The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 23, 1905, Image 1

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VOL.'-IIL-N0277 V
.... J... -. -' .... , ' I'
ahd; Seo)itd Day - bf ; Bloodsned
Ensues in SCsPe
'""T 'IT- v
Bicincss Suspended Troops ' Bivouac in, Street
;7 Czar Is Prostrated - and Grand ;Dakes. FIec
ScvtopolAdmiralty; Worb?Ate ;?
(JowmI kpMtal BerrlM.1 J
. - , 7 Bt. . Ptraburc. - Jan.
23. (Ballatln
' 'i:50 B.'in.) -FlKhrtn hM been rwumML
. Troops r f lrin on mob in th Nv-
skr Proepekt.- , r---:, --f:rTv-'.r
; . It ia rumor4 that tha ciar tomorrow
.. will iasu a- proolamatton placing tha
capital in atat of alega. ; , '
Bovaral : thousand atrlkara. on Basil
; island attempted t, cros thv Nicholas
snd Palac bridges this afternoon, huj
war driven back, bf -Cavalry.-rr':rr7'.:"
. . (Joarntl tpecUl Seirnee.) .'
-.V' Bt PstersburE. Jan, IS. During tha
- night a flna, damp anow fU,covarln
the uglr red stains andjobllteraUng all
' traces of the conflict of yesterday, and
with the break of day tha city, axcept
- " - for tha prasencs of troops In tha streets.
' - Km reaumed Its - normal appearance.
. . in- untnJlM tha wnrlti nf
tha Russian Wastlnchouso company, but
managers to a majority bf oases told
tii men a t'nlatn twtf f S a few days.
and that in the meantime they would
recelva their pay. .
i-PtooU aenerally are nervous and ap
nrehenslve and keen Indoors.-' The strlk-
raJookTBawsary. ana iiagiaxo-mi w
Ka exrltatnnnt of . Yesterday.! oollected
In aullah' Utile aroUDS In the yicllilty Of
their Various headquarters "'and "yester
day's barricade, awaiting the decision
of their laadersreguiatmg a pi an ot ac
tion. They wars In an iUgly mood and
broke out Ih curses ' whenever the sol.
-' " . - ,.. Anur. Sold tidgeai-:J
" A The bridges- are stUl held by guards
tif raxlmanti The blr sauara which
" was yesterday JUled wMh troops, w
empty, but. Inside the palace icourt, ba
yond the sight of passersby. 4 regiment
V - of fdragoona and several companies of
Infantry, were quartered, . ......
1 -The authorities have advised factory
' ' owners not i'to admit the men. as they
.'' hd stolen a lot of dynamite bombs aiid
-,mlht' destroy property,
t The official, accounts of yesterday's
- iaffalr wera posted on all balletln boards.
'strikers who came to read kpat upon
-them.. The general, situation continues
very '.critical. - The military have the
(upper hand In Bt. Petersburg, and ao
long as the troops remain true can crush
- any attempt at - resistance In the cap
ital. No confirmation is-obtainable of
.--vthe reported revolt of troops' In the Cau
casus. . - " ' ii
Begtaieata Kntlay.
- It Is now reported that In addition to
the Moscow guard, a regiment of the
FtnlMit and Ismauoaky, reslraents de-
f cllned to obey the orders. to Are yester-
dsy. . , - -. - - ...
, . It is learned that the greatest anxiety
Is felt by authorities, owing to signs of
Insubordination among the troops. The
disaffection, U is said, has extended to
' the crews of the third Baltic squadron
2 at ) Sevastopol. Teaterday troops were
:' called out to suppress riot among the
sailors of the fleet.
Minister of. the Interior Bvlatopolk
Mlrsky,. at 11 o'clock this morning, is
sued, orders to close , the headquarters
Of the' workmen's union. : The workmen
- compiled without police interference. v
!-r"-tm to Bee otv -.. 1.....'.;.
-'-- Seven ' thousand survivors bf yester
' day's desperate struggle, who in des
. peratlon turned toward Tsarkoeloe, 14
. miles from the city,, where they deter
mined to see the osar, were headed oS
' ' and dispersed after several. charges by
v troops. Their losses are not known.
- The looting of sbopk In old St. Peters
A 'burg - has. been sternly repressed, but
.. thousands of explosives have been
stolen -by strikers -fnn-rtlje " Putlloff
: I powder works. - - .-
At 1I:0 o'clock-th feeling is grow
'Ingtthat the worst Is over, unless the
- workers on the Basil Island 'who broke
. Into the vodka shops shortly before
lo'clock are able te get together In
palaoe . bridges. . :..,'-
.; :. , - Troops Paarol Street. :
Tropps continue -to patrol the prln
- - elpal thoroughfares about the winter
r palace and many shops are open. -Soldiers
are instructed to act on the de
. f ennlfta unless rioting is renewed.
- - BtrHters are showing no- such stub
bornness aa they did yesterday. Re
.. ports are received of few conflicts In
. the suburbs, but no casualties are re
.ported.'. ,
r . At noon a arge crowd of strikers be
gan to gather at Nsvsky Proapeckt from
the suburbs, but no disturbance Is yet
- reported.. All traces of yesterday's eon
r slot has been . largely removed, Au
. thoiitles are not permitting the news
of yesterday's conflict to reach Internal
points of Russia. '
, .A muntafpal building In the Second
' district was today demolished by ' the
' f '. i . ' CI-.: v J 1 ... 7
;t; -.. 4
Woter. At't
meeting of strikers" of
the Putlloff lronr works this . morning a
resolution was passed expressing their
Intention to continue the struggle until
the last .drop of blood was shed. "
J:: Outbreaks om ; Taatlr 2 J' -":
' several . hundred workmen ere bow
making for the publlo souare.- Several
outbreaks are : reported In the Vaatl. Is
land district this afternoon;
- The - report : that the Grand Duke
Serglus, the czar's unci, has been as.
sassinated - is .. untrue. - Workmen at
tacked hla residence, broke all the win
dows and -were battering down . , the
doors when -the troops appeared and
dispersed them. The' grand 'duke at the
time- was at Tsarkoeloe with the cxar.
.The executive committee of the revo
lutionary league has appealed to Amert
icsyTttsnj rreuuu -and ; ltatian- snv-
jaaasles Asking them to bring foreign n-
xiuenco to near on tne ttueian -govern
went Jn jt avur of f concUiatlng the I
masses. j..:.u,w...-i :.-.-').. ;a
At o'clock, the, strikers continue to
drift toward the palace-square. The
Cossacks and .police are having, more
difficulty In- keeping the crowds .moving.
T-t-TttT nrisiMas ta anstt aaifp,
".: . Oss VnstiaAad. ' ' . ' J.'
. Tha cxar is completely prosfratvd by
gner. it is- understood that he Is In a
state of . collapse. It is rumored Grand
Dukes Alexis and Serglus are already
on lueir way to me iron tier.
At. I o'clock this' afternoon the crowd
moving toward the Winter palace Is as
suming threatening proportions.' The
men -nave the moat -obstinate demeanor.
' The police are not - able to. locate
tther Capon, though Searching for htm
everywhere. Mis whereabouts la known
enly to half a do-en trusted lieutenants,
through whomhs issues' orders. ' On
ox tne lieutenants hap declared that the
leader of the strikers is determined to
preach the gospel- of armed resistance
ana tne evennrow -or authority.
Tne ., dowager ' empress has left for
l-xarrosoi. j.- v .-t.a.;, ,
The police have closed all gunsmith
shops and firearms and other weapons
have been removed from windows sad
iocxea up in ceiiarf. .
; Admiralty Works .Afire.,
The admiralty works 'at SevastonbU
-vh ui. uu ourning, iunousi I J
.xnm innninint nas aecided.- on tB)f
noil unnnnt himiiii, ,n mb.aaW . w
populace today. All he schools In 'trie
City are closed. 1 1n many places the
water auppiy has been : cut. At 19
o-ctocg mis morning the center of the
city remain quiet., but there is fe-mervj
terday evening- the police made house
to house visits, warning tha household
ers to keen quiet That a- riot, will
break loose at any moment is a fore
gone conclusion. - i ' ..
It ; was learned this mornlnar that a
band of rioters, the strength of which
Is not known, : have decided to divide
themselves Into bands to sack 'the city.
The capital Is full of the wildest ru
mors. - " . .'
(" Xaattag fog
One says th strikers nave resolved
to march, 10.00 strong, on Tsarkoeloe.
If they find the car la not there, they
will continue to Peterhoff. Another is
that the nihilists have persuaded strike
leaders to take over a large supply of
bomb and use them te-repel troops.
Another wild rumor has reached the
authorities that. Father Oopon plans to
ourn tne entire city, reeding the flames
With Immense quantities Of Betroleunv
The police have prohibited the-eale of
petroleum..' '
The government has Issusd a state
ment blaming the worklngmen for-yesterdays
bloodshed. The demands of the
workmen are described as audacious and
Impossible.' Most of the responsibility
sscritea to "atner oopon. .The of-
a caiTialtlni t5 I
o'clock last night estimates the deed
at 7 and tha wounded at tit. The
figures are everywhere, ridiculed. '
- Battle Basil.. - '
At 1:1 this morning the troope were-
dispatched to the Basil Island district,
where th strikers have barricaded them
selves In the streets. Approaching on
the double quick., the troope were met
with a volley of bricks and other anla-
alles. Under a rain of lead; men, women
and children fell In the etreets.--' -
When the last barricade . bad fallen.
Street after street was strewn with nod
dles marking the resistless progress of
the guards. The clash la aald by several
witnesses to have exceeded anything In
the history Of the French revolution.
It Is estimated that 1,00 were killed
or wounded.-- An aged priest, kneeling
(Contlnaed on rage Tw)
i ' ' St. fetersbufgan". - Z3.
l " "All attemptshrf factory,
, quicKiy ncf pxicnqca to aimosi an tne worKSpitne.cuy, - ine
A u A t.i M
f j ... n mc siriKc was ai nest conquciea wiinouc oisiurDanccs nq re
rlutioniSts, and th strikers under Father Gopon'a leadership, openlji
' ' ''On the mirnine of'"Tanuarv 21.. the Workmen! s association;
X ' drew unJa TJtiti6n nf wnrtmm
- .."V '. UnfZTiJ'i ".iL Lll"
cr'owds proce
x : ulations, or o
T-:t T-1 A .s-.uu -tjuai icr, ai
:"Atrxmi point the;ponuIace erected three, barrica'des, of clanks and. wires.; Over one of these
I nouses1 shots were fired' and
ui-X Schauff small "arms factory, and carried .off about, a hundred swords; a large-number of which, however,the pt)Kce later recovefed.l. The wjres were destroyed and .-
l tne ooies cut down. Ihe mrtnicioal buildrntr 4n th Second district his been demolished and five shoos in M. f etersoure oiunaerea. - , v
..i..jfrhstatment in of order. V J
rL eey??fssfftftMfefttsfsttf f ttt tttetttttft ttt 9999m9W.9WWW9WW1Mm9m999999T19W99m9yW99fWWW9WWW9999W9W91M
I .-. l ' r x x v-aiii:---.'... I I . ' MmM-t ,-w aaiiai .. -. ..a- m a u aiiaa ja
. '-" .r-- t .-v. t gg . i f r i ; r..
1 1 .". i -t .r w -j' .-v - . . itirp innn ti innin inc.
; -V-- V; " - - cusses, Events Lead' '
U : -;;;Vh'. f mm up to Revolt ,y
: .'11 ,C T -if (By Mrs-- Jeaw-A. . tgan.) . r 1 liesrasl Spadat SwrtreJ)
'.''I'll Mi '' A t' i 1 f
i ' 1 -1-1 .rnwjU'iJt ' ip IW-iil.Vg-J- 'rlJ.'-':it.-: v' . r- i HpT - '
3 ' i'-:--.i'-'V-rv:-''---'v'i' ... -t ; J - .
'" filyfv :r. ' ' hwH ,t' I
mr '-!? - tii'&iJlL
; '.I'll "'VN ?t ,. , 1
'J.f ij'x - II i -
..v."" A i ?,rjk:i . t ii: -
iiauilKli fiV 4 i;
Cnr Nicholas II, Whose Throng Is Shaken by the Furious. Disturbances in Hii CapiuL-? '
Streets of St. Petersburg Stained With Blood of Laborers Czar
i -
: ; '
- 1-
(leersal Special. Servtre.t
Hi Balnrdsii tha
striking workmen, r numbering - ver
lae.ooe, nnder the leaoersnip or ratner
Copon. an orthodox prleat, announced
their Intention ot assembling In -front
of the -Winter palace on Sunday tQ-pre-sent
A petition to the cxar. ? -. ,
'; Baturday evening lt waa '.announced
that the csar wonld receive the workmen
and listen to their petition, which asked
for a constitutions! remedy end a re
dress of the wrongs and sufferings of
the people. - , . '
Sunday' morning the csar had cnaaged
his mind. Hs surrounded himself with
tO.eos troops under the commend of
Grand Duke Vladmar. denied himself to
the populace and greeted the assembled
workmen with bullets.
The slaughter of yesterday provoked
riots during th night, and the streets
of Bt Petersburg are stained with blood.
Rioting eenUnuee today in the suburbs.
- thc overfiment' Official statement' on the massacraof Sundajr aqd of the events leading up to it is
inspectors to pacify the workmen, were fruitless, and every worker from, a." hainberofilarge factories rnlivprrW whlrH pontniniH-JrieriRnt
ti-?:.L"l f 11 - J-.i.!.'l 1 ' .1
1. . . - .XT. 1 T i.a ' 1
uic turner ui xncvskjt r,ruspcni,
stones were hurled attbe military.- Crowds tookswords from the
Them7(3utLat4r Changed His' Mind-Spirit of
Spreading Throughout Empire.
and the spirit of revolution Is rapidly
Mas lit Mek - -
Instead of the sabbath' calm. Bt. Pe
tersburg esterdsy awoke to a day of
bloodshed and o( jiorror. Toward the
Winter palace surged the throngs of
tollens. At their hesd Father Copon.
clothed ' la- golden vestments, marched,
bearing aloft An ikon-and. flanked by
religious banners. Troops were- drawn
serosa the approaches. The marchers
were commanded to Jialt. The procee-l
skn' did not falter. - - Again., cams .the
command to halt. Then out rang two
volleys of 'blank cartridges. ; But the
lines .did not. waver. Then eeme the
order to load' with ball, and at the dis
tance of 10 paces roared the thunder fol
lowed by death abrteke and the cries of
the wAundedr Another volley and the
workmen fled.' leaving' 104 killed and
wounded.1 rather Copon
escaped Injury,"
(Journal Special Service.)
ocmanas oi me men-.; uic same
yressivc. measures wcro aauptcu.- rvKuaiiun iiuwcvc,.,wos ouoii. yi in.ipicu in vy, iiicacvir--' -;x
professed -insurrectionary doctrines, which compelled the government finally to' intervene.'-. -X
led bv Father. Goooh. aboeared' with ' r evolutionary ' tendencies.
drniinitt ftf A nolitical character. ' "l " - .
I 'l -j? - !iL.' "it
. A 1 J - J
-in 'vicAanucr jjaiucno uu i iuuu uiiucuiai. ... . ,sl
J at First ' Promised to Meet
Revolution i ; , . " y
' h"
though a priest at his side wss wounded.
repeated as the workmen's plea for
mercy .wss . met with death. Dispersed
at one point, ihe populaceTnet at an
other,' and everywhere were greeted by
the murderous hall of bullet and the
streets 'Strewed . with ' the dead -and
dying. . f ...v . ' '"
Early In the day the strikers began
.congregating. They were unarmed and
refused to disperse when commanded to
by the - troope, saying that they had
come to present their homage and grlev-Incea-to
Egiperort Nicholas. '
,' V- Troope Jeered y. Mo..-.
' Every' moe of the -troops was fol
lowed by the jeers and Insults of. the
rapidly Increasing crowd.. At the Ad
miralty garden-., at the entrance of the
tlrsnd , Morekala. 'and on the .avenue
leading to Molka canal ree throngs so
(Continued on Page !.)
ume increasea,. ana. wen; lorrnmaicu iur . mo jjicaicr pari, uy . a
.1 A I
a red flae was hoisted.". From
police ahd'armed: themselves,: with: them'Tthey; pillaged -the :
, I (By MrW-Jebw-A. .Logan.)
(Cepyrtgat, ItOS by the iU-erlcas-Tw-'aalr
- -. . -r j ; Es'aalner.) ?- ..". j. . J -; .
Notwlthatandtng 'the epparenti lndlf-4
ference or the autocratic government
andi the csar. to the appeals f - the
Zenistvos'at the time of its preeeilta-
ttnti. the aeniiel hii Ihnwn tratf ni.
move for' freedom and . jnora considers -
tlon for tha people by the government
cannot be stayed. . . ((
Prom, time Immemorial when, A long
suffering people finally rebel against
the power that lias deprived them of
jlfe, liberty- and.the pursuit of happi
ness and take up-arme against that
power It must yield to - righteous de
The action of the ' Moscow ZemetvosWeed 0 In killed, and wounded.
in voting I160.00 foe. the building of
school -houses as an expression! of their
gratification over the .emperors mani
festo raising the peasants to ant equality
with ether cltlseos , of the empire; : the
guarantees-. to- be incorporated In : the
laws of thai personal liberties of .the
people against the arbltrarlnesa of ad
ministrative officials; tha Increase In the
Independence- of semstvOs and douttaa;
the nrotection of Jews. Armenians and
othes unorthodox secis andtbe granting
of greater privileges by the revlelod of
tne laws in rererence to tne press, tare
all Indub1table-ev)denee of the-tsfluenee
of the liberals In Russia; and if that
element does not abuse the concessions
granted through the csare manifesto
and continue their efforts along educa
tional and peaceful lines; the day la not
far distant when Russian autocracy "will
be 'a thing of the past, and her govern
ment and her people wU be In- harmony.
They are . a- areat race, lut through
anpropltlous conditions and unjust rulers
the nation hag drifted- Into direful cnan
sela, which,, if continued, must. Inevit
ably' lead to revolution and . anarchy.
The spirit of assassination ,has long
ruled and many have been sacrificed to
that demonlao spirit 1 '
Injustice meted out to God's creatures.
whether by indlvlduala or a govern-
(Continued oh Page Two.)
L !. : .- ' 1 i 1 ' ' r--.:: ,,v -r," .... :;- ''' -'
d d d 4 f ;
I Tj" ':Vhees-Aaew-lteeii' riimftTs of a'nronosed junket of, the elty council
ey ana memoers oi n in; luinuHiinuiuii dui inrjr iit vevn wntwimt ey .
ey-' Indefinite, and for his reason many people have concluded that the plan
-bas fallen - through. : ---,.. - - - ..,.-' - r 4. '-
e But it hasn't. ". - ' .- -.'X '.i -.:'?-- -
d"' 1 Members of.,lhe council are now hard at work-trying to complete
the arrangements. They want to go' to Las Angeles and spend several
!-"dys theTer-then" they want" tov1stt severs! -towns in he Ban; Joaquin
: Valley: then they want to go to Bait Lake City, by the way of Sacra
.mentd, and there return the visit of the Salt tke council "recently paid
thm here. And they want to take their wives sod families with all
the-et ceteraa that usually accompany a Junketing expedition of this
. sort. .: ' . . . ' ' . . ' ' - '-
' ., Ths ' main purpose of the., expedition is to get te Loa Angeles, there
- to see the Independent telephone system In operation. The Jjrm Angi-lns
company, has applied for a rranchlsetn Portland. It has offered to pay
the expenses of the members' of the council there-and bark, bat that 4
offer has been regretfully' declined bersuse It might Jeeve a bad 1m- d)
preselon If the franchise were subsequently granted.. But mere, Is In (
the treasury a sperial fund which the council msy spproprtste nn s two
thirds votevv That fund now contalne between ll.loe and 11.200; te It
there' wUl be this year added 'the further sum of tl.SflS. which la avail- 4
abla the moment the nereeaary vols
- these Sume are taken and ir the railroads ran be worked ror transports-
tlon in the way of special diners and sleepers the trip can . be made '
. without cost to the council or ths eity admlnlatratlon, thu vastly eav ' d)
d ' hanclng the pleasure of the trip. : -.w - .
Theee facts are Just beginning te leak out When they are publicly-4)
.known the- wll undoubtedly stir up such a .rnuas that it will (not be e
d entirely sefe even for men who go out of office next 'June ttue,l tan- - 0
with the public funds ana use them for their own pleaanre . There is -already
some muttering, but there will be a great dfai more. T'
scheme should b denounced ao heartily that the council will itrn
like a hot potato. It constitutes an outrageous mlue of t '
fund a. .And- where, after' all. Is the - difference between
favors from the telephone and the railroad Company,
given in the Official Messenger
joined the strike; which spread , X
- Dn Sunday Father Gopon e
- :- ' . .: " X
- -,:-(.
the 'windows .of heikhboring J1X
Plot of Strikers Fras-
;trated-rRecord of i ' j
Losses in Blots.
(jearaal Ssadat SwleeJ
PeteYaburg. Jan. II. M
ice offleialf ootifledy the government lhat
they-had discovered a plot to dynamite'
publlo buildings tomorrow. Precautions,
were taken to frustrate the plot.
Widely varying are the eatlmates of
1 losses. Tnthoat:: reliable
estimated' 7
that 0 men, women and children were f 7 '
killed end 108 wounded tar the lighting
of Sunday. , O-hera place the loea at" "
1,000 and one flealares that 1,000. were ,
klhed- and 10,000 wounded," but that-ls - '
manifestly abaurd. . "i , f -
The losses in the attacks by striker.:
on the troope today probably do -Hoft -
Mdbg clashed ; wjjrUeriodjr-mt;rrr
the Klchoias and palace bridges and In -
the Kvikv Peoenekt. TmUM-v tiier-t!
was lighting st the Schlusselberg cause- -way,
the Vaall Isls!nd quarter,, Aleaan-f T
der " gardens, - the . Nevsky ' ProspektJ
Kasan cathedral and Troletjs square. -
Rioting has occurred la many parts' '
of the empire, and there are a po radio ;
cases of disaffection among the imperial ..
. ....... a . v. m,f
IsmaUoaky . and Finland ' regiment - and i
thev Moscow guard refused Sunday toj
.tnastrlkers...,w....--.i.' ,,
Traek Tom V W. Wires Pat..
I ' '' fi--nal pelal Bnk.l . ...
Iondon, Jan.. M. A dlapateh front
Rome atatee that revolution has broken!
out - In Poland.. . The mobilisation, ofi
troops Is difficulty owing to. the cutting)
of telegraph lines. . .. - :
It is, rumored the. the Warssw rall4
way station Is burning and a portion oft
the track, has been torn up.
Internal censorship la being exercised;
with the greatest rigor and little ls
known of the situation In. Russia out.
side of St Petersburg..
'- '
e J
Is cast to, appropriate It. Now, If d
' 1'. -t