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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
f v; ; THE OREGON- SUNDAY ' JOURNAL PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING,. JANUARY 3, 1SC3. HATE WAR OH COAST, POMPEII WILL .1 THI3 U 1' ---- '" Owners ot Alliance and,Kilburn Pain's Great Pyrotechnio Display WiH Be Arrlong the Fair - - - Will Serin Throat-Cut- Wortdert. . FORMER FIRM WILL' EDUCATORS SEEK TO :: V.r:: START THE-TROUBLE ; ENLIST NOTED SCHOLARS! ., ... ..'7 . j '- .-l ! n ... . v .. ' O ' a;.'...- .' r '; coos .say . iraae. is .considers 1 aVt at. P -av ' a am t -rtTWOTT"rn r'actTicnoacf7rTepare J. the Prize for; Which They,' , to Bring Half Milpon Peo- ;; - .win struggle. . ...i pie to Fair. -- i . . - r -"vs.. - A ' S - -- . " r ; - n " , . , - r rvr T- . . . - ' ; I " ' i ' V : V . ,1 ? , f u - . '.':' - ... I --cUI- Ittptrl) ta Tin Jtwul.) ... ' 8u Prauolaco, 'ilan. 11. Within' the next week a.rate.war -will trobtbly be started between the California A'Oregbn st-BteamBhlp company, owner of the . steamer Alliance, and ;. the - Kbaaell ' Rogers Una, owner of the P.. A.Ktlburn.' , Beginning ooJur next trip. Eureka, will ha mmAm the southern nort of tha Kil- burn, at which tima aha will' cover the exact ' routa of: 'the -Alllan.,-.,Aa,t ttia , former is' much the .faster- boat, her '. owners . are.'"xpectlria' to sehcure . all of th.busineaaln Jorder, to off the ran..tne-ownrs-or -tne A. nance wju cut rates. -It is expected the Russell ' - Roger line, will retaliate, e .w; ,: f- - BotV companies -will . Tight - for th Cooby trade, and It (la thought that theTrelght"rate will be reduced to;a -lower-- figure between there 'and , Port . ' land than ever ' before. . Tha: war- will be-atarted by a cut of t I llnth pissen . g-er-fare -from Portland -to- Cooa -bay -, . points and , a corresponding - reduction ; to Eureka, v - : mv. V. ...-. Ami j. V Cliarlea P. Doe and Beadle Brotbari of tMa tyrwtll be- plaeed e -tha lame rua , aa aoon aa aha return, but Itta Yery probable that a he will ' maintain the 'rataa; Bha la capable of handling about aa much freight and aa many paaaen gera .aa both tha other veeaela. : Bar aouthern termlnua will bet-Ban rrau- ar- 4- Ko, ThuTIanVXa 6wL It It Merely a Bit of the gnarled Root of t Tree .. Found In Washington County, Oregon, by Misa Millie Schloth of Port- COOK MISSING SaUeeaA Tkae 4if- JPlende oC Samuel-Randall, Who waal . -oook.on the ateanaer Jone lufliu a lew. daya ago, believe that he baa been - ; drowned.. -- -,J .,. The ltat time he 'waa Been waa Tuea ; day. evening. - At about o'clock he . "left the lonar'whlch waa lying at the Waahlnr-OlLJtret dock, to go up to town., Four hcrura later Tie parted from, a eothpanioa near tha dock and aald he' ' . would go to .the boat and, retire. But - he failed to board the craft. The fdl ' lowing' day tha ataamer made bar regu- . lar tripto Waahougal, and returned on Friday. ' he ofjflcere anH erew expect ' ' lag- to be lolaed at Portland by the oaok . who, "they auppoaed. .had decided to re-" main aahora for a day or two.": But aa - the miaalnaT man failed to appear ; h la - friend became anxloua and reported tha . matter to the police.- r .... Bandall'a home' la at "Waahougal, where he baa a. wife and children. -The efrioera -at -tha boat thought that per- ,rna he bad gone there, but inquiry yea- -JWday - ahowed that he bad not bean bome. . The theory now Ja that aa Ma waa " walking down the gang-plank be Tofct'hla -- belaaoe, fell-erer board and waa drowned: , Two other teamere the Hand era on ' . and Republic' were lying - between the dock and the. lone. Conaeqoentlr a per - jBoa would hare to -walk a gang-plank 'a conalderaMe dlitance In order to reach. the latter Teaael. . Aalde from - making rraaoarTndiiTrieaTJirTionca nave done -.. jrathtag on-tha-eaaelt la-probable the frlenda of the mlaatng man.. will drag "tha nver at the point where It la be , . lleved he fell -overboard.- Randall had -been employed In the capacity of cook aha la laden with cargo or in eeerch of freight. - ..'.-.v-;--- ' While there ta no demand for grain topnagtf juat -now, there ia plestyef lumber being exported, bttt' few of the bwnera ' are willing td - accept the rate offered for tranportlng It acro the The men from tha big European republlo believe that It la Jtoot profit able to "aeek'Lbualneaa id other cllmea and earn tha aubaldy -thin, to convert their craft Into lumber camera. The : French bark" Martha Rous will all for thaantipodeaa eoon aa her In ward cargo li dlacharged and. aha has been.aupplted With ballaat,.., ;-v;;. .. J NOTICE TO MARIERS. Changee -that . Affect Ufojar braala ea Ooaat. fortVVlIahrfltfljfl theTaorna or United Btatea Englneera ind engineer of the Thirteenth lighthouse diatrlct, re port the following change which affect the list of lights and fog algnala on the Pacific coaat: . ' - : c Taaulna bar range front beaoon light -January If'the atmcture from-which thla fixed -white poat-lantern light waa abown. on the dry Bands opposite New port. Oregon, waa carried away,-- until tha a'tructure can", barrabuilt the llaht will be displayed from an arm--naaaa4- porary atakaoa4ha range line and about S feet In the .rear of.. J ta former posi tion.- and o Middle ground beaeon !lght--JaaUary It the structure from which thla fixed white post-lantern light was shown.-on the northerly, aide of the middle ground and easterly1 edge of the cha-ineT" In Taaulna bay, Oregon.. ws carlled away. Until .the structure can- be rebuilt " the light Will be. displayed from a" temporary stake on tha northerly snore oz the bi ioa. the lone lor the past half doaen- years. Ha waa about 47 year of age. LEAVES JNBALtASTT rfeach Ship TDle d. Ifulhous Will Oe ie bay. ALONG THE WATERFRON Steamer T.'.Ju Kilburh left laat.nlght for San Francisco and way porta. She has on board 2 tone of miscellaneous freight for Coos Bay, '40 tons of general cargo for Eureka., and 160 tons of oats for- the Bay City, andV hag a big paa- -wlU- the.'NorthTpa abdut the middle of thla week.- Bteamer George W. Elder, hailed last night for 'Ban Francisco with a cargo' of flour and miscellaneous freight and a full Jpaqnger list, . . - r The Pacific Coaat Bteamahlp company intends to apend several hundred thou aand dollarxln. j-epalring jteemera J. C FOrd la vIoe-pneldent .and general manager or the company. -- LOW WATER AT-YARDS.; Only Vow ae at appleav and Ooadi- ,,"r"-i.'":-' taona -isrowlagWswaa, In front of the Supple' shipyards the water la not more than four feet deep. and lt would be Impossible to get any oui ino-iigniesi oran vessels out on the) waysi ware. L 'ne proprietors f are, afrkld, tLat Undltlona ,W be vdrV miih' worse ttaxt season.. .v-. la i The material removed by .the dredge Portland from tha ahlp channel between the Madison street and Morrison street bridges waa deposited at a point just above the Supple yards, and It la that-the flrat freshet will wash-the gravel and sand In uoa a position that It will be Impossible to teach the ahlp yard unless the owners do a greet deal at .dredging, MARINE NOTES. Astoria.-Jan. tl.-Arrlvad, at: tfp: ta., .steamer W, U. iHarrlaon, from Ne- haleml --p - Condition- of th tar at 8 yra-, mod arate; wind, southeast; weather, cloudy. WOULD ENJOIN EAST . ' ? SIDE ASSESSMENTS " Faillna: to. secure an outward fnrma I sen re r list. . the French ship Vllle de Mulhouse will Jean Bertln, the sailor who went ln leave thla morning for Sydney Heads, sane on board the French bark Eugenie Australia, in ballast. It la the first time FmutreL Was .placed In the county Jail In tha history of Columbia-river ship- yesterday for safe keeping. He will be trrng1 that-a-veel ha , had to ro away held"untU the vessel la ready to depart la ballast, but bulky atrlpa have-been on her outward voyage. -leaving- Saa -Fraaelseo in twos and Beginning (yesterday fthe ateamer Je threes for the paat sl months. ' ona wilt once, mora make dally round It Is pointed out by the exporter tripa between Portland and points on the that none but a Frenchman would set Lewis Tlver. Th water ,ie-stllHoW-ln . ' out on a long voyage In eearch of cacgo the latter sttearn, and passengers and . ' at this tlma The -eaeianatlonrj la given freight have to be moved a part of tha that no others eould afford to atand the way on scows. . . ' expense Incident to such a trip, aa they British bark Oweenee began taking on .receive no contribut lone, .from a benefl- ballast yesterday preparatory to, recelv-i " 'cent government. But the bwnera-of a Ing a lumber. cargo for South Africa. f French vessel receive a bountf or every She will begin loading lumber -aa Boon mile traversed by their craft whether as the Falrport moves from tha dock at H. R. Dunlway, aa attorney,' yesterday Hied suit .against the city of .Portland. In which a nymber of-, persona aeek.-to enjoin tha city from collecting street aa seesments on the east slda The ' suits are, four In number,-George It Cook and othera. the I n veal men t company -and others, John H. Michael and othera, ana James Spencer and others are tha plain tiffs. (Assessments aggregating more than IK, 000 are involved, and the Im provements ' for Which tha assessments were levied ware made oa the' north -end of Union street and on Goldsmith ave nue. , : . 'T- . Many almtlar suits have been begun by Mr. Dunlway, and theae present no new-feautrea. Objeotton Is made to the manner In which the assessments were levied, and aome objection is raised to tha character of the work dona. Mamie Billy, don't ' you' want to be a Minfl 1 4f 1 Iwiv anil m ' Billy What, wid skatln' season jea comm. onr .. . . .. OFFICERS.QF MULTNOMAH CAMP, WOODMEN' OF THE WORLD. ------v 1 Reading Prom Left to Right. Top Row--J. C. Jones, Captain of Drill Team; E.:H, Bennett, Manager; J M. Woodworth, Clerk. Middle Row M. O. Wilkina, Advisor .Lieutenant; W. W. ' Lnmaden, Consul Com- Lower Row O. C Lawrence," Eacort: J. H. McBride. tnaadert B. K. Knapp, Past Consul Coramandtr ' 1 lianager. '(Photograph by Churchley. T C j , ' Of all Ithe amuaement' featureo to be seen at the Lewis and Clark .rruKltlnn Jt la doubtful if any will prova of great er Interest than Fain s tremendous pyro technio pantomime, "The Last Days of Pompeii." the management of which has announced the production of. the spec tacle in Portland next summer. , "Pompeii' la a unluue entertainment. Great apectaclea of a aomewhat almllar nature have been exhibited season after ou at Manhattan Beach. New York. In tha Crystal Palace gardens.' London. and. in fact. In ail parte of theworld. -In a wide area Is set a miniature cltv of Pompeii, 4S0 feet broad and apparent- ly aeveral miles deep. - It Is built of can vas, wood and iron, richly painted and architecturally correct. Looming far above the city Is Mount Vesuvius. Over 400 people and snores of horses are uaed lq the spectacle, which opens-' with grand pageant- representing the festival of Arbace, which affordaexeuse for the introduction of Innumerable, bewildering oaueia ana ancient Roma. sports, .In cluding chariot races, wrestling and gladiatorial combats. The manner of worship is shown. Aa the pantomime progresses tha incidents -of Buiwera-I raa. jjsys 01 rompeu are reaauy rec ognised. - The blind girl Nydla Is saulted, her rescuer strikes at the golden Image with his sword and la seised. At mat moment Vesuvius; Which has been sputtering and amoklng-r ominously throughout; tha. performance, .pelches forth, deetructlve fire and lava, earth quakes occur, and plerolng erles-of-the fleeing men, women and children add to tha fearful din. The buildings crumble one by one, and finally the city la but mass of smouldering ashea. , . Aema af Ingenuity. ikJPaln has reached the arms Jof pyro- vcbnic ingenuity in nis reproduction of the' volcano. In action. Molten lava run ning down , the mountain -aide In . fiery tuu ia arrtuslly pictured, and so reai- luo is tna wuoie tnatrrt would leaa a the aater-ahow. I J TlMt latter la an exhibition of flre- 1 works that defies comparison. VW.H. Barry, bualneas manager f of the Pain concern, visited Portland- thla week and, , out Ve Information of tha com Ing or "Pompeii. The show . Is inow stored. In. Texas Out of the winker' blasts.! The I exposition bfficlal consld- Br1 themselves Very- fortunate 1 In being able to announce the Pain attraction as a leacure. -, : A Joint meettnc of -the Lewis Clark committee on ctHTBTeaaea and con ferences and the'execuuva committee of the committee o( 17 on educational con gresa wes held at fair headquartera yea' terday. -Little of publlo interest waa forthcoming at the close of the meeting. A tentative ..program .waa - talked -over and the mme -of ar-Tramber prominent achoiars. ware, proposed as-apeakere at tha congreaa. but the educator adjourned after, appointing a committee to outline a program for presentation at a meeting next Wednesday evening-- Tha hamea of the -speaker -desired will not be nounced -until It 1 known- whether or not their services can be procured. They wilt bs. selected, however, front alt varts oXiha-United Btatea. uepresentauvea or- in women croos of tha city Interested In the-Lewis and Clark fair held a ' meeting yesterday afternoewin the Stearna building and dlsousaed further plana . of entertaining land. Bu'rlnrnTMr ahow.7Ikhe' meeting waa Well attended and demonstrated that Portland's' ' gentler - seg Is - thoroug! awake to the altuatioTkbictlv:ohfronta them,." - V. Oreat Attendanoe Frowilsed. From sources almost Innumerable coma indications that there will be an immense attendance at tha Lewis and Clark exposition. ' ( No one here baa nyxomprehenion of what tha attendanoe will be," said M. - J. - Roche - of the Denver '. Rio Grande, who haa returned from a trip to Spokane and the sound. "There is not a man, .woman or child In the Pacific northwest who haa the money, but ..will come to, thl exposition." . It la aald the Northern pacific Is pre paring to bring. 100,000 people from It local territory In Washington, Idaho and Oregon. A faat train, will be put on to make tha run from Seattle in six hours. and in- addition aeveral extra tralne will be put . into the-sot flea Tha Oraguir Railroad Navigation . company has completed ita track improvement, with tha exception of tha block system, and la in condition to run fast trains. - It Is figuring on a time schedule of it or 11 hours from Spokane to Portland. The Southern Paclfio Is rushing the work, of relaying Ha tracks north from Grants pass with heavy ateel rails and will in augurate a faster train service between Ban Francisco and Portland. Over at Moscow,- Idaho, 1,100 'school wrote 'to relatives -In- every state and territory In tha United States and Can ad a, telling them of the Lewi and Clark fair, and aaying that the railroads would give stop-over for a side trip to Mo cow, from Colfax or Pendleton, on the O. R. N.. and from Spokane On .the Northern pacific, a&le'assistants . .t)F THE PRESIDENT In response to many inquiries,-The "IJwqrTial prlHlS;li fwllwwliig trrforwiw uon: . ' t . , ...... - . , President Roosevelt's cabinet Is as fol lows: Secretary of state, JoKn Hay of Ohio; secretary of the treasury, Leslie M. Shaw of Iowa: secretary on war, Wil liam H. Taft of Ohio; attorney-general, W. II. Moody of MafsachtiBetU; secre tary of the navy, . Paul Morton of Illi nois; secretary f of tie Interior, E. A, Hitchcock of MlSBOtirt; secretary bf as- rlcultare, James Wilson of .Iowa! aecre tary of commerce and labor. Victor H. Metoalf of California;. postmaster-gen era I, Robert J. Wynne of New Terk. Latest reports state" - that President Roosevelt's new cabinet will be the-prea-ent one, with one exception. ' Robert J. Wynne is to be made consul-aeneral at London, and George B. Cortelyou of Con necticut, first aecretarv tnf rnttinM. and labor and tihairman of the late He-) publican national CfMnmtt tee., will be the new postmaater-aeneraK It la reported that Secretary Bhaw will realgn In th summer, and that Cortelyou will be. pco motea to ine treasury secretaryship. . - v Quarter Century Thhlsoar "Harvard Ust' - As Illustrated. 'carried In the louowing' jeatnera; , jTOk 3 athw- oo&.' a v vroi arm SO. 4 TXLOirm oau t o. te BOX OA1VF. -r -,f Sisea, 4 ta la. Widths, . - - AA to ;' -.-.- iiriii nv STodx - . AU OAS SOUS: . i -whaV, N fa i'tumtrA' greet f". deaL ' Past auceeaa.' inreaent aa..'' J1 curity, future . poaaibOlty- If . fh 1 name be "-rCamrd" ' on - a $ l 7ne naji)e Packard aaaurea. AH ' Af vflsk VltfVsbaVeV sbsss.-i--.1Iet ' f j ra - ; jraMwewt - vvwiuyisWa"' ;, rnent to date In a. $3.50 Men't - Shoe. ; ---It rneana that when you wear jLr- .th! iJ'Packard. ; your f eetll ari dreased according to fashions ad- vuce-decreetbat the gift la per-.- faction In working order that the material- and - Workmanship .show -good Judgment Snd genius hitched together. .J.'.. .,.:-...' Jon't yod think you would like 7.0 ear-the-Packard , and feel foot fit? The" largest exclusive "Men's Shoe Store-in Oregon will show yoa " complete styleal and gnarantee tatisfaction. .:. ,.; 1L ,11 il JLL 11 JLil Kaw 109 Sixt!i;Streef,;Port SITUATION YOULD" MAKCIIiT-ONSTACE TEETH FltEE FOR 30 DAYS , pojnlcsi Dentists Miss Brandt and' Edgar Bagmei , Will Play Together in '.. , - 1 - Tkt. r;e' ' - .''' . .-" - .1- U ..Willi . . w .' - i .77 - T STOCK COMPANY FORfe THE EMPIRE THEATRE 4 Are now stylus their' nntUl -. CtTT - SATS PBIfTS oa -U denul work. . Th. ch.r. are U- thaa eollese ert-es and alt-work aoae tr ear mid lew mynm na by .pe-l(ll.ts ef from 13 ta- SO7e.n1' experieoe-, J0 STX'DaitTS mplnred. ' TKKJH eztracted, . SJ1-4 - or erownea aneorateiy witaont pel by B-eparaaoa-applies ta ih .ibv -i . -, '-'.. : .. . " :' . ! ... : "i-A-', t rl TEETH 2 : inr-Air-i Resigned . From , Columbia, and It Was " Understood; They Would Leavs Portland. ' " - Cet Iavat Softer . Utm Painkiller Z2 Aocoroing 10 jLdncoin Hart. . a - new stock company la t begin Ita career! In Portland on the evening of February-' 12 at the fcmplre theatre with Kdgar Baume aa leading man. and Louie Brandt . aa leading womaa. There have been' many surprises . In Portland's theatrical colony of late, but none quit so ' stunning as -this. - Mr. Hart;- who ta beet known aa publisher of th Guide and Town Topics, and a man 01 considerable theatrical experience, mad tae announcement yesterday after noon. ' Needlea to ear. it will create a sensation. Mr. Baume tendered hla notice of res ignation three weeks ago aa leading man of the Columbia stock company, stating ijut n. waa in -jieea ui a vacation ana would go to California. His resignation went into effect last night. On week after Mr. Baume's action Miss Brandt filed a Ilka notice, stating that aha waa dlaaatlsf led with her aaiary. .... patrona wondered, but figured th facta merely as a coincidence. Until Mr. Hart made It known yesterday, the truth waa never suspected. The new company will be known aa a traveling stock organisation,"- aald Mr. Hart, ."and will b under, my ' manage mejnt.-'W will open In a standard sua- royalty play with leading roles admirably suited to the personalities ot Miss Brandt and Mr. Bauma " I am not prepared to give the name of th ether members iof : the company at present, Um-fliM nsBia.ii will b i weeks at the it. rapt re, in .thl city. W will next play Seattle for two weeks, Ta coma one week, and Spokane for four weeks, presenting In th latter city tin of comedies, probably 'A Contented woman as me starter, inen-tne com pany will return to Portland, If there Is an opening, and play right along Into the npoiuwa penoo; .. . nave nan quieK trips to Spokane- and 'Seattle, and am promised time by the powers that be, as' welt as other assistance. At present I can say no more of my plans. ' ' It is reported .that John Balopolls. who Is with White Whittlesey, and who Is known locally aa Edgar Baume's "dou ble," la to be the heavy man of the com pany, playing rolea corresponding wifh those which William Bernard M-aoto SlarinaatthejCplumbla. -2 - -r -The original-announcement, made . by Mr. Hart was to the effect that he would star Miss Brandt In a New Tork auoceea' The more recent arrangement doee .not call for starring honors,-. although . the leading man and leading woman will both -be featured.' They-, have a large following la Portland, which will be in terested In aeelng Mr.. Baume and Miss Brandt JlajV opposite. , - - Probably ae solution . of -the -aalmoa 'J: PRICES UNTIL MARCH 1st: liver rminga t ... . . . . . . .. .SB wold Tlllings ... i ......... 1 ...... .. Tae Oold Crowns .......,........'..,.t3Uir1 ran set Teeth ,....-..,...,,t00 " AH weak Onaxaateed Test Tears. . f ''Have year teetk extracted wlthoat pals sd replaced with sew one the s day. One ln-at eae aad take sdrantas of Ww ratea, Be sore 70a are ia the rlgkt plaee. , . - . Boston Psinless Dentists , Katraavoe ttlH laorrlsom. Lajrgwst tal Oonoera to th World. - How About lYoiirtinens? r If 'wou're ' a careful, tidy hotise- ; Keener you re more than likely ' particular . about Unena. : Tou Want them nice and clean so do all , the family.. Confidentially, now, , who) could enjoy-a meal eaten bit soiled table cloth T But. dirty table cloths are not all. ta be sure. There's the family laun . dry. -the lauft. curtain lot of - things. Toul probably don't senrtr - them to the laundry, because you' think it costs too Tnuch. That must b becHuse you don't now . how reason. bis w do charge. . Call as up some time and we'll i gladly give you all the Infohna-i 1 flon w possibly can. Our faclll tie for rapid-yet thorough work are unsurpassed. - - ---- - Unibn liiundry ' - j' .' i. acaia tM. -.'.A -t -t BBOOsTB AXa OOMiUUmtli. . PRESTtN W. GILLETT ; DIED YESTERDAy Lived in 1 Oregon tor Fifty-Five , Years, and Helped Build - - ' the Btate. 1 Preston W, Olllett. a nloneir of ma died yesterday afternoon at 4:41 oclock 01 neuralgia of th heart Th funeral will be beld - tomorrow from the real. dene, US Abernethy Street. ! . Mr. piuett waa la usual health during the early part of tha day. and waa stricken auodenly with pain In th 1 gion pi xn neart, wnicn were soon known to result from neuralgia attack- air. uiuett cam to Oreaon from Ohlc in 1S60 by the overland route, and has been .Identified with the growth of this city and atate sine that time. He waa uie noioer or extensive tracts or real estate,-to which fa devoted hi exclusive attention (during th last years of 1 his me. I .1 1 Surviving htm are Mrs. Olllett and a son, Preston W." Olllett, Jr- who Sa a resident of Portland. . Old Oeat--How do you Ilk your step- mamma. 1 JonnnleT .: - Johnnie Oh. fine and dandy.' I' at a jar-of jilwma yesterday, and 'she Dmmen 11 on fne nireo girt. j - ----..7. ,4 Beat -Key Soubl. s--,-.. was sick witn ivnnoin anil ain, trouble." wrote Mrs. Annie HuTrter--f Pittsburg. Pa., "and when I not b-Kter altliough I had one of the beat doctors could get, I was bent double, and d to reit my hand nn my knees when r . I b 4 , r-nM. ihf. . . K 1 . 1 1 tfon I waa rescued by Blectrlo Bitters. which restored my health snd strength. no now a csn wam as itraignt as ever, They are slmnl v wonderful' Ouaran teed to cure slomsrh, liver and kidney disorders. At Red Cross Pharmacy, Blxth and Oak street, on th way to tha poatolBce. Price 10. - I Vintiy feasts r- .Will have no terror for you if-your coal : bin is' fiUed- Wth - V-.- GOOD CLEAN COAL , SVOsT AS W- IsTU. Wfiy pay money . for th , kind . that aus trouble and vexation, when yo are certain sure ot sauslactlon by pla mil 'irour brdsf her X. i. Rock -Springs Co. a it. satis, r-AJk-Asam, i St. - hOM 1 problem,; . . . ' "