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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1905)
TK3' "JOnSCCII DAILY JOUniJAli POr.TLA!ID. i:OIIDAY EVENING. 'JANUARY1: 3. 1803. 1 " ' l 7C7J ;7C?ICS I r ., Mar ana n. Orand.v ...The Blvele "The Olma uf Duboaa1 ; taplre... ............. .,c"etlle toe fie-realr! . liljou..., .......! 'Colonel' lira ad ... ,VeudTllle Baku-, ...Vaudeville liter ..-.i.ivi. ....... ...,VeulTllle i4TK..,., M-'Vbil Uappeae to SeiKli T -Former resident "of Virginia wltl : meet uhla evening at T o'clock at-the T. M. C A. Mil, Fourth and Yamhill streets, to organise a. society to car tor tourists 'coming from that stmt durln the fair. Former Vf Innnutana will maai .at Draar ball,, ill Second street, near Morrison street,' Tuesday .'evening, to perfect i tha : organisation affected tem porarily last week. , The Mlnneaotan WHO , belonged to the society . formed . wheft tha lth Regiment of volunteers 7 cam horn from the Philippine are asked by ft. V. Pratt, aresident, and Max M. Shlllock, secretary, to attend tne meetlnt" tomorrow evening and eo operate with the) movement to brine the - people of that state together, for the 7purpoe of carina; for -vUltorr during -, to, fair. ; I.;-.-.--..:- . ,;..;..,.' - Nathan Loeh. after a residence of ear in Portland,, died . yetrday;-fter- noon at nis home, 701 Marshall street. HI see was It -year and death earn . from general failure of power .through old are. Mr. Loeb'was.a native of Heaseparmotadl on tha Rhine. H left ttrere shortly after"" the " revolution of 14. settling In Hw Orleans. Later he removed to Calif oral, and still later to .Astoria,,: whence; he earn to -Portland. - Surviving him are. Mrs. Loeb and the ' :' children: Mra. 1 8.. Blumenthel. Tono ph. Nev.;. Mr. Nat O. Coffman,' Bel- ' rlingham, .Wash. Mr. W. W.. Robinson. . .Dr. Sanford Loeb and -William Loeb of ' 'Portland. Funeral service will be con ducted tomorrow morning at t o'clock rron the residence. J. : Th Salvation Army of this city5 met In a farewell ..gathering last night for Major and MrkR. Dubbin, at the army "T hH.ll First street," A. la rg number or their comrade wr. present and '-- several abort speeches war made before they, gave . an affectionate farewell '-.-. Major and- Mrs, Dubbin have far three years been in oommand of the work in Oregon and "Washington. butbav Just ..reoeiyea tneir. promotion to the com mand oi the southwest terriory, with headquarter at Kansas 'City. Mo. They leave ins city lor their new field of work tomorrow morning. - . ..' A olub for boy between the aires of ,. 1 and it was formed Friday evening r- at the T M. ?. A., If wni meet every Friday evening and will- hold a Sunday aiternoon service n tne gymaaolura, Nrxt Sunday af ternnonW. F. Hubbard. M. D., will apeak on How toJJve J0(H TTeara't oat Uie foMowlng 8undy K.-M. , viHirj wni giv an aaares illustrated wlttv chemical - demons tnrt Ions, and ;-'Chkrlo h: Haft wIU sing with guitar -. BCFympaninieniBi ine oiaer ooya meet-i lug yesterday was addressed by Coun ; cllman - A. F. Flegel on "Character and Repntatton." . Boyf from H t, bejong It la. the purpos of thV-wat board ;;"7to s-ln the extcrialoo f the city water . . system into tna peninsular district this . : yr. From the. upper Mt.' Tabor reser- volt main 14 Inchfs In diameter-will 4..Jald - through .'Woodla.wa.-Piedmont .North. Alblna. .It wlli take nearlv two ' years to complete the work, which wui cOBt aboufT IH0.000. Thla Improve '"Tinent necessary to supply Hhe rapidlT i growing uburPM.ponalatloa on th pen- 3 Pomona .grsnga of Clackamaa eounty i contemplating erecting a haU In ome vnnnnocmgit i nm in greartiroesireq. 'S not bna Of the mihir1inaa rrmnmm fMaysv hall large enough- to accommodate i in mraonf n in: county wno-aasonv ble Toti-H union meeting every, three i monins. u nere are rrom iuo to 400 in aiienaance ai every' quarterly meeting. A frimmlttee itlsa Knen 'entwitnt vestlgate: the purchase of I Jot and oost &tm suitable fcuWIng"1- j. ' ' , ' h ... ., nil'' " i . The I meeting of ranadlam4ot-g-uilse . I. ..ji.. m u . . . ... . n vmuwuiwu cwici vx.. 1 ui U1UIU W1H tak place In he smafl hU. second floor V Vmin. IfM's' auAAl.tu. 1 11 j '-lug. tomorrow; Tuesday nkchuat l:lt . o'clock, and" not not tonight, ma. previously tated. t . Clinton treet, "between East Eleventh h, and East Twelfth: streets. I a veritable .quagmir ana is impassible tOc wacona :, tarrying loads. - Horses ? mtr Above :C 1 their knMtw..Th MnAiHnn a9 rilwialm . ' -.street In the aame locality Is nearly a The Congregational Sunday school of - "JCatacada wa -organised yesterday with si active memoer in-the Odd Fellows '-. . T- hall, wher it will continue to meet un- t'il M.jhluwll f w Kiiil Tk. 'nMMti.A officer were elected: Rer. C MacPher on. anpenniennent ana teatTisr of th THIS WEEK L V A 6-QuartC ! Milk Pan Only ; lTtYt 4' - Spicial Blended fICoffeer3 25c lb: : Fresh Rotated Every Day. TEA OTORE 170 THIRDSTREET Phone Main 1708. ; Between" Morrison and YambOl ExtraSpecial r:' e!aa; Gertrude Morrow, oecre tary; Mra. Williams, treasurer; Mrs. K. fcurface, . chorister. Th teacher ar Mrs- J. W.. Reed, girl', , Intermediate cUsa; Mr. H..T, WUilum. boya lnUr mediate class; Mrs. A. Morrow? boy' primary cias;. jun Uakley, girl" prl mary ciasa. ', 1 . . , , - f A bridge tender on the Madison street bcidg prevented James Bartor, a logger recovering rrom a carouse, , from Jump- 1 l.m K Y&r 1 1 1 . . i mil ...w wiv n iii.iu.ivi river..' man was lodged tn th olty JalJ. Bartor went to th bridge at t:IO o'clock, and drawing a flask of whiskey from bis pocket took several drink. . Th tender declare fur was climbing over th rat when, he was 'seised. At tollc 1iead quarter . th would-be y aulcld stated that be had been drinking heavily and wa meiancaojy. x- . .,?'" ' Adolf Bchaffer demand tl.eOv danv agea irom van Rjoster, alleging that KosUr. on December . l04. , In th nresenca of Km II Hiriun .inil'Mii.r. defamed him t by saying:, -He 1 a iDier. . iie 1a worse than a sailor board- tit tilv itlnlhM Thm . .... forth that bo has lived in Portland for is yeara, ana na oora a gooa reputa- non, i w a Duuaing contractor.. Purse, pocketbook. billhook, wal lets' and leather no-relUes of the latest and. up-to-date style and varieties. We buyv direct from th factory in quan tities to securei the best discounts, and can itvf ye money on- your purchase. besides giving you th selection from on or tn largest assortments of leather good In thf city. Albert BernL . th ruas w ua - vruoingioiy 1 '".Th committee on admlaslons of the Lswl and Viark exposition ha declde-1 to furnlah all' workmen and official with, badge and passes, without which they will be unable to enter th ground. Thl rule a-oe into affect Februav 1, Col H. . Ddaca left for Saa Francisco thla morning to Confer with the Chinese consul with reference to th Chlaese empire exhibit. .1 . . . . 8.' Slmbson was arrested by Humana 1 Pffloer Reslng yesterdhy on th chsxc 01 crueiiy 10 animal.; rie naa a nam en Eaat Oak street, between Second and Third, and it ia charged that he left a hora thrn-om .Frldar iinttl:: Sunday without food .or water. The case . will 1 oe ncara in municipal court JUOiKiay, --- Jam F. ' Smith-. - defendaat ih a dl. vorc suit by Eudora B. Smith, make an affidavit In which he 'resists th plalntlfr demand for money, and make an allegation against Me-wlfe- that-sho hasv-conductM disorderly ' house and ha no Just -ground whereon to aeeure a urvoPce i :- -T. .... . C. D. CampbeHr a gueat at . the Mer chants' hotel, went out to enjoy - th sight Saturday night-and drifted Into tho Tip saloon. - There he met a slrl. toe aid. In hi . report to Chief Hunr yes terday-ho stated that whlla talking to the girl ah took hia, purse -containing rggV 1 e7-ty. .Wrl' Deputy Sheriff -Holllnrs worth and Harvey Moreland captured Kuxeno Paul yesterday, Paul Is wanted; in Wbatoen county, Washington.-, on a charge pre ferred by Fry. Bruhn aV Co, meat pack- era, of larceny - by embenlemettt. - 'The -Multnomah Prohibition -Xmii nee. No. 4, will meet at th T.' M. C. A. Friday-evening, January 17, it 7:19 p nu-.The annual election' of officer, will be -held .and action on the local .option law '-wilt aiacuaaeo. : . . , . rTTIlnr-s5r-tamerTiMeIa AJThi Daggett- will aaii oa WMneeday eHreet ror Han Francisco - rabln, U; aecond, IffX' 1 Ahgle, cabin, ,10;" ond, $14. Meala and I berth -fret. -4 Thompson. agenij 1 j ,-inira. , . The young ladle of St. lawrebce will gtve- a -whist party and ;socUl next Wednesday - evening. - January,. Ur mf -t o'clock, and ordiaHy Invite their friends to be present on the occasion. ' h ' Why bay damated or ' aeoondhatid piano, when you can: get superior tni - strumenta thst ar new and perfect for lea money at Meyer' removal sal, ,7,4 Slth.street.4 Jlujjltau'i wonderful. Tbbe tausht Lin the army and navy. Approved by the preaiaent. , iearn tni wonderful art . at the- Ringier scbooL -o ' Alder- street Mali The elevated roadway, on Grand ave nue, between Eaat Pne and aat 8tark street, to being rebUlltj and .while the work 1 going on the thorouahfare will D .closed. ""tntsabeth'ArmbruiteV haa been - ap- pointed administratrix .of th estate of Frederick Armbruetcr. deceased. Tb property Is valued at 12,600. - ..; Concert tomorrow nlrht at hW T. r C'Elrnest - Gambia r Recital company, t Fourth number on- th Star course.- h, ' ReUsaheee-f--mlHor1thorbody" Is due to a general nerve weakness. C. C C TonJo will cur it. For sale by Knight Drag Co.- '' j -" . 'fc. let C." Tonic restores health to "ex hausted body and mind. - For al by Knight Drug Co.- -, , , TrJ Peaeoak : Buckwheat " Flour.' Tow will be convinced that It la dellctou. ; 'If yon hav Anything to U call up Main Ml. J11 First etreet. Ask your grocer-tor Golden Cheddar. C' R. Holt, dentist, J If ymlllna. i r t-- 1 1 . , " i ' (Mtviv snnvik. , J. Franklin Day of ' LaQrandOt 1 tn town -today; -- - ' . '. . D. A. Fltsgerald of Grant Pass 1 a recent arrival at tb Perkins. Jasper O, Steven and family ar her from Cov. Or. -.- -" 1 . 11 : ' 'i W. W. Harold and F. A..M6rrl of Newburg ar at th Perkins. Deroy Lomat and C E. Hutchinson of Baker CUM ar at th Imperial. O. .D., Emery of Everett la in town H. a. Van Dusen 1 her from Astoria. B. W. Mulkey of Vale, Or. ia a guest at the Portland hotel. .. ' . P. Bp leer of Vancouver 1 In the city," Captain H. N. Anderson, D.M. Ander son and A. W. Mlddleton, wel)-knowa lumbermen of - Aberdeen, 1 Wash-, ar in town tody " ' air. ana str. b. 4, trart or seiungham are- at the Portland hotel.. c : .... Th Maotelll Grand Opera company arrived in Portland . last - evening and spent today viewing the night of the city. -The- organisation appear tn -'II Trovatore" at the Marquara Grand riext WedneOday night.- r. ,. ' ." . . John Gill. Pacific coast freight agent for th New York Central line, with headquarters at San Francisco, la a Port land vtoltor today. w ' ?-? , . ' - Maloa Voyc. passenger aaent of tha Colorado Midland, Is la th city. Ham wmte oc uaaer city, rormerlv chairman of - the DemecrmUo etate cen tral committee, 1 a guest at the 'im perial hotel. . . r Mrs. gi. J. aodman, wife of th clerk of Washington county, has been visiting t the home or Mra Ida (A Kelley, 194 Chapman trV during th past week.- Lorenti Helner Recall Financial ; y Transactions of the 1 FROBABUE IAVV '8UIT8 I - over. Certificate Diacoverer of the 01 Man's f Wealth S&id to Have Asked for Half. J '-V. , -nr. i- v ' t: .... .' . Memories f numerous ftnanclsi trana- actlena long since forgotten were teak eaed la - the mind of lx rents Herman Helner, th miner of 15 year who eer- tiricate of (1,100. dated IP year ago, wa found laat week In hi trunk at th New Tork hotel. Burnsld "and Front street, t Daring the few day that hav elapsed ainoe the certificate wa dlscov. ee and' the-eld mine- left the county poor farm lielnor has . remembered ac oeunta due him, many , yeaxs ago . and which may have been annulled by the etatute of llmltatlona ' One waa for f MO,' inquiry developing that the person against whom he hold the claim will not be compelled, to pay It if he plead thla ttute. Other hav been cited by Helner, who is said to hav forgotten that hi ILlD certificate ever had been Issued, and to. hav dropped 'from hi mind all actlv memory of the other mailers. , - v 1 - As soon a h wa apprised of -the $1,200 Jtem, however, Helner feemed to mvf Dovnrejuvvnaiea iq ioe exieni ox relating many transaction or th past, yet in hi old age he waa fearful that some designing" persons would dsvtse mean to prevent him from enjoying the comfort his long-lost money would buy, He went to Dudley Evana, or the ooun ty board of charitleev and asked that a e-uardlan ba -named. - deala-natine- M. M B4oca-a th fm he wished to serve in that capacity, aa he had known Mr. Bloch for many years, . Mr: Bloch today reoonaidered bla decision to resign as guardian, and will probably consent to t rTh ectlon of ' the" City boa nded by urnslde. Coach,. Front and First atreeta. wherein live most of the cattle to th melodrama now being encted-ui connec tion with the old miner" affaire, la tnueh stirred- by the developmenta For 10 year Helner, far beyond the age. of physical activity, - baa . worked at odd Job, in that locality, and ha been a fa miliar fla-ure- to. th -reoDle thereabonc It appears that a question ha arisen. eonoemlng the attitude assumed oy Al bert Haller. proprietor of the-New TOrk hotels wherevHeiner la rooming, th alle gation being mad that Haller attempted to aeour half of the vi.zoa for rinding the certificate, Thla Haller denies, af firming that he never-4ntlmated such an intention - or over entertained such a thought-"1 Julias Cllne, of th Jefferson gardens. on th west end of Jefferson street. Bert Bridge and other who were seerr there today stated that Haller called at that aaion'n lut week, after " tiflcate; and informed them that he would get half the f 1.200 tor finding It th law allowing htm that port ion of th . outcome of the case cannot yet be guesaed. aa some questions ox . lew ' re to be decided, WOULD MAKE A PARICE 4?ouncll Cret One of th mof"beaa- tlful and sightly location in this-vicin ity, may "become a part or the rortiana puolio park system. . A movement . to thl end is scltuted by Mrs. jreston c. fTnlth flmlth, who Is circulating a petition for signature of taxpayers asklngth gov-, ernor and ' th - member of th legisla ture to Include Council Croat in the Mil which will allow the city to acquire the Lewi and Cini gaitr grounoa ana juaw- thorn park. - , She argue that th 1409.000 provided by th bill will not all be used In th purchase of the two psrks, a it is stated they .' wMir cost .about 235.000. With th remaining, 171.000 ah : feel certain Council Creat could be acquired. I Council Crest I much higher than any Af.A. Mil. Irt' m -Ky,,. . . XmmnA ., ft tower' 1,100 feet above- th city, and the view, of the surrouBdlng -country ia un excelled." The building of the loop of the Portland Consolidated - railway on Portland height h sUmuitedL build ing ao much irr thla' section that there I danger of the7 crest being divided fnto bulldtna. lota; Because of thlat Mm. Smith- ls-anxtous to secure , ponseesftm this spring, r otherwise "ithe city may never hav.e another opportunity to pur chase it LAST HONOR PAID TO IIDC lATUDVMC MA ft I C ., mi i via in i i i ii l. nnwuu The funeral service of Mr! Kath ryne Nsgle were held at St Patfick'a church yesterday. Many relative and friend- of the deceased ' were in at tendance -eind -Rev. Father. Murphy of ffclated.. .Th services at. the grave In Rlvervlew cemetery were private. Many floral offering adorned. the chapel, one of conspicuous beauty being 'a me mor tem piece from the street car boy. Mra. Nagle'a on, Martin, ia a , popu lar member . of . th Portland , CoiboII- dated'a force, and the condolence . of these friend round expreeston through thl beautiful offering, - All member of the -family arrived In .time for. th service. Mra. Kathryn Coetello, the eldest daughter, reaching Portland from uoiaenaaie eaturaay. - . , i A . " ' ' " ' i -Can't be perfect health without J pure blood. . Burdock Blood Blttera 'makes pure blood. Tone and invigorate th wnot system. . " " Fref erred Stook (yanaad Oooda. ., Allen Dewls' Best Brand. , Tolurfir V' i paygaslaa' precrlp-' J '. V'.''. tloa for. Ooagh aad Tl" Oelds ao opiates o salasssl ia it Jeur a , aiaapl ffeetlv remedy. . .. -V, . V 50c ,. t TT. ; V00DARD, CLARKE & CO - - . Kak aad Sen It. ; r 1 AY BE TOTAL LOSS :-', ' T - ' -j r- . . . : - - Great Hole Torn In iw by Strik- 'i vviiiii nvvn iivai t , . .Coble. t ACCIDENT HAPPENED LATE SATURDAY NIGHT Rudder Got Out of Order, and Vessel Became Unmanage ah la In ha Oitrranf- . ) A r K - r ' According t the sailors who were on the George "W. Elder,, which sank; near Gobi Saturday night th eteamer will be a tout loss. They stat that h boti torn ha been cut out of her and that her back i broken..-' it la also asserted that the atanchlon - have-j been driven up through her main deck; In support of the atatement that the steamer it be yond Tepair- the- men state that i the guard ar broken ahowlng thatf the keel also sustained similar damage, i. . - : Captain Conway, auperintehdent Of th river boats for the Harrimaa llnee, 1 re. turned last nlcht from the scene of tb wreck, but aaya It 1 impaaalble now to arrivejat a conclusion aa o th extent of th damager - h Tb Elded carried 9.000 tone f freight valued at about 10.000; of thl amount. zoo ton will- bereaved" Th ahio waa valued at 1160,000. and was in command of Captain Randall- when sha struck. wniie going down tn. river aiaturaay night bound for" San Franclaco, the Elder, of the Portland San Franclaco company1 line, struck Coffin rook, Just below Qoble. There waa no panlc the officers," crew .and paaaenger behaving admirably. Th vessel gradually settled down Into th wtr up to the main deck. . It appear that the rudder got out of order; knowing b was near the projec tion of rock. Captain Bnow,- th pilot sent word for the ngla to be reversed. Th command was immediately Obeyed, but deeplte every effort to prevent it the vessel drlften on the. rock. V r -"Balancing on the rock, the bow over hung the channel, where the water I al most 100 feet deep. Had the steamer gone a few yard further ah would hav sunk to the bottom of th river, aqd it 1 prqbable that every on on board would hav been lost'' A hole waa torn In the bottom of the hull a trifle forward of amldahlp. - Juat how badly- the craft I damaged, will not be known until the cargo ha been removed- and th vessel tilled. - Th vessel anl cargo were Insured, but th. particular are only known to the head office - at' f- San' Franclaco. - Her freight consisted of S00 ton of flour. 150 ton .of oat,' 300 ton of paper, 2(0 tons of "potatoes and a "ahlpment of canned good a All but about 200 ton of freight will prove a total loss. That part which escaped wetting ha bean re moved i some of it wa brought to Port land thl m6ralngon-a barge. Th bal ance of thejrretght la being taken from 1 1 ih vessel by theompany, but the work J-ie-beirtg done for, the underwriter in whose hand th steamer and cargo have been placed. . . ! , , In order to expedite tne matter or rais ing the vessel, the -men who were en gaged in-loadtng. thjriental.1lner Ara gonlaTTS la number, were sent down to the Eider . yesterday: to tranarer her freight on to lighters. .As goon a thl work haa been completed th hold will b filled with empty barrel and an attempt roade-Ao float her... If an examination shows that she ia worth repairing aha will be placed on th dry dock: if not her machinery will-b-removd and the iy der'a days of. servlo wilt be at an end. The- ateamer la 31 year, old, and" by many It Is thought that thecompany will riot be Justified tn expending a large sum to put ber in goooT condition. She wa built at Chester, pa., waa brought around the Horn by th Oreaon Railway tt Navigation company, and-haa been on th run between fortiana ana nan -ren-eisoo ever alncej with Intermissions of some-months when she waa in commis sion In the northern trade. ' Is-'' The local official of tho Portland Ms San Franclaco Steamship, company are of the opinion that' another vessel will be placed on the run at onca They are expecting .to hear ome thing definite on thla ubJect-from Ban Francisco today. It le satti another steamer can undoubt edly be, procured. Until om provision Of thl aort ha been madelthe Columbia will have to take care of all of the busi ness received by Che comoanv.-lr Word wsa received at the local office of the Portland as San Francisco Steam ahlp company fhat the ateamer' Costa Rica had been chartered to ply between Portland and the Golden Gate In place of the Oeortrw- W.- Klder.-r The Coeta Rica will leave Ban Franctacd on Jan uary. SS, and la expected to arrive in time to-lav otitward on tn Eider regular tlm. Th Coat Ijtlca 'Wg buUtofthCntrl Amerloantrada. ARAGONIA DELAYED. Stevedore em th User teat to Assist ance of aider. . J . I Owing to the icctdent to tha Elder, the Aragonla will not salt for the orient until' tomorrow morning. A soon, as th new of th wreck was received the longshoremen engaged In loading her were sent to Qoble to remov the Elder' cargo. - A amall fere of men has. been secured to complete loading the Arago nla, and the company expect to 'have her on -th way to ta by daylight In th morning.'-,' - - ' ' " ,i It I reported from San Franclaco that th Newport one of the steamers , be longing tothe Psclflo Mall company, will be put on tb Portland-San Fran cisco route, abmrt th middle nf next month. ''Th official at thl end of tb line have n6t' yet been apprised of th contemplated addition to be made . to the Portland at Ban Francisco Steam ship company' fleet .... .- . . ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Schooner Samoa -reached .Vancouver Veaterdav from Ventura. Cni. ft ha will load lumber at the Washington town for Ban Franclaco. .. r . ' , Laden with - lumber. ' th echoonsr Oeorg C. Perklne left thl afternoon. bound for Sn Pedro. ' In order to hav an extension made to "her smokestack, the eteamer America will b laid up for a few day. - - David B. Ogden, aaalstapt United State engineer, retarned -this morning from Lewis ton, where he -went to look after the government property along the Snake river. l secured - mooring grounds at Lewlston, where th dredge Wallowa .and -ether smaller craft oper ated by the engineer tied up for the winter. - Mr. Ogden reports th Snake-river, la anumially low -for this season of th year, but ao far boat hav been unable to complete their run. . jn0 0UIS OUTSIDB.t' flhlnnlna- m at a ntandsttll at' th mouth of the fiver, the wind awceplhg up the coast at th rat. of I m Ilea an hour. A th bar ia rough, .several, ves sels- wui se aeiayeq. in getung to sea. Th Northland Is waiting for an oppor tunity to cross out as la alao th French Ship Villa d Mulhouse, which' reached Aatorla thl morning from .Portland. Th Frenchman will aall for Bvdnev Head. Australia, as soon 'th weather will permit" i . . ,.- - MARINE NOTES. ' AatorlaJa. tS.--Condltton of the bar st a. m., obscured; wind southeaat; weather foggy and rainy. . No shipping moving.' : .u A -Arrived 'down last 'night-Steamer F. A. Kllburn and Northland. - Balled at noon gtsamar F. A, Kllburn for Ban Franclaco aad eosst ports, Ban Franclaco. Jan, 13. Arrived last night Steamer Roanoke from Portland. Sailed at 11 a, nv Steamer Columbia for Portland.- , - - ' . . . .Astoria, Jan, 11. --Arrived' down at T p. m. Schooner Eldorado, - lftp at 1:10 a. m Schooner Zampa Ban . Franclaco, Jan. 21. Arrived- Steamer Aurella from Portland, v :..Lqt-m: TmBmir boat, " R. P. Doe, general- manager and on Of the principal: owner of the North Pacific Steamship line, declare moot emphatically that th Harrlman Inter, eat are not operating the aheamer Roan, ok or' Ja any manner "connected with her. . The Roaoke will ply regularly be tween Portland and Ban Franclaco, mak ing port of entry xalls atCooa Bay and Coo Bay and Eureka. , i --. . I1U TO OABJsT X.' Coast lumbar carrier ' till In de mand. - The achooner Mabel' oale wa chartered thl morning to load lumber at Portland for.Ba Pedro. ' Bhe la now at San Franclaco; and will leave for the north in a da v or two. Th Mabel Oal ha a carrying capacity of 100,000 feet of lumber. ' . ": ONLY-CHARITABLE AFFAIRS EXEMPT All Other Entertainments Where 'Admission Fee l Charged , Must Have License. A.-- Hereafter the promoter of- every con cert and entertainment given in th olty for other than charitable or benevolent, purposes must take -out a city license. Thla la' the- edict which haa gon forth from the olty lloense eoUec tor's oflloe, and close i watch will be kept of all event which tak place to see. that, the ordinance la not violated. - The ordinance ha been passed at th solicitation of the .theatre,, managers, who claim that nraaical and literary ar tiste come to Portland aad gly concerts' nd recital in. th churches," charging a large aum for admission and paying no license. They contend that . auch events, where they are for the benefit of private Individual; should be taxed Juat as much as theatre or vaudeville houses. Where 25 cents' admission i charged the" license" la tlO a' nlght; where -60 cent Is charged the license: Is f 251. and where 12 1 charged th license is, 1100. MmaTMelba'a recital In the armory will bring a. revenue of 10O into the city treaaury, . ; .- v!-- '-'"; , There l .already-much objection to the" ordinance 'f rom'churchT peofcle who! gain revenue from renting the cburche lor concerts axtu emeruunmenia. LETS GO PUMP HAWDLE 1 " AND GOES TO'PRISON tin Benaoa received his -week' pay Saturday .ftlgtit;;and commehced buying drinks. By th -time-he readied home he-had a package filled with hilarity ' "I'm goln' to break up the furniture,? he id to hi wife, 'who wa preparing upper. "I'm going to atnaah, up every thing and start a rough -house. It's been Six month olnce I boarded '-th wagon, and m feeling so good that there a going to-be something doinv" He seised a- steak that waa cooking and paated ; it against . the wall. He toeaed cooking utensil at hlawlfe, and broke th dlhee. ' Bhe called' tha police, who found the place, In disorder- TT- m municipal . court, thla. morning- th woman pleaded for hi release. He was a goodihusbandT ah said, and eh wa sorry she called th officer. She would tak htm, horn, and would guar antee toath court that he would, drink ao mora , ', ' 1, -. : rwi-, . -."Tea, your honor," interrupted - th prlaoner, -"If you'll let me go- I'll sign a pledge end Join the W. C. T. U. end wear a little white ribbon on my coat" 'Oet a little 'white ribbon, and wear It hera,t replied the JudgorTou need time to . . meditate on such a step as joining th W. C. T. Us You can think about it for th next H day. TOu ought to be good and sober by that .time, too." ' I 1 1 II I Dow' mi thl opportunity to secnr yood "tlm plec" li l I II HI a " (buloug low price. If yoabav not tha cash to spar) I I 1 1 1 ' I II HI ' ' . PT part down, tag balanc II f ' I riOUE CZLAY T Of, FROIiT STREET Engineer Wanzer Instructs Con tractor to Proceed With the. ,',: " Work' at Once. x THE CAR COMPANIES - ' CAUSED POSTPONEMENT Material All on Hand, an - - ...... .-. a iorce win uegtn im Cr-JS: ' - pro vements. -a Oteblsch ' Joplln. to whom was awarded the contract tor th improves Unent of First, atreet between Madison and Columbia, atreeta. with atone Dioca pavement. wUl becin breaking ground tor morrow, " by- orderof rt City i. Engineer Charles Wanser. ' ' The work haa been held ap : by the street-car com pan lea, . aa. they deal red to make different arrangement ot their trackage before the pavement wa laid. The city -engineer -. elated- today that the -work had been postponed for sev. era! month, and (that it must be done at once.- .'... : ; Anton Oleblach. Of Oleblsch Joplln, stated today that the firm haa been anxlou to begin the work for month a AH the material I ready, and a large force of men will be put on the Job. ' Frank I. Fuller, of the POrUand Con aolldated Railway- company, stated thl morning that Ah reason th company did' not desire the Improvement' made wa because, tha corporation . contem plated maklrig a change In the trackage, in which case one of the two track will he tsksn from the1 street end Iwld nn Second street.' "SThr-compgny plan to hav th Incoming car run down -Second, street and th outgoing . car on First- treet-J1 -z. - Jr" ' ' - If thl chang .la mad l will affact th Oregon Water., Power Railway company, and no Bet isf act ory arrange ment ..haa been, formed with) th inter- ated partle, . '. - ' ''" ':. "It tkey go ahead with thleTmprove ment now wo cannot,"-said Mr. Fuller today.' -"W hav hastened our plana rapidly a poaalbl. I wish to aay that we ar not opposed to tlria Improvement and -are making iu at tempt to hold-it back: yet I think It would be better fV wait la few week In .order that thla matter about, track age may" be arranged, ... t Oleblsch Joplin have the bulk of the contract amounting to $7.J. - Smyth Howard, and J.JW. Sweeney hav a one half; Intersection ' each. - The contract waa let .nearly a year ago, and should hav - been .. contpleted laat,1 June.; The residents on the street are very anxlou to have the-work done, aa th street is In -a deplorable condition. 1 v jKBig ,v"'.' '"-.;' ''-AJfystsmaaTTS.v. . '' ;'t ."';' Grand Theatre ( Fui msa'ty ' Oordray 'a ) AH TatJirg,. Oommaaoiaa- l Mstis nojraday aad Satarday. BATES -; f.r" -j:','''-.----'- in - rl"-- " ' THE DARLING OF THE GODS aS a ef Old Jaoaa, by SweM aad Joan fat? Iioag., Thnreday ITsvinee sir Aaaf Advtee aa Maoajne sane ray. . Satnrda: Barllag ef the Ooda eat on Bat Tomorrow. 10 a. aa aft sox wmeat enui "iraeain. i Frteea, fSOO, glO, SUM, T5e aad SO. blanMe WALK OVERS Are good shoes, because ' they'. xe truatworthy. .They .are not only good look lag. but are good all the way through. - . The Vhole Looks' to- th maker ,of ' these moat.famoua of all . advertlaed ahoaa for the . : latest style and newest leathers. -. W ar ol : agent .C-.,, . - . . SHOES St the fasbioit.for tb werU fbOWMsT. "'mom have th ntlr floor devoted exclusively to children' hoes. - -, j...?..''-- -; - ,': v' Amnaaaam. THAAIkX - WedoMder eveplne, Jsaasry K, 1MB - UHANDl OPBHX tN RMOL&B, I 7 3IU. BtAJlTKIAX, . I -; Snppetted 'by the Mnt-ni rnitie OnsnMaf la ' .. Tfc ntOTATOaUB."" ; ; " Prieeeu-fenrlrv lower. Hour, 1.B. Balceer. rat six rpwe. gl; arat three of lut six row.! 75rr last three raws la beleoayi toe. lattr rallery, toe. - Boses and Icgtm, 110. . ' A ' . seato Ate slew eUia. .-. W. T. Faaaie, Bes. Msv. , FaeaeJaaia M . nuia,yuni i: KXATKZ TONIGHT AND TOaTOBHOW KIOHT. an .- Bseiidaa e eXHratfoi raawdy.-: Made faaMMM br tbetr teoer. Jesse Jvffersee Price Lower toor, 11.00, 1. Baleesy. fie. SOe; Uallenr. IBe. SBe. , - .:. fl ' ' ' . : -. iIumblaiTheatrc, a, n. Ubuiu, unn aae auaager, ALT, THIS rgrggK bATCEDaT.' .. Spedsl eoaaresMBt f ', ' ' ' 'J" ' - , JAMJEB KBANB.1;'-;-': . ' . -; ., mppnrted by '' ' if.) ,."'. - :f OOLCVBIA STOCK COKTAtrX X The Crime of Dubtrq It tiiBrj arvwg-s greats xnoo Ieeora Fbsi'tnn la America. "One" week'ealy. "' ! ' BveaiDg prices., (Oe. ISe. e. lie.' , . -' Matlaea prices, XV, U, ldt : Box efHee all day, 'Dolly Tardea Cindy Shea, , - an Morrunav" rseae atai iiu. .. TBveala at taeetre. Pbeke. Mala tit BIJOU THEATRE MONDAY JAN. 23 i 'x -'- aad during the week. ' the " " Bijou Stock Company Under the. suMureewitt ef A. . TBOSKtV- erneat tat the Brat tuae la PerttaaA tka laachable comedy, la three acts, eatitlea, . THE COLeOlNELr". CAST OF CHAEACTMS. i . .,. ' Olenel Verpfcr afagnlre.. . ..Mr. A. 0. Whs. Charlea Tornaa..... ...... Mr. L. C. Freaerleks Baavere, .. ................. Mr. Cbarlas Marlaa Barrast. .'...;.. '.,ii.,Mmn.n.illl, It. War4 Aerlaadab Slerk. . . j.,.. Mr. A . Thorn Mrs. UrBMbr DehBalae....Mlaa Rate gackwalk Mra. Charlre Torrena..., Mlae Jase Anerar lAf sowarby Craaoily.Mlaa Oraw M. Jeeaeaa Uraham...r..,, ........ Mlaa Mabel Haauawt , rerfnemaaees Afternoons. - W 4:10. Bwa-i inaa. 7:10 te 10:30. , Saadays (eeatJaoB), S.& .te 10:10 s. aa. . AdmlaaloB te aay part ef the heaaa, 14 i EMPIRE THEATRE . Phnne Mala ItT for testa i. : - Oewdad aanae twice etrday. V rreed A tioald'e eseallrat pmdartiM a '..K- ... . . K . . . . . Nettie tne wews uiri". t. "A real com pa ay la Is good stay. Pr1ee---MatiBee. 10c. Uc SBe. Svtaiafs. 15i,'- SBe. ooa, sot. Keat weaa. wools Blocs vaaipaay. BAKER THEATRE; Ttlrd. an Tamhin sta. Keatla floo. Mara..' eVeUBwVl TIWYTHIS B3aSBB gaj , Thi cuAyimoTi. r XAXII WILBO, i' ' WILLS A BABOV. IimosTOV wAin. - - . 4aJita a.-E-Bi,. - " STELLA HBODFS,: JOHB W. WOOD. THI BIOOBAPR. Adtntaalflg-Tne. THE LYRIC THEATRE Seveath aad Aider Ses. ' Every Aft-rmse sad w-ilag Tale Woelb -TUB-MBW LTMIO STlM.1. tXIMI ASI. ...... . aB -, ' ' ' - ... w tKu-i r.n rma.iii - - - - Whrt Ikppgned to X.t.:::i?: Mrialila Bel -naa seta. him at 1 . T .to aa 1 11 m. L'aaa prtee ef adauaalaan lO easts. GATACTSAT Kl MS . a. ) - . SAX- A- Sluwa. .. ccscr it t Knighrs Stk aad Waahtagtoa St-' , ' . a ... :.7... . ' ' ' r J"-: -U '.',. -