 'IhMfl rAM nkft A (K. nia ram. eint4 iliea. , Tha floral bITerlngs ware numer r oua.1 JTha interment was In Kiverview cemetery., , LITTLE HENRY NYE KILLED IN OMAHA rr: i-rr. . rnenqs ot aar. ana jinrM.. jienryi . menas ., wye win learn with regret or tha death of their .on Henry,; asjed (, ' who waa run over and Instantly killed by a , atreet. car in Omaha jon . January 47, ,.3. Mr. Nye waa employed in the gen . ...,-ral freight dxpartment of the Oregon :.: Railroad Navlgatlrm xorapacy in this ' city for a lumber of yeara aad waa an .."l.l actlva member of tha Woodmen of tha , T World. t. . My Offer to - A : ; I. Sufferers t WOt OtVe Tea a FSU Mlar'a Verth ef y Baarady Tree te Try, Withest Oart er ... ; -Oeiesit ar fnailn te yay.- . , ' t easid set awke tkls ffT-e fall dellar 'e ', wartk frre ir wise were an ordinary kleuey rmedy-Jt ta eot - It trealtr nyt (be kldiw : rkraMtelwa, but the arve that control tbrei. The ease r kldaey trawbte, lies ALWAYM .la v . (bae sereni. Tbe eely way to -eore kidney. j tveahle la by strengtbenlmt asd Tltlliln and Kfl Hn kMivr orav That la eiactly ' what mr teased j lr. Sbanp'a Rreiorattve da. . Therefore I eaa wake this offer with fKr ,tl ksnwledc that every kidney sufferer 'wbe ' BMk tbU trial ear tit be helped." - , When I aey 4aerTea." I te,nt erniB tbe -' ' ordinary aervea ef ferllMT, tbensht, artloa. I sma aatesMtle nerrpa, wklrh sight and ...'dav, etnreMed and mmmrm. rentml and arrsate and'aerat eeery vlul sroem of lift. Three t:.. ee the BMSts nerrca. Tha kidneys srs their ; alavea. Vonr Bind eannot 'mntml them. Yoar will rssnnt sway IneBL . Xet bn they are ' - etreng, yoe are well;. wbs tkey are not. run 'WeakB and die. hae written a seek aa the Kidneys wtlrh will he sent when yen write. Tbla ' honk r' .' ptalna fully sad clearly sow Ike tluy, tender - 'Inside'' ner. .eontrol net nnly the kidneys , hat eeck ef .the ether vital ergana. I hare made lay offer mt etrangera to mi rrmt&i stay knew. It h not IntrndVd for er eprn to thov" Wbe hive ae4 my rnHr. They ner Tnr I'lfiynr iPTHieiiiw."' ym trip nt- tn time elm 1 lajniaT) TdrfayeifT ieir,r-WTSMf1n-f7Tii er donMrd, I aay "alnnly e-rlt and auk III send yoe an ereer fnr wbln yonr dragatat III need ynu s fnli (teller bottle and ft will arnd lb bill io wtr. Tkore are no eoixtltlone ,ae reaelresweu elwply write ate today, . a free ereVr fnr - Jlnok 1 ae' ryafepele. Bonk 1 ea tbe Heart. ' hook en the Kldneyi Hn 4 fnr Wastes. Rk fnr Men. i fell dollar twttle ' sraaf sdrtrMW Hiene. Bex 7i ' Heetne. Wla. Bute hli-b soak re want. . ea aUMasMUaat. -MIM eeaee are efte eerd by at single bet t. far sale e ev.aua dreg et area.-' , - Indictment . U; Expected Early . This Week Against at Least, One of Soreneen'e Juror. 1 J Tha Butte Creek Iand Lumber and Livestock company of Wheeler eounty la still tha federal grand .jury target. That SI.OOS acrea of public .domain, waa se questrated from tha -' range, and the methods of acquiring patent to land, will be aired- by the - rnore than- S-wHjveeee summoned from Fpaall and. Immediate vicinity. . Klvs new witnesses appeared thla morning: Mr. and Mra. Bteve Matr teem. Henry Nee.l;-Charlee " -Pox and Jack JU1I. ' Four ef tha witnessed had finished before tha grand Jury, and one waa testifying at tha noon hour, tha' or der of their appearance being Charles Fom WUIlem Hawk.: Mrs. Sophia Kyllo b en. ; Ble va Ma t taara, , and the latter'g wife, -. J -a :;- '" - Ko other-case, save that In which-tha Booth-Kelly. Lumber company waa sup posed to have been involved, haa brought so many wltnesaaa-to tha eUy aa tha Butte creek Investigation, From r tha statements of thoaa now appearing, moat 6f tha Wheeler . county avMenca - la against. thla, ona' soncern. as none haa yet been Interrogated - regarding '- tha French-Qlllraan oompanyt which also' has Immense holdings In tha Mmeoanty.TTaatedatwtlar'Trtght. ,, TUr, were found The hettlervr of Whealer count v who have long wagsd an. unsuccessful war against the- big company seem- to be having their Inning. Soma of tha people here will testify that land taken by homestead and patented to the company waa not seen by the applicant for two or three years during the time that be waa aupposed to be Improving tha land. Tha fapt that such property waa isime- aiaiejy aeeoea to ins company arter se curing, pateot With other relations be tween tlfa applicant and ultimata bene- nclary are supposed to indicate tha conspiracy . that .tbe government ia es- laoitsning. , , - The Wheeler county witnesses will oc cupy mia afternoon and perhaps a por tion of tomorrow... The next Investlga tton Is not Indicated, but the time of the grand Jury will in all probability be con sumed for tha remainder of tha week.. -. , Owing to tha activity Of the secret service men In the case of Jurors John Northrup and A. O.-Adkina. who hung th Jury ,ln . tha .Sorenson bribery, case. and whoa alaUments to- their .fellow Jurymen were of such a -auspicious na ture, a presentment against at ieaet one of tbam ia expected carle thla week. It (a known that the secret service agents are atill probing thla situation. Many damaging facta are said to have been unearthed, and the Inquiry atiU proceeds, j w Kueravun ueorge eoreaaon nieo a. 4.00 bond.' given by the , United States Fidelity ; at Surety company. whlch waa .. the additional l hair- pre scrtbrd bytJjrdgt Bell1nget:at;ili6 JJm of returning 1 tha indictment for perjury. Thla laat - snake , . total - of 111.00 wmcn Bjoremron- naa given ror his ap- peeiranoa in ma three i cases . pending agajinai nim. -r T JO ARGUE ELLIOTTS Si DEMURRER THURSDAY Presiding Judge George this mornlnc saiectea Tnureouy ror argument .on the demurrer to the Indictment agalnat Wll Ham c.'-Klltott. charged Jointly with J. M. Cay wood. Henry Chandler, K. W and R. M.RIner for criminal irregularities In connection- with the Tanner creek sewer. It is understood that the defend- mntm will ift th HattitA nf 4 K l Mti- rer before further proceedhiga ara"ad.4 They are indicted. on tha same chatrge obtalnlngmpnay an falsa pretense's ao that, however tha court may rule on the demurrer, the. ruling wllLltt. accepted aa applicable to an. - 4 j a The demurrer la' that" the facta eta fed do not constitute a crime: but that if It ba held that a crime Is properly charged. more than one crime la alleged in tha In dictment, ; : The - Thursday appearance. thereforewilt be, virtually for all de fendants. ' .. . t ; , ' ,. - ', The issue-rained on the indictment is exciting general interest among mem bers of the bar. It la expected that ar gument will be at length, with tha ctta tlon-of numerous decisions. i The case against M. U Sauva. for rent ing tha building known aa tha Portland Club eafe "for .gambling purpoaea," ig to coma -tip thla week. a- VEHICLES ARE NOW' 1 USING NEW BRIDGE For tha f trat " time ainca " laat May vfliictes were allowed to-cross tha Morrt- son street onuge mis- morning. ' ine roadways- on tha bridge have been com pleted, and there Is no longer any ob struction to traffic. All day there 'hag been string of (earns crossing tha ..bridge, la it la a much nearer route to reach tha ctty from large aectlon of east. Portland than by thd Madison or Burnslde brldgea. It la expecter that the bridge will ba near completion by Saturday. Tha tender! and tool houses. and the waiting rooms tn now under constracjlonrgnd it will take but a aw daya to act them together) , In all probability the bridge will ba Heady for acceptance 'atTthe1 next' meeting tf the executive board.' - .--' ,- -.; j- MAILS BRING ORDERS 4' A - rFOR MELBA CONCERT The management of fhe Melba'.eon. tcert Is agreeably surprised at tha large f-number of mall orders for' seat roner- vattona From all parta .of tha state - skat gBY -aaBagrtg. at g)-. i fiuLl Ulji.UU-11,.j- tarvaj ST. ej H - vvmi ilia m ITJr irjyf I H 1 daya and there Is every indication that excursionist g . win occupy a good - por- tion or ine space in tha. armory next Monday 'night. . The .seat gale began thla s morning at-the Marquam a rand and the .long Una of patrons waa un broken throughout -tha day. ..'.;; 'J0 pbxss: - ' --- (Journal Special gerrlcej,' ,'...'' x' , MaltXake, J. It. All Job pressmen walked1 ot this morning because tha firms would not concede the apprentice clauaa and reserved the' right to dis cbarge hands. . i ':y , nxm omon bsab ; -5 Uoarnal Sseelat artlce.r L Ormonde, Fla,' Jan. 2t. rrank II. Cro ker, eon of Richard Croker, tha Tam many chieftain, waa thrown from an au tomobile Saturday and died yesterday aa the result of his injuries. : . - ' j... 'v.' Men Who Held Up Spokane Flyer Were Young, and New at 'V Buslnese. Detectives and police officers- are at sea. In their search for the four bandlu who held un and robbed the atx paaaen aera of tha smoking compartment- of the rear car of tha Oregon Railroad eVI Navigation company's Spokane Flyer, aa it steamed, up iha.ateep grade through Sulllvan'a gulch eariy Saturday night. Though tha man hunt haa continued con tinuously since the daring crime waa .committed, they have not succeeded in findinf a clew of val uev , ' . -r Stimulated by the large aum that haa been offered for tha .capture .of any or all of tha desperadoes, detectlvea are combine the city and vicinity. . Picked men from the JPlnkerton service, expert railway detectives, trained city, officials and detectives or every dlty In the northwest are exerting Lttielr 0sVt forta In the chase. , f . ' '... V :. - So; cleverly and successfully was the crlraa committed that the bandlta left absolutely no trace of their identity or of - their 'movements after they leaped from tha. Tear vestibule Into- "the dark ness. .-. - - - V ' At The. Dalles two suspects .were a r on the "blind baggage' of the train that followed tha Spokane Flyer,- and police of fieere Immediately pounced tipon them. One had t Hi and the other-sr- similar trlfllftg auww They are pat)1ddle aga and give a straight atory of their move ments on the nighty of lha hold-up. Their aaaeruona have . Deen aof Mboratcd by local detectlvea, . ''--: - : f Detective FlUgerald-.lnr the aervlce of the O. R. It N.r went to Tha Dall yesterday and wilt' return today with the two' auspects.. However, It. ia believed by thoaa who are- working on the caee that they - were . not Implicated in the crlmer- and likely that they will soon bs Tereased: Zt ia practically cdr. tain "that thai men whocommitted the crime were young, . : ,.l-x. ; Railway officials assert that they wll Spare no expense in running down tha erlmlnaie. If tha Weal police force proven Incapable of hgndTirg tha canal detectives will be tmAortWd.l they hsjr. and the-chsae win,ba cintlnueB untif the I desperadoes are cdptured. 1 iV' " Aside from ' tha vague 1 deaerlptlbna furnlahed bv, the rK-tlme of Jthe hotd-tta and .that given bV Etheoartl BHaasU tha toy Vho aaw -tha eiieevJeap jifronr tht platform-and run down thetiralfk. there Is practically no v-lew thsjtf tn'y lead to tha bit eat of tha four bandits., Vat-tous rumors and rtews have been received at central station and .have been? followed hut without avail. . . x . Detectlvea. however. av thev! have ri cefved information that convlntea them mm -me - men-, sepsratea immedtiuetv after, they, completed their Job and .indi vidually returned to thjs.cUyt The.-Ofr ftcera. lnaiat. tlwt ,iha. meTard stju In Portland. - . , . T,"wa have received many clews." said-) one) of. the city detectives today, ''but have found none that we) think (will re sult in much. . But we are ilreetlcallv ieertainllhat. th, nen caina bvacltCliito, tha cityAt one,. and are here yet. kj - They were young men; we know that positively. iiwy .navf men in me any for several weeka and ' deliberately planned the Job. it waa a new kind -of a hold-up. and ope that wag certainly auceeasful." - v "l " , , , . ; -. K..B. Duffy, a traveling piaSenger agent for tha Denver ft Rio Grande rail, road, waa ona of the occupants of tha " 1 "'"J;"" waaen route. to The Dalles. .and after tha robbery he continued on; the' train to his deatlnation. Be says .the. rob bers were young men. and, evidently it waa their first atumpt. aa all of theml were -very much "fattled.1 .' .!: "' "In their -hurryend -agitalton t hey forgot to rob . ma,'' ha says, "and rter the affair waa over I found ' that- I was "the only man In' the smoker-who had any -money let uThe robbere used ancient revolvers." I . v . . r-:r--:,The Colonefi ArrfvalV" : Colonel Murphy Maguirer-eupported by Kate Rockwell and A. R. - Thome, with a mil atofk , company, wlir arrive af the Bijou theatre thla afternoon at t p. m.?; Admission. 10 cents to any seat in tha . houaev - Automobllea, - bleyelea and watchee given away Just tbe amme. MM.IH.MIM EYE-OPENERS IN THE f"; CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Person .-wrfnta to1. buy1 "net cottage from 4 to rooms, on Installment plan. Advertisement says address F 73. Jour nal. . fcyats what you have in that Una, - Do you want to buy land suitable for sheep rah'-hT There's .an ad. under heading "For Sale Real Kntate." that will suit to B;"T.7 Read about tha-par tlcwjttra.j.'l., .. .-.. . , i: . Chance to make mopey here all right! "Smell blacksmith- and wagon repair Shop,., located at Twelfth -and Everett atreeta," for sale. If you would consider buying, rail t 12S JEleventh street, or Phone Main J7I3. - v . ' If your house la in a run-down condi tion, needs repairing, call or write H. Wahl. New Western Hotel, tSi Gllaan. They'll giva you estlmatea on the work. ..... j " - Wanted "Man - to j- drive.-express wsgon: must coma-well recommended. Foot of iHtinter's" avenue, Sellwood, 'T. Hauftenberg." If you don't appear on the scene quick ymi'U eland a .poor Limine, i ' Waa ywir ad. one of tha B7 Tus1ne j Chance" sd. that appeared in Sunday's I Issue? If It wasn't, sea by all means ' that It geta there nest time. Journal' "Want ed." grow bjf reniiita. 'Remem ber this. ee tonight's ads, -f 'Big team, new wagon, chegn. House, new . barn and 'fruit (trees. In Alblna Moment d il 90S." What's tha matter with that pfferf. ' Ad. says telephone I union ioai...iiM ama et-vnww aoa f hold good iong. -, '.t . i v v '' ' - If you -want any ona tn do work by the day. "housewives," see , the ad, under "Bltuattone Wanted Female. Tour .work will be done 'reasonably. Thai's quite an Item nowadays. '. Now ready! "The Matrimonial Reglir ier" for this month, price 10c." See ail about it In. the ad. under ciaaatnoatlon Personal.' -V.'. . y , , "First Aid to Lost Articles" Quickly insert a -vvsnt A. in The JournnI plaealAed columna. It's fvjl words for IS cents.". Remember that. v If . , .. - . . r r m - W aa. t . . F Cobble Seat Rocker, Golden .. . -; or Mahogany Finish ' j . : : ; f.. ...'. ...... ... A' Morris s; Chair, in Golden Oak or - irnmtioVc-j ''rir Corduroy I J5 ; Lj $8.75 . lii V Solid Oakc JJB Dining Chair;. ... witfi open (; w BS''Ss'' Cane Seat c -Unrestricted Credit 4: Accommodatlotur I And if still lower prices, still .. our expectation to clear all 7 we resort to tnese " welcomine the relief and entering -the new bills for . . . . ... to make room forthe soon Today and final zrrsTTijft WfpVi11incr -iw omy. alSdt&r CRAVENETTESy ITROUSERS, Sit s The Store Where Your Credit Is Good m Tm Oak f " -1 i : i., This WahavaJaet reoerved a let of tagraia. . aea(vBwawalB. U'CwtalB departmeata will aomaiaad yaaur pajrtfenlat attaattam. :The Store -That SavcsT Yqu Money - iliiiilliil weekofiits easier, terms and still more mottfied ffrst jaymenta.are of.any conaequenceri pur winter stocks of high grade ese extraordinary measures for the immediate want of room ; while our atocUnepersare elief afforded them by this monthV clearince,uf ficef orce is already,busy figuring oyer spring" and summer merchandise . ..r.. - -i . -r expected arriyalav;..,v.irr. :.. 'y',' H-,..'.' -X Q-v-ic-a'j... f IITC UUI Ls7 In all the popular fabrics, such as plain, fancy and unfinished worsteds, cassimeres, i tweeds, -Tibeta ind serges, in single and double breasted : styles, cut trimmed . and . tailored in ' the best possible manner, standards r for style, fit and durability, are, of fered ' thie i-week ': :-- -1 At Remarliably: Low Pricbs-- Select whatever you wish - r small weekly or f - your own convenience may require. 4 It is ' on the as onf side;that popular a- .- a , MEWm FUBL SAVERS" excel all bthers-rthe :working fea- turcsancTt&c lastin tradcinariarrarantccs Conscicntibus dealers sell; gciiiithe rAJeWelStdycs" Vy'.:,;:: -tney a CALL AND Bk. -'. ' . . , .. SEE THEM. "V" new talaga in Carpata gju Prapavtan, Aaaong AjosUmstar, WQtoma, aad many ptwtty tataga ehtenteirst Clothing, Hata and Jihoes will be and the management rcaliges the lessson ln-triie oftered during this COATS, Men's Overcoats In the best materials, most favorite de- J? iigna and. colors, in all correct ityle " lengths and widths; artistically tailored" " and honestly trimmed, go this week AT -SWEEPING REDUCTIONS, v ...f. :iv Men's Cravenettes In all the leading fabrics and -eacBT g enum7"jPME5Tl-BY7, hence absolutely water-proof, are, ing this week, RADICALLY: -duced,- ---- - :r-"--:v and arrange your payments monthly Installments s ' 1 i -. ' 3G3-C0-92 imtde the out- tnat.- now ataga aa4Ceurta tm am Tkw Oatyet saA . Corner 1 Taylor Sts ;EitJt Terai . Accorded. rctf Charge realized. necessity - '.. - ecoh - 1 h r . designs, 1 an;i dur RE WAS.TCT0N STREET. m w : 1 mm w f 'C - V""f J AT A ii - IE. 1 ' - mm X Mr,! a ar t- u . a. at .... i u ' ' . . ' " '" , '' ' - ' ' - . ; : -