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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1905)
i : - .-J ;-:(T.;:-7;:;::- t;:s onrco:i daily jouenau Portland, monda v evening. January 19&: 1: . f i .t4 Po"Mo of Portland. Or . r"t-iaietn wrougo toe mala) M - clean matter. . - . poauge fur elngle eopiee: For aa B. 10 to IS-tltPVM- 1 .ut! ' to 80 ("(Or1 Bta S3 v.v.'.. nunom " - Editorial Boom .....,....,,,,,..,,...MlB SN Bwlneae Otflof...,.,v..A..,.,......IUl BOO j JOBXIOW atDTEBTXSIXw EEPEESEBTATTTX. .whd-Beng(mln iweUI AdTurctalng' Agency, v. trtot,SeT Xerki Tribune Valid- i a. wah , v-y, -fv,.-. -JTCHOatlPTIO SATIS. " Sj '". with Sunday, 1 yar.,.8To8 tt P"" inaL 1 yeer....... 2 . The Dally Journal, wttk Bonder, month. 8 Ti ' 2 J"' Jo""'l. monthe. ; 1.80 i, ' eoaraai, witn Sunday, mtotno J - ""7 eouruat, a roouirt. ...........-. a- ? 'wul, with Sunday. 1 month.. M ':The Dally, per week. - delivered. , Sunday - tT iscludrd ..;.;..,..-., ,18 0 uelly. par - week, . deUvered, . Sunday LexMntarf . '. hmi hw MaH. IS 'carnal, with Sunday, 1 yMr....8T Oft Dally Journal. 1 yaar. . 77.. S.00 i 2J P"' njraal.- with Sunday, moo tna. ST 4 i 25 I'"' eauruaL awitha...... X.J " i (!"' 'oornal, wit Sunday, t montha. . , Th Dally Joarnal. month.... 1.4? ir,1 . . JM Pally jMirnai. with Sunday. 1 kaentk. . . Tna Dallr Jnnvnal 1 Mdnlh .-w. Ta flanday Jnaraal, 1 yatr.,.)Mi-no f-J" . ttba Sunday JooraaL montat... .. -j V'v: - - TW- Samt-Waakly liwl. y ". Sha Saml-Waakly. Janraal. - it aM Mrk iMn. u(aete,ta4 (oU markat ra-, ' port, 1 yaw -;, .....,...,....., ....! I . .." xka waakiy Jrimli- ' - ;Tba Waakty Journal. lM atluwi af raad- t I Ina aark Uaua. lllaatntad. full markat ' rvporta, 1 yaar.;......, -W nemiitanraa ahould Da maaa Df raTta aoaiai 4aa. hom. anhn. iii m.ll aroaaata-ara DoaptaW. In 1 and t 'tbTiOBlftjUi , r-.' W. Bar in, Pnrtlaad. Or. j BlI IH1 JOPRHAL MAY M I0U1TO. ' , Tna faanul can fca fond on anla at tha fok- BOIHK IDA MCI Ptmuw haak . CHICAGO PoatoMaa 'awa aampany. lTt Daar- ';.1)BNVBB. corx) twdrtr Book Statlanary ini ajavwntrmta atraat; . . BlXti TtAMAR TTTYTaa Kn NawV mtMIT. ' ; K9 ANSEI.EaWB. r. Gardntr. 3A Sootk L, "Prln atraat ; OUtat Ball.lPIftoU WINNEaPOUS nt i.. Karanaacn. 0 Sasta r-i - intra. .. , KF.W T0RK-C1TT BraaUno'a. Vnlon aquara. " CM ABA Millard HoUl nowa atand; Mafeath Btatlonary. anmnaay. IMS Parana, atrart. SALT LAKS fUTV Kaaiaa Hntal inrLltl.4 Barrow Broa.. 4S Waat Srrnnd atraat. nVxits. ST. LOt'IS PMllii laibf. ia I ai aal ativat. -SAIV FBANCIHCO W, K. Ardlnc. -Palaea Botal - nawa atand; Ootdamlth - Broa.. 280 Suttar iu. atraatt Frad W: Pitta. 10A Market atrart. SPOK ANIL WAKH-John W. Orakam A Co. TACOMA. WABH. Cattral Kara auMpany. 11M - rinw aranna. ' ' J .1 I II IV VI V . H1IHBI . imnf, m i fa Bill raaldnc. 703 Marahall atraat. Katnaa 77.Iiial- atrd T yaara, Fwnral Tucaday, Jauur i, i. i'IWB. aW. ni.Troaa tha abora -rnrhlrnra. iRrlatlm and f rtacda rrapactfalt 7ACnOV SALZt TOKOXtOV. , J. T. Wllann. I Flrat atraat. t 10 a. n pt fumitart.atoTea.atc. J., I, Wllaoa, By FwtUnd Attrtlnn aoneik. at naldanr TW Flrat atrart. Bain of furaitura. ua, A. XOWlt. aurtlonaar.' . - By Urort 'BaKa. V. Park and . Aldrr viraan, at iu a. n. eai oi rornitnra. anrpata, . -imwit naai'i ar t n. , aurTiuiirai. , WZATXXB BBPOBT. i' ""Bali ' a aiaxnroaDa i nawiwraia mrrf. u Cfiuil SnSSJnMCmurnlnd. ar off lha Waahlnrfdir waat, '' v It I aaartvf tkiwly Inland, and itutm warnlnra ; 7 warn ardrtad' dnmlaya-aa.-a Jg nt iam.-;at all r-aaauarta In tkia (flatrlrt. -.- turin tna). laat JM naara nwdarataly banay - ' knd aancaal ratna ara arcurrad la nortkNi .aniinia..normarn Aaraaa. uraaon. WaabLnc - taa, Irtabo and waatara Montana. Fair wratb4 .1. TraraHa. arallr.aat,rt Uh Mlaalaalppt rltar, . - artth -trnperrttraa kllghily brlow ncrnal. ' "iruuMttwraif Uk Vyir?a?lt'nliJla "din rai. Jirlow wro t MiniintonjTBa Indl , ratlona ara tor orraalonal . raia In thla dlatrirf tonlakt' and TMaday waat -of tn- Caarada noantalna., and raia a .now , -to tha -oaat of BkM, rase. . ,.' " Waddlna Carda. W . O: Jtmtth A r . Waafc. inaion ofaf., anr, .oorta. aaa waaainftoA sta. .WBIBTT.BB Jaimary T. tnlr. and Mr. Ranry . . I -1 Wklatlrr, 674 Boat Oak ttroat. a aoo. BAN January So. to Mr. and Mra. Bntbarford : p. Baiv, otkk uuaan atraat a aagiii C0B1A0I0US OXBXASIB. LrntAKD Jaaoarr XI. Tlolat Uaiud Ikri ?!!!!! 'n't!-tft j rood, cblckea -t ' CTrlOTT Jannary SO.' Etlubath 1 Srhart. aavd , . ( .; u yrara. at 4S Klla atraat i canaa, fancrnl r . aampnia. non,i at .BnoiiDiiiy. ur, . t .l y LORN KB January an. William LobiMir. . , yaara, at awinsoa atrani eauaa, aaart dlaaaaa. Oramatnrlum. '-!.. tXHiDMAN Jaaaary 1, rlla tJoodman, aa4 8 - . yara. at lll fin M.oiaoa atraat ranaa. pari napititi. aturiai at Taunona Torak ranatary. .. -v - j - - JiKAUMfc January' 30. Katbarina Maaala, aavd Ki yrara, at tm vara j.traat ranaa. aort--- m!n- vf arala. Burial at Blfaralaw rama- - tary. - ; - - ... it ' .. : v. - -CARKOLT Jannary , Antnoey f, Carroll, . a,.-.. .itfi .72 VNrai at IB Onst arraatk ranaa. 'AV. , aanrtlr o'tvxatomaoh.v. . Barll at Mt. Catrary i, mniTnrr. i. - . MH'L,1 January It. Mary B. AonM, aad S 5-, yaara. at North rartaa annltartun; aauaa, ' fr parltanltla. - Hurlal at Lona Fir raartary. rr - -.XI January SO. Mka 14. aarad SO yaara, at y. Sarnnd and Aldrr atrarta: rauaa, .tabareuloala. . nuriai- ac una air rrrariwry, ai'lua t.M ,n n. . i wiu " a. - at IHraao. Waab.g- rauaa, pnanmunla. , Burial n at Ahalral Shalom ramrtary. .... rI.I.ETT January i. 'Nrttla Fnllatt,. aavd a yrara,. at 13" TMrtranta atraat; eauaa, : aarrlnnnia of II rar. Burial at U rir ... rrmrtary. ' . r i rJ-rNllLIb-Janniry IS. Joha O'TVman. ' a4 I . IS. yaara. at St. Vlnrnnt'a boapltal; rauaa. Injury rtna ta fait, Burial at MU Caltary (Vamatortaia on oratm city car Una. naar Bail wood; nndara. artantiar, oampiata. Caaryaa ' ,1 adults, 838; rhlldran, 828. Vial torn 8 a. m - , - to 8 p. m. Partland Cramatloa. aaaodatapa, . purtlaad, Qrafoa. . -.-J... ' : Tha Bdward Bolmaa TTndrrtaklnf romaany, ' fnnrral dlrartora and tmbalmara. 330 Tklrd 'Si:yT''-Rmm 0T' - ---. i t. P. Flalay A Bon. funaral dlraetor and 1 amhalmrra, bara ramorad an thalr aaw aatab - Hahmaot. cornar.Tblrd and Madlaoa atraata, BoU pbona Ba. t. , ': , ... ... aSnaral wraatna and out Sowar I apartalty f . . : at Boaa City Orarnboaa. Twaaty-aaroad and i Eaat Morruwa, opp. ramatrry. ., t ..: ; ; ' ... tSAI. ISTATI TBAXSrXBS. ?r "J K -1 , WIIHn B. Bi.'tnaid and alra to C. I.' V 4 Bnrdar, lot Id, blork S, Tarmlno. ad- J.. - . - - - a aoo 'Mary P. Wrlnkla tad koaband to, A l.aarninl, blork, 3V J a man Jubna' SaroMl 4, nddltha to St, Mobna f A 880 i Board of artiool tntatra to R. I.. Martin'. . waat r lot .r aorirb-- frat anrt - . . Inrnaa at waat U of lot 8.' blork 381. lly .....(..,, .n 8,800 ; T. W. Lradbrtrar and wJfa to F. W.' . , Balraa. andlTtdrd H Intarrat lot , 8, . blork 48 t'oor addftkNi I,T80 -Trmy -It- BlVth and wlfa to ' r. W. . .t-"" blork 48. tbuck addition B.T80 r. n. aianay aaa wiro ra Haorv n. Staaana, lot in, block- 87, Bunnyalda.. MalTla . 0alaa.ltb to B K. na.,1-. kit 8. blork 8. Smith aakdlTlaloa, to Oonrao W. Brown to " ft' Amlrraaa. ..lata 13 and IS, blork" S. Bralyn Portland Truat romnaar to J. r. fl KB , at aU. lot 1, btork I Iorumoutk Villa itaaoVd " ,188 400 . alary aoan and. knahand to J. Scamaay,. lot a. d blork A Wrnkonn villa Chrtatophrr IX Brann and wlfa to T,. J Amoa. Ml aad S, block 1.1, Dolaa a ' ' addltlnu 71.890 V. a Marfr to ft. .Waafrr,, wwaf aad bkj 8. 4. T aad 8. Mnrfc OA. fannton... 1 S. F. Whir and wlfa. ta C. W. Handoy, ana, M T. blork 3. Ont'a addlrlntt.... l.BfM A lor MaroH to ". v m-ij, a and A blork L . 1 4 fa Uaayt barold to k C, a S a block M, want PortUnd Park . I t. A. tirlm at ll. to H. Julian, lat 4. -block A. Mount Scott Park . .T.i. 32S 1. H. Naa and wlfa .to J. MrKabart, lot . Baak' flrat adilltloa 800 irmaa at aL to Portland Uaa (ob " i Mlaar-8 T"' J. lUrima -any, . addiil iloa to St. Jvkao 'T80 "J Sat roar and aba tract to rani aaiaia rrom rno niia waaraat ntaa a Tnart py. tamkir- of Oammaro iwias, i Bvooxva PIBMITS, ahlTsTsKaTkltltlakt ' a1 . Jmavamaa , TlA ' 1 M BANkiN-Jaauar 31, 0. M. Bankla. two-atory , flat, Fourtranth batwaoa Taylor and Balmo atrrata; roat, 8S,0uOk MEIKK A FBANK-January 31. Mr I or A Prank. ; to fpur-atory brlrkt Morrlaon be twrcn Front and Rlrrr atraata; uat. jlo.Ouu. HOLM KB OUAL A ICS OO January 31, Hoimra til - !"; cuanpany, rapaira to twotury brlrlt, foot of Ralalah atroat; coat. 81.6UU. Kit K-Jamiary 31, C. H. Klc. cottar. Broad- "It lWjXW0O,"tot Kl8llt. trat; BlTsLTONaiinary W. n, K Wlta.Cdwell Iny. Cnloa nrenua batwoa rallluf.and Baaca atrorta; aoat, 81.88U., ' ' TOMBABI-January 34 B. M. Lombard, dwall nr. Broadway batwaaa Twanty-nlnth and Thlrtlrth atraata t .coat. 12.000, IXtMBAKD Jaunary 38. B. M. Iahard. dwall Iny, Uaaonrk betwara Tblrtloth and Thirty. -flrat atrrata; coat, 83,880. . . LOMBAHD-Jannarr Sa, B. ht. Tnbard. dwall. taa. Hanrork batwaan Thlrty-flrat and Thirty- XOMBARD January HI, B. at. Tmbard,' dw.ll- nr. onuyiar gatwran iDtriy.nrt and Thirty aamnd atrart. J ooat, 83.8t). , tOMBABtr January 38, B. M. lombard. dwall . lnr, Hanrork batwaan Thlrty-flrat and Thirty arond atraata ioat. l Ann . LOMBAHlW.nn.ry 33. B. M. Lombard, dwell-' , ln. Broadway batwaan Thlrtlath and Thlrtr. I flrat atraatai mat, 38.3DO. POBTXABP TBUST C0MPABT OF OBIOOB.t - , Bo. 108 TKIBO ST. . -: Tha Oloaat Traat Company la Oraaaa. i ' OAPITAl, 8888.008. WW armdnrt a fanaral banklna baalnaaa. Wa rerolea aaTlne Ornoalta. Wa fanma time ar tlOoatra and eertlDcatea of oVpcalt nay a hi a upon 1" day' rail. 80 daye" call ar SO daye call, 'with mtareat at Sfc. 8U and 4 per cant par aanunv teaoerttrelr Calf or rend for our oo ar BE.NJ COHtN.,,....,.,...,M.,.,.,pTeaMent IL L. i., .. , . . . Tle-Praeldenf B. LBB PA0B J. 0. OOLTBA. . ...... . Aaal.t.nt BeeroUry 0BD0B. . SAB FBABCI8O0 BAVX. LTatlTID. Head OfAaa, M Old Broad Street, Loodoo, Tnm nana a (enarar banklnc bud am. makaa toaaa. rHaroaiala Mlla mmA kMM latter of on rdlt-ar!labfe for trarelera and for th puTCtina of toe basdl In any city" oftba worn. it, in. roruaw and aa mi alio ex chance, latereett paid -on aU tlnw depoalta. ' W. A. MACBErManarar. , MXmCBAXTS' BATT0MAL BAVX, . ' , Z. pobtlabdl ABraoB. J. JBANK WAT80N...A....-,,...PVartdent K. I Kl'HnAJt.. TlaevPraal H. W. HUlX...,it,,H,MO...... G go ROB W, HO YT... .AmUtant Caahlar Traaaaet a 0 an. raj Baakinc Buiaeaa. Draft aad Lettere of Credit Imued ArallaMa to All Parta of tha World. Callerttona a Specialty. Gold Duet Boorht . SBCWBTTT SATIBOMi TBUST COMfAJTf, B8S Morrlaon St.. PoHlaad, Or. ' m la ejeaaral Bwnklne- Bu SATIBOS iEPABTHfn-T Interrat Allowed on Time -and Marina Depoalta. . . - Acta aa Trnate for Bet.tae. Drift and Lettera of Credit A reliable la AO rarta ar ma woria. "ADAMS. . wrml (amfll U A. I7BWIS..,.,,,, Flrat 'Tlra.r-reeldaat v. . , .Second .Tc-Prealdnt b. a. jubitz.; .Secretary U BITES STATTS BATT0BAL BABX. , Of POTT.ATl OP.BOO. llOBTKWEB'f COB.- TXTBS AJTD 0AX tTB. Tranaktraa a General Benktaf B.alaan - . nB.rni iui:rn . . AvallubM In 111 Cltloe.of the rnltad Bute .-ana uropa, Hone kobs ana alaalla, --- OOlXZOTIOin MABB OX FATOBABLB TZBMS f-reeldent. . . ..... J. d- Al.Ng WORTH Tlce-Prealdmt. ........ ....... ..,.W. B. AVER faahler. ... R, W. BCfTMKFR Aaatataol Caabler.... ...... A. kV WBIOHT f-IBST -BATIOBAL BAVX I .v-e ' .- ' or raSTaValB, VBaWOBT, f w - . - uealanatad .xiepoaitnry ana nnanctaj AteBt af Prrcldrnt..,,.-.-rr,,X..Tr,... .A. L. MTTXS Caabler.. . ... tM, W, NB WBTRK wa ennm-oiuai awiina, i mbiw ....... , ...... w. v. ni-T'inii Berond Amletant Ca.brrr B,, F. STEVI.- Lettara f Crrdlt Iim tAr.l1.hle lrf Buropa .. ... and the Kaatern flta'taa.' Jr lht Bicbanaa . and Talecraphld Tranefor pill) on new i,ima, iinpi, i. Mraia, St. - Pot; Omaha,- San - SYenetaraaadV the nrTnrinal nolnte In tha Jforthweet. Blrhi and time Dliw arawa in rama ra anil aa London, Farm, , Berlin. Frankfort-oa-tha- Maln. Hoof Kon. zokoaam. coneaharen. cariatianiar Btocttnoim, bi. A-ataraoarg, cow. runea, xtonoium. - r ,J Oolloatioaa Made aa Fayornbla Tarata. 1 1AJMX, .XII.T0. BAXXCBS. . 3;- . U- - (ZataUiahad la USf. V "Traraaat a eoaarai Bankina, Bualnaea. ' "Vllcctlone BMdo at all point on faror.nle terma. Letter of credit leeueeT fcTallahla la Xuropa,nd an aointa in the- I nlted at. taa. Fight Kich.nea and Telearaphlr- Tranafer old oa new. xorx.- waaniarton, cnireao. St. Louie, pen . Omaha. . Ban 1 ranowoa . and Monun ana nntun coramnta.' . Eirhara re aold o London. PmrtaTTIerHi Prahkfnrt, -Bong sonf,. Tokehaaw, Manila and Bonolula. . '. ,"- s .... 1 .- . : MaBBIS BXOS. A OHBUTXVSXV. . U lint Street,. Portland. Or. Offer Snt-Idra Ineaatawnt fat Mnnleipal ami . ure aaa.. wnn or uau. MORTOAOE LOANS On Portland Baal EataU at Irfnraat Batea. i. . TlUea laeurad, Abatraota rnnlahed.. -,. TITLB BUABAVTXB TXVST CO. :. -f - Beaea 8, Chamber af OommerO. ' ' OITT B0T1CX8. PB0POSAXB FOB FTED-rOB TEX FIBS SB PABTMBBT. -a . t Sealed nmnoaal. will be received at the office At tha Auditor of the City of, Port la ad until Friday, January 37, inn, at 4 o olork p. m... for fiirnlahlnr to th Kir Department iof aald Hty tb fallawlnBJtamn ofl lead, wheah will be requires tor ua annua oi fnrutli- aim ana Aprti: Bix tone country nr.n. - Fifty tone beat quality timothy kayv - Twentr-flve ton beev ouailtr whlu oata. r. U-wm, am afraar. . k r' : ueuvery to -oa mao aa require o ana Dili, to tm rendered only for aura uantitlca a ar delivered and accepted. . ' -samolee f bran nnd oata atuat be aubmltted with ear propnaal. ilaj aad trw aubhwt.te approval oa douvery. - No'propoaala will ba eonaidered anleaa ac- eotnnenled by a eartlfled cheek- payabm Georaa.H. Willi. ma. Mayor, for an amount nqoai to gv par ran. oi iav ararraata ora, Tha rtrht to reject aay ar. all bide la hereby teaarvod.i ' r '. - By order or th Bxeeutlv Board. . V THOS. C. DlTUlt,- - Auditor of tha CHy af Portlaad. Portland. Oregon, January 31, 1808. , PB0P0SED. SXWIB IV - 84 H " STBXXT, Notice la hereby give that at tha moatlnf of the Council of the City of Portland, t ra yon, held on the IHtb day of January, 1008, ue roiiowma reeoiution wee aaoptea: i - ' Neeolved. That Ue lunrll of the nty of Portland. Oreroa. - doe me It expedient' and propoaee to cm. t root a erwerMa 34V4 (treat from the Muth line of ' Ventres'! addltioai ta tha erwer In Nlrolat etreet of vitrified erer pip aAelyht Inrhea clear. Inaldo diameter with all arvreaary catchbaalna, manholra. lampbole rnej-tiraTirtiear Bald nrwac to . be Krnltriicted la with the cb.rtrr end erdinanrea of the lit; of Portland and tha plana, apeclAVatlana id eatl mato. of tha City . Kncinaer Sled la the efrlre of 'the Aaditor of the City of Portia ad tha of January,!' 18i. Tndoreed: 'Tlty Bnaineef (" nlane dndl an, i Iftf-atloua toe rhr aewer In 34 S afreet front tha eoath Ua of veeeteea adriltian to the aewer In Mcolal etrrat and the eetlmntea of tbo work to ke none ana tn pmoanie total coat tnareot." Tha eaat of aald newer la ho anaaaaa an new. vided by tha city charter noon the property prriauy una pacuiiariy wenemotl inereov ana which la. hereby declared to. heaa follnwa: Lola a. -. 8 and 8. blork 8. and lota 10. a. a . n V WIaI, I 1 1 I V . ' . .J.I.I . ' JE fiu ot "poVtuid." m " " n.. r-lt' L iiT. 1M ir: ...- ,w wain t-wHwi, mm - tor pi iieuDia total coat tor tha case traction of Mid aewer la 8J18S8. . -. Tha plan. poclScntmaa and rati mate of the City Bnainrer. fee the eea.trvjcttoa a aald eewrri are krrehy adopted. . Breolred. That the Aodttnr of the City et Portland be aad b la hereby dtreetoA to alee notion of the proraord conatrncilna, of aaia ewer a provided by tha rlty charter.' BeawaMtranrea ny.lnat the (nove aewer may he Sled la writing with tha andreela-ned wtthla 30 day fmea th dat of th Brat publico Oua af thla notice. By orner at tha coemcri. Ttwn. r. DBVLijf, wr waa 1 -ri i a mu Porttaad),' ftragoa. Data (t Snt pabUratlas, e-anuary u, Itrjo. ..... . CI IT V0TICZS, PB0POSZD ..WPBOTUnUX r .DBXAT STBXXT, Natla to 1 haraby firm that artb bieetltal Council tha City of Portland, Ora. or taa t'ouocll ux tna city or rortund, Ora aon,. hold oa thai 18th day of Jauaary, Itwi, ua witowina raaoiatwai waa ihdiiimi :. Braolrad. That tha Council of tha City of Portland, Oraaoa, aaa ma it aapadtaut and pra poaaa to Imprure Delay atraat from tha Burtb Una of Ouldamlth atraat to tha aouth lino of Anott atroat la tha Ailkiwlnf manner, ta-wlt: Flnt Br aradluf tha atrart to .tha aubarada aa ylraa by tha City Knglueer. . Jaoond By eonatruetliia; -woadea- aloaw.lka in aroardauo with tha City Kucineer ' nerlneatlona and aatlmatea. Third B relarluf aldawalka ia aocordanoa with tha cfty . Bufluoar'a plana, apaclAcaUun and aatlmatea. ' . Fourth lt hrlnalBa tha aur'aaa af tha atraat full width with full Intcraacllona to tha aatah- uauea fraao witB frarai. ' , Bald liut-roTruMat to ho aiada lB aeeordanea with tha charter and -ordtauieea of tna City af Portia ad and tha plana, apwlnVatioiaH and aatlmatea of the city Bukinorr 8 led la tha ofdea of th' Auditor of Ua city of Portland on tha 14th day of January, luns, ludorwad: '(ity Eurlnea'. plana and apacldcatluaa for tha Imprurvment of lwlay atraat - from tha north Uua at Uoldamltb atraat to tb aouth line or Knott treat aad tha aatlmatea of tha work to be " and fha nnJ Kla 1 mmt IIuwmiI " Tha aval af raid tuproeamant to b aeeeeaed aa proTlded by th city charter apon tha prop frty anaclally and paenllarly heoafltrd thereby ana wnics w aareny aaeiaroa to aa all tna lota. part Ujareuf au4 . oarcala twaea a Una low- feet waft of and parallel With the waat 11 oa of Delay atraat aad a Una 100 feet eaat at and parallel with the eaat Una of Delay etreet aad ketweea th northerly Un o' Vvldamlth trent and .the,, aouth, Una of BTm,. 1 .... Th Knaioeer' eetlmata br tb probable total coat for tha ImproeoaMSt af aald Delay atraat la fi.400.oo. , - . Tna a bore lmnro.emeat la fa be elaaaed aa a traeel ImproTement and aball bo maintained ny tna city for a period of Sea yaara, pet tdad tb.t tbo owner. or a majority or. ua proa- eriyMneatea oy aald unproeamant or any por tion thereof, ahall not petlttoa-for a aeer or different Improremeat before tha axplratioa at aurh period. . , . . . . The plana;' ep -lnratiooa aad aatlm.tra ef the- City. Bniineer far th Improremeat ' ef aid Delay atraat ar herrby adopted.!-- Bewlrad.:Tha,tlatrT Auditor of th City af Portland be and ka t heby dtroctvd to (Ira notice of the , proponed Improvement of aald treat aa a mood T the city rMrter, Bemonjitraaeea atalnat tha above Improvement may be Sled la wrltlnft- with the undrralroad within 30 day a from tha .date at th Brat pub UrattoB of thla BoUca. i By order af th Caaarll. : ' " . TilOS. a DBTLlIf, Auditor of tha fltr of Portland. rDTtiaaa.oran jta S-Brat. January 81. 1808. - rxorosxD UVaOTKMXBT Or - OBOTXX BCBIXTS -"Notlctr In karebjr alTen that It rhe awetlni of th OoaBCil of the, city of Portmad.. Ore on, held ob the Ifuk day af January, lSuS, n -rt inuaiMi leaaiuiieai waa aettptctu Beaolead, That tha Council of the City el Portland, Oreaua, doem It eipedlrat and pre pnaaa to Improra Grorar etrrrt Srnm tha eaat llnoof Pront atrart to the aaat line of Hood tract, except tb tntareectloa of Kelly (treat, la tha following manner, -to-wit: ' Flrat By Bradlna the atreet fui) widtk with full- lnternertlena down to -tna aubxrde aa 8 ran by tha City Knflneer. Breend By rooatructlny ta ae aardauca .- with the plana, aprclnc.tiooa aad aatlmatea of the City Kntr rr. ' Third By laylhn rmaa-.ika' 1a areordaac with the plana, epeclflcatl" and aatlmatea of the City BnrUar. .war-. ' - i.:..'.. -r Fourth By eooatrtectlnr antler a la . aeeord anea w4th the- plana, aprrlnratloa aad aetl wte of th City Bnr1nr. I Fifth By brlnclne the of tb errret full width with full lnteraectlon to tb Brad aa city aafioeer wya . 8.1U intprovemaat to b Biada la aeoordanc4 With the charter and ordinance of the City of Portland and the plana, epeeuratluoa and rati ma taa af the Cltv lnr1nnr fllwt ta tha ofsco of tb Auditor of the Cttr of Portland on ua m nay or January, iw, muorero: City Bnrlneev'n nlana nnd anaolBcatioiai foe the .Improvement: of Graver tract' from the eaat. uue nc rront atrart-to the eaat Una of Hood .treat, and the eetlmatee of th work to b done and the probable total coat thereof." The coat af hIi ImproTement to be aa.a ad aa provided by tbo city charter npoa the property " epedally-, aad peculiarly benefited thereby - and which m haraby daelaredv to be (11 the lota, parta thereof and parcel. ,ot land lying between a line loo feat north, of and parallel wkh ibe north Una af tiro are . atrrot and a Una 100 feet aonfh of nnd parallel with the :onth Una of Graver afreat and betweew the f- -t JJrreleXjrtth.4haV rait Una) af Hood (treat, '''. ; Tha Bngitieor' euflm.te of th probablb total coetfoe the ImproTeawnt ef aald Urovar treat kt 84,300.00. ' ;..- Th abova Improvement n to be claaaeet'a a wmeaaam imprevaaaeet aad hhaB be main talned br the ettv fur m iwIaa r a ,mm provided that, tha owner ,ef a majority . of uw rrvfmnr oenenien ny eaia improvement or -a ay portion thereof aball not notltlm ttm a new or different ImproTetuent beforo -the cx- ptraciow or- uocw peTloq.-yr' ' r 7 r-i ..Th plana, pocl8catlAn and aatlmatea af the City Engineer for tna ImproTement of aald Graver .atreet ar hereby adopted. BeaolveB. ' Th.t the- Auditor- of the City af Portland be and ha S hereby directed to gi not lea of the propoerd Improvement of aald airm mw py uo city cherter. Re mora trance aWalnet th above Imbrova mant may be Sled In writing with tha nrtder- i.nvti wTinin xw naye iroro too dat af th. Ara. MHMtMtLu. .1.1 ' ; By order. of the Council. - p : t- tmobVa; ustuk, . . -Auditor of th. fTt or Portland, 'Oregon.. Data of. firat publksatioa. ..I...I; A I , wv PBOPOStP nfPBQyixxvT OX XAJT DATM ', , sTxxxT. Notlc la herehv aiven that at.rka e.Hu of tba Council of the City ot Portland, Ore. .', arm wi , low. icti ear or eanuary, . lava. iiiuuwuii riaunitw. waa aoopveo: i Revolved. That tba Council of tha Ore Portland,, Oreroa. deoam It expedient and pro- poaea to improve Eaat Davm atrert from the eaat Hue f fnloa arenna to, th waat Una af l ' (traajt taa. Xatipwing ma Flrat By gradiag the (treat full width with full iateraectlon dowa to- th (Bb-grad. a given, by the City Engineer. - . ' SeconaW-By crmatraetlng artlflrtal rtnaa Mde walka In accordaaea-wltb the City Bnglnaer'a pna. vpenncationa una emimareu. 1 Third Hr- eonetruetinr artificial ntnoa Jn accordance with the City Engineer a peaaa. aiwciiicauona anu oauaaaiea. . . -i fourth By laying croaawaika..' '" i Fifth By eonatructlna atone, ruttera. Sixth By bringing tba aurfara of the atreet full width with full fntunei Uuwa to the areoe aa given by the City Engineer with graveL nald- improvement to he anada la a vrlth tha charter and ordlnancen of th City of roniana ana ine plane, epeoiricationa and eati luatea of tha 'City Engineer, filed In -tba office of th Aaditor of tho tlty af Portland oa tha 141 a aay or January,- inn. inaoraedt "City Bnalheer'a plana and aneciflrattone for tha-Im provement of Eaat Davla atreet from the eaat Una of I'ulon (venu to tha weat line of Baet Twelfth (treat, and taa eetlmatee ot tho Work to be done and the pronaolo total coat thereof. . The coat ef aald ImproTement - to be- aaaaeaid provided by the city ch.rteeoiVwtjthe prop erty aperlally and peculiarly benefited thereby aad which la hereby declared i to "be- all the lota, Tmrt thereof and parrela of laad lying between a lino 100 feet north of- and parallel with th north line of Eaat Davla atraat aad a Una loo feet, aouth nf aad eurallrl with tha aouth Una of Baat Ha via atreet and between the eaat line or In loo .venae and th waat C Wee TmIOI, are . ... The Enrlneer'e eatlmate of the probable fatal eaet for tne improveaieai ex earn Baet uavu treat la gt.Sno. . . The bov Improvement tr to be rlaeaecl aa a travel Improvement and ahkll be maintained by h-ctty for a .paihd of flvw -yeera. ; provided that tha ewoera or a majority or we property benefited by aald Improvement or any portion thereof ebell not petition tor. new or different Improvement before the expiration ot ouch period, . ' I . ' 1 The plana, eperlSeatlon mt, eatlmate tba City Engineer for the Improvement of aald Eaat Pa via aueet (te nereny BOoprea. werortvarr nunttAKmTnr nr jm Portland- be and he ta herehv "directed to give notice of ra prapneed improvement ox eaia atreet ka provided by the city charter, . . . Rem-matrancee agdndt the ahovo Improve nvsl may bo filed la writing with tb nnder Planed within. 30 day from tha date of th XTf a ' JtTttSBIrnl 0f - trta5rJsart4a?SBer,e' . ania,(p. By oroer or ta. nioon.ii. r , ... , f .THOS. C. DBTLtl. .'. . - . , . Auditor of tb City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. Date t Srat publlcnttoa. eennery XI. ine, P0WVDMA8TIB S B0TICX. Kotlco in hereby riven that on tho 1Mb day af January. 1S. .I tank vrp and eniptmnilad at tha City Pound, at Bo, Bit BUteenth atreet, In the Ci iv of Put Uan A Orego . t he following do- (crlbed animal: - Dark red cow. end af left Bora kmkea off and crop and lower, half crop In left ear. and anleaa tha . or other nerann ar oar- 'auoe having an Interear therein, ehatt el lot aaemaiaa ar too eerae,. an pey en enat ana rhargeo a tb keeping and advertielog then.. tnwetbee with the poernd rear on eald animal, a provided br Oroinciere Bo. 8 838. aa ameaeVd. af aald City af Portland. I will aa tba Snth day af Jaauary. tana, at tb bear nf 10 a. m at tba City Pound, nt Ha. Wl Btiteantb. la aald cltv, aell tha above deeevthed (olmal ht public (action t tb klgkrat bidder, to pay crate and charge fnr taking up. keeping and advertlmag each animal. inttod Uht St., da, .pn.. CITY ISTIbXa. rx6P0Axs, srwxB w TWXBTT-SIXTX STBXXT. i- ie haeaka alean-that at Cling ef the Council of the City, of Portland. Oro gtv held oa the 18th day f at January, lpu6. the i followlmr reaoliitloei waa adoouid: Beeolved. That th Oeuartl at Ike City at Portland, Orteon, derm, it -expedient nnd prvpuaea ta ouaa tract a aewer to Tweuty-aliih treat, rrom the aouth Una or vcratocg a ad dltlun ta Ua awar In Nloolal atraat of vltrl 3rd wot pipe of eight Inchea clear tnald diameter, .with (II aeceaaary ratchk.alna, Jnaa aolee, lampholea and brancnea. ' ' Maid aawec to be coaatructod ta accordance with tha charter and oedlaaaoe at th City of Portland and the plana, apeducatloue and aatlmatea at the City Bnglneer Sled In th f Sca of the Auditor of the City of Portland oa tbo 5th day of January. 108. tnAoraed: "City Cnglnaer'a plana and apeeiAeatioun tor a aawer In Twanty-auth .treat from the aouth Una of Verateeg addition , to tha aewer la Blcolal treat aad tha entlmaten of the work to be .done and tha probable total coot thereof." Th cent of aald aewer to be .aeaaaod aa pro vided by the city charter apon th property paelally and peculiarly heart ted thereby and wnica m mimvj aaeiareo. u oa lotiewa: LoU 1. A 8. A 3 aad A blork 8: lota 10. 8. and T. I lock i. all la . Vantaeg'a addition. ea wt iiy or roruuo. .. . The City -Bnglneer' oatlaMt af th probable total coat tor th cotuuructlon af aald aewer la 8188.63. . - The plan,' peclflctIon and eatlmata of the City Engineer for the (on.tractlakV.ot. aald aawer arc hereby -adopted.' "'---''- - - - Raaolred. That the Audi toe af the City of Portland be aad he I hereby directed to give notice of the proponed cuaetmetloa of aald aewrr aa proviood by th city ch Artec. hleBjonatrnnrea aaalna. tha above aawer mav be Bled to writing with the Baderalgned within 30 day. from the data at (he Ant publication w aia noooa. - " ; . , . ; : ., By ardat af tb Gonadl. ,e, THOS. O, SBTLIM. . - t Auditor of tha City of, PortlanoVJ: Portland, Oregon. Data at Brat publication, - January 81. 1808. . :' PXOrOSIB XMTBOTIbTXBT OX ' AXBXBTA -X ''-: . wTtXIT. .' KoMee la hereby glvca that t th meeting dl tha Council at the City of Portland, Ore gon, held oa tbo 18th day ef Japuaryc,A808. the toUowlna reaalntloa waa adontedi - BoaolreaV That the Council of the City ef Portland a.m( It expedient and preaoaaa to mprova AtDoru rraa( -rrom ina aaar uaa ox Union gvanua to th eaat Una of Baat Four teoth'treot la the following manner, to-wlt: Flrat By grading tha atraat fuU width with full uteraartloaa' dowa ta tha aub-grade aa glvea by th City , Bnglneer. Second Br mtmtrwrtlna wooden aidewalka ta arcordanca arlutbo -C4tyaTnglB((l ' alaae, liecirieatlomi and aatlmatea. Tturo aty laying croaawaika la acaordaac with tha City .Kuxlneer a sUa. aoectflcatloaa ana eaticoxtee. aoarta gy-aoaunruotiug oon- ana. amnoani - tore In accordance with the 'City Eualaeer' plana, pedflratlon and eetlmatoe. rina ny Bringing we ear race or -toe atrart Mkltahed grd with graeaL -t-v aaia axanrovexoeat 10 oa maaa in- areoraanoe with tha charter and ordinance of the cite of Portland nnd the plana, a peri fleet tone and earlnutea of tha City Bnglneer. filed In the office af Ua Auditor of ue-City of Portland on the 14th day of January, IPOS. Indoraed : Xltr Knrlaeer e plan ana rrjeciricatloeja .. ror tha Imnravement of. Alberta afreet from tb eaat Jin of t'ntea avenue to tha eaet Una at Mae. Voorteeoth (treat and tha aatimalaa of the "'work to be dona and. tha probe bl total rue t tnareot. " Tha coat wF -aaw eoaed aa arnvtded br tha city charter anon the property epeeiauy no peculiarly oeeeilteu thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lota, parta thereof and purer la af larM lying between a Una ino foot north af and parallel with. tha north Una of Alberta atreet and a -Una 100 feat aouth ef aad parallel wiU the nonth Hoc-of vAlhecta-atraat and between the eaat line of CnloB (Venn and I'llnt 100 feet eaat of and7 parallel with th aaaf. Un of Eaat Fotwteentb eHreeti ' Tha - Enainaar-a - eaumata ot th nroeable tatal aoat for -tbo Improvemeat at aaldLAlbcrta treat la h.uto. ,, t . w Tha ahnvo Imowivement n ta la claaaeo aa a gravel Improvement and ahall be maintained br the city for a period of fire yaara. pro vided that the owner, of a majority of the property . benefited by aald Improvement or any portion thereof, ahall ant petit km for a new or different Improvement before tbo ex piration of each period. - - -- - The plan. . apeclftratlona and eetjmetee of tba City Engineer for the Improvement of aald Alberta etreet ar hereby adopted. . . Revolved. , That the Andlfor. ot tb City t Portland b aad he la hereby directed to eTivn notion nf the- neopoaed Improvement at Ixall Jtreet m jB-ajldrd hy-tha jslty roarter... . - atemonjatrancea agauax Tna nnrrre impvrrra- meut.mAT he filed In writing witn the under aimed within SO dava from tha date -of the flrat pahllratlna of thm iwce.'. . .. JBy order of th fVoncll. I- ' ..--.- I THOSAfV DKTLIJf. -v - Aaditor nf the Cltv af Portland. Portland. .Oregon, 'bate of Brat - publication. . January - at. - iutnu - PX0P08E0 IMPBOTIMXVT ' Of XXABBXT . STBXXT. Notlc I hereby glran th.t at tha meeting or u l ouncll ot the city i or t-ortiano, Ore gon, held oa the 18th day Iof January,. 19U. Ue followlna reeolotlon waa adontad: Beeolved, That tha Council of tba City af Fortuad, uregoa. ueema rt-xpeoint ana pro- Doeea to Imurove Beamer etreet from the -went Mneof Fifteenth atreet to tho rut lint of t-Mneteenth atreet la the following man ner. to-wlt: ' ' " --'-; - - Pint Rr Cradina' tba atreet full width with full Intajaeetiona down .to. tha (abgrada aa alven hv tbo Cltv Knaineer. . .. Secood-erBy 'cunattucilng aidewalka In acrordl anco with tba City Eaglneeta plana, pecirtce- uorta ana eaumaten. '-' 4 - Third Br wnetructlng reew.lka (nee wlthA (be City Engineer' plane, aatioaa and earlmatee. Bpeclfl , Fourth By bringing th eurface of th atreet lull width with fuU . uterkeetlone to proprr graae wita maraaam. Said ImBrovoxnant to be made la (coord aac WiU tba charter aad ordiaeneee ot the City vf Portland and tho plana, epeetnrattone and, eetlmatee of the City Engineer, filed la tha afflea at the Auditor of Ue (itr of PoTt land eat tbo 14th day-of January, 1808. In doraed: "titv Enainear-a Plana and nearlflcn. tlona for the Improvement of Kearney etreet from' the weat line ef Fifteenth etreet to the cost Una of nineteenth etreet. (nd the eat I mate cf the work to p done aad tha probable totel ' coat thereof.' f - ' Th CoaC Of eald tmprrrvetient' to bw aaacawad provided by the city cherter npoa tbo Brooert- necinlly and ' PecnUarly beneSted thanhv and which le herehv declared to ha all the kite, parte thereof aad parrela ed kind lying betweea a Uae 100- feet north of and narailel with the north Una of Kearney atreet nd a Una 100 feet aouth eg and parallel with the aouth line of Kearney atreet and netweea the went Uae- ef Fifteenth atreet and the mat line af Nineteenth etreet. . 1 Tha Knaineer' rati mete - f the probable total eoat for tha improvement ef aald kearacy atreet ie gi,un. The above Improvement I to be elaaaed aa a macadam Improvement and hall he maintained by th city lb a period af five- year, pro vided that tb ewaerr of a majority of' tha property benefited by aald Improvement ar an portion thereof ahall Bat petition for new ar. different Improvement before th Tba BUna, apecirtratioaa - ana eanmetee T the -tlty Engiaeor for too improvement at exie Kearney etreet are hereby edopted. Beeolved. That tho Auditor of th City Af Portland be and Be le hereby directed to give notice -01 tee propoaea improra men 1 ex eteeea aa ai .. litest b tha altv eharner. u. Heiannetrancee againat tne nnove woprorv- Btent mey be filed In writing with the ander elgned within 30 ear. from the data ef th flrat poBllratloB nt tnw notice. - . . . t Hr ardew af the Council. .. - - 1 .., ,'. . . THOS. ft DBTLIN, - Aaditor or ti Auditor af Ue City of Portland.- Portlaad. Oregon. Data at ant publication. January . 31, 1808. PBOPOSXD CKAB0X Of SBADX 'OF XAST CLAT STBXXT AT TTBIOX ATIBTX. . Botlr h hereby glvea that at the meeting. ir, tna inaarii at rne n. m I'C aon. held en the lAlh day of Ja the (nllowina reaolutloa waa adootrd Reaolved. That tne tamacil of Ue nty of rnrtienau . vrrana, -.aeeaoa . it eioenien. -aaa Prpeeea to change' the grade ef the center ie ef Beat Clay atreet at the center line of rnloa (vmoe, rrom m aw reet re aa feet above rim- Keee -nt ettv aradea. , . Beeolved. That .the Anrtfrnr'Af TheSCIty of port lana nc ena n m nereny aireetea to give notice of .the proposed change of a-rada ml Mid etreet.'' aa provided by the tho Cherte. RemonatrnncM againat tka above eheage of aae mer no rnea in wntina witn tna mAw. igned within 30 day from, the dat ef the Srat publicatloa of thl notice.. By order of tha Council. 1 llius. t'. llaTVLI. v editor af the Cttr of aswti.ui - Jaauary 31. Ha. ' OALI. FOB EBPBOTXBEVT BOBDS. fa awdance with the arovlelba ef erdl nee Mo, It.ffrg. Muaed Br' tha rniMai f the City af Portland oa January 4. lang, notice le hereby given tbet -the Improvement bond numbered c eaten ti rv hr flat to R?a t t. . ere wcroeiTv. are noreny caned for-redem tiea. Tne race Mine witn accrued Interact there Will he paldyapna pr. .ante then ef Mid bonde at the eface at the anderelgned oa the let day ef February. lna taa Mid date being a eeml-eaaMl (ounna aartiA From and after Mid date the later eel en told bonde ehell CeeM. .. . J. B. WBRI.BIB. ... CTty Treaguief. ' Portlaad; Ongoa, Jaaaary s, 1P08. 1. - - -- , CITTXOTIOIB. rxorosxo sewxb ix TwxTr-rrrnr : Itxekt. .v.; :. " -oTTceIaTn'efit''glven thaT'at tha toeetJag ef tha Council of the 'City of Portland, Ore gon, held on. tba lftta day of January, lBuV, the following reaolutloa naa adouted: . Revolved, Tbattba Couucll af the City ef rortiauu, iregoa, ueema- it expeenenc una pro poeea to conatrurt a newer la Twenty-Arth atreet from the aouth Una of Veeeteea; 'e ad dition to the Cltv of Portland te Ua aewer In Nicola! atreet, of vltrued aewer pip of Igbf IncheaV clear teniae diameter, lth all Beceeaarr caupDaaiaa, m.nriuir., lampaaia and branchea. Bald aewer. to be coo. tract ed In accord. nee with tbo charter! arid ordinance of the ,Cl'r of Portland and i tho pmna, epeclBcattoaa and eetlmatee of the city Engineer aled In Ue oftVe of the Auditor of the City ot Portland on th 8th day of January, 1908., Indoraed: "City Engineer , plana and epeclacatlona for a aewer In Twenty -8fth treat .from tha aouth Una af Vereteeg'e addition to the eewrj In Nlcolat atreet, and tha eetlmatee of the work to. be dona Bad the probnbld toUi Coat thereof,''. ., - The coat oAtaald, aewer to be aeeeeeed aa provided by tba city charter apon the property peclally and peculiarly benefited thereby and which In hereby declared ta bo aa- follow.: Lot 3. 4, 8 and 8, block 1; lota 10, 8, s and T.' bhvk 3, -ayl la Varateeg e addition to Ua City of Portland. - Tb Engineer' eatlmate af tha probable total eoat for th conetrartloa ot aald aewrr i. a iim - ' In. plana, (pactBcatlooa (nd "eetlm.tea" of tn City Engiaoer fur ua coBatrucuoa of aald u w mr ,m I i ill ' Beaolvedt That the Auditor of the ClrV of rortiaaa pw ana Be 1. nereoy aireetea to give notice of the propaeed conatructlon of aald aewer aa provided by t be city charter.- . Remonetraneee axalnat tha abova aewer mav bo Sled In. writing with tha anderelgned within xu any rrom tile data of law Brat pupuoatlea of .thla .'notice, , . . . -By order of th Council. ',. ".,... , .- THOaV'C.. DEFLIIf, , Aaditor of the City of Portland. Portlpnd, Oregon. ' Dat of ' drat ' pubUcatua, I January' 31, 1808. PB0P08XO SEWXB TV EAST TWXBTiXTX ' ' v.-'. ' '. STBXXT. ';' -yyC , .-' Xotlee ta hereby glean that 'at tha- meetlag of the Council of the City of Portland.' Ore gon, held on -the lHtk day af January 106, fee followlugreautloa waa (dopled; . Beeolved. That the Council af the Cfty. of Portland. . Oregon,- dee ma H expedient 'and propoaee to Conatrurt a ewer-In Eaet Twentieth etreet from bo feet north of tho north Hoe or mm weaning ton atreet- to uo aewer in Baat on atreet, or vitnneor eewi Inrhea clear inaldc diameter aary catchbaalna, xaauhulce. Pipe ot eigl eight Boc( vita, an - lamphoBat aad in am uea, 7 .... 'i Hld aeWer to be conetrncted hi accordance with the charter and ordinance of tha City of rortiaaa ana ue piano, apecincationa and earl of rhw i:ilr rnainaae. BlMt t. ,K. .CO, a 1 er.tke A 81 la Jaf- tba tity af Pert Und aa tka 8th day af Jaauarn lptm, Inderaed: . "City Engineer' plana and aperlScatlone for a tower In Eaat Twentieth atreet from ISO feet north at the noetk -lino of . Eaat . Washington atreet to tbo ewer In Eaet Oak atreet.. and tha eetl matee of the work to be don aad the prob able total coat r thereof .V - , , 4 . ,- The coat of . aald aewer to bvaaaed. a aeavldeel by th city charter anon tho neooertv aveelally bear 11 ted . thereby and which m aeraby declared to be alt the. lota, parte thereof and parceln af land 'lying bet wean th aorta Una of.. Eaet Waablngtea atreet aad a Uaa ino feet north of nnd par. gel with the north lino ef Eaat Stark atreet and between tba Mat Una of Eaat .Twentieth atreet and a Un lno feet eaat thereof and .. parallel thareof.-woA between tB weat -Una ef Beet Twentieth atreet and Uue 100 feet weat ef and parallel therewith. ' t , The Engineer'' eatlmate of tba" prapeble total 'coat for tha oonatructloa at aald aewer la 830B.rlA . , . . The plane. enedet!on and eatlmate of the City Enalneer for the conatrnrnnn of eald aewer are hereby ' adopted.- - Keaoivea, J Bat ue Auditor or we CTtyed Portland be and ha la harebv d tract ea to alva notice of tb proposed ronafmction of aald aawer aa provided by tha city char tar. - - Bemonetraaee agatnat tha above aevrar may bo Bled, in writing with the nndrralgned within 20 day. from th data of tha Ar.t publicatloa of thle notice. .. , ' ... -By order of the GooDrll. ; ' '. . . THOS. ft DEVLIN. r :4oa!tor p, r(t o( por,!,,, ' Portland, Oregon.' IhlU .otr 8r.t publico tloB. January 31.. IMS.. . . PBOPOSXD rjhBOTXBrXVT OP TAVCOinrXB -.' aVTMBE. , - b-'.-- Notice la hereby- given that ht . the meeting of the Council of Ua tlty of Pertwmt,' Ore f, held 04 ua lHih, day ar January, lBoft, Hie . following neeolutlon wae aeoptedt - Keeolvad, That tha Council of -the' City at Portland, Oregon,, deema It expedient and pro puare to" Improv Vaaceerrer avenue . from the north line of Uorrte atreet to tb eopth Uaa or rremont (tree! la the foUowlne, manner, to-wlt: , . - . ' .-. Klnt-Br grading the atrert full width with full inieraeetlnna dowa to eub-grada aa glvca by tbo City ; Engineer.- -.,.. BceoaJ lly uona tract Ing aidewalka in arroVdV ance witn tn city Jtngineor a plana, apectnea' uuna ana ceil Third By wmatructlng croaavratk ance with the City Xugln. r's plan, apeciflck uona ana onmatee. t'wuru By eonatrvctlne- atone (uttera la ao co mance wita ue t ity Engine ( puna, .poo lflcatlona and estlraatea. '-"T . 1 ' - , .T tiftb By bringing tha tejrfac of too .tract full width . with full Intrraerttone to grade with gravel, aa eat a b 11a had by the City Engineer. . . . Bald Improvement uto be -made In -nccbrt 1- ance with the charter and ordinance of the city of portlaad and .the plana, epeclflratlona and eetlmatee of the' City Engineer, i filed In the offL-e ot the Auditor of ue tity of Port on J-. - Jnpuary. lie 6. lnlore,;d : fh lmnrovemanf ef Taacoavor avenua fr.,m tne north line of Morria (tract to the nouth upe-or rrew a if (rreet knd the) eetlmatee of Ue work . to be dona aad the probable total goat Hieraot. ' ' Tbo coat of Mid Improvement to bo aaaeaaed u provided by tba tity charter upon- th nrnp cfty epertally and peculiarly benefited thereby una wnicn m aereny oeriarea to c (li tne lota, parta Ueteof Aad pnrcela ef bn4v lying betweea tbo north line of hi or r la atreet aad tha aonth Hue ef Fremont atreet and belwera a Una 100 feet weet of and parallel with the weat Una of Vancouver avenue and a Una 100 feet eaet of and parallel WIU the Mat. line ot Vancouver avenne. t - . The ErWloer( eatlmate of th probable total enat fur nha Improvement' of Mid Vancouver avenue la 84,880. . ' . . c 1 ho above improvement la to be cl.eaad M a avavel-latprovement and ebell be maintained by the elty for a period of five yeera. provided that th owner, of a majority ef Ue property benefited by Mid Improvement or any portion thereof nhall not prUtloa for a new or different improvement before the expiration -of Buck period. 1 c- - The plane, kneel flea tlona and eetlmatee af tha City Bnglneer' for tba Improvement of Mid Vancouver avenue ami hereby adopted. Beeolved. That tba Auditor ef the City ef Portland be and he I hereby directed to gtv notice ef the propaeed Improvement ot Mid etrea m pi u tided ay the city cherahr. Remonetranr 1 againat the (bore Improve. ant Bear ha fllad la wrltlna WIU the and. .Igned within So day. from tka Tdato at the nrat punnranoa 01 thle notice, 1 j oj aruvr 01 tun council. . 1. - THOS. ft DBTLIB. Audltar af tha, Rltv nf Pnrttaad., . Pertl.ud. Oregtrtr. Ite of. flrat publicatloa. SXWXK ' IX EAST TWXBTT- w m mt aneM rf. . - . , tiaat BiBui, f. Kbtlc I hereby (iv that af the maetJne ef tha Coancil of tie tity of Portland, . Ore- . held oa the lnth day of Januarv. TBtiB. the toUowrna reaolwHan wae adantada...,.,. .1. neewvea, mat ue touncii of the city at Portlaad,. Oregoa, deema It expedient (ad propoaee 10 romtraex a eewer 1 xaar Twenty Brat treet frma 100 feet Berth of the Berth Una ef Oregoa atreet to a cor. Beet low with the aewer In Ba.t - Irving tret of vl trifled ewer pipe of eight Inche eleer Inalde dl, meter, with ll - neceeaaty ewtcB-baalnav aha a. holea., lami holce and branebea. . Bald Mwer to be conetrncted la a coord. nee with the charter and ordinancee of tbo titv of Portland and tba puna, ieei8eetlooe aoe--eatlmatM of the nty Enrlneev Sled In the I erSco ef tha Auditor of the City of Pint land 1 try. ib, 'indoraed: T '(Ity Engineer plaaa and epectflmtlone for a eewer In Eeet Twenty flrat etreet from) lini feet aorth ef the anrth line of Oregeej eireet to the aawer In Baat Irving atreet and the eetlmatee ef the work to be aoee aad tb prob able tote I coat thereof." - The , eoat of uld Merer t be .aeeeaed is provided by the rlty rh.rter upon fbe property peclally .nd peculiarly benedted thereby and which rV hereby declared taV be all the lota, parte thereof and peerele- ef land lying be tweea a line lno feet north nf and parallel with the north Una of -Oregoa (treet and a line lno fact north of and parallel with the nor tn Una of Eaat Irving atreet and hetwwea a lino inn feet weet nf nnd parallel with the aveet line of Beat Twenty-Bret etreet ead a Hne lno feet Mat f aad parallel with th out line of Eaat Twenty. drat etreet. rngtne e witmaie of tbe-pmbuble total f et for the eoMtmetloa or Mid aewae at 8200.83. . - ' ' The plane, - epeet deal tone and eatlmafee ef tha Cltv Engineer foe the corjatructloa af aald aewer are hereby adopted. . Heeoiveti. mat tae Annimr vr rhe tity Af Pnrtlnnd be (nd be le bet by directed ta give notice ef the nrnpoeed cone tract Ion ef . Mid war ( provided by tha city charter." . 1 RcWMtaetrence e againat tho aheve aewae mac be Bled In writing with the anderelgned wlihla 30 dava from the data at the Srat ouhla tin. ef thla not Ire. ,. - e By order of, tb qpuncii. t Tttos. r. Auditor of tba (itr of Pot Hand. Portland. 'Oregon.' Data at irlt put) Ilea Uoat, I Jaauary u, 180B. ' , . J OTT VOTIfSa.' " je,.'iew ,ee.aeeaaBW rym euieaieaet PBOPOSXD niX WOOD STBXXT. heprli. 'alKF Kit 0 the C TBr-artKe""m iMaa f the Counelt 0 the CHy ot Portland, Ore gon, held on the ltttb dey of January. lPua. Ue following reaolntloa waa adopeed:' Beeeleed, That the Oeaarlt ef the City ef Portland.. Oregon, deema It expedient end prppnaea - to oonatnet " ft ' tower la Settwnod fraet from 13U feet weat of -the Waat Uaa ot Miealaetnot avaaue to tha aawer In Delay Let reet of vitrified .Merer pipe of 'eight larbea . - Mmi, - BMnitwr ii, 1 aaaaaary catchbaalna; aunhelee, lampholea and braachea. Sewer to be couetructed la accordance with the - charter and erdlMheea ef the City ef Portland and tb plana. epeetnVatieaa nd Mtlmatee of tber. flty Engineer Sled la the ot th Auditor of the City of Port, land aa the loth- dey of JaaMry. land. In duraed: tlty Srurtnear'. nleu and paclSra tlooa for ( eewar in Sellwood etreet "from 130 feet waat of the waat Una ef Mlealaalunt avenue to the aewer la Delay -etreet and the MtimatM of tka work to be doa and the probable total enat thereof. - -- J. Th coat of Mid Mwer te be .ear. Bed aa pro vided by the city charter uoon Ue neonartr (peclally and peculiarly ken anted uerehy and wawa m aereoy, oeriarea to bo ail, the lota, parta thereof knd paroale of land lying be tween a Una 100 feet .north of and parallel with the north Una of Syllwocat (tract and a Una loo feet aouth ef and parallel with tha aouth Una of Sellwood atrert and betweea a Una 100 feet eaat af and parallel with the eeal line of Delay .treat and a Hoe-He feat wear or ana parallel with taa weat una ef MlMleaippI a-renae, y . r- ---v - -Tb Engineer' eatlmate. af - fh- fobabl total roat lor th enontruetld of (ale) eewar- la 1131.33. -. : "... , The plana, .pact Sc. tlona and eatlmata ef ue tlty EBgUM.r for the eonatrtteUoa ef paid Mwer are We by ..adopted. ..... -. Beeolved. That- the Auditor of tb City of Portland be and- he w hereby directed to give notice ef the - propoead conatrurt low ot . Mid aawer aa provided by .the city -charter. . Ramouatrauoee againat tha above eewar" may b. Sled In wrltlne- with tha andarelarned wlrhla Sf daya from the date cf the Srat pubUcauoa tola potlce. , r - - ' : , : . By rdr t tW Coancil. -.' - - f .v , THUS. C. . PEXUll, -.. Auditor of the City .of Portlaad. Portland, Oregon. - Date of Brat pub Ilea tyon. -aaaaary -at, leu, PX0T0SXD IMPKOTTXIVT t)f PATXXPOBT '.,'-::i. .' STXXXT. - , rfotle t hereby given that it. the BMatlog f tie Council of the City of Portland. Ora- buu, r,iu n w ear ei - eaaBaep, xavo. Reaolted, That the Council of the City. e) Portland. Oregon,- deema it expedient and pro poeee to Improve Davenport atreet from the rear Una of 11 ,' Mrb I, k. li ef Pat ton County road Ta the folk.nlag'maa- Flret By Brlngimr tb ' atreet ' tuft ' width with fall Intereectlon to the grade a. (bowa oy taa eiaaee art oy tne I Ity Kngraeer, Sat nd by -co aatructlng -aidewalka lit ' (C, cor ounce wita the tity Engineer pl(M, (ped Sratineia and atlmetea. - - - ' t- - Third By laying evoeawalka In (ccordance with, tba City Euglaeer'a plant, apeclOca tlona aoo rauauiw. ... , Fewtb-.Br cenet recti n box rafter. In cord .oca with the (ity Engineer' plana, .peel flea tlona and Mtlmalaa, - ' - 1 .- Bald Improvement to be made la' accordance wiu tne coarter aae ertnnancee or the tity of Put lie ad and 'the, 'plana, epeeaacetluiut and aatlmatea ef the tiff Engineer Sled in Ue of See of the, Auditor of tbo aty ot Pertl.ud ' aa lata nay -at January, iwiaj, laeoraea; "City Bnglneer (Ian and (pedhVetlone fey Ike ImtMrrernaBt-oA-Jlaeenaart atreet rroaB"tha wewr Una af OoverBnr'e park to the north Uaa of Pnttoa County road,- and tha eetlautee at tue wora to pa aoee ana tne probable total oat thereof,'-- - r- - - Th eoat of eald Improvement to b aeatmtd aa provided ,by tha Hty charter npoa the propertr aaaclallr and neewMarle Leati thereby and. which h hereby declared te be aa follower A tr.ct ef lead lying betweea the treat Uoe ef Uoveraer'e park and tm eaat ma ox n irrea rr.cte . A, B, c, in Bayland la Grover'e addition to-tbo titv of Portland: block. A. B. B and F and tba north loo feet of bkocka C, D and 0 In Orover'a addition to the City of Portland, aad tba. eeutk 100 feet of tract lettered U la Stvlaad, had lettered trecte A and B ta Bkyumd. ' . The Bngloeer'a eatlm.te of the probable total coat for the Improvement etMld Da ran port etreet la 8A8O4.00. - ' .- - . . - ... . - The .Plan, Bperlncutlotx and Mtlnxate' of th city Kngineer or ue improvement of Davenport (treat ere harebv . arkiutad.- Beoolved. that th Auditor ot the City, of Portland .be (nd he I hereby directed to give neltoa . of the - prupoaed impiutemem -f 'laid tract aa provided by the city charter. . Remove tranere againat the above: Improve o,n, mmj - e, una in vnuaf WIU erne BtMCT- Ignod within' 30 -day from tba, data Of the Brat publicatloa of thla notice, .v-'--- ny oroer ex uo awmncu. . . . - ' Z ' THOS. ft' DETtlJf, r . AodltBB nf the fita m9 XWleJl Portlaad. Oregon. Dai of Brat Mbllcatloa. .. Janaary t av I anarl-XXT, Notice 1a heVeb rob glren that, at th ametlng of ue Council el ec tne tity ex rortmaa, era 80a, held oa the lnth day ef Jaauary, -1808, le following reaolutloa waa adooted: . ' . Reeolred, Tbat the Council of tha City -of rwrtiand, Wregon, deenu it expedient and to cooa tract a newer in . S&Mt atreet from itha aouth Un ef Veraleaa'a adilltioa tn the aewer la Nicola t atreet. f vitrified aewer pipear eight inrnea clear Inalde dUmetor. with nil nereaaary eatckbolna, maukaeaa, htmp-bojea- and branch. . : , - . 7 , .' H. ld aewrr ta be eoBarractee) la accordance with tho charter and ordinancee ef the City af portlaad and the pUna. aneelBVatiena' (nd Mtlmatee of the Cltv Enaineee BUat In Ik. ofAoa of the-Aaditor of the CVy of Portland on mi Bin ait of January. 1008. Indoroed r v ny angmeer a pi(M nnd aoeclBcetloM for a fewer la fl atreet from Ue aouth Una? ef Vereteog't addition - to Uo eewer In. Nicola 1 atreet aad 'the eetlmatee of the Work to be done aoo tue eruoaoie- toiai coat Thereer. - The enat af Mid aawer to h provided by the pity charter npoa the prop erty epeeially and peculiarly benedted thereby nd Which la harebv derlar t k mm nlk,.. lat 8, 4, 8 and 8, In block . lata 10, , 8 aad t la block S. all to fen tecgee addition to th City of Portland. - -' - - The Engineer', eatlm.te the brobebl tout coat tot ua conatructlon af eald eewar kt 8140.88. -. .. z . . 1. The plan. epoelfleetloM Ind 'MtlmatM of tae city autgiaaer for Ua tenatrnctkon ef aald Mwer ar hereby doe ted. ... . Beeolved. That. tba Auditor of the CHy ef Portlaad be aad ke la hereby directed te give notice ef tha eroooeed eoaatraetlae, kv - aald r"iau ww um cii .enariev. BemoMtranceu aaalnat the ahovo aewae wia be Sled In writing wiU th anderelgned wlthia nam ir law eate at tne xrat atMUeatloa a- aruer pa ue ceancii. - ' -- THOS. C. DBTLIB, Aaditor of tba Cthy at portlaaA Portlaad. dtrogon. DaU ef Srat pub Ilea Uoa, Jaauary nr. woo. PBOPOSID DtXXOTXMXVT or SBABD AfXXBX. notice m harebv riven that at th Mag ef the CobbcII of the City of Portland. Ore- gba, held oa the lnth day ef Jaaaary. 1808, the following reaolutloa waa adooted: Beeolved, That the Council of the'fJIty ef Portland. (Oregon, deem M expedient and pro poaee te improve Graed avenue front 13 feet north of the nouth line of Eaet Stark aweet to 111 feet north ot the north Une of Raat Oak . atreet by cooeuuctlug -an elevated rat- way run wiota wita run interaertlone, 88 feet In width, belt of which ehell be ceaatracted oa either able aad ahall Jot the atreet rail way compear portloa of Ue right ef way M howa on Ue plan of th City Engineer. bald Improvement t be mode ta ac-or da nee WIU. tho charter aad erdlMacae of tho cltv of Portlaad- and the plane, epeclacatlona and eatlmate. of- Ue tlty Knglnoer Bled la Ue o(4c of the Aaditor of the Cltv of Portland on tha. 1 nth day of January, lend, Indoraed: -tity engineer plane end apeeiocatloau .for the Improvement ef Grand nvenae . from 13 feetmeih of the aaath Una af Raat ntarfc treet to 111 feet north ot the north-lia. of Beat Oak etreet and, -a tk. -t to M anae and the probable total coot thereof." The coat ef Mia Improvement to he - ' (( provided by the city cherter epae the prop erty epertally and peculiarly bcnaSted -thereby and which la ' hereby declared te be aU the lota, porta, af lota aad parr la nf land lying betweea ba north Hne of Beat llorrtana atree. and the aouth Ha of Beat Burnalda. atreet and oetween n una av 1 eei eMterly rrom and parallel with tbo Metevly Una ef Grand a venae and a line 80 feet weaterly from and narailel with tba weaterly Hue f Oread avenue, - Tha Englueer'a eatlmata ef Ue pranable total eoat tar the iBanrovamen. af mU Oraad venae le 8.1,800 00. . - The above Improvement- la te ha rbwet a eleveted roadway and ahall be aaa lata lead by tb etty fee a tried of Bee veer, accented that the owner ef a mae'lty at the property beneated br Mid Improvemrnt. ar an nnrtka. kerrofi ehell n -petltloe c4oe a Beta oe dlf-f tereat Imprevement be fur a tb pi rat ten ef Mch period. im plena. epeeiBcatwaa (no MtrmanM ar tna City Knflneer' Par the lmrevemenl af aald Grand avenue (re hereby adopted. . Reeolred. That the Aaditor ef the City ef Portland be aad ha ht herehr directed to aire notice ef tha proponed Improvement ef MM atreet M provided by the city cherter. -- BemoMtrauree agalwt the above later. bieat mey be Bled la writing with the ander elgned'. wltbtn 30 daya from the date af tba Brat pnniiratloa er thla notice. , y oroer et tae ceuf C. DBTLrW. . Ao"- . f-e of a- d. - Portland freeg,. - 4 fr Mhioiuel, Jaauary 21. i EAiutoAB mrxr iLn. ' .,'V . , ' 3. ;7 't- " ', ' 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST; DAILY ; Through Patina etandard end .tenrlet eleee. -big care -dally to Omaha. Chleare, SeM.n bonrlat (teeping vara dally ' te K.neac Cltrt . through Pullntaa toavi.telcer.lng wnra IpeeeoeV . (lly eondu-tedl weekly to Chicago. Reellatag; ahalr earn (ea.ta freal to, tba Baet dally. ,. ' t PXIUB DEPOT. ' LMvea. Arrive.. v CBJCAOo-porqrvASD - ' . ' ' . m SPECIAL, - 8:18. Bb S-Sl p. V .' ng .tho-Beat aw. Bant nulla. . Bally . - , ustoa. - , ' SPOK ABB FLTBB. ; , . v. - -.- ' '' '-.- For Kaatern Waeblag- J- ;' , :. -,. ton. Well. Walla. Lew- 8:1 J a. m. 8ia.BW ' -', laton, Covu dAlem Dally, . Dally.' and Breat ; Bortbeta -v.- , i -ta.. . V eVi.i 1 1 ' 1 1 -.- For tb Eaet via But- . : ."-1 rogtoa. ""Hy -. Dully. , : FOB ASTORIA and way i pelnta, connecting with aimr, tor Irem and north Beach, atr- Baa ah, . Aah-at deck. j w a, m. Delly. ex, Sentday Maturday . Iftronp. m. 4 bent . . hiuop. m. Tamhlll rr Ivor ateut. PUB DaTTOB. Oregeer City aad TamblU Blverj point, atra. Both and Crlly, , Mdoo Aah-at. dock, , iex. Sexday Water pernrlttlnx.l ' t ...S. - Snake Elver Banta. 3:88 a. av Dally, , ex, Bundty. FOB. LEW18TO!. Ida..! g-40 'a. at "I way nolnta from D" lly Blparia. Waan.. Hmea. Li fcA Rmt.M mmA v . ! oe About I '--8:0p. 8V-. Dull. ... fliTrloaf tlCkBT VFFICB. Third nnd Waahiagtaa. Xeew' ebone Mala TIB, ' a a '"5h7.,T?NO,!"' T,t AgraA. a. T,. CBAIO, Oeneral Paaaenger Ageat. ' EAST vbV SOUTH .---.4: PBIOM, DEPOT. OfBBLAN RXPBkBSt trarna, for Balem. Bom narg. a aaia no, Bacrevi 3 AO p. m manta, Ogdea. Sea Fraa cteae. Stock (oa. Loe Aa-i T8.n. Ke. Bl paeav Pew 00 na aad the But, Morning . train coa- aeeta et Woadbarnl fatly aaoept Snnday I Sd8a,Bk. wwa ayaiB rar , aft. -M.r.p.-. B I Itvef t rowaavnia, B p r I a g-l Bald, Wmdllwg -a Bdl n.rme. Albany pa 4r08 B. av aeeta at Waedbern with 10:18 a, ,- Mt. Aneet and SUver-l ma .Mai. T:8n a. at. !44p.m. Cor Die Saertdea ttS-Ma. at o S:t8 a. a , eDally.' IIDally. exeopt Sunday. I . tatlkiBd Oaaeg SwgjrbanSoreiM- axel TamhOl -r.-V.-''' Pepet Feet of Jafferaea arleet,'-." . freve Porttand daily, for Oewere 7 SO , m ft 11IW, t:8. 8:30.-8:3d. 8 ; TA, 10:18 a m!i Dally (avoept Sunday); A18O, , 8:M. J8-8A , 8 BtU.v,nrr S-i 81c- BUBdag asAu.S.0 a. am. - , Returning tfrent fevreg. eerlv Portland el' Sr a. X.: 1:83. 3i. 4:88. 8-18. t:88. 8-81.' 11:10 B. m.r Dally (eneept Bnnda TV 3:36.'T:S8. 8:80. 10:30. 11:48 a. m. tiaeot Moeday, 13.28 p. m. Sunday only. 10:08 e. m. - '" Leave freta eeme depot dw Dalle and lilfj n ' Baediate paint dally f except Sunday) 4:08.8. m. Arrlva-PnrtlaBA 10:30 a. nt. The 'fndrtiendenceHI cm month " Meter . Xt.. apervte-dallv to Moni'.wnlh and) Atr He. aaew aeeitne with ttontbern Pacific eompeay'e track, at Dallea red laiV-read-ece. - . iT eirat-elaae far from Port lane; to Baerameore (nd San Frnocteee 820, bevllia 8r oreoed-deae far 818, eeceed daae nertb 83.80, Ticket to. pastern patnt end PVteope. (tie Jgrn...CMnv Foooraln and AnetmHa. City TIcketilf"e .j-rT Ttw4...MatL Wapke,-: h-cr 1 ereet. Phoae Main TIB C W. fmvflBtt, . W. BJ. rrrMAt", ntt T1ce Aevevt. etew. w. a TIME CARD PORTLAND1 . CBIOW OTPtyT. -Pugat Sound - limited, tar . Teeoma. Seattle OrvaanU. Boath 8:80 a. SX -, i' SMaiaa, 4:48 p. av, nd Gray' ' iBarl paint. - Berth Cmo UmtteA far Tacoma. Brattle. Butte. St. Paul. : Mln neepoll. Cbtcnre.. New Terk, Boa ten and nolnte Eaet and Sonthewet, . Twla-Cltt KtpreM. far Tacoma. Seattle., Spa kane. Helena, St. Peal, Vllnaee nolle Chhwgo, Nw York. Boetoa and all potnU . Baa aad Sontheeet. '. 1 - Pa ret- SoanS Xaaaa CHy-SC Leala Special, for Terr ma. Seartht, 8 00k tne, Butte, Billing. Denver. Omaha, Kaneea City. St. Louie and aU pelnta Eaat aad SaatA eaat ' ' '-- f.A0 8, St. V-e-'-'f J 4 .' r-wB.Bm ; 840 a. m. TM p. m. 411 tralna .. daily 1 Branch. . -j axceat oa Sonin A. D. CRABLTON. ,1 ..- Aatatnnf Oeneral Paeeenrer Agon, StS htovrteon at., enr, Third. Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia . ". River Railroad. Co. l(al BOUTaa 4l , Lm vea. PM10W DBPOt. - Brrrrea,- . -i.. .,',.-... ' ' (-00 a, m. For Maygera, Balnlee. D,ny. Dally. , Cl.takanJe. Waetpor. 11 ;iu a, Bk , Cllftua,, ietorla, War- v ... v-- rep too. P level, Baa '. - atond.1 For Steven. ' .;' '. e . jf ... Gearhar Para. Seaatda. r - :.-t Aetorto end Senator. -.-'-I, 7im.l fcfp'0F. ' : tZ! '1 -. Si4a.8W ', ,t Dally.1'.. ' aatorla Xaweaa, . - ir -: -- : .. SL P. and P. A.. Aatarla. Or1. at. Phoae Mala BOA Tlokat OfAca taa Taiia BA rkoa SM ea-a. TrakhaaontlnapritfAi "1 5 TrfalnB. Or.lly r..eS PAST TIME ! TO SJPOKAffB. rrT. PAyiV DTJL fR. uliiaNXiKfrui-i9, rtiicA'itj avrtu y, r xL I'Oiirrs eabt.- Dnvlleht triol throuaii " th - Caarada nd fwimk y-awawataiaa.. Tor . lull, pay Ue.. alarm, ralaal loidora, axo, can oa or aat - dreaa " . - BL DICBJBGBT. City Xtoatei JkdTB, . IBS ThlrA B area A B4Jm4V pr.cEL::D:jc."' in th rvrhoe. frain, fruit rtl r- ' " tkeworU. Tfci---r tart BTieattnei. i Ore 0. 7 "t T r " OSllj(jrKj -