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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
.V . 'THE" OREGON r OREGON SUNDAY TO JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY tfOSNINQ. JANUARY, 3. U:i oxgalls .(job cl Stories for ren McD a- Jll r ' ' : rr He Held tha Nth Iand.of Giants and Dragons ther lived on riant who wn too VI liar to work.-'When at last his "' family finally-:, refused to support fctm unless ho did something for a llvlng.N ft became Mifirul-Mt by the road side pretending tb be -blind, while his dragon,' a. great moneter of Iron,, held , out hla master's bat to tha passersby. ' flust a you may have aeen. a poodle dog do. Tha . laar slant, whoa nam was -Normus, managed thua to decelva the other" giants Tor a lone time, but at laat . they detactad hla trick and punished him by really and truly bllndinghlm. thu ". making htm a real beggsr. ' . ' " - Ho was. howerer. so despised that It wa impossible for - him to obtain a Jiving by begging In Qlantlend. and he at laat want eway,ctravellng'-foe thou sands of miles until, by the help of tha faithful dragon, he found a cave In the ' mountains near the town of Dunderhead, and there ho -remained.' while every fin : day tha great iron dragon sallied forth and captured a boy. or girl, or perhaps a grown man, for tha giant a dinner, al- " thought, sal men and women wer tough. he preferred .ahlidruv. of co Now tbla town of Dunderhead was, I suppose. the most stupid 'old plac on 'earth, and had always' been! so. Dull and ' Th Dragon Looks Qvcr the WalL - A. B. -Monroe In Chlclgo Trlbuee. r YESTERDAY th, fatph words "of the business wojrld wr thrift Js ' honesty, punctuality, - neatness. ; .'" -obedience-,"--It "Wa said . that ear faleady young min" who pnssaasad these prtcejess traits would "get ahead." Today , It I th exceptional man who . " hasn't the tratta -Their poseesslon (causes ; no comments; only their ab i . , . (aenc. ; An employ, who has. them not ..will soon find himselfout of a Job. . But If- be, would do more -than merely hold a Job" h roust In addition be alert, be must ns his brains, and he ( must See his opportunities T"ou may Jog along at a safe,'' sura ,ow. pace. jvKvIng; oiLihtL3ld-iaghloned.; - virtue,, but they wtu not help you put of th beetea path. " All th negative ' '.virtues In the r world will' not put you '. i among successful men. Th steadiness of a sphyna will mak yoa about a progresslv th sphinx Itself, unless St be mmblned with an Intelligent pur pose. ' Th steadiness, of inertia Is only stagnation. ' A horse with a good disposition that Will stand without bitching and la safe Blind Bcgsar's Hatwv sleepy and nothing ever , doing on "the streets.! for th . people wer afraid" to venture abroad for fear of". the dragon, aim remained In their house, where kthey sat end looked out of th window all day. Jong. The- town was. a thousand years behind th times.' i,' 7 . ,Tou wULUndarataaa- wnat 1 mean when I tell you that they actually bad no 'fir department, no running water In tha houses, no street lights and no post off lo for nobody ever bo"thrd to sand letters to Dunderhead,- as. scarcely-1 people had evtr learned to read. J There wer no sidewalks, theatre ta and alley wer plied high with ashea and rubbish that nobody cared to cart away, - pigs and - cows roamed about the: streets freely-,- and almoat Terybody Went to bed at sunset There had never, liTall Its history, been even an ordinary eon stable In Dunderhead, not to mention a policeman..' - '-'' - ...'" One upon a time,' perhaps, the town had been mora progressive.' but that was before th llv clttacenq had moved away, tired of trying to -improv so stupid a town aa mis. ) wnen, long ago, an ener- Ttlo' young fnan propoaeta-bnlld m uroago over iivci, lucre waa m. s7' howl of protaatr and aU thetld Dundar- heada cried out: . , ; ; , -, ... "What! - Build a - bridge! "Why. bnr for a woman, to drjv Is all well enough for country roads, but JJl .will never be tried on-the race track.- ' On the firm foundation Of solld-talia-blllty-erlglnamjr must erect a . struc ture ' To this end -you must -respect JMUT uan other. Tou must accept the Ideas that com Into your own mind with ss much sincerity as you do those of an Edlnoa or a Rockefeller. Do not be limited by th achievements of others. ; V their knowledge merely- tb push your own. ' " - . - -' Th greatest 'achievement.. waa- enee only an Idea: then it became a plait, thea a reality, and finally a fact an strongly established a th rivers, and bills. , dw thi. tn.t. eiri. t ...- m ' n iiuiii . as saaa g m vui asaissv t" are bur ont.ol many-handfula- of a in ma tea auat. through which a life current passes, : -You are' In no way different from the' men whoa names top 'the play bills of modem finance. Tour head may contain as many brain cells aa did that of Napoleon, but If ynti. chooM to allow -three fourths of these lls te remain unused you can. not expect to compel successfully with men who cxercls ail their brain power. Exercise of brain power malers the Whole difference between Andrew Car 'il'w'i. m 1 - iT rt n- 1 r .1 Dtrange ; 1 ale or tne r..:-t-.---. or :a Dim fathers - had no bridge, and "what wii good enough, for our fathers is rood enough for us!" So they walked a. mil to the ford Ud-jra4e4 th rlveri or el rawed acroaa In a amall boat.. That was th answer mad to every suggestion of Improvement fn the town, no matter how. neceaaaryt ana i anuw dv1iikjiwi' lah reason than th on that "our fathers did it." If all of us bad taken that as our guide w Would still bo using candles, tiding In stag, coachea. and cooking on bonfire; 4 and bicycles, c emerge, roller coasters, ica.cream and sod water; would e VeOav , hu. Invented.- j - :. -. - - . I . The 'pople refused . lo have street lampa becaua they said, they will keep us awak atnight, make the. children wlah to stay up until t o'clock, and draw tnoaqultoeal' - ' Thua, as you may Imagine, It was not roMch of a town to visit, and there for very few strangers wer ever seen there. Bo nobody knew, ' outaldO 'of Dunderhead.' that there was a ravenous dragon preying on th people, and I suppose that, in tlm. every on of tha dtlsene would hav been quietly dn-voured- by th monster that belong- to Normua without anybody In . th . outer world yer.. bearing anything" about It at all. 80 many children, bad been, carried off that dismay overwhelmed the town.- It. was oult plain what the and wo old be. but' when at last a! young ' ma.lL proposed . to th . common 'council that everybody ahould pack up and . move to aome far-off , spot,, where- they might' build a new city'; a jrroan of pro- teat went up from all the cttlaena. .What! .' Irav tha city which our fathers.. -built r they, cried In astonish ment' "Wbat an Jmpoaalbl Wa!"-ii 84 they remained, Mid dally, except when -it raiued. the dragon seised an other -victim, sometimes slttlna" calmly en the high STons wall that surrounded th old city and watching for hour for a chance to catch-a fat boy or girl g ing on an errand across -th back lota Uvan when ha aat there In - plain a,lght. not on 'citizen - of.-Dunderhead vr thought of any plan to dlspos of the. dragon; In fart, had such an- Idea n- tered the head of a Dunderhead man. he rould - have thought himself going crasy! - The dragon was- there, Just as waa th.. town Itself, , and that .was all to. .aat jmd sleep, not to hunt dragoaa- But thqy had bralna abough -to- reallx, what the end' would be, although not enough to plan an end. of their own. making, and everybody was "so doleful and discouraged .that eyen .th oldest Dunderheads complained;7 that the town was going to. th dog.. ., ., "No, . It's going to -"-th ' dragon," grunted, tha landlord. 'of th Bwans Had Imfc Its a twelvemonth sine 1 hav had a guest, from out of town, and It's hardly worth while to keep my front door open," '. - , .... .. .. "Well, that's .Mot all . tha dragon's fault." said th young' man who . had proposed , th bridge. "People stopped coming ijere -long befor th giant's dra,gon cam, and. 1 "think Jt'a because rti tne town g-gon mm a rtar.ltnr. . Wa naad mprovemenls a -jiew . hotel (and some other things." "" " . I r:JobhTou'ra Hckr,gVdwlea"th mayot!Tt'a a bully town and what our fathers made It. Apart from th dragon I am wall aattlafled wUh ltli-i --lt -there was a trolley, you -bet you'd see m. getting out of. It pretty quick," repneo .ins young man; - out 1 bar to Waited "Vm glad .there's no trolley, said th mayor. 'That would B th ruin ot th town, I am certain. Our fathers had no trolleys., r ' :: , 't... :.l ,. . ., : ''"Oir. fathers td fools for children!" shouted the- young man,' and went out quickly.- Outside th -1 door of the Swan's head tan h leaned, back in gteat' amasemefitf for there stood" a stranger, a boy who didn't belong In town. He'carrled a amall aatchelland was' looking .about ' him in some per plexity, for lb- seemed to him that all th town had gone to sleep befor sun set. Nobody .waa visible until th angry young man bolted out of th babel .door and stood there atsrlng. - - The stranger smiled and Said: . "Pardon m. good -sir, but tell m where I can obtain lodging." - rWhatti, Tou wish to lodg In Dun derhead T Are you ao tired of Ufa or so reckless as to remain hers an hourr" . "And why not?" inquired th stranger lad. "It seems a healthy town." , 'lt'a the most unhealthy on on th map iuat nw,"- replied th young man. "Haven't . you heard Tf th dragon that Is devouring everybody In Dunderhead V 'No. 1 I hav never aeen any Dunder head newspapers," said ths boy. .-.;.--- ' "Newspapers!." cried -4hl young man. "That's a good one!" Why. there's; never a (taper even read here, let alone print ing onV That's funny." - "No" paper!" cried the boy, "A. town with no newspaper! ' That's' "impossi ble" ! - ...'. -c '.-.. - " "8r. where ar you from and what's your nam?' asked th man. - "My name Is Amos," he added, thinking It neces sary to enoourage th md. "Mir nam 1 William Sage," answered the boy, " but In th partnof th land where I am known best I am usually called 'Wis Villi.' becaua I know it pretty nearly ialL'V ' "But you didn't know about' this place w call Dunderhead, eh T" ' ' ' "t must admit that I r.ever heard of It Tit hasn't energy enough, I suppose. n .'.-'-'.. n '"jJl r.egle and th clerk who has grown eld, always - a clerk. Achievement comes from original thinking, from looking forward Instead of back, from planning new ways of. doing1 things rather than basing action on 'threadbare precepts. tery. In- proportion ss you venture ill does ths mystery vanish) Every Ainz- plorert continent Is. a dank on. Nothing you really-wait need you b dented. If you "want It earnestly enough you will get It; If you fall, you did not reallyr want It. else yoil had found a way. Hucresa Is th only possible result of Intelligent concentration. Living I not a blind gam of chance, It la mathemat ical' proposition. You, hav th prob im and your task Is to solve It;- Yon must know the snswer. .Tou cannot, win success as another would do It; you, must win In your own- way. Ther Is no exact rule by which you can- successfully lay setg -to th heart of the woman yoa love; th me thod which would prove successful with another would defeat your anda, Tou must take Into consideration yourself, th woman, and, the environment Bo It Is in business. Tou must know your self thoroughly, and hav confidence In ' ( '"'" ; ,-' I - mi Rescue of D 11 unaerneaa r rom tne d Giant and it--. .. to. get. Itself on" th map. But what abat this dragon? I had always sup- sopui mia arai posed that drai Uifct.- r; dragons long ago becamarw on lief.tsll light, ianfl- he s a corke'r, too. ; He's eaten up spout half! of th children already, and at the rat he's going ther won't be enough to laat tha yea.- out" . 1 -. . Justr.then the mayor; cam out, ind h also wss amased to see a stranger in. town. He at one asked young Sage whenc b cam and for what h had com to Dunderhead, and when ths boy replied that he was merely traveling to ee Strang places, h replied: Nothing Strang about Dunderhead, It's ',aulla ordinary and ' Just what our fathers mad It ' Barring on lUnpleaa ant feature, it's quit a nlc old town, you know," "I suppose you mean the dragon," re plied WHH th Win. "I cannot see why yoa don't ret rid of such a nuisance." ."Now. pray, bow could w do that?" gsked th mayor. -le's been her for ages, and nobody has suggested getting rid of him. ; For my part, although he I an unpleaaant and even dangerous feats ura, 1 am used to7 him., pur fathers did not seek to escap or' avoid him, and I am sure I -won't do anything so risky as meeting1 hhn, let m' tell you.. I wasn't made mayor to tackle dragons!" '- : "But If he's destroying and devouring all th tlm. eari't you see that you will , not hav any peopl 'to b mayor over aftr awhllt". said Wis Willie,; WUlie i --WelT, h'll probably ouUaat m,, after all!" replied th mayor. , fl think it's dreadful to sea a whole town so devoid of spirit and sens as to let -such a monster afflict it one, "day!" cried the boy.- "It's simply disgraceful!'4 That's, what I thlnk,"-added tha youth named Amos.f "I only wish I knew some way to settl him!"-' " , V - . . J i "But he's mad of Iron t cried th mayor. . "I've seen him at! a distance! Iron from snout ta tall, and he rattles Ilk all- get-out when he moves. --.Who could destroys monster -mad of IronT" -"That seems an easy matter," .said the wlW boy... "TU m about! his hablta When doea1 he go abroad T How does be capture his pryr- i , VH Ilea In ' wait " i In . all nanner of placa," replied r th mayor. "Nobody knows where or when he may appear except In rainy weather, wben he nvr seems to b abroad. ; He swoops down on our children, and even-older people, at times. Ilk a cyclone.? ' ' ' "Only, comes ouf iln.clear weather.., ehr said tha boy. riiustnglyr "That, It is 'quit plain, is because he Is afraid of rusting! This shows that h is vulner-' able In on pjtrtlcular. at least! I so that it will be a very 'easy matter to rid you of this dragon, my dear Mr. Mayor!" "la it! possible rcrled his honor, look ing at the boy in astonishment. "les! in fact. It's quite simple All I'll need will be th Use of a water hy drant and som sulphuric acid!" ' . ; "But, ''Bias! we have never had a'hy drant in th city!" cried the mayor. "Our fathers, you know, never used them." ' "Tour fathers never bad a dragon, and so you will hav hydrant, and at once, too!" replied Wis WH'o. firmly: "It's absolutely necessary, if you wish, to get tid of the beast" . - Something In Wise' Willi' tone ' Of vote awoke a slumbering energy In th mayor's bosom, and when he talked With Six your ability ! to find "tb right 'way. Tou must field, the environ ment; and you must above all. things know-Just exactly" what 11 Is .you wish to - accomplish.' Tou -must determine XWiraJhvniakkjaujiaj!ini follow them outTaaalduously. -Twenty-flv years ago in th than small town of Seattle, an editor waa sit' ting at hla desk on morning wishing something would happen to stir things up a bit Suddenly the door opened and a jfoung man stood befor him, bowing extravagantly. . Thai editor starod in amassment. The young man waa dressed with great care ad when h spoks hi drawl labeled him a' southerner. -'"I have come from. Georgia, tny dear sah-.-he-satdniirtfig Ta, card before the editor. "I am a lawyer, and I Intend to go to congress. I shall be grateful for any notice youl may glv me in your valuable paper.- sah." -. Th western , editor had jtever before encountered anything Just like this. On hla rim tit th continent they had 'not begun i to appreciate the value of public ity. Befor h could recover from hla surprise,-th affable at ranger had gone. Th editor laughed; then he laughl some more ft hen ha had aa .Idea, lie IT? ) t 'owcr Fierce Dragon '. ; 1 ; th sleepy common ' council for two hours it was decided to conduct , the watarof a-amall brook Into town by means . of a pip, and to establish by drants. or "fir plug." as they ar culled, at th atreeL corners. Thla waa Immediately begun under Willi' direc tion, snd at th same tlm he showed th Dunderheads ,how to make sulphuric acid..: , ,-'.,'-'' v, - v. 'v - It was necessary, of course,' to -work with groat caution, In order to avoid th eyes of th roving dragon, but as he rattled tremendously as he approached, be was always heard long befor ha was se4; and In any other plac than JDiin derkaad he never would hav caught ven a lam man. . .. . ( - In spit of the assurance i given by Willi that be would certainly damage and perhaps slay th dragon, ther wer many doleful groans heard and much shaking of stupid heads as th clttsens worked ati th water pipe, and many a tlm they throw down their shovels and fled, thinking they-heard th monster approaching. - ' -r - - -x But' kt last all was completed, and with .vast pride the mayor announced that th city, had a water works system. "Now wa can - do . out - washing at home." said he. "That is. all who hav wash tubs rsn do so, InsUad of waahlng our. clothes In th1 river, ss 'our fore fathers I mean our mothers, dldl" - - "Next thing wwill be-wanting gas lights:" pretested the Inn keeper; "per haps even .policemen, ."ss they hav In some town!" - - '-. --.-.. , '--l.-.'rtr-MrJMLl 4. trr-lT-'T-Trer .'Talks to Normua. ',.' ' ; - v "' 1111 -1 -' '-"Well,- we can qertalnly stand; eyen policeman." replied 'Amos. "I'll ven Uhdertak to be a policeman myself. 'Humph tX exe&lmed.. the lBnkepel. "You'd fall asleep on th corner Jn broad daylight." . - ,i ;j - jj : " 1 ' Jut then there was a great outcry, and men begin to run. 'for their homea Willie, listening, heard a rattl far. off, and concluded that at 'last th dragon was spproachlng-'th town. - In a few minutes he . saw th dreadful creature crawling ' rapidly down -the hillside . A hose was already attached, to. on of th hydrants near the town wall, but When' theboy looked" around for help he found himself. deserfted. He saw that he would be oblige -tjo-tackle the dragon all by himself, butlthat did not disturb him much. .. II took th wrench snd prepared to turn on the water when th monster came near. Faint, muffled cries of fear cam from- cellars and gur rete where th frightened people lay hidderc : DOks howled, for of all antmala a dog i dreads .dragons . tb most The fierce creature cam to th town, looked over the-low wall. -and - when - It" saw WI1II0 It leaped With Joy. Grinning and showing all Its great teeth and a scarlet tongtt - Trtne feet" long;-It - reached Its crooked neck over the-wall-to sals th careless lad. , - , . , : i , . Then Willi turned the wrench, and a biimmg mixture of sulphurlo acid and water - darted : upward striking . th dragon in 'the eye and deluging him. ! Water alon , would hav . sufficed to drive him Into convulsion, but th acid. Instantly penetrating into every crack and crevice of hi iron seal, biting and eating Into the. flesh Ilk fir, scalding his eyes and searing his tongue, caused htm to writhe in awful agony and then tcTflee with dreadful shrieks' of pain and fright to bis mountain cava, where tha ceres s cam' out of his lethargy and taking up a pencil wrote for a goad half hour. ...Th next Issue of tha peper contained a story of ths -"young Lochlnvar" who had com -out of th south. It was read and laughed at and th nam .of th as- read er's memory. . Again he called on the editor; again he was si) suavity-, all gratitude for th at tention which had been paid him. The editor had expected something different As th year paaaed th southerner continued te furnish copy for ths west ern psper. ' He continued te do sod say things that ot his name Into print; but this wasn't all be did. He waa an Inde fatigable worker.. ,', 1 When the. far esterntrrltory-ee-cam a state h was nominated for con gress. HI rani was known to every mountaineer, logger and ranchman In the state, and they voted for him. He went to congress. Today he is a power In na tional politics. . '""" :-: t -i v i Other men who worked Just ss hsrd. who began the struggle for supremacy with him, who had as much native abil ity perhapa more ar still working hsrd, and their names are not known. ; He won because he had a definite plan, from which he never deviated; because ( Wj2. fi aatZ '- '4 W TV ,tB WUfllB,!! )Twfr'" blintfl; glanXrrmble4whenheard what had bappend-.'- .: :- , -. Th dragon lay withlag rln Jbjs eav. and hla master wa; unabl to assist him or 'revengo him, fof "b was afraid to venture outside at any tlm alone,-and now therb was a new perlt to be avoided. The monatsr did not -knew what bad been - squirted at; him,- and 'thought It was only water, but as- th acid gradu ally ate Into hla Iron scales snd rusted very Joint causing him th moat x crutlating pain, he began to real Is 'that something dreadful had happened (to him. . The giant thinking (bat - some Infernal ' compound had been .used ob his faithful monster,-suggested washing him off with. water, but Jh very mention- of water caused the dragon to roll over and yelL- '- '.."."' ; Meanwhile, vrybody- In' Dunderhead was filled with rejoicing at the flight of the' creature ' and all hoped that h had been 'driven oft for all time 'Wise Willi was not so sure, (or h knew that- water would rellev th animal almost at one. After waiting..: and watchfriyfur tnalff libtrnfjle'determlnea to find th giant's "eav and eo with his. own eyes whether he had succeeded In putting tha dragon out. of business. . 'lie had but to follow tha, tracks-of th dragon tolflnd the -eav. and: there he saw; it lying stiff with, rust and al most dead' already, at th very entrance'. He could see th' blgfeet of Normus also. . x I ' ; 1 f 3" . Masl--sihpeatfnBrHi Dunderhead, where, after securing rope and telling Amos to loilow mm, tney re . The Wat Dragon Flees. he-had a fixed goal. -Hi method -war peculiar decidedly not the methjods of a past-generation; decidedly his own. They Might not win for you ThV story merely serves, to illustrate th point at Issue. Tou can't win as your father wea- yea. , ye) sijitwe wins; but you can win In your' own way. If that way Is th result of original thought, of looking into the future in stead Of the-past.-and an appreciation, ef ever Changing' conditions and metb- OdS. . - '': ". I Tou ar here; that Is 'your -problem, pecld upon what position you- want to occupy In tha world; that i th anawer; then bend every Intelligent effort to the Working of the problem. The answer Is way at th baek of the twuk. Turmtte pages and look at It often. If you don't solve It correctly or 1i full It will be your owa fault At some point - when It wIlMiave been of vital Importance that your faculties .should be wide swako" they wlll hav slept , . -';.: I Remember that you will get just what you earn, not what you think you de serve. . People - say, "I - ought to have good.Juck. I've had. a hard enough time of It" Prosperity I the result of Intel ligent endeavor, - not a pr1s 'awarded those who nave been unsuccessful. ' aVAi D A ' paired to - th cave Treading softly, they managed to bind th giant so se curelr while h alept that It wag "Im-1-posalb) for -him to moVe ' hn they, awoke him- and told him ho was their prisoner.- WUlie talked to- him.. throng! a,as to Make hint-think thai a giant aa larg aa' hlmaelK had captured him, and th trick- succeed ed finely. : . . 4' y;;;v ?. Normusf was fully parsuaded that an othr ' giant - had ' him, ana when they loosened his bonds and led him. mild as a lamb, back to Dunderhead, all th people ' shouted, for Joy; but -thy all 1 kept far away-from the blind, giant you may- be sure. - 4 .j ". ,.' , 1 Then Wis Willi tpld Normusthanf he promised. to behave he would car." for him iand feed him well, but If be re fused he would be slaughtered, as .th. fierce dragon .bad"been and the blind .. giant promptly- replied:.' ' "All I want Is something to eat I -(wlll be yoir tlav If you par lm!" Then Willie took him away t-his oWnv Tbwn:wfrgrg'Tiff 'OpeTie a dime 1 wasgaiw I wun in giant aa me sole attraction, and h .made, somuclv imoney.tbathl. was finally able, to bulM a ga worka; for Dunderhead,' and he! gave It to tb. j, town as a Christ mas, phesant : - a Perhaps yoi, may bars r-vlsfted hla town and aeen Normus yourself t if not , aslc your papa", to take you ther aome , tlm a, and perhspa Wlllla may. aUuwyou-. ef,to--kpthiTugb;-a;'megaphons-iti t Blind but veVlT amiable latwtl M.r'-''.')t "'' . ,!'. , WALT McDOUQAUi , '. . Tou can at lain the ad you moat d ' aire, but you must pay for It; jhe price '-; is giving ap smaller-ambitions, dlsap pointing those you love who cannot aV ways ee as you see. foregoing Indvfl gences, snd, above all, having a jeflnlte1 line of action and sticking to It There Is Just one question.' to be-answrredl , "Are you willing to pay .the prlcef , .',' ' X Had It ruled.. . ' Frem.the New Tork Tlmea.- W ; -Mayof Weaver of Philadelphia telle : of an Interesting encounter which took place between Dr. Swallow and a com inon laborer. on Chestnut street In -Vhtlartelphla-.Thfl-doctor had noticed a : -big black bottle etlcklng eat. of the , man's pocket. The doctor -thereupon called- tha- laborer oter end started talking with him, and Anally got him -to break the bottle. He then gave the man a quarter and told hlra to get some thing else, snd the man went 'to the corner saloon and got a drink, When he came out the doctor aaked him If h had a drink, and th man replied: ' -"Bur I did.' The bottl I just broka , ws full of cold coffee, snd you wanted me t get something else, ao I got ' whisky." - ....,' . ( t