The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 23, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' I t . ' .(...; - f -1 - , - .
' i
Oregon Legislature Turns Down
'""Joint Resolution Commend-
tog Railroad Law. i t
" Repeals Prohibition of Submis-
"I , Others Are Pending.;
isdkUI Dispatch te Tfce JoarWt ' '
' -v Salem. Or, Jan. II. The legislature
Te-oonraned at lt:ll clock thla mora-
'.' ' inc. but tbs senate was -without ejuor
"'rum and , adjourned until- X o'clock.
'; y The house did likewise after a very brief
nortnca-wae transacted. . '''
"'f' Tha adverse report made by the reeo-','-'"
lutiona committee on the -lolnt resolu
iton by Smith of Josephine. Ing that
v -tha' Oregon delegation in congress sup-.
-port Roosevelt s policy regraing inier-
:.,: just eomtnarca. aroused Smith's hidlg-i-.
).-. atlon. ' Ha ia a Democrat, but A
:-pcted "hi resolution commendatory .Jo
' iv Jlooeeyelt. Would g through without a
; demur. - -v - 44-'1 ' ' . J -
m "It take an accouche to get ia Pamo
""' ' rat i rtaolirtioii out of tha resolution
. rommitte.r-bt- declared. .t Tha .reaolu
4 tioa .waa deraatad and the? committee
' :j sustained ty an overwhelming majority.
Chance Befaresdaaa. ;
- Ore ham Introduced a Join resolu?,
- - V tion for a - submission to - tha "populer
. ,. woto-faa tlM..repeaiofth4l .aectrpa of
tha constitution' which ' prohlblta the
' . 'auhmlaalon Of eonatlttitfohal amendmenta
. - .while othera are pcnxiinf. 1 The Ineaaura
la vary Important..
' Plerea Introduced , a raaolutlon for
- amending ha ronatitutlon mil to pro
1 . - vide : that- -pubMo- lnatltutlona, ef tha
' S'kUte be located at aueh placea aa tha
ItgtaUture.. may ! determine. The ta
tentlom la to legalise appropriatlona . for
' "." : auta Jaatltutlopg that are nt located tha capitol. ai called. -for by tha
iconeUttUion, If -the resolution . la
i adopted by tha leglelatura the question
Lis submitted to a popular vote.
. A but Introduced by Pierce empower
i jthe voverhoV to appoint - eotnmtsston
- - I 'of lira to examine and report M asseaa-
. . 1 menta and taxation, value of franchises
--..siiHi-carpereUoH property'jiti makea fd
-i '.ru..1 .Is iMtttv hefara the ' com m la- I
J, alen a demeanor and false ktatementa
. ; - perjury. . The compensation of.x each
. ' comaalislonsr la to be 8a. i ; '
v 'Mayger introduced a, fail! this after-
. -. noon providing for the' payment of jUl
i ' - outstanding awamp sOand,. warrants
. Amounting o iovae- Mt.0'0. ; ', .,s
t (Continued frott Page One.)
- lit prayer in the middle of tha atreet. fell
ittrawt trmt reast.'
LeUf- estimated ptooe the casual ties
at 50 killed Jind S00 wounded.. , rT ,
It was learaed this afternoon. thatrbe
Jowsger 'empress narrowly' escaped' In
jury yesterday. She waa. passing through
-the streets at the Uma the rioting
: broke oat and took refuge In the house
of Prince ollschlma.
A mob followed
..ler and . bnmnardad-ha.JmUdlpglyltll
atoneji. . ' -, ,-.. . -'"
V The IrbuMe'in TevakyrTroepekt:" o
-day proved of minor impbrtano" The
' mob was easily, quieted. ' - - -
, atnaalaa Imperial Yonrs Drop to Cheap-
.as fries la) Xbai SHstory..
. . v. (Joerael Apadat Barvles.) v T "
:Ijondoit-r-jMitr-ll.i"tmialan 'imperial
-H fOure have fallen one -per ceit-to la,
r y the lowest pries' probably on jfebord. Tha
Japaneae ' bonds are . strong j on tha
strength of early peace, t I. -
n2' As a reault or a Tpott3haf KlhOlsls
-are- In. -London, five police officers are
" today-guarding the Kdaalan embassy.
SeeftOiat tMemts Start BssaeaatraMoa
. ' ' ik Vavor of tn. raterabnrr Btrtters.
' -I'.;-. Osumt BaMial Wvics.l'vT1-.'
- Paris.' Jan. 11. Ia -tha Iatla- ouarter
,'thls tnorhlng' several 'hundred Socialist
. . . students started a demonstration in
- ,'aympathy wrth- the St f Petersburg
i strikers. They encountered a band of
-j ' -Nationalists and earn to blows.' A nunj-
bar wars Injured, f : v-.Vtss-"
.'f " (SpecUl PUpetA re .jesraslV
, ' Hope. Idaho, Jan. 21. Arthur Fcrgu-
aoo was -mlsUken for a cougar and
i. shot dead by ailnnea Millrr, near here,
i , lday. Tha bey fell dead at tha first
' ' shot Both men .were hunting alone.
MlUer la nearly eraby.",. . s .-
' "Nealerted colda .make fat
'yarda." Dr. .Wood'a Norway Plni
;v neipa men am
erous old age.
Ipa men aW. women to a, happy, vlg-
- : ; i-u 1
V u : rJeorssi Hperisl Krrr:
f:. , Saeraraento Jan. 21. The-'"senate
' paased a resolution appropriatlng.470.noo
v ' for, a California exhibition at 'the Port
land axpe'tion.' - TZZZ
Sore Throat
s ' '" ''
p A Baurrnlsjsj AntlMptie.
Edorel by the medical profession.
Send ten cents to pay poatare on
1r trial bottl. . Sold by Lead
ing Drueistc. Not fenuine unless
label bears nf signature.; ;; m -
.1- -
WrHe fnr frm keek let ea Katteaal Traav
stent ef Dlseasav . . ..
lln I uscd ftn second-hand, 'all f oing at about , t I II
' llll I T nc Half their value just now; also1 one en- T "J j)
; l I tire line of new 1905 styles at a big reductiorril.,L. ,J If
't-l'l I this month. , We are headquarters for every- j I
ill - thing best inj the piano line. ' Our easy pay- - . ' .. Iff
.a''i.;J-.' flant plaate popular with th people. ,11 '
jlif& Gilbcrt-Ramakcr ti'jw'r
Srrioot Tistiflea" That Revela-
Jions Are Not Made to Apos
'i ties or PirTesta of . Church;
MJoorsal Sperlal Berrlce.) ' '
Waihlngton, -Jan. tl. The'Smoot
hearing v was resumed 4hls morning.
Smoot Was queatloned; 'regarding . the
apostacy t of Apostle Ifoaes Thatcher.
Tba witness said be knew that Thatchet
had had : trouble with the quorum of.
the It. He Id that Thatcher held that
tha church .rule forbidding Mormons to
participate . is polltka without permis
sion, applied -to all ranks until his trial.
when It was Interpreted as applying only
to high and paU offtelala. and the wit
ness agreed 10 mia. r; ; - ; -i-. -t .
The witness aald that God eonmunl
oatss with, tha -Mormoh,, church onli
threagh Its president and nevr through
the apoaUes or, other prleata..: . ; , i
Smoot declined to describe the. en.
dowraent ceremony on the ground that
he had made a row, not an oath;wlth hid
Ood to keep the ceremonies sacred. US
said ' the ipath's secrecy .'was purely d
religious ordinance. - -:; . .,, ,
In reply to questions, pmoot- said
the church- redely ed-. about a million a
year In tithes, i Of this. IMO.000 was
spent . for educational purpose a, , and
1 100.000 for feeding . tne poor, and
large -aiicn for missions. The church
had ao roe -money invested 1n commer
cial institutions, but only a small peri
cent'if; their: capital. yf
--VfJoarnal SpedsT Servire.t
Parla, - Jan. II. The new ministry
rwiu pa composed jdi ma loiiewing, woe MnlnUd Ia snrv thnuvh soma
rreadJuatmenfof., portfolios may oocur;
rreiipcnj.orairie councujiMtjnipnier
of finance, M. Rouvter. ' . xi
Minlater of foreign affaire, TheophUe
Uelcaaaa. , 'i- .
; Minister "oi Juatloe,. Jeaei Sarrlen, - '
Minister of Interior, Eugene tlanna.
-M intater of- war, ' Henry - Berteaua.
- Minister of marine, Gaston Thomson.'
Minister of -publlo Instruction, Ray
mond Pulncalre. ' - i' T'? .
. Minister of oommeroe,-Jean Dupuy. '.
Minister of publloji works,. Blenvenu
Msrtin. ' - t. ; I .
Mlniater of, colonic FerdinandBu-
blef. '.i
Minuter df
agriculture, Joseph . Raua.
. iJoural Special Benrlre l .
Lexington; Ky.Jan. ta. Three thou
aaad aegroee tn maee meeting here eon
damned, the elty offlolala and grand Jury
for not closing wins-rooms snd low dives
frequented by (children. Prof. .Louis Loos
jt Kentucky university addressed - the
meeting followed by R. Fv Belli colored,
betting commissioner for John A. SDrakq.
Tba reault -of the. meeting waa the on
ganlxatioa. of a Oood Cltlsens' league of
colored citlaena. A eommlttee of seven
prominent colored mea was named to
call upon Mayor Comba .and urge the
enforcement of the law against man
agerk' of dlvea. Tbe'commlttee will go
lefore the special grand Jury called to
meet tomorrow to inveatlagta chargea,
of aasault and burglary against James
Plersell, a negro boy. - . j,. , ,f lV
'.: a: ; ' .v. '"-' '.
(Special 'Dispsreh: to The . Jenrast. ) ,
- Spangle, Waah., Jan. 22. A dance at
Frog, Hollow schoolhouae, near . tiers,
Friday evening resulted tn a free-for-all
flght becauee of' the floor manager try
ing' to put put one of the men. BrasaH
knucklea - were freely used - and . there
were many black', eyes, cut facet' and,
sore heada. , '. 1- '..,.-
Frank, Ben -and. Ed Ren ley,-Fred
Balrd. Ruben McFarland,' Jack Corbett
and Herman Peters were air arrested.
Their trial comes upfor bearing to
morrow. ';"-'".'!'''.. ' i '
(flpeehtl tMaastrk to Tfce JewaaLl '
Boston," i Jan. 13. A petition for
wrtt '
tn tenioiMri-m1 tng ttw or nnffi-
man and Pierce t 'the Oregon Short
Line and Equitable Trust company of
New Tork against tha Northern Securi
ties compsny and tba Northern Paclflo
waa' filed In the' supreme court of the
.UnltsaVSWte today. . . . ..
The suit Is brought to determine the
present right of - possession of the
Northern Paclflo stock thst Is pooled in
the Northern. Securities company. -
aataxwurov '
Joaraa gaarisl serttns.) j
- lutrin. Jan. ll.The arrlvsf of the
Prince of Wales In Dublin, trtdy "Wsa
nuuie the eoc salon for a general holiday.
Tha city was profuaely decorated and
large crowds lined the route to the vice,
regal lodge In Phoenix park. Teraorrow
his roysl highness proceeds to Aehford
on a visit' to Lord Ardllaun. returning to
Dublin sns week nance to take part in a
sertee ef state functions thst wlU- cover
S period" pt several dars,- , -y
' ' ; .... '"f,'?
No Chang in Washington Sen
r atorlal Situation and Dead
T " lock Continues.
4Sprll 'iMspstrii ts The Jnnrasi.) :
SOlympla, Waah., Jan. i J.-Tbe eeyenth
olnt ballot for Vn(ted.. States senator
was, taktn.ln a vary perfunctory man
ner at noon today, and Just as quickly as
possibls thereafter a motion to diaaolve
fees passed, Adherents 9f all the candl
datas express the hope that the deadlock
will Itself, dissolved before tha dose"
of .the present, week, though no one
clatma to know just what, will happen
to break It . - - -..".l-
"The result of today's ballot' was:' roster,-
0y JFiles, 20; Sweeny, tS; Wllaom
16: Jones. T;WUllam Hickman Moore, Jki
Laraves-r4r7 . A .. number, of . palrssrere
notea. . - -
.Senator Watson" af CowHts introduced
a-blll today providing for tb saUbllah-j
ment of a , nan natcnery .in cow ma
county. ' t "" " V'a
T-r tn ddipp nc CTADI c
. (Joaraal SpeeiarServlea.) "
-New OrleaSa, La., Jan, II. Delegates
from, all the cotton growing states
are rounding up hers for what "promises
to be .the most Important convention in
the history of the southern cotton ln-
duatry. . . ThauJteajlons will begin, to
morrow and will continue through tba
greater part of the week. In addition
ttd tne)lahlera
renlion will be well attended by . south
ern bankers snd otherr interested In
the cotton Industry . The prlroary ah
Ject , of thecathertas: is to brlna about
ia. cloee alliance among 'all. the southern
agricultural organisations with' a view
to-eontrolllng tba cotton 'market Ia
this connection a plan will ' be dla
ieuaead fee -the-eeta;
whereby the major portion of the aouth-
ern cotton crop can be stored ion a uni
form bants and loans made to the farm
era on the cotton so stored. , The es
tablishment of a cotton exchange in each
state, through . Which the staple . can
be sold direct to the manufacturers, will
be discussed, and the reduction of the
cotton- acreage and the adoption of a
recu wsrenouas sysiera wiu aiao.receive
attenUon. . ' ' :.',r;..-- :. , -t ..:.....':
(Jeerntl. Bpertsl earlce.r rbp-ir
Wlnnlmt ran! Jin 11 Ttrh&t ia
-thought to be one-of the largest caves
In the world hss been discovered near
Revelntoke, adding - another . wonder tog
ine .wiias ox...xne tjanaaian norm west.
The cave la situated two mllee from the
Canadian Paclflo railway. In a-country
whk-h waa supposed t be well known
to those living in the vicinity, .
There are four entrances. The eave
haa a length of over two miles, having
a depth in ' some places of 1,000 feet.
It Is. .studded with millions of brilliant
crystlawhich are claimed to be Iron
pyrites. The tormstlon la blue lime
stone.. . t A ' -;-, -. ' - ,.
The-eave' waa probably formed by the
action of water.' Far down In the depths
-a. roaring underground stream cart .be
heard. So far none have- discovered the
source-of the outlet. . 1 1 , ,
tn places there are IndTcatirma that
the rave, waa onde Inhabited by Indian.
JudRlng by the few old stone1 weapons
and hones lying about. A party la belna-
.formed to explore the. cave.
"".' joersaT Speeisf Service.)
- New -1!ork - Jss.-- 23. a real estate
eyndicatai w4th millions of dollars behind
n la seewng to buy the Vanderbilt twin
mansions on Fifth svenus for tha site
of a I-atory office building, which Will
be the largest '.eitructu re north of the
Wall atreet dietrtcL - --
If. the deal goes throush It -la nre-
dlctad there will not ha a hnma laft-nn
th grelst avenue" of ashloa. south of
Frny-nTnlfi street wtthln Ave yeare. The
transformation -of 1 this thoroughfar is
so. remarkable, tha upward march of
trade Jnto t4ie Sacred precincts-of . so
ciety Is so rapid that It ia a- question
If It la poeslble-to check It. even at
Fifty-ninth atreet Juat now .Fifth ave
nua is 4oa storm, oeates-
boom In New York. ; The. uptown Inva-J
sion or anopxeepers, wnicn Mas been
gradually gaining in the last decade, haa
assumed Irreslatlhls force.i The R. T.
W ilsons, the Qoelets, the Goulds and
other multl-mflHonalnes now living south
or rirty-ntnm street piasa have dons all
they could to save the upper-pert of
the avenue fromrade, but ill vara. ,, ,
'(apeetal tlspsteb ta Tae Jearail.y -, Or, Jan. ' JJ A remotv
streaoe Is being circulated In Maine by
R. W. Haines, son of Judge I. O. Haines,
founder of the tewn. against the pro
posed change of name from Halnea to
Hon Springe. - The petition is being elr.
culsted by men erectmr a sanitarium
there, believing; the name a benefit to
the town and the springs,- Haines hopes
to win ia tha end. -,.,
. ,; . . --- -
' stzBs-a . wsraoi mvm Am
.Mennen's-Talcum Ppwder ."12 .
Camellne ...aS ,
Wisdom's Robertlne ...... ....29at
Oriental Crei ....;....9T
Caplllaris .. a. ...... ..8ft -.
Ayer's Hair y Igor ........ ...b 7 O
Brlllantlne .r ... .1.94
Llsterated Tooth Powder ..... 74
Llthla, Tablets . . r.....,... ,19d
2to Smelling Baits ..... 44
emeiung naus a we?
, violet Ammont ........i8a
?.tt'I?lc1int !r:':!:',55i" -
Almond-Steat-ibrsrrTirrs3 tQ4
Arnica Toonj Boap. .......... tltj)
nal vert's Dentine ............. 1 itaV
" eiJl
tiKtti w .... . . p ., M-mw -.
: Petrolatum, -large boxes,,,'. ...194 '
Be Salt, large.,. ..Ar...,.,l 1
Boa Salt, small. ....... ....M B4
.Hoap Bark ....... .t. ..... l.. 44
Precipitated Chalk ........ ,. 8 -i
Nutmegs, dosen 4a
Glycerine snd Roye Water, I ox. 64 '
fllycerlne and Rosa Water, I os.ia '
Cora Plasters ...... 8' ,"','
. Japaneae Cleaning; F)i4ldj,....,12
Vaaellne, Cold CreaA).',. .',...; 94 ''i
Lye, lb. ;... i ..... Tw
'Moth 'Balls, lb . i..,.. ........... 6a
.Porous tlasUrs ... ..i. . B4',. ,
Cocoa Butter '.t. 6d
La. Blftche Face Powder, .26 " ,,
Ponsofinl s Face Powder;.,.. ,".aia)
lOo Curling Jrona,,.,.....,,. 4.:.',
'Java Rice Powder. .............21w'
Theater Rouge ..............12
WillUms' Shaving Stick.'...., .161
Swan Down Face Powder,. .... 44
Absorbent Cotton, lb. rolls... r.2Ta
Ptckenson's Wltoh-Haae plnt.l7a 1
: Baking Soda,English,,lb,;, ... . 4 '. :
'Epsom- Salts, lb.. . - ff ;
Powdered RoraxMule Tam. 1 . ..
' package ' . . . 8
Powdered Sugar Milk. lb.,.,..234
Mixed Bird Seed, lb..........." S4 --
Carbollo Acid. lb... 4 "
SeldllU Powders, box .......... 1 1 4
ottb SBtros ui BsinorsaaxA T
The kind jron can de-::
pend on-r-won't spring
a leak- at- critical .mo-'"
ments.' -1.. v '-. .
Woodlarfe Wats Bottlf, thai .
. very finest purs cant., t- .
quart, special-., $1.1S .
raoUlaas Foaatain Syrtays, j , -
- Special ......9t4s?
Iseyal Fematala arrimr
i-ouart, special 984 c'
rrasaiamOoapisastiosiByTlajre- -"
' aad sot Wats Bottle , . . . tl.laW
haSfsrrel WktrUaar pta
XaMkas yriace, special. If. T-; ,
VaamOy Balb atottswra, ' .' jV
By. mlkM special.. v..?..:fl.8
, special...... ST4 98s
Tor meaicinai -or
toilet use. special. 59 Jt
ment, begets vengeance In. the hearts o't
its subjsctjr which s insatiable. ' es-
nllllv if Inflicted by. a goverameci.
beoauas the victims feel that it muat
ai u,t
continue .frona generation to genera
until there . cornea imst ivr
-That 'an ':lmportant"pocli luvs teen
teaulied InRuaala, and that enange
for the betterment of the condition 01
the million! soala of that vaat empire
can no" longer be deferred is. indisput
able. -KetureJiv the w amine" of the ox.
tremlaU which, acoompanles-the desired
naneeaaiona attaches a disappointment to
the boon granted and causea incredulity
In the minds or many as 10 tn ro
faith, of the vnroeror ana tna govern
ment; but that ts not surprising, a peo
ple who hare, been often deceived should
not be expected to be trustful. . t . . . '
-in n sense it now: lies-wltlt-ths
peopM to prove their loyaltr and thereby
secure -the fulfilment by the csar and
government -tot -the promises 'mad in
the manifesto. Should -the icssr fall to
cause the reforms tobe carried out. h
people will ttava a stronger case tnan
ever, and will assuredly win In tha end.
, One great, thins will have been ac
complished on th very threshold of the
Inauguration . of reform, namely, - that
peace between Japan and Russia be se
cured by arbitration; Russia can never
subjugate tha Japanee drive them
from the ooeltlon assumed in' the very
beginning of the Japaneae and.'Ruaslap
Wari therefor. Ruasis, nas . nouning
further to accomplish which Justifies
continuance of the fearful saertflc of
human life and treasury. Tn people
will.saauredly demand peace. '
Much criticism has already eeen maae,
aananlalla. of till WIT in Which the RUB'
atan navy has been handled. . The "Russ"
of St. Petersburg boldly claims tnai tne
time has passed for-alienee on tne ae
foots In the navy. It alleges that Rus
sia haa lost 150,000.00 roubles In war
ahfpa, thatthe- ships ths still remain
are unseaworthy and that tb torpedoes
sre in such shocking; condition that it
la a matter-of surprise tnai ,xns auinor-
itlas sccented their delivery. J 1
'Once these scandals are started and
the people in their present stats .. of
ferment understand the situation the
government can not much ' longer con
tinue a fruitless, wsr.. the kindred of
the men -saorlf Iced in th months of
warfare will raise such a .protest that
Russia cannot continue to fill her de
pleted ranks at will, at she haa done In
the past. ' '
' The dlaaemtnallon - of ' Intelligence
through the medium tHh sematvos Js
the, surest way. otn eventually putting
down the astocratio 'government of RUs
sis. It cnnriot withstand the enlighten
ment of the people any J more than
slavery Injthe L'nlted States coul sur
vive Universal education. i -It
la to be hoped that the reformation
may; be accomplished speedily, through
the 'education and enlightenment . of the
people arid the conversion Of the govern-
mankind to the enjoyment of freedom
and equality oefdr th law. 1 ' .
" fit's folly to suffer from that horrible
plagtta of th . night, itching Mies.
Doan'a Ointment curea. quickly and per
manently. At any drug store,. (0 cent.
" grefetted atoek Oamneel aoda. ' :
Allen A Iewla' Beat Hrand.
Dr. B. E;
TheSelentlf I
Baatthv thst re
lieves an pain in
dental operatloha.
'St. t
Our Annual Sale
-.-'-.... ..--' '- .
ine quioc Qisposau oi itic scaisuna aurpiua sujuc
rtaMii of new customers whom we hope ta make
1 nem patrons. . Aransiorma
Of the
. GOLDFISH and a box of Imported goldfish food. Nothing
more interesting; to the children than! these beautiful little
fish. A charming and esthetic table decoration for dinner
- '.ZttSfX ; parties. A . . .i
if you art at ail ln
t -rterested In r
now : is the time to buy a
Camera. We havtv a Tium-
ber of first-class instruments !
slightly shopworn which" we
are dosing-out at nominal
r ,. prices.
Have you seen the new ITyko'posUlS, prints by lamp
- flight, dozen . iv errrifr-. -ntfvv -hrii ... .-,15, -
Our $1.00 Slip Albumv fix7,r npwi. , . ; . .v; . . .50f
The fitS size, regular 50c, ; n6wT7LVirr. .:. . iaSa
Eastman's Fixing - Powders. bjx . . . .. . T. VV 3
Hydrochinon Developing Powders. .. . ... . .v. .'....-. i . 3e .
'i Mti-Hiwi ajnrl T.wi anrt -darlr -Cushion -.Ton. ' hefnra r '
$1.25, now.-.ii iii.-.y-i t?v .';.. ti.,95'f--'
WoodeirdMarHe & Co.
1 mnS-WS BBBT ZaTVAiaO OBAZBS jlbd vmvvommm.
,.'',. fs'-i 1 1 -:- iitii-
. ; . - . Y -1 ': ' t
ZTZ..- (C0ItjPU "ni Page Oe) f
dens that passage waya were blocked.
Then cam the command to clear them
off,?.?- Th troopern -rw- thelrr swords
and galloped to th Molka; cuaxglng th.
crowd. whUa th air was filled with the
lmprotlo'ng of strikers and groans of
-the wounded, Tollowed by th rnmbl f
ambulanoe wagons. . . j .
The crowd about ths -Admiralty gar.
dens rfuse4 to move, clamoring for the
caar. ' Two companle of tti Imperial
guards, of which the emperor' hlmsdlf
was formerly oolonelj form in front
of th palace and marched double quick
to th corner. Three time in rapid suo
cession - did th commander cry to tha
people, Dlaperse." ' Many .turned to
flea, but before they ould ecepe.T bothi
companies fired three volleys, and 100
oorpaea ' strewed the ' street. Many
women," boys Wnd children were shot in
th baok. The crowd, shouting "Mur
derers, murderers,', drifted up" the' Nev
aJc Prospekt. The troopers then charged
th crowd about the Morakam. entrance
and. drov the people pellmir through
th-thoroughfare. : --: f .. .
The crowd, aroused to frenzy by' the
sight of th wounded. isaluted. them aa
martyrs, - and began td attack passing
officer;: pulling the sword away from
; 100 Couches, just like cut,
patterns; best steel
This Couch sells at $2000; our ."special price"
$1.00 down
50c per week
ToOU-e ",
a quiex montn into tne push
yean -!-1; a:,,.-
10G0 Fan tall
' " Of good size, healthy and r
l hardy, as the. little brown f
WB ,
on, general. MoT troops were rushed
to the seen, mor volleys fired, -more
we'r-kllled' and, wounded, and -it waa
past midnight when quiet again relg-ned.
- Toward' I o'clocajlrtth vnlng, th
leaving, tn - muilla la possession. Aa
they retreated tip' tha Nevaky Prospekt,
th workmen put all. tne light out. The
little chapel at the Narva Oat Was
wrecked. On Kaminlatov island ail the
lights were extinguished. A -general
waa killed, oil! the . Mcholaa bridge. . - I
- satHae hirslaa srilladC . ": "'' -'
fflHrt arcla-. on Tof thThotai
flgure In the Greek' church in St -Petersburg,
waa instantly killed by a rifle
buliet. while' urglng a mob. -to! disperse.
His death gave rise to a Teport that
Father Copon had been slain. - .! :
".The horrors of Sunday evening were
exceeded by far by thoae of . Oh night
and early morning. The moat hkrtowlng
'8 Wr oocurred Jn th ssil lslsnd
quartsij, where the'- dastructlon of ths
parricaaes were accompaniea oy tne Kim
log jlnounnnuv.r,.i;.'4.j'--'i-s,r.v - 1
. -.At l":"J0 -this morning -nr mixed fore
of troops; -the larger portlonl being mad
up of Cossacka, Hussar and L'blana.
moved upon this quarter. L,They .were
ear... rvi .liM-kW
T a'I..I
upholstered in best1 4-tone velour, handsome colors land '
springs; guaranteed construction, solid oak frame.
V i '
First Street, "N. W. Corner
No wonder we sill mors" "SOAP
Than any firm on this coast.' Look '
at these prloea all our Soaps come
direct to us from the factory. -5-"a
-B-raao, bar , ... ...'.BT4
Oastils "XriWwao," M. 314
OUT Oil. bajr....;............!
wasr, b,..:...:........i;
sFBoxaii m sons oaxbs.
Cotton ...,.. , . . . . , ..... 354
Llfs Buoy .3B
Shaker Tar .964
Turkish Bath ..3B4 '
J"rtnks Tar , J,, ...35
. y .. , ............... ,BDW
' Ruby Glycerine ',.,,,........'.37
' dusker White WAnrfaa t o
ergens oatmeal , .i.... ...... 87gi
aWBClAIi FBB BOX or nan
- ,.. . OAXBS. r
, Kirk's Glycerine ..,,.,.,',4. 14
r-Cossaos ButUrmilki..,t,.,.iev
Lamon Haael , ,.4. ........ 7I19-
English Honey .,,.... .....s;ta.'
-,palry Maid . .f ..19
; locust Honey ,t..;;.,..2
Royal Glycerine
" i'vt.l9
"' WB0XA 'B OAXB. '
711 ...r....' -'..'.'.('i
Munyon'k i: .... .114-
,:t Kirk s tuvanUa-av..;-,a,a...ia,:
v PeargL.. , . ITi . , 1 8
t , Jersey Cream r. 1 i. . . ,.tS4
'..Olyoerlne Balls .... 44
..j Almond Bars-. , rty;t ',,, i. 44
; Lava , . .,..'... ,,.- i 14
Hourado ; , ,-. ,i .-; ...... ;t. v--4
-;- WW, are gtvtnal Ansa - s Tuktak
Was . Oloth wit every oaks of
r,rasMv oastur a Ta. v :.-j,.:ri,4
f aooB wnm xxxss sro bvsbv.-
- ;' This saylns; U aa true aa M la eld.
. Am inspeotloa of oar stock of aaedl ;
. asaal wines- is -all ,we ask. - ' The -okoteest
Tiatag-e gsptsssntsg. - .
!'-"-1v'?::':'-'v iv;. -'' . Quarts.
Wslker'g Canadian Club...,. 91,0s
McBrayer's Cedarbrook, ,
"ld in bond, .."
rtaber'fe.Rys , , i;.iu,t.
Muskingum Valley ,.$1.2K .
4tOJd Cabinet Blend. ...... .A . 35
1 Martell Three-Star Brandy.f 1.T3
: California Port and Sherry,. . 23a
Tokay . .F .......... . . . ..: .. r 43
" CryaUl Rock Rye and Toli.,' se5$
i Crm !ys, . . ......... .-fl.OS
- ' In bulk, special per gallon-- - .
3 7 Muskingum .Whisky . . . v.BR.OO
! Old Cabinet Blend.......... 1 12.50
. Irondequolt Port or Sherry, 1 13,15 -California
Port op 8hrry...vjll.OO
. Tokay.' beat ............ , .il.SO
- No extra, charge for containers.
i Wa deliver free .anywhere In the
Xavs 4ust Baostved m BbJpmaat
r: 1- a-f
-'-' -;: - " "--"'C i ;.. -f r Quarts.
Mersnetmer-..,4......,.i... 964 :
' Rudeshelmer ' ' , .. .-'.1.15 .
Johannesberger IT V. . 1.60 -
' AasmannsbAUses) v. Bl.SO -
sic juiien .............. - vre
Haut Bauterne ......,..r...S1.30
Pommard "t7"' .....iv. ... , .St.30 -
Chabels 'H ..,......,. ..9I.3O
met by thousand, of strikers. , 'wMbm .:
they routed. - ""' .,j ' '. '"'
With a single exception. ' toe troope-T
yesterday remained loyal to the' csar.
On' regiment" refused" to fir -upon-th
-If . . w . " ' I ..
Coeur' d' Alene, Ida-, Jan. St. Innc-"
1 '
Hor ;wii hav twn -utettr7rMr
th timber sections of Coeur-dAlti-
land district tor th pe . few montha
claim ' that 10 men Ray been Ulegallyi .'
cnttlitar 'tlmberfl. of Flxhtlnk ' Creek ' fn I :
township tl . north, range f west near .'. I
Bellarove. ' Bneelal A sent Goodwin t--,
found aomethlpg over 1.000.060 -feet 'of ;
legs cut from.unsnrveyed land-ewWhlcli' V
the men had equatted. They claim th.t J
the logs had been' sold to. tha A. M. Fox
Lumber company of Spokan. ' -Tji-
names of the men are ,Ballentla-nsk, .
Hunter, Hod ger, Plemlrur. Phillips, 81ms,
Baxter and Whit. Part of the logs Jn
thslr possession .-tiave ,' already 'been
seised by th government,
,1 " ' - 1
while they last
$1.00 downf
50c per week
.. , .1, t
' . " - . ' '... - r -.,
r -.!
. f -