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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
'the oregok: sunb ay journal. '':-'p6rtand sunday morning: January u iscj. Newfltylcs for cki Wren tend to greater simplic- rlltytbaneyer before. jaicl fine materials take bike place ; of tke t " tussy little frock. moAerp werjs wont to affecti ! To ! te really fliriart, tke ; ckild wko - 4;; A ' ' , goes tol an , enter-- b .;r, -4tainnient- must leave er sask at; komc. Artificiality to'ke IP .'-.m 'J U . i .-1 - I v mm mm prty , l ' :.; for a .-I I 1 - ... AA amart mod! mull or fin lawn rr. -v i dresa, ' .- embroidered uhand in raiaed Mtintite. A. fetchlnf frock mull or fine lawn liftl arfrl'a fimrtiln jn ' emoroiaerM' ana 'outlined panela. C A, moat aaintr drets of heavy linen elabprated with featherstitchinc and - Iriah lace. -- -U- avoided in gown- ing ckildren.' irt,:;sweet,. 1.- ittle Misr Simplicity- 'w-'tkeperect yogue. . : " " 'tMhloa denuode for rfinUulteae much1 r - trtmrnlnc of Irlrt lac, whlla t! hloud "'or thr jnothera.. k , v? " 'walat h dellcata eipbroiderwi 4eikn blt " rtbb 'aa a band - worked ever the fr,t In a f..toon JhiN !fh!Sir5t?,tol T"1!.'"! - tern. Over the eleevee fell dee pojnte l?. f0. "Ith ?ut: embreldered -InUree - eolId tlowew. .loo ! ,et " ront f - Which r. e.-ontlautlon .1 t Urth. '"''aKfljinqer ef the eeme dealgn-thft droop, from a " TP"na, c,c ,v.I,"'n roundut neok end dJorete. the upper ' embrotdered pertf the bodlee. ' AUhomh the work.- "J h?vT1la0?: tnr tf theee lerVe Uomni te very elab rT! Xeetfceretltchina and rete end rich, toiretber with the othe iT?' . 'TL vd?wn end the little rilZ .; . . ' . . . "vt" -full t match the full HtlrU which lltUe SIM fLICITT le the kemote 4a the. ribbon, where It needs euch confinement makeup! of-ell eraurt frocks for, to keep It In order. '.-,v- i I 1'",-l1'T-"t."'e the elm- UtO-Vie-Sweet aumlfatty 1 is . Sec. . . . . plicltr to be found-In clolbee or . gfc Btooktaaa. V " Town up people, It' Is ! quality that. t ' --"rM,ei ' , '"oete ' ' l' Dliuri .BlUUIUlf, IVW Wlfll II simplest siyis or cnnuren mother know, how to dress them la good taste. Plain, fine elllc stockings and 4alMa mImmUJ wieh. .usiiia iuhib-icu wiiu uittih muu liif at vviea . , w . " IrreKUlar soallops upon ThS-des of the J . . "' BV,,W n" i - . in ds:ea Of tile aollar In an lrrnilarc rather then elaborateness, and attracts; f"'" J"" ie?!lt ,Ver the top;.r VMeaea iaiii amt-lr Vsisi ksMeAvvisi ei UAeasisittv "9 1 Ew-A, iwact linen frock richly .braided no comointu hand embroidery; ... -j. . i . F A' beautiful little white cloith cost with ita whit fur collar, that anyrmother may make ; if she haa imagination. upon the clothing Of a well dressed child. end Id thle eonneteUon EnKllsn. smocking" bjr It artlstlo beauty more than through l"7fr ,i 1 aieeves re run 1U pronounced rlchnese of workmanehlp f u,f aathered to a band, decorated In inn mtiriiiL i i ... . tho same fashion es that across - the ' I front of. the waist The sleeves are ' ,r . Tfce.ahaarteet Hew Slat for Oowmlaa; short end the wsUt buttons in the back prettytreatlon le Illustrated In ngurs E. sm -.VieT Our Xdttu OlrU. with cute little . a a.n. a i.e which Is the daintiest of its kind U "V...;.'IC "' ':. ":. vvwaa new ai e i uia eve w wu sj vr , - ; entmren s parties. upon irwu iur yfry inn cnuaren na ThlM la tha season of ths veer hen -l covered buttons of a waist of tins lawn, very sheer and soft. " Another faeciiaUar 'rock which eon-i wnlt- . - ; -.-. jmade quite simply, ahd box pleated from - veys an even cheater auaaentlon of aim- in riffure D Is Illustrated stilt another 1 the neck part of. the wey down. From plluity, whHe being wrought with just aa'.etyle of dress In a heavy .quality of T the termination of thess bo pleats the r muclL-oar. Is shown In figure B. Tnls ' white linen. Tl) skirt Is gathered full waist le full . and loo and helps to V babies. , ., ? children are elven aulte a number of dainty ereatloa le also of fine lewnj and ja th.e belt and is finished-with a deep hold out any outer waist under which It ; . fnnn nf fin. aiiii imu ..i ...4 ih. ..M.. f hu tht lawn Mrt of th iklrt atniind nim. me belt le brelded In-quite an may be worn, aitnougn it la a perfect . . le in tavor for decorating children's for theee occasions occuplee a good deal n panel ef fecte with a one-elded ?len f" J1!?' ,'fnr"r,'?a. ' ,w,th - fl.trJf f.W 1U0ut da"lon -theeame lace. The sleeve hae a tlothe. 1. Kngiteh ut work, in slple lot mother's attention, f , ; fJr JyP embroidery . fj?nhk:n l.t"""LUJ SF? 'Z 21 1" " ...Jv koxleated top. with two row ef Valen- tt out designs, with, embroidered, or f'e llttl. -f J lUtZXUX Zl Trimad i-."wlth a lUU.'eogeatUngr.nd tnn. lao. forming a euff,. with, the u. front . aVUr,. eoUf ef wWt' juuKonnnira ma mm. wnoDlrui.iyB nesigns - - - - , i , w ovsr 0t thesB deep . point eonsUtute one tucks, whloh pssse over the ehoulder which many term hedebo jwork. Both ampn or three quare.or open atitonmg berlan fox fur.-, A muff Is worn to match end fineness of workmanship are to be d(.lBt' -Tjmte - This erotecU the neck penel, which Is outlined by insertion of extendi to the belt . In front and.hedebo work and tatting give the same. In the middle end a JaCe edge. Thle collar, and with It Is worn a large ,'sought In prfrr to patterns that Im- and .hit from draughts and prevehts a Valenciennes lacrtnarr slope In.. some, back along the sides of the bodice. .The effect In these lltUe- three-hole points., deep -euff I buttoned along the Inside ; white : hat of rnne velvet, with a mediately attmrt the eye by their almost "wid ftwn hatching cold. - - ' thing of the ehape of a triangle up on tucke are hf the same width as Hi dee- The full eleevee ar gathered to a tiny, eeam with tiny white button and but- Valvat n frnnt and Startling rlchne.s. . .- .- Th,hrt sleeve! Metnade either with the eklrt- The .ffect is exceedingly odd orated- bail. A, tiny aqoar yoke ef edge of open Flemish l.ce. in an Insert tonhole loop. Aeroe the front ef ?""hC . . .... . .. . wiiwifc L. i rr-. . . hraldln atut dnta la In th. tm-t Inr atvnva a nns.nlaatart Mitt M.d llh altv 4m mt K.1n ha alkAat: aM fnuv ' tWO long .Whit plume curling Upon nilRTS lacs J employed 11 1 llo in r-"rT J n T"" riftarinff arranra -i na niu ymiiai. uJU "i """ - . - ----- 7 --- r - 7 " - - - - . , . , 1 ' narroW width of fin inserting and edk-. tAwr are verr nrettv either with hr at the top end gathered full to the -fcelt. eck of the neck, merging Into a etook of- band of Irish crochet lace finished short tuck, running off Into a point et the brim around the crown. x . It .- ' Ing.'prieferably Valenciennes, which aN'j without ,th ways stems particularly aultabls tti chfl- underneath -- Arm-' Mnlia n.l k Klnh l&linA.. . NeedlSS imi.. ku.u. , ' i J . . ... . In? nlor for. clilljren's clothes.. Kven . nt tf, The embroidery alons- the) MttWt Dolnted tn same sort, flntahed at the top with a th collar Is, end buttoned at the beck . each end. Theee eause the back or the ( This etyie or bat l . -. ... nanele la nut -Drt mora in the etvle of a band of vry open Jace.. a piece of open ' with small covered white button and Sleeves to be very baggr- v quite simple as a child's . . li'.. -1. ikj .....11- '.linNlftr With a Httl nnan ntitllna aKAva lac la et across id front below i.a buttonhols Ioods. - . - '-A. child' cloth should be loose. Ileht . I would say to 81- a border of llttl aoaliuos. At' the bot- little yoke, ead this runs Into braid. deep. with 'r-" "J" helr little ontilocr coats andA hats are torn thees rail over a cloeeiy kntre- aeawop vi emoroiaery ana oreia, wun sucn a guimp is v pieat or oox pieet ooaie, a empldytd eparUly and ire often re- bij, white --I-4"-leated-ruffle.' Both points and, ruffle hregular polnte at the bottom, that dee. the blouse from the neck down for a In figure llered ae In the rase of the aawn lllu-: . ' ' '- 7 I A ' '7 are tdged wlth'Talenolenne lace. orate th front of the blouee In a fesh- distance -xt eeven or eight Inches end-- Thle t rated by eihbroidery . or some oher 'heetoved Uttle Osea U Thir J1n Th w,lrt and tklri h4v m panel run io at once very mar and very original, gather the blouse t a belt Make a stock boa out i . form xf dainty needlework. ' '" : Olotaee. .Uttla h4ng-out Frocks. ning up the front narrowing at the belt Medium wide eleevee are shaped to a - School and outdoor frocks for play end widening at th lower part of ..the .little ouff of embroidery and braiding, 1 ' -. 1 L-t , n.ia mrh-rt. aklrt and ton Of the bodice. These nenela wun snajiow pumia on ne nn nnisnea For little glrhtTof f roar te 12 years. ,,h.e i. a Mmilw ii.. difficult are formed of row of Valenciennes In- with tipen laca -This-llttl dress.-like Of age frocke era principally mad with-" Bnd ' expense of having quantitlee of sartlng, altereatlng with groups of tucks-the other, i fastened in the beck with -Ttt-Bt-th wmler-tltfei -tnsttsa fjf Ttrnia "wfrtta clMhe aepf Treah and-rtearf. ' and tsands-ef thrrlswn: Thershlrt psnet amall-whUe-tHttiana-rened wtthc : distance tielew tHat point, a laat af-osoq. ZnTT .. wqr, linen, til rtlff"-'"! j fm framed hv a Una mffl. and that an worses'-loupe.-- 'lh lltlls skirl rfall. and so ere the weiguts .ana oegrees or iuiens. is a Uahtlv bloused watsta ad all fcai..' .f favorite fsbrle. and for party frocks fin Another pretty way In whloh- to make' and oemfortable, and thle Include their euch a guluip I to pleat or box pleet ooats. a good model of which I shown coat is of whit cloth, made In a and double breasted. - it ha two of Valenciennes Ineerttng with en edging ' rows of big white jpeart button down th handsome but hat ehottld be. mothers Who wnt their children to appear smartly dressed , to vselect' good material, make them; up With a bit of One needlework,. and .In ' the elmpllolty of cut and In all. things -I allow the child tot appear as natural as -possible, i f T--.--" lawn and molls sr very smart. Turk and pUats are.. ued to a great epttent In adorning small frock; but em broidery, at the preeent. moment, le miii h smarter than anything el. The modele illusttated on this page edge an across the top are suitable for lawn, mull and linen panel. fancy frocks sre trimmed In some faeb Ka to taae the--pleee-af the-sashes or : ' fancy belts which children were wont to wear. T : -Th preeent style of dreIng & cttlld l with ee f w uuneceawry furbeUw as . poseioia is noi rur sensime, nut adds- frocks. . taurtLtO'tae ettraotlve apiMaranoe of a (me Of th we t little dresses hild apd to lie Benee of eomfert. Imaginable shows' In figure A. The ' - Under thle rule of simple idreeiMng materiel Is fine lawjl end ths top eklrt le fnmee the arrangement of a chlld e hlr. maVt In deep embf oldered point with It ehould nevar be f rjxsled Or curled By' embroidered polka dote scattered over artificial ama,ifa.,j -;-the tnslde or the points. The skirt le the waist by laoe-edged embrotdered dresses lie In; the originality of their points, .which continue from a deeo designs and In the On handwork Upon bertha of embroidered panel eltallar to them. The handwork enablee one to give thoaa on th eklrt. only smaller. These those little toacne or irregularity or diminish -in else f They "approach the, outline, preserving a uniformity of de belt, which is of embroidery. The Kw tall, which are ao smsrt at present. One neck of the drees Is embroidered on. the can Insert- a bit ef lace into- an 'em- of the waist broldered design With a few stitch, and I so introduce a charming novelty In dec-J Wide, short sleeves are formed of em- oration. ' Thar. Is economy as well ae broldered panel point, whloh flutter beauty Iri thee little touch, for it en Open at every moment 41He the petal of eblee a woman to make use of all sorts a flower. ' ' 1 of odd bits of trimming which In' tlmee The smart llttl dreaa shown In figure paat wer wont to be thrown," Into the C la hiill nn nulla a llirfarant nlan. It nit haaket. - ' ' I of heavy embroidery floss, and the That children have dainty little shirt waists made for them 1 something of a surprise te mothers who bav their chil dren' clothe,' mad all In one piece. Theee dainty little weleta are usually Hair that furls naturally Is alwaye fathered full to a belt covered with, belt la trimmed in tme fashion. prty child, but the distorting of Irish laca. and th polnte of the rich with the featheratltchlng forming points t . straight hair merely makea the llttl ona upper skirt fall over a wide band ef tn wavy pattern elong the centre end 1 k. ........ MMt .! 4 K.r. Ar. iiimIIma(. V i- ... aw. k...M . will, . Ant m " .n.liMI4,r lln th. . t.Uln . mii in i . . .iiiu ii j i i. ii i.i . w t 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 n j . r i s imuin ' v " www . . ...... ... ..... , Ive. . , 'the underskirts whlfh I, of course, of spaces, le this belt le gathered a full iworn s a gulmpe; hencs their decoration - The hair should He tied at the sides r the seme material. The "cunning" little eklrt and a moderately full - bloused 'Is all In th top of the neck and In the - pa toj wia aunpi itnpla bow et Aid atla abort Sleeves ar daed with, a narrow waist.- 'All Xh llttl waist axa aulta lower cart, JC. th leerta, pn auch NGkristiiirrSc ieiice in ' Traminti a I Iorse r A - From the X W Tor eraleC M ." . rFliICATIOK - of ChVletlao Jol- enee prlaclplee to the car of llasel Pach and original meth-' ode of training are "held by Flack . of Milwaukee,, Wle, his owner and trainer, as responsible for the record made by the faateet harneWa horse' ever known, trained and driven In Wisconsin. - ' - ' , - Mr.-Flack's idea regarding the train ing and racing of horse ar peculiar to htmaelf. : ' ' ' His sulkey Is th only on on any rac ing track, so fsr s he Is aware, on which the outer' wheel I two inches In diameter Inrger then the Inner wheel, the object being to give the horse en advents la tnaaiog the .uraa pi lh track. Haxel patch 1 the only hore en th track that wear to weight on hie- hind B well a on hi for feeb He never rub a hers eftr a race. He I euppoeed to be th only trainer who bandagee' a horeo's lege from Sjhe body to the hoof.' and he flefle all ac cepted tbeoiiee of trainer by working hi horse to the epeed limit oon ee h begins itralnlng them, i ' ..Bald Mr. Flack: ... "I am Christian Ret-1 sntist enough to bUve that mind con trols matter absolutely, and that if the horae I eared for properly, end used wleely he' will si ways be all right With oiy eyetem of training -the h6rse ehould never he HI. end his three weeks' nines last season .was the reeult of conditions beyond' my -control. It was .a to cold stablea ana aontlnued vt Weather, tha Hatel Patch caught the prevailing distemper. ' I believe that the attitude of my mind haa had much to do ' with bla rapid recovery, although I dt ' not carry my Christian Boience doctrine to . extremes. Consequently 1- did- not -depend entirely . upon Christian Science to cure, the horse, and when he raced -at th etate fair 1 had veterinarians . present In case or sn emergency.' t' A "v -' - . " . ' . r .. Asked aad AaeweeeeV t From the Chicago New. ' '""What tie your idea of' a. perfect gentleman?", aaked the youth. "A perfect nUimn." . replied the , sage of flagevlll. "Is a man'who k sufficient self-control to refua to talk . aaeu. the wsehee.'