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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
" - :':." .X:'. r - X':'".' - '.. ' V" ' ' , THE r'OnSGON - SUNDAY JOUIIAU PCSTLAND,-SUNDAY-MORNING. -JANUARY -2.-riSC5. i AFruC?ii!ATIuiI IS fiOT YET SETTLED v,. Rivers and Harbors Committee - Stilt-Favof-CuttlngjOut.l. Cefilo Canal. .: FULTON WILL EE HEAD r 1 I OF CLAIMS COMMITTEE New Building at Exposition to - "Hous tha Filipino and : y 4 Alaskan Exhibits;- ' .'v tWaahlagtoa Boreas' jf Th Jooroal.) '. Washington,-D. Ci Jan. Il.Toe river. '. ' and harbor committee hu not yet agreed upon appropriations Xof the) improve , menta'-Vof Jthe river and i harbor tef , - OreggnV.bat will probably decide upon M the Items at tha next meeting. - 'r" Considerable disousalon baa beea In dulged In over tha propoaed canal, be tween The Dalle and Celllo, but became or tha varloua oplniona aa to the merit of this work it iiaa been Impossible to reach, any agreement. "' i r I, Apparently the committee I willing; to' . , appropriate uat ao muon lor- we vo 'i lumbia river and la endeavoring to force the Oregon delegation, to aay whether that, money ahall be expended in ,con- . tinuinv improvement t tna mouth 01 " the liver or to be used -tn the eonstr t - tion . of tlta-: proposed ship , cap . '- Naturally the delegation la .relu about, expressing a., preference. ' Chairman Burton talked .thismatter HEN BY READY TO TRY THE SENATOR ;.'. ' ' Portland, Jan. Jl. To the Editor of The JdurnsWTb la morning Ore . gonlan conUln a'statement purporting to oome from -Washington to the 1 effect that Senator Mitchell will return here to. insist Upon an early trial because information baa reached him that the prosecution in no hurry to bring him to trial, and that an official very closely connected" with the prosecution of the land-fraud casf la aaldto .have advised friends In this city1 that Senator Mitchell would nor be brought to trial' for at" toast a y year. If any person made aucn a statement. It la utterly without1 foun dation. The prosecution refrained from causing the arrest of either Sen ator MltcheU or Congressman Hermann because both of .them expressed '' 'anxiety to reach Washingtonto attend to publloMuslness. As the next -terra of court will tomnwn e the 10th day of Arll. 1805, and as peli therBenator Mltfcheli ncVtoniressman Hermann indicated any desire to - ; return here for trial prloi to tha next term of court. Judge Bellinger dls- ' charged the Jurors inattendance upon thia term of court on January 1. The 'newapapera.had previously announced that Senator Mitchell might: ik his seat and.-that Conaressma'tt Hermann had already taken hie seat '. As prosecuting officer, -I concluded to await the adjournment of congress before presslnV their, case for trial.;-" I am ready and more than wJUlng to , give each oftheae gentlemen a speedy triaL, and tha prosecution will urge the .trial Of their cases at .the earliest day the court can take them up in J the nextXerm, commencing April 10, J9Sr and no postponement whatever will beasked for by: the government I am more anxious to complete the. T atrial ' these cases and return to my own private business than Senator W 1. ... M M-IK1 lu A- HllUlM Vl. r DUY (G NOW! - Save Money J DON'T RIISS" THIS SALE! We must convert our winter stock Into cash," even though it costs us much money to do it; it's. iar. better. than packing away xthe goods until next seasonTBy the way. have you been in for your share. of the good things? Can't you use a Suit,. Over coat, pair of Trousers, or something In the Hat, Shoes or Furnishing line? . If you can, here's a golden dpportunity. "Note a tew ot our cut prices. sought to obtain from i preasloa of preference, b stood th Senator Would ""nate between tha two pro! seme, ex- is under- , dlscrlml The cpm- that the mauth of the river should be Improved, and if. left tolta oWa slUcretlon wUl . iorbably authorise the expenditure of .- the proposed appropriation In completing . ?: the Jetty, now under construction. Senator rultoa, by. reason of .changes that will occur In the - senate after ' March 4, will find himself In line for ,777' succession la the chairmanship of the committee, on ' claims, . 'now'.' held , by ), . Warren- pt Wyoming. Warren will be j come chairman of th publlo buildings . ' and grounds . committee. Chrpp will get the Indian affaire committee, McCumber .. -will probably" retain the pension com mittee and Allee does not . want the v chairmanship of ' the claims committee; ; . me pniyoiner aenator ranking nil ton r ; la Burton of Kansas and on account, of - his entanglement will not be given this ' ' position, t Unless spmethng unforeseen '-'j:'-occurs.. Fulton at the beginning of the V.liext congress will become chairman of ' ". thia very Important committee. - "v 1 .. At the request of the Lewis and Clark --exposition -authorities, Senator Fulton . , : today, requested the treasury department to make some provision lor housing the . - Philippine akhlbit at Pprtland. It de '.' velopn that' there .la no room in the . Government bulldingVor thia exhibit, ao it has been decided to erect a small ;rY' bulidlng io-the rear of .to Government j uuiioing, , in which the forestry and . Irrigation exhibit will be InsUlled. Tlie - r-PhUlpDlne ejthlblV'. Will ba-made In . the ' i nilllilllig along with tYiM eihlhlt frntn .Alaska. . r-T . Jf-- Oppusea' game. yieaariakM-r nepreseniauva Mondsu today filed a . dissenting report orrrthetblll creating J game- preaervea witnin-.Torest reeerra l tlons,- lie opposes tha bill on the ground that It take from- the state their con- 4slltutlonS rights to control fish' and game within their, borders and transfers i ttiis-anthority to the secretary of the I. interior. . He says thd bill la radical and ! . a dangerous departure from-the eatab llshed policy of government, which haa J" been not to Interfere with the constttu tlonal . rights of, people of the various relates. 4 X declares that the bill if ' ' enacted Into, a law 'would be anhliuhle rto- the entire forest reserve area, thereby' materially "rnrtinglng upon - the state rirot lawSn.Hefurthermore questions .th cenatltutlonallty of the pending bill. - i ne anTorcement or jsucn law,, he say a, .; would be tyrannical and unfair. -' In con ; elusion, he denies that auch legislation -im necessary oV the protection of game; '.. " that state game laws are adequate. i BUlilD FOURTEEN YEARS !v. lBU.TiN0W.SEES CLEARUY 8pectal Dlxpatck by Lcued Wire to Th leorsaO i' :!. New York. Jan. 2U Sight haa' been i restored to the blind eyes of" John- E. 4 -Martin, who for 14 yedfs coijld not even I distinguish' light from darkness.""" I Martin saya his sight was restored to .' htm by a miracle through the agency of a woman. Miss U A. Churchill, and Miss T Churchill say it waa the divine- spirit working through her. . This much, la certain, that' Martin can tmp6 well that' he te-employed at diffi cult and -dangerous work In a bookbind ing'1'" and-, printing-establishment, goes about the busiest streets day and night unaided by companion of walklng-atlck. mA aiihnnt tha aid of daases reads me- At.,...inA . tvoa. -dlstlnaulshea--and namea correctly tha colors lo w many colored carpet. wrltea a-letter rapidly and In a good hand, and can tell, the time by a watch.' Martin la the man who waa hired aa. a substitute by. the late Charles Broadway Rousse, the blind millionaire, -tor take ail the..4reatmente Offered When-hr mada; famu -of tea of il.OOO.eoe to. anyone who should cure him of hla bllndnesa. i ' " ( EARTHQUAKE DESTROYS v VILLAGE IN GREECE ..-; . i - (Special Diapateh by Uaaed Wire te The Joarnall ' Athene, Jan.1 xl.--Ag the result of an earthquake in .Thesaliy today a village waa destroyed and aeveral persons were killed and injured.., Floods are general ln'Gfeece. especially. In. Sparta, as a con sequence efJh'e-Jralne. , Much, damage haa been don andjrafflo la auspended. MODERN BAKING METHODS. -r-ij- - f ' '7t.?-r-w-jt ExgcteetadCleiiline8aAra A- lowed - Where -Science--Pre--- - t-T yaili iA Making Bread. ";' The old faahloned way -of making bread by praoWcally guessing at the amount of Hour and other lngredienta is disappearing, Jnlta-plaee Jias come; aolentlno bread making, with the result that the bread now on. sal in the city "represents ' th htgt' art Y modern baklna methoda.- Portland haa waited a lona time" to enjoy thia boon, but since tta 'introduction a few uionthi ago,- tts benefits have beeajrecog&ised and appreciated.- A modern sclenttno bakery Is carried- along on tinea almost unknown In Portrand; for there are aeveral points nnrafullv 4rillnwed and tha'two lrtlDOrt- Cn All TIIC. I G1PI1C IUUtH!IL-LtrlUUL L0CA5:IS)0STED Pacific National Board of t Di X. rectors Take Vigorous Ac - 1 tiorraButte. . WILLIAMS OF SPOKANE V NAMED AS PRESIDENT Representatives . of Clubs . Say Xi Meeting .Was : Called in , Proper Legal Mannef.'i .JUaolutioft Massed. - Clearings - -Cs v -2 ...,-v Sweeping Reduc- Every Suit and Overcoat in the house - reduced, - including - our staple blacks and blues. ' ) ' -4 ' '-''. "' ' "J'., . '"' . MenV nobby $12.50 Suits and Overcoats reduced to ? 9.75 Merv's nobby $18.00 Suits and tvercoatrredaced , ' to , , ; j . 'hirt , ;. . . . . .?l4.75 Men's nobby $25.00 Suits and Overcoats reduced- to tj jt ,.-v ,ellO75 carefully fdllowed and the1 two import' ant ones are exactness and cleanliness. - Sclentlflo or rather-the production" of the best breadTlB a remarkably Intereat. lhg -study lit every detail, in tniflrt nlara tha vreatest car Is taken In se lecting Hour. When th. baker is -ready to. buy Hour he nrat procures samples. These be subjects- to varloua -chemical teeta' One la to ascertain the quantity and Quality of glutenr-which fhi moat nourishing. If a certain hour la found to - contain a large quantity and good quality it la selected- -for that purpose alone, Another flour is selected because. It will give to the bread the right color without robbing it of any nourishing Qualities.) Another flour Is selected for the starch It contains, wnen tne baker baa found 'the flours that contain the aece arv ouaHtlea he take them ull and makes a blend. Just as a good house wife electa' several brands of colli make the beat cup ef coffee. By blend ing the flours -the best 'la obtained and thia , blend imparts to the bread ust the riant amount of gluten, starch ami color, to make the bread rich, 'nourishing and give Jt .an appearance that 1 appe tising. i-;- n r- There is yet another Important-step In this kind 6f bread making. Every one I as It was .last season. knows the -value or malt extract. -woco. tors recommend -it. and It has been largely exploited aa a tonic and an -aid to weak digestion.'- In. modern scientific bread making malt plays Its part ''The sum care la exercised In selecting malt extract as la taken In-securing a flour. It la selected for Its dlaataae, aa this has a favorable ' action on the starchy food, therefor - makes bread easy to digest Jt also gives te- the bread - additional - nourishing qualities, and In modern baking the amount of nourishment tha bread la to contain, la Very Important ' "Bread may look well and' taats well but .naturally thrrflrat queatlon asked la If It bontaln nutri ment, and the. modern baker selects bis flour, malt extract and ; other Ingredi ents, so that his product will contain the mmt nourishment! . , . . . , - The flour la all alfted by machinery, so nor lump will occur lit the finished product, and then' It Is all mixed by ma chinery. Afterwards It Is put into long' vats to ferment and, thia la very import ant In bread making.. Under the improved methods thia fermentation is' ao accom plished that all aclda are removed, there fore the -moat confirmed dy spent la can eat the breed without any 111 ffecte,-e" These, thing Illustrate th exactness of .modern sclentlflo bread making. - As Important as thia la cleanliness and In th factory, thia Is strikingly Illustrated. The tables, dough trough, baking pari, mixing machine and everything about th factory la kept In the very beat or der.. The oven where the bread Is baked Is practically dust' proof, and ao built that It la away from the direct fleets of th Are, yet th temperature maintained In W til time average mere thwHI T Saml xj Rosenblatt CoV Co. Cor. Third and Moi-rUon St. ' CSpectal Dispatch to The Journal) -, Butte, Mont. Jan.- XI. President W, H. Lucaa of th Paclflo National league waa acraped from stem to- atern, booted from poet to past and left without an atom of sympathy from the membera of the board of directors or tne league tn session at the. Flalen , last -night Resolutions removing him. front office as president . were adopted, ana ne was also autnonxed to turn -over to. c H. agent of the league) all-accounts, books and papera of the leagu or suffer prose cution legally... .' Bruce Kremer wa at the meeting -ae attorney for -the local management i represented by Walter .'Butte Waa represented at. the meeting by Walter WUmot Bola by.. Mr, Kea- vltt, Spokane by Mr-. William, and Baft Lake by Mr." Rogers. MR. Shenard acted .as aecretary. and Mr,- Rogera as president. ; ; . f- . " tuoaa Tot.'iuBit, rT'TT- The gentleknen present' claim to bel the legal, andl proper representatives of their . respective, clubs. They - aver-the meeting . was, called, properly . and also announced tnrougti a call read by Mr, Shepard that Mr. Lucas was asked-to call -such a meeting and wanted to be present, but ho word had ever been re ceived from him, and therefore the meet ing' wM held without him. th directors being entitled to. represent . their re speotlve cluba . , Before the meeting waa called lo order and: while an informal discussion waa being held, Mr. Rogers . threw a-bomb-hU Into camp iy reading from: the Se attle Post-Intelligencer an Item reported to be an Interview with Mr,- Lucas, In which he positively stated he was trying to lorra a leagu including Bell Ingham, Vancouver and Victoria, on the west, and Butte, Boise and Spokane on the east side, of the range, a'hls is aupposed to Lucas had in view -when it was intimated by aeveral he Intended to. let the Paclflo National , leaarue droo and made tn claim-that th league waa defunct The claim haa been made light along that .Sola haa. dropped out Mr, Keavltt aay emphatically that Bots la a much alive as ever, and aa much a member of th Pacific National league and property aforesaid; Vid be. It 'fur- ther i . . ' .... "- x i Resolved, ThF th said W. H. Lucas be required to acoount to the Paelfia Na tlonal league for all money received by him in hla official .capacity of prest- dent-aecretary-treasurer during th year mtr.: . .. -.: . . ; - degreea Fahrenheit - Thia oven - la monster, capable of baking from M00 to 1.000 loavea of bread In 14 hour and the coat of building it 1 greater than the coat of some houses In Portland. - Th plant where thia modern'aclentlflc bread making la followed In Portland la that Of thelRoyal Bakery at First and Ctr . street. They have named their leading product . "Table Queen- Bread.". It haa taken the Sara position In Port land that FUlschman's Vienna bread oc cupies In New York. - and Friehofer's bread doea in -Philadelphia. The -company. has Juat put on th'stret aeveral wagon, which are without a doubt the finest delivery wagons ever seen In th city. ' They are now white, with olde paneled and brilliantly lettered. Wher ever I hey are aeen they attract attention end receive favorable comment. Just an does "Table Queen Bread." . . CHANGE IS PENDING. IN CROKER'S TURF CAREER (Copyright, Resist News Berrlre, by- Leased ' ... Wire to The JaaeaaL) ..-i-London. ' Ja. 11. Richard froker'a Irish trainer Parkinson- hss obtained a license from the Jockey club to train In Ena-la'nd - and most of Mr. - Croker- houses Will be shipped back to England. The granting of the license to Mr. Cro ker'a Irish trainer -may be part of a little scheme - hinted i at whereby Mr. Croker It m sald.wlU publicly transfer hi stable-to some other turfman but privately hold onto-it . v i r 0r;FEATS-MUbTN0MAH- . - ' AT BASKETBALL Hats, Shoes andf urnish- Irigs for Hen. ' J3.00" HATS; Mtkea ":dinm; $2 3C tO ' .,.,, eaafaCrfJf . $2.50HATS, marked down (J Q C irked, down . - d ' C TER CAPS, .marked EjQ $1.25 WOOL. UNDERWEAR. Of" " marked down to . . : .7. V; ...... OD L 65c .25c $4.00 LEATHER-LINED ';; d5 AA - SHOES, marked down to, ..POeUl TJOc" 1SILK" NECKWEAR," marked J CT : down tO-T t " '' "''' ,aUv 20c WOOLEN SOCKSA marked tfn y down to, Mtt.(tiMt.ift .tl.vv. - - . i . - - - f 75c NIGHT5HIRTS,marked-4 Crt V down to,.V. ... r. . .,. TtUV . $1.25 NIGHTSHIRTS, markedljr down ; to. .. . . . j .a uw $1.00 DRESS SHIRTS, marked .ACf !r dOWn' tO. . . il.'i i . , . 4 . . a .'. 75c DRESS; SHIRTS, tMrkedg f-, , down to, ,v '..'. tf " v $"1.25: WOOLjHXRTS, marked - O ' 'down torJTT. .-vvri". ... . - .'TTvOeJw $2.00 HATS, marked, down ...'.tO .v im V r $1.00 WINTER CAPS, .marked - .down to $1.00 WOOL" UNbERWEAR, marked iJown to. ......... 50c FLEECE UNDERWEAR, -v marked down to . . ,. . .'. . .10c FOUR-PLY COLLARS, .: . j Cr ."-marked down to. .V. ... .....XX. tJy 20c FOUR-PLY : CUFFS. Z ;marked down to. j.v. ...7ti S5c7 CASHMERE' SOCKS. XiXif) fA markeddown to.i,.;.,........aUV :::10c Men's Overcoats, and Trousers $20.00 SUITS AND O VER-" i A OC .COATS marked down to., P 1400 $1100 SUITS AND OVER- , if I Q f' . COATS, marked down to..)l 100 $8.65 $12,00 SUITS ANDOVER , . COATS, marked down, to $10.00 SUITS AND OVER- 7 C COATS, marked down to..I)f up $7.50 SUITS AND OVER- i- COATSmarked-dowrto Xv$4.65 $5.00 SUITS AND oyER-" A & COATS, marked down to. . . $1 XO Trousers. We.iare Portland agents for-thii itele brated maketiand back up the guarantee, of 10c fora button and $1.00 for a rip, or :new pair free. , ":...r ;. $5.00 DUTCHESS TROUSERSdj A "m marked 'down to. i, .X-. ..Vrj0ul $4.00 DUTCHESS. TROUSERS .3 W' Ki inarked down q,"., ,, YOJi) $3.50 DUTCHESS TROUSERS marked down (to. $3.00 DUTCHESS TROUSERS - : marked down to . . . ; . . . '. . tverytbi ng That Big and Little Boys Wear " ' -JV-'ir" wr; - ,-lflAv'-':rv -. .W U, JH-.' V -i' "- 'l' v"- -""' " l" $6.00 SUITS AND COATS, &j R e marked down to p4aOt) $5.00 SUITS AND COATS. 3 , ft g 7 - marked down to..........; 4tJOt) $4.00 SUITS AND COATS. tJR 'JC marked down to.,, , )0Lo $3.00 SUITS AND COATS Re marked down to....... 4iV0i) $2.50 SUITS AND COATS, CI QC , marked down. ta. $1 aOt) $2.00 SUITS AND COATS, "r M R g -?-marked iowira $ 100 $5.00 VESTEE SUITS, markeC7 'J C " marked down to; )attut) $1.00 KNEE PANTS, marked ; 7A down to.-., .-v. -.- -; . v. f 75CKNEE- PANTSrmarkea 7J CAV ' -" down.' to .". . . .:.Vi ". XXJusC' 59c KNEE, PANTS, marked rlAi dowAi.f..,;.,.;....u:.OyC 39c KNEE PANTS.. marked ' ' down. to.;.. . . i ....... ; ..XOC $1.25 ALL-WOOL SWEATERS, Q f :. marked down jto. tX.'Xi . . . . OOC $100 STEELSHOD SHOES, tff if marked down to. ...... . 3)1 40 75c WOOL UNDERWEAR, : " - A ' marked down to............; ..OllG- 50c WHITE SHIRTS, marked y,- '. 'fdownrto. . . .ivXiiTXX. &0C 50c NORFOLK CAPS, marked ' down ....oyC 25c SCHOOL CAPS, marked r m down to. ..: . , , . IOC 25c IRONCLAD HOSE marked A down to..'.. . . ... ... .r... ;. yQ T Anil-TknrA-iArn MfllV OthfiP Come m an Me the-garments.-Youl find everything square lefronristorer since tb,ls saiejeommenced with more thatheir moneyt wor ;-We guarantee satisfacdonr; your money backTT lUIUble Ontfittrs for Men Boys: 166-168 Third Street i2S5 Morris oa ' HITCHCOCK'S HAND IN OREGON AFFAIRS Richey's jr- Appointment r at - La Grande Meld Up by 5ecre- t?tary of Jijiterlorr :X. DEVELOPMENT SHOW - MOODY CAUSED DELAY One of the first item of business was the, unanimous passing of a resolution Introduced by Mr. Korers to the effect deposing Mr. Lucas as president of the league. - xne resolution speaks lor Itself:- ''-'' "Resolved. That the said W. TL Lucas be and be Is hereby unanimously, by the vote of each of the four clubs comprla- tng tna'Fat'iric national league, removed from the office of president-secretary-treasurer of said league; and be It fur ther " ' ' ' . - "Resolved, That C. It Williams be and herishereby appointed" the agerit of Hie Paclflo National league to demand of and receive from said W. H. Lucas all assets and property now In his hands be longing to said league, and upon refusal of said Lucas- to turn the same over t saM Williams he Is authorised to com-1 . (Washtngtoe Boreas ef Tha Jopnul.) mence legal action to recover jald aeaets ("Washington, Jan. Jl.--The recent con- Singer Hermann Not Attending Sessions But Busy Delving - into Law H00KS.1 - tftperlal Plptc te The Journal.) , tlallas. Or., Jan.' 11.-Before af large and enthuaiaatlo crowd of sport-lovers In this city tonight the tmllaa first basketball-team defeated the Multnomah first team In a hotly contested game by a score-of 14 to 1. - The game, wa played In th college grmnaetum, Ieats starred for 'Dallas, and Hooper aa4 Barker for Multnomah. flrmatlon of George M. Rlchey aa post master of La Grande brlnga to light evi dence of the extremely unusual Inter. ferine of .Secretary-Hitchoock. In. the affairs of the Oregon, delegation. Rlchey waa originally recommended by Repre sentative Williamson last fall. -Week after week' went by and no appointment was made. , i-inany tticney xeiegrapnea Williamson to know why, the, appoint ment had been held up. .'.. ' -Zj Williamson did not know, but inquired of General Brtstow. and wa tokl that It was held up at the- request of the postmsater generaj. tie at one called upon Postmaster Oenersl ' Wynne and asked icauae for hla adverse action. . Wby," i replied Wynne, - "Secretary Hltrhoock asked me to. hold up that ap- cablnet officer to another demanded that I do ao." ........ - ' Asked what reason Secretary Hitch cock had assigned for this unususl re quest, the postmaster general replied that none had been given; that he had not asked for any. Well." said Mr. Wllllamaon.'nt seem to m Secretary. Hitchcock Is going out of his way to dabble In our affaire. What right haa the eecretary of the In terior to Interfere with the business In the h postofflce department T 'What right have we got In premises? 1 Secretary Hitchcock going to make the .--i .x:.!-l KSAVTOOVCH3, AEmmB Caw Cmtmrnm postofflo1 appointment In Oregon .or are the members of the delegation?. I want 'to know." - ".)::. Koooy Sack of -It.. ''.'- ; The. ( postmaster-general frankly ad mitted that h believed an injustice had been done; that Secretary Hitchcock bad exceeded- hi amthorlty. : - - ' "I will send In Rlchey' name; all once,", he assured -Wtllamaon, and the next day the nomination waa sent to the senate. '' -- --r-' Confirmation soon foITowca. It wa subsequently - learned that b Secretary Hitchcock had held U0 Rlchey'a appoint ment at the rerfuest of former Congress man Moody, who himself waa unable to reach the poatofflo department, but wanted to checkmate the- moves of his successor." - i . . - ; ,"' . Representative Hermann tia not been attending th sessions of the house dur ing' tha past week, but he Spent the most of bis time In. the law library of th supreme court. Every day he .waa seen busily delving Into law-books, pre sumably looking up the law bearing on hla case. . ,i -lJ. x :- ' . MELODY WAFTS HIS : SOUL INTO ETERNITY Love ..Tragedy Causes Tenor to Hang, Himself While fcrimar v " Donna Sings. ... 1 audience as Caruso finished the aria, aa the body of the man whose- ambitions had failed wa removed. Thia wag ap plause he had hoped to earn: PILLS SENT, BY MAIL ; CAUSE, WQWS DEATH (Bpeeial DUpatch by Iasedlr to The Toarnal) . SC. Louis, Jan. 21. Tbe coroner's jury retuened a verdict of homicide In the cas. pf Mrs. Dora Williams, who died suddenly snd In great agony last Thurs day..! Tie testimony developed that Mrs. William died from poisoning Induced by pill sent, her from an . unidentified New york female doctor. Dr. Williams, her .husband, said he had no knowledge that hla wife had taken any medicine to injur herself and that he did not even suspect it until shortly before ber death. - .f ... Llle aald he iad perfect confidence in his wife from the fact that she had given her solemn promise in Ban Fran cisco two year ago that aha- would never again take any. medicine .except that prescribed by a reputable physician. At that time Ue aald Mr a. Wllllama was very 111 from the effects of medicine given her by some fake doctor. All - witnesses - substantiated each" (Bpeeial PUpateb br Leased Wire te The Joarnal) New York, -JaikIL-While .Caruso marveloua vole faltered toward the end of . tha wonderful.., alnaing Romans "Cleloe Mar" In the opera of "La Allo- -conda" this afternoon two policemen and an ambulance, aurgeon carried down the staira at the rear of the Metropolitan Opera' house the lifeless borty of Frits Tsgrn. imn or inn wn tnurug tnn or Hern Conrled' staff. . .He had banged himself In his dressing-room - a short time before. His death, .was part of a love tragedy. Frits Tascrt Had - been killed by. a letter sent from Frankfort-on-the-Mala a few daya ago.! It waa re ceived by him shortly bef or the opera began-..It'jsaa boCfuund. hu his-bed? waa discovered and It . la believed he destroyed It. v Fir other In hi pockets Indicated the trend of the .romance which had turned Into a tragedy. The new spread through th opera houa and th women of th rhnrua hud. died In groups and talked affrlghtedly. It waa r en Used that to attempt to re. move th body then .would lnrrss the fright, and thna In charge waited until nil were aathered upon the stsge before the body was taken away. - , , Cries of "Hla," 'hi,' 'arose from th . -, .t . v z ; .... .. - other js to whera th . fatal globules dame from. Mr. Wllllama. In a dying Statemsat, declared tbat the pills Came rxom New York. She atoutly refused to reveal th nam of th womn l Nw -York who promlaed to relieve her. 1 - ? , - It, developed In tha testimony of on witness that a relative in New York had recommended a certain woman doctor. The witness, however, failed to remem ber tbe nam of the relative who la said to b a nteo of Mra. Wllllama. i. : .'' jX Barfe a Vew Boaaes. ".i-:---'-" " Trom th New York Weekly. ' : Mra. Srickrow How do you manage to "persuade- your husband ta buy you ' auch expensive bonnets? .-. , .. Mrs. Topflatte I Uk him shopping ' with-, me. walk him . around until he. can't atand, and then wind up in . bon net, store. H'll buy anything to get - homo. - '-' ffTe m taat. .. . '. . ' ' ' 'From the Chicago Tribune; l -Teacher All tha meridians, you mue7 remember; converge at the pole. Shaggy-haired Pupil Then why don't these people who want to find th north -', ol follow one of them thera meridian el ear up to It? ; . arid CONSTIPATION QuickiyandiiPerrnanently Cured by the tlse of Drf Youngs l)iia. tors. "This treatment is jto.' experiment; it, has been successfully use in thousands of cases, many, of "them desperate ones on account bf the Jong continued J use of cathartic candieCJiver pUls and laxa tivc nostrums, and it never fails to give prompt and lasting relief. - - " t . ' The philosophy of rectal dilation as -a ) means of curing disease is based on the power that nature has given the rectum, with its sphincter muscles, in controllinr . the energies of the bodv ScientifknaiHl practical, it simply-cannot fail, as it ac complishes just what is absolutely neces sary, fora permanent cure'. The dilators can be used by anyone with .perfect safe-tyfand-sn-ontr do good iirany-rascr .Don't continue the use of liver, pills and nostrums. Every dose does harm an further weakens, the system'' Young's T" " restore the circulation and health. Our book expla'- 'v " send for a free copy. We selT the dilators undct a satisfactory ; or refund your money. Price, .f" " Our FREE BOOK explains how the T Constipatir, P si,' Ecxrrr.ianl otv-" ive'climin:'. focr circv' ; ' Wc:'::V mm 'r