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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
THE OREGON: SUNDAY JOURNAL.- PORTLAND. ; SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 2. 1 1SCJ. WASHINGTON SOLONS SPEND ; :Will Be Record: Year for g Making: Large Appro- :v'priations.;w--' l".; . . . . SWEENY HOLDS HIS OWN : N SENATORIAL CONTEST )eadlock: Shows No Sign of a ; "Break Hill Renewing Ef- Torw xo r.enecx merger. of Great Railways.- (H-'ial bfefaitch to The JoumL) v,- Olympts, Wash., Jan: -On account tiO many absenteeer-only 105" vots . '. wer cast In th seventh senatorial bal i lot today, which resulted Ln, practically . . -410 change In lha .aJtuaAUia. at the and of ';-' '?- thei Hrt 4 t- oalloUri. Thirty-one ' vote war absent pr paired and tha bat- lot stood Foster. 2; Pllaa, 14; Bwaany. ,Si; Wilton, 14: Jones, 7,. and Voorhees, 7. All of tha candldatea have held their ""nruTlirrneraTi-TaTTromTt - possible electione er all tha candldatea ' tha moat optimistic aeeme to ba Charles ' . Swaeny, tha 8pokana millionaire. It la '.": expected that tha rota now twin given ..,;. Jones will . eventually, .land-tn - tha , Sweeny column and whan disintegration aeta tn the votes now In tha Wilson and jj oatar. columnJ.wUL go to the Spokane t -nan. In a pinch-it la probable that thoaa Democrats from tha eastern part . :of the atate would vote for SwecnV rather than see-a western man land the - Beano Appropriation. MOat of tha lawmakers left today for - noma..' The sessions of both house were -..brief,' the principal features being the - V reduction of the Lewis and Clark fair bill appropriation from $100,000 to 17 i. 000 by tha house. Tha. amendment mak , ing tha- reduction -. waa adopted In the . cmmltta of tha whole after ait e;x- tenaea discussion. . .A conenrrent resolution waa Introduced v"ln tha aenate lhatructlna; tha - railway T ' commltttee to report not later tha "t . -l ueaaay on tneir rata -bill. - . Kleven billa were Introduced-Wthe . nouae. imom them belns- an antlHSisa . .rtt .N !lin4 sppropriatlon bill for a.cuu for the construction of a road rrora Marble mouutali. BlugH county, - xa Barron,' Whatcom. r -.y r- 'J. - Sllway at . , Jt Is apparent hera that tha feraat rail way interests havsnot clven up tha mar arey. Idea , Tha. llaTttt may hava-hean dropped on Hia surface, but-it will be I P Vla-oroualy before 'the leclala- An lnonensive bill has beea lntrodut In the senate by Walter -Christian of . ; u acoma, one or th atrons; members of TLhlwtMajrlhluiowB rallraiat - lawyer. The bill has attrauted but llttleJ . sttention, becausa T)ut-few reallsa . Its . sient .ana importance. 1, .:. . - Thla simple little bill and H ia a lit- . . tie one .-simply provides that one corpo-T"-TttfmTnay-Ierally hold the atock of ; anoiner corporation, and may be recorded 1 on the books of. tha company as a stock V aa M individual. T - - iBaaawli Xemr. ..,.'r--'- On Its face the bill means notblnx, AT TiE ks . OrereCerner Xwlfth sad Tajrlnr ttreeti, -Gilbert Ward DenUtoa, pastor.' :30 e. m., -vitas BMetlB; Iu:40 a .,- "The- Mlatkus of Maiferia;" p. St.. Handsr sctiool; W ; p. bi., Kpwartta iMcue: I:au p. m., pabUe JnstalJaUua aerrics at the brutaarhoud dt ht. . I-aul, tn KBica-ioreseur W. M. WlliW . arranard the tallomhi: Organ raauil, J. l7heh: Lea Huranwu, Mervrheer; Largbetto, iMnlxtrl. -Choir The Good ghrpberd, erta; - Uark. Ua'rkv My Soul,' Hheliey. -1 - ; i Anwoarr i4rnT Kaat naa sea sc niotB etmeu, William IJ. 11dd. naator. t'nlna mt vtva at aO:av . m.. uriachlua br ETaasellat tilMaaii bum BMtlug at a a. m.. addrenil br lllam; aaloo services at the Herond Hiittltt rhnrknt f :3U il sd. The Eunuctli I' i leasee sad Baptiat Young people's sectaiywlH --, anite la a aevouonai BieetiBg at taa aeesDa itaplUt church at p. m. I f- - -- Taylor Htrcct Dr. t raiK-la RnraKelta hort, rhetor. : a. u fU i, 10 30 s. lm.r "The .Mlod'a Mtwsore ef Christ fbool; :u p. bl, Epwarth laue; T:30 p. bl, . .''TIm laevtrabla Result of Sin." :X4 . m.. leader. Mlaa Toansaand. pwrrth Twanty-thlrd and Jrvlng streets. Rev. Hearr T. Atklnaoa. paatnr. Hunday srhKl, "10 . am.: ll aT. Bi.. "The' Mliitake of the Multi. lode-," Rpworth tearor, :: p. am.; 7;!W p. nu. "Tbe Mlatake'of the Multtl tme Woaaia B Influence. ' Hrtt M. k;. Scntta 17H4 Becmid street, rnr eatar'a hall, K. II. Monroe, paator. lreachlu an ili aa, U a a. aad T; p. m ; igiinday echoel, 10 a. ra. ;-Epworth league, :U0 p. bl XAraST, ' The White ltmple--orner" Twelfth and Tay - to streets, Rev. t. Whiteoaib ISmufher, 1 li . Aeeaed''-orarer Bmtlne. 10:1ft . . sa.1 - (aornlna werahlp with preaching by .... the paatnr, 'Jeaa aud tha MulUtiides:" llihle ' school. 13:10 p. ra.. rlaaacs for all; B. -V. P. t'.. 0:) P- .B.: leaders, I. I). Braalnajton and 1 Ray HaBaMi. Papalar evealng service, T Hi p. ' I ' lo . -If 1 Were a tonn Man." In-. Brlurb-r . " will glee a wests ta his serawn wMeh he has -i- reeWved from the mieetlona taaued. Hpsclal ' BaMhera by tba Olipbaot- alatcra. There will ' ; , he bapUsak at both nwmini and evening aer- i vices.- V ' i '-s-- ' ' Immannel ecnnd iocT Meade etreeta. Head . ",v -M. Rledaoe, aaatar. Preat-blng at ln:w) a. m. T RaanaWtat W.- E. SelU eTa UIMe . .. acbaot at 12 m.. W. g. Hale, annerlutradrnt ( II. V. P. I'. at :. aubjart "Hnw t WlB - awmla Chrtnt:" leader, kites Minnie Myers; . . ' pceeeblng at T:30 W. B., Nelll; baptlaMS at " tbe rlcae ef the aermoa. Kpeclal Bittalc by ; Vr-Hr-Hart. - . - :t v Bethany Peaaeg. ' Banday schanl Af "TI -' " Bt si.; preaching st ISr evening servlav i3 . p. St. by Mm. P. J. Adams. , " eatral WooduieB of the World tmlMln. r.aat aixth and East Aldcr atrevts. WIIIImu V.. Rakdali. Btlnlatw. luuaa a. an.,. "Bellevttn .',.lBdVt JHfflctiltl.-s;" Rlble arbonlTU 7;S3 ' t m "KrlhrT'r "V Merit :' l-r-.fea-ir W. V. 1 ' Verwrtihst. wi"taesl dlrsetsi( Mle-tetlr be-- ' -"' " 'l XTlMCOtAU ' -' ' m., Jaaelda- Kaat Tweitta eaxl Rehw .inrii. iff !. . . Morejlnf pi t Ml p. Bi.i Run ' p k OoodrVk ha siret-ta. Kcr. nr at. van w atera. u. II., rer- prarf. li s. m. : evening prayer, udar school. 0.49 a. m. FreiMt. haa aeraiNrad: Morning Prelnev, - afmnr in - --- "-" ' " - . Santlleae." Salnaie: poathtoV, "Hurtle-Marrbe," Imla, Kvenlsa Prelude, "Mlmietta" I Water wle). llandcl; effertnry. "Tranraerri."! wVha aaaaa; fvartlndv, -''MuerBts ' March. Kdtansd aaunse Hwitta. , St. Paui'aWnndniee. Rev. W, R. Pawell IS chars. Srrvfcr sad eernB. 4 p. m. I t'Aspel Of be TrenefleTi ratios "lath ' street ear Oak., Rev. W. It I'oftvll, chaplain. Her. vice and eerhaota, it a. a; liaaday srbaoV O tS "1t"nty CbsrI Rlaeteewth seer Waahlnrtoe etrect. Rev. Iw. A. A. Mnrrlana. reefer. Her. vices, Imry reaamnnlnn. .".: nanrnlng acrlce, II a. Bt 1 evaaliia eervlca, J.3Q p, aa.i Ounrlay a.anr.1. p aa a. bv - - teasd ahawbetd -a tMlwasa) and . Vsneaavsr, sr. J oka liawaoa, ncJUJaaday acboyV JO ' : t :' ' ' ''- :': I I jtn-rr.'f- - 4 1 'T,"'0 I I sal bbI at j . - 11 ""V tsl av am . I , I - ' ' . ; I r ,f,r -, : rontti bolder,' aijd vote tthe ' atock- thai aame but-when considered in the face of- all tha facta itSmeana an effert on tha part. Of James 'T. Hill to secure the paseaae t ejlsa- aHewIng he ateck-of-trte two rreat northern railway t aystema to be held by each ..other, and the bualneas In this way . win be .jnera-ed: . Instead -of fhroush . the - mare-urnbereome -plan whloh brouaht fortli aucn publle dlsap- prowai. i TOO .fKortnem Becurltlea com pany failed to brins; about a complete mercer or the. ereat Interests Involved, and now a speclal jaw la asked that the manipulators may asa, muster In law' and reach tha culmNatlon of tha Ion hoped for merer of interests in tha two great railway arstems. . i X-avlak Tpendltars. , ' it la estimated' that tha appropriations CHURCHES -t amrnUig pr4yer end litany, 11 a. erenlug prarttr and aernioBr !;9U c m. BL Andrewa faabuula. Iter. Joha lawege utow. AnenwoB serrire. b. iu. AH BalntB' Hul j. TweBtT-aecnod .street, vndar aervirre at II a. a. and T;M p., uu. su!t. uwti ginpe,. pastor. . v Nt. Jolm'a Memorial tfc-llwood. Her. "W. B iwu in cnarge. uaay ciiuoi, 11. a. muiag service ana aarrnon, J :B B. . 'OOaTaKXaAnOaTAt, rirat Park and Madtaoe straers. Rev. T. U Bnoaa, U. V., pastor. lo:M a-ea., "What be Klrat CunsTegatloual Cborrb of I'ortlaBd 8bonld vo, as AnnarM or urs. Hill. Bruesber. Hbnrt. Murkier and Hoosa; T:S0 p. m., "Measi's Car prptera;"' JJ:l p. sj., Bundt arboel, H. A. Start, supsrlBteBdent; .8u p. k. P. Hi c . t Boir un. Kuae Blneb-naurr, Mrs. W. A. T. rtuaboa. W..1L Bo jetv. W.a. Muntcomerr. Profeaeue W. B.-Bojer, choir director; Mlaa iBflrt riiw. orsanisT. - - r Haaaalo Htrert . aaventb street. K.. sad Haaaalo. K. Charles K. t'baae, naator. 10 SO a.- m., service with. aeraioB; .12 m.. Bandar achool; :'M p. -Cbrlatlaa tiadeavor;'-7:iW -p. m., acrvire wiia seraMMl. Pllarjm Chapel Heeoed streot, nrar Useola. 0:80 s. ai. ' U. A. Start, auperlntradeot. . HnBBjraide -Corner Bast Taylor and ' Vast Thlrty-titarth streets. Hev. J. iy riuuh. nsstur. .. m-":,wr ,,Mr7r " " "Ibe Haptlau of rire;" 1:0 p. m., 'Things That Lakt;" Hundaj school st 10 o'clock, S. C. Pier, snpertBteBdeBt; Chrlstlaa adeavor service at 0;:w b. bl , tticuiano cothi atretit. N., Rev. A M. Rockwood, paatnr. Bv. day kcaeol 10 s. It a. ai.. Sermon by the paatnr, aanntct "Poty vs. Inclination; ' Junior Kaoeaver, a IK Bl.. Eileen mil. Icaderf 7:30 p. m.,- "A Binding Meaaaft."' CHRIS TIAV. rirst-Mnier' park and rnlnrahia t streets. P.. M. Murklry. naator. Kvenlna services re- amned. IU SO a., ra.. ;:Moldlng Iown ibe Truth:" T p. m., "The Hat tie Batweea Uud and aVIt:" Bible school, JJ 1ft p. an. - Advent 350 llarrlaon street. Rev. - rhartea llatfendrB, pestur. Mandsy school. Id a. m.; l-res;blr. II a. m.t ptalae auetiag, t p. m.'; guspsl service, TJu . m. . i - T Hodwy Avenue Corner of Rodney avemie and Knott treet. Albm Reaoa. minister. 11 a. ra., t't'nnrrralon of Rani ef Tsrsual" 1:'M). p bl. "Tba ( torch That Cbrlat Built;'' Sunday school, 0:43 a. to.: Cbrlatlsn Endeavor, :0 p. ra. Ceatral Rast Twentieth sad Halrann atreeta, -Rev. 4. V. (UxrmUy will apeak at Ki:t) a. m.. anlijert "I'eeltWe lrlvlrt Instltntlnn;" 1 .HO p. ea; vsnelHrtre services;. apetMSI. mvate; Monday Schal. 12 m.t JuuVor C, E., :00 p. m.; Hcnlor t zm p. na, , ( - . ..'' ' " RZaBYTZaUAV. ' ' flrM The . paatnr. - Rev.. Kda-ar P. Bid ,D. ft. will prisch mornlna sod evening. IbiUm evealna- tha alehlh In the series on "Old lie tnrea In New Frames. The toftlc will be "The BoKtim Msa. First nsil-erland Onuer "Twelfth and Rset- Tsytar atre.ts. Uev. R. elon Allen. 10:0 a Btr.J'hejOiieailon f '"'v'" 1'rovldence Kndcarnr: .I W Be m. Senior Knneavoe; I:JU p. at., seraeai ea 'Hanahlne ana einaoow. ' Calrarv Turner. Rleventh aud t lay atreeta. Rev. W. B. illllrrrt, pastor. BervlceS. In ::t0 a. m -The War. the Troth snd the Life T:l r.'BJ.. ''The Closed Poof." Choir Mlaa IJnehes. snpranot Mrs. Reno Ihatcblnana, alto; Mr. Jonah, tenor! lfi I Kireet, barlloae; Miss Msrgsret laniberaon, etfaklst.' .,. : 0THTEO ZTAV0EUCAI. 'J -' Bt Jobn'a v.. K.' McVI.-kee, pastor. lt s. m . "The Chrlstlaa la tha Utory and Joy ef the I'altKful, MUilaterj'.'-J:" p.. s.r "The Jaetlre of tJod: Banday school, 10 a. m. ; Junior K. U d .. l.iki p. bl; Renlar R. I C. ., :n p.. m. - - . ' ' -. Cnraer Fsrge sad Rlrhy streets. Ret. J. RowenMii. pastor. 11 a. m.. "The rerns;. stives ef Alddina In Him. ssd st T SO p. ai hunday scbuol st 10 a. m. ; K. U C. B. st 0 p. am. . aliasloa Rev, -IX. 3, . Bolsapfel, paitnr. seat ,; '. ... j :: :, - w- of the legislature now in' aeialon .wlll be by far tha largeftt tn the hlatonr-of the state, Tha Appropriation committee Is now vrortjnrf on a bill covering tha prin cipal itemBShienrorenSlrlefenTlUiU Institutional and he - heavy expense which need to-be provided, imrr lr ts understood to be several thousand dol lars garha.njaJiyf similar tblJi nliha rThe chairman of tba committee atateal that tha state ins ti tut lone are demand ing Jncreased-aUowanceS ; U along . the Itnev-aimf Vn.-number-f -cases new bulldlngs'Nir additions ara Imperative If fhonwork of stha elate is not to be al lowed. a fall behind. The atate colleges will coma in for Jarge approprlatlona,' while tha expense everywhere Is Showing up on a greauy.cniarged acale. Ruth's kail. Barler street Batweea Twenty-first erewwwnq straeia. riUOGay -scoool st t.'.."; " varrosa nreacnmg at iu:0 a. a KtrgUsa, preaching at J :SI0 p. m. ..-. 5''.'''!'."r'- ttrTHZiAV. - ' r'Jy Bt. James' Sngllslr Corner West park and Jefferson streets. J. A. Lesa, paatnr. services at 11 a. ra.,. conducted by th paatnr; Sunday school at 10 a. a, Sonnet Painter, superintend ent. There will 'be- so svenlna semes, the paabir aupplylug . the vacant pulpit at Van- Norweglsa' Brrtod Corner Bast Tenth 'i nt streytsJ..t. Uodces, psstur. Lay services " 'I . servioes. auatta. Norwerlsiitfr North rosrteeirth' arreet - Be J..M. Kervls, paator. SarTlcea at 11 a, sa, and p. u. , Bunuay acnoot as V.SB a.' Bl. . , 'r - ' "''cdtmua scrzxcx, ' : : -First Rcottlak .Rita cathedral, Morrison and lownsdale streera, Bar rices at 11 . ra. and g p. bj., subject "Uve;" Sunday achool at close of knornlng service. . I Second Auditorium building," Third between jafiur ami ranioioB streets. - nunasy services, II a. m. and p. m.r subiect "lve;" flunday evnwi, - m. m (os reatuug rooms; wsdnes day meeUng, a a. m. - . - '" ' "" ' T. M. 0. ABsoeisthmuAndlrortam, iT Trinrth street. Men's meeting aundsy 8 p. m. Tba Olluhant sisters of 4'ulcasv -will hsva charge of this meeting with sOdrsss sod sons to men. Tbs araal sscred half boor esorert Jiy Onlter't erchestrs Will orsceda- tha address. All cvroiaiiy auTiieu, - - f ZVAROUICAX ASIOCIATIOV. First RnfMea Church Corner Kast Blith sne stsrset sireers,.. iter, u, w. piumer, pes- tor. Womb In snd sermon st 11 aim anil p. m ; hu-iday a hool. Ill s. bm children's snd p m.) Young ysopwalijlaj-goej.xprfaedftia?l deal of alliance, J p. ov-. TnitARiAir. it; tlrs't Tsmhlll snd Reeent k atreeea. Ttw n C. freaaey. paator. 11 a. m., serrlce, dlsermrse "lullslons Uberty snd Its milts:" Hnmiae school, 12:30 p. m.; f p. ai , C. II. Menssdorter, Jr., speskt on "The Pblllpploe. lalsnds sad r, -. -.. : t. .. ---( I '." VRITERSALIgT. First East Couch sad Kaet Rlahth streets. 11 m m tieeeehlne h, Un lie I U 1 t , general vu-rlntenunt Cnlreraallat church ; T:K0 P. m., prvacuiBg ay M.. Atwood; snndsy sctool. ia:iw p. m. , , - XIbCELIARIOVR. ' Friends' Church Corner Thirty-fifth and Rsst siain streets, nuanysiae. ' r.owara etnitD, paator. inree tiresckins services. , c. k. Welfle. Quaker evangelist. rill ' preach. Bundsy srboolr-jlO s, m.i CbnatlaB. bmlesver. p. Bereft. Ulealon ftVcond Snd Jefferson atreeta. Rev. J.- II.- Allenr-rtaiitnrr Hervlcea 10:Wya. m,! address by lr. II. W. gebwarts; prescblna. T; p. ra. , miner narecnon oi atoiinessi stiaaioB. Tbs Chrlstlsn Catholic Apostolic Church la Eton wonn AtessiHier. nrat apostlet Rev. Charles A. ttoy. elder In rhsrse: ball am A Hear building, corner Third- snd .Morrison treer. v jnnKsr meeting at p. u. ! services, 1 pv m sulijeet "Tha Power ef Uod's liternsi The People's Cbrlat Ian Tnlrm Free Rellcton flrn-icty K. R. Coulter, Iradee and teacher. XT eel a at 1A2 Beeoad street sear Morrtaoa (a frifiHy Ban. i 1 1. -a. m., "tiirr ctTtinieii's- CHIl(t reo. sdilress by tbe leader; 11:18 p. m., eoa-'ert by, CnloB or. beatra, T. B. . McCnrdy. eader, folloawd at 16 p. in. br sdenee lecture by V. B. Coulter; subject. "Electricity and the oraane of Hneech." t . - . The rtrat hplrltuansts' Borlety Artlaatw hall, AMngum bell. Una, Third near Wsahlsg tnn street. 1 Oonference. 11 a. Bt,t cblMruii'a peogrvaslvs .lyceum, 12:110 p. m.; T:45 p. m., Mrs, i. ti. tiealtev will leeinra ea ' aplrltaal Ism,'! followed by Hv. U. ti Love with taste, - Reduced Rates to California.- Tha Southern PaHfid . company .haa placed on sale round trip tlcketa -to Lna Anrelea at the rate of 156. limit tt day. . Thla afford an excellent oppor-i tunity to visit the many beautiful win- I the Sunday flub session particularly ter resort of southern California at ajatrong la a musical way, aa th Oliphant moderate coat, , . sisters will have charg of tho meeting. .-',''-.-'---.. ..?..."..'.,' :. .V . J - L .' V . SEEK THE MEANS TO AVOID THE TAX Mine .Managers Complain! Bit w terly at License Burplen . on.-l JThtlr Property. V;. BAKER OPERATORS SAY : IT IS AN IMPOSITION One Combahy Will Surrender Corporation Franchise Rather . Than Pay It. . ' 4 Manager Fred I. Bmith of tho now Craek mine -and -Manager F. .T.' ivoiiy of the I X U: rnlno. Baker, county a r In the city, tha ono attending tns onnna conclave and tha other recuperating from recent lllneaa, - Ut. Smith la ona of tha legislative -eomraittee of tha Ors aan vfinera aaaociatlon. tha ether from eastern Oregon being J. K. Romlg of the Virtue mine. Ha la an operator. tav Ingidevelopad a -young property Into ono of tha brilliant producers of Baker county, and, runs a l-a tamp mill stead ily at hla mine., uerora coming o nm state. Mr. Amlth waa an operator In Urmtaca. where ha did a large amount of work of a aclentlfro nature And In hla profession oXmlnirfg onglneer, Ha saya tha present corporation law of Oregon la verv unluat . ta. the mine operator, larsns or small .and ha la anxious, to have some modification- effsotad. . Mr. Kelly mad of thd.I X -1 group of proapacta a rich producer, and did It after five years of faithful work. 'While not tha manager of a atock company In the usual. aanaa, Mr. Kelly tncorpor- ated his company as ' a matter or con venience and - assistance, and through this medium hie been able to add to the state reaeurcaa a romarkaDio mine, tie said at tha Portland laat evening that ha could not move out of tha atato to avoid tha unjust tax, aa be had spent mou- aanda of dollars - in -development, and waa but entering -upon tha atage where ha secured returns; but tnat no wouia disincorporate -ths company and handle It ort th basla or a partneranip. a me mine la now producing, the need of handling .tha property through , tho me dium of a corporation - Is- largely Past, although It would baa great convenience if th comDanr could continue aa at present without bearing the Inequitable CorporatleDr tax. . ---iv": ' "My mine, mm and banding ar as sessed by tha county assessor at aa high a figure aa any other real property paya." Bald Mr. Keiiy. -i pay .a iui property tax. and it la a groas imposi tion foe mertoi be compelled to pay an other tax under tha. head-of tha cor poratlon llcenae. : I have- nothing that Is not subjeet to taxation In. the uaual and regular manner.. .There are do Intang ible Interests about a mine. If the state wants us to pay a corporation tax of tho magnitude now demanded, let the law maker relieve tis of th direct property taic"'W ro entitled ter b relieved. of ono or the other. I will not pay both, and will disincorporate rather than do a" ' -,'- Itt. Kelly employ, from 10 ta so men gteadlly. buy Largs quantities of pro duce jarad . supplies from merehknt- and farmers., and through hi pluck and the Twmyrworam a rich reeource to tne state. r, nmun haa doner th aama. although A lesa time was required to develop hi mlaa; he employ about- oO-njen.---It -ha-sBf- yr from tha talk of Ihe-gentlemen, that, neither-would .have brought out the mines they now have had they been compelietj.jfo jay.a corporation tax. jjBTiiZrorBJ) euro sozaO. ' 7 (Special Sisuatch to fW JootbsL) " Vancouver, B. C, Jan.' II.' TheOold Belt syndicate, which has' been operat ing the No I. and Mlna clalma on Silver Cup slops, leardeau, haa bonded tha two claim to eastern capltaiiat. Tne syn dicate In great -part la mad up of Ross- land people and Is working on the plan of development, and sale. About 15,000 haa been-- spent ' on th property with good results, and a good body of ore ha been opened. Th uoia wen syndicate haa several other clalma In sight, and will do more development, during - the coming ummr. . ' l ZIZS0T8S AWOTaCEB SA1XJ.TJIsV (Bnertsl Diana tch te The Joorssl.V' JBakar Cltv Or.. Jan. 11. Baker Cltv buetnee men have been discussing loca tion of a smelter tnv' th Immediate vicinity of thls-plae.--Many, believe it would pay. If A rail Una Is-eompleted to the Rnake-Tlver-from thla place, the matter would b given more aerioua on- aiaeraiion. - . i ..-x . RfABTAOI - Manager Frank E, Pea re of the Iron Dike mine. Baker county, la 10 the city as an applicant for the shrine degree In Masonry. ' .Mr. Pearc will . return home Immediately after thla mission la fulfilled, a he Is kept quite busy with new work ot hand. ' '" BLANCHE BATES WILL . REALLY APPEAR HERE satisfaction when it became known yes terday afternoon that poeltlve arrange menta had been made for tha appear ance of Blanche Bate' at the . Grand theatre the week of January SO, despite vigorous effort of the theatrical trust to keep her out. The Bate company will appear in Racramento on Saturday nlchL and beroio effort Will b required to get th production into Portland to open Mon day evening. Tha membera of the com pany will leave th California capital Saturday midnight but tha scenery Is so heavy that It- will b three houre-later before the last car la .loaded. A special enalne will than- be attached to tha bag gage car containing th scenery and will chase the paaaenger without a stop until It Is overtaken. ' Tho baggage car will then be switched onto th paaaen ger train, and In thla way tha whole ehow will be landed here In time for the opening. . . - . , The Darling of th node" la th heaviest scenic production on tho road this; teaaort. and la perhapa the moat artistic stage creation - of - -a deoade. Thursday. li mattnee. Mlaa Bate I to play the double bill of. "MyAuniAAl vice and "Madame -nutierriy. . The former I a comedy sketch written by Mian Batea and George Arllss, "Msdam Butterfly" la an elaboration by David Belaaco of a magasln atory written by Luther Long, who also collaborated in The Darling of- th Ooda." : . afxaASTjma om sttvoat cxttb. Th Ernest Oambl recital company. which la making a concert tour of tha Pacific coast, will appear at th Sunday club meeting thla afternoon at t o'clock and furnish mualc for the occasion. Mr. Gamble la a fine basso. Thla will make A Full . '- ---.'i...', if' 1 will pay outright for our first Biioop'a ask no deposit take no risk you pay nothing, plther dollar bottle Is free to tbos who have I want no referencea-r-na asuurity. aama opportunity as tha rich. To one writ irnd ask." . I wllL send yon an order - Ho will give you free; th full dollar package. I can afford to offer a full dollar" a worth free becauae mine 4a n ordinary remedy. Ordinary remedies treat symp tom a. My remedy treats the causes that produce tha symp toms. Symptom treatment must be keot un forever aa Ions aa tba cauao ls there. My treatment may be stopped aa aoon a It haa removed tha cause,, for that la, always tha end of. trouble. . . ' , . ."j Thara la no mysteryno miracle. I cart explain my -treatment to yoti aa easily as I 'can "felPyou why cold freese water and why heat .melts lea. Nor , da I claim a discovery. .V Inside Nerves f Onle ens enk ef ever aa haa aerfeet health Of tbs OT sick snaa. eoaae are bed -ridden, soma are aair etc, and some are only, dull and list -Rat saest of the sickness comes from a commas causa. TheaeBves are weak., i Not tha serves you erdinarily think sboot nt the ovrra. yur mortmsats sad your r . Rut the aeteae that, ani d raided ad Boansarn.' afeht and dsr. kee keep- yew heart la aaotlos sow trol ths.alssstlvs apparatus regulste yau urer operate yoev aianeye. These ere the nerves that wear aat and break oewav "Tf aoeeT bo' anod Ifo treaF the alilna oriraa thai Irrraular heart the' disordered liver the re. 1-eluous stomach Ibe dersaged kidneys. They ara not to b la roe. But go beck to the serves thst control then. 1 There ran will Snd tha sest ox ut (reeosa. here Is aethlaa saw sheet this eothlss ana Kyslclsa would dispute. Bnt It reaislaed for . Bhoop te apply -tb la knowledae -to put tt to practical ess. 4.- Booops Ilea tor a flea is tns reeelt ef a soar ter century ef endeavor a ku la this vary Una. It eoes not doss tba scran or deaden the pats but It does go at once to lbs serve the Inside nerve the power serve ind builds It an. aad suesatbens it aa makes It WU. - - rr-- -; - ' 1 ! " I .. .' 1 . 1 a iii. or Stomacli Troubles The Btomaclt la eon trol led by S delleets nervs celled the solar pb-tua. prlss-gghtere knew that a okiw ever us BDMnacB-p solar pteaus aneana- a aura kiiorkaL Fee this nerve blow. tea times ss sensltlvevas tha pupil of yonr ere-. Yet the solar Blems Is only one ef the centers of the greet Inalde aerve the- power serve. It Is aoe ef the aiaater aervea. Tbs t to roach u Its slave. Prsrtlcsily all atemach trouble re nerae trouble inalde nerve tronbls solar nlexua tronbls. Dr. Rbooe'a Reatarallve strsngtheiis the Inside aerves strenatheaa the snisr plraus and the stomach . trouble . .disap pears. . ...,'--;:vv ' - 5.." J-;-- MORTGAGE Members of First Congregational ,( Will Cladly Celebrate Free-ZL dorri From Incubust-" INTEREST-CHARGES OVERii v TWO THIRDS OF THE DEBT Splendjdr' Showing Mad7'in Growth : During the Pastorate - of Rev. Dr. E. L. House. After - . rears, lri which' "a $20,000 mortgage has cost -two-thirds " of the principal in Interest charges, tha First Congregational - church will burn tha mortgage. Th ceremony will take place at the church, on tha first Sunday fol lowing Februarys 17. ltOS, on which data the. mortgage will mature; and b paid eft. At an' annual meeting' of the church on Thursday evening, arrangementa for accomplishing final payment were made. It now baa In Ita treaeury all but $00 r IwizLiiiiivii Office Furn itiire at Reductions This Is the season of the year the business man fixes up his officer-he buys a new Desk, Chair or Typewriter Desk. Nowhere In the city can he find (a better assortment and at anywhere near thej price. s OUR BUYERS now in the east write us thst they have purchased a full carload . of Roll Top . Desks and Combination Book Cases. THIS MEANS THAT WE MUST -OETf RIDOPrTttE PRESENT-LARGE - STOCK. To do this we will make a reduc 7 tion of from 10. to 25PER CENT on every : Roll-Top Deska-Typewriter Desk, Office Chair and the Combination Book Cases. , : "" . . . ''." i ' IT 1 WILL ; PAY ANYONE TO BUY ; - ? here this .week. i: : ar. H ENRY JENNINQ ' 172-174 FIRST STREET ssssii .THE HOUSEFURNISHERS dollar bottle of Dr. For everir detail no promise, . You fundamental that now or later. The-4 ef my medicine la not tried my remedy, applied- tn truing . The poor have th and all I say, "Merely on your druggiat. Mny Aiimcntt-une cause : ,; e . a. I Base called thea that tnala neeeaa e .ra piicity a sate. - Their naual aame ts tha "ajai hatoatlc Bsrvea. .Phraletaaa eaU. thera ' he thla Basse hecaua thev ara aa eloaele allied . veraaaa vara ta is sura elose srmnainr wita ih other-. The result 1 that wbca one. branch l allnrnveil a mm. I ...... I .1 . , K weaken. That.' Is why "sue kind of sick nee lead Into snother. Thst is why essee become Veomnllcated. " For this delicate uexve la thai moat aeneitire pan or tne bbdmb system. lines this ant estilala to roa aaaaa. of tb an-1 eertalntles of medicine hv It Bot a good resaoa tn your mind by tthcr kinds at trealairnt amy kin filled t ' T 1 - Don't you see thst THUfle KKW ta Biedtelnet That Ibis Is ROT the . mere paachwork ef atlmnlanl the nera soothing of a . n a root let Don't yoa see that M sues rfsht ta the root of the trouble snd ersdloatss tbe causal ,- But I do not ask yoa to taks a alusle state ment nr mine : en a, it aak van to bellera a word JLjSJ.JtUL jmlllsvstrled.jBiy medlcinel in jour awn Bome at any ezpenae soaoiuieiy. Could I offer yoa a full-doner's wvrth free If there were any Bilsreinreaentatloal Csald I let you go to ymir drnsclat wheal yns know end nick mat any naa on hla shelves nf my medicine were It sot UNIFORMLY help full . Could I .AFFORD te do tbka It I "were not rea aonably BLUB thst my. medicine will helpyaajl ...,.-.H,.t, The Kidneys are the blond filters.' They are opera led eolelyvby the laslda aerves. The nrsncB waicn operates tnem aun reruistse tbem Is called tbe renal plaxna.-When the' renal plesus la weak or Irrraular, the kidney be. come Cloffred with the very pnlaous ' they should throw, eff,.N'n kidney treatment van clean thenr out of: cure them snd on -etaee leada-lnlueanotber ontll after a while th kld- aeye uemaeive necin fa Presi kws ana dls solse. - There la ouly one way ta reach kidney trouble that la through tha Inalde nervea that control thm, which nr. Rhonn'a ReatoraUve aktae streagtaeaa and teat ores. ;- of th $20,000 and Interest required tor final settlement and cancellation of the debt. - This small balance will bo raised Between now and February IT. , ' The original mortgage -wa given lp lltl, and ha been eever! time re-'. ttewedt-rjA- rate -nr-e per eeht' lafraat- haa beea paid, amounting to 1 1.200 a I year. At one-time the debt on the Congregational church wa tSl.000. - It ha beea steadily reduced, but the pay. menta have applied on a second mort gage 'in the sum of tll.OOO,-whleli waa entirely separate from th original-debt. The first mortgage waa to raise money for building th church at th corner of Park 'and Madlaon atreeta. After It I cancelled tho church wlU-have only debt-of -about- $1,000, TepreaenUd.Jy th balance of .it eond mortgage, which 1 held by one of th church so cletlea and la non-lntereat bearing. . - - At Thursday evening' moating tho following trust were elected:'"-IS. L. Thpmpson,' president; T. Te Burkhardt, treasurer; Dr. J. R. Waatherby, clerk; C. W. King, P. M. Warren. Jr M. Walt ton; Kre Krlba , Th -aaslsUnt pastor and Sunday achool superintendent Ber., M. A-Start, resigned to accept a call to-tbo-"Park ' Place and - Clackamaa ehurchee. Th vaeanciea will be filled at the church meeting 'next week. Th First Congregational church' now ha 7SS - members, an Increase of 107 during the last year Of th 1,000 Congregational- churches in the. year-book the Portland church standa tenth la In- I crease of membership. During th year It haa raised IS.OOO for missions, and llt.OOO for horn expenses. -r Dr. E. L. House, rm Wedtteaday av. 1 nlng. organised tha Itrat Congregational' ; :; Bill i SfS $17.50 to $100 u- .. . , 1 " lmgiii? ot my treatment la haand . an truths bo none can deny them. , And every Ingredient as, old as Uva liUl it grows on. I simply and combined th ingredients Into a remedy that Is practically certain, TUe paragraphs below ; will show you tho reason yohye , J ( 'But my.yeera of patient experiment will avail you nothing If you do "not accept my offer. . For facta -and reason and -oven belief will .not cure. Only th remedy can do that, -, , So now I have, mad this offer. I disregard the evidence. I 'lay aside th fact that mine la tha largest practice In th . ' world, and com to you a stranger. .. I ask you to believe ' not on word that I aay till you have proven it for your- . self. I offer to give you outright a full dollar's worth of Dr, Shoop'a Reatoratlv. - No on else haa ever tried ao hart) to remove every possible cause (or doubt. Jt la th -utroat-l my unbounded, confidence can- auggest. It a- open and frank and falrwlt i tk-e aupreme teat of my llmltleaa aeltct. ; - : .Simply .Write Me v T '' The' grat free bottle may W enough tr effect" a cure bat 1 Be sunt pro rale that. Nor do f fear loss ef poaell.l ajeuTIk It It does, o : ,.. such a test will surely eanvlne lb rnrsd one beyond sVaibt or dispute, ur dlsbsllsf, tbat avary word I ssy kt true. -,. - .. - ... . r.- - The offer m ' ones ta eeeeiima .' eeaeawhee: Hat voo must writ MR free doll a a but- I tie nrder. All drutslats do not arsnt the tear. 1 will then dtrad na luau ihi lie m . 1 the- seder today. . The offer may , aot remain i onen. I will send you th hook yoa sk for lie- . side. It's free. -It will help yon te under aland your, ea-e. Vt'bat Bore csa l- do to.sua-, vluee ye ol my. Interest vt sjy slncerlljj '' .'. ?C'' ; - ' ' . --wtI. 't-'-'J . For a free nrder for a furl dollar botits Rook I ea Pysriurls."t Bonk t en th Heart. Bbooo. Boa 2.W72. Honk 4 f,a Wa Raclns, Wis. Mtsts which book yon wsst. Rook B fiur len. Book eu Rheumatism.? .1 Mild esses are often cured with en or two bottles. - For forty thensaud drilg stores. 'For Hart Trouble v Your Heart bests more than tea thousand time a Bay. And every beaVt beat I aa ira- . pnlaa ej-the-taatds-nerve- branch- eallud- tli- -cardiac rdexns. The heart ta muscle, hut Ifsvr la tha nerra. that makes the muscle, d the work. An Irresulsr sr week heart . slroit In every instance, th direct result ef a week or Irrcgulsr aerve-enslde esrv. To' eitre hesrr trennie, rastore tn nerve re par mat. lie. n hoop a Restorstlve wilt restore ih cardiac pie sue. luet ' aa It real ores the solar plrans and the renal Hems, For all sr e-inal, parrs or the great ..' nalde nerve r' system the power aervea the Blaster Berv,' . -;: - ,'i .-..:-.--..- " c:3tc::3 srns? s Itnaii lrr1111oaaof Mckarstor tbadr frjidre yrala TsscAlna roatveas glfty Yaara. - It snrwnei tue eiuid. sorteoa the gums, allays 1 ' " -all pain, euros triad, eoUe, aad la a best i ssaaedy for diarrbOM, , , church 'of r aUZjoltn.. with "member ''" " snd -th - following ' trustees: Clerk. David Ts; treasurer, 8. F. Horsmnn; F, J Toung, B, F, Leggett. Th church 7 will b supplied ta turn by permanent t .' Congregational pastor of Portland untu , springy when an edifice will ba btilt3 and a paator called. . The church- 'haa -purchased for 17 W a quarter of a block " ; of ground on Richmond street, Ilev, F. W. Hatch will aerve a superintend-r ant of tb Sunday achool. - Mr. Young. '., Mrs. H ore man snd -Miss Leggett hav r -been named aa muslo cximmlttee, . .. ;: -A very beautiful display of Japanese gold fish 1 being made In' Woods ni. Clferkg cV 'Co.' show window." A mem- '" ber of the firm, Informed us that tho '. lateat Importatlpn - of these beautiful . Uttl creaturee; comprising over a thou- 11 sand, having bean received . too late for th Christmas trad, will be sacrificed (not bodily, but -as to price) during ther ": present week. Their advertlaement on another page will be Interesting; reading ' to every child aa well aa to the grown upa. A recent fad- in eastern! cltlea Ik . the-, decorating of dining tablea with ' globea of theae beautiful fish In combt- ' nation with colored electric -lights. - . ,-. J & SONS f -Jt- r