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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
::. :::: . r-t- -fata at '. MIS3 "MY AUNT'S ADVICE" 2iiS?.'D IAL WOES v OP HUNTING SET Epidemic of Scandal Sweeps . Over Lecestershire Smart : 7 Society Circles. MANY UNSAVORY CASES r PREPARED FOR COURTS tT Many- Hunting Men Itefiiie' to Allow Their Wye to Stay ? In Country Longer. (Br Vamt ' fcMtoth.) (Ceprrlfht, Jlwtt K .Scrvir, by. Lmm4 t- W1r to Tb Joursal. ) ; ;;.j;v 7,r'demlp of mmtrtmorilal trouble; ItL th . 'air and lt) axpectod that next' apring . Will ' Wltneea aoma aanaatlonat t divorce ; cah4: ,The majority.,, ot -theae .affaire originate aawauaU .la IactUtfrahlre, where tha "huntlna" aet of Melton Mow "" bray la becoming; ao Involved In acandal that many hunting men refuae n allow " their wlvea to live there: One caae which will be heart very quietly la that of Lady . Qray-Eda-erton. ' formrrW Mlaa Covler of ISeWTork. who .obtained a decree for the' reafltutlon of : .'conjugal ria-hte f or her huaband,' Sir X Philip Orey-KBTTton. In October laat .-. Sir Philip Orcy-Eferton- left for -India at th time in order to a;lvahla wife a free hand and haa laUly tolj. hla .frlenda that he will not attempt to fle i ,f end ie 'divorce action which Lady fUrey-Eferton now Intenda to brine ;. Waaa Ska data DWona. K ' : Robert MacCreery of New Tork, the . well-known Anlo-Amerlcan horaeman r cand pojo player, will marry ldy Qrey- - V Kcerton when- ah obtalna her divorce, Vt 'a- her "frlenda declare. Bha ha Tery little money and four children. '.." The. other matrimonial caaea which will so to the eourta are of the an- eavory hunting 'variety. Th Uoubl - between- Ldy AtigeU JTorbea,a ateo . aleter of ldy Warwick and a daughter 1 of the bankrupt lowar eounteaa f " Roalyn,-and her huabandr Col Jamea ,; Korbea; hae gone to far io be patched na. ' ... i The moat 'wtraordlnary caa of all , will be the Hartopp caae. which will - again drag In moat of the hunting aet In Lecelaterahlra. Sir Charlea Hartopp ; i will thta time tecure a divorce from hla wife and- Lady-Hartopp wlllo thla .'occaaloa make no attempt to prevent a dlvoroe. liart Cowley, wha ha built r htmalf a hoima In Laoelaterahirc, wilf marry Lrady Hartopp aa Boon aa poaai : BUTTEVI LLE SALOON MAN : " ' IN CLUTCHES OF LAW - . . fflpaelat .bltpatrll to The Jmtfl.) ' ; " Woodbnrrl. Or., Jan. II. W. M. Ryan. ; a aaloonkweper -of Buttevllla, ' waa ar reated by Conatabl Beach yeaterday and arraigned la Juattc Overt en'a court on . three eounta of allowing minora to loiter around hla ealoon. ahake die and drink. II waived examination and gave 1100 bond In each count for hla appearance 'before tba ainmit-conrt. , . , URS1)AY,.FED. BATES WILL. PRESENT A iTiminiVII -iVIJiV. 2niS?BILimSGOHI&ATRI r . NEW YORIC GERMAN HATRED IS . w ; v. . .... i France Has 7 Forgiven Ancient Enemy Enough to Unveil 4rV Statuetcv Beethoven.". FRANCE INTERFERES iN- t - TUNIS TO END RIOTING I; European' Population rof - African City Kept .ln Constant : State of . Terror. Sli y raal TUUar. ' (Copjrlcht. llramt ' Kewa- garrlee, : by latd '1 Wire te.Th loarnaL) of Germany, which arose front the loea of AJaace Lorraln. Is faat disappearing la dally becoming more evident; - The time la not very far paat when no one would have dared t play Wagnerian or other typical German muntc In Paris, but today Wagner enthualaata ar almost as numerous, her a In Germany. i But we have son still further, and In May thla, year the first statu of a Ger man composer Beethoven will be ectd in thla city.- and that statu baa no been donated, by the kaiser, who is aa fond of giving away atatuea as Andrew Carnegie f bestowing libraries, but the money for Its erection was col' lecied by "a committee consisting of Countess de Beam 'and the" famous French comppaera Saint Saeha and Theodore Dubole, and it will be erected on th most beauMful alta .la the city, tha P)ac da Trocadero. . ,. - Tanaell is Taaia. ' . ' President LOubet haa decided to. notify tha -poor Bejrrpf Tunis, who. aa'-eveTy 'body knows Is only a figurehead, that unless he puta an end to lawlessness in Tils country he will have to pay for tha maintenance of a great many more French soldiers than those who ar al ready in tha country. . ; w During --the - lat - few months - the European population of - Tunta baa been kept in a continuous stat of terror by numerous gangs of bandit that Infest the country. A few days ago .young coupM who had Just returned to their home after having been married la tha cathedral, were, attacked by masked men who had bidden under their bed and were robbed v ail vMtim nrHnr , After this they were bound andgag ged morwrme(ruTTii in town to-th mountains, where they SDent their wedding night half erased with terror. Toward morning they, were blind folded and turned looae, having been mad to walk a long distance, and re turned to Tunis dressed' only -la their nlghtrobea. . ' ' uiof nuaim,' " - , (Special Dlapatrb to tk JowaaU'i t Grand. Otj, Jan. 11. Th Women of woodcraft of La Grand 4iav sleeted th following delegatea to tha stare eon Vent I on In Heppner: c - v if Mrs. I. Short. Lltsl Ellsworth and Winifred Bargont, with alternaiea Mrs. Henry Aoklea. Mrs, Alice Henry and Mrs, Jlattrsoa . . , .. .. .-. . FAST DISAPPEARING tiiz v br.zcc:r sukday journal, Portland, Sunday DaidlBeloVrijde 2, MATINEE DOUBLE BILL INCLUDING V."tV- John Luth Lone I- 4il v PRFCS$203I. TAKES FIVE VALETS TO UiRESS KAISER . c .; ; ., Petty Details of Imperial House tlhold Made Public by Former' . Lady in Waiting. " : GREAT WAR LORD AFRAID TO GET IN "A COLD BED Emperor " Is Carefully Tucked ' Into Hie Silken Comforts (r Malcolm Clark.) i "(OepjTlght, Hmrar Kews-Oerrle.' by Leased WUe. to The Journal.) - ' ( Berlin. Jan., 21. Th people of Ger many hav learned mora! about tha pri vate life of .their kaiser during tn laat few man tha than during ail th previous year of hi reign, thank to th articles written by a former. lady In waiting to the emDresa In a French paper, They-have enjoyed, th reading or these articles with many a. quiet smile, while the kaiser has been furious,- but powerless to Interfere, pot even when th lady told that he cannot sleep except In company with a hot water bottle. The lda of the great war lord afraid of a cold bed la Indeed enough to make even th moat serious German smile. -k Xm Mlkea Bob., -..:.v- It. take! no less than f IV valets to dro and undreee the k leer,- and tho head valet does not leave th Imperial bedroom until he has tucked th silken comforts down carefully araund his mas ter s precious body, so that h 1 not exposed to even the sllghteat draft, danger which It 1 furthermore tried to avoid by heavy double portlerea and cur tatna which ar hung before every door and window. ,: It Is, of- course, not,- so very strange that- the kaiser la exceedingly cautious, when one remembers - that hla throat nearly always troubles blm and that he haa to make up -for hla recklessness in public by extreme carefulness in pri vate, but to a man who loves to pose be fore hla people fn. th moat heroic tight tha thought that thla same people hav now been allowed to ' ses ail hla little weatnesae. le exceedingly galling, aa peclally aa the aterage German la very robuat physically, and haa ' a certain amov sl(ir ount of contempt for. thoa he oon- weakllnge. ..' . .! , ' ,i JEalacc I incaa tn.aaisr .asiujil..AniIflgaiJVR, ouv. oi sea aunng a nifni, in neaa valet plaoes next to bis bed. within easy reach of hla hand, a pair of Itnea etock- Inga (hla majesty never wears eocks), a pair of whit flannel knickerbockers, a pair of aoft boots, a flannel coat, a soft hat and a pair of kid gtovss, All these and many mors detail ar being told to th Parisian by th Indis crete lady,- and th aalea In Germany of th paper which contains her article are enormoua, a fact of Which tha kaiser is well aware and caused him many a sleepless night,. - . "Don't youf believe then that publi offlr-! a public trustr" . "Oh.-stlr; It very Ilk a trust. At any rate, some follows seem to huv A monopoly of it." ! - T il , ,, ; v: DavUl BUko and .1 "iA.J CZAR WAS FURIOUS AT ROYAL GRAFTER Btg. M an uf acturer Reported Grand Duke Sergius Stealing : fv . ! Emperor ' - - . PRUSSIAN OLD MAIDS -ii WANT TITLE OF MRS. Men Cannot Poke Fun at Spinsters Then as They ) r : Can Pass for Widows., . (By U aloolm Clark.) (Owrrlcst. ilrarst Newa aervlov by Leased wire to The Journal.). Berlin, Jan. tL Grand Duke Sergius Alexandrovltch, governor of Moscow; the most hated and despised of all -th grand dukea who disgrace th Russians, haa com Into conflict with M. Moroaolf, th biggest' manufacturer In Russia. wJbo haa complained to the cxar that many thouaand yards of cloth, given by him to tha grand duka'a. fund for th benefit of th troops,' hav been sold openly In Moscow stores. -. . . . The grand duka attempted, to-press more 'money or. goods of M. MorosohT, who threatened -to retaliate by cloelng his vast factories and turning thousands of men Into th. street. - Th grand duke, who aaw that M. Morosoff was In earnest, pleaded with him not to report th affair, to th rxar bunn Vaini Th manufacturer, replied that it was hi duty to expose a scoun drel, even if he happened to be an uncle of th esar and th grand duke dared not arrest him, aa waa bis first impulse. It would suprls no on her if Grand Duke Sergius waa banlahed from) Bus- sis," as th esar la , furioue and baa reached a point wher b will Uk th advlc of no one. . 1 Am Old acaid'a BOX Th Prussian diet ' haa Just had to deal with a rather i curious petition. A number ot women, 'evidently old maids, had asked that auguat body to pasa. a bill permitting all unmarried women over a certain age to be called "Mrs."' so that th wicked men who tova to pak fun at old maids might not know whether they wer wmow or nad been spurned by th Burner sex. ,, The petition caused a. general outburst of hilarity, and the hapless member-to whom- th women -petitioners 'had con fided the task of Introducing th pet!' tkm wa mad the target ojf .innumerable After the diet had amnaed themselves half an-hour at tha expense of tha Boor old maids they decided to take no ac tion, probably th most .sensible thing thy could dov - - , Tfc Piam d Oar. The lateet news from Paris Is that thev have, discovered n dlamnnd mm for consumption. If you Tear consump tion or pneumonia. It will, however,-, be neat ror von to mk tnat great remedy mentioned by W. T. McGee, ot Vanleer, Tenn. "I had a cauah for. la v r. Nothing helped m until I took Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption, Cough and Colda. which gave Instant pllof. end efferted a permanent cure.'' tTnequaled quick cure for Throat and Lung Troublea.' - At Red Cms Phsr swy, Sixth and Oak atreets, on the way to th poetofllK. . Prlc too and f 1.04, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. - morning. - January 1 22, SATURDAY, -J-' "MlsstBATEs yvjirfrpK&SKtvr: D DARLING OF THE GODS" mh i i- iiif In "ich fehe jas , WORLD'S FAIR IS -. Rente tne Magnificent Mansion - of- Brook- House, Lord r Tweedmouth's Home. - J- NEW YORK TO ENJOY ;r ; peeress as hostess Daughter of the' Earl of Shafts- : ,bury to Wed and Come to -5- America to Live.' ( r 3 .. . i (By raol Lambeth.) (Obpjrrlf ht, . Hoant 'Now gervlee, by Leaeed wire to Th Journal.) London.' .Jan. SI.1 Inquiries 'sre being tiiad by an American gentleman through agents In London Brook .House, Lord Tweedmouth's magnificent . mansion in Park Lane, and it la now atated that tha ""American is Mr.' Whttelaw Reld, Mr. Choate a aucceaaor aa American am- baaSador at th court of Jamea. . . Brook House, ' which has. been tn th market to be let or sold for some- months paat. la ft comparatively modern house of red brick, thoroughly, well tjullt and nearly aoupie tne aix or Mr. cnoat a raldanc in Carlton gardens. . , ... There ara six very large reception rooms at Brook House and a grand dou ble Btaircaa leading to a broad gallery at the ton of the houae. j rrrfrh Countess of-WarwIck tooktha house, which haa been fitted with elec trio lights previously, for th season of 103. when she gav a series of ex travagant dances and dinners for her daughter, which wer th talk of th town and which mad a great, hoi In th.. Warwick -estate.'---.r r.-t w . - Mr. Whitelaw Reld -occupied Brook House foV-the coronation sBionand he and his family' liked th houae . Im mensely all though it was furnished and arranged in a much atlffer way than Jt fs-a't present """ :' "' - -.'...; ..'..'- -. a Brtaisk Mosvm. '':'. Ner Tork will be treated with th tin usual novelty of a titled British hostess when Lady Magherarmorne raarrlca Mr. Hugo Baring next March, aa tha Couple hav announced their Intention of spend-' Ing a great part of their time in America, - where Mr. Baring is already well-known In Wall atraet. -Mr.iBarlng. I only nd hla futur wife, who has not very Jong been a widow. Is a good many yeara.o!defi Her daughter. In fact, will makeer-debul "Iff-hres years Tim. ' Lady Magharar morna. la a daughter of tha late )Carl of Shaftabury always known as tha "Good Karl" on account of hla boundless chari ties. , Although a very charming woman and a splendid hostess, ' Lady Magherar morne has not tha beauty of her alaters, the Countass of Man and Kelllo and Lady Maud Warrender. When sh mar ruaLady .Magbararaorna- wllt-tak- her title aa an earl a daughter and will b known a Lady Kvelyn Baring. . . Wky WorrW. Mrs. Puffer-r-Our new cook la--a per fect Jewel." 8h never waste anything. Mr. Puffer (looking anxlouB aa he sample the fried liver and bacon) I wonder what he did with thos gum 1ITELWEID PREPARED TO JOVE shoes 1 threw (town tha back stairs yes tciMay morning T , , , . -:'' , ' ' '- , ' ": : im. FEB.", 4, MATINEE" - m m Met JAith the Greatest 8uccess o Husband of Mrs.- Hugh Tevis May Purchase Famous Old. Palais de Castile. : 1 PARIS IS PREPARED TO ENTERTAIN ALFONSO If. Young Spanish King Had His Own Way He Would Wed 'V ".' t American Girt. , ; - - (Br JPaal TUllara.) (doprrlght, ' Hearst News Servlc. by lae4 wire te The Journal.) Paris, Jan. 21. I have been told that Mr. - A. Hart McKee. tne . Pittsburg millionaire who has-just arrived her with hla bride, formerly. Mrs. -Hugh Tsvls, may buy the Palais de Castile, for manv veara the residence of the lata Queen Isabella, grand-mother of King Alfonso of SpAln. - : ; Tha palace, which-Is situated In Ave nue Kleber, -has been offered for sale for aom time by Count de Parseuf, the chamberlain of the late queen. - It la one of th most magnificent palace In Paris. The coming visit of King Alfonso of Spain to thla city, now only a few weeks off, is greatly occupying tha minds of th Parisians, who hav been klngjcss for some time. ,. - --r-f -- ...'.' T Baoelv Alfoaaey r Graat preparatiena are already being made for his reception and ft-la .e greatest sorrow of .the Partalanb that they cannot with th golden casket con taining th document bestowing upon him tha freedom of. tne city, gtva .into his hands a suitable pride.. r But If they cannot do this, they can at least aettl to their own satisfaction whom he ought tacliooae, and thla they do-to their hearts content. It Is well known her that If King Alfonso wer allowed to follow th dicta tea of hie own heart an American girl, aline. Camilla Roger, whose fair hair and blue eyes have captured his heart, would soon oc cupy the thron a queen-ot Spain.' - But a she must of cours b left out of consideration we nave, turfled, our at tention to in marmgeaoln prtneeaaes of Europe, and have almost decided that tha boy king must marry one of th daughters of ths Austrian Archduke Cbarl of Braganaa. But IK Is certain that aa King Alfonso to, suit- hi ub loot a muaV marry a Catholl pHwee) and aa all tne eligibly! Cathollo princesses ar brunettes, he will not marry Ma Ideal, which ha him self haa described as "fair, blue-eyed and Teutonic, without tha Teutonic tend ency1 to stoutness." ..- . XA OaVAJTSB TO BXSIOATX. - (Bperlal ptepeteb t Tk Joaraal.) lJi Grand. Of" Jan. I L The grand est ball, hous warming and dedication that aver took place In Union canty will be that or Monday night when th new court houee erected in La Grande sines th removal of th county swat from Union to La Grande will be dedi cated. People from all parta of Unkm county will be In the city for th oc casion, the 'door of th new hall will be thrown or !. ""1 U wilt b tee-?r4 .grand rc - I fJ'fiEESfJAytlVE JH FRENCH PALACE 99 1 Dr. J. L. Bohannon. tha moat nntwt cancer apecialist In tha .United States, has returned to Portland, Or"., ta con- ' tlnue hla professional work here. He treat ny 'cancer op -tumor In from on to four minutes. - One treatment ortll narlly makes a pertpanent cur. No knife, no electricity, no X-ray. - Th -knife. X-ray nor electricltv never cur cancer. . Dr. Bohannon positively .Is th origlnator'-pfv th hypodermlo need! , method of treating cancera and1 tumors. H challetnges tha world to disprove It. He la the moat expert specialist oa suck dlaeaae fa the United States today. - Dr. Wohannon 'doe not esy this sgotlstlo ally. He invite everybody, doctor anit all, to visit hla office and a4ha many large ana email cancers on -.exhibition. He will give you th indisputable proofs! that he make permanent oures quirk and almost painless. Please don't din put e this until you hav Investigated. Remember, this is a crnrmuln wm-M Dr. Bohannon has practiced hla profes sion 11 years... He can cure you If you will corns to him before deep- glands or bones become too badly affected. Cure - guaranieeo or money refunded. A lump In a woman's breast six months la can cer. A lump or sore anywhere six months is cancer. Com and be cured. Writ for pamphlet and treatla on can cer. Read thla ad. and send to soma one afflicted with cancer. Offlc. Wltch hasel buildtns. IX Mailiann . Portland, Or. Dr. J. L Bohannon & Co- Many cured patlenta yon can See whn you com to Portland. ' Kodaks I - ophones I W carry a full tin of . . - ! BAgTatAjrV KOOOKa aad , COXjVmZA Oaaiionont. Which ar sunerlnr to kit othav tTiwf.k ' and talking machine In the market. GIBSON CO. ' S4S Wasalngton SWTorUauia. O. r Calumet r 1 4 9 S e venth Street . , WliAe Is call the atteatb sf tke v. pnMi ta tk eereileat aisaee . felly (real :r 4e a. a, tm a .... etai '-:.' Im IK dally sane Bwa fmej , " 11 SO e. at, to 1 a. .. fee S3 fcmte. Chi. wrf eftori Is SlrpvteS towa4 glrtag aarfeet eaUata.tlea. . - M1n Surveylag. Rallrmd V-- tion. Kaclalnilng nt V-- ... and County VYorj DAVID " ChilCr" r. r -lUANP:::.'.i:-