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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1905)
-'A,-,. - -j '', . ...s Z' '.'' r -i,-! rKT:"f'' . "' ,,r0KTLAND. 9KHG0... . .. jV'; - EllPll 'j I .lt!l'-.L4--, LJLLJ ! III! I BaCMBgBMBBaBM 'J ' I, I I ' L II I I. 'l H I I J m - - .o una c!iGeL?Eail - I J MOI.DAY, ;.. JAI.UAI.Y tt.. 1SC3.. ;'"..'" ill."'.1 - - , v T HE ORE GO N f; DAILY U OJ-J.R.N-A..L wuiL- a&ge c. a. JACKSON , " 1 Si PUBLISHED ' BY JOURNAL PUBLISHING COL. k . - v ..,.r JfeO. P. CARROLL . i Publiabed every evening ( except Sunday) and every Sunday;; morning at The' Journal -Building, Tilth and fc-- .-"'V-: ! . itreeta, Portland, Oregon. ;.. ; - v S.. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF. PORTLAND ? ' K THE DREADFUL LESSON WHICH FRANCE AFFORDS TO, RUSSIA . ; i. But tht N. P. won't be indicted. Tha Chinese gamblers ara alio -begin- I rung to aaoav Win Bryan- Inalat bn . naming , that viny i BrowDail o anxloua for a I constitutional oonventlonT , - -'" ) . ' Steel Prices Up, Waci Are JDowri ( tha BocoannaarO' lIamUtonai'Mm- olr af Oraraont." Papy'a Plarr. Bourlaa- na'a Kapolaon. Olbbon'a Roma.- Oraan'a Hlatory of England, John Flaka'a Ualtad Btatra Hlatortaa. . . - I. Shakaapimra, Klpllna;. Howaila. Du nn aa (aenlor). Mark ITwaln. Ruakta, John Flaka. Parwln. i Typdai, ' Tannyaan or Robart Brownln. ( ' ... Aa an ta hMim Iwaa. niiMlid. BhaJtaa Plttaburf; Dispatch In tha Kw Torlpara flguraa (tv moat of tha llata. only ' I World. " - ona laavin ' him out. Plato. Ooatha. I Tha vaduotlQtt of wafea or refuaal by I Eraaraon, Ulbbori ana John Piaka ara tha rarloua atael-produclnv oorporationa atlchotra In two Data, and Ho walla, Kipling tha opanlna of 10 to raatora ma oiaiana Mars i wain. imonf uvina; wnun, . w.h..k PmrnliMlMPh hit 1 vtt adiiarAnta Altomthar. II positive and tentative wara mad to tbalauthora ara mantionad In tha flva llati : ,in New1 Yark ; -JTbaL waullXhla do if it were otIaktllea;.WQrkr. tyatlUywHh an HERE IS RUSSIA, and there wast France. From what was J we may with more'r lea logic rea "'aoa to whA AH of Russia groana under a nroniiate. 'iihanieless ind heartless autocracy; k- littl more than a century gq the France that then was paral- f.leled the -Russia that now is.' Theorizing even : with I ample supcriicia um at w.iiwy v:i things 're impossible in' Russia.- Andrew El. " White, ; ! former American ambassador to that country, in an in -teTviewJjai6.J-80--Pd i attempt iorcoifceatjili 't"!fieelih: oi, profound, sympathy for 't the downtrodden j masses of Russia bufbe believed a -revolution : impossible , ' because here was no middle .tlasa nothing indeed but '....the implacable, intrenched iend ?onsciencele-utocracy T'v 0'"th'- JUndV'ind the Vodden' massjps of unthinking ' and on the other. And. yet .between the sodden "erfa"pt 'Russia today and the JrimB "brutalized M -: i serfs of France of $ little over- a centtirylgo what, is - there leVt-tdTch'otefivlw'hirnspeet-iaTni the one class ' ', t tet 6f f than theother.'jhi what respect had it a greater . . ; opportunity for self improvement or; greater apparent ..'-' chance 4o-4hrow'ff the galling-yoke of eerrrtude? : For 'ehlu'ries tfie.frighlful, process had fceen.fn operation in , . France; Men, women .end childrenwere; tiedto . the soil as part-of the chattels' that went with the seignorial I possessions. Brutalized to the last degree, regarded as v so many animaTs whose" 'uie'Fn tit ; w"6rldw"as' to' WIinister "TtoTlBrwaTSTrnhOTehoTBied py-divmnrightpthup ' f look for them seemed tiopeless beyond the-powex of ex- And yet Ihe movement toward light and .i history, ultimately uIIninate Hit-'-the; enfranchisement . . of the : serfs. .There wa ' the; same petitioning to the v Iking, who then in France as now in Russia, was regarded . ;'; ; as omnipotent .The then king of France, Louis XVI, J was very much the same stamp of man at .is' Alexander ;II of Russia today, good of heart, weak, amiable; with ' blind Instincts toward- right but without the force ;to achieve it.1 With greater breadth of vision, -with some ' ; power of initiative, with the bold ability to have grasped . v cmergenciea that threatened the .fundamentals, he could - have turned the tide through flight concesekms, he could . V- "hava saved the thousands of horrors "which followed, he . . . could have saved himself and wife irtfrn the amillotine. "J But hippy in his little smith jt making locks,' totally un-4 s -UaaSnatal 4!rifi'it vMAtAMAtlf -.w aaSs I s. .. '.' A I . '. j far below him, guided too largely by a haughty wife and a pand or noblemen who had nothing .but their courage to commend them and wh realized as little as he what wasr stirring the seething j human" cauldron, he rushed --'blindly on his fate. One the worm turned, "once the ;dumh drivea.xattle realized that the anointed king ..'-jwas o'nly a man like themselves, once fhey felt itrthem jrire thjdTanJtw o theinown physical force backed , as it was Ay the consciousnesllhaf thejTmighi just i T " welf die fighting as to perish like rats in a holt by slow . i :: starvation, above all once they-saw bUwd flow in a hand to hand conflicj. in which they held their own, that mo rfate, a fate so--terrible t kit, it should have" carried 'with it iHayT . l. , .11 ...i... i .11 I . I v.- tcies, even to the farthest confines of the round earth, Nineteenth and twentieth century .ideas - have long been beating on the apparently impregnable, frontier of Russiar2"; In that 'eountry' fof years 'a propaganda has been carried on by fearless souls who; struggledfor right Jnd justice . Many of them have" found their way to 'the esolate wastes of "Siberia Jievej 4o- return,- others" have rotd;rlap;rjson3ind. stilLJpthert haVa,trishd at the hands of the brutal police and soldiers. But he Tnove ment ha never died out. At times i has fonod expres sion lin drcadfu.1 crimes, committed -with such extra ordinary ingenuity as to baffle the effofts of the police to search out the' perpetrators.;: ,Wltht utmost secrecy the doctrines have been preached (even in the 'agricul turat '.districts, .finding there its votaries who," with per fect indifference to life, have staked t everything, ;.even lif tlf, for the cause. X.,-;.;:.-.. -;, v: V Whether 'the revolt v6f th; Wrkingjpeole. ; at St Petersburg and "Moscow has reached the dignity and sig nificance of a revolution the confused and confusing data at hand by no means demonstrates.- But that' the up heaval threatens to reach the fundamental structure of the government .there j tfio reason to doubt " It "ia spon- taneons, widespread, and .basic, embraQing -men, women and children. They came peaceably to petition, with chrtdlikesith-nenl'ce of - theholntedTJzafrapT parentiy with-no thought to enforce tneir aemanas ty physical force and helpless to do" so if they would, and fov-tta friend and protector,-Secretary. "'Burton would have taken tha aama'po aition if there were to p no portaca ranroad. ; -. .,;- Borne bills ara merely: Instruments wito which-to crrr Out "Tho bast . poaalble improvement in ondltlon tl would be reatored. Thle has -not been dona. The directors of steel eorporatlons have threaten the atabUlty of the whole labor market for the yean Th reductions now being mad will be fart next July when the .Amalgamated association-pro. senta Its scale for tha ensuing year. ' Portland experienced yeatorday t he flrvt nersoiuLl That weakened ornalaAtlon -wilt b COm-l Amrtea Ua MHmm ir tha brunt or tna nrn(-. i duiu. incur Before th last national election tha eplaodo of revolutionary France.- Tha rwjtoro of- atoelV campanlaa told the of tha occaalon waS Jamea Keane, iDeHntendenta that 'the aucceaa o-ttei JW f u.hout.. . ... . . I,n IawIm i . ,nnAWtAV ' ItW till o t -IRepublloan. ticket would steany wit mar-1 i , V- i v k,u incttM th. price, of-ateet and the ClmbU a oik eompahy, in whoae home r to nno that the 1 workman naturally would be benefited. I fiww. w liTlaatlon law Js I diroctora abotrt the moat Important wetter be-jsupertntendenta that ft he aucceaa of torf uia legiaiature. ;,' , ( The president it likely railroads have a-much etronger pull at The superintendence, told the etory to. a . - ' .,s Trom the New Tork World. ., : When the clty'a tax books for 1S0S "; wore mrown open yesterday they die- , dosed m ahrlnkuae in the anticipated In- ?MvIuibu tar tl,a b!'ttt u 5 . The total increase for both personal and real estate iaxee amounts la round numbers to I20S.OOO.OOO. 1. Thia Is as .- -aalnat an Ipcreaae, laat year over the . a year preceding of H1.139,b:7..- Tbla ' -enormous falling off in what is regarded ' aa the normal rate of tncreaaa dleau- - -i pointed the city offlelala charged with -the task of handllnar tha wltv Irat performance on any nd presaged la) the opinion of nearly all ' .of The -Crime of Du- fumP in tha tax rate from 150.64 'to .T r modern "version of aa ,6i- . i'V . ioxauie millionaires have vanished by " ' the dozen from. the rolle. Onlf seven are left whoa wealth la-rated at? ll.OOO,'-1- 000 and over. In all there are only ta-- whose personal holdlnas ara nut taa,n as high aa 1600,000 and over. Many' The Play real premier The -president tta atout, but he muai soon tire of carrying, reform in ona arm aM, Unci Joe Cannon ln the other.? .Russia accuses China of ' breaking promises. This, coming from Russia, it1 enough to' make, a Mongolian .idol "in. V". ;'"."''- ..i.y.i:: hit old I goojd points. In the year 1TII Frenchman named I nme of,Pron who figure every dayj' th. .it u i. Ieaurques was guillotined for the mur " """" are cumbWTon .ihem to w.rn tha workr f,of theos, m.U bcujbji commtitvo oy a vnnunsi mtmwi,, ; - j. .ivw w& mii- Dubosn. A striking reseinblance between the two war responsible for the execu tion of the Innocent man.. The Incident has been the subject of not lees tha to dramatic productions, the most con spicuous among the numerous versions being . "The Lyons' Mall.4 -1 which Blr ' - . -.w i.i J-,iJTil "IManry irvina .ecepxe some sv years man. and . tha later, believed. Jianoe, when the workmen are called Into Itho of floes, one by one. and faced with the alternative of accepting reduction of wage '. or seeking a position in mia Winter," they complain that their,. em. ployera have broken .falthwltb them. eonjtitutian ha. io- IJt:ra" .ttTHf '". I slipped over IntolSOt Ordero eeaaed la I SSSaSTrfSL ?RRf. ?IlJL.. !V,f.0f . delators to a urn or in ivi. Tor in. 1 . . , .. ki.. 1 ,t.BC.,r. '' The Crlm. of Dubow-ander wh6h vt-.--.-- , . - .t l-., - " " -., ,- - i t na atory, was enacted yeateroay. la m Certainly g'tor-TOa'nrw'--eTitltle4 1 '3CVS;rmtnwaaw--a.l ". Pta HrtktreatUM on the to aa apeedy a trial aa Is consistent wltlu ror K.taneev a heater for ort-of the big h'" mV , " prediction of unqualified success for it tht jrhola truth. pression. tmdst dreadful and appalling xcoses known to human tthe Frejich people bythe .Swiss guards. -,t They have We art to keep out of war by build Ing a great navy and letting our rivers and barbora fill' up so" that foreign war ships can't enter them. ' .- r learned thef lesson that theirrreasoriabledetnandfraTe; j garded by the czar as insultingjthey have had that pounded into them by steel bullets and they have seen their mangled,, dying and dead frienda, carted away like butchered cattle. And they have gone to'buuding bar ricades Just as they did in France over a tentury ago. It is possible that this insurrection may be throttled, to avail to pull him through? What bate JS;"U,?E Aii.;3 condltiona or-aurroundinga. The cur- back to their kennels, but I ingratitude le here displayed." r gVi "fted on the ex.t.erloxor a care r , .1 in r r im lam 11 tbl - . r a invroaucHtti Perhaps one. reason that fiction Is Hot aa popular with patrona of the public library Is that ao much of tha Octloo there la of Inferior, grades. , - And -are 'alt those vaM'aat and valua ble aervloea of Mr! Neldrlnghaua - not 'mills who' had averagedii.uGSTa 110 IkSh-1235 1. "12 1 fH ht the aituatlons was told he would have to accept a ton-1 .... , . e- day.; As thousands of men were out ,of 1 . di.tin.tion not een a rood! employment, thai men .wer. roreea to ao. ,ove-p(,(, rhmr, ha, Wn n0 effort, cept reductions. . t The independent aheet appar"nUy; td preeerve the-atmoaphere workers, the tm-plate workers, the fur- whlch , pVla enacted, beyond the ,V . ... T ' . .--.-. " gloomy scanlo - settings. - Aalde from alT skilled workera in M the.e,'and the eoetumea, the tragedy were forced to except lowering in ,, j,,Y th,B pUe Jn Vermont And . w"a" ' t "i . m. , '"'"latlll the plot la Interesting. . -. was dona by the Carnegla Steel company I . . f., at Vounntiiea lul fllrard. O s.t which . '"'-.'" w " ..:' v realized what was eeething in the breasts of the voice ie"M"ones.i"WTiir;n:tlje2a began to 'go up" in-the j' streets of Paris, when they were , stubbornly Jeleaded, when .gentlemen1 were mercilessly tju'dgeled -and -went -Stashing into the presence of foyilty itsell with torn and --'-besnatteredrclr.th1ntr?"snit'r" -thoughtful hegan tq, . reaKze'thatL the j eyoltLhad crystalrl iizea into a rev9iution. With anseeing eyes royalty saw hothjng and learned ncpthingr It rushed headlong to its is hopeless" and they wilt feel the strertgth that is in the and mortv fully1 than ever. appreciate the suffering they hav endured. They have, now set their hands to the plow' and whatever the temporary outward maoifestatfOll of the movement the .inevitable ultimate' Outcome will to thaT the government must yield broken by the ter rible fundamental forces which have just been" let. loose. -That the sentiment of civilization is, profoundly stirred in -behalf of Jhe miserable subjects of ..the ciar goes with out the saying. The world has moved amazingly in the past hundred years. There is at feast a profound realization that "a man's a man' for a"1 that." Russia stands as the last barrier to. the tremendous movement toward human liberty which- marked the bloody - culmination -of the French revolution.. A hearties. oligarchy cannot. always stand airainst that movfement any more ' than human strength, can stay the tide's of the oceanriThere is'dawn- uonairaa rroro the personal tax rolla v was explained at the tax office aa due ' to the custom of modern millionaires of .' establUhlng their legal residences at Newport Tuxedo, Long Island and else where, to eacape taxatloiv . - So extensive, has been the pruning of 'tj '' the personal list that only 130.000,000 : lncreass over 0st year la shown. Last year an increase of.f lo,ll.t:i ,waa re eordedk .What will b left of thla year's . list after the swearlng-off proceaa is through with la not expected to aggre- ' gate more than laat yeara total . ' Z' Andrew Carnegie, aa usual, heads the y on tbla aum last year without protest, -and ia expected to do ao again. Only ... two new names appear in the million-: . dollar list Daniel a. iRald. the. ateelLi. mnata.. nd Jladie-Crane-Whiter both r aaeeeeed for a mllian .each. Scores of .. name known to the public aa million--' aires are down for only moderate auma. " Henry H.NRogera, who la the command- , er-ln-cblef af the Standard Oil. forces in ' -all Its-market batUea, ta aaaeaaed at only I iL ; . . . . ' ' 3. Pierpont Morgan "gets of f with ItOO, 000.' He paid on that without a mu mur laat year, and the tax coramlaalnn- ; era hope for 'aa good . luck thla year, v ijiariear w.; Morse, or divorce -and Ice that the oeoole mav be driven the coriTmrt will leave a leeling oP implacable hostility, r ,iu Xui lL dered etrikea. The men had a contract Z:Z l,lm-'nSiumt ' aaewaatd at IMO.oeo, - th. Xmh:n.aM will realize that relief from tho Czaf L " .th J?" ln tte:JBf elated fkr-thaear-whlch ahould have 13U :mnF.!fILrli Mrsv. Caroline W. Aator. arand darnel " - i rraunrTiiMDiT: :ana .;inflraurn t ftnaiiarn i - - . . iviaajmH -un vitv til nia .aTJeYTramKe.. aiiuvsr .. . . . i ., : ltf-.t-it.i-.AiL it.a T- a.1 . I T : r " " T " ". ' " I mnAUTAA 1 II t) I II JUB XI 1 IOb. - Al ATHslPl . . . . ' I OK JNSW X Qrl IQCMET. nftniaTM Tf MslVsa he la euro to atrtka some big railroad ", ' "r "IT.. ,V,7- V. Tni arxerwaro. serves to -oemonstrste me i fci -..-z nt aVnA aaa i-. T. ' .rporatlons before he reaches bottom. I " .k.,. .".,, ': I r,kln reaemblanoe between him. and " ...,,; ZZZ . Vh 'HI L- - v - L-; ( . - .w'..L'. :. "v:. i w. , one- man piaya notn parts Because oreron la having nad luek ". -w.... w.uu-r.r. KMr Keane). - i, r . - - . . . v a reason for - Or1"',i:B a.greementa with them to w lth- Jn the second act Dubosa and (a . . , Wl.klnvtAn - 1 gonlana to make all the- more ... awtj4r,w zromtha market thu 're, federates atop the Lyona mail stage at stronger efforts tn their own oenaix.. M a--' "- - " tna inn or Leaurquea rather. The erim- . -!"- rr imai murders the courier ana wounda.tha : The -Balem Bta teaman . win not- easily fill - ex-Oovernor' Qeera place as' editor of that paper, a position which for soma months he has filled with conspicuous aonrcy. ; v . ', .- v laid off one efew oompellina; the' re- cid Inn-keeper, who falla, believing his main ngtww crewa" to work 1 hours a (own Bon haa phot kirn. Leaurquea i UJ. IIHIMII V VSll UVU1", . .UtUITI I. Wrought iron has to be puddled. Pud dlers aaed to make 18.60- a groaa tpn whea iron aold at t a ton. - The union clreumatanoea are atronals aaafnst htm. That la a. awift ciUsen of Chicago Who puddlera; under a. SlldUig scale, accepted u( 1. condemned ta death. Hla truest married woman who died three daya a- reduction to 4.t0 a tonL pn-unlo friend obtalne at a fabulonb figure the later, within two daya more married her I puddlera took a cut to 1 4. zi a. ton. and I record of a liveryman's stable, bearing sister, ana next any ran a wax .wim tu "j wm v . - im,. smnes wnicn wm preve iw zaurquea believed to be tha. murderer, - and be. cause of A' visit he has paid to his, father's Inn Just before the tragedy, the erased entirely, thia year. Bhe "awore off" laat year,, giving Newport aa her legal realdenc. i - - . . An entirely new . name la' that - of Hannah ' Ellaa, assesssd for " The presence of her name on the .list Illustrates the methods by which the as sessments ..are -made. ' The prominence given tier In connection with, the wort of John R. Piatt to recover a large amount of bonda he clalma to have given . her . brought her to the attention of the depv ties making the aasesamenta, .and aha- waa Included. .''-"'. ... .'s - . J:;-:, '- Four Havameyers ahd aeven Vender bilta . figure on the itsta. . The -eeven--Vanderbliu are aaaeaaed at. total of ; I - his new wife's money. He le evidently same Iron la aeUIng at 3 a fon.-an at i hired a horse on the night. of the-mer-l,J Tssoeot whila th. Havmnevars ...w.. , .n,ni.4n- . . k.I non-nnlon nlnnta DuddlarehivB beent.. .. V4. . k... w. I "b!0''ub' wniia ine naromeyara rather- too enterprising at large- r a cttlsen - to be 1 non-union plants, puddlace-ihavs been I der to ride to nls father'a lmu but had forced to accept a further reduction re- i returned Ser'Parle before the murder. Waa eently to 14 ton.which iron and steettcommUtodis-Tha accused imawraCAffl-l mM theywer tranforrned: Fwmdeed,-high-rrrt it mayeerrtnneloser p8enaforage fo places thia supreme urn jraii niriia jvm. m hvih 1 mi i rvUH u m ,i v uuuni auu i prooi in in uni"cetl oesx ano. wixain down for pnly S610.000.- Tba Havame enr-mctuae Caroline .VT.'. ; Theodore i William F. and Henry O. at hand than the ruling classes of Russia -suspect In shooting-dowrnhe suffering; people,- in tannlinff them witt i-.insulting-priwlamations-by, further-ni ieasdres ol hloodx.and..merctless-epre9aton, tney are simply 4iasien ing the advenrof that day and putting a briefer perioQ to that t galling bondage which- baa scandalizedjnd.out rated the sensibilHiea of -onr-lattertlay anvHiaation am left the 'Russian government without an unselfish friend on the face of the earth. H . The: prominent -names mlsatnc' . f rom the list of those formerly, assessed lr the 11.000.000 elaas form a ziotabl. Hat. They Include Jamea J. HOI," not aaeetaea.f. partyism! And Newspapers. HE "PARTY SPIRIT rrnmntin. .n .'.tti - - ' - f--.. -... . 1 11 , 1 II . f newsnaoer utteranrra lha hiikmA.. . ..." - - v 1 , " -vi parryianaaTren or . detense.-Iharf - for truth '1 ind ' reason, is ;oftun4tely ::Z not io controlrjng a l.tforce . in editoriat'nd wsrTOojiisf-ai ir jpsed - Newspapers are as. a rule far more independent f tjle partrlto which theyjiuyenerally-adhef e flian formerly;, they acknowledge that there are both good and outspoken in "condemning the leaders of the ain Z they support when theyeire manifestly wron. Thua for the past two or three years, leading Republicap"papersf -thereaf xentral-Hrhav, urged and insisted on tariff . reform,on the. reduction of duties, and have. constantly ; ' criricise'd the Republican party leaders for their standpat S ftiey 0a tht- MktzJuni. there-have been-a-elans of ...w , less independent arid less reliable and useful Republican "papers that, hare xealdusly jupported--.the standpatters and ridiculed tariff refdrni until the time when-4t be3 tame probable that the president would recommend and ' -r.tPerhapa insist upon it Then they began to see a light; lI; they were not quifesure but they had better change ' theic"grund a little; the president rnight prevail' might ?eyifntaany-earry his party with him, and if so these mere V j . Party voices wished to be in harmony with the prevail-: .ing party chorus. The question ith thetn was not what j : . r,8hf. or best for the people, or desirable for the - - . cointry at large, at all ; but only, what is the jjarty going Y " to'do? And how far will the president carry the party? 1 V Such newspapers dare say nothing in opposition to the . ' president; ' they will approve of everything he says of , uoti, cupqciauy 11 ne isiiiceiy to, pfevatl; . whereas. if Mf. would have opposed him and denounced him as an in. strument cjf his country's ruin. v ' ",":v "-4 ' The (loradoelection furnishes an occasion for the exhibition of thir narrowv unprincipled party spirit The that I an in favor. : of govtrnmant -ownership-of I food remain- stationary. r The-puddlera 1 Uiree ntfrmtea Duboaor nas entered a railroads, rnnleaa the roads are- sooner I when they-revolted against ths reduc-1 window, erased the entry, and made hw nrouvnc onaer rauMuoa-aoB-wnuoi, 1 lien lasi xear were ioiu imi it wu oniviescane. in aoma? ao ne encounters and 1 . n r - . t The Usual will, hot be kept .down, and I temporary, and aa Aoon aa the-prt( of Jataber-ioatallyJeanne,--th falilhf the outcomes will depend largely-upon t iron advanced wage would be restored, I maid-servant, , whoN ruin h t k-j (gudard OH bank!, not asseaaedVv" imm m. ms mn. aanns yttm pvuaiin were men oecome ine aoio,means or saving glven another reduction Whea-th Lesumuesjfrom the guillotine and, cton Amalgamated soalei expires next June fronted byher ttetlmony, Dubosq's cpn the organlxad workmem -writ have to ac- federatea confesa the Innocence of the eept a almllar out or strike j , : -condemned man. Jeanne further proVea !1 her caae by leading tha offlcera' to the O reoon wJiaciignts Durlns- thaulleatPVear. when 'Andrew! room of Duboao lust at tha minute hla v ia fc,tlCmr,,,l'. admiplatered affaire of the double ta to be executed. The criminal Tha Oreaon Irrigator la a year old anal ...,. .., . , I .., ,. , . la 1naty; It was born with, teeth, :. earned a profit of 111.000.000. Thla was This Is one of few version te which more, than 11 per cent! on its actual In-1 me story ends happily. ' Hlatortcally, , - ... m ..- -- . . ., . .. .- . t ,UJr.. uwuu,ww -w .. - ,.., -.. ma rlr., . . , .. , M..,r wM H A Kit W.. rm . T t . ,h. Inn nxu. wew- rork: lrioune. tor, examDie.- tnat aiwavs sun-iw. . , ..,. im, . mini :y""""'.'." -...-..-.-....- .. . - - -. . - - i ii oemoraiisea ana tne-r ateet com Denies 1 man a e Ordinate trtrtlTto the party pint; "denounces Governor I Oervaia. . V.-.i -t fighting for business. , The lowest prioea ernment A.dama as an usurper, and -insist that owing to great frauds, air perpetrated by the Democrats. Fcabody was undoubtedly Vfected,JiheiJlIuffalc--Tim hand, is equally cocksure that the simple and virtuous Democrats of Colorado' perpetrated no frauds whatever, and that. thaRepublicans: have no ground whatever to stand on, rin-theif -iaima-inl Peabbdy'a- behaK. Both these positions; taking all the; -reports into.consideratida, are manifestly absurd. Any intelligentTeader who dges not confine the source! of his information to one such newspaper knowa they are so, 1 Hence the influence of su execution thxttbe- French gov. dlacovered the murderer. - It " ' '- I sm. nuupai mwA th. tn.nna-.-i Aiilmii I thafi-fnaila what -MtltuMrin waa nna-IKl Ho.for ttwliakatr-they ra-aaytng , wae not nearly a reaVa-tt !- flnanelal way.- - V v -w Up- in Medford. . BiitJHf-aiMB-Mi tf .,!,, - iMhi. cent Mr. Keane played the two rales of summer, not now. ? ; 1r V i higher then than they are ndw. ' I Lesurques and Duboeq earneatly And t. .. a. T .. nit,... .i-.. inii.-a. r.--l wae. rraauantlv Hvipflml . with nnhinu Curry ... county haa ""HtUch mineral buvj- i i.ltn' hii awa -t tha winn vi-- wealth. and has scarcely beta scratched 1 1.,. tha i-r..i-.t -he arulllotlna. Mr. Keane aa Duboaa by prospectors yet ; :. , . . . cern lp the United . fltateav- It- is -f reel probably at hla beat. The criminal waa T.'-.-t ' . from alt entangiementa. and the United I tne -more interesting throughout. In four lished Jamea H. ( "Silent?)' Smith, not aaaeaaed though-rated .aa.NtwTork'a Jlcheat53 bachelor; John Jacob , Aator, down for 1100,000; Clarence Mackay, Who clalme a reaJdence) In Boslyn, Xc i.t JSdwin oottia. rr Mrs. Theresa Oairlchs, William Q. Rocke feller, Oeorge W. Vanderbllt v". . -: The Equitable Life building; at No. ljg .-.. Broadway, lead alf -other buildings in'" tha city In tht amount,of lta aweeeV? valuation $11,100,000, aa against 610, i 4I.00. laat year. . ... J ' ... .-,'- ; The Mutual Life building comae next at IS.100.0OO. wtth the Waldorf-Aatorla ' .third at ,1I6,000. Jump- of 16,0H lasrTar. :-r, ,;.r;.::;a-:v !"'-' -" Manhattan .....-.. .... 000. 00 Brooklyn w. .-17900,000 ... ..... The Bronx 11.000.000 . Queens Richmond ...tVii. i.C. ' . 600,000 he Amity Advance aays it knows of Butta Steel corporation la aald to have tact- It ramlada one of the atory they r Important Industries to be .eatab- -ff-,, f or the varloua used ' to tell about the old boardlng- ed soon-In that - town. ,;Tv . :- pinta,-Jones aV LaUghlln'B makea indl- woman Whw aaw Irving , ., , ... v . i yldual .contracts with lta workmen. Laat P", ,1". lona . . Mall.. -When a vr.rlrtn muntv naan wanta hla namal- . ... - , ..laakaA haw aha ttA ..imnii . - - t , ' .. . . . I . - - I j,,r wilfl win ibuuutc iv w uwf - . . - Cjl newspapers!, is relatively small, and as stated at thelebangea from yigg to uravea., cut wny I where tha proflU oontlnued in aplte of I tna perrormance, she , replied that Lewis ancl ontset-theirr;numbent4lJiappily"diminishing. In the Colorado affaif there were, evidently large-sized frauds orr bothidejcrln ti-good many Denver: precincts, and perhapsjelse where, great numbers of fraudulent votes were ast fori Adams. In many Other counties thous ands upon .thousands of fraudulent votes, according to what seems Jo be s reliable testimony as that' which supports Jhe other charge; were cast for Peabody. On fherwhole it seems probable to an impartial outsider .that Adams received a large majority of the legal votes cast. and this view is in some measure sustained, by the that he was seated by a Republican legislature, In all such eases, and even in the discuasinn questions as those of the 'tariff and the trusts, the peo ple, the general readers, are entitled to a fair, reasonable a," -1 . -r . .. .a. ana. essentially non-partisan presentation ot the truth, in the editorial as wel as .in the news coJUmni. The ex- I should a Plgg be ao aolemnT ' . In winter ; Quarters nerth- Dakota.- 'mm near 'i Mandan, I -' I a deeltntnr market The, werkmen: were d'nt think - So much eif -Irving pJajiaair taThooold -weather re- aHvatti Tuaalt I vak n rn 1st ths. ft war It-K am. ftnaa Jl (Lesurques). but that the villain of the ivanosa. JLTiaiaa "" '"Itar market and ImornVad nrlcaa waa-aa 1 wmpmny imiiwwqi was apianaio. sending wagonloeds of salmon to Oak-1 woul(1 y restored. With the beginning,. T5J omhr trend of the-pUy Is ro und for shipment to Portland. : , )of 1ol atM, prices had advanced 6 aHeved by the comedy ot William Dilla, 1 .V ' " '' ton alnca tha aummar of 1004. Tha I William Bernard, George . Bloomqueat , DolpA, Tillamook -county,, boaata of workmen sav thev ware entitled to - and Loulae Brandtall In male rolea. the only ringtalled raccoons and coyotes .Ka-of the aood times, even wimont The three flrst Are Dubosq'a eonfed- lumed, the mercury having sunk two de- kreea below aero, and tha anow fell four inches deep. . . ' ,' r-- , west of the Cascade mbuntalna. itcs ca.3i, the fact ' ' '. of such a t mm laat : . eratea, ana; Miaa .uranat u the inn-, ' l .... ' . .. 1 w . . ...... r I i. i. In antta tor tbla a further reduntlnn ri " . v. wa- J per cent waa announced Januarr J. tn:.Droa1 llo.n" l0 turn a court. In- . At Jones aV Laughlln a men who need vesugationor ouchl erlous crlmee as to earn 14 cents at ton working eight 2 ..u" ,hw?y ? b,rr l10 '.f houra a day. now have to work M hour. Vw.heV-iA fhT'Jr CJ."V5r . . . no doubt 1 In those daya I doubt very Among Woodburn'a lmprovementa In JTk price o' veir product msJe by thla JJJ"0"-1' the character Impersonated by. concern, they aayr haa advanced from 6 -, -""-L.m,- Zr'ZLJZZrSl Drain la another Oregon town that dm proved more m 1104 than in any prevloua year, and expects to Improve -still more this year., y- ''"' h-1' ' tha near future will' be a steam laundry, a soda manufacturing plant and poesl-- ; and' th. company's books f"'umMkrt. M'Jud " ocUn,r woe- a A I . . . w I ffaS)sTfiVls ' V lhA. Isviak aa wra as Ami mA n are filled with orders. The beatera at . young manwss ent t Jail for tnan three-fourtha of what they received days In The Dallae tor using obscene on rMr ago. aI majority of the men lnt inlt ' .i "a j y vmt?at ad been reiiglUfmtJ- thick-and-thin.- Tight-or-wrong, j black-or-white language on the street. Good example were formerly members of thermal v" - "c vy tnc aigc things they j party yrgan is becoming out of datty-' v i-.-' OMa) fK '-TMM ' XMtZDM.. '''''Toti,'6t.. Jan. 23. Editor, of The ? Journal: Dear Blr A a woman, I de ? yl air to thank'jrou for your timely pro '. , 'teat . agalnxt the streetcar- platform I i smoking nulan-. .Not anlv do wa have '' to . crowd rhroiivh. S a.i.. - - .n "t ,T!f.t,t,!! "' rr"p the Hilnnmah with I tiiches designate "ttiuri ... i.u ,mv iu inf geji- : tlemea of' Color and the, professional , rtpreaenutive .of . clvirisatlon. but our , eyea and noses' are filled, to the spilling- i - uTni- ma.ra. vrom vis-are, cigarettes and ' 1 plpea of every fashion- end form,, frnm TTTV I USUI meVIRIiain to the Irlah Iradeen an, ilie old . Missouri eomnnh , Thewe fellows stare in your face and .emit volumes of- flrt-chsa atrangula-, vtloo from mouth, and noae and I had almost said e recant 11 you reach your eret. In the . car In a state . of uit. SICfc, Otl jblnTd. dlltv. wlmnat ready to take Job'a wlfe'a advice, aay l aontethlns naughty and die: then ta eep the climax tarn en yon the focue ofthelr mocking eyea and fill the 'Inside of the rar with tobacco smoke, by puffing it Ihroiiah the open door. I protest against the right of any company to -license a amnlle' autaaneev and there to ne reason . why the rteaner part, of the traveling public' should ' have to enter the care through e voeante eruption- of tobacco moke,, pay' their farer-and then pssa through all the aawnlee f a flret-cleae toreee elckneea from being . foreed Utterly, forced to ewallow, breathe and rhew the rendenaed .vapor, nicotine" end anjber f am lent plpea, vlllaiaoua cigars f and .doped Cigarettes. Not only ta this true, but our ganneota very often art. mined by -"atrenuoua-1 - ejectldna of saliva, the essence of the weed,-whose villainous odor leaves qualmish raini ness' somewhere in, the region known to women at stomach', put what these oa- Some few yeara age I put' up a fight against this hulsknee, but the Oregonlan Infortned me that "women'' liked the "dramatic" flavor of cigars, and that It wae'i "notion" to object lust for a little just how murh of a woman- the editor was, ) I did not dispute him, but I knew, he -wasn't my kind. Stir, them up and we'll -r hold your hat. A WOMviSr, . - Ajnong the Konaveme. - - , Fxjm the Chicago-lewa Beggar (In, Halt La lea Clty)Please I wm (In. Halt Liie CI "n igrun;iy jiveii, wnat IM UT BegaarW Would ypu mind giving a few pennies to a oor-mars with three alck wtvea and 4nd I ran remember-how many starving children . - , j v ' ' : akuno OultTbeewsma,"' ",' a ' 1rrotn the Chicago Newa " i"r?wnwh"t did yodr wife aay last night when you began to explain Why yon didn't get hrtnie earlier? . ' nreen he eeld my originality, com pare favorably with the Jokes la aa A snanao. . ... . Tata Bzacrui ura azpavgrra. . ' (From. Town and Country.-) - -' And, really, the-JImPle Ufa la fright fully expensive,. recent -entertainment in thla city a great luxury 1n the serving or ine second supper Waa -1 introduction or country buckwheat cnkiaJn-lth-ma; the sausage came from the host and represented a small fortune, as ine piga i rom which the piece oe resist ancewaa made were bloodeVl animals With pedigree. rn bnrkwheat was In BueriiU neidj which cost ever so -much a loot,, and. the maple- oyrup waa-taken from trees In the .most, ex pansive Adirondack preeerve.- And thus can thousands xf dollars be spent oh the Simple lift. While truffles. Data tarra. pin and auch other rarebltr ef a former generation are. left for the tableo-of. the impale classes with moderate meapa. begone , ht the! time he waa accused of erlrqe before a tribunal; Mlas Countlas does her little ss Jeanne very well. Other roles are . played well by Mr. Bowles, Mr, 'Barrell and Mil Seaton. The play la handsomely 'staeed and the- stage-robbery is very realistically accomplished.. ... . f . -- e Woodbum Independent urgen .taWpinW, ar aetking reinstate- WirW f or . wL?eVt. v ArV.rhIr!i?imi fair' thle yes', aaylng. that the Lewlilment A, , . ... , " , , -7' I P . r.' week a stay. , After heralding I for other oltlta gamated association. There la talk of reorganising. The Illinois - Steel com- Tho Hubbard, eorreapondent oT the pmay mpioyeo, -who broke away, from f Voodburn Independent urgee a big state Amai.amata ara ...kin. .i.,.,.. It and Clark fair win be only a sideshow. -A Tillamook - The' effect, already fell! in . Pittabura from the reduof lone is as nothing torn- county i young "eouple p4rlj M thatT whlchT will, reault - next ran away to Tillamook, wanted to marry, parents Ohiectea; tney ., whm the new ware acalea come no I, -rode all. night for. adontlonv "The workmen ara haatn. loud and long the pride of newspaper I alley -came down upon the popular play nouse yeateraay and ruled it to over Its . aeatlng capacity for, both perform ances. - - , - . -. : . , -;.;,.: The' play la written along the well- -' - OXVD "' ' v. r Prom the Bend Bulletin."' ' 7 ' V " The well-marked old river channel:" ' reaching acroaa .Central Oregon half way ' between Bend and Prinevllle will again .' . carry a volume ef sparkling water next summer. For the first flme .since men haa known thla country ithe "old river bed" will be a varlUble river, big enough to float oteamboata. ;,' j.-.v , ' - The central Oregon canal of the Des- '. , ehutes Irrigation dk Power company wHl i be completed to th old river led, a dla- . tance of nearly 10 tnllea front. the head-"' worka ' (measuring . the course of . the - - -. canal) by May. .Then, lristesd of curry- -. Ing 1t across the arid lands beyond, .tha 0' water will be turned looae down the old - ; channel and the construction crewa wltl S' bendthtlr energise to provide laterals th " time for the aeaaon'a orops. .And the -i . water wilt rush an down to' Crooked : r rlver., refreshing the thlraty 'deaertfoTil'.' the first time in hlatory. .Trent .will take the place4 of wand llisards.- ' -J .- Completion' of that aectlon of the cei- ' ; -tral Oregon canal and of the Pilot Butte -. i VI saueaga and on horseback to Tamhlll, and are happy n!n to blM" the Republican admlnla- w HI P!.T ' 7rmn. ,l0"; the well-1 tral Oregon canal and of the Pilot Butte Pi. syrup. Bat ...cnlnca - , ,'.,",, rraTLnvhSJKi prUSSi 5rTmT l.mnT't ..Tl H." thrn " t0 'V, wT,"1 . farm Of th. ;-::.-? .... Andrew Carn.Xnd Ch.rle....M' tfiT ..jMonn-Bena naa a, new paper, in. xiar- Bnhwab; la being scoffed at by the men : the adventnress bor. -which makea a good appearance. who h,ve - had their wagea reduced ?l.:?Th"rWr?i It advocatea the name Cooa Bay Jon the when- the price f steel product, I. ad- hJH i cjunlng-JOjgQiidattiUprlnflPsI rlty3 nn ..m.-n.,. - i-i . . , emPT bv Tom o w7i Cooa Bay.' But why thla repetition of i , JI WaVn -f- th..n.m.r-iiow wouidtroo dor-" m(, wi satotru garowTT lln2: "Jh. "JvS aTBabs tarasTzoATio. " '.From the Port Orf'ord Trlbunei' ...The legislature Should carefully In vestigate the paymekta that have been mad to Indian war veterane, oot ehr the appropriation . heretofore made by th state ror eucn purpose.' It la believed by-aome of the old Vetera na. down here, that , not only- aaa eareleas werk been done, but that actual fraud haa bean perpetrated, by those In charge of the tunna ant in justice to all part lea an In. veattgatton 1 Is needed to remove ' ana. plrlorv fr6m the Innocent and expoee" tht suuiy u mere Dt any.- North -Bend haa a new paper, the Har- Rnhw.h, la beln doffed at hv thVmr w'7 -P!1" A"?. J"" ?T. bor, -which makea a good appearano who h.v. , had their wageaL reduced w?i-5-i a i c jr una ii vsa u gats - aic llini 1 tolled in seek at' Nell, the brave aallor news girl, the handt- eat woman that, ever used a stage re volver, . .-... The current attraction la noteworthy for. Ha splendid acenlo equipment One scene, showing the river front of Eaat river, on Peck's slip, would be a credit to any stage. The settings ara alt care fully painted and are war t The title role, la played by clever Wando Ludlow, whom the management la featuring. , She ta the ideal aoubrette heroine, fair of fare , and figure, and possesses a knowledge of acting which never allows her to- over-play the part. The company Is evenly balanced and quite op to requirements. of the piece. Lem B. Parker, la In the organisation, playing the heavy. . ; A number of good specialties are In troduced by Bay D. Clifton, whA makee a laughable Dutch vendor ef lobsters, and an eccentric juggler whose name la not on the program, hot who kept tha Fort orrord Trmune: iror. jonnatoni ere .n.. ... ..w.a -...k.-. " JT2&?? ttthori Prtl.r knowledge cY whow tendent s . office, the poatofflce, the port work, 0M regarded as essential to the Ortord ehoo . and running after hla uivmtn 0f a auceeseful modern man. year and a half old boy, besldea building whmt authore would you nameT A barn during the slim Interims. . Thl- au-,thn. recentlv out .ta flva '' . . 1 , in a..,il i, 1 1., m.a Im X.'. . k In till a aharp thorn waa broken off I at muiAm nmiiimi tha niinina !nf In Drain, nd durlnc th U yrL i. Mnmsr puia rknia nAaihA VaI Akav Uataea. al.K..A gay Va- aU-bl JAaa. I . . . . " . "1 I lair' Carlyla, Ma J IT . . . ' "u thew Arnold, and. aCmeraoa. much that he will have It located by an f. JameaBryoe. "Americ Butte aegregatlon of 11,000 acme. That ' . to the big Job which the energies of the company have been and are now exerted ' to axuuiimiisnjTTtutt .will gIVa room for .' large-agrloulturae- development and more leisurely pace may be taken for the remainder of the big Irrigation proj- ' act. - Reclamation of the first aegrega-. tion lh time, foe nexttSeaaoh'a'cropa M -tht mark now aimed-at and progress -has been made .so far that there Is ne t ' doubt that the mark will be reached, . a- I X-ray and extracted. ryoe.' "American Common. wealth"! Dlckena, , Kipling, Mark Twain, ftohart TMila filaV.n.,n WnfM,-. The editor of the Mitchell Kewt la In eon. "Popular History":" Jules Verne. Howells, H. O. WSlls, "Anticipation. " and Rldpath s "History of the World." t. Plato, Shskespeare, Cervsnte Mdllere. Gibbon. Goethe, Emerson, Mot Uy. Thackeray. Tolstoi. . Shakespeare, Boewelrg -Johneon. Plutarch's Uvea, Esqaemling'a "History a dangerous mood, judging from the fol lowing statements:' "Two-legged mid night prowlers have been making their presence known ' this week hre. From sll appears pees a number 1 shot gun now stands In tha corner ready ta wel come these princes of tht dark.' . . SuiipUfylng the Froblema. ; ' From the Llncoin ft'tar- . Lieutenant Peary'a next -"dash for tha pole" is to be simplified by-wlreleas telearaphyr When they get, rtiral free delivery and local option up there the problem of "the daah" will be much The author simplified. - , r r,- . r .v . .- - a 1 iin'.yt'. . Boott for SanaSetv .-r'-.- A ., From tht Wnodburn Independent ) . Mr. H. W. Scott doea not propose to be sent away on diplomatic service. If ht "keepe his shirt on'V and does not at tempt to shield rotten ne. a ne hduse highly amused for quarter Of lOreann. ht will succeed Senator John7 It. . a hour. starie WMimrr. IwitrhaiL .uaa.i. . e-T aa hour. . 1 1): I-.