The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 23, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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"the '"oisGoix
.--V-..ui.;:.';;' .-..h-:v;v
Senate Adopts Resolution Provijinz for Committee io look' Into
;u Alleged Corruption Fund Raised by Liquor Interests for New
legislation in
7 Prank fc. Perkins.)
J. Ferslatei
i 1st Ion of the. rumor that the liquor" "inter-
cita have raised 4 corruption fund to be
'expended in securing the passsge of the
-'4 JaynS bouse bill, thus virtually repealing
' ths local option law, has resulted In an
"' action by tha senate -this afternoon tend
Ins to safeguard tha legislature against
' unjust comment.. .-. J- , -,
Tha following resolution m Intro-
r dueed by Halnea and raf erred ; to . tha
proper committee: . . - -'
Whereas, It M a mat tar or common re
port,- widely ctroulatad prior . to tha
Iwenty-third regtslatlve, eeasion, tnat
.money would ba used 1y tha. liquor In-
taraata of tha atata to sepiire revision or
, . ' repeal of tha local option UW. provided
, , auoh ooUld not ba accomplished by legal
means: and. .-I . !
"Wharaaa.' tha circulation of thla ru-
tnorl baa continued sine tha laglalature
: ' convened, finally assuming tha definite
, form. that a bribery or corruption fund
- '7 has bean raised; snd. -' ,
. Whoreas. Whether or not there be any
a.. truth In these re porta, their, circulation
v tenda to cast a taint on, the dellbe rations
.ot thla legislative assembly and may un
. , ' Justly place under suspicion members
. honestly favoring tha house blll -Intro-
dueed by- Representative ' Jeyne, which
t has for Its object thamodlflcatloa f jibe
local option laws theref ore be It,
, Resolved. That tha president df the
' senate is hereby authorised to appoint a.
committee, of two members te sot Vn con
junction with a committee ot three Ho,
- -r- be appointed by tha apeaker of tha house
' of representatlvea to endeavor to deter
mine whet her , or not . eueh reports are
" t well . rounded-uur action by both
' senate and house to depend on tha nature
1 .' of the report made by thla Joint commit
te " -t.--...v-...-.
A dead aPenea followed tha Jtrodne
t tlon of the reaolutlon. , Senator Pierce
., t rose la second tha motion but but action
was rendered unneeeaaary by' tha chair
' . ordering It' referred to a committee.
Propheticr-icture Painted f
-1, Russia' a Ysar Ago rTne I
'to" List Une. : -
For'the White .Ciar, Ihe Day of
. fS;"P"jf;.? r-rnrr--"'-'---:-;:"V'. .w I
tiaeuaatnif tha latest 'news front the
. war In the orient today. William H. Qal
lanl recalled an interesting- prediction
made soma montha ago. ... '
"In an article I
contributed .
o The
rJournaL,brlnted on'? January J.'i
. - month before Japan opened her first fire
r on the Runalan fleet at Port Arthur.''-be
.. . says, ''I stated that, should Russia enter
. -Into tha prospective1 atrugf le for the poa-
aesalon of Msnchnrla and Korea, aha
would soon find ."bet porta ! blockaded.
t her fleets destroyed, her fortresses re-
J dueed," her treasury empty,, invasion of
' : Russia from without, and revolution and
" chaoa from within. - ' '
"Nothing hasver "been so completely
' , fulfilled as this summary of what was
"' '. coming. : And whyf - 8 Imply because
any other oftcoma, to any one familiar
' wun actual uaaia. wouia nave seen an
- imposlbtllty.' - .-. ' . ..
T- " In this great-migedy,' howover, the
' gunersl revolt,' tiowtakinar ptaca- In- that
unhappy land, is tha moat serious of all
tha.' misfortunes that have ever I over-
taken Russia. , It began with the De-
xcembrist revolt in 1125. when.' Nicholas
4 1 irii mM ini ravirnimni or mil
emplra. -From that time tha shouldering
spirit .of 'rebellion ,haa never left i the
ions: uf ferine- peoplVof Russia.- But it
required '.the present; deeaatreua wkur to
-bring about the conflagration, with the
beginning of the terrible defeata 'tha
bureaucracy began to realise the possi
bility of what waa about to come. Hence
their sham play with) the semstvos and
hlnta of abolishing of the odious pass
port system-; but these and many other
Sweeping Rcduc
tions in Every
profits have, been lost to sight
Men Nobby $18.50 and $1S
-Oyemuati reduced u.$9.75
THenV $1 Monarch and Eclipe
Stiff Bosom Colored Shirts
reduced to ..'..v. ...... f.65
. vNew Patterns All Sizes. ,
Men's Finest $1 and $1.25 Wool
X Underwear; all . jhades and
sizes ....7... ...... 7. 85
.- a. -f. ..v : . ; - r- ,. I,
; See Display in. Windows, t
Saml'-',; T.7::'
Rosenblatt CS Co.
Cor.,. Third and Morrison Sts.
. Clearing
' Sale-p
- '; . ....
Their Behalf- ; r.
Tha geaaral sentiment Of the senile
favors nrmvegtlgatlon. rrii Jaid that
If a corruption fund hat been raised, or
even If tha agenta of the liquor Inter'
eata made such statements, the Inveatl-
gatlon nay result In a great and lasting
good. If there la- no truth In tha re
ports no' harm can follow, and the legis
lature will show tha people by Its ac
tton that co Interference by liquor or
other Interests will be tolerated. "
Several , senators . are eut-spokea In
declaring that a vlgoroua Investigation
ooum m mfW4. t- , -r . .......
-"Thla la tny last session." said Fierce,
"and I do not- want any taint to the
session. No member can afford, to have
suspicion cast oi him. I know these
reports have been circulated for some
time, and think it - la time for action.
Tha legislature owes- It to Itself to let
tha publio know fhat all Ita actions are
honest and that all. of lta members are
above bribery. I shall Javor tha c ass-
axe, of . the resolution and hope other
may -do Ukewlse.'' ,.u
- "I heard theae rumors before the leg
islature convenea.- asserted Coshowv
"l; think there may. ba some, (truth in
tbm and I ani. in fkvor of anl inveatl
gatlon. It may be- productive; of aur-
prlslnc .results.".: . i.T....,4' ' J 1
J'Ion -ef ora tha ':i legtalataus ; con
vened I heard such stories." aaid
Wright - I think the time ripe for ac
tion. 1 do not know that anything- can
oe leameo, -sw me oooy owes 11 u it'
self to-toy. and , ascerUlnr. the- truth."
"That a big corruption fund baa, been
rawed la. a -matter of common report,'
declared Uowe ."I favor the appoint
ment of a commlttaa of investigation. "
'-It la Maerted by several members of
that aenate that such a resolution If it
passes 3the senate will be killed In tee
house. Othersj do not believe the house
could .afford to take such, action.
, The prospective investigation - baa
caused much : stir at - the' 'atata house.
Nona of the . members of the "third
house' ar discussing 4ny other subject.
l 4Jaaraalr.SseUI Sarrtoe.l JL e
-i.Bt TPateraburg; Jan.- 13. It la-
e reported thaxsacjeft Xsarkoaselo e
zor uatscnina or f eterhorf. . An
-easier feeling prevails tbla eve-
nlnsV Camp fires are burning in
the palace square, which resem- e
.bled -a vast bivouac. Enormoua ,
crowds - are' parading the aide- ' 4.
walka and equadaef cavalry, are -a
e7movmg up ana down the rtevsky
4 Proapekt. - '-t-" "...-'." .
:-"M. PobedonotsefR procurer gen-
ral of thejtly synod, la aerious- -' -w
e; ly Hi. ' i -'. .
plausible ' deueptmirs-g-ctylTn
knew-would aroount-M ji6thlng.'"wnh
a system of . Uxatlon. which ea;ejt In
limes or peace had become unbearable,
with. . additional schemes of - extortion
which werewthe power of the peopl to
meet, with the increase of poverty and
misery among the musses, -wlthywldo ws
and. orphans lof hundreeof -thousand
of Boldlars-erVlns for bread thla rerovl
It is but, the besinnlna of the end. aiM
from now, en rivers of human' blood will
flow through a -land made desolate by
an Imperial despotlam such aa the world
as never seen. . These disorders, which
are springing up throughout Russia. Will
now spread, and with the troops busy in
the far east. Vw organised brlganda con-stltutin-4e
government of Jtussla, Will
finally be called to account. , As they
hav. sown. o shall tha'y reap this la
tae-uaiTsrsat . la w trom- wblcbr thera is
no escape. .. . , ,'. -J
Nor. will the great war lord of! Oar-
many. William IL be able to da mnnh
for his friend across In Russia: for tt h.
doss ..not look out he mlght-Jlnd some
irouoia at noma, as political revolutions,
when once In working -order, have been
known to extend across tha imaginary
vuunury tines 01 naxions as easily aa if
wese unea naa no existence. . .
One"eahnov contemplate this terrible
eruption without the weepest sorrow and
pain.. But such -has ever been the course
of .human affairs, since the DeoDla could
never reason. ICoUt why kings. princes
ana potentates strauid be exempt from
responsibility for crimes committed by
them upon untold millions of their sub
jects. Had Nicholas II profited by what
be had seen while, on his tour-around
the world he could have. 'with hia
oesalon to the throne. of Russia, Insti
tuted a gradual change that might havo
not only -relieved him of the present
reign of terror, at home, but would have
Inspired the people of Russia in an ef
fort to meet the 'present war with a
foreign power. As It la tha dav of
judgment is at band;- tha outraged,
plundered and persecuted people of Rus
sia will dispense it In the same manner
as it had been done time and again
the blood of martyrs has never been in
-Contractors Nelson Jfc whits are -placing
men along tha route of the Celllo
portage road and w,ork Is being Inau
gurated on the llne Tha earth work
has been, sub-let to Contractor Allen,
the .rock work to Contractor Johnson
and the wood work, culverts and cattle
guards to -J B. tTlllotson of Portia nd.
Messrs. -Allen aid Johnson have -been
engaged in construction work on the
Dufur road.
X- McMillan, stats enslneer for
the portag read, who is in Portland
today,, said: - ; - 7 -:-; -. 1 .
Xiradlw has ssent oemmeticed at' Blf
ferent places along the line. Plle-drlv-tng
at Celllo wUl begin thla week."
' A favorable ' report to the tTnlted
States senate waa made today-on the
nomination of T. Cader Powell of
Portland, to be marshal for Alaska.-Mr.
Powell Is In readiness to depart as soon
he receives . Instructions from tha
department. - .
. -I look Tor orders some time this
month." he . said. . "ThsTtrtp althta
time means a Journey of about 1.70
miles With dog team over the ice and
snow. I shall go- In. by way of Valdes
and Seward." '
oocxasu STZZA uasi.
(Joaraal Spx-lsl aer.lce.) I
Jefferson City.. Mo.. Jsn. if. The
fifth Joint ballot for United States sen
ator today resulted: Cnckrell,. SO; Kled4
rlnghaua,.7t; Kerens, t; Petttjobn l.
B: ' D: 8igler of ; Portland Has
I Been Chosen as the Tem
; : " porary Chairman ;
Many Important Subjects ' Will
Be Discussed by the Men ' ;
Who Levy Taxes. ,
- Assessors f Oregon are In .convention
this afternoon In the county court-room.
Where they were" called to -order by J.
H. Morton of Union county, at whose
Instance they assembled.- This after
noon . temporary organisation .. was ef
fected, and the various assessors "who
are attending devoted the time to be
coming acquainted with each - .other.
Numerous subjects were dlscuased in
formally, and Ideas were exchanged re
garding recommendation to tha legislature-
of amendments to statutes,. regulating-the
assessment of property and levy
ing of .taxea Jn - Oregon. Tpmorrow.
papers' are to be' read by several as
sessors and discussion will follow. .
It appears to be certain . that ' tha
question of assessing at approximately
the actual oash value. Instead of the pre
vailing low valuations, will ba debated
at length! and that the question of uni
form assessment by tha different Boun
ties will also be raised. ' v
In the forenoon a number of assessors
called at tha office of B. D. Slgler. as
sessor of Utlajoounty. and want over the
ground, tat be covered during the eon.
ventlon, which will oontlhue for several
days. r i . -; '. . , .
. B. D. Slgler of Portland was chosen
aa temporary chairman and J. F. Nelson
of Clackamas county as secretary. An
adjournment - was- taken -- a - S:li this
nftarnrxiin to 1 o'clock tomorrow fore
noon... v.- -' . ' '.y'". ...
-The-most important discussions will
arise over the assessment of railway
property and the discovery and assess
ment of intangible property,-: C"F.
Straln'a paper on this subject Is to be
I read by O. "W. Staley of Douglas county,
and will awaken much interest.' '.
The program wUl be: "High Valua-
Jtton and High Levy, T. S. Cornelius of
Clntaop county; "Poll .Taxation and Ex
emptions., D. B. SIcSTtght of Linn coun
ty; "Organisation Of an Assessor's Of
fice," B. D. BIgler of Portland; Extension--
of the Tax Roll,'' Peter Applegat
of Jackson- county; "TJnirorm Asee
mente Throughout the State,"- George H.
Wilcox; or Washington county. -X:.Dlscovery
and ; Assessment of In
tangible Property." C P. Strain . of
Umatilla county. The paper to, be read
for. him by -Oi ;' 3V. Staler or Douglas
county, - - .- . ' ,-' -: . '
"Mining Property-A(iessmnt,- W, H.
Tallin,: Josephine county. - VV ,rr - -'
'Railway Paases.' A.; T. Jaws; Co
lumbia county. r '
."FlaJt galarlas; CF'W, Staley( Douglas
county.. x j -
... There ars present todayi'W. g. Con-
non Morrow, county; F. Rice. Marion
8. I fay ne,' Malheur; Jerry Fleetwood,
Baker i -A,- T-.- L wi Colembi I -Oeorge
w: Btaiey, Douglas; james v w. wson,
Clackamas; . II. Morton, Union; A. S.
Stogsdale.' WwcorC S.- Graves. Polk:
D. B. - MCKhlghtT Wnn r Otto '.Teeti,.
Sherman, and A. J. BUeiton.. .ailfiam.
Bailiff Humphrey 'of the Federal
Court Celebrates Annl-;.
C , versary of His Birth. 4
Qeorr Humphrey-, bailiff of i the
United States court. Is celebrating) the
seventy-second anniversary of his birth
looav. . uncie ueerge. as he la famil
iarly, known, has had a moat Interesting
career, ahd his tO years' residence In this
state is replet with adventure.
He waa born at Steubenvllle, O.. Janu
ary 23,,18SS. and while yet a child hia
parentsi moved to Iowa. May .' HtS. he
started overland for Oregon in-command
of a train consisting of 6C-wagona, 72
men and a corresponding number of
women and children. , On account of the
troublesome. characterof the Indians on
ther plains at "that time every wagon
train reaching a certain sons of danger
was placed under a seml-mllltary organi
sation, and June SO; 1885, Mr. Humphrey
was appointed - a-captain of the com
pany by authority Of the commander of
the headquarters of the post Junction.
The strain arrived at The. Dalles October
5, 1S6, : without ..serious mishap, and
since then Mr. Humphrey has taken an
active Interest In the political affairs
of this state.? ' -" -1
He .was Irt the sheriff e office at Al
bany, Linn county, as sheriff and dep
uty, for It years, and hat been connected
with the United States marshal's office
during the past It years. w ;
It is believed there is no man In Ore
gon more ramuiar witn tne conditions
of the state than Mr, Humphrey. The
positions he has. held have given hint In
timate acquaintance with people from
all "sections and in addition he possesses
a remarkable memory for persons and
events. - . - ; r-
i . nrpiAjr kajtcmi sTunau.
("peetef iMilpatni the Joerssl.) i
' Pendleton, Or.; Jan. 21. DsjtieV Wolf)
IS years old, an Indian on the Umatilla
reservation, hanged .himself in a cell at
the agency school Sunday. He' was
drunk when placed In confinement the
night . before. He made a voose of a
lrys silk handKercblf, tied HHpe end tft
ths grating . above the cell door .and
slowly, strangled to death.' r
- 1 11 1 ! 1 " , " 11 ' '-.'
. , erf. OOldS. '-vv-vj. .-
Lsxstlve BronM , Quinine, the' world-wide "Vole
sd grip remedy, remoroi the raoee. Cell for
jSfro'wMte ,fytlt.tlM:
Tlsn't safe to be a day without" Dr.
Thomsa'. Eclectrlo Oil" In the house.
Never can Mil what moment a accident
is going to happen. , ., .
ik- wt. wATwaaxm saanov.i l.
(The mission at St. ' Patrick's church
opened yesterday with a successful
meeting. Thla evening at T:I0 o'clock
Rev. P. J. Mulceroney will apeasr on
8ln -land Its Consequences." All are
InvUed. '-" -, :
JFn Zafkats aad Caildrsa. r" .
Bears the
dyiatorg of
? our entire lmes this
at these
All : 50c Underwear
All1 Unde
All $1151
;A11 jlO Undcnv
;A11 il,75Unde
All 125:
AU $230 Und
MnTP ' have about 100
1J 1 L Undershirts of heavy
-.fancy striped cotton,' with.
French necks, to rbe '.ujj
: closed eut -at nJJC
,. .' . v r
Regular 75e values. "- -. .'-
. -'":-.' . rr- ; '
-.-...r ;'-' ''- t-v J. ... . .
AucfionrZiP.-' pjifus Vacate rbroary1.
tease" Disposed;
'lZ Sixtii'StreetcEfrtireStocicr CoM
: ' :lng oKNayajo' Blankets, Mexican Drawn ' V'
1 -t rWork. Benardes BrassBohemian "Art '".'r
Class; Carved..
kets, Without
'V ..- - . . . . - -i -rBl . fill
is v .- -
em Meeting r unaer w.
...;a .o st a
Struble's Supeivisidjrtn, Merrw
- orTallzeV ligislaturel
(Sseeiai Dtspateits tae Jearasl.) , ;
Salem. Or- Jan. 21. -At a mass in set
Ing yesterday ster4oo-n-hJlrstJ4a
is. enurca ins closing rwuirm twMH
cigarette' campaign waa held under the
joint auspices of the T.-M.. a A. aad
the Ministerial union. There was not
standing; room In ths vestibule eo great
was the crowd. Ths boys band of the
atata reform-school and the choir of the
church furnished music F. A. Wiggins,
president of the local T. M. C A, pre
sided, and the speakers were Superin
tendent of City Schools Traver, BeV. W.
H. Sellebk, paator M. JB. Church, and Dr.
Wallace' R. St ruble, general superintend
ent of the International Anti-Cigarette
league, under- whose personal direction
the campaign has been conducted in 8a
lemi,. . -.- ' '
.For the - oast week Dr.- Struble has
been lecturing In the city schools and
organising the boys and - girls into
leagues. - The results of thla work show
a total enlistment of membership of up
ward of 1,00. : .
A' resolution .was adopted . petitioning
the legislature to penalise .by fine and
imDrlaonment the sale of cigarettes or
cigarette materials to any one wnder tl
years of age. the sale of tocabco to any
one under 1; also to.' make the habitual
use of cigarettes by persons under It
years punishable aa Is Incorrigibility.: r
Ths names of more man ios fortiana
business men. including the governor
and th mayor, will be attached to the
petition .for ..this law. 1
(BpeeUL Ussstel te The Jtmral.
Lapwat, Idaho, Jan. tl. Frank Wal-
drlp and Frank Mix. prominent members
of the Order of Red men of Liewlaton,
ft thlt Wees; In conference wit
the leaders of the Nes Peroe tribe rela
tive to taking a band of the warriors
to Portland to take part In the Redmen's
festivities during the Lewis and Clark
eapoeltlon. . Among the Indians In the
conference were Chief Moses and sev
eral sub-chiefs. The Indians are anx
ious to make the trip, and no doubt the
desired band secured.'
It is the purpose ef the lodge df Red-
men to have the warriors present at the
unveiling -of the statue of Sacaja'wea,
the Indian girl who guided the lwls
and Clark party across the Bitter Root
mountains. ' It Is proposed to have1 as
many of the Indians as possible present
o give one of the reallatlo war-dances
for which the Nes Perces are famoua
The Indlsns will also be urged to take
a large-assortment of their tribal corloa,
and place the-same onr sale, as ths east
em visitors .will be sb deeply Interested
In the typlcsr western Indian aa tn any
Other part of the eshjblt. j.
Allen -Lewis - Beat Brand. '
special prices :
V - ' , ; ' i ' " .'
Ivoriesr Indian Bas-
Reserve, B."B.
A-L-nWitf!--- J.
',4:x "'f Booksellers! and
V ..'7' Stationers' 'J
-CrtatTUit it Little Prico-
- aa fionn . bbab. . "
Eugene, Or., 'Jan. St. W. T. Osbrn,j
.n vitruh yivnvmr mint m mvoiDer ox tne
first city council of Eugene- died at his
home in this city Saturday night at 11
o'clock, .aged II years. Mr. Oaburn waa
born in. Indiana in 1IJI. .- In ItiS ha
crossed the plains to Oregon with his
parents, stopping in Oregon. - He was a
miner . In California with the forty
niners, operated sawgiflls and flour mills
tn Oregon, snd dealt In cattle. He re
tired from business In 1111, and since
tne'n -has lived In thla town. He was a
member of the first Eugene City coun
cil In 1114. He leaves three sons, ss fol
lows: .William F. Osburn, a hotsl pro
prietor at En gene; Dr. C D. Osburn, phjr
slclah of WIlsonvUK and Robert bale
Owen Oeburn, druggist ef Brownsville.
-Qrandeet dlsplsy of fine scenery aver
seen Portland at the corner of Third
and Aider alreeta On exhibition froai
in tha morning till at night. -
Have- you tried delicious "Peacock
Buckwheat . . Flourf ; Your grocer
keeps it.
: ' PortUiurs.Greatcst Book Store
I .'..-.-, - I,." - - ..... V
t ., . I . . i .- . l-r-i r-" -. "J ; ' I.; j
7- -:
. . "
:h.'S'::.rJ.'. '.i : :
Wfll have' no terror
for you .if your coal'
, Wn is :led With
': Why" pay money tor tha kind. 'that
eauseetrouWw ejV vexatien,-.wbea- you
are certain surd of satlsfaottoh by. plac
ing your order ereT " x --. -V'
Coal Ce ¬
c. m. satis, aauraaaa.
StS a. Vorrisoa SU Fhoaa
k w-v a.. .a S.aa waaei KaaatsV WwihnIii
CotU pa ib market? Thea bur ,
Kem merer
It is free from soot' and carries very
littler ashes. Frtee f.tO pes ton. ;.
-We have ten ' other good coals to
choose from at ft and up. Screened and
full net weight guarantee.. t
Star Coal Co.
t3S Stark St., raon Mala lslS.
. - vs nu iu ns autni ,
Diamond, AnstraHan, Rosytn,
, New Castie. Washed Nut, I
tetr-h' Wackamlth . ,zi
- mil Weight aad Frosnpi BeUvery.l I
-"- t-. roat aad Zearaey
.;;.;;J.;14Mw -;
t: i: i h it
Boston Painless Dentists
Are ' IMW siring taeir sanoal . CTT BAT
PHirKS m all eeatal work. The ehara-aa
are htas than ealleee priora aad sS work oa
by ear salnlaas -sraUoi aad by epeetallata of
from it is W-yeara' eapertosee NO gTlIDBitTS
rrood I
AUed ar
from dmI absohi tr ly witbont pain
J ear sacrat
sreparsHoa applied to tke -gai
Strrer Fmiaga .....'
dolt Orowas m .......... .......
Fan Set Teeth
All Work aaraakeed aa Tears.
Ht yaer taetb eitraetad vltbest nata aS
replaeed wltk sew eaea the saaaa ear. 0m
la at ears aae Tata aavantaa-a ei tow rataa.
Be ears yes spa la tka.flgtil piece. ,
Wihtiy Blasts
1 1
. .:..' ' ' ' -
mm te
Tlic biracst Clothina
i xHouje tn thf .
Dr. W. Nortod Davis.:
- W treat aaeeesefany aU art rata
ebrsakt aiaaseaa ef ML alas bkx
aaart, hvar. klitse asel throat treablaa.
rate . (wttheat ami alii te star "
tare forever, ia SO to et ears. We reaaae
tTglCTnai,- wltkaat spsrsnea ev pais, la IS
sratns, tke resatt af salf abaaa.
msMdleterjr. We eaa restore the seaesl vta
e( say sii ih aa hr KMasaet lacal kraaa
stat paeaaar. ba aaiaalsas. ,
svsdostss. save aad SMsy years exsarMaaa.
kae aeea knows la partlssd far - lb seen. .
Sees e nsctattoa te smlntits, sad win esdae- -tekets
eses.aslesi esrtsia ears, ess e.e i
We'gss'tsatse wt In every esse we asw r. ,
tske er liarv so f. OKaeettatliia free. Let- ,
tsrseaflaeatlat Isstrsetive BOOK FOS MaS .
BMtleS free- Is etsla wrsimer.-"-"-' ' ji
lt yes eaaiKt nil at orfire. wrtta fst eses .
Mas -Uask. BeoM Hrestsjeat saeasssrat,
01 aa sours a t V as4 i to e .
. . , aouoaya. M .ts
' She tea tins aainta 'b the Si
Taa SIot aTekel. sr.- S3.' Oos. ThirS aad
"-'-"r-- lae SUaeka. I
- Wa sell stacks of Wall Paper, as well,
as barrels of GLOBE WEATHER
PROOF PAINT, the kind with a guar
antee In every package. The paint Is
so superior one has to tiy it to know its
worth.;- ''-'....'' :-. I
fi p te-
BaArltratoxs, 1 Seeoad St.. Telepheae, '
..r . , : N ., . .. SlaektST. I . I
yOaa IAU ST '' ;
A. A. CHTTRCH A CO.. .... Taylor St, t
CAR8TEN8 BROS. .MonUvilla
J. B. MIKJNALt)... 644 WUliams ave.
BsUblished !&,
Marble Works
Manufaotarers stand
.dealers la aU kinds of
Stsst Wert
SttlAates blvea ei
ApplaBatleck ' -
Bet Madison and
. JeiTereoa Streets.
I. - .' ?
Orsgoa rheaa. BVad I7T
id- -- (A.
'If " Jr A -
c f
) - . ' 1 J... . ..'
---..'.( V', ' .-.r---r - .-- -; . --t .
' V.