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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1905)
)7r THlg ORf GOin)AltX JOURNAi; POLAND. , MONDAY BVCNmO. JANUARY S3, IZZ3. AVERT REVflLllIi Dr- Stephen S.' Wise .talk on .'; '. Conditions in Russia to i people's Forum.- LIBERTY OF EXPRESSED , V. THOUGHT SUPPRESSED Had Czar Permitted Popular De- ' bate There Would 'Have -. -Been No Revolution. . - "Revolution 'threaten the'- RuwUn ' rentr today." Bald Rev. Dft Stephen a Wise last evening-, whan acting- M chair- ma a or in people a lorura at ms borhood Guild.- houaoonfBtatreat near Hall street.' ' ' "Had a forum 'for popular debata, ,. auch m this ln--hieh-"ere are particl natlnn been opened in 20 of the 4ar;eat eitiea of the Russian empire, I believe ro revolution "would have coma. Per haps. It . ur . Vet be averted. -!" But, ' averted, or not, the' eondltlona are there - : Tor revolution, and they are present In tarte part because free apeech has been , auppreaaed. - 1 ' ": " ". ' ? Thie partlouIa4 iorum stands, for no' nartleular standard of Teilaioua tnoug-nc. Jt ia neither Jewish nor ChrlatUn nor - socialistic, - It will deal with - public questions that ro to the clvio Ufa a ' ' wail aa thoae that pertain to the rail ' lous. Jt la for th good of "the people. . a place where the people may come : te express their vlewa, and where none V will be nn welcome becauae he disagrees V with the others, .:.".- Charlea H. Chapman, Ph. 0., formerly . t resident bf the University of oreron. waa the principal speaker. ' He aald thathTk!lie today he would be non arata to moai of the orthodox organisations, and would acaroalr secure aaamherahlp InthaXouns Men's ,hr I stiaav aaeoclatlonar- He inlxht be made aa associate - member," aald ; be, . "bnt-Jis ""would not " 'he iitbl"ror'Tult"iniberhro, The , Woman's Christian Temperance union would resolve against hm, and the same treatment would, be accorded Socrates. ' Ther would be called- anarchlata,- ur rdfcrChapman eoered th iheoleaiaa, aa die- tin culshed from the exponent-or-true rUaioij.w.hlch-epen not . upon -the particular doctrine. . but . upon the. per' aonal and spiritual - character of . the Individual. - '- ' SERMONS IN STONES, 1- X. aToasVspeaks oa Xssoa Taarh 7 . lrs Oonarea-atloaal Caaroa Bainos. - . From the text, "Lord, what WUt-Tnou "fca-ve tne to dor pr. E. X House yes terday -preached a aerraon on "What the First Conarrentlonal Church or Portland " '-Should Co." The auery had been cut .'. - by--hlra to Rev. Dra. Brouther, Short, bulkier and Hill, and he read their aa ww t - th concrcaatlonv He then called for I1.800, the balano needed -to pay off the $20,000 mortcaaa oil the . church. -'Before the. service was over the -, needed amount waa raised.' . The mort' :a-aa-e eomea -due: Februarjt: J?,-snd-. on tuirnAil . . ITiiniirh tannn Mnutnf IA' VVi. the church this year. , : " ' -'.'. Dr. House aald the rrand church edi lies in wrucn iney worampea waa a pow - - erf ul ally in the cause of ' Chrlatlanlty. . . it was tne visible embodiment or aome- ..Doajra laiin. ana nara worx ana aeir - denial and it tsiksd to4he oubllo everr WVUVAUVS UUU Wli III, UWlilm ' vntrt ii is jooaiea. oominuauy preacn- ' "There la a. God; worship. Him. Ther in a Christ; believe in Him, iTharel-e -. ttut j t.uui7, iid 11. a norv km m s;ospi ; preached; listen .to'lt'"' a Chris tian .work to be done; do It There are sools to be saved: save them." x IF I WERE AVYOUNG MAN ' nnf JWoxoea of 9. Sroufhar's 0oa f - f Dr J. -W. - Brourher, pastor of the White Temple... preached ar sermon to ... youarmea last nlaht. His subject waa "11 I were a.Yount- Man." The talented . ; Ollphant alatera kaas several BeleetlonCTt,M- , Dr. Brourher has been asklnaj the youns women of hla conirrecation what . they -would do . -ir they were youna- men. and the following were some or tb answers ?-;:': yeceiv4:t .- '- ' - : 'If I Were a youns man I would have a noble vurpoae, and seek: to achieve It : with untlrins enerry. ' T' -lf I were a young- man ! "would try r I -to .combine -decision of character with f Bftntleneas of manner." 1 - '.Tf I were a young m '- te be a man of honor and un'swervlna' in. tearlty. -- I would ' consider' it beneath . eontempt to speak no as to injure in any . way a youna- woman." . - - "it I were a younx-man I would be - an absolutely ralncere, uprightearnest J wansLiaa . " BELIEVED IN VISIONS. : Ber. t M. Atwood Olveei Xlstory. of the v Vniversalist Church. ' ..- "Purpoaes,' Origin and History of the trntveraallst -Church, waa the theme of tJumdro Cured wla Harts aeep. Shlabealtai Mn avnr) b4 aklahealtsj Tskl.a. A pnU tlM aad spwdr 1mr eVrrr lufalDf bernler, erslr. klieios. mnr4, pimplr ..d bkxrhr ktinor. wltk (Me f iTndor rl.r, srli luat.' arsltby skis aad pate, ftrk, nt blaoc. - CV Tromunut 7 Bo U U rlsTffarsr1rB7SSJ-..air?( tBS.iulb rptlci kiahealth int.l, klllirrrwis, kil tbv.ekis. s4 Rklsksl1k Tablets, mm fr ftw plispl, wilssss. rooh.. . ka( thm :slesla. i eK k a spreo ran. KMblnc wtl aae.i a ke. We. Sr. mrtate rnr.yree aaeapies aaa poakiets te PIIILO HArXXX. Jw.rk. WJ. TrOOAsU, nun oo. id vaaatertasaj j. TearU an address in the .First Univeraallst church yesterday by Rev. I, M. Atwood. superintendent . of the ; Universalis t church In America. Ha reviewed in detail the founding of the first church on Burnegat Inret. New lork. by a fish erman named -Potter ana John Murray, an -Englishman. -t "About the betrinntna; of the revolu tiensry war, aaia be,. -Potter built a church on the Inlet at his own expense. telling his neighbors that God . would end a man to minister to them. For months the building remained ' unoccu- pled. r -x- v - - a j,- "At lenrth a echooner-came Into the bay, on which waa John Murray. . He had been a preacher In ' England, and becoming dlacouraged. earns to America I intending to nine nitnaeiT in tne roreata. Aa aeon as. Potter saw the vessel n the harbor ha," felt certain that the Lord had sent a minister for the church. He gave -Murray a cordial greeting,, and -told htm "that he ioust be a preacher and Instated that he. preach in the ohuroh the next Sunday. Murray protected, but finally consented, -and on' Septem ber SO, 17T, preached the first ser mon.. -I These fouhders of Unlverssilsm In America were men who believed In men,-, tal visions and .in aplritaal Insight". 7 A QUAKER OPINION.' :-. SlUt, Ja. WetgaU Calls Seoret oclety H ,: Mexnbera Bloodthirsty Sfiuderarsy A "remarkable sermon hy Rev; -C. F. Weigele, Quaker, evangelist,-1 was heard last, night at Sunnyslde Quaker church. Rev. Mr. Welgle declared members of secret societies ,are "oathbound, blood thirsty murderere." ' . !" . , - He said they lied to become members of the various orders., declaring; that they believe In Christ, ' whereas they were "Chrletleaa, and do not ttelleve in the things to" which they swear 'When they enter these orders."' Referring to all persons who' do not. subscribe to his creed of abstinence from the forms of amusement that characterise society to day. Rev. Mr. welgeia said. ; "Wi must .drive these enemies from the church. Either they must be for us or they most be against us. There Is no half way ground la this fight aa-alnat the flesh and the devlL We muat as- id-ths-onrt who is not--muit . get out from the church." We don't care whether they alt In front of . the cburcb amQnr the sup posed elect, -or la Ue tTr- They-muet get outLT-h--i;-' " CATHOLIC M1SSI6 Hloquent Fieauhkia From St. Soaia Stte . Aadttors aJJratelch,OttWov Rev. Father Mulceroneyt and Rev. Father McKeodxh of Bt. Louis are hold ing a mission In Portland, for the Ro- mtn-imaoi lea, ana spoke yestsrday at Bt, Patrick's church.- The priests bear reputation- for- eloquence, -' which at tracted many who are not members of the Catholic church. Father Mulcer- oney subject at thewmornlng .servloes was ' "Now Is 4ha Accepted Time." and Father McKeeHiah preached In the eveti-1 Ing on the ahbject, - "The -End '.of Man's Existence." During the week they will continue the aervicea, aooordlng-to' this programf- Mass, with " short tnstruo twnrs..""a.'rinuirwitD" sermon. 7:10 a.- m.T the way of the cross. 1 p. nv; mission for children, p. m.; special talks to non-CatheUca, 7 p. m., in ehurch parlors; mam service, 7:10 p. m. WANTTHEIR FRIENDS vTOCOMETOJOREGON The' Ohio society, of Portland has ln- vtted the members of all-other-etata cletlesTn the city to attend its next reg ular -me tint; Friday-evening,- at-Knighte of Pythias hall. Marquam building; The purpose Is to secure a joint conference and front the knowledge gained make the best " possible plans for furthering the advertising or Oregon- In other states and for entertaining vlaltora. whe come to Portland during the fair. - State Societies are belne- oraaniaad In Portland, and with 'the most cemmenda ble obJeoU-ttit ood of 'Oreson. . It is proposed that bjr" syatematlo ' work aendinr Uterature and wrning letters the sons and" daughters or eastern and middle states,- who adopted Oregon their home may Interest their relatives 'and friends in the east to come-aad set tle "her. It Ir the moat effective kind of Immigration worav-aad is-surerto-bert in a very large measure aucoessful, if persisted ln There are now societies in Portland I formed of i people from Il linois, NebraskaOhlo,' Missouri. Penn sylvania, Michigan and the Mlnneso-1 tans have held a preliminary meeting, i while the Iowans are talking of calling Ait are. working to the same enda to promote acquaintance and fratern ity among, old friends in, Portland: and to Induce eastern relatives and friends to com to Oregon and settle. . ROPERTY OWNERS r :.0PP0SE,ASSESSMENTj Ralph rT Dunlwair.and J." H. Mtddle- '.Tf I were a young man I wouldLaeefcHr-as--ltorneys fornumerous prop-! erty-owners on the' east side. In asking the circuit court for a writ of review of the acta of the elty council and mu- lcipal atflcera. allege that street im provement proceedings - were irregular and chiefly, that a remonstrance by a majority of the frontage owners was filed,.' The 'petition for the writ also avers that City Auditor T. C Devlin made' merely a oencil notation of the addDtlon of the ordinance .which levied tne street aanessmenia ana autnonsea the improvement. V - The Improvements In question were on tTnloa avenue north, Mississippi avenue, Carl avenue"and Goldsmith avenue, the assessments aggregating about 115,000. GREAT. SOPRANO WILL 7 SING NEXT MONDAY jeAbsoIute l ePurity r r Flavor : : r Wait the Crand Prise at-tba at. LuU txpoettloa )Par liiili BALTIMORE iiwi j ... if.t ? ' g.14 si sn InMtscifMUl kr Jakkerk, wm. Lasaaaa a eof, hnam, He. URGE CONGRESS TO MAKE APPROPRIATION . " - J . ' '- -' ' . I ' Commercf&l Bodiss Telegraph Chairman. Burton of Celilo ' Ca(ial Needs.. Chamber of commerce officials have re newed the attack upon T. E. Burton. cnairmaa or the rivera and harbors contT mi t tee in congress to show him that the dommerclal need for a canal at Celilo justifies the expenditure by con gress. - j telegram, - signed by W. D. Wheelwright, president- of the-'chamber; George Taylor,- chairman of the naviga tion committee;" and Henry Hahn, chair man of the open river committee, -eras sent last night to Mr. Burton. After urging no diminution of the appropria tion for the mouth of the Optumbiainhe telegram says: -.... ., ' :. "This morning's dispatches ' from Washington' state that your honorable committee wlahea to be informed as to whether this' project would accomplish results Justifying the expenditure of so much pub! lo money aa- f S,80e,(H. - To this we answer that only a email pro portion of that sum la needednow; that the total expenditure will .extend over a term Of years; that Tt would practically oomplete an open river sot nearly too miles; that it would promote an area that now. produces $50,000,000 annaally to a production potnt or that the tlevelopment. of . the Oregon country during the last 20 years haa not been one-half what it would have been but for obstacles In the way -of naviga tion; that this Improvement la called for by the unanimous and, persistent senti ment of all the cltlaens of three statue who are now working sealoualy and In perfect harmony to build up the coun try, -and that congress, by the exercise of .the functions that It alone can em' ploy, will only- be aiding the energetle efforts of the people in planning to make of ther Columbia river an open water way from Lewlaton to the sea. Major Lancntt naa reportea in ravor I of the canal, and though doubtless ayeras to volunteering a further statement. would certainly answer any Inquiry ad dressed to him." SETTLE FINANCED M : rtT AND WANT DIVORCE Augusta B.: Leader today sued Joseph H. Leader for divorce, alleging "cruelty nd the application of vile epithets to her. Mr. and Mrs. leader laat Baturday compromised a suit In which Leader sought. to recover possession of property held by her. "The complaint In the pres ent divorce action describes - the real property now In the possession of each, and asks to retain the realty as now held. The complaint avers that "One of the "reprehensible-acta of Leader waa in i at one time ne injurea jars, ueaaer so that aha waa compelled to file her wedding- ring- front her hand... -'r. Reduced Rate's to California. The Southern Paclne oompany , has placed' on sale .round - trip tickets' to Los Angelea at the rate or 6. limit 0 daya Thie afforde an excellent oppor tunity to visit the man beautiful win ter reaorta. of southern California ; at a moderate-.cost. '',.-,. '.. .'-('-.';.:: T7T77 'it' - L eats are now selling for Melba In the inbny of the Marquam Grand 1 theatre. This world-renowned soprano and her excellent company will be heard la grand concert at the armory, Tenth anACouch streets, next Monday evening, at t.XO ciocx. . t . - TOv-aecurs Mme. Melba for airAmer- teae ee the aaaaea ef tttt-HBI.- C1 A. EUis of Boston bad to-meet rugged proposition when he went to Paris to confer with her. A number of offers at large figures had been ten dered ty European managers for the preeent seaaon.. one of them In parties lar betnff for such a sum that It seemed lraost folly for Melba to not accept ft She did decline, however, and .accepted- U VIHm tmrmnm frm mm . n .1 . ..... . , n. H. " v. a,, ' i. .via,. The figures are staggering, and by agree ment .are not given out. ... ' mmmmmmtmmmmtmm fc j CITY FEDERATION OF CLUBS' MEETING Rooms In the Dregon dub building at the. Lew4s-and Clark fair will bo devoted to the city federation of clubs, by the permission ' of , President Jefferson Myers This . announcement waa made t the last federation, meeting. -All club omen attending the fair will be wel come- tor -these rwotne-when they can Identify themselves -with club Work, and the efflcsra pf the American CJvlo ImJ provement league will be received here. Much routine bualneas was transacted at the meeting. Tha matter of delegates to the meeting' of tha proposed Trawlers' Protective association was referred to the individual organisations forming the federation. A letter was read from Dr. Woods Hutchinson encouraging the glvrng of further, aid to the Open Air sanitarium. ' Mrs. A. T. Webb reported a special program prepared- foe the con' vention, - February. 2(, In tha Selling Hlrach building. jThe secretary waa In structed to ask,' the Lewis and Clark commission to make at the fair a dis play, of machines for . the . economical disposition, f garbage. , . VERDI'S masterpiece ! T: '"v BY MM&r-MANTELH Next Wednesday night, at the Mar quam urand theatre, Mme. MantellL supported by her excellent company of princlpale, will be heard Id Verdi's mas terpiece. "II Trovatore:" This distin gulshed artist Is now In the aenlth of her powers as- a dramatic, singer, and there la every reason to believe that the preeent season-, will - witness the great eat triumph In her wonderful career. Mme. Mamellt . will be supported bv manor Arcnuu Aioertl. baritone.- for merly of 'the Metropolitan Opera." com-. pany; Mme. Heiene Noldl, drsmatlo so prano; Walter H. Wheatley, tenor. Beats are nnw selling. ' A Surprise Party. A pleesant surprise party' may he ?1ven to your stomach and liver, .by aklng a medicine which will relieve their puis end discomfort, via: Dr. King's New Life Pills.. They are a moat wonderful remedy, afford Ins sura relief and Mtre, for headache.- dirtiness and ronstipstion. irc st Red Cross Phar macy, sixth and Oak streets, on tha aay t th poslofflce. - , ALL SECURE LARGE : ' ""v . ):. s " .::iV'v::.;v:''Tv'i..U f .V'-'', w ' ". J 1 X ' IN BOYS' DEPARTMENT !' -' I ,i"T-' ; -:'"-' p - -.J ':;t..:,.'i.: ' "ii. , I coets)wtia) ''..';.'. ' -- V "' . Ajlat waoea ' ; ..,JJ i,.,..: .--'i- i..--,,' '... - ".--.. '-";":'" . ... V School SuitS r. DfCKEY CASSIMERES, the best wear-re sisting' fabric known; all sixes, 7 to IS years; value $185, 'SALE PRICE ;i' Pur GREAT Boys jS(A(mrSiii 1.50 values." . S ALE I PRICE $2 m' Sailor buitsat; Half ------ir- HUCf SAILOR SUITS. V, $3.00 SAILOR SXnTSV-1.604 1.00 SAILOR SUITS.,., . . . .V.:.;'. ;ra2;50l OVERGOATSil ,..wV .$8.95: OVERCOATS .24)5." $5.00 OVERCOATS.V.V.t; ;.;;;.. 13.95 V " M -$$.00 OVERCOATS.... . , . ... 4.95 $10.00 overcoXts. . .'irn'. : ,t : ; 6.95 ; irf -t ' I . T , . ,. .2 , i ...aaWH 1 . a..'-. : .- t tt-. r littiiiii Representatives of Six Fa mous Factories in Port' J, land Recent ly.' Eirers piahd House Preparioc; to - Do Larre Btuloess - Before ;. and During the Fair. - In the past ten days Etlers, Piano (atentlemen repreaentlns; larva eastern 1 tnanufacturera." - five belni piano men whose factories- "produce some of the finest and popular .pianos fold by Ellers Piano House, - one , waa a "scarf - man n tha other was hers to take orders for tnols and henchea In Mr. EL-tR, Walter came In the Inter. eats or tne Hooart m. canie company, whose faotory. located at l Porta lnd. Is conducted upon the moat proaresslve methods.' .The worke aie altuated among areen flelda adlolnlnc the lovely little town that boasts of unusual rail way-fa. 1 cilltlea - The laraa army of employes I of - this factory haive neat. attractive homes, and sr. Bobart M. Cable, whoae piano heara his name, baa recently suc ceeded in baftllna the efforts of liquor dealers to establish saloona In the vi cinity of. the factory. Each workman employed la. an expert in hla own par tlcular llnerand each is Imbued with the poller ofthe house ."al way the beat u r . ,- Mf. W. NVaa Matre Is the president Of tha Schumann -Piano Company, hav- lns- a record of over bi years of a moat triumphal oareer. His factory Is located in Illinois, .in in. xszncjiiB ,mwn ox ivoca ford. Amona; the many new and Inter. estlne-i Ideas In piano-case designs, Mr. Van Matre la ahowlna the photograph of a- "Mission Plana The mlsalon Idea ia carried out verv minutely In every part of the caae, and the effect la axceedlnaiy appropriate and picturesque. It is In deed aurprlMna how readily this style adapta if self to-plsno-cslh. - People who are so. fortunate as to possess mis sion furniture will be siad to know that thin style of piano lil soon appear in Portlsnd. - u, . ire mm . n tr. . i..m,u. dent of the Lester -Piano Company, and Mr. ti. J. reesey, secretary or me same company, spent a coupie or days in Portland; The Lester, the pride of mus ical Philadelphia. Is a piano that cannot be overeetlmated.. Ita fine tone and ar tistic caslns; are supplemented usual wearinn quality. bv un- y. maklna It . a splendid school as well aa home piano. It ia now found in many famous schools and, musical conaervatorlea Twenty lister unrirnts ano two arsnns were re cently oraereo oy me Broaa-Htreei con eervatory of Music, of Phlladelphle,. the home city or tnis piano, ana J of this of ano. and 14 for' the famoee Hew England "Cuuseifatoif1 tf Music, or isoston. -Mass. -i Mr. Chaa. T. KslTenberaer. nrealdent Of the firm of KalTenberstr Cantor, one of the largest manueacturen of flue nlano scarfs In the country". Waa another caller at Ellers Piano House. The order he carried away for fine scarfs was aim- ply aatontehlnav ' Mr I. N. Hockett. selling tha Poster A Oo. pianos, was also a vlaitor. The rh reputation of the Foater Dlano. es pecially for musical excellence, haa been won by maklna; uniformly highest trade or instruments, in is isciory prooucina only one grade. The Foster piano haa recently been tehee Into the Ellers fam ily of fine nlanos. and Is fast wlnnlna friends -here amona both 'professional pennie ana amateurs. Mr. H. C Chnrchlll carried aarav aa Immense order for stools. me at-trefare vaiu brTLirmr tiram siven these gentlemen, la mnaldArahlv over "10i 000. In llsht of the fact that these orders were for only four of the I makes of hla-hest-ersde pianos car tied by Filers Piano House, it te evident that thla popular concern Is preparing to do a tremendous bualneas during the preeent year. Htorf, 3S1. Washington street, corner Tsrk. Other larae estab lishments. San Francisco.' Stockton and Oakland, Cel.; Ppokane and SealUs, Waaa., Boise and Lswlaton, Idaho. - mm ilia THE BARGAIN-EVENT OF THE YEAR ?1 '''.'Im ' Harun & Sons: Men's Corona patent colt, and enamel talf double spied, 0 C Afl 1: ;Bluchers aftd lace; reduced from $7.00 to.-. . ; . . ; . .". . . . .t )0UU. Boyden s French calf, patent.aad enamel calf Lace Shoes; reduced from .. tf jk A , I - , $7.00 and $8.00 to. . ..... ............ .. ... 7 500 Pair Mfens ftnc vic( and velours calf, lace and Bluchers reduced from -V".C2 CA J .... - Y " - v.' i ' ' ' ''rVw'; 1 . - v-'-' - ij-'-.-- - -; 7.Tj'"" " ;" . , f'' ' 1 v 300 Pairs Ladies' Fine Vici Kid and-Gunmetal Calf Lace Shoes or Bluchers ; fr . Q ' ' ' " -'. reduced frdm $4.00. to..-. i..'; . i,., ... . . . . . . '. . ... ' i'i . .r..l.'VMOl) ? - 850 Piirs-Ladies' Box Calf LAce Shoes, wilted soles ; reduced from .-'"".7 'qj A : .'. $3,00'. to. . . ..' ...... - . . mjt t. . . . i t ".V. . .. .. T. . .eeafaaai'V v Boys.- and Youths' " Box "Calf Heavy Soled. Bluchers, iscplized soles ; tf OA - reduced from $2.50 to. ....'.'.. r .... . . k . ..V. 1 VU Same, in sizes 11 to 2 ; reduced from $2.25 tcrr..;. l T . . : . . . . .T.", , ; . .81,75 Mtssea-nne Kifl.-laee, patent leather .tips,1 extension" SOieSTngizes il'to a; -. ; ( n reduced from $1.75 to Children s fine kid, lace, patent leather tips, extension soles, sizes 6 to 10, ; A ' f ; - were $L50 now.i. ............ l,00OJPairf Infants Lace Shoes ; the" 75c kind--- , ' ' - : . , ; ; " - L nOw '.. ....... .......,..,.., ......i.....-. ...... . . .aJIIL AND THOUSANDS OF OTHERS TOO NUMEROUS TO lENTION. , . ROSEN FJT-A- 149 THIRD. STREET;.... l; BETWEEN MORRISON AND ALDER a -4. VI - (