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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
:xnE , OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY1 MORNING, JANUARY 22,' 1905. If--. ' - 1 iave mmmmm WHENrJURY ISHMG Grand Jury Heart Charge of Judge Bellinger, Listens to Report of . ; - District Attorney Heney, Reads Stenographer's Re- i ' port,1 an Returns True Bill forPerjury I H TWO OF THE MEN WHO TRIED HIM MAY SHARE HIS FATE Denied Knowing Defendant or by Prosecutor, Although .They Are , Now Said to Have BVen Well Acquainted ,.V - - .... .... George '. Sorensen .'was Indicted for perjury by the federal grand Jury yes terday afternoon at 8:10 o'clock. ' But little evidence wee required In the 5 - mm, other than the court records of bla trial on the charge pf attempting to V ! bribe John Wall which was ended .by the ' (disagreement, of the Jury. District At : torney Heney had Mrs. M. A- Flemmlng, " .: ' court stenographer, go. before the Jury : ? to furnish Sorensen's testimony. -;.Cpra-f I ared with this the Jury had but to con ; V-islder the two deeds' for which Boreneen 'took acknowledgments. ; saying --they " were '-it the same time and place, whereas . -'. , their dates and filing notations showed (them to have .been acknowledged two ....- 'days apart and in Eugene and Portland. "... , The Indictment of ..Boreneen was e- l.M pected. ' Judge Bellinger-delivered a, re- am ao iq n ep r 'soner wwn 1.11 sjiuui morted a disagreement yesterday morn- .-llng.. Ho applied to the district attor ney to see tlyU such evidence of perjury did net go unpunished, no doubt was felt - regarding ultimate indictment ' The ", " . Iworde of the court when the trial .Jury Informed his honor, that they could not H agree it II tn. were not to e mis- TT construed. - The long delay. the bitter . Istruggle-of 10 men to-overcome. two, xne determination of the court to have a V verdict In a ease where the evidence, was " .1' so overwhelming, suggested trouble for the recalcitrant Jurymen. -As Judge .' .. . Belllnser dismissed 4h trial Jury and -lilaaked for.Dlltrct Attorney Heney.- It t wa apparent tnai tne storm wouia eyw ";. '""break. The court said: - - 7. . ; ; 7... 'J.y. :..; Oonrfs Beathlsy Beanarks, -; . "Mr. Heney. 1 have sent for you for , C j-A tle purpoee of makjng . request, I de- lre 'that you' present the manifestly fslae testimony of George Boreneen to ' , the grand Jury at-your earliest con " venleni'. ' tot such action: as the grand L ury may think proper totke In re : Ts spect to it, I refer parUcularly to his testimony erith --reference to the aJ - knowfedgment of the George Howe-treed V Of rellnqulehment That testimony was 4-'-- demonatrably false.! J am sallatled that ' - his teatlmpny was equally, false ; when '."ihe didn't remember that-he had made the statement to you that lie did try to .bribe John HalL. He forgot that he for : (got that statement. when1 he appealed to . .. Uie ourt to know whether he muat : i. answer the question. 1 I am alad con- i -lncd lliat hie testimony as to the rea- ... -son-why he. requeited to know when, the . '- grand Jury- wa-to meet was f alee. But 1' - my suggestion baa apeclal reference to r- rth. testimony An reference to -the George : Hewe..deed . of- reunquianment. as i SSSSi Uemonetrabl thing was dons to prevent the commis sion of snch perjury." - ' When, the Jury, was discharged Mr.. nnpvaald to the members ''i-wouM like to request the members of this Jury ' - to rail at the district attorney s oiiice. . "I would like to talk with oomo of you bout matters .that t think you know something abont, and also some matters thst I think you ought to know- some-i-r-thlng about, in relation to soma of .your ' members.- I want V W yu V" -";. foe Ho Tor Xorymen. -'.i-( , V. - . The- conference in the dlstrlet attor r ney's office with the-members of the ' -jury wse , too hot. to? Adklns an'd'Nor : throp. -- They were questioned closely re , ' Vardlng 'their lives, relations with the defendant or any of hts-frlends.Adklne: HI and Northrup did not arefor more-of .: this inquisition, and. abruptly left the office, leaving the other 10 jurors there.! These Jurors stated . mat tney meoo every effort to argufl-the. matter with; (- Northrup and Adkln.i and learnea that they were not-open to reason and would not listen .to any' argument, w Northrup was reading the statuteon bribery, and discredited the Judge's Instructions on the law. Juror Huffman saldt . "Do you Ihink. Mi. Northrup. that you can get moreiaw from whafyou rf reading in that dook tnan judge bh ! YOU CAN INTERES HIM. f r::Z """--"Any Slam Ore fifty. - -f Tou can interest any man over fifty yeare of age In anything that will make nlm feel better, because while- he-may 'not as yet have any positive organic - disease- h- nd longer feels the buoy ancy and vigor of twenty-five nor the .' freedom from aches and pains he en Joyed in earlier yeers and he .very nat- uraiiy eaminj win. r . osltlon looking to the improvement and Dreeervatlon of bis health. , , ' wards wilt collapse on the day of the -V ... 11, ...1.. .mon. Atn, Bairn... 1 . , f . J 1 1 V. - :hV.tom;cnfy ery M. thm atomatch. h Don " seed at twenty-tlve. Tht ; cere must be, exercised as to what' Is - eaten and how much of It and even with - the beet of care, there will be Increw na ' olgesilve ; weakness... with advancing 'A'proposltlon to perfect or mp;o the dlgeetionj and aeeimllation bf food Is one whloh Interests not only every man of ofty. but.eyery man, oman and phild of mnr ase. because the whole se cret of health, good blood, strong nrrvm. is to have a siomacn wmrm win , promptly knd- thoroughly digest wnoie- some food because blood, "ervea., brain tissue and every other -crmlitltuent of . the body Is entirely' the product of dl- ?estlon. and no medicine or -heelth ood cart, possibly create pure blood or restore shsky nerves, wh a. weak stomach Is replenishing, the dally wear and tear of the body from a mssa of fermenting. hali-digested food. . No. the stomach ttself wants help and In no round-about way either; It wants direct, unmistakable assistance, such as Is gfven bypne or.Jwo.Btuart',sJtopejpdergon.jf-ah R. a N. was-robbe : sto -Tblef t Thepe taoleta cure ilnnuclt - trouoie hecatme- their use give the stomach, a chance to rest end recuperate) one of Btusrt'S Dyspepsia Tablets-contains fll gpstlveeleaehts sufflclent to digest 000 grains ot- ordinary . rood, such .as br"d. meat, egga. etc - - - -. ' ' - . The plan of dieting Is simply anqther nsma for starvetlon. and the use of pre ' pared foods end new fsngled breakfast . t foods simply makes matters worse, ss any dyspeptic who has tried them As Dr.' Bennett says.h-only reason r. 1 can lmsaine why Btuart's Dyspepsia r Tablets are not universally - used by v everybody Who la troubled In sny wsy with poor digestion Is because many 7 peopl seem, t think thst because a mmalclne Is .sdvertlsed or Is sold In drug stores r Is protected by a trade mark raunt be a humbug, whereas ss s 'matter of truth any druggist who Is nlmervsnt knows thst Stuart's Iyspep .. . els Tablets neve cured more people of Indrgestlon. heart burn, heart trouble, nervous prosttin t-i run down eon . illflmt gei- , . the plent med- l. lnes -n J r - St His Attorneys When Questioned . With Him "For Years. linger knows'' from hts long experience In bis profeeslonT or words to that ef fect,, and .Northrup replied .una it tne Judge. were allowed to decide the-case there would be no use ror a jury.. Juryman . E. XL. Austin, of Woodburn saldi ,' ,!...: .4 r,:,:T-i heard"' Mr. Northrup , make ' the statement something like this, What If he did make the offer of 6.000, It was not accepted, and nobody - was injured., There Is no harm ttoae. A. Blevlns. C, , C Andrews, Thomas C. Watts. Vt. W. Dilley. A. J. I. Cator, J. P. Huffman and Benjamin- Dimmtck all -said that they heard this same statement,, which - auggested the f lm presslon. that Northrup had gone Into the Juryroom with nia mind set to put aside the evidence. " "' Ir 15. yenton. who rooms at I !st Kfghthsireet In this city,, made ven a stronger, awtement against jnoirnrup: He aald "On Thursday; Immediately after the Jury retired and when we took the first ballotdust a short time arter we na.a taken this -ballot. In answer to a ques tlon which I put to Mr, Northrup, he sald."1ooh! What If he Old oer .f. That Is nothing.' SI en in cant of the statement of the 10 Jurors in regard to their recalcitrant brethren, all were . heard -to applaud vigorously by clapping their 'hands when the stinging rebukes -of District-Attorney Hener were administered, sad they took-thelfdeparturer-ct It wae-ewldent that the 10 men had a sense or bUter ness against Adklns and Northrup, and heartily approved the course of the dis trict attorney. a .'.The' government secret -service men have been- Industriously working on the latest developments of the Boreneen case. At the time of selecting the Jury for his trial -District Attorney Heney es pecially asked Northrup and.AdklnC If they knew Boreneen or Attorney 1. Maya. Both men swore they-dld not, Last evening the ecret service men found what they allege" to be positive evidence that this statement Is not true. so far as relates to Northrup. They claim to have found-men who say that Borenssn and Northrup worked together in. securing", applicants for school land In the Blue-mountains at tne time tnai the news lesked from the general land office that .a reserve would be created therejr.-iLr-ar, The secTeTTaervIce men also SUte that Juror Northrup has also been connected with F.-'P. Mays In land, business,' and that -ha knew Mays very well at 'the - tntb the -panel' to try ment la busy gathering ' evidence on these r points -and sensational- develop ments are expected Monday .wnen -tne grand Jury reconvenes. Many persona expected that' there would be more than Borensen's Indictment last evening, and gathered lta evidence, sufficiently, to make the next ' move. .-' . 1'he hanging of. the trial Jury w fir not protect-' Boreneen front prosecution on the same charge again. The aame case win be called but the date when It will be heard . has not been fixed. - It -will probably be one' .of the April heatings. and the charge of perjury that was added to Borensen's of fensea yesterday, making three Indictments against him. .will be taken up about the same time. This temporary check In original In vestigations wllj.. pot deter the govern ment ornciaia in their activity. Rather, It has had the effect of stimulating more energetic- action. -"Mr. Heney- and Mr. Burns seem to have been - made aware of a more determined purpoee to dear the land-fraud operators than they-ex-pected. aiM have glrded their lolne for a corresponding effort. Every phase of the present -development, will be In vestigated, and It. Is the purpose to In- diet as t reery- for seeking; to relieve- ctit-4 prits as for commltUng the original sin. The .week- promises some of the most startling announcements of the entire proceedings. 'i MAY GO TO SCAFFOLD STRAPPED TO BOARD (Special Diepateh by Lhh4 Wire to The Journal) Reading.-. Pa., Jan. II. A conference of Interested offlclaJa wal held here today-with reference to the details of the execution of Mrs, -Edwards. It sppeared to oe-tne general opinion that Mrs. Ed- got Xrbnvt n;..but l know woman carried Will be strnDDed to a.' board andln,;' " ' to the scaffSloV . ? and mea at New Era day before yeeterday. By special appointment. Oliver Lents, counsel for Mrs. -Kate Edwards- met a number of Reading women 'for the pur pose of Interesting them In that move ments to save hla client a 11e. - Mr. Lents told them at' .length .the story of the life of Mrs. Edwards, and how she had beerf dragged down by a brutal husband-' to his . own level. Thoee pres ent decided to co-operate with Mr. Lents. A number are members of women's clubs and other bodies which take an Interest In public matters, k ... ,s .,f ' STEALS CONDUCTOR'S . . . ;GRIP,BUT IS CAPTURED . ' . SpeeUlr Dispatch t The Jwiraal.) La Grande. -Or,. Jan. - SI. Conductor ui inn grrp kiiu, ui iir-r hi m it-i esteraajr, a few miles from liuntlngton, on-the train coming Into this city. Hts. grip contained tickets, tags and other neces saries for the carrying out of his duties., The robber was a man who got on. at Huntington, alleging h wanted to go to Lime siding, a small station ,thls side of there. . : Boon after leaving Huntington the boil cord was pulled, the train stopped and this- man wee- missing .with the above named articles. He was captured, how ever, had his preliminary hearing, and was bound over In the sum of l&.ooo to await the action of the circuit court. ! , - a abb sisn aozs. , , f ptal Dlipateb t Tke JmrsaLt ' rarest Orove Or, Jen, tl. The l-year-old daughter of E. l. Ward go hold of a bottle of -earbolKr acid tonight and drank come before the accident was din covered, prompt administration- of an antidote, and the quirk arrival of a I ; clan is all that saved her life. msm CASE - AT OHEfiOi'l CITY Members of Family Arrayed Against Each Other n GJy C - : -' Ing Testimony. "t : "' . 1 1 .; :-r:: v " ACCUSED OF CRUELLY V V WHIPPING DAUQHTER Fishermen to Present Resolution 4 to Legislature Regarding .7 'i ';";;;T Present Laws. : ' : . u'V (Special piapatch to. The Journal.) Oregon City. Or:, Jan. .'II. The casf of the State f" Oregon sgainat Louts Toedemeler. was first 4ried in the. court of Justice -ot the reacr SUpp seytrai weeks ago, the defendant being charged wHli cruelly -beating hla child, a, girl about J.J, years .of (age. ; He waa-'con-victed In the lower, court and fined the sum of ISO, whereupon he appealed to the circuit court; and -the hearlngon the appeal began yeeterday forenoon. It appears that about four years ago - the. defendant arid, his-- then- wlf s :; wsra divorced. - since ' which he has married again., and Is at' the head of another family, ' Ruby , Toedemeler, the girl .en whom he Is charged to ave Inflicted cruer punishment, was an Issue of the first marriage, and -lived with , her mother until last July, when aha made a visit at the defendant's home and de clded toremainhentu ohtanl j;. nr fathsr's permission, she Ift home and went to see her mother.- In a few days she returned, and her father - inflicted the punishment for which he le being prosecuted. ' . " - -In the-trlaj ther wag no-Issue-upoti the question aa to whether cr not the child received chastisement, but the con tention of 'the defense was that It was more severe than that -which the law would permit a parent to inflict. , - Louis- Toedemeler, Jr., the defendant's son. a half brother or the defendant, and a number of other witnesses testi fied that a short time after the girl was punished .they examined her body and found manjrTnarks-and- Btrtpesen dently made bV severe blows. The girl testified that she received the blows at the time she wss whipped by her father, v The defense Introduced witnesses who swore that. -the punishment was not excessive, and.. was only what might be pronounced correctional. ' - - ' . The girl Is now living with her brother Louisa and declares that aha has terror for the father. She Is of a very deli cate mould, and. gave ner testimony In a manner quite earnest and convincing. She' said the' defendant used several switches t punish her and Whipped her for a period-of five minutes "as long as the switches lasted."'., - . .' V . '. ,- . The cse was given to the Jury .Uat everting, but up to a late hour no verdict had been rendered. - - f - ' - , - -nsfcermsn's Sesolnttoav. -The following Is the. resolution of the local sTaherrrien to be presented ' next weei'lo the legislplure. 'j "WC-the-underslgned clusens and, resi dents of the county of Clackamas,-state of Oregon, engaged la fishing, do-most respectfully represent, that at a -meeting of .the fishermen, of.: said..- countyof Clacksmasr held January li.-0,"-the matter of legislation for the protection end- promotion of '"the fishing Industry or the at ate. was thoroughly aiscussea, and said -meeting was unanimous in eon eluding that the fishing Interests would be best subserved by allowing the taws of the- atate. regulating said Industry, to . remain as' they now are, . believing that a etrict enforcement and observe a nee of "Our present law would remedy all existing grievances; and accomplish all..lhat-JaH.ecessary. to promote, en- ceurage.and maintain said Industry.' -V'And to that - end we would petition your honorable body that no change, or amendment be made In the present fish ing lawn or tne state." .. -- . . Tot this resolution 42 .'- names - are signed... all Jf .whomara: lnt,ereateiLln the -fishing Industry. v iti : Attoney Sedge Honored. " Attorney- Joseph K. Hedges today eelved formal notification f rem the State Bar association of Oregon of his appointment as - a member of the com mittee on legal education ana admission to the bar. " . , .,. ., -.....- -It le understood 'that ths other mem bers of the committee are C. E. Wood. K. Kollock, C U. Oautenbein and Charles H. Carter, all of the Portland bar Boy rroteets ZnaooeBoe. The boy brought - by City Marshal Burns from' Canby yesterday morning, and lodged In Jail here., has at-' last broken alienee, and talks moat freely. Hels accused. In company with two men. of having - burglared a store In Washington county' Iaat ' Wedneaday, and Was first suspected of the crime when he attempted- to dispose here- of certain -articles known to , have been carried' away by the burglars. When, seen- in the county Jail this svenlng, he 'admitted that he had asso ciated with the men accused j of the crime; ' but Said he had nothing to do with its. commission.. - - "What; I tried to sell." he declared, and have not aeen them since. My name Is Frank Miller, and I was born at Muskoegee,. Mich. My parents are dead, and I have no relatives." - ; Destroy. Fwperty. r t'-- -Frank 'Rowan. Andy, . Buckand ' Juti Harry Kothlack, three tramps, were ar reated here yesterday afternoon, charged with the. wanton destruction of property. They were accused or setting Are to d freight 'car., which they occupied last night. A largn hole wss burned in the oar, jand on examination of the cause by an officer this morning the men were found inside asleep. - - . It ls likely they will plead guilty In ths circuit court now In session here , . CHEMAWA PUPILS SOON idlUEipiQlMIIOmElBE (dperlal Plaoatrk.te The Joarul.) Chemsws, Or.,' Jsn. fl. Fire broke out In the large boys' dormitory, known Mitchell hall, this afternoon.-about 1:10 o'clock. Had the fire not been dis covered when It wss ths building might have been destroyed. ; As It wss. the damsge wss trifling but showed the efficiency of , the new fire regulations Issued recently by Superintendent Chat; craft.- '-'-- - . . The fire was Ideated In the wash room and had ' assumed considerable prrpor tlons before discovered. It wss neces sary to turn on a plug atrssm and use several hsnd grenades before the fire was extinguished. Under the- new regu lations every pupil and employe at the school has his duty In esse of fire. It ss Ifitendeorto have a fire drill soon to test the. regulations, hut the fire this afternoon showed the nicety with which every detail had been attended to. There was no excitement and every person gt tonded te his 4ultaav,-v. - ' P: QUARREL lii'CURDER William Madden, Old Tlmr, Shboto" Another at Result ' " ; of SaJoon Row. . THIRD CX5S0F KINt v NOW ON BAKER DOCKET Other Two Are Leonard Foster 7 ! and A." D.; B arnh art, Prom-; T J,: Inent" Eagle Valley Man. vj. - (pedal Dlapsteh e The Joorsel.) - Baker City, Or. Jan. II William Madderrv an old-time miner In this camp, and the champion eastern Oregon driller. Is, In the , county Jail her tonight charged With murder In 'the first de gree for the killing of William Thorn, another miser. jn- a saJoon s row at Bourne,. neare ""Columbia mine, last night Thorn died at. 4S o'clock - this afternoon, Just after Maddern was In carcerated. A coroner's Inquest -will be held tomorrow. .'"'.. ' '''., The trouble between Maddern -and Thorn- had been- brewing for the-last three monthC'-They met in a saloon last night and. had a. sharp quarrel. ' Thorn knocked Maddern . down and went out. In- the meantime (vtaddern - went behind the bar, secured a gun and when Thorn came In a few minutes later ahot him. Thorn dropped to the floor like a, leg. He remained in - an unconscious condi tion and was unable to make a atate inent before be died TateThls afternoon. This Is the third murder case now on the docket at Baker City awaiting tne next session of court. The others are Leonard Foster, charged with. the klll- Ing- of bin, mother-in-law, Mrs,. Ptckv at Plne, Or... October 11, last, .nd A. D. Barnhart, a prominent Eagle valley man, who a few days ago shot Brakeman Brown, of the Oregon Short Line, in a Huntington saloon. - . Barnhard ... and Maddern are' In the county Jail without ball. Foster liaa had -one trial but the Jury disagreed, and ha Is now out on IS.000 ball awaiting a second trlsl. ." - City Marshal 'J. P. - Hannon of Hunt ington, today. named R. Leslie and landed him In the county Jail on a charge of stealing- a grip out of an "Oregon. Railroad - as Navigation company passenger coach at Huntington. Leslie wss placed under a ISO, bond Awaiting the action of the circuit court THREE MEN. ROB VACOLT Imbibe Freely. of Stolen Goods, Are Arrested, Plead Guilty ?nd Weld for Trial.1 - NOTICE OF APPEAL nwnnidi uwnrVU Iron Flag Pole Will Not Be Raised But Wooden, One Wilt . 7 ' Take Its Place. ' -v (Special Dlapatch tojbe" Joaroaf,) ' ' Vancouver. Wash.. : Jam,' 21. tC .B. Blesecker" received a telephone" call from Yacolt Friday, night that a saloon .of that, place had been broken Into and i oonalderable amount ' of liquor" stolen Accompanied by Prosecuting Attorney W. w. Sparks, he went to the scene, tof the robbery and soon succeeded In run ning down the. guilty parties, who had partaken freely of the stolen liquor, The men arrested, gave the names of j Arthur. Cody, JUJ, 'Simmons and A. Mac Cloud. ' All three at once pleaded guilty when brought - before Justice of the Peace - Sapplngton of Tacolt and were bound" over tu appeafbeforr" Superior Judge McCreedte. In lieu of giving bonds the three men are held In the county Jail to await tneir trial, -.- , ..i, ni To Ba. Appealed. - '-. in the suit of A. H. Fletcher, as county official, against the Board of County Commissioners A, L. MUler, at torney for plaintiff, has filed a notice or, appeal In the -supreme court - , ' -Fletcher made appltcstion to the 'com" mlssloners for a classification of Clark county, which was turned down.' The commissioners' action was baseij .on a technlcsl point, of the Jaw 'and It Is be lieved the case will be decided In favor of the Officials, as ' there- Is no doubt but that the population of the county is more than 14,000. "-.-,. -j - '" ' Hair Foli 0 More. ' ". The tall iron flag pole at the eourt houae, which blew down' more than a month ago, will not be replaced. - The pole has cost the county for repairs more than $200 since It was put up1 some six years sgo. It cost $78 aionatQ. rs - pair the pulley about a year ago. . The Iron ornament which surmounted the flag pole has been put back" in the FAT FOLKS 6T lbs. rr-4S0 80Jh hgftfr.-'xJrvrn.MAMii. S fllli Jiailsls, "rJeirrrwt;' ijoet in weight ............ i .rr pounds Iee In bust ................... taehea boat la waist 10 Inches bos. In hips .....go tocaee Tbls s4-tar (Iwe Trm as loe of sir aoerar. anea brfor and after mf radm-tton br ttr, tnjr. Mr Soaltb Is perfvet.- 1 ww njojri MM Smith la au nr., s e wrlnkls tn m. Wbv rmrrr rour . SurSoa Iimi. k.o rIIff I at seed , , KM. CMAMLOTVm WOOSVAlO, , Oregvn .Otty, Or. Xoet as pounds. - - SOUS. nWa STOOKTOsT. .. Bhetldaa, Or. Jomt SO pouads. -----scjtBj. t. e. BBOirir, '-'' Sanaa, Or. , loet as pounds. ' -tnv Slsril siwrsntw bla tr.atm.nt' t M 9r1rtr barnl.o le mrr sartlcnlar.- STa saia4a, ao atarvtng, no oVtmiloa from nnal am, ao wrtnkh or SfSeneifarta. Dr. gnym ha eea a MlJlat In th aarfpaafol Iml .at f on.aH fn. th paat SS rr. and ha tb. nnasalUIMI nibir.nn ef ts aawllr! fra nrnlt7. A saokart t.lllng sll sbmit It fro. WrtUoeaj. O. W. P. SNYDER. M. D. llDeknm BlAg, Third and Wsaaington aitteeta, Fertiauet, Oregea, 1 SALOON 'T A . . ' - i. ' --'..' - ' , t . '.. " ' f.'' :. "J For Llquozonc, Yet "We We Civ You W paid 1 1 00,000 (or the American rights to te highegtOtat price ever pa ?aid for aimilar rights on nyscjentific discovery. We did this after tetting the product : for two years, through physicians and hos pitals, in this country -and others,; We cured all kinds of germ diseases with, it (thousands of the. most dif ficult cases obtainable. We proved that in germ troubles it always ac complishes what medicine cannot do. Now we ask you to try it :try it at our .expense. , Test it. as we did ; see what it doeSy Then you will use it always, as we do, and as millions. of others do. Von will use it, not only ' to get' well, but-to Veep well. "And it - will save nearly all of your sick ness.. -. ?::." -i-"-'' ' ;' "'."''' -- : -v'; Kills Inside Germs. Liquozone is not made: by com pounding drugs; nor-is there alcohol in it . Its virtues are derived totejv from gasrlargely oxygen- gas by 'a proces requiring immense apparatus and trays' time. -This process Has, for more than ao years,' betfn the con stant subject of scientific and chem ical research,:v ; v The result 1 a- liquid that does what oxygen does. It is a nerve fo6rf and blood food the most '. helpful thing in the -world (b you. Its ef fects are'exhilarsting, vitalizing, pur ifying. Yet it is a germicide so cer tain that we publish on every bottle tii iiniiiaii'iiiiiit inn ii ill 11 Hi 1 mil imiaa tower of the court house, where It for merly belonged." - i-'"' : A wood file pole will be put up at ilhs saat, end of the building. Meg) At lanwood... A. It Miller of 01enwood,.tbla county, died Friday at tha advanced age of ft from bid age. .'He was a man of rugged character.' Deceased leaves a-wife and four children living, two having died. The funeral will take place Monday at Olenwood. -' ' ''n -4- .uneraa of -.Miss staanrng- '' The funeral Of Luell Manning, who' died at BL Joseph's hospital. Wednesday 6f qulelo consumption, will be field from the- undertaking parlore - of Opod . & Burnetts,-at 1 a. m. Sunday. Inter ment will fee In the city cemetery. -' '" ' Beat' astata Transfers. ' Transfers of real estate were recorded Saturday- as' follows: W.-.T.; Norton-to Cha'rlen Stonehouso. land In section' I, township 3 north, range 2 easti consid eration. $2,600. Theodore Rott to Maud Wilkinson, northwest section ,UI. ' townshir. ' 1 north rang 4 east; consideration. 1,10ft 'Harry i-. Jones and Stgnoratta Jones to William Kauf f man., north H lot S, Fourth Plain homestead lota containing eight . acres. -v '. .-. : :-.;; -v-, 5 -. Barracks Votes. '. . : Captain, Kdward-: Croff-iof the 19th Infantry haavbeen 'granted a 25-day leave of absence and will probably .leave ths post shortly 'after, the 1st of Feb- ri)afy.-:;'?-'--J:'''--r- ' . 'Private Oeorare Perry.1 -who" -wss 1 vincgam Darrauaa, nu ucci, ururrau dishonorably discharged from tne-army. Vr M. CV Silva- Is In Seattle On bulr ness connected with the subsistence do psrtment. - . , r';-r-; : Two1 recruits from the Tacoma, re- crultlng office, one from Portland., and one from Seattle have been assigned to the 19th Infantry during the last three days. L.- 1 -rrr . A free electrical pinorhma - a, the corner of Third and Alder street xroa t a. m. to p. m. . - - ' wgi:weing - ... 1 A CONFIDENTIAL CHAT ABOUT t THE WANT ADS. A A A A A A' Whatever yoti do'teday be sure .and readtheads on the jCasslf led pagea. u.r.a In. in raal catjLt and In most vervthlnar else: tust as full of bar rains. aa the - department store- sds. . i That a saying a' good deal, l ;. People still contfnus to losr their be longing. JNow herO'a a man' who's lost a satchel containing ' a. carpet layer's tools. He says. ''Please return to Meter A Frank's, third floor. Reward." Have you seen It? '..." "" ' - ......... ... r.,.. Why don't yon buy the -children a piano and teach them to play, make them think there's-no plsce like hom"T There's a "good - second-hsnd Ceclltsn plarto player for sale chap at K. w, Wills' Music " House, ,150' Alder street. Has only been rented; IA In perfect con dltlon." This ts worth .your while to Investigate ' Here you are for a ffneTSunday din ner The Argyle, J9S West Psrk. serves them for SS cents. Ad says phone your lM - dTrThyhav slo oneroom vacant on the first floor suitable for two. 'Table boarders wanted.? . . Arev. you -looking for- bargain "In horsesf If so look at tha ads under the classification "Eqf Bale Horses andI Carrlsges." There are lots of them; any weight,- any color oil price; fitted, for all needs. Rend them and be convinced. Wanted Toung lady of neat appear ance to take charge of. exhibit of folding bed in our front window. Good salary and ,eaay hours. " Apply at - our ' store Monday at t a, m."- That Is Tull A Qlbbs' ad under "Help Wanted Female."! This Is an exceptional chance. See that you take advantage pf It, lad lea. -. RemembeV- there are lots of houaes ad vertised In today's paper. Better look over them it you would like to move. .0U eeees- . a b... . -w.iml . . . J , V. I be sure end read the ads tn the classifi cation "Help Wanted Male." , Tou may be able to secure One bf the many flna positions Offered. Good positions are scaro and are to be valued, so never lose any cnartce to procure one. ton't blame, other people for not getting you gnod lob. -It a generally your fault. because you don't take advantage of those offered. - If you can't get suited In the classified columns In real estate, be sure and read the dleplay ads on another page. Spe cial .Inducements are being mads among those ads, toO.. : . - - . dot some capital to Invest Tou will find many propositions offered under the heading , "Business ChsncesM that will net you a goodly sum by carefut manage ment. It's quite worth while! to read them; In case you don't, you 'may regret It .when you see your neighbor making money "hsnd over fist" on the same offer you had made to you. , . i 1 - -i i . . I " .. , .... v...'-.'-;": an offer of $1,000 for a disease germ 11. -I Thc-gaasotr-hr that germs are -vegetables- and Liquozone like an excess' of Oxygen -is deadly ta vegetal matter. There lies the great value of UaiiD- zone.-- It-rt-the only-way- known- -teri kill germs in the body without killing the tissues, too. Any drug that kills germs is a poison, and it Cannot be taken internally. Medicine is almost helpless in any "germ disease. It is this fact that, gives 'Liquozone its worths to humanity And that worth is-so great that, we haver spent over one million doJlars to supply the first bottle free to each "v sick one-t we l learned of. 1 . . -i ' - Germ Diseases. These are the known germ' dis eases. ."AH: 'that medicine, can do-for these troubles is to help nature over come the errms. and such result are indirect ' and .'.'uncertain . ..' Liqudzonei attacks tne germsr wncrevet tney arc. And when the germs whichcause a disease are .destroyed, . the disease must end, and forever, 'That is in evitable, ,. A' ' v' r f asthata - - Alm Aia.mta Hrosrhltla . v Blood nolana Riisht a Dlariie'j:. Bowel Troubles ".: Coughs (-olds ,. Coiiauinptloa - . .. Onlle Cross : ' -Oosfftlsstloa Catwrs Caseer . ny ytTw-lnflaeasS j Kldnay Dlaeases I OlillpS ;. -j XtaoarrDoa ' '.-.."-. Uiar Trmbtrs - ' Malaria M.uralfla Munj Hoar Troubles - Vtl.s B.moDla flrcrtajr Qulna KhanmaUam scrofula erphlua MASS UEET1KG IS7 ; ' -J .... i: -. - . Muchrx Enthusiasm , Manifested Oyer Proposed Electric linear -r.'"". y- From Spokane will'cOinectwith SNAKE RIVER BOATS This Connection Will Give Direct - 4 TransportatlDjnLCityH9T T -T ' titS Portland. 1 ' "zi C- '': " - (Special Dlapatch ta The Jaaraalr -TM voirax. wash., Jan. Ii: Three hun- Ldred persons attended an 'enthusiastic mass meeting held here this afternoon In the interests - of the Spokane Inland Electric Railway : company, . that pro- POWERFUL STRANGE FORCE THE DEAD BROUGHT BACK 7T07 LIFE WilllffirN Tcbgraphy ? v i WouW Be' but' Little More Startling Than the Mar . velpus Things Done by People Who Have ; Tried This Wonderful New Force. if Mow rromuisnt Mn and Women Use It - . Anyone Oast do n Distaaoe Ho Barrier One rerson's Control Ore , - I . . :. nor. tajt ooktxajto A wcIMohIa rialrmTant of thl eitr ka rrratad -a avnaatloa Is lb elntia worM. Thenusa hllns dmrs tn in mini of - ltura'r mjralrrtra he haa Slacorvrrd. a ! In niot noted aathorltlr ou Mind Forr. Many po pl look up. is blm a a jnas pod of dlrln pswer, for k ka told then' how to InStMiH-' opl. far sd ot aad to Seal UimlTe aixl th-r o U 111 If bf sir. He 111 tttm how to prni-trtiilr tbonahta, -dwlop a powerful mentalltr and out Id - as h sehsalai-W ths-'lxtdy and brain. . Poct.m and niasnetltfl who 1it twtrd tb n-orkln ot Itala new - Stron'T admit that It aurpaaaw anxthlng la tb hlatory of phyrhlr po. -. ' - in ' ipiaininc in dmtm m n - reporter, Proreaaor Vaa Cortland aald: "I am en Tlnred that Terjbdr . ran srenmnllidi the thins t bare duu If ther undentand tb aratern, It won Id be a Brand thins If- ever au. woman- and child In thla country learned tb ae of tbl wonderfnl f,iree. There would be no store dlaee. IrnrooraHte, dmnfcenm-a. I p'eelf vt rallures IR lire. TfiprMi' no rt-sa-n I b " abwild nn be mhm aent nwwi ,n'' 'l'le, prtlon nd . tneanltr,- thraush th nee of . air rilaeorerv aknnet anr phennoiena em pnnalhle. Tbo letter re eeleed fmas eeb Demon lbe tries ft are the m. Ther all are loud In tbelr eirlamatlnua of enrprlee. and r ther eer-r dreamed em-b thins pwlhte. .Many offer m Sne peeaent. hnt I refnae them. I ana work Ins for tb sp urting of mankind -and nelenc. Th . khtd letter eeeeteed from gratehtl heexta star ths per for mr errrlree. Tea IU be- msed It th worktns of this truly wonderful dtacneeej. -It- will open th war t wM-eee - In life, enll eve to rontrol and awar Ui ulmt of mnnr. atari I jour friend far and near, and ntak nr ae a nneltloa la life. It I Bur than word eaa- explain, v - - . , Vaa Cortland a a been eel.bll.hed In Poet- land leagar tbaa awrf other .Clatrrerant. -- P vAcniKaTori a SOcJ Dottle Free, Praml iterv 1 Warrbaa M Is PMeaM ' . iJJtxWaci TronblMi TbrrTroo'jtoa- . Tubwruloals . Taaaara IKHI " Dlnrtrilfl vauvMia EraraH I' ;n ( Oollr Uol - Varlryrle Oowirrlik at owirrlik 4Jlit fiun'i Pjaaaan -All dlaoaaM mat Wla mlth 1 Ihx. Samnlalloa all ntairh all eoalas.ovs eiMaos - II tbs taaiiisj or tmvurs or soiaoMa btoo4. - la axrvioa il-Mlllr Llituoeneo mu aa e eltsk- w, seoMBpliabloc what ae aruss tea eo - 50c Dottle Free. If you need. Liquozone, aqd have never'- tried it, please send .Us. this coupon, , We will then mail you ait order on a local druggist for- full size bottle, and we will pay the drug gist ourselves tor it. vims-. : our - free srift. made to '. cdnvince vou:-ii -.I.t 1 . . --'! . . . . snow .yop wnn iiquozonc is, ann. 1. what 1 it can do. la justice to your- self, please accept- it today, fof it places you under no obligation what ever. - --i- ,:.:;f-.'- "' v Liquozone" costs' 50c arid $1.- - CUT . OUT THIS "COUPON (or thla oftM- mar sot appoar axita. rill out til. blank and stall It to tb Uonl4 Oaooe CompasfV 4S-4t Wabub tw Ct)U -.... ' -..',;;-.; .,.. .jf.'.. my uiaeaaa , .,. . .. ttA? , . e.. . f hay trlMt . LfttiMiMM. hn ( f lit tuppUr ne a SO kottl (re I will tak It :. ' - i '., ;..,'.,..'.,.t,i',.:!v: .' 0. . ..a......... ...a, ,.'.... S04 OIt. faU addrtae . writ plalaty. Any ehjralcUn or bospltal aot rt sains I SUB will P sUdly suppllad tnt s, iwL poses tv build front Spokan te-Moscow. -via Colfax. Jay P. Oraves of Spokane was the principal speaker. .11 said the road would benefit the farmers and mer chants in all the "towns through which) It passed, and naked for all who wished -to become personal stockholders, . He , -Cited the Coeur d'Alene electric line from f Spokane as paying an enormous Inter-.. est n the Investment. The Intention Is ' to build first to Moscow,, then mortgage tha road for. Its further construction tea the Bnake river, where a connection with, , ', steamers will give direct-transportation with Portland. It will cost 1.Z0,000 . toyhnlM tn Mimwiwt 7. D. W. Coolldge, president of the Sec ond National bank ef Bpokane, aald that -hS Was positive the soterprlse would psy, -from the first. Othsr speakers were H. Lm Moody. Julius Llppitt, Charles Hlnoh ellffe. James A; Terhtnav W. H. Aoidtng. -John Lyons and- .Edward JoWnson.- A oommlttee waa, appointed to. solicit eub- acriptlons ' and $20,000 ' was subscribed. . voluntarily. ,.-.-'' . ., .1 .' '. When asked whether tils com pan pro posed to extend the Spokane A Moscow electric line to Lewtston. Jay p. Graves, the moving spirit of the enterprise, said: ' "Jt Is, our ultimate Intention to reaclx the SnaRelflver. We would, of course.' prefer to go to Lewlston because; of Its population. If we can get there.- If the people of Lewlaton can show us a feasi ble grade, we Would be pleased, to hava.' them do so.". !....... : 'f'T- '-. . . ' 1 " - . J' - I ' .j T te Xnflasttee the ' Kinds of - otki ; . THE SAMK Ik COBTLAHl). f; - ,. , A DOI BLB OL AKANTKE. . . - - ham xrpnewv uift powbk -i -"t 't 1 VAJI CORTLAND. - a DUpUj . t That Is s Paasle ta .. v;--octitlau, .- , .:. ; i is coxsinitnED ' thb bksV "aisp - oxlt " '. i.AUyUMIt. . or TWO CUMTI.NK5TB. $15 FullTlfe Reading, 50c t .Charts If Not -Ssrlafled When Beading 1 Otst Yoa to B -jJudf. .;.-.f 'A'TBU! TEST TO ALU ' V ' '-" PRnFKMa . YAX..CftRTUXD BM keea fof-rear before .the. peopl of th I'nlted State In s proflonl way. II reeaires letter of gratltud fmm -.ll parts of th eoantrr tor errl-e rendered. He hu arer rhaosed his method, aud stand hlaher in the heart, of tola fellow -cittatas todaj than tree before. . ; - $A00- for anr Clalrroyant who eaa easel ,m la telling th put, preaest or fatsr. "' THB MOMENT YOU, INTER j "' t. Rl parlor be telle roe your nam and! wit at roa. called for without .. aaklns a queatleai will tell th narooX i..utiwtbmrt o anyrbluf 'Jou want to know. H aroda yoa awaj much ' wleer ' and happier than wtwav 7ou railed. iTrrgsa awaits Torr. Opportanllr Knork at Tr Door. . , Will Yon A newer? . Wonld.roe Heel lie Yonr Amhltlomt Wmld Yoo'ealo Yonr Heart' Nobleat neetreat If an, eonsult Tan t'ortland at one. H. will adrlae . and help jott, - no Butter what rout troobars are. . - - , , . . , - '"J' m Tor wish m ksow 1,.'.. How you raft Wffii sohI melt f , ' How y eaa aaisrd la buelaet I " Mow yon eaa make jour boat bappy't ' s. "'.r Mow. joe ea enn4iee 7 oar enemleat 1 llow joa n marry tb one Joe rkeeeet . . V t How a--n ya Will marry J .,, . How job ran ennqoer your rtesM .?', ''n How yoa eon mkk mr one Mr yost - -How yoa eaa mend yonr famtl tmnblett , How ran yna rroore bad Inltnesawt . .' . : Mow yoa eaa eontrot ny on ; Hew yoe ca ami diatant one think t How yoe eaa setrl one Trrelf ' " ' llow joo, ran kol --mr wff ,'"furrTT . )j"W ron can bu How n rn k,- dOMttoaa.. aSi fiBM isg TwriMostAL SO NAMK8 BTCit I'lllNTEII. Mr hmband raai txrk fluwagh your pewar. God blr aa y vn I sernrrd a' send pneltlwn ' Jntt a rrofrew -Tan trilnd aald I would. My rhranmtiein waa 1 en red by rrofewainT Tan Cortland, it la ntere-h-ne. -10 loeAted, my .suatwad; Wet many yeera. ei n em,, I li my real eatate tNmtifb rr"ieor Ta (Vrttand. He ra wonilerrnl. , - I honeht lend tbnili t'rrnr Ta Cortland and fiMuid mln-eatn on It, - - - I aot married the PVoeeais- Taa Cort land end I a perfectly happy. Honrl a. si. ' s. m. tWHj a-1 ' rr